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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A61170 The Bishop of Rochester's second letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's household Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. 1689 (1689) Wing S5049; ESTC R15013 15,012 68

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time at Copthall as much as my Lord of London's and my Memory could Serve us to do it But one thing farther I must observe as very Remarkable in this Affair that if the exact time of this our Address to King Iames at Whitehall shall be compar'd with the Day of the Prince of Orange his present Majesties setting forth his First Declaration in Holland they will both be found to bear very near the same Date For our Address here was form'd at Lambeth on Monday October the First and should have been deliver'd on Tuesday the Second and was actually presented on Wednesday the Third And that Declaration was Sign'd there on the Tenth of October which considering the Two Styles makes little or no Difference And if I might presume to compare Small Things with Great in the Matter of them as well as in the Date I would venture to say that most of the very same Grievances which his Highness insisted on in his Declaration except One or Two that were too high for us Subjects to meddle with were so early represented by us to the King in that Petition as Things necessary to be speedily Redress'd And My Lord I cannot but add that this we did in a time when the King thought of nothing less than Victory when in all Humane probability he was the strongest both by Sea and Land when as yet there was no appearance of such a Prodigious Alienation of his Subjects Affections when at least his Army was thought to be still firm to him when the very Winds and Seas seem'd hitherto as much on his Side as they all afterwards turn'd against him After that My Lord as I remember the next Solemn time of our Waiting on King Iames the Second was occasion'd by the Interception of the Prince of Orange's Declaration here in London some short time before his Highness's Landing For upon Reading that Expression in it That the Prince was most earnestly Invited hither by divers Lords both Spiritual and Temporal and by many Gentlemen and Others of all Ranks the King forthwith sent for some of the Bishops who were nearest at hand and required us to Justifie our Selves to the World as to our Part in that Invitation To this end His Majesty fixed a Short Day whereon He obliged us to present him a Paper under our Hands signifying our Abhorrence of the Prince of Orange's intended Invasion My Lord the Day came and great Throngs there were at Court expecting the Issue of that Conference We saw both the Friends and Enemies of the Church of England equally impatient to know what we would do in that difficult Moment The King himself had affirm'd to us He thought his good Success exceedingly depended upon our Ready Compliance with his Command of Abhorring A Declaration was then in the Press against the Prince of Orange the present King and was only stopp'd for our Paper of Abhorrence to be inserted into it And there happen'd to be but Four of our Number my Lord of Canterbury my Lord of London my Lord of Peterborough and my Self who were present upon the Place to endure that terrible Brunt In short as soon as we were come into the King's Presence His Majesty with great Earnestness called for our Paper We with all Submission intreated to be Excused from writing any thing of that Nature and from making a particular Defence to a general Accusation left we should give the First Precedent of that kind against the Privilege of Peers Besides that our Profession being to promote Peace VVe thought it belong'd not to us to declare VVar especially against a Prince so nearly Ally'd to the Crown But the King still more Insisted Argued and Expostulated with us insomuch that if ever in all my Life I saw him more than ordinary vehement in Speech and transported in his Expressions it was at that time However we still made good our humble Refusal in as dutiful Terms as 't was possible Among many Arguments urging chiefly That as we were joyn'd with our Brethren the other Lords Spiritual and with the Lords Temporal and with the Gentry of England in the Accusation so we beseech'd him we might not be separated from them in our Justification Concluding all with an earnest Request to His Majesty that He would be pleased to Condescend to the Calling a Free Parliament Wherein only he could rightly understand what was the General Sense and True Interest of the whole Kingdom At last when neither the King would bearken to our Zealous Motion for a Parliament nor we could be prevailed on to Subscribe an Abhorrence of the Prince of Orange's Design His Majesty parted from us with Indignation And thereupon the Jesuited Party at Court were so violently enraged against us that as we were credibly informed one of the Chief advised in a heat we should all be Imprisoned and the Truth should be extorted from us by Violence I told your Lordship the Conclusion of that our Serious De●●●● with the King was on our Side 〈◊〉 begging him to call a Free Par●●●ment The truth is a Free Par●●●ment was the main Point and t● last Result of all our Requests to His Majesty from the First Day of his admitting us to give him our honest Advice till the time of his leaving the Kingdom I need not put your Lordship in mind of the Petition we presented him to the same purpose which was Signed by divers of the Spiritual and Temporal Lords and among others by your Self and was afterwards Seconded from several Parts of the Nation especially by the Noblemen and Gentlemen Assembled at York and by the Fleet under the Command of my Lord Dartmouth and by the Lord Bishop and the Clergy and the Citizens of Bristol As it had been also soon followed by the rest of the Kingdom had there been time enough for the doing of it But having mentioned that Petition for a Free aud Regular Parliament I hope it will not be thought Presumption in me if I suggest I had the Honour to have it Considered Agreed on and Sign'd at my house at Westminster And that I was one of the Four Bishops the Two Archbishops and my Lord of Ely being the other Three who ventured to deliver it to the King after we heard he had protested he would take it highly Ill of any Man that should offer him a thing of that Nature Nevertheless we did it and thought our selves bound in Duty to God and Man so to do Your Lordship perceives all that I have said on this last Subject concerns only some few Particulars that pass'd in Three or Four Conferences between King Iames the Second and some of the Bishops who happen'd then to be within Call. Thô we had afterwards the Concurrence of our Absent Brethren And we may now appeal to all the World whether we did not Demean our Selves in those hazardous Occasions with that Zeal against Popery and for the Legal Establishment both in Church and State as became the Station
