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A01364 The historie of the troubles of Hungarie containing the pitifull losse and ruine of that kingdome, and the warres happened there, in that time, betweene the Christians and Turkes. By Mart. Fumée Lord of Genillé, Knight of the Kings order. Newly translated out of French into English, by R.C. Gentleman.; Histoire des troubles de Hongrie. English Fumée, Martin, ca. 1540-ca. 1590.; Churche, Rooke. 1600 (1600) STC 11487; ESTC S121249 449,209 400

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I hold it false that Grittyes returning into Hungarie by the appointment of the grand Seigniour was permitted him by the meanes of Abraham Basha who determining to haue slaine Solyman and made himselfe Emperour of Constantinople had alreadie acquainted Gritty with part of his determinations whereby he might the rather consent vnto his practises because such a matter falling out he thought by the force of his Armie to haue held all Hungarie in peace and therefore it was said that this was the occasion that moued Gritty to put all those to death whome he esteemed great in reputation and such who might oppose themselues against him and somewhat impeach his enterprises But often it is seene that humaine practises although they be not periudiciall to any doe seldome happen according to the desire of the partie who manageth them And therefore how much lesse ought those to succeede to a wished end which are wicked and detestable which for the most part light vpon the backes of those who inuent them to their great shame and confusion King Ferdinand of Aragon said That euill councell doth for the most part bring more damage to him who giueth it then to him who doth execute it as it happened to these two far from that which their ambitious mindes forethought vpon for one of them died miserably as hath been said and the death of the other needed not to be any occasion of enuie to the suruiuour For that not long after Abraham Basha was accused by an Eunuch verie domesticall with the great Turke to whom he discouered his intention thinking he could not execute his practise without his assistance and vpon this accusation although it was then said that it was for negligent gouerning the martiall affaires of Persia or as some say for a certaine Carcanet of precious stones which he bought for his wife for enuie whereof Rosa Solymans concubine was greatly incensed against him saying that this was done in contempt of her in that she would first haue bought it before it was showne to him he was in the night strangled as he slept in one of the grand Seigniours chambers who also presently commaunded all his goods to be confiscat leauing his wife in great care and distresse for want of the benefit and commoditie of her dowrie Gritty being thus defeated the Transiluanians determined not to admit into their kingdome any of those two Kings namely King Iohn and King Ferdinand but to maintaine themselues Neuters electing a Captaine who should rule and gouerne them vntill it might be determined which of those two should be their lawfull King and thus they gouerned a certaine time But King Iohn within a while after reduced them vnder his obedience In the meane time these two Princes did daylie make war one vpon the other fortune being now fauorable to one and immediatly to the other and neuer any intermission was of their quarrels vntill it was concluded betweene them that Iohn as long as he liued should enioy all that then he possessed and after his death all should succeed to Ferdinand or to his successors with such conditions neuerthelesse that if Iohn left any children legitimat Ferdinand was bound to giue them in recompence so much of the reuenew of his patrimonie in townes and castles which should be conuenient honorably to maintaine their estate and besides the Vayuodship of Transiluania Within few dayes after occasion presented it selfe to execute these agreements by the death of King Iohn who left one only sonne borne eleuen daies before his death named Stephen who afterward by the commandement of the Turke was also called Iohn in memorie of his Father This Infant was borne of Queene Izabella the daughter of Sigismonde Kind of Polonia who was his gardian and gouernesse of the kingdome with George who commonly was called the Frier for so he was by profession This George was a Croatian borne and discended of a noble family but in great pouertie and brought vp in the house of Iohns Mother where he was employed in seruile and meane affaires and he neuer had during his youth a more liberall imployment then the carrying of wood and coales to offices and making fires He seeing by this kinde of life he could attaine to no higher promotion being vrged with dispaire or incited by destinie which may be did prouoke him to doe it became a Frier of the order of Saint Benedic in the Monasterie of Saint Paul by Buda in which place during the first yeares he had no better office then in distributing the almes to the poore at the Abbey gate and as he himselfe some time said he bestowed the better part to his friends rather then to others But he being of a liuely spirit and haughtie courage knowing this his present fortune not to be sufficient to attaine to any honor or to be ranged amongst worthie men imagined in himselfe that certainely he should neuer be aduanced to any place of esteeme as long as he was in such obscure estate For this cause desirous to put in practise his deuises which were impressed in his thoughts he studied to write faire and to learne as much latine as would serue him to sing a Masse Which hauing now sufficiently obtained for his content by meanes whereof attayning to the degree of a singing Priest he endeuoured himselfe so much that he was entertained into the seruice of King Iohn whilest he was in Polonia chased from his kingdome for whose affaires he trauailed into many places and alwaies returned againe with quicke and faithfull expedition ayding himselfe greatly with his habit vnder the colour of which he freely passed through euery place for none suspected that vnder that habite he could performe such waightie affaires and it helped him much to escape from many great daungers and trauailes After Iohn was returned into Transiluania and that he had recouered his kingdome he was then mindefull of the seruice which the Frier had done him and considering he had been so faithfull to him in his aduersities and knowing that all the daungers which he was often subiect vnto and all the troubles which he had endured for his sake proceeded not but of a great loue and good affection began now specially to fauour and to accept of him to be neere about his owne person And although that at the beginning King Iohn gaue him not so great meanes as willingly he would haue done yet neuerthelesse by his diligent seruices being a man who well could temper himselfe and who had a passing subtile wit and who naturally in his minde aspired to great things gayned the fauour of the King in such sorte who noting in him such great prudence and excellent wisedome made him of his counsell and gaue him the Treasurership and not long after he was chosen Bishop of Varadin By such dignities he came to so high authoritie that he was in generall greatly esteemed and honored of all And thus continuing his dutifull
highly commended their ordinance The armie being certaine daies refreshed in this towne they all together continued on their iourney vntill they came to Zalnoch which is a Castle enuironed with water where for the guard and safetie thereof before he departed he left 50. Spaniards During the march of this armie and that they hasted to arriue at the place where Frier George was the Queene had published a Diet to bee held at Egneth which is one of the greatest townes of Transiluania there to deliberate and aduise what meanes was best to chase and expell the Frier out of that Prouince He at that time as wee haue said was at his Bishopricke of Varadine and vnderstanding the drift of the Queene and to what purpose she laboured omitting all things which then he was greatly busied about called for his Coach and in the greatest haste he could tooke the way that lead towards Cheresuania Vpon the way passing a little brooke which runneth by a valley it happened that his Coach ouerturned in such dangerous manner that if hee had not instantly been helped by his men he had there been drowned Certaine gentlemen of his traine ill interpreting this accident aduised him to returne from thence but hee smiling made them this answer That such diuinations as were grounded vpon Chariots were exceeding miserable knowing that they had in heauen another Chariot which by his influence would warrant him minding by his pleasant countenance to inferre that the Chariot of Erictonius placed in heauen should among other signes stand him in stead of a guide and so with expedition continuing on his iourney within short time he approached neere to Torde from whence hee wrote to all the Lords who were with the Queene and specially to his friends that if they would see the safegard and defence of their countrie and that the whole kingdome should not bee ouerthrowne and lost and fall into the puissant commaund of the Infidels they would not faile but presently come to the place where hee was and where hee daily expected them that they might speedily prouide for the common good of all Within a while after there came to him certaine bands of souldiours and companies of horse which hee caused to come from Varadine which being come together made a good number of men with whom he determined to goe to this Diet shadowing his intent that they came with him for no other cause but onely to bee a guard for his person Thus against the opinion and liking of all he came from thence to Egneth where being arriued he so throughly dissolued and brake off the Diet that not any so great and mightie was hee durst stay there any longer least the Frier should stomacke and malice them and by this meanes he ouerthrew all the Queenes deseignes which vanished into smoke She vnderstanding the arriuall of the Frier and seeing she could come to no better end of that which to her great charges and trauaile she had alreadie begun suddenly dislodged from that towne with her sonne and retired her selfe to Albe-iula with such force as she had of which Peter Vicchy was Captaine generall who caused the towne to be well fortified But after fearing to be besieged therein by the Frier leauing there as many men as was thought necessary for the defence therof she thought it better to make her retraict to Sassebesse a place for the situation farre stronger then Albe-iula where she determined to stay and expect what would be the issue of her fortune The Frier being aduertised of all this and also vnderstanding certaine newes that the forces which Ferdinand had sent were alreadie on their way and that Castalde came with no small ayde presently determined vpon this occasion to besiege Albe-iula thinking that if he were able to be master thereof he had effected the greatest part of his desires Being there arriued with this resolution he very straightly besieged and battered it in many places with great store of Cannon But those within being nothing possest with feare valiantly defended themselues and more couragiously then the Frier expected He now seeing the constancie and resolution of the besieged to bee such and that Castalde made but slow speede although euery day by letters and Posts vpon Posts he willed him to hasten on his iourney and so much the rather because he besieged this towne which defended it selfe so gallantly that it was greatly needfull for him to haue the helpe of his forces hee againe thought it sitting to seek out meanes once more to accord with the Queene Whilest these matters were treated of Castalde arriued at the confines of Transiluania But since it now very fitly falleth out I will for a while leaue the continuation of this historie and will largely describe the situation the inhabitants the strength the qualitie and fertilitie of that countrie Transiluania is a Prouince of the kingdome of Hungarie making a part thereof enuironed on all sides with high mountaines resembling a well walled towne hauing all his entries and passages very difficill and narrow which maketh me thinke that it tooke his name thereof being anciently named Dacia of King Docus who was Lord and King thereof Towards the North it boundeth vpon Polonia and of one part of Moldauia hauing in the midst the hils Carpates Towards the West it doth confine vpon Hungarie and towards the East it stretcheth it selfe to the shores of Danubius and taketh his ending against Walachia the inhabitants whereof are called Walachians anciently dissended of some Romane Colonie sprung from the familie of the Flacchians who were sent to subdue that countrie of whom that Prouince afterward tooke the name of Flaccia which at this present is corrupted into the name of Walachia which also containeth in it Moldauia being two seuerall Prouinces which now are separated comprised in time past vnder the name of Flacchia Towards the South it neighboureth vpon the Transalpinians and Seruians named Slauons and the Rascians vulgarly called Rhatians who in a manner are as naturall Walachians for that they all liue vnder one law and custome they are Christians and obserue the decrees and ceremonies of the Greeke Church they obey the Patriarke of Constantinople they vse the Italian language but so corrupted that it is hardly vnderstood to be the same they vse armes like to those of the Turks they haue been and are yet a warlike nation cruell and endureth trauaile and wearines of warre more then any other people for that they are naturally very strong Within Transiluania there is a Prouince in a manner linked to a mountaine which separateth it from Moldauia which is named Ceculia and the inhabitants thereof are called Ceculians and at this day they are called Sicilians who are of the Hungarian nation and of the same qualitie and disposition liuing according to the lawes and customes of Hungarie The other part of the kingdome which is the greatest is inhabited
hee trusted in God it would he would presently come to succour him with as great an armie as hee could and although hee might not come neere vnto Themesuar for that the enemie was very strong yet he would lodge neere to Lippa where causing a trench to be digged going from thence to Solimos he would not by reason of that Fortresse feare the Turkish armie thinking assuredly to seate his Campe in such a sure place that the situation thereof should be able to defend him against the violence of the enemie hauing on the left hand the riuer Marosse and on the right the high mountaines from whence he well hoped to be so offensiue to the enemie that he would either constraine him to retire or else somewhat neglect the siege insomuch that he should be able to relieue and preserue it earnestly importuning them both to be of good courage and in like sort to perswade all the Spanyards whom he intreated to remember what they were and to thinke vpon that which they were wont brauely to performe when they were in such wars as these which through all the world had gained to them the name of valour which they ought now to maintaine without spot or blemish esteeming this successe no lesse glorious to them then the former on his owne part assuring himselfe that they would no lesse vertuously performe that now then that which they had alwaies performed in such honourable exploytes Besides he sent them certaine aduertisements very profitable and necessarie how they should behaue and gouerne themselues in fights and assaults which should bee offered them and for that they were young and of little experience he intreated them continually and onely to thinke vpon this that he who fighteth couragiously to the end doth maintaine his life in defending himselfe Whilest these directions were giuen on the one side Aldene on the other informed Castalde that hee was in meane estate and that hee could not any longer remaine at Lippa to take charge thereof and that he should send another in his place to take that charge Castalde conceiued of this with great sorow for that the time was so short that hardly he could make prouision therfore considering that this was to incourage the enemie and quaile his owne people seeing before their eyes such a Chieftaine to forsake that Fortresse and that another should come thereinto for defence considering that such a worthie man for his owne honour was come to keepe and defend it Neuerthelesse he returned him answer that if he thought not himself sure within Lippa for feare of the Basha although it was now somewhat late hee should giue him notice thereof for that he would send such an one thither who should defend it Aldene remembring himselfe of the fault which he had committed and chaunging his opinion sent him word that seeing he was now resident in the towne he doubted not but to defend it These things thus concluded on Castalde presently departed from Torde and went to Colosuar there to assemble the souldiours that were in Ferdinands pay and which were sent him in like sort giuing aduertisement to the Counte of Helfestaine that he should speedily repayre to him with his Regiment of 4000. Germanes sending him two payes of foure which they should receiue He also sent to Zena Generall of all the souldiours in that countrie that he should presently and with all speede he could come to him because he waited for no more but him that so he might march into the field As these preparations which we haue spoken of were in hand in Transiluania Mahomet in the meane time leauing Belgrade behinde him was now betweene the two riuers and had alreadie erected a bridge vpon Tibiscus He had in his Campe 100000. men and 60. peeces of Artillerie among which were thirtle double Cannons With him also came the Belerbey of Greece who the yeere before was Lieutenant generall in that countrie for the Grand Seigniour and he brought with him vnder his conduct 20000. horse He had also another great Captaine with him named Cassombassa who likewise conducted 15000. horse and 2000. Tartars who anciently were called Scythians which are a warlike people cruel and greatly redoubted by these nations and they fight on horsebacke with Bow and arrowes Sable and Mace The enemies being in this place the souldiours of the kingdome were in a manner assembled altogether when Counte of Helfestaine arriued with his Germanes being halfe in a mutinie and they were that night lodged in one of the Suburbes of the towne which were very great The day following Castalde minding to depart these by no meanes would dislodge but mutining they seazed on the Artillerie as their custome is not willing to take one pay for two which was due to them which alone should then haue bin payed them and after they imbattailed themselues to possesse and sacke the towne And vpon this resolution they began to batter on the top of the walles Which Castalde seeing and that this was not done counterfeitly he sent to the inhabitants that they should defend themselues Whereupon they betaking themselues to armes and comming to the walles they began to discarge their Artillerie and good Harquebuzes among the Germanes making a great slaughter of them who seeing themselues put into disorder they determined to take Castalde whereof being aduertised hee speedily retired to Torde sending them word that if they would not be appeased he would presently send his armie which was alreadie at Torde against them to hew them in peeces and after commaunded that the Caualarie should draw into the field and made a shew to march towards Colosuar to suppresse the Germanes who vnderstanding of this newes and knowing they were in a place where they could neither helpe nor defend themselues and that this sedition was not any thing profitable to them but to the contrarie very pernitious and full of certaine daungers they presently appeased and quieted themselues without any further motion or soliciting them and leading the Artillerie along with their Ensignes displayed came to Torde where for all their mutinie they got no other thing but onely that the Counte did casheere fiftie of them so that besides the death of many who were slaine at Colosuar they receiued this condigne chastisement which they worthely deserued for their rebellious temeritie Behold how in this yeere began the discord amongst vs as though the comming of two such puissant armies against vs was not sufficient to counterchecke our turbulent spirits but we of our selues by another warre worse then the first must ouerthrow and make hauocke of one another Castalde being busied at Torde in assembling his men to march against the Moldauian who had alreadie passed the mountaines with 40000. men and entered into the countrie of Brassouia newes was brought him how Mahomet hauing passed Tibiscus not without great difficultie was alreadie incamped with all his armie before Themesuar and that from S. Iohns
reioyced But when newes was brought how the Turkes lead captiue more then 60000. prisoners that all the villages and houses in the champion were burnt and ouerthrowne their ioy was presently turned into sadnes beholding with great compassion all the fields to bee disfurnished of men ●easts trees and houses not any remayning to till the ground which miserable spectacle gaue occasion to euery one to lament and sigh bitterly The great Turke being arriued at Buda and willing to performe his promise which he had made confirmed Iohn King of Hungarie with priuiledges written in letters of gold and inuested him in his kingdome calling him his friend and vassall of his house leauing with him Lewis Gritty to aduise and ayde him in all necessarie things and to be an assistant to him in his kingdome And after proceeding on his way with tedious iourneys by reason of the vehemencie of the winter which with snow and frosts was alreadie at hand at length he arriued at Constantinople where with great reioycings and triumphs he was as well receiued of his subiects as if he had conquered all Austria Now after that Lewis Gritty had soiourned a certaine time with King Iohn in the administration and gouernment of the kingdome of Hungary he was called home by Solyman He attained to this honour by the meanes of Abraham Basha a speciall friend of the Duke his father through whose friendship he was so conuersant with the grand Seigniour that one day he inuited him to a feast at his house vnto whom the said Seigniour vouchsafed him the fauour to go the rather in respect of the haughtie spirit and deepe iudgement in all things which he knew was naturally grafted in him in regard of which he had oftentimes sent him to execute great enterprises as this was one wherein he vsed such marueilous wisedome and great expedition and carried himselfe so indifferent to all that his greatnes was not enuied of any one Now the cause of his calling to Constantinople was only to discourse with him of many matters which were of no small importance which when they had aduised vpon he was presently dispatched againe into Hungarie to his charge with ample commission and great authoritie being among other things commanded to remaine at Buda and with his vttermost abilitie to maintaine in those quarters the glorie and renowne of the Ottoman house charging him to bee continually present at all the Councels which should bee held as well for warre as for peace the grand Seigniour furthermore not minding that they should alter any thing in that kingdome whilest he was absent in making warre against the Persians Moreouer he was commanded to enquire if the report which was bruited were true namely that Iohn at the instance and request of the Hungars would accord with Ferdinand and haue peace with the Germanes and Bohemians who continually made incursions into his countrie vpon these conditions that as long as he liued he should peaceably enioy all Hungarie and that after his death he should leaue the possession and all such right as he could any way pretend therein to the children of Ferdinand as we shall hereafter more at large treate of At the time when Solyman went into Armenia Gritty arriued in Valachia hauing for his conuoy certaine Turkish horsemen and companies of Ianisaries and those of the grand Seigniours guard sufficiently tried with some of his owne familiar acquaintance and other Italian companies who of their owne accord being well armed followed him and he had also with him two famous Hungarian Captaines namely Vrbain Batian and Iohn Doce with their companies they in all making about 7000. men as well horse as foote He was besides in outward shew for warre well furnished with Camels Mules Horses cattell and other munition for the seruice and reliefe of his Campe. And with this traine which rather seemed an armie he caused great suspition as well among his friends as his enemies and before he departed from Valachia he made peace with Peter Vayuode of Moldauia who before was made Solymans friend he hauing sent vnto him many rich presents to request his fauourable assistance for his going into Hungarie and to ayde him with men and victuals and with all other necessaries which he stood in neede of vntill he had accorded the strife of Ferdinand for the loue of whom he vndertooke this voyage This league being confirmed by oth of either side Gritty thinking himselfe to be sufficiently strong in those parts to manage such affayres at his pleasure entered presently into Transiluania causing open proclamation euery where to bee made through all the prouinces of Hungary belonging to the Emperour Solyman that all the townes Comminalties and Lords of that kingdome should haue recourse to him as an Arbitrator and Lieutenant for all the prouinces of Hungarie for the grand Seigniour and as the sole Iudge of all their debates strifes processe and discords But this did not greatly please King Iohn and it was afterward the cause of Grittys fall At this time liued Emeric Cibacchy Bishop of Varadin and Vayuode of Transiluania a man who for his noblenes puissance and vertue was very famous among his people being in regard of his calling the second person next the King Against him Iohn Doce bore speciall hatred and open malice for receiuing a blow of him with his fist vpon the nose about a certaine question and controuersie moued betweene them He vpon the bruite of the comming of Gritty to Bresouia made no such haste it may bee as Gritty expected he should haue done in respect of the honour he looked for but making slow speede it thereby seemed that he little regarded those whom the grand Seigniour had sent which made him odious and displeasing to Gritty who sought nothing more then to increase the authoritie which he had and to make it appeare how greatly aboue others the Transiluanians had honoured and reuerenced him Vpon this a common opinion went that Emeric vsed this manner as beseemed a good Christian being greatly displeased in his heart to see the Turkes in his countrie where they neuer came before and that he should consent to open to them a passage whereby they might haue more ample knowledge of the store of townes boroughs and villages of the infinite number of horses of the fertilenes of the land and the fat pastures which are therein by the which they might bee inticed in time to make themselues masters thereof But all such opinions were in the end found false for that without any suspition he went as a friend to receiue and visite him When Gritty was alreadie arriued at Bresouia and that from thence he meant to goe to Megest where he was by many messengers informed that Emeric would come to see him and that he marched well accompanied being lodged but fiue miles from him with a great companie and furnished with many troupes of Caualarie all the chiefe of the prouince
right of Transiluania and hoping that himselfe or his childrē one day should be able to recouer it and he preuailed so farre that the enterprise of the Polish Ambassadours and of other Princes came to nothing and by that meanes the Ambassadours of Transiluania returned without any resolution Which was a cause within a while after of great warre betweene him and the King of Transiluania vnder the fauour of the Turke vpon which occasion he well knew what losse and damage it was to him for that he would not then agree A certaine time after the Vayuode of Valachia was aduertised that another Vayuode went about to dispossesse him of his estate being assured of succours from Ferdinand and of the fauour of the nephew of that Lasky who laboured the friendship which was betweene Solyman and King Iohn This nephew was also named Lasky He for sundrie matters whereof he was attainted was before constrained to forsake the kingdome of Polonia vpon which occasion he was retired vnder the protection of his vncle to the Turk of whom he was so well receiued that he was made a Colonell of certaine Turkish troupes of horse and foote But sometimes after forgetting all these honours and fauours he forsooke that part and tooke that of the Emperour Ferdinands in whose seruice he then was when he practised this subteltie and enterprised without the knowledge of Ferdinand against the Vayuode of Valachia for the profit and commoditie of another in whose fauour he had alreadie amassed 2000. horse which he ioyned with the armie of the other Vayuode which was of 8000. footmen and 4000. horse These altogether marched with great speede thinking to take the Vayuode vnprouided and were alreadie arriued very neere him attending the night which was fit to massacre them and to seaze vpon his estate in a pleasant weake village wherein for the present he then was But the Vayuode being alreadie vpon his guard according to the first aduertisements hauing assembled very secretly to the number of 40000. men foote and horse attending the issue of this enterprise being aduertised of the place where his enemies were lodged he caused that night all his people to march with speede and in such manner so surprised his enemie that he had neither leisure nor commoditie to range himselfe in battaile seeing himselfe assailed on all sides so suddenly and furiously that he was constrained with his friend Lasky to flie to the confines of Polonia and to leaue the victorie to the Valachians who with little losse of theirs and great of their enemies inriched themselus with the spoyle bootie of this man Lasky afterwards remaining dispossessed of many townes and Castles which he had by Cassouia being depriued of those by meanes of the said Vayuode And by this ill fortune so inconsideratiuely happened to him falling into the indignation of Ferdinand who dismissed him from his seruice he retired into Moldauia for that he would not fall into the hands of the King of Polonia the Emperour or of the Valachian these Princes not minding by the suffering of such an act to draw vpon them any more the forces of Solyman who neuerthelesse on his side was not to demaund of them therefore any greater satisfaction he hauing then a great distrust of the Gouernour of Egypt against whom he had sent a great number of Ianisaries and other souldiours of his Port fearing some commotion in that Prouince and from other places he had some aduertisements of the enterprises of Baiazet his second sonne who some said meant to inuade Syria with the succours and ayde of the Sophy so that Solyman was againe constrained to send new garrisons into that quarter Vpon the occasion of these troubles he himselfe had great desire to seeke peace and truce with Ferdinand although that his Lieutenants of Buda and of Bossina with the Vayuodes of Valachia Moldauia and of Transalpina in fauour of King Iohn brought great damage to the Emperour harrying and spoyling Hungarie bringing into their hands many places thereof his Maiestie not being able to draw any succours from the Lords of that countrie neither for the fortifications of the places nor for the entertainment of his souldiours and if it had not been for the new garrisons which he put in better places by the ayde of his subiects of Austria the losse had been farre greater in that countrie Solyman notwithstanding the gaine which his people had in Hungarie considering the perill whereinto he might fall if he at one time had to doe against so puissant enemies as the Emperour and the Sophy were resolued rather to seeke peace with the Christians then with his subiects To this end while they were at a Diet which was held at Franckfort there was celebrated the solemnitie of the election that the Electors had made of the person of Maximilian King of Bohemia the eldest sonne of Ferdinand to bee King of the Romanes and of his Coronation after the accustomed promises by him made to be an obedient childe to the holy Church according to the vse of his predecessors an Ambassadour sent from Solyman was presented in this great assemblie who offered a present to Ferdinand of certaine rich habiliments and of straunge beasts and after hauing ended some differences with his Maiestie which imported Hungarie the truce was concluded betweene them and in consideration thereof this Ambassadour caused to bee released and set at libertie many prisoners taken in warre who by no meanes before could be redeemed for any money nor exchaunge of others who were vnder the power of Ferdinand After this truce Ferdinand perceiuing himselfe to grow old and vnweildy of his bodie yeelded the kingdome of Hungarie to his sonne Maximilian with consent of all the Barons and Lords of the countrie in acknowledging of which all the Lords were gratified by Maximilian in all that which hee could doe Whereupon some little while after Ferdinand surprised with a great sicknes ended his daies hauing been a Prince of singular bountie and valour and had not his example and wisedome been Germanie which was greatly estranged from the Catholike Church had been wholly diuided from the vnion of the faithfull and Ecclesiasticall ceremonies This man although he was the sonne of Philip Duke of Burgongne Counte of Flanders and Archduke of Austria and of Ioane Queene of Spaine and of other kingdomes of al his fathers inheritance he had no more then the Archdukedome of Austria with the Estates which are situated in Germanie which was the ancient patrimonie of his house the lawes of Spaine being of such qualitie that the eldest haue onely the entire succession Neuerthelesse by meanes of his vertue he increased the inheritance of his house adding thereto the kingdomes of Hungarie and Bohemia augmenting by the addition of them the greatnes of it farre more then it fell vnto him by his predecessors By these actions he alwaies made it apparant that he was endued with great constancie
himselfe with them and that the Emperour should not be so much offended against them For this consideration they chose for their King Stephen Battor the principall Baron amongst them About this time the Emperour published the resignation which he made of the kingdome of Hungarie to the profit of his eldest sonne Rodolph who the yeere before he caused to come out of Spaine where he had soiourned a certaine time with the Catholike King his vncle The crowning of him with many magnificent and sumptuous ceremonies was made in the towne of Poson And for that such things are notable and worthie to bee knowne for those who desire to please themselues in the knowledge of that which is strange to them I purpose to recite and write them in this historie The place of Poson which anciently was called Pisonium because it was built by Piso a Romane being appointed for this pompe all the States of the countrie were called thither These being assembled the day before their enterie into the towne the Emperour and Empresse entered by night into the towne in their Coaches with many lights and torches accompanied with the Prince Mathias and Maximilian their yonger sonnes the 20. of September not minding no more then did the other Lords of their Court to enter therein publikely in the day time The day following departed from Ambourg otherwise called Sopron Rodolph accompanied with his brother Ernestus and many other Princes and Lords Before him departed out of the towne a league off his two other brothers Mathias and Maximilian in whose companie was the Archbishop of Strigonium Primate of the kingdome who had with him sixe Bishops followed of other Lords of the Nobilitie and Caualarie of Hungarie At the meeting the Archbishop to whom belonged this charge with a briefe and elegant oration in Latin after he had prayed to God that it would please him to make this his entrance and comming prosperous and fortunate for the peace and comfort of his subiects he promised to him in the name of all the kingdome obedience and fidelitie The Prince answered him with a modestie mixt with a sweet kind of grauitie that he thanked the kingdome for so good an affection in his behalfe and that he prayed God that he would giue him that grace in such sort to beare this charge that his diuine Maiestie might be well serued therein that it would please him to make him such an one that all the Prouinces and people of the kingdome might neuer haue occasion to repent themselues to haue obeyed him but rather that they would bee very well content with his election promising to employ all his forces to the good preseruation and augmentation of all the kingdome as well in generall as particular This said they began to proceede on towards Poson with this pompe the Hungarish Caualarie marching before to the number of 3000. horse diuided vnder 42. Ensignes with so goodly an order and so well guarded that it was a marueilous thing to see because that these souldiours did weare vpon their heads most goodly and glistering head-peeces inriched with gold and fayre workes ingrauen vpon them and vpon the front they had great plumes made of white Peacocks feathers that couered all the bodie which they had armed with bright Curasses or Shirts of maile Vpon the left arme they carried Targets after their manner certaine whereof had about them three hemmes or borders of the same feathers and in their hands and at the saddle bow they held Launces Sables Clubbes and Maces of iron They were all mounted vpon very good horses which made them the more worthie to bee regarded for so much as their harnesses was inriched with gold and their head-peeces furnished with great plumes with many precious stones and pearles of great value in such sort that it seemed that this people carried with them all their worth which is a meanes to incourage and defend themselues more couragiously against the enemie That which made this Caualarie seeme yet more proud and gallant were the skinnes of Beares and Tygers which the horsemen did weare vpon their shoulders and mane of their horses After this ordinance marched all the gentlemen of the traine of the Princes of Bauier of the Archduke of Austria of the two yonger sons of the Emperour and many other of his Maiesties house so nobly apparelled and their horses so trimly decked that they made this pompe very magnificent they all hauing chaines of gold about their neckes The Prince Maximilian marched after these hauing on his left hand the Prince of Cleueland After him marched Prince Ernestus who had his brother Mathias on his left hand and Prince Ferdinand of Bauier on his right Behinde came Prince Rodolph in the middest of the Archduke of Austria his vncle and of Prince William of Bauier After these Princes was to be seene the aforesayd Archbishop with his Prelates in the middest of the Emperours guard This new King with this pompe was receiued without the bridge by the Germane Infantrie which was ranged in battaile to the number of 5000. and of others 500. souldiours who were for the guard of the Port and in like sort of all the people who of all sorts of age and condition were gathered together to see and receiue this new King with great applause and to conduct him to the Archiepiscopall palace which was prepared for him He went about euening to kisse the hands of the Emperour and Empresse who imbraced him very louingly The 25. of September the necessarie things for his coronation being prepared the Emperour went to the Cathedrall Church in great pompe with his Emperiall habit accompanied with his Heraulds being carried in a chaire by reason that then he was troubled with the gowte which did daily molest him Before him marched the great Marshall of the Empire hauing in his hand the naked sword After followed the Ambassadours of Princes and the gentlemen of his Court His Maiestie being placed on the top of the quire where his siege was prepared vnder a Canapie and that of the Empresse on his right hand sat the Archduke Charles Prince William of Bauier Prince Ernestus Ferdinand of Bauier Maximilian Mathias and the Prince of Cleue On the left hand was placed Iohn Dolfin the Popes Nuncio the Ambassadour of the Catholike King and he of Venice After arriued the new King accompanied with the Princes which wee haue named and of all the Nobilitie of Bohemia and Hungarie These Princes being entered into the Church and hauing made reuerence to the Emperour tooke their places appointed for them But Rodolph entered into the Vestarie from whence he presently after came out bare headed being apparelled with a white robe which they said sometime was belonging to S. Stephen the first King of Hungarie and before him went tenne Hungarian Barons sumptuously apparelled each one carrying a Standard in his hand wherein were represented the tenne Prouinces subiect to this kingdome although the most
