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A26829 A treatise concerning the free grace of God the Father and of the love of Jesus Christ in which is contained the fountain of precious consolation to all the saints beloved and redeemed / by Timothie Batt. Batt, Timothy, 1613-1692. 1643 (1643) Wing B1147; ESTC R4156 68,873 192

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priviledge the Churches admiration because of the savour of thy sweet ointmēts thy name is an ointment poured out the Virgins love thee Is this a small matter to be called Branches Members Spouse to Christ thy worthy and loving Bridegroome to his redeemed and chosen Is this a thing of no worth to be called heires coheires with Christ and sonnes and daughters of the living God Is this thing of no consequence that we should be called the redeemed of the Lord the friends of Christ and the Lords inheritance O my soule shalt thou not rejoyce and rejoyce again to consider that thou bearest the name of God the new name of the Citie of our God even of the new Jerusalem Now thy name is altered and changed thou wast called a child of wrath now a child of favour a servant of the devill now a servant of Jesus Christ an alienate from the common-wealth of Israel now a citizen of the Kingdome of heaven A limbe of the house of hell and death now one of the familie of God thy deare and tender Father A stranger from the Covenant of promise now one of the familiars and acquaintance of Christ Was that a priviledge that Abram should be called Abraham and not this a priviledge to thee that wast a slave to the black king of darknesse shouldst be called a servant of life and light Was that a dignitie that Jacob should be called Israel and is not this a dignitie to thee that thou who wast a vessell of hell and wrath shouldst be called a vessell of blisse and glory O my soule triumph that thou hast a name better then the sons and daughters better then of kings and Princes better then Adam in the day of puritie and integritie for thy name is written in the book of life it is known in the land of the living and ingraven on the breast of Israels Redeemer Thou therefore with boldnesse shalt beare his Name in thy forehead neither principalities nor powers nor dominions shall affright thee neither prison chains nor bonds shall amaze thee neither sword famine nor pestilence shall discourage thee neither shipwracke whips nor reproaches shall daunt thee thou shalt with boldnesse confesse his Name before men and Angels for thou shalt behold his face in glorie with them that behold it Revel 22.4 And they shall see his face and his Name shall be in their foreheads REvel 22.5 And there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the Sunne for the Lord God doth give them light and they shall reigne for evermore And there shall be no night there It was said of Asher that his bread should be fat and he should yeeld pleasures for a King It may be said of this that the fruits thereof will be sweetnes it yeeldeth sweetnesse to Kings washed and beloved It was spoken of Naphtalie that he should be as a Hind let go speaking goodly words It may be spoken of Christ that he came out from the Father uttering gracious speeches And of Joseph that his bowe abode in strength his hands were strengthened by the hands of the mightie God of Jacob the stone and Pastor of Israel It may be related of the Saints that they abide invincible and their faith inconquerable by the hands of the Lord of life and salvation and by the words of the great Shepheard the Redeemer and seeker of Israel By what words by the words of death of darknesse of sin hell and condemnation No but by the words of life light remission heaven and salvation according to the text And there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the Sunne for the Lord God doth give them light and they shall reigne for evermore No night there VVHat no night there What no darknesse there what no promiscuousnesse nor dimnesse there No time was they sate in the region and shadow of death but to them the light of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse both appeared Time was they sate in darknesse being bound with affliction and iron but to them the brightnesse of glory in the face of Jesus Christ hath been manifested Time was the god of this world had blinded their eyes that they could not behold the glory of the Lord in the land of the living but now Christ the Light of the world the Son beloved of the Father to them hath been declared shall they sit in solitarie places No. Shall their bonds be everlasting bonds under darknesse No or shall their feet stumble upon promiscuous mountains No. For the Gospel of life and light is their claritie the Sunne of glorious righteousnesse their glory and the shining countenance of their heavenly Father their beautie For there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the Sunne for the Lord God doth give them light and they shal reigne for evermore And they need no candle VVHat not of the candle that yeeldeth light in the hidden and secret places that is a pleasure unto sublunarie creatures that directeth the paths of them that walk in obscuritie No. What not of the word of Reconciliation that is a lanterne to our feet and a light to our paths not of that which sought out man upon the mountains of sinne and the craggie rocks of iniquitie of that which bringeth in life peace and immortalitie There is no need