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A16976 An epistle to the learned nobilitie of England Touching translating the Bible from the original, with ancient warrant for euerie worde, vnto the full satisfaction of any that be of hart. By Hugh Broughton. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1597 (1597) STC 3862; ESTC S121964 44,282 62

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lier Can one vndertake to tell a mans age and put 130. yeares for 230. and not lye And if Moses omitted it who knewe it The teacher of Moses was none other but hee which measureth the waters in his fist peiseth the heauens in his spāne holdeth all the dust of the earth in an half-pint weigheth the moūtaines in a balance and who could teach him howe to haue instructed Moses better in the waye of knowledge When such perverse crooked notes disannulling that which Gods letters speaketh come before our Bibles as a furtherance of the simple what marveile is it if blinde guides leade the blinde into the ditch Infinite store of such hath the same introduction to the Bible enough to entangle all that beleeue them to make the Bible seeme vnexplicable One gentleman of the North complained to ●e how that paynes entāgled him Such erroneous paynes ●hould be openly cōdemned and not solde but to the learned that can iudge of vntruethes Touching the 230. yeres ●n what daliance with prophane Heathen the 70. feigned not one hundred onely to Adam but 1250. more vnto o●hers many vnto Nachor I haue shewed at large in a treatise of Sem or Melchisedek and in my little booke of long paynes ●hewing scripture concent And I iudge this a Translatours ●uetie to shewe the right meaning of old hid doeings whiche by mistaking blame the holy letters An other Table of no lesse poison pretending to reconcile Saint Matthew and Saint Luke is prefixed to the newe Testament in our great Bibles which I blamed in print sharpely and since it hath not bin printed but thousands enough to poison an whole nation were solde afore That table firste denieth in effect six places where Achaziah is father properlie to Ioas while it endeth Salomons house in Ioas casting downe six testimonies of him whose worde made all the frame of nature too stande That table would flee in a storie that needes must speake properly vnto a straunge vse of wordes but comon reason should haue taught that a strange kinde of speach is not often vsed in one and the same matter neither may it be vsed but where the narration was cleared afore Ezra when he penned the Chronicles from the plain story of the Kinges vseth termes in rare elegancie and hard but for the matters familiaritie when he nameth the six thirtie yeres Malcuth Asa when Asa had not passed seauentene in reigne Nowe Malcuth being kingdome or reigne and the time agreeing with six and thirtie yeares from Iudahs kingdome parted away from Ieroboams the matter telleth what Ezra meaned and his round summe from many particulars in a narratiō knowne had great clearenes Whereas the kings storie might not haue bene penned at the firste so Nowe where in a carefull narration of longe discourse Ioas commeth sonne to Achaziah saued by Achaziahs sister at an yere olde and after a tyranny of sixe yeares at seauen is made king the denying of sonages proprietie here is nothinge lesse then to make a flat lye and for six places of one tenour a sixfold stumbling against the holy Ghost who hath planted in mā a spirit that should teach him knowledge against which they that striue shalbe condemned of their owne harte In an other place Ezra vseth Ben very elegantly For it signifieth Sonne or Belonging too and that in great varietie So Achaziah is Ben a sonne of twentie two yeares when his father died at fourty Nowe when Ezra shewing how he came of Athaliah the daughter of Omry properly daughter to Achab but he nameth Omry to call the reader to consider his purpose for Omries kingdome whose kingdome at Iorams death stood fourtie two yeares layd downe by manie parcels in the kings often Synarchies when Ezra the learned shewing the troubles of all this kingdome sayth He was Ben of fourty two yeares the terme left his first significatiō for his vsuall in a trope Affected vnto or Belonging vnto the famous two and forty yeares This dealing in Ezra declared not onely his owne readinesse in the story but also his nationes common readinesse They knewe well that Ezra could not haue from God any authoritie to check Gods former authoritie nor yet to speake any thing but that they might iudge off And doubtles he would speake as they at the first might allowe and the blinde acquainted with the Scripture would not stumble And so the ordinarie Commenter in Ebrew Ralbag playnneth all vpon this Two and twentie yeares old was Achaziahu when he reigned and one yeare raigned he in Ierusalem and his mothers name