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A70866 The first-[third] tome of an exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction from the original planting, embracing of Christian religion therein, and reign of Lucius, our first Christian king, till the death of King Richard the First, Anno Domini 1199 ... / by William Prynne, Esq.; Exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1665 (1665) Wing P4076; ESTC R14735 1,530,072 1,129

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Sed post resurrectionem dedit potestatem Petro eumque constituit Vicarium suum transferring all this his Soveraign Power both in heaven and earth to him and the Pope of Rome Ergo ex potestate Domini metimur potestatem Vicarii Et Pontifex Romanus similem habet potestatem divinorum jurisdictionem in temporalibus spiritualibus quam habuit Christus Dominus noster ut perfectus homo Et ex ordinatione divina constitutus est super gentibus regnis habet utramque potestatem de per se potest jurisdictionem temporalium temporaliter non autem directivè tantum exercere So as by their determinations St. Peter and Roman Popes had neither any Temporal Soveraign Regal or Pontifical Universal power over all Kingdoms Nations Churches Monarchs Bishops in the world before but only from and after Christs resurrection and ascension into heaven when he both received all Power in heaven and earth formerly promised and then given him by his Father and immediately transmitted the right and exercise thereof to St. Peter and Popes succeeding him at Rome not Antioch his first See as his sole Successors and Vicars to manage both his Kingly and Priestly offices on earth during his personal absence from his Church by reason of his corporal residence at his Fathers right hand in heaven untill his second coming to Judgement he having no need of a Vicar general or Successor to represent his person or supply his corporal absence from his Church and exercise his Kingly or Priestly offices whiles bodily present upon earth and therefore instituted none till he ascended into heaven So as Christs corporal absence from the earth upon his departure to heaven in his humane nature and bodily presence and the necessity and conveniency as they hold of one