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A04811 The glorious and beautifull garland of mans glorification Containing the godlye misterie of heauenly Ierusalem, the helmet of our saluation. The comming of Christ in the fleshe for our glorie, and his glorious com[m]ing in the end of the world to crowne men with crownes of eternall glorie. Beeing an heauenly adamant to drawe thee to Christ and a spirituall rod to mortifie thy life. Made and set foorth by Frauncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick Kett, Francis, d. 1589. 1585 (1585) STC 14945; ESTC S101081 81,290 126

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had yea aboue his sweete sonne Isac whome he loued as his owne life notwithstanding faithfully did Abraham preferre the loue of his almightie God and maker aboue the life of Isac offering him in sacrifice to the Lorde for which cause the eternall creatour to make his promise more certainely to sticke fast in Abraham and in all his posteritie sware by him selfe shewing that there was no God but him selfe saying in Genesis Gen. 22. ● Because thou hast not spared thy only son Isaac to offer him a sacrifice to me I will blesse thee and multiplie thy seede as the starres of heauen and as the sande vpon the sea side and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth bee blessed because thou hast obeyed my voyce And thus the most merciful god although he cast Adam for his transgression out of Paradise and also destroyed the worlde for sinne yet he sheweth againe the voyce and promise of comfort that hee hath not cast vs off but hath giuen his gratious goodnes to the worlde that all nations through the seede of Abraham should be blessed according to that of the prophet Them I haue created facioned Esay 43. and made for mine honour And nowe the more to iustifie his true promise it is apparent that hee establisheth the foresaide testament to Is aac the first figure of Christ Gen. ●6 by whome all nations are sanctified Saying to Isac I will be with thee and blesse thee The promise for vnto thee and to thy seede will I giue all these countries and through thy seede shall all nations of the earth bee blessed becaus e that Abraham harkened to my voice and kept my ordinances commandements statutes and lawes wherein we are to learne how al our blessednes came of God the father of al goodnes to whom we ought alwaies to be thankefull framing our selues through his grace to be like Abraham in beleeuing and equall with him in obedience and ioyned with him in righteousnes that we may receiue the like praise and honour as God maketh mention of him to Isaac therby to obtaine as Paule promiseth the eternall ioye the praise honour and immortalitie that is due to them that continue in good doing and seeke eternall life Rom. 2. And finally God to seale vp the fulnes of his couenant the more and more to helpe and strengthen our weake harts of beliefe and to allure the children of promise to a fixed hope of his grace and goodnes The promise to Iacob doth reiterate his testament to Iacob that he being the seede of Abraham and Isaac that he shall be the well of liuing waters and that out of his loynes shall come the fountaine of all heauenly blessednes and the water of life grace goodnes saying The land which thou sleepest vpon Gen. 26. will I giue thee thy seed and thy seede shall be as the du st of the earth thou shalt spread abroad west east north and south and through thee and thy seede shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed according to Esay E say 43. I will bring thy seede from the east and gather them togeather from the west I will say to the north let goe and to the south keepe not backe but bringe me my sonnes from farre and my daughters from the ends of the world for all nations shall came in one and bee gathered in one people Gen. 35. for the Lorde saide againe vnto Iacob thou shalt be called Israell grow and multiplie for people and a multitude of people shall spring of thee yea and kings s hall come out of thy loynes and the land which I gaue Abraham and Isaac will I giue vnto thee and vnto thy seede after thee Thus the almightie God of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob did seale the earnest of the inheritance of his euerlasting blessednes and kingdome in Christ with his holy spirite of promise made to our first fathers that he should come of the seede of Abraham according to the flesh by whom we should receaue redemption and saluation therby to be made partakers of Gods glorie And now furthermore after the proceedins of time that the seede of Iacob called Israell was increased to a great kindred of people and holden in bondage in the land of Egypt The Lord most mercifull and mindfull of his promise made to our forefathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob that he would be good vnto their seede raised vp among them Moyses a captaine and prophet that should deliuer and lead his people Israel out of Egypt into the land of Canaan which before he had giuen to Abraham and his seed for an euerlasting possession and this through Gods mightie hand who made a waye in the sea and a foote path in the mightie waters which brought forth the chariots and horses the host and power and drowned thē in the red sea And then brought his people vnto mount Synay in the wildernes where he gaue them the lawe figured in s tones shewing forth his wonderfull power that they did all tremble for feare and coulde not abide it for the people stood vnder the hill and the hill burnt with fire euen vnto the middes of heauen and there was the sound of a troump voyce of words tempest Deu. 4. darknes cloudes and mist and the Lord spake out of fire and declared his couenant and ordinance Exod. 19. and so terrible was the sight that appeared that Moyses said I feare quake And thus the law was giuen with great feare Exod. 34 and with great glorie for the children of Israell could not behould the face of Moyses for the glorie of his countenance with out a vayle which in Christ is put awaye for if the ministration of the lawe which is to condemnation bee glorious Cor. 2.3 much more doth the ministration of the spirite of promise vnto righteousnes exceede in glory And thus the law which began many hundred yeares after the promis e was added because of transgression as a schoolemaister to teach what sinne ment and not that it could giue life Gal. 3. or disanull the promise made to Abraham for the promise by faith in Iesus doth bring the inheritance and not the law which doth conclude all things vnder sinne for by the déedes of the law shall no man be iustified before God Rom. 3. but are iustified fréely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus who is the iustifier of them that beleeue in him after the example of righteous Abraham Wherefore the Lord to discouer our filthy nakednes and corruption brought by the sinnes of Adam did giue vs the law that therby we should come to the knowledge of our infirmities vices wretchednes which raigneth in our earthly members thereby knowing our state by the first Adam to be miserable and falne into the daungerous house and prison of al vncleannes being most wretched without hope vnlesse God of his
his children to be thy brethren Therfore learne looue pacience and mercy by Christe that in whatsoeuer estate you be to bee therewith contented holding fast the faith and patience of Christe Phil. 4. béeing assuredlye perswaded that the ready and compendious way to come vnto Gods fauour is to looue and imbrace Christe and his woord with a pure and faithfull hart and to loue one an other for if we loue one an other sayeth Iohn God dwelleth in vs and his looue is perfect in vs Iohn 14. for he that loueth God mu st loue his brother also though he be an enemie for sayeth Christe looue your enemies blysse them that cursse you doo good to thē that hate you Math. 5. and in so dooing we shall follow the example of our sauiour Christe and be Gods Children in conuersation of holynes and goodnes And thus Christe the Author and finisher of our redemption hauing performed his Fathers will by preaching first him selfe the Commaundements of his Father and by diuers signes wounders and miraclrs done according to his will to confirme the power of his Father Heb. 5. did in his fleshe offer vp prayers and supplications with strong crying and teares vnto him that was able to saue him from death and was also heard because of his godlynes and now vpon the Crosse yéelded vp his soule into the hands of his Father who reysed him from death and he is ascended vp to heauen and is set on the right hand of the Maiestie of the Father according to the saying of the Prophet The Lord sayd vnto my Lord sit on my right hand till I make thy enemies thy footestoole Wherby conceiue how Christe béeing promysed afore by God and his holy Prophets in the holy Scriptures to come of the seede of Abraham as perteining to the fleshe Psalme 19● and declared to be the sonne of God with power of the holy Ghoste that sanctifieth was borne of the Virgin Mary by the imbracing of the holy Ghos te the holy Virgin being eternally appointed to this great mistery to be the Mother of Iesus for the inuisible power of the Godhed did ouer s hadowe the whole body and mynde of the most holy Virgin without any hurt or detriment of her chastitie so that the worke of his conception was not of man but of the holy Ghoste by the in comprihensble power of insperation for saieth the Lord by Esay Esay 7 Beholde a Virgin shal be with chylde and shall bring foorth a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel God with vs and so the Angell sayd to Ioseph that which is conceiued in her is of the holy Ghoste shee shall bring foorth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus Math. 1. for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes hee shall be great called the sonne of the highest and sonne of God and the Lord shall giue vnto him the seat of his father Dauid and hee shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome shall be no end Luk. 1. euen as hee promised to our fathers Abraham and his seede for euer So that wée haue such an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christe the mercifull as hath put down through his death and passion the deuill that hath the Lordship ouer death and hath s poyled rule and power and triumphs ouer them in his owne person and hath nayled the cursse of the law to his crosse and hath caryed captiuitie captiue vp to heauen beeing their set down on the right hand of God Colloss 2. being able to saue them that come to God by him séeing he euer lyueth to make intercessiō for vs Heb. 7. who with one offering made perfect for euer thē that are sanctified Heb. 10. Wherfore wee may clearely as by the light of the Sun beames sée conceiue that they doe lay another foundation then the Apostle Paul dooth héere lay that teache the people to vse any other Aduocat or intercessor then Chist or to vse intercessors to Christe which euermore is him self an intercessor for vs whōe we know apparently by euident scriptures that he liueth and is with God in glory their making intercession for vs able to doe it by power of his victory and because he euer liueth and was ordayned to that eternall misterie for it is written that the whole kingdome doe lye on his shoulders the paines of our sins rest vpon his woundes and stripes and our whole redemptiō is only by him so that it repugneth against Christes glory who is crowned with glory and honour for suffering death for vs to offer intercession and meditation to Saincts to pray to Ladies and Churrh-roodes and to wāder a pilgrimage to offer to picturde images of Sainctes which is strong delusion and horrible abhomination and verry stubble and straws of a strauge foundation of erronious doctrin perniciously sowen amōg the people which the Lord in one day shall consume with fire And besides séeing wée are made perfect with one only offering made by Christe him selfe through the spirit that sanctifieth Heb. 10. then consider from what foundatiō those vain erronious masses doe come and be not deceiued with thē for Christe hath once offered him selfe a sufficient sacrifice for vs the iust for the vniust for to bring vs to God whose blood clenseth vs from all sinne for Christe hath deliuered vs from the cursse of the law and was made accursed for vs that the blessing of Abraham might come vppon the Gentles Gal. ● Therfore let vs be thankfull and pray only vnto God by Christe and vse no other intercessors of our owne conceites imagined Pet. 13. but let vs consider how much God setteth out vnto vs his aboundant looue that while wée were enemies sinners his only begotten sonne Iesus should dye for vs being killed as perteining to the fleshe quickned in the spirit who thus suffered for vs to reconcile vs to God and yet did no sinne neither was there guyle found in his mouth who when hée was reuiled Pet ● reuiled not againe when hée suffered hée threatned not but patiently cōmitted and delyuered the only cause vnto him that iudgeth righteously and thus his owne self bare our sinnes in his body on the trée that wée should bee delyuered from s inne and lyue in righteousnes Esay 53. for whosoeuer dooth truely and purely looue Christe and imbrace the faithe of his Gos pell can not but doo the woorkes of righteousnes and obedyence lyke to righteous Abraham otherwise perswade thy conscience and be not deceiued in thy conceit but that thy looue to Christe is colde faint and brickle if thou hast imbraced the knowledge and faith of the Gospell and yet doost not the woorkes of righteousnes and holynes for then thou art yet carnall and not spirituall hauing not yet crucified the olde Adam wherfore consider that by grace wée are made safe through faith and that not