was Athaliahu the daughter of Amri king of Israel Therevpon Ralbag writeth letters that speake thus 2. King 8.16 Marke that 2. Chr. 22. it is saide Ben of two and fourtie yeres And marke that his count in the Chronicles was not of the birth of Achaziahu but from the time of the arising of the kingdome of Omri And because he was of ●is seede it befell him that he was killed with the king of Israel And thus goeth the summe After thirtie and one yeare of Asa Omri raigned ouer all Israell and raigned after that sixe yeres and Achab his sonne twentie two and Achaizahu two yeares and Ioram ●ame to the twelueth Beholde then the two and fourtie yeares of the kingdome of Achab. And for His mothers name was Athaliahu the daughter of Amri that sheweth the reason of his phrase For she ●as properlie the daughter of Achab. Thus the Rabbine sheweth howe Ezra expoundeth the Kinges storie for Amries daughter being properlie Achabs leauing the propre time as vnmoveable as anie rocke and for memory bringing many parcells to one summe And therein must a Translatour be so fullie settled where propertie can not be altered as carefull to allowe and followe the trueth of the Ebrewe copy And if the Lord tell six times that Ioas the King was sonne to Achaziah tables pretēding to reconcile Saint Matthew Saint Luke breaking of Salomons house in Achaziahu and bringing Ioas to Nathan though Europe embraced them and our Bibles bare them in their harte afore the holy Gospell yet a sounde Translatour must loth them as a leprosie How circumspectlie we haue done herein wee should consyder to abolishe with publique authoritie our ouersightes and vnskilfulnes mother of lothing all religion Many that finde vs rawe in matters of plaine storie the grounde of all and sett before our eyes will lesse thinke that in matters of collection and plyable affection of argumentes and things of the worlde to come we should be of any sound iudgement And Christians should not be as the Athenians whom Demosthenes taunteth for being like doggs that bite the stone flong at them and not the flinger blaming not the authours of the fault but the tellers what is committed The wise will alwayes loue vnderstanding as the wicked can not abide it This table poysoning all simple that vse it maketh the fathers of our Lorde all these Symeon
of Calamities in Omri that kingdome ended Iudah should begin their stirres in the seauenth seauē hold it throughlie when such a wicked broode of Iezabel reigned in Iuda that God killed three Leprosed the next plagued the people Kinges stocke left the good K. Ezekias longe sonne-lesse shewing how vnwilling he was to continue the kingdome left Manasse to shed blood calling as Abels for Babylon-punishment and for some tast carieth the King thither killeth Amon telleth Iosias plainly of captiuitie and by Sophonie of paying his sonnes prisoneth Ioachaz giueth Ioakim the burial of an asse captiueth and blindeth Sedekias killeth his children sweareth that Iechonias shall dye childlesse biddeth all the earth the earth the earth to marke it that none should think Christ the king of glorie to descend after the flesh of Iezabel Al these mischiefes the Iewes knew and consydered full well that the two and fourtie yeares was most famous among them that to be called a Babe of that two and fourtie yeares was to be noted as most openly cursed from as we saye his mothers belly and if that had bene cōsydered Ezra had bene cleared and the curse vpon the later Kings weighed neither would men euer haue bin so senselesse as to haue brought in Nathans house the holy seede at the first to be plagued in the first yeare of coming to the kingdome yea and the first yeare of comminge into the world For they that make Ioas to bee of Nathan must graunt that absurditie also If the swift Scribes readines had bred in vs heedinesse al these calamities had not made Iews triumph in disputation where myne eyes and eares were ten witnesses that by our Euangelistes we could not proue that Christ came of Dauid If Ezra had bene marked Ieremie for Chonias had bene marked Troiaque nunc stares Priamique arx alta maneres The Church had increased and not lost and the pen had kild more Turkes then our sworde and made Iewes to haue made vs better Iewes the true praise of God For when the storie is cleared faith is wonderfull much holpen And the Persones bee much to the story But our strangenes in Scripture exceedeth neither to vnderstand by our selues nor to learne by others discoursing nor yet to accompt of weightiest matters And in trueth this is a paradoxe double As Iosaphat little thought that Iezabels daughter at the least Achabs would in Achaziah ruinate his house that one such matter should ouerthrow the kingdome so scholers litle though that one syllable Ben being vnpropre in the two and fourtie yeres but supposed pro●re and contrary-wise