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A69200 Godly priuate prayers for housholders to meditate vpon, and to say in their families; Godlye private praiers for housholders in their families Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1578 (1578) STC 6685.5; ESTC S105306 32,382 67

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vp to make our petitions with suche an affection ardent desire loue and reuerence to thy maiesty that our mindes be not carried away with bythoughts creeping in but without all wandering may be fully bente and attentiue to the thing we aske and fully staide vppon thy merciful and iuste protection We then beseech thee deare Father that thou wilte strengthen our heartes with thy holy Spirite that considering thou hast made all thinges for the glory of thy Name so wee may in al our dooings enterprises counsels and purposes chiefly aboue all things seeke thy Glorie that wee may fully acknowledge thee not onely the Authour of all thinges but the ruler guider and gouernour of all thinges both in Heauen and earth that we neuer diminishe thine incomprehensible Glory by attributing vnto our selues any power strength or abilitie to do wil or think that which is good but from our harts we may acknowledge all our goodnesse to come from thee yelding for the same continually prayse and thankesgiuing to thy glorious Name that we neuer by distrusting thy mercifull prouidence dishonour thy Name but that euen in our greatest distresse we may put our ful confidence in thee not looking vppon our weaknesse but staying vpon thy power and promises by harty prayer fleeing vnto thee our onely refuge that our whole life may be so framed according to thy holy wil in al points that thy glorious Name in vs may be sactified and that we be not an occasion that thy holy Name be blasphemed through our wicked life and conuersation Let thy Kingdome most mercifull Father appeare and manifestly be declared in all the worlde but especially amongst thy Churche and faithfull flocke declare thy selfe Lord and King oue● them ruling them by the scepter of thy holy woorde and force of thy holy Spirite Increase the number of faithful Pastors and Preachers amongst the people blesse their labours to the increase of this Kingdome of thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ and to the destruction of the kingdome of satan and antichrist Suppresse the rage of the enimies that they may knowe that thou O Lorde doest reigne in all ages to the behoofe of thy Church and terour of thine enimies Grāt these mercies good lord not onely to the whole Churche in generall but especially to euery one of vs thy Children particularly Graunte that we may effectually feele the force of this thy Kingedome in our heartes Beate downe in vs our olde corrupt Adam with all sinfull delightes thoughtes motions and desires and renew in vs day by day our spiritual and inwarde man that we may be wholy bente to delight thinke desire and do those thinges whiche be acceptable in thy sighte Frame our heartes good Lorde with suche humble obedience to thy holy will that we may be heartily wel content with whatsoeuer it pleaseth thy goodnes to lay vppon vs that wee neuer cease in our miseries but continually call vppon thee by hearty prayers although wee feele no release at all yet that still patiently we may abide and quietly waite for thy good leysure and appointed time of deliueraunce when thou knowest it shall be moste expedient for vs. Graunte vs deere Father that al our counsels studies labours and endeuours being by thy holy spirite guided and framed wee may euery one in that vocation in whiche thou haste placed him so faithfully trauaile to the discharging of our consciences and edifying of thy Churche that our accompt may be founde acceptable before thy throne and Iudgement seate So blesse our labours and trauels that we may haue sufficient for the preseruing of this present life and be content with those benefites whiche thou shalt bestowe vpon vs whether they be many or fewe acknowledging them to be receiued of thee not greedily to care for them or vainely to delight in them but thākfully esteeme of them as thy benefites bestowed vppon vs and as faithful Stewards moderately to vse them to the reliefe of our brethren and the discharge of our consciences Increase in vs good Lorde the gifte of faith that wee may daily more and more in our soules and consciences bee assured that our sinnes be defaced cleane blotted out and couered with the full perfecte and sufficient sacrifice of thy deare Sonne Christ Iesu our Lorde and Sauiour once made for vs ▪ that we are vnited knit and made one bodie with him partakers of his righteousnesse iustification and holinesse and euen fellow heires with him of euerlasting life that wee may vnfainedly from the bottome of our hearts loue thee for this thine vnspeakeable goodnesse and