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A19056 Chronographia A description of time, from the beginning of the vvorld, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137. Diuided into six periodes. Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and the new Testament are briefly comprised, and placed in their due order of yeares. Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of Laurentius Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. Codomann, Lorenz, 1529-1590. Annales sacræ Scripturæ. 1590 (1590) STC 5471A; ESTC S108119 56,533 108

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almost eleuen moneths Phul-Belochus succeeded Sardanapalus king in Assyria and reigned eight and fortie yeares This is thought to haue bin that king of Niniuy Ionas whom Ionas the prophet brought vnto repentance 2. Reg. 14. 25. Ionas 3. 7. Y.W. 3326 Azaria ruleth Azaria being now sixteene yeares olde began him selfe to rule in the end of Iune Hosea prophesieth About this time began Hosea to prophesie continued his ministerie more then 70. yeres Ose 1. 1. Y.W. 3337 Two yeres before those troubles of warre which followed presently after the death of Ierobeam Amos. Amos prophesied of the final destruction of the kingdom of Israel which came to passe about three score and fiue yeares after Esa 7. 8. Amos. 1. 1. Ioel. A little before him prophesied Ioel of a great drought and against Samaria Ioel. 1. 4. Y.W. 3338 Iubil 16. And sixe monethes began the sixteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3339 Ierob d. One day after this yeare ended died Ierobeam the second when he had raigned 40. yeares and two hundred three score and seuenteene dayes No king in Israel After his death there was no king in Israel for twelue yeares and three score dayes Y.W. 3341 Iotham the sonne of Azaria was borne Y.W. 3351 Zacharias raigneth And three score and one daies Zacharias sonne of Ierobeam obtained the kingdome of Israel which for the troubles of ciuill wars he hetherto had wanted 2. Reg. 14 29. Y.W. 3351 Is slaine And two hundred forty and foure dayes about the end of Nouember Zacharia Shallum succeedeth when he had raigned only sixe monethes Is slaine Menachem raigneth was slaine by Shallum 2. Reg. 15. 10. who succeded him in the kingdome Hitherto from the beginning of the raigne of Iehu were one hundred and twelue yeares and one hundred fiftie and foure dayes Shallum raigned not after the moneth of December and was slaine by Menachem 2. Reg. 15. 14. who after one hundred three score eighteene dayes possessed the kingdome Y.W. 3353 Phul Belochus king of Assyria inuaded Israel and for one thousand talents of siluer confirmed Menachem in the kindome 2. Reg. 15. 19. Y.W. 3355 Tobias the elder was borne Tob. 1. and 14. Y.W. 3356 Vzzia a lepar Vzzia stricken with Leprosie Iotham committed the gouernement of his house vnto his sonne Iotham being but sixteene yeares old 2. paral 26. 19. Y.W. 3362 Achaz b. In the entrance of this yeare Achaz was borne 2. Reg. 16. 2. After foure score and eight dayes of the same yere died Menachē when he had raigned ten whole yeares Pekahia raigneth whom Pekahia his sonne succeeded in the kingdome of Israel 2. Reg. 15. 17. 22. Y.W. 3364 Is slaine Pekah raigneth And almost iij. monethes in the end of the second yeare of his raigne Pekahia was slaine by Pekah sonne of Remalia who was made king of Israel in the moneth of Iune 2. Reg. 15. 25. Y.W. 3365 Vzzia d. And almost three monethes Vzzia died hauing raigned two and fiftie yeares Iotham raigneth His sonne Iotham of the age of fiue and twentie yeares raigned in his stead 2. Paral. 27. 27. 2. Reg. 15. 5. Esay his vision This yeare Esay saw the Lord sitting vpon an high Throne Esay 6. 1. and therefore had begun to prophesie somewhat before this Y.W. 3368 Olympiades begin And foure score and eleuen dayes began the Grecians to number yeares by the Olympiades The first Olympiad fell into the fourth yeare of Iotham king of Iudah Micha proph●sieth About this time began Michah the Moraskite to prophesie and taught sixe and fiftie yeares Michah 1. 1. Y.W. 3369 Thiglath-Pilleser And almost eleuen monethes Phul-Belochus died after whom succeeded Thiglath-Pilleser or Phul-Assar who raigned in Babylon fiue and twentie yeares Y.W. 3372 Ezechia b. Ezechia was borne Then was Ahaz about eleuen yeares old and so could not be the naturall father of Ezechia but adopted him 2. Reg. 16. 