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A09182 The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 19493; ESTC S114317 166,754 466

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stande before God and am sent to speake vnto thee and to shewe thee these glad tidynges And beholde thou shalt be domme and not able to speake vntyll the day that thys come to passe because thou haste not beleued my wordes whiche shall be fulfylled in their season And the people wayted for Zachari and meruayled that he taryed so longe in the temple And whē he went out he could not speake vnto theym And they perceyued that he had sene a vision in the temple And he beckened vnto theym and remayned speachelesse And it fortuned when the tyme of hys offyce was out he went home into hys house And after those dayes Elizabeth his wyfe conceaued and hyd her selfe fyue monethes and sayd thus hath the Lorde done vnto me in the dayes wherein he hath loked vpō me to take awaye frō me my rebuke amonge men ☞ Of the Cōception of our Sauiour Luc. i. Ioan. i. Cap. iii. ANd in the syxt Moneth was the Aungel Gabriel sent from God into a citye of Galile called Nazareth vnto a Uirgyn that was spoused vnto a mā whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the Uirgyns name was Mary And the Aungell came in vnto her and sayd Hayle thou full of grace the Lorde is with thee Blessed art thou amonge women Whan she had heard these thynges she was abasshed at hys sayinge and thought what maner of salutacion is thys And the Aungel sayde vnto her Feare not Mary for thou hast founde grace with God Beholde thou shalt conceaue in thy wombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus he shal be great and shal be called the sonne of the hyest And the Lord God shall geue hym the seate of Dauid his father and he shal be Kynge ouer the house of Iacob for euer and there shal be no ende of hys kyngdome Then sayd Mary vnto the Aungell how shall thys be seynge I know not a man The Aungel aunswered and sayde vnto her The holy ghost shall come vpon thee and the power of the hyest shal ouershadowe thee Therfore that holy also whiche shal be borne of thee shal be called the sonne of God And beholde thy cosyn Elizabeth she also hath conceaued a sonne in her old age and thys is the syxte mooneth of her whiche is reported to be baren for with God is nothyng impossible And Mary sayde beholde here am I the handemayden of the Lorde be it vnto me as thou hast sayde Iohn And the worde became fleashe and dwelte amonge vs. Luke And the Aungel departed from her ☞ Howe Mary visited Elizabeth Luc. i. Cap. iiii ANd Mary arose and went into the mountaynes with hast into the citye of Iewry and came into the house of Zachary and saluted Elizabeth And it fortuned as Elizabeth hearde the salutacion of Mary the Babe sprange in her wombe And Elizabeth was fylled with y e holy ghoste and cryed loude and sayd Blessed arte thou amonge women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe And howe happeneth thys to me y ● the mother of my Lord cōmeth vnto me Beholde when I heard the voyce of thy salutacion the Babe sprange in my wombe with ioye And blessed arte thou that hast beleued For the thynges shall be performed which were tolde the from the Lorde And Mary sayde ¶ My soule magnifieth the Lorde And my spirite reioyse●h in God my Sauioure For he hath loked vpon y e lowe degre of his handmayden Beholde frome hence forth shall al generations cal me blessed For he that is mighty hath done great thynges vnto me and holye is hys name And his mercye endureth thorowoute all generations vpon theym that feare hym He sheweth strength wyth hys arme and scatered theym that are proude in the imaginacion of their heart He putteth downe the mightye from the seate and exalteth them of lowe degre He fylled the hongry with good thynges and letteth the ryche go empty He remembreth mercye and helpeth vp hys seruaunt Israel Euen as he promised vnto our fathers Abraham and to hys sede for euer And Mary abode with her about thre Monethes ☞ Of the byrth and circumcision of Iohn y ● Baptist. Luc. i. Ca. v. ANd Elizabethes tyme was come y ● she should be delyuered and she broughte forth a sonne And her neyghbours and kinsfolkes heard that the Lorde had shewed greate mercye vpon her and they reioyced wyth her And it fortuned vpon the eyght daye they came to circumcise the chylde and called hym Zachary after hys father And hys mother aunswered and sayd no but he shal be called Iohn And they sayde vnto her There is none in thy kinne that is so called And they made sygnes vnto hys father how he wolde haue hym called And he asked for writyng tables wrote and sayd hys name is Iohn And they maruayled all And immediatly was hys mouth and hys tongue opened and he spake praysed God And there came a feare vpon all their neyghboures And al these actes were noysed abrode throughout al the hyll contreye of Iewrye And all they that heard therof tooke it to heart and sayde What maner of man wyll thys childe be For the hande of the Lorde was with him And Zachary his father was fylled with the holye ghost and prophicied and sayde Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people And hath set vp the horne of saluacion in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promysed afore tyme by the mouth of hys holy prophetes That he woulde delyuer vs from our enemyes and from the hande of all such as hate vs. And that he woulde shewe mercy vnto oure fathers and thyncke vpon hys holy couenaunte Euen the othe that he sware vnto oure father Abraham for to geue vs. That we delyuered out of the hand of oure enemyes myghte serue hym without feare all the dayes of oure lyfe in suche holynes and ryghteousnes as is accept before hym And thou chylde shalt be called a Prophete of the hyghest for thou shalte go before the Lorde to prepare hys wayes And to geue knowledge of saluacion vnto hys people for the remission of their synnes Thorowe the tender mercye of oure God wherby the day sprynge from on hygh hath visited vs. That he myght geue lyght vnto them that syt in darckenesse and shadow of death and to guyde our fete into the way of peace And Mary retourned home agayne ☞ Of the temporal Genealogie of Christ. Math. i. Cap. vi THys is the booke of the Generation of Iesu Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abrahā Abraham begat Isaac Isaac begat Iacob * Iacob begat Iudas and his brethrē Iudas begat Phares and Zaram of Thamar Phares begat Hesrom Hesrom begat Aram. Aram begat Aminadab Aminadab begat Naasson Naasson begat Salmon Salmon begat Boos of Rahab * Boos begat Obed of Ruth Obed begat Iesse Iesse begat Dauid the Kynge Dauid y e kynge begat Salomon of her that was
shall rewarde thee openlye See that ye gather you not treasure vpon the earth where rust and Mothes corrupt and where theues breake through and steale But gather you treasure together in heauen where nether ruste nor Mothes corruppe and where theues nother breake vp nor steale For where your treasure is there is your heart also The eye is the lighte of the body yf thyne eye that is thyne entencion then be single all thy bodye shall b● that is thy vvorke full of lyght But and yf thyne eye be wicked al thy bodye shal be ful of darckenesse wherefore yf the lyghte that is in thee be darkenesse howe greate then shall that darckenesse b● No manne can commaundynge contrarye thynges serue two maysters For eyther he shal hate the one and loue the other or elles he shall leane to the one and despyse the other Ye can not serue God and Mammon Therfore I saye vnto you be not ye careful for youre lyfe what ye shall eate or what ye shal dryncke nor yet for your bodye what ye shall put on Is not y ● life more worthy thē meate And the body more of value then raiment Solicitude vvhereby spirituall thynges are letted is prohibited not the solicitude of prouidence Beholde the foules of the ayre for they sowe not nother reape nor yet carye into the barnes and yet your heauenlye father fedeth theym Luke Consider y ● Rauens they nother sowe nor reape they haue also nother stoore house nor barne and yet God fedeth them But howe muche better are ye then the foules Who of you though he toke thoughte therfore could put one cubyte to hys stature Seynge then ye be not able to do that whych is least why take ye thoughte for the other Mathevve Consider the Lilyes of the felde howe they growe they laboure not nether spynne and yet for all that I saye vnto you that euen Salomō in all his royalte was not arayed lyke vnto one of these Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse whiche is to daye in the felde and to morowe shall be caste into the fornace Shall he not muche moore doe the same vnto you O ye of lytle fayth Therfore take ye no thought sayinge What shall we eate or what shall we dryncke or