rent in pieces ●●me in a consuming 〈◊〉 Now the truth hereof i● so 〈◊〉 ●laine that there need no great circumstance to prooue with many witnesses out of the holy scriptures any so ignorant as to doubt hereof although saith Micheas Micheas 1. the rebellious people hope that it shall not be so ill Peter 2.3 saith Peter in the latter dayes shall come mockers that will say ●●●h where is the promise of his comming But now that you may behold as in a looking glasse the glorious cōming of Christ as from a farre yet use wtin the compasse of our hearts Iohn 11. as Christ saide to Martha If thou beléeuest thou shalt sée the glorie of God I wil place therefore your soule in the spirit of heauenly meditation fixing your féete in the path of righteousnes and standing immoueable at the ●indow of Gods promises beholding in the gla●●e● of t●neth with the stedfast eies of faith Iesus the King of glorie comming in a wonderfull glorious and magnificall progresse from heauen to visite the kingdomes and Lordshippes of the earth and the inhabiters thereof with power of mercie and iudgement touching the which the messengers of this glad tidings haue flow●● thorowe the middest of heauen and gone through all the worlde with the ioyfull sounde of trumpet signifying the ioy of redemption to be come and the day of glorie to be●●ie at hand the kingdome of euerlasting rest to draw néere therefore lift vp your heades Matth. 16. and be ready to the reward of your kingdome make haste to meete the king of glorie comming in the glorie of his Father with al his holy angels set 〈◊〉 his glorious throne of all maiestie there shining in his euerlasting clearnes glittering in his eternall brightnesse appearing in his preciousnes excéeding in his righteousnes exalted in his highnes magnified in his worthines sanctified in his holines triumphing in his gloriousnes when the puisance strength power of his omnipotent maiestie shall lighten into all the secrete places of world and his voice imperial shall pearce thorow the vnspeakable borders of all places to raise frō death to life all humane creatures that euer had being wheresoeuer and to gather them together before his eternall excellencie where all thinges in heauen and earth shall stand before his presence and all knees shall bowe and all tongues 〈◊〉 knowledge to the glorie of God Rom. 14. and then shall take perfourmed that Christ sayd to the high priests that were offended at him when hee was come in his ●owle humanitie saying Matth. 26. You shall see the Sonne of man sitting on the right hand● of power and comming in the cloudes of the skie whereof the two Angels testified to the Disciples at the ascension of our Sauiour Christ Actes 1. saying Ye● men of Galilee why stande yee gasing vp into heauen This sa●●e Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen is returned to the Father whence he came as he hath tolde you before and shall s●●●●e againe euen as you haue s eene him god into heauen and that according to Matthewe accompanied with all the godly Angels Matth. 25. Iude. and saith ●●och with thousandes of blessed Saintes with him and according 〈◊〉 Iohn In a white cloude sitting in his feare of dominion and dignitie Reuel 14. and in his glorious throne of wonderfull g●●●nes se which is according to Daniel as the 〈◊〉 flame Daniel 7. and his wheeles as the burning fire there went out frō him a fierie streame as glorious sparkes of eternall heauenlinesse like glisterings of perpetuall beames of 〈◊〉 proceeding frō the glory of his Godhead and 〈◊〉 out 〈◊〉 him and yet euer in him shewing the 〈◊〉 treasure of his grace and goodnesse ●he ●●●d ●●prehensible 〈◊〉 out of his right cleare Maiestie the infinite and vnsearcheable vertues and giftes of glorie which issues eternally from his deuine Godhead and ●●nipotent power And thus hee shall appeare most maruellous and all eyes sée him and all nations gathered before him Daniel 7. as saith Daniel A thousand times a thousand serued him a thous and times ten thousande stoode before him And theerfore Blessed be the kingdome that commeth in the Name of him that i● Lorde of our Father Dauid Marke 11. Hos anna Praising him in his holines praising him in the ●●rmament of his power praising him in his 〈◊〉 Actes praising him according to his excellent greatnesse For nowe is the full time whē the mysterie of the will of the Father shall bee opened in his Sonne Iesus Christ comming in the glorie of the father when shall be opened the endlesse clearenesse of diuinitie the incomprehensible ●●●●our of Gods Maiestie the glorious riches of euerlasting glorie the incomparable profoundnesse of Gods wis edome the flowing fountaines of Gods goodnesse the shining light of all trueth the glorious kingdome wherto wée are called and the tresures of rewardes to men with glorie and dishonour and then the brightnes and sight of all things shal be apparent and all things past shall be as one thing present according to Mathew there is nothing so close that shall not be opened nothing so hyd that shall not be knowen Math. 1● such s halbe the omnipotent potentiall and in comprhenssble clearnes of God that before him all that were in power in spirit in act in thought in intent in heauen in earth or in hell from the beginning shall there shew it selfe present apparent cleare and manifest by the endlesse brightnes of God that all the nature of sathan and the power of hell shal be made manifest for euer and the nature of man as it was and now is and shal be in glorie or dishonour shall be expressed for euer and all the great woorkes of GOD and beautie of Angells Cherubins and Seraphins shall there be knowen for euer and all the goodly mansions of God shall then be reuealed mo ste euident and the eternall shyne of Gods maiestie shall then bee vniuersall transparent for sayeth Paul Ephe. 1. The whole misterie of the will of the Father shall then be declared according to the purpose of his owne will therefore moste blessed shall you be that shal be found watching and waiting for his comming looking vp to heauen with pure eyes of faith and lyfting vp cleane hands of righteousnes well washed at the fountaine of penance that you may be found at his appearāce to laude glory and honour pertaking with the treasures of the heauenly misterie of the will of the father ordained in Christe Iesus who béeing the Author of our glorie whereunto hee hath called vs by his Gospell by shedding of his owne moste precious blood to bring vs to GOD and to make vs heires of his kingdōe Did not omit the least godly meanes of all to drawe vs and quicken vs by his spirit diligently and with all our indeuours to seek after his kingdome And
Cittie And therfore gird vp the loynes of your mindes with veritie put on the brest plate of righteousnes be shod with the shooes of peace take to you the sheild of faith arming your selues with the woord of God that you may be pertakers of his vnsearchable treasures of happines there tasting the abundant sweetenesse of the tree of ioy and life which shall be to vs a sweete smelling oyntment for euer for then we shall be called the heauenly citizens of newe Ierusalem the holy housholde of God and glorified sonnes of the Father being according to Paul an holy body in Christ made a glorious congregation without spotte or wrinckle placed in his owne kingdome and sabboth of euerlasting rest like shining lightes in the presence of God world without end Therefore consider what happinesse is this to enioy the ineffable brightnesse and vnsearcheable plenteousnesse of Gods goodne sse with the ioyful presence of God his owne selfe whereat the zeale of gods house should eate vs vp and rauish our hearts with flaming feruencie to Godward desiring to be clothed with our heauenly mansion from heauen by waiting with a liuely hope in the way of righteousnesse to be deliuered from this body and fleshly fellowship that we may goe to haue the pure heauenly companie of God our maker the precious fountaine of all heauenlinesse ioy and happinesse there with him to remaine in his owne kingdome where all things shal be to vs pleasant and full of contentation for euer where perpetuall ioy and gladnesse shall abide for euer Esay 54. for saith God Beholde O Ierusalem I will make thy walles of precious stones and thy foundation of saphyrs thy windowes of Christall thy gates of fine cleare stone and thy borders of pleasant stones Es ay 62. for I will saith God marrie my selfe to thy sonnes and as a bridegrome glad of his bride so I the Lorde shall reioyce ouer thee So that praise the Lorde O Ierusalem praise thy God O Sion for he hath made fast the heauenly barres of thy gates hath blessed thy childrē within thee that we shall dwell in thy pallaces made the elect Saintes and sonnes of God in all plenteousnesse of ioy and peace reioysing in his holy sanctuary of euerlastingnesse where we shall walke in the court and pallace of our God ascribing praise and honour to him in his places of eternitie and there we shall sing merily vnto our God lauding and worshipping him in the beautie of his holinesse for the spirit of ioy shall there be triumphing among vs in his glorious chariot of heauenlinesse in that we shall beholde the face of God whose Maiestie endureth visibly with vs for euer shewing vpon vs the light of his countenance and filling vs rounde about with the incomprehensible sweetenesse goodnesse ioyfulnesse and excellentnesse of his owne selfe shining flowing and streaming foorth to vs the beames of beautie the brightnesse of glorie the fountaines of ioy the riuers of life the paradise of pleasure the fréedome of delightes the ornaments of honour the plenteousnes of reliefe the pleasantnes of all heauenly sauours the sweete smelles of all redolent odours and thus he shall reioice his glorified Saints eternally who shall be rauished with endlesse mirth and gladnes to behold with their eyes the infinite inexpressible excellencie and splendencie of the beautie of their maker and to heare the great power might and maiestie of his omnipotent voyce And thus the chosen of God being indued with the ornaments of immortalitie garlandes of glorie crownes of life and palmes of ioy and victorie are in their heauenly clothing in new Ierusalem in the sight of the glorious throne of the most highest being consembable to God in purenes and clearnes enioying the fréedome of eternall blessednes therefore O swé ete people repent for this kingdome is at hande and come to the waters of life and stirre vp your mindes to holinesse that you may enioy this blessed Cittie For Christe after his ascension to stirre vp winne a feruent desire to our hearts towards the séeking after this his kingdome doeth shew a glistering vision of newe Ierusalem to the spiritual eies of Iohn that he being vpon an high mountaine did sée in Ghostly comprehension the cons emblance of this holy Ierusalem descending out of heauen from God hauing the brightnesse of God shining like to a stone most precious Reuel 21. euen a Iasper cleare as Christall being thereby a most flourishing Citie translucident in all heauenly pleasantnesse most plentifull with all goodnesse most beautifull to beholde and most glorious to enioye and this Citie is more precious then pearles an habitation so amiable so louely so deare and desirefull that it includeth in it selfe the vnmeasurable and endlesse fulnesse of heauenly riches eternall felicitie and happinesse vnspeakeable pleasures ioyes and gladnesse ordeined eternally vnto the elect and glorified people That who woulde not O Lord loue the habitation of this thy house and the place where thine honour dwelleth which thou hast made a moste sure and safe Citie impugnable for euer being bordered and compassed rounde about with the walles of eternitie great high and strong which stande fast for euer And her walles sayeth Esay shall be called health Esay 60. Zacha. 