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A10573 A declararation [sic] of the twelue articles of the christen faythe with annotations of the holy scripture, where they be grounded in. And the righte foundation and principall comon places of the hole godly scripture, a goodly short declaration, to all Christians profitable and necessarye for to come to the right vnderstondynge of holy Scripture compyled for the commodite of al christen people. By D. Vrbanum Regium.; Erklärung der zwölf artikel Christlichs gelaubens. English Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Lynne, Walter. 1548 (1548) STC 20843; ESTC S115780 81,702 234

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please God for he that cometh to God must beleue that God is and that he is a rewarder of them that seke hym We saye not I see or I knowe Ebr. xi but I beleue Paule sayth Faythe is a sure confidence of thynges whiche are hoped for and a certaynte of thinges whiche are not sene For these articles be wonderfull secretes of God which thorough mennes witte can not be obtayned and vnderstonde but onely with the eyes of fayth Mannes wysedome can not vnderstonde that god is become man and frō death rysen agayne and rayseth also the dead in Christe that he ascended into heauen sitteth on the ryghte hand of God his father Item that Goddes naturall sonne be borne of a virgyn and suche lyke Wisedome of the crosse The wysedome of the crosse is hyden from al eyes of worldly wysedome it is a mistery which is knowen by fayth All worldly policye knoweth nothynge of it i. Cor. i. Euen thus sayth Paul we preache Christ crucifyed vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallyng and vnto the Grekes folisshnes but vnto thē whiche are called bothe of Iewes and Grekes we preache Christe the power of God and the wysedome of God It semeth vnto the Gentiles to be a folissh thyng that God shoulde dye beyng the incomprehensible maiestye They knowe nothynge of the mistery of the blessed manhode whiche God toke vpon hym for oure saluacyon from the beginnynge prouyded Ephes i and ordeyned Saynt Paul speaketh vnto the Corinthians When the world through their wisedome knowe not God in hys wysedome i. Cor. i it pleased God through folyshnes of preachynge to saue them that beleue thereon Luce. ij Here is set and erected the signe which is spoken agaynst and whiche is the fall and resurrection of many in Israel Esay xxviij Here is set the stone of stomblynge and rocke of offence as Esay sayth Vvhereon many shall be brused That is the wisedome of Christen men whiche saued vs. As for all the wysedome of the Gentiles was not able to comforte her teachers effectually in their smalest grefe Mat. xi The wysedō hath God hyd from the wyse and prudent and hath opened it vnto babes The Iewes wente about Rom. xi to be made and to come ryghteous to God throughe the lawe and throughe the dedes of the lawe but so coulde coulde they not be ryghteous Roma x They haue reiected Christe the precious corner stone which is the ende of the lawe in whome is made righteous he that beleueth Rom. ix But there is another ryghteousnes whereof the Iewes knowe not whiche is called the ryghteousnes of God that is no thynge elles then to beleue in hym that iustifyeth the synner accordynge as saynte Paul witnesseth Rom iiij If I beleue truely in Christe as in the very some of God myne onely redemer and saueour truely then shall thys fayth and truste be counted vnto me for ryghteousnes before God Fayth is not a slyght thynge whiche a man may geue vnto hym selfe or make it when he wyll But it is a great myghtye thynge whiche renueth man and leaueth hym not in hys olde opinyon Vvhat is fayth and in hys olde skynne and desyres To beleue is stedfastly to cleaue vnto the worde sf God whether it be wordes of threatenynges or of promyse that thou doest truste there vpon That can no man do of hym selfe Act. iiij the spirite of God must renue illumyne hys herte before A man maye make to hymfelfe an opinyon of God that he is good and merciful but it hath no efficacye for as sone as the earnest nede cometh it vanissheth awaye as a dreame A right fayth It is not ynowgh that we speake the articles of oure fayth euery daye fyue sixe or seuen tymes after the pater noster Thei must be written in the herte that lyuely not onely mumbled with the tōg that when the affliction beginneth that it be then euen as thou speakest Thou sayest I beleue the forgeuenes of synnes when the deuyll doth assayle the in necessyte of death for thy manyfolde synnes sake then arte thou abasshed and wylt dispayre Thereby do I see that thou spekest this article with thy mouthe but thy herte knoweth nothynge thereof Thou beleuest it not truely Thou saakest I beleue the resurrection of the body and the lyfe euerlastynge but whan death breaketh in and body soule must parte than arte thou so afrayde as though body and soule dyed altogether as yf it were cleane done with