leaue to their posteritie some faire and large memoriall within the which they may with more facilitie and pleasure behold the good which accompanied vertue and the euill which vice bringeth with it Now following in this their footsteps for the reasons which I haue before alleadged I doe with an intyre deuotion present to the Common-weale this lamentable historie collected out of the records of Broderic the Chauncellor of Hungarie and out of the memorials of Castalde Lieutenant vnto Ferdinand in the same countrie and of sundrie other writers LEwis the second of that name King of Hungarie and Bohemia the sonne of Vladislaus and of Anne of Candale who came out of France after he had lost his father in his noneage and his mother at his birth was now one and twentie yeares of age in the yeare of our Lord 1526. when Soliman Emperour of the Turkes inuaded Hungarie with a great and puisant armie He a little before his father dyed was betrothed to Marie sister to the Emperour Charles and Ferdinand Archduke of Austria whom he afterward maried being come to yeares of discretion giuing at the same time his sister Anne in mariage to Ferdinand Lewis was a comely young Prince tall and well formed excelling any of his age hauing a singular and naturall bountie and adorned with so many goodly vertues that certainely he had proued a most excellent Prince if he had liued but a longer time He was of a sweete and milde spirite not any thing crooked or wayward easilie drawne to all things which were honest and iust being thereto naturally inclined of himselfe He was greatly delighted in managing of Horses and to beare armes to hunt and all other exercises worthie and commendable in a young man In his words he was true and iust and no way variable or inconstant neither would he disclose any thing which had been imparted to him in secret Notwithstanding all these goodly vertues he was in contempt and dislike among the greatest of his court who abusing his young yeares did pill and spoyle his estate whilest they liued in all excessiue lust and pleasure At that time the dignitie and honour of Counte Palatine which is the chiefe among the seculars next to his royall Maiestie was in the possession of Stephen Battor sonne of Andrew Battor and nephew to Stephen Battor who immediately before him possessed the same dignitie and gouerned Transiluania with his great honour vnder King Mathias Iohn Zapoly Counte of Sepusa who afterward was King of Hungarie gouerned then Transiluania hauing in his possession great store of wealth to be diuided with his brother George which they had gotten by the death and succession of Stephen their father He had in such sort procured the fauour and good will of all the Nobles and States of that countrie that euen from his youth euery one set their eye vpon him as the right inheritour of that kingdome if it so happened that for want of lawfull heyres it should be vacant Stephen commaunded in great Walachia which is named Moldauia and among the Turkes Carabogdania and Raoul gouerned the lesse Walachia otherwise named Transalpina both the one and the other neuerthelesse being subiect to the kingdome of Hungarie Francis Bathian well esteemed of the King in respect of his continuall and faithfull seruice from his youth was Ban of Dalmatia Croatia and Slauonia which three Prouinces were altogether gouerned by this onely dignitie which dignitie we otherwise tearme Admiraltie although now this word Ban may properly be applied to all gouernours established in euery Prouince that is of late added to this kingdome The low Marches and the fortresse of Themeshwar were vnder the defence and gouernement of Peter Peren who with the Counte of Sepusa did keepe the royall Crowne which was left vnto him by Emeric Peren his father Paul Tomoree a gray Friar and Archbishop of Colocense commaunded Sirmia and all that circuite which is betweene the riuers of Sauus Drauus and Danubius This Archbishop was a great personage and of like esteeme and one who before he tooke vpon him the habite of Saint Frauncis had made sufficient proofe of his vertue in many exploits valiantly many times fighting against the enemie The Archbishopricke of Colocense being vacant and the possessions and profits thereof hauing no lesse neede of a good defender then of a Pastor and dispenser of sacred and holy things for the late losse of the towne and fortresse of Belgrade in a publike assemblie of the kingdome it was by euery one importuned that Tomoree should be forced if he would not otherwise out of his Monasterie and by the authoritie and commaunde of the Pope should take the charge of this Church and defend the goods and reuenewes thereof This man resisted along time their perswasions but in the end he was constrained to obey the Kings pleasure with the rest of the kingdome and he behaued himselfe so wisely and valiantly in this charge in euery mans iudgement yea euen of those which hated him as excellent vertue is neuer without enuie that he forgat nothing which appertained to a good and aduised Chiefetaine and executed no more then was seeming the pietie of a religious man and a godly Bishop not any thing changing from the austeritie of his first life neither in person nor in any other thing Counte Christopher of Francapine being certaine moneths before drawne to the seruice of the Realme with faire promises whereupon they had caused him to forsake the Courte of the Archduke Ferdinand in steede of receiuing some preferment according to their promises in the ende was rewarded with a great iniurie and returned againe vnto Ferdinand Stephen Broderic borne in that part of high Panonia which some particularly call Slauonia after he had been Embassadour for the King to the Popes holines and had a few moneths before been created Chauncelor had more affection to a zealous life then to earthly things Alexis Thurson a man greatly abounding in wealth according to common opinion was Treasurer and had in former time executed this office very diligently The Castles of Poson and Buda were in the custodie of Iohn Bornemissa who had so great authoritie with the King that he could incline his will to which side he would because he had the gouernement of him from his cradle He was also very well esteemed of euery one as well for his reuerend olde age as for the seueritie which was seene in him accompanied with great bountie and for the fidelitie which he bare towards his King Beholde here these were they who then managed the greatest places of the kingdome The other Prelates and Barons gaue themselues euery one to their priuate affaires except Lasdilas Salcane Archbishop of Strigonium Metropolitane of the kingdome and great Chaunceler who whether he was not able to execute that office any longer or whether he had a desire to passe the remainder
who were within it for the defence thereof were cruelly put to the sword the Castle being old and decayed was the more ruinated by the force of the Cannon and further that the enemies did aduance themselues by water and land against other neighbour places and were determined amongst others to besiege the Castle of Wylatz The King greatly perplexed at these newes gaue expresse commandement to those who were to goe to the Vayuode that they should poste in the greatest haste they could Letters were also sent to all places Curriers were dispatched towards George Counte of Sepusa who was said not to be farre from Alberegalis with 5000. men Also vnto Francis Bathian Ban of Croatia Vnto Counte Christopher who was thought to be departed from Ferdinand and to bee alreadie in Croatia with his father vnto whom hee was first of all retired with an intent to haue drawne from thence armour horses and souldiours that so he might with better abilitie present himselfe in brauer equipage before the King Ladislas the Macedonian was commanded to go with speed towards the Queene who then was at Buda She was willed to importune her brother Ferdinand and in his absence the gouernours of Austria to the end that it would please him presently to send him aide and especially Artillerie for which hee had been before required and whereof the Hungars stood greatly in neede and the Turkes to the contrarie were plentifully furnished Moreouèr she was intreated to hasten the Bohemians with their troupes for the leauying of whom the Queene had disbursed of her owne charges great summes of money to Mezericie Thomas Nadasdy was written vnto that he should solicite Ferdinand vnto whom he was sent and to declare to him the double linage and affinitie which was betweene them two and the common perill like to happen in consideration whereof he importuned that he would not leaue his master in such and so great necessitie giuing him sufficient notice of the danger of his person of the kingdome and the losse of Varadin Peter In the meane while Paul Tomoree who before the taking of Varadin hauing with him 3000. men left within the Castle of that towne 1000. footmen and certaine horse who were as wee haue said all put to the sword esteeming it now a great rashnes if he should aduenture to oppose and affront himselfe with 2000. horse against so great a multitude he passed to the other side of Danubius and there as much as was possible for him he withstood the enemie both by land and water for he had vpon Danubius certaine numbers of sea souldiours in vessels which are called Nazadies but they were nothing to bee compared to the infinite multitude of the enemies The King after he had vnderstoode of the losse of Varadin Peter marched along Danubius to that place which before we haue named Rakos where he remained two dayes and vpon the transfiguration of our Lord he arriued at Tholne hauing now a little encreased his armie so that then he could make 4000. horse or somewhat more As his Maiestie was neere to Tholne Counte Palatine with those few men which were alreadie come and arriued with the first at that towne went before During the Kings abode there from all the Prouinces which are called Counties in Hungarie as well on this side Danubius as on the other repaired great store of Souldiours to this towne Counte George of Sepusa was also there with 300. horse good and bad and 1200. foote or there abouts Thither also came Hanibal Carthaginois of Cyprus with 1300. Souldiours leauied at the Pope charges besides other companies that were there payed by his Holines They altogether made 4000. men well appointed Of that number there was 1500. Polanders or Pollacques who in all that for which they are helde commendable people surpasse all the rest they were vnder the conduct of Leonard Gnomsky who was sayd to be a man very expert and ingenious to lodge and seate a Campe for which experience he was chosen and allowed At the same instant came to that towne Paul Vardagy Bishop of Agria Francis Peren Bishop of Varadin and many other as well Bishops as Seculars During their abode almost euery day they sate in Councell to whom were assisting the most renowned persons then in the Campe. In this said assemblie the affayres of the Realme were consulted vpon namely of the aduauncing and marching of the Armie of the custodie and defence of the passage of Drauus seeing it was now no question of that of Sauus and also by reason of the losse of Varadin Peter and for that at the same time it was sayd the Turkes marched to Ezek hauing alreadie vnder his gouernment the Fortresse of Wylak and ruinated all the other Castles which were along Danubius The sayd Counte Palatine was then presently dispatched to seize vpon the passage of Drauus before the enemie approaced Many of the principall men were commaunded to follow with their troupes but many notwithstanding repugned the Kings commaunde vnder the colour of their priueledges and custome of the Barons which is not to goe to the warre but vnder the Royall ensigne in regarde whereof this enterprise was omitted although that the Palatine notwithstanding his griefe did endeauour himselfe and gaue sufficient demonstration not to refuse any trauaile or labour He being on his iourney to goe before to Mugach or Mohacz and not being followed by any of those who were commaunded to accompanie him alleadging their priueledges as we haue sayd the King euen in open Councell where the affayres were treated of being moued by their vndutifull allegeance sayd I see quoth he being willing to put his words in writing that euery one would assure his owne head by the danger of mine But as for my part I am marched as you see euen vnto this place and doe willingly thrust my selfe into this danger and to expose my person against all hazards of fortune for the safetie of you and the kingdome For feare then least any should excuse his owne cowardlines vpon the safetie of my life and that nothing should be imputed to my proceedings in time to come I will by Gods grace march to morrow with you in person into that place which you would not goe vnto without me These vehement words being spoken and this suddaine resolution being apprehended by the applauding of many but with the admiration of all those present proclamation was presently made of his departure the next day Certaine of the wiser and grauer heads who were not ignorant of the great inconuenience which might happen of this vnconsiderate voyage importuned to disswade the contrarie but it was in vaine The Armie being then dislodged from Tholne vpon the euen of the assumption of our Ladie they arriued at the towne of Zeckzard and the day following at Batha Vpon this bruite and certaine knowledge which was had of the Turkish Armie which daily approached commaund was giuen to gather the Hungars together who
Whilest these souldiours did thus vaunt themselues all the armie was lodged almost intirely together euery man in his quarter The King did not yet depart from the towne of Ville-neufue of the Macedonians which is betweene Batha and Mohacz hauing with him but a small troupe being there in great danger if the enemie who was not farre of might haue discouered him But fortune reserued the death of the King vntill some other time wherein he should dye more gloriously for the good of his countrie In the meane while in the night whē the King was asleep there arriued at the same time Michael Podnamisky cōming from the Campe and sent on the behalfe of the Commanders who came to giue aduertisement that the Turk had alreadie passed the riuer of Drauus with the greatest part of his armie and that the rest followed with all expedition that the fight could not be deferred that all the Captaines vrgently importuned his Maiestie to come with all diligence to the Campe and aduise with them concerning the battaile The King vnderstanding this newes by Podnamisky called to councell that small companie that was with him acquainting them with this busines demaunding of them what was to be done in so doubtfull and vrgent a matter His Maiestie then did call to minde the counsell and opinion which the Vayuode and Counte Christopher had sent him by those who were dispatched towards them who certaine daies before were returned by which aduertisement from them both they greatly blamed the counsell of those who had brought the King into that place so neere the enemy before it was time and that it had been better for him to remaine at Buda or to encampe himselfe further frō the enemie vntill all the forces of the kingdome were vnited together They had also by the same messengers exhorted the King not to fight with the enemie at least not before their comming The Vayuode particularly sent him word by Iohn Statile that hee would bring with him from Transiluania great troupes of souldiours who for force and number should be so secure that the King vpon their fidelitie and valour might haue a speciall hope of victorie This came into the Kings minde and he well considered of this counsell and of the other part he well weighed that which the Chiefes of the armie did importune him to whom if he condiscended not the enemie being so nigh and his souldiours hauing so great a desire to fight he well saw that the blame and euill of all that might happen would bee imputed to him and that he should bee found culpable in omitting so good an occasion His minde being disturbed with these difficulties he determined before hee resolued of any thing to proue his Leaders and Chieftaines of the armie if they thought it good to attend the Vayuode of Transiluania and Counte Christopher and that if in the meane time the enemie approached neerer or pressed them whither they should remoue the Campe into some other place of better safetie For this cause he sent to the Campe euen at the same instant that Podnamisky was come the Chauncellor who was then with the King to perswade the principall of the armie yea the Commanders themselues namely the Archbishop of Strigonium and Counte Palatine vpon whose opinion all the others depended that they should find out some good meane to retire and deferre the fight He was commaunded further to let them vnderstand all which was reported to the King concerning the Vayuode and Counte Christopher and to explaine vnto them how cleere and apparant the ruine of the kingdome was if the King with so many Princes and the flower of all the Nobilitie of the realme should expose themselues to so eminent a daunger For if it happened which we ought to be mindfull of considering the multitude of souldiours and the great preparation for warre of the enemies in comparison of the small number of his Maiesties forces which he now hath that the King should bee ouercome who should afterwards hold backe or hinder the enemie but that with little difficultie he might enioy all Hungarie He declared vnto them that it was most expedient the Campe should bee remoued into some other place of better securitie or to retire backe a little if the enemie should inforce them thereto vntill the Vayuode with the Transiluanians the Ban with the Slauonians Counte Christopher with the Croatians Bohemians Morauians Slesians and other succours should come that Hungarie should receiue lesse losse though the enemies should ouerharrie from Mohacz vnto Poson putting all whatsoeuer they did incounter to fire and sword then that such an armie should miscarrie and bee ouerthrowne by one battaile in which the King himselfe and so many great Princes and chiefe persons of the realme should be For they being slaine what hope of reenforcing new succours could rest to the kingdome But the King with so many Lords and such braue souldiours remaining safe and preseruing all things in good estate they may finde singular content and securitie vnder the gouernment of such a King who both for his parentage and alliance is respected throughout all Christendome The Chauncellor hauing the same night made this speech first of all to the chiefest visiting and talking with them apart and after in generall to all the Councell his reasons neuerthelesse were of so small efficacie as if he had said nothing to them such was the haughtie courage of euery one being eager to fight vnder a vaine hope of victorie being notwithstanding otherwise by a certaine feare withheld which did hinder them from disswading the fight although the contrarie was so earnestly desired by the souldiours The King then came by breake of day to his Campe and for that the vessels which did bring by water his Maiesties Tents and Pauilions were not yet come from Buda he retired himself for the present into a Bishops house which was adioyning to the towne there to proue that which as yet he vnderstood not by the Chauncellor They commaunded the Councellors of all estates and nations to assemble before the King which failed not presently to visit him with many expert Captaines and hardie souldiours among whom were certaine Bohemians and Morauians who were alreadie arriued there In this assemblie it was propounded to the Councellors and souldiours what was needfull to be done not any being yet come from Transiluania Slauonia Croatia Bohemia nor Germanie whereof the greater part were presently to arriue as was assuredly expected yet notwithstanding the enemie was very nigh being no more then two miles from the Kings Campe who vpon this occasion as it was thought could not nor would not deferre the battaile vntill another time Vpon this their opinion was asked which of these two seemed most expedient either to remoue the Campe elsewhere and for the present to delay the fight attending those which daily were expected or else to make triall of fortune in giuing the enemie battaile At this councell was present Paul Tomoree
elsewhere vsed the like crueltie Amongst such miseries there happened one extreame and vnnaturallaccident the like whereof was neuer heard before and this it was that the poore and wretched mothers buried aliue their sucking Infants for feare themselues should be discouered by their crying and they poore babes dyed whilst their mothers being in no better saftie dispersed themselues heare and there to auoyde the tyrannie of the Infidels The enemie proceeded euen vnto the lake of Balator and in passing by they fired the citie of the fiue Churches which was all burnt onely the Castell and the faire Temple reserued Whilest the execution of this vnfortunate Battaile and of all those which we haue recited was in doing the Vayuode was almost at Segedin with all the forces of Transiluania who not being able with all his troupes to march with that expedition as he would and desiring notwithstanding to be at this battaile which as he vnderstood could not in any sort be deferred he being in a swift and light Coach and followed with few men in the like wagons went in the greatest haste he could to seeke the King Counte Christopher was also arriued at Zagrabia One part of the Bohemians which came to succour the King were about Iauerine and the rest were not farre from Alberegalis George Marquese of Brandenburg and the Chauncellor of Bohemia named Adam Newhuis were about the same quarter The Queene vnderstanding this vntimely newes of such an vnfortunate ouerthrow suddenly retired her selfe with the Bishop of Vesprimia Alexis Thurson and the Popes Nuntio to Poson which the Hungars name Presburge and transported the best and richest of her mouables by Danubius not yet knowing any thing of the death of the King her husband These moueables and other goods which appertained to the citizens of Buda were rifled and some of them staied by Andrew Orbancz who commaunded the Castle of Strigonium which at this day is called Gran. Neuerthelesse he that writeth this historie and reciteth this vile and infamous outrage doth greatly erre when he added to it that certaine of his light horsemen who are commonly called Vssarons behaued themselues towards the Queenes maides otherwise then their honours required for that in a meriment they put off their shooes to daunce with them The Emperour Soliman soiourning there a certaine time where the battaile was fought and after hauing reunited together all his companies the which he had sent here and there to ruinate and spoyle the countrie set forward towards Buda and there within sixe or seuen nights hee arriued himselfe marching along the shore of Danubius fiering all the townes boroughes and villages by the which he passed He found this towne forsaken of all the garrison and caused it to bee fired not any thing being exempted from the violence therof but the Castle and the Kings stables and the house of wilde beasts From thence the Turke sent many horsemen to spoyle and rob the countrie on this side the riuer They put all to fire and sword whom they met betweene Danubius and the Lake of Balator euen vnto Iauarine The Castle notwithstanding of Strigonium was cowardly left by Andrew Orbancz of whom wee haue spoken before neuerthelesse it was valiantly defended and preserued by a man of base and seruile condition and who a little before lead to the warre the footmen of the Chapter of the great Church of the towne called Mathieu Nagh he being retired thither with a few men The Fortresse of Vissegrade wherein the royall Crowne was alwaies kept was also saued by the Peasants and Friers it being forsaken of the souldiours so greatly was euery man amazed at the Turkes comming vnto Buda These strong places which we haue noted together with those of Thata Comora and Alberegalis were not forced of the enemie for that he I know not by what counsell did content himselfe onely to spoyle the countrie and little respected to assaile the Castles and strong holds As these Barbarians did exercise their enormious cruelties in euery corner so there was no place in Hungarie where they had more resistance then at Maroth by Strigonium This was a fine place of retyre and pleasantly seated belonging to the Archbishop of Strigonium situated in the midst of those Forrests which we name Wiertesies with which it is compassed about Into the said place certaine thousands of Hungars retired themselues with their wiues and children trusting vpon the straight and narrow passages which were strongly shut vp With those the enemie often came to handy strokes and alwaies they receiued the worst and were put to the foile In the end the Turks seeing by no meanes they could force the barracado which the Hungars had made with their wagons they were constrained to bring thither their artillerie by meanes wherof al those wagons other such defences were broken ouerthwrone to the ground and almost all the people put to the sword The great heapes of bones which is to be seene at this day in that place doth sufficiently witnes the greatnes of the massacre the which as those few reporte that escaped was 25000. persons one and other And he who would account the whole number of those which had bin slaine violently put to death retained prisoners or that remained in captiuitie I dare well affirme according to that which I haue vnderstood they were wel neere 200000. That part of Hungarie on this side the riuer from the mouth of Drauus vnto Iauerine being thus spoyled and harried with the Infidels as wee haue said not without the great astonishment of the neighbour countries adioyning others further remote and euen of those of Vienna Soliman also causing a bridge to be made ouer Danubius which reached to Pesthe the 14. day after hee was arriued at Buda transported his men to the other side of Hungarie where he made the like waste as he made on this side The end of the first Booke THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF HVNGARIE THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND BOOKE AFter that the Hungarians were thus ouerthrowne Solyman inuesteth Iohn Zapoly who was Vayuode of Transiluania in the kingdome of Hungarie and then he returned to Constantinople whereupon Ferdinand of Austria pretending title to that kingdome and seeing he could not obtaine it by peace entreth thereinto with a great armie and Iohn forsaketh Buda and retireth into Transiluania is pursued by Ferdinandoes forces and ouerthrowne who then flyeth into Polonia and Ferdinand is crowned King of Hungarie Iohn seeketh aide of Solyman who vndertaketh his defence whereupon Ferdinand sendeth to Solyman for peace but he denounceth warre against him and entreth into Hungarie with a puissant armie who taketh Buda and Altenburg and besiegeth Vienna from whence he is repulsed and discouraged by the gallant exploytes and resolution of the assieged and in the end retireth from thence Many hostilities passe betweene Ferdinand and Iohn and after an agreement made betweene them Iohn dyeth and left a sonne named
Stephen to whom was gouernour Izabella his mother and one Frier George After Iohns death Ferdinand sent to the Queene for the yeelding vp of the kingdome of Hungarie which now he pretended title vnto but is denied by George who to withstand him demaundeth aide of the Turke Ferdinand sendeth forces into Hungarie besiegeth Buda and is there ouerthrowne by Solymans armie who taketh Pesthe Mustafa warreth in Transiluania against Malliat Ferdinandoes Lieutenant there Malliat is betrayed taken and sent with other prisoners to Constantinople who there dyed and the Transiluanians sweare homage to young Stephen whom Solyman greatly desireth to see who is sent accompanied with many of the Nobilitie and are all detained prisoners but onely Stephen whom he returneth againe to his mother at Buda which treacherously is taken by the Turkes and Queene Izabella dispossessed thereof and sent into Transiluania to gouerne there Ferdinand againe sendeth to Solyman to demaund peace and to be inuested King of Hungarie by him who returneth him a most scornefull answer The Queene being receiued into Transiluania George manageth all things and little esteemeth the Queene AFter that the Hungarians had receiued this cruell ouerthrow at Mohacz wherein were slaine about 30000. men with many of the chiefest Lords and gentlemen of the countrie and after that Lewis their last King was thus stifled in this Quagmire or Marish of the aforesaid place Solyman not fearing any who could oppose themselues against his forces being now with his victorious armie arriued in the towne of Buda which with the Fortresse without any resistance was presently reduced vnder his subiection that he might the better obserue the ancient custome of the Ottomans which is that the Prince ought rather to repose himselfe in his armie then to be inclosed within a wall would not therefore rest himselfe therein one night but presently retired himselfe into his Pauilions in the middest of his Campe which was hard adioyning to the towne whither being come there was presented to him seuen Bishops heads and the heads of other Hungars being of the number of those who were left dead in the field where the Battaile was fought among which was that of Ladislas Salcane Archbishop of Strigonium who for his extreame couetousnes was greatly blamed of Solyman in respect he would neither aide the King nor himselfe with his treasure which was found about him to be very great There was also much fault imputed to George Sepusa brother to Iohn Vayuode of Transiluania for his riches and also to Paul Tomoree Bishop of Colocense for his riches who further was condemned for his imprudencie and rashnes hauing so foolishly and without reason counselled Lewis to fight with so little an armie against one who was eight times as great and mightie But on the other side Peter Peren Bishop of Varadin was greatly commended and esteemed for that contradicting the opinion of Tomoree he aduised in any case not to giue battaile but to temporise and strengthen his holds and to put his people therein for safetie and to fortifie the towne of Buda with a strong and sufficient garrison because in thus doing he might the better resist his enemie And after that Solyman had seene viewed all those had giuen his souldiours leaue to spoyle and massacre who failed not presently to cut mangle and cruelly teare them in peeces they presented vnto him the pictures of Lewis and Marie his wife vpon which casting his eyes and considering their young yeeres he lamented their sinister fortune greatly blaming all their Councellors who rashly aduised them to fall into such extreame miserie affirming with an oth that he was not come to expell him out of his kingdome but onely to reuenge his men of the iniuries which the Hungars had done them greatly complaining for the death of Lewis the which had taken from him all meanes wherby in effect he might shew the truth of his words the which were that he would haue placed him againe in his fathers kingdome vnder certaine good conditions of an honest and reasonable tribute But he now seeing this Realme to bee vnprouided of a King and that there was not any of the blood to whom it ought of right to be giuen it seemed that he was willingly enclined to inuest Iohn the Vayuode therein alwaies prouided that he were found to be of the blood of Lewis or at the least to be dissended of his race by some collaterall line one or other Whilest he retayned his Campe about Buda he sent into diuers quarters the greatest part of his Armie to pill and wast the champian Countrie and neighboring places leading with them an infinit number of prisoners and an inestimable bootie giuing to all the Prouinces thereabouts an incredible amazement there being by so cruell and suddaine a surprise taken and put to death more then 250000. soules After which he minding to retire into Thrace he caused to be taken away from the Castle of Buda those three faire brazen Statues of Apollo Diana and Hercules which with marueilous art and iudgement were made by King Mathias Coruin for an ornament of that place And besides those he caused to be caried away certaine brazen Colombes with some great peeces of Artillerie which in times past were belonging to the King of Bosnia and caused them in token of victorie to be transported to Constantinople and he willed they should be erected in the market place to the ende they should publikely be seene and admired and not long after himselfe arriued in the same Citie in great triumph In this time Iohn Sepusa the Vayuode conducting the Souldiours of Transiluania to the ayde of the King and being arriued too late euen at the time they were defeated and brought into the extremitie of miserie seeing now there was none left of the bloud royall who might succeed in the Kingdome began then in himselfe to aspire to that high degree and this did he so much the rather for that he found himselfe amongst these people in great esteeme and conceiued no small hope of it by reason of the victorie which he a little before had against the Peasants who did rise against the gentlemen in respect whereof the principall of the land bore him some fauour thus taking heart and courage to him vsing notwithstanding wise and prouident counsell he hoped in the ende thereby to obtaine that kingdome and be crowned King further endeauouring himselfe by all meanes to win the good liking of the Nobilitie as he did and to draw them to his intention perswading them they should neuer tollerate that such degree and dignitie which aunciently had been maintayned by the Hungars should now come vnder the gouernment of a stranger and that they should not obey any other commaund then that which should be appointed by their owne proper nation With such good perswasions and friendly admonitions he gayned the hearts almost of all and so aptly did he manage all things that
at the next assemblie they all in his fauour determined to negotiate and treat of this affaire and the absence of Stephen Battor fell out fitly for his purpose who was gone towards Ferdinand and vnto whom because both in respect of his Nobilitie and of his bloud being one of the principall the administration and gouernment of the kingdome appertained rather then vnto Iohn There being then assembled at the Dyet held at Alberegalis all the great Lords of Hungarie whither was brought the dead bodie of the vnfortunat Lewis which a little before was drawne out of the Marish at Mugach to be there enterred with royall pompe and intombed in the Sepulcher of his auncestors and where after such magnificall and sumptuous funeralls were selebrated accustomably done for so great a King there was incontinently published the foresayd Dyet and the Councell of the Souldiours which in their language is commonly named Rhakos was called thither by the authoritie and disposition whereof the King ought to be chosen In this assemblie Iohn the Vayuode not finding any Competitour with the generall consent and good liking of euery one was chosen King and crowned with the auncient crowne of golde which then was in the coustodie of Peter Peren by Paul Archbishop of Strigonium and by Stephen Broderic Bishop of Vacchy who afterward was chosen Chauncellor of Hungarie and by these two he was annoynted After that the feasts and triumphs accustomed to be done at such Coronations were consummated King Iohn made Iohn Emeric Cibacchy Bishop of Varadin and Vayuode of Transiluania disposing afterward among gentlemen of other degree according to their qualities martiall preferments and in like sort with great discretion and indifferencie in generall towards the people and especially towards those who were at his Coronation and who were the principall cause and meanes for him to aspire vnto that puissant dignitie of such a kingdome Of the number of those were Stephen Verbetz Nicholas Glesse Gregorie Peschen Paul Artand and all the Colonels Captaines of souldiours and men of warre who were come out of Transiluania and many other Whilest he was intentiue to confirme and strengthen his forces in this his new inuestiture of the kingdome by all good and vigilant meanes Ferdinand who not long since as heire of Ladislas who by the deceit of George Pogghy Bracchy aspiring to such a Seigniorie was vpon the day of his mariage poysoned setting before him his reasons notwithstanding the ancient strife which had been betweene Mathias Coruin and the Emperour Frederick his great grandfather was chosen King of Bohemia and perceiuing himselfe to waxe great and more puissant and mightie by the forces which he was able to leauie from that kingdome began now to thinke vpon the conquest of Hungarie which appertained to him by the right of Prince Albert of Austria and of Anne his wife sister to the late King Lewis wanting not thereto the ayde of many great Hungarian personages who being alreadie pricked with new alterations and extreame greedines of nouelties and besides for the secret enuie they bore to King Iohn were retired to Ferdinand instantly inciting him to make warre vpon Iohn assuring him also that he was created King more tumultuarily then legitimately by the common people being deceiued therein by his craft and subtiltie there being besides Battor many other within the Realme more noblie borne then he vnto whom in right it also appertained to be King as well as to Iohn and namely those were Balthasar Pamphille Iaspar Sered Paul Bacchit Ference Guena Valentine Turky Stephen Maillat and Iohn Salle besides many other whom they named not At the vehement perswasion of those Ferdinand who of himselfe was willingly inclined therevnto gathering together a great armie as well foote as men of armes of Bohemia Austria Germanie and other places drew himselfe directly towards Buda Vpon his arriuall Iohn finding himselfe enuironed with extreame lacke of all necessaries was greatly troubled wanting sufficient forces to resist the mightines of his enemie and seeing all things in a feeble and weake estate for his succour and aide by reason of the lightnes of that nation who naturally are inclined to suspition and hauing no leisure nor time for want of money to leauie any souldiours determined with himselfe not to attend his enemie at Buda but to transport himselfe with all his people to Pesthe and there as the shortnes of the time serued exhorted and desired his Captaines not to forsake him during these turbulent broyles in the midst whereof they saw himselfe deeply plunged and thus in great haste they flying passed the riuer of Thyssa anciently called Tibiscus and lodged in a Castle named Thoccay situate almost vpon the riuers side in a large and spacious plaine The newes of this retraict being posted to Ferdinand incontinently he caused his armie to enter and possesse the towne of Buda who without the losse of any one man was master thereof He stayed not there long but the Councell assembled together to know whether they should follow King Iohn or no. Among the diuersitie of opinions it was thought best that at all aduentures they should pursue him before he migth bee able to encrease his forces and to admit him no time to repose himselfe in any one place nor to expect for any ayde out of any place and to performe that euen now while he was disfurnished of men and counsell and in a manner put to flight According to which resolution Ferdinand gaue leaue to his people to follow King Iohn as farre as they thought it conuenient whereupon they presently set forward on their iourney and with great trauaile without any delay arriued at the riuer of Thyssa which they passed with boates that they brought with them vpon wagons and they in camped by King Iohn before he was aware who for the little or no inckling he had of them neuer dreamt of so sudden a thing Being astonished at so present an arriuall he began now to conferre with his people what course was best to be taken They answered that they would fight and that he should withdraw himselfe from the danger thereof that if it should fall out ill he might haue sufficient time to saue himselfe and on the contrarie if it should alter and fall out well hee might with his presence ayde and succour them the better and so by that meanes he should in euery case finde himselfe safe and in good securitie At that time among all his Commanders he had one whose name was Ference Bode a man of great reputation and well esteemed to whom for his vertue fidelitie and experience King Iohn had committed his Standard royall and the Lieutenantship Generall ouer his armie He foreseeing the miserable successe which might happen of this warre did deliberate and resolue with himselfe to dye rather then to flye or forsake his King by a cowardly and dishonest flight And among many opinions and aduises which
