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A66686 The mysterie of God, concerning the whole creation, mankinde To be made known to every man and vvoman, after seaven dispensations and seasons of time are passed over. According to the councell of God, revealed to his servants. By Gerrard Winstanley. Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. 1649 (1649) Wing W3048; ESTC R218568 33,974 70

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constant reign of Christ in and over the Saints which is their rest and which indeed is the substance of the Jewish typicall Sabbath as David saith Let the earth rejoyce the LORD reignes And a King shall reigne in the earth saith Jeremy and his name shall bee called The LORD our Righteousnesse Now Christ or the Anointing doth not reigne one single day in the seaven in his Saints but every day constantly which is the substance of the Jewish single Sabbath therefore I wish that the Gentile-Christians could understand that what the Jewes did in the type these are to perform in the substance and it is not for the Gentiles to worship in Types as did the Jewes Again the time of the indignation or while God suffers the Beast to reigne is called The Day of the Beast and God hath given her three Dayes and a halfe to tread the holy Citie under foot or the space of 42 moneths which is three shapes three discoveries of the reigne of the Beast or three degrees and half of the Serpents reformation from bad to worse from open prophanenesse to close hypocrisie and not the single dayes of a week And so here it is called the Day of Judgement from the work and businesse of the day or full length of that Dispensation so that the great and generall day of judgment from the time that the bodies of beleevers and unbelievers are raised out of the grave till the Son deliver up the Kingdome to the Father I beleeve is a long time of divers yeares the full length or shortnesse of it God onely knowes and reserves the time and season of that secret to himselfe but it is called the day of judgement while the worke of judgement lasts as in our language it is called the Day of Assizes though the Sessions or businesse continue divers dayes Now all this day the condemned creatures lie under the dispensation of wrath under the curse and under weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth for anguish and this Hell Sorrow or Punishment or Death is everlasting because it continues the full time of the dispensation the worm never dies all the time the fire and sense of wrath shall never goe out all the time the fire of lust shall still be burning and the smoak of blasphemy shall ascend upward and they shal have no rest day nor night and the fire of Gods wrath shal still be scorching and consuming which shall be an intollerable pain to the creature Therefore if any man or woman take liberty to sin let them know this is a truth they shall be condemned and die and depart into everlasting fire and punished in that Hell lie under the dispensation of wrath and lie at Gods mercy for delivery so that those that will not now wait upon God in his time of long-suffering or in the dispensation of his patience they shal wait upon God whether they will or no in the dispensation of wrath in sorrow which is intollerable which is the second death The first death I conceive and I clearly see a truth in it is Adams death or Adams bondage to the Serpent the second death is the Serpents death after God hath judged him which is to lie under the wrath of God without end Now he that hath part in the first resurrection that is to be delivered from the bondage of the Serpent and raised up from the death of sin and so made alive to God through the Anointing over such a man the second Death or the endlesse dispensation of wrath which is prepared for the Serpent shall have no power But if a man have not part in the first resurrection and so enter not into the City new Jerusalem he shall then tast of the second Death which is the everlasting fire prepared for the Serpent his seed and it shal have power over him and he shall lie under it for ever that is till the dispensation change or till the mystery of God be finished that the Serpent Death and Hell is subdued and cast into the Lake and the whole Creation be set free and the Son deliuer up the Kingdome to the Father and God become all in all as at the beginning he was before any opposite power appeared against him But doth not God sit upon the Throne of judgement before this great day of Judgement appear Yes God the Lamb have sate upon the judgement seat or Throne ever since Adam delighted in his own fruit or consented to the Serpent and God hath been judging the Serpent and bruising his head in every dispensation of his ever since that time and casting the Serpent that strong Man out of his Elect. And by the powring out of the seven Vials and the sounding of the seven Trumpets declares how God hath been subduing the Beast the Whore and the false Prophet which hath been the severall appearances of the Serpent under those names by which he hath made warre with Christ and his Saints so that God hath been about this work of judging the Serpent long before this day of judgment came Then it seemes God hath two judgement dayes No it is all one for from Adams time till the Son deliver up the Kingdome to the Father God hath sate upon the Throne judging the serpent but it pleased God so to establish his counsell that he would not finish this mystery in a short time but in severall degrees of times and seasons which he hath reserued in his own power And this great and last day is the conclusion of this work that the serpent shall be subdued under the feet of the whole Creation and be destroyed everlastingly as it is written Judgement begins at the House of God and if it begin at us saith Peter who are his Temple his little Flock his Royall Nation his peculiar people what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel Why truly they must come to judgement too but in the last day or in the end of time so that it is not two judgement dayes but all one day And so to wind up all I shall desire men to mind one thing That though God hath in Scripture declared seven great dispensations or discoveries of his Counsel and each one clearer then the other yet in every one of these God sends forth severall other dispensations or Angels for the carrying on of the work of that time or season which are discoveries of his glory for whatsoever comes from God is a Spirituall power not a dead work but a living As whatsoever came first from Adam it was a spiritual power as pride discontent envie and the whole body of unbeliefe which slighted the being of God and seekes to preferre a Creature-being before him This discovery of Adam was a spiritual power which is the very bondage which all creatures lie under and it is an unclean and dead power but not a living power But whatsoever comes from God