the Se yf there were a right fayth in the of this article that there were no doubtefulnes with the in it that thy body and soule woulde sone come together agayne thou shouldest not be so fearefull For fayth is kepte in necessite euen as golde in the fyre dayly prayer Thy daily and moost diligent prayer allwayes to god shal be O Lorde euerlastyng almighty God geue me the ryght true faythe loue and hope that I maye serue my neyghboure accordynge to thy pleasure AMEN ¶ The fyrste Artycle I Beleue in God the father almighty maker of heauē and earth Here marke fyrste One god thre persons that there is but one God but they be thre personnes The father and the sonne and the holy goost as the scripture testifyeth The thre personnes be lyke euerlastyng lyke myghtye of one maiestye and beynge The sonne in the holy trinitye is sent vnto vs in the last tyme hath tagen vpō him humayne nature to thintent that he shoulde fulfylle the scripture and redeme vs accordynge to the good wyll of hys father And he hath also created all thynges with the father and the hooly goost after the Godheade in the beginnynge Deu. vi Thus sayth the scripture Heare Israel The Lorde oure God is an onely Lorde And thou shalt loue the Lord thy god with all thy herte with all thy soule with all thy mighte the nature beleueth not that there is one God The nature of mankynde is so euel so sore blynded through synne that she of her owne power and strengthe can not well comprehende thys article that there is one God yea althoughe she thynke there be somewhat that is God as the gentyle Cicero maketh mencion yet knoweth she nothyng sure of hym of hys power and wille It is easy to perceyue how littel the gentyls haue knowen of god thorough theyr own wittes thei haue made many Goddes Roma i and haue waxed ful of vanities in theyr imaginacions ād haue knowen nothynge truely of the almyghtynes of God The lyght of nature is to weake for suche hyghe matters The lyght of grace must shyne here in darkenes elles is it errour and ignoraunce God oure father God is called oure father that is a confortable thynge to the faythfull is he our father so be we hys children and heyres of hys kyngdome Euē so doeth also Esay calle hym Lord thou atre our father oure
not lye nor faile Mar. x. Luce. xviij Mathei xxviij Mar. xvi Luce. xxiiij Iohan. xiiij xvi xx Act. i. ij iij. iiij v. x. xiij xvij xxiiij xxvi Paule Roman i. iiij v. vi vii viij x. xiiij xv i. Corinth vi xv and ij Corinth v. xiij Galat. i. iij. iiij v. Ephes i. ij iiij Phil. i. ij iij. Colloss i. ij iij. i. Thessalo iiij v. ij Thess i. ij iij. i. Tim. i. iij. ij Tim. i. ij Titu ij Ebre i. ij iiij vi vij x. xiij Petrus i. Pet. i. iij. v. Iohan. i. Iohan i. ij iiij The sixte Article Ascended into heauen and sitteth on the ryght hand of God the father almighty Christe ascended vp to heauen not that the eternall worde whiche is god hym selfe was not in heauen before For as muche as the worde is alwayes in heauen and abydeth in the father and is essentyally mightely and presently in all places But for to speake after the humanite say we that he is ascended into heauen the same was neuer in heauen before For because that the godly and humayne nature be so agreable inwardely in vnite of the personnes therfore vse we suche suche like maner of speakyng He sitteth on the ryght hande of God That is he is ordeyned of God a kyng and mightye lorde ouer all the goodes of God in heauen hell and earth Therfore is he able ynough to helpe hys faythful in all necessities Witnesse of the olde Testament In the Psalme hath the spirit of God goodly descrybed the glorinus triumphe of the ascention of Christe sayng pl. xlviij Thou arte gone vp an hye and haste led captiuite captine and hast receyued gyftes for menne Christ is gone vp to heauen by the power of the deite and hath euen there receyued all power and dignite of the father ouer all creatures and hath sent downe the holy goost with the treasure of al maner of gyftes through whome the gospel without feare is preached with power and the worlde conuerted christes ouercomynge The euill enemye hath taken men captiue for they were all synners he hath caryed them away with hys crafty subtelties from theyr Lorde God and brought them into his kyngdome of darkenes Iuce xi that is the feareful kyngdom of synne and death But there is yet come one stronger then he The stronge Lyon of the trybe of Iuda a ryght conqueror a stronge Sampson an ouercomer of death synne and hell And hath done to the deuyll a myghtye insullacyon in hys kyngdome And as a Kyng of glory destroyed the gates of hell spoylled the deuyll And hath brought agayne the princely spoyle with the triūphe of the crosse a Lorde of lyfe and of al thynges so that all they that beleue in Christe be delyuered from the power of synne death and the deuyll Reade more ouer the .i. xvij xxiiij xlvi xlvij xix and ●x Psalme ❧ Witnes of the newe Testament Thus sayth Christe Matthei xxvi Ye shal