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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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better till he came to a perfect sight Then the Son of God sent him to his own House forbidding him to tell any Man what had happened unto him X. S. Peter confesseth That Jesus Christ is the Son of God Matth. 16 13-20 Mark 8 27-30 Luke 9 18-20 Jesus went from thence with his Disciples and ascending up towards the Head of Jordan he went into the Towns adjoyning to Caesarea Philippi a City situate upon the same River on the South-Side of Galilee By the Way he asked them What Men said of him They answered him That some took him for John the Baptist others for Elias others for Jeremiah and lastly others for one of the old Prophets risen from the Dead But saith he to them whom say ye that I am Peter answered and said Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God Whereupon Jesus saith unto him Blessed art thou Simon Son of Jonas for Flesh and Blood hath not revealed this that thou hast said unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven And I also say unto thee That thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it And I will give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven XI Jesus foretels his Death to his Disciples Matth. 16 20-28 Mark 8 30-38 Luke 9.21 22. Jesus after this Discourse forbids his Disciples to publish it that he was the Son of God and then begins to tell them what he must suffer as he was the Son of Man He declares unto them That he must go to Jerusalem and be there disowned by the Jewish Governours Chief Priests and Scribes suffer many Cruelties and Indignities from them be put to Death and raised again the Third Day Peter who by reason of the great Love he had for his Lord and Master could not endure to hear this Discourse took him aside and reproved him saying God forbid that such Things should befal thee Lord. But Jesus rebuking him for giving him such Council which though it testified much carnal Love and Affection to him did so plainly oppose the Sacred Purpose of God in redeeming Man said unto him before all his Disciples Depart from me Satan for thou art an Offence to me for thou savourest not the things of God All this was transacted privately between Jesus Christ and his Disciples but he called the People Luke 9 23-27 and began to preach before them all those Truths which Peter did not understand when he discouraged him from suffering Death for he asserted it publickly That if any Man will follow him he must bear his Cross all his Days That to lay down his Life for him and the Gospel is the only way to be saved and to seek salvation any other way is to destroy himself and that he gets nothing by the World that loses his own Soul That he shall hereafter come in his Glory and render to every Man according to his Works and then he will disown them before his Father who have been ashamed of him and his Word before Men And he adds That there are some among his present Hearers who shall not dye till they see him in his Kingdom and in the Greatness of his Glory XII Jesus Christ is transfigured on the Mountain The Promise Matt. 17 1-13 Mark 9 1-13 which Jesus made in the last Words he partly performed within Eight Days after for he took Peter and James and John privately and led them into a very high Mountain where he went to Prayers and while he was at Prayers his Face became as radiant and shining as the Sun Luke 9 28-36 and his Garments as bright as the Light appeared as white as Snow The Three Apostles in the mean while were asleep but when they awoke they saw their Master Transfigured i. e. clear another Man from what they had seen him before for they saw him in that Glory in which he had promised to discover himself to some of them and they beheld also with him Two Men full of Majesty who talked with him concerning that Death which he should suffer at Jerusalem They knew that these Two Men were Moses and Elias and when they were about going from Jesus Peter that he might detain them with them said unto his Master Lord it is good for us to be here and if thou pleasest let us make Three Tabernacles One for thee and One for Moses and One for Elias But as he was thus speaking scarce knowing what he said in his Transport as the Gospel observes a bright Cloud over-shadowed them and there came a Voice out of the Cloud which spake these Words This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him This Cloud and Voice filled the Three Disciples with so great Fear that they fell on their Faces to the Earth But Jesus came to them and comforted them and raised them up Then they lifted up their Eyes and looking round about they saw no Man save Jesus only As they were coming down from the Mountain he commanded them to tell no Man what they had seen till the Son of Man be risen from the Dead They obeyed this Command but did not understand the Last Words and they disputed among themselves about the Meaning of this Expression Vntil the Son of Man be risen from the Dead The Disciples having seen Elias with him in the Mount took an occasion to ask him Why the Scribes and the Pharisees did assert That that Prophet was to come before the Messias Jesus answered them That Elias shall indeed come and shall be rejected and evil-intreated as well as the Son of Man yea he adds That he is already come and that the Jews have done what they list to him and so will they make the Son of Man suffer as they have done his Fore-runner This Answer plainly discovered to the Apostles That the last Elias of whom he had spoken was John the Baptist who had gone before the first coming of Jesus Christ in the Spirit and Power of Elias as Elias himself in Person should go before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ XIII Jesus heals a young Man Lunatick and Dumb. The next Day Jesus being come to the Place Matth. 17 14-21 Mark 9 14-29 Luke 9.37 -42. where the rest of the Apostles were he met a great multitude of Men and the Scribes questioning with them As for the People as soon as they saw the Son of God they ran to him and saluted him being full of Admiration and Joy Jesus then asked the Scribes What was the occasion and Subject of your Dispute but at the same Time came a certain Man to him having broke through the Press and kneeling down at his Feet prayed him to have Pity on his only Son whom he had brought unto him because