of the terrene and earthly but of the spirituall and heavenly that alone is needfull in the day of grace not in glory the day-starre appearing the lesser lights are extinguished The Sun of light and glory appearing the inferiour lights are deleted Though we need a candle in the day of grace yet we need no candle in the estate of glory for the Lord God who giveth grace and glory immediately enlightneth by his glory For there shall be no night there neither need of the candle neither of the Sun for the Lord God doth enlighten them and they shall reigne for evermore Neither of the light of the Sunne VVHat not of the light of the Sun which is as supreame amongst the Planets the rarest of lights the delight of sublunaries the beautie of the world the illumination of hidden and secret places and the rejoycing of the lower orbs or inferiour Regions No. What not of Christ the effulgencie and character of his Fathers person the Son of the bosome full of grace and truth the Mediatour of the new Covenant the Prince of peace the Lord of life and salvation the great Shepheard of his sheep the Sonne of light righteousnes and immortalitie Yea for as our life is deadnesse without his life our righteousnesse unrighteousnesse without his righteousnesse our glory deformitie without his beautie our riches poverty without his treasure so our light is darknesse without his shining beams of glory Though there is no need of the light of the Sun yet there is need of the light of the Son of righteousnesse For there shall be
we are said to be chosen out of the world through his divine love and free benevolence Joh. 15.16 Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remaine that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my Name he may give it you Joh. 17.14 I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world 19. The royall robe of Christs righteousnesse is their covering in the day of judgement the blood of Christ is their peace in the day of evill and the name of God is their glory in the midst of afflictions Isa 26.8 Yea in the way of thy judgements O Lord have we waited for thee the desire of our soul is to thy name and to the remembrance of thee 20. The adopted are made kings and priests to God the Father through the blood of the Sonne of God Christ Jesus Revel 1.5 6. the 5. And from Jesus Christ who is the faithfull witnesse and the first begotten of the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth unto him that hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood Verse the 6. And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father To him be glory and deminion for ever and ever Amen 21. The sonnes of God by adoption may feele the sence of Gods anger yet God is not angry with them but exceeding loving bountifull and full of clemencie towards them Micah 7.18 Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquitie and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage He retaineth not his anger for ever because he delighteth in mercy Malachi 3.17 And they shall be mine saith the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them as a man spareth his own sonne that serveth him 22. Though the Father of deare love do crown his deare people with deare love grace and mercie yet he doth not alwayes endow them with outward blessings and prosperitie 2. Cor. 6.4 5 6. the 4. But in all things approving our selves as the Ministers of God in much patience in afflictions in necessities in distresses The 5. In stripes in imprisonments in tumults in labours in watching in fastings the 6. By purenesse by knowledge by long-suffering by kindnesse by the holy Ghost by love unfained 23. The cries groanes and sighs of the sonnes of God whether in the day they want the sence of Gods dear love and rarest bountie towards them or in the time of great and strong temptation over tops the roarings of Satan the cries of vengeance and the arraigning sentence of the Law so terrible Rom. 8.26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought But the Spirit it self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered 24. Though the sonnes of God may loose the sence of their first communion yet they shall for ever injoy everlasting and perpetuall union so that God for evermore stands in relation unto them as a Father and they to him as loving and dear children Isa 63.16 Doubtlesse thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledgeth us not O Lord thou art our Father our redeemer thy name is from everlasting Isa 64.9 Be not wroth very sore O Lord neither remember iniquitie for ever behold see us we beseech thee we beseech thee we are all thy people 25. Though we were the sonnes of God by creation yet we became through sin the sonnes of the devill of wrath of incredulitie of diffidence of this world and of darknesse notwithstanding by adoption we are made sons partakers of the divine nature brethren of Christ and children of light that we might not sin but that we might be one with Christ through union and that we might love the brethren with entire love and affection 2. Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust Hebr. 2.11 For both he who sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all one For which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren Joh. 15.12 This is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you 26. The kingdom of our God the glory of which is unutterable unspeakable and unmentionable hath been prepared of old for those who have a being in Christ interest in the free promises and have been beloved of the Father before the world was Matth. 