2. 18. 2. Y.W. 3381 Pekah and Rezin conspire From this time Pekah and Rezin conspired to inuade Iuda 2. Reg 15. 37. Iotham d. Vpon the ende of this yeare Iotham died whē he had raigned fifteene yeares and two hundred three score and nineteene Ahas king of Iudah dayes whom Ahaz his sonne succeeded in Iudah 2. Reg. 16. 1. Y.W. 3382 This yeare Ahaz sacrificed his owne sonne and committed other abominations 2. Reg. 16. 3. Y.W. 3383 Ierusalem besieged Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel besieged Ierusalem and tooke it not but carried many Iewes captiue to Damascus and Samaria Obed proph whom Obed the prophet commanded to set free 2. Reg. 16. 2. Paral. 28. 9. 11. Esay prophesieth of Christ. This yeare Esay prophesied that Christ should be borne of a virgine Esay 7. 14 which was done 759. yeares after and that Rezin and Remalia should shortly after be destroyed Esa 7. 8. 9. Y.W. 3384 Damascus besieged Thiglath-Pilleser king of Assyria hired by Achaz besieged Damascus and killed Rezin the king thereof 2. Reg. 16. 9. Gad Rub. Manasses captiue At the same time he inuaded Israel and carried the tribes of Gad Ruben and halfe Manasse captiue into Assyria 1. Paral. 6. 2. Reg. 15. 29. 1. Paral. 5. 6. Altar of Damascus Ahaz going to meete the king of Assur sent from Damascus an exemplar of an altar to be built at Ierusalem 2. Reg. 16. 10. Y.W. 3385 Pek slaine About the eightie and eight day Pekah sonne of Remalia when he had raigned twentie yeares was slain of Hosea and his confederates 2. Reg. 15. 30. No king in Israel After his death Israel had no king for eight yeares and two hundred three score and eighteene dayes Warres In the meane time happened those warres wherwith the Idumeans Philistines and Thiglath-Pilleser troubled Iuhah and Achas 2. Paral. 28. 20. Y.W. 3386 Iubib 17. And six monethes began the seuenteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3390 Rome founded And two hudred three score and fifteene dayes was the first of Ianuarie and began that yeare wherin the foundation of Rome was laid which was the ninteenth day of the yeare 3392. The same was the tenth yeare of Achaz his raigne Y.W. 3393 Hosea king of Israel And one day about the second of April Hosea obtaineth the kingdome of Israel Habacuc prophesied About this time Habacuc prophesied Y.W. 3395 Phul Assar alias Thiglath-Pelleser died hauing raigned fiue and twentie yeares Zalmanasser king of Assyria and Zalmanesser called by Ptolomie Nabonasser succeeded him in the kingdome of Assyria in the end of Februarie Hosea calleth him Salman cap. 10. 14. Y.W. 3396 Ezechias k. of Iudah The first of Aprill Ezechias was made king of Iudah being of age 25. yeares 2. Reg. 18. 1. Y.W. 3397 Achazd Achaz died in the sixteenth yeare of his raigne Then Esay foretold the victorie of Ezechia against the Philistines Esa 14. 28. 31. 2. Reg. 19. 6. 21. Ezechias reformeth religion Ezechias in the first moneth of his raigne opened the dore of the house of God caused the same to be purged 2. Paral. 29. 3. He destroyed idolatry in Iudah brake the brasen
4. 7. 17. Y.W. 3542 Darius b. Darius Medus was borne Dan. 6. 1. who helped Cyrus in the taking of Babylon He was the son of Ahasuerus Dan. 9. 1. Nebuchadnezer his madnesse This yere Nebuchadnezar for madnes was driuen from his kingdome to liue amongst beasts seuen yeares Dan. 4. 30. Y.W. 3547 And one hundred thirtie and one dayes Ezechiel saw the vision of his 40. chapt Y.W. 3549 Astyages raigneth Astyages succeeded his father Cyaxares in the kindome of the Medes and reigned 35. yeares Nebuchad restored Nebuchadnezar was restored to his reason and kingdome and praised the most high God Dan. 4. 31. Y.W. 3559 He dieth And one hundred twentie and two dayes Nebuchadnezar died hauing raigned three and fortie yeares by himselfe and two yeares with his father in all fortie fiue yeares Euilmerodach His son Euilmerodach succeeded him raigned thirty yeares Y.W. 3560 About the three hundred fiftie and eight day of this yeare Iechonias preferred Euilmerodach preferred Iechoniah who had bene captiue more then six and thirtie yeares and was now fiftie and fiue yeares old 2. Reg. 25. 27. Ier. 52 31. Y.W. 3579 This yeare ended the fortie yeares of the desolation of Egypt Ezec. 29. 