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A69089 An excellent and godly sermon most needefull for this time, wherein we liue in all securitie and sinne, to the great dishonour of God, and contempt of his holy word. Preached at Paules Crosse the xxvi. daye of October, an. 1578 by Laurence Chaderton Batcheler of Diuinitie. Chaderton, Laurence, 1536?-1640. 1578 (1578) STC 4924; ESTC S117846 46,847 118

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ye me Master Master and doe not the thinges that I speake Wherein as he sheweth that nothing in all the worlde ought to mooue vs to professe our selues to be his seruants except we doe and fulfill the things which he commaundeth so he condemneth euery kinde of profession which is voide of this faithfull obedience Thus we see what the first sort of woorshippers be euen such as in worde confesse and by hearing the Gospell preached receiuing the Sacraments and calling vpon God professe themselues to be his seruants notwithstanding they securely pretermit the dooing of Gods will and therefore shall iustly be secluded from the kingdome of heauen For these men though they crie in the Church neuer so loude Lorde Lorde they shall neuer be heard though they in worde most gloriously doe confesse Christ to bee their Sauiour yet in the daye of iudgement he will not confesse them though they say they knowe him in this life yet then he will professe that he neuer knewe them though they seeme vnto men most diligent woorkers of righteousnes and pietie yet he then iudging not according to the outward appearance but the sincere puritie of the heart will saye vnto them Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie Finally though they seeme to liue and to be the children of light yet they are dead and are the sonnes of darknes and therefore shall not as it is affirmed here in this place enter into the kingdome of heauen which is the second thing whereby they are described Beholde therefore all ye hypocriticall callers vpon the Name of God your ende your porcion and the lot of your inheritance which you haue by the hardnes of your hollowe hearts which can not repent treasured vp vnto your selues against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God who will rewarde euery man according to his workes For you shall not onely be cast out of the kingdome of heauen from the glorious presence of the king of all glorie but you shall drinke as a iust recompence for your iniquitie the bitter cuppe of Gods eternall wrath and indignation in the kingdome of darknes and in the fearefull presence of Satan and all the cursed enemies of Gods grace Repent therefore and turne vnto the Lorde circumcise the foreskinnes of your heartes and bring foorth fruites woorthie amendment of life and thinke not that because you are by the iudgement of men counted Christians or because you are partakers of the worde and Sacraments of Christ and of Christian prayers thankesgiuing you shall therefore in the generall iudgement of all fleshe stand in the assemblie of the righteous for euen nowe also is the axe put to the roote of the tree so that euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruite shal be hewen downe and cast into the fire For there is no respect of persons with God but as many as haue sinned and transgressed the lawe of nature which was by the finger of God written in two Tables committed to Moses shal be iudged by the same But that the knowledge of this first sort of professors of their miserable end may be more effectuall and profitable to worke in vs a perfect hatred of their corrupt life a godly feare of their dreadful death I will briefely set downe some particular notes whereby they may be the better knowen and al other may more truely examin their own hearts so clerely see whether they be of that nomber or no. First he that saieth onely vnto Christ Lord Lord doth not the will of God he hath in his heart if he doe iudge himself aright according to the Apostles precept a far greater care and desire to be accompted a good christian amongst men then in deede and trueth to be so in the sight of God. Therefore our Sauiour Christ forbiddeth vs as in giuing of almes and praying so in all other workes to be like vnto these hypocrites whome he affirmeth to haue this great loue and desire to appeare righteous in the sight of men Secondarily this hypocriticall caller vpon God doeth more busie his head about the outward and generall worke commaunded then about the spirituall maner of doing which he seldome or neuer sincerely obserueth For so Christ teacheth and also denounceth a fearefull woe against them saying Woe be to you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites for ye are like to whited tombes which appeare beautifull outward but are within full of dead mens bones and of all filthines so are ye also for outward ye appeare righteous vnto men but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquitie Moreouer the hypocrite worketh his saluation securely coldely and carelessely not in feare and trembling as the Spirit of trueth commaundeth in the Epistle to the Philippians the second Chapter and the twelfth verse For he striueth not against his owne corruption to suppresse all rebellious affections lustes which striue against the lawe of God neyther to obtaine those graces and giftes of regeneration which he seeth wanting in himself nor forgetteth with blessed Paule that which is behinde nor yet indeuoureth him selfe to that which is before folowing hard toward the marke for the price of the hye calling of God in Christ Iesus and therefore manifestly bewrayeth his secure carelesse conscience Againe the hypocrite hath no full setled and resolued purpose in life death to professe and obey the trueth and will of God but is mutable wauering and inconstant in all his wayes In consideration whereof Barnabas comming into Antiochia seeing the grace of God most mercifully multyplied vpon many earnestly exhorted al that with purpose of heart they would cleaue vnto the lord A true note to discerne betweene him that feareth God and him that doeth not Agayne the hypocrites care studie is to stay the outward and grosser sinnes of life flowing from the filthy fountayne of his natural corruption is altogether carelesse to stoppe the fountayne it selfe Wherein as he bewrayeth great want of heauenly wisdome great abundance of carnall folly so he can neuer say with inward and sensible feeling of the lawe of the members and of the Spirit as the Apostle Paule sayth O vvretched man that I am vvho shall deliuer me frō the body of this death I thank God through Iesus Christ our lord Then I my selfe in my mind serue the lavv of God but in my flesh the law of sinne A peculiar worke of Gods Spirit in all his elect which none of the children of this world euer tasted of to their comfort neyther can do Agayne the hypocrite is stirred vp to work wel in the iudgement of men by some worldly reason pleasing his owne fantasie and fleshly appetite not constrayned as Gods children are with the mercy of God and loue of Christ as it is in the 130. Psalme in these words But mercie is vvith thee that thou mayest be feared And also in
woorkers of miracles shall be throwen into the chaynes of euerlasting darkenes O that men woulde seriously consider this and turne vnto the Lorde with all their hearts and soules in this acceptable time of grace for euen now wisdome cryeth without the sounde of the Gospell is heard in our temples nowe is the time of peace nowe is the day of repentance To day if you will heare the ioyfull voyce of Christ harden not your heartes with the wicked of this worlde but cease from your owne workes and doe the Fathers will which is in heauen So doyng the God of peace shal sanctifie you through out and keepe your whole spirit soule and bodie blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ The reason of this sorowfull departure is for that in preaching casting out deuils and working miracles they wrought and committed iniquitie for so it is sayd Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie Not that they did vnlawfull workes but because they did lawful things vnlawfully for albeit they preached and wrought miracles both which did auaile much to the edification of the Church yet in regard of the corrupt maner of doing Christ calleth them Workers of iniquitie This doctrine condemneth all men which do lawfull thinges vnlawfully how much more those which doe vnlawfull thinges though they haue neuer so great a shewe of godlynesse Good workes I confesse must be done but such onely are good which God hath commaunded in his word not such as men by worldly wisdome haue deuised of which sort are running on pilgrimage to the dumme and senselesse images doing of penance at the priestes appointment and an infinite nomber of the same not onely in that Popish religion but also in all humaine and voluntarie seruice For they haue not so much as a shewe of commaundement out of the word and Scriptures of God as maye easily appeare to him that hath but once in all his life read ouer the Bible Here then we see how euery man maye please and displease God please if he doe that which is commaunded of God after that maner he hath commanded it displease if he doe any thing either not commanded but deuised of man or do the thing commaunded after an vnlawfull maner In consideration whereof all those that be out of the