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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A70300 A true narrative of God's gracious dealings with the soul of Shalome Ben Shalomoh of the circumcision after the flesh. As delivered to the Church of Christ assembled at their meeting-house, in Rosemary-Lane, September the 29th, 1699. With some additions made thereunto since; being taken from his mouth by the subscribers to the certificate annexed to the preface. Published for exalting the free grace of God. Humfrey, Thomas.; Shalome, Ben Shalomoh. aut 1699 (1699) Wing H3717; ESTC R218738 17,377 32

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A TRUE NARRATIVE OF GOD'S Gracious Dealings WITH THE SOVL of Shalome Ben Shalomoh Of the Circumcision after the Flesh As Delivered to the Church of Christ Assembled at Their Meeting-House in Rosemary-Lane September the 29th 1699. With some ADDITIONS made thereunto since Being taken from his Mouth by the Subscribers to the Certificate annexed to the Preface Published for Exalting the Free Grace of God Come and hear all ye that fear God and I will declare what he hath done for my Soul Psal 66.16 I say then Hath God cast away his People God forbid For I also am an Israelite of the Seed of Abraham c. As concerning the Gospel they are Enemies for your sake but as touching the Election they are beloved for the Father's sakes Rom. 11.1 28. Wherefore receive ye one another as Christ also received us to the Glory of God Rom. 15.7 LONDON Printed for William Marshal and Sold by hm at the Bible in Newgate-Street 1699. To the READER THE End of Publishing the following Narrative is not to ascribe Glory to one particular Party as if by our own Power or Holiness we had made this Man who was spiritually dead to walk but to obviate such Mistakes which a thing so novel and uncommon may be obnoxious to and more especially to magnifie the Riches of Free Grace which has glorified Jesus Christ by the Manifestations of his Divine Power and Goodness 1 Pet. 2.3 displayed to the Soul of this Son of Abraham And therefore to you who have tasted that the Lord is gracious the ensuing Narrative I presume will be acceptable For tho' it pretends not to the captivating Oratory of our Age yet it may challenge your serious Regard inasmuch as Salvation is come to his House who is according to the Flesh of the rejected Stock of Israel whom it hath pleased irresistible Grace to turn from Darkness to Light Act. 26.184 and from the Power of Satan to Himself Which I hope is an encouraging Presage of the happy Re-ingrafture of the unbelieving Jews into their own Olive-Tree Rom. 11.24 A thing witnessed to by the Sacred Word of God and confirmed to us by this unusual Act By the one he has declared what he will do and by the other what he can do And as the Word of Promise may encourage us to pray so this Instance of Divine Power to hope Ezek. 37.5 9. that God will cause Breath to enter into those dry Bones that they may live But not to enumerate Particulars which is foreign to our present Purpose since there is a profess'd Expectation of the Jews Conversion in these Latter Days among the greatest part of Christians I shall proceed to obviate such Objections as may possibly be brought against the Truth of this Jew's Conversion Object 1. Is it possible that a Person so unacquainted with the Christian Religion and so vicious in his Life and Conversation should so suddenly arrive to such a strong Perswasion of his Interest in a crucified Saviour Answ In Answer hereunto consider 1. That God the most Sovereign Agent is the Sole Worker of Faith in the Hearts of his Elect wherefore it is called Col. 2.12 Faith of the Operation of God And in his working thereof he acts like himself energetically and instantaneously He that commanded Light to shine out of Darkness 2 Cor. 4.6 at once in the first Creation can in a Moment illuminate a Soul benighted with its own Darkness by giving the Light of the Knowledge of his Glory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Person of Christ Why should it be thought then a thing incredible that he who at the last Trumpet 's Sound will effect such an amazing Change in the Bodies of the Saints and that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the twinkling of an Eye should make one no less admirable in the Soul of a poor despised Jew the Conversion of whose Brethren in the Flesh Rom. 11. is represented by Life from the Dead There is doubtless a determinate Instant wherein the Soul of an Elect Sinner is