wherewyth shall we be clothed Luke And clyme not vp on hye The Heathen in the worlde seke after all suche thynges Mat Youre heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thynges Seke ye fyrste therefore the kyngedome of God and the ryghteousnes therof so shall all these thynges be ministred vnto you Care not thē for to morow for the morowe shall care for it selfe Euerye daye hathe ynoughe of hys owne trauayle ☞ Of doynge of mercye and that we shoulde not iudge and of the truste and confidence of prayer Luk. vi Mathewe vii Cap. xxiiii BE ye therefore mercyfull as youre father also is mercyful Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged Comdempne not ye shal not be cōdempned Forgeue and ye shal be forgeuen Geue and to you shal be geuen a good measure pressed downe shaken together and runnynge ouer shall men geue into your bosome For with what measure ye mete with the same shal it be measured to you agayne And he sayde a similitude vnto them Can the blinde leade the blynde Doe they not both then fall into the diche The disciple is not aboue hys maister But whosoeuer is perfect the same shall be as hys maister But why seest thou a moate in thy brothers eye and considrest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye Or how canst thou say vnto thy brother holde styll brother I wyl plucke out the moate out of thine eye and thou thy selfe seest not the beame in thyne owne eye Thou ypocrite firste caste the beame oute of thyne owne eye and then shalte thou see clearely to pull the moate oute of thy brothers eye Mathe Geue not that which is holy to dogges nother cast ye your pearles before swine lest they treade theym vnder their feete and the other turne agayne and al to rent you Aske and it shall be geuen you Seke and ye shal fynde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For whosoeuer asketh receaueth and he that seketh findeth and to hym that knocketh it shal be opened Is there anye man amonge you whiche yf hys sonne asked him bread woulde offre hym a stone Or yf he asked fish wolde he profer him a serpent Or yf he asked him an egge woulde profer him a scorpion Yf ye then which art euell can geue youre chyldren good gyftes Howe much more shal your father which is in heauen geue good thynges to them that aske him therfore whatsoeuer ye woulde that men shoulde doe to you euen so doe ye to thē Thys is y ● lawe the prophetes ☞ Of the narowe waye and conclusion of the Lordes sermone made in y e mounte Thabor Mat. vii Luk. vi Ca. xxv ENtrei at y e straite gate for wide is the gate and brode is y e waye that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in ther at But straite is y e gate narow is y ● way which leadeth vnto life fewe ther be y ● find it Beware of false prophetes which come to you in shepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues ye shall know them by their fruites Do men gather grapes of thornes or figges of thistles Luk For it is no good tre y ● bringeth forth euel fruite no euell tre y ● bringeth forth good fruit Euery tre is knowē by hys fruite For menne gather no figges of thornes nor grapes of busshes A good mā out of y e good treasure of his heart bringeth forth y ● whiche is good And an euel manne oute of y e euel treasure of hys heart bryngeth forth y ● whych is euel For of the aboundaunce of the heart the mouth speaketh Mat Euen so euery good tree bryngeth forth good fruite but a corrupte tree bryngeth forth euell fruite A good tre cannot bryng forth badde fruite nor an euell tree cannot bryng forth good fruite Euery tre y ● bringeth not forth good frute shal be hewen downe and cast into the fyre Wherefore by their frutes ye shall knowe them Luke But why call ye me Lorde Lorde and do not that I say vnto you Mathevv Not al they that say vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kyngdome of heauen But he that doth the wil of my father which is in heauen he shal enter into the kyngedome of heauen many shal saye to me in that daye Lorde Lorde haue we not prophecied in thy name Haue we not cast oute deuels in thy name haue we not done many great dedes in thy name And then wyll I knowledge vnto them I neuer knew you departe frome ye workers of iniquitie Luke Whose euer commeth vnto me and heareth my woordes and doth them I wyll shewe you to whome he is lyke He
saye vnto you whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe except it be for fornicacion marieth a nother he committeth adnoutery and who so maryeth her that is deuorced committeth aduouterye Mar to her warde Luke and he that marieth her whiche is deuorced from her husband breaketh wedlocke Mar And if a woman for sake her husbande and be maried to a nother she committeth aduouterye Mat. Then sayd his disciples vnto hym yf the matter be so betwene manne and wyfe then it is not good to marye But he sayde all men cannot comprehende that saying saue they to whome it is geuen For there be some gelded whiche are so borne from theyr mothers wombe there be some gelded whiche are gelded of men and there be some gelded whyche haue gelded them selues for the kyngdome of Heauens sake He that can comprehende it let hym comprehende it ¶ Of yonge chyldren whiche were broughte vnto the Lorde Mat xix Mark x. Luke xviii Capi. xcix THen were broughte vnto hym yonge chyldren that he myghte touche them laye hys handes vpon them and praye Luk but when the Disciples saw that they rebuked them Mar. and thretend those that brought them neuertheles when he saw it he was displeased Luk And Iesus called them vnto him and said Mat Suffer the chyldren and forbyd them not to come vnto me for vnto suche belongeth the kingdome of heauen Luk And he sayde verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer receaueth not the kyngdome of God as a chylde shall not enter therein Marke And takyng them vp in hys armes and layde hys handes vpon them and blessed them math and when he had laid his handes vpon them he departed thence ¶ Of the yonge man that asked what he shuld do to possesse eternall lyfe Math. xix Mar. x Luc. xviii Capi. C. IEsus departed frō thence Mar And whē he was gone forth vpon the waye there came a ruler runnynge and kneled vnto him and asked hym and prayed hym sayinge math Good master what good shall I do that I maye haue euerlastinge lyfe● Iesus sayde vnto hym why callest thou me good there is none good but God onely Neuerthelesse yf thou wylt enter into life kepe the commaūdementes Marke Knowest thou the commaundementes● Math He sayde vnto hym whiche● Iesus sayde Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalt not commit aduoutrye Thou shalte not steale Thou shalte beare no false witnesse Mar Thou shalte begyle no manne Mat Honour thy father and thy mother and thou shalte loue thy neyghboure as thyselfe Then sayd the yong man vnto hym all these haue I kepte fro my youthe vp What lacke I yet Mar And Iesus behelde hym and loued him Luk Whā Iesus heard that he sayde vnto him yet lackest thou one thing Math Yf thou wylt be perfect go thy way and s●ll that thou hast and geue it to the poore thou shalte haue a treasure in heauen and come and folow me Whan the yong man hearde that word he went awaye sorye for he had great possessions Luke and was very ryche Whan Iesus sawe that he was sory he sayde to his disciples how hardlye shall the ryche come in to the kyngdome of God ¶ Howe harde it is for a ryche man to entre in to the kingdome of heauen Mat. xix Marke x. Luc. xviii Cap. Ci. UErely I saye vnto you it shal be harde for a ryche manne to enter in to the kingdom of heauen Mark The disciples were astonied at his wordes But Iesus answered agayne and sayde vnto them deare childreu howe harde is it for thē that truste in ryches to come in to the kyngdome of God● Mat And I saye vnto you againe it is easier for a Camell to go thorow the eye of a Nedle then for a ryche man to entre into heauen Whan his disciples hearde that they were exceadingly amased Mark certayne that hearde that were more astonyed and sayd among them selues Luk Who can then be saued Marke And Iesus behelde them and sayd vnto them Mat. with men it is impossible but with God all thinges are possible Luke Loke what is vnpossible with man is possible with God ¶ Of the rewarde of those which leue all and folow Christ. Mat. xix Mar. x. Luc. xviii cap. 102. THen aunswered Peter and beganne to saye vnto hym Beholde we haue forsaken all and folowed the what shall we haue therfore Iesus answered and sayd vnto them verely I saye vnto you That when the sonne of man shall syt in the seate of his maiestie ye which haue folowed me in the newe byrthe shall sy● also vpon twelue seates and iudge the twelue tribes of Israell And whosoeuer forsaketh house or brethren or systers or father or mother or wyfe or children or landes Mar with persecucion for my sake and the Gospelles Math and for my names sake Luke the kyngdome of God mat y ● same shal receaue an hūdred fold Luk now in this tyme and muche more in the worlde to come Marke and inheret euerlastynge lyfe but many that be the fyrste shal be the laste and the last shal be the fyrste ☞ Of the laberous quotidian peny whyche were sent into the vyneyarde Math. xx Capitu. 