se the sonne of man sittynge on the ryght hande of power Item Marci xvi standeth thus He was receaued into heauen and is set downe on the ryght hande of God Item Luce. xxiiij Iohan. xvi I go to my father Iohan. xiiij Act. i. In the Actes of the Apostles is the story of the ascention very goodly described Euen there sayth Peter Actu ij and .v. The God of oure fathers raysed vp Iesus whome ye slewe hanged on the tree hym hath God lifte vp with hys ryght hande to be a ruler and a sauyoure for to geue repentaunce to Israel and forgeuenes of synnes Ro. viij Paule sayth He is on the ryght hāde of God and maketh intercessyon for vs. Eph. i. In the Epistle to the Ephesyans hast thou a goodly witnesse There sayth Paule on thys wyse God hath rayseth Christ from death and set hym on hys ryght hande in heauēly thinges aboue al rule power might and domination and aboue all names that are named not in thys worlde onely but also in the worlde to come and hath put all thynges vnder hys fete and hath made hym aboue al thynges the heade of the congregacyon which is hys body and fulnes of hym that filleth all in all thynges In the iiij Eph. iiij Psalm lxviij Chap. There dothe Paul bryng in the saynge out of the Psalme He is gone vp an hyghe and hath ledde captiuite captiue and hath geuen gyftes vnto men That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also descēded first into the lowest partes of the earth He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vp aboue all heauens to fulfyll all thynges Reade the Epistel vnto the Philippians Phi. i Colo. iij in what hyghnes or dignity he is set Lykewyse to the Colossians and Ebrewes in the .i. iiij vij ix x. Chapiters Peter sayth i. Pe. iij i. Ioh. iij Christe is on the right hande of god and is gone into heauē angilles powers and myght subdued vnto hym Marke wel the two articles Comforte of the resurrectiō and ascentiō of christ of the resurrection and ascention of Christe For there in is great comforte For to beleue that Christ is rysen frō death and ascended into heauen and sitteth on the ryght hand of God is nothyng elles than to beleue That Christe by hys death hath ouercome the eternall death and hath taken vpon hym and put awaye the feruentire of God agaynst vs Rom. v. and reconsyled vs vnto hys heauenly father made vs parteners of hys innocencye that death from hencefurth shal haue no more domination neyther ouer hym nor yet ouer his electe membres so that by hys resurrection we haue receyued a great benefyte namely pardon or forgeuenes of all synnes Ioh. xvi Matth. xxviij Eph. i. i. Ioh. ij Eph. ij To sitte on the ryght hande of god is to sitte in the power and kyngdome as a Lorde Item al power in heauen and earth is geuen vnto hym God hath caste al thynges vnder hys fete Item he is now before the father our mediatour reconciliation Through hym we haue an open waye in vnto the father he hath the euerlastynge Priesthode lyueth for euer and can perfectly saue all them that go vnto God by hym The seuenthe Article From thens he shal come to iudge the quicke the dead The daye of dome That shall be at the daye of dome whiche shall be a ioyfull daye to all faythfull Christians as Christ hym selfe witnesseth in Luke whan he had rehersed the signes and tokens whiche shoulde come before the laste daye Luce. xxi Matth. xxiiij vnto hys discyples He sayde Vvhen all these thynges begynne to come to passe then loke vp and lyfte vp your heades for youre redempciō draweth nyghe Here he speaketh of the blessed they shall reioyce in the last daye that oure blasphemous lyfe hath an ende and that Christ is declared in all hys membres who woulde not be gladde with all hys harte of hys redempcion
He that through the sprete of faith vnderstandeth the great calamite of thys myserable lyfe Rom. ix and the blasphemye of god whiche through oure synfull lyfe dayly in the flesshe is committed reioyseth that thys calamitie sone ceasseth The vngodly But the vngodly whome Paul calleth vessels of ire where on God shal shewe hys strayght iudgement they woulde wysshe that this temporal lyfe myght laste for euer They woulde be content with a good wyl that god shoulde kepe hys heauenly kyngdome alone O how fearful shal be vnto them the face of Iesus Christe which shal shewe him self in the last day with such great glory maiestie Zach. ix vnto all men Angels and deuils His first comyng was despysed and a slight thynge before the world but then when god the father shal geue ouer vnto hym all hys enemyes into suche horryble euerlastynge and in tollerable paynes and punyshemētes Esa lxij And all the membres of Christe shall be sett from al calamitye and misery into all perfection ioye and glory ād in al certayntye withoute ende Verely then shall he ryde no more vpon an asse in mekenes and shewe no more necessite but all glorye then shall the greate daye of the Lorde be at hande the daye of wrath and sorowfulnes the day of myst and of stormy wynd as the