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A22562 Three treatises Viz. 1. The conversion of Nineueh. 2. Gods trumpet sounding the alarum. 3. Physicke against famine. Being plainly and pithily opened and expounded, in certaine sermons. by William Attersoll, minister of the Word of God, at Isfield in Sussex. Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1632 (1632) STC 900; ESTC S121173 371,774 515

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all meanes save not all but some 1 Cor. 9. And what some this is in comparison of the rest the Actes of the Apostles sufficiently declare sometimes one sometimes two Obiect and sometimes none at all But did God create any man to be damned If not then they shall be saved To say he did maketh him unjust I answere Answ He created all for his owne glory yea Prov. 16.4 even the wicked for the day of evill as Salomon teacheth So it is said of Pharaoh Ro. 9. For this same purpose I have raised thee up Rom. 9.17 18 that I might shew my power in thee and that my Name might be declared thorowout all the earth therefore He hath mercy on whom He will have mercy and whom He will Hee hardneth Secondly God doth consider man as fallen and thereby having lost the happinesse wherein he was created This befell him for his owne grievous sinne Gen. 3. The more grievous by how much the goodnesse of God toward him was the greater and the power whereby he was inabled to stand the stronger Besides by the sinne of our first Parents we all were defiled no lesse then if Satan had tempted us in the Garden and we in our persons had harkened to his voyce had tasted of the forbidden fruit actually and had stretched out our hand to receive the same as Rom. 5.12 By one man sinne entred into the world Rom. 5.12 15 17. and death by sinne and so death went over all men for as much as all men have sinned Thus also afterward By the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation and by one mans disobedience many were made sinners as by the obedience of One many are made righteous Obiect But it will be further objected that the Apostle saith God hath concluded all in unbeleefe that he might have mercy upon all Rom. 11.32 If upon all then none no Rom. 11.32 not one shall be condemned I answere Answ The purpose of the Apostle is not to teach that it is Gods purpose to save every particular person but some of all sorts some Iewes some Gentiles even all the faithfull of every Nation Tongue and Language Rom. 10.12 13. Gal. 3.22 as appeareth by comparing of other Scriptures as Rom. 10 12 13. He is rich to all that call upon him and Gal. 3. where all is limited and restrained to all beleevers to all the Elect and to them onely Secondly woe to all impenitent persons the whole company of the Reprobate for they shall be shut out of the Kingdome as the foolish Virgins were out of the Bride-chamber As the Kingdome of heaven is the hight of happinesse so to be shut out of it is the greatest misery that can be It had beene better for such that they had never beene borne It is a sore punishment to be banished out of a mans Country Our Country soyle is pleasant and welcome to all men therefore to be exiled from it is worthily accounted a great Iudgement how much more to be cast forth of the City which hath foundations Heb. 11.10 whose builder and maker is God Heb. 11 It is a sore punishment to have judgement to bee burned notwithstanding that the fire quickely consumeth the body to dust and ashes how much more to be cast into the fire that never goeth out Who knoweth not what a fearefull judgement it was to be cast into the Denne of Lions Dan. 6.16 as Daniel was how much more to be cast into the darke Dungeon and Den of the Devils which are Lions alwaies roaring after their prey A sore judgement to be committed to perpetuall imprisonment and to lye there with bolts of iron as many as he can beare and to have none suffered to come to comfort him how much more to be cast into the prison of hell 1 Pet. 3.19 Revel 20.7 in which there is no release out of which there is no recovery nay all these punishments if they could be put together what are they but as painted fires painted dennes painted prisons painted paines in comparison of the everlasting punishment in hell and those unspeakable torments It is a grieuous punishment to be thrust out of the visible Church in this life Gen. 4.14 21.10 as Cain was out of the house of Adam as Hagar with her sonne Ishmael out of the house of Abraham but a thousand times more fearefull to be thrust out of the house of God in heaven from the glorious presence of God and his Angels Alas what benefit or comfort shall these have to know that God hath prepared a Kingdome and an Inheritance immortall and undefiled and that fadeth not Matth. 8.11 12. 1 Cor. 6.9 and to see Abraham Isaak and Iacob and all the Prophets and people of God in the Kingdome of heaven and themselves shut out of dores Math. 8.11 1 Cor. 6.9 This cannot but be a terrour nay a terrour of all terrours to consider that God hath appointed a certaine day Acts 17.31 Rom. 2.5 Iude 15. in which he will iudge the world in righteousnesse Act. 17. He will rebuke the ungodly of all their wicked deedes which they have ungodly committed This terrour will be acknowledged the greater for these causes First they shall heare the dreadfull thunder of Christs fearefull voice summoning them to Iudgement 1 Cor. 15.52 For the Archangell shall blow the Trumpet so shrill that the dead shall heare the sound thereof and hearing it 1 Thes 4.16 shall arise and come to Iudgement Secondly they shall be all compelled though sore against their wills to appeare before the Iudgement Seate of Christ being gathered and assembled from the foure winds of heaven If malefactors bee hardly drawne before Magistrates to receive worthy punishment for their offences how much more will the Reprobate strive and struggle to keep themselves if it might be from the presence of him that sitteth upon the Throne and rather say to the mountaines Fall upon us and to the hills Cover us Thirdly Luke 23.30 they shall stand as poore caitiffes at the left hand of Christ as a signe of miserable disgrace especially when they shall behold the Righteous on his right hand in token of their honour and advancement whom they in their life time have despised For as the right hand hath bin taken for a token of acceptation and receiving into favour 1 King 2.19 So on the other side the left hand hath beene accounted ominous and a token of rejection Psal 50.3 2 Thes 1.8 Exod. 19.18 19 16. 20.18 Fourthly a fire shall devoure before him and it shall bee tempestuous round about him Psal 50. So it was at the giving of the Law in mount Sinai which was altogether on a smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a Furnace and the whole mount quaked greatly there were thunders and lightnings and the voyce of the Trumpet
laid up for them Now if this hope should faile them and deceive them were they not doubly miserable being destitute of the happinesse of the present life and of that to come also Lastly God beginneth their salvation in this life He maketh them here Kings and Priests Revel 1.6 1 Pet. 2.5 and therefore he cannot but hereafter give them a Kingdome And he beginneth their salvation and entreth them after a sort into the Kingdome partly by giving them a lively taste and joyfull feeling of that heavenly glory wherewith they are ravished and partly while hee blesseth them with such spirituall blessings in heavenly things as accompany salvation Ephes 1.14 which are as a pawne or earnest-penny to assure them of his true mind and meaning toward them We may learne from hence to reason from the greater to the lesser Vse 1 from the better to the baser from the Heaven to the earth If he have given us a greater blessing we may be assured he can and will much more give us the lesser and lighter If hee can give us the Kingdome of Heaven he will not with-hold from us food or raiment neither any thing which is good for us It is a rule among the Civilians Lib. 2. ff De Iurisdictione To whom the principall is granted to him the accessory that dependeth upon it seemeth to be granted also If a Prince make any of his servants Governour of his Kingdomr hee granteth to him by vertue thereof all rights and priviledges and meanes which are needfull to that office and for the managing of the State So the Lord hath appointed his to be Heires of eternall life he giveth them therefore all things belonging to this present life and things necessary to bring them to his Kingdome If then wee have the more noble assured unto us how can wee without great infidelity and impiety doubt of the performance of the lesser and baser For what are all the blessings of this transitory life better then trifles being valued and prized with immortality Let us therefore evermore have before our eyes this promise It is your Fathers good pleasure to give unto you the Kingdome and certainely being mingled with faith it will give us assurance of his helpe in all time of need how great soever our assaults and afflictions shall be Let us call to remembrance what the Prophet speaketh to Amaziah King of Iudah when he had hired a great Army of Israel to helpe him against the Edomites and given them an hundred talents of silver when he was charged to dismisse them and was in danger to lose the money which they had received for their pay when the King said What shall we doe for the hundred talents the man of God answered 2 Chron. 