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A07407 The iustification of man by faith only: made and vvritten by Phylyp Melanchton. and translated out of the Latyn in to this oure mother tonge by Nicholas Lesse of London An apologie or defence of the worde of God, declaringe what a necessary thynge it is, to be in all mennes handes, the want wher of is the only cause of al vngodlienes committed thorowe the whole earth, made by the sayde Nicholas Lesse Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Lesse, Nicholas. Apologie or defence of the worde of God. aut 1548 (1548) STC 17792; ESTC S104245 86,618 204

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natures of thinges hearing witnesse to that same the darknesse of the sonne and the erthquake Therfore with a strong hert he called on him sayinge Remembre me Lorde when thou doeste come into thy kingdome What a great matter of Fayth was thys that he wold knowledge him which suffered lyke punyshment with him whiche shulde dye with him to be the Messias the forgiuer of sinne the giuer of lyfe euerlastinge and that shulde death being ouercome reygne a kingdome after this lyfe The Apostles before the tyme did thynke that the Romains being expulsed he shuld be an erthly kyng but this thefe declared that he which there suffered death with him after death shuld reygne Whereto Christ giuing euidence saide that he hys selfe shulde reygne that he was the gyuer of lyfe eternal giuing to him absolution and the Gospell of euerlastinge lyfe to kindle and confyrme his Fayth sayinge This daye thou shalte be with me in Paradise Wherwith this poore thefe being made strong and confyrmed did knowledge and confesse that he had lyfe euerlastinge giuen to him nat for his owne merite and deseruing but for this Lorde sake declaring as sone as he hadde this Fayth and comfort the newe obedience towarde God Marke therefore I praye you and se howe that thys Apostle hanginge on the tree did teache nat only those which were there presēt but also the church which was to come ¶ What a good spectacle is sette before vs wherby we may lerne that by Fayth frely we are saued by Christ nat excludinge for al that repentaunce and other good workes what are to be noted i● the thefe ¶ In the which thefe is to be noted repentance fayth inuocation confession and the office of a preacher Which forsoth are the chiefe and principall good workes and kinde of worshippinge that we cā do to God There is also an other marueilous godly lesson to be obserued and ī especial necessary in that thꝭ good thefe rebuked with sharpe wordes that other thefe his felow which there was hanged with him defending the glorye of God what is to be onderstand by that thys these rebuked hys felowe bicause he spake blasphemously of God giuing vs example howe to rebuke and reprehend the teachers of wicked lerning contrary to the word of god with tyrantes and al such other which are full of blasphemy persecutinge and speakinge yll of Christ in his members The which preacher may well be likened to them in these oure latter dayes Wherefore let vs heare him diligently both considering the example and also folowynge of that same ¶ FOR as much therfore as our newe obedience is pleasante and acceptable to God as I haue shewed you althoughe that the lyfe euerlasting is giuen freely for Christ his sake yet he doeth recompence our labours dedes Oure good dedes are rewarded and troubles susteyned for his sake as he doeth testifie pour reward is great in heuen And natwithstanding that of iust merite thei deserue nat lyfe euerlasting yet they deserue other rewardes both corporal and spirituall For the Lorde entendinge to mainteine and preserue his church doth liberally giue and distribute many corporall benefites as mainteininge life with liuing competent giuinge also a ciuyl peace and trāquillitie with other thinges necessary and profitable for thꝭ lyfe We haue also nede of spiritual benefites as wisdom learning strength good successe to euery mā in his calling Therfore Christ said first seke the kīgdome of god and then al thinge shall be throwen to you Paull saith also that pitifulnesse and charite hath her promyses bothe in this present life and in that other to come Marke the .10 chap. He shal receiue an hundredfold more in this life but not without persecution The fourth precept saith that thou maist liue long on the yerth And Christ saith giue you and you shal receiue againe Math x. He that gyueth but a cup of water to one of these for the doctryne he shall nat lese his rewarde Euerye where in the Prophettes promyses of corporall and spiritual benefytꝭ are cōteyned These are goodly rewardes as Esay 33. speakinge of the good and vertuouse sorte Breade shal be giuen to them and they shal se their king florishe they shal lacke no foode their comonwelth shal prosper and be quiet Fayth worke Rewarde The widow Sarepton receiued into her house the prophet Ely when there was great scarsite of vitayles In the which dede fyrst the faith of the woman secondly her worke and thyrde her greate rewarde are to be noted and marked The Prophete commaunded her to giue to him some meat if she had any left addinge therto a promise as the historye declareth The woman gaue to him for to eate when she had nomore in her house for her selfe This woman wolde nat haue extended to so great liberalitie if she had nat ben of a stronge Faythe thinking fyrst that God must be obeyed and the Prophete succoured and so did loke after the rewarde and benefite promised of God Therfore she receiued a reward of faith and charitie For her house was maynteyned and fed from heuen by the power of the Lorde tyl that