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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73748 The sinners sleepe vvherein Christ willing her to arise receiueth but an vntoward answer. By Henoch Clapham. Clapham, Henoch. 1596 (1596) STC 5345.4; ESTC S124802 49,655 153

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the deluge to the end that they should prevent the judgment by repentance To what end did Christ so preach to Ierusalem but that thereby hee might gather them vnder his wing as a hen gathereth her chickens To what end doeth the Lord stirre vp many in these daies to knocke at the doores of festered Consciences but that they would open vnto him and let his spirit enter not the spirit of adulterie enter for that is there alreadie not the spirit of pride to enter for that is there alreadie not the spirite of the world or hypocrisie to enter for they are there alreadie but to the e● that Christ by his holy spirit right●ous spirit chaste spirit loving spiri● might enter They that will not op● their hart to make this change nam●ly to send out Satan and to receiue● Christ to send out the vncleane spiri● and to take in the holy it is pittie● their life But why doeth Christ cra● this soule to open to him can he no without voice and knocking enter ye● he can but his ordinarie revealed wi● is otherwise namely by the 1. Cor. 1.18.21 liuely voice of preaching to beget faith an● that preaching with authoritie as di● Christ not coldlie or weaklie as di● the Scribes and Pharisies A man ca● burst open a doore without a key bu● ordinarilie hee vseth a key so can th● spirite of Christ burst open an harde heart without the spirituall key of Dauid displaied by preaching but ordinarilie hee vseth the key of preaching As a man is said to open the door but not without a key even so the spirite of God is saide to open the heart but not without preaching And as the ●ey is saide to open the doore but not without the help of mans hand even so the word preached is saide to open the hard heart but not without the hand of Christ which is his Spirite What great cause haue wee then not onely to praye that God would send Preachers into his Harvest but also that hee would graunt his spirit to accompanie their preching that so God his holy workman his spirite and his holy toole and instrument the worde preached concurring togither many hearts may bee opened to due attending the worde as was the Act. 16.14 heart of Lidia the Thyatirian to PAVLS Sermon Nowe as he calleth knocketh at the portall of her conscience so he vseth therewithall many sweete alluring titles saying Open vnto me my Sister my Loue my Doue mine vndefiled If the King of the Land should come vnto the doore of some base woman inhabiting his Land who stoode in traiterlie estate at her doore shoul● knock intreating entrance vnder th● tearmes of Sister Loue Doue pe●fect one and that with a pardone i● his hand could her heart be so hard a● to lie still in her bed and not rather to arise hastilie come and open fall at hi● feet and beg pardon Our annointe● IESVS who hath received all powe● in Heauen and in Earth hee ever b● the voice of his written word calleth and knocketh at our doore with I beseech you brethren I beseech you sisters desire you in the bowels of IESVS and many other sweet speaches he oftentimes vseth if happily any thing might moue vs but oh alas how many arise from the dead how many leaue sleeping in sinne howe many open a free heart vnto IESVS that so entring Rev. 3.20 he might suppe vvith vs and we with him When Iesus came into Luke 19.8.9 Zacheus his house and hee entertained him with holy restitution Iesus tolde him that Salvation was come vnto his house Happie man he that as verily had obtained salvation as received the Saviour But in these daies men feare least the receiving of IESVS bring trouble povertie and death vnto their house whereof anone in his place and therfore Christ may knock and call at his pleasure for they will obey at their leasure but the daye will come that shall pay for all Open vnto me my Sister Christ in a certaine Sermon saith that These are my brethren sisters that hear the word of God and keepe it but here hee calleth her Sister as also vndefiled or perfect one that is so far from doing his will as shee refuseth it and doth her owne will keeping her heart barred against Christ when hee would haue had her open This terme therefore and the other doe not properlie appertaine to her present sleepy estate as