12. Y.W. 3582 Iubil 21. And sixe monethes was the one and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3584 Astyages taken Astyages king of the Medes when he had raigned fiue and thirtie yeares was taken by Cyrus After this victorie Cyrus liued and raigned nine and twentie yeares Herodotus Y.W. 3589 Euilm d. And one hundred twentie and two dayes Euilmerodach dyed hauing raigned thirtie yeares whom his sonne Belshatzar succeeded and raigned three yeares with his brother Regassau six yeares with his brother Labassardach and by himselfe fiue yeares in all foureteene yeares About this time Daniel saw the vision of foure beastes signifying the foure kingdomes of the world Dan. 7. 3. Y.W. 3593 Belshatzar This yeare or three thousand sixe hundred two was the third yeare of Belshatzar Vision of 4. beasts Vision in which Daniel saw the vision of the Ram the Goate c. contained Dan. 8. Y.W. 3603 Babylon taken This yeare in the spring time the Medes and Persians tooke Babylon according to Daniel his prophesie Dan. 5. 25. Xenophon lib. 7. Then was verified the saying of Ier. 51. 11. Darius Medus being 62 yeres old was at that time with Cyrus Belshatzar was slaine in the fift yeare of his Empire by Gobria and Gadata captaines of Cyrus Xenophon lib. 7. Dan. 5. 6. Y.W. 3604 In the first yeare of Darius Medus sonne of Assuerus about the feast of the Passeouer Daniel prayeth Daniel vnderstanding that the 70. yeres of the desolation of Ierusalem according to Ieremies prophesie were now come to an end fasted and prayed for the deliuerance of his people Dan. 9. 1. and was informed by the angel Gabriel of the comming and office of Christ Determining the time by seuentie weekes Dan. 9. 25. Period 5. The fift period from the deliuerance of Babylon vnto the birth of Christ hath 538. yeares Y.W. 3604 The returne of the Iewes to Ierusalē Cyrus in the first yere of his raigne in Babylō permitted the Iewes by his edict to returne to Ierusalē to build the Temple c. Esra 6. 3. Then was fulfilled the prophesie of Esay concerning Cyrus cap. 44. 5. The Lions denne After this Daniel was cast into the Lions den and myraculously delyuered Dan. 6. 16. 23. Y.W. 3605 The 9. day of the fift moneth were ended the 70. yeres of the desolation of Ierusalē The first day of the 7. moneth the Iewes thē returned assembled themselues at Ierusalē the same moneth offered sacrifices The feast of tabernacles held the feast of Tabernacles Esd 3. 1. 4. This yere died Darius Medus hauing helde the Empire of Babylon onely two yeares with Cyrus Y.W. 3606 Daniels fast In the entrance of this yeare Daniel fasted and mourned c● 10. 2. 3. 11. About the 24. day of this yeare Daniel receiued of the Angel the prophesies of his 11. and 12. chapters His death And shortly after died In the moneth of May The Temple founded the foundation of the Temple was laid by the Iewes Esd 3. 10. And the work hindred by their neighbors Esd 4. 1. c. Y.W. 3607 Samarit hinder the worke In the beginning of this yeare the Samaritanes againe sought to hinder the work of the Temple and complaining to Ahasuerus caused the staying therof 16. yeares al the daies of Cyrus vnto the 2. yeare of Darius the son of Hystaspis Esd 4. 24 Cyrus warre against Tomyris The same yere Cyrus going to war against Tomyris Queene of the Scythians committed his kingdome vnto Ahasuerus otherwise called Cambyses his son who raigned six yeares vnder Cyrus and after him before Darius seuen yeres Y.W. 3610 Ahasuerus in the third yeare of his raigne made a great feast vnto his Nobles for 180. dayes Seuē dayes after Vasthi the Queene was diuorsed Hester 1. 19. Y.W. 3613 Cyrus d. Cyrus died hauing raigned nine and twenty yeres Cambyses raigned alone after his father seuen yeares and fiue monethes Hester maried to Ahasuerus Toward the end of this yeare in Ianuarie the seuenth yeare of Ahasuerus Hester of the tribe of Beniamin called also Atossa or Edessa became wife vnto Ahasuerus Hester 2. 14. Y.W. 3614 Mardoch fidelitie Mardocheus by Hester signified vnto Ahasuerus the treason of Bigthan and There 's his seruants Hester 2. 22. Haman aduanced Haman was aduanced vnto high honor Hester 3. 1. Y.W. 3619 His practise against the Iewes In the entrance of this yere Hamā practised to destroy the Iewes persuaded the king sēt letters for execution of his deuise Hest 3. 9. 