103. THe kyngedom of heauen is like vnto an householder whyche wente oute earlye in the mornynge to hyre labourers into his vyneyarde And whā he had agreed wyth the labourers for a penye a daye he sent them into hys vyneyarde And aboute the thirde houre he wente out and sawe other standynge ydle in the market place and saide vnto them Go ye also into my vineyarde and what so euer is ryghte I wyll geue it you and they wente theyr● waye Agayne he wente oute about the syxte houre and dyd lykewyse And aboute the eleuenth houre he went oute and founde other standynge ydle and sayde vnto them why stande ye here al● the daye y●le They sayde vnto him because no man hath hired vs he sayde vnto them Go ye also into y ● vyneyarde looke what is ryghte ye shall haue it Nowe whan the euen was come the Lorde of the vyneyarde sayde vnto hys stewarde Call the labourers and geue thē theyr hyre begynnynge from the laste vnto the fyrste Then they that were hyred aboute the eleuenth houre came and receaued euery man a peny but whan the fyrste came they supposed that they should receaue more and they also receaued euery man a penye And whan they had receaued it they murmured agaynste the householder and sayde These laste haue wroughte but one houre and thou hast made them equal vnto vs whiche haue borne the burthen and heate of the daye He answered saide vnto one of them frende I do thee no wrong dyddest not y ● agree w t me for a penye● Take that thyne is and go thy waye● I wyll geue vnto this last also like as to thee Or haue I not power to do as me lusteth w t myne owne Is thy eye euell because I am good So y ● last shal be first
Thimeus by the waye and begged And whan he herde that it was Iesus of Nazareth he beganne to crie and sayde Iesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me And many reproued him that he shuld holde his tounge But he cryed muche more thou sonne of Dauid haue mercye vpon me And Iesus stode styl and had call him they called the blynde and sayde vnto him be of good comforte arise he calleth the and he caste awaye hys garment from him stode vp and came to Iesus and Iesus answered and sayd vnto him What wilt thou that I doo vnto thee The blynde sayde vnto hym Master that I might se. Iesus sayde vnto him goo thy waye thy fayth helped thee And immediatly he had his syghte and folowed hym in the wae ¶ Whan that the lorde after hys returne frō Ephraim came to Bethani Iohn xii Capitu. C. xv SYxe dayes before Easter came Iesus vnto Bethani where Lazarus was deade whome Iesus raised vp from the dead Then muche people of the Iewes had knowledge that he was ther and they came not for Iesus sake onelye but also that they myght se Lazarus whome he had raysed from the deade But the hygh priestes were aduysed to put Lazarus to deathe also because that for his sake many of the Iewes wente awaye and beleued on Iesus ¶ Of the syttynge vpon the Asse Math. xii Mark xi Luc. xix Iohn xxi Cap. C xvi UPon the nexte day Mat when they came nye Ierusalem to Bethphage Bethanye vnto mounte Olyuet Iesus sent two of his disciples Peter and Philyp said vnto them Goo in to the towne that lyeth before you Luk and a●●one as ye are come in Mat. anone ye shall fynde an Asse bound Luk and a foale of an Asse tyed Math with her Luke where on yet neuer man sat lowse it and bringe it hether and yf anye man aske you wherfore ye louse it say thus vnto hym because Math the Lorde hath nede of them And strayte way he wyll let them go but al this was done that the thynge myghte bee fulfylled whiche was spoken by the prophet sayinge Tell the doughter Sion Iohn * Feare not thou doughter of Sion beholde thy kynge commeth Math vnto thee meke syttynge successiuelye vpon an Asse a coalte Iohn of an Asse Math. vsed to the yoke Iohn Neuerthelesse his disciples vnderstod not these thynges at the fyrste but whan Iesus was gloryfyed then remembred they that suche thynges were wrytten of hym and that they hadde done suche thynges to hym Math. The disciples wente and dyd as Iesus commaunded them Mark and found the foale tyed by the dore without at y ● partynge of the waye and loused it Luke But whan they lowsed y ● foale the owners thereof sayde vnto them why l●use ye the foale They sayde Marke lyke as Iesus had commaunded them Luke the Lorde hathe nede therof marke and so they let them alone Math and broughte the Asse and the foale and layed their clothes vpon them and set hym thereon ¶ Of the glorious rec●auynge of Christe vpon Palme sondaye Math. xxi Marke xi Luke xix Ioan. xii Capi. Cxvii NOwe as he went Math. many of the people Ioan whyche were come vnto the feast Whē they hearde that Iesus came towarde Ierusalem wente to mete hym Math. and sprede theyr garmētes in the waye other cut downe braūches Ioan of Palme marke and bowes Math. from the trees and strowed them in the waye As for the people that went before and that came after they cryed and sayd Osanna vnto the sonne of Dauid Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. Marke Blessed be the kyngedome of our father Dauid whiche commeth in the name of the Lorde Osanna in the heyghte Luke And whan he wente downe from mounte Oliuete all the multytude that came downe beganne ioyfully to prayse GOD wyth loude voyce ouer all the myracles that they had sene and said blessed be he that cōmeth a kynge in the name of the Lord peace be in heauen and prayse in the heyghte Ioan Blessed be he that in the name of the Lorde commeth kynge of Israel The people that was with hym whā he called Lazarus out of y ● graue and raysed hym from the deade bare wytnesse Therfore y e people met hym because they hearde that he had done suche a myracle But the Pharises said amonge them selues ye se that we preuayle nothynge beholde all the world runneth after hym Luke And some of the Pharises amonge the people sayde vnto him Master rebuke thy dyscyples He sayde vnto them I tell you yf these holde their peace yet shall the stones crye How Iesus wepte vpon Ierusalem and of the castynge oute of those that solde Mat. xxi Mar. xi Luke xix Capi. Cxviii ANd whan he was come nere he behelde the cytie and wepte vpon it and said Yf thou knewest what were for thy peace thou shouldest remember euen in this presente day of thyne but nowe it is hydde from thyne eyes for the tyme shal come vpon thee that thyne enemyes shall caste vp a banke about thee and besege thee and kepe thee in on euery syde and make the euen wyth the grounde and shall not leue in the one stone vpon another because thou hast not knowen the time wherein thou hast bene vysyted Mar And he went into Ierusalem Math. and whan he was come in all the citye was moued and said Who is this and the people said This is Iesus y e Prophete of Nazareth out of Galyle And Iesus went into y ● tēple of God cast out al thē y ● boughte soulde in y ● tēple and ouerthrewe the tables of the money chaungers and the seates of them that solde doues and sayde vnto them It is wrytten Luke my house is an house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theues mathe The blynde and the lame also came vnto hym in the temple and he healed them But whan the hyghe Priestes and y e Scribes sawe the workes that he dyd and the children cryinge in the temple and sayinge Osanna vnto y ● sonne of Dauid they dysdayned and sayde vnto hym hearest thou what these saye Iesus sayde vnto them Yea haue ye neuer red Out of the mouthe of verye babes and suckelynges thou haste ordayned praise Luk and he taught daily in the temple But y ● hyghe Priestes and the Scrybes and the chefest of the people wente aboute to destroye them and founde not what to do vnto hym For all the people stacke to hym and gaue hym audience Of the heathen whyche sought to se Christ. Ioan. xii mat xxi mar xi Luke xxi Capi. Cxix THere were certayne Gentyles amonge them that were come vp to Ierusalem to worshyp at the feast the same came to Philyp whyche was of Bethsayda oute of Galyle and prayed him and said Sir we would faine se Iesus Phylip came and tolde Andrewe And agayne Phylyp and