of which God in all ages of the world is pleased to choose some to be Members of his Son or Citizens of Sion and hath appointed in his Councel that mankind shall increase in the world and act a while and then return to dust and one generation passe away and another come in the place but when the elect are gathered as wheat into Gods store-house and the City made compleat and the chaffe burned in the fire and none enters into the City but such whose names are written in the Lambs book of life and none enters into the lake of fire but such as are not writ in the Lambs book so that Gods will under this dispensation is done then followes immediately the great day of judgment or the resurrection of mens bodies out of the graves And this day of judgment is the 7. dispensation of God and this day windes up the whole mystery of God and makes the eternal councel of God compleatly manifest and true That the Serpents head is bruised and the whole creation Adam redeemed from the bondage of death and in this dispensation we are to mind two things First in this great day of the Lord he raises up the bodies of believers and unbelievers out of the dust again wherein he hath reserved them all the time of the battel between the anointing and the Serpent as a man would keep his jewels in a box for an appointed time Secondly God brings every man to judgement and rewards every man according to his work some rises to the resurrection of life and others to the resurrection of losse and death and the bookes were opened as John writes that is first the book of the mystery of iniquity or the nature of the Serpent in flesh laid open and made manifest to be a power and spirit of darkness that strived to be a being equal with God nay above God but being weighed in the ballance it is found too light And then the book of the mystery of God or the anointing of God in flesh this is made manifest and laid open to be the great power of God and the spirit of truth which hath advanced God to be the only one infinite being even God all in all and that besides him there is none And then another book was opened that is the book of life and death or the book of the Law and of Judgment which gives the sentence Come ye blessed inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world and to unbeleevers Go ye cursed into everlasting fire And now every man is judged according to his works the anointing or the righteous one is rewarded with life and all they in whom the anointing did dwell who are the elect City and spouse of Christ are called blessed and taken up into Gods Kingdome that is into love never to fall again But the Serpent the wicked one is rewarded with death and all those disobedient ones in whom the Serpent dwelt are cast into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devill and his Angels this is a second part in the day of judgment which is a trying of every mans work and the establishing the City which is the Lambs wife in perfect glory and in justly condemning the rest and here God is glorified in the salvation of believers and in the damnation or losse of unbelievers for his work stands and abides triall but mans work suffers losse and is ashamed But this is not the end for as yet the Son hath not delivered up the Kingdom to the Father for he must raign till all enemies be subdued but death curse and sorrow is not yet quite subdued for it raignes over part of the Creation still even over those poor creatures that were lost or that did not enter into the City but were cast into the lake of fire The Serpent as yet holds a power for there is part of Gods work not yet delivered from his bondage And the Serpent would be glad and it would be some ease to his torment if any of Gods work might die and perish with him As I have heard some say that they would be content to suffer the misery of a new war in England so that such as they mentioned might suffer as well as they this is the spirit of the Serpent I but the Serpent only shall perish and God will not loose a hair that he made he will redeeme his whole creation from death The spirit of darknesse cannot beare this speech therefore reader observe thy heart as thou readest it will either close with a tender spirit of pitty and love herewith or else swell and fret against it Therefore in the third part of this great day of judgment after the City work is finished and the triall over then does the tree of life God himself that dwells in the City and is the light and life and glory of it send forth dispensations or Angels bringing love to heale the Nations and to bring their glory into the City likewise that for the present lies under the dispensation of wrath and throws the Serpent that deceived them death and hell into the Lake but there is no mention that the nations are cast therein in this last casting in for they are redeemed from it as the tree of life brought forth fruit every change of time and age of the world to heale the elect the lost sheep or City so in this last and great day it brings forth leaves to heale the Nations or such as were not of the City their turne to receive mercy comes though it be at the last houre And then all Israel or whole creation that groaned under the bondage of death shal partake of the glorious manifestation of the Sons of God for now the deliverer comes out of Sion and shall turne away ungodlinesse from Jacob Therefore saith John I saw a pure River of the water of life cleare as Cristall proceeded out of the throne of God and the Lamb Now I conceive clearly that this pure River is the whole creation mankind fully and compleatly delivered from death and curse as in that 3. verse And this pure redemption proceedes from the throne of God and the Lamb that is from the judgment seat of God judging condemning and bruising the Serpents head and so setting his own work mankind free from that death and bondage I shall mention one Scripture more that countenances this truth And I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one sate like the Son of man having on his head a Crown of gold and in his hand a sharpe sickle And another Angel came out of the Temple crying with a loud voice to him that sate on the cloud saying thrust in thy sickle and reape for the harvest of the earth is ripe and he that sate on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped And then another Angel came out of the