13. which Hester vnderstanding by Mardochai commaunded a fast to be helde of the Iewes for three dayes Hest 4. 16. After she called Ahasuerus Haman to a banquet Hest 5. 8. The king commanded Mardochai to be honored Hester intreated the king for her people and obtained Haman hanged Haman was hanged c. Hest 7 3 8. Purim Then the feast of Purim was instituted Hest 9. 21. Y.W. 3620 Cambyses killeth him selfe This yeare and fiue monethes Cambyses or Ahasuerus killed himselfe with his owne sword Magus And Magus raigned for seauen Monethes Herodot 3. Y.W. 3621 Darius raigneth Darius the sonne of Hystaspis began his raigne who tooke Hester to wife by whom he had Xerxes father of Artaxerxes longimanus a great benefactor of the Iewes He raigned sixe and thirtie yeres Y.W. 3623 Zerubabel In September the second yere of Darius his raign Zerubabel and Iehoshua the priest The Temple built Aggay Zacharie stirred vp by Aggay and Zacharie the Prophets began to finish the building of the Temple which had bin intermitted for more then fifteene yeares Ezr. 5. 13. Agg. 1. 1. and that by the commandement of Darius Ezr. 5. 13. Y.W. 3627 Finished The second Temple was finished in the end of this yeare about the third of March the sixt yeare of Darius Hystaspis Esr 6.
Antiochus Epiphanes in one hundred three score yeare of the raigne of the Grecians tooke the Citie of Ptolemaida raigned there 1. Mach. 10. 1. 20. Ionathan high Priest Ionathan became high Priest the seuenth moneth of this yeare in the feast of Tabernacles Y.W. 3980 Demet. d. Demetrius died in battaile against Alexander Y.W. 3981 Cleopatra Alexander married Cleopatra daughter of Ptolomeus Philometor king of Egypt at which marriage Ionathas is honorably receiued 1. Mach. 10. 62. Y.W. 3984 Ioppa taken Alex. depriued of kingdome and wife The hundred three score and fift yere of the Gretians Ionathas and Simeon tooke Ioppa which was fortified by Apollonius Simon ouerthrew the horsemen of Apollonius and fired Asdod Y.W. 3986 Is slaine Ptolo. Philometor d. Ptolomeus Philometor tooke both kingdome and wife from Alexander his sonne in law and gaue them vnto Demetrius the sonne of Demetrius called Nicanor And when he had seene the head of Alexander which Zabdiel the Arabian had cut off he died the third day after in the hundred three score and seuenth yeare of the Grecians raigne Demetrius possessed the kingdome of Asia Ionathas sent him 30000. choise souldiars who defended the king at Antioch slew in one day 100000. seditious persons Antiochus sonne of Alexand. Antiochus the son of Alexander tooke the crown and expelled Demetrius c. 1. Mach. 11. 54. Y.W. 3987 Ionathas taken Tryphon the hundred sixtie ninth yeare of the raign of the Gretians circumuēted Ionathas by treason tooke him prisoner Simon Simō his brother was chosen captaine in his stead resisted the attempts of Tryphon 1. Mach. 13. 13. 14. Ion. and his sonnes slain Shortly after Ionathas and his two sonnes were slaine in Galaad Y.W. 3988 Antiochus slaine In the hundred three score and ninth yeare of the Graecians Tryphon secretly killed Antioc sonne of Alexander and tooke the crowne vnto himselfe whom Simon resisted 1. Mach. 13. 31. Y.W. 3989 Demetrius eased the Iewes of their former burdēs Y.W. 3990 Simon The three and twentith day of the second moneth Simon purged the tower of Dauid which the enemies had held for eighteene yeres and made his sonne Iohn captaine ouer his whole host 1. Mach. 13. 54. Y.W. 3991 Demetrius taken Arsaces king of the Persians and Medes tooke Demetrius prisoner 1. Mach. 14. 3. Tryphon tirannized in his kingdome two yeres 1. Mac. 15. 10. 11. The Rom. couenant with Simon The Romanes renewed with Simon the couenant made with Iudas and Ionathas So did the Spartanes The Priesthood and gouernement was confirmed vnto Simon 1. Mach. 14. 38. Y.W. 3993 Anti. Soter obtaineth the kingdome Antiochus Soter sonne of Demetrius father of Nicanor entred vpon his fathers kingdome expelled and distressed Tryphon 1. Mach. 15. 11. Cendebeus his flight Iudas and Iohannes put Cendebeus to flight Iudas was wounded Iohannes pursued the victorie 1. Mach. 16. 22. Y.W. 3995 Simon and his sonnes slaine And three hundred and sixe dayes in the hundred seuenty seuēth yere of the Grecians Ptolomeus sonne of Abobus killed Simon his father in law with his two sonnes Mattathia and Iudas at a banquet 1. Mach. 16. 