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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16785 An apologie and true declaration of the institution and endeuours of the tvvo English colleges, the one in Rome, the other novv resident in Rhemes against certaine sinister informations giuen vp against the same. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1581 (1581) STC 369; ESTC S122355 72,955 248

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Gētlemen citizens and some artificers preuaile a monstruous case and that in cause of religion not onely against al the Bishops of the Vniuersal Church besides vvhich haue as S. Ireneus saith receiued vvith their Episcopal succesiō the grace and gift of vnderstanding the truth but euen against their ovvne Prelates and Pastors vvho to say the least must needes both by their great vvisdom learning godly life and by their vocation be more like to knovv the truth and giue true sentence in matters belonging to their ovvne profession and vvere vvith more reason to be heard then those vvho neither for age learning nor diuinitie vvere comparable to them and to vvhom al the said persons by Gods lavv and mans did ovve specially in these cases of religion al subiection and obedience as to the proper Pastors of their soules Aboue al this they moreouer at the same time caused a forme of othe to be conceiued concerning the Queenes spiritual Souerainty vvhich should be offered to al Archbishops Bishops and other Ecclesiastical persons specially vvhom they knevv by their former declaration and Protestation against it could not in conscience take it nor vvould against their conscience receiue it that vpon refusal therof they might be deposed to vvitte the Pastors and parents euen by their sheepe and children Certaine hungrie companions from Geneua shaped into sheepeskinnes vvayting in the meane time to enter vpon their flockes as aftervvard they did the said Prelates honorably and gladly sustaining depriuation and euer since emprisonment for confession of their faith vvhereby and by tracte of time most of them be happily and gloriously deceased These strange and vnnatural dealings these procedings dishonorable to her Ma. tie and the Realme these lavves against Gods expresse cōmaundements vvhich prescribe obedience and subiection to our Prelates these decrees that limite Gods constant and permanent truth to the mutabilitie of temporal statutes to mortal mens vvilles and fansies these are the lavves of the Realme and not the Ciuil ordinances of our Prince that vve refuse to obey and vvhich not onely in our life and doctrine but vnto death and yelding our bloud vve trust to vvithstand vvishing that so at the least God vvil haue mercie on our Countrie and vvipe avvay the ignominie of such violent disorders vvhich to all our posteritie must needes breede shame and rebuke and to vs Gods indignation Vve liue not then here in this our absence from our Coūtrie any vvhit contrarie to Gods lavves as vve be charged but against mans lavves so far as it is euident that they be repugnant to the lavves of God the Church and nature as by the premisses is plaine and as vve are able further to proue against any Protestant Diuine in the vvorld Yea vve auouch further that as no Protestant Diuine in Christendom can proue vve liue against Gods lavves so no Protestant Lavvyer of the Realme for the Catholikes of neither science vvil stand against vs in this poynt can conuince vs that vve liue contrarie to the lavves of our Counrrie Vvhich vve affirme not for that onely that such lavves be vniust and therfore lightly bind not in cōscience nor for that that pertaining to religiō they passed vvith out the consent of any of the Clergie nor for that that being repugnāt to the dignitie and priuileges of the Church they are against the othe of the makers and of al Christian Princes in due order consecrated but for that they be not in deede any lavves at al the makers lacking competent povver authoritie and iurisdiction to procede iudicially and authentically to heare determine define or giue sentence in any such things as be mere Ecclesiastical The Parliament is a mere temporal Court the Bishops them selues hauing voice there no othervvise but as Barons of the Realme nor hauing authoritie thereby or in that respect to treat or define of any matters other then pertaine to the ciuil regiment of the state al the povver that they or others there haue being deriued from the Prince and Commonvvealth ciuil vnto vvhom neither by the lavv of God nor of nature the defining of such matters do belong And it is an euident errour reproueable by al humane and diuine learning that the souerainty or supremacie in causes Ecclesiastical is by nature or by