propre in Ioas but supposed in our cursed table vnpropre should disturbe all the Bible ●et as the little sparke of the tongue enflameth the whole whele of the creatiō so one syllable beeing mistaken hath ●indled a flame through all our Bible that must bee quen●hed or the carelesse Vc-alegon that hindereth shal finde a ●reater fyer from the white iudge in Daniel before whom ●ookes are opened which will note all errours But now seeing I haue as my entrance of speache shewed many ●●inctes to handle besides clearing of the original writ or ●●tter and the bewaring least in our translation or notes ●●e make lies I may not pursue our oversightes for these ●●inctes with any further discourse Here I will shewe a litle of a stranger in a man very wel learned and accepted in our soyle to whom I offred conference and sent vnto ●im noted what I blamed and answere was made that ●he Church should iudge And in milde quietnes I referr ●t to the Churches iudgement My blame is that this La●in translation for to much curiositie shrinketh from the plaine vse of termes which euery harte will tell ought to haue bene reserued I reuerence the learned worke but mine owne nation more and thinke my time spent this way not the lesser to weigh Ebrewes with the Greeks vntill both agreed vpon a trueth sensible to euery harte For the story of Kinges all their chayne of storie I must differ First for the chayne of Iudahs kingdome in Ezechiels thrie hundreth ninty years therevpon for twentie two years of Anarchy in Israel which are swallowed vp and thervpon foure twentie in the time of Azariahs reigne and therevpon for Amatziahs reigne whereof he would haue full eleuen years spent in banishment and therevpon the swalowing vp of eleuen yeres Anarchy which in trueth should be betwixt Amaziahs death and Azariahs reigne and thervpon seeing he maketh Azariah eight and twentie yeere a lepre Iotham raigneth after his fathers death in the seconde of Pekach being but fiue and twentie yeares old rayneth but sixteene yeres he twise wresteth the text further then natiue light wil suffer In the same tenour we the French folowing him must wrestle whether we saye better for Osee that he preached seauentie yeares or they for fiftie yeares The simple must be taught whether is deceyued otherwise they wil cast off both So for the sinne of Israel in Ezechi 4. whether Ieroboams calues or somewhat in Salomons 27. be meant And herevpon all the autoritie of the second of the Chronicles howe natiue iudgement can defende it in his sense and likewise whether he ouerthrowe not Ezra Nehemiah Ester Aggei Zachari and puts Daniels seauens to a plunge and Mat. 1. and this proposition God hath recorded the worlds age frō the creation to the redemption Hitherto the Chayne of Iubilees will belonge and such other matters as will folloe in their sequel These poinctes must needes be named least fame of straungers drawe vs hereafter to denie our owne good as it hath done heretofore into all the former errours that hereafter we may looke to trueth and auncient warrāt stronger then any late professours examē it before our people be troubled with any new editiō in which euery one who wil should haue ful speach for all poincts of doubt Thus I blame this worke for novationes not his owne For bad Iewes invented all this disturbance of very malice to breake of the fiue chaines whiche drawe from Adams fal vnto our Lords resurrectiō which where they are knowē of Christ also confessed Which though I haue made famous already yet I think it not tedious to handle them often For they are a greater ornament to the necke then anie chayne of Cethem Paz or any other the finest golde The first reacheth all cleare as the sunne from the beginning of time to the death of Abrahams Father the authour of idolatrie in Christ his Line and cause of ceassing the accompt for particular mens age in that tenour The next beginneth vpō his death with a new promise of Christ making Abraham heyre of the worlde From that to the Lawe Temple and Salomons death an other vndowsable is continued His idolatry was worthy to haue that ended for which his kingdome was parted and Ieroboam did set vp calues for Gods whiche doeing is commonlie called The