25.6 7 9. The Lord is able to give thee much more then this Was this spoken for that King alone No it was written even for us also upon whom the ends of the world are come For as when he was in doubt and feared to lose his money the Prophet casteth him upon Gods providence and calleth upon him to wait upon God in an holy obedience to his Commandement to receive a greater blessing at his hands so if we shall rely upon him by faith in all our troubles without murmuring and grudging this heavenly consolation is written for us and to us as well as to the King The Lord is able to give us much more then this If wee suffer any losses or spoiling of our goods he can restore whatsoever hath beene taken away and make us recompence to the full as we see in the example of Iob. For as hee submitted himselfe to His good pleasure in all his crosses Iob 1.21 42 ●0 and said The Lord hath given the Lord hath taken away blessed be the Name of the Lord and sinned not against him with his lips so having tried his faith his patience and obedience the Lord gave him twice as much as he had before And this is his promise which he will performe Marke 10.29 30. Yea what can be more forcible to worke in us patience in troubles and contentment in poverty submitting our selves humbly to God in all losses and wants whatsoever then to consider that God hath laid up for us treasure in Heaven and will bestow upon us a Kingdome If then at any time wee be carried into strange thoughts and cares for the things of this life it is certaine wee were never well grounded in the doctrine of everlasting life For how can wee looke for heavenly things from him when we doubt of earthly How can we looke for the life to come when we feare to lacke for this life or how shall wee depend upon him for our soules when wee dare not trust him with our bodies Whatsoever therefore we may seeme to others or to our selves to doe it is certaine wee deceive both our selves and others also to thinke that we rely upon him wholy for the greater and better things when we rest not upon him for the slightest and smallest matters Secondly use the meanes carefully that may further us in our journey toward this Kingdome All men are willing to bee at their waies end but all men are not willing to know the way or if they know it it is death to them to walke in it But if any say as Thomas did to Christ How can we know the way I answer Ioh. 14.5 Wee are brought in to the Kingdome by the meanes of the Word as the Traveller is to the place of his lodging by his Guide Christ Iesus is the Way the Word of God is our Guide and it is the Rule by which we must walke The Carpenter is no body without his square his worke can never be right if it be not laid unto it so it is with the faithfull he can doe hee will doe nothing without his rule which is so excellent that it is called the rod of Gods mouth and the breath of his lips Esay 11.4 2 Thes 2.8 The Gospell of the Kingdome Esay 11.4 2 Thes 2.8 Matth. 9.35 Marke 1.14 Heb. 1.8 Psal 45.6 Matth. 9.35 and the Scepter of righteousnesse Heb. 1.8 Christ is the King of his Church to rule it and give Lawes unto it howbeit he is not our King except we suffer him to raigne in us outwardly by his Scepter and inwardly by his Spirit All men will seeme desirous to come to Heaven but they will chuse their owne way and their owne guide they will not submit themselves to the wisedome of God 1 Cor. 1.25 as if the foolishnesse of men were wiser then God or the weakenesse of men were stronger then God They would gladly attaine eternall life and with him in the Gospell they account him happy that shall eate bread in the Kingdome of Heaven Luke 14.15 but they regard not the Gospell of the Kingdome These dreame of a Kingdome without the Word but this is an imaginary Kingdome of their
nothing but in outward abstinence from flesh onely as for humiliation of our selues before our God and afflicting of our spirits as for solemne prayer and amendment of life they are dead and buried as if they were the carcasse of fasting there is deepe silence of them as of things impertinent and utterly from the purpose Thus albeit they retaine the name of fasting yet they have altered the nature of it and albeit they make it meritorious yet was it but a notorious mocking of God a dishonouring of him and a deluding of his people Secondly we receive from hence encouragement in performance of these duties yea comfort and assurance that God will spare us and save us returne to us if we returne to him and turne away his wrath from us Ezr. 8.23 as he did from these Ninevites This we see how the Lord performed Ezr. 8. We fasted and besought our God for this and he was intreated of us Where we see fasting and praying ioyned together and this benefit they found thereby this was the successe they obtained a blessing the Lord was intreated of them If we practise these as we are commanded we have his promise of mercy If he be not intreated it is because we seeke him not aright neither are sufficiently humbled before him but provoke him more by our fasting then we did before and so adde sin unto us O how great are our provocations of the Almighty when his ordinances sanctified to withdraw his wrath shall be meanes to draw it farther upon us and how farre doe our evill workes kindle his indignation against us and encrease his plagues cause him to double his strokes upon us when our best actions performed amisse serve for no other end but to turne us farther out of his favour and to keepe his mercies from us so that we deserue justly a new plague for our fasting if God were not gracious unto us For what are our meetings in many places for the most part but a mocke-fast as if we meant to despite God to his face or as if we met together according to every mans fansie and not warranted by publike authority nor urged by our owne necessity Some are feasting while others are fasting Some keepe it indeed as they doe keepe the Sabbath neither resting from their labours not attending the worship of God and so they make conscience of neither Some come sweating and blowing into the house of God from their owne workes without any preparation of themselves or consideration of the worke of God where about they goe Some are only fore-noone men some againe onely after-noone way Some beginne when others have halfe ended others end when some have halfe begunne Others come to Church betimes but they bring the Devill at their elbowes that lulleth them fast asleepe so as they learne nothing and serue as Cyphers onely to fill up a place for being present they were as good be absent nay better be absent because they should lesse dishonour God shew lesse contempt of the word and give lesse scandal to their brethren Call you this a fasting to the Lord Call you this an afflicting of our selves or of our soules Call you this a solemne repentance Nay where is he almost that once mindeth amendment of life or calleth his sinnes to remembrance or who saith to the eternall God the Lord of heaven and earth the King of Kings as that servant sayd to his Lord and Master an earthly King Gen. 41.9 I call to mind my faultes this day See then the causes why we are not heard We use the meanes but God regardeth us not as Iam. 4. Iam. 4.3 Yee aske and receive not because ye aske amisse and we doe not performe them aright Behold then the true cause why Gods judgments often continue and his hand is stretched out still we remaine still in our sinnes We fast from food but we fast not from our offences We abstaine from the pleasures of the things of this life Heb. 11.25 but we abstaine not from the pleasures of sinne which are but for a season What should it profit to put on sackcloth upon the body and not to put off the pride of heart to abridge out selves of naturall sleepe and to be spiritually asleepe in sinne to put off our best apparell and not to cast off the old man which is corrupt through the deceivable lustes Object It will be objected it hath beene usuall with Moses and the Prophets and the people of God when his hand was heavy upon them by famine or pestilence or the sword they fasted and prayed and the plague ceased why is it not so with us we have fasted but our plague continueth is God changed or is there any alteration in the Almighty Answ I answer there is some difference betweene the old Testament and the new between his administration under the law and under the Gospel For in the time of the law he crowned the obedience thereof more and oftner with temporall blessings as he recompensed the disobedience with temporall judgements whiles the joyes of heaven and the torments of hell were more darkly shadowed whereas now in the sunne-shine of the Gospel we behold Christ Iesus with open face the Kingdome of heaven is set open to all beleevers and the judgment of the great day of the Lord to which the vngodly are reserved is made manifest and therefore his wrath is not now so fully and plentifully revealed from heaven against all ungodlinesse and unrighteousnesse of men neither doth he reward with earthly blessings so commonly such as serve him But to passe this over as not so proper for this place let us enter into our selves let us search and try our own wayes and we shall find the true cause in our owne hearts For how should we thinke or perswade our selves that God should cease his hand presently when we encrease our sins dayly Is it not just with him to multiply his judgments upon us when we multiply sin upon sin or should we looke to have him repent of the evill when we will not repent of our evill We should doubtlesse see an other manner of successe and blessing of God upon our praying and fasting and humiliation if we did as the people of God were wont to doe we should speed as they were wont to do the Lord would deale with us as he dealt with them but forasmuch as we be not like to them in the one no marvaill if we be not like them in the other Lastly seeing the people of God were wont in solemne times of humil●ation and professing of their repentance to joyne together prayer and fasting the one giving the right hand of fellowship to the other let us stirre up our selves to call upon his name but how Not as ordinarily we doe but as our fasting is extraordinary so ought our prayers to be also in regard of continuance in regard of zeale in regard of confession of the sinnes of all