mercie forgiueing from our hearts our brethren which doe offend vs pray for them loue cherishe and comforte them as fellowe members all of one body with perfecte naturall loue and compassion linked together to our head Christe Iesu. Strengthen vs good Lorde with thy holy spirite that we be not ouercome with the subtile suggestions and sinneful motions of satan the diuell holde vs vp with thy mercyfull hand that we sleepe not in sinne that we be not drawen away with the wicked worlde nor the enticementes of the flesh to delighte in wickednesse but so arme vs with thy mightie power that we may strongly abyde all the assaultes and subtile sleightes of our ghostly enimy and sincerely to walke before thy face both in prosperitie and aduersitie to thy honour and glory the health of our soules profit of thy Church through Iesus Christe our onely Lorde and Sauiour Amen ¶ The Lordes prayer more at large O Moste mightie and eternall God who of thine infinite loue to mankinde haste giuen vs thine owne eternall sonne Christe Iesu our Lorde to be made man for vs in the similitude of sinnefull flesh to become flesh of our flesh bone of our bones in all things like vnto vs sinne onely excepted who being thy true and naturall sonne hath made vs with him sonnes children and heires to thee our moste mercifull Father giuing vnto vs by grace that which is his by nature And by his due alone once offered sufficient sacrifice hath payd the raunsome of our sinnes before thy diuine Maiestie to satisfie thy iustice vpon sinnful flesh Whiche debt being payde for vs he hath broughte vs in fauour with thee so that wee may now with boldnesse and truste come to thee as vnto our moste merciful and louing Father with full assuraunce that as thy loue is so much greater and more excellent towardes vs then all loue of earthly Parentes towardes their children as thou passest all men in goodnesse and mercy so thou wilte denie vs nothing which shall be expedient for vs So that although all the fathers which are in earth hauing shaken off all feeling of fatherly naturalnesse woulde forsake their children yet thou wouldest neuer forsake vs because thou canste not denie thy selfe who promisest that if earthly fathers being euill can giue good giftes to their children how much more wilt thou our heauenly Father
¶ Maister D. his councell to all that are his as also a briefe lesson for all estates KEepe counsell Vse not manye wordes Tell the truth Be slow to speake Brydle thine anger Appease debate Hinder no mans good name Take heede of drinke Remember thy ende Be mercifull Trie before thou trust Repose no confidence in a reconciled aduersarie Sorowe not for that which can not be got agayne Reioyce not in thy neyghbours crosse Striue not with thy ouer match Reueale not thy secretes to thy wife nor to thy children for women and children say all they know Three things vndid the Romanes reigne priuie grudge yong heaves and priuate gayne Beare with others as thou would haue others heare with thee Be not to rashe hasty bolde nor wyse in thine owne conceyte Doe not speake all thou knowest Doe not beleeue all thou hearest Doe not doe all thou canst Doe not say all thou seest Beholde the ende ere thou beginne Haue mynde on death and feare to sinne For death shall reape that lyfe hath sovvne And lyfe shall spring vvhere death hath movvne If thou by God arte set on hie Remember yet that thou shalt die Abstinence is good for the health and vvealth of the Soule Abstinence is good for the health and vvealth of the Mynde Abstinence is good for the health and vvealth of the and bodie If thou flie ydlenesse Cupid hath no might His Bowe lyeth broken his fire hath no light FEARE GOD And keepe his Commaundements GODLY priuate prayers for housholders to meditate vpon and to say in their families MARK 11.24 ¶ What so euer ye desire when ye praye beleeue that ye shall haue it and it shall bee done vnto you ROM 10.13 ¶ Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lorde shall bee saued Psal. 55. verse 16. ¶ I will call vnto God and the Lorde will saue me Euening and morning and at noone will I pray and make a noise and he wil heare my voyce ¶ Godly priuate prayers for housholders to be saide in their Families A prayer conteyning the effect of the Housholders Catechisme ALmightie God and most mercifull Father I see in thy blessed lawes and commaundementes the greatnesse of my sinnes and wickednesse yea I see O Lord my god the whole course of my life to be almost nothing els but a continuall breaking of thy holy lawes and commaūdements The thoughts of my harte either in vanitie or els open wickednesse are in number infinite daily in the aboundance of them causing my mouth to speake my body to execute and do contrary to thy holy will. And againe O Lord I see thy heauie wrath vengeāce and iudgment against sinne to be intollerable that euen the least wicked thought