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A85505 Things now-a-doing: or, The chvrches travaile of the child of reformation now-a-bearing. In a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their solemne fast, Iuly 31. 1644. By Stanley Gower, sometimes Rector of Brompton-Brian in the County of Hereford, now Preacher of Gods Word at Martins Ludgate, London: and one of the Reverend Assembly of Divines. Published by order of the said House. Gower, Stanley. 1644 (1644) Wing G1462; Thomason E3_25; ESTC R2879 23,719 43

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am confident if the calculation be true which hath been given of the time in the verse next following my text it s not twice so long as you have sitten already in Parliament ere Rome be destroyed and therefore could I be heard over all our Militia I should wish them not feare employment if these wars be ended which many are too loath to finish soone enough least as Demetrius said in another case their craft should faile For this ended a more noble warre and more unanimous would be occasioned to helpe the Lord against the mighty in other Countries God seemes to have confirm'd this Parliament for some such purpose as if he would have you immortall till the worke be done Lastly and so I conclude if any of you die before you see this great salvation of the Lord your posterity shall inherit the blessing and for you it is Honour enough that you expire in so great a cause Heathens thought no greater Honour than to die for their Countrey for you to lay downe your lives in being the Angels of God as blessed Luther famous Queene Elizabeth renowned King of Sweden was in powring out the vials of Gods wrath on the throne and seate of the beast you have Honour enough they shall not need to come to Westminster to reade your Epitaphs all the Churches of the world shall reade at distance the Epitaphs so truly and worthily preached to you by a renowned watchman whose praise is in the Gospell These are Scotlands umpire Irelands guard and revenge Englands preservation the Churches safety and Religions glory FINIS An Appendix Giving light from History sacred and Ecclesiasticall to some passages of the Sermon humbly presented to his much honoured Patron Sir ROBERT HARLEY Knight of the Noble order of the Bath and one of the Members of the Honourable House of COMMONS SIR AS the Honourable House of Commons by your mouth commanded me both to preach and print this Sermon so I trust you will patronize this short Appendix which I am encouraged by good friends to affix hereto The foure great Monarchies are now almost come to an end out of the third comes up a little Horne conceived to be Antiochus Dan 8. 9. Hugh Broughton Epiphanes as the circumstances of the eight Chapt. show for it is of the Goat which is call'd a Leopard Chap. 7. 6. out of the fourth comes up another little Horne conceived to be the Turke as the circumstances of the seventh Chapt. Dan. 7. 8. show for he riseth among the ten hornes of the fourth beast which is the Romane Otthoman first assumed the title of Hen. Isaackson pag. 343. Sultan and about the yeare 1300. laid the foundation of the Turkish Kingdome from thence reckon a time times and an halfe prophetically dayes for yeares The time 100. times M. Brightman in Dan. 1● 7. 200. halfe time 50. in all 350. yeares which added to 1300. expires Anno 1650. Then shall the King of the North the Dan. 11 40 44 M. Mede Apost. latter times pag. 111. Turke come against the King of the South the Saracen like a whirle-wind Then tydings out of the East shall trouble him and then from the taking away of the daily sacrifice by Titus Vespasian who burnt both City and Temple and the setting up of the abomination of desolation by Julian shall be 1290. dayes which added to 360. the time of Julians Onuphr. 360 Isaa●son 367. reign makes also 1650. though 3. or 4. yeares difference there is amongst Chronologers For confirmation whereof consider two things 1. Christs Prophecie 2. It s accomplishment Our Saviour Christ a little before his death prophesied 1. There shall not be left here stone upon stone which shall not Matth. 24. 2. be thrown downe His Disciples aske him when this shall be He bids them that reade consider when they shall see the abomination ver. 15. of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the Holy place Here is the Prophecie and the time when it shall be fulfilled To find the accomplishment now Ecclesiasticall story must 2. speake There I find Titus Vespasian as before burning Ioseph Antiq. both City and Temple where alone it was lawfull to sacrifice but yet for all that there were stones upon stones left I find also Julian the Apostate endeavouring to restore Jud●is●e Tripart Hist. by authorizing encouraging and assisting the Jewes to reedifie their Temple and they taking up every stone of the old foundation over night and intending to lay a new foundation the next day but when they had fulfilled the Prophecie of Christ they were dispersed that very night and never able to lay a new stone there as they had intended I le give you out of Greeke and Latine the testimony of foure very famous Historians viz Ruffinus Socrates Theodoret and Sozomen the two former mention the Prophecie of Christ and Cyril of Jerusalem his observation upon it the two latter imply the Prophecie but say nothing of Cyril all of them though severall writers in severall places and times agree in testimony First Ruffinus tels that Julian conveened the Jewes and Ruffin Hist. Eccles●● c 37 ●8 39. asked them why they doe not sacrifice they tell him they may not except it be in Hierusalem as their law commands them He askes why then they doe not build their Temple They tell him they are not able He gives them authority encouragement and assistance They thereupon fall about it as if some Prophet had spoken to them They prepare lime and sand and all things else and then they take up the old foundation which done the next day nothing was wanting why they might not lay a new one the old being removed But when Cyril the Bishop of Hierusalem had dilige●ly considered what they had done and what they were about to doe he was confident either out of those things which he had read concerning the times in the Prophecie of Daniel or which our Lord had foretold in the Gospels that by no meanes it could be that the Jewes should there lay a stone upon a stone but that the saying of our Saviour should now be fulfilled Neither was his prediction vaine For behold in that night which only staid them from beginning their new worke an earthquake turn'd all down to the ground and confirm'd the very truth of our Saviours words and so being frighted both Jews and Gentiles went away and gave over their foolish beginnings Then Socrates to the same purpose Julian calls for the Socrat. Hist. Eccles. l. 3. c 17. Secund Graec. c. 20. Jews and demandeth of them the cause why they did not sacrifice After they had answered it was not lawfull for them so to doe but in Ierusalem he commanded that in all hast their Temple should be built accordingly all necessaries were provided as timber stone brick clay lime with other things requisite in building At that time Cyril Bishop