15. Iohannes Hyrcanus Iohannes Hircanus son of Simon obtained the kingdome for 31. yeares Y.W. 4000 Three sectes About this time arose among the Iewes iij. sectes the Phariseis Esseis and Sadducees Y.W. 4016 Was borne Alexander sonne of Iohānes Hircanus Y.W. 4023 Iubil 30. And sixe Monethes began the thirtith Iubilie Y.W. 4026 And ten monethes ended the thirtie one yeare of the raigne of Iohannes Hyrcanus Y.W. 4028 Aristobulus dieth Sixe monethes and fourteene dayes died Aristobulus hauing raigned one whole yeare somwhat more Alex. Ianneus raigneth whom Alexander Ianneus his brother succeeded married Salome his wife and raigned seuen and thirtie yeares Y.W. 4034 This yeare was borne Hircanus the first sonne of Alexander Ianneus Y.W. 4065 He dieth Alexander Ianneus died his wife held the kingdome and his sonne Hyrcanus the priesthood for nine yeares Y.W. 4072 Iubil 31. And six monethes entred the 31. Iubilie Y.W. 4074 Salome d. Salome called also Alexandra died her sonne Hircanus held the kingdome three monethes and was expelled Aristobulus his brother tooke the kingdome Herod b. About this time was borne Herod the great Y.W. 4080 Pompeius taketh Ierusalem And three monethes Pompeius tooke Ierusalem when C. Antonius and M. Tullius were Consuls in the yeare of Rome 690. Y.W. 4099 Iul. Caesar slaine And three hundred fortie and eight daies C. Iulius Caesar was slaine in the Senate the 15. of March whom the 19. of August Octauius Octauius Augustus succeeded who held the Empire 12. yeares with Antonius and 44 yeares alone in all 56. yeares Y.W. 4103 Pacorus And two monethes about the feast of Pentecost Pacorus king of the Parthians entred Ierusalem carried Hircanus captiue and set Antigonus for him ouer Iudea Y.W. 4104 Antigonus Her made king of Iudea In the end of this yeare the Romans taking in euil part that Antigonus raigned in Iudea Herod the great was made king of Iudea Y.W. 4107 In the beginning of Feb. Herod besieged Ierusalem in the third yeare of his raigne Y.W. 4108 Ierusalem besieged taken In the third moneth of this yeare Herod tooke Ierusalem Y.W. 4111 Warre in Actium This yeare almost eleuen monethes began that warre which is called Actiaca the same time was a great earthquake in Iudea Y.W. 4112 And one hundred fiftie and two dayes the last of August in the yeare of Rome 722. Victorie Octauius Augustus had the victorie against Antonius at Actium Then began Augustus to raigne alone Antonius fled to Alexandria in Egypt which was taken after the winter following Y.W. 4113 Hyrcanus slaine Hyrcanus was slaine being fourescore yeares old Y.W. 4121 Iubil 32. And sixe monethes entred the two and thirtith Iubilie Y.W. 4124 Encaenia instituted Eight monethes and foure and twentie dayes was the feast of Encaenia instituted 2. Mach. 1. What time Herod began to prepare for the building of the third Temple This preparation indured eight yeares Y.W. 4132 This yeare was borne Herodes Agrippa Y.W. 4133 Tēple built the 3. time The third Temple began to be built and was finished in one yere and sixe monethes The second Temple hitherto had stoode fiue hundred and fiue yeares and almost ten monethes Y.W. 4134 And two monethes the Temple was dedicated Y.W. 4141 Zacharia is promised a sonne The Angell appeared vnto Zacharia in the Temple in the feast of Tabernacles and in the moneth of October He was promised a son whose name should be Iohn Luk. 1. 11. Y.W. 4141 Christ conceaued And sixe dayes the Angel Gabriel declared vnto the virgine Marie that she should conceaue a sonne which should be the sonne of God Luk. 1. 28. Starre Then it is thought that the Starre first appeared vnto the wise men in the East Matth. 2. 2. Y.W. 4142 Shortly after Mary visiteth Elizabeth Luk. and after three monethes returned vnto Nazareth About which time Ioseph confirmed by the Angell tooke