Luke and came into Simons house Mar and Andrewe with Iames Iohn Luk And Simons mother in law was takē w t a great feuer and they prayed him for her he stāding ouer her cōmaunded the feuer Mar toke her by y ● hād the feuer lefte her and she arose and ministred vnto them Marke And euen when the S●nne was gone downe Math. they brought hym many that were possessed with Deuels Luke And he layed his handes vpon euery one of thē mat and caste out y ● spirites with a worde and healed all that were sycke that the thyng myght be fulfylled whych was spoken by Esai the prophet saying * He toke on him our infirmities bare our sycknesses Luke The deuels also departed out of many cryeng and saying thou arte Christ the sonne of God And he rebukynge them suffred not them to speake for they kn●we that he was Christ. Marke And in the mornyng before daye he arose and went out in to a deserte place and prayed there Luke and the people sought hym Marke Peter also they that were wyth hym folowed after hym And when they had foūde hym they sayd vnto hym Euery man seketh thee And he sayd vnto them Let vs go in to the nexte townes y ● I may preache there also for therto am I come Luk And the people came to Christe and kept hym that he shoulde not departe from them vnto whome he sayde I muste peache the Gospel of the kingdome of God to other cities also for therfore am I sent And he preached in the sinagoges of Galile ☞ Of the callyng of Mathew Luc. v. Mat. ix Mar. ii ca. xvii ANd afterwarde he went oute from the sinagogo Math And as Iesus passed ●orth fro thēce Mar he went forth agayne vnto the sea of Galile and al the people came to him and he taught theym And as Iesus passed by he saw Luke a publicane Mar Leui y ● sonne of Alpheus Mat named Mathewe syt re●eauyng y ● custome sayd vnto him folow me Luk he lette al rose vp and folowed hym ☞ Of the election of y ● xii disciples vnto the apostleship done in moūte Thabor and of y ● fyrst part of Christes sermone made there contaynynge eyght Beatitudes certen maledictiōs Mat. v. Mar. iii. Luc. vi ca. 18. ANd it fortuned in the same time after that Christ had called moe disciples that he went out● into a mountayne to praye and continued all nyght in prayer to God And when it was day he called his disciples mar whome he woulde and they came to him And he ordened the twelue that they shulde be with him and that he myghte sende theym to preache and he gaue theym power to heale sickenesses and to cast out Deuels Luke whome he called also Apostles Simon whome he named Peter Marke and Iames the sonne of Zehede and Iohn the brother of Iames and gaue theym the name of Bonarges that is to saye the Chyldren of Thonder Philippe and Bartholomewe Mathewe and Thomas Iames the sonne of Alphe us Simon of Cana Luke whiche was called Zelotes Iudas y e sonne of Iames mar Teddeus and Iudas Iscarioth Lu which was a traitour mar betrayed hi. mat and whē he was set his disciples cā to hi he opened his mouthe taught thē saying Blessed are the poore in spirite for theirs is y ● kyngdō of heauen Blessed are the meke for they shal inherit the earth Blessed are they y ● mourne for they shal be comforted and blessed be they that hunger and thyrste for righteousnes for they shal be fyiled Blessed are the mercyfull for they shall obtayne mercy Blessed are the pure in heart for they shalse God Blessed are the peace makers for they shal be called the chyldren of God Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kyngedome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuyle you and persecute you and falsely say al maner of euel sayinges againste you for my sake Reioyce and be glade for greate is your rewarde in heuen for so persecuted they the Prophetes which wer before youre dayes Luke their fathers And comming downe w t them from the mounte he srode vpon a playne in the felde and the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people frō al Iewry and Ierusalē from Tyre and Sidon by the sea coast which were come to heare him and to be healed of their diseases and they that were vexed with foule spirites were healed And al the people sought to touche him for there went vertue frō him healedthē al. And he life vp his eyes vpon hys discyples said Blessed are y ● poore for youres is the kyngedom of God Blessed are ye y ● hunger here for ye shal be satisfyed Blessed are ye that wepe here for ye shal laugh Blessed are ye whē mē hate you and put you out of their cōpanies and reuyle you caste out your name as an euyl thynge for the sonne of mans sake reioyse ye then and be glade for behold your reward is great in heauen But wo vnto you riche for ye haue your consolacion al ready Wo vnto you that are full for ye shal hunger Wo vnto you y ● laugh here for ye shal wepe and waile Wo vnto you whan euery man prayseth you euen so dyd their fathers vnto the false Prophetes also What prelates ought to do in worde and dede and that Christ came not to breake but to fulfyl the lawe Math. v. Capi. xix YE are the salt of y ● erth butand yf y ● salt haue loste hys saltnes what can be salted there w t It is thēce forth good for nothīg but to be cast out to be trodē vnderfoote of men Ye are the lyght of the world A citye that is set on an hyil cannot be hyd neither do men light a candel and put it vnder a bushel but on a candelsticke and it lyghteth all that are in y ● house But let your light so shyne before menne that they may se your good woorkes and gloryfye your father whiche is in heauen Thincke not that I am come to destroye the law or y ● Prophetes no I am not come to destroy thē but to fulfyl thē For truly I saye vnto you tyl heauen earth perysh one ●o●e or one tytle of y ● law shall not escape tyl al be fulfylled Whosoeuer breaketh one of the least commaundementes and teacheth men so he shal be called the leest in the kyngedom of heauen But whosoeuer obserueth teacheth the same shal be called greate in the kyngedome of heauen For I say vnto you excepte youre ryghteousnesse exceade the ryghteousnesse of the Scrybes and Pharises ye can not enter into the kyngedome of heauen Ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to them of the olde tyme. * Thou shalt not kyll for whosoeuer kylleth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I say
to pray the Lord of the haruest to sende workemen Mat. ix Mar. vi Luc. x. cap. xxxvi ANd Iesus went about in all cyties and townes teachynge in their synagoges and preaching the gospel of the kyngdome and healynge al maner sycknesse and all maner dysease amonge the people And whan he sawe the people he had compassion on them because they were pyned awaye and scattered abrode euen as shepe hauynge no shepeherde Then sayde he to his disciples the harueste is greate but the labourers are few wherfore pray the Lord of the haruest to sende forth labourers in to hys haruest Of the sendynge forthe of the twelue Apostles to preache with power to heale the dyseased Math. x. xi Mar. vi Luc. ix x. Capitu. xxxvii ANd he called hys twelue discyples vnto hym Marke And began to sende them two and two Mat. and gaue them power ouer the vncleane spirites to cast them oute and to heale al maner of syknesses and all maner of dyseases The names of y ● twelue Apostles are these The first Simō called Peter Andrewe his brother Iames y e sonne of Zebede and Iohn his brother Philyp Bartholomew Thomas and Mathew the Publicane Iames the sonne of Alphe and Lebbeus otherwyse called Thaddeus Simon of Cana and Iudas Iscarioth whyche betrayed hym These twelue sent Iesus Luke to preach y ● kingdō of god and to heale the sycke Mathe. and commaunded them sayinge Go not in to the wayes of the heathen and in to the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the loste shepe of the house of Israel go and preache sayinge The kyngedome of heauen is at hande heale the sycke clense the lepers rayse the deade caste oute the deuels frely● ye haue receaued frely geue agayne possesse not golde nor syluer Marke And commaunded them that they shoulde take nothinge with them in their iorney saue onely a rode smal the vvhych the preacher amonge the Ievves vsed as novv among vs a sergeante dothe vse Luke And he sayd vnto them ye shal take nothing wyth you by the waye nother staffe greate vvhere vpon menne leane nor scrippe nor breade nor mony Mark. nor money in the gyrdell nor two cotes Math. nether shues Mar. But be shod wyth sandales Mat For the workeman is worthye of hys meate Into what so euer cytye or towne Marke or house ye shal enter Math. enquire in it who is mete for you and there abyde til ye go thence And whē ye come into an house salute y e same sayinge Peace be vnto thys house And yf y e house be mete for you your peace shall come vpon it But yf it be not mete for you your peace shall retourne to you agayne And if no man wil receyue you nor heare your preachyng depart out of y ● citye or house and shake the dust of your feete Luk for a witnes ouer the math truly I say vnto you it shall be easier for the lande of Sodoma Gomorra in the day of iudgement then for y ● city Be hold I sēd you forth as shepe amōge wolues be ye therfore wyse as serpētes and innocent as doues beware of men for they shal delyuer you vp to y e councels shal scourge you in theyr sinagoges ye shall be brought before prynces and kynges for my sake