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A66967 Motives to holy living, or, Heads for meditation divided into consideratins, counsels, duties : together with some forms of devotion in litanies, collects, doxologies, &c. R. H., 1609-1678. 1688 (1688) Wing W3449; ESTC R10046 220,774 378

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forewarned us like a thief at a time when we are asleep and think less of it than at other times we do Now this imagined great distance still from our death chiefly ariseth from every ones reckoning his own end only from deficiency of nature which yet not one of 1000 dyes of and not from accidental distempers when as most commonly this our lamp goes out either choaked with its own nourishment or violently extinguished by some external accident before its Oyl is half consumed And since nothing is more common then example of this in others on every side what self love and dotage is it to promise our selves a better destiny till we also surprized become the like example to others 23. And consider likewise and think with your self how many are dying in that very time you are thinking and meditating of it 24. 2 When this time shall come your impotency and unfitness from your fears your pains and many times the want of your senses that will then be to order either the matter of your Soul or of your worldly affairs to do any thing with sufficient devotion or prudence and also your friends at that time hiding from you as much as they can the danger of your sickness Nay your self perhaps when decumbent under the stroke of death yet removing it a far off still and certainly presuming being loath to imagine the worst of a recovery only because some few so sick have not dyed of whom your unkind friends will not be wanting to mind you also because your self formerly have recovered 25. For exciting your resolutions and affections Indeavour to make the same judgment of things for the present and to have the same opinion now of your sins of the world and its pleasures and its cares and your designs in it and what you imagine you should in such a case at such a time purpose now resolve upon 26. Prepare your self for that terrible and dreadful hour in some of those Duties set down before 27. Avoid not but use and seek out all the sad memorials of death that may be as visiting Hospitals the sick sore and putrifying dying persons hearing their speeches their groans looking on the skeletons of the dead frequenting funerals Making many reflections on the passing of time decays of your own Body or other mens c. Remembring often Eccl. 7.2 3 4. Repeating often the 90 Psalm Recalling to mind and keeping a Catalogue sometimes to be reviewed of your friends and acquaintance deceased Considering what they were did are Thus much for Sickness and Death §. 169. For Consideration of the General day of Judgment some more particulars may yet be added Consider 1. That that is the proper day of justice and wrath as the present is of Grace and Mercy See Rom. 2.5.8 9. 2. Thes 1.7 8. Rev. 11.18 6.16 Luk. 18.7 2. Cor. 5.11 God's justice upon sin by Christ's Mediation being delayed till that time that many might come to repentance 2. Pet. 3.9 and these his present temporal punishments being inflicted chiefly not for vengeance but for other ends either for their good that suffer or other mens that behold it Therefore the present called our day Luk. 19.42 2. Cor. 6.2 wherein our free will doth as it pleaseth That the day of the Lord 2. Pet. 3.10 1. Thes 5.2 wherein removing this free power we yet enjoy God will gather out of his Kingdome all things that offend and all that do iniquity and cast them into the furnace Matt. 13.41 2. The dreadful signs that shall be then of God's wrath and the terribleness of the appearance of that day beyond all other terrors and the alteration of Heaven and Earth and putting out of the Sun before the sitting in judgment Rev. 20.11 comp 12. tho not till after the resurrection 1. Thes 4.16 See 2. Pet. 3.10.12 Psal 18.7 c. Nahum 1.3 c. Esai 30.27 c. Matt. 24.29 c. Rev. 20.11 Joel 3.2.12 c. to 17. Zechariah 14.4 Luk. 21.36 3. As the Bodies of the righteous raised in great beauty and glory so those of the wicked in great filthiness and deformity 4. The horrible fear and trembling of the wicked then living Matt. 30. Luk. 21.25 26. Rev. 1.7 6.16 11.18 Rev. 1.7 this day coming upon them when full of sin and security Matt. 24.12.38 