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kingdom_n call_v day_n great_a 2,786 5 3.0282 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02315 A looking glasse for the court. Composed in the Castilian tongue by the Lorde Anthony of Gueuarra Bishop of Mondouent, and chronicler to the Emperour Charles. And out of Castilian drawne into Frenche by Anthony Alaygre. And out of the French tongue into Englishe by Sir Fraunces Briant Knight one of the priuy Chamber, in the raygne of K. Henry the eyght; Menosprecio de corte. English Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620.; Bryan, Francis, Sir, d. 1550. 1575 (1575) STC 12448; ESTC S103507 62,967 162

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hard to bring to passe to make rich men to be subiect to the rigour of the lawe To conclude Plato not willing to abyde longer the clamor and cry of the court went and dwelt in a litle village two miles from Athens called Academia where the good old man after he had taryed there .xiiij. yeres teaching and writing many notable doctrines ended there his moste happy dayes After the memory of him the auncients called the village Academia which is to say in English a schole The conclusion is that all these honourable sage princes wise men left Monarchies kingdomes Cities and great riches and went into the vyllages there to serche a poore an honest and a peaceable lyfe Not that I will say that some of these lefte the court to be there poore and banished and rebuked but of their frée wil and frée libertie minding to liue a quiet and honest life or they dyed The xviij Chapiter ¶ The aucthor complayneth with great reason of the yeares that he lost in the court I Will demaunde of mine owne self mine owne life and make accoumpt of the same to the entent that I wil cōferre my yeares to my trauailes and my trauailes to my yeares that it may appeare how long I left of to liue and beganne to dye My life gentle reader hath not béen a life but a long death my dayes a play new for to begyn my yeares a verye tedious dreame The authors lyfe past my pleasures Scorpions my youth a transitorie fantasye My prosperitie hath béen no prosperitye but properly to speake a painted Castell and a treasure of Alcumyn I came to the court very yong where I sawe diuers maners of offices and chaunges euen among the princes that I serued And I haue assayed to trauail by sea and by land and my recompence was much more then I deserued and that was this that sometyme I was in fauor and sometyme out of fauor I haue had experience of the somer santes of destines I haue had in the courte frendes and enemyes I haue had false reports Inconstant fortune I haue béen euen now glad and mery and forthwith sadde and sory to day rich to morowe poore now mounted vpwarde straite throwen dounewarde This hath been to me a masking where I haue lost boeth money and tyme. And now I say to thee my soule what hast thou gottē of this great iorney The recompence is this A Couriers recompence that I haue gotten there a graye heade féete full of goute mouth without téeth raynes full of grauel my goodes layde to pledge my body charged with thought and my soule litle clēsed from sinne And yet is there more seyng that I must néedes speake that is that I haue returned my body so wery my iudgement so dull my tyme so lost the best of my age so passed that is worst of all I found no tast in any thing that is in the world so that to conclude I am of my selfe all werye of my selfe What should I more tell or say of the alteracion of my lyfe and of the chaunges of fortune I came to the court innocent and come from it malicious I went thither true and meaning truth The alteration that commeth by the court and returned a lyar I went thither humble and returned presumptuous I went thither sober returned a gurmand and glutton I went thither gentle and humayne and returned cleane contrary Finally in goyng thither I marde my self in al points And I haue no cause to laye the faulte in my maisters for the vices bée soone learned without a maister cannot be forgottē without a corrector O miserable that I am I kept in the court an accompt of my goodes to knowe howe they were wasted not for to distribute them to the poore I tooke héede of my honor for to encrease it not for to better my selfe by the tyme I tooke care of them that should paye mee to knowe what was owyng mée and not that I might gette to profite the poore withall but to profite in riches and not in vertue I held an accoumpt with my seruauntes to none other purpose then to know how long they had béen with me and serued mée and not to enquire what lyfe they led Finally I held a coumpt of my life but it was more to conserue it then to correct it Lo beholde this was my accoumpt this was my calculacion this was the Arsmetrique that I learned in the court Let vs yet go a litle further and sée myne exercises I neuer was yet in the court but I founde to whom I bare malice or els that enuied mée I was neuer yet in the palaice but I founde a window open and a courtier murmur I neuer yet spake to princes The misliking of courtiers of their state but I wēt from them not contented in my mind with some parte of their answere I neuer yet went to bed without complaynt nor neuer did ryse without a sigh If I went about to doe anye good thing my great affaires hindered mee If I wold study my felowes letted me If I went to take any honest and quiet pastyme mine affayres would not permit mée If I kept my selfe solitary and from company my thoughtes martyred mée The lacke of mony a great misery Finally there was neuer any thing that so vexed my heart as the lack of money in my purse And yet all this is nothing remembring that I was euer enuious to suche as were myne equalles a flatterer to my superiors and without pitie to mine inferiors wher I phansied one I bare hate almost to all other I found euery man worthy of reproofe but against my selfe I could not suffer a worde to be spoken O how forgetfull haue I béen which shoulde forget or a morsell of meate had béen put in my mouth haue talked aloude to my self alone as it had béen one that had béen mad O how often hath chaūced me that in comming from the counsail wery or from the palaice thoughtfull I would not heare mine owne seruauntes speake nor dispatch such as I had to doe withall O how many times haue I béen so drowned in busines that I could not moderate my pensiuenes although my frendes did counsail mee to the cōtrary O alas how many times hath my mynde pressed me to leaue the court and the worlde and to yelde my selfe to some solitary desert as an Heremite because I saw the king auaūce him and him and I put backe as a person halfe desperate Moreouer to fulfill my trauailes alwaies I went asking serching newes of the affayres of the court alwayes harkening what one said of another alwayes spying and watching and all this considered I founde by myne accompt that I liued in heauynes captiuitie and state of damnacion Let vs yet go farther If I were rich one or other serched some meane to deuour mée If I were poore I found none to succour mée my frendes cryed