Christian lavves implied in the right or title of a temporal King or that it euer vvas due or can be due to any temporal gouernour Heathen or Christian in the vvorld Not to the crovvne of a Heathen Prince can it belong vvhose Emperial Kingly or Princely povver ouer their peoples vvas notvvithstanding lavvful and true soueraintie and agreable to the lavv of nature and Gods ordinance of vvhich States the Apostles spake vvhen they charged the Christians to pray for them and to be subiect and obedient to them generally through their Epistles as our Sauiour also did in the Gospel concerning the paiment of tribute forasmuch as for some hundred yeres after there vvere not many Princes conuerted to Christ and yet al that vvhile the Church had her seueral regiment Not to Pagan Emperours then did it belong though they vvere no lesse Emperial and Kingly then novv neither vvas it chalenged of them for the principal Apostles ruled the Church in Rome vvhē Nero reigned likevvise vvhere the Kingdoms are reuolted againe as in al the Turkes dominion needes must the Church there haue a spiritual regimēt vvithout any dependance of the Heathen Kings vvhom yet in temporal matters they obey and serue And therfore al that the Protestants alleage out of Scriptures make no more for the claime of a Christian Prince then for the right of the Heathen Againe not to the crovvne of Kings or kingdoms in that they be Christian for then the Church vvhich is Christes mystical body or Commonvvealth matching and meeting vvith a terrene or earthly state should forsake her proper regiment iurisdiction and forme of gouernement receiued immediatly of Christ and yeld the same and it self to the earthly povver vvhich the Apostle calleth humanam creaturam By vvhich meanes vvhen so euer a king or Countrie is conuerted the Church should come and submit to them and not they to Christ and his Church vvhich must needes be most absurd Princes and peoples conuerted alvvaies submitting them selues to Christ and his lavves not dravving the Gouernours of the Church or any person therof to more subiection then they vvere before their Christianitie yea often rather rem●…ting some of that for Christes honour And therfore the holy Scriptures informe vs by euident speaches that conuerted Kingdōs must serue the Church The Kingdom and Nation saith the Prophete that serueth not thee meaning the Church shal perish And S. Augustine Our Lord saith he wil not sail to defend his Church who hath made al earthly kingdoms subiect to his yoke within her lappe spred through out the whole world Kings by receiuing Christes religion are not become Christes Maisters or Lordes ouer the
Church as it is his spiritual and mystical Commonvvealth but are called by the Prophete her foster fathers as Queenes be also named her nources because it belongeth to the earthly povver that God hath giuen them to defend the lavves of the Church to cause them to be executed and to punish rebelles and transgressors of the same The Church then liue she among the Heathens liue she vvith the Christians must haue and hold that forme of regiment and Commonvvealth vvhich Christ immediatly instituted and vvas not chosen made or created by the peoples ordinance and consent vvhich is the origine of al other humane states and formes of Politie the holy Ghost perpetually assisting protecting and propagating the said spiritual regiment in al degrees and functions as in Apostles Bishops Priests and the rest to the end of the vvorld And to these the Apostle said Attend to your self and to your whole flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath put you to rule the Church Of these he said to vs Obey your Rulers and be subiect to them for they watch as being to giue accoumpt for your soules This regiment is not the right of any earthly crovvne Prince or State they al if they be Christians ovving subiection to the Pastors of their soules and vnto the Church of Christ The Church neuer yelded it nor can yeld it vnto them It is not agreable to them by nature as vve see in the Heathen it can not be chalenged by their Christianitie by vvhich them selues are bound to obey the Church and may not commaund it no earthly Commonvvealth can giue or conferre it to their Prince because they can not giue that vvhich they haue not by any natural facultie The Prince therfore neither taking it of the people nor hauing it by birth or othervvise can not communicate it to Parliament and consequently can not possibly make lavves heare or determine by him self Parliament or any other Court in such sort subiected vnto him of the Churches regiment And strange it is specially in that first assembly of the States hovv they could attempt to bring the Churches spiritual and proper regimēt