2. And the Lorde sayeth Zacharie will be vnto her a wall of shining fire rounde about And yet the entrance into this Citie shall bee by twelue gates kept by the goodly Porters and Angelles the twelue tribes of Israel that the gates of newe Ierusalem according to the saying of the Prophet Esay shall be called the praise of God Esay 60. being agréeable in euery part in with and to it selfe in perfect nomber of equalitie and sympathie concording euery side together in one conclusion in the whole As Alpha and Omega is the first and the last as one perfect nomber of eternitie in many The liuely description of newe Ierusalem and the same many concluded in of and by that one And thus consymbolicall in deuine mysterie hath Ierusalē a quadrate equilateral forme with three gates on the North side three on the East three on the South three on the West side foūded with twelue foundations euen the holy Apostles of whom the walles conflict euen the great high nomber of the elect And thus there beeing in newe Ierusalem many gates and many heauenly openings to goe in at to praise the Lord yet are they one in many and many in one cohering in the same like a radicall roote out of which springeth a radicall nomber and yet that nomber so rising out of his roote to an high and great nomber as that it hath a true and perfect coniunction of vnitie The mys terie of a Radicall roote and radicall nomber to Christ and his elect simpathie and concordance of with and in his radicall roote whereby it is one of it selfe and of that same one rising out many and that many still
VIVAT SERENISsima Regina TO THE MOST MIGHTIE IMPERIAL AND Vertuous Princesse The Lordes Anointed Queene Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Queene Defendresse of the faith c. ⁂ SEing that your Royall seate and Scepter most mightie and Imperiall Princesse is clothed with Salomons heauenly giftes and doeth holde vp the golden rodde of wisedome which leadeth to the euerlas ting kingdome I hope therefore by the goodnesse of God that it shall please your Highnesse to admit this Garlande of mans glorification to come into your sweete gracious handes prefixed with the bright beames of your Maiesties princely glorious Name vnder the high precious Cedar and sweete Libanus of your heauenly goodne sse of mercie and pardon That though I be troubled in heart with 〈◊〉 ●eare of your supers plendent personage being a mightie princes of power to dedicate this Pamphlet to your most excellent Maiestie yet the singular clearenesse of your spirituall treasures of goodnesse doth preuaile ouer my dutifull minde and faithfull allegeance in such sort as if the precious pearle of your vertues did shine into my heart not forbidding this litle Pamphlet to come vnto your Highnes trusting that the purenes of the matter will increase your MAIESTIES deare soule to an exceeding consolation touching your bodie to bee glorified In consideration whereof when I did beholde the goodly order of the bright glistering starres which the omnipotent Creator hath placed in the firmament of the heauens there seeing the resplendent starre Corona lucida I was stirred vp with the ioyfull remembrance of your Maiesties incomparable personage being the Lordes Anointed knowing that your Highnesse being vertuous meeke and mercifull is equall with the good Kinges of Iuda with Asa Ezechias Iehos aphat and Iosias in imbracing all godly vertues to the aduauncing of the honour glorie of God that as your Maiestie in all points doe holde your scepter linked to the Scepter of Iuda being an vnfeigned friend to the holy one of Israel so your highnes subiectes in great consolation of heart do pray sincerely in all humblenesse of duety vnto God for the preseruation of your Maiestie lōg to reigne ouer vs And that at the appearance of Christ you may be a glorious Saint in the kingdome of God And now considering howe much Israel reioyced of Salomon how greatly it lamented after his departure Am perswaded how much all true Protestants do pray that the Lord may be your shield as he was to Abraham and that your blessed personage may by the great mercie and s ingular goodnesse of God gouerne this Realme as happily and as many yeeres and more as good king Asa king of Iuda did to the glorie of God and saluation of soules Wherefore most Mightie and Renowned Soveraigne when I an inferiour vnworthie to touch the groūd that your Maiestie doe walke on had finished this Beautifull garland of mans glorification expressing the mysterie of new Ierusalem with her golden crownes and diademes I thought it so much to represent the heauenly ioyes and happinesse of our euerlasting glorie as that it was a matter meete to be dedicated to your most excellent Maiestie shewing howe your Highnesse being an Anointed and blessed Princesse of power vnder God vpon the earth shal meete at the great day of resurrection the King of al kings comming in his triumphant progresse from heauen with the glorious companie of his holy Angels when your pure personage shall beholde that incomprehensible Scepter of the euerlasting kingdome of Dauid That as your Maiestie in your progresse vpon the earth hath highly preferred your faithfull subiectes in Christ to honour and dignitie so nowe that glorious King of eternitie and euerlasting glorie will fashion your bodie to be like his owne glorious body for that your blessed power hath set foorth the true Religion worshippe and honour of God to a liuely hope among your Highnesse subiectes to obteine the eternall garlande of glorie Thus humbly committing this litle Pamphlet of mans glorification vnto your Princely magnificence and godly wisedome doe beseech your Highnesse in your tender minde of mercie to receiue it vnder your sweete gracious mans ion of goodnesse among your spirituall treasures of heauenly solace and ioye thereby daily remembring how your God and Sauiour Iesus Christ shall clothe your Maiestie with an euerlasting garment of glorie shining vpon you with the light of his owne coūtenance there sitting with Christ in his owne seate of heauenlinesse tasting the vnspeakeable ioyes of eternall blessednesse where you shall glister as the shining of heauen worlde without end beholding the beauty of God for euer in new Ierusalē Thus hoping that your Maiesties mercie will be as a vayle to my boldenesse doe trust that as your Highnesse hath truely touched the hemme of Christes garment whereby you haue partaken the heauenly sparkes of the vertues of Christ that it would please your goodnesse to admit one sparke towards the acceptation of this glorious garlande And so I pray God with all instance that it may please him of his aboundant mercie to preserue you our Sweete beloued Queene and true branch of Christ long to reigne ouer vs in tranquillitie and peace to the setting foorth of Gods honour and spreading abroade of his glorie that your MAIESTIE may ioyfully appeare before Christ and be crowned with the Crownes and Diademes of euerlasting glorification which O Lord so let it be Your Maiesties most humble Subiect faithfull Orator FRANCIS KETT THE GLORIOVS and beautifull garland of mans glorification CAP. 1. How Christ was ordained before the world was made to our glorie and promised of God in his holy Scriptures to come in the humanitie and humilitie of flesh to tast of death for all men whereby is iustified the righteousnes of God to the confirmation of our beliefe touching our election and glorification SEing that our glorification and heauenly mansion wherwith we desire to be clothed and which we hope after this life to inioy doth come by Iesus Christ sealed with the holy spirit of Gods true promise wée ought then to stablish our hartes in the consolation of good hope and faith to obtaine the glory that thus cometh by Christ by considering the faithfulnes of God who performeth all that he hath promised and is able to doe excéeding aboundantly aboue all that we can aske or think who so loued the world that he spared not his owne sonne but gaue him a reconciliation for our sinnes The mysterie of whom was hid since the world began and since the beginning of generations but now is opened and declared openly to haue brought to vs life and immortalitie through his Gospell to the iustifying of the righteousnes of Gods true promise to be the glorious riches of our eternall glorie by the shedding of his bloud vpon the Crosse That whereas through the sinnes and disobedience of one man sinne reigned vnto death So by the obedience of one mā Christ might grace reigne through
seruants to prophesie which is with vnders tanding to offer vnto God by Christ the sacrifice of lande the frute of those lippes which confesse his name Wherfore it is apparent that it is the duety and part of princes and gouernours to follow herein the example of Iehosaphat causting the word of god plainly to be taught among their subiects in the mother language as Moyses law was to the children of Israell And it is the duetie and charge of the pastors and ministers to imploy al their diligence to manifest the holy will of God according to the scriptures by teaching and instructing that euerye where the scripture may be fulfilled according to the prophecie of Ioel and Ieremie that sonnes and daughters can prophesie and the law written in their hartes so that it standeth you vpon to haue care of your soules Coloss 2. Mich. 3. that no man make you shoote at a wrong marke Wherefore Micheas thus prophecieth of the dewe of the gospell of Christ saying In the latter daies the hill of the Lords house shall be set vp higher then anye mountaines and the people shall prease vnto it the multitude of gentils hast to it for the law shal come out of Syon and the word of God from Ierusalem and reforme the people of farre countries Nath. ●● for out of Bethlem shal come the captain which shall be the gouernar in Israel whose out going hath beene from the beginning and frō euerlasting he shal stand fast giue food in the strength of the Lord in the victorie of the name of the Lord his god when they bee conuerted he shal be magnified to the farthest parts of the world Wherby it is declared that in spite of all the aduersaries the tread downe the holy sanctuarie of true righteousnes will they nill they the promise which God gaue to Abraham that all nations should bee blessed in his s eede shal by Christs passion extend to all parts of the world to the praising glorifying of god And likewise Esoras doth plainely foretell the ioyfulnesse of Christes comming in his humanitie saying O ye heathen Esdr 4. ● looke for your shepheard he shal giue you euerlasting reste for hee is nighe at hande that shall come in the ende of the worlde be readie to the reward of thy kingdom for the euerlasting light shall shine vpon you for euermore Flye the shadowe of this world receiue the ioyfulnes of your glorie I testifie my sauiour openly O receiue the gift that is giuen you and be glad giuing thanks vnto him that hath called you to the heauenly kingdome In this he sheweth how much he is inflamed with the glad foresight of the sauiour that shuld come kindlyng the hartes of the Gentiles to the expectation of heauenly rewards Wherein he is able to rauish all mens hartes with exceeding ioy in pronouncing the glad tidinges of such a blessed sauiour comming that bringeth the rewardes of glorie and euerlasting life to al that will receiue and imbrace his gospell And seing the comming of Christ in the flesh was ioyfull and filled the world with the oyle of gladnes and treasures of grace and goodnes how much more we now looking for him to come in the end of the world in the glorie of his father in all power to giue the rewardes of glorification and eternall life ought to awake and arise vp from all worldly and fleshly vanities and prepare our hartes to holines and righteousnes that with the aboundant ioy of a pure faith and a cleere and a stedfast hope we may meete our sauiour