therewith rest contented Secondly having store of this worlds good if wee doe not set our hearts upon them then we will be content to leave them whensoever God the supreme and soveraigne Owner calleth againe for them and not excessively mourne for them when they leave us And as we will not refuse and reject them when we have them seeing they are the gifts of God so when they betake them to their wings and flee away we will looke after them with a quiet minde as it was with Iob who because hee rejoyced not when his substance was great Iob 31.25 1 21. and when his hand had gotten much therefore he did not much grieve when his wealth was taken away but in his greatest losse praiseth the Lord. So also it was with Paul who because he used this world as not abusing it and esteemed the best things thereof no better then dung in comparison of Christ and his benefits 1 Cor. 7.31 Phil. 3.7 8. 4.11 12 13. it was no great paine to him to take forth a farther lesson in what state soever he was therewithall to be content he could be abased and abound every where in all things he was instructed both to be full and to be hungry to abound and to have want yea hee could say I can doe all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Thirdly if worldly riches be wanting we will not seeke them by evil meanes nor glory in them when we have them to make us high minded or to put our trust and confidence in them Lastly it will make us keepe a vigilant eye over them that through our abuse they doc not degenerate from their owne nature and become Satans baits to allure us nor his snares to intangle us nor his thornes to choke us that the seed of the Word cannot prosper neither the graces of God grow in us Hence it is that I goe about to perswade to lay hold on Gods speciall providence watching over his children to succour and relieve them out of hopelesse and remedilesse troubles when they appeare destitute of all succour and in a manner in a desperate estate without all meanes left unto them When the Sonnes of Iacob stood gazing one upon another that is Gen. 42.1 they fared as men amazed and at their wits end that they know not what to doe for themselves their wives and their children then the Lord by his good hand opened a way for their reliefe that there was plenty of Corne in Egypt when there was none in the Land of Canaan verifying his gracious promise Gen. 8.22 So when the poore widdow in time of a great famine was brought to that extremity 1. King 17.12 13. that shee had but an handfull of meale in a barrell and a little oyle in a cruse and was now going purposely to gather a few stickes to dresse it for her selfe and her sonne that they might eate and die when she was in this great perplexity necessity and extremity the Lord that never leaveth his by his good providence directed the Prophet Elijah who immediately before had himselfe beene fed by Ravens that brought him bread and flesh in the morning verse 6. and bread and flesh in the evening to tell her good newes that the barrell of meale should not waste verse 14. neither the cruse of oyle faile until the Day that the Lord sendeth raine upon the earth Thus it was with the widdow of one of the sonnes of the Prophets she was left so farre in debt that her children were to be sold to satisfie the griping and greedinesse of the mercilesse Creditor and she had nothing to discharge it 2 Kings 4.2 but a little pitcher of oyle yet she was provided for by wonderfull meanes all which examples as a cloud of witnesses doe verifie the saying of the Psalmist Psa 33.18 19. and 37.25 Behold the eye of the Lord is upon them that feare him upon them that hope in his mercy to deliver their soule from death and to keepe them alive in famine and Psal 37. I have beene young and now am old yet have I not seene the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread But if there were no other reasons or considerations then such as are handled in this Scripture to be as a preservative or counterpoison against diffidence and distrust touching earthly things which doe more disquiet disturbe not onely the naturall man but even the Regenerate themselves oftentimes then any thing in the world besides herein we may finde matter sufficient to take from us the carnall feare of future wants first because we are his Flocke and he is our Shepheard Will the good Shepheard starve his Sheepe and not make them lye downe in greene pastures This confidence in God doth the Prophet shew and concludeth from this ground the point in hand The Lord is my Shepheard Psal 23.1 therefore I shall not want how then can they assure themselves to be in the number of the Sheep of Christ that doe not rely upon the care of this great Shepheard As then the Prophet saith in another case Esay 40.11 Ezek. 34.2 Should not the Shepheards feed the Flocke So we may be assured that the Shepheard of Israel that leadeth Ioseph like a Flocke will never be wanting to his sheepe that call and cry unto him Secondly because the Title given to God assureth us hereof he is called a Father Psal 80.1 2. Will the father give over the care of his children and forsake or forget the fruite of his owne body nay doth not the Prophet say Esay 49.15 Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the sonne of her wombe yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee whom I have graven upon the palmes of my hands And Christ our Saviour speaketh to the same purpose What man is there of you Matth. whom if his sonne aske bread will he give him a stone or if he aske a fish will he give him a Serpent If ye then being evill know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that aske him Lastly because we have the promise of a Kingdome and of the glory of heaven which is unspeakeable incomprehensible and everlasting He that hath promised us a Kingdome will he with-hold from us food and raiment nay Rom. 8.32 as the Apostle teacheth us to reason He that spared not his owne Sonne but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things So should we cōclude that seeing he hath called us to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven 1 Pet. 1.4 He will never leave us nor forsake us in this life but if we first seeke the Kingdome of God Matth 33. all other things shall be added unto us He
a reason whereby it is enforced In the counsell consider these particulars First an earnest dehortation or disswasion feare not Secondly a loving appellation by way of an Apostrophe or a turning of his speech belonging to those hearers that are called from feare the Flocke of God Thirdly a strict limitation or word of restraint it is a little Flocke that God taketh charge and care of The Shepheard regardeth not the Goates and wild beasts of the field and forrest it is enough for the Shepheard that he feed his Sheepe and his Lambes The second point is a reason and that reason is a promise and that promise is of a Kingdome For so gracious is our good God unto us that he annexeth his promise to our obedience to give us encouragement in doing our duty And herein observe divers branches for the promise containeth the Author the application the ground-worke the manner the object and the subject First the Author of the promise who also is as able to performe it Many men doe make large and faire promises but are not able oftentimes to make them good This promiser is God described unto us by a word of relation he is in nature a Father Secondly the speciall application thereof to our selves he is our Father so that as he is able so likewise he is willing to performe his promise because he loveth us For what Father will forsake his children Thirdly the ground and originall of it his owne good pleasure and not any thing in our selves as of our selves to move him to favour us Fourthly the manner of it he giveth it he doth not sell it or exchange and barter with us to receive the like againe or the worth of his promise in some other commodity at our hands it is his free gift it is not for any merits done or workes and worthinesse foreseene so that we cannot say to God as Abraham did to the Hittites Give it me for so much mony as it is worth Gen. Gen. 23.9 23.9 and if any be so foolish Acts 8.20 we may answer them as Peter doth to Simon Magus Act. 8. Thy mony perish with thee because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with mony Fiftly the object of the promise to wit the persons to whom it is given to You but to what You not to the wise and prudent of this world but to babes and simple ones not neither to all in generall for hee hath made no such large promise to all the sonnes of men but to You called before the little Flocke Lastly the subject or matter of the promise the Kingdome of Heaven without which all other promises are of no value This is promised and bestowed upon a few onely And thus much touching the occasion the interpretation and the division of the words Now let us come to the particular handling of them in order as they have beene unfolded unto us Feare not The first point that commeth to be considered is the dehortation wherein our Saviour sheweth what wee may not doe This is the ground of all diffidence and distrust a causelesse and needlesse feare This is the root of all doubting and distraction and therefore he laboureth first of all to pull it up by the root and to cut it off with the sword of Gods providence Doct. 1 This teacheth that Gods servants have