and he in the meane time returned to Fogar The appointed day being come the Moldauian caused a sumptuous banquet to bee prepared and commanded those who should be present that at the sitting downe at the table they should propound certaine pleasant and facetious speeches and that from them they should proceede to outragious words and after that to armes and that vpon this tumult they should seize vpon Maillat and take him prisoner Which from point to point was fully performed as had been before determined of For Maillat being come to the Tent of the Moldauian was by him entertained with great mirth and cheerefully And dinner time being come he placed him at the table with all the other inuited who after they had exhilerated themselues with pleasant discourses performed that so well which they had in charge as taking armes in hand they would needes offer violence to Maillat who in such an act minding to crie out treason and to defend himselfe being a very strong and stout man and to accuse the Moldauian of that infamous deede he was presently seized vpon and bound and spoyled of the richest things he brought with him he exclaiming that he had thus vilanously and vnder pretence of friendship so treacherously deceiued him Achomet came in who faining bitterly to reprehend the Moldauian for such a dishonourable act aduised him not to violate that faith for confirmation whereof pledges had been giuen and that he should not be an occasion of the death of those Captaines which were sent to Fogar To whom in manner of disdaine the Moldauian made answere that he caused him to bee apprehended for certaine iniuries which he had receiued of him and that he would keepe him aliue and send him to Solyman who afterwards should iudge whether hee were iustly taken or no. This being done the Castle of Fogar after the pledges were set at libertie by the treason and wickednes of those who commaunded it in the absence of Maillat was within a while after yeelded to the Turkes although some say that it was for the deliuerie of Maillat and those of his traine By this meanes Maillat and as we shall hereafter speake of Valentine also who were the two principallest of the Hungars and who alone were remaining of the ancient Huns vnfortunately happened at one time vnder the tyrannie of their enemies who caused them to dye in prison at Constantinople and not being able otherwise to vanquish them by armes they were in the end subdued by the deceit and treacherie of Peter the Moldauian Mustafa and Achomet hauing the possession of Fogar and not seeing any who opposed themselues against them caused all the Transiluanians to sweare fealtie to Stephen the sonne of King Iohn vnder whose gouernment euery one liued peaceably hauing been before that thirtie yeeres in subiection to his father vnto whom they were very affectionate and faithfull subiects These things being thus pacified in Transiluania the two Mahomets tooke their way towards Solyman who trauailing in great hast receiued newes of the victorie which the two Mahomets obtained at Buda which was the cause that afterward he marched more slowly and performed his iourney at his owne ease and with great pleasure In the end at the beginning of August Anno 1531. he arriued within two miles and a halfe of Buda where he lodged his Campe being come not so much to restore the Queene and her sonne to their first estate and tranquillitie as to euery one hee bruited abroade as to reduce this towne vnder his tiranny and to settle himselfe there without any great expence knowing the commoditie and succours that he might receiue thereby in his warres which he hoped to commence against Ferdinand The Armies of the two victorious Mahomets being ioyned to his Campe he did highly commend them and also Mustafa and Achomet because without effusion of blood they had with such good expedition brought the affaires of Transiluania to so wished an end and after that they presented to him Maillat as a prisoner who within a while after was sent to Constantinople with Valentine Turkey Afterwards there were brought before him and before the Sangiacs and Bashaes all the other prisoners who were taken at the ouerthrow of Roccandolph and were bound with long cordes foure and foure together being about 800. amongst whom were certaine Captaines of marke namely Baltasar Pocan Taisch Bursicchy a Bohemian and others whose liues were saued at the instance of the Queene and all the rest as those who contemning the peace and friendship which by his Ambassadours he offered vnto them were by him condemned to die which presently was performed by the Ianisaries in such sort that in an instant they were beheaded which certainly was a miserable spectacle This being done Solyman sent three fayre horses to King Iohns sonne furnished with golden harnesse pearles pretious stones and rich plumes apparell and cloath of gold He also sent to other Hungarish Lords and the chiefe men of his Court certaine fayre long gownes after the Turkish manner and chaines of gold His Ambassadours being admitted to the Queenes presence presented in the name of their Lord and Master to euery one the presents which they brought and courteously intreated the Queene to send her son with the chiefest of her Court to Solyman who greatly desired to see him and that she would not distrust any thing assuring her that all should fortunately succeede to her owne content this being his vsuall manner not only to maintaine and increase the kingdomes and estates of his friends but also to defend and preserue them and that for that cause hee desired to know and imbrace his sonne who had been so great a friend vnto him and in token of perpetuall amitie to be acquainted with him and in respect of her that he bare no lesse regard and honour vnto her then if she were his owne daughter or childe and that he would willingly haue come to visite her if it were not forbidden him by his law and that also to preserue her honour and to auoyde all suspition he would by no meanes that she should come and visite him in his Pauilion contenting himselfe to haue the child sent him with his Nurse Solyman made this request to the end that he might with more ease get possession of the towne of Buda as within a while after by a certaine deceit he did and also to see if this childe were a sonne or daughter for that it was bruited to bee a daughter and the rather so suspected because the Queene would not suffer any to see it and therefore she had it priuately nursed and to know the certaintie thereof he was desirous that she should send the child to him The Queene being greatly troubled by such a demaund would willingly haue made a resolute answer to the contrarie that she would doe nothing therein but presently Frier George interrupted her and praied her that for the auoyding of
she and her sonne should presently depart the Castle and that she should retyre to Lippa which is beyond Tibiscus to gouerne the kingdome of Transiluania where she might liue in better securitie and content then at Buda and where she should be a neighbour to the kingdome of Sigismond King of Polonia her father and there they should remaine vntill her sonne should come to age and be able to gouerne and rule that kingdome of which he offered himselfe to bee an ouerseer and protector promising to make restitution thereof vnto him at that time alleadging for his excuse that it imported her sonne no lesse to haue sufficient and carefull ouerseers to gouerne Hungarie then of other persons able to defend and preserue it for him Whereupon he nominated Peter Vicchy to be Gouernour of the County of Themesuar of the neighbour countries bordering thereon and willed that Stephen Verbetz a man in yeeres wise and prouident should remaine at Buda to execute Iustice and to haue respect to the Hungars And to encourage her the more to depart and beginne her iourney with best conuenience hee offered her waggons and horse as many as should bee sufficient to carrie her baggage and other moueables and besides he appointed her a sufficient conuoy of Caualarie and Ianisaries to accompanie her vnto Tibiscus he hauing notwithstanding those his fained promises another secret intention in himselfe that within a while he would make himselfe absolute Lord not only of Transiluania but also of all Hungarie which was on the other side of Danubius towards Vienna not being able at that time to prosecute so difficult a matter in respect of many occasions impediments which did then greatly hinder him from it Afterwards he named King Stephen his Vayuode and confirmed the Queene to bee his gouernesse raigning in Transiluania and made Frier George her coadiutor Treasurer following therein the last will of King Iohn bequeathed to him by his Testament of which he said he was and would be an executor The Queene hauing vnderstood this cruell and vnlooked for commaund and bathing her face with teares did extreamely blame and grieuously crie out against the naturall impietie of so damnable and faithles a Lord who against his vowed faith depriued her both of her kingdome and of all that which she held most deere but seeing no remedie she patiently yeelded to fortune her enemie and left the Fortresse out of the which the Turkes would not suffer her to take any Artillerie nor munition but onely her moueables and tooke her iourney out of the towne of Buda with such prouision of waggons and horse as Solyman would appoint her Vpon her departure the Turke presently set at libertie all those Lords which he kept prisoners except Valantine Turky who as hath been said was sent prisoner with Maillat to Constantinople where within a while after they both dyed The other although they were greatly offended to see themselues so fraudulently depriued of their lands and goods yet were they exceeding ioyous seeing themselues free and secure of their liues whereof they stood in great dread They being thus at libertie they presently went to the Queene who together with them and the Frier and certaine other of her household tooke their way towards Transiluania being often constrained for want of horses to draw her Coach with oxen which she notwithstanding endured with an inuincible and noble courage alreadie very well perceiuing that her affayres were in a manner declining and besides seeing her selfe according to womans nature to bee a weake and tender woman not able to resist so sad and heauie blowes which fortune began alreadie to torment her with But being now fully resolued to make small account of al misfortunes that might betide her took notwithstanding alwaies good heede during these aduersities to preserue her authoritie and royall gouernment in such decent and discreete manner that during her life she was greatly honoured therefore as her dignitie well merited In the meane time while the Queene with these complaintes and griefes drew neere Transiluania Ferdinand hauing receiued vnder the conduct of Roccandolph this bloudie ouerthrow and wonderfull losse of people Artillerie Munition and speciall townes of importance distrusting the Turk would amasse together all his Armie before Vienna presently dispatched Leonard Velsh to the I le of Comar after the death of Roccandolph to reallie the remnant of his Armie and with all speed to conduct them to Vienna and to fortifie the said I le with the best defence he could And seeing on the other side his brother the Emperour Charles so busied in the affaires of Germanie that he could not then send him any succours did deliberate with himselfe by Ambassages to require peace and to proue how Solyman was affected towards him To this end he sent an Ambassage by Nicholas Salm and Sigismond Litestan with rich and excellent presents to him among which was a cup of golde beautified and enriched with pretious stones of great valew furnished with a couer vpon the which was a diall that did not onely containe in it the course of the howers Moone and Sunne but also of all the other Starres and Planets It was a worke made with such excellent and marueilous art that it seemed a miracle of nature to them who could seriously contemplate of the rarenes thereof and it came by succession from the Emperour Maximilian These Ambassadours arriuing at the Turkes Campe first presented themselues to Rostan Basha and afterward to Basha Casson who lodged them in honorable tents and the day following they dined with the Bashaes at their owne table The feast being ended they tooke from them their weapons and also their kniues according to their custome and were by the Bashaes euery one of them betweene two Bashaes that lead them arme in arme presented before Solyman whose hand they kissed and after offered him their presents which greatly pleased him and especially the vessell of golde that bore this admirable dial which he so curiously beheld that he could not therewith sufficiently satisfie his greedie sight so often did he view reuiew it both within and without by meanes of him who vsually kept it who purposely came with the Ambassadours curiously demonstrating vnto Solyman the exquisitnes thereof and caused him to see the excellent workemanship that was with in it and how wonderfull the worke was Solyman after hee had sufficiently perused this rare iewell gaue audience to Nicholas and Sigismond They demaunded that he would giue to Ferdinand together with Buda the kingdome of Hungarie with the same charges and conditions vpon which before he had agreed with Iohn promising that the Emperour his brother for his greater suretie should send Ambassadours to be comprised in the same peace and that he would yeeld to the conditions that should be mentioned therein whereby he might more liberally and without suspition by force of armes enlarge the limits
of his Empire towards the East And the rather to perswade him vnto it they declared to him how Iohn acknowledging to possesse that kingdome vniustly had in the time of his life of his owne accord compacted with their Master that after his death it should be rendered to him allotting to his sonne such a reuenew as should be conuenient to maintaine his estate he knowing himselfe to be chosen King rather by the fauour of fortune then by his owne demerits Therefore they besought Solyman to accept into that kingdome rather their Master for his friend and Vassall then for his neighbour and enemie considering he was alreadie created King of Bohemia and elected by the Germanes King of the Romanes and that he was by the Hungers themselues rather desired to be their King then any other Solyman hauing well vnderstood their demaunds and greatly commending their presents aunswered them that within three dayes they shuld know further of his pleasure When two dayes were expired he caused Rostan Basha to impart vnto them his whole intention who tolde them that Ferdinand should render all the townes which had been in the possession of King Lewis which he did enioy and that he should vtterly renounce the kingdom of Hungarie and that Solyman for the iniuries which he had receiued of him by reason whereof he was often forced to take armes was content notwithstanding to pardon him with a light penaltie to wit in paying tribute for the Countrie of Austria for the time to come Vpon such conditions Rostan said that Solyman was content to entertaine peace and friendship with their Master or else if he would not accept thereof that then he would not cease to make continuall warre vpon him and would presently send to destroy and wholly to ruinate all the Countrie of Austria The Ambassadours seeing they could not obtaine any thing worthie their comming and that all these their proceedings would dissolue into winde demaunded respite to answer this so vnworthie answer so farre out of peaceable tearmes and withall to send vnto Ferdinand which was not granted to them They thought verely that the Turkes in denying all that they demaunded would easily notwithstanding entertaine truce considering that the winter approached and that to auoyde the inconuenience thereof he should bee forced to take his iourney towards Constantinople But these Ambassadours made shew as though they vnderstoode it not and in stead of propounding other matters they tooke occasion to demaund Balthasar Taish who was taken at the ouerthrow of Roccandolph and put in chaines among other slaues Rostan answered them that he should be restored without any ransome when the premised conditions of peace should be entertained or if warre happened that then occasion would bee offered to exchange him for some of their owne Thus they being excluded from all agreement and depriued of all hope of concluding peace they in this sort returned to Ferdinand Whilest those were in their way to Vienna Solyman after he had fortified all the frontiers dislodged from Buda with his armie taking the way towards Constandinople leauing within the towne of Buda a strong garrison vnder the commaund of a Hungar named Solyman who was turned Turke and who for martiall affayres should defend and gouerne the towne appointing besides for the executing of iustice willing thereby to gratifie the Budians Stephen Verbetz whom they all knew to bee a man of sincere life As these affayres were dispatched at Buda by Solyman the Queene trauailed continually vntill she approached neere vnto Transiluania when she was aduertised by all the principall of the kingdome that they would not suffer her to enter thereinto least by the like deceit it should happen to them as it fortuned to those of Buda whereupon she was constrained after so long a iourney to repose her selfe at Lippa where being arriued with her sonne she presently sent to seeke Frier George that by the friendship and fauour of certaine of the chiefest who were specially affected to his part and many other of his friends she might by their good liking enter peaceably into the kingdome George by the helpe of his friends effected so much that the Transiluanians were content to receiue her as their Queene and vse obedience to her sonne with no lesse dutie then if he had been Iohn his father allowing him as their King his mother as his gouernesse Besides the Frier managed the affayres so well that he was againe elected and confirmed by the countrie great Treasure and generall gouernour of that prouince and within a while he returned to the Queene who presently after his arriuall ceased not to iourney vntill she came to Transiluania leauing to Peter Vicchy the gouernment of the Countie of Lippa and Themesuar in respect of the confidence she reposed in him to the end that he receiuing so large a commaund of her she might haue more confidence that he would hold and defend it in her sonnes name and to his vse But this gouernment did together with the time so puffe vp his heart with pride that he durst aduenture to possesse those places as his owne inheritance and not as things moueable or depending vpon the Crowne of that kingdome and yet notwithstanding he did not this but by some secret consent of the Queene She being arriued in this countrie began now to take the rule and administration of the kingdome in such manner that she had onely but the name and title thereof all the puissance and authoritie being in the hands of the Frier who vnder the colour of his estate of Treasurership receiued into his custodie all the reuenewes of the kingdome and so little did he distribute and allow to the Queene that much adoe she had wherewithall to suffice her owne wants And hee determining to rule all things ayded himselfe by all the suttlest meanes which he thought could any way profit him to commaund ouer the mightiest of the kingdome endeuouring himselfe in the beginning by infinit curtesies to draw all the gentlemen to his part and make his faction great who after hee had wonne and intised them to his dispose then vsed them like slaues and if it happened that they at any time complained thereof presently he excused and cleered himselfe saying that it was not needfull to vse such curtesies and ceremonies with those who were his familiar and kinde friends but rather to such who were not in any sort bound to him by so strict and faithfull a league And if he had notice of any one who would not be allured and wonne to his faction but rather was enclined to the seruice of the Queene he straight pursued them with all violence euen vnto death All this behauiour of the Friers was well knowne to the Queene in regard whereof she deeply maliced him and although she could hardly support the griefe and discontent of such a burdensome yoke yet neuerthelesse she endured all his arrogancie and peremptorie behauiour with incomparable patience
still hoping that time according to custome would remedie all all Empires estates riches honours pouerties glories triumphs and all prosperous and aduerse things being subiect continually to inconstant alteration and there being nothing vnder the concauitie and cope of heauen which continueth long in one and the same estate but is forced within a short time to chaunge the forme habit and colour and which sheweth not the instabilitie of humane actions to bee conformable to the naturall chaunge of her course The end of the second Booke THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF HVNGARIE THE ARGVMENT OF THE THIRD BOOKE THe Queene complaineth to Solyman of George he seeketh the fauour and ayde of Ferdinand of which the Queene hauing notice aduertiseth Solyman thereof whose puissance George fearing he retireth and fortifieth himselfe in Sassebasse and the Queene leauieth forces against him Solyman sendeth a Chiauss into Transiluania in fauour of the Queene the Transiluanians forsake her and incline to George who accordeth with the Queene for feare of the Turkes power marching towards him against whom George taketh armes and forceth them to retire and he still vseth the Queene after his accustomed manner she incenseth the Transiluanians against him whereupon he vniteth himselfe to Ferdinand who maketh Iohn Baptista Castalde his Lieutenant and sendeth him into Hungarie The Queene publisheth a Diet and George interrupteth and dissolueth it Castalde besiegeth the Castle of Dalmas which is yeelded to him The Queene accordeth with George and Albe-iula is yeelded to him Many suspitions passeth betweene Castalde and Frier George and the Queene yeeldeth her selfe to Ferdinand but George seeketh to frustrate that agreement who in the end is made Vayuode of Transiluania and created Cardinall The Queene resigneth all the royall ornaments to Castalde with the Crowne which are sent to Ferdinand vnto whom the Hungars sweare homage The Queene departeth out of Hungarie and George seeketh againe the fauour of the Turkes who lye in waite for the Queene trauailing to Cassouia QVeene Izabella seeing the affayres betweene her selfe and Frier George succeede from worse to worse and also diligently obseruing his bad and euil demeanour which was more then her patience could digest or tolerate and that notwithstanding shee knew not any meanes how to withdraw him from his obstinate wilfull course being highly offended therewith had no other recourse or helpe of redresse but writ to the Turke greatly complaining her selfe of the bad entreatie which he vsed towards her desiring him that since he was content to appoint and leaue her in possession of that kingdome that in like sort he would vouchsafe to assist and ayde her out of such a miserable subiection wherein she was now fallen into specially in suffering the cruell tyrannie of the Frier which was more burdensome to her then the iniurie of her professed enemies and if it were not speedily preuented it might in time bee the cause of some sinister and ominous fortune wherefore wholly relying vpon his fauour and clemencie she effectually prayed him to relieue her against so great a calamitie whereby she might quietly enioy the same peace which many times he had promised her with a faithfull and sincere affection Solyman vnderstanding these complaints made no other shew at that time for the redresse of them but onely writ to the Frier that he should vse the Queene as was fitting and answerable to her calling and that so much the rather for that she was recommended to him and if he did to the contrarie he would teach him how to behaue himself yea it might be he would make him an exāple to others to take better heede for the like presumption These letters in stead of causing him to alter his peremptorie behauiour towards her confirmed him the rather in a more malicious and obstinate will then before He now notwithstanding seeing all his actions were discouered to the Turke and that it was behoofull for him to liue more neere and priuate to himselfe determined perceuering still in his peremptorie resolution to vse the Queene after his accustomed manner to assist himselfe by the fauour of Ferdinand who was alreadie crowned King of the Romanes with an intention to be able by his meanes at euery assay that might be offered to resist and onely defend himselfe against the Turke and the rather being induced thereunto through a continuall vexation which he receiued of Solyman demaunding of him oftentimes besides the yeerely tribute which was payd him sometimes victuall sometime munition and other extraordinarie subsidies which were infinit by reason whereof not being able to satisfie his greedy ambitious minde the treasure was in the end spent and consumed in so much that there remained little or nothing thereof so that he to content his barbarous appetites was constrained to impose vpon the kingdome new taxes and tributes whereby he procured the dislike and hate of euery one In this time was Counte Nicholas Salm Lieutenant generall for Ferdinand in Hungarie who as hath been said was sent vpon an Ambassage to Solyman to treate of a peace with him Long before Frier George desired conference with him in the Castle of Tocchay where King Iohn as wee haue said in the first booke was ouerthrowne by Ferdinands Lieutenant where by the meanes of a riuer Hungarie doth diuide it selfe from Transiluania But there neuer falling out any oportunitie to see one another one day as they both desired it happened they nothing thinking therof but either of them minding to goe some other way that they met in the middest of a way comming from Hungarie to that place the Frier continually soliciting the Counte that he might come to him and speake with him for the Kings seruice and hauing instantly vrged him thereto the Counte would neuer seeme to hearken thereunto as not reposing much trust in him knowing that he was mutable inconstant and a friend not much to bee trusted Notwithstanding setting at that time before his eyes the great and often solicitation which he daily vsed to cause him to come to parley and seeing himselfe well accompanied with sufficient bands of footmen and troupes of Caualarie refused not to hearken to the Frier whereupon he went to lie at Tocchay with George who all the whole night continued together in priuate with long conference concerning his purpose saying that hee had notice that Peter Vicchy Gouernour of Lippa and Themesuar had intelligence with the Turke and vnder colour to giue vp these countries into which he had inuested himselfe as if it had been into his owne inheritance vnder the Crowne of King Iohns sonne and to comfort and ayde the Queene the more he would wholly take away the care administration of the kingdom from him and reduce it into extreame calamitie and transferre it as already he saw some likelihood thereof vnder the gouernment of the Turke which did not much displease him for his owne particular as for the great damage which all Christendome should receiue
thereby this being manifest that Transiluania is the Port that giueth large enterance to annoy it which being vnder the hands of so puissant an enemie Ferdinand might then with griefe easily discerne what preparation and meane this would bee to enter into his countrie of Austria and Germanie which he could by no meanes hinder considering the weakenes of his forces and his brother the Emperour Charles greatly incombred by the dissentions of Germanie in regard whereof he could by no meanes send such succour as was needfull for him and that for his part he saw him alreadie to be old and sickly and without meanes to defend this countrie against the mightie puissance of such an enemy who not onely by force but also by deceit and subtiltie would not cease vntill he had reduced it vnder his gouernment And that vpon this occasion before he would see such an indignitie and receiue so great a losse and especially not being able by reason of the great bonds wherein he was obliged to King Iohn to doe otherwise then procure that this kingdome might remaine free and peaceable to his sonne Stephen hee had aduised and determined with himselfe to haue recourse to the maiestie and princely regalitie of Ferdinand desiring his helpe to frustrate dissolue such enterprises importuning the Counte to recite amply this waightie matter to him praying him hee would not faile to fauour a deede so holy and iust the issue whereof would not onely bee profitable to the seruice of God and to the good of all Christendome but also a speciall profit and commoditie to his Maiestie in whose royall fauour he offered to doe him all possible seruice to the end that that which hee alreadie had negotiated with the Queene might take effect to wit in perswading her to relinquish that State according to that which King Iohn had by his last will and Testament decreed excusing and acquiting himselfe by such like offers of al dislikes which before had passed promising to doe him faithfull seruice in time to come and to obserue and entertaine inuiolably whatsoeuer it would please his Maiestie to commaund him Counte Salms made him answer that he would very willingly vndertake to aduertise Ferdinand of all which had passed betweene them two And to animate and confirme him the more in this his good purpose he promised him to performe it both by word and deede assuring him that Ferdinand would not faile but condiscend to all that which he had demaunded neuerthelesse with this condition that he should still perseuer in his faith and promise and effectually obserue all which he had promised him With this conclusion they both departed the Frier taking his iourney towards Transiluania and the Counte towards Vienna to impart vnto Ferdinand the whole discourse which had passed betweene them This conference was not so priuate but the Queene had present notice thereof and well knowing that the Frier sounded all the meanes to doe her the greatest mischiefe and spite he could she vnderstood that he secretly practised to accomplish fully his thoughts and put her to all trauaile and paine which hee thought good and meete to chase her out of her kingdome she well knowing that for this end and not to doe him seruice nor for any other occasion then that which he falsely and wickedly pretended practised to ioyne with Ferdinand and take part with him and knowing her selfe to be a Queene of weake force and a woman without the ayde of any Christian Prince and euen of Ferdinand himselfe by the friendship and fauour of whom she hoped to preuaile in her necessities being depriued therof by the subtilties and crafts of the Frier she was constrained that she might not behold a man to whom she wished so much ill to triumph ouer her and her sonne rather to serue her present neede with the promise and offer of the Turke esteeming it better for her to endure all that which should happen to her by the violence of this great disaster then the euill although it would proue but little which might betide her by the Friers wicked policies and practises Vpon this resolution she presently dispatched Iohn Solanze a man of good esteeme and greatly renowned in those countries and who was very much deuoted to her to goe to Constantinople and acquaint Solyman with the practises that Frier George wrought against her He trauailing with good expedition arriued in short time before the Turke to whom he imparted all the effect of his Ambassage Solyman who by his owne people had beene alreadie aduertised of all the affayres which were done in Transiluania and namely of the Friers proceedings was at this new information prouoked and incensed the more and sent presently one of his Chiauses to the Basha of Buda with expresse commaund that he should either take the Frier aliue or dead he also writing to the Transiluanians that they should fauour and assist his Chiauss in all things which he might neede from them and charged him that if he did see that they could not execute that which he would that then he should shew them other Letters Patents by which he depriued the Frier of all his degree dignitie and state and commanded them all no longer to obey him but to oppose themselues against him and according to the manner of that countrie that they should endeuour to kill him as a traytor and theefe and if any refused to execute this commaund he should threaten them all with death and ruinate and quite subuert the whole countrie He writ in like sort to the Vayuodes of Moldauia and Transalpina and to the Basha of Buda that as often as the Queene required them they should presently take armes and ayde her against the Frier with the greatest force they could The Chiauss was scarcely departed from Constantinople and these commaunds dispatched by Solyman but Frier George had presently secret and particular notice thereof by many his friends Vpon which occasion being well aduised he retired himselfe from the Queenes Court to a towne of good strength called Sassebesse which he presently caused to be well victualled and fortified putting therein a good strong garrison clensing and deepning the ditches heightning the rampiers repayring the wals where they were decayed and furnishing it with Artillerie sufficiently to sustaine the brunt of a siege in the meane while he forgot not by the best meanes that he could deuise and particularly by good words to cleere himselfe to the Turke During this time whilest hee was carefull with expedition to effect this matter yet neuerthelesse as being very vigilant he omitted not to practise on the other side what was fitting for him that he might not be surprised Therefore he called together all his friends and especially the Sicilians who are the warlikest people in that kingdome and from amongst them he tooke into his pay 4000. first causing them to sweare that they should bee faithfull to him By these and others he so encreased
among themselues before their retraict to enter into Transiluania The Queene imagining nothing lesse then of the euill which might ensue of their proceeding forward and fearing that it would happen to her during the peace which had not chanced to her during the time of warre to wit to bee absolutely depriued of her kingdome sent with all expedition to the Frier to informe him that he should vse some present meanes to preuent this inconuenience and to endeuour himselfe with all expedition that these forces might returne into their countries and that she might not neede to send them any presents whereby they would the willinger retire The Frier little respecting her request did not greatly busie himselfe about it but answered coldly that they should cause them to returne who were the cause of their comming and as for presents he was not accustomed to send any to the Turkes but onely to Christians And although he made so seuere and obstinate an answere to the Queene to vexe her the more shewing his peruerse nature yet neuerthelesse did he not omit although it was in vaine to attempt that which the Queene had commaunded him But neither the Basha nor the Vayuodes made no great account of his words nor gifts but still came marching on desirous with their armies to enuiron and subdue the kingdome Vpon such obstinacie of theirs Frier George seeing it was not behoouefull for him to omit any time presently leauied his people at Torde and Egneth which are two great townes of Transiluania and instantly thervpon gaue commaund to all the prouinces of the countrie that euery one should betake himselfe to armes for the common good and defence of the countrie for that the Basha of Buda the Moldauian the Transalpinian would euery one enter vpon that side next adioynant to him and spoile and ruinate the countrie He so diligently applied this busines that within few daies he had gathered together 50000. men with whō he went to Sassebesse that from thence he might march against the Basha of Buda of whom by reason he was a good souldiour and experimented in the warre although he had fewer men he had more dread then of both the other who were not reputed to be so expert souldiours This Basha arriued with his Campe almost at Deua a Castle of good strength situated vpon the riuer of Marosse which is one of the principallest riuers of that countrie When the Frier dislodging from Sassebesse began to march against him he dispatched vpon the way Iohn Chendy a man of good regarde and of a noble house among the Hungars with a good troupe of horse and foote against the Transalpinian to defend and stop the passages whereby he must of necessitie passe if hee would enter into Transiluania and also to hinder him that he should not ioyne with the Basha Chendy diligently proceeding on his iourney and gathering together of the next townes besides the number which he brought with him almost 4000. men arriued priuately with them hard adioyning to the enemie where they were as they thought securely incamped without any feare and being assured by certaine Spies what forme and order they held he appointed his companies to bee stretched forth at large and so gallant was the shew that they appeared to bee infinit and about day breaking he began to assaile the Transalpinians with great noyse of Trumpets and Drummes that with the number of men whereof they were greatly afeard and the long troupes of their enemies which descended from certaine hils ranging themselues in battaile they seemed thrice as great as they were they verely thinking the Frier had been there in person with his whole armie whereupon their hearts presently fainted and they by no meanes would attend the issue of the battaile but disbanding themselues they began to flye and with such disorder that Chendies souldiours taking courage and following the victorie pursued them so nigh that in this confusion of slight they killed more then 5000. and tooke as many prisoners bringing with them from their chase 3000. horse and many Ensignes By this victorie Chendy so terrified the Transalpinian that flying from this ouerthrow through the cowardlines of his people he drust not in a lōg time after take armes against the Transiluanians The enemie being thus chased on this side the countrie he incontinently returned backe to Frier George inriched with many prisoners and so great spoyle as it was a woonder to see The Frier after he had dispatched Chendy against the Transalpinian at the same instant commaunded the Sicilians with all expedition they should repayre to defend their most important townes which they thought the Moldauian would assaile that they should fortifie the passages which naturally by the fauour of the steepy mountaines were very inaccessible and such that they might well defend with few men The Sicilians who naturally are ancient enemies to the Saxons being continually catching the one from the other seeing they must passe by Sassebesse a principall towne of the said Saxons and from thence with violence to proceede through their countrie leauing that honest regard which they ought to haue had for the defence of their countrie they proceeded on to a reuenge in such sort that as soone as they arriued at Robet they began to ransacke all the houses which belonged to the Saxons burning and ruinating the townes they passed by insomuch that they did not a little waste and endamage that people carrying with them all the bootie which they got Whilest they were thus occupied in such enormious cruelties they gaue leisure to the Moldauian to enter into their countrie and without any impediment to ruinate and pill their townes and in destroying and burning all their villages to turne all topsie turuie which thing to say trueth was iustly permitted of God to the end that in reason they might endure from their enemies the same calamities and miseries which so vniustly they had caused those to suffer who in consideration of common safetie ought then at the least to haue been reputed their friends Whilest the Sicilians and Moldauians practised these cruell exploites Frier George with tedious iourneys aduanced his Campe against the Basha of Buda hauing sent before Thomas Varcocce into the County of Varadine to gather what force he could as well Infantrie as horse with intent that if the Basha would perhaps attempt to passe the riuer of Marosse being receiued at the halfe passage he should assaile and fight with him before and behinde or else that hee should bee forced to retire halfe broken and ouerthrowne But the Basha also distrusting the same and being aduertised that the Frier came in person to fight with him and fearing that if he proceeded any further he imagined he might be as he well considered thereof surprised in the middest and charged in the rereward by the companies that were vnder the conduct of Varcocce assuring himsefe that he was deceiued by the Queene whereupon