comming in the cloudes And touching Christes comming in his humanitie it pleased God that he should appeare in the flesh in all meeknes Zach. 9. Iohn 12. Luke 9. Math. 21. Mark 11. lowlines and humblenes of obedience to teach vs the will of his father in all truth of righteousnes according to Zacharie Reioyce O Syon and bee glad O daughter Ierusalem for loe thy king commeth vnto thee euen the righteous and sauiour lowly and simple is he hee rydeth vpon an Asse he will giue doctrine of peace vnto the heathen and his dominion shall be from the floudes to the end of the world and shall be a sauing health to all nations by this consider ye men vpon the earth how worthy Chris t is and how precious a pearle he is in all mens harts and yet to shewe the contempte of this transitorie world and the vanitie thereof and to teache vs the true path steppes of vertue and holynes dooth hé ere make him self to the eyes of all Ierusalem a looking glasse of all low lines and humblenes of hart ryding into the Cittie in all plaines and simplenes sitting vppon an asse as one of no reputation and nothing estéemed but like an inferiour and yet an eternall king a captaine an heauenly Father and sauiour of the world by whōe we are to note that the true path to vertue and holynes is humilitie obedience and lowlynes for among the conferences of men it is a most accepted thing to common rea son to haue our gouernour our captaine our maister or teacher of whome we are to be gouerned guided or instructed to be gentle humble mé ek louing tractable curteous and mercifull-by that meanes winning drawing our harts volūtarily to loue him follow him imbrace his will then how much more are we boūd to god that all the world sleping in their sin wallowing in their wickednes that it pleased him not to cōe vnto vs with the sharpe rod or with the naked or scored sword to the s laughter but to sende his déere sonne Christ in the humilitie of the fleshe to be like vnto vs being such a true gentle captaine guide so louing and bountifull a redemer so humble lowly a tearher so pure of demenor conuersation as that he is the only true lodestōe of loue to drawe all men which are of them selues stubburn froward disdainfull and wilfull to the louing imbracing of him therby the redier to followe his doctrine of eternall peace saluatiō to vs ward And therfore beholde the abundāt loue mercy of god who thus after so excellēt a meanes seketh to draw vs frō our earthly corroptiō and frō the bdōage of death to his heuinly grace eternall kingdome we being of our selues a froward generation touching goodnes in the sin did dwell in vs as a common rotto all mankinde if the God of mercies had not sent this our redéemer to clense and wash away our filth and foulenes and therefore let no man boaste of him selfe any thing for wee haue nothing which wée haue not receiued of Christ neither according to the saying of Ieremie Let not the wise man reioyce in his wisdome nor the strong in his strength Ieremie 9. nor the rich man in his riches but who will reioyce let him reioyce in Christe who is our only saluation Wherfore o ye
souereigne Kings Quéenes yée swéet Lordes and Ladies yee loouing Fathers and mothers yée wise Maisters mistresses yee obedient sonnes and daughters yée diligent and dutiefull seruants and maides reioyce and be glad and behold your king and precious Sauiour Christe ryding into Ierusalem lowly and humbly and now aryse and lyft vp your eyes of repentance to heauen and reioyce and beholde how hée is ready to come in all glory and maiestie with all the powers of heauen to crowne you with glorious and heauenly glorification Therfore cast of from your hartes the euill mantell of pryde disdaine arrogancie haughtines vnmercifulnes frowardnes sinne and vnrighteousnes and put on the mantel of Christes humblenes lowlynes mercifullnes goodnes holynes and righteousnes that you may mé ete Christe with ioy and receiue the incorruptible crowne of eternall glorie for thus saithe the Lord I will set his dominion in the sea and his right hand in the floodes he shall call mee Psalme 89. thou art my Father my God and my strong saluation and I will make him my first borne higher then the Kings of the earth Esay 55. my mercy will I keepe for him for euermore and my couenance shall stand fast with him his seede also will I make to indure for euer and his throne as the dayes of heauen of whome hée sayeth My seruaunt whome I will giue for a witnesse Esay 52. prince and captaine to the people will I keepe to my selfe hee is myne elect in whome my soule is pacified I will giue him my spirit that hee may shewe foorth iudgement and equitie among the Gentiles hee shall not be an outcryer nor high mynded his voice shall not bee heard in the streates a brused ●eede shall hee not breake and the s moking flackes shall hee not quench but faithfully and truely shall hee giue iudgement hee shall neither bee ouer seene nor hastie that hee may restore righteousnes to the earth for I the Lord hath called the in righteousnes and do lead the by thee hand therfore will I also defend and giue thee for a couenāt of the people and to be the light of the Gentiles that thou mayest open the eyes of the blynde let out the prisoders and them that fit in darknes out of the doungeon house In this the Prophet foretelling that Christe shoulde come in the fleshe death shewe that by his meanes only wée shall bee brought to an attonment and peace with GOD the Father expressing the perfectionn of looue and pleasure which GOD the Father hath in his sonne Christe béeing one selfe same nature in another according to Mathew Math. 3.17 This is that belooued Sonne in whome is my delight and according to the saying of the Prophet Dauid in the second Psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée and héerin wé e learne that if Christe is so béeloued of God béeing God according to the fortie nine Psalme the Father of heauen saith to his sonne God Thy seat shall be for euer and euer then how muche are wée bound to looue so beloued a God and Sauiour to vs giuing him all the praise honor and thankes euermore lyfting vp pure hands for so great treasures of vertue and goodnes for his cléernes of trouth and iudgement for the light and brightnes of his moste holy and blessed doctrine for his aboundant swéetnes of his excéeding and bountiful loone toward vs moste miserable sinners in that hée of his meere mercie and goodnes hath broughte vnto vs redemption and delyuerance out of the bondage of sathan sinne and death calling vs to holynesse of lyfe thereby by imitating him to be made by righteousnesse the sonnes of God and pertakers of the euerlasting kingdome And further the Lord saith My seruant shall deale wis ely therfore shall he be magnified exalted and greatly honored like as the multitude shall meruaile at him because his coūtenāce shal be so deformed and hard fauoured aboue the sonnes of men yea he shall haue neither beautie nor fauour whē we look vpō him there shal be no fairnes in him we shall haue no lust vnto him hee shall be the most simple and dispised of all which yet hath good experience in sorrowes and in firmities but wee shall reckon him so vile and base that we shall not regard him how be it of a trueth hee only takes away our infirmitees Whervpon consider according to Paule that Christ dooth make him self of no reputation and taketh vpon him the shape of a seruant and became lyke vnto man and was found in his apparell as a man and that he abasing him self in respect of all worldly wisdome was of the wis e according to the wisdome of this world dispised scoffed and s corned at hée béeing him self verry wisdome it self and the fountaine therof and he being beautie it self and the Author of all beautie and fairnes woulde shewe him selfe without beautie and fauour to condemne the vanitie of fleshly beautfe and extoll the excellencie and woorthines of the spirituall and heauenly beautie of the soule wherfore O yée Children and Daughters of men yee are become so nyce so arogant and coy because of your faces and so proude of your beauties Come from your vaine looking glasses The contempt of fleshly beautie and beholde héer I offer vnto you the bright shyning glasse of all excellencie euin Christe your King and Sauiour the Author and Giuer of all beauties and godlynesse to beholde him béeing without fauoure and fairnesse beeing lowely mé eke and most humble being simple and not gorgeous how hee condemned and dispised your vaine fleshly pleasure and gaynes euen in the cleere example of his owne person giuing you himselfe for a rule that you reioice not in apparell nor vainely conceaue of your vaine flesh and outward comlines of nature but onely in the beautie of your soules by adorning and decking your inward man with all spirituall rayments of holines and precious ornaments of righteousnes which will neuer decay whereas the flesh and all that pertaine to his furniture is as S. Peter saith as grasse and all the glorie of man is as the flower of grasse Pet. 1.1 the grasse therof withereth and the flower fadeth away but the word of God endureth for euer Moreouer the prophet saith that we shall dispise him and yet he beareth our paine Esay 53. and we shall so contemtuously thinke of him as that we shall iudge him as though he were plagned and cast downe of God wheras he notwiths tanding shal be wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednes for the paine of our punishment shall bee laid vpon him and with his stripes shall we be healed hee shall be pained and troubled and shall not open his mouth he shall be led as a sheepe to be slaine The prophesie of Christes death yet shall he be as stil as a lambe before the shearers and not open his mouth he s hall be had away his cause not
heard and without anye iudgement whose generation yet no man may number when he shall be cutt off from the ground of the liuing which punishment shall go vpon him for the transgression of my people his graue shal be giuen with the condemned and his crucifying with the theeues whereas hee did neuer violence nor vnright neither hath there beene anye deceitfulnes in his mouth yet hath it pleased the Lord to smite him with infirmity that when he had made his soule an offering for sinne he might see long lasting seede and my righteous seruant saith the Lord shall with his wisedome iustify and deliuer the multitude for he shall beare away their sinnes therefore will I giue him the multitude for his part and hee shall diuide the strong spoile because he shal giue ouer his soule vnto death and shal be reckoned among the transgressors which neuerthelesse shall take away the sinnes of the multitude and make intercession for the misdoers here it is plaine and manifest to be seene of all Iewes and Gentiles Heathen and Turkes how euidently Christ was prophesied of by Esay that all men may well know that hath desire of eternall life that hee it is in all tokens whom the Iewes haue put to death being the first promised seed to Abraham for the prophet declareth the order of his iudgement the maner of his deth euen to be crucified with theeues in al points as his persecutors and Iewes did handle and intreate him moste barbarously and hardly being an innocent lambe Wherfore touching the contemtuous disdainfull and reprochfull handling of Christ vnto death Of Christes death they came to apprehend him in the garden like furious enimies with clubs and staues they rent and teared his clothes he was tossed among the high priests and scornfull pharasies Math. 26. then hasted away to the iudge there beset with false accusers hudling vp false witnes against him Luk. 23. then posted ouer to king Herod there dispited in most abiect maner of him his soldiours Mark 15. then brought again before Pilate heuily reuiled oppressed with the spite and hatred of the Iewes crying crucefige crucefige then like barbarous tyrants and sauage beasts void of all mercie and humanitie spitted on his face buffeted him with fistes with railing raging mocking and disdaining him with scoffes griping him with bonds scurging him with many stripes crowning him with sharpe thornes Iohn ●9 putting a reed for a scorne in his hand thus compa ssing him about with al reproch then hasting him to his deth making him to beare his crosse nailed his tender flesh wounded pearced him and crucified him betweene two theeues wagging their heads at him in mo st dispiteful maner And thus was the king of glory crucified being obedient to the crosse and hūble vnto death and pacient to indure