no cause to feare the want of Gods hand or helpe in temporall things We need not be afraid to be forsaken or forgotten of God as if hee neglected us or had cast us off in time of distresse True it is when we looke upon our present estate with fleshly eyes and can see no end nor issue out of our troubles like a Sea that hath neither banke nor bottome we are oftentimes assaulted with doubting and sometimes with despaire but when we cast up our eyes to Heaven and behold the providence the purpose the promise the protection and preservation of God we have a staffe of comfort put into our hands to stay us up that we fall not to the ground The Israelites being brought out of Egypt lifted up their eyes and beheld the Egyptians marching after them Then they were sore afraid and began to murmure against Moses not without a bitter taunt likewise Exod. 14.10.11 Exod. 14.10 Because there were no graves in Egypt hast thou taken us away to dye in the wildernesse Wherefore hast thou delt thus with us to carry us forth out of Egypt then Moses said unto them Feare ye not stand still and see the salvation which he will shew to you to day for the Egyptians whom ye have seene to day yee shall see them againe no more for ever the Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace Thus the Prophet speaketh Psal 34.9 10. Psal 34. They that feare the Lord shall need to feare no lacke the Lyons lacke and suffer hunger but they that seeke the Lord shall want nothing that is good Where no feare of God is no marvaile if there be feare of all things else but where the feare of his name is there is a counterpoyson to expell all other feare Hereunto accordeth the saying of Christ I say unto you Matth. 6.25 be not carefull for your life what yee shall eat or what yee shall drinke nor for your body what yee shall put on is not the life more worth then meat and the body then raiment It is the manner of the most sort when they begin to feele any want especially in times of famine to cry out Oh we are undone what shall wee doe how shall we live wherewithall shall we maintaine our families and housholds As if there were no God in Israel that looked upon us or cared for us or knew our wants But who is it that gave thee thy life or from whence receivedst thou thy body have wee not our breath and being from God doubtlesse hee will therefore maintaine our lives and cloath our bodies so that we may say with the Apostle Phil 4.6 Bee carefull for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thankesgiving let your request bee made knowne unto God This truth receiveth farther strength from the titles given to God Is not he the Husband the Shepheard Reas 1 and Father of the Church It is the duty of the Husband to provide all necessaries for his Wife Ephes 5 31. For no man hateth his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it Ephes 5.31 Will a good Shepheard take charge of a flocke and then starve it God hath taken charge of all that are his when we are once become his Sheepe in that very moment we live under his protection as Psal 23.1 2. The Lord is my Shepheard Psal 23.1 80.1 and he maketh me lye downe in greene pastures he leadeth mee beside the still waters and Psal 80.1 Give eare O thou Shepheard of Israel thou that leadest Ioseph like a Flocke Will not
ought so much the more to be magnified if we consider what we are by nature to wit the children of wrath the heires of damnation the sonnes of Satan the servants of sinne so that wee may say not onely with Abraham Gen. 18.27 Luke 15.21 I am but dust and ashes but with the Prodigall Sonne I am not worthy to be called thy Sonne For what are we from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foot but a very lumpe of sinne and corruption It is by grace and adoption that we are made the Brethren of Christ and fellow-heires with him and not much inferiour to the very Angels in Heaven Psal 8. Secondly in that God professeth himselfe a Father of all the faithfull observe that with him there is no accepting of persons Acts 11.36 Iob 34.19 Gal. 2.6 The poore man hath as great right and interest in Gods Kingdome and in this Title to call him Father as the rich man whose corne and cattell is encreased whose wine and oyle is multiplyed The weake brother may comfort himselfe herein knowing that God is a Father to him as well as he was to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to David to Peter or to Paul As all the Faithfull have obtained like precious faith 2 Pet. 1.1 so have all of them a like or equall right in this Father-hood the low as well as high the poore as well as rich the simple as well as wise the bond as well as free are allowed and warranted to speak to him as to a Father as we are also taught in the Lords prayer which is a perfect platforme for all to use that come before him For there is neither Jew nor Gentile Gal. 3.28 Col. 3.11 male nor female circumcision nor uncircumcision Barbarian Scythian but Christ is all and in all and they have interest in him alike who shed his blood as well for the one as for the other and paid the same price for them all And thus it shall be at the last Day when no outward thing shall commend us to God neither birth nor blood neither learning nor riches neither great revenues nor golden crownes nor large Kingdomes none of these shall helpe no not the outward calling of a Christian if there be no more in us Let us therefore comfort our selves in this that the love of God is as great toward us as to those that are greater in the world True it is all men have not neither can have free accesse into the presence of Kings and Princes to stand before them and to heare their voice but all men even of low degree have liberty to come into the presence of Almighty God to heare his Word which is his voice nay they are called and invited unto it All men have not liberty to sit downe at the Table of great Personages howbeit God admitteth all true beleevers and penitent persons though never so poore to sit at his Table and to partake of his Supper yea they are the guests that he inviteth and entertaineth and welcommeth he will suppe with them and they shall suppe with him Thirdly from hence we have assurance that God will accept of our service and obedience albeit it bee maimed and unperfect and many waies defective The father that commandeth his childe to serve him albeit he faile oftentimes in the manner of doing yet when he beholdeth his care and endeavour to please him he praiseth his doing and passeth by his misdoing as if he saw it not so it is with God he requireth at our hands to obey him and albeit we faile and offend many waies in our obedience yet when he seeth a ready and willing minde 2 Cor. 8.12 and an unfained desire in us to doe our duty he accepteth us according to that we have and not according to that we have not Psal 203.13 This the Prophet teacheth He pittieth them that feare him no lesse then a Father doth his Children Doth the Father accept of nothing but that which is on every side perfect and every way absolute Yes he commendeth the heart when the foot halteth so God accepteth of our sincerity even when it is mingled with much infirmity This the Prophet Malachi witnesseth Chap. 3.17 They shall be mine Mal. 3.17 saith the Lord of Hosts in the Day when I make up my Jewels and I will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serveth him This serveth as a great encouragement to us to cause us to serve him and to put forth all our strength and utmost endeavour to doe his will Lastly he will not cast away any of the faithfull finally and for ever neither shall any fall away from his favour True it is they may many waies fall but they shall rise againe Mic. 7.8 he may chastise them with the rods of men but his mercy he will never take away from them neither purposeth hee to cast them away utterly out of his sight He may suffer them to be winnowed Esay 54.8 Luk. 22.31 32. as men winnow wheat but he hath prayed for them that their faith shall not fully nor finally faile as Christ our Saviour speaketh unto Peter Luk. 22.31 32 Your Father The second point in the promise is the application Christ Iesus contenteth not himselfe to say It is the Fathers pleasure but your Fathers as when we pray we are taught to say Our Father Neither doth the reason run in this manner It is my Fathers pleasure as he might have spoken as indeed sometimes hee speaketh and as the Scripture calleth him the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Ioh. 20.17 but to set the better edge upon it and to make it pierce the deeper he saith It is your Fathers good pleasure Ephes 1.3 It is not enough to beleeve that God is the Father of Christ or the Father of the Church but we must further beleeve that he is our Father and every one for his part must say He is my Father It is a matter of knowledge onely to confesse him a Father but it is a matter of faith to confesse him to be our Father Doct. 8 This teacheth that it is a duty belonging to the faithfull to apply the promises of God to themselves particularly as Ier. 3.19 Thou shalt call me Ier. 3.19 My Father and shalt not turne away from me Christ also sendeth Mary to his Brethren to say unto them Ioh. 20.17 28. I ascend unto my Father and to your Father to my God and to your God Ioh. 20. This was the confession and application of Thomas Luke 1.47 Gal. 2.20 My Lord and my God This was the faith of the blessed Virgin My spirit reioyceth in God my Saviour Even so the Apostle Gal. 2.20 The Sonne of God who liveth in me loved me and gave himselfe for me It must bee thus with every soule in particular not onely to say Christ is the beloved Sonne of the Father but as it was with the