Prophete Sophony wryteth Soph. i. He shall come to iudge the quicke that shall be founde and the dead that haue dyed Cyprian vnderstandeth that the lyuinge be the soules and the deade their bodyes But for as muche as Paule sayth i. tess iiij that we which lyue remayne in the comynge of the Lord shal be caught together with the deade also in the cloudes to mete the Lorde in the ayer and so shall euer be with the Lorde Truely so myght it be thought that there shal be some on lyue caught to the iudgement as also Saynt Ierome sayth vppon thys place They that be departed in Christe shall aryse fyrste and the sayntes whiche shal be founde lyuinge they shal be caught to gether with the fyrste Augustyn in the boke of the Citye of God sayth Lib. xxij Cap. xx That Paul here in this Epistle to Thessaloniens dyd not meane hymselues and those that lyued in hys daies But that he dyd meane those that Christe shal fynde on lyue He supposeth also that those whiche soon lyue shal be caught in the ayer to mete Christe shall together at one tyme in the same catchyng dye In Ecc. dog vi and .vij. and ryse agayn as he sayth in another place Nowe howe the same cometh to passe wil we committe to God it is not necessary for vs to knowe Witnesse of thys article out of th● scripture Malachie descrybeth the comyng of Christe and the iudgemēt Mal. iij dan. vij Daniell dothe also note the comynge of the sonne of man to the iudgement Item of hys power and kyngdom that this power endureth foreuer Luce. i. Mic. iiij Matth. xxiiij and that his kingdō endureth vncorrupte as also Luke dothe writte and Micheas In Mathewe is descrybed the comynge of Christe whereas he saythe Euen as the lightenyng cometh oute of the easte and appeareth into the west so shall the commynge of the sonne of man be Then shal al the kynredes of the earthe mourne and they shall see the sonne of man commynge in the cloudes of heauen with great power and glorye and he shal sende hys Angels with the great voyce of trōpettes And they shall gather together hys chosen from the foure wyndes from the one ende of heauen vnto the other Marci xij Luce. xxi Matthei xix xxv xxvi fyndest thou also such lyke ij ii iiij Paule i. Corinth iiij i. Thessa iiij ij Thessal ij Item to Timothe I testitye before God and the Lorde Iesu Christe which shall come to iudge the quycke and deade Ro. xiiij at hys appearynge in hys kyngdome And to the Romaynes Vve shal be al brought before the iudgement seate of Christe Esa xlv For it is written as truely as I lyue sayth the Lorde Al knees shal bowe to me and al tonges shall geue prayse to God ij Co. v Item to the Corinthians we muste al appeare before the iudgement seate of Christe that euery man maye receyue the workes of hys body accordyng to that he hathe done i. Pe. iiij whether it be good or bad Peter Vviche shal geue accomptes to hym that is ready so iudge the quycke and the deade Act. ● In the Actes of the Apostles sayth Peter Christe hath commaunded vs to preache vnto the people and to testify that he is ordeyned of God a iudge of the quycke and the deade The eyghte Article ☞ I beleue in the holye goost Here speakest thou In the holy gost therewith doest thou confesse that the holy goost is God For to beleue a thynge is to sett there on thy truste hope and loue thys is an honour whiche pertayneth onely to God hys maiesty The holy goost is the thirde person in the eternal deite procedynge from the father and from the sonne through an vnknowen Matth. xxviij and inexplicable wyse In Mathew sayth Christe Go and baptise in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy goost Here is mightely shewed the deite of the holy goost for seynge he cōmanded to baptise in the name of the holy goost so must I beleue trust in the holy gost Shall I then truste beleue in hym then must he also surely be God for a man maye trust or beleue in none but onely in god Gen. i In the firste boke sayeth Moyses The spirite moued vpon the water There doeth Moyses geue and appropriate to the holy goost hys worke in the creation Psalm xxxiij Dauid sayth in the Psalme By the worde of the Lorde are the heauens made and all the hoste of them by the breath of hys mouth That is The heauens are made by the holy goost and al that is therein These wordes geue clearly that he is God seynge the creation is asscrybed vnto hym And in another Psalme Psalm cxxxix Whyther shal I go from thy spirite and whyther shal I flee from thy presence There geueth he also to vnderstande that he is euery where To be in all places belongeth onely to God and to no creature as Dauid sayeth Yf I clyme vp into heauē Psalm cxxxix thou arte there yf I go downe to hell thou arte there also Iohn sawe the spirite of god descende lyke vnto a doue Iohan. i and abyde vpon hym Christe sayeth in Iohan. I wyll praye the father Iho. xiiij and he shal geue you another conforter that he may abyde with you euer whiche is the spiryte of truethe The comforter whiche is the holy goost whome my father wil sende in my name he shall teache you all thynges Item in another place Iho. xvi yf I goo not awaye that