and most secreat cogitation of my harte procureth thy heauy wrath and euerlasting curse the tormente of hell and euerlasting fire euen although I had but once in all my life broke any of thy commaundements so much as once in thought And I know O Lord God that thou art true and iust canst not abide sinne and wickednesse but wilt iustly punish euerie sinne euen with the selfe same tormentes of hell whiche thy iustice hath appointed euen for euery sinne This O Lord my God throweth me downe and euen amaseth me so that I knowe not what to do I looke into my selfe vewing mine owne power whither I am able to ouercome this punishment of my sinne or no and I see that al euē the most exquisite punishment which I can deuise to my selfe in whipping of my body as long as I liue wearing haire cloth pineing my selfe with fasting or any other paine I see I see O Lorde that all this punishmēt is not sufficient for one of my least sinnes because it deserueth euen the euerlasting paines of hell I looke to Heauen I see there is no Sainte nor Angel able to abide and ouercome this punishment of sinne I looke to men in this worlde euen to the Popes treasure that wicked man of sinne and I see that neither his masse nor purgatory pilgrimage pardons penance satisfactions nor any of suche like wicked stuffe alas I see they are nothing for the satisfying for one of my least wicked thoughts seeing the punishmente is by thy iuste decree and sentence thine euerlasting cursse Wherefore I am driuen out from my selfe and all that I can do to seeke this punishmente discharged other where or else to quall vnder the burthen I see there is no healpe for me in Angels Saintes nor mortall men but onelie in that perfecte man Christe Iesus thy deere sonne in whome I see the full punishment of my sinne wholy payd satisfied discharged and ouercome death vanquished the paines of hel in victorie swalowed vp the curse satisfied and the eternitie of the punishmente through his euerlasting power ouerreachead This I see O Lord by the eyes of faith being through thy holy spirite wholy assured that all the whole punishment of sinne payd by my Sauiour Christ is not onely payd for other men but euen also for me and my sinne This assurance of my faith being thine onely woork in me I beseech thee in mercy to strengthen increase for I feele it often ful of wauering doubting Graunt that I may daily more and more in my soule and conscience feele my selfe knit and grafted into the body of thy sonne whereby I may be assured that whatsoeuer He hath done pertaineth to mee and is fully wholy mine that I may through the power of his death feele daily sinne die in me and thorough the power of his resurrection feele my selfe risen from sinne to haue my full ioy and comforte in those things which be agreeable to thy holy wil vtterly detesting hating and abhorring from my hearte althinges which be contrarie to thy will and pleasure that euen in this life I may still looke for this endlesse ioy and felicitie vsing the thinges of this worlde as though I vsed them not till that good time that it shall please thee to call mee to thine euerlasting Kingdome of Glorie there to reigne with my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for euer and euer Amen A prayer vppon the Lordes prayer O Moste mighty Lorde and eternall God who hast by thy deere sonne Christe Iesu our Lord and Sauiour reconciled vnto thy selfe all things in heauen and earth and in him haste made an euerlasting bond and couenaunte with vs thy faithfull children that thou wilt not onely be our God but also our moste louing and mercifull Father whereof as a pledge thou hast giuen vs thy holy Spirite of adoption whereby wee may with boldenesse and ful trust and cōfidence come to thee by harty praier as vnto our moste louing and mercifull Father being assured that thou wilt not deny vs any thing which thou knowest shal be expediēt for vs graunt we beseech thee deare Father that wee being fully persuaded in our harts of this thy fatherly loue and affection towards vs may be sturred
beeing altogether goodnesse it selfe giue good thinges to them that aske in thy Sonnes name And that although a mother should forsake her children yet wilt thou not forsake vs thy children whome thou haste before the bginning of the worlde in thy deere Sonne Iesu Christe chosen to be thy children and heires with him of thine immortall Kingdome Whereof that we in our selues mighte be sure and certaine and out of all doubte that wee are the children and heires of euerlasting life thou haste giuen into our heartes thy holy Spirite as a true pledge and earneste of our inheritaunce whiche Spirite doth assure our spirites that we are thy children and therefore crieth in our harts Abba Father Wee therefore as thy deere children raunsomed and boughte by thy deere sonne flee to thee our moste louing and mercifull Father who in goodnesse