sinne of Israel Thē Iuda onely is Gods kingdome and it for honour of Asa is called the kingdome of Asa That is reckoned by comparison of Iuda with Israel in the kings booke by Iuda onely in the Chronicles And by one summe in the fourth of Ezechiel from the sinne of Israel vnto an end where fourtie yeares also for an other matter famous then in action is full concluded The preaching of Ieremie in playnnes dignitie and fame doeth make fourtie yeares from his beginning in the thirteeth yere of Iosias vnto the end of the kingdome ruine of Citie and Flames of Temple the Arkes destruction The golden Candlesticke with his seauen stalkes twoo twētie bowles eleven Knoppes nine Flowres that goodlie worke of Bezeleel that reasted in the shadowe of God then it was burst then all Moses Curtines and all that Chyram the kinges of Tyre the Father of Salomon Chyram the Tyrian artificer made to Salomon the one by procuration the other by trade all these goodlie thinges left the Temple shewed Christ his wrath Then Sedekias lost his eyes that neuer would see Thē Saraias father to Ezra was killed for badnes in high sacrificehood the death of whom being in recorde killeth all comon receyued greke accomptes thence to great Alexander by Ezra one man liuing thither then Sedekias children were killed the only hope of Salomons stocke And this was a famous marke to ende the third chayne vpon such a famous punishment of idolatrie and end of Moses ceremonies poore elementes in deed that Christ from Ezekiels vision full of eyes might appeare in the ambre light and purenes This marke was a goodlie piller at which the thirde chayn might be fastened as the kingdome of Asa beginning was a piller for the other ende Such famous markes the holy style shoteth at hauing a fourefold string to the bowe Iuda Israel both in parcells Iuda sole and one totall summe Which chaine if a Translatour breake as Ralbag Iarchi Seder Olam and others malicious doe stealing linkes nowe from the one nowe from the other he will foure times disturbe all the kinge storie and Ezekiel and shall roove at such dimme markes for beginning and ending Ezekiels three hundred and nientie yeares as neuer can argue any golden chaine to drawe the world vnto Christ but be worse then a cankred wier one of linkes all broken asunder And as a good harte would bleede to see the Second parte of the Prophetes that of the holy story most fayre printed with the goodly hedge of the Massorites directing the copyers that they neuer misse to be cut in pieces and all authoritie of them for euer abolished So a good heart would grone closely weepe to haue the sense of the holy story all chopped as hearbes to the pot And who so euer hath a cleare tast in Scripture will thinke that neuer any wormewood made waters bitterer then such senses would be to the tast of an Eliu and a Iob which would iudge by eares as the palate by taste And nowe by three Chaynes as Maister Caluin marked no moderate men can misse for the time from since Satans fierie tongue did sett the wheele of the whole creature on flame vntill the Chaldean Serpent-race burned the Temple the allurement of nationes vnto the worship of him that made the Temples of the heauens A fourth chaine cometh for Gods enimies short as shewing Gods lothing to bring them in this draught cariage of seauentie yeres And commonly we adde some seauen linkes of yeares that so Iuda should bee seauentie seauen yeares in Babel disturbe prophecies infinitely Though ●n this place the Iewes vniuersally agree with that which Ieremy should force vs vnto The fifte chayne reacheth from Babels fall to our Lordes death This was knowen in the Apostles time to all Iewes and commeth infinitely to ●he regarded in the newe Testament And this one poinct ●s enough to stoppe all Antichristian mouthes that the sonnes labours haue a better story then that of Bitias Atlas ●●oller in Didoes court euen his labours through all ages ●●ll Christ shewed a newe worlde where all that marke it shalbe as the sunne in the kingdome of the Father And this one worke trayleth infinite heathen almost theyr eue●y booke to be weighed and founde full of chaffe voyde of golde light as vanitie being tryed by the holy Bible Nowe they that graunt a fiue-parted chayne thus to ●each must needes graunt that they who breake it in anie one place make all the rest to be vaine and voyd of counsell and they that thrust idle linkes of their owne copper be as counterfaiters and forgers of metalles and if they drawe the time farre longer then the particulars will beare it out they drawe into pieces all the body of story as Nabycadnezar gaue in sentence ouer his Chaldeans This standing thus I trust euery man of harte will require in a translatour much care and skil for euery one of those linkes no lesse then faith and skill in a goldsmith yea and so much more as the matter is more precious though not a small number shewe that they would rather haue the trueth of God to perish then former ignorance detected But such must be vtterly cōtemned with as good stomaches as they bring The Iudge that sitteth vpon the fierie throne can as all men knowe and wil as Moses telleth pay them home when their foote shall fall And I hope all learned will ioy to haue their good learned paynes bettered and scoured from that rust whiche otherwise would cankre the whole Now I wil returne to touche the worke I speake of as I shewd what Rabbines deceyued it who to a bad ende of purpose in their owne counsell this did