the hard speakinges of sinners against him and yet praying to god for them thus was he a pure vndefiled lambe wounded for our offences his precious bloud shed for our sins by which hee tooke away the curse of the law from vs and made vs at an attonement with God and brought redemption to the world Wherfore al ye people of the earth I cal you here to the presence of Christes death to behold what he hath suffered for you vpon his great loue Therefore let your eies gush out with teares and let your harts make inwarde sorrow and lamentation for your sins repenting for his kingdome againe is readie at hand therfore examine thy hart where and what is and ought to bee thy loue again to Christt hat hath thus bought thee with his tender blood and prepared for thee euerlasting life so that looke into thy selfe how faithfull thankfull and louing thou oughtest to be for such his goodnes toward thée for scarse will any dye for a good man but Christ dyed for thée Rom. 5. being both vngodly a sinner and an enimie to purchase to thee euerlasting life O what aboundant loue is this And wilt thou be therefore vnthankfull Then wo be to thee that art more then vnnaturall more then vnkinde and more thē hard harted Alas where art thou thou froward Iewe that vpon obstinate enuie wilfull blindnes and of an vnmercifull mind diddest dispise the king of glorie And will not you now ye people from age to age take example to beware how you seale your hartes with the hard ware of a Iewes wilfulnes hardnes and blindnes againe Now then that this day you heare his voice the very voice of your good shepheard that gaue his life for his sheepe harden not your harts as your fathers did in the wildernes so could not enter the land of rest and promise no more shal you enter Christes kingdom vnles ye receiue his gospell with true loue and faith toward him Wherefore do not crucifie Christ againe in thy hart by obstinate sinne by wilfull blindnes and carelessenes like a Iew and Turke despising the humanity of Christ that was so humble by being malicious and vnkind to him that is so good by being cruell and froward to him that is so mercifull by enuying and persecuting him that is a pure innocent when as in mans wisedome it is wickednes to scorne the good cruelty to deale hardly with the simple and innocent foolishnes to iest with holy thinges madnes to hate him that loueth lewdnes to refuse good doctrine and wicked furiousnes to reiect and make light of s aluation therefore awake and beate downe thy churlish hart thy pernicious nature and stiffe conceit and put on louing kindnes and mercy faith and hope and be quick in will and mind to receiue Christ and be constant in retaining him and so let thy loue be sure and stable toward him Reu. 5. for no treasure is of so great certaintie as the perfect and immouable loue of Christ who standeth at the dore of thy hart and knocketh and if thou wilt heare his voice and open thy hart to receiue his wordes he will come in and sup with thee and thou shalt for so entertaining him and his righteous doctrine sup with him at his heauenly table of euerlasting benediction and blessednes Thus perswade thy selfe that no man loueth thee more intirely nor regardeth thy saluation more tenderly then Christ doth and seing we confesse by nature that loue is allured by nothing so much as by loue The loue of Christ passeth all things then O thou earthly man and vnthankfull hart loue Christ againe for thy soules health that so aboundantlye loueth thee So that let neither the pompe of this worlde nor pleasure of fleshly delightes nor kindred nor countries or nations nor profession nor condition of liuing nor causes diminish thy loue from Christ and from thy brother or neighbour for Christes sake Seing there is one father of all whome wee are tauht of Christe to call father dayly which will acknowledge thee to bee his chyld if thou like wise acknowledge all
of our selues for it is the gift of God and commeth not of woorkes Ephe. 2. least any should boa st him self for we are his woormanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good woorks that wee shoulde walke in them so that none can looue Christe in purenes of hart but that of verry force hée will walke in good woorks as thinges that are vnpossible to bée seperated from him that is sanctified with the spirit of adoption and grace for as Christ is the fountaine of all holynes and righteousnes and of all grace and goodnes so it must needes followe that whome Christe hath sanctified with his Spirit that they must of necessitie doo the woorkes of grace and righteousnes so long as they labour and indeuour to be renued and confirmed in the spirit of grace which wée receiuing and takeing of Christe must of force confesse that without it wée haue no power to crucifie our fleshe and to resist sinne and therfore by it wée haue power to mortifie our earthly members and to doo the woorkes of righteousnes whereby it is moste euident and plaine that by the grace giuen by Christe through faith wée may assuredly and boldely perswade our s elues that wee are only iustified and saued Therefore saith Peter Pet. 1.1 blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus which through his aboundant mercie begat vs againe to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Christe from death to inioy an inheritance immortall and vndefiled reserued in heauen for vs after which the prophets inquired and searched prophesying of the grace that shuld come vnto vs by the spirite of of Christ which testified before of the passions that should come vnto him and the glorie that should follow after for by Christ we are made spirituall and not carnall whose spirite doth certifie our spirite that we are the sonnes of God and heires annexed with him who was ordained before the worlde was made that by him our faith and hope might be in God so that our iustification come not by the deedes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ according to Paule Thess ●● God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctifying of the spirite and through the beleeuing of the truth whereunto he called you by the gospell for Christe is the end of the law to iustifie all that beleeue Rom. 8 Gal. 6. walking not after the flesh but after the spirite for what soeuer a man soweth that shall he reape if he sow in the flesh hee shall of the flesh reape corruption but if he sow in the spirite he shall of the spirite reape life euerlasting for they that are Christes Gal. 5. haue crucified the flesh with the appetites and lustes thereof for Christ hath called vs to holynes and not to vncleannes and hath called vs out of bondage into libertie from the curse of the law vnto grace from darknes to light from death to life from the spirite of feare to a liuely hope from a earthly mansion to an heuenly kingdome from transitorie glorie to euerlasting glorification therefore stand grounded and established in faith not moued away from the gospell but stand fa st in the liuely hope to obtaine the glorie that commeth by Christ Rom. 8. being vnfainedly pers waded that there is no damnation to them that are in Christ Iesus walking after the spirite and hauing their conseruation in heauen For Christ our sauiour sitting now in the right hand of God in his maiestie Ephe. 1. was before the world was by whom wee are predestinated heires according to the purpose of him that worketh all things after the purpose of his owne will that through his gospell should be brought life and immortalitie to all that do beleeue in his sonne Iesus Christ the seede of promise to Abraham who now is declared openly whom we looke for to come shortly in the glorie of his Father and all holy Aungels with him in all power and maiestie And that all eies shall see him and they also that pearsed him so that al kindreds of the earth shall mourne when they behold Christ comming in the cloudes Reu. 1. to reward euery man according to his deedes therfore it behoueth vs to watch and pray and to become new creatures thereby making our election sure by holding fast his gospell in a stedfast faith by walking after righteousnes that we may ouercome and be found faithfull at the appearance of Christ comming in glorie that we also may be crowned with glorie ioyfully saying Blessed is the kingdome that commeth in the name of him Mark 11. that is Lord of our Father Dauid Hosanna in the highest Ephe. 1. BLessed be God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessings in heauenly things by Christ according as he had chosen vs before the foundation of the world was laid that we shoulde bee Saintes through loue who ordained vs before through Christ to be heires vnto him selfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted through the beloued Iesus by whom wee haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to the riches of his grace Therefore to him be all honor and glorie world without end Amen THE GLORIOVS and beautifull garland of mans glorification CAP. 2. How man shall bee chaunged at the sounde of the laste troump from mortalitie to immortalitie and from an erthly nature to an euerlasting nature and appeare before the iudgement seat of Chris t to be rewarded according to his deedes eyther with eternall reproufe or els with euerlasting glorification SVch is the eternall ordenance of the Almightie God touching our saluation in his Sonne Iesus Christe that all men ought too knowe that as by a man came death so by a man come the resurrectiō of the dead for as by Adam all dye so by Christe shall all bee made alyue according to Iohn Iohn 5. The houre shall come in the which all that are in their graues shall heare Christes voice and shall come foorth they that haue done good to the resurrection of lyfe and they that haue done euill to the resurrection of dampnation Esdras 22. as the Lord sayd by the Prophet Those that be dead will I rayse vp againe from their places Daniell 12. bring them out of their graues and they that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting lyfe Acts. 17. some to perpetuall shame and reproufe as it is in the Acts that the Lord hath appointed a day in the which hée will iudge the world according to righteousnes by that man Christe whome hee hath appointed and hath offered faith to all men after that reysed him from death to whome saieth Iohn the Father hath cōmitted all iudgement because that all men should honor the sonne euen as they
droue off from day to day till the floud came vnawares vpon them and ouer whelmed gulled into their throts Gen. 7. and how lamentable the Sodomites were that abode in sinne and wallowed in the lustes of the flesh and pleasure of the world and in the lusts of eating and drinking and vicious life euen till the fire and brimstone came downe from heauen and consumed and burnt them vp mo st ●ufully and heauily but now behold Gen. 19. there is comming a thousand fold more of fire and brimstone of flames of wee of flouds of sorrow and burning plagues of paine at this daye when all the frame of this world shall flye on a fire and the Lord shall say depart ye cursed into euerlasting woe the before turne vnto me saith the Lord and I will turne vnto you and hast to come away yee people from slumbring in sinne Zach. 1. and tarry no longer in your carnall lustes and worldly desires walking with old Adam in filthy and vaine conuersation but awake and rise vp to Christ in holines of life knowing that you are redeemed with his precious bloud as of a lambe vndefiled and without spot that you may be found vnto laud honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ Pet. 1.1 when ye shal giue accoumptes to him who shall come with all power Pet. 1.4 to iudge the a●icke and dead for which cause ye ought to awake out of sinne and sit downe vpon the lap of repentance there making you readie dayly and hourely with the garments of righteousnes the breast plate of faith and loue and putting on the golden helmet of hope the precious badge of your saluation thereby making your calling and election sure that when his glorie appeareth you may be merry and glad and not ashamed Wherfore consider this dreadfull day in which behold how wofull how trembling and fearefull it shall be to see all the borders of the heauens and earth in a raging bla●●ng and consuming fire that wee shall crye vnto the hilles and rockes to fall on vs and how pitifull shall this day be in which all the kindreds of the earth shall mourn with greeuous lamentings and weepings therefore let this consideration enter into