art infinite in mercy aboundant in substance incomprehensible in immortalitie euerlasting who by thy mightie power and singular prouidence rulest all thinges according to thy heauenly wisedome beseeching thee for thy deere sone Christ Iesus his sake that as thou hast sufficiētly sette forth thy glorious Name in making the whole worlde heauen earth and al things therein contained so we may in beholding and viewing thy creatures the works of thine handes be lifted vp to thee our Lord God the Creatour and Maker and in them glorifie thy holy name acknowledgeing in them thy singular goodnesse and loue towardes man for whose vse thou haste created all thinges both in Heauen and earth and that we may for the same euen from the bottom of our harts yeeld due honour praise and thankesgiuing to thee deere Father all the dayes of our life Graunte moste mercifull Father that wee may in hart and minde be fully assured that thou by thy heauenly prouidence rulest and guidest all things in heauen and earth so that nothing in the whole world commeth to passe but according to thine appoyntmente that thou guidest and framest the affaires and doings of men that thou haste euen their harts and all their powers in thy mercifull hande to turne them whiche way soeuer it seemeth best to thy godly wisedome so that whither wee be in prosperitie or aduersitie we may acknowledge both of them to be thy woorke in vs and therefore be no lesse thankful for sicknesse then for health for sorrowe then for comforte for a troubled mind then for a quiet for imprisonment and banishmente then for libertie especially seeing we know that y turnest them all seeme they neuer so sharp to the comforte and cōmodity of thy children which feare thee and that in al things whiche shall befal vnto vs whither they be greuous or ioyous prosperitie or aduersitie life or death thy holy Name may be sanctified in vs by yeelding due and continuall praise and thankesgiuing to thy eternall Maiestie that wee neuer cease to put our ful truste and confidence in thy mer●y who haste promised to be our defender buckler and shielde to keepe vs as the apple of thine eye to deliuer vs when we call vppon thee to open when we knock to giue when wee aske that we knowing our owne weakenesse that of our selues we haue no power or strength to do no not so muche as to will that whiche is good wee may acknowledge all our strength comforte ioy faith loue hope and confidence to be thine only gifte and woorke in vs And for the same and the increase of the same and for all thy benefites in vs whereof we feele our selues destitute we may constantly flee vnto thee by harty prayer requiring the same at thy mercifull hande And hauing felt thy mercifull dealing towardes vs we may alway to the end of our life continue thankfull to thy blessed Name that wee neuer speake or thinke of thee O Lord God without high reuerence and an obediēt feare vnto thy Glorious Name And that thy kingdome O Lorde may more gloriously shine amongest men subdue the hearts of the people to be obedient to thy woorde Lighten all nations with thy glorious Gospell raise vp faithful ministers of thy woord aboundantly in euery place who with pure and perfect zeale in true knowledge may feede the hungrie soules with the foode of life Lighten the harts of thy children whome yet thou haste not called to the feeling of thy mercies in thy sonne reuealed Beate downe the furie and rage of the kingdome of satan and antichrist with all tyrants who shewe their vtter malice and furie against thy deare and faithfull flock Confounde their deuises suppresse their pride and so strengthen all thy true and faithfull seruauntes againste their rage that they may haue true wisedome to confound their enimies and steadfast constancie to professe the truth of thy glorious gospell euen to the death And that euery one of vs may feele the force of this thy kingdome particularly in our selues wee beseeche thee kill in vs by thy holy spirite all wicked delightes of sinne and vanities of this worlde Mortifie in vs our earthly and carnall affections and graunte that wee may haue our full delighte and pleasure in thee our Heauenly Father and in thy sonne Christe Iesu our Lorde and Sauiour and reuerently embrace thy holy Woord that our soules may be comforted therein and our faith thereby confirmed Lighten our vnderstanding that we may in thy holy woord learne and in heart be fully assured that thou art our most merciful Father and thy deere Sonne our Lorde and Sauiour Beate downe in vs all sinnefull motions of the aduersarie whiche do rebell againste thy holy spirite and settle and frame our mindes by thy holy spirite in vs that all rebellion in our fleshe being killed wee may quietly with stayed mindes and consciences sette our full ioy comforte and consolation in heauenly thinges walking before thee in sinceritie of mind put our ful trust and