vittayles were better chepe and waxed more plenty Her childe which was dead was restored to lyfe agayne by the which great miracle her Fayth was made strong and stedfast and the yonge man called vnto vertue Whom Epiphomius doeth write to be Ionas the Prophete Ionas which afterwarde preached to the king of Assirians in Niniue promoting and settyng forthe the worde of God Likewise at all tymes godly and vertuouse men haue receyued nat onely spirituall benefites but also many corporall to the preseruation of the church some this gift some that Paul as it pleaseth the Lorde to gyue The lord preserued Paul frō al daungers prouiding for him both house meate and al to her thinges necessary so longe as it pleased him that he shulde serue him in his ministery and office So Paull to the Corinthians writethe concerninge the plage of pestelence saying that god punished thē with that plage for theyr offences and if they wolde repente be sayde that then the plage wolde ceasse Suche lyke are the wordes of Zachary Be you conuerted to me and I wyll turne my face to you that is as much to say as I wyl swage and mitigate youre calamities and plages if you wyll repent nat meaning of one worke only to be done as though it were satisfactiō but of the true conuersion and fruite and declaring that same By these examples rehrrsed you maye perceyue after what fashion this newe obedience is acceptable to God and what kinde of rewardes it hath There be many thinges that may kindle a mannes herte to well doynge There is no greater ●lage then ●lyndnesse ●nd synne Fyrste the commaundement of God Secondly Faythe is cleane extinguished if you do neglect this newe obedience that is to say if newe workes folow nat this Fayth The thyrde is considering that
These are the secrete and moste propre workes of a christian man which we must nedes vnderstande The examples whereof are sene in those Godlye men whiche God hath sette before vs as maysters and teachers In Abraham Isaack Iacob Ioseph Samu●l Dauid Ieremy Danyel and such lyke He commaundeth vs also that we haue a whote and an ardent desyre both to knowe and also to set forth abrode to all men the Gospell This is the worshyppynge whiche he teacheth for the whiche we are al chefely ordeyned created regenerated and called As Peter writeth Being called from darknesse to shewe and sette forth to all men the benefites of God and the psalme .34 I wyl confesse to the c. and psalme .95 I wyl rendre and perfourme to the lord before all the people my vowes in the porches of the house of our god He willeth that in the profession of the gospel we be constant and in afflictions obedient callinge and trusting for helpe and succour from him He willeth vs to take hede that with our yll examples of lyfe we do gyue none occasion of sclaunder He commaundeth vs to refute hate and abhorre al wicked doctrines and nat to corry fauell with the instrumentes and membres of the Deuyl whiche do go aboute to obscure and darken the mooste clere pure and holsome doctrine of the Gospell I go nat about nowe to make none exposition of the commaundementes but yet I wolde councel all men always to loke earnestly on them and to considre howe many greate and harde matters they do comprehende ¶ Howe workes may be done TO the seconde question by what reason and howe maye so greate workes both the inward and the outwarde workes be perfourmed and done our weakenes being so great as it is Although that the outwarde workes by mannes power and diligence may be somewha● likely and skant so so performed yet the inwarde discipline worke being in the spiritual motions agreing to the worde of God without the working of the holy Ghost can by no meanes be done as they ought to be Therefore when that with Fayth the hertes of mē are erected and lifte vp with comforte then is giuen the holye Ghost to kindle in the mindes of men godly motions respondent to th● lawe of God according to the sayinge of Paul that we may receyue the promise of the spirite by faith Zachary the .iiii. cap. I wyl poure oute vpon the dwellers of Ierusalem the spirite of my grace fauoure and pardone Very godly forsothe did this Prophete set forth and declare the office workes of the holye Ghoste in the hertes of the vertuouse and also the righte worshippinges that we oughte to do He doethe name the spirite of Grace bicause that when by Fayth we are lyfte vp then we are holpen of the holy Ghoste whereby we are persuaded that God is mercifull to vs and againe that we are acceptable to him ❧ FIRST therfore he doth declare and signifie to vs that Faythe is styrred vp in vs by the holy Ghost in the which motion and styrrynge the holye ghoste doth giue vs testimonie and witnes As Paul sayeth For as much saieth he as by faythe we do knowledge the mercye and presence of god we do th●n also cal on him we do submit our selfes to hym beginning al other true worshippinges which vnder the name of pra●e● the prophete doeth comprehend For this is the chefe honour that can be done and exhibited to god It is therfore easy ynough to be perceyued that Fayth of the whiche we do speake is the beginninge of the inwarde obedience good purpose or intentes as men vse to call it Neyther can the fyrst precept which techeth of the wrath of God agaynst sinne and also of his free pardon haue any roote or beginninge in vs except thorowe the hearing of the worde of God whiche is the Gospel with a strong Fayth we doo certaine our selfes that for Christ sake we do obteyne remission of our sinne For Fayth doeth beholde the son of god in his kingdome knowinge perfectly that he is nat idle but alway giuing bat tayle to the Deuyl whiche continually ragynge ouer