by the Saxons who euer since the time that Charlemaine ouerthrew them by meane of that great battaile which hee obtained against them nigh the mountaine of Ouege haue alwaies remained there For Charlemaine defeating them caused a good number of them to be led into Gaule and forced the other who would not obserue and obey the lawes which he would haue established to goe seeke some other habitations Of these a great part entered into Transiluania to conquer it and making themselues masters thereof by force of armes they there set vp their abode and built seuen townes or Castles whereof for a long time that Prouince tooke the name which continueth vntil this day and in respect whereof it is called in their language Sibemburgen These liue after the Germane manner and obserue their customes speaking the ancient Saxon language they are affable people and of great trueth and fidelitie They are not alwaies in league with the Hungarians neither will they suffer them to build in their townes Their mountaines are inhabited by the Walachians to whom the Saxons who are of the greatest authoritie and rule in that kingdome would not permit them to build any of their houses with chalke and stones nor haue nor possesse much about them And therefore they dwelt in little houses and cottages which they made themselues without any Mason or Carpenter and are but thatched with straw and rushes They labour not nor till the fields in hope of any gaine but onely to gather together so much as is necessarie to nourish and sustaine their familie and the Slaues which they get This kingdome greatly aboundeth in corne wine flesh venison and all manner of fruites and breedeth very many strong and goodly horses There is found in many of those mountaines mynes of gold siluer iron and salt is fetched from thence in so great abundance that most part of Hungarie and Polonia are serued therewith which is an exceeding rich commoditie and bringeth great profit to the King These mynes are not farre from Isembergh Clausemburgh and Saltzburgh Victuals are there sold ordinarily at so cheape a rate that it is a thing incredible The Marchants of this Prouince during the peace and truce might trafficke with their marchandise through all the Turkes dominions and continually haue entercourse with Germanie Hungarie Pololonia and Italie The ayre is many times intemperate by the extreame cold and excessiue heate which often is felt there the cold though neuerthelesse it bee terrible and sharpe yet it dureth not long and happeneth not but at certaine times which being past the heate preuaileth more then the cold All the countrie is vneuen or hillie and the greatest part is like to Tuscane or hillie Spayne and is full of great forrests which yeelde store of wood as well to build as for other priuate commodities There be two great riuers which be nauigable the one runneth through the middest of the kingdome and is called Marosse which springeth from the mountaines of Moldauia towards the North and runneth from one side to another of that countrie vntill it entereth into Tibiscus neere the frontier townes of Lippa and Themesuar which are two strong holds and so named for that they are situated beyond the mountaines towards the West The other is named Alto and at this day the inhabitants call it Cheres which springeth at the foote of Mount Carpatus about the place where it ioyneth with the other hils of Moldauia There is also other small riuers wherein are found amongst the grauell many graines of gold of great value and price Towards the South dwelleth certaine people named Rhatians which were relikes of the ancient Rascians who remaine vntill this day since the time they were chased foorth of their natiue countrie of Macedonia by Lysimachus They are to bee hired of any who will giue most one while they take part with Ferdinand and then againe they are in the Turkes pay They are vnconstant people and of little faith they are Christians and liue after the Greeke Church they are poore hauing no townes peculiar to themselues and they are in great dislike with all other nations for their inconstancie and perfidiousnes They dwell among the Bulgarians and Seruians in two places of the kingdome and on the other side among the mountaines by the Transiluanians which stretch themselues towards Walachia This kingdome of Transiluania after it was reduced to the faith of Iesus Christ was subiect to the Crowne of Hungarie for the gouernment and rule whereof one of the principallest of the Court was deputed and nominated with the title of Vayuode The capitall towne is called Sibinium taking that name of a riuer which passeth by it This towne is named by the Germanes Hermenstat others call it Pressouia alias Cronenstat and it is of great trafficke Thither is brought great store of marchandise from Greece which from thence is dispersed throughout Hungarie There are many other townes as Corone Torde Cassouia and Albe-iula which was built by the Romanes and established for one of their Colonies This Prouince had no absolute King but Iohn who raigned after the death of Lewis King of Hungarie and after that Stephen possessed it who for the present is King who also was called Iohn in memorie of his father and by the Turkes fauour and assistance enioyeth it peaceably and from hence forward wee will call him Iohn and not Stephen Castalde as a little before hath been said being arriued in Transiluania sent Andrew Battor and Thomas Nadasdy before to foresee and suruay the passages of the mountaines by which hee must of necessitie passe giuing them a good troupe of horses with other souldiours Which being well foreseene by the Queene she sent the Marquesse of Balasse a great Lord of Hungarie who a little before was entertained into her seruice through some disgrace offered by Ferdinand for that hee had thrust him out of certaine Castles situated in Hungarie vnder the colour of rebellion which was said to haue been pretended against his Maiestie to possesse those passages with 700. horse and a good troupe of souldiours Castalde being assuredly informed of this was by the aduice of two although it was a thing very tedious and difficult constrained to seeke other passages and waies which being in the end found he commaunded them to bee repayred the best they could which assuredly was a worke long and tedious but neuerthelesse they laboured so diligently and commodiously that by the same way all the Artillerie might passe without any great labour Whilest the Marquesse kept the most frequent passages Castalde by that new vnaccustomed way entered with all his armie into Transiluania without any disturbance and the day following marched in battaile and was forced to passe by a Castle of the Queenes named Dalmas seated in the way vpon the top of a mountaine from when he was saluted with the force of the Cannon hee being not willing to tolerate
he promised her and to pay all the interest which she could pretend and in like sort to satisfie all the debts which were found to be due since that time These offers seemed generally good and reasonable to all and specially to Frier George who also made shew to bee well pleased therewith And after many aduertisements it was concluded that he should cause the Queene to vnderstand thereof and bring an answere from her This charge was committed to the Frier who willingly accepted thereof and being come to the Queene he recited to her all which had been propounded in the Councell She being attentiue and vnderstanding what had passed and withall considering the offer of Ferdinand and that it was a meanes for her to wade out of that subiection wherein the Frier so peremptorily held her she presently answered that whatsoeuer he did she esteemed it greatly beneficiall to her committing all her actions and affayres into his hands of which particularly and by peecemeale they conferred together by the space of fifteene daies But the Frier continued still without resolution now saying this then that apparantly shewing that he had no other respect but to his owne proper commoditie which he shadowed by this that he fained that herein he aymed at nothing but that which particularly concerned the Queene and the good of her sonne whom he protested he loued more then himselfe in respect of the indissoluble bonds of gratitude that forced him to it which oftentimes hee had receiued from his father King Iohn who was his raiser and maker and of whom depended all which he possessed in this world being raised by him of nothing and exalted to this high degree of honour wherein he was now And thus cunningly did he dissemble and draw backe the most he could As these affayres proceeded on in this manner without any resolution it happened one day the Queene without the Friers knowledge found oportunitie to haue some priuate conference with Castalde and in such a conuenient place where she might freely discouer and impart the conceptions of her owne minde assuring him what singular contentment she receiued in that Ferdinand King of the Romanes had sent so sufficient and worthie a man as hee was to negotiate in these affayres the vertue and renowne of whom she had before heard an exceeding good report of and she thought her selfe thrice happie of his comming greatly commending the choise that was made of him and the iudgement of the King in giuing him that absolute authoritie to dispose of things in his name as he thought good of thinking thereby she should haue occasion speedily to bring her miseries to an end which vntill then had held her wrapped vp effectuously importuning him that he would giue faith and credit to the integritie of her heart which had alwaies desired and endeuoured her selfe to doe his Maiestie seruice And afterward she earnestly desired Castalde that for her discharge he would amplie aduertise his Maiestie that for the time passed she was not of her selfe withdrawne from the agreements betweene them but that all proceeded through the Friers subtilties who neuer would agree nor consent that they should proceed to the execution of them but to the contrarie intreated her so badly as still he did that finding none to whom she might haue recourse in such necessities she was constrained as being in despayre to demaund ayde of the Turke of whom she had been many times importuned and incited to leaue that kingdome peaceably vnto him in exchaunge of another great estate which he offered her especially seeing it was in his power as he said to thrust her out of it And although some great feare might giue her good occasion to thinke seriously thereof yet neuerthelesse she meant not for all that to offer that displeasure to Ferdinand especially considering that she was a Christian borne and that it was not conuenient for her to yeeld to any agreement with a Heathen Prince she being greatly sorrowfull for that which was past Thus to release her self out of the Friers snares which she reputed a worse and more intolerable subiection then that of the Turkes as she had been before constrained peaceably to depart from one part of her kingdome so for the like effect she would now willingly forsake the other with a resolute determination to deale with him so that besides the consideration of the seruice which shee meant to performe to Ferdinand hee should finde great contentment freely by her meanes thus without any condition to surrender this Prouince which by force of armes she would neuer haue yeelded to any And yeelding all things into his Maiesties hands she would intreate him that he would haue regard to her sonne who was a King a child and an orphane for which respects he should not refuse to be a Lord and father to him and esteeme of him so in regarde of the time to come as if hee were his naturall sonne hauing that particular respect and care of him as she would and ought to haue of him her selfe and specially acquainting him with the paines and torments whereinto she was fallen yet withall hauing patience to see her selfe brought to that low ebbe that of a great Queene as in former time she saw her selfe to be she was now forst to become a poore Lady and a begger hauing neuer since the time she was expulsed Buda with her sonne in her armes and accompanied with a small traine leauing that towne by the Friers iugling in the gouernment of the Turke receiued any comfort vntill now that he gaue her occasion of exceeding consolation seeing her self now readie to depart out of Transiluania which she would leaue vnder the gouernment of such a King as Ferdinand was who no doubt would defend it and neuer lose it and who might repute it for no small good fortune seeing so voluntarily she suffered her selfe to bee by him depriued of her kingdome with so small a number of men Artillerie of which others with great armies could not dispossesse her Castalde in Ferdinands name answered her that hee accepted of her good and sincere affection which she manifested in these proceedings more then any rich kingdome whatsoeuer promising her that in all fidelitie and sinceritie he would performe all that had been treated of from point to point and he firmely assured her gaging his word that his Maiestie from thence forward would haue such respect to King Iohn as to his owne children And for his owne particular he offered in all her affayres to remaine her obedient and faithfull seruant and protector of her cause desiring no lesse to satisfie her expectation and to please her then Ferdinand himselfe who sent him thither After such like discourses they tooke leaue one of another the Queene retyring to her chamber and Castalde to his lodging In the meane time the Frier began to practise a dissoluing of all the agreements which already were but lately propounded and mistrusting the
a man it was therefore requisite to make a briefe conclusion for that in prolonging time to bestow it of him and not to yeeld to that which he demaunded was too much to aduenture and hazard the present affayres In the end there remained not any thing for him to demaund more but onely to bee King thinking he had now well effected all his affaires was at last content to allow and ratifie the articles made betweene them Now to conclude or repent that which he had done was all one to him insomuch that euen at the same instant he went to the Queene to perswade her not so easily to passe these articles which were alreadie accorded telling her she might doe it without bringing her honour and name in question in saying that she would not depart out of the kingdome vntill Ferdinand had accomplished all that which hee had promised for the rest hee would afterwards take it vpon himselfe assuring her to finde the meanes to dismisse Castaldes armie out of Transiluania and to deliuer her out of that subiection wherein she was promising her by fayre words that he would alwaies be faithfull to her and neuer contrarie her in any thing further perswading her that this kingdome because it was iustly come by did appertaine rather to her sonne Iohn then to Ferdinand Whereto the Queene made no great semblance neither with yea nor nay giuing him thereby to vnderstand that it was neither iust nor lawfull to halt and dissemble so often in his words and on the other side she told him that she had committed all her affayres into his hands from which she rather desired to be deliuered then from the Turkes The Frier not perceiuing himselfe deceiued by her suttle fetch and considering that hee could not worke so with Ferdinand as he had effected with the Queene and that he should not bee any more of that great commaund in those quarters as hee had been began to manifest exceeding great contentment of that which in priuate they had agreed vpon faining afterward that the Queene would neuer condiscend to such agreements But the Queene much doubting that the Frier would not faile to practise most cunningly that which hee had said to her caused Castalde once againe to come and speake with her aduertising him of all which had passed betweene her and the Frier since the time of their two meetings plainly telling him that those whom Ferdinand had chosen for arbitrators in this busines were the most opposite to his proceedings that possible could be and especially Frier George who brewed new inuentions to dissolue all that which had been concluded amongst them acquainting him with some particulars of his disposition and instructing him of that which was requisit for him to doe in time to come that so he might the better treate of these affayres with him against the next Diet because besides that which he vnderstood alreadie touching his condition deceits and subtilties hee should yet the further hee went on perceiue more and more but yet not so well as others who by their experience they haue had of him haue discouered such his deceits In fine the Queene for conclusion added that by no meanes he should repose any confidence in him because that by how much the lesse he should thinke thereof by so much the more he should finde himselfe to bee deceiued and sold The Frier seeing his deuises succeeded not to his liking was in the end content to accept thereof and conclude all the articles contained in their parley that is to say that the Queene among other points should depart out of Transiluania within sixe daies and retire her selfe to Cassouia The premises being thus determined notice by writing was giuen to Peter Vicchy that the Queene would forsake the kingdome and that also she would leaue to Ferdinand the low countries wherein Lippa and Themesuar are situated and that they would in recompence therof giue her in Hungarie or in some other places so much as would satisfie and content her And to the end that this busines might with better expedition be dispatched there was safe conduct sent him that he might with more securitie and without any suspition come himselfe to the Court Vicchy mistrusting that it was a traine of the Frier to get him into his clutches and not thinking that the Queene would so soone aduance the King of the Romanes and renounce and depriue her selfe of her owne kingdome which vntill then she had with many trauailes and cares defended and preserued and not daring to come himselfe in person hee sent two Ambassadours to know in what estate and condition the Queenes affayres were They being come to Sassebesse they vnderstood of all the occurrants which had passed vntill that day and it was concluded with them that seeing Peter Vicchy would not otherwise come for his greater securitie and also speedily to remoue all distrust Andrew Battor should bee sent to manage those affayres with him Thus they went together from thence and Andrew Battor notwithstanding led with him 2000. horse for his guard and also because they vnderstood that Vicchy daily expected succour from the Turke to breake all this agreement who presently after as he had aduertisement of that which the Frier practised with Ferdinand gaue commaund to the Basha of Buda not to faile but ayde him And truly if these succours had been arriued before Battor had spoken with Vicchy this peace had neuer been made neither had they spoken any more of it Battor being now arriued at Lippa whilest he conferred with Vicchy concerning the effect of his charge there departed from Sassebesse a French gentleman who was called Monsieur de Santon whom Ferdinand had sent to be entertained amongst the Spanish companies he being recommended to him by the Emperour Charles his brother This man as it was reported had been a Captaine in France whither he said he would not returne vntill hee had reuenged certaine iniuries which was offered him in memorie whereof he wore his haire so long that it reached to his shoulders and sayd he would neuer cut it off vntil he had first satisfied himself with reuenge Castalde had great distrust of him thinking as it proued he was a Spie for the Turke and sent thither by Henry King of France to the end that hee might take notice of all occurrances which passed in Transiluania to aduertise the Turke thereof And although he liked not that one whom he so much distrusted should bee suffered to practise and bee familiar amongst his souldiours yet neuerthelesse would he not in any sort disturbe him for that he was greatly recommended to him by Ferdinand Within a while after hee was departed from Sassebesse it was certainly knowne that hee was a Spie and what diligence so euer was vsed to recouer him yet hee could not bee found and at the same time came commaund from Ferdinand that his head should bee cut off being aduertised by
the Emperour that he was a Spie for the Turke In the meane time while they expected newes of him hee saued himselfe at Lippa with Peter Vicchy to whom he was sent Vicchy vnderstanding the decree and the proclamation that was made against him and how they sought him in euery place gaue aduertisement to Castalde that he was arriued at Lippa and that if hee so pleased hee would send him to him but during this message he caused him safely to be conducted with a good guard to Belgrade from whence he tooke the way directly to Constantinople to aduertise the Turke of all which was done in that countrie At the same time the day came that was appointed for the Diet to be held at Colosuar where should haue been all the principall of the kingdome and where as it was determined the Queene should renounce and resigne to Ferdinand the kingdome and acknowledge and approue himselfe King thereof After all the Deputies of those Prouinces and townes were arriued the Queene the 28. of August departed from Sassebesse accompanied with all the Knights and Gentlemen of the countrie and also with Frier George and Castalde the one riding on the right hand the other on the left Two daies after they were departed they arriued at an Abbey distant from Colosuar eight miles where they lodged and there it was concluded betweene them to execute all that which before had been a greed vpon And the beginning of this solemne resignation was by the royall ornaments which were a Crowne made of plates of gold mounting on high in forme of a high crowned hat inriched with stones and pearles and hauing a little crosse of gold on the top The next was a Scepter of Iuorie garnished with gold and a Mantle of cloath of gold after the ancient habite in manner of a Vestment beset with many stones but of small value A gowne and a payre of shooes of gold which in respect of the worke were like to those made for the Apostolike Sea Among all those Iewels the Frier demanded of the Queene that she would commit the Crowne into his custodie and keeping Which request she absolutely denyed him saying that she would neuer giue her consent that a Frier should bee King of that kingdome whereof she dispossessed her sonne but she would that they should bee conueied to him to whom in right that Prouince belonged And causing them to bee brought before them all she tooke the Crowne in her hand in the presence of the Frier and many great personages and after great effusion of teares from her owne eyes and from her yong sonne who was present at the whole action turning her selfe towards Castalde sayd in Italian such or the like speeches Although inconstant Fortune following her cruell alterations cutting off and confounding at her pleasure the affayres of this world hath in such sort subuerted mine that now both my sonne and my selfe are forced to forsake this kingdome this Crowne and all these other royall ornaments which in times past were belonging to my deare Lord and spouse King Iohn of most happie memorie but now vnhappie that wee bee and to resigne into the hands and protection of others yet notwithstanding she shall not for all this hinder me but that at the least in my troubles and anguishes I may take this onely contentment seeing them to fall into the hands of a Prince who is not only a Christian but also so puissant and benigne as is the King of the Romanes whom I repute for my Lord and father who also shal know with what zeale and affection they are giuen him and whom by our good liking we reestablish in this State praying God that he may enioy it with greater tranquilitie and longer time then we haue done And thus Seigneur Iohn Baptista Castalde I present them into your hands with intent of my part they may bee sent to his Maiestie giuing him to vnderstand that wee yeeld him not this kingdome and Crowne vnder the bond of any condition or couenant whatsoeuer but freely And we my selfe and my sonne cast our selues into his mercifull armes with all our fortune beseeching him he would haue regard of our miserable destinie which besides that wee are Christians hath caused vs to spring of royall and princely blood And that it would please him following his accustomed bountie which maketh him beloued of all the world to receiue and account of vs for his children and not denie vs the reliefe fauour and protection which wee hope and expect from him and which you your selfe many times in his name haue promised vs. After these speeches of the Queene her sonne being yet but young and knowing notwithstanding how greatly it imported him to see himselfe depriued of his estate and of that wherwith his father sometimes was crowned making some resistance he shewed to the Queene his mother the little contentment which he conceiued of this surrender and appartly manifested that he would not consent thereto But the Queene turning her selfe towards him sayd Since O Iohn my deare and tender sonne that I know thy fortune and mine is not sufficient and able to defend this kingdome without the ayde and helpe of others by occasion of the great number of those who either by enuie or of some certaine malice or by some wicked disposition make themselues masters of others continually searching with the losse of the same our ruine and destruction Thou oughtest not to conceiue ill thereof if hauing a care rather to publike good then to our particular profit which wee cannot maintaine against the Turkes power who by the daily prouocation of our enemies doth molest vs and in a manner depriue vs of all Therefore in the middest of so many assaults of miserie which fortune hath bequeathed vs I haue chosen this to be the best meanes to giue and resigne this kingdome to the King of the Romanes who will defend and deliuer it from the Turkes violent attempts and who in recompence will assigne thee such estates as he hath promised me for the renouncing which I haue made to him to the end that thou maist at the least yet liue as a great Prince if thou canst not liue like a King and I haue the rather yeelded to this as not minding with common losse to bee obstinate in warre and to leaue and omit the certaine for the incertaintie in the disposition of Fortune considering also the inconstancie and mutabilitie of her tickle gouernment which is accustomed rashly to rule and gouerne Kings houses which are fallen in disgrace and contempt with the world who oftentimes imprudently and without thinking thereon suddenly doth depriue them of their kingdomes and sendeth them into perpetuall exile Therefore that on my part I may not behold such infelicitie and not to fall into such an indignitie and miserie being forsaken of all ayde and helpe with the losse of the kingdome I am easily perswaded with a comfortable hope to reserue thee
to a perpetuall and quiet repose with a lesse estate and condition and to take thee out from so many troubles amongst the which I doe not yet despayre that for a kingdome which thou doest now leaue it may bee in his power that taketh it from thee to giue thee another and happely of greater commaund Let it not seeme strange to thee to leaue this kingdome wherein thou wert borne and nourished being a thing which happeneth to many but bee assured that by the fauour and dignitie of vertue a noble courage shall neuer be so much reiected of fortune that he shall want any States or kingdoms Therefore for the deliuerie of the poore people which are afflicted and destroyed by our warres for common repose and for the preseruation of our faith thou oughtest not to withstand or gainsay it but confirming all that which for thy good I haue yeelded vnto consent that these princely ornaments bee sent to his Maiestie And although I haue good cause to mourne in giuing ouer this Mantle this Scepter and chiefly this royall Crowne which not long since adorned thy fathers head and which also should haue been set vpon thine yet shall I not for all that faile but greatly comfort my selfe since they fall into the puissantnes of a King who will embrace thee as his owne person and maintaine thee against those enemies who secretly in respect of the alienation of thy estate will now rest satisfied and who it may bee in time to come would notwithstanding thinke themselues but little eased thereby receiuing at the least from God in another world besides iust punishment that chastisement which they receiued not here euen as notwithstanding they had well deserued by their iniquities and wicked trecheries Therefore whilest we are floting in the middest of this turbulent sea it is requisite we saile with aduised patience as fortune will appoint the winde and conforme our selues to Gods omnipotent pleasure since that there is no felicitie durable to mortall men nor any kingdome nor principalitie permanent Hauing ended these penitrating speeches which were of that efficacie to haue mollified a stonie heart and could not be spoken without being interrupted with many deepe and lamentable sighs great comisseration and teares of those who were present and especially of Frier George she gaue the Crowne and the other ornaments to Castalde who kindly and with good words gaue her infinite thankes as well for the good will he perceiued in her as also for the magnanimitie which she had declared and for the bountifull liberalitie by which she did giue vnto Ferdinand this Crowne and the absolute entering into this kingdome And applying comforts to her aduersities he perswaded her not to attribute the renounciation of this kingdome to her misfortune since she could by no meanes properly say that she lost it leauing it to Ferdinand whom she drew and bound to be a continuall friend and father vnto her who would neuer forsake nor leaue her in all her needfull affayres and incouraging her the more hee assured her that he would intirely and religiously keepe it for him and that he would performe to the vttermost all whatsoeuer he had promised her And with this doubtfull hope the poore afflicted Queene departed to goe towards Colosuar Castalde hauing in this manner receiued the Crowne caused it to be carefully kept being aboue all things by the Kings of Hungarie highly esteemed in respect of the vulgar opinion which is held thereof in that countrie the report being that an Angell brought it from heauen to S. Ladislas King of Hungarie and that the King which doth not possesse it cannot bee the true nor lawfull King nor iuridially gouerne the people nor execute iustice to them Men doe yet say further that if by chance this Crowne should by some casualtie be lost and found by any whosoeuer although hee were the poorest in the world presently without any other triall he should be created King and they should sweare fealtie and homage to him as to their lawfull and vndoubted King But whether this be true or no I know not yet vpon this opinion the Turkes haue a speciall desire to get it within the compasse of their custodie as also Frier George had All the Gentlemen and Lords who were present at the deliuerie of this Crowne iudged that which the Queene had done was of no small importance esteeming the validitie of the Crown to be of equall price with the kingdome it selfe For this respect Castalde caused it continually to bee kept in his chamber with great vigilancie vntill with a good conuoy he sent it to Ferdinand by the Lord Iohn Alpohnse Castalde Pescaire his nephew The Queene being arriued at Colosuar Castalde also arriued there within a while after where he remained certaine daies attending those who should be there and that were called to the Diet to know what their affection was to the King of the Romanes and to confirme them in their good deuotion and to satisfie the Queene of that which was promised her to appease all the tumults which was amongst them and to incite them to take armes against the Turke and chase them from those parts vnderstanding they would once againe attempt to enter thereinto And after they were all arriued and assembled together Castalde acquainted them with all the passed proceedings whereof euery one was well contented And if peraduenture there were some yea and of the chiefest to whom it seemed not good what the Queene had done yet durst they not make shew to the contrarie for that Ferdinands part was then the strongest And thus they all with one accord did sweare fealtie to his Maiestie manifesting great ioy to see themselues returned vnder the gouernment of their natural Lord and King to whom of right that kingdome belonged And although Castalde discouered the affections of many who rather inclined to the amitie and league of the Turke then to that of the King yet faining notwithstanding to reduce and bring all to his deuotion and to shew them the inconuenience of the amitie and friendship of the Turke and how hurtfull and preiudiciall it would bee to them with a speech as eloquent as his countenance and cariage was graue hee vsed to them this oration I haue alwaies esteemed it Lords and chiefe Commanders of this kingdome to be a thing very conuenient and necessary not to speake at any time for any grace or friendship which we haue purchased from other men nor for the fauour which wee haue or hope to receiue from them nor for any instinct which we haue towards any but only sincerely to explaine and declare what we take to bee good and praise worthie as well for the particular as publike benefit and not at any time to perswade any thing which is not both reasonable iust and holy as well before God as men which I for mine owne part haue practised as much as hath bin possible for me and by Gods assistance
by reason thereof was made him great feasts and sports and how some brought letters from Rome to his Maiestie by which in the first creation of Cardinals the Pope promised to include and create Frier George in the number Ferdinand vnderstanding that the Basha of Buda laboured thus that hee might increase his armie did besides the people which he sent into Transiluania reenforce the garrisons which were on the frontiers of Hungarie for feare that the Basha turning his course on that quarter yet should he not bee so soone master thereof as he imagined Whereupon he dispatched Andrew Branday with a Regiment of 3000. Germanes and Charles Seheretin a Lord of Slesia with 400. horse the most part whereof were men of armes and the rest Pistoliers all vnder the conduct of the Marquesse Sforce Palauicin who then was Comissarie generall of the Campe. Being all arriued at Varadine they soiourned there a time attending that which Castalde would command them He seeing that by no meanes he could depart out of the kingdome without giuing the Frier great suspition of him sent to tell the Marquesse Sforce that with the people which hee brought out of Germanie hee should come and ioyne with him where he was and in the meane time he leauing in Albe-iula one companie of Germanes another at Sassebesse and two at Sibinio it being the greatest and most important towne of Transiluania with those fewe Spanyards which hee brought with him and the rest of the Germanes he departed to goe and ioyne with the Frier And then he vnderstood that the Belerbey had alreadie passed Tibiscus with a great armie of 80000. men as well Infantrie as Caualarie as the Spies and those who secretly had knowledge of his Campe reported and that hee brought with him 50. peeces of Artillerie great and small for batterie and with this warlike traine hee held on his course to Themesuar The Belerbey hauing thus passed Tibiscus presently commaunded Lozonse that hee should without any further delay in the name of the Grand Seigniour presently yeeld this towne to him and that if he would not he protested to race it stone from stone and also both himselfe and those who were with him to bee put to the sword and that he would execute this according to the expresse command which he had thereof without any mercie or fauour And on the contrarie that if liberally and of his owne good will he would yeeld it into his hands besides the guerdon and assured recompence which hee should finde hee would vse all curtesie and fauour which according to fayre warres was accustomably vsed to valiant and gallant souldiours and by that meanes hee should assuredly winne the friendship of the Grand Seigniour whose fauour he should neuer want Lozonse at this proud summons answered him thus That that towne belonged to the King of the Romanes and that in his behalfe hee would vndoubtedly keepe and defend it to the death acknowledging no other rightfull King nor Grand Seigniour of that Prouince but he and that it were farre better discretion for him to retire backe againe then to proceede with this crueltie to destroy the poore commons and countrie which were none of his and ouer whom he had not any mite of interest and therefore hee held it safest for him and his traine quietly to depart and let those liue in peace who did not any thing offend or annoy him The Belerbey seeing the gallantnes of Lozonse he made him no other answer but onely sent to him by writing these foure verses taken out of Virgil. Ante leues ergo pascentur in aethere cerui Et freta destituent nudos in littore pisces Ante pererratis amborum finibus exul Aut ararim Parthus bibet aut Germania Tygrim Minding thereby to demonstrate that Harts should rather bruze in the ayre the fishes forsake the sea a banished man see the ende of the world a Parthean drinke vp the riuer Saone or a Germane the riuer Tygris rather then hee would returne from his intended course And so proceeding on his iourney he came before a little Castle which standeth almost vpon the passage of the riuer and is named as is aboue said Becche and there in camped himselfe before it and seeing it would not yeeld he began so rudely to batter it with tenne Cannons that the greatest part of the wall fell to the ground Whereat the besieged being greatly astonished and perceiuing themselues cast away because the whole Castle was broken downe and layd open they presently yeelded to the Belerbey with this condition only that their liues might bee saued who obseruing no promise towards them were notwithstanding slaine by the Ianisaries who after they were come forth of 200. men left not one aliue the Captaine excepted whom the Belerbey with great difficultie saued Going from thence with one part of his armie and two double Cannons hee came before another Castle named Becherech which being astonished at the late misfortune happened to Becche without induring the force of the Cannon they presently yeelded This Castle being thus rendered the Belerbey speedily with all his armie marched directly to another Castle named Senath otherwise Chinath before which he made a stand with al his squadrons to see if they would yeeld and whilest he was occupied about these attempts the Rhatians of Ferdinands part seeing the Turks Campe approched with great force and violence and thinking Ferdinands power deferred too much time before they came into the field they all perswading themselues that it was neither shame nor dishonour to breake their words and othes which they swore to the King although they had receiued pay they wholly retired to the Belerbey sending to him for his greater assurance their wiues and children and that because the Turkes are not accustomed to repose ouer much trust in them knowing their extreame inconstant dispositions After he had entertained these Rhatians he caused those of Senath to bee tempted to some agreement promising them that if they would yeeld he would preserue both their honours and liues and he would permit that peaceably euery man should enioy their owne proper goods Vpon which condition they yeelded and the Castle came vnder his commaund and leauing therein a good garrison he speedily marched towards Lippa which was tenne miles distant from thence leauing behinde him Themesuar which then he would not besiege but reserued that enterprise vntill better oportunitie and performed no other thing but diligently obserued the situation and commodities thereabouts and after that proceeded on his iourney Euery one was of opinion that hee meant not to enterprise any thing against this towne because that hee was certainly informed there was a strong garrison within it and that it was sufficiently munitioned and fortified insomuch that hee esteemed the exployte very difficult and perhaps he supposed he should neuer get it Thus leauing the siege thereof vntill a more commodious and fit time he thought it more