speake against their cōscience The obseruing of these matters will breede plentie of dexteritie in the story of the Kings which some Ebrews thinke that Ierem. penned as Ezra the Chr. In summe this much I thinke of that learned Latin work and of the late French edition which foloweth it that in the obseruationes much iniurie is done to the trueth of story Examples may these be taken Amazias raigned at Ierusalem nine and twentie yeares sayeth the text The notes checke it that he raigned but seauenteene yeres and liued at Lachis bannished all the rest Amazias was killed and when his sonne was sixteene yeares old the people of the lande made him king The notes make him reigne all the time of his fathers banishment The text telleth that he began to reigne in the seauen twentieth of Ieroboam that he was then sixteene yeares olde and so he should be about foure at his fathers death a regentship of eleauen yeares should goe betwixt The notes make him raigne foure twentie yeares afore that time that is eight yeres afore he was borne The text maketh him reigne two and fiftie frō Ieroboams seauen twentie The notes make him
Leui Matthat Iorim Eliezer Iose Er Elmodam Cosan Addi Melchi Neri who was Salathiels father the table maketh all these to be the Kinges from Ioas to Iechonias A greater matter of storie could not be then our Lordes right line neyther did Iulian with Porphyri take Christians euer so tardy in any their imperfections as that they confounded the Gospell by ignorance therein And Iewes obiected vnto my selfe for this forged table our badnes their gladnes for they knowe it full wel that by our Euangelists none could proue that Christ came of Dauid And they seeke no more to disturbe all Christianitie then to haue Salathiel naturally Iechoniahs sonne For then Christ must come of Salomon and all Saint Lukes Gospell and with all Christianitie fayled And Christ should come of the worst that euer could bee who commeth of none vnfaithfull He should come of Iehoiakim that burnt Gods worde and killed a Prophete of Manasses the sawer of Esai of Achaz that fyered to Deuils his owne children of Amatziah in religion an Edomite and of Ioas that killed Zachari as Cain did Abel of such the shame of the worlde the King of glorie should become king of the Iewes the prayse of GOD among men Though we see howe careful God was to commend Rahab in the olde and newe least her yong lyfe should stayne the ●ine to commend Ruth equall to Abraham for leauinge Countrey kinsfolke and fathers house to commend Bathshebah Pro. 31. least some inferioritie of faultes should not ●uffer her to match the best Such cōmēdatiō was needfull Moreouer the counsell of God was to leaue Salomons Kinges to their owne race that Dauids Throne might bee holden a Celestiall and not like the foole Roboams and the Kinges pronoūced to eternall life Dan. 7. should not soone ●e brought from this rowe Dauids last speach gaue an othergates warning that his house would not be right with God that God had otherwise made sure the couenant But we lookee not to the rocke of trueth the straite proprietie of Gods worde both for continuing Salomos house while the holy Ghost did in narration of ordinary playnes that might admitt no trope continue it and again to finishe 〈◊〉 when God sweareth and cryeth thrise to write the ende of it Ierem. 22.30 A confident learned Translatour would ●ot beleeue all the worlde that Iechonias had naturall chil●●en after Gods oath and three-folde charge to the contrari● So this table dashinge all authoritie trueth story olde and newe breaking off against a six-fold testimonie trans●●bstantiating eleuen or twelue Kings into an other Line ●●eeding aboue a thousand grosse lyes by shufling two ●●ftie with 18. personages and 18. into them continuing stocke against an othe and threefold charge to end it and ●hat for a kingdome whose ruine al the earth was to marke ●or a better kingdome this table by ignorance of Scripture grounde hath hardened Turkes whose sworde the worde would haue turned to our good hath hardened Iewes to despise the ioyance of the Gospel hath weakoned Papistes to thinke the Gospell and Scripture vnexplicable hath weakened euen our selues to burst out into haynous notes and barbarous rage against the openers of the trueth For thus goeth our Genevas note vpon Iere. 22.30 Not as though he had no children for afterwardes hee begate Salathiel Mat. 1. If we know not when a writer must speak pro pre or be counted a lier and when wordes may bee taken in freer vse to great grace we haue not settled our groundes of studie for translating The first penner of the matter and all writers of it must vse all certen and sure plainnes vntill all doubtes be remoued And so the Kings storie is most exact The abridgers grace standeth in short speache with close helpes to call vnto the larger declaration When