Luk. 18.8 21.35 1. Thes 5.3 2. Thes 2 3. And of the Souls of the formerly dead then being brought out of their prisons 1. Pet. 3.19 and reunited to their loathsome companion the Body Now to be sentenced together with the devil to eternal torments whom also we may suppose deprecating as the Devils Luk. 8.31 5. The confidence and joy of the righteous then living and of the Souls of the dead then coming out of the place of rest and bliss and reunited to their Bodies their Bodies carefully gathered up and brought together by the Angels and such as they are described 1. Cor. 15.42 c. 2. Thes 1.10 both these being then caught up in the clouds and having their ascension like our Saviour's and meeting the Lord coming in his Glory with his Blessed Angels to Judgment in the air 1. Thes 4.17 Luk. 21.28 1. Jo. 2.28 1. Cor. 7.7 2 Tim. 4.8 Tit. 2.13 1. Thes 5.4 2. Pet. 3.12 whom we may suppose singing together as in Rev. 19.6 7 8. 6. A particular appearance and examination of all the Sons of Adam assembled together Sodom and Gomorrah in Abraham's time then confronting Corazin and Bethsaida in Christ's time c. And every one giving account of himself to God the Counsels of all their hearts being made manifest and secrets divulged Rom. 14.10.12 1. Cor. 4.5 Matt. 10.15 Rev. 20.12 Rom. 2.16 Ecclesiastes 12.14 7. Books kept containing all mens works then brought forth and opened Rev. 12.20 In which how many sins never thought of for Repentance shall be then brought to our Remembrance for Condemnation And besides them a peculiar Book of life called also a Book of remembrance Mal. 3.16 being not of actions but only of names i. e. of those who have here served and pleased God that none of them might be forgotten or unrewarded in that day All the rest who are not writ in that happy book being abandoned to eternal destruction Exod. 32.32 33. Phil. 4.3 Rev. 3.5 20.15 Luk. 10.20 Jo. 10.28 29. 8. The manifestation at that time of God's just judgment the manner whereof is set down by St. Paul Rom. 2. from 6. to 17. verse which shall be upon no other point but down-right according to works Rom. 2.6 Rev. 20.12 Matt. 16.27 c. In which works words Matt. 12.37 Jud. 15. and thoughts Rom. 2.16 are contained According to works either those that men have persevered in without any repentance of them at all or where any repentance of them hath been which cancels all the work before it Ezech. 18.21 22. according to the works done after it whether these be good or whether they be evil which being evil
MOTIVES TO Holy Living OR Heads for Meditation Divided into CONSIDERATIONS COUNSELS DUTIES Together with some Forms of Devotion in Litanies Collects Doxologies c. OXFORD Printed in the Year MDCLXXXVIII 1. Jo. 5.19 The whole world lyeth in wickedness 1. Cor. 2.14 The natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit for they are foolishness unto him Jo. 15.19 If you are not of the world the word will hate you Maxima pendent ex minimis Qui modica spernit paulatim decidit Qui sibi benè temperatat in licitis nunquam cadet in illicita Ex hoc momento pendet Aeternitas Matt. 20.16 Many are called but few are chosen Luk. 13.24 Strive to enter in at the strait Gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able Ecclesiasticus 5.5 Concerning Propitiation be not without fear to add sin to sin Prov. 28.14 Blessed is the Man that feareth always 1. Cor. 13.15 If any mans work shall be burnt he shall suffer loss Himself shall be saved yet so as by fire Act. 10.34 Non est Personarum acceptor Deus Matt. 11.12 The violent take heaven by force 1. Cor. 9.6 He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly Matt. 25.29 To him that hath shall be given from him that hath not shall be taken away Luk. 14.17 Well thou good servant bear thou authority over ten Cities 19. ver Be thou over five Cities Matt. 19.12 There be Eunuchs who have made themselves Eunuchs for the Kingdome of Heavens sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it 1. Cor. 7.38 He that giveth her in Marriage doth well ver 36. sinneth not but he that giveth her not in Marriage doth better Matt. 19.16 Good Master what good thing shall I do that I may inherit eternal life ver 17. Keep the Commandments ver 20. What lack I yet ver 21. If thou wilt be perfect Go and fell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven Vers 27. We have forsaken all c. What shall we have therefore ver 29. Every one that hath forsaken c shall