mankynde neuer ceasseth with his cautels and giles to illure and prouoke him to sinne and other misfortunes for none other cause but to draw him into desperatiō with diuers kindes of errors and other epicuris opinions whiche doo flatter and deceyue gentyll and soft wittes On that other side he styrreth vp tyrantes for to putte downe and to suppresse withal crueltie the name of Christe For as muche therfore that it is manifest that the nature of mā is so weake and feble that without the heuenly helpe it is nat able to vanquish and ouercome so cruel fierce an enmy whiche neuer slepeth Therfore Faith calleth to remembrance the kingdom of Christ beleuyng stedfastly that he hathe ben contynually with his faythful euen from the tyme of his fyrst promise whiche was The fyrste promise the sede of the woman shal trede to pouder and dust the head of the Serpent The which promise by Iohn is made playne sayinge Christ appered to distroy the workes of the deuyl The Lorde was at hand with Iacob and blessed him with the holy Ghost he was by Danyel and talked with him he doeth reygne so that he is alway presēt with his members confyrmynge them with the holy Ghost gydynge them agaynste the crafty gyles and deceytes of the Deuyl with all his assaultes What maner and howe glorious these victories be The examples of Dauyd Ezechias and Danyel do declare ye and Christ at the resurrection of the deade shal shewe those gorgious triumphes which the world doth make lyght at naye they do openly deride and laugh to skorne ☞ BVT to good men these battailes are well inoughe knowen which in the tymes of perylles and daungers muste practyse thys Fayth knowledging and callyng on Christ theyr captaine and so hauing confidence in him to fight with the Deuyl remembringe the wordes of Iohn Christ came downe among vs to distroy the workes of the Deuyli By thys men maye se that Faythe is nat an ydle speculation or phantasy but that it is a lyght which gouernethe all oure actes ye and al our perylles and daungers We may therfore by the helpe of the sonne of God which reygneth begyn this newe obedience which lyke a valiaunt captayne neuer forsaketh hys beloued puttynge into them his holye spirite We may nat thynke that Christ lyueth and reygneth in Heauen ydelly as the Poetes fayned Iupiter to banket and to make mery in Heauen nothinge regardinge what is done in earth Such darknes is in the mynd of men contemnynge and settynge lyght by God The which errors by the lyght of the Gospell and by Fayth must be redressed Of this practise and exercise of Fayth with true inuocation of God what can the aduersaries of god say and speke which in the steade of the Gospel and of Faith doeth inculcate and teache vs the Pirrhonious
against our conscience which we do cōmyt for the nones wyllyngly And Paull sayeth The workes of the fleshe are manifest that is when a man againste hys conscience willingly doth breake the cōmaundementes of God nat resistinge temptation but flatteringe with his owne vices and noughty desyres Pryuely as Saull hatinge Dauid or elles opēly and outwardly in outward actes and deds As Dauid in taking away the wife of an other man They whiche offende on this maner do lese Grace they shake of the holy Ghost from thē They do cast away theyr Fayth from them in so muche that without they do repente turninge againe to Faythe departinge forth of this lyfe beinge in that miserable case they shal perishe for euer ¶ VVE nede nat in this place reason and dispute of predestination We wyll iudge and pronounce of our dedes and of the wyl and iudgement of God as the worde of God expressely doth teache If Dauyd had nat repented he had ben cast into euerlastinge tormente as Saull Mannes mynde is so ydle and negligent that it regardeth passeth for nothing Wherfore we must take good hede that we do nat flatter with that euyl which may be couered with many colours and clokes to make it appere to be good honest and vertuouse Let vs set before our eyes the word of God as he saieth The lanterne to my fete is the word of God The which word beareth wytnes that for such sinne committed grace is gone away and the holye Ghost cast of as to the Romaynes viii If ye lyue after the flesshe ye shall dye Example we haue in Mathewe .xii. The Deuyll returnynge backe agayne to them frome whom he was caste out doeth bringe .vii. spirites with him of a more mischeuous nature then himself and so entring in causeth the later parte of theyr lyfe to be muche worse than that which was past Mathewe also in the .xiii. chap. speaking of the sede which was suffocated and strangled with the enticementes of the world and Paul the fyrst Epistle and .vi. chap. to the Corinthians Go nat out of the way for whormongers Idolaters Theues c. shall nat possesse the kyngdom of God Where he wytnesseth that he precheth to them which before hadde receyued the benefites of Christe Than he warneth nat to lese those benefytes Also the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthiās x. chapiter Be you nat ydolaters let nat vs be whormongers as some of them were and perysshed in one day .xxiii. thousand men And the .v. cap. to the Galathians They which so do shal nat attayne to the kingdom of God It foloweth He that soweth in flesshe shall repe distruction he that soweth in spirite shal repe euerlasting lyfe And the fyrste Epystle to Timothe .v. cap. He that taketh no care and charge for his owne familie doth deny hys fayth and is worse than an infydel To the Hebrewes .xiii Aduouterous persons and whoremongers the lorde shal iudge and the second Epystle of Peter and seconde chapiter If when they haue receyued the knowledge of God and of theyr sauiour Iesu