the eares of thy heart as the sounde of a terrible trumpet ●●uddering and shaking thy fleshly man with the remembrance of the groning cryes of the w●es in hell and a●●mating thy inward man with the ioyfull voices of blessednes in heauen considering that such is the glorie that the gospell propound of the one side and such is the dreadfull damnation which it threateneth of the other si●e as that the one is an eternall kingdome of glorie prepared for the good and godly people the ioy whereof surpasseth the other is a place of horror and a furnace of vnquencheable paines ordained for the wicked into the which they shall be damned and cast from the face of their G●●● there remaining swallowed vp into the dreadfull and arke gulphes of hell for euer and euer and there shall continue tormented with fire and brimstone for euer where euerie place and corner is filled with curses and woes and with most heauy lamentations and bewaylinges where alas the heapes of woes the stormes of punishments the raging of spirites the horror of Sathan and the crying of soules may pearce your hartes with the woundes of sorrow to think of the griefes that shal be accompanied with the lamētable damnation of departing from god from his kingdom of heauen whereby it shall make that day of sentence and iudgement of death giuē by Christ to be most trembling dreadfull and fearefull Notwithstanding there is no cause why any man shuld feare himselfe so that he perseuere in the christian faith good life as a sure refuge and anker He that beleeueth neede not feare although great shal be the feare of the dreadfull day of dome when Christ shall shew himselfe sodenly vnlooked for from an high after the maner of a flash of lightening dreadful to the wicked who shall be cast into euerlasting fire uost amiable louely to the godly persons which shal be called to the feloship of the heauenly kingdome for the Lord will let none of his chosen be away but be shrowded vnder the protection of his Angels for it is written Psal 34. the angel of the Lord tarrieth about them that feare him deliuereth them yea hee will comfort them euen when that sodaine and sore perplexity of mind and earnest des peration shall go as a quauie and wind ouer all nations that the people of the earth shall consume and pine away as peple of an other world for feare of beholding the terrible stroke of God the powers of heuen to moue contrarie to their creation the earth shake and reele the sea boyle and swel with most dreadful roring noise to the dismaing of al mens hartes to behold the whole vniuersall world and al the nature of things ready to be shaken in sunder like an earthen pot when the bright shining s un being the fountaine of the light of the earth heauens shal with sodain darknes couer his face imbraiding the vngodly with their blindnes because they would not see follow imbrace the euerlasting s on lanterne of the world Iesus Christ the moone shal giue no light and the stars fall which hath bene so many hundred yeares fastened to the firmament Then the glorie of the Lord shal come his face burne that no man can abide it Esay 3. and shall set vp the power of his voyce an angrie countenaunce with a consuming fire then the kinges shall vani sh as the scums of the water and shall say to the mountaines couer vs Ose 9. and to the hilles fal on vs fearing the fire of Gods indignation now kindled ouer the whole world doubting to be girded in the flame thereof whereat all the nations of the world shal strike their breastes beholding the signe of the sonne of man which being s●ne a vniuersall trepidation shall come vnto all mens hartes when the Iewes shall see whom they haue offended and the Gentiles s hal see the maiestie of the crosse which they laughed to scorne for they shall see the sonne of man whom they dispised comming on high in the cloudes of the ayre with a great armie of Aungels Esay 26. who commeth out of his place to visite the wickednes of them that dwell vpon the earth and who shall abide it for then shall the axe be put to the roote of the trees so that euery tree that hath not brought foorth good fruit shall be hewen downe and cast into the fire when fire and brimstone storme tempest shall be their portion to drinke which obstinate sinners haue heaped to them selues despising the goodnes patience and long suffering of God which meanes he vsed in their life time to call them continually to repentance but then shall
the way of godlines and to follow Christe setting our affection in heauen that according to Paule when Christ which is our lyfe shall shewe him self that wée also may appeare with him in glory therfore saieth Iames Coloss 3. be yée patient vnto the comming of the Lord and settle your harts in goodnes Ieames 5. for the comming of the Lord draweth nigh when wée shall see him as hee is and bee lyke him made by him the sonnes of God who shall chaunge our vile bodies to be facioned lyke to his glorious body that wée shal enioy the fruition of his euerlasting tabernacle heauenly Ierusalem at his apperance againe to s aluation wherunto hee called vs by the Gospell to obtaine the glorie that commeth of our Lord Iesus Christe for Christe dyed for vs that wee should be partakers of his kingdome and haue our names in the booke of lyfe as s ayeth the Apostle wée shall be deliuered from this bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God Rom. 8. according to Christ s aying I am the resurrectiō and life he that Iohn 12. beleeueth in mee yea though hee were dead yet shall hee lyue and whoso euer lyueth and beleeueth in mee shall not dye for euer according to Luke Luke 20. They which be made woorthy to inioy the kingdome of the world to come and the resurrection from death can dye no more for they are equall to the Angells and are the sonnes of God for saith Christe Reue. 2 3. He that ouercommeth and is faithfull to the end I will giue him to eate of the tree of lyfe whiche is in the midst of the Paradice of God and he shall haue a crowne of lyfe and shall not be hurt of the second death but haue his name in the booke of lyfe and be a piller in the temple of my God and shall sit with me in my seate and this is the victorie that ouercōmeth the world euen our stedfast and vnfeigned faith in Iesus Christe by whome GOD hath giuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and to bee glorified by him at the day of his appearance when the misterie of Gods will shall be opened in his sonne Iesus Christe at his comming at the end of the world at which time shall be performed that all that haue done well shall go into euerlasting lyfe and all that hath done euill into euerlasting dampnation Therfore let vs fight the good fight of faith and walk as children of the day waiting with stedfast hope for the adoption and fruition of the heauenly kingdome that wée may méete him ioyfully comming in the cloudes and receiue the garland of glorification crown of eternall lyfe Iohn 1.5 and so be clothed with our heauenly mansion and translated into his kingdome there receiuing the glorious garments of immortalitie and the blessednes of our new Ierusalē where beholde loe wée shall shine as bright as the sunne beames béeing in all glorie in the presence of the brightnes of our omnipotent and resplendant GOD. To the obtaining of the high rewarde whereof watch and pray that your conuersation may be according to the Gospell and therefore let this be your watchman while you heare do lyue to think 〈…〉 Saint Ierome that whether you eate or drink or what so euer elles you dooe that moste dreadfull Troumpet soundeth in your eares Aryse you dead and come vnto Iudgement O Lord God almightie which art and wast and art to come who art Alpha and Omega to thee be all prayse Reue. 7. honor and glorie and all power and dignitie be ascribed to the almightie maker sitting vpon the seate and vnto the Lamb for euermore for now all thy people are gathered togither in thy sonne Iesus Christe that the misterie of thy holy will may be declared Ephe. 1. beeing called by the troump of the Arch-angell to come vnto the moūt Siō and to the citie of the liuing God the celestial Ierusalem and to an innumerable sight of Angels Heb. 12. and vnto the congrogation of the first borne sōnes which are written in heauen and to God the iudge of all and to the spirits of iust and perfect men to Iesus the mediator of the new Testament Phil. 3. who dooth change our vile bodies to be facioned like to his glorious body therfore to thee be prayse honour and power world with out end AMEN THE GLORIOVS AND BEAVTIFVL GARlande of mans glorification CAP. 3. The mysterie of the glorious comming of Christ at the end of the worlde and howe he shall sit in his glittering seate of Maiestie in all brightnesse of glorie power and dominion And where and howe all thinges both in heauen and earth shall be gathered together in Christ and see his glorie and in him our glorification EXcellent was the cōming of God when in his glorie like shining fire he came downe vpon mount Sinai where Moyses brought the people out of the tentes to meete the Lorde so marueilously descending downe vpon the hill which burnt with fire euē vnto the middes of heauen Exod. 19. and the Lorde spake vnto them with his mightie thundring voyce out of fire Deut. 4. that it was exceeding fearefull and also so wonderfull glorious that whē Moyses had talked with God the people were not able to beholde the glistering beautie and brightnesse of Moyses face Exod. 34. But nowe howe shall his glorie bee exalted in the highest what time he shall make him vp to shake the earth in the ende of the worlde when the appearance of his comming shall exceede in all greatnesse of power and might according to Micheas Micheas ● The Lorde shall come out of his holy place Micheas 1. and come downe and ●●eade vpon the high things of the earth that the mountaines shall consume vnder him and the valleyes cleaue asunder And then the Sun●●e and Moone shall be ashamed at his glorious face of incomparable clearenesse brightnes from which all the beautie glorie and pompe of this world shall flée away into rebuke dishonour not able to endure the perfection of his beautie and incomprehensible pureness e before whome it consumeth to nought perish and vanish away for euer and th●● O how Christ shall glister in the magnificence of his omnipotent kingly maiestie in the preheminence noe of dignitie aboue dignities that all the glorie of kings kingdomes shall giue place and vanish at his mightie appearance not worthy to endure the glorie of his cōming before which they waste and fall into emptines and he shall shew him selfe from the top of the high heauens with such triumphant power of vnspeakeable glorie dominion and might that from his presence shall ●●●●away ●e●rth heauens and their place no more soūd for he shall shake the earth againe remooue ●●●ne away those things which haue ended their course whē the powres of heauen the vniuers al frame of this world shal