receive a hundred fold c. Tacit. Hist 5. l. of the Christians Nec quicquam prius imbuuntur quam contemnere Deos Gentilium exuere Patriam Parentes Liberos Fratres vilia habere Luk. 12. Sell that ye have and give Alms and provide a treasure in the heavens that faileth not ver 33. compare 31 32 34. Act. 2.37 Men and Brethren what shall we do ver 45. And they that believed sold their possessions and parted them as every one had need Matt. 13.45 46. The Kingdome of Heaven is like unto a Merchant Who when he had found out one Pearl of great price he went and sold all that he had and bought it Luk. 16.8 The Children of this world are in their Generation wiser than the Children of Light Gal. 5.24 They that are Christ's will crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof Esay 58.13 Not doing thy own ways nor finding thy own pleasure nor speaking thy own words Membra Christi Quales oportet nos esse in Sanctis conversationibus Pietatibus 2. Pet. 3.11 Templa Spiritus Sancti Quales oportet nos esse in Sanctis conversationibus Pietatibus 2. Pet. 3.11 Filii Dei Quales oportet nos esse in Sanctis conversationibus Pietatibus 2. Pet. 3.11 Eph. 5.19 Loquentes vobismetipsis in psalmis Hymnis Phil. 3.20 Cantantes in cordibus Deo 1. Thess 5.17 Sine Intermissione orantes In omnibus Gratias agentes Spiritum non extinguentes Phil. 4.13 We can do all things through Christ who strengthneth us 2. Pet. 1.3 His Divine Power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness Matt. 11.28 c. Come ye that labour Take my yoke upon you and ye shall find rest For my yoke is easy 1. Jo. 5.3 And his Commandments are not grievous Prov. 3.17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace Par mundus dat onus graviusque THE CONTENTS I. CONSIDERATIONS Concerning 1. OVR present and future Condition § 1. Pag. 1 2. The Condition of all present things about us § 2. p. 2. 3. The unreasonableness and hurt of Sin § 3. p. 3. 4. The difficulty of Repentance § 4. p. 10. 5. The measure of this Reformation § 5. p. 12. 6. The Reasonableness and Benefits of Piety § 6. p. 18. 7. The Faisibility Easiness Excellencies of it § 10. p. 25. II. COUNSELS Concerning 1 the forbearing many things lawful and not prohibited 2 And practising many things not commanded i. e. under guilt of sin in the matters § 14. p. 38. 1. Of Riches and Wealth § 15. p. 39. Recommendation of Poverty p. 40. 2. Of Honor Preferment and Reputation § 16. p. 41. Recommendation of a low Condition § 16. n. 4. not minding Reputation § 16. n. 4. p. 42 43. Recommendation of Self-contempt § 16. p. 46. 3. Of lawful Sensual Pleasures § 17. p. 47. Recommendation of Celibacy § 17. n. 2. p. 47. 4. Of Affection to Earthly things § 18. p. 56. 5. Of Temporal Employments § 19. p. 57. Reliance on God's Providence for Necessaries § 19. n. 6. p. 59 6. Of Meat and Drink § 20. p. 60 The Happiness of Old Age § 20. Digr 3. p. 65. 7. Of Sleep § 21. p. 67. 8. Of Recreation and Vacancy from Employment § 22. p. 69. 9. Of Company and Secular Converse § 23. p. 69. Recommendation of Solitude p. 73. 10. Of Discourse and Compliance § 24. p. 74. Recommendation of Silence p. 83. 11. Of extraordinary abilities and perfections natural or acquired § 25. p. 84. 12. Concerning the avoiding usual and former occasions of sinning § 26. p. 84. 13. Resisting first and small Temptations c. § 27. p. 85. 14. Suppressing evil thoughts and first Motions of Sin c. § 28. p. 87. Ways to break ill Habits p. 88. 15. Cherishing all good Motions in the Soul § 29. p. 89. Of the great power of Custome p. 90. 16. Subjecting your Actions to anothers Conduct § 30. p. 91. 17. Restraining your liberty with Resolutions and Vows § 31. p. 91. 18. Imposing voluntary Mortifications § 32. p. 92. A Catalogue of several sorts of Mortifications § 33. p. 94. 19. Confessing frequently your Sins to your Spiritual Guide § 34. p. 95. 20 Openly professing a zeal of Piety and Christian Virtues § 35. p. 96. 21. Strongly apprehending God's presence § 36. n. 1. p. 93. 22. Reflecting on his Omni-Agency § 36. n. 2. p. 97. III. DUTIES 1. Active Doing Good § 37. p. 99. 1 Towards your Self Moral § 38. p. 99. The Purity and Sanctification of the Body p. 100. 1. Temperance § 39. p. 100. Of its Opposites Ibid. 2. Chastity § 40. p. 100. Of its Opposites Ibid. 3. Humility 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 § 41. p. 105. Of its Opposites § 42. p. 105. 4. A sober and right ordering of the Judgment § 44.
