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kingdom_n call_v father_n king_n 4,264 5 3.6705 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06514 A treatice co[n]teining certain meditatio[n]s of trew & perfect consolatio[n], ... Written in the Frenche tung, and translated in to Englishe by Robert Fills; Tessaradecas consolatoria pro laborantibus et oneratis. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Fills, Robert, fl. 1562. 1564 (1564) STC 16988.5; ESTC S118884 48,129 154

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to the right vse that Minister or Pastor whiche would not continew and be resident amonge his flock should be depriued and haue no lyuing there Hospitality is incident to preching the Pastor must aswel feed their belies as their soulꝭ or els hee shall doo but litle good among a number But suche as intende to bring the Ministery to slauery by thrusting themselues into their liuinges I trust our merciful and louing God wil preuent them and cut them of from their wicked purposes and take mercy of his people But now me thinke I heare the enemies of true religion the Papistes say these plagues are come vpon vs for your new lerning I answere in the time of Papistry yea when popery was most hiest had ye no plagnes Read Polichronicon and ye shall finde that these be but trifels in respecte of those pestilencis yea some that felt within this lx yeere And I pray you had ye no War in those daies Read sence Cxx. yeers and see what slaughter what ciuil discordes with hunger and penurye happened ●ea when ye sang masse moste hyest and when your holy Fathers pardones were moste holiest that men buried them with thē in their graues but what shall I say now to the City of London The plague hath long beene there among them I beleeue verely and dare affirme that God is as dilygently serued and his wurd as sincerely preached and obeyed as euer was in this realme of a good numbre there But as the holy Ghoste saieth Judgement beginneth at the house of GOD. God dooth vse moste commonly to beginne with his owne house but after that he scoureth his enmies and as our sauioure Christe saied by those vpon whome the towre of Silo fel. Suppose ye saith he that those were greater sinners then the other I say nay but except ye repent ye shall like wise perishe So may I say Suppose ye that Lōdon hath more greuously offended then other Townes and Cyties in England I say nay but except ye repe●t and that with speed ye shal not escape Gods heauy hand hys swoord hangeth euen ouer your heddes ready to strike therefore lette vs w t Dauid preuent Gods wrath w t harty prayer euery man enter into his owne conscience and say It is I Lord that haue caused thy heauy wrath and displeasure And leaue our olde Adamishe excuses and vaine shiftꝭ Let vs call back againe oure selues to true fasting and praier with harty repētance but I feare mee popishe fasting hat almoste ouerthrown the true fast and supersticious latten praying hath blemished the right vse of praier so that there remaineth but onely the names of fasting prayer to a numbre but the effect is vnknown God bring it againe to the right vse and geue vs hartes diligently to learne and faithfully to practise it so that we may turne to the Lorde with all our hartes that hee may haue mercy vpon vs and turne away those greuoꝰ plagues that wee haue thorow our secure and disobedient life moste iustely prouoked to fall vpon vs. Heer● haue I according to my small hability and knowledge declared the minde of Thauthour rendred y e very wurdꝭ of his text in as plain english as I could expresse suche homely stuffe as it is I beseeche your honour and all other y t fear● God to accept it And if ought be amisse eyther thorow my negligēc● or the printars rechelesnes to bear with vs or at the least to let vs vnderstand it that if it bee possible it may be amended I shall hartely pray for your honourꝭ prosperoꝰ estate long to continew that as ye haue Godly begonne not onely to professe and folow but also to defende and maintaine the true professors and folowers of Christes religion so ye may cōtinew to the ende Amen Now least by my not sufficient extolling and declaring your noble and excellent vertues whiche God hath endued you w t I should rather seeme to darken or shadow them then condignly to set them forth I leaue to the Godly reader to call to minde and consider in them selues more then I can expresse in wurdes desiring GOD that as he hathe hether to fortified you with singuler giftes of his holy spirite y t hee wil likewise arme you with the inuincible constancy vnto the end For I am not ignorant how God hath tried and excercised you w t many hard and sharp batt●iles of afflictions the whiche your honour I know wel dooth not forget but rather looketh for toabide a more sharper assault then any that is past if God lay it vpon you Now hauing learned by long ●perience how necessary it is that ●od stretche forth his hand to help ●s it shalbe moste needfull to call ●pon him to graunt vs the gift of ●er seueraunce and constancy and ●or my part I wil call vpon the ●orde Jesus our King to whome GOD the Father hath geuen all ●owre in heauen and earth and in ●hose hand hath put all the spiri●uall treasures That it may please ●im to preserue and maintain you long time among vs to the aduauncement of his kingdome and continew your honour in hauing the victory and triumphing ouer Sathan and his band to his glory Amen ¶ A table of the Chapiters of the first part of this booke The first Chapiter of the first consideration whiche is the inwarde euel Fo. 1. The second Chapiter of the secōd consideration whiche is the euell to come or before vs. Fo. 4. The third Chapiter or third consideration whiche is the euel passed or behinde vs. fo 8. The fourth of the fourth consideration whiche is the euel or misery vnder vs. fo 11. The fift Chapiter of the fift consideration whiche is the euel or misery on our left hand fo 14. The sixt Chapiter of the sixt consideration of the euell or misery on the right hand fo 18. The seuenth Chapiter of the seuenth consideration whiche is the euel or misery aboue vs. fo 23. The table of y e second part The first Chapiter of the first cō●eration whiche is the good with ● vs. fo 27. The second Chapiter of the se●ond consideration the whiche is ●he good to come or before vs. fo 33. The third Chapiter of the third ●onsideration whiche is the good ●assed or after vs. fo 38. The fourth Chapiter of y e fourth consideration of the good vnder vs. folio 42. The fift Chapiter of the fift con●ideration of the good on the left ●and fo 46. The sixt Chapiter of the sixt considerations of the good on the right hand fo 50. The seuenth Chapiter of the seuenth cōsideration of y e good which is aboue vs. fo 54. Finis To the king of worldes immortall invisible to God onely be honour and glory eternally Amen ¶ The .i. Chapiter of the first considerat on whiche is the inwatd euil IT is a thing certains and moste true whether man geueth credit therto or not that there cannot bee in a man