Christ they haue ones escaped fledde from the fylthynes of this world and afterwarde agayne do suffer them selfe with the same vices to be entangled and ouercome theyr latter tyme is made much worse than the fyrst Mathewe .x. He that denieth me before men I wyll denye him before my father in Heauen Mathewe .xxiiii. He that continueth til the ende shal be saued Mathew .xxv. Go you from me ye cursed into fyer euerlastinge I hungred and you gaue me no meat c. and .i. Corinth xiii And I had al Fayth and nat Loue I were nothing Although that for our own vertues and workes we are nat iust that is to say accepted before God yet must we haue a newe obedience in vs though it be nat perfect as men which be ruled and led with the spirite of God as the sonnes and chyldren of God As the fyrst epistle of Iohn .iii. cap. In this are knowen the sonnes of God and the sonnes of the Deuyl He that doth nat iust is nat of God He that loueth nat his brother abideth in death My litle babes let no man deceyue you He that doth iustly is iuste be that worketh sinne is of the Deuyll The nature of man is so weake and redy to euyl that it doth alway extenuate and make smal the greatnes of theyr offences makinge them eyther to be none as they do flatter with them selfes or els if they be offences to be very small But marke what bytter threateninges these be What might be sayde more sore more terrible than these wordꝭ He that worketh sinne is of the Deuyll that is to say he is bonde to the Deuil he is led and gouerned by the Deuyl being forsaken of the holy Ghost and out cast from God as the ende of him doth testyfy ¶ VVHAT a great heape of sinnes calamities and miseries did the on fall of Dauyd cause After that the noughty desyre and fylthy luste hadde ones got the vpper hande in him thē he toke an other mannes wife He commaunded her husbande to by kylled and with him many Citezins good godly and vertuouse mē were also destroyed The name of God susteynynge and sufferynge great blasphemy Then nat longe after the son moueth sedition agaynst his father He taketh vseth his fathers wyfe in whordome so consequently folowing a most lamentable and pyteous distruction of many thousandes of the Citezins To be short sedition is the mother of many euyls The ydolatry of Salomon By the ydolatry of Salomon what mischefe did insue and ryse ¶ THE kingdom of Israel was torne a sonder The fall of Adam they continued in perpetuall ydolatry and deadly warres The fal of Adam did it nat bringe great and many euyls into this worlde ¶ THIS is the mynde of the Deuyl to worke suche craftes for vs when he perceiueth that we make light of sinne flattering our owne affections giuinge to them the brydle and reyne at large wherby Fayth is extinguished For Faythe which asketh remission of sinne can nat be in them whiche haue theyr delyte in sinne nat being sory nor repenting thē selfes as witnesseth this saying Where shal God dwel In a contrite hert which fearethe my wordes They wyl nat be deliuered from sinne which wyllyngly delyteth therin The teachinge of Iohn warneth vs from whens sinne commeth howe great an enmy we haue declaring what is the entente and purpose of oure aduersary that we may learne to practice Fayth and that Christe in vs maye ouercome this great and cruel enmy ¶ Hytherto haue I declared to you the whole summe of the teachinges of the prophetes and the doctryne of the Gospell concerning iustification or Grace concerning our reconciliation concerning Faith and good Workes Wherfore for as much as this is playne and open hauing no darknes or perplexitie without Sophistical cauilations when it speaketh of the motions and stirringes which be knowen to vertuouse mindes in the church
from our syght the true comfort and consolation of our sycke mynde●●●d consciences If when we do make our inuocation and prayer we do beholde our owne selfe thinking that the ●●we shall come to God when we are f●ll of godly vertues we muste nat loke for the kingdome of Heuen before we do se these great vertues and perfectnes in vs. Truly our myndes wolde abhorre our impurytie and fylthynesse and dispayre of the helpe of God And the more that our myndes are vexed and troubled Thoughe thou be vnworthy lett nat to com● boldlye to Christe the more they do ponder and consyder theyr owne vnclennes wekenes of nature Paul therfore bycause he doth perceyue that we can nat bring me rites worthy saluation vnto God therefore he doth set forth Grace that is free pardon and acceptation for Christ sake Therfore although thou canst nat bring worthines and come worthily to Christ let nat for al that to come boldly in with a sure confidence in our mediator Christ hauinge him therefore as Paull sayeth our Bisshoppe let vs drawe nere to the throne and mercyful seate of his Grace ¶ These refutations I haue nowe ioyned to the matter of iustification that they which do reason and dispute of the propre signification and meaning of this proposition by fayth we are iustified may hereby be sufficiently instructed For I entende alway God is my recorde nothinge more than to speake and declare that thynge which is both true and ryght voydynge al maner of subtyl reasonynge to instruct them whiche be learners howe they maye the better put away these crafty cauilations whiche they do vse in the scholes ¶ Therfore I wysshe and desyre that these examples may be profitable to many both that the matter which we haue handeled and spoken of may be the playner and that they whiche be studious of knowledge may with the better wyl gyue them selfe and theyr whole mindꝭ therto For these refutacions do declare that those men which shulde open these controuersies beinge so