place and whilest they were busied and attentiue about their view Lozonse sallied forth with 400. horse somewhat against the liking of the Master of the Campe Aldene Captaine Vigliandrando also issued forth with 50. Harquebuziers to skirmish with the enemie and so effectually did hee pursue it that that day hee performed the acts of a valiant and couragious Leader as for the same valour there was renowned and commended a Spanish Knight named Alphonse Perez of Saiauedra to whom a little before Ferdinand had giuen a companie of Hungarish horse Lozonse on the other side with his horse performed as much that day as was possible for a man of experience and valour to doe against his enemie so that being well seconded by the vigilancie and dexterie of the Harquebuziers he forced the Turkes which were 2000. mauger their braueries to retire themselues to their maine squadrons And this skirmish continued vntill the Master of the Campe sent to them with commaund to retire fearing that by their too much forwardnes there might befall them some sinister fortune because the Turkes were a great number and considering also that they had giuen the enemie sufficient notice of their pr 〈…〉 esse Obeying this commaund they retired without the losse of any one of their men although they were very hotly charged euen to the very enterance of the Suburbes where Vigliandrando well foreseeing the euent had placed certaine Harquebuziers to relieue them when they should make their retraict And this preuention stood them in singular good stead and greatly endamaged the enemie who for feare of the said shot were forced to make a stand and in the end retire The day after this skirmish the Belerbey presented himselfe before the towne with all his Campe in a well ordered battaile who by reason of the Rhatians that had forsaken and disbanded themselues from our part and were linked to the Turks was growne to the number of 90000. men whereby he thought to amaze our people onely with the sight of their armie and minding to begin to take some knowledge of the place was by the sallies of the assieged so sharply annoyed that he could not at that time possibly performe what hee went about The Master of the Campe in the meane time placed 100. Harquebuziers within the Suburbes to defend it against the Turkes vntill the munition which was therein was gotten and had into the towne the better thereby to ayde themselues during the siege The second day after the Belerbey in the night time caused his batterie to be placed and on that side which Lozonse and the Master of the Camp had begun as good fortune was to fortifie Which thing when our men had vnderstood by the confession of certaine prisoners whom they had taken in their sallying forth they presently caused with all expedition that night to lengthen the Trench which they had begun fiftie paces and so diligently did they labour that the next day they thought themselues sufficiently strong The enemie hauing viewed the place began at dawning of the day to batter with two Cannons two Culuerines and other small peeces with which he battered against those defences to beate them downe Our men seeing so weake a batterie although that Aldene had alreadie sent to Castalde to certifie him that if within 20. daies he was not relieued he should be forced to render the towne esteemed as nothing the Turkes violence for that they assuredly thought they were well able to maintaine the defence of their towne vnlesse perhaps they should be so battered with a great number of Artillerie that by maine force the walles on all sides should be broken downe and laid open whereof they had some distrust fearing that the Belerbey would haue brought thither seuen other double Cannons which they should bring from Belgrade for this warre euen as they had vnderstood by the foresaid prisoners Now whilest these things passed thus at Themesuar Castalde hauing first furnished all the Fortresses with Germane garrisons and after that he had appeased the disorder which was at Bressouia by the souldiours who were risen against the citizens and had offered them great outrage and to appease which mutinie he was forced to vse seuere iustice against those who were authors thereof and to manifest thereby an example vnto others to liue more peaceably and in duer obedience for some of them were executed others banished and others condemned for a certaine time to prison After I say that Castalde had set in order these affayres he came and ioyned with the Frier who with great diligence and promptnes had already leauied as well horse as foote an armie of 70000. men which daily increased and namely by the arriuall of the Marquesse Sforce Pallauicin who came thither with 3000. Germanes and of Charles Scerettin with 400. horse and lastly by the arriuall of Andrew Battor with 10000. men who after his retraict from Lippa had thus redressed and reunited his armie which so timerously and by such a confusion was disbanded and fled By this augmentation Castalde and the Frier had in their Campe well neere 90000. men as well those of his owne pay as also those which were sent him by others and 50. peeces of Artillerie But although the number was great yet were they of little abilitie to performe any matter of moment for that they were men of small experience and such as were sent of euery house as the custome is in this kingdome alwaies to send vpon such necessitie meanly armed and meerely ignorant of any warlike discipline so that they are more fit to moue trouble and flie then to fight or pursue the enemie For these respects Castalde had no great affiance in them but only vpon a few men which were in the Kings pay of whom and of no other hee made speciall account for any important seruice which number might amount vnto 15000. horse and foote of all nations but specially he reposed singular confidence in 500. Spanyards which continually hee had with him in whose quarter as well in the field as elsewhere he alwaies pitched his Tent and lodged And because that among so many nations which from diuers parts were come thither men could not perceiue any great order or obseruation of Militarie discipline amongst them but rather by reason of the hatreds quarels priuate and publike enmitie which they had one against another they might behold an extreame confusion because that one Prouince would not ioyne and consort with an other but euery one would muster and range himselfe a part the intreatings and perswasions of their Captaines and Officers nothing auailing Castalde seeing the inconuenience thereof and endeuouring to abate and suppresse all their particular dissentions and to reduce and vnite them into one attonement that he might not by the meanes of such tumults and disorders cause to grow the hope of the enemie and weaken Ferdinands forces caused the principall and chiefe men of marke among them to assemble before
be sent them and that the besieged although they were couragious and had good desire to fight yet were they not able any longer to endure the siege in respect of the intolerable and laborious toyles which day and night they endured in digging and fortifying with straw Castalde hearing these things with other more colourable reasons strengthening still his owne tolde him he should remember that which vsually hee was wont to say that except Lippa were recouered Transiluania would bee lost and that it might please him not to deceiue Christendome of that speciall hope which it had conceiued of him and of that glorie which it should get by the recouerie of this towne and by the retraict of the enemie being very well content that in this matter he himselfe should absolutely commaund and that he would obey him as a priuate Captaine By these reasons he endeuoured to perswade the Frier to march to Lippa and specially because the time approched that hee should relieue Lozonse and Aldene as they had demaunded hauing protested that if during the limited time of twentie daies they were not relieued they could no longer hold out but be forced to yeeld to the Belerbey The Frier whether it were that he feared to giue battaile to the Belerbey or that it was for some consideration of the practises which hee had with him that by his meanes he might reconcile himself againe to Solyman or else that he thought not his Campe to be sufficiently furnished of such men vpon whose valour he might aduenture the hazard of a combat I know not but for these reasons hee would not vpon had I wist neither aduenture his person nor the kingdome nor march any further and lesse relieue Themesuar But in the end he manifested with an euill will to goe towards Lippa and thinking to escape from thence since otherwise he could not doe it he held on his pace with slow speede not without suspition as it seemed to giue leisure that Oliman might retire himself for that he thought he would neuer aduenture nor attend him within so weak and vnfortified place Thus the Friers idle excuses was not without some considerations best knowne to himselfe And whilest some were disputing to proceede on and others to make no haste newes was brought how the Belerbey after hee had battered Themesuar eight whole daies together was now retired notwithstanding there was brought him more Artillerie and munition esteeming it to bee his best safetie not to attend there any longer vnderstanding that Frier George and Castalde approched neere with a great armie And thus vpon the day that our men thought to receiue the assault at the dawning of the day they perceiued the Turkes had forsaken and quitted their Trenches and left them disfurnished of their accustomed guards and that they had drawne their Artillerie into those Castles which they had wonne before and were in the night dislodged with so great a noyse and tumult that our men thought they yet planted other Artillerie to endamage them the more Lozonse and Aldene being aduertised of this departure would not that any should yet goe out fearing the enemie was not wholly retired but caused certaine Aiduchs to goe forth to suruiew the Trenches and discouer the occasion of so sudden a remouing These being abroade saw that the Turkes were assuredly retired and that in such great haste and disorder that in token thereof they had left in their Trenches more then 200. iron bullets for Artillerie which presently were taken into the towne by our men The Frier taking courage by this dislodging made shew to be very ioyfull thereof and causing the day following an assemblie of the Councell it was concluded then among them more expedient to assaile Lippa and not leaue it behinde then to follow the enemie The army proceeding on in this course towards Lippa they had notice how Oliman determined resolutely to defend it and as they marched being alreadie within foure miles of Lippa there arriued the 20. of October in the night a Currier who brought newes that Pope Iuly the third at the request and instance of Ferdinand had created Frier George a Cardinall and brought him the red Hat with many Cardinals letters who not knowing him but being onely induced thereunto by the good and commendable reports which were spoken of him sent to him this newes with great and magnificent salutations aduertising him with what good affection of all their Colledge the Hat was bestowed vpon him assuring him also that not onely this dignitie was due to his worthie merits but also an honour farre more renowned for a man of that sincere Christianitie and religious protector of the Romane faith defending this kingdome with so great trauaile and industrie against the Turkes whereof they generally receiued a singular contentment As these and Ferdinand had written to him these particulars and that according to the great information which was reported of his vertue greatnes and courage hee seeing such commendations to bee greatly to his renowne could not so much containe himselfe within the bounds of temporance but that hee apparantly declared to all men great tokens of ioy in his countenance considering that euery where men made so speciall an account of him yea and euen at Rome it selfe whither all the world resorted But on the other side he was much disquieted fearing that the Turke vpon aduertisement of these honourable fauours which he daily receiued of Ferdinand should in respect thereof and in time to come greatly suspect him and vpon these reasons might haue iust occasion not to repose the like trust in him as he before euen vntill that time had done By reason of these two contrarieties which he had in his minde there were contrarie shewes in him for vnto them which did little knowe and vnderstand his practises hee made shew as though hee little regarded the Hat but to others who were of a deeper reach hee to vaile their iudgements endeuoured himselfe by many inuentions to make it apparant to them what singular pleasure he conceiued of it The same night in token of reioycing Castalde commaunded that a Salue should bee made with all the Artillerie to the end that the Frier being throughly prouoked with such signes of honour and ioy he might resolue himselfe wholly to follow Ferdinands part and that with such sinceritie as he ought and that hee would wholly giue ouer himselfe to his seruice and not haue so many Irons in the fire But all this was done to small purpose For with his deceits and shifts he still continued to maske his falsehood little regarding any person of what qualitie soeuer which was a thing that greatly displeased as well Castalde as all the other Commaunders who were adhearing to the Kings part This and the ambitious desire of power and great places were first the cause of the hate which was ingendred against him and in the end procured his death because that all the Commaunders seeing
to them inestimable honour and great astonishment to the enemie The Frier answered him that the occasion which moued him to come vnto that place with the armie was for that hee thought the Belerbey would intirely retire himselfe but sith hee vnderstood that he had not yet passed Tibiscus it gaue him to suspect some further matter seeing that Oliman bouged not from Lippa but resolued to withstand all the inconueniences and hazards of a siege not beleeuing that such a resolution did proceede from any other thing but onely of the confidence which the said Oliman reposed in the neere assistance of the Belerbey and that if it were so he could see no assurance to proceede any further for that heretofore he neuer incountered with so great an armie composed of so many warlike souldiours as that of the Turkes was and that for this occasion and also for the regard and care which they should haue of those souldiours which were vnder his commaund hee was very confident that hee was not able to resist them nor to reconquer the half of that which the Turks had inuaded and gotten and that therefore hee would not so inconsiderately aduenture his person and the kingdome together and that he thought it more expedient to make some truce with the enemie without remouing from the place where they were considering it was to their more aduantage and that it could not chuse but bee greatly to the honour and reputation of them all Castalde tolde him that specially they were to consider the foule offence which would be greatly imputed to them if they retired without some iust cause it being reported through the world that they two were in the field with so puissant an armie as that was which they had conducted to this place with a resolution to expulse the Turks out of that kingdom and that in retyring and leauing Lippa in the enemies possession it might be iustly said to bee done not without some secret practise and conspiracie which wee should haue with them and specially the same being a towne of great esteeme and knowne to be the most important key of all Hungarie and Transiluania and consequently of all Christendome which being in the Turkes commaund he might continually make incursions from thence with returne of great spoyles and robbings and by many inconueniences endamage all the whole countries and subiects of Ferdinand Therefore to auoyd that staine of dishonour hee most instantly prayed him that at the least he would goe to Lippa and by Gods assistance he would promise him to deliuer it into his hands within sixe daies In the end he pursued his perswasions so effectually that he was content to goe as farre as Lippa although he often alleadged the great inconuenience which might befall them for want of Artillerie which by good fortune and by the diligence of the Spanish Captaines arriued that day at the Campe to the great admiration of the Frier who assuredly thought they could not bee there in eight daies This animated Castalde presently to troupe on with 3000. Hungarish horse and 400. men of armes to view Lippa which of one side is square and of the other keepeth the circuite of an ouall forme so that it is more long then broad The length thereof is 720. paces and the bredth 380. being of one part for that the riuer Marosse watereth it very strong and of the other it seemeth very weake by reason of a mountaine which doth greatly commaund and annoy the defences thereof It is altogether mured with a wall after the ancient manner without any defences and few turrets There is in the lower part of the towne a little square Castle garnished in euery corner with a tower and is compassed about with a deepe Ditch full of water Presently vpon Castaldes approaching he lighted from his horse and walked on foote and passing through certaine gardens accompanied with Iulian Carleuall and two other Spanish Captaines he went to peruse the Ditch hauing first sent a good troupe of those which he had brought to dare the Turks to skirmish who by no meanes would aduenture forth to fight imploying themselues from the wall wholly to annoy our men with the harquebuze and hinder that none should haue a view of the towne Castalde hauing well and diligently viewed all and after he had caused his men to retire the same night he returned againe to the Campe where he found the Captaines Roderic Vigliandrando and Francis Henry Tescieda who were come forth of Themesuar to bee at the assault of this towne He fully learned of them the aduentures which had passed in that place and the manner of the Belerbeys retraict hauing not before vnderstood any thing for certaine Vpon this newes the 2. of Nouember they all marched to Lippa where all the Campe being arriued Castalde martialled all his battalions and Artillerie before the Turks with a marueilous crie and confused noise of all those barbarous nations and continuing there a certaine time in such apparance they tooke possession of the Mountaine and the Frier incamped with his people on the otherside towards the Castle Castalde possessing all the hill which commaunded in manner of a Caualier quartered those highest who were entertained by Ferdinand namely the Spanyards Germanes and Hungars and caused his Tent to be erected in the middest of them Whilest the Campe lodged there the Turkes came forth to fire one of the Suburbes which was well prouided of victuals and specially of wine which groweth in that quarter as good as could be desired Castalde vnderstanding hereof commaunded Captaine Iohn Vilioa that presently he should take 100. Spanish Harquebuziers and so force the enemie to retire and that after hee had quenched the fire which alreadie began violently to burne to spread it selfe vpon the houses he should endeuour as much as he could to saue the victuals for the better reliefe and prouision of the Camp and that he should hinder that they might not bee spoyled by those nations But they could not so well bee kept neither take so good order but that the Friers Aiduchs came and tooke their pleasure and fill of the wine in such sort as the superfluitie thereof so chafed and stirred vp their courages that 500. of them being pricked with that Bacchinall furie they ranne instantly to assaile the towne without ladders or any order thinking by their brauing tearmes to subuert and ouerthrow the walles By this sudden attempt happened an alarme to the whole Campe euery man thinking that the Turkes had made some sallie forth to skirmish with our men On the other side the Turkes also assuring themselues by this horrible bruite and noyse to be assailed both with scallado and batterie they presently stood vpon their defence couering the walles with men and with their harquebuzes they made a great slaughter of these Aiduchs who like beasts were easily discouered and grasping the wall attempted to leape vp vttering to the Turkes many iniurious speeches as
by vs in this warre and no doubt he will let vs possesse this tranquiltie and peace which is so vehemently desired of euery one Therefore I earnestly desire you that well considering of my words you would follow my counsell and imbrace this my good intention which is sincerely spoken for the publike good and that you would not through any ambition seeke to put Oliman and his people to death or retaine them prisoners because that when you haue put them all to the sword yet can you not cleere your selues neither of hate nor further trauaile considering that the Grand Seigniour hath no want of other men and forces hauing fifteene miles from hence more then 40000. men readie to reuenge their deaths and as I am certainly informed by a friend which euen at this time is come to me from their Campe that the Belerbey and Basha of Buda will within a short time come to assaile vs which if it proueth to be so what then shall become of vs what hope of kindnes can we expect hauing not vsed any curtesie towards their people Therefore we iudge it better for vs not to bee found besieging of them knowing this that besides all kinde of horrible and cruell death they will reuenge vpon our heads and deare friends their mens blood which we haue shed We may auoyde and suppresse these cruelties by our clemencie and milde proceedings and may thereby make him of an enemie to become gentle tractable and gratious there being not in this world any glorie more extolled and recommended then that which is gotten in hauing compassion of an enemie who feeleth himselfe reduced to the extreamitie of his honour and life neither is there any magnanimitie more illustrious then to pardon those whose liues are in the victors power to dispose of At these speeches of the Frier Gastalde as the chiefe and principall man among them made this effectuall replie It was not needfull that you most reuerend Sir should haue sent not few moneths since to the Emperour Charles the 5. to promise him vpon your faith that you would alwaies be as well fauourable to the Christians as on the other side a cruell and mortall enemie to the Turkes neither was it in like sort necessarie that you should desire Ferdinand King of the Romanes to send you succours and deliuer this kingdome of Transiluania from the tyrannicall oppression of the common enemie if you would haue vsed these courses which now with a dishonourable reputation I see you practise And although that Ferdinand did not any thing doubt of your inconstancie hauing before too truly had experience thereof yet neuerthelesse not taking regard to this your sudden alteration he was willing to assemble this armie together and against the opinion counsell of many to send it to your ayd And this force hath been such that not onely it hath holpen this kingdome and you your selues from the tyrannie of Infidels but also it hath recouered a great part of the countrie which by force and treacherie was vsurped by them Now what occasion moueth you being victorious and hauing put your enemies to flight wittingly to bring your selues into thraldome and with shame procure that wee and all you the rest should bee subiect to those which wee now detaine prisoners and are constrained to yeeld themselues to our discretion and to intreate vs that we should recommend our selues to him who is the capitall enemie not onely of our libertie but also of our holy and inuiolable faith and to manifest so great cowardlines by fearefull words to those who to our great glorie manifesting our couragious hearts we haue ouercome and tamed and especially at this time who as it were quite cast away betake themselues to such infamous compositions that they shew themselues vnworthie of life as assuredly they would esteeme of you if you had bin vanquished by them manifesting thereby that they are not worthie to be heard of so noble and honourable personages as these Lords here present and all these nations which are about vs who not long since for their countrie honour life libertie and freedome from so horrible captiuitie haue shed so much blood that Marosse ranne coloured of another hew What should auaile this famous reputation which with so many trauailes so many hazards and with the death of so many valiant persons hath been atchieued if now by a cowardly composition you would let it be lost Doe you not see that in yeelding to those who are you prisoners you will wholly lose your boldnes hereafter to dare the enemie to the fight neither shall you bee able at any time to make warre vpon them for that they will alwaies presume to hold you in so great subiection and little esteeme that tenne of them will not feare to assaile an hundred of you in which you will the rather assure them in respect of your fearfulnes and so the conclusion will be that of vanquishers you are like to become vanquished I would gladly know what doth incite and incourage souldiours if it be not glorie and reputation and to gaine therewith by their trauaile and industrie honour renowne and recompence And now that with great admiration you haue atchieued it and brought to happie end this warre would you with your great shame and losse leaue to the enemie this triumphant victorie and reputed fame which in euery place will raise you vp to the heape of all honour and praise What will the Christians mutter among themselues if not but that you haue been fearefull to see the Turkes in your power and that you rather haue fled away then had the courage to detaine them prisoners Doe you not thinke you Hungarians Saxons and Sicilians that the palme of victorie shall be giuen to the Spanyards Germanes and Bohemians and that in stead hereof you shall be noted of infamie suffering so shamefully the enemie to depart and to haue accepted of so cowardly a composition which they demaund of you cleerely thereby manifesting to euery one the feare which you conceiue of him Alas my Lords remember your fathers children brothers and kindred who haue been miserably slaine or fastned in chaines by these Turkes and thinke vpon your wiues which not without your great dishonor haue been violently carried away and rauished by those whom you now hold in your seruitude and if for the premised causes you will not vse to them the rigour of iustice eitherin killing or detaining them prisoners as at this present they hold your children brothers and friends yet at the least make them acknowledge that their liues liberties their armes horses and Ensignes are at your mercie and dispose which if you will needes graunt them these things yet let them acknowledge by speciall grace and fauour to haue receiued them of you and not by a forced constraint or by some certaine feare And neuer respect any false or fained aduertisements nor threats which are bruted of the Bashaes and Belerbeys comming for that he
absolutely determined to bring the Turkes into these countries and to make himselfe sole Lord of Transiluania which would haue been not onely their particular ruine but also an irreparable damage to all Christendome With these friendlie speeches and other plausible reasons which he alleadged to them he wonne that abilitie ouer them that he conuerted them from their former malice to sweare all obeysance to his Maiestie and to offer him to be faithfull and readie hereafter in all his affayres performing whatsoeuer Castalde should commaund them The principals among them within a while after came together to visit Castalde at Seghesuar to manifest vnto him in his presence the assurance of that true fidelitie which in words they had by Chendy promised vnto him Castalde receiued them with infinit ioyes and demonstrations of kindnes promising large pensions to those who were at the Friers pay and giuing honourable titles and liuings to others and besides at Ferdinands charges he bestowed as well vpon the poore as rich many presents to some horses robes of silke apparell of cloath to others money entertaining euery man with good loue and curteous words and assuring them with great and ample hopes of a future and present acknowledgement of their subiection hee made them in a manner so fauourable vnto him that hee verely thought he might well trust them and assist himselfe with them in any enterprise whatsoeuer Obseruing herein the custome of the ancient Romanes who by meanes of curtesie and liberalitie made all sorts of men how proud or insolent soeuer they were to be tractable and louing friends and by force of armes and feare to become subiect and obedient The Sicilians being exceeding well satisfied by these speeches shewed themselues so well contented with this new friendship that it was an incredible thing hardly to be beleeued considering how within so short a time this barbarous and rude nation was wonne and who in all iudgement was to bee greatly mistrusted By such managings men may easily see how forcibly the industrie and gouernment of men are and how greatly the prudence of Francis Chendy serued to reduce those who for our destruction were purposely vnited together and who also had sworne to destroy all Ferdinands people and to driue Castalde out of those regions and also how great and excellent his foresight was in so wisely tempering that people that from that time forward they alwaies shewed themselues to be Ferdinands speciall friends After then that these nations were thus appeased Castalde began to diuide all the companies into commodious places of the kingdome to the end that his souldiours by the benefit of their safegards might in part begin to restore themselues from their trauailes which they had endured and that after they were refreshed they might prepare and finde themselues better disposed to the future warre which alreadie was discerned to come from the Turkes And although that all tumults seemed then to be pacified and extinct yet neuerthelesse there wanted not some who secretly kindled the fire in many places and practising with inward hatred many things according as time fitteth we shall write of brought great detriment to Ferdinands affayres and great paines and hatred as well to his people as to the particular quarters of that kingdome The end of the fourth Booke THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF HVNGARIE THE ARGVMENT OF THE FIFTH BOOKE THE Turke prepareth to make warre vpon Ferdinand Castalde soliciteth for succours and fortifieth the frontier townes of Transiluania The great store of treasure of Frier George Demaunds of Izabella to Ferdinand for performance of couenants Zegedin surprised from the Turkes and the ouerthrow of our people there The Pope excommunicateth the authors of George his death and the information thereof Mahomet Basha commeth into Hungarie Castalde calleth a Diet at Torde and the custome there concerning adulterie Duke Maurice of Saxonie raiseth forces against the Emperour Charles the 5. and forceth him to forsake his aboade and in the end they are accorded Izabella complaineth of Ferdinand and Castalde soliciteth him for succours Themesuar besieged by Mahomet in the end yeelded and the Gouernour thereof with all his people treacherously ouerthrowne and slaine by the Turkes Caransebesse yeelded to the Turks The cowardlines of Aldene Gouernour of Lippa the forsaking thereof and the burning of it by him which was afterwards possessed by the Turks Drigall besieged by the Palauicine he is defeated there by Achmeth Basha of Buda and in the end he is taken and ransomed Zaluoch besieged by Mahomet the cowardlines of the Germane souldiours there and braue resolution of the Castellan Mahomet determineth to goe and besiege Agria IN the beginning of this yeere 1552. Ferdinand and his Lieutenants thought by the death of Frier George to haue procured to Hungarie and Transiluania a long repose and perpetuall peace seeing that some of those who were vehemently suspected did not any thing oppose themselues nor made any shew of insurrections insomuch that they imagined that Fortune by that meanes had brought to euery one a happie life and sweete tranquilitie euery man applauding the present time and extreamely blaming the time past not any manner of way considering that which might happen Thus continuing in this their hope of a better life it was not long but that Fortune according to her naturall inclination gathered together so much poyson and spread abroad so many perturbations that she gaue vniuersall notice of how many mischiefes she had been the cause Then after the discontent of the Sicilians was appeased and that euery one was departed from the Diet of Wasrael Castalde returned to Sibinio when all the Castles and Fortresses which in the Friers name for a time held out they sent to him in the name of Ferdinand and offered vnto him all obeysance and yeelded vp all the treasure which was found therein that in any sort appertained to Frier George In the end hauing accepted their offers and reestablished the same Captaines in the said places he presently certified Ferdinand thereof to the end that with all expedition he should dispatch certaine Comissaries to receiue by account all that which was found in those places to haue been the Friers and afterward to dispose of them as it pleased him Whilest hee expected these Comissaries and that hee was at Sibinio certaine newes came daily by Marchants of Tergonista a principall towne of the Transalpinians concerning that which was done at Constantinople and touching the great preparation that the Turke made being exceeding angrie and enraged for the death of the Frier and caused to bee leauied two great armies to send them against the Transiluanians with which he determined at one instant to assaile this Prouince on two sides on the one side by the Moldauian and on the other by the low Marishes Vpon this newes Castalde both by letters and messengers vrgently pressed Ferdinand for present reliefe and that he would in time prouide himselfe of sufficient
the enuie and wickednes of Ferdinands Captaines who doubting that he meant to reestablish in the kingdome King Iohns sonne and not being able to tolerate that he was so plausible and popular and that they were in so little esteeme with him and that hee disposed of all things as absolute Lord of the countrie without conferring with them of the particularities to thrust him out from among them and to vsurpe his possessions that absolutely they might haue the commaund they accused him to Ferdinand of treason who too lightly reposing credit in them consented that hee should be thus cruelly slaine it being afterward very apparant that this treason was not inuented but only to spoyle him of his treasure and moueables there neuer yet falling out any matter which could in any thing blemish or obscure his honour Whilest vpon these particularities many assemblies were in the Deanes house and that the Comissaries went to Vienna to inquire the manner of this said fact Andrew Battor was created Vayuode of Transiluania and Stephen Losonze Counte of Themesuar who would not haue taken the charge of that towne except Ferdinand would graunt him a sufficient companie of Spanish souldiours to remaine there with him which was presently graunted And for that they were not in the kingdome but in the confines and frontiers of the enemie they were presently sent for and they being arriued Losonze went from thence with them to Themesuar to repayre the fortification of that towne and the Vayuode tooke regard to the affayres of the kingdome Now it was alreadie diuulged in all parts that Solyman had made Mahomet Basha his Lieutenant generall to come and besiege the townes of Themesuar and Lippa and that he was onward on his way at Belgrade where he amassed together a great armie to inuade that countrie It was also euery where certainly bruited that the Vayuode of Moldauia prepared the like to enter into the kingdome about Brassouia About the same time arriued in Transiluania the Counte of Helfestaine with 4000. old Germane souldiours bringing with him tenne peeces of Artillerie By him Ferdinand writ to Castalde that very shortly he would send him 1500. men of armes and 7. companies more of Germanes and that the Marquesse Sforce Palauicin should also within a short time bee with him with 3000. Italians and 2000. Hungarian souldiours and with as many Caualarie as possible he could send him Whilest these preparations were directing on the one partie Castalde and the Vayuode on the other made a decree by which it was commaunded that all the gentlemen of the countrie should assemble at the towne of Torde and there to aduise and determine for the defence of the countrie vnderstanding that Mahomet determined to enter at the same time in diuers places with two armies to wit with his owne armie by the low Marches and with the Moldauian armie by Brassouia All the Nobilitie being according to this commaundement assembled order was giuen for necessaries for the preseruation of the publike weale and it was concluded that the townes of Lippa and Themesuar should be well furnished with men and victuals and that the fortification should with all expedition be presently reared for that the enemie might finde it well defended and that the greatest force of the kingdome should be assembled together as the ancient custome was in such necessitie and that they should be mingled with those who were in Ferdinands pay and that of all they should make but one armie with which they were to march directly against the Moldauian to hinder him from entering into that quarter where there was not any strong place to withstand him but only Seghesuar which neuerthelesse was not of that force that it could resist nor hinder him but that at the first vollic of the Cannon he must needes also be master of Brassouia which was a towne of as great importance as any other in Transiluania and that likewise he should not burne the Prouince of Seculia possessed by the Sicilians and in the middest of the kingdome This bruite and feare although it had not brought with it any other inconuenience then a fabulous report yet was it sufficient to infuse a dreadful amazement into the minds of the inhabitants insomuch that euery one with great losse did alreadie begin to retire to some other aboades and abandon their owne homes and goods And for that Torde was a place strongly situated commodious and abounding in all manner of victuals it was concluded that there should bee the Rende vous for the armie and that thither should come the Vayuode to receiue the souldiours according as they came thither The gentlemen of the countrie being speedily departed with charge and commission to bring as many men as euery one was rated at and being now arriued amongst their people with great expedition obseruing their commission they performed their charge and began to march with their people to be there at the prefixed time and place Whilest they were thus assembling there happened a memorable accident which I would not omit to speake of There was at Torde an ancient custome and which yet continueth and that is that if the husband findeth his wife in adulterie he may cause her there to bee publikely executed in manner as I will speake of and also on the contrarie if the wife finde her husband in the same fault she may pursue that against him which he would doe against her It happened then at that time that a certaine Tayler who was of Varadin named Paul found his wife in bed with one of his companions and pursuing the custome of the said towne he accused her of adulterie and hauing proued the offence it was permitted him to haue the course of law to cut off her head with a Sable in the middest of the market place She being brought thither by her husband and by the course of Iustice and the appointed houre being come for this execution she with teares and sighs kneeling downe before him began pitifully to desire that hee would pardon her notorious fault faithfully promising him that from that time Forward she would hold his honour most deare and that he should neuer hereafter haue any occasion to bee offended against her and that it would please him to giue her her life in regard of the kinde affection which he alwaies bore her during the time she liued in good reputation and that she would euer after serue him not as a husband but as her Lord and master Good Paul being surprised by these her wofull speeches and moued by a natural kindnes to pitie was content to pardon her exhorting and perswading her to become a dutifull and louing wife whereupon he absolutely remitting all her hainous offence tooke her to him againe When within a while after it happened that this dutifull wife found her said husband Paul in adulterie with a young wench whereupon she accused him to the Iustice who causing
by any commaund but moued onely by a true compassion for such an vnspeakeable calamitie and suddaine ruine began in the best sort hee could to giue order to cause to be retyred that Artillerie which remained whole from the violence of the fire seeing he could not remedie any other thing for that all was fallen to a marueilous ruine He remained within Lippa three dayes and vntill he had seene all the Artillerie which was dispersed in the towne that remained whole to the number of fifteene peeces conducted in safetie of which there were some sound and many broken and crakt and with those and all his people he retyred to Iula first causing fire to be set in euery place of the towne that remained vnburnt to the end that the enemy might not in any sort reliue himselfe tierewith Which being done he presently gaue aduertisement thereof to Castalde who alreadie vnderstood of this miserable ruine which was exceeding displeasant to the armie and to all Transiluania and specially to the Spanyards whose reputation it touched more then any other considering that he was a Spanyard which committed so infamous and dishonourable a thing in regard whereof they were alwaies held in contempt and derided by all the nations of that Prouince they being not able to alleadge any colourable reason for their excuse which procured great discontent and irksomenes to Castalde for that he reposed all his hope vpon this Fortresse thinking that in well defending it all the Bashaes force would not haue been sufficient to haue wonne thereof one thumbes bredth of ground And although he esteemed the kingdome together with his armie and reputation to bee in a manner lost yet was he not troubled nor made any semblance of feare in his heart of so great a losse and although the cowardise of another had thus euerted his deseignes and that sudden and rash attempts commonly bring more trouble and amaze then those which are foreseene by an aduised consideration yet neuerthelesse hee did not omit to aduertise Ferdinand of all these accidents and present daunger wherein he was for that the Port of the countrie being by the carelesnes of another opened to the enemie to enter into that countrie he being not able to withstand him without another armie answerable to that of Mahomets or at the least halfe as strong In like sort he gaue aduertisement to Roderic Vigliandrando and to Andrew Lopez that they should march no further because as is aboue said they were sent who by some meanes or other they might enter into Themesuar and he commaunded Captaine Lopez to enter with his companie into the Castle of Deua which next vnto Lippa was the strongest Fortresse in that quarter and of the most importance for the enterance into the kingdome commaunding in like manner Aldene that he should remaine in that towne with the companies which he brought from Lippa and that vntill he knew further of his pleasure The towne of Deua is very fayre and rich and situated in a place which participateth of a plaine and hill hauing a Castle of good defence neere vnto which a few yeeres past was found by such meanes as we shall speake of great store of treasure by the peasants of the countrie vnder an old ancient Castle or Palace all ruinated and decaied The raine continuing a long time and the water running in great abundance with a forcible currant by violence thereof there was discouered an infinit companie of golden Meddals vpon one side of which was coyned the image of Lysimachus and on the other side a victorie euery one weighing two or three crownes The storme and rage of the water being past and the Sunne shining vpon these they made a marueilous glistering which being perceiued by certaine peasants of the countrie and they running to see what it might bee they remained rauished with ioy considering so great a quantitie of the golden Meddals and offering to take them vp they also found a golden Serpent which afterward Castalde sent to Ferdinand hauing had it at the death of Frier George with a part of these ancient Meddals this being an ancient custome amongst those who buried their treasure to place Serpents there in token of a faithfull keeper And after that these peasants had taken no man knew what others tooke from thence more then twentie thousand Duckets and the report was that they might haue taken more then 100000. for that this place had sometimes been Lysimachus aboade whereof Ferdinand had as wee haue said 1000. and Castalde about 300. which coyne remained in this place from Lysimachus his time Among other notable antiquities that was found there were two Meddals of gold the one was of Ninus and the other of Queene Semiramis which two were sent to the Emperour Charles the 5. And there was not any man in all that Prouince of what authoritie or reputation soeuer which had not some of these Meddals so infinit was found this summe to be Now Castalde hauing taken order for the most important affayres of the kingdome he went from thence with the Vayuode of Transiluania to Seghesuar from whence afterwards he went to Sassebessa And being there arriued he lodged in the best manner he could within the towne it being seated in the midst of the countrie where he hastened the fortifications of those townes which were alreadie begun to be fortified and into which places he determined to place garrisons to defend them against the Basha knowing he had not the force to incounter him in the field and writ againe to all the townes that they should send him more souldiours certifying them of the bad fortune which was lately happened to the low countries and although they ceased not to send vnto him yet could they neuer leauie but 16000. men In this time arriued 1500. men of armes which Ferdinand had promised to Castalde 1000. whereof were vnder the conduct of Fabian Schinach and the other 500. remained with the Marquesse Sforce Palauicin who brought with him 3000. Germanes and as many Italians with certaine troupes of Hungarish horsemen and some Artillerie to succour Castalde and marched with great iourneys hauing alreadie passed Papau which is a Fortresse vpon the confines of Hungarie neere to Vesprimia and he marched very speedily There is found vpon the way which is neerest out of Hungarie into Transiluania a Castle named Drigal situated iust in the way which then was kept by the Turkes so that they could not conueniently passe that way which was farre better and the surest to conduct an armie into the countrie Whereupon to finde some meanes to winne this Fort Ferdinand commanded the Marquesse Sforce that arriuing neere vnto the said Castle he should with all his power make some stay there and endeuour himselfe by all meanes possible to get it Which Castalde vnderstanding and knowing by many reports the strength of that place by reason of the few men the Marquesse had with him he