25.34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world Contemplation OH the deepnesse of immense and admirable love that of the children of diffidence and distruction through Christ are made Saints and sonnes of salvation that of vessels of wrath hell the devill and damnation we are made the vessels of rich mercie peace love and happic consolation When I was a poore distressed captive taken by the devill did I think to be made an heire with Christ and freed from the accusing law and wofull evill not thy wisdom but the wisdom of thy deare benignous Father hath found a way in the time of misery to bring thee to glorious and blessed felicitie That was not found in the land of the living Ask the depths and they will say that wisdom was not found there Ask the Sea and it will say it had no habitation there in thy deare Father hath been the place of singular wisdom and rarest intelligence Pharaoh knew his dreame but was ignorant of the interpretation thou knowest thou wast a slave but wast ignorant of thy redemption and adoption O admirable priviledge and excellent prerogative O wonderfull dignitie given to the Saints by filiation What is it to be the son of a King or an Emperour of a Monarch of a Potentate What is it to be an heire to Kingdoms to Provinces or to Empires What is it to enjoy pleasures joy or delectations in this orbe terrestriall if we enjoy not the priviledge of the daughters and the sons of the living God It cannot avail thee to be an heir and not an heire of Christs kingdome It cannot advantage thee to be a son of an Emperour and not to be the son of God by adoption it cannot help thee to be nephew to a Potentate and not to be an inheritour with the Lords inheritance Thou art Gods by creation but art thou Gods by a speciall relation Thou hast treasures abundant but art thou his chief treasure thou hast inheritance amongst the sons of men but hast thou an inheritance amongst the sons of royall possession O my soule what will thy sweet Father do for thee great things he
21. 21. The workes of Sanctification makes us not the more beloved of God the Father or purer in his sight or presence The ground is this Sith the absolute free and eternall love of God the Father and the righteousnesse of Christ praeceeds the worke of Sanctification 22. The imperfection of sanctification is not imputed to the Saints and Redeemed sith they are absolutely done away in the bloud of the Lord Jesus The ground is this sith the end of the effusion of the bloud of Jesus is the pardon or remission of iniquitie and impietie 23. Whilest the faithfull present themselves in the sight and presence of God the Father they must not looke to their owne weaknesses infirmities and imperfections but to Gods sweet and loving acceptation in Christ in whom God alone is well pleased Ephes 1.6 The ground is this Sith the end of Gods acceptation is that through which the Saints may have or enjoy the remission or condonation of iniquitie weaknesse and infirmitie Contemplation THe Lord Christ the Author and finisher of our saith the fountaine and well spring of our refreshment the ground of all our hope and dependance is the cause and finisher of our sanctification The lower Spheares are moved by the first Motion our affections are moved by the power and might of the Lord Jesus Doth the mightie waters move without the motiō of the Moone or the body move without the Intellectualls or the soule move to Christ without the exceeding and operative power of Christ O my soule thou hast to deale with that roaring Lyon the Devill the bonds and cords of iniquity the strong gates and barres of death and all evills and with the flesh which is an enemy against the Spirit of life and glory But thy knees are feeble thy hands are weake and thy spirit failes thee in the day of battaile Therefore thou canst not ride the wilde Asses colt or tame the wilde Hindes of the Wildernesse or bring the untamed Unicorne to thy becke and command The day is Christs not thine Thou art a triumpher but by his power thou art a victorer but by his might thou art an overcomer but by his strength Thy righteousnesse thy life thy peace thy joy thy love thy hope and communion is from Christ all Thy mortification thy vivification thy sanctification is from Christ all in all Is his bloud the cause of remission his righteousnesse the cause of Justification his Spirit the cause of thy Adoption and not his life and death the cause of thy sanctification To thee is given the life of faith the life of love and obedience to live unto God blessed for ever To thee is given power from the death of Christ who could not be retained by the bonds of death blessed for evermore Where then are the fiery darts of Satan the presumption of the flesh the high lookes of Principalities and Powers Sith thou art made a Victorer through the Lord of Victory and hast obtained a Triumph through our Lord Triumpher As the weake falls before the mighty and valiant and light gives way to darknesse so doth hell the flesh the Devill and evills give way to the Spirit of glory and sanctification In the day of the Crosse that roaring Lyon the Devill could not stand before the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah In the day of the Resurrection the blacke King of darknesse and terrours