eschewing evil follows the Third Viz. The positive Sanctity that God our Creator requireth of and in us consisting in the Practice of all Holy Duties and Christian Virtues Of these First In diligently doing all good we can Secondly In patiently suffering all evil together with the means to procure and preserve these Virtues For the former The practising all Holy Duties and doing Good The Duties required of a Christian are threefold 1. Towards your self Duties Moral 2. Towards your Neighbour Civil 3. Towards God Religious Living 1. Soberly 2. Righteously 3. Holily The three grand Duties mentioned in our Lord's Sermon 1. Fasting Matt. 6.16 2. Alms 6.1 3. Prayer 6.5 In the prosecution of which so far as the former Counsels are subservient to the promoting of them I shall refer you to them and forbear here a repetition §. 38. 1. To your Self 1. Then The Duties I have chosen more specially to recommend to you concerning your self and which may prepare you for the Duty you are charged with to your Neighbour and Service you owe unto God For the third depends on the second He that loveth not his Brother how can he love God 1. Jo. 4.20 And the second again depends on the first whilst your Neighbour is to be loved only as your self Matt. 22.39 are these 1. The purity and sanctification of Body By §. 39. 1. Temperance and Sobriety in Food in Apparel Lodging modest Deportment c. For the better attaining of some perfection in which Virtue I must refer you to review the former Counsels concerning diet sleep recreation sensual pleasures the avoiding usual and former occasions of sinning in § Digr 1. Of the great influence the several treatment of the Body hath upon the Soul and all its actions Therefore much care to be spent upon a right government of It by him who aspires to any Holiness or Virtue Digr 2. Of the Vices opposite §. 40. n. 1. 2. Chastity where I remit you to what hath been said before of the Gift of Continency § 17. n. 4. Digr 1. Of its Contraries Adultery Fornication Self-pollution and Vncleanness unlawful and unnatural Lusts §. 40. n. 2. Of which it may be observed That with no other Passion men are so strongly assaulted as with lusts and sensual loves Therefore Hos 4.11 It is said to take away the heart No Passion that so much increaseth the desire of it the more we descend to a particular cogitation and discussion of it So that it is not to be conquered by wrestling with it but by running away from it None that in its acts so captivates and incarnates the Soul and restrains its liberty of reasoning or thinking of any thing else Therefore God in pitty to man hath provided him a lawful remedy thereof by Marriage But yet still left him under under great restraints confining him to one single person and most severely prohibiting the satiating thereof in any other way either with any other person or by himself And such sins great varieties of which are left in man's power we find above most other faults exceedingly aggravated both for the great offence they give to God's own Holiness and Purity and for the great dishonour and defilement they bring to the bodies of such persons whom he first created after his own Image and since hath made Members of the Body of Christ and Temples of the Holy Ghost and from the beginning hath cast a natural shame and modesty upon him as to the committing of these more than of any other Crimes And such carnal sins we also find beyond almost any other pursued with most severe judgments For all which I must recommend these Texts and Passages of Holy Scripture to your serious meditation §. 40. n. 3. 1. That amongst the works of the Flesh these sins of Vncleanness are usually set in the Front See Gal. 5.19 The works of the flesh are manifest which are these Adultery Fornication Vncleanness Lasciviousness c. Again Col. 3.5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth that is Fornication Vncleanness inordinate Affection evil Concupiscence c. After which in the second place Vers 8. follow Anger wrath malice evil speaking or blaspemy Again 1. Cor. 6.9 Be not deceived neither Fornicators nor Idolaters nor Adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind c shall inherit the kingdome of God Rom. 1.29 Being filled with all unrighteousness Fornication See the like 1. Cor. 5.10 11. 1. Pet. 4.3 2. Pet. 2.10 Still you see these sins as the greatest darlings of the flesh lead the whole band And these sins of Lust are they with which the Gentiles every where stand principally charged before the Light of the Gospel shone amongst them See Rom. 1.25 26 27. 1. Thess 4 5. Eph. 4.19 and which are ordinarily linked together with that of Idolatry See 1. Cor. 5.10 11. 6 9. Rev. 22.15 being a usual companion of their Idol-feasts or with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whether this be taken for the coveting of persons as some understand it or of riches which is said to be Idolatry too Eph. 5.3.5 Col. 3.5 These two Harlots and Money being the two great Idols in this lower world the one or the other of which steal away mens hearts §. 