intrycate and doubtful had nede both to be lerned and also wel exercised in suche matters ¶ Let nat those men which do take on them the office of true opening and settinge forthe of the doctryne of Christe thynke that they haue taken a smal matter in hande Therfore I pray God that it wolde please him to gouerne the studyes of the vertuosly dysposed and nat to suffre in his church the true knowledge of Christ and the lyght of his Gospel to be obscured and made darke to the glory and prayse of him for euer ¶ AMEN ¶ AN APOLOGY OR DEFENCE OF THE VVORDE of God declarynge howe necessarye a thynge it is to be hadde in the handes of all persons which do beare the name of Christe and beinge called Christians are wyllynge to knowe his veritie To the myghtie and victoryous prince Edwarde by the grace of God Dukes grace of Somersette Lorde gouernoure of the kynge hys highnesse owne propre person and Lord protector of the Realmes of Englande and Irelande with the rest of the kynges dominions on bothe syde the Seas FOR AS MVCHE as there is nothynge in this worlde more necessary and expediente for man most godly disposed Prince The feare and loue of god than the feare and also the loue of God bearynge thereto wytnesse the wyse man sayinge The begynnynge of wysdome is the feare of the Lorde nat a seruyll and a bondmans feare which engendreth hatred and malyce rather then loue but suche a feare as the chylde bearyng to his natural father for loue feareth to do that thynge which myght displease his father the whiche loue and feare of God being nat only for any cōmoditie or displeasure wordlye no nor yet for any thyng which might be commodious or contrary after this presente lyfe but to declare and shewe our selfes nat to be ingrate and vnthankful for so great and manifolde benefytes whiche we haue and do daylye receyue at his most plentifull and liberal hande at the hande I say nat of a nygard but of such ●on whiche nat only thynges cadewke and mortal al thynges being of hꝭ goodnes but also that thing which for oure ryght helth was most necessary and to him most paynfull nat against his wyl vouched safe to gyue ye to the bloude of his hert that we shuld no more but loue and feare him ¶ The perfect knowlege wherof what thinge can or may better teache and instruct vs The reding ●f the worde ●f god is the ●eachinge of 〈◊〉 to feare ●●d and to ●ue him al●o withoute ●he whiche ●ou canste ●o neyther which wolde be fayne Christyan men in dede than the contynuall reading of his most blessed wyll declared left vnto vs of him selfe by the mouthes of the holy and vertuous men the Patriarkes and Prophettes beinge inspired with the spirite of his most heuenly god hede and after by the mouth of the right Messias promised to vs and exhibited according to the promise to the confyrmacion and stablishing of al his behestes louing promises which at no tyme hath promised any thyng which he hath nat ye with auauntage perfourmed with much more than we coulde of our frayl weaknes desyre or wyshe The want of the which loue and feare howe great ruine and decay it doth cause and bring in to the cytye of the Lorde The c●tye of the lord which is the church or congregation vniuersal of all them which professeth his name taking on them to do his wyl it is so manifest and open the more is the pitie that almost in a great nombre a man shal scant fynde one that lyueth in the true loue and feare of the Lorde in so much that he may wel say If I do fynde but one iust man in the cytye I wyl ceasse my wrath from it contrary wise innumerable almost al the world which passeth nat good haw which ende of the staffe doth go forward whether God or the Deuyl be better man which neyther for the loue of god for his merytes sake nor yet for the sharpe thonderboltes and threateninges of his wrath ones begynneth to redresse and reforme to better theyr lewde and vngracious kynde of lyfe nat squayring and playning it after the ryght lyne and rule of his most blessed worde but clean contrary euery man as the Deuyll putteth into his head doth hacke maungle and choppe this most blessed and pure worde al to peces to serue theyr owne purposes and most dampnable affectiōs going about nat to make the stone fyt to the lyne as the prouerbe maketh mention but the lyne and rular to the stone ¶ O what a goodly pece of worke and wel framed buylding wold this be how euen and well proporcioned a matter how excellent a frame A frame worthy forsoth to be put in paterne for an example to al them which are most expert and cunnynge workemaysters Howe longe tyme wolde it be if a man wolde thus begyn to buylde an
Discite quia mitis et humilis sum Lerne of me for I am mek lowly and gentyl Also peace be with you loue you one another as I loued you in this men shal know that you be my disciples What thing sheweth forth true obediēce of subiectes vnto theyr louinge kynges but the worde of God which declarethe to vs howe obedient howe subiect our mayster Christ shewed him self vnto Cesar sayinge to Peter let me se the coyne and stampe of Cesar knowledgynge and alowynge therin and also comfyrmyng the auctoritie of princes commaunding also to gyue pay and rendre vnto Cesar all that doth belonge to the emperyall crowne and dignitie of the Emperoure What doth Paul teach in commanding vs to be obediente to kinges and magystrates addinge thereto a cause of oure necessary obedience declaringe that he is nat ordeyned of man but of God as the hygh minister and officer of god and that he beareth nat the swerd in vayne Paul also which commaundeth the lawes to be kept teacheth nat disobedience ¶ What place of the Gospels and Pystles is nat euery where full of al maner