Aggei and Zacharie had cleared Ieremies prophecie that Zorobabel who fanned Babels golden head was not of Iechoniah but of Nathan Dauids sonne then Ezra more freely bringeth in speach of the kingdomes right Zorobabel to be Iechoniahs sonne but with two close warninges for first he maketh the Vncle Zedekias sonne as folowing in the kingdome at Iechoniahs removing next he sheweth howe Iechoniah was strait-prisoner assyr when he made Salathiel his sonne And so the Thalmud taketh assyr in Sanedrin for an adiectiue bound kept vp and harde kept And Seder Olam Zuta telleth in Catalogue of Iechoniah for sonage and fatherwood Dibberu Abothenu our Fathers did speake so And here the force of trueth is mighty The Rabbines knowe that if their people knewe Solomons house to be ended their hope of a Pompous kingdome were gone Therfore they make this one of the articles of their faith To deny that Messias cometh of Salomon is euen to denye God and so all his holy prophetes And to Ieremy they say That Iechoniahs repētance altered Gods oath But they haue a sure true rule that Moses owne repentance could not alter Gods sentence pronounced for an outward punishment Moreouer his thirty ●nd seauen yeares imprisonment cutteth of all opinion of ●epentance altering Gods dealings Then the Talmud and Rambam say from their fathers that captiuitie reconcileth Their owne millions in 1500. yeares experience dasheth all ●hat opinion Touching Saint Matthew he knewe as well as Saint Luke that Salathiel was of Neri and the nation all generally knewe that and then none of his nation would mistake him and hauing in hande to shewe howe Christ was king of the land promised to Abraham reigned of Dauid at the which fame of king Herode feared hee was to follow the phrase of his natiō which termed the heyre sonne 〈◊〉 vnwilling to let heathen know the line to be broken off ●nowing why Ezra did so before And all nations would ●●mmende that shortnes Thus the Table that stayned our ●●ble our religion our nation convicted I trowe sufficientlie should stirre better looking to our taklinges vnlesse 〈◊〉 meane to make a shipwrack of all fayth I hope I haue ●●nished it from beeing anie more printed though I can ●●t call it in But nowe I must returne to handle more at ●●ge the place of Ezra 2. Chro. 22. And I must craue leaue ●re for a long spech as Homers warriers Diomedes Gla●●●● make afore they fight for the matter here is rare precio●● golden in golde of all Ebrewe termes Cethem Paz other terms ful goody of gold which knitteth all nerues of ●auids house in due vse of motion and all from Moses to ●●r Lorde I must shewe howe to hinder all this treasure ●●re of good vnhedines marred that rare wit of Ezraes pu●nes labouring of purpose to make famous the foure and ●wentie yeres of Omries house Full of calamities six seauens ●f yeares and drawing Iudah vnto ruine that Ioram kild his ●rethren Achaziah was killed in his first yeare the Kinges ●●ine in Salomons house but Ioas was rooted out and hee strangely kept and Athalia reigned that after six seauens
would not ●●ish him to stand to his wordes One is ready to bring ●gainst him Millia quot magnis nunquam ven●re Mycaenis I will defende Bucers bones of Doctrine that they are ●urified with the fyer of iudgement against any that will disturbe them in our nation for Psal 16. and Act. 2. But I must returne to translating where two grosse faults in one short speach stayne much the glory of Gods worde Because it was an Herculean labour at Augaeas stable to toyle in this part I noted about three score chapters of Esay Ecclesiastes and others with lines what I blamed in this kinde and sent them to an whole nation to be looked vnto and will here lay down an Epistle written afore vnto me from them by the consent of their most Noble King for that kinde of studie which I felt paynefull costly now thirtie yeares though some of ours despise it and for their resolutiō to haue this worke to goe forward Thus it speaketh written by one speciall learned Scholer I thanke God who hath moued your heart guid Syr to communicate with vs alwayes your most godlie learned trauells whereby the best of iudgement and most cōsummate in learning amangs vs findes tham selues not a little both profited and delighted The word of your Translation here moued ane verie earnest desire of all efter it I haue shewed your affection and maide report of all the guid thinges you did concredit to the bearer to the noble Gentlemā you wrote of which were al most gladlie accepted So that you may perswade your selfe if you resolue to come in this countrey you shalbe hartily wealcome to him and to vs all most expected wishing earnestly our Inne war worthie of such a ghast In the meane time we all doe most hartilie thanke you and imbreath you in the Lord Iesus From Edingbrouche the xx of Nouember 1596. Your oblised friend