could not stand before the Lord of life light and salvation In the day of thy fight or combats the powers of hell or the barres of death cannot stand through thy Lord that loves thee O my soule Where now is thy thought lower then the throne of grace No. Where is thy contemplation lower then the Mercy-Seate No. Where is thy affection below the heavenly places no. Thy Lord hath drawne thee and thou art drawne thy Lord hath allured thee and thou art allured In the time of his love he brought thee from earth to heavenly places from hell and death to possesse a Being of heaven and life Where thy Lord is there wilt thou be if he was upon the Crosse there wouldst thou behold him if he were in the grave there thou wouldst lodge with him if he be at the right hand of his Father there wilt thou dwell with him All thy Songs are Praise and Glory all thy phrase power and wisdome all thy meditations wisdome and strength be ascribed to thy Lord of life and light So that thou sayest with the Angells Amen Benediction and Glory and Wisdome and Thankesgiving and Honour and Power and Strength to our God for ever and ever Amen Rev. 7.12 CHAP. XII Concerning Glorification Definition 1. GLorification is a reall transmutation from the misery punishment guilt and impuritie of sin into eternall felicitie and everlasting beatitude and glory Apoc. 21.4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away Psal 16. last Thou shalt shew me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there is pleasure for evermore 2. Respectu termini à quo It is called a freedome from sinne and a conservation from anger death and the kingdome of darknesse 1. Thes 1.10 And to wait for his Sonne from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come Matth 4.16 The people which sate in darknesse saw great light And to them which sate in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up 3. Respectu termini ad quem It is called beatification benediction life eternall glory the kingdome of our God and of our Lord Jesus Christ 1. Joh 5.11 And this is the record that God hath given to us eternall life and this life is in his Sonne Ephes 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ Apoc. 12.10 And I heard a loud voice saying In heaven now is come salvation and strength and the kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night 4. Such shall be the glory of the faithfull in the kingdome of their God and Father that no eare hath heard no mind conceived nor any tongue can speak of that glory so inenarrable and incomparable 1. Cor. 2.9 But as it is written eye hath not seen nor eare heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them which love him 2. Cor. 4.17 18. vide 5. Though the glory of the Saints hath been intended before the world was neverthelesse it hath been in time by the Lord Christ procured and purchased and after time of the glorious Saints shall be possessed and enjoyed Ephes 1.14 Which is the earnest of our
A TREATISE CONCERNING the free grace of God the Father and of the love of Jesus Christ In which is contained the Fountain of precious Consolation to all the Saints beloved and redeemed PSAL. 46 4. Yet there is a river whose streames make glad the city of God even the sanctuary of the tabernacles of the most High By TIMOTHIE BATT LONDON Printed by T. P. and M. S. for Ed. Blackmore at the Angel in Pauls Churchyard 1643. TO THE BELOVED Churches in God the FATHER and in IESUS CHRIST the blessed Redeemer living in Transilvania sanctified in Christ Jesus grace and mercie be multiplied from God our Father and from Jesus Christ whom he hath sent DEarly beloved seeing we are bound by the deare love of Christ not to conceal the mind of Christ and that we are not our own but every one bound by the bond of dear affection to tender the good one of another not onely in temporall and common affairs but also in spirituall and celestiall matters and not to retain as churlish Nabal but rather dispence as Booz unto Ruth I therefore upon the aforesaid considerations am determined according to the strength and power which Christ hath given unto me to bring to the view of the Saints this heavenly Doctrine of free grace of vocation by the Spirit of Adoption of Mediation by the Lord of life and glory of Reconciliation by his blood of sanctification by the Spirit of union through faith and love and of glorification through that sweet communion which we shall injoy in him who is the Lord of life and blessednesse for ever To whom shall I present these lines except to you who know the mysterie of life and salvation who are heires and coheires with God in Christ who have interest in all that is the Fathers and Jesus Christs whom he hath sent and walke in the light as Christ is the light of truth and Redemption I am perswaded of your intire loves and affections to the Word of life and salvation and that nothing is so dear unto you as to heare of the praise of your beloved In the true knowledge of what is Christs consists the true solace of heart joy in conscience and contentment of mind What joy what peace what consolation can be without this knowledge that God communicates to his grace undeserving that they are called from the kingdome of Satan to the kingdome of Christ that they who were slaves and captives of hell are made the brethren of Christ that they are united to the beloved Christ from whom they receive their being and well-being that they are sanctified by the Spirit of