confidēce in thee rest and quiet our selues wholy in thy mighty protection and prouidence And forasmuche O Lord God as of our selues wee be nothing but stubbernesse and rebellion wee beseeche thee deere Father that as thine Angels in heauen doe willingly obey thy Will without resistance so wee thy children in earth all stubbernesse and peruersnesse by thy holy spirite in vs being vtterly extinguished and quenched wee may willingly submit our selues resigne and yeelde our whole affections to thee O Lord to be gouerned after thy blessed and heauenly Will. That we may feele in our selues no other motion or desire then a meete consente to thy holy Will that whatsoeuer affections in vs fighte against thy holy Will thou wilt vtterly make them voyde That wee neuer will any thinge of our selues but that thy holy Sp●rite in vs may gouerne our heartes by whome inwardly being taughte wee may learne to love embrace and take comforte in those thinges that please thee and to hate those thinges that displease thee That our heartes mindes and willes beeing wholy subdued to thy moste blessed Will wee may willingly bee
and to shewe vs those wayes whiche thou hast appointed vs to walke in And as thou renuest this morning so renue thy mercies and as thou causest the Sunne comfortably to shine to our bodily eyes so vouchesafe we pray thee to be Sun vnto our bodies and to our soules by the beames of thy holy Spirit and Starr of thy blessed Word shining into the middes of our hartes to driue away all the night and darkenesse of all prophanenesse to chace away all want of true feare of thy good Maiestie and in place thereof bring in loue towardes thy Glorie zeale of thy House loue also towardes our brethren especially those that thou aboue the rest commendest vnto vs that we may loue them with that loue wherewithall thou haste first loued vs whiche is pure vncorrupt vehement and euerlasting and therefore wee pray thee to ridde our hartes of al naughtie and corrupt loue and whatsoeuer is vnmeete to be in those vessels that are to serue such a mightie Prince as thou art and in those houses wherein it pleaseth thy Maiestie by thy holy Spirite to dwel and therefore on the other side good Lord chace away from vs all rancor and malice all pride enuiousnesse disdainefulnesse vncharitablenesse vnnaturalnesse vnkindnesse and whatsoeuer is contrarie to that loue whereof thou hast giuen vs a liuely example in our sauiour Iesus Christ vnto the which example graūt good Lorde that we may alwayes haue our eyes lifted vppe and therein holden and caused thereby to profite vntil suche time as we come to that perfection whereunto thou haste appointed we shall come Vouchsafe moreouer by the comming of the selfe same Spirite to scatter in vs al the night darkenesse of ignorance and forgetfulnesse and of all those thinges whiche perteine to the clearer and fuller knowledge of thy trueth Take from vs all negligence all want of iudgement and discretion and deliuer vs from all those thinges whiche thou knowest to be hinderaunces to vs either to walke in that greate calling of Christianitie whereunto thou hast called vs or in those seuerall and particular callinges wherein thou hast placed euery one of vs that we may walke so good Lorde bothe in the one and in the other that thy Name may bee glorified in bothe Amen Euening prayer O Lord prepare our hartes to praye bow downe thine eares deere Father and heare vs open thine eyes and looke vpon vs for thy deere Sonne Iesus Christes sake and receiue our humble confession that we make to the against our selues whiche haue broken al thy lawes and therefore deserue to haue thy heauie iudgements powred vppon our heades to our vtter destruction if thou shouldest enter into iudgement with the least of our sinnes whereof we haue so greate and infinite thousands notwithstanding we pray thee to turne away thy face from our sinnes and for Iesus Christes sake to forgiue vs all that is past and graunt that we may haue the assurance of the forgiuenesse of our sinns sealed vp by thy Holy Spirite in our consciences wherby we knowing that we are at one with thee may haue our hartes kindled with thy loue so feruently as it may waste in vs all that is against thy holy Will. And for this cause we beseech thee Lord to goe forwarde with the worke of our new byrthe that thou hast begunne in vs and neuer take away thy hand vntill suche time as thou hast made an end of it and to this ende we beseeche thee to slay in vs euery day more and more the olde man with his concupiscences nailing them to the crosse of thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ and causing vs to feele the power of his Passion in our bodies and in our soules that we beeing partakers thereof may come also to the felowshippe of his holy Resurrection not only in that we shal once appeare before thee hauing these our base bodies chaunged and made