therewith to resist the power of the Basha he endeuoured to oppose himselfe against him and to delude them by the subtelie of his fained shewes which Mahomet supposing to be true was in doubt what to doe But at the last Castalde hauing vnderstood that one day he would vpon a sudden enter into Transiluania and send the Belerbey of Greece before with 25000. horse to giue remedie to that leauing the Vayuode Battor with all his souldious of the kingdome in the same place to the end he should maintaine the reputation of a Campe and to the end also that that might alwaies appeare to bee true which the Spies reported to Mahomet who vntill then in regard of the report as we haue declared before had put him into some feare and doubt he departed with his Infantrie and men of armes with this resolute determination to meete the Belerbey and to fight with him and although it seemed an expresse rashnes yet leauing the issue thereof in the hand of God he was not any whit amazed or discouraged but determined resolutely either to ouerthrow the Belerbey and by that meanes to giue iust occasion to Mahomet not to attempt any more the enterance into the kingdome or else gloriously there to end his happie daies For that if it happened that vnfortunately he should lose this battaile yet for all that he would not censure himself to be vtterly subuerted but as fierce as at the first because hee should leaue behinde him another armie answerable vnto that which he met the Turkes withall As these things were thus a brewing he went to take view of a lodging between Deua and Sassebessa which he found very conuenient for his purpose and commodious to fortifie with great aduantage for the safetie of his Infantrie which he might well accommodate and lodge vpon certaine little pleasant hils which would be as a Caualliar against the Belerbeys horse and afterwards appointed a garrison at Deua wherein he placed Counte Helfestin and two Spanish companies with Vayuode Battors Caualarie to the end that as occasion serued they should make in vpon the Rereward and flanks he being with his men of armes so well accommodated that he might well offend and annoy the enemie without any detriment to himselfe But all these inuentions and troublesome conceits which daily hammered in Castaldes braine proceeding rather by necessitie then of free will tooke no effect for that the Basha altering his determination resolued of some other course and went towards Hungarie he being aduised that if he tooke the strong places thereof Transiluania would then bee wonne with lesse paine and daunger and without hazarding his armie as then hee should hazard them if he entered into that Prouince And truly it was a work of God that the Basha remained so blinded and that he could not discerne so easie a way to conquer that countrie because that Castalde not being of sufficient force to maintaine the field it was necessary for him to retire his forces into strong holds considering that all the gathering together of the powers which they could make out of all the countries of the kingdome was not such as they might affront this barbarous tyrant and yet though it had been sufficient to incounter him withall yet for all that they knew not how neither at the enterance nor at the retraict of the enemies Campe to auoyde in that countrie very great desolation and ruine which as well by reason of the one as of the other should haue happened and specially if such an armie had made long aboade therein it being composed of more then 90000. men besides aduenturers and other straglers who to rob and steale doe vsually follow a Campe. Whilest that Mahomet was determined to enter into Hungarie and that the Castle of Drigal was now besieged and sorely battered by the Marquesse Sforce and Erasmus Teifel contratie to the liking of Castalde as is aforesaid and being not yet taken Achineth Basha of Buda vnderstanding of this violent battering and that this siege was maintained against the aduice and liking of Castalde he determined to relieue the assieged and commaunding that all the Caualarie which were vpon the frontiers should make their Rendevous in a place by him appointed who in the end were 15000. horse with whom he marched towards our people and at the dawning of the day he arriued neere to the Marquesse his Campe sending before 500. horse to giue the alarme and he with the rest of his troupe passed towards another side of the Castle not being perceiued of any to giue in vpon the Rereward of our men if they would offer to come out of their Trenches to fight with those who should giue the alarme At the sight of these 500. horse our men began to make some sallies and charges vpon them and by little and little the alarme waxed so warme that the greatest part of our people either by necessitie or desire to fight went out of their Trenches and ranging themselues in battaile they so fiercely charged the Turkes that they slew most of them and put the rest to a speedie flight ouerthrowing many in the pursuite And as it often happeneth our souldiours thinking by the defeate of these few men they had the victorie assured in their owne hands not foreseeing what might happen they began to disband themselues and pursue the Turks one getting a horse another spoyling the dead when to this medley the Basha after that he saw the occasion to be such as he desired came with such great furie and rage that our people could not really themselues nor resist so violent a charge as well for that they were in disorder as also because they saw themselues out and farre from their Trenches which might haue warranted them from this crueltie The Germanes of Erasmus Teifel who made the battalion and were about 3000. were so at an instant ouerthrowne as if lions had entered into a parke of sheepe The Marquesse Sforce who was armed before the battalion of the Italians seeing that our Caualarie and men of armes were all fled and that also all the Germanes were defeated and that on that side all was lost and ouerthrowne like a prouident Captaine would not indanger the rest of his men but would haue conducted them into some secure place and caused them to take a wood which was there by hoping by that meanes to saue them his enterprise was by the Basha ouerthrowne who cut off his way and forced him in spight of his teeth to fight Who seeing he could not remedie it he in the best manner he could ordered his people in battaile and incouraging the Captaines and the Captaines the souldiours as a valiant and resolute Leader he placed himselfe in the most daungerous place and began the fight which scarcely was begun but his men by reason of the multitude of the enemies horse were so disordered that by no meanes they could not any more reunite themselues to fight but
tooke so desperate a flight as though their onely safetie had consisted therein notwithstanding the menaces and intreaties of the Marquesse did no good and many Captaines forgetting all shame leauing their companies fighting on foote vnder their Ensignes mounted vpon the first horses which by chance they found before them as there were many in the field disfurnished of their masters and therewith leauing their souldiours as a pray they did in such sort flie that there were some of them that neuer looked backe nor stayed before they arriued at Vienna The Marquesse Sforce seeing himselfe thus alone and forsaken of his people although he had as good meanes to saue himselfe as others had yet hauing a generous and a noble minde did rather chuse to dye there with honour and glorie then in flying to saue himselfe with shame and infamie Wherefore seeing hee could not escape this certaine daunger he determined to sell his life to the Turkes as deare as he could and valiantly fighting he would neuer yeeld although in many places he was very sore wounded killing and hurting many of those who enuironed him and as he was in reaching at the necke of one another hurt him in the right hand so that he was forced to let his sword fall and so consequently his courage decreased that he was forced rather to yeeld his bodie then his minde He being thus taken prisoner hee was presently led to the Basha not without the great admiration of all those who had seene him fight so brauely being much astonished at his valour and prowesse which most resolutely they had seene him performe not being vntill then euer knowne to bee Generall but onely for a man of some good respect and authoritie and for such an one he was held by the Basha As soone as Erasmus was taken and knowne to bee a man of no small qualitie hee was presently sent to Constantinople where at his arriuall he had his head cut off There dyed in this ouerthrow many persons of marke and among others the Bishop of Vaccia who was Comissarie generall and many other Germane Captaines The prisoners were Hyppolitus Palauicin Captaine Albert de Castello a Boulonian Captaine Bambino de Carpi Captaine Maria de Tiuoli Captaine Vincent Antiuory a Florentine and of the rest which fled I will not make any mention of in regard they deserue not commendations After this route the Basha at pleasure relieued those of Drigal and hauing effected this vnfortunate iourney which happened the 8. day of August anno 1552. he sent to Buda all the pray and spoyle which he had gotten and returned another way to ioyne with Mahomet who had willed him to come that he might discourse with him vpon that which he desired to doe against Hungarie for that Achmeth had the more knowledge in the discouery passages of that countrie Castalde in the meane time hourely receiued news touching some bad chance because he was not beleeued of the succours which he expected in this great necessitie wherein he was during certaine daies he assuredly beleeued that the Marquesse Sforce was slaine in battaile but afterwards he knew that he was liuing and vnder the Basha of Buda his command frō whō certaine moneths after he was ransomed for 15000. Duckets Now Achmeth being come to Mahomet who was determining to march into Hungarie but yet with a colde resolution considering with himselfe that this yeare he had performed sufficiently in conquering of Lippa and Themesuar he exhorted and perswaded him earnestly to follow on his first determination with a resolution of conquest promising him within few dayes to render the Castle of Zaluoch and the towne of Agria to him possessing him that the greatest part of the townes of that Prouince would assuredly yeelde to him in respect of the feare which was bruited in them by the taking of the foresaid townes and by the ouerthrowe of Palauicin and that by this meanes he should get infinite renowne and glorie and such as he could not hope for and that to that purpose he should be now incited for that he saw Ferdinand busied in the Germane affayres and oppressed by many reuolutions and garboyles and by the losse of men and horses which he apparantly saw was happened to him and which he could not presently renew being in extreame necessitie and want of money so that by these incommodities which he knew to be most true he had now all the meanes that might bee to make himselfe Lord of many townes without any impeachment or danger to him and to leade away infinite prisoners and get inestimable bootie Mahomet greatly incouraged by such hopes presently tooke the way to Zaluoch with all his armie marching with tedious iournies This Castle is very strong and about some three yeares past it was reared and built by Ferdinand from the ground in respect of the commoditie of the place which by cause of the naturall situation and by the shoares and bankes of Tibiscus seemed as though it had been erected by hand Ferdinand the rather was incited hereunto because he knew that Solyman ment to possesse himselfe of that place for the same purpose and for the fertillitie and pleasure of the countrie And thus he preuenting the determination of his enemie first possessed himselfe on this seate and esteeming it worthie of a Fortresse procured with great diligence to builde that Castle which certainely was esteemed inuincible and one of the fairest workes that was in that kingdome hauing about it fiue great Caualliars very high watered on the one side by Tibiscus and on another side enuironed with another riuer named Zagiua and in two other places there was a ditch very deepe which was filled with water from those two riuers and there was within it a large place to range or embattaile fortie thousand men to be short this place was reputed one of the strongest Forts that was in all Hungarie and such a one Ferdinand did esteeme it and alwaies maintained therein a strong garrison of men Artillerie victuals and all sorts of munition for ten yeares To answer which with like correspondence if it had then been as well furnished of resolute souldiours as it was well munitioned of other things it should not haue come to such an vnfortunate end as it receiued by the cowardise of those who were in garrison there Besides these aforesaid preparations Ferdinand had caused there to be kept 50. long narrow boates with which they might vpon those riuers fish and fight if occasion serued and within he had caused to be placed at that time for an ordinarie garrison 300. Germans besides their Captaine who was absent 100. Bohemians 200. Aiduchs and 50. Spanyards besides 200. Hungarish horse who in all amounted to 850. men Castalde vnderstanding that Mahomet marched towards Hungarie certainely perswaded himselfe as afterward was seene that if then he retyred from Themesuar he should not haue the like occasion and commoditie to enter into Transiluaniaas he had
nuncios tam ad excelsam Portam nostram quàm ad eum decernatis Quod si mandato nostro huic in obedientes cum inimicis nostris concordes eritis crudelitatem stragem quam Transiluaniae regnum videbit ex demeritis vestris processisse credatis Nam gratia Creatoris omnipotentis Dei speramus Christianis regno Transiluaniae iram potentiam nostram ostendere Etsi ipsi Transiluani ad pristinam obedientiam fidelitatem nobis adiuuantibus reuerti recusabunt nusquam tuti erunt per totum mundum debitas luent poenas Iurauimus enim Omnipotenti Deo quod in Transiluania lapis super lapidem non relinquetur homines omnes in ore gladij dari pueros faeminas in captiuitatem omniaque loca solo aequari faciemus Propter quod vti inuictissimum potentissimum Imperatorem decet ne tantarum animarum exitum super nostram animam fiat vos omnes prius monendos esse sensuimus Iam multoties vobis mandata talia misimus quae neglexistis sed si mandato huic vltimo obedientes non eritis acerbitatem ruinam quam videbitis non nobis sed vobis ipsis attribuite Omnia igitur cum tempore bene consulite nam caetera prudentiae vestrae examinanda relinquimus Datum Constantinopoli septima Lunae Octobris The english of which is this that followeth THE MANDATE OF THE INVINCIBLE EMPErour of the Turks to Lord Andrew Battor Captaine in Transiluania and to all the other Lords and Peeres of that countrie BY the authoritie and expresse commaund of our greatnes and highnes you shall vnderstand you faithfull in the faith of Christ Andrew Battor wise and knightly Lord amongst all the Christians inhabiting in Transiluania and all you the residue of our louing Lords how that many times wee haue made knowne to you since that Frier George our Treasurer was cruelly and by treason murdered before he could chase out the Germanes which you by your dissentions vntimely haue brought into the kingdome that you your selues and all the rest of the Lords of Transiluania should by common consent and mutuall ayd expulse the said Germanes out of your countrie according to the fidelitie which you owe to our Port and statelines Which not being as yet performed by you wee were very carefull now to incite you to doe it pardoning you of all the former offences and faults which vntill now you haue committed against vs and promising to giue it you againe and to preserue all the libertie which heretofore you haue had in that kingdome of Transiluania and you our Lords and subiects shall alwaies be vnder our protection and safegard and we will hold you in such regard as shall be fitting for you And concerning the kingdome of Transiluania as vnder the gouernment of King Iohn and of his sonne our faithfull subiects it was in peace and freedome euen so wee will ordaine that at this present it shall so continue and we assuredly promise you that the said sonne of King Iohn shall raigne and gouerne amongst you For so long as King Iohn our Vassall and subiect serued vs faithfully and sincerely we neuer suffered that any should molest or trouble you but further after his death wee of our singular grace and clemencie gaue to his sonne being yet in minoritie his fathers countrie and that kingdome and then Transiluania was alwaies quiet But after that you had called in the Germanes amongst you great dissentions were stirred vp betweene you in respect whereof and to reestablish King Iohns sonne and his mother and to deliuer Transiluania from her naturall enemies we by the grace of God haue commaunded to leauie a very great and puissant armie It behoueth you therefore in consideration of your loyaltie that your care and diligence bee with force of armes to expulse out of your kingdome the Germanes and whilest that King Iohns sonne bee reestablished in his place and dignitie that you elect a generall Captaine in that kingdome to whom you may all obey and not suffer any longer your naturall enemies to bee amongst you but by a common consent to banish from thence those who are the cause of so many garboyles amongst you and that euery one of you endeuour himselfe according to his abilitie well and diligently to gouerne the kingdome of King Iohns sonne your Lord. And if we receiue from you this marke and token of fidelitie and obedience you shall not onely obtaine of vs your ancient libertie in this your kingdome of Transiluania but also receiue further from our imperiall Maiestie speciall honour and fauour In the meane time wee will entertaine our mightie armie for the affayres of that kingdome and for the ayde and assistance of King Iohns sonne and we haue alreadie commanded that it should presently march for the deliuerie thereof from out of his enemies hands For wee will by no meanes tolerate that his enemies shall raigne and gouerne in this Prouince And being sufficiently ascertained how much King Iohn our Vassall hath been to vs a faithfull seruant and also his sonne wee haue determined to reinstall him into his kingdome and to cause him to raigne in it by our meanes and afford him such ayde that by Gods permission he shall bee able to ouercome and surmount his enemie To this intent by Gods assistance wee haue caused to march the magnificall and puissant our obedient subiect and faithfull seruant to our Highnes the most illustrious Achmeth Basha second Councellor to our excellent Maiestie and many other our subiects and Courtiers with a great number of Ianisaries of the most mightie and inuincible Port of our greatnes and highnes hauing also commaunded all our generall Captaines and Sangiachs to cause to come from Greece and Buda a great armie insomuch that with our said Councellor we shall haue an armie of 200000. men well appointed before wee march in person against our enemie And further wee haue commaunded the most excellent Prince of Tartaria the Vayuodes of Vallachia and Moldauia with all the Sangiachs which are in those countries on this side and beyond Danubius that with all their Infantrie and Caualarie they shall ioyne with our said Vizir And it is also necessarie that you obey according to your fidelitie the said Basha and that you send your Ambassadours as well towards our royall Port as also to him But if you perseuer disobedient to our mandate and that you accord and adherre to our enemies then assuredly thinke that the ruine losse and crueltie which the kingdome of Transiluania shall endure shall not ensue but by your demerits For by the grace of God the almightie Creator wee hope to giue sufficient testimonie to Christians and to the kingdome of Transiluania what our indignation and puissance is And if the Transiluanians we affoording them our ayde will not returne to their ancient obedience and loyaltie they shall neuer be on any side sure or safe but shall endure through the world the iust
inclined to chuse of the worst rather then the best I haue thought it fitting to aduertise you with the best and pleasingest perswasions that possibly I can that you haue no need thus to neglect your former force and vertue for brauadoes which are but forged and full of winde Considering in what repose and quiet you now are enioying your full libertie and the same peaceably and that vnder the wing and protection of your King who is so milde and iust that not any whosoeuer may be compared to him and imagining on the contrarie that you shall neuer finde rest or safetie vnder the gouernment of this cruell and barbarous Lord holding it for most certaine that it is a vaine conceit for strangers such as you are esteemed of him once to thinke that they are able to finde any clemencie and pitie in him who towards his owne naturall children hath manifested himselfe most cruell Therefore you ought to animate defend and support your selues with a firme and stoute assurance worthie of your former prowesses against these accidents of Fortune that so you may gaine a glorious life for things that haue bin done by like tyrants ought to be tolerated as mischiefes which suddenly proceed from nature And stay your selues vpon the King my Lord and master who will neuer faile to send you what possible ayde he can with which he is alreadie become master of Albe-iula Ahnas Engedin and Lippa hath forced the Turk to recoile raise his Campe from before Themesuar constraining him in great haste to auoide this kingdome which vndoubtedly hee meant then to haue reduced to a miserable and perpetuall bondage and preseruing you in this liberty in which through his grace and fauour you liue and for which both your selues and children should be for euer bound to him And considering the aduertisement that shall be giuen to our King of all these affayres expell and banish from your idle fancies these feares and momentarie conceits and doe not any whit dread these theeues and robbers which with so great furie they menace to send vnto you Beleeue me their armies haue no wings to flie neither can they so readily assemble themselues as they haue writ of And as once to our great glorie wee haue chased them out of this Realme with so great losse of his people as cannot well be recounted so I assuredly hope that for the time to come we shall againe performe the like and that with our farre greater praise and renowne and then he in good earnest tasting of your resolution and stoutnes of courage and inuincible vertue he leauing you there in peace will chaunge his intention like fortune plainly knowing that he hath not to manage warre with effeminate or cowardly people but with men experienced as well in warre as in peace and who through the world shall yeeld a deare account to him of their persons while they doe as resolute mindes are wont to doe who being vniustly iniuried and feeling the outrage that they haue receiued doe for peace willingly imbrace warre All the Lords present being reanimated by these speeches sent to tell the great Turke Achmeth Basha the Moldauian and the Belerbey of Greece that they should come no further because that they were resolutely determined to resist them as much as they could hauing determined together to die in battaile rather then to liue vnder their lawes They also answered the Chiauss that they were content to pay him the ordinarie tribute if so it pleased the Grand Seigniour to accept of such as was offered him which if he would not accept that then he should presently depart The Chiauss receiuing this answer and seeing he could then accomplish no other thing accepted of the ordinarie tribute which was yeerely 20000. crownes and so retired to Belgrade and from thence to Constantinople leauing the kingdome free of a great feare and suspition Castalde hauing thus though not altogether gained the hearts of the Transiluanians and confirmed them in the league and deuotion of Ferdinand retired againe to his accustomed aboade at Albe-iula where he had not been long but that he had newes how Achmeth Basha of Buda writ a familiar letter full of a thousand kind and liberall offers to Patocchy containing certaine hidden and secret words as if there had been some great intelligence and correspondence betweene them two Which the Basha purposely practised to the end that Ferdinand and Castalde should vpon that occasion iustly conceiue some mistrust against him But his former proceedings being sufficiently iustified hee was alwaies held and reputed by them very loyall and faithfull and they committed vnto him the Castle of Iula with the gouernment of the towne that he might keepe it as in former time hee had done faithfully and therein to remaine his wife and children The Castles of Iula Panchotto Varadin and others began to bee in some distresse for want of victuals and it was most necessarie to make prouision for them which was not done without great discommoditie for that they were constrained to employ thereupon the money which was appointed for the musters and payment of the souldiours so that the time to muster being come and this said money spent in these affayres it was not possible to recouer or get any more and that was the cause as hereafter we shall speake of great tumults and specially because Vayuode Battor by his indisposition or for that it so pleased him would no longer execute the office of Vayuodship and requested that they would prouide themselues of another therefore although Castalde instantly desired him to continue in this office which greatly troubled him During these troubles letters came from Ferdinand by which he commanded them to begin a trial and proceed therein against Aldene the Camp-master who was still prisoner and that afterwards he shuld be sent to him with all the proceedings against him Aldene reprouing as suspected certaine of the Iudges required his Maiestie that his triall might bee referred to others which being granted him they began to examine many witnesses and concluded his triall by which in the end he was condemned to die and euen by the deposition of many who did proue against him the great treacherie and cowardlines which he vsed in abandoning Lippa he being well able to defend it who also set open and declared the great losse and damage which he had committed against Ferdinand in causing the Castle and Artillerie and all the munition to bee consumed with fire which were the materiall causes that he was condemned to death for His triall being thus fully concluded he was sent to Vienna with the sentence of the Iudges which being allowed by his Maiestie declared that he should be sent vnder a sure guard who presently after according to that commaund was surely conducted in chaines to Vienna where hee remained prisoner so long that the continuance thereof in the end was the cause as hereafter wee shall speake of his libertie
daily came to him hee meant to march directly to Deua to reuenge himselfe of the losses which he had receiued of our people and withall to make himselfe master of that place to the end that so he might not haue any impeachment that might crosse his proceedings Hereupon Castalde caused the Diet to be solicited and earnestly to perswade all those that should be present thereat to giue order that euery one should take armes and ayde this towne and others and specially to march to the frontiers which diuide Polonia from Transiluania where it was said that there were 12000. Pollacques well armed whose enterprise was knowne to be no other but onely that they were there for the ayde of Queene Izabella The appointed day then for the Diet being come Castalde was present at Colosuar where he found al those who were called thither except the Vayuode who in respect of his sicknes was excused and there by the expresse commaund of Ferdinand hee demaunded of the Transiluanians ayde of men to suppresse all these tumults which couertly were dispersed in euery place and to defend Deua and other places he also demaunded money and victuals to make at the least a reasonable armie and such that with his people which then he had he might bee able in many places to resist his enemies Besides he demaunded of them Pioners to finish the fortifications of Sibinio Albe-iula and Sassebesse admonishing them to attempt it whilest the meanes were on foote to obtaine some truce of the Turke Vpon which demaunds he was thus answered that because the kingdome was by a long warre sorely afflicted and distressed and euery man reduced to extreame miserie they could not succour him with money nor victuals because that in the last winter they were all spent and consumed by the souldiours and as for the ayde of men they would assist him therewith as farre as they could notwithstanding it being necessarie that Ferdinand should send some other succours from Germanie or Hungarie to resist the Turke for that this Prouince was not of it selfe sufficient to withstand so great an assault which on euery side would be giuen and specially towards Lippa Brassouia and Hungarie where in euery place it was very requisit to haue a great armie infinit heapes of money and great store of victuals to entertaine them which by no meanes could not be found in this countrie by reason of the extreame pouertie thereof and specially of labourers which in regard of the continuall warres were either dead or fled And as concerning that which they were able to do he well knew that all was in his power to commaund they besides not iudging it vnfit to giue some repose to this discontented people to imbrace truce with the Turkes whereto they willingly offered themselues and they promised on their parts to chuse Ambassadours to treate thereof with the Grand Seigniour by the meanes of the Vayuode of Transalpinia who for the same effect had many times offered himselfe to them And as for the fortifications of those places alreadie begun they would speake thereof to the Burgomasters of those townes that they would do so much that they should send so many Pioners as was needfull for the finishing of them With this resolution this Diet ended when the Spaniards for two payes which they should haue receiued were more moued and mutinous then before and that in so strange a manner as the like was neuer heard of For refusing the payment and not minding to stay that they might bee satisfied in that kingdome for all that which was due to them they tooke by force the Ensignes from those who bore them and with them took their way towards Vienna passing through Hungarie where they performed infinit euils committing the greatest riot in the world And although that Castalde that he might haue brought this warre to an end was daily vpon his departure out of Transiluania yet he neuer could neither by entreaties nor by offers or perswsions so farre preuaile with them as that they would attend him but twentie daies to the end that he might not leaue the kingdome vnprouided and that for the time to come he might giue order to those places which had neede of garrisons and generally to doe before his departure all whatsoeuer appertained to the preseruation of that countrie But without respect to their Generall they dislodged and passed by Colosuar threatning to sacke this towne who were greatly afeard thereof although that Castalde was within it And being arriued at the riuer of Marque Ferdinand was exceedingly offended thereat and meant to send the Marquesse Sforce Palauicin who was alreadie redeemed from the Turkes for 15000. Duckets with all his people to haue cut them in peeces and seuerely to chastise the authors of this so great a sedition But he being appeased by by some sent to tell these Spaniards that they should repayre to Papau where they should bee satisfied of all their pay as within a while after they were A little before that Aldene was conducted to Vienna and was imprisoned in a tower Ferdinand minding that his condemnation should not be executed vntill Castaldes comming to whom he had giuen license to depart out of this Prouince and to come from thence to Vienna or to Sopronio Whereto he was very willing leauing this kingdome in the moneth of Aprill and arriued at Vienna in the end of May where he was ioyfully receiued by Ferdinand and K. Maximilian to whom afterward he made a large recitall of all what was passed to their great content And because vertue and glorie haue alwaies enuie attending on them some persons bruited amongst the greatest of Ferdinands Court that Castalde had heaped together a great quantitie of gold and siluer and that he was not a little inriched by Frier Georges treasure and by the presents which the Transiluanians had bestowed on him and that he had sent great store thereof from him This bruite did greatly grieue him for that it was come to Ferdinands eares and yet further for this that some said that he had detained and kept backe pensions and wages which his Maiestie had granted to certaine that were his trustie seruants and who had faithfully serued him during this warre Vpon this bad and false suggestion there was added many other vile and infamous things By writing and speeches he endeuoured to expell these false suggestiōs from Ferdinands conceit and from all the principall of his Court who in respect of such an obiect deferred the recompence which was iustly duly to him for the paine and labour which he had taken in discharge of his office yet so it was that in the end he was rewarded with 3000. Florins of gold of yeerely reuenew to him and his heires with certaine conditions to call them backe vpon some reasonable summes Presently after the departure of Castalde out of Transiluania they had newes that one Clement Athanase had with a good troupe of men
assotiated with him by night taken the Castle of Tocchay which by the situation thereof and art is very strong and that he durst attempt with ladders to surprise the towne of Agria from whence he was repulsed by the inhabitants in such manner that he could not enterprise any thing vpon it this being attempted by the commaund of Queene Izabella and her sonne Iohn They had also newes how Peter Vicchy was accorded with the Turkes and how he being accompanied with all his adherents he tooke the way towards Lippa with intention in the Queenes name to surprise the towne of Deua and Iula and doe his vttermost endeuour in this that it might returne to her and that she might reenter into the kingdome This man had great meanes and vnder his colour many great matters were practised which gaue sufficient occasion to Ferdinand to thinke deeply thereof who was sufficiently informed how all the Realme inclined to the Queenes part The Saxons to haue some shadow to remoue their household caused to bee demaunded of his Maiestie the Castle of Aluins which they said did according to their priuiledges belong to them and they requested that it might be confirmed to them by him That he might not discontent them in this their demaund but rather to hold them assured to him in some sound fidelitie and that hee might not giue them occasion to mutinie he yeelded to their demaund and presently they of Iula Agria and other places were commaunded that they should be vigilant and carefull and not sleepie or slothfull for feare of being suddenly surprised by the Queenes partie who ceased not to performe her vttermost endeuour that euery one should take armes against the Officers Gouernours and Lieutenants of Ferdinand During these proceedings it was ordained that the processe of Aldene should be renued and that the sentence should haue his full and entire effect if the accusations were found true This reuiuing being at a certaine day ended the first sentence was by this second confirmed and by consequence Aldene condemned to haue his head cut off The prescribed day being come to end his life he was in the sight of all Vienna led chained betweene two Friers who did comfort him to the place of iustice hauing the executioner by and was there vpon a scaffold to be beheaded Mary Queene of Bohemia and daughter of the Emperour Charles the 5. because he was a Spaniard and subiect to her father preuailed so much with the King her husband that he requested pardon of Ferdinand for him with this condition neuerthelesse that he should alwaies remaine prisoner This fauour being thus granted Aldene had his life saued and within a while after by the same meanes was wholly set at libertie against Castaldes liking who to the end he might giue example to others and to cause them learne by the negligence and cowardlines of Aldene how they should be hardie resolute and couragious imitating Torquatus solicited that he should be publikely punished Now whilest Castalde recreated himselfe with Ferdinand sometimes being with him in hunting sometimes pursuing the Harts along Danubius which to saue themselues from the dogges tooke soyle therein letters came to him from the Emperour Charles by which he commaunded him that seeing the Transiluanian warres were ended he should presently depart from Vienna and iourney into Flanders where he was greatly troubled by the people of King Henry of France that so he might vse him in this warre The Emperour also writ to Ferdinand how he had taken Hedin from the French King which is a place situate vpon the confines of Artois in the Low Countries against which he had brought a puissant armie and had enuironed it with his Campe and battered it on all sides and that in the end he had taken it notwithstanding the marueilous defence of the assieged making a great myne wherein was buried Horatius Farnese Duke of Castres and that he had caused it to bee ruinated and defaced euen to the foundations there being prisoners with him the Duke of Bouillon Marshall of France Lieutenant in the same for the King the Lord of Riou Gouernour the Counte of Villars the Lord of Prye the Baron of Culan and many others there being besides slaine the Lord of Magny the Vicount of Martigues the Lord of Moninuille the Lord of Cizieux the Lord of Dampierre the Seneshal of Castres and many others For this newes and the taking of Terouanne which a little before was besieged were great fires of solemnitie made at Vienna and many such-like exhilerations at the end whereof Castalde to obey the Emperour tooke leaue of Ferdinand and after being greatly honoured by him with many priuiledges and inriched with many gifts for the great valour which he had shewen in Transiluania against the Turkes he trauailed towards Germanie at the time that the warre of Sienna began to cease by meanes of Pope Iulius the 3. In the Easterne parts Solyman was no lesse inflamed to the warre then was Charles the 5. against France He as wee haue said in the yeere 1552. caused euery where to be published to get Mustapha his eldest sonne into his hands that the Persians were entered into Amasia and Syria and had sacked many townes and spoyled a great circuite of the plaine countrie leading with them prisoners the poore inhabitants and ruinating al which they incountred Vpon these newes he caused to be diuulged that he should be forced to goe in person into Amasia and to send Rostan Basha with a strong armie into Syria to force them to retire But this deuice was to no other end but speedily to haue the said Mustapha into his commaund and to assure himselfe of his Empire and life by putting him to death But before wee come to this narration it is necessarie that I recite some things of time past that I may the more orderly descent to that which commeth now to be treated of and to cause men better to vnderstand the cause that moued Solyman so cruelly to hate so vertuous and magnanimious a sonne Solyman then hauing had this Mustapha his eldest sonne by a slaue of Circassia he gaue him the gouernment of the Prouince of Amasia the better to maintaine himselfe and his mother This yong Prince daily increasing with corporall abilitie and with vertues of the minde gaue of himselfe great expectation to all those who saw him assuring themselues that one day he would proue a most valiant Captaine and couragious Lord. This infant being departed from Constantinople and arriued in this Prouince the Grand Seigniour began to be enamoured of another of his Slaues named Rossa so hotly that with the daily conuersation he had with her he saw by her foure children the one named Mahomet who had the Prouince of Carmania the other Baiazet to whom was giuen Mechoresia the third Selim who after the death of Mahomet had Carmania and the fourth Zeangir otherwise called crookbacke by reason of