into consultation iudicial cognition and deliberation before the Prince or them selues vvere found lavvful iudges in such cases no statute then that stood in force graunting them any such povver nor no such thing any vvay lavvful othervvise then by the false presupposition of the Princes Ecclestastical supremacie vvhich yet vvas not by lavves nor in truth by nature could be agnised before the determination therof in Parliament Vvhich hauing no legal meanes to deliberate of the matter could much lesse giue sentence for it But such knottes vvhē they cā not be loosed thē they are bold to breake thē as they did an other like insoluble in the next Parliament about creating their Bishops Vvhich being deficient in the foundation can hardly be amended In truth the Prince or Court of Parliament hath no more lavvful meanes to giue order to the Church and Clergie in these things then they haue to make lavves for the hierarchies of Angels in heauen To bring in these nouelties many a hard shift is sought God knovveth and of al absurdities this paradoxe of the Supremacie passeth the Lutherans flatly controvvling it in general and Caluin him self vvith al the Puritās at the least much misliking and reprehending the first graunt therof to King Harrie for it is al one to be head of the Church and to be cheefe Gouernour in causes Ecclesiastical And it may be thought that it is for some such quidditie that their B. of Canterburie hath been restrained The truth is novv after they haue flattered the Prince there vvith sufficiently for the establishing of their religion they vvould gladly haue the spiritual souerainty thē selues the better to establish other nevv deuises of their ovvne vvherein if they might do as they list square should haue been round long since and of al daies in the yere sunday vvere like to be fasting day But hovv so euer such giue or deny the same to the Prince it is plaine against al reason and nature and that much more in a vvoman then a man vvhich is not capable therof by her sexe It giueth povver to the Queene to conferre that to others as to the Priests and Bishops to preach minister Sacramēts haue cure of soules and such like vvhich she neither hath nor can haue nor do her self It giueth her that may neither preach nor speake in publike of matters of religion to do that vvhich is much more euen to prescribe by her self or her deputes or lavves authorised onely by her to the preachers vvhat to preach vvhich vvay to vvorship and serue God hovv and in vvhat forme to minister the Sacraments to punish and depriue teach and correct them and generally to prescribe and appoint vvhich vvay she vvil be gouerned in soul It maketh the body aboue the soul the temporal regiment aboue the spiritual the earthly Kingdom aboue Christes body mystical It maketh the sheepe aboue the Pastor It giueth her povver to commaund them vvhom and vvherein she is bound to obey It giueth povver to the subiect to be iudge of the Iudges yea and of God him self as S. Cypriā speaketh It maketh her free frō Ecclesiastical discipline frō vvhich no true child of gods familie is exēpted It derogateth frō Christes Priesthod vvhich both in his ovvne person and in the Church is aboue his Kingly dignitie It deuideth vvhich is a matter of much importance the state of the Catholike Church and the holy communion or societie of al Christian men in the same into as many partes not communicant one vvith an other nor holding one of an other as there be vvordly Kingdoms differing by customs lavves and maners ech from other vvhich is of most pernicious sequele and against the very natiue qualitie of the most perfect coniunction societie vnitie and entercourse of the vvhole Church and euery Prouince and person therof together It openeth the gappe to al kind of diuisions schismes sectes and disorders It maketh al Christian Bishops Priests and vvhat other so euer borne out of the Realme forainers and vsurpers in al iurisdiction Ecclesiastical tovvards vs and that there can be no iurisdiction ouer English mens soules but proceding and depending of her soueraine right therein Vvhich is directly against Christes expresse commaundement and commission giuen to Peter first and then to al the Apostles of preaching baptizing remitting retaining binding and loosing ouer al the vvorld vvithout difference of temporal state or dependance of any mortal Prince therein It keepeth the Realme from obediēce to general Councels vvhich haue been or shal be gathered in forraine Countries It taketh avvay al cōuenient meanes of gathering holding or executing any such Councels and their decrees as appeared by refusing to come to the late Councel of Trent notvvithstanding the Popes Messengers and letters of other great Princes vvhich