in wytnesse to them and to the gentils But when they delyuer you vp take no thought how or what ye shal speake for it shal be geuen vnto you euen in the same houre what ye shall say For it is not ye that speake but the spirite of your father which speaketh in you The brother shal delyuer the brother to death and y e father the sonne and the chyldren shall arise agaynste their fathers and mothers and shall helpe them to death and ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake But he that endureth to y e ende shal be saued When they persecute you in one citye flye into another I tel you for a truth ye shal not finyshe nor your successours conuertynge al the cityes of Israell tyl the sonne of man come to the vniuersal iudgement The disciple is not aboue the maister nother the seruaūt aboue the Lorde It is ynoughe for the disciple to be as hys maister and the seruaunt as his Lord if they haue called the good mā of the house Belzebub sayinge that he vvorked in Belzebub howe muche moore shall they call theym of hys housholde so Feare theym not therfore There is nothynge hydde that shall not be openlye shewed and nothynge secrete that shall not be knowen What I tell you in darckenesse that speake ye in lyghte and what ye heare in the eare that preache ye vppon the house toppes And feare ye not theym that kyll the bodye and b● not able to kyll the soule But rather feare hym whiche is able to destroye bothe soule and body into hell Are not two sparowes solde for a farthynge Yet doeth there none of them lyght vpon the grounde without youre father And nowe are all the heere 's of youre Head tolde Feare ye not therefore ye are of moore value then manye Sparowes Therfore who soeuer knowledgeth me before menne hym wyll I knowledge also before my father whiche is in Heauen But whosoeuer denyeth me before menne him wyll I also denye before my father whyche is in Heauen Thyncke not that I am come to sende peace vppon Earthe I am not comme to sende peace but a Swerde For I am comme to sette a manne at varyaunce agaynste hys father and the Doughter agaynst the mother and the Doughter in lawe agaynste her mother in lawe and a mannes foes shall be they of hys owne houshold who so loueth father mother moore then me is not mete for me and he that loueth sonne or doughter more then me is not mete for me And he that taketh not his crosse and foloweth me is not mete for me who so fyndeth hys lyfe shall lose it and he that looseth hys lyfe for my sake shal fynde it Luk He that heareth you heareth me and he that dispiseth you dispyseth me but whoso despiseth me despiseth hym that sent me mathe he that receaueth you receaueth me and whoso receaueth me receaueth hym that sent me And he y ● receaueth a prophet in y e name of a prophet shal receaue a prophetes rewarde He that receaueth a righteous mā in y e name of a righteous mā shall receaue a ryghteons mans rewarde And whosoeuer geueth vnto one of the least of these a cup of cold water only to dryncke in y e name of a disciple verely I say vnto you he shal not lose hys reward And it came to passe when Iesus hadde made an ende of commaundynge his twelue disciples Luke they departed and went thorow the townes preachynge the gospell and healyng euery wher mar and they went forth and preached that men shoulde do penaunce and they cast out many deuyls and many
whyche whan it was sowen vppon the lande Mathe it is the leaste amonge all seedes Mark of the earthe and when it is sowen math and growen it is the greatest amonge Herbes Luke and it grewe and wared a great tree Mar gitteth great braūches Mathe so that the Byrdes vnder the Heauen come and dwell in y ● Braunches thereof Marke So that the foules may dwel vnder y e shadowe therof Math Another Parable spake he vnto theym Luke And agayne he sayde Where vnto shall I lyken the kyngdome of God Math The kyngdome of God is lyke vnto Leuen whiche a woman toke mixte it amōg iii. peckes of meele til al was leuened Al suche thinges spake Iesus vnto the people by Parables Mark And by many suche parables he spake the worde vnto thē therafter as they might heare it and without parables spake he nothynge vnto them math that the thing might be fulfylled whiche was spoken by the Prophete sayinge * I wil open my mouthe in parables and wyll speake oute the secretes frō the beginning of the world ma● but vnto hys disciples he expounded al thynges priuatelye Math Then sent Iesus the people awaye and came home And his disciples came vnto him and sayde declare vnto vs the parable of the tares of the felde Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto theym He that soweth the good seede is the sonne of manne the felde is the worlde the good seede are the Chyldren of the kyngdome The tares are the chyldren of wyckednesse the enemye that soweth them is the deuell The Haruest is the ende of the worlde The reapers are the Aungels For lyke as the tares are weded out and brente in the fyre euen so shall it goe in the ende of thys world The sonne of man shall sende forth his aungels and they shal gather out of his kyngdō al thynges that offende and them that doe iniquitie and shall caste theym into a Fornace of fyre there shall be waylynge and gnashynge of teeth * Then shall the righteous shyne as the sunne in the kyngdome of their father whoso hath eares to heare let hym heare ☞ Of thre Parables in the house Mathewe xiii Capitulo li. THe kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a treasure hidde in y ● felde which a mā founde hid it and for ioy therof he went sold all that he hadde and boughte that felde Agayne the kyngdome of Heauen is lyke vnto a Marchaunt that sought good Pearles and when he hadde foūde a precious pearle he went and solde all that he hadde and boughte it Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a nette caste into the Sea wherwith are taken all maner of fyshes and when it is full men drawe it out vnto the shoore and syt and gather the good into the vessels but caste the badde awaye So shall it be in the ende of the worlde The Aungels shal goe oute and seuer the badde frome the ryghteous and shall caste them into a fornace of fyre There shall be waylynge and gnashynge of teethe Haue ye vnderstande all these thynges They saye Yea Lorde Then sayde he vnto theym Therfore euerye Scribe taughte vnto the kyngdome of Heauen is lyke an housholder whiche bryngeth out of hys treasure thinges newe and olde And it came to passe when Iesus hadde ended these parables he departed thence Frome the house vvhere he vvas and came into his owne countreye Nazareth and taught them in their Sinagoges Of the Lordes comming to Nazareth where he rode and y t the Nazarites wolde haue cast hym doune headling Mat. xiii Mar. vi Luke iiii Capit. lii ANd the fame of hym was noised thorow out all the region rounde about And he taught in their synagoges and was commended of euerye man And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed And as his custome was he wēt into y e Sinagoge vpon the Sabboth and stode vp for to read Then was there delyuered hym the booke of the Prophete Esay And when he hadde tourned ouer the booke he founde the place where it is written * The spirite of the Lorde is with me because he hathe anoynted me to preache the Gospell vnto the poore hath he sent me to heale the broken hearted to preache delyueraunce to the captiue and syght to the blinde and frely to set at lybertye theym that are brused and to preache the acceptable yere of the Lord. And when he had closed the booke he gaue it agayne to the minister and sat him downe And the eyes of al that were in y e sinagoge were fastened on him And he began to say vnto thē This dai is this scripture fulfilled ī your eares And they al gaue hym witnes wondred at y ● gratious wordes whiche proceaded oute of his mouth And they sayd mar frō whēce hath he these thinges And what wisdom is this y ● is geuen him suche as are done by his handes Math Is not Mar this the carpenter Luke Ioseph Mat the carpenters son Is not hys mother called Mary●and his brethren Iames Iohn Simō Iude And are not all hys systers here wyth vs Whence hathe he then all these thynges And they were offended at hym Luke and he sayde vnto theym doutles ye wil say vnto me this prouerbe Phisitiō heale thy selfe for how great thinges haue we heard done at Capernaum Do the same here also in thine owne co●̄trey Math But Iesus said vnto thē A prophet is no wher lesse set by thē at home and amonge his owne mar And he could not shew any miracle there but laied his handes vpon a few sicke healed them he marueyled at their vnbelefe therfore he healed fevv lest they shoulde say he despiseth his countrey men Luk Uerely I say vnto you * there were many widowes in Israel in the time of Elias when heauen was shut iii. yeres vi monethes and whē ther was a great dearth in al the land and to none of thē was Elias sent but only vnto Sarep●a of y e Sidonians to a widowe * And many lepers wer in Israel in the time of Eliseus y e prophet none of thē was clēsed saue only Naaman of Siria And as many as wer in y ● sinagoge whē thei heard y ● wer filled w t wrath And they rose vp thrust him out of y ● citie led him vp to the edge of y e hyl wher vpon their citie was buylded y ● they myghte cast hym downe headling But he wēt his way thorowe the myddest of theym ¶ Of Iohn y ● Baptistes death Math. xiiii Mar. vi Cap. liii ANd there came a conuenient day that Herode on hys byrth daye made a supper to the lordes captaynes and chiefe Estates of Galile Then the doughter of Herodias came in and daūsed and pleased Herode and that them sat at the table Then sayd y ● king vnto y e damsel●● aske of me what y ● wilt I wyll geue it