he had receiued such letters gaue them to Rossa to the end that according to the oportunitie and occasion of the time she might shew them to the Turke She in shewing them these letters as a subtell and malicious woman made great shew to be exceedingly contented at the generositie and valiantnes of Mustapha and to be very respectiue of his life and health and then on the other side as being carefull of the preseruation and puissance of her Lord and spouse by wilie and subtell meanes she propounded to him the example of Selim who by the like craft and industrie depriued his father both of his Empire and life desiring him to finde the meanes to discouer the deseignes of Mustapha But for this time her deuices tooke no great effect in Solyman and she seeing that they came to nothing thought to make him away by poyson and sending him in his fathers name certaine presents gaue charge to some to carrie them to him But for that the houre of his death was not yet come he would at no hand taste thereof vntill the bringer had first made an assay who presently fell downe stone dead for which cause he made them to bee cast away and so escaped the death This treacherie falling out contrarie to the desire of Rossa yet for all that she lost no courage but inuented another desiring her Lord that he would doe her this fauour that sometimes one and sometimes another of his children might come to the Court to see him and after that returne againe into their gouernment thereby the rather to continue a reciprocall amitie betweene him and his children This deuice tended to this end that Mustapha comming thither should with better commoditie bee dispatched by some maner of meanes whatsoeuer and not comming thither he should be sent for For the eldest sonnes of the Turkish Emperours are not accustomed to depart out of their Prouinces to come to Constantinople except they bee sent for to bee made Emperours with a strong and puissant armie which they are not wont to doe so long as the father liueth Neuerthelesse she obtained that two of his children should come thither and thus alwaies was one or two with Solyman either in the towne or in the armie or in some other place where hee was Zeangir the crookbacke was oftner there then any of them for that he was pleasant and merrie and one that could fit all humours well whereat the Grand Seigniour tooke great pleasure Now certaine yeeres after Fortune enuious of Mustaphaes magnanimitie and fauouring the wickednes of this woman caused a letter to bee brought from the Basha the gouernour of Mustapha and of Amasia it being the custome that when a sonne of the Grand Seigniour goeth into any gouernment to giue him a Basha to instruct him in Militarie discipline and a Doctor to teach him the liberall Arts and other good erudiments It was imported by this letter that a mariage should bee treated of betweene the said Mustapha and the daughter of the King of Persia whereof this Basha did diligently aduertise the Court and the Grand Seigniour to the end that not any thing should be imputed to him as if he had participated in this affayre This letter being come into the hands of Rostan esteeming that this was a subiect very fit for him to ouerthrow Mustapha withall acquainted Rossa with all the matter with whom he hauing conferred of that which they should doe they went both together to the Turke shewing him the ambition of Mustapha and that he had a purpose to inuest himselfe in the Empire and by the affinitie contained in this letter to ioyne the Persian armies with his that so he might the better expulse him from Constantinople adding at the end the little faith which was to be hoped of the Ianisaries because they were corrupted by his great bountie These so euident reasons were with words full of such great efficacie pronounced by them that they so moued Solyman that to assure his kingdome and life he determined to put his sonne to death and according to this resolution he caused Rostan Basha to march before with a great armie towards Syria with commaund and expresse charge vnder the colour to driue away the Persians to seaze vpon the person of Mustapha by some subtell dexteritie and to conduct him to him Rostan being come to the enterance of this Prouince and Mustapha hauing vnderstood of his comming presently marched towards him with 7000. of the valiantest souldiours that he had Rostan seeing that then his enterprise could take no good issue bruiting it abroad that he found all things in good tranquilitie returned without any further expecting the comming of Mustapha or without seeing the dust of his souldiours and returned from thence to Constantinople with more then ordinarie speede where being arriued he recited to the Grand Seigniour all that which was happened to him and giuing colour to that which hee had alreadie practised with Rossa he caused him to redouble his feare telling him that hauing found the armie which he led with him into Syria most readie and willing and at the deuotion of Mustapha and they desired no other thing but only that he were absolute Lord he by this occasion meant not to trust them to giue him any battaile nor hazard any thing by reason of the incredible good will which all the Ianisaries bore him but that he thought it more expedient to returne from thence and submit all vnder the aduice and iudgement of his Maiestie as he did These speeches ingendered in Solymans heart a most great indignation and were the cause to bring to end that treason thus wrought against this innocent yong man This then being the yeere 1553. he commaunded that all the souldiours should assemble and that Achmeth Basha of Buda with all the prouision of Hungarie should march towards Amasia to bring to end the Persian warre it being expressely euery where bruited abroad that the Persians were afresh entered into Syria with many great troupes Solyman set himselfe onward on his iourney with all his armie and being there arriued he presently caused letters to be writ to Mustapha that he should come to him at Aleppo and endeuouring to conceale the hate which through others malignitie he bore to his sonne yet could he not so well dissemble it but that Achmeth Basha as of better iudgement then the other Bashaes were did perceiue it and conceiuing great displeasure that the father should be thus incensed against his sonne because he was too generous secretly aduertised Mustapha that he should looke well to himselfe and his life and not be too secure This did greatly astonish the poore yong man and the rather considering the comming of his father with so puissant an armie into that countrie without any reasonable occasion the Persians being then with them quiet and in peace and he entering into great suspition was many daies greatly tormented in the end although he was
thereof and chased from thence Ferdinands people there increasing at the same time so horrible a plague in this Prouince that it continued vntill the yeere 1555. whereof died so many men horses and other beasts that it was an incredible thing Vpon the occasion of this losse the Turks being incouraged tooke armes against Ferdinand and entring into that countrie besieged Albe-iula against which they built a Fort and the assieged being at the end of their victuals were constrained to yeeld to the Queene who in sauing them she was by that meanes made Ladie of that towne and within a while after in her sons name of all the rest of Transiluania and there rested no more for her to conquer but certaine Castles situated in the confines of the Bishopricke of Varadin and that of Tocchay which is very strong And expecting a commodious time to goe and besiege them she did no other thing in the meane while but assure the minds of the principals of the kingdome in the deuotion of her selfe and her sonne causing for this purpose to be published a generall Diet at Sibinio for all the nations of the countrie wherein she shewed the wrong which she had receiued by the officers of the Emperour because they had not kept with her the conditions and capitulations accorded betweene them and the losse and ruine which had happened vnto them because they would take part with him and on the contrarie the good and profit which they should receiue in being retired to her she assured in such sort her forces in this Prouince that all wholly refusing the amitie of Ferdinand and imbracing that of Iohns as of their naturall Lord all neuer ceased vntill they had cleansed Transiluania of the remainders of the Emperials the Queene being for this purpose fauoured of the King of Polonia and of the Queene Bonna her mother who secretly besides the Turke who feared that Ferdinand should set footing in this countrie and that in time he might greatly annoy him in that quarter would not faile to assist her with all counsels and succours which they should thinke necessarie and profitable for her according to the condition of the time She recompenced those who had not abandoned her part and as a sage and prudent woman she reserued to another time the commoditie to reuenge her selfe of the iniuries which she had receiued of those who so many times rebelled against her and had been the occasion of all these inconueniences And being confederate with the Vayuodes of Moldauia and Valachia and by the expresse commaund of the Turke hauing made a perfect alliance and friendship with the Basha of Buda the Sangiach of Bossina and Belgrade she began to giue order to the affayres of the kingdome and to receiue the accounts of the reuenew thereof to acquit her selfe and pay those who had assisted her to enter thereinto and also to giue presents to those who for diuers causes did merit recompence making her selfe by this meanes delightfull to euery one About this time her brother Sigismond King of Polonia hauing refused for wife one of the daughters of the King of the Romanes being inamoured of a gentlewoman his subiect who was yong and indowed with singular beautie he tooke her to wife and spouse and married her against the will of the Queene his mother and of all the principals of his kingdome for which occasion it happened that the mother was long time incensed against him vntill the death of this new Queene who suddenly died not without suspition of being poysoned and by her death all the dissentions of the kingdome were appeased and the King was reconciled to Queene Bonna his mother who hauing before greatly laboured to haue leaue to retire out of Polonia and goe and repose her selfe in Italie and to finish the remainder of her daies in her Dutchie of Barry situated in the kingdome of Naples she was in the end by meanes of the Emperour Charles and of Ferdinand King of the Romanes licensed by her sonne and in iourneying into Italie she passed by Venice where by this Common-weale she was receiued within the Bucentaure with great pompe and honoured by all the gentlewomen of the towne who gorgiously attired and dressed with stones and Iewels presented themselues to her and conducted her to the Palace of the Duke of Ferrara vsing to her the greatest curtesies which could be imagined she being further continually visited by euery one And after being accompanied with certaine armed Gallies which were giuen to her by the State of Venice to conduct her in suretie for feare of Saala Rays the Pyrat who then skoured those seas and with a good winde she arriued at the Port of Barry where she liued not long not being held in any good reputation nor gaining a good name by reason of one Pappacoda to whom forgetting her sonne and daughter so great is the fleshly desire of this world she left all the good things that she had remaining infinitly blamed for this act and little commended among the liuing This happened then when betweene the Emperour Charles and Henry King of France there was accorded after many disputes and controuersies betweene the Commissioners a truce for fiue yeeres which was published in France in Italie and Flanders And that they might the better reioyce and congratulate vpon the occasion thereof with these two great Princes the Pope sent to the one of them for Legate the Cardinall Mottola and to the other the Cardinall Caraffa The Emperour laying aside armes by occasion of this truce with hope that it in the end would ingender a good peace was resolued wholly to renounce all the affayres and pompes of this world insomuch that according to this resolution whilest he was at Gaunt he dispatched certaine Lords to the Electors of the Empire and to Ferdinand his brother by whom he declared to them his determination sending by them to Ferdinand the Crowne Scepter and the other Emperiall ornaments By these he writ to the Cardinall of Mentz an Elector the letter which followeth My Lord Cardinall seeing it hath pleased God to shew me so much grace at the end of my daies as to graunt me rest by the truce which I haue made with the King of France the fruite whereof I hope for a good peace betweene the subiects both of the one part and other I am resolute to end the remainder of my yeeres with a life more sweete and fuller of tranquilitie by meane of which I may applie my self to the contemplation of diuine things from which to my great sorrow I haue been more distracted then I would haue bin by the affayres which I haue had vpon me euen from my youth in so great abundance that if diuine clemencie had not assisted and comforted me I know it had been impossible for me to vnfold my selfe therefrom The acknowledgement which I haue thereof besides other benefits receiued frōaboue hath more excited me to
know to be necessarie for you whereof I desire you not to feare to aduertise and solicite me In the meane time I recommend my selfe to your good fauour and prayers and humbly desire God to keepe you my Lord Cardinall in long health and happie life From Gaunt the 2. of September 1556. According to the contence of this letter Philip the only sonne of the Emperour came to his father at Scuebourg in Zeland whither from Gaunt he was come to imbark himselfe to sea There the father instructed him how he should gouerne the affayres of his States and how he should carrie himselfe to his subiects and his confederates after he had giuen him his blessing and imbraced him for the last time and dismissed all the Princes Ambassadours Gentlemen and Captaines who were there present his Maiestie the 14. of September a little before the sunne rising went aboord vnto a vessell prepared for him together with the two Queenes Elinor and Mary his sisters and being accompanied with 60. saile directed his course towards Biscay where with a fauourable winde he arriued within few daies hauing before passed the sea sixe other times He disimbarked at Larede a Port of that Prouince and there he was receiued with great honour by the Lords and Spanish gentlemen Some say that as soone as he set foote on land he kneeled downe thanking God for that in these last daies of his life he had shewed him this fauour to conduct him into this countrie which aboue all others he held alwaies most deare and by meanes whereof he was come to that high degree of the Empire attributing to it next to God in a manneral his victories and honours vsing these words As naked I came out of my mothers wombe so naked doe I returne to thee my second mother and in recompence of many merits which thou hast vsed to me I not being able for the present to bestow any other thing on thee I giue thee this my sicke bodie and these my feeble and weake bones After he had vsed these words notwithout shedding some teares he very kindly saluted all those Lords which were come thither to doe him that honour which they owed to him and after being put into his Litter he was conducted to the towne of Valladolid where was the Prince Charles his yong sonne In this towne which next to that of Tolledo is the principall towne of Spaine his Maiestie was resident a while during the which he exhorted this yong Prince to imitate the footsteps of his predecessors and charily to obserue and keepe the Christian and Catholike religion After that he went from thence into the Prouince of Estremadure to a Monestarie of S. Hieromes called the Heremite Friers situated in a very solitarie place and commodious to leade a holy life Hauing in this place giuen leaue to the two Queenes his sisters to depart and sent them backe to Valladolid this great Emperour chused there his last aboade and there ending the rest of his daies with few domestike officers giuing himselfe ouer to continuall contemplation of diuine things and forsaking all the affayres of this world he passed the rest of his time in prayer almes deedes and other charitable workes In the meane time Ferdinand King of the Romanes after he had receiued by the hands of the Prince of Orange the patents of the Emperour by which in his fauour he renounced the dignitie of the Empire the Scepter and Crowne with the Emperiall Mantle he went to the Diet of Franckfort accompanied with the said Prince with George Sigismond Sille Vice-chancellor and Wolfang Haller Secretarie of the Empire about the moneth of March. At this Diet were all the Electors and the ceremonies accustomed in such solemne acts being accomplished his Maiestie with all his Princes went to Aix where he was crowned Emperour notwithstanding the refusall which Pope Paul the 4. made to ratifie this election alleadging that it was not lawfull for that the Heretike Electors as he so called them intermedled therewithall But this no otherwise proceeded not from his Holines but by an occasion of a certaine deuice betweene him the King of France and others altogether against the house of Austria according vnto which the Duke of Albe was euen now come to blowes with the Captaines of his Holines and within a while after followed the breach of the foresaid truce vpon which occasion happened to the French this great losse which they sustained vpon S. Laurence his day in the moneth of August by the towne of Saint Quintins About this time the Grand Seigniour declared to the Queene of Transiluania that he vnderstood that certaine sects were crept into the religion which she held which by no meanes he would she should tolerate if she would remaine in his fauour knowing that such nouelties would bring nothing to her but tumult and losse of her kingdome and to him much trauaile and for this cause he commaunded her vtterly to extirpite them who were authors thereof and in such manner to extinguish them that there should not be any mention of them This command was not without cause For the Heretikes were alreadie nesled in this kingdome and by their preachings had sowed their darnell and withdrawne many from the vniuersall Church and if this commaund had not put them in great feare all the kingdome had been replenished with them But according to the will of the Turke and obeying thereto they were presently banished and chased from thence By which wee may see how much a sudden and readie foresight which is vsed with wisedome in things stirred vp besides and against ancient custome may infinitly profit in general at no hand preiudice in particular If this had been obserued in Germanie when the heresies there budded out this Prouince had not so much bin giuen to troubles as it was with the losse and damage of all Christendome In this same time Charles King of Spaine and not long since Emperour being fallen sicke in the Monestarie of the Hieronimite Friers after he had receiued all the Sacraments of the Church by the hands of the Archbishop of Tolledo named Bartholmew Miranda and not without the teares of those who were there present the 21. of September he yeelded his soule to God putting by his death an end to his great triumphs and victories and leauing this perpetuall memorie of him that of long time before him there was not any Emperour more valiant couragious wise and fortunate then himselfe His bodie was intombed in the towne of Granado in the place where ordinarily are buried all the Kings of Spayne His sonne Philip onely heire of all his kingdomes and seigniories after he vnderstood of his death he made a sumptuous preparation for his funerals in the Church of S. Iula at Bruxels And among other magnificences there was a great Ship which was made to goe through the streetes by art which was round about filled with goodly
tables shewing his victories there was vpon the right side writtten these words Africke ruinated Gelders taken the sea cleered Tremisan reestablished Solyman chased Vpon the left side were read these words The new world discouered Millan recouered Germanie and Bohemia appeased Moron and Coron forced Tunise taken and restored and the captiues brought backe againe the Christian Faith planted in India After this great Vessell followed two Collomes placed vpon two Rockes being crowned and drawne by Tritons In one of them was written these verses Take thou well for thy deuise The Herculian pillar of large size And in the other were those which here follow Taming the monster in this season of thine As Hercules did in his time And after were carried all the Ensignes of his kingdomes and seiguiories which were followed by the gentlemen of his house in good order of which I will make no large discourse to auoide the tediousnes which the reader may take in reading againe a thing which others by speciall writing haue alreadie heretofore exposed to the eyes of euery one Onely I will say that in this ceremonie marched King Philip the Duke of Sauoy and all the other Knights of the Golden Fleece with the Ambassadours of all the Potentates of Europe In the said Church was seene both of one side and other that which followeth written in faire and great letters To the Emperour Caes Charles the 5. Religious Happie Aug. of the Gaules great Lord of the Indies of Tunise of Africke of Saxonie mightie victorious and triumphant ouer many nations Although that the things by him done by sea and land his singular humanitie his incomparable wisedome his most feruent zeale are sufficiently knowne to the world neuerthelesse the Christian Common-weale for the memorie of his iustice pietie and vertue hath dedicated this Ship vnto him Because he discouered to our world a new world and added to the name of Christ many strange nations and inlarged the Empire of Spaine with many kingdomes and Prouinces For that he preserued Germanie against 30000. horse and 100000. footmen with which Solyman the Turkish Emperour meant to haue inuaded this Region Because he entered with a strong Nauie into Morea and tooke Patras and Coron Turkish townes For that he ouercame the Tyrant Barbarossa in battaile by Carthage who was accompanied with 200000. footmen and 60000. horse Because he put to flight 200. Gallies and many other vessels of Pirates and tooke the Fort of Goleta with Tunise and Hippo the new and Hippo the royall For that he tooke the kingdome of Tunise and by it spoyled the Empire of Libia and restored it to the lawfull King and caused him to pay tribute to the Crowne of Spaine Because he brought from thence free into their countrie 20000. captiues For that he yeelded the kingdom of Tremisan to the right King after he had tamed the Mauritanians Because with a strong Nauie he won Africk the most renowned port towne of Barbaria with the townes of Susa Monastaire Clupea with other sea-townes and caused the Lords of them to pay tribute For that he ouerthrew neere to Mauritania and by the I le of Sicilia twice two Turkish Fleetes scouring our seas For that he made the sea peaceable against the continuall courses of Pirates Because he reduced the Common-wealth of Genes to her ancient libertie Because after he had sixe times chased the enemies fleetes and thrice in battaile defeated the enemies twice reunited the Dutchie of Millan to the Empire and once restored it to the D. Because with incredible celeritie he forced the towne of Dura and ruduced vnder his puissance the Dutchie of Guelders For that he suppressed many Princes of Germanie and Prouinces which stirred the countrie to tumult and sedition forcing their townes and Castles and for that after he had taken the heads of their armies he pacified Germanie For that he being Emperour passed the riuer of Albis and after he had ouercome in battaile his enemies and reduced their townes vnder his puissance and tooke their Commanders captiues from thence he returned victorious Because that of his owne good will he tooke armes against the enemies of Christendome and neuer against the Christians but by constraint and to warrant himselfe from their outrages To the most puissant Catholike and excellent Prince this Christian Common-weale most affectionate to his Maiestie hath erected these Titles and Trophees adding to his Tombe the marks and Ensignes of his kingdomes and the Tables of conquered nations and to our Lord Emperour Caes Charles the religious happie Aug. King of many kingdomes triumphant ouer many nations victorious ouer the Indies Libia Maur. Turkie Deliuerer of Germanie of Italie of the Sea of captiues Pacifier of Germanie Italie Spaine and of the Sea Reestablisher of many Princes Arbitrer of many Princes and to the most glorious Prince of Catholikes the Christian Common-weale hath dedicated this for the example of Iustice of Clemencie and Valour to his most religious sonne Most gratious God and most mightie one and alone in Trinitie the Christian people doe consecrate vnto thee these Titles and Trophees for the memorie of the acts of Charles Caes Aug. whom thou madest Emperor of the Romanes and King of many kingdomes whose Pietie Iustice Clemencie Prudencie Magnanimitie and Valour is admired throughout the world he by thy conduct hath augmented this Empire and his kingdomes leauing the one to his brother and the other to his sonne with an example of his vertues which he dying surrendereth to thee againe This great Emperour did well deserue that such and so great honours should bee done him there not being any since Charlemaine who in force puissance and happines surpassed him Within a while after died his sister Mary who was married to Lewis King of Hungarie slaine in the battaile of Mohaze The end of the seuenth Booke THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF HVNGARIE THE ARGVMENT OF THE EIGHT BOOKE A Diet held at Ausbourg by the Emperour Ferdinand wherein was graunted to him succours for the defence of Hungarie against the Turke Tocehay taken by King Iohn betweene whom and Ferdinand there are motions of peace but they come to nothing Maximilian the sonne of Ferdinand is chosen King of the Romanes Solyman seeketh peace of Ferdinand in regard of the distrust he had of the Gouernour of Egypt Maximilian created King of Hungarie the death of his father Ferdinand after which Maximilian is elected Emperour who made warre vpon King Iohn and many places of strength are by these two taken from each other Debatement of peace beeweene Maximilian Solyman Iohn and Sigismond King of Polonia at Vienna Erdeu besieged by the Turkes and relieued by the Christians but in the end is yeelded vpon composition Many hostilities passe betweene Maximilian and Solyman and continuation of peace betweene them Counte Salm attempteth to surprise Alberegalis The State of Germanie touching the Diets there held and of the arriuall there of Princes Electors and others The place and
office of the Electors in publike assemblies The Pope and Princes of the Empire send to the ayde of the Emperour Maximilian The manner and forme of the Spanish Inquisition THe Emperour Ferdinand brother to the deceased Emperour about the very time the death of his brother had aduertisement that the Basha of Buda and the Moldauian beyond all expectation would come into the field whilest his Maiestie held the Diet in the towne of Ausbourg in which were present all the Electors and almost all the Princes of the Empire as well for his own affayres as to giue audience to an Ambassage sent from the King of France of which were chiefe the Bishop of Vienna named Marrillac and the Lord of Bourdillon which was vpon the 28. of March the Emperour being in the great hall of Ausbourg in his Emperiall throne vnder the cloth of Estate hauing on his right hand the Bishop of Mentz the Ambassadour of the Bishop of Coullin the Archduke Charles the Bishop of Saltzbourg the Grand Master of Prussia with many other great Lords Vpon his left hand was the Bishop of Treuers the Duke of Saxonies Ambassadour the Ambassadour of the Counte Palatin of Rhein the Marquesse of Brandebourg the Duke of Bauier the Counte Palatin not the Elector the Duke of Michelbourg the Duke of Wirtemberg and the three Marquesses of Baden with other Lords Before this great and renowned companie were honourably placed the Ambassadours of France They offered in the name of their King all his abilitie and friendship for the seruie of the Empire and they sought a perpetuall confederacie with him and the Electors Answer was made them that when they saw effects correspondent to his words by restitution of the towne of Mets they would then assuredly thinke that their Master would bee their friend and also that then they would be all readie to confirme good amitie him This Diet ended the Emperour for feare of the daunger which might happen in his kingdome of Hungarie vpon the said aduertisement had present recourse to the ayde of his estates and of the Empire Bohemia Morauia Stiria and Carinthia offered vpon euery thousand crownes of value twelue crownes to succour his Maiestie And the Empire offered him men horses and money if in case the warre should further proceede and in the meane time while they could see what way these rumours would take they yeelded to his Maiestie 600000. Dollors for three moneths to be employed where his Maiestie thought good These rumours were not in vaine For the warre betweene Ferdinand and King Iohn otherwise called Stephen was greatly inflamed King Iohn hauing alreadie taken from the Emperour the strong Castle of Tocchay and many other minding continually to assay the recouerie of the surplusage of his kingdome and to reuenge himselfe of the wrong which he thought he had receiued in this that the Emperour held not promise with him touching the Infanta Ioane whom he had promised vnto for spouse with a dowrie conuenient to her greatnes and with such reasons being fauoured of the Hungars who complained themselues to bee sorely oppressed by the Emperour and hauing by the ayde of the Turke amassed a great armie he possessed a large countrie and had become master of all Hungarie if the Emperour had not before sent a sufficient Campe to resist and hinder them from further proceeding notwithstanding the forces of the Basha of Buda who was come into the field on his behalfe But at the instance of the King of Polonia other Princes who offered themselues to be mediatours of some good accord for the desire which they had to quēch that fire for feare that the Turke vnder this occasion should not fasten himselfe further in this quarter hee caused his armie to retire as also King Iohn did who by the aduice perswasion of the said mediatours was reduced to this point that he would send Ambassadours to the Emperiall Maiestie to effect their accord and to demaund one of his daughters in mariage which he did and his Ambassadours being arriued at Vienna and audience being graunted them being about to say that Iohn King of Hungarie and Transiluania had sent them vnto him the Emperour would heare them no further saying that his Vayuode ought not to call himselfe King of Hungarie that kingdome being his inheritance not vsurped as it had been by the father of him who sent them and that if they would haue audience they should no more call Iohn King of Hungarie nor Transiluania but onely Vayuode of that Prouince The Ambassadours not minding to accept of these conditions presently dispatched Couriers into Poland and into Transiluania to giue the King notice of all this Vpon this difficultie the K. of Poland was of opinion that the King of Transiluania his nephew shuld not for that time name himselfe K. of Hungarie but only of that which he possessed seeing it was not likely that he could iustly denie him the title of K. of Transiluania he being thereunto called by the consent of all the people and reinstalled by force of his armes after that he had not kept nor obserued the couenants and promises made as on his behalfe betweene the Queene his mother and the Emperour in the time that Castalde was there The Ambassadours following this aduice alleadging the reasons of the King of Poland and speaking of Castalde they complained greatly of him saying that the Queene had been more deceiued by his perswasions and vaine speeches then had been the dead King her husband by those who had crowned him K. of Hungarie and those who were reuolted against him The Emperour not minding to agree to this title of K. of Transiluania but only of Vayuod receiued notwithstanding those Ambassadours who treating of their charge were not much content They demaunded that the Emperour should relinquish all that which he pretended in Transiluania and that he should make peace with their King in giuing him his daughter in marriage with 100000. crownes and vpon this condition that all that which is situated beyond Tibiscus should bee his and that which was on this side should remaine to his Maiestie and that in the warres which might be betweene him and the Turke he should be reputed neuter not willing in this case to forsake the amitie of the Grand Seigniour not to faile in the fidelitie and homage which he had done vnto him neither was he willing to be bound to ioyne with his Maiestie whensoeuer the Turke would make warre in Hungarie They also further demaunded that concerning that which the Emperour possessed of the rest of Hungarie he should satisfie the dowrie and debts of Queene Izabella which she pretended from the time of the death of King Iohn her husband To these demaunds the Emperour consented in part and in part also meant not to consent to those which most imported him and specially concerning the alliance that he might not seeme thereby willing to yeeld vp his pretended
and that there is diuers opinions amongst the Doctors of it And although that in Spaine there is great seueritie vsed for the preseruation of the ancient faith yet neuerthelesse so it is that about this time in this Prouince certaine were apprehended who were conuicted by their Confession to hold and follow this new doctrine of Zwinglius and the punishment which was inflicted vpon them being accompanied with great ceremonies that they adde therevnto for a greater terror to the assistances I am willing to write the order thereof although it be from the discourse of this historie but seeing it falleth out so fit to our purpose and that in another place it may be I shall not haue the like commoditie nor occasion to set it downe in writing I desire the reader to take this in good part and to thinke that I adde and sometimes entermixe strange discourses the rather to recreate his minde then to content my selfe euen as the eye doth more delight it selfe to see in a fayre medow diuersitie of flowers then one onely kinde of colour in a corne field This exemplar punishment was performed in the towne of Valladolid in which for it there is appointed a great Scaffold by the Councell house and another adioyning thereto wherein the Princes must be About this place were also raised other Scaffolds vpon which must bee present the Councellors and persons of qualitie officers of iustice and Gentlemen not onely of the towne but almost of all the realme The abundance of people that was there was so great that in mans memorie the like was not heard of About ten of the clocke the 21. day of May the Princesse Ioane Gouernesse of Spaine and the Prince Don Charles went forth of the Palace accompanied with the Archbishop of S. Iames the great Constable and Admirall of Castile the Marquesse of Astorgne of Denigne and of Sarmia Comptroller of the Princesses house and the Counts of Miranda of Orsen of Nieua of Modecgne of Sardeigne of Zibadea of Andrade of Don Garzia of Toledo Gouernour of the Prince and of many other great persons Before them marched two Vshers with their Maces two Heraulds with the armes of Spaine the Count of Bondie carrying the Sword in his hand and all this companie conducted the Princes to the lodging which was prepared adioyning to the said great Scaffold Vpon the Scaffolds were alreadie the Archbishop of Siuill generall Inquisitor with those who were of the Councell of the Inquisition Roderic Bishop of Ciuidad the royall Councell the Inquisitors the Bishop of Oran and the Bishop of Palence The Princes being present at the windowes of their lodgings they began to carrie a Crosse couered with blacke with the Ensigne of the Office of the Inquisition and after marched the Clergie and prisoners who had bin receiued to penance and after them those who were condemned to death This procession departed from the Inquisition house by a high raised way made of purpose going vnto the said Scaffold where being all arriued and euery one set therevpon Frier Melchior who afterward was Bishop of Canaria being of the Iacobins Order began a Sermon and that ended the Archbishop of Siuill rising vp went to the Princesse and Prince and caused them to make vpon a Crosse such an oth as followeth It being ordained by the Apostolicall decrees and by the holy Canons that the Kings ought to sweare to carrie all fauour to the Catholike faith and Christian religion you conforming your selues to this holy ordinance your Highnesses sweare in the name God in the name of S. Marie and by the holy Euangelists by the signe of the Crosse vpon which you haue put your hands to yeeld all fauour and giue all necessarie helpe to the holy office of the Inquisition and ministers of the same against Heretikes and Apostataes and against all those who fauour and defend them and against all manner of persons who directly or indirectly hinder the progresse of this holy office and to constraine all your subiects to obey and obserue the constitutions and Apostolike letters giuen and published for the safetie and defence of our holy Catholike faith against Heretikes and against those who beleeue them receiue or defend them Vpon these speeches the two Princes made answer that so they would sweare And the Archbishop added these words Because of your holy oth our Lord prosper your royall persons and the Estates of your Highnesses for many and long yeeres By and by after one of the Registers who is there present demaunded of the companie whether they did not sweare the like oth They all made answere I. Then they began to reade the condemnations and iudgements giuen against them all and especially against those who were condemned to the fire And these were Doctor Augustine Cazagia his Maiesties Chaplaine and Preacher Francis d'Viuero Dame Betrix d' Viuero Dame Elenor de Viuero Alonso Perez a Priest Antonio Herrezuolo a bachelor Christopher de Occampo a Licentiate Francis de Herrera a Licentiate Iohn Garzia Christopher de Padillia Izabella de Straba Ioane Velasques Gonzala Vaes a Portugall Catherin Roman and Dame Catherin d'Ortegua These assoone as their iudgement was read were throwne into the fire But it being not possible but that some would desire to know what manner of proceeding this Inquisition is I minding therein to satisfie euery one principally in that which may bring some vtilitie with delight to the reader will here write of it as it is practised in Spaine seeing it is lesse knowne then the name thereof in other kingdomes This office was first inuented by Ferdinand King of Aragon who after he had chased or at least subdued the kingdome of Granado which as almost all the rest of the kingdomes of Spaine was for many yeeres in the hands of the Mores or Sarazins who had tamed Spaine from the time that Count Iulian called them thither to reuenge himself of the rape and forcement wherof K. Roderic of Spaine of the Gothish religion had vsed against his daughter Cana. Ferdinand hauing by ten yeeres warre reduced this kingdome vnder his puissance and permitting the inhabitants thereof to liue in their Mahometane religion afterward fearing following the aduice of his wisest Councell that this permission would bring some annoyance to the Christian religion by the frequent fellowship that these inhabitants should haue with his other subiects resolued himselfe intirely to purge this kingdome either by preachings or force Some of them chused rather to passe the sea and retire into Africke then to chaunge their religion Others by effectuall reasons or else preferring their safetie before their religion were baptized This charge to conuert them was giuen to the Iacobins These imployed their time therein with great care But seeing that their paines seemed vnprofitable to many they found a way to search out the meanes hoping that by feare they should keep them in the obseruation of the Christian faith which otherwise they