life which frees them from the law of sinne and death that they are clothed with the royall robes of Christ and that they shall for ever dwell with Christ in the heavenly Jerusalem This fountain is as Gileads balme and Damascus rivers As a continuall spring of the sweetest repast as a fountaine of over-flowing pleasures and the delightsome delectation of all the faithfull Hath eyes seen hath eares heard or mind conceived the admirable joyes that God hath laid up for them that love him or hath eye seen eare heard or mind conceived the singular consolation which comes from the knowledge of these to the Saints through the hand of a Mediator Was Jacob joyfull because Joseph was yet alive was Isaac comforted because of Rebeckah his wife and may not the Saints be consolated in this divine love and favour through the testimonie of the Spirit O the height of favour O the deepnesse of love O the breadth of grace and the longitude of free immense and in comprehense mercie of God to his poore servants that the clouds are discussed the mists and foggs of darknesse dispersed and the Saints behold the mirror of divine glory in the face of Jesus Christ I confesse beloved brethren that my talents in number answereth his who had but two and the composure of these lines are as the gleanings of the vintage yet doubt I not of your loving and sweet acceptation therefore I rest upon your loving acceptance yet will I never rest nor cease day and night imploring and beseeching the Father of supereminent grace and bountie to seal these spirituall and heavenly benedictions to your souls wishing your strength like Judah's your blessing like Josephs and your triumph like Gads through the good will of him who was in the bush and the sweet pleasure of him who died on the Crosse that so you may be preserved from miserie unto eternall felicitie through the Son of everlasting righteousnesse and glory to whom be ascribed all glory and honour for ever and evermore Amen Yours in all love and dear affection in the Rock Christ TIMOTHEUS BATT TO THE CHRISTIAN READER Christian Reader THou art not ignorant that the barren ground is not answerable to the fruitfull soyle notwithstanding through the dewie drops which cometh from the clouds it yeeldeth fruits for the use of man Though that the expressions of lines do not superabound with the sweetnesse of phrase or curiousnesse of stile yet according to the strength which from Christ I have received I have not been wanting for thy use or benefit Insensible creatures expresse according to that which to them is communicated and shall not man who is a sensible creature expresse according to communication The divine and abundant love of God binds not onely life but pen to move if it may make for his glory and the honour of Jesus Christ whom he hath sent Both the great and little foxes run abroad to obscure the doctrine of grace and justification It is neither knowne to the Papists nor taught in the Churches of Arminians it is our Crown and dignitie not onely to hold forth the Word of life and salvation by preaching but also by writing Light is given to the Sun that the lower region might be enlightned In the plejades is placed the strengths of influence that of inferior things it might be received The end of Gods donation to rationals is that to others it might be revealed Every element moves to its proper place the earth and water downward and aire and fire upward every good Christian moves to his proper end to wit to the glory of his Maker and the good of his brethren If a man plants a vineyard it yeelds its fruits in time convenient If we have spent our labours in studies shall it not be declared in time expedient What is hotter then fire Love Love as a fire within my breast hath burned a long season Therefore I could not chuse but set my pen to paper in the course of indictment these have I not indicted because they are not known but because they are known or that the yongnes of dayes could equall the gravest sentences of the ancient or that my ambition is to answer the meanest of Rhetoricians but because my candle is lighted and two talents must not be interred sith that for the benefit of others it is
sufficient to salvation and my Vine to make me abundantly fruitfull through fruition am I not bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Should I not enjoy the benefit of his mediation the fruit of his glorification and the priviledge of glorious and sweet Communion who shall separate me from the love of my sweet Saviour shall Satan No shall imperfections and infirmities No shall the Law or the Gaoler of hell No they are of no force to disjoyne them whom God hath joyned by a bond inseparable Now I am assured he will fill me with love confirme with his promise love me with his beloved ones watch over my soule and deliver me from the roarings of the devill though the Charets and horsemen of hell pursue me I shall possesse his glory of inheritance Though I fall I shall rise againe though I was in the vaile of death I would not be afraid for his sweet streames would comfort mee Hence will I take up the resolution of the Psalmist Psal 46.2.3 Therefore will we not feare though the earth be moved and though the hills be carried into the middest of the Sea Though the waters thereof rage and swell and though the mountaines shake at the tempest thereof CHAP. V. Concerning Vocation Definition 1. VOcation is a gathering of men unto Christ by the Gospell of