Church are iustly termed workers of iniquitie for the which at the day of Iudgement they shal be eternallye condemned Contrarily those which are in and of the Church which is the mystical bodie of Christ because they doe workes commaunded after an vpright and sincere maner Christ doth iustly call them Doers of his Fathers will to whom by promise not by desert belongeth the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting happinesse Nowe therefore to make an ende I beseeche you for the loue that you beare to your owne saluation as though Christe should beseeche you by me to abhorre and eschewe the cursed behauiour of all dissembling professours to embrace and practize the vpright and syncere maner of doing the Fathers will to contend and striue to enter in at the narrow gate of the kingdome of heauen to flie al apparance of euil to abound plentifully in all good workes keeping faith hope loue feare and watchfulnesse without wearynesse and faynting euen vntill the last moment of lyfe that Christe which is our lyfe may receyue vs into eternall lyfe and immortall glorie This is my humble petition vnto you and my daylie prayer for all the Saintes and electe of GOD that we being all most perfectly by the holie Ghost and fayth vnited and incorporated into Christe as the members of the body into the head might be partakers of the felowshippe of his glorie together with his and our Father and al the holy companie of Angels in the heauenly kingdome of all happynesse and felicitie Nowe I for my part assuredly hope and perswade my selfe that all those that loue the comming of Iesus Christ will louingly receiue this my petitiō to doe thereafter And I constantly beleeue that our most mercifull Father wil heare my prayers and graūt this my request to the euerlasting prayse of his mercie and the continuall comfort of his Churche To him therefore with his Sonne the holy Spirit three persons and one immortall and euerliuing GOD be all praise power glorie and thankesgiuing for euer euer Amen The sūme and meaning of this text Luke 13.25 26 27. The order or disposition of the iii. verses There are two sortes of professors of true religion Gen. 4.5 Heb. 11.4 Gen. 4.4 Heb. 11.20 21. 12.16.17 Psal. 50.16 17 23 Esa. 29.13 14 15 Field Matth. 13.24 25. c. Floore Mat. 3.12 Luke 3.17 Nette Mat. 13.47 Who be the false professors of true religion what is their end Ierem. 7.3 4 Rom. 2.28 29 Iam. 2 17.24.26 1. Iohn 2 4 Luke 6.46 The end of false worshippers Notes to discerne betweene the false true woorshippers 2. Cor. 13.5 Matth. 5. Matth. 23.27 28. Philip. 2 1● Philip. 3.13.14 Acts 11.23 Rom. 7.24 25. Psal. 130.4 2. Co. 5.14 15. Who be true professors of Christian religion Gods will is done after two sortes Mark. 1.11 Two things required to the doyng of Gods will. Deute 5.1 Deu. 10.12 Ioshu 22.5 Matth. 3.8 Iam. ● 14 1. Pet. 4.2 1. Iohn 1.6 7 Acts. 26.19 20. Heb. 12.14 Matth. 25. from the verse 34. to 46. Iob. 1.1 Acts. 9.36 Phil. 2.21 Oseas 4.1 2. Works are necessarie for many causes What is the ryght maner of doing the Fathers will. Iohn 1.13 Phil. 2.12 13. Rom. 8.26.27 1. Ioh. 3.18 19 1 Fayth Act. 15.8 9. 2 Hope Heb. 6.19 20 Heb. 12.1.2 Gen. 5.22 3 Loue. 1. Cor. 13.13 1. Cor. 16.14 Tit. 2.14 1. Ioh. 4.16 4 Feare 2. Cor. 7.11 Heb. 5.7 Heb. 12.28 29 1. Pet. 1.17 Prou. 28.14 5 Watchfulnes Eph. 6.18 1. Cor. 16.13 1. thess. 5.6 Mar. 13.35 36 37 Ma. 26.38 40 41 The end Gods glorie Exo. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 4. 1. Cor. 10.51 What it is to doe the Fathers will. Matt. 6.10 The last Tridentine Councell the sixt Session and 14. Canon Trid. the last the 25. Session and first decree Trid. the last Session 14. Cap. ● Triden the last Session 6. Canon 15. and 16. Trident. the last Session 25. in the decree concerning purgatory Rom. 3.27 Eph. 2.8.9 Acts. 19.15 2. Cor. 5.17 1. Sam. 13.14 2. King. 18.3 2. King. 23.25 Luke 1.6 Iohn 1.47 Mat. 8.10 Luke 2.37 Act. 2.46 Ioel. 2.16.17 The second part of the text The defēce of the best sort of fay●ed profe●●ors Dan. 12 3. Mat 9.42 Mar. 9.41 1. Cor. 9.16 The right maner of preaching respecteth vtterance the inward affection Act. 20.24 1. Cor. 1.17 21. 1. Cor. 2.1.4 5. vers 1. Co. 2.13 1. Co. 3.12 13. 1. Co. 4.19 20. 1. Thes 2.5 2. Tim. 1.13 1. Tim. 4.7 1. Cor. 2.2 1. Pet. 5.2 3. Matth. 10. 1. Co. 9.16 17. 1. Cor. 9 19. ● 1. Cor. 9.27 1. Cor. 9.10 33. 2. Cor. 4.1.2 2. Cor. 6.7 1. Thes 2.7 11. Act. 20.20 1. Thes 2.8 2. Timo. 1.13 14 Tit. 2.7 8 How nere the wicked may come to the waies of the godly Mat. 13.20 Mar. 4.15 Luk. 8.11 Act. 8.13 Gala. Matth. 23. 1. Co. 13.3 Acts. 5.1.2 Heb. 6.4 Mat. 12.50 The answere of Christ Mat. 25.41 ¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes Maiestie