Ensigne which was commaunded by the Lord of Arach hauing vnder him for his Lieutenant the Marshall of Vnghemad and the Guidon was caried by the Duke of Pomerania His Maiestie marched towards Attemberg distant two miles from Iauerin while al the horse of Bohemia came to Posson which consisted of 7. Cornets and besides there was 1000. horse marching at their owne charges vnder the commaund of Teufel and 1200. other conducted by Count Gonther of Schuartzemburg The Morauians Slesians and Lusatians made besides the rest a good shew of horse Vratislauia sent 300. horse All these troupes with others who followed Maximilian made to the number of 10000. horse besides those who alreadie were at Iauerin and at Comar All the Armie being assembled at Altemburg the Emperour marched to Iauarin there being at the same time arriued at Comar the Nauale Armie which came a long Danubius Presently there passed many skirmishes in which for the most part the Emperials had the better The more to strengthen the Armie his Maiestie caused the other troupes to come which were at Comar hoping to enterprise vpon Strigonium and by the taking of this towne to diuert the siege which was feared should be made by the enemie before Sighet and Iula For to giue battaile although necessitie seemed so to require it was not requisit least they might hazard the whole estate of the Empire in one battaile which is alwaies vncertaine and doubtfull and on the other side the Emperour had not such forces that he could assure himselfe of victorie The enterprise neuerthelesse of Strigonium was yet then deferred for some good respects Vpon this newes came that Solyman was passed the riuer of Tissa and that of Danubius and that alreadie he was on this side Sighet hauing with great diligence caused to be made in this towne a bridge vpon Drauus for the passage of his Armie for performing whereof he sent before 25000. men This bridge was erected in 16. daies although it was in length 5500. fathum and 14. broade and for the building whereof they vsed an infinit companie of boates bound with Iron chaynes in place of piles which they could not vse by reason of the deepenes of the riuer Certaine dayes before Solyman had giuen the charge of the siege of Sighet to the Basha of Bossina and to him of Armenia but hauing vnderstood the losse of Tata and of Vesprimia he sent them to the succours of the Basha of Buda and gaue the conduct of this siege to the Beglerbey of Armenia He readily marched thither and incamped himselfe within a mile of the Fortresse Solyman within a while after came himselfe This towne is situated in Hungarie vpon the confines of Croatia in the middest of waters and marishes which enuiron it on three sides for the space of more then a mile and on the side of the firme land it hath but one entrance which is defended with two great Bulwarkes made of earth and wood well combined and bound together It is composed of two townes made in frame of a Fortresse with a Castle closed in with foure Courtaines in a square forme Betweene the one and other there are good deepe ditches full of running water In this place commaunded for the Emperour Nicholas Esdrin Count of Serin of whom we haue often before spoken He was Nephew to the Lord Torguat by reason of his sister and there was giuen vnto him the office of Banambt in the kingdomes of Croatia Dalmatia and Sclauonia which is as much as Bailife or Seneshall and besides he was Mundschencken of Hungarie that is to say great Butler and Captaine generall for the Emperour about Danubius He was present at the siege of Vienna which heretofore we haue described in the former bookes and for his valour which in this siege was knowen and obserued by euery one he was recompenced with a faire horse and a chaine of golde He was also sufficiently made knowen at the siege of Pesthe and Buda This Captaine a Hungar by birth had in this place 1200. souldiours to defend it The Turke greatly to annoy Maximilian besides the besieging of this place sent 35000. men as well Tartars as Turkes to besiege Iula But the waters hindered them to doe it and at their retraict those within sallied forth and charged them behinde so hotly that many of the enemies remained there Certaine daies after the Turks being returned thither they besieged this place very straightly battering the towne with great peeces but they cooling their fury and seeming carelesse those within seeing their countenance in the night sallied forth and thus surprising the enemie killed many of them and caused the other to retire in such sort that they remained masters of their Artillerie which they choked and rammed vp the enemie not being able to carrie it away The Tartars who at that time might easily haue assailed Schuendy who then had not many people with him and who for that occasion daily importuned the Emperour to haue fresh succours hauing taken some countrie men and knowing of them by supposed speeches that Schuendy had with him 20000. men vpon these words they were so daunted that suddenly they raised the siege and spoyling the countrie all about they fiered fiue villages vsing a marueilous crueltie euery where without respecting any sexe or condition but following their barbarous custome they put all to fire and sword In the meane time the Turkes after the batteries and breaches made at Sighet by meanes of high Forts which Mahomet Basha commaunding all the armie had caused to be raised had giuen eight furious assaults and the 29. of August they gaue thereto a generall assault which continued 24. houres But the besieged defended themselues so couragiously that after they had killed a great number of the enemies and taken the Captaine of the Ianisaries they alwaies valiantly repulsed them The stinke of the dead bodies was so great that Solyman was forced to recoyle foure miles off Serin seeing he had lost in these assaults many of his people caused the towne to bee fiered and retired himselfe to two other Forts This retraict gaue occasion to the Turkes to giue yet another assault vpon the day of the beheading of S. Iohn Solyman trusting in this day which he esteemed very fortunate for him in all his battailes hauing on that day obtained this notable and memorable victorie which he had against Lewis King of Hungarie and hauing on the same day wonne the townes of Rhodes and Buda and defeated in battaile the armie of the King of Persia This fortune neuerthelesse failed the Turkes at this time and they were yet valiantly repulsed The day following which was the 30. of that moneth they yet againe returned to the assault with greater furie and with such courage that their Ensignes were seene vpon the Rampiars but neuerthelesse they were repulsed euen with great slaughter of them Solyman considering the tediousnes of this siege and the valiantnes of Serin caused to
Maiestie hauing vnderstood that Selim had sent an armie towards Muscouia by Podolia and Kiania Prouinces of the kingdome of Polonia against the Duke of Muscouia who hindered the cutting which the Turke would haue made in the riuer of Volga fearing that vnder false intelligence it might turne against himselfe sent an Ambassadour of his to Constantinople by him to giue Selim to vnderstand how the Transiluanian against the articles of truce was in armes and caused it to be bruited abroad that he would assayle Hungarie and vpon this he desired his greatnes not to censure hardly of him if he defended himselfe assuring him that though he had not giuen any consentment to such new enterprises yet he had giuen sufficient order and as much as was needfull for opposing himselfe against Iohn but if this enterprise was done with his consent he not knowing of his part any occasion thereof he desired him that he would at one word tel him to the end he might iustifie his cause or else freely to accept of warre Selim answered him that he had neither aduised nor consented thereto neither for the one nor other and promised him if the Transiluanian or Moldauian were in armes to offend or disturbe him that both the one and other should be by him punished The Emperour satisfied by this answere afterwards laboured to doe so much to effect this that certaine of the principall of the Hungars who were discontent with him for that they were not in such esteeme with his Maiestie as they thought they had well deserued should not proceede any further in rebellion which alreadie began to be on foote towards Cassouia and Tocchay these Lords being prouoked thereto by the Transiluanian as afterward was knowne who did solicite them with fayre promises making on his part great preparations the better to seaze himselfe of certaine other important places But the Turke writ to him that he should desist and threatned to depriue him of his estate if in that time he enterprised any thing against the Emperour The Hungars being thus remoderated and pacified with their King gaue order to repayre their Fortresses In this time the Emperour would neuer condiscend to the perswasions of the Venecians or Pope to make warre vpon the Turke saying he well knew that in time matters would bee pacified and he alone should remaine charged with the burthen of the warre The cause which moued the Venecians to stirre vp as well the Emperour as other Christian Monarches was that they might preuaile against the Turke who had sent to them a Chiauss to demaund the kingdome of Cypresse as depending on the East Empire and well knowing that they had not forces sufficient to withstand so great a Lord they did solicite the Pope that he would giue them ayde and in like sort to employ his Holines to all the Princes for the same effect for which they had dispatched to his Emperiall Maiestie Iacques Soranze a Venecian a man greatly esteemed with charge to goe further to the King of Polonia But the goodly and apparant reasons of this man could effect nothing with Maximilian for the onely consideration which we haue said and faining himselfe ill at ease dismissed Soranze breaking all hope to ioyne Germanie in this league Selim on the other part hauing some doubt that the Transiluanian would accord with the Emperour although he was well assured of Maximilian by reason of the truce and many other businesses dispatched together caused the towne of Buda to bee fortified and other his places of Hungarie The Pope not minding to be directed with the first word by the declarations that Maximilian had made to the discourses and perswasions which his Nonce had vsed to his Maiestie the Emperour to please his Holines caused a Diet to be called at Spire where hauing caused very largely to bee layd out the demaunds of the Pope and Venecians with many offers made to his Maiestie by the Leaguers after many aduices it was resolued that they would doe no other thing therein although they had certaine knowledge of more then one person that there were there many of the principals of the assembled who freely and liberally would accord to the Popes demaunds they being aduised that it was an excellent occasion to preserue Christendome and specially Germanie and Hungarie from so many imminent perils as enuironed them With this resolution the Diet was dissolued in which no other thing was done but the voluntarie yeelding that the Emperour made to his sonne Rodolph of the kingdomes of Hungarie and Bohemia with the consent of the Lords of both the kingdomes in regard of which they made at Vienna and Ispurch great feasts and triumphs Within a while after Sigismond King of Polonia sent his Ambassadours to the said Rodolph to congratulate with him for the honours which he had receiued of his father and within a very little while after this King who was of the ancient house of Iagellons departed this world This man was the sonne of Sigismond the first of that name and of Bonna the daughter of the Duke of Millan and had no other brothers but onely foure sisters He maried one of the daughters of the Emperour Ferdinand who being dead he maried for his second wife one of his subiects a gentlewoman endued with exquisit beautie and incomparable grace by whom he had not any children He caused not his warlike deedes so to appeare against the Turkes Muscouits and Tartars as his father did but neuerthelesse he knew well to maintaine his kingdome in peace For default of issue begotten by him the Princes and Lords of the kingdome who haue authoritie for the election of a new King assembled themselues to chuse another there being remaining of the Iagellons but one sister of the last deceased not yet maried The succession of this kingdome doth not ordinarily fall to the kindred of the dead but commeth sometimes by election for which is made a great assemblie tearmed amongst them and the Germanes a Diet. In this there are present fifteene Prelates of the kingdome to wit the Archbishop of Gnesna chiefe of all and Legat natus for the Pope in Poland the Archbishop of Leopolde the Bishop of Carcouia he of Vratislauia the Bishops of Chelmen Polocen Varnia Clunem Presmilia and of Cameneren which ten Bishops are of the kingdome There are foure other of Lituania who also haue their voyce at such Diets to wit the Bishop of Samogithie of Vilne of Chronien and of Lutturiensa After these Prelates there are present the gouernours of Castles amongst which the most noted is he of Cracouia who is the most fauoured of the King for that he hath in his custodie the life of his Maiestie This man goeth before the Palatins of Poland which are those of Cracouia Posnania Colosense Siradiense Bresten Lanticiense Russia Innonbleuia Iublinense Belcense Plocen Rauense and he of Massouia With these came the seuen Palatins of Lituania to wit
he of Vilne Kioky Samogithia Trocense Vitiliense Polocense and he of Nouograde The Palatins haue many Prouinces vnder them and euery Prouince sendeth thither two messengers The Chauncellor Vicechauncellor Treasurer of the kingdome and he of the Court haue in this assemblie places in the first rank All that which is resolued vpon in this Diet by the greatest part of those that are there is held firme and stable And if therein be treated any matter which belongeth not to the election of a new King it may be resolued in this assemblie although it bee against the Kings will And from thence it commeth that the Kings are lesse warlike in action then in courage because that they cannot vndertake any warre if it bee not graunted to them by such assemblies This Diet whereof we now write for the election of a new King was appointed at Varsouia To it were come many Ambassadours from the greatest Princes of Europe some requesting and suing for their Masters and others soliciting in the behalfe of those whom they would recommend From Charles the King of France there was first come thither the Lord of Lansac well vnderstanding the Slauonian tongue and greatly experienced in these Northerly countries and after there came thither the Bishop of Valence of the house of Monluc a good Oratour as also the Lord of Rambouillet These men by reason of their goodly speech and fayre promises setting out also the great reputation that the Duke of Aniou brother to Charles had alreadie gotten through all the world by the great armies which alreadie he had conducted in those yong yeeres wherein he was did so well that he for whom they spake was chosen King of Poland and the election published presently there was dispatched a Lord of Poland to the said Duke of Aniou who then as Lieutenant generall for King Charles held the towne of Rochell besieged This Prince hauing receiued this gracious newes which tended nothing else but to the encrease of his glorie because he saw that it was extended to the vttermost parts of the world as well by the proper nature thereof which is to flie with renowne from one Region to another by passing the seas as also by reason of so many Northerly Princes against whom contrarie to all mens opinions he carried away the credit and honor to be reputed the most valiant and warlike Prince of all considering that this siege by reason of the strength of the towne and valiantnes of the souldiours who were within was to continue so long a time that it might bring some preiudice to his new estate and also being pricked forward by this Polish Lord who was come to him who had been thereto solicited by them that fauoured the assieged his Highnes praied the King his brother that he would giue him leaue and dismisse his armie after he had made some accord with the Rochellers to the end to aduise vpon his particular affayres and to hasten his voyage into Poland He being come to Paris and by the perswasion of the King hauing accepted this election and sworne betweene the hands of the Ambassadours who were alreadie arriued in this towne appointed by the generall assemblie of the kingdome of Poland to keepe and obserue the conditions with which he had been chosen and the lawes of the kingdome without preiudicing neuerthelesse his successiue right to the Crowne of France if it should so fall out after he had amassed great store of money to the summe of two millions as well to content those who had chosen him as to make his voyage he departed from the Court accompanied with the Queene his mother and with many other Princes and Lords of France whereof some and the greatest part accompanied him vnto Polonia Passing through the countrie of the Count Palatin he there receiued some discourtesie by this Lord in shewing him the picture of the deceased Admirall of France called Coligny otherwise Chastillon slaine with many other Lords of the pretended reformed religion in the towne of Paris the 24. of August the last precedent yeere the which Admirall was alwaies assisted by men of warre and counsell sent by the said Lord to the warres which for the space of tenne or twelue yeeres were maintained in France for Religion As this man thought to braue this Prince on the other side the Duke of Saxonie was astonished at the comming of this new King passing through his countrie seeing neere him the Polonians in armes In the end Henry at the beginning of the yeere entered into his kingdome he being receiued thereinto with great applause and after hauing againe sworne the obseruance of the countrie lawes he receiued the tokens and royall Ensignes according to the ancient custome Almost about the same time yet a little before Stephen otherwise called Iohn sonne of Iohn the Vayuode and King of Transiluania departed this world without any lawfull issue By reason of this decease there began to breake forth new troubles in Transiluania because that the Turke procured that this Prouince which was commodious to him for the passage into Hungarie should maintaine it selfe in league with him and vnder the same confederacie which was betweene him and Iohn On the other side Maximilian aspired to this kingdome as well by the right and inheritance of his deceased mother who had succeeded King Lewis her brother as also by reason of Stephens will and testament who at his death had named him his heire and ordained that this kingdome should bee yeelded to him pricked thereto perhaps by remorse of conscience or else fearing that it should fall into the Turkes hands who made to him great suite therefore which could not happen but to the great damage of all Christendome But the Barons of the countrie did not so presently resolue vpon that which they should haue done because that on the one side they seared the Turkes forces who would not faile to endamage them if they should giue themselues to the Emperour On the other side they feared worse if they should elect a King at his deuotion Vpon such feares many moneths passed without any resolution Certaine men of note fearing the iust anger of the Emperour against them because during the life of King Iohn they banded against his Emperiall Maiestie in manner of hostilitie firmely resisted those who fauoured Maximilians part and who demaunded that the testament of the dead should bee put in execution These feares engendred amongst them great diuersitie which was an occasion long to delay their last resolution But within a few moneths after it was finally concluded amongst them that they should particularly chuse a King of their nation minding thereby to preserue their kingdome and that they might remaine in peace with the Turke they would pay him the accustomed tribute and that he who should be chosen King should maintaine himselfe in peace with the Emperour they all iudging thereby that the Turke would haue occasion to content
brother King of Polonia being aduertised of his death made present instance to the Lords of Poland to permit him to goe into France to take possession of so great a kingdome and to set things in order there promising them to returne againe within few moneths The Pollacques would not willingly graunt to him that which he demaunded neuerthelesse they aunswered him that they would consent thereunto if so be that for that effect a Diet should be assembled without which they could graunt him nothing In the meane time his Maiestie gaue order to locke vp his best implements and Iewels and to depart secretly with all speed and after he had sent away before the Ambassadour of France vnder coulour that his authoritie was expired by the decease of his Master and seeing that to attend any longer the resolution of this Diet which the Pollacques delayed from day to day of purpose to detaine him and being resolued to depart he caused to be written in his name by the Lord of Pibrac a letter in Latin to the Senat of Poland by which his Maiestie aduertised them that the occasion more then apparant and the neede of France forced him to depart from their kingdome sooner then hee thought for without further expecting the issue of the Diet he being solicited by messengers vpon messengers to doe it by the Princes and Lords of France and especially by the Queene his Mother without further expecting the issue of the Diet. Hauing left these letters vpon his table and as the said Lord of Pibrac had ended them his Maiestie departed in the night from Cracouia out at a secret posterne of which he vsually had the keyes to goe on hunting and being mounted on horsebacke he made so good speed that within a short time he was out of the limits of the kingdome of Poland and being come to the confines of the Emperours territories he was receiued by his Emperiall Maiestie and by his children with all demonstration of great amitie and by them conducted to Vienna where he was honored and vsed with all manner of honorable respects From thence hee went to Venice where the Seigniorie prouided for him a magnificent enterie After that he passed by Ferrara Mantua and Turin being greatly entertayned by the Princes of Italie An Ambassadour of Poland met him at Ferrara who greatly complayned himselfe of his Maiestie and protested that if hee returned not within a short time the Polonians were resolued to make choise of a new King for that this kingdome could not remaine without the presence of a King His Maiestie desired him to stay this resolution promising him to returne within a short time From Turin within few daies he arriued in France at the same time that the Hungars giuing order to their affayres and fortifying their frontier places against the Turkes prepared for the warre and this they did so much the more willingly for that they already saw amongst them many disorders and that in Transiluania there was declared King by the commaund of the Turke Stephen Battor a man of great experience of whom they had some feare and not without cause Vpon such distrusts and with such preparations they began both of the one part other greatly to be indamaged But during such feares as the Hungars had by reason of the Turke he alreadie preparing to destroy all Christians and feeling himselfe marueilously puffed vp with glorie by reason of the happie successes which betided him in Africa and thinking to take away from the Venecians the I le of Candie as he had done that of Cypresse he dyed within few daies after He was a Prince aboue all other of his time greatly periurious barbarous and wholly fraughted with treacherie he being not come to this Empire but by deceits and falsehoods hauing induced his father to cause all his brethren to be massacred as it was afterwards auerred and hauing thus filled his house with homicides and murthers he obserued not any law or religion but was drowned in all filthie and vilanous vices whatsoeuer This death happened then when the Polonians seeing that their King Henry was peaceably possessed of the Crowne of France and that the time by him prefixed was expired many moneths alreadie past began to treate of the election of another King Henry being aduertised of their intention desired the Electors and Barons of the kingdome that they would attend vntill a certaine time in which space he promised to returne to them or else that hee would send them full commission to chuse another such as they would think to be more commodious for them To this request being ioyned the threats of Amurath the Turke the Polonians contented themselues to stay vntill the prefixed time This passed and at the last expired the Diet was appointed at Cracouia The Emperour Maximilian after that he was aduertised that the intention of the Polonians was not to remaine without the presence of a King began to negotiate with them to cause himselfe to bee chosen King amongst them On the other side Amurath who succeeded Selim hauing vnderstood the suites which the Emperour made sent to the Pollacques and aduised them to doe nothing in that affayre which was disliking to him and that he would they should chuse for their King one amongst them or else Stephen Battor King of Transiluania And the more to astonish this negotiation of Maximilian he writ vnto him by a Chiauss that he and his brothers the Archdukes should pay him tribute of all whatsoeuer they possessed otherwise that he would march into Hungarie and Austria with a puissant armie to put all to fire sword threatning him in the end that if for him or any of his he shuld practise the getting of the kingdom of Polonia he would make him repent it Notwithstanding these threats the Emperour by meanes of those who were of his partie was chosen K. of Poland against the King of Transiluania and Duke of Muscouia which two perceiuing themselues greatly disdained determined to endamage with all their forces that kingdome Maximilian being aduertised thereof and foreseeing that he should draw vpon himselfe so many and so puissant enemies and considering that he had not sufficient forces to oppose himselfe against them and especially against the Turk who prepared to thrust himselfe into Poland being offended with this that the Polonians had so slightly regarded his aduertisements and messengers fearing to trouble himselfe in a warre too daungerous for him and his from whence very hardly he could vntangle himselfe made no great shew of reioycing at this election but laying aside the care which he ought to haue had of it fained as though he knew nothing thereof prolonging by that meanes the taking possession of that kingdom vnder a hope that after the first assaults of these Princes there would not thereby happen to him in the end any other thing Neuerthelesse the Polonians fearing the puissance of the Turke who prepared himselfe to armes
within the Castle 153 indureth extreame famine within the said castle of Lippa 155. he would yeeld by composition ibid. he saueth himself by meanes of George 160. pursued by the Marquesse of Balasse ibid. ioyneth with the Belerbey 161 Operstolph principall Captaine of the Transiluanian Caualarie 294 the common Opinion in Hungarie touching the Royall Crowne 116 a reprochfull Orator 31 Ordinance made in Germanie touching the diuersitie of Religion 308 Ordinances made in Austria to draw succours against the Turk 307 Ornaments of the Kings of Hung. 103 emperiall Ornaments sent to Ferdinand by Charles 274 Ortell a Prouince 13 Ottomiall a Hungarian taketh Zegedin from the Turk 177. succoured by Aldene 179. defeated by the Turks 199 Ourestolph succoureth Ottomial at Zegedin 180 P PAllotta well defended against the Turk 319 Pannonia a part of Hungarie 11 Pannodacia anciently so named Transiluania 13 Papau a Fortresse 214 the Pope soliciteth the Emperour to make warre vpon the Turk 342 Paul the 4. refused to ratifie the election of Ferdinand 278 Pappacoda entertaineth Bonna Q. of Polonia and enioyeth all she hath 274 Patocche a Hungarian Lord reenforceth at his proper charges the army of Ferdinand with horse and foote 143 Patocche gouernour of Iula 152 Paul Banchy and his aduice vpon the ordinance of the battaile 27 Paul Banchy Captaine of George his guards 169 Paul Banchy Viceuayuode 253 Paul Tomoree Archbishop of Colocense a gray Frier gouernour of Sirmia and his valour 8. drawne by force out of his Couent ibid. is made chiefe of the Hungarian armie 19. counselleth the fight 24. is slaine in battaile 32 Paul Tomoree blamed by Solyman for his imprudencie and rashnes 37 Paul Veidner a Phisition of a Iew became a Christian 294 Paul of Zaras vndertaketh to keepe Lippa against the Turk 209. 218 Perias a strong Castle 238 Persons appointed to preserue the King in battaile 26. sent to discouer the enemy returne not 31 a great Plague in Transiluania 272 Pesthe taken by the Turks 65 Petrouar otherwise Varadin Peter taken by the Turk 17 Philip Count Palatin entereth into Vienna against the Turk 46 Philip More Bishop of the fiue Churches dyed in battaile 33 Philip went to seek the Emperour Charles his father 277 Philip made a sumptuous funerall for the Emperour Charles his father 278 Peter Chendy excuseth himselfe to Ferdinand vpon the insurrection of Transiluania 272 Peter Peren Gouernour of Themesuar 8 Peter Peren highly esteemed of Solyman 37 Peter Vayuode of Moldauia friend of Solyman and Lewis Gritty 52. goeth into the field in fauour of Q. Izabella 62 Valour of Peter Vicchy repulseth the Germanes entering into Buda by a posterne gate 61 Peter Vicchy Gouernour of Transiluania 71. his ingratitude and pride towards Izabella 74. taketh armes against George 80. is defeated 81. conferreth with Andrew Battor 112. yeeldeth to him the low countries 120. succoureth Ottomiall and Zegedin 180. is cut in peeces by the Turke 181. succoureth Izabella 227. 252. accordeth with the Turke and riseth for Izabella 260 Pyoners in an Armie and their charge 93 Places forsaken by the Captaines and saued by the countrie men 32 Podolia spoyled by the Tartars 335 Policie held in the Diets of Germanie 299 Portau Basha in ayde of Iohn 334 Posegan diuideth Hungarie from Sclauonia 11 Poson a towne of the coronation of the Kings of Hungarie 346 Poson a noted Fortresse for the defeate of the Turkish Nauall armie 47 Poson whither Queene Mary retired vnto 32 Polonians in succour of Lewis 18. for Izabella 258 Parlience of peace betweene K. Iohn and Ferdinand 282. commeth to nothing 283. betweene Maximilian and the Turk 289. turneth to nothing ibid. wicked Practises neuer succeede 57 Presages of the pitifull end of Lewis 29. Presburg a Fortresse whither Q. Mary retireth 32 a Preacher of Agria is the meanes of sustaining thirteene assaults 233 a rich Present giuen to Solyman by Ferdinand 72 Presents of Solyman to Stephen and the Hungarish Lords 68 reciprocall Presents of Mahomet and Q. Izabella 62. 63 Pressouia called Cronenstat 102 Princes of Germanie more rich and puissant some then others 298 the Princes of the Empire arriue at the Diet of Ausbourg 312. 313. offer their succours to the Emperour 306 Protestant Princes in rumour against the Palatin and for what 301 Princes ought rather to trust to the forces of their armie then be inclosed within a wall 37 Prisoners of warre of Roccoandolphs troupes put to death 68 Prisoners lead away by Solyman at his departure from Vienna 50 Prisoners in the custodie of the Turks 32 Prisoners taken at Hedin by Charles the fifth 261 Prisoners taken by the Turk before Drigall 219 Priuiledge of the Barons of Hungarie 18 Prognostication of the death of Mustapha 267 a bad Prognostication of K. Lewis 29. 32 Prognostications foretelling the death of George 165 Prognostication of the death of Solyman 327 Prouinces called Shiers in Hungarie 18 Punishments of three sorts 3 Purchastaler Colonell for Maximilian defeated 4000. Transiluanians 286 Pride and riches causes of all vices 3 R RAdich Bosich opinionated vpon the ordinance of the battaile 27 Reasons perswading the Hungars to the battaile 25. 40. 41 Raoul gouernour of Transalpinia 8. chased from his Vayuodship of the Transalpinians by Mirce he recouereth it and defeateth Mirce 240. 241. reestablished in his kingdome thanketh Castalde and sweareth to him friendship 244 Rascians or Rhatians 100. 102. defeated 289 Rhatians take the Turks part against the faith giuen to Ferdinand 130 Rascia separated from Hungarie by the riuer Sauus 11 the Romane Common-weale changed the the Estate by the great coniunction of starres 4 the notable Resolution of the Agrians 233. 235 the memorable Resolution of Mustapha 266 the notable Resolution of the Castellan of Zaluoch vnto the end 223 Reuenewes of Bishopricks of Transiluania employed to the fortification of the countrie 122 Rhakos what it signifieth 38 Riches and pride causes of all vices 3 Rodolph crowned K. of Hungarie 346. declared King of the Romanes 354. receiued Emperour ibid. confirmeth truce with Amurath 355 Rossa second wife of Solyman causeth him to banish his eldest sonne 69 Rossa a slaue beloued of Solyman conspireth the death of the said eldest sonne 262. 264 Rossa made free 263. is made the spouse of Solyman ibid. Rossia spoyled by the Tartars 335 Rostan Basha son in law of Solyman conspired the death of Mustapha 260. 264. is chased by Solyman 270 a suddē Rout astonisheth the enemies 150 Ruine of an Estate 4 Rumiler men of warre 61 Riuers of note in Hungarie 12. 13 Riuers of Transiluania 101 Raines staying the speed of Solyman 46 Reuenge of God against the murtherers of George 168 S SAbaria a towne the birth place of S. Martin 12 the King Shewed by the Count Palatin to the Hungarian armie 28 Saala Rays the Pyrat 274 Sachmar taken by Iohn 286. burned 288. reestablished 290 Sacrifice made by Solyman in the great Church of Buda 71 Sangiach or Sanzac what it signifieth 62 Sangiach
the next plaine he pitched his Campe and from thence gaue aduertisement to all the neighbour Prouinces which were subiect to the Turke that they should not faile but presently send him men and horses such as they are bound to send in the like affayres Whilest the Belerbey busied himselfe to gather the rest of his Campe Castalde commaunded Aldene the Master of the Campe who then was in the low countries for the defence and assurance thereof that Stephen Lozonse a famous Knight among the Hungars should with George Sotede enter into Themesuar with 600. horse for the guard and defence thereof And further for the better assurance of the same he commaunded that Aldene himselfe should enter thereinto with all the Spanyards which he had making Lozonse Gouernour of those countries and Generall ouer all the warlike affayres He with Aldene caused Themesuar and other places to be fortified with the best defences they could and knowing that the enemie was alreadie in the field they daily laboured to fortifie the towne with Rampiers and Bulwarkes of good sufficient strength giuing aduertisement of all things which he heard or they did to Andrew Battor who was then at Lippa Battor seeing the necessitie of the time that vrgently pressed euery one began to leauie as many men as he could instantly soliciting all the people of his Prouince and admonishing them that euery one should ayde him against the common enemie He also drew to him the principall Lords of the Rhatians not in respect to assist him with their powers but for that they should not bee inuited to the seruice of the Belerbey knowing their inconstancie to bee such that they would affect and take part with the strongest And hauing thus by all good meanes drawne them to him and causing them to sweare fealtie to Ferdinand that he might yet winne their good likings the more he entertained 4000. of them into pay with many Captaines who voluntarily offered to be also entertained into Ferdināds seruice as the others were And hauing with great diligence leauied 15000. men who were most horsemen he presently with these troupes put himselfe into the field and went and lodged beneath Lippa expecting there what the enemie was determined to doe who also was incamped betweene the two aforesaid riuers Castalde at the same time diligently suruaied and munitioned the fortifications and specially the frontier townes of Transiluania as he saw was most needfull And being acertained that the Belerbey would come to Themesuar he sent another companie of Spanyards thither and money to pay the Rhatians whom hee knew were variable and inconstant and such as were needfull to be entertained with many and often payes which happely would procure them from reuolting On the other side he vsed his best labour to prouoke Frier George that instantly as being Vayuode hee should assemble all the souldiours of the kingdome to march with them and relieue Themesuar commaunding Andrew Battor that he should send to Lozonse as many men as he could wherby he might hinder and withstand the Belerbey from the passage of Tibiscus The Frier was very slow and fearefull to leauie the inhabitants of the countrie hauing before commaunded that none should stirre without his appointment expresse command assuring them that the Belerbey would not passe Tibiscus and that it was not needful of such an assemblie which he the rather assured himselfe of in regard of the letters which he had alreadie sent to the Turk and Bashaes But after hauing certaine notice that hee prepared two bridges vpon Tibiscus hee went presently to Deua leauying thereabouts 3000. horse and with those hee incamped in the field and presently writ to all the townes that they should with all expedition send such men as they were bound by their custome to furnish which was willingly executed with great celeritie Now when they would by the authoritie of the superiour Lords raise amongst them such Infantrie and Caualarie as euery towne is bound to furnish and that specially for generall defence the custome of this Prouince is to send one Launce and a Sword stained with blood and borne on horsebacke by one of the principallest officers of euery towne or place and carrying them on high in token of great and present necessitie sheweth them to all thereabout with another man on foote who goeth crying The common enemie commeth against vs all let euery house prepare a man for generall good and send him speedily to that place which is appointed you At this crie euery one causeth speedily to depart all those who are apt and able to beare armes and sendeth them to the rende vous And thus within a short time they assembled a great number of men as well foote as horse the care that Castalde had thereof greatly assisting them in that busines who specially hastened the men which hee caused to bee leauied through the kingdome and so much the rather because hee had vehement suspition of the Frier who continually ceased not to his vttermost to driue him out of those countries whereof he was well aduertised by meanes of one who was very familiar with the Frier and acquainted him with all such occurrants Yet Castalde dissembling the matter vsed Frier George in the greatest kindnes as was possible and indeuoured himselfe by al meanes to gaine his good liking and the rather for that hee knew him to bee fickle and inconstant and stood in much awe of the Turke hauing continuall distrust that for his inconstancie he would exchaunge the fauour of his friends to follow the ambitious wiles of his enemies In respect whereof he confirmed him generall Treasurer with 4000. Florins by the yeere and also Vaynode of the kingdome with 15000. Florins by the yeere as he had requested and with authoritie in time of necessitie to haue 800. horse and 500. foote for his guard and besides 200. other horse which he should maintaine at Deua and at Gherghe two strong Castles and places which was giuen him to keepe Being by such bountifulnes wonne to a dissembled fidelitie he came to the Diet at Sibinio which a little before was appointed where euery one being arriued they required all the Prouinces of the kingdome to wit the Sicilians Saxons and Transalpinians to contribute some money to maintaine the charges of the warre which was agreed vnto by the most And whilest the Frier by all good outward offices shewed himselfe seruiceable to Ferdinand yet hee omitted not secretly to practise with the Turke to accord with him and in recompence of the good which was done him he still caused such souldiours whom hee most trusted to resort to him with whom vnder the colour to chase and expell the Turke hee endeuoured to thrust out of the kingdome Ferdinands people About that time came newes how Maximilian King of Bohemia was returned out of Spaine with Mary daughter of Charles the Emperour that hauing passed through Italie he arriued at Vienna where