like vnto his Glorious bodie but also that we may in the meane time rise from the deathe of sinne to all newnesse of life and that our good workes may so shine before men that they seeing them may glorifie thee our Heauenly Father not onely they that are of the selfe same religion with vs but those also that are enimies vnto thy trueth may rather in the time of their calling by the voice of thy Gospel yeelde themselues to be one sheepefolde with vs And we most hūbly thanke thee O Heauenly Father for all thy louing kindenesses bestowed vppon vs from time to time and especially for that olde and auncient Loue wherewithall thou haste loued vs before the beginning of the worlde for that also that thou calling vs by the voice of thy holy Gospell in that good time that thou appointedst for vs hast giuen vs faith hope ▪ loue and all other graces which thou knowest to be needefull for vs whiche we beseeche thee to increase in vs with mightie increases according to that thou seest we haue neede of hauing regarde to our manifolde enimies that we haue to wrestle with and that we haue not to striue with flesh and bloud but against the diuels themselues And therfore considering their strength and our weaknesse their craft and our simplicitie their watchfulnesse and our sluggishnesse their long experience our rawnesse their preparation and our nakednesse that we haue not only nothing to helpe vs but also do carrie about vs our own cōcupiscences readie to betray vs into the handes of our enimies it may please thee to furnishe vs from aboue giuing vs the strength of thy holy Spirite in the inner man reaching vnto vs the compleate harnesse of thy Grace wherewith we being armed on bothe sides may be prepared at all assayes againste all assaultes of our enimies And for as muche as in this weakenesse we oftentimes giue backe and sometimes runne away we pray thee O Lorde that with the hande of Faith we may lay holde on the victorie of our Sauiour Iesus Christ that albeit wee be not able to ouercome in our owne persons yet notwithstanding we may ouercome in His who hathe ouercommed for vs all and so be partakers of those promises that thou hast knit vnto that glorious victorie And we moste humbly thanke thee also for those graces both of the bodie soule which perteine to this present life desiring thee to increase them vpon vs and in vs so farre forth as thou seest we haue neede of to thy Glorie the commoditie of others and our owne comfortes therefore we beseeche thee Lorde to teache vs with thy holy Spirite the lawful vse of them that thou wouldest not suffer our hartes to be rooted in them but that at all times we may be willing to parte from them And whensoeuer it shal please thee to cal for vs we may willingly goe vnto thee as children to their deere Fathers straungers vnto their owne Countrie and members of the bodie vnto their Heade and so muche the gladder by howe muche thou Lorde
art better then all the men in the worlde and the Kingdome that thou haste prepared better then all the Kingdomes thereof An addition to the former morning praier as time and leasure shall serue WE pray not onely for our selues O moste mercifull Father but for all those that thou haste appointed to eternall life beseeching thee to gather the number of those that are to be gathered those that thou haste alredy called thou wouldst alwayes keepe and to this end good Lorde raise vp faithfull Ministers both of thy Churche and common weale whose heartes thou wouldest fill with all Graces of thy holy Spirite meete for their callings meete also for these daungerous times roote out from among thy Church all rauening and deuouring Beastes whiche to fill their owne bellies destroy thy flocke ease thy selfe of al hirelings and idle shepheardes whiche haue no care nor skill to feede thy flocke with the holesome foode of thy blessed woorde nor to rule them with that equitie wherewithall thou wilte haue thy people to be ruled those Pastors that thou haste giuen it woulde please thee to increase the number of them those that are fallen a sleepe and carried away with the corruptions of these times that thou wouldest awake letting them vnderstand the charge that thou haste committed vnto them the truste that thou haste put them in and the accompt that thou wilte take at their handes Be gratious O Lorde vnto this Lande of ours and enter not into iudgement with the horrible sinnes of it namely the contempt and lighte esteeming of thy holy Woorde so many yeares offered vnto vs and wee beeing trusted withall so many Nations better then wee beeing passed by whiche woulde haue broughte forth the fruite thereof more then wee haue done and wee not onely haue broughte forth no good fruite but rotten and vnsauourie to prouoke thy Maiestie withall not withstanding all these our sinnes it woulde please thee in that loue wherewithall thou haste firste loued vs when wee