THINGS Now-a-doing OR THE CHVRCHES TRAVAILE Of the Child of Reformation now-a-bearing IN A SERMON Preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their solemne Fast Iuly 31. 1644. By Stanley Gower sometimes Rector of Brompton-Brian in the County of Hereford now Preacher of Gods Word at Martins Ludgate London And one of the Reverend Assembly of Divines MATTH. 24. 21 23 24 25. V. 21. Then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be V. 23. Then if any shall say to you Lo here is Christ or there beleeve it not V. 24. For there shall arise false Christs and false Prophets c. V. 25. Behold I have told you before Published by Order of the said House LONDON Printed by G. M. for Philemon Stephens at the signe of the Golden-Lyon in Pauls Church-yard 1644. TO THE HONOVRABLE HOVSE OF COMMONS Now assembled in PARLIAMENT Right Honourable DAniels Prophecie concernes the Jewes in Hypothesi the whole Church of God in Thesi for no Scripture is of private interpretation saith S. Peter and These things hapned to them as ensamples saith S. Paul To them it speaketh two things 1. Their Calamities under the foure great Monarchies now almost at an end 2. Their Consolation afterwards and now approaching To us it speaketh two things more 1. Our Hope living in dayes of trouble but withall of delivery it is not a Tympany but a Child that the Churches of the Saints goe withall if they stick long in the place of birth it is because they are foolish but at length a safe deliverance is promised the man-child of Reformation shall be borne and Heaven and earth shall cry grace grace unto it 2. Our Help for hope deferred maketh the heart sick in this booke two ways it is afforded First From the History of it See here how the Church though it be a little and but a despised flock yet is it of that esteeme with God that for the Churches sake he wheeles about all the Monarchies of the world the Persian shall dash in peeces the Babylonian the Greekes the Persian the Romanes the Grecian and the God of Heaven the Romane Empire and them all and set up the Kingdome of Iesus Christ that stone cut cut without hands which shall become a great mountaine and fill the whole earth Secondly From the Prophesie of it not Humane but Divine that sacred Calendar and great Almanack of Prophesie the foure Kingdomes of Daniel are not only an Historicall but a Propheticall Chronologie of times measured from the beginning of the Jewes captivity till all the Kingdomes of the world should become the Kingdome of our Lord and his Christ a course of time during which the Church and Nation of the Iewes should carry the veile upon their hearts but afterwards should turne to God and be raised up from the death of sinne are turne so strange a delivery so great that it is resembled to a resurrection from the grave To this great Calendar of times the Apostles in the new Testament relate when they call the times of the fourth Kingdome the last times and the latter times of that Kingdome the latter times viz. the latter part of that last Kingdome as saith a learned Interpreter Goe we then to this Propheticall Calendar we have the Romane Monarchy almost at an end and concerning the Iewes whose comming in succeedeth their going out two things foretold The finall end of the Turkish Empire as learned men conceive the only obstacle to those Kings of the East as the Iewes are call'd and the last defence of the Beast whose beginning was about the yeare 1300. and the addition of 350. which is the time times halfe a time doth bring that Turkish tyranny to an end in the yeare 1650. The beginning of their gratious delivery this shall be after a two-fold epoche 1. The taking away of the daily sacrifice which was wickedly done by Antiochus long before but de jure by our Lord Iesus Christ his death destroying all other sacrifices by the sacrifice of himselfe the fulnesse of all their shadowes and defacto by Titus Vespasian who tooke away the place of sacrificing when he destroyed the Temple 2. The setting up of the abhomination of desolation or which maketh desolate this was wickedly attempted by the Iewes in the dayes of Iulian the Apostate he in contempt of Christ gave licence to the Iewes to build their Temple and renew their Iewish worship hereupon they tooke up every stone of the old foundation but before they laid any new one they were dispersed by a speciall hand of God A fearfull earthquake in the night destroyed all their work● a sudden fire consumed all their tooles and themselves so dispersed that from that time the Iewish superstitions did for ever cease Cyril Bishop of Ierusalem who admonished them of this Prophesie of Daniel but after no disswasion could prevaile he openly professed that now the time was come which our Lord fore-told that there should not be left one stone upon another Now understand we this to be the epoche Iulians reign fell out in the yeare 360. to which adde 1290. they make up 1650. the very time formerly designed for the finishing of the Iewes dispersion These things being so I knew not Right Honourable a Text speaking more to You Vs Our times then what I preached on and by your Authority have exposed now to more publike view To you it speakes by way of Caution that no spot nor blot nor shrinking back be found amongst you that are repairers of our breaches and restorers of pathes to dwell in To us it speakes by way of Crisis it discovers the temper of the sick body of both Church and State under you our great and under God only Phisitian your physick stirs the humours makes some better some worse To our times it speakes by way of comfort they are troublesome but trying times and after triall there shall be delivery to those that are purified made white and tried but destruction to those that doe and will doe wickedly true wisedome and understanding is hid from them and reveal'd to the godly wise Let then a bloody crew fight on and fill up their measure and let a foolish people refuse to assist you as they ought the Lord himself hath said the word to you as to Cyrus He is my shepheard and shall performe all my pleasure even saying to Ierusalem Thou shalt be built and of the Temple Thy foundation shall be laid and to them the Lord will throw downe his haile upon them that stand against Reformation and rend their hearts with indignation and blasphemy he will goe an end with his worke though they sweare and storme till he have utterly consumed them from the face of the earth Perfect is the work of God and as the