c. captiue And amongst them Daniel Hanania Misael and Azaria Dan. 1. 6. Who were taught the tongue and learning of the Chaldeis for three yeares Dan. 1. 5. Y.W. 3516 Rechabites The Rechabites for feare of the warres came to Ierusalem They refuse to drinke wine In the same story is mentioned Higdalia a man of God Ier. 35. 6. Pharao Necho ouerthrowne About this time Nebuchadnezer ouerthrew the host of Pharao Neco at Euphrates Ier. 46. 2. Y.W. 3517 Nebuchadnezar the second About the hundred two and twentith day Nabuchadnezer called also Nebuchadnetzar succeeded his father in the kingdome of Babylon Ier. 25. 1. 9. Ieremie the second time imprisoned Ieremie was againe cast into prison Ier. 32. 3. Baruch commanded Baruch to write his prophesies which he read vnto the people and princes Ier. 36. 4. The king burneth the booke Ier. 36. 23. c. vnto this yeare belong the 25. 30. 31. 36. and 45. chapters of Ieremie Y.W. 3518 Susanna Daniel a yong man about twentie yeares old deliuered Susanna Y.W. 3519 Ioiakim rebelleth Ioiakim rebelled against Nebuchadnezer in the sixth yere of his raigne and was distressed of the Chaldeans 2. Reg. 24. 2. Daniel his aduancemēt Daniel his companions excel the rest Dan. 1. 15. He expoundeth the kings dreame Dan. 2. 27. is renowned for his wisdome is aduanced vnto honor preferreth his 3. companions Dan. 2. 48. 49. Burning furnace who shortly after are cast into the burning furnace Dan. 3. 21. Y.W. 3523 Nebuchadnetzer besieged Tyrus in the seuenth yeare of his raigne About this time Ieremie prophesied that Iehoiakim should haue the buriall of an Asse Ier. 22. 19. Y.W. 3523 And twentie nine dayes Iechonia was made king of Iudah by Nebuchadnezer when he was eighteene yeares old Iechoniah king of Iudah Then were carried captiue into Babylon 3023. Iewes Ier. 52. 28. 2. Reg. 24. 15. Y.W. 3523 Iechonia captiue And one hundred twentie and two dayes Nebuchadnezer sent his host to Ierusalem for Iechonia and the holy vessels of the Temple 2. Paral. 36. 10. Then were carried captiue with Iechonia tenne thousand of the nobles and valiant men c. 2. Reg. 24. 16. Ier. 24. 8. Zedechia Presently after this Methania was made king of Iudah and called Zedechia 2. Reg. 24. 17. He was the sonne of Iosias Ier. 37. 1. The captiuitie of Iudah after Ezechiel At this time began the yeares of the Captiuitie of Iudah according to Ezechiel cap. 40. 1. Before the burning of the Temple eleuen yeres Refer hither the 24. and 29. of Ier. Also his Prophesie against the Elamits Persians ca. 49. Y.W. 3526 And 131. daies Hither refer the end of the 27. and 28. of Ier. Not long after the false Prophet Hanania died whose death Ieremy had foretold Ier. 28. 16. Y.W. 3527 Zedechias goeth into Babylon Zedechias in the 4. yere of his raign goeth into Babylon Ier. 51. 59. At the same time Ieremie committeth vnto Seraia his prophesie against Babylō Ier. 50. 1. 51. 60. Baruch About the same time Baruch writeth his booke in Babylon Y.W. 3528 And 95. daies the fift of Iuly and the fift yere of the raigne of Zedechias Ezechiell prophesieth Ezechiel begā his prophesie taught by the space of xx yeares Vnto this time are to be referred Ezech. cap. 8. to the 19. Y.W. 3529 And 131. daies referre hither Ezech. 20. 21. 22. 23. Y.W. 3531 And 128. dayes in the ninth yeare of Iechonia his captiuitie died the wife of Ezechiel Ierusalem besieged The same day Nebuchadnezer with his armie besieged Ierusalem Ier. 52. 4. 2. Reg. 25. 1. Y.W. 3532 And 343. dayes Ezechiel foretold the desolation of Egypt for fortie yeares Ezech. 29. 2. Y.W. 3533 Ieremies 3. impris And one hundred twentie and two daies Ieremie was againe imprisoned and accused to be the cause of this third captiuitie Ier. 32. 2. 33. 1. The first was An. 3513. The second Anno 3517. Y.W. 3533 Iubil 20. This yeare and six Monethes was the 20. Iubilie wherin should haue bene set free al bond men bond women Leuit. 25. 10. for violating of which law they are reproued by the prophet Ier. 34. 13. Nebuchadnetzar goeth against Pharao At this time Nebuchadnezer left the siege of Ierusalem and went against Pharao Ier. 4. imprisonment Then Ieremie came out of prison and preached his cap. 34. 12. foretold the returne and victory of the Chaldeans and was the fourth time put in prison and accused of treason Ier. 37. 15. Y.W. 3534 In the beginning of this yere Ezechiel prophesied against Tyrus cap. 26. 1. 27. 1. and 28. 1. against Egypt 29. 1. 2. 30. 4. Y.W. 3534 Ier. 5. imprisonment And three score daies Zedechia conferred with Ieremie was the fift time imprisoned but more tollerably then before cap. 37. 15. After he is put in the dungeon of myer which was his sixt imprisonment He is deliuered by Ebedmelech Ier. 38. 6. 10. in the time of the famine 2. Reg. 25. 