of obedience Of the sonne to the father the seruant to the mayster with lyke exhortations vnto the maysters fathers towardes theyr seruantes and chyldren This geare is farre from rebelling frō seditions from risinges and insurrections Yet these hell houndes be nat a shamed to report belye and sclaunder most shamefully the holy worde of God bearing most false witnes agaynst it for to banyshe it to burne it to hange it out of the way that theyr mayster Sathan may haue ful swey and rule in the hert of mā whiche is the seate house and temple of God Such as these be are fyrst traytors to God and after to theyr princes and kynges For it standeth nat with reason nay it is vnpossible that ye or they shuld loue theyr kinge hartely which loueth nat God which taketh part with Antechrist They theyr owne selfes be those persons which wolde haue seditions with risinges and insurrections of the cōmōs and other heades to the maynteyning of the kyngdom of Sathan For I doubte nat to abyde by it that where the worde of God is there can be no such disobedience no nor mistrust of subiectes But where the word of god is nat there loke for no maner of goodnes no kind of vertue none obedience or loue but for feare nat from the hert but from the teche forwarde laughing as the Hare which hāgeth on the saddle bowe amonge them is the Deuyll with all his whole bande and rable Example we hadde nat many yeares past when Sathan his minister Antechrist with his retinue of Monkes Fryers and other of his chapleyns had thought to haue stroke a great stroke in this realme to the vtter vndoing of al the whole comiualtye of the said realme if the most mightie hand of the lorde hadde nat turned all theyr cogitations vppon theyr owne neckes I wolde they shulde answere me whether the worde af God was the cause of the insurreetion in the northe ye or nay If they be choked with this demaunde I wyll go a lytle more nere vnto them to se if they cā scape any way by any honest answere and excuse but that they shall be founde lowde and shameful lyers against god Which part was the fyrst mouers and styrers of thꝭ most lamentable insurrectiō if the lorde had nat set his fote in the laytie or the spiritualtie of the north partes If they wyl put it from them and laye it on the lay mennes shulders I wyl answere thē and say that the cause of the seditiō was nat the lay cause but the spiritual cause as they cal it for to maynteyne and vphold theyr vngracious power kingdom and dominion and that the lay men were but ministers of theyr fury madnes prouoked by them with most false persuasions Wherfore they most iustly suffered nat lyke traytors but traytors in dede If it was nat the popyshe cause or cause of religion as they do cal it in the defence of theyr sodomiticall monasteries and mayntenance of the most stinking proud Babilon with the great crowned whore and al her harlottes for what cause dyd theyr chalyses crosses pyckes of syluer and golde which no lay or prophane seculer man myght touche for the holynes therof but nat to holye good to commyt treasō with them flye so faste about to the mayntenance of this greate euyl with al theyr cattel as oxen shepe and grayne also that no thinge shulde lacke to the furtherance and setting forwarde of so euyl and deuelysh a purpose The badge and token that theyr souldy ours did were on theyr backes brestes for a knowledge and in theyr standerde was it nat the signe of the fyue woūdes of Christ in token and significatiō that theyr rysynge was in the ryghte of the churche Then must you confesse that the spiritualtie there being was the whole cause of that tumulte and sedition howe soeuer the pore laytie did beare the bront nat vnworthily for consenting and ayding of theyr treason But such hath ben alway the practice of Antechrist and hys true sworne seruauntes to set kinges with kinges togyther by the eares to styrre the commons against theyr kynges plucking theyr owne neckes forth of the halters they haue wayes inoughe to shyfte for them selfe Yet they wyl and affyrme that among them only doth and must remayne the worde of god which hath nothing to do with any such matter no nor yet can nat nor wyll nat be where anye such feates be vsed and practised For cōmonly where the word of God is absēt there wāteth no kind of mischiefe there is styrring mouing of hatred betwene the subiectꝭ and rulers This is the practise of the Deuyl in his ministers This was the practise of Augustin the legate of Sathan his minister Antechrist with whome al kinde of Abhomination was brought from Rome the seate of all iniquitie into Englande takinge at the tyme this noble realme so great infection that it could neuer sence be thorowly purged Was it not with god his worde that this Augustine caused a thousande fiue hundred godly and true preachers to be slayne in one day was not this the practise of the holy shrined traytour Thomas Becket for the church right what shamfull contumelise and opprobrious despite hath diuers right noble and godly kynges of this realme at the handes of these wicked fyndes perforce susteyned and glad that they might so scape with no worse turne What shulde I remembre that godly kynge Iohn whiche for the loue he dyd beare to the lorde and ardent desire in settyng forth of his gospel was he not after most shamful hādlyng at the last with poyson depriued of his lyfe what cloke what coloure had they to bleare the commons eies but only that thyng which they thought shuld please the commons for theyr poore bellies sake saiyng nay beliyng and most falsely sclaunderyng the kyng that