yet she lay in an vnrepentant estate for so shee was no visible Church or member of a Church neither in that presumpt●ous sinne could she warrant the applying of mercie in Christ the word being against her For to whome one g●ueth himselfe as servant to obeye his se●uant is he whome he doth obey Rom. 6 1● but she heere gaue her selfe as servan● to obey vnrighteousnes therefore se●uant to vnrighteousnes But shee is termed of Christ in regard of her fir● election which hereafter shuld be se●led vnto her heart by an effectuall c●ling what time the power of his ca● should appeare by mooving her to rise and seeke after Christ with th● crosse on her necke denying her sel● for following after Christ So that may wel say he calleth her Sister Lo● Doue vndefiled because she was calle● to be a Sister a Loue a Doue as also to liue in an vndefiled estate Brethre● and Sisters we are to Christ being 〈◊〉 him our Mediatour reconciled to th● Father Christ the Sonne of God be nature wee sonnes and daughters 〈◊〉 God by adoption and brethren and sisters to Christ by the handfast and betrothment of faith which makes vs Ephes 5.30 members of his body of his flesh of his bones So that thereby wee are not onely his Brethren and Sisters but also his Loue Spousesse Doues we are called to be for Mat. 10.16 Innocencie and harmlesnes The Naturians affirme the Doue to be without gall and sure I am wee are commanded to be without Bitternesse Vndefiled wee are called to be as also to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect Of every which title much might be saide which heere I passe by but from the whole this wee are to learne that as in regard of our Election knowne to God wee are to him from the beginning knowne for Sonnes Daughters as also Brethren and Sisters to Christ even before wee can with Iacob and Esau do good or evill So the calling of a Christian is for to stand in vnion with Christ in obedience and holy service to him as to our head and spirituall husband to har● not so much as our enemie and fin●lie to bee holy in all our wordes a● workes as beseeming the children God brethren and sisters of Chr● these that professe themselues su●jects of the Kingdome of Heauen not the World If a Monarch and gret Ki● should call vs to bee his brethren a● sisters oh we would stirre our stump and endevour our selues therevnto trow if we heard the King
at our do crying awake and rise thou man a● come and wedde my daughter awa● and rise thou woman come to w● with my sonne and that in paine loosing thy life I trow wee would n● loose our life and so good a marriag● for lying in bed a while If the Kin● should cry come out of these defil● and fowle waies and walk in the swe● hevenly allies we wold not like swin● still lye groveling in the myre and r●fuse so sweet an offer And will we● found more sluggish careles and sw●nish towardes our heavenly King of Kings who offereth vnto vs regall affinitie right happy vndefiled waies Awake therefore sluggish flesh sleepe no longer in swinish pleasures but arise vnto thy God and say Welcome be the voice of the holy one cast out of my heart the power of darknes and sinne let thy spirit sit hereafter in my conscience as in a chaire of estate and there occupie dominion and jurisdiction over sinne that so as a fruitefull braunch I may not onely bee graffed into the vine Christ but also liue by the sap of his spirit Sweete Christ having vsed all the former sweet titles for the moving of her heart to giue place doth in the second place lay downe a waightie and most reasonable argument drawne from the misery he vnderwent for her sake that thereby at least and at last shee might buckle her selfe to arise Mine head is full of dewe quoth he and my locks with the drops of the night By the Head the chiefest member he● meaneth the whole and by the Loch a beautifull accident vnto the bodie hee meaneth outwarde comelines A● the body oppressed in the night wi● dewe abideth much grievance th● beauteous locks weather-beaten a● quicklie vnfeaturated and deforme● as befell vnto Nebuchadnetzers hair● Dan. 4.30 so would Christ giue poo● soules to vnderstand that for their sa● his body vnderwent much grievanc● as also he lost his beautie Of the fir● namely the grievance of his body th● whole story of our redemption is f● persecuted in the cradle in being d●uen Matth. 