40. n. 4. 2. That in these Scriptures See 1. Thess 4.3.7 8. And 1. Cor. 6. from the 13. verse to the end These Vices of Carnal Lusts are aggravated as peculiarly opposite to a certain Holiness which ought to be in the Body as well as in the Soul of all those who profess themselves Members of Christ or Members of that chast Virgin as the Apostle calls her 2. Cor. 11.2 his Spouse the Church whom he bought and purchased to himself with his own blood and life and whom he cherisheth as the same flesh and bone Eph. 5.29 30. c. and as the same Spirit 1. Cor. 6.17 with himself and for whom now is our Body as well as the Soul and the Lord for it 1. Cor. 6.13 Therefore is this Holiness of the Body both conjugal and virginal as well as of the Spirit often mentioned by the Apostle 1. Thess 4.4 This is the Will of God saith he your Sanctisication that ye should abstain from Fornication that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel i. e. his Body See 1. Sam. 21.5 in sanctification and honour not in Lusts of Concupiscence For ver 8. God hath called us not to Vncleanness but unto Holiness And 1. Cor. 6.20 compared with Eph. 5.29 c. to the end Ye are bought with a price to be the Spouse of our Lord therefore glorify God in your Body and in your Spirit which are God's his Members now not yours according to 1. Cor. 7.4 The wife hath not power of her own Body No more then hath Christ's Wife or Spouse but the husband Ibid. vers 34. The Virgin saith he careth for the things of the Lord how she may please him that she
restored unto them Men now being translated from their former stock and becoming his seed by the derivation upon them first repenting and believing of this nature i. e. the spirit which by little and little produceth in all such the perfect image of this their second Father This spirit first working that image in the Soul in all Graces planted there like to his Secondly in the Body hereafter in all corporal glory and perfection like to his when they also like him shall be the sons of God Heirs c. He for this effect instituting two Sacraments the one of Remission and dying to our former life of sin as we were Children of the former Adam and then of our beginning to be born again and shaped after the image of the new Adam The other of our nourishment in a new life to righteousness and of our union to the second Adam §. 181. The several Relations mentioned in Scripture of our Saviour Christ to us as second Adam 1. Father Children 2. Husband Wife 3. Head Members 4. Root Branches 5. Foundation Building 6 Elder and Younger Brethren in respect of God now our common-Father In which respect our Saviour is called also the first-born the first fruits Hence all things done by him accounted to be done by us received by him to be received by us done and given to him to be given and done to us And so things done to us to be done to him So we now dead to sin Rom. 6.1 to the law Rom. 7.4 Col. 2.20 to the world i. e. the affections thereof Gal. 6.14 now risen Col. 3.1 now ascended and sitting in heavenly places Eph. 2.6 Sons of God Heirs Gal. 3.27 Matt. 25.40.45 §. 182. 7. The Holy God not admitting in his service the approach of common sinners 7. High-Priest and Intercessor but only of some chosen and consecrated person for them and in their stead and Aaron's Order who were themselves also sinners being therefore unless typically useless and unserviceable Jesus Christ was the true Priest after the perfectest Order Melchizedechical i. e. Regal and Eternal This Priest after he was first made like us in our nature that he might officiate for his brethren and in the infirmities thereof that he might be more compassionate in his Office First offering the Sacrifice a sin-offering Secondly after the entring into the true and heavenly Sanctum Sanctorum carrying in thither the sacrifice and there now sprinkling the blood thereof before the Lord and making Intercession for the sins of the people Intercession both in presenting his own prayers to the Father for us and also in presenting our prayers and oblations to the Father and in procuring our admission to present them to the Father at the Throne of Grace our selves only this always to be done in his name Thirdly By this his intercession procuring us the descent of the Holy Ghost from the Father Jo. 16.7 14.16 and all blessings spiritual and temporal which blessings himself also from the Father confers upon us as having a Priest-hood Royal in respect of which Regality as he is like Aaron a Priest so like Moses and Joshuah the Captain of God's people going before them into the celestial Canaan and their fore-runner into the place of rest Fourthly Substituting others in this office in his own necessary absence here on earth both to present here as he in heaven the same sacrifice and to make intercessions for the people Till in the consummation of all things he returning again out of the heavenly sanctuary Heb. 9.28 shall give the compleat blessing even eternal salvation unto the people when also all his brethren like him shall be made Kings and Priests and serve God for ever in his most holy Temple §. 