loue which seketh not her owne i. cor xiij That all thynges be common vnto the in good euyll The goodes of the sayuctes be thyne also they helpe and comforte the also they haue compassyon with the in thy griefe one beareth anothers burden and so fulfylle the commaundement of Christe There is great helpe Gal. vi comforte and succoure as the Sacrament of the aulter signifyeth betokeneth in breade and wyne i. Co. x For we be called of Paule one breade one drynke and one body Vvhosoeuer beleueth thys article ryght can not dispayre in his heuynes and temptacyon For as muche as he knoweth that Christe and al saynctes as hys brethren do loke to hym And whosoeuer doth any thynge vnto hym he doth it vnto Christ and his saynctes All prayers and all good dedes whatsoeuer they are that be done in the vniuersall Christianite must at all tymes ayde me as a brother of thys heauenly fraternite Suche help comforte and succour vnderstode Dauid well in spirite and sayd Psalm cxix I am in the congregation of al them that feare the and kepe thy commaundements Thus may we in al necessities speake vnto our enemyes as Heliseus spake to hys seruaunt Feare not for they that be with vs are more then they that be with them The tenthe Artycle I beleue the forgeuenesse of synnes Forgeuenes or remission of synnes is no where but onely in the christen congregation or felloweshyppe for Christe hath geuen her the keye Matth. xviij Forgeuenes of synnes Nonatianus a blynde heretyke thought yf a man were ones fallen in synne that than no repentaunce or penaunce coulde helpe hym any more but were than loste Thys doth the scripture reiecte in all places and openeth and declareth vnto vs Mat. xi the mercyfulnes of God and calleth vs alwayes from our synfull lyfe to repentaunce Christe sayth Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I shal refresshe you Nowe is there no heuyer and more importable burthen then oure synnes And what nedeth it to defend this longe Vvherfore dyd Christ elles come into the worlde and dyed but for to declare such mercifulnes He sayth in Luke They that are hool Luc. v. nede not of the Phisiciō but they that are sicke I am not come to cal the ryghteous but synners to repentaunce And the Angel in Mathewe declareth also his offyce clearly sayng vnto Ioseph Mat i thou shalt call hys name Iesus For he shal saue his people frō their synnes This is not that he forgeueth the synnes but ones but as often as men desyre it as the Prophetes and Euangelistes clearly testifye and shewe Vvitnesse of the scripture In he second boke cryeth Moyses thus vnto god Lord Exod. xxxiiij Lord God mercyful gratious lōg sufferyng aboundant in goodnes trueth kepynge mercy instore for thousādes forgeuing wickednes vngodlines synne not leauyng one innocēt visityng the wickednes of the fathers vpō the childrē vpō the childrens children euē vnto the thyrd fourth generatiō Behold howe goodly declareth Moyses here the grace and mercifulnes of God ij Re. xij Itē in the boke of Samuel it is cōtayned that whā Dauid had cōmitted aduoutry with the wyfe of Vrias and hys synnes were opened vnto hym whan he was abasshed anone sayde the Prophete Nathan The Lord hath put awaye thy synne Esa i In Esaye sayth God Vvasshe you make you cleane put awaye your euyl thoughtes oute of my syght cease from doyng of euil learne to do right applye your selues to equitye delyuer the oppressed help the fatherles to hys ryght Let the wedowes complaynte come before you I pray you come and let vs be defended then shal the Lord saye Though your synnes be as reade as scarlet Esa lvij they shal be as white as snowe And though they were lyke purple they shal be as whyte as wolle Ezechi xviij In Ezechiel sayth God yf the vngodly wil tourne awaye from all his synnes that he hath done and kepe all my commaundementes Ione iij esa xliij Iuhel ij surely than wyll I neuer more thynke vpon al his synnes that he dyd before Reade also the .xxxij. li. and lxxxix Psalme Vvhen Peter asked howe ofte Matth. xviij muste I forgeue my brother that synneth agaynst me Is it ynough seuē tymes Then answered Christe and sayde I saye not vnto the seuen tymes but seuenty tymes seuen tymes And euen vpon that worde sayde he a similitude whereby he teacheth vs that we shoulde gladly forgeue oure neyghboure whatsoeuer he hath offended agaynst vs then shal God also be willynge to forgeue vs oure synnes In Luke standeth Forgeue and ye shal be forgeuen And what nedeth it many witnesses Matth. xviij In Mathewe geueth he the keyes therfore vnto the church that synne shoulde be forgeuen Ioha xx and in Ihon also Nowe beholde the examples Christe speaketh vnto the man that was sicke of the palsie Sonne Mat. ix thy synnes be forgeuen the. Euen there he calleth Mathewe from the receyuynge of custome Hys offyce of preachynge Mat. iij and .iiij and the preachynge of Ihon the Baptiser beganne bothe at the repentaunce They sayde Repente the kyngedome of heauen is at hande Luc. vij In Luke absolueth Christ the woman synner of her synnes saynge Thy synnes are forgeuen the. In another place calleth he the synners to repentaunce when a Toure in Syloe had slayne Luc. xiij eyghtene He sayde Excepte ye repente ye all shal lykewyse perysshe In Marke sayth Christe All synnes shal be forgeuen vnto mennys children and the blasphemy of god where with they blaspheme God Ioha iij what meaneth elles the renewyng of byrthe whiche Nicodemus vnderstode not but repētaunce and the renewyng of man Ioha v. In Iohn had one ben sicke thyrty eyght yeares Christe made hym whole and sayde Behold thou arte made whole Ioh. viij synne no more lest a worse thynge happen vnto the. Item when he absolued the woman taken in aduoutry He sayde Go and synne no more Act. ij Item in the Actes of the Apostles sayeth Peter Repente of your synnes and be baptised euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remissyon of synnes ij Co. ij To the Corinthiās desyreth Paule that the open synner which had ben excōmunicated mighte be receaued againe to grace yf he dyd repente Briefely the scripture is of suche saynges and examples full in al places that the synnes be forgeuen vs taken awaye He that hath assured promysed vs suche maner of clensyng of synnes is almighty and is able ynough to do it He is oure mercyfull and gracious father Mat. vi therfore wyl he gladly do it and hath taughte vs to praye the same in oure Pater noster In Iohn sayeth he Iho. xvi Aske and ye shall receyue Verely verely I saye vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske thy father in my name
was counted vnto hym for ryghteousnes There is two maner of ryghteousnes Two maner of righteousnes The fyrste is ryghteousnes of workes The Ipocrites vnderstonde the lawe carnally vndertake to fulfyll the lawe with outewarde workes withoute the herte for the herte is yet vnlusty and vnwillyng to good workes but thys ryghteousnes Mat. v. helpeth nothynge to saluation as Christ sayth Excepte your righteousnes excede the ryghteousnes of the Scribes and Pharisees ye can not entre into the kyngedom of heauen Rom. iij and .iiij. The other is called the righteousnes of God whiche is nothyng elles but the fayth in Christe and this is onely of valour before God No man may set vp hys own righteousnes or iustification oute of the workes builde and truste thereon for it is a sandy grounde but we muste knowledge the true righteousnes Roma x whiche is allowed before God Christe is geuen vnto vs beleue this the synnes are forgeuen for Christes sake Rom. iij he is oure sanctification and ryghteousnes trust in hym onely and that thou shalt be saued by no worke Thesame fayth is the true righteousnes where by thou arte saued All workes are yet vncleane corrupted through the flesshe Therfore is no worke the ryghteousnes but only the fayth in Christe thy redemer In the sighte of God shall no man be iustifyed by the workes of the lawe Rom. iij Gala. ij as Saynt Paule witnesseth Honourynge of saynctes The blessed electe saynctes maye be honored of vs two maner of wayes Fyrst by a waye whiche we oure selfes of oure owne Imagination do sette vp and inuente As when we cause golden or other costely Images to be made for them trustynge that it is a good dede buylde and erecte greate churches not withstonding that there are churches ynough Runne farre here and there to the holy places lyghte candels or tortches in theyr name Cal them our conforte help lyfe or hope holde opinyon that we must haue the saynctes for mediatours to Christe As thoughe Christe had diuyded hys kyngdome with hys saynctes and cōmitted vnto them the mercyfulnes and kepte the streyght iudgement for hym selfe and wete a fearful teryble iudge vnto whome there were no certayne accesse or intraunce but onelye throughe the saynctes The same inuented honouryng of saynctes is nothynge elles but a mockyng of the blessed saynctes and cometh by greate ignoraunce of the scriptures They wyll not be honoured of vs alone Ioha xv Ebre iiij Ephes ij and .iij Ro. viij Christe is onely the mediatour betwene God and vs. He onely dyed for vs. Christ onely doth loue vs so muche that he gaue hys owne lyfe for vs. And is more mercyful then al hys saynctes Thorough Christ we haue an open waye in vnto the father He sitteth on the ryght hande of God and maketh intercessyon for vs. He prayeth for vs as the Epistle vnto the Ebrues sayth Ebr. vi euen there sayeth the texte that Christe hath an euerlastynge priesthode and therfore can he saue perfectely all them that throughe hym come vnto God what nedeth it then to haue other mediatours Summa God is onely oure hope and no sayncte The hope and fayth truste and confidence perteyneth onely to God and to no creature howe hygh so euer she be A man must onely truste in the Lorde GOD and put hys hope and