that were with him howe he went into the house of God in the tyme of Abiathar the high priest Luk and toke the shew ebread and dyd eate gaue also vnto thē that were with him Mat which were not lawful for him to eate nother for thē that were with him but onely for the priestes Or haue ye not read in y ● law howe that the Priestes in the temple brake the Sabboth yet are blamelesse But I saye vnto you that there is one greater then y e temple But if ye wyst what thys were * I haue pleasure in mercye and not in offerynge ye woulde not haue condempned inno●entes Mar And he sayde vnto them The Sabboth was made for mannes sake and not man for the Sabbothes sake Therfore is the sonne of manne Lorde euen ouer the Sabboth Of the healyng of the wythered hande Math. xii Marke iii. Luke vi Capitu. lviii ANd when he was departed thēce Luk it came to passe vpon an other Sabboth that he went into the Sinagoge and taughte And there was a man whose ryghte hande was wythered But the Scribes and the Pharises marked him whether he woulde he heale vppon the Sabboth that they mighte finde an occasion and cause to accuse hym Neuerthelesse he perceaued their thoughtes Mat And asked hym sayinge Is it lawfull to heale vpon the Sabboth Because thei myght accuse him mark And he sayd vnto the man with the withered hand Luk Arise and come hyther And he arose and came forth Then sayde Iesus vnto the I wil aske you a questiō What is it lawfull to doe vppon the Sabboth Good or euyll to saue lyfe or to destroye it Mar But they helde their tongue Mat which of you is it yf he hadde a shepe fallen into a pytte vppon the Sabboth that woulde not take hym and lyft him out And howe muche is a manne better then a shepe Therfore it is lawful to do good vpon the Sabboth Mar And he loked roūd about vpō thē with wrath was sory for their blindnes And sayd to the mā Sretche out thine hand he stretched it out and his hand was made whole lyke as the other Luk But they were fylled full of madnesse and communed together what they woulde doe to Iesu. math Then went the Pharises out and helde a counsel Mar strayte way with the Herodiēs agaynst him howe they myght destroye hym Mat But when Iesus knew thereof he departed thence and muche people folowed hym and he healed them all and charged them y ● they shoulde not make him knowen y ● the thing myght be fulfylled which was spoken by Esay the prophet which sayth * Behold this is my seruaūt whom I haue chosen and my beloued in whō my soule deliteth I wil put my spirite vpon him and he shal shew iudgemēt vnto y ● heathen he shal not striue nor erle nother shal any man heare his voice in y ● stretes A brused rede shal he not breake flare that beginneth to burne shal he not quēche til he sende forth iudgement vnto victory in his name shal y ● heathē trust Mar But Iesus departed away with his disciples vnto y ● sea ther folowed him much people out of Galile frō Iewry from Ierusalem and out of Iduniea and they that dwelte aboute Tyre and Sidon a greate multytude whyche hadde hearde of hys noble actes and came vnto hym And Iesus sayde vnto hys Disciples that they shoulde kepe a shyppe for hym because of the people leaste they shoulde thronge hym for he healed manye of theym in so muche that all they whiche were plagued preased vppon hym that they myghte touche hym And when the foule spirites sawe hym they fell downe before him and cryed and said Thou art the sonne of God And he charged theym straytlye that they shoulde not make hym knowen Of Herode sayinge y ● Iohn was risen dyd miracles Mat. xiiii Mark vi Luke ix Cap. lix HErode mark the kinge Luke the Tetrache Math hearde of the fame of Iesu Luke and of al that was done by him Mar for his name was knowen Luk And he was in doubt for so much as it was sayde of some Iohn is rysen agayne from the dead of some Elias hath appeared of some one of the olde Prophetes is rysen agayne And Herode said Iohn haue I beheaded who is this then of whom I heare suche thynges and he desired to se him Math. And sayde to hys seruauntes This is Iohn the baptist he is rysen agayne therefore are hys dedes so myghtye ☞ Of the domme Deuell Mat. xii Marke iii. Luke xi Capi. lx THen was there broughte vnto hym one possessed of a deuel the whiche was blinde and domme Luk. and he droue oute a deuell that was dome and whan he had cast out the deuel the domme spake Mat. and he healed hym in so muche that he both spake and sawe Luke and the people wondred Mathe. and sayde Is not this the sonne of Dauid but the Pharises Mar. and the Scrybes that were come downe from Ierusalem Math. hearde that they sayde Mar. he hath Belzebub Luke and he dryueth out the deuels thorow Belzebub the thefe of the deuels The other tempted him and desyred a token of him from heauē Mark And when he had called them together Luk. he knew their thoughtes Mark. spake vnto them in parables Howe can one Sathā dryue out another Luk. Euery kyngedome deuyded within it selfe shal be desolate and one house shal fall vpon another Math. And euery cytie or house deuyded in it selfe maye not continue Luke yf Sathan than be at variaunce within him selfe howe can his kyngedome endure Mark yf Sathan now ryse against hym selfe and be at variaunce with him selfe he can not endure but is at an ende Luke ye saye that I dryue out deuels thorowe Belzebub and yf I dryue oute deuels thorow Belzebub by whome then do your children driue thē out Therfore they shal be your iudges but yf I caste out the deuels by the fynger of God math by the spirit of God Luk. thē is the kingdōe of God come vnto you whan a stronge harnessed man kepeth his house that he possesseth it in peace Marke No mā can enter into a strōge mās house and take away his goodes except he fyrst hynde the stronge man Luke but when a stronger then he cōmeth vpon hym and ouercommeth hym he taketh from hym all hys weapens wherin he trusted and deuydeth the spoyle Marke and then shal ●poile his house Luke He that is not wyth me is against me and he that gathereth not wyth me scattereth abroade Mark Uerely I say vnto you al sinnes shal be forgeuen the children of mē and the blasphemy also and y ● blasphemy also wherewyth they blaspheme But who so blasphemeth the holy gost hath neuer forgeuenesse but is gyltye of the euerlastynge iudgemente for they sayde he hathe an vncleane spyrite Math And who so euer speaketh a
e loue of God in you I am come in my fathers name and ye receaue me not yf another shal come in his downe name hym wyl ye receaue Howe can ye beleue whyche receaue prayse one of another seke not the prayse that is of God onelye Ye shall not thyncke that I wyll accuse you before the father There is one that accuseth you euen Moses in whom ye trust if ye beleued Moses y● shold beleue me also For he hath writtē of me But if ye beleue not hys writīges how shal ye beleue my wordes ¶ Of the Galileans which were s●ayne And of the fygge tree Luke xiii Capi. 67. THere were present at the same season vvhan he vvas returned frō Ierusalem into Galyle certayne that shewed him of the Galyleans whose bloud Pilate had mingled with their owne sacryfyce And Iesus answered and sayde vnto them Suppose ye that these Galileās were greater synners then all the other Galileans because they suffred suche punyshmente I tell you naye but excepte ye amende youre selues ye shall all peryshe lykewyse Or thynke ye that the eyghtene vpon whome the tower in Siloe fell and slewe them were gyltie aboue all men that dwell at Ierusalē I tel you naye but excepte ye amende your selues ye shall all peryshe lykewyse And he tolde them this symylytude a certayne man had a fygge tree which was planted in hys vineyarde and he came and sought frute thereon and founde none Then sayde he vnto the vyne gardener beholde this three yere lōge haue I come euery yere and sought frute thereon and founde none cut it downe why hyndereth it the grounde But he answered and sayd● Sir let it alone yet this yeare tyll I dygge round● about it and dounge it yf it wyll