Imprimatur W. CANT March 27 1689 THE Bishop of Rochester's SECOND LETTER To the Right Honourable The Earl of Dorset and Middlesex LORD-CHAMBERLAIN OF His MAJESTY's Houshold In the Savoy Printed by Edward Iones MDCLXXXIX THE Bishop of Rochester's SECOND LETTER To the Rig ht Honourable The Earl of Dorset and Middlesex c. MY LORD I Cannot in Good Manners make my Address to your Lordship in another Letter without premising my most Humble Thanks for your favourable Acceptance of the former and for your kind Recommendation of my Plea to Men of Honour and Goodness by the Powerful Authority of your Approving it And now My Lord since you have in so generous a Manner admitted me once to be your Client I am come again to put my whole Cause into your Hands For it was my Chance I know not how to have such a share in One or Two other Public Affairs of the late Times as obliges me to make a Second Defence Though I have always thought that next to the committing Offences nothing can be more Greivous to an Ingenuous Mind than to be put upon the necessity of making Apologies However upon the Encouragement your Lordship has given Me I take the boldness to say that in the Matters about which I trouble you this once more I trust I have good Ground for an honest and open Vindication of my self The One was My Part in King Charles the Second's Declaration touching the Conspiracy the other was My acting in the Commission for the Diocese of London during the Suspension of my Lord Bishop But then my Lord after my Apology I shall crave leave to add that which needs None I mean an Account of what past between King Iames and some of the Bishops a little before the late wonderful Revolution which tho' the Circumstances of it are not so generally known as they ought to be yet I am sure had a very considerable effect for the benefit both of Church and State in that Critical time And therein I may presume to say that I had some part So that when I come to that perhaps I shall be able to Speak more freely and shall venture to insist upon it as a manifest proof to the World that the Bishops had then as difficult a Post to Maintain and Maintain'd it as firmly as any other Order of Men in the Kingdom could do Theirs for preserving the Liberties and Properties of the Subject as well as the Interest of the Protestant Religion First my Lord as for the Book of the Conspiracy 't is true I have often heard that some Noble and Eminent Persons whose Kindred or Friends were unhappily concern'd in the Subject of that History had entertain'd a prejudice against me thereupon But to them I shall make this equitable Request that they would suspend any farther Censure of me for what I did write till they shall be fairly informed how much there is that I have not written I will not deny that it was at the Request or rather the Command of King Charles the Second that I drew up a Relation of that Plot And to that end I had free liberty to consult the Paper-Office and Council-Books whence I was plentifully furnish'd with such Authentic Materials either of Papers Printed by Authority or of Sworn Depositions and Confessions as have been always thought the best Ground for an Historian to work upon But now my Lord I can still allege That tho' a vast heap of such Matter was immediately supplied to my hands and tho' I often received earnest Messages and some Sharp words from that gentle King to quicken my Slowness yet more than twelve Months had past before I could be brought to put Pen to Paper out of my Natural Aversion to any Business that might reflect severely upon any Man my own Inclination rather leading me to the other Extream that is Rather to Commend too much what in the least seems Well-done than to Aggravate what is Ill-done by others However upon King Charles's frequent Commands and continued Importunity I did at length obey and the rather because I had formerly somewhat incurr'd that King 's and his Brother's Displeasure by my declining to write against the States of Holland during the time of the First and Second Dutch-Wars Being thus over-persuaded I made my Collections and Presented them to that King Which his Majesty having himself perused was pleased to direct me to put them into the Hands of the Lord Keeper North who carefully Read and Corrected what I had done and added divers matters of Fact which had escaped my Observation Thus the Work stood in Preparation for the Press when the deplorable Death of that King hapned And shortly after King Iames the Second calling for the Papers and having read them and Altered divers Passages caused them to be printed by his own Authority as is to be seen before the Book But now my Lord I can truly declare that during my composing those Collections I earnestly requested King Charles the Second and your Lordship knows as well as any Man how agreeable such a Request was to the Benign Temper of that King I requested him I say that few or no Names of Persons should be mentioned whatever probable suggestions might be against them but only such upon whom public Judgment had passed which it could be to no purpose for me to conceal I could indeed have wish'd that my Lord Russel's and some other Names of Persons of Honour might have been of the Number to be omitted upon that very account But 't was none of my fault that they were not I could not hinder nor did I in the least contribute to their Fall. Nay I lamented it especially my Lord Russel's after I was fully convinc'd by Discourse with the Reverend Dean of Canterbury of that Noble Gentleman's great Probity and Constant Abhorrence of Falshood But that was a good while after All that I did was the Publishing or rather indeed the putting together methodically what before was sufficiently published in printed Papers that were Licensed And out of them to draw the Substance of a Declaration of State in Vindication of that which the Authority of the Nation at that time called The Public Justice of the Kingdom But my Lord to return to what I was saying King Charles having granted my desire of Concealing divers Names according to this Allowance I proceeded leaving out some and abbreviating others endeavouring all along to spare Parties and Families and particular Persons as much as would be allowed All which may be demonstrated from the Copies of the Depositions as they went out of my hands where there were several Names visibly marked by my own Pen to be passed by in the Publication So that if some Indifferent Man should now compare the Informations as they are in Print with the Originals in the Secretary's or the Paper-Office he would it may be be apter to suspect Me of Connivance than of Calumny on that side If