hated thee and in that long patience wherein thou haste hitherto borne with vs and doest yet beare and tarriest for our repentance to graunt vs hearty and earnest repentance our heartes beeing effectually touched with thy holy Spirite striking these rocky heartes of ours that they may be resolued into riuers of teares for our sinnes making them soft and meeke to receiue the print of thy holy Woord and seale of thy blessed Spirite writing with thy finger thine owne lawes in them so that thou mayest reade thine owne hande acknowledge thine owne seale and so passe by vs when thou shalt bring thy iudgmente vppon the face of the Earthe for the iniquities thereof whereof thou haste giuen and still giuest from time to time diuers tokens which we beseeche thee may be profitable vnto vs whilest firste of all we acknowledge thy hand striking vs and thy counsell calling vs thereby to repentance that thy heauier iudgementes do not fall vppon vs to our vtter destruction Moreouer wee thanke thee O Lord for that it hath pleased thee to bee the watche man and as it were the spie of this Churche cōmon wealth and haste foreseene all the stormes and treasons comming against it and againste thine annoincted our Souereigne whōe thou in mercy hast appointed to rule ouer it and haste scattered them and broughte them to noughte and haste pursued certaine of thine enimies and oures vnto death beseeching thee to continue this watchful and careful eye ouer vs still to do vs good and to pursue the rest of thine enimies and oures vnto the graue giuing notwithstanding repentance vnto them vnto whome thou haste lefte place of repentance And to this ende raise vp the heartes of our moste Gratious Queene and her honourable Counsell thy Magistrates that as they sitte in thy seate and are called by thy Name so they may execute thy iustice which thou so wel approuest of wherof also thou wilte require a streighte accompte at their handes Wee desire thee also to shewe these thy Graces to all other Churches of thine namely thy Churche of Scotlande that it may enioy that peace that thou haste giuen it and graunte that the same bee referred to that end wherefore thou haste giuen it namely to the full establishmente of the throne of thy deere Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christe and to the building of his Kingdome there Wee beseeche thee also for the Churches which thy hand hathe planted long since especially those from whome we haue receiued knowledge in time of our ignorance places of refuge in time of persecution that it would please thee to continue thy louing kindenesse towardes them and therfore cause them to continue their faith towardes thee and obedience towardes thy holy Word And whensoeuer it shal be thy pleasure to trie them with any kinde of affliction it woulde please the to graunt vnto them that they may put their trust in thee hauing regard to the trueth of thy promises and to the good experience that they haue of thy helpe in times past and thereby conceiue comforte hope O Lord euen of life in deathe and of Saluation in destruction We pray the also good Lord that we may haue the feeling of the miseries of our Brethren as members of the same bodie and those that liue by the same Spirite And therefore we pray thee that according to the manifolde troubles that thou shalt visite them with it woulde be thy good pleasure to measure out thy grace in suche plentiful manner that thy children may patiently beare ioyfully attend for the good houre wherin thou wilt pull them out of al their troubles And especially wee pray thy Maiestie for our Brethren that are afflicted for thy Gospel sake namely those that suffer imprisonment or otherwise in any nation for the clearer testimonie of it that it woulde please thee to giue them patience in all their troubles wisdome and mouthes to defende thy cause against all those that rise vppe against it that thou wouldest blesse their trauels and sufferings for that for whiche they are taken which is to giue a freer course of thy Gospell into all places And therewithal we beseech thee for the churches of Fraunce and Flaunders whiche are so miserably racked and torne in sunder and whiche are almoste consumed with these fiery trials that it would please thee to looke vpon their sighings and groneings the teares that fal from their eies continually the bloud that is shed in al parts of the land the bodies that lie vnburied to be meate to the foules of the ayre and Fishes of the Sea the lonenesse of wiues lacking their husbandes children their Fathers and euery freend his freende And for asmuche as those thinges are come vpon them for thy Names sake let it be thy good pleasure to helpe them considering that they are forsaken of all their freendes rounde about and therefore pray thee that thou wouldest not looke vppon our sinnes nor the sinnes of our forefathers whereby we deserue