brynge forthe frute yf no then cut it downe afterwarde ☞ Of the croked woman Luk. xiii Cap. xlviii ANd he taught in their Sinagoge vpon the ●abboth and beholde there was a woman whyche had a spirite of infyrmitie eyghtene yeares and was croked and could not wel looke vp Whan Iesus sawe her he called her vnto hym and sayde vnto her woman be delyuered from thy disease And he layde hys handes vpon her and immediatlye she was made strayghte and praysed God Then answered the ruler of the Sinagoge and tooke indignacion because Iesus healed vpon the Sabboth and sayde vnto the people There are syre dayes wherein meu ought to worke in them come and be healed and not on the Sabboth Then the Lorde aunswered hym and sayde Thou ypocryte Dothe not euery one of you lowle hys ore or a●se from the crybbe vpon the Sabboth and leade him to the water But shoulde not thys whiche is Abrahams doughter whome Sathan hathe bounde nowe eyghtene yeares be lowsed from this bonde vpon the Sabboth And whan he thus sayde all hys aduersaries were ashamed And all the people reioyced ouer al the excellente dedes that were done by hym ¶ Of the interrogacion made vnto Christe whether fewe shoulde be saued And that Herode soughte to kyll hym Luke xiii Capitu. lxix ANd he wente thorowe ●ytyes and townes and taughte and tooke hys iourney towarde Ierusalem And one sayde vnto hym Lorde are there fewe that shal be saued But he sayde vnto them striue ye to enter in at the straite gate for manye I saye vnto you shall seke to come in and shall not be able from that tyme forthe whan the good manne of the house is rysen vp hath shut the doore then shall ye begynne to stande wythoute and to knocke at the doore and saye Lorde open vnto vs and he shall aunswere and saye vnto you I knowe you not whence ye are Departe from me all ye woorkers of iniquitie There shal be weping and gnasshynge of teeth Whan ye shall se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and all the Prophetes in the kingedome of God and your selues thruste out And whan they shall come from the easte and from the Weste from the North and from the Southe whyche shal syt at the table in the kyngedome of God And beholde they are last which were fyrste and they are fyrste which shal be laste vpon the same daye There came certayne of the Pharises and sayde vnto hym get thee out of the way and departe hence for Herodes wyll kyll thee And he sayde vnto them go ye and tell that fore beholde I caste oute deuels and heale the people to day and tomorowe and vpon the thyrde daye shal I make an●ende for it cannot be that a Prophete peryshe wythout Ierusalem ¶ Of hym that was healed of the dropsye and of Christes exhortacion to humilite Luke xiiii Capitulo lxx ANd it fortuned that he came into the house of one of the chefe Pharises vpon a Sabboth to eate breade and they watched hym And behold there was a manne before hym whiche had the dropsye And Iesus answered and spake vnto y ● Scribes and Pharises and sayde Is it lawefull to heale on the Sabboth but they helde theyr tounge And he toke hym and healed him and let hym go and aunswered and sayde vnto them whyche of you shall haue an oxe or an asse fallen into a pytte and wyll not strayghte waye pull hym oute on the Sabboth daye And they coulde not answere hym agayne to that And he tolde a symylytude vnto the gestes whan he marked howe they chose the hyghest seares and sayde vnto them whan thou arte bydden of any man to a weddynge lytte not downe in the hyghest rowme l●s●e a more honourable manne then thou be hydden of hym and he that had bothe thee and hym come and saye vnto thee Geue this manne rowme and thou then begynne wyth shame to take the lowest rowme But rather whan thou arte bydden go and syt in the lowest rowme that whan he that bad thee commeth he maye saye vnto thee frende sytte vp hyer then shalte thou haue worshyp in the presence of them that sytte at the table for who so euer exalteth hym selfe shal be brought lowe and he that humbleth him selfe shal be exalted ☞ Of callynge the poore to the feast and the parable of a great supper Luke xiiii Capitu. lxxi HE sayde vnto hym the prince of the Pharises that had biddē him whan thou makest a dyner or a supper cal not thy frēdes nor thy brethren * nor thy kynsefolkes nor thy ryche neyghboures leste they call thee agayne and recompence be made thee But whan thou makest a feaste call the poore the cryppel the lame thē arte thou blessed for they cannot recompence thee But it shal be recōpensed thee in the resurreccion of the righteous Whan one of them that sat by at the table hearde this he sayde vnto hym blessed is he that eateth breade in the kyngedome of God But he sayde vnto hym A certayne manne made a greate supper and called many there to And in the houre of the supper he sente hys seruaunte to saye vnto them that were bydden Come for nowe
shyppe but one loafe And he cōmaunded them and sayde Mat. Take hede and beware of the leuen of the Pharises and of the Saduces Marke and of the leuen of Herode Math. Then thoughte they them selues sayinge we haue taken no breade with vs. Marke Whan Iesus vnderstode that he sayde vnto them Math. O ye of lytle faith why are ye troubled in youre myndes because ye haue taken no breade wyth you Marke Are ye yet without knowledge and vnderstandynge Haue ye yet a blynded hearte in you Haue ye ●yes and se not Haue ye eares heare not And remember ye not y ● I brake fyue loues amonge fyue thousande howe manye baskettes full of broken meate toke ye thē vp They sayde xii And whan I brake the seuen amonge the foure thousande how many baskettes full of broken meate t●ke ye then vp They sayde seuen And he said vnto them why are ye then wythout vnderstandynge Mat. For I spake not to you of breade whan I sayde beware of the leuen of the Pharises and of the Saduces Then vnderstode they howe that he bad not them beware of the leuen of breade but of the doctrine of the Pharises and of the Saduces ¶ Of a blynde man healed at Bethsaida Mar. viii Cap. 85. ANd he came to Bethsaida and they broughte one blynde vnto hym and prayed hym to touche hym And he tooke the blynde by the hande and led hym out of y ● towne and spatte in hys eyes and layde hys handes vpon hym and axed hym whether he sawe oughte And he loked vp and sayde I se men goynge as yf I sawe trees After this he laide his handes vpon his eyes agayne and made hym to see and he was restored again and sawe all clearely And he sente hym hame and sayde yf thou go into the towne tell it vnto no manne And Iesus wente oute and his dysciples in to the townes ¶ Of Peters confession of the true faythe Mat. xvi Mar. viii Luke ix Cap. lxxxvi THē came Iesus into the coastes of the cytye Cesarea Phillippi Luke And it fortuned whan he was alone at his praier and his disciples wyth hym mark in the way math He asked his disciples and said whome do men saye that the sonne of man is Mar They answered saying Math. Some say thou art Iohn y ● baptyst Some that thou art Helias Some ●hat y ● art Hieremias mar some that thou art one of the Prophetes Luke Some that one of the olde Prophetes is rysen againe Math. Then sayde Iesus vnto them But whome saye ye that I am Thē answered Peter and said vnto him Thou art Christ y e sonne of the lyuynge God And Iesus answered said vnto him Blessed art y ● Simon y e sonne of Ionas for flesh bloude hath not opened y ● vnto thee but my father that is in heauē And I say to thee thou arte Peter and vpon this rocke wyll I buylde my churche and the gates of hel shal not preuaile agaynste it and the keyes of heauen wyll I geue vnto thee And what so euer thou shal bynde vpon earthe shal be bounde also in heauen And what soeuer thou shalt louse vpon earthe shal be lowsed also in heauen Luk And he charged them Marke and threatened them Math. and commaunded his disciples y ● they shoulde tell no man that he was Iesus Christ. From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to shewe vnto hys dysciples how that he muste go to Ierusalem and suffer many thynges of the elders and of y e hye priestes of the Scribes and be put to death ryse agayne the thirde daye Marke And that woorde he spake openlye Math. But Peter tooke hym asyde and beganne to rebuke hym sayinge Lorde fauoure thy selfe let not thys happē vnto thee Marke But he turned hym aboute and loked vpon his dyscyples and reproued Peter and sayde Math Go after me thou Sathan y ● hindreste me for thou fauourest not the thinges that be of God but of men ☞ Of bearynge the crosse after Christ. Mathe. xvi Mark viii Luke ix Capi. lxxxvii ANd he called vnto hym y e people wyth his dysciples and said vnto them Mat. Yf any manne wyll folowe me let hym forsake hym selfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me For who so wyll saue hys lyfe shal lose it but whoso loseth hys lyfe for my sake Marke and the