3. and is put in the entrance of the prison which was his seuenth captiuitie Zedechia conferreth secretly with Ieremie Ierem. chapter 38. Zedechia taken c. Nebusaradan entered the citie to burne it Zedechias was taken in flight Ier. 39. 4. 5. had his cies pulled out when he had seene his sonnes slaine was carried bound into Babilon and there died Ieremie was deliuered and commended to Gedaliah by Nebusaradan Ier. 39. 17. 40. 1. Y.W. 3534 And an hundred eight twentie daies Nebusaradan entered the citie to burne and destroy it Y.W. 3535 The citie Temple burnt The hundred one thirtith day of this yeare was the Temple palace and citie of Ierusalem burnt Ier. 52. 13. Ezech. 40. Abdiah About this time Abdiah prophesied against Idumea Abd. 1. Gedalia slaine Gedalia gathered the remnant of the people and was slaine by Ismael 2. Reg. 25. 25. The people for feare of the Chaldeans went into Egipt and carried Ieremie with them by force Ier. 41. 2. Y.W. 3536 Tyrus takē This yere the hundred two and twentith day Nebuchadnezer tooke Tyrus hauing besieged it thirteene yeares The same yeare Ieremie prophesied against the king of Egipt Ier. 44. 26 27. Y.W. 3538 Carchemin Pharao Neco went against Carchemin 2. Reg. 23. 29. 2. Paral. 35. 20. the spoile of Egipt was promised to Nebuchadnezar Ezech. 29. 19. Y.W. 3539 Nebuchadnetzar The three and twentith yeare of the reigne of Nechadnezer and the fift yere after the desolation of Ierusalem after he had subdued the Ammonites Moabites and Egiptians he sent Nebusaradan into Iudah 745. captiues who carried captiue seauen hundred forty and fiue men Ier. 52. 15. Here are determined the three hundred foure score and ten yeares of the iniquitie of Israel and the fortie yeares of the sinne of Iudah Ezech. 4. 5. 6. About this time Cyaxares destroied Niniuie Y.W. 3541 The vision of the tree This yeare Nebuchadnezar sawe the vision of the great Tree to be cut downe which was expounded vnto him by Daniel Dan.
15. Y.W. 3628 The fourteenth day was held the Passeouer mentioned Esr 6. 22. Y.W. 3631 Iubil 22. And six monethes was the 22. Iubilie Y.W. 3657 Darius d. Darius died hauing raigned six and thirtie yeares after him succeeded Xerxes his son by Atossa or Hester and raigned 21. yeares Y.W. 3664 Xerxes wēt into Grecia In the end of this yere Xerxes went with his army against Grecia according to Daniels prophesie Dan. 11. 2. Eclipse of the sunne The same time was a maruellous great Eclips of the Sunne the seuenteenth day of Februarie Y.W. 3664 And about foure score and ten dayes entred the three score and fifteenth Olympiade Leonides vnto the first yeare whereof is referred the slaughter of Leonides and three hundred Lacedemonians in Thermopolis by Xerxes Y.W. 3671 Ezra commeth to Ierusalem In the moneth Nisan Ezra deliberated to ascend vnto Ierusalem Esr 7. 7. and came thither the first day of the fift moneth Esr 7. The fift day of the same moneth were waied the gold siluer vessels dedicated to the house of God Ezr. 8. The twentith day of the ninth moneth was held at Ierusalem a Synod of all the men of Iudah Beniamin Strange wiues put away The tenth moneth c. was inquisition made of those that had married strange wiues Esr 10. 3. Y.W. 3678 Xerxes slaine Xerxes died when he had raigned one twentie yeares slaine by Artabanus who shortly after was slaine by Artaxerxes in reuenge of his fathers death He succeeding in the kingdome raigned fiftie and nine yeres and sixe moneths Y.W. 3679 Pericles gouerneth Athens And one hundred foure score and two dayes Pericles after the flight of Themistocles obtained the gouernement of Athens and ruled fortie yeares Y.W. 3680 Iubil 23. And six monethes was the three and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3683 The Iewes built the walles and gates of Ierusalem by fauor of Artaxerxes Nechem 2. Y.W. 3684 Samaritanes This yeare in the beginning the Samaritans and other borderers threw downe the wals burnt the gates of Ierusalem by commandement of Artaxerxes Ezra 4. 21. 22. 23. Y.W. 3685 Nehemias In the first moneth Nehemias obtained leaue of Artaxerxes to build againe the streetes wals of Ierusalem Nechem 7. 1. The seuen●ie weeks begin From this time began the 70. weekes or 490. yeres which the angel Gabriel said vnto Daniel should be vnto the death of Christ The third of August the Iewes began to build the wall of Ierusalem and finished the same in fiftie two daies Nechem 6. Famin. This yeare was a great famine in Ierusalem Nehem 5. 