shal according to the first of the Actes come againe downe vpon mount Oliuet Zacharie 14. and according to Zacharie Hee shall stande vpon mount Oliuet the mount of the eternall light that lieth vpon the East side of Ierusalem Place of Iudgement And the mount Oliuete shall cleaue in two eastward and wes tward so that there shall be a great valley and the half mount shall remoue toward the north and the other toward the south and thither wee shall flye into the valley of the Lords hilles where the Lord shal be and all his Saincts with him and this is the valley of Iosaphat which Ioel speaketh of saying Let the people ryse and get them to the valley of Iosaphat Ioel. 3. for there will I set sayth the Lord and iudge all heathen round about and there shall bee many people in that day of the Lord in the same valley appointed when the Lord shall roare out of Sion and cry out of Ierusalem that the heauens and earth shall quake withall and the sun and moone shal be darkened and the starres withdrawe their light and then shall we knowe that the Lord our God dwelleth vppon the holy mount Sion and that Ierusalem is holy inhabited for euer more And thus sayth Esay the sunne and moone shall bee ashamed Esay 24. when the Lord of hoastes shall come with his hie heauenly hoast from abooue to rule the people at Ierusalem vppon mount Syon And now beholde how Iesus our eternall king iudge béeing thus come downe from the toppe of all heauens with an heauenly company of beautifull bright Angells and goodly creatures triumphing with the glorie of all celestiall pompe Reue. 20. Is sitting according to Iohn in the great white seat from whose face flyeth away bothe the earth and heauen their place no more found And there bothe great and small stand before GOD ready to be rewarded with his glorious and euerlasting kingdome saying blessing honour glorie and power bee vnto him that sitteth on the seate and to the Lamb for euermore And thus our omnipotent and glorious King our mercifull Sauiour and Iudge hath stretched foorth his glorious and omnipotent throne and seate of maiestie vpon the valley of Iosaphat the blessed valley of GOD where all thinges in heauen and in earth are gathered before him to iudgement where hée openly sheweth foorth his woorthines and pretiousnes glittering lyke to a Iasper or Sardine stone which stones are moste cleare and of a moste florishing purenes without corruption being of propertie and nature of so excellent a vertue Reue. 4. as to kindle the harts and myndes of the beholders to ioy and also to animat and stirre vp their spirits to delight mirth and gladnes and so in superabundant measure of vnspeakablenes doothe Christe appeare vnto vs moste graciously sitting vppon his tribunall seate houlding his court regall with all fleshe there glistering so with incōparable endlesse brightnes and purenes of glorie as to kendle all harts excedingly and abooue all that may be thought to the praysing lauding and magnifying his moste excellent and renowned maiestie And there was about his seat thousand thousands saying with a lowde voice worthie is the Lamb that was killed to receiue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and blessing And this seat was bordred about with a goodly and heauinly Raine-bow lyke a Smaradge as with a moste precious ring representing the riches of Gods promises to be performed and the blessednes of his promises touching election and his iudgements touching distruction to be like as the raine-bow is roūd and with out end so them to be without end for euer and as the Smaradge is durable Esdras 4.5 so the promises and iudgement of God shall indure for euer according to Esdras God lykneth his iudgement to a ring And now ahout the seat are twentie and fower seates and vpon the seate twenty and fower Elders sitting clothed in amiable white Garments being the raines of righteousnes and robes of iuss tice hauing on their heades crouwnes of golde beeing made kings royall préestes vnto God and Iudges of the trybes béeing the Patriarches and twelue Apostles according to Daniell I loked till the seates were prepared till the olde aged set them down according to Mathew Mathew 1● Christ sayd vnto his Apostles yée shall sit vppon twelue seates and iudge the twelue trybes of Israell whereby wée see the great glorie power and dignitie with whiche the Lord dooth adorne his messengers and Apostles withall that they shall accompanie our eternall God and king Iesus Christe vpon his maiesticall throne of Iudgement to manifest the excellencie of Gods treuth in open iudgement iudgeing the enemies of Christe Whereby wee may well perceiue the woorthines of our glorie to be great if wee so liue that we may be found acceptable in the sight of God thereby to be made the sonnes of God glorified with glorious bodies like the Apostles euermore accompaning with Christe him selfe in his new Cittie of Ierusalem his moste blessed kingdome And now out of the seat proceeded lightnings and thundrings and voyces the first béeing the glistering and lightning streames of Gods mercy towards the godly the second beeing the dreadfull thundering fearefull s ound of Gods iudgement toward the wicked and the third beeing the heauenly voyces of the Angells and Saincts praysing lawding magnifying God in his omnipotent goodnes and glorie as at the byrthe of Christe the Angells and multitude of heauenly souldiers stood before Christe in vision to the Shéep-heards according to Luke lawding God and saying Luke 2. Glory be to God on high and peace on the earth and with men reioycing And the glorious Throne of GOD is full of all power glorie and honour according to the saying of Ieremie Whose Throne is moste glorious excellent and of moste antiquitie which dwellest in the place of our moste holy and blessed rest And according to the saying of the Prophet Danyell His Throne was lyke vnto the fierie flame and his wheales as the burning fire and there drewe forth a fierie streame and went out from him béeing the mighty and eternall blases of Gods goodnes Daniell 7. mercy and iudgmēt to the great ioy and gladnes of the righteous to beholde and to the wunderfull terrour feare and dread of the wicked to see abyde and indure and thus replenished with all excellēncie and gloriousnes is this seat of iudgement That there are seuen shyning Lamps of fire burning before the seat béeing the seuen spirits of God shewing a goodly faire and cleare light and a pure cleare expressing of the clearnes of almightie GOD béeing the heauenly witnes of the euerlasting treuth of God and béeing for euer present before his Throne there giuing heauenly honour and prayse to our omnipotent God sitting in his glorious throne of maiestie and before the seat is a sea of glasse like throwgh shyning christall being the
abiding inseparably in one concordance of with and in that one as a thing vnpossible that that great radical nomber should consist or be found without his roote radicall neither also is it possible to be thought a roote radicall to be but that in his owne nature and power of force are many nombers radicall inclusiuely conteined in this his roote as in a priuie seale of most heauenly comprehension so that the nomber of twelue is a radicall nomber which by vertue and power of it selfe multiplied in it selfe doeth of it selfe produce a greater nomber as an hundred fourtie and foure and so the heauenly harmonie increaseth by consent and agreement of radicall production yet this high nomber doth concord vnite and knit it selfe in of and with this radical nomber of twelue So that the twelue apostles being the twelue foundations raised out of one corner stone wherof the walles of Ierusalem do stand are the radicall roote whereof the great nomber of the elect in one symbolicall conformitie and concordance of vnitie doth agrée in perfect harmonie of coniuction as euer abiding in of with his foundation or radical roote and so by vertue power of perfect production coniunction concordance and harmonie is one in many and many in one conteined in perfection of heauenly mysterie Whereby this Radicall foundation and roote twelue Apostles springing out of that only roote of Iesse dooth conteine his measure of Ierusalem so vnder the vertue figuratiue of twelfe as the number of the whole elect of the twelue trybes that the heigh length breadth is equalll and the measure of the walles is a perfect radicall number of the radicall root of twelf multiplyed in him self which in his owne strength and power produceth and hūdreth fortie and fower a figuratiue signe of the vnitie and consent of the misticall number of the whole congregation of the elect number of the Sainctes for as twelue augmented in it selfe dooth therof concurre a certaine true perfect radicall number consemblably agréeing to in and with the roote twelf wherof it ryseth so in lyke consent vnity harmony perfect number and true increase of production and concordance is the vniuersall Church triumphant to the radicall roote of the twelue Apostles and their doctryne so knyt all in one roote of Iesse inseperably as one in many many in one in ghostly harmony euermore abyding And thus in lyke manner is this euerlasting habitation or new Ierusalem so absolute in all true perfection iust proportion of heauenly consent as nothing can be better nothing purer nothing excellenter and nothing more woorthyer to the euerlasting reioysing of the elect sainctes of God cohering in one self same perfection of one consēt peace and vnitie for euer And now the vision of this glorious Cittie wherin the glorified people shall dwel did glister in the spirituall eies of Iohn in such transparent maner as may animate all harts to the earnest looue and desire of inioying so beautifull an habitation Reue. 4. and so precious a Cittie of blessednes For the buylding of the walles was of Iasper and the Cittie of pure golde lyke to the cleare glasse and the foundation of the walles were garnished with all manner of pretious stones as of Iasper Saphir Calcydon Smaradge Sardonix Sardeos Crisolitie Byrrall Topas Crisoprassos Iacynt and Amatist wherby appeare the abundant riches of all vertues the innumerable treasures of all heauenlynes the exceeding ioyes of all ioyfulnes the vnspeakable swéetnes of all blessednes the moste precious felicitie of all happynes to bee alwaies there conteyned to the perpetuall gladding and reioysing of the hartes of the elect of GOD for the Cittie in euerie parte with the whole and of the whole with euerie parte is without spotte and dymnes without blemish and wryncle for euer being in euerie parte the selfe perfection for euer that in her cōpasse euer is the excelleecie of all excellentnes that nothing can be added Otherfore that the power glorie and mightines of this kingdome of Ierusalem might bee knowen to all men whose glorie is euerlasting and her dominion indureth through all ages for shée hath her gates wrought without hands and yet grauē by high ministerie beeing of twelue beauties like incomparable pearles and yet by heauenly vertue Reue. 4. they shine as many yet still in one And the streat of the Cittie was moste goodly conssisting of pure golde as a through shyning glasse Shewing that it is most riche with all fulnes of riches the mightiest Kingdome of all incomparable treasures Reue. 12. the phenicall Cittie of all inestimable heauenlie merchandize beeing moste delectable abooue all delightes moste beautifull abooue all fairnes most cleare aboue all clearnes most of all resplēding that the night is as cleare as the day and the darknes and light bothe a lyke abooue all brightnes in which wee shall reigne with the Father of all brightnes greatnes beautie and glorie who euermore holdeth the Sainctes and Citizens there in perpetuall blyss e and ioy touching such an heauenlie mansion wherwith they are clothed For that the Lord God almightie and the Lamb are the Temple of it and the brightnes of God doo lighten it and the Lamb is the light of it that there is neuer night neuer need of sunne or moone neither shall the gates euer be shut for the seate of God and the Lamb shall be there Reue. 22. and they shall see his face and his names shall bee vppon their Foreheades And then they are a moste blessed People hauing the Lord for their God that insomuch it is a thing beyond all measure a place of ioy beyond all thoughtes where wee shall haue the fréedome of Angells the paradice of ghostly delightes the incomprehensible brightnes of Gods con̄tenance satisfied with the pleasures of his house and kingdome in the aboundant and bountifull refreshinges of all sweet and delectable gladnes by beholding our GOD in his greatnes béeing the Creator of all creatures the giuer of all blessednes and Author of all heauenlines the omnipotent maker of kingdomes powers and dignitie that all thinges shall yeeld vp their glorie to this Cittie of his Saincts bothe kinges and powers and whatsoeuer hath béen created shall yéelde vp his honour and vertue to this Cittie bothe waters and stones frutes and leaues Reue. 2● For out of the seat of God and of the Lamb procedeth pure Riuers of water of lyfe hauing on eueerie side woode of eternall life and frutes and leaues of euerlasting helth according to the saying of the Prophet Esay There lyeth no man that sayeth I am sicke for all euill is clearely taken away from the holy and blessed Citizens that dwell and inhabit there And thus the glorified and blessed People of GOD shall continue and euer remain in the glorious presence of Gods moste excellent maiestie in the euerlasting and eternall state of vnspeakable ioyes and hapines euermore walkeing in the puritie of the shyning and moste cleare light