183. 8. The son of God always the Lord and King by whom before his Incarnation God the Father created 8 King and afterward sustained and governed the whole world and more especially the Church from the beginning But man being also partly at his first Creation possessed of a dominion and partly upon his obedience through many temptations being promised yet a higher advancement and losing by his sudden dis-obedience both what he had and what he had hopes of This eternal King in pity to man and zeal to the reparing of his Fathers Glory descended from his throne divested of all his Glory and Majesty and became man of the meanest fashion and by his obedience and sufferings the way prescribed to attain it regained this Kingdome in his humane nature and so by him shall as many of Adam's Posterity as truly follow the Example he hath shewed them In which Enterprize for a reward of his great humiliation the man Christ Jesus is now advanced above all principality and power hath absolute dominion given him over all Angels good evil Men good evil over souls and bodies the living and the dead over all the Creatures and is to be the last Judge of all men brought back again into life to stand before his dreadful Tribunal Of Angels the bad and also the good for the increasing at that time of their glory for their good service to man correspondent to the increasing at that time of the torments of the evil for their mischievous endeavours against God's Creatures the great Arbitour of bliss and torments and at that time the maker of a new world Meanwhile exercising this his absolute dominion and power by certain degrees not all at once according to his infinite wisdome 1. Both in subduing his enemies where he first destroys the first Beast 2. Then the second Beast or image of the first Beast revived together with the false Prophet or Anti-Christ that is joyned with him Rev. 19.20 3. Then Satan Rev. 20.10 4. Last of all Death it self Rev. 20.14 1. Cor. 15.26 2. And in the enlarging of his dominions which he extendeth 1. To the Jew and to them in part only 2. Then to the Gentile 3. Then upon their fulness come in Rom. 11.25 to the Jews in their whole Body and so at last perfectly reigning in his members here on earth i. e. for the outward profession of the Gospel in the full harvest both of Jew and Gentile all Kingdomes or States opposing the Gospel being quite subdued After which the number of God's Elect being accomplished and just punishments and rewards at the general resurrection distributed he shall resign his Kingdome to the Father when both himself as Man and all the rest of the Sons of God shall be fully perfected by God becoming all in all 1. Cor. 15.23 §. 184. 9. Consider Lastly All these Benefits of our blessed Saviour common to all Generations the one looking forward the other backward upon them ever since the fall i. e. since the time they first needed a Saviour From which time God hath ever had a peculiar Church separate from the rest of the world Of which Church the Son of God was in all times the more special Protector Patron and
Adam after his fall to the acknowledgment of his fault and who upon Moses's Prayer forgavest the transgressions of thy people against thee From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us Who frequently restoredst the Israelites after they had sinned when turning unto thee being penitent out of the hands of their enemies From thy great wrath c. Who puttedst away David's sin confessing and doing penance in sackcloth and fasting who sparedst Ahab humbling himself and doing penance From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us Who heardst Manasses repenting and restoredst him to his Kingdome who heardst Jonah crying unto thee out of the belly of the Whale after he had run away from thee who pardonedst the Ninevites doing penance in fasting sackcloth and ashes From thy great wrath c. JESU Son of the living God who camest into this world to save sinners the good Shepherd who camest to seek and to save that which was lost From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us Who being to redeem the world sent'st John the Baptist the Preacher of Penance and gavest him to be a wonderful pattern thereof in the severity of his diet and raiment From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us JESU who tho thou knewest no sin yet was frequent in fastings watchings and other acts of Penance From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us Who declaredst the Publican acknowledging his guilt with sorrow and humbly beating his breast to be justified who calledst the Publicans and Sinners and not the Just to repentance and broughtest Salvation to the houses of Matthew and Zacheus being penitent From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us Who deliveredst those that were afflicted with diseases by Satan first forgiving their sins who by the example of the