3. The wall finished The 184. day the first of October Ezra preached Nechem 8 and the feast of Tabernacles was celebrated the day following Also the 207. day of this yeare was a fast and the booke of the Law read Nehem. 8. 2. 13. 1. Y.W. 3691 Vnto this time or some like of the reformation of the Church Malachie proph may be referred the prophesie of Malachie the last of all the Prophets of the old Testament Who exhorteth not vnto the building of the Temple as did Haggay and Zacharie but after the Temple was built and religion established reproueth the abuses and profanations of the time and namely against their entertaining of strange wiues Nehem. 13. 23. Y.W. 3696 In the beginning of this yeare Nehemias returned vnto the king after he had gouerned in Iudae a twelue yeares Nech 13. 6. Y.W. 3697 This yeare or the yeare following Nehemias returned to Ierusalem and reproued Elias and such others as had offended cap. 13. 17. 15. About this time Nehemia banished Menasche brother of Iaddo the high priest for marrying the daughter of Sanballat the Choronite who by permission of Alexander the great after his victorie called ●ssica Temple in Samaria built a temple in mount Garizim of Samaria like vnto the temple of Ierusalē made his son in law high priest there ouer the runnagate Iewes that fled thither This increased much the ancient enimity betwene the Iewes the Samaritans Neh 13. 28. 29. Ioh. 4. 20. Y.W. 3710 Apseudes And foure score and sixe dayes Apseudes gouerned in Athens Y.W. 3716 Pythod In Iune Pythodorus was made pretor at Athens and Aenesius was made Ephorus in Sparta Y.W. 3717 The warre of the Peloponesus This yeare in the spring time began that great war of Peloponesus Y.W. 3718 A plague Now began the second yeare of the same warre the sommer whereof brought also an exceeding great plague Y.W. 3719 Pericles d. And 182. daies Pericles died after he had gouerned in Athens fortie yeares Y.W. 3724 Artaxerx Long. dieth The 225. daie Artaxerxes Longimanus died when he had raigned 59. yeres an half after Xerxes his fathers going into Europa and 45. yeares after he had slaine Artabanus Y.W. 3729 Iubil 24. This yeare and sixe monethes was the 24. Iubilie Y.W. 3733 And 15. dayes were determined those 7. weekes or fortie nine yeares wherein the streetes trenches of Ierusalem were finished Dan 9. Y.W. 3737 Hannibal This yere Hannibal with 100000. men of Carthage came into Sicilia This was not he that after warred against the Romans but an other more auncient Y.W. 3759 And two hundred three score six daies Phanostrates was gouernor at Athens Y.W. 3760 And two hundred fiftie and sixe daies Euander gouerned at Athens Y.W. 3778 Iubil 25. And sixe monethes was the fiue and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3808 Alexander the great In the beginning of this yere Alexander the great succeeded his father Philip in the kingdome of Macedonia and raigned 12. yeares 1. Machab. 1. 8. Aegesias At the same time Aegesias gouerned at Athens Y.W. 3810 And fifteene dayes entered the fourth yeare of Alexander his raigne Tyrus takē in which he besieged Tyrus seuen monethes and tooke it as Esay had said 23. 1. Alex. came to Ierusalē The same yeare he came offended to Ierusalem but was pacified of Iaddo the high priest and went thence towards Babylon Ier. 50. Y.W. 3811 And one hundred three score thirteene daies or there about The battell at Arbela was the last bat●aile fought betweene Darius Codomanus and Alexander at Arbela Dan. vision fulfilled wherein was fulfilled the prophesie of Daniel of the Goat ouerthrowing the Ramme cap. 8. 4. About the same time happened that great victorie of the Iewes in Babylonia mentioned 2. Machab. 8. 24. Y.W. 3818 Alexander Mag. dieth And two hundred twentie and fiue dayes Alexander died the twelft of Nouember when he had raigned eleuen yeares and seuen monethes After his death his posteritie was cut off and his Empire deuided into foure kingdomes Seleuchus became king of Syria Ptolomie of Egypt Anrigonus of Asia the lesse and Cassander of Macedonia and Grecia according to the prophesie of Daniel Dan. 8. 22. Y.W. 3819 The yeares of the Grecians begin The first of Aprill next following the death of Alexander the great was the beginning of the yeares of the kingdome of the Grecians mentioned in the historie of the Machabies