confidence in hym as in the hyest goode from whence cometh properly helpe conforte delyueraunce of all euyll all goodnes and saluation Esa xliij Esay sayth I am euen I am the Lorde and besydes me there is no sauyour Ie. xviij Item in Ieremye it is written The Lorde is my refuge in the daye of tribulation Item cursed be the man that putteth hys truste in man But blessed is the man whose hope is in the Lorde It auayleth not that thou sayest Good intente I do it for a good intent In the thinges which perteyne to Goddes honour to the saluation of oure soules maye mē not followe their owne good thinkynge for it erreth and deceiueth but the scripture the commaundemētes of God For thus sayth Moyses Deute xij Ye shall not do euery man what semeth hym good It is not all good that is done in a good intent the Scripture muste iudge the intent make it right Secondarily are the Saynctes honoured accordyng as the scripture holdeth therof the same is ryght and cannot erre we must honoure and prayse the sainctes in God god in them Galat. i Luce. i S. Paul saith They praysed God on me behalfe Elisabeth thus lauded honoured Marie She dyd not take her for a redemer or goddesse but for a noble creature an electe vesshel of god she lauded god and reioyced with her that God had shewed her such greate mercye and sayd Blessed is the fruite of thy wōbe called her a mother of the Lord and blessed because that she had beleued the wordes of God And she sayth her selfe in the Magnificat from hence furthe all generations shall call me blessed And that is done dayly that she is praysed and called blessed as the noble vndefyled lodgynge or Tabernacle wherin the eternall wysedome of the heauenly father hath rested and the holy Gooste wonderfully hath wrought the great worke of the blessed humanite of god The humanite of God Her immaculate pure virginal flessh of her bodye was coupled in vnite of personnes of the inestimable high blessed godheade that by reason of suche inexplicable vnyon of bothe natures in her person she is called a mother of God The tru honoure vnto saynctes So is nowe thys the ryght honourynge of the saynctes that we remembre them with prayse and loue and also reioyce with them that they nowe in Christ haue valyauntely ouercome the flesshe the synne and the worlde and triumphe with Christe oure head in great glorye Vve see in them the wonderful workes of the aboundante grace and mercyfulnes of God that he so highly hath illumyned and endued them of mere mercy For they were also Adams children and had of them selues done Adams workes Rom. ix but God hath made of them suche goodly fayr vessels of glory Oute of suche beholdynge of the benefytes in the saynctes To praise God in hys sainctes do we learne to knowe the immeasurable riches of the goodnes of God and we prayse God in hys Saynctes as a ryche liberall sauyour and prayse the electe saynctes whiche now with great loue very perfectely are grafted in christe theyr heade and are put in possession of hys goodes as heyres of God and fellowe heyres with Christe I see there in the saynctes the great wysedome power and goodnes of God whereby in me is kyndeled a stronge confydence towardes suche a mercyfull God that he will also be mercyfull and propitious vnto me euen as vnto the saynctes I obtayne loue towardes God and a sure hope towardes hym that he wyll also make of me wretched
lyueth soberly me asurably and purely By prayer doth a man ouercome the pryde of thys lyfe and lyueth Godly By almose dedes dothe a man ouercome the lustes of the eyes and lyueth ryghtfully in thys lyfe Othe or swearynge Thereof speaketh Christe in Mathew Mat v. on thys wyse Sweare not at al. But your communicatiō shal be yea yea naye naye for whatsoeuer is more then that cometh of euyl Here doth Christ inhibite the desyre of swearing euen as the lawe dothe euery where forbidde the desyre Christe wyll Iohn v that a Christian shal be so slyght ryghte not full of euyll thoughtes or mysdemynges that he shal beleue his neyghboure gladly and dryue or compel no man to make an other and that he also neuer wyl sweare hymselfe to the honour of the godly maiesty before the which we be alwaies lyers Therfore saith the texte whatsoeuer is more thē that cometh of euyl as though he wolde saye whē a mā is desyrous to take an othe of his neyghbour or lyghtely requyreth an othe of hym or when he sweareth hym selfe lightely then is it a sygne that he is vntrewe wicked lyght mynded and possesseth not the godly verite No mā ought to sweare of hym selfe Howe be it whan it toucheth or concerneth the loue necessite and the profyte of our neyghbours or the honour and glory of God then is it laufull Christian lyberte The christē liberte is not that we nede not to do no more good but it is such a lyberte wherein not the lawe but man is chaunged Act ix Vvhen Paul was conuerted and illumined then continued yet the tenne commaundementes with hym inmutable that he shoulde obserue