gospels the same shall saue it Math. and shall fynde it Marke What helpeth it a mā though he wanne the whole worlde yet toke harme in hys soule Luke And loseth hym selfe or runneth in dammage of hym selfe Math. Or what canne a man geue to redeme hys soule with al for the sonne of manne shal come in the glorye of hys father wyth hys angels and then shall he rewarde euerye one accordynge to hys dedes Mar. Who so euer confesseth me and my wordes amonge this aduouterous and synfull generacion and the sonne of man shal confesse hym whan he commeth in the glorye of hys father with his aungels Luk. Who so is ashamed of me and of my sayinges of hym shall the sonne of man also be ashamed whan he commeth in hys glorye and in the glory of hys father and of the holye aungels Marke He sayde vnto them verely I say vnto you Mat. There stande here some whyche shall not taste of deathe tyll they see the sonne of manne come in hys kyngedome Of the Lordes trans●yguracion mat 17. Mar. 9. Luk. 9. Cap. 88. ANd it fortuned Mat. that after syxe dayes Luk that eyght daies after these wordes Math. Iesus toke Peter Iames and Iohn his brother and broughte them vp into an hye mountayne out of y e waye Marke alone Luk for to praye math and was transfygured before them Luk And as he prayed the shape of hys countenaunce was chaunged after another fashion Math. and hys face shone as the sunne and his clothes wer as whyte as the lyghte or snowe Mark as white as no fuller can make vpon earthe Luke And beholde two menne Math appeared vnto them Moses Elias and they talked w t him Luke and were sene in maiestie and spake of hys departige which he shuld fulfyl at Ierusalem As for Peter and they that were wyth hym they were full of slepe but whā they awo●e they sawe hys glory and the two men that stode with him And it chaunced whan they departed from him Peter sayde vnto Iesus Master here is good beynge for vs yf then wylte let vs make thre tabernacles one for thee one for Moses and one for Elias marke for he knewe not what he sayde For they were very fearfull Mat. Whyle he yet spake behold a bryght cloude ouershadowed them Luke and they were afrayde whan the cloude couered thē Mathe. And lo there came a voyce oute of the cloude sayinge This is my deare sonne in whome I delyte heare hym Whan the dyscyples hearde that they fell vpō thir faces and where sore afrayed But Iesus came
sounde Then was he angry and wold not goo in Then wente hys father oute and prayed hym But he aunswered and sayde vnto hys father loo thus manye yeares haue I done thee seruyce neyther haue I broken thy commaundemente and thou gau●ste me neuer a kyd that I myght make merye wyth my frendes But now that this thy sonne is come whiche hathe deuoured his goodes w t harlot●es thou haste slayne a fed calfe But he sayd vnto hym my sonne thou art alwaye wyth me and al y ● is myne is thyne thou shouldest be merye and glade for this thy brother was deade and is alyue agayne he was loste and is founde agayne ¶ Of brotherly correccion Mat xviii Luke xvii Capitu. 95. TAke hede to your selues Math. yf thy brother trespasse agaynste thee go and tell hym hys faute Luke rebuke hym Math. betwene thee and hym alone Yf he heare thee Luke and do penaunce forgeue hym Math. and thou haste wonne thy brother Luke And thoughe he synne agaynste the seuen tymes in a daye and come seuen tymes in a daye to thee agayne and saye it repenteth me forgeue hym * Math. But yf he heare thee not take yet wyth thee one or two that in the mouthe of two or three wytnesses euery matter maye be stablyshed yf he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion yf he heare not the congregacion holde hym as an heythen and publicane Uerely I saye vnto you what so euer ye shall bynde vpon earthe shal be bounde also in heauen and what soeuer ye lowse vpon earthe shal be lowsed also in heauen I saye agayne vnto you yf two of you shall agree vpon earthe for what thynge so euer it be that they woulde desyre they shall haue it of my father whyche is in heauen For where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the myddeste amonge them Then came Peter vnto hym and sayd Lorde howe ofte shall I forgeue my brother that trespasseth agaynste me● Seuen times Iesus sayde vnto hym I say not vnto the seuen tymes but seuenty tymes seuen tymes ¶ Of the wycked seruaunt vnto whome all the dette was forgeuen Mat. xviii Capi. xcvi THerefore is the kyngdome of heauen lykened vnto a kynge whiche woulde reken with his seruauntes And when he began to reken one was broughte vnto hym whiche oughte hym tenne thousande pounde Nowe whan he had nothinge to paye hys lorde commaunded hym to bee solde and his wyfe and hys chyldren and all that he had and paymente to be made Then the seruaunt fell downe and besoughte him saying syr haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Then had the lorde pitie on that seruaunt and discharged hym forgaue him the dette And the same seruaunte wente oute and founde one of his fellowes whiche oughte hym an hundreth pens and layde hande vpon him and toke hym by the throte and sayde paye me that thou owest Then hys felow fell downe and besoughte hym sayinge haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Neuerthelesse he would not but wente and caste him into pryson tyll he shoulde paye the dette Whan hys felowes same what was done they were verye sorye and came and tolde theyr lorde al that happened Then hys lorde called for him and sayde vnto hym O thou wycked seruaunte I forgaue thee all thys det because thou pra●edst me shouldest not thou then haue had compassiō also vpon thy felowe as I had pitie vpon thee And his lorde was wrothe and delyuered hym vnto the Iaylers tyll that he payed all that he oughte So shall my heauenlye father doo also vnto you yf euerye one of you from youre heartes forgeue not his brother hys trespasse● ¶ Of Christes commynge into the coastes of Iewrye and that his Disciples shoulde not feare those that kyll the body Mat. xix Mar. x. Luk. xi Cap. xcvi● ANd it came to passe whan Iesus had ended these sayinges he gate hym from Galile and he came in to the coastes of Iewrye beyonde Fordane and muche people folowed hym and he healed them there Marke and as hys maner was he taughte them agayne Luke and much people beinge about hym in so muche that they trode one another he beganne and sayde to hys dysciples beware of y ● leuen of the Pharises whiche is Ipocrisye for there is nothynge hid that shal not be discouered nother secrete that shal not be knowen Therefore what so euer ye haue spoken in darknesse that same shal be hearde in light and that ye haue spoken into the eare in the chambers shal be preached vpō the house roppes But I saye vnto you my frendes be not afrayde of them that kyll the body and after that haue no more that they can do But I wyll shewe you whome ye shall feare feare hym whyche after he hath kylled hathe power to caste into hell Yea I saye vnto you feare hym Are not fyue sparowes boughte for two farthynges yet is not one of them forgotten before GOD. The very heere 's of youre heade also are nom●red euery one Feare not therfore for ye are better then manye sparowes I saye vnto you whosoeuer confesseth me before men him shal the sonne of man confesse and knowledge before the Aūngels of God but he that denyeth me before men shal be denyed before the Aungels of God And whosoeuer speaketh a worde againste the sonne of man it shal be forgeuen hym But whoso blaspemeth the holy goost it shal not be forgeuē hym Whan they brynge you in to their synagoges and to the rulers and officers take ye no thought how or what ye shal answere or what ye shall speake for the holye goost shal teach you in the same houre what you ought to saye ¶ Of the cause why a man shuld forsake hys wife Mat 19. Mar. 10. Luc. 16. Cap. 98. THen came vnto hym the Pharises and tempted hym and sayde Is it lawfull for a man to put awaye his wyfe for anye maner of cause Marke But he aunswered and sayde what hathe Moses commaunded you They said Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of deuorcement to put her away Math He answered and sayde haue ye not red howe that he whiche made manne at the begynnynge made them man woman and sayde For thys cause shal a man leaue father and mother and cleue vnto his wyfe and they two shal be one fleshe Now are they not ●waine then but one fleshe Let no man therefore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Then sayde they why dyd Moses then commaunde to geue a testimoniall of deuorcemente and to put her awaye He sayde vnto them Moses because of the hardnes of your heartes I suffred you to put a way your wyues mark And he wrote you this commaundemēt Math Neuerthelesse from the beginning it was not so Marke And at home his disciples asked him agayne of the same and he sayd vnto them Mathe I