I.M. This kind letter would not be forgotten specially of me so much beholdē to the nation and much more then yet I haue shewed which nowe I can not stande vpon But I must returne to the foresaid trāslation yet I must not hope to bringe in this kinde where all will runne in one sorte examples one of a thousand that I might where the Prophetes short speaches to stirre diligence are by vs turned from Christ to Belial from vertue to sinne frō the temple of God to peors religion as if thou hate her put her away I will shewe anone howe it fell out that so many errours grewe the cause wherof they that be in them I am afraid doe little knowe And thus much for the fourth poinct that termes of Equivocation bee not turned to ridiculous senses wherein we haue committed many offences but not more nor nothing so many as the vulgar Latin The next poinct that I am to handle is most pleasaunt and the missing in it argueth not want of learning but of leasure ●t conteyneth constant memorie to translate the same often repeated in the same sorte and the differing repetitions likewise with their differences Moses termes bee repeated infinitely in all the Prophetes The Psalmist foloweth Deborah much in the very letters and Salomon much ●is fathers sayinges though in much againe he is in style ●●raunge as hauing much conference with Easterne Phi●osophers So in Ecclesiastes he differeth in style from all ●ob is also in his very letters cited very much of Dauid Salo●on and the Heard-man of Tekoah who beginneth with the End of Ioel. Esay likewise hath as Ioel this swete terrible saying Ce shod myshaddai iabo Shewing how he hono●ed the spirite which spake in him Micha doeth honor him ●● much and more who copyed out a great number of ●●nes from Esai with very little change And Ieremy folow●th him so notably later by seauentie yeares that in long ●lusions of Pachadh Pachath and Pach as feare care snare ●●●en tossed in the sentence he solemnizeth his very Let●rs shewing with all how that which Esay teld they felt 〈◊〉 in Taaniah and Aniah bewayling and wayling Esay pro●hecyed Ieremy recorded both to Iudah So for Moab he ●ath Esaies eloquence and Abakuks very syllables for Babel So Abakuk too hath Esaies for the knowledge of God covering as water doth in the Sea so Micha the seconde beginneth with that straunge Grammer and letters of Micha the first Heare ô ye people all they The Ebrewes chaunge the pronownes sodenly now and thē as the two Michahs doe ô YEE and all THEY Nowe the vsing of the same syllables biddeth to looke vnto the same euent Micha sonne of Imlah proued true in Achab and the fall of Israel for the time thē though foure hundreth false prophetes thought and taught otherwise So should the Iewes thinke of Micha the Morasthite that his wordes would prooue equally true But to holde on Abakuk entitleth him selfe a Prophete Aggei and Zachary doe the same none I trow but they three The reasons be weightie And Daniel is a wonderfull gracious man for all thinges And in noble sort for this for calling by one skilfull worde whole stories to be compared togither By the worde Tippaghem was Troubled vsed onely afore in Pharaohs spirite placed again in Nauocodrosors he calleth into minde Pharaoh his Chartummim or coniurers Ioseph and infinite comparisons with Nauocodrosor his Chartummim and Daniel yea the whole stories for both kingdomes are called into mynde by one worde Be-hammered the worde properly signifieth But how so euer it should be translated in the margent of the later from the first it should be noted So whē he prayseth God as dwelling in light that none can come too which thing God handleth in Iob in speaches reaching through the frame of nature Daniel vseth a phrase vsed onely of God Iadagh Binah to knowe vnderstanding teachinge thereby howe he that will may prooue true his saying of Gods wisedome from Gods owne declaration of it a peculiar longe speach vsed of purpose in that argument So Mauz the name of might and almighty vsed of Dauid Salomon Esai Nahum Ezekiel with attribes commonly of rock life saluation and such So in Daniel in the plurall number incresing the force Maüzim and the temple is called the sanctuarie of Maüz and fortes of Mauzim wherein while the Seauentie hid their minde an errour intollerable came in in Dan. 11. which thus should stand As for the God Maüzim that is almightie in his place he shall worship yea a God shall he worship whom his fathers knewe not and he shall cause the holdes or fortes of Maüzim to haue a straunge God Here the Angel comfortes the Iewes against Antiochus strength by the very name of God twise laying attributes of the Temple to cleare the speach But I may not tary in Daniel Nehemias repeateth that terme in honour of Daniel memorie of him But of all Ezra is most herein whose whole worke of the Chronicles is infinite much in the very