saying Ye men and brethren girde you with the girdle of Gods veritie for through his abūdant mercie he hath begotten you again Peter 1.1 not with golde siluer but with the precious blood of his owne deare Sonne Iesus Chris t as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot that ye should enioy an inheritance immortal and glorious prepared in heauen for you Therefore trust perfectly to the grace that is brought by Iesus Christ walking after the spirit abstaining frō fleshly lustes and fighting against the workes of darkenesse that your conuersation may be holy in the grace of Christ whereto hee hath called you through faith to saluation thus she neuer ceaseth making such godly perswasions to allure men to winne the glorie of Christes kingdome 2. True Religion And then preasing forwarde to come to the seconde staire after the veritie of the trueth receiued there stoode another beautifull Ladie arayed with all the shining garments that the first ladie conteined in her treasure house of trueth Reuel 12. for she was clothes with the brightnesse of the Sonne the cleare worde of God and the moone vnder her feete the righteous life of the true congregation and Church of Christ was her foote-stoole and the glorie of twelue starres ouer her head the doctryne of the Apostles and the righteousnes of their lyfe was her glorie wherewith shée decked and that came vp to her vpon this staire for shée was the nurcing mother of Christes little Children her name was true Religion Iohn 6. whome the righteous branch of Dauid did holde faste by the hand and lynked her with a chaine of golde of vnseperable loue vnto the first virgin her sister called the light of the Gospell that whosoeuer came to imbrace the first Lady with true sincere loue mu st also by the golden chaine of feruent loue come vp higher vnto this swéet virgin of true Religion Heb. ● to imbrace her giftes of grace hope and peace to professe stedfastly the true profession of Christe with all humblenes reuerence and obediynce vnto God then these being not all the stayres that confirmed a verteous man in the way to euerlasting life 4. Godlynes and perfect Righteousnes These Ladies pointed him to looke vp to the third golden stayre and there was a trym méek virgin very demure and humble euen as white and as méek as a dooue being rayed clothed with pure goodly raines of silke the garments of righteousnes down to the ground and she stood vppon the corner stone of Sion and shée was rich and had no end of her treasures Reue. 22. Pet. 1.1 she was fast linked with the golden chaine of vnseperable looue to the other two virgins her sisters that who so came vp to them she for her goodly raines and treasures sake stirred them vp with feruent spirit to come vp higher to s tandde with her and walke vpon the corner stone of Sion wher she by name being true godlines did set vp righteousnes in the ballance and filled all commers to her with the frute therof for she was as the shining light her beautie as the burning lamp did giue them the rich garments of righteousnes which the two first Ladies had made ready for them to weare which notwithstanding without this virgins asistance did shew in them naked and bare for shée being by name true and pure Godlynes did deck all men that had receiued the light of the Gospel and the profession of true Religion with the garments of health and precious armour of God Ephe. 6. putting vppon them the breast plate of righteous nes the sandalles of peace the shéeld of faith the helmet of saluation the bond of looue swoorde of the spirit saying Now walke yee as Children of the light Thess 1.5 and Children of the day for they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the appetites and lusts therof Gal. 5. and so walke in the spirit and doe the frutes therof and be not weary of well dooing but tread down the lustes of the fleshe which woorketh contrarie to the spirit to kéepe you back from this golden staire vnto whiche you are come wherin shine as lights in the world Iohn 1 5. holding fast the word of life and then aske any thing at Gods hand according to his will and he heareth your petitions Phil. 2. thus she reioyced all commers with the aboundant swéetnes of heauenly conuersation 4. Constancie perseuerance in righteousnes to the end And now preasting vp to the mark appointed the high calling in Christe these Virgins appointed a righteous man to go vp to the fourth golden stayr wher was a pure modest and méek Virgin clothed with a garment dipt in blood setting her feet very fast vpon the precious corner stone of Sion being lynked with the vnseperable and inuincible golden chaine of perfect loue stedfastnes of faith Reue. 19 impugnable patience vnto the other thrée Ladies her Sisters and her name was called Constancie perseuerance in the trouth vnto the end And then you might see many come running feircely out of the house of Esaw Pet. 1 1. Iames. 1.4 to make sharpe battels and ass aultes against this virgin shooting many arrowes of persecutions afflictions temptations and tribulations to beate her of that golden stair and to kill her and there you might see that shée was sore wounded that her garments were blooddie for the Lambs sake ●●pe 3. Rom 8. Heb. 12. Cor. 2.1.52 and shée did holde fast the treuth and her faith did cōtinue vnshaken of all the darts of persecutions and shée had a great Adamant in her hand and vppon it was written the wordes which the Lamb of glorie spake to Iohn from heauen to draw thereby all them that were come by grace in Christe to the other thrée stayres to come vp to her Reue. 23 to walke with constant faith and patience vpon the glaciall sea of perseruerance to the end and then shée sayd to them that were belowe come vp hether boldely and feare none of those thinges which you shall suffer for beholde the holy one of Israell that set vppon Dauids stoole byddeth you be of good cheare for I am with you saieth hée to the end of the world and hée saieth vnto Iohn Feare not I am the first and the last Reu. 1. and am aliue and was dead and beholde I am a liue for euermore and haue the keyes of hell and death Holde therfore fast the patience of my woordes to the end and thou shalt be safe Reu. 2. for whosoeuer ouercommeth and is faithfull to mée vnto death I wil giue him a crowne of lyfe and will make him a glorious piller in the Temple of my God Reu. 3. and shall sit for euer with me in my seat in new Ierusalem and thus this goodlie Ladie did comfort all commers with such heauenly consoation of Christes owne wordes who is faithfull
of euerlasting life for he that confesseth the treuth of mée before men Reu● 3. I will confesse his name before God and the holy Angels and hee that denyeth the treuth of me I will denye him O therfore beware and bee not féeble mynded and dismaid at yonder tempest of persecution for why hath not Christe moste louingly tolde thée that such extreame dangers shall come to passe and sayeth to the feare none of thos e thinges but holde out to the end and thou shalt be saued and crowned with eternall glorie why then wilt y● yéeld wilt thou now be shaken down like a figge from his figge trée O man remember thy self consider whereto thou dooest fall what art thou so nyce of thy fleshe so tender of thy skyn Be not remoued from the Gospel so feruent to Wife and Children so geuen to worldly riches and delights so bent to promotions so hastie to please men so adict to this Worlde so foolishe and madde to run with the multitude so ready to yéelde to the persecutors as to forget the day of the Lord when thou shalt altogither tremble and quake and giue an account of thy dooings what I say to thée with heauie gréef wilt thou abide no perrils no torments no imprisonment no affliction no hunger nor shame no wearines no losse of goodes no departing from fré ends no losse of life for Christes Gospell then thou maist say wo is my vntrutefulnes Wherefore pray with all instance that God may strengthen thy faith and that thou maist be endued with patience against all tribulations and that you may be preserued from dogges from Locustes and vnreasonable men And nowe while the doore of the Gos pell is open stablishe your heartes in the euerlasting consolation of faith hope loue and patience in Christ Dan. 12. And suffer aduersitie with him and with his Gospell through the power of God who hath giuen you the gift of grace For it is written that the dayes shall come in which you shall bée purifyed cleansed and tryed as golde in the fire Wherfore holde fast the patience of his name in all stormes of persecutions by looking vp ioyfully to heauen when thou art in the handes of the persecuters Reu. 6. and fettered to the stake of torments then to beholde the golden altar and see there the soules of them vnder the hande of Christ which hath suffred before you in the testimonie of Iesus Christ whether now thy soule skipping ioyfully out of thy body as one loosed out of bondage and prison do goe accompanied with Gods holy angel to those blessed soules there meeting together with praising and magnifying God vnder the golden altar for blessed are those that suffer for righteousnes sake An acceptable sacrfice to GOD And therefore consider what an acceptable sacrifice thou shalt be to God when thou shalt breath forth the swéete odours of prayers through the flaming fire or tortures of death vp before the face of God by yéelding thy life for his cause so that bee assured that thy inward ioy shall quench eat vp the outward paines and torments of death for it is written the Angel of the Lord tarrieth round about them that feare God Psalme 3. and deliuereth thē therefore feare not death for the gospels sake but suffer with christ that you may be glorified with him and so be of the nomber of them to whō he shal s ay Come ye blessed inherite the kingdom and be crowned with the glorious garland of your glorification and so to conclude Luke ●● Reioyce that your names are written in heauen TO THE Reader LIft vp your heades Christ is at hande Hosanna in the highest Receiue the gifte the kingdome come from heauen which is most purest The Lord doth com him selfe from heauen who is the king of kinges Arise you dead and put you on your newe immortall winges At Sion he will shewe him selfe prepare you to be there Where crownes of life and palmes of ioy the chosen then shall weare Arise therefore receiue the gifte of Gods eternall light Imbrace the ioyes beholde the face of God in open sight The holye Citie gloriously in brightnesse which excel Descendeth downe from God aboue wherein the Saintes shall dwell The wicked then shall stande without an heauie wooe to see The Lord shall say Depart ye hence you shall not be with me Arise therefore as true right heires Of that most blessed lande Sing out Hosanna in the highest Christes kingdome is at hande F. K. A PRAYER OF THANKESGIVING TO GOD THAT IT MAY PLEASE HIM TO sanctifie vs with his holy grace that we may dwell in Newe Ierusalem with a petition for our Soueraigne Queene that it may please God that she may reigne ouer vs many yeeres and after this life be crowned with the heauenly clothing of glorification WE most heartily thanke thée O Lorde God our heauenly Father for thy manifolde and inestimable benefits which thou hast giuen vnto vs both for our soules bodies and that fréely of thine owne goodnesse without our desertes wee thāke thée that it hath pleased thée of thy great mercie to create and make vs to thine owne Image and Likenesse and being lost through the sinne of our first father Adam thou vouchsafedst of thy endlesse pitie to s aue vs and redeeme vs againe by the death and passion of thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our sweete Mediatour and Aduocate whom we looke for to come againe at the day of iudgement as a most louing Lord and Sauiour to carry vs with him into euerlasting glorie there to remaine with him worlde without end Therefore graunt vs sweete Lord God the riches of thy grace that we may haue the fruition of thy ioyes in thy heauenly kingdome of euerlasting blessednes And we beseech thée O Lord Iesus Christ which art the health of al mē liuing the euerlasting life to thē that die in thy faith to preserue 〈◊〉 thy seruant our Queene Gouernes so with thy blessed hand to fé ede ●●●spéede 〈◊〉 lead 〈◊〉 kéepe 〈◊〉 vnder thy holy wings that she may euermore faste the sweetenesse of thy riche mercie and great loue to the praise of thy holy Name and glorie of the Gospel and also to his glorification in the eternall kingdome of glorie And we thy seruantes and children by grace being ordeined by thee to be her faithfull subiectes doe beseech thée of thy great goodnes so to increase her with thy blessings that we may enioye him swéete gouerne●●e to reigne ouer this Realme manye yeeres more in peace and tranquillitie and after this life to partake the euerlasting glorie of Christ to whome be all glorie honour and praise worlde without ende Amen GOD SAVE the 〈◊〉