them but he became another man for euen the same lawe of God whiche before his conuersion was bitter and hole contrary to the wyll of Paule as soone as throughe fayth he was purifyed and loue was through the holy goost infounded into hys herte then became the lawe vnto hym amiable he was before vnwillynge but afterwarde willynge The lawe can not condemne a christen man albeit he hath yet synne in case he beleueth that the malediction of the lawe is taken awaye by Christ and that the ryghteousnes of Christe is hys and the satisfaction of Christ hys purifyenge as the spirite of God sayth i. Cor. i. Christ of God is made vnto vs wysedome ryghteousnes sanctifyenge and redemption Thys lyberte hathe Christe deserued for vs and we must be ware Gala. v that the liberte be not an occasion vnto the flesshe to synne but in loue serue one another Thou mayest not say yf I am free through fayth and yf fayth doth it all alone then wyll we do no goode it is all done allready Thys is not ryghte men may not make a cloke for the rayne thereby It is not suche a libertye i. Pet. ij that thou nedest to do no more goode workes but the christen lyberte causeth that we nowe from hencefurthe withoute compulsyon free withoute respecte of the rewarde fyrste begynne to do some good i. Tim. i Thus sayth S. Paule vnto the ryghteous is no lawe geuen the lawe hath no auctorite nor action vpon hym he doth by the spirite of God of hym selfe whatsoeuer he ought and whatsoeuer the lawe requyreth The Churche In the scripture standeth Ecclesia Ecclesia Thys is a Greke worde and as moch as a congregation of the faythful people And the hole vniuersall Church hath the holy goost by her by whome she is gouerned and cannot erre The brydegrome doth not forsake the bryde But a parte of thys churche maye well erre The pope and hys Cardinals are not the Christen churche or congregatiō but onely a part or membre therein when they be christen mēbres or els not Isa xlvi De. viij mat iiij The churche is congregated by the worde of God The worde of God is a body wherein the churche is receyued fourmed susteyned borne nouryshed clothed strengthened and preserued The hole lyfe and conuersation of the churche is in the word of God Therfore doth the Christen church institute make and teache nothyng cōtrary to the word of god she abydeth by the cleare pure and syncere worde of God there hath she whatsoeuer is necessary for her for the spiritual lyfe Whensoeuer any institution is layed before vs and commaunded to be obserued then muste we iudge yf it come oute of the scripture or not Yf it be not oute of the Scripture then doth it not bynde our consciences neyther is it the commaundement of the Christen churche Yf it be agaynst the scripture then hath not the Churche of God commaunded it but the congregation of Behemot the deuyll Therfore let not thys worde Catholyke churche The Catholike churche drawe the to euerye vngodly assembel as hathe ben done hitherto They haue also taught that a counsayll whiche sitteth in the stede of the churche can not erre I say thus Cleaue take holde by goddes worde yf thou wylt not stomble It is manifest and euydent Counceyls that the counsaylles haue erred shamefully As the Counsayll of Arimin of Ephesus the secōde of Constantinoble Item the Counsayls be contrary the one to the other in theyr institutions then must nedes the one alwayes erre Ryches Ryches is a good creature of god and an instrument of vertue Luc. viij Matth. xix Wherfore doth then the holy Scripture call them thornes Item Christe sayth It is harde for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of heauen it is easier for a camell to go throughe the eye of a nedle then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God Answer Al be it that ryches in it selfe is a creature of God and good yet are we of nature enclyned to al euill Therfore when we haue occasyon to synne Ge. viij we be very swyfte and can not withholde and tame our selues A man maye haue muche goodes well ynoughe and yet for all that come to heauē as Abrahā Iob Namaā of Syria were also in great possessyons but yet ryghteous reasonable and godfearyng menne Therfore is ryches not prohibited but the misvsyng there of is prohibited the couetousnes that is the inordinate and vncomely desyres towardes the goodes Ephe. v for it is an Idolatry He is properly called ryche in the scripture that putteth hys truste and confidence in hys goodes and hath hys pleasure ioye and pastyme therein As the ryche man sayed Luc. xij My soule thou haste muche goodes layed vp in store for many yeres take thyne ease eate drynke and be mery Thereof is it written in the Psalme Lo Psa lij thys is the man that toke not God for hys strengthe but trusted vnto the multitude of hys ryches Psalm xxxix And in another Psalme he heapeth vp rychesse and can not tell who shall gather them Euen suche persons trust not god they thynke that yf they shoulde not mistruste and be carefull the