to be delivered from the Power of Darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God's dear Son Ezek. 16.8 which is called the Time of Love Ps 110.3 the Day of Power until which the Soul is polluted in its own Blood Heb 11.6 and whatsoever he doth is displeasing to God because done in Unbelief and having undoubtedly the Nature of Sin To which agrees several Passages in the Homily of Good Works as follows Without Faith all that is done of us Art 13. of the Church of Engl. is but dead before God tho' the Work seem never so gay and glorious before Man Ev●n as a Picture graven or painted is but a dead Representation of the Thing it self that is without Life or any manner of Moving so be the Works of all unfaithful Persons before God Page 46 47. Edit in Octavo 1687. they be as the Course of a Horse that runneth out of the Way which takes Labour but to no purpose Thus far the Homily Hereby you may see how the Sentiments in that Age concerning Words before Faith differed from those which now obtain amongst us What they accounted sinful and dead is now esteemed Righteousness and Life A superficial Reformation of Manners passeth for Conversion and a Moral Heathen shall be caressed for a Serious Christian Whilst the poor Publican who discovers the Depravity of his Nature by the Enormity of his Actions is destined to an unpleasant Pilgrimage before it be allowed him to lay hold of a Gospel-Promise and to serve the Egyptian Task-masters some Years it may be before permitted to enquire after the Freedom of the Gospel And if the God of all Grace heals a Conscience wounded for Sin with greater Expedition than is by some allowed who are forwarder to lay Burthens on others Shoulders than to touch them with one of their Fingers the Cure immediately must be called into question because the prescribed Time was not observed in perfecting it and whilst God is owned to be a Free Agent they rob him of his Prerogative in confining him to Humane Methods and the Person on whom such an instantaneous Change is wrought must expect from them no better Treatment than the Blind Man in the Gospel did from the blinder Jews John 9. 2. Censider some of those Instances recorded in Scripture for our Learning wherein God has exemplified the Power of his Reigning Grace by making stout-hearted Rebels who are far from Righteousness submit to his Righteousness Zacheus Isa 46.12 a notorious Sinner Rom. 10.3 immediately becomes a joyful Receiver of Jesus Christ Luke 19. He that was Prince of Publicans is suddenly pronounced a Son of Abraham as Stella Tom. 2. p. 221. a Papist observes on the place Qui heri peccator fuit jam hodie possit divina benignitate justus effici He who was Yesterday a Sinner by Divine Bounty is to Day made Righteous
knew there was but one Christ however I thought I would assemble my self with a sober People at length I came among the Quakers but alas there I found nothing to my Satisfaction so that I was at a Loss again and so continued for many Years going no where but lived without Christ an Alien from the Commonwealth of Israel a Stranger to the Covenants of Promise without God in the World at last my Heart began to burn within me whether thought I shall I go I pray'd that the Lord if he had any Love to me would shew himself to me in Jesus Christ for I always did even when I lived in the Flesh as many nominal Christians do look for God in the Face of Jesus Christ and point me out a way at length I came to White-chappel where my Apprehensions concerning my State were dreadful I went one Night to bed and there thought I heard a Voice distinctly saying Arise arise if you look not about you and repent not you must certainly be damned This was a sad Sermon preached to me which from a slavish Fear and Dread drove me to worship God not from a Sence of his Love but as I said from a fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery Indiguation my very Heart trembled within me Lord thought I it is high time to repent what shall I do Meeting a young Man I told him my sad Condition who told me Unless I was born again of Water and of the Spirit I could not enter into the Kingdom of God which new Birth was wholly mysterious to me What shall I do then said I I fell to weeping I pray said I help me to a Minister a good Gospel-Minister I prayed many times that God would direct me to a right Church tho' with never so much Affliction the Head whereof is Christ I have often seen as I thought Jesus Christ perfectly at the right Hand of God who has promis'd to pour out his Spirit