Church to say as it is Cant. 2.16 Cant. 2.16 My well-beloved is mine and I am his as Christ himselfe saith I know mine and am knowne of mine See the like Ruth 1.16 Jer. 31.33 Ezra 25.9 The reasons are evident Reas 1 First every man is commanded in the Gospell to beleeve Marke 1.15 1 Joh. 5.13 Now it is not sufficient to make us true beleevers to know the promises except we also love them desire them delight in them and make application of them otherwise we beleeve no better then the Devils and our faith is no other then the faith of the Devils for even they beleeve God Iam. 2.19 yea one God and Christ and all the promises to bee true They know all the Scriptures Matth. 4.6 and as they are perfect so are these perfect in them they can alleadge them more readily and easily a thousand times than ten thousand in the world They know all the promises recorded in the Scriptures and beleeve that they shall come to passe But let us see what faith they have There are foure sorts of faith the historicall the miraculous the temporary and the justifying faith The historicall is to have the knowledge of Gods Word and to give assent that the histories and doctrines therein contained are true The miraculous is 1 Cor. 13.2 to be able to worke miracles The temporary to beleeve in Christ in a confused manner for a time like the man that having a glimmering light saw men walking like trees to bring forth some fruits Mark 8.24 and the fruits may seeme faire and beautifull in their owne and other mens eyes like the Apples of Sodom yet are neither sound nor lasting to submit themselves willingly to the Word Luke 8.13 and to take some delight in the hearing thereof The justifying faith goeth beyond all the former and it standeth in laying hold upon Christ and making him to be their owne Among all these the Devils have onely the historicall faith What manner of faith the Devils have to beleeve all in the Scripture to be most true wherein notwithstanding they goe beyond many men They have not the miraculous faith for albeit they effect many wonders yet they can worke no miracles nor change the nature of things They want the temporary faith because as the tree is wholly evill so they can bring forth no good fruits they have no taste of the good Word of God neither shew any joy they take in it neither yeeld they any outward obedience Much more therefore doe they want the justifying faith to stretch out their hand to receive Christ Iesus and to take him to themselves for notwithstanding their beliefe they tremble as the Apostle teacheth so that their faith faileth in this particular which is more then they can doe to make particular application of Christ and his promises to say Christ is mine and I am his his promises are mine and belong to me I have remission of my sinnes by his death he is my Father and hee will give to me the Kingdome The Angels that were the first Preachers of the Gospell were sent to the Shepheards and they taught them this lesson Behold Luke 2.11 I bring you glad tidings of great ioy which shall be to all people that to you is borne a Saviour Luke 2. They doe not onely tell them they brought good tidings good tidings to others but good tidings to them and not onely that Christ was borne but that he was borne to them Esay 9.6 as the Prophet had done long before Vnto us a Childe is borne unto us a Sonne is given And except the Shepheards had beleeved and applied it to themselves they might have beene instruments of salvation unto others but they could never have beleeved or have had benefit by it themselves like those that builded the Arke to save others but were drowned in the waters themselves Secondly the promises of God howsoever they be delivered in generall termes in the Word yet are they particular and every man out of the generall both may and must gather a particular unto himselfe As in a Pardon or Proclamation though it be delivered in generall yet the matter contained in it is that which belongeth to every person in particular and every one may apply the Proclamation as truely to himselfe as if he read his owne name therein expressed So then although the promises of God be generall yet are they particularly true to every true beleever that can truely apply them to himselfe For whatsoever is spoken to all beleevers is spoken to every particular as also whatsoever is spoken to all penitent persons may bee applied to each penitent person We see this in the exhortation given to Joshua Iosh 1.5 Heb. 13.6 1 Chron. 28.20 Deut. 31.6 I will not faile thee nor forsake thee which also is given to others yet the Apostle applieth it as spoken to the Hebrewes so that the same which was spoken to him was in him spoken to all The Gospell is as it were a pardon published to sinners and faith layeth hold on that pardon particularly so that the beleever doth as truely apply it to himselfe as if his owne name were written therein and it were said to him Matth. 9.1 Thy sinnes are forgiven thee as it was said to the man sicke of the palsie Matth. 9.1 Thirdly there must be particular application because God hath given unto us his Sacraments to bee Seales of the Righteousnesse that is by faith Rom. 4. Rom. 4.11 Now as God hath established them in the Church so he hath ordained that they should be delivered particularly to every one that every man should be baptized and every man receiue the Supper of the Lord in his owne person which sheweth that the proper use of a Sacrament is to assure a mans conscience of the promises in particular When wee come once to beleeue and to know that Christ offereth remission of sinnes by his death then by receiuing of the Sacraments particularly wee come to apply Christ and his merits to our selves so that the delivering and receiving of the Sacraments is thus much in effect if thou beleeve the promises of life and salvation then take this that thou maist bee assured that they belong unto thee as certainely as if thy name were specified therein Now then all these things considered the use of faith the use of the Word and the use of the Sacraments it must necessarily follow that it is not onely a generall notion but a particular application of the promises that doe belong to salvation First Vse 1 there ariseth from hence a plaine confutation of a Popish errour touching faith that a man may not nor cannot without presumption apply the promises of the Gospell to himselfe nor beleeve that God is his God that Christ is his Saviour wherein with one dash of the penne or with one breath of the mouth they cancell all the Articles of the faith and
exceeding loud and sounding long so that all the people trembled But the fire and the feare shall bee much greater at the last day when the Lord Iesus shall appeare in great glory when the Elements shall melt with fervent heat 2 Pet. 3.10 the earth also and all the workes therein shall be burnt up 2 Pet. 3.10 Fiftly they shall have shame and perpetuall contempt powred upon them so that they shall be shamed for ever before many witnesses before men and Angels even before all the world Dan. 12.2 Forasmuch as there is nothing secret that shall not be evident and come to light This the Lord teacheth by the Prophet These things hast thou done Psal 50.21 and I kept silence thou thoughtest that I was altogether such a one as thy selfe but I will reprove thee and set them in order before thine eyes Lastly they shall have the Sentence of death and damnation pronounced against them the misery whereof standeth in three points First in feeling paines intolerable unspeakable and unsupportable not to be uttered by the tongue of man We see how terrible and tedious many diseases are and what torments they bring to the body in this life but what are they to the torments of hell For as all the comforts and pleasutes of this life are nothing in comparison of the joyes of heaven 1 Cor. 2.9 the eye hath not seene them the care hath not heard them the heart cannot comprehend them So I may say of the punishments of damned soules Neither hath the eye of man seene them neither the eare of man heard them neither can the heart fully conceive of them as they are indeed Onely the Scripture expresseth them by things most bitter and violent that we might in some sort attaine to the knowledge of them and therefore the Apostle saith Rom. 2. Rom. 2.9 Tribulation and anguish shall be upon the soule of every man that doth evill Secondly in a separation from God from Christ from the Angels from all the righteous from all comfort and from eternall glory A paine and punishment no lesse then the former to see the Saints whom they thorowout their whole life have mocked and misused and judged to be fooles and mad men now honoured and advanced to the Kingdome of God and themselves in greatest disgrace for ever The sight doubtlesse of the felicity of others shall aggravate and encrease their owne misery Thirdly in the fellowship that the Reprobate shall have with the Devill and his angels They that now will seeme to shake and tremble at the very naked naming of the Devill and cannot abide to heare of him they that are ready to defie and denie and detest him in words yea to blesse themselves when any mention is made of him alas alas now they must be constrained to abide this as a part of their cursed condition to have the continuall fellowship of the Devill and the rest of the damned crue and of none other but of them David complaineth of it as of a great misery and a woe much to be bewailed and lamented that he did soiourne in Mesech and dwell in the Tents of Kedar but woe woe woe againe and againe to those that must not sojourne for a season but dwell for ever and ever not in Mesech or Kedar but in the house of darkenesse with the Devill the Prince of darkenesse where they shall be cast into utter darkenesse Mitth 8.12 there shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth Lastly acknowledge the wonderfull mercy of God toward his Children who hath loved them with a speciall and unspeakable love True it is the Reprobate have many blessings in this life because they live among the godly and for their sakes because God would leave them without excuse and stoppe their mouthes for ever because he would teach his owne servants not to place any happinesse in them but to looke for greater blessings in the other life howbeit they have not such among them all Gen. 25.5 6. as doe accompany salvation For as Abraham gave sundry blessings to the sonnes of the Concubines but he made Isaak the sonne of the free woman to be his heire so God bestoweth common gifts Matth. 