haue shutte vp this worde frome the pore and handye craftꝭ men as though they had no souls permitting it to ryche and great landed men wherin is a great point and pece of theyr leger demayne and craftye iuggeling to be noted They do shut and locke it vp frome the pore bicause they be alway most redy to receiue it they do giue and grant it to the rych nat that it shuld be set forth the more fruitfully by them but for .ii. other causes whiche they do kepe close within theyr owne bosomes to them selfe that one is knowing that the most part of the ryche sort ar so choked vppe with this worlde and the care therof that they passe nat for it which maketh well for theyr purpose that other cause is if any of the ryche do receyue the word thankfully knowleging the benefites of God yet they wyl be afrayed to professe it openly for daunger they shulde be entrapped with the losse both of theyr bodies and goodes ¶ These be the practices of the prelates of Antechrist hꝭ church to suppresse and put downe the worde of God that Sathan his kingdome myght florishe God therfore declaringe his manifolde benefytes and vnspeakable loue toward this realme in the stede place of that noble kyng deceased nowe restynge in the bosom of Abraham hath sent downe to vs a lytle Dauyd to breake greate Golyath his heade with the stone of the worde of God to ouerthrow on the heades of the inhabyters hygh and proude Babilon nat leauing one stone or stycke standing but to burne it al to pouder with brymstone and wyld fyer And in the stede therof to buylde vp a newe the temple of God to sette forthe the righte honor and glory of God that we appere nat vnthākfull to him for the preseruation of thys our yonge vyrgyn kyng from the handes of his mortall enemyes which lokinge and gaping for a day which shulde haue ben to vs blacker then any pytche more bytter then any gall were most luckely we may say deceyued made frustrate of theyr hope ¶ We nede make none other rekenynge but that his grace was deliuered plucked out by the myghty and strong hand of God forthe from betwene the iawes and sharpe tethe of the Lyon at the houre when his cruel enemies were taken and dystroyed beinge as greate a myracle wrought by God in his grace as was the deliuerance of the chyldren of Israel in the reade Sea from the tyranny of Pharao The lorde requyreth againe for his manifolde kyndnes no golde nor siluer nor any other kynde of wordly treasure but a thankful hert a knowledge of hys godly wyl open confessinge of his benefytes before al the worlde ☞ The lorde rebuked the chyldren of Israel for theyr vnkīdnes in forgetting and nat hauinge in mynde theyr deliuerance from the captiuitie in Egypt and from the tyranny of Pharao ¶ Your good lordship can do no better seruice to the lorde than to se his moste blessed worde Truste nat ●●togyther ●o the Byshoppes most purely with al sinceritie sette forthe in his owne nature and kynde It is youre grace his offyce and duety to se that it be done in dede for as muche as it hath pleased God to cal you to so hyghe administration and gouernance This is one of the tytles perteyninge to the crowne of England the defence of our fayth whiche consysteth in seynge the worde of God ryghtly ministred and truly broken vnto al the kyng his grace his highnes most louing subiectes as your grace alway hathe declared your selfe most earnestly affectioned thereunto and so to procede to the honor and glory of God Then shal Sathā be banyshed with his adherentes and cōmissioners forth of this realme ¶ Then shal the worde of God florishe and bryng forth goodly fruyt that is to say the ryghte knowledge of god and of his benefytes a perfect loue and feare to offende his heuenly maiestie with godly liuing accordyng to his wyl and pleasure Then wyll he lette his worde be amonge vs to the comfort of our soules and honeste conuersation of oure lyfe This worde is the way the truthe and the lyfe who that doth nat go this way goeth forth of the way and is deceyued Who that teacheth any other doctryne teacheth nat the truth but false doctrin and lies who that seketh any other life can nat mysse but fynde most terryble death Let vs therfore kepe this truthe and we shall nat erre in opinions lette vs kepe this waye and we shall nat be deceyued of oure iurney Let vs seke after this lyfe and we shall nat fayle but fynde it to the only honor and glory of the lorde who be praysed for euer worlde without ende AMEN Domine saluum fac Regem ❧ Imprinted at London in Flete strete at the Signe of the George next to Saynt Dunstones church by VVilliam Powell In the yere of of our Lorde God M. CCCCC XLVIII the XI daye of October ¶ Cum priuilegio ad imprimen dum solum
bicause the lord which doeth prolong and differ his punishmentes all men wyll be slogardes without care dispising the threteningꝭ of god but at the last theyr sinne shal be layd forth and set abrode that it can nat be hyd There it shal nat rest but it shal bring to mannes mind euerlasting terror and feare with horrible and soore paynes ¶ TO make our newe obedience and good life acceptable to God what is requyred to make oure workes acceptable to God thre thynges are requyred Fyrst we must beleue that man frely for Christe sake is acceptable Seconde to knowledge our owne infyrmities and weaknesse to be verye sinne being sory and repentāt for those great vices Thyrdly to comforte oure selfes beleuing that those sinnes be for giuen vs for Christe sake after that by Fayth we are made the sonnes of God being certayne that our newe obedience and worke pleaseth the Lorde nat for theyr owne dignitie or worthines but for the mediator Christe Who beinge our Bisshop doth offer vp and carieth to his father our praiers worshippinges as Peter writeth Offre you spirituall sacrifice