on all Flesh and certainly it cannot be far off I am sure if I were to dye shortly it will not be long after my time who brought me to this Minister to whom I declared my Mind who went Evangetically to work with me he went far beyond Baxter Baxter drove me back but this Gentleman told me there was free Grace for all that came to Jesus Christ This proved an happy Day to my Soul he told me the Lord accepts Jew and Gentile as in Gal. 3.28 There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither Bond nor Free there is neither Male nor Female for ye are all one in Jesus Christ after some Discourse with Mr. Humfry who made some Discovery to me of God's Way of Salvation by free Grace of the Way of the Work of the Spirit of God on the Spirit of a Man in raising him up from the Death of Sin I read in a Book in which I found the Citation of that Scripture in John 17.26 Father I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it that the Love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them And thought I now there is an open Door to come to God through Jesus Christ it came on my Soul with such Power that it appear'd to me as if a Door had been set open for any to enter in who will how abominably vile and filthy soever they be I thought I saw Jesus Christ yea the very Godhead shining round about me through the Manhood of Jesus for in him dwells the Fulness of the Godhead bodily 2 Col. 9. And now I am perswaded whether I direct my Prayer to God the first Person in the Trinity or to Jesus Christ the second it is the same they being the same in Essence equal in Power and Glory The Quakers indeed will suffer no Man to Pray but as the Spirit moves them pretending to be guided by a Light within which is no other than the Devil transforming himself into an Angel of Light and indeed it proved but a dark Guide to my Soul But as I was reading the Book above-named it pleased God to dart in a Beam of Divine Love in Jesus Christ on my Soul tho' for about an hour and a half my Bed shook under me I quivered and trembled and thought my very Heart was broken within me Lord thought I what shall I do to be saved But it was soon cleared up to me by the Spirit of the Lord that I should be saved by Jesus Christ and by him alone and I am sure there is Salvation in no other than in Jesus Christ no there is not And now I would give my Body to be burnt yea had I a thousand Lives I would lay them all down rather then be an unbelieving Jew For saith Christ unless you believe that I am he i. e. the Messiah you shall die in your Sins and whither I go you cannot come John 8.21 24. This is a miserable Sentence to all Unbelievers I often wondred when I heard Ministers pray for unbelieving Gentiles surely thought I the Gentiles all believe in Jesus Christ But alas Believing is quite another thing than I took it to be a thing of far greater Difficulty than most are aware of He that comes to God must believe that he is every way such as the Scripture declares him to be Heb. 11.6 he must believe that all his Attributes are highly exalted and infinitely advanced in our Salvation that the Law is much more highly magnified and made honourable Isa 42.21 by the Obedience of Jesus Christ God and Man than it could possibly be by the perfect Obedience of Sinless Adam he must believe that what Christ has done and suffered for us as our Surety in our room and stead is the only Righteousness whereby we are justified before God and accepted with him and that this very Righteousness becomes ours pleadable by us by Vertue of God's Divine Act of Imputation Jesus Christ is all and in all Col. 3.11 But alas by how few are these Gospel-mysteries really and truly believed Here you see one in whom the Covenant of Abraham is fulfilled as it is in all those who believe in Jesus Christ But if you do not believe you must die in your Sins I am afraid that my Forefathers tho' I must Judge as Charitably of them as I have warrant for yet I fear lest many of them are gone down to the Pit of Eternal Destruction and yet I am a Brand plucked out of the Fire Zec. 3.2 Now if God saved not his own Covenant-Children his own Spouse those who were naturally in the Root what will become of those who are grafted in and yet believe not that Jesus is the Christ 1 John 2 22. but I know and am perswaded That Jesus Christ loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2.20 which is the main Point and that by his Death and Resurrection my Soul is saved Mr. H. Brethren you have heard what an account Mr. Shalome has given in