5.45 and many temporall blessings upon the Reprobates hee maketh his Sunne to rise on the evill and on the good and sendeth raine upon the just and unjust howbeit he maketh them not his heires for as much as spirituall and eternall graces are communicated to none but to the Elect which shall be inheriters of Salvation and for them he hath prepared the Kingdome Why may wee not therefore cry out with the Prophet Psal 144.3 8.5 3 4.8 9. Lord what is man that thou takest knowledge of him or the sonne of man that thou makest account of him who is like to vanity and his daies are as a shadow that passeth away Psal 144. And else-where O taste and see for the Lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him O feare the Lord ye his Saints for there is no want to them that feare him If God must have praise for the least of his blessings how much more for this that is the greatest of all wherein the Lord hath enlarged his love towards us and without which our faith had beene in vaine yea Christ Iesus had dyed risen againe and ascended in vaine and all the worke of our Redemption were frustrate so that without consideration of the Kingdome of heaven of which we come now to consider in the last place blessings were no blessings and graces were no graces at all The Kingdome This is the last but not the least branch of the promise which containeth the highest staire and top of our felicity and happines The ungodly thinke faithfull men unworthy to breathe or whom the earth should beare but behold God even the Father vouchsafeth of his grace and good pleasure to account them worthy of heaven The ungodly deeme them not to be worthy to live in the world but the Lord esteemeth not the world worthy of them Heb. 11.38 and therefore he will translate them out of the world that they may enjoy his presence Now as before we heard of the object of the promise the Flocke of Christ so now we come to consider of the subject or principall matter of the promise the Kingdome of heaven And in this word we have the substance of the reason used by Christ our Saviour to keepe us from feare of falling away from him for feare of future wants and therefore we have deferred to consider of the strength thereof to this place The reason may be thus framed and put into forme that we may see the force of it If God will bestow upon us the Kingdome then feare not the lacke of earthly things But God will bestow upon us the Kingdome Therefore Feare not the lacke of earthly things Or more plainely after this manner Whosoever have a Kingdom promised unto them need
not feare the lacke of lesser blessings But the faithfull have a Kingdome promised unto them Therefore the faithfull need not feare the lacke of lesser blessings The power and strength of this reason is good and exceeding great Christ our Saviour doth never argue weakely who ministreth strength to all his that are weake In this reason the giving of heavenly things to us is made an argument to prove the not with-holding of earthly things from us Wee may not feare or faint in our faith and profession as though God would quite forsake us or give us over And wherefore Because he hath promised to us the Kingdome so that there is nothing so great that he will sticke at or doubt to bestow upon us Doct. 12 The force of this reason layeth before us this instruction that the consideration of the Kingdome of Heaven and of the eternall joyes prepared for the faithfull ought to be a strong and sufficient reason to stay us up in all trials and troubles whatsoever True it is the righteous have many troubles and we have likewise many promises fitted to every estate as it were medicines applied to the diseases but among them all there is none more forcible and effectuall then this promise in this place which is the accomplishment of all promises to wit the Kingdome of Heaven Doe we finde our faith at any time weake and faint fearing tribulation or distresse or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword or to be separated from the love of God and his Sonne Iesus Christ Rom. 8.35 ● Cor. 11.27 or to be oppressed and overburdened with wearinesse and painfulnesse with hunger and thirst with fastings with cold with watchings with poverty with reproaches with feare of death and such like behold the promise here set before us let us lay fast hold upon it Let us with joy and comfort lift up our eyes or rather our hearts to Heaven and remember that wee have the reversion of a Kingdome promised unto us by him that did never falsify his Word in regard whereof we are more then Conquerers through him that loved us whereby we may easily see an issue out of the former tentations Hence it is that Abraham Moses and all the Prophets in the middest of all their afflictions wherewith they were afflicted did comfort themselves hereby they had respect to the great reward they knew to be laid up for them in the Heavens The Hebrewes tooke joyfully the spoiling of their goods while they were made a gazing-stocke by reproaches and calamities This is no easie thing to beare but hard for flesh and blood to doe For no doubt their goods and good names were as precious unto them as ours to our selves or to any other What then was the cause that made them able to beare all these injuries and indignities Surely this they knew in themselves that they were Heires apparent to a Kingdome and had in Heaven a better and an enduring substance Heb. 10.34 Heb. 10.34 11.9 10 24 35. then they knew that what teares soever they shed he would not onely keepe them in his bottle of remembrance but then he would wipe them away from their eyes that they should shead them no more Revel 7.17 21.4 Here is their time of weeping but then shall be the time of their rejoycing here is their time of sowing but then shall be the time of their reaping as Lazarus while he was here was distressed but after this life he was comforted Luke 16.25 Ioh. 16.20 21 22. 1 Ioh. 3.2 Then there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away Revel 21.4 the sorrow of the Saints shall bee turned into joy and their joy shall no man take from them The reasons follow First Reas 1 the greatest blessings assure the lesser and take away all doubt from us that might any way stay or stagger us in our obedience No man having a promise of a greater benefit from an honest man that he knoweth hath ever beene wont to bee as good as his word can or will make any doubt of his performance of the lesser so ought wee to learne to strengthen our faith against the feare of earthly wants by consideration of the heavenly promises that are found in the Word of God none of which did ever fall to the ground Rom. 8.32 as the Apostle teacheth Rom. 8. He that spared not his owne Sonne but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things Secondly all the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed Rom. 8.18 Rom. 8. Let the meditation of this glory be once thorowly laid up as a treasure in our hearts and we have thereby a soveraigne preservative against all dangers whatsoever which beset us round about whereas such as are daunted and distressed with every blast or bruit of danger like men that are at their wits end it is plaine they were never well grounded in the Article of everlasting life Thirdly all calamities and troubles how many and great soever are short temporall and momentany they endure but a little season as Christ comforteth the Church Revel 2.10 Psal 30.5 Esay 54.7 8. Yee shall have tribulation ten dayes And the Prophet Psal 30. His anger endureth but a moment in his favour is life weeping may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning But the Kingdome of Heaven is not for a night nor for one yeere nor two yeeres nor five yeeres neither ten yeeres nor twenty yeeres nor as a flower that flourisheth for a season and suddenly fadeth away but it is unchangeable incorruptible and everlasting 2 Cor. 4.15 18. as the Apostle sheweth 2 Cor. 4. Our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh in us a farre more exceeding and eternall waight of glory while we looke not at the things which are seene but at the things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternall Lastly this is as a staffe of sufficient force put into our hands to uphold us and stay us up because the Kingdome of Heaven is the end of all sorrowes and miseries whatsoever 1 Cor. 17.54 for then this mortall shall put on immortality and death the last enemy shall bee destroyed and swallowed up in victory The Traveller that hath a great way to goe and to passe thorow many troubles not without much labour and sweating oftentimes comforteth himselfe with the remembrance of the end of all his journey Wee are Pilgrims and strangers in this world and we passe our dayes in travelling toward the Kingdome that is everlasting Wee should make this reckoning and account that our life from our birth day to our dying day is nothing else but as a pilgrimage thorow the wildernesse