had in his Heart some Time before Jesus then said unto him That thou dost do quickly whereupon Judas went out But the rest of the Apostles knew not whither he went supposing that Jesus had sent him to buy something or bestow some Mony on the Poor because it was he that carried the Purse As soon as he was gone out Jesus considering the Glory which his Father would gain by his Death and which he himself should receive as the Reward of his humble Obedience faith unto his Disciples Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him and if God be glorified in him God will also glorify him in himself and will streightway glorify him Then they sung an Hymn and rose from the Table to go to the Mount of Olives where we have seen that Jesus went usually at Night XXV Jesus foretells S. Peter's Denial and the Apostles Flight Jesus having thus discoursed of his Glory Matth. 26 30-35 Mark 14 27-31 Luke 22.31 38. John 13 33-38 raised a fresh Contention among his Disciples Who of them shall be accounted greatest and have the greatest Share in it Jesus checks their Ambition by repeating what he had said to them long before That it shall not be so with you as it is with Kings who rule over their Subjects with Authority but that the greatest among them should be as the least just as he who was their Master had been among them little not as he that sits at Table but as he that serveth He then tells them That since they had held firm to him in all his Persecutions he would prepare for them a Kingdom as his Father had prepared one for himself But he adds That Satan had desired to sift them as Wheat is sifted i. e. to tempt them that he may make them fall And he said to Peter I have prayed for you that your Faith fail not and when thou art converted i. e. recovered from thy Fall strengthen thy Brethren Then turning to them all he tells unto them That he had but a little Time to be with them That he went whither they could not come but he commanded them to love one another as he had loved them because by this Love they should be known to be his Disciples Hereupon S. Peter asked him Whither he would go Jesus answered Whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt follow me afterwards He replyed Lord why cannot I follow thee now Jesus explains himself further saying to his Apostles All of you shall be offended because of me this Night for it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the Flock shall be scatter'd but after that I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee Peter answered him Although all Men should be offended yet will not I be offended for I am ready to go with thee into Prison and unto Death yea I will lay down my Life for thy Sake Jesus answered Wilt thou lay down thy Life for me Verily verily I say unto thee That this Night before the Cock crows twice thou shalt deny me thrice Peter asserted it more passionately That he would not deny him though he dyed for him And all the Disciples said the same consulting the present Sentiments of their Hearts more than their own Weakness which was throughly known to Christ Jesus then ask'd them Whether they wanted any thing when he sent them without Purse or Scrip or Shoes And when they answered him No he said to them But now he that hath a Purse or a Scrip let him take it and he that hath no Sword let him sell his Garment and buy one In which figurative Language he describes the Greatness of the Persecution which they must shortly undergo that it should be so violent that if they fly to such ordinary means as are usually made use of they must sell their very Garments to provide Arms for their Defence For I say unto you adds he that this must be accomplished Isai 53. ●2 which is written of me He was reckoned among the Transgressors They who took his Words in the literal Sense That they must sell their Garments and buy one said unto him We have here Two Swords but because he understood them in another Sense he answered 'T is enough XXVI Jesus comforts his Apostles It was almost impossible but that all these Predictions of his approaching Death would much trouble his Apostles which when he saw John 14 1-31 he comforted them saying That they should not be troubled but believe in him That they knew that if he went before them to prepare a Place for every one of them in his Fathers House he would come again and take them to himself Then he says Whither I go ye know and the way ye know Thomas saith unto him Lord we know not whither thou goest and how should we know the Way Jesus replyed That he himself is the Way the Truth and the Life that they must go to God by him and that if they knew him they would know his Father also Upon this Philip saith unto him Lord shew us the Father and it sufficeth us But Jesus answered him Have I been so long with thee and hast thou not known me And then adds That in seeing him we see the Father because he is in the Father and the Father in him which they might have discerned by the Miracles which they had seen him do assuring them at the same time That they that believe in him shall do the same Wonders and greater than they because whatsoever they ask of God his Father in his Name it shall be done to them Then he promises them that he will by his Prayers obtain another Comforter for them which should be the Spirit of Truth which the World cannot receive because it knoweth him not That he will not leave them Comfortless but will come unto them That they shall see him when the World seeth him not which happened after his Resurrection for he appeared to none but own Disciples That he will one Day shew them that he is in his Father because he will discover himself to those that love him and shew evident Signs of his Love by receiving and keeping his Commandments Judas ask'd him Why he would discover himself to them and not unto the World He answered him If any Man love me he will keep my Commandments and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our Abode with him He that loveth me not keepeth not my Commandments He enlarges no farther upon Judas's Question but leaves us to infer from his Answer That the Reason why he doth not discover himself to the World i. e. the Lovers of the World is because the World neither loves nor keeps his Commandments He adds That the Doctrin which he had taught them was his Fathers and that the Holy Spirit would make them understand and remember all the Truths which he had taught them Lastly