Prodigal Son returning to his Father hast given poor sinners great hopes of pardon and forgiveness From thy great wrath good Lord deliver us Who mercifully absolvedst the Woman taken in Adultery and who forgavest much to Mary Magdalen a Sinner because she loved much From thy great wrath c. Who by graciously looking upon Peter after he had denied thee thrice broughtst him to confession of his Sin and bitter tears of Penitence and who miraculously calledst St. Paul when a great Persecutor and making havock of thy Church From thy great wrath c. Who didst bear our sins in thy Body upon the Cross and wast made a propitiation for us From thy great c. We confess unto thee O Lord our transgressions and the transgressions of our fore-fathers by which we with them have offended thee and walked contrary to thy commandments Be merciful and spare us O Lord. Behold we were conceived in sin and in iniquity did our Mothers bring us forth and as we have multiplied our days so have we multiplied the number of our transgressions Be merciful and spare us O Lord We have sinned by our vain thoughts and the unlawful desires of our hearts the idle and wicked words of our lips by our wicked works and our whole life spent unprofitably Be merciful and spare us O Lord. We have sinned against thee by unthankfulness for thy benefits by impatience under thy chastisements and our care to fulfil our own sinful lusts more than thy holy commandments Be merciful and spare us O Lord. We have sinned against our brethren not doing to others as we would have them do to us Be merciful c. We have sinned against our selves by preferring the profits of this present world before our eternal happiness Be merciful and spare us O Lord. We have sinned by deferring our Conversion and putting off our good purposes of amending our lives by exposing our weak nature to new temptations by neglecting many opportunities of doing good and even our best endeavours have been full of imperfections Be merciful and spare us O Lord. We have sinned by not improving those talents thou hast bestowed upon us by loosing our precious time and neglecting the means thou hast afforded us for the promoting of our Salvation Be merciful and spare us O Lord. Our iniquities have multiplied over our heads and our transgressions have grown up to the heavens to thee O Lord belongeth mercy and forgiveness but unto us shame and confusion of face Be merciful and spare us c. Just art thou O Lord in all the evils that have befallen us for thou hast dealt righteously with us but we have done wickedly and our destruction is from our selves Be merciful and spare us O Lord. Be merciful and spare us O Lord. From all Evil Deliver us O Lord. From all Sin Deliver us O Lord. From all profaness and contempt of Sacred things from all Superstition and Hypocrisy from Idolatry and worshiping of thee according to our own fancy from rash swearing perjury and cursing Deliver us O Lord. From neglect in coming to and irreverence in celebrating thy holy service Deliver us O Lord. From disobedience to our Superiors and doing injuries to our Neighbour from anger and contention from cousining and fraud from lying and back-biting Deliver us O Lord. From all wicked desires from wanton thoughts filthy concupiscences and uncleanness from lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes Deliver us O Lord. From pride covetousness and luxury from envy anger and gluttony from sloth in things concerning our eternal Salvation and all other mortal sin Deliver us c. From all impatience and murmuring against the righteous Dispensations of thy Divine Providence Deliver c. From all Schism and Heresy from presuming on our own judgments from all seducing of others into sin Deliver us O Lord. From relapsing into those sins of which we have once repented from hardness of heart and security of an evil conscience Deliver us O Lord. From the sight of the angry Judge from being placed at thy left hand and hearing that fearful sentence Deliver us O Lord. From the worm that dies not and the fire that is unquenchable from the bitter pains of eternal death from the gates of hell and power of darkness Deliver us c. By the paternal bowels of God the Father by the bloody wounds of God the Son by the ineffable goodness of God the Holy Ghost Deliver us O Lord. By that Name besides which there is no other given under heaven by which we can be saved by the blood of the New Testament and propitiation for the whole world Deliver us O Lord. We sinners beseech Thee to hear us O Lord. That thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring us to true Penance and that we may always bear in memory in the bitterness of our Souls the ill spent years of our forepast life We sinners beseech Thee to hear us That thou wouldst be pleased to enlighten our minds to the finding out of our secret sins and of such as formerly known are now forgotten by us We sinners c. That we may duly perform the penances enjoyned us by our Ghostly Fathers and that we may judge our selves and so escape thy