to the Land of Canaan that is our journey and passage toward Heaven Here we must resolve with our selves to meet with many enemies and crosses as it were rubs and stumbling blockes to hinder us and turne us out of the way Except therefore wee often call to minde our heavenly Canaan the end of all our labours when all our sorrowes shall bee finished we shall never be able to goe forward but we shall be discouraged in the middest of our race and sit still as a wearied man that is quite tyred and out of heart First conclude from hence Vse 1 that Gods Kingdome is certaine It is no deceivable promise neither doe we runne as uncertainely or as one that beateth the aire but as we runne for an uncorruptible Crowne so wee doe runne that we are sure to obtaine For wee have a sure Word of Christ surer then the Heavens because they shall passe away as a scrowle 2 Pet. 3.10 and the elements shall melt with heat but his Word shall never passe but it must be fulfilled and accomplished It is not the manner of Christ neither of the Apostles of Christ to use deceitfull reasons like subtill Sophisters to blinde or bleare the eyes of the simple they builde the soules of men upon the strong rocke that cannot be shaken Let us therefore bee well grounded in this article of our faith which should never have beene applied to drive away feare except it had beene in it selfe certaine and infallible For a certaine disease cannot be expelled by an uncertaine remedy Secondly let us walke before the Lord in feare and trembling who being privy to all our infirmities and knowing whereof we stand most in need hath provided this as an effectuall remedy against all distracting thoughts and troubles that arise in the world God hath not left us without comfort nay hee hath ministred the greatest comfort where the greatest discomfort remaineth He knoweth what tentations arise in our mindes touching worldly wants he sendeth us not therefore naked and unarmed into the field to buckle and wrastle with enemies that would be too strong for us For whereas he might have ministred unto us a thousand other comforts he singleth this out as armour of proofe which is able to withstand all the fiery darts of the Devill For as the Hushandman is carefull to make the fence strongest and the hedge highest where the beasts are most busie and ready to enter so Christ our Saviour understanding that wee lye most open to assaults of feares and cares and to have our faith battered by the engines of our spirituall adversary reacheth how to resist him by keeping this in remembrance that it is our Fathers good pleasure to give unto us the Kingdome And doubtlesse nothing in this world will more provoke us to stand in awe of God and to get grace in our hearts then this Heb. 12.28 as Heb. 12. Wherefore we receiving a Kingdome which cannot bee moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly feare What will move us to submit our selves unto him and to walke in obedience before him if the consideration of this promise of a Kingdome to banish feare of want from us cannot doe it If an earthly Prince should thus comfort any of his people Feare not poverty I will promote thee to honour and glory how would it refresh his soule how would it revive his spirits and how would it provoke him to doe him the best service he could Take an example hereof in David toward Mephibosheth the sonne of Jonathan When the King after inquisition for some left of the house of Saul that he might shew him kindnesse for Jonathans sake had called him unto him and said Feare not 2 Sam. 9.7 8. for I will shew thee kindnesse for thy Fathers sake and will restore thee all the Land of Saul thy Father and thou shalt eate bread at my Table continually Hee had no sooner heard these gracious words and received this comfortable promise but by and by hee bowed himselfe before him Thus ought it to be with every one of us when we consider what promise of honour and advancement we have received we should in all humility cast down our selves and walke in reverence and godly feare all the daies of our lives before him The driving out one feare should worke in us another kinde of feare If we have not this grace here we deceive our selves if we looke for glory hereafter The Kingdome of grace goeth before the Kingdome of glory If wee belong not here to the Kingdome of grace we shall never enter into the Kingdome of glory hereafter Lastly learne from hence that we are saved by hope by hope I say which is a gift of God whereby wee wait with patience for good things nay the best things to come For seeing we are armed and strengthned against feare of wanting worldly wealth by the consideration of a Kingdome to come where there is no want wee are taught in all waves and stormes of this life to put our trust in God and to cast anker in heaven Whereby behold by the way a great difference betweene the godly and the ungodly The godly man hath the best things to come it is worst with him at the first and in the beginning the farther he goeth the better it is with him and the best of all is after this life Eccles 7.1 This made the Wise man say The day of death is better then the day of ones birth And the Apostle testifieth Rom. 13.11 Now is our salvation neerer then when we beleeved It is not so with the ungodly his best is in the beginning True it is it was never good with him nor never will be but he is best at the first the longer he liveth and the farther he proceedeth it is worser and worser with him for he heapeth up sinne upon sinne untill it come to the full and withall treasureth up wrath against the Day of wrath and the worst of all remaineth for him in the world to come So then we must acknowledge that we hold our salvation by hope and therefore it is not present Rom. 8.24 but to come for hope that is seene is not hope for what a man seeth why doth he yet hope for it as the Apostle sheweth We have it not therefore in possession but in expectation and therefore he addeth afterward If we hope for that which we see we doe with patience wait for it Wee must all doe as Abraham is commended to have done Rom. 4.18 19. beleeve above hope being strong in faith Rom. 4. we have so many hindrances of our salvation It is with us as it was with David he had a Kingdome promised and he was anoynted unto it yea in the end had full possession of it But in the meane season he found many stormes and tempests going over his head and ready to drowne him and sinke his ship in
owne If wee travell without the Word it will bring us to Hell the kingdome of darknesse but never to the Kingdome of Heaven and of God who dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto No man by nature knoweth the way to Heaven neither can possibly finde it without his guide there are so many odde lanes and blinde turnings and by-pathes and crosse waies that we are sure to misse the Devill standeth at one corner and telleth us This is the way the World calleth to us at another I will lead thee and sinne sitteth at anoother ready to perswade us to follow it Wee know the way that leadeth to Hell well enough nature is a sufficient guide to instruct us and direct us if we have no other we cannot misse it the way is so broad and the gate so wide that leadeth to destruction and the company so great going before us that thrusteth and throngeth to enter into it Wherefore it standeth us upon to doe nothing without our guide Howbeit this is an hard matter men will not stoope downe when God holds out his Scepter ready to lead them neither will they draw neere when God stretcheth out his arme to receive them The causes why vve follovv not the guidance of the Word but hang backe many wayes And will we understand and learne the causes that stop up our way and hinder us from following the guidance of the Word Ignorance negligence and contempt have so possessed the greatest part that they are a small remnant that make conscience to seeke knowledge to use diligence and to performe obedience These lead us by the hand to the Kingdome the former are the greatest enemies to our soules Ignorance of the Word the first hinderance to the Kingdome Heb. 5.12 Of these three that blocke up the way and stop our passage I will speake in order And touching the first I will say with the Apostle Heb. 5.12 When for the time yee ought to bee teachers yee have need that one teach you againe which be the first principles of the Oracles of God and are become such as have need of milke and not of strong meat After all our hearing and learning after so many yeeres teaching and preaching Heb. 6.1 the greatest part know not the principles of the doctrine of Christian Religion The raine and dew of Heaven hath fallen upon the ground and yet it remaineth dry and barren The Hammer of the Word hath beaten upon our hearts yet they are hardned as the Anvill Many gracious showres have dropped downe upon the grasse of the field and yet alas it is ready to wither away The Sunne hath shined clearely in our eyes and yet alas we remaine in palpable darknesse O what a deepe and secret judgement is this that the raine should make us dry and the Sunne make us blinde that the light should cause darknesse and the sound of the Gospell should make us deafe But thus it is and thus it must bee when we regard not to know the will of our God Certainely such blinde sottish people that remaine willingly nay wilfully blinde in the middest of the meanes of knowledge like those that having meat before them arise empty from the Table cannot assure themselves to bee true members of the Christian Church The Prophet foretelleth touching the Church of Christ that the earth should be full of the knowledge of the Lord Esay 11.9 2.3 Ioel 2.28 as the waters that cover the Sea but these have their hearts as full of ignorance as the Sea is of water True it is a man may be ignorant