acceptable and pleasant to god by Iesu Christ ❧ THIS Apostle setteth forth good workes goodly calling them sacrifices that is to say Spirituall sacrifice the mouinges and affections styrred in oure hertes by the holye Ghost And yet for al that this kynde of worshippinge beinge so holye is none otherwise accepted nor pleasaunt to the Lorde but only for Iesu Christ sake our redemer and Bisshop which dayly doth sue to the father for vs. ¶ THVS must Christian hertes be instructed and styrred vp to good workes God made and created man to be as a felowshyppe and company togyther to the entente that he wolde be knowen amonge men and to teache one an other the doctryne and knowledge of god and of the sonne of God as wytnesseth Stigellius in his verse as foloweth Vtque alios alii de religione docerent Contiguas pietas iussit habere domos GOD also for man hathe ordeyned diuers kindes of degrees orders as some to be the heades and rulers of the churches some of vniuersities and scholes and so forth in al other kind of rulers and offices He ordeyned Matrimony for the bringing vp of chyldren The guvernaunce of the common welthes and the kinges to be the heades and chief rulers he hath ordeined wares and bying and selling betwene man and man He hath ordeyned the church to be subiect to great afflictiōs and troubles For what intent was so great a diuersitie of thinges ordeyned but that oure Fayth might shine bright in al our dangers perilles ye and then to increase most and that we shulde beleue that we are nat made to be distroied but to be receyued of him and saued by Christ To cal on him to beleue that Christ is oure captaine which putteth away the brontes and assaultes of the Deuyl helping vs both in our priuate and publike busines He that is a Bysshop Bysshoppe parson or parish● preeste muste crye Lorde open thou my lyppes Scholemayster and my mouthe shall pronounce thy prayse The scholemaister shal cons●der howe sore that Christe threateneth them which giueth sclaunderous occasion of lyfe to chyldren Houscholders prayinge that Christ wold vouchsafe to be in theyr studies to gouerne theyr maners Householders let them consider theyr charges likewise Good Princes also must sette theyr churches in a good and conforme vnitie Prynces and concorde punishing the epicurious persons liuing in all voluptuousnes of life passing neyther for God nor for the Deuill and to se good ordre and rule among the people chastenynge theues vnchast liuers and lyers to se● that the right be ministred euery man to haue his owne The Deuyll styrreth about labourynge to disquiete and disturbe the quietnesse and tranquillitie of the church the common welth arming tyrantes against the worde of god Wherefore let Princes be burnynge in Fayth beleuynge that Christe is theyr helper and distroyer of the worke of the Deuyl ¶ TO be short likewise as inuocation and prayer so muste Faythe glister and shine in al our workꝭ dedes Although that the vertues and workes of good mē do nat deserue and merite eternal felicitie and remissiō of sinne being nat able to bye and to purchace euerlastinge life for no man can fulfyl the Lawe beinge contrary to al reason that the merytes of Christ shuld be referred to our workꝭ and merites making the promise vncertayne if it shulde depende on the condicion of our worthines neuerthelesse a newe obedience otherwise called good workes must necessaryly folowe Fayth Fayth doth go before and good workꝭ doeth folowe which obedience then and nat before hath the beginning when by Fayth we do receyue the holy Ghost which faith and holy ghost we do cast away from vs as often as we do lese this newe obedyence Fayth and mynd to d●yl are neue● togyther transgressing the commandementꝭ of god against our conscience For these twayne Faythe and a wyll to do or to worke against conscience can in no case dwel togyther To this effecte perteyneth many sayinges of workes with hert we beleue to our iustificatiō with mouth we giue knowledge to our saluation All our whole obedience must be a knowledginge and a confession that is must be referred to the glory of Christ and furderance of the gospel For albeit by Christ we are made iust and heyres of lyfe euerlasting yet must we haue stil this obedience which is pleasaunt and acceptable as I haue said being nat possible that Faith can be without this obedience Paul bearynge therto wytnesse sayinge Let vs be cledde with an other garment leste we be founde naked For Christ his sake life euerlasting is giuen to none but to them which do beleue in the which Fayth beginneth euerlasting lyfe which begynning is the newe obedience and workes wherfore ar●oure workes excluded from iustification Our workes be excluded that Christ maye haue his owne honor and prayse that the promise myght be certaine and that we may haue a sure comfort and consolation against desperation The thefe hanging on the crosse being conuerted had this new obediēce repentyng and lamentynge his sinne The Thefe on the crosse A great lighte of Faythe did shine to vs in this abiect person the Lorde declaringe by this example to vs that he doeth preserue and restore the church when it semeth most destitute of helpe and lyke to be ouerthrowen he compareth and cōfer●ethe the stedfaste Faythe of the thefe with the d●uot●umes of the Apostles The Apostles seinge and perceyuyng the great troubles and paynes that theyr maister was in doubted of him thinking that he was forsaken of God But this pore thefe was nat discomforted for all that he sawe Christe on the crosse but called on hym for helpe hearing him before saye Father forgyue them he hard of the workes of Christ and what he professed He marked the