life and everlasting salvation that they may be united unto him by a happie and perpetuall union 1 Cor. 1.9 God is faithfull by whom we are called unto the Communion of his Sonne Jesus Christ our Lord. 2. Vocation is efficatious or inefficatious 3. Efficatious vocation is that through which the faithfull are called from Satans Kingdome to the Kingdome of grace and glory by the sanctifying Word of truth and the effectuall work of the Spirit that they may not want in the appointed time that glorious salvation which Christ their Lord hath purchased Act. 26.18 That thou mayest open the eyes of the blind and convert them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive the remission of sinnes and an inheritance amongst them who are sanctified by faith which is in me 4. Inefficatious vocation is when the sonnes of men are under the sentence of the Gospel of atonement and reconciliation yet never find the effectuall operation of the holy Spirit unto an absolute Conversion Hence many are called and few are chosen 5. Vocation is Universall or Speciall 6. Vocation universall is that whereby God invites all men through the ministery of peace and propitiation that they would come to the knowledg of himselfe and Jesus Christ the appointed Redeemer of his elect and peculiar Col. 1.23 For which cause I Paul am made Minister to preach the Gospel to every creature under heaven 7. Speciall vocation is that whereby God doth dignifie his owne peculiar whilest he doth illuminate their minds working in their hearts effectually by his Spirit Rom. 5.5 Moreover hope makes not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by his holy Spirit 8. Universall Vocation hath been shadowed out by Types or divine Oracles 9. By Types Melchesidecke although he was a Gentile and without the promises of Abraham nevertheles he was the Priest of the most high GOD Heb. 7.1 10. By Oracles he shall be the expectation of the Gentiles Mat. 12.21 And in his Name shall the Gentiles trust 11. In vocation there is Christs oblation and the Christians reception considerable 12. Christs offer is that he will be a sufficient Redemption Reconciliation and Salvation to every one who beleeveth and resteth on him as his assured refuge and eternall Sanctury 1 Joh. 4.14 Whosoever shall drinke of the water which I shall give unto him shall not thirst againe but the water which I shall give unto him shall be in him a fountaine of springing water unto eternall life 13. Christs proffer is internall and externall 14. Christs externall proffer is when by the Ministers of the Word of truth and salvation he proposeth himselfe the onely and absolute salvation in heaven and earth Act. 4.12 Neither is there salvation in any other neither is there any other name given under heaven by which we must be saved 15. Christs internall proffer is when Christ proposeth himselfe effectually to the hearts of the faithfull through which they have assured confidence that Christ hath redeemed and saved them from sinne Satan the Law hell and destruction and that the Lord Christ will communicate to them eternall life peace joy and everlasting reconciliation Col. 2.2 That their hearts might be comforted and they knit together in love and in all riches of the full assurance of understanding to know the mystery of God even the Father and of Christ 16. Reception is through which the faithfull doe not refuse the proffer of grace but receiveth it through the help of the Spirit of glory Act. 10.43 44. To him give all the Prophets witnesse that through his Name whosoever beleeveth in him shall receive remission of sinnes While Peter spake these words the holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word 17 Sometimes there is a reception of the Word of mercy and propitiation which is not operative or effectuall to salvation Mat. 13.20 21. And he that receiveth seed into stony places the same is he that heareth the Word and anon with joy receiveth it Yet hath not roote in himselfe but dureth for a while for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word by and by he is offended 18. Reception is either taken actively or passively 19. Actively when the heart resteth on Christ the blessed Redeemer of his redeemed reconciled passively when there is a spirituall being of grace in the hearts of actuall Beleevers 1 Pet. 2.2 As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the Word that yee may grow thereby 20. Sometimes the Saints are called alone by the efficacy of the Spirit of obsignation Sometimes by the Word and efficacy of the Word of Life and Redemption The Word and the Spirit are not seperated in the vocation of the Saints Ephes 1.13 In whom also yee have trusted after that yee heard the Word of truth even the Gospel of your salvation wherein also after yee beleeved yee were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise 21. All the faithfull have been effectually called from eternall by vertue of Gods decree notwithstanding the Declaration thereof is as it may make for their good and the glory of God their heavenly and gracious Father Ephes 1.11 12. In him I say in whom yee have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the councell of his owne will That we may be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ. 22. God calls not all his Elect and Adopted in the same moment to the knowledge of his sanctifying truth and the sence of free and benignous favour and experience Mat. 20.5 6. 23.