of many truthes and yet be saved 1 Cor. 13.9.12 And it is true likewise that here wee know in part and wee see as thorow a glasse darkely and so wee shall untill wee come to know even as also wee are knowne Howbeit wee must understand that there is difference betweene truth and truth There are some such truths as are like the heart in the body without which there is no life or like the foundation of an house except it be well laid no building can be reared and erected Or like the Pillers on which Samson leaned if they bee shaken the house falleth and is overthrowne and the fall thereof is great and draweth with it the ruine of others So it is in Religion There are sundry such principles and grounds of the faith that whosoever is ignorant of them all or of any one of them it is impossible he should be saved These are to Christians as the A. B. C. is to Children except the Childe know his letters he can never be able to read yea albeit he be ignorant but of one of them so except they which be rude be well and thorowly grounded in the Rudiments and first Principles 1 Pet. 2.2 as it were the first milke that they sucke from their Mothers brests that they may grow thereby they are not yet in the way to the Kingdome they have not set one step forward to Heaven Notwithstanding if a thorow view and exact examination were taken of the most places I feare the greatest number even of such as are of yeeres of discretion would be found faulty and guilty that they know not so much as every Christian must know that shall be saved and see Christ Iesus his Saviour to his comfort And therefore I may conclude that the greatest number of them yet stand in the state of damnation I will not say they shall bee condemned neither dare I because God hath given to us no such warrant Deut. 29.29 and secret things belong unto him but rather I hope better things of them though I thus speake howbeit this I affirme and dare bee bold to pronounce that such doe as yet stand through their ignorance in the state of condemnation What though many of you be of great age what though yee have beene baptized and beene admitted to the Lords Supper what though yee have beene long hearers of the Word I beseech you by the mercies and patience of God toward you deceive not your selves doe not flatter your owne soules perswade not better things of your selves then there is just cause be not as Children that know not the right hand from the left be not alwaies blinde in your understanding but rather examine your selves and call your selves to an account what yee have heard and learned lest yee be like those that are alwaies learning 2 Tim. 3.7 but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth The Lord complaineth by the Prophet Hos 4.1 6. My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge And againe a little before There is no knowledge of God in the Land and therefore the Inhabitants thereof shall be cut off Thus much of ignorance the mother of errour Neglect of the Word the second hinderance to the Kingdome the second hinderance that stoppeth up the way to the Kingdome is the neglect of the Word a farther degree
that promiseth and provideth the greater can he faile us and not performe the lesse He that maketh us Kings unto his Father and hath promised a Crowne August de verb. Domini Qui dabit regnum non dabit viaticum will he deny us a bit of bread and a cup of drinke These points are more particularly discussed and opened in the ensuing Treatise which I have presumed to dedicate to your Lady-ship and not without good and waighty reasons You heard the publike preaching of them with speciall attention though many yeeres since and therefore I must needs acknowledge you among my best hearers and friends and withall consecrate vnto you some part of my labours which I have bestowed in writing Besides considering your earnest desire to know that God whose goodnesse you have alwaies tried your zeale to glorifie him on whom you have alwaies called your care to walke in his waies whom you have alwaies served and the fruits of a lively faith that have plentifully flowed from you whereof there are so many eye-witnesses among us the hearts of many distressed Ministers and the loynes of many poore people being ready to blesse you and God for you I cannot but beseech your Lady-ship to accept of this small testimony of my unfained observance of your many praises in the Gospell and as a pledge of my thankefulnesse which I leave behind me to the world being now ready to goe out of it The God of eternall glory the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ make you abound yet more and more in all the riches of his saving graces in this life and fill you with the inward comforts of the blessed hope of the appearance of Jesus Christ Your Lady-ships in all Christian duties to command WILLIAM ATTERSOLL PHISICKE AGAINST FAMINE LVKE 12.32 Feare not little Flocke for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give unto you the Kingdome THe occasion of these words is to bee taken from the 15. The occasion of the words verse of this Chapter wherein our Saviour exhorteth to take heed beware of covetousnesse for as much as no mans life standeth in the abundance of those things he possesseth True it is this lesson is short and set downe in few words howbeit it is not so soone learned and easily practised as it is spoken and delivered Wherefore he propoundeth a parable and telleth what hapned to a certaine rich man who in the plentifull encrease of his goods and fruits of his ground blessed himselfe the possessor but not the Lord the giver of all for he said to his soule Luke 12.19 20. Soule thou hast much goods laid up for many yeeres take thine ease eate drinke and be merry But what said the Oracle of God unto him Thou foole this night thy soule shall bee required of thee then whose shall these things be which thou hast provided This example hee applieth to all Verse 21 so is he a starke foole that layeth up treasure for himselfe but is not rich toward God Then he goeth forward to lay before us the care that God hath over his Children both toward their lives and their bodies Verse 24 who feedeth the Ravens that cry unto him and clotheth the Lillies of the Field that cannot cry unto him Verse 27 so that Salomon in all his royalty was not arayed like one of them But what is all this if we make not use thereof if we doe not apply it unto our selves doubtlesse it is no better then the covetous mans hidden treasure which he heapeth and hoardeth together but doth neither to himselfe nor to other any good Wee have therefore the direction of Christ himselfe who draweth and deducteth sundry conclusions from hence Verse 31 One use is taught in the verse 31. First of all seeke the Kingdome of God and then all these things shall be added unto you Another use is in these words of the text feare not for you have a Kingdome prepared and provided for you Thus we are come to the words that are to be handled The interpretation of the vvords being the use that the best Teacher and Master maketh of his doctrine he had delivered Now let us see the meaning and interpretation thereof Feare not This is to be restrained according to the circumstances aforegoing the generall being put for the speciall We are sometimes commanded to feare Psal 34.9 O feare the Lord yee his Saints and Rom. Psal 34.9 Rom. 11.20 Matth. 10.26 28. 1 Pet. 3.20 Psal 2.11 Luke 1.74 11 Be not high-minded but feare And againe sometimes not to feare Matth. 10.26 28. 1 Pet. 3.20 Sometimes wee are charged to serve the Lord in feare and to rejoyce in trembling Psal 2. Likewise sometimes to serve him without feare Luke 1.74 These phrases may seeme the one contrary to the other But they are easily reconciled if the words going before and following after be diligently marked In this place hee meaneth the feare of want of earthly things as if there were none in Heaven above to provide nor promise made in the Word to strengthen nor example of the godly to direct or as if every one were left to shift and scamble for himselfe So then hee meaneth a corrupt and carnall feare whereby a man feareth lest he lacke such things as are needfull for the maintenance of this life and thereby is so distracted in the service of God that he employeth all his time in the businesse and affaires of this present world Flocke That is my people whom I have undertaken to maintaine nourish keepe preserve and feed as a good Shepheard doth his Flocke for these are as it were the sheepe of his pasture Little Gods heritage is called little in three respects first in regard they are few in number because the multitude of the wicked world is the gnats and replenisheth all palces of the earth Secondly in regard of the small account and estimation wherein they are there is little reckoning made of them Matth. 10.42 1 Cor. 4.13 for in the judgement of the ungodly they are as the filth of the world and the off-scowring of all things unto this day Hence it is that Christ saith Matth. 18.14 Matth. 18.14 It is the will of your heavenly Father that none of these little ones should perish Thirdly they are little in their owne eyes and thinke more lowly of themselves then any other or then of any other 2 Sam. 6.22 1 Chron. 29.14 Fathers That is God the Father of his Church whom he tendreth as the apple of his eye and loveth as a Father doth his Children and therefore cannot see nor suffer them to want any thing that is good Kingdome That is the Kingdome of Heaven the Kingdome of glory for Christs Kingdome is not of this world Iohn 18.36 Touching the good pleasure of God see more afterward In these words observe two points The division of the vvords first the counsell or commandement of Christ which is delivered Secondly