2. to Aegypt hunted after by t● wicked and finallie smitten buffere● crucified pierced and that which more so smitten by his Father o● sinnes being imputed vnto him through the anguish of spirit his b● die in the Garden was bedewed wi● blood and on the crosse he roared o● vehemently My God my God why h● thou forsaken mee This Dewe of the Night not of the Light ISAIAH fore●awe in the spirite as alreadie rained downe vpon him and therefore saide Hee vvas wounded for our transgressi●ns hee was broken for our iniquities Isai 53. ● the hastisement of our peace vvas vpon him As for the second namely his Beautie what outward thing was there in him ●miable or louesome As Isaiah long ●efore could say Isa 53.2 He hath neither form ●or beautie for the which we should desire him so in his whole life there was but Penurie infamie reproch vnderbearing all hard vsage having vndergone the forme of a servant c. And wherefore vnderwent he this grievance and deformitie His body and soule was tormented that ours might be eased and he became vnbeauteous that hee might so beautifie vs neither is that his embasement ended nor shall be so long as hee hath a Ministerie in the Earth For throgh them he desireth vs to be reconciled a deep embasement that he should petitionate vnto vs hee b●ing the Lord of glory and we a deg●nerat people Hard hearts wee hau● that haue put him to such torture an● grievance and yet continue so than● les ey continue stil sinning as thoug● still wee would cloth him with new sinnes and so put him every day to ● newlie crucified and tormented Secondly in that Christ giues t● vnderstand that during our spiritua● sleep he presents himselfe before th● doore of our conscience with his hea● and locks bare as with his cap in h● hand whereas hee ●ight haue co● with an helmet on his head and a tw● edged sword in his hand we shuld th● rather be ashamed of our spirituall i● civilitie that so proudely stand in o● owne light when hee in all patienc● and long suffering desiring not th● death of a sinner doeth by his 2. Cor. 5.20 Ambassadours beseech vs to bee reconc●led to God Thirdly whereas hee calles the drops Drops of the night hee woulde haue vs to know 1. that while we liue in sinne we liue in darknes like battes and owles that flie the light 2. as also that these fruites of darknesse blacke workes of ours did fal vpon him Man having bathed himselfe in the workes of Darknes Christ commeth and putteth man his ougly black garment vpon himselfe which the Father seeing hee raineth downe on his Sonne the dewe haile and storme that otherwise was due vnto Man Sinne vvas imputed to him as verily as we had Righteousnesse imputed vnto vs ey He was made sinne for vs saith the Apostle that vve should bee made the righteousnesse of God not in our selues but in him 2. Cor. 5.21 The reason then our Saviour here vseth is this Seing I stand bareheaded entreating suffering for thy sake the heauie hand of my heauenly Father vpon me debasing my self in the forme of a seruant that so thou maiest bee freed from the punishment due to the vvorkes of darknes as also be advaunced into the state of Gl●rie seeing all this I do for thy loue I pr● thee let me stand no more without but r●ceiue me into the closet of thy Conscien● Oh wonderfull alluring argumen● and vngainsayable request if the dev● were not in man and man vnreason●blie bewitched But let vs hearken ● her answer I haue put off my coate howe shall I p● it on I haue vvashed my feet howe sha● I defile them This answere consisti● on two branches let vs first exami● what this Coate is which shee hath p● off God putting his Image on ma● especially seated in the most speci● part of man namely his soule he p●sessed the higher facultie or power of ● soule namely the Minde with the fi●nes of all necessarie Holie knowledge 〈◊〉 also the Inferiour facultie the Wil wi● full holines in every affection with th● Minde and vnderstanding part for so call it for learning sake though a si●ple essence admitteth no parts Sa● begunne who having perverted the minde and abused the Vnderstanding and Conceipt loe after that through Gods just judgment the Minde and so consequently the Vnderstanding Conceipt c. went a wrong waye by the conduct of sinne which now had ceased on the powers of the soule Vnderstanding perverted blinded loosing Light and admitting Darknes and Errour caused Adams soule to seeme stripped and naked which before was cloathed with glorious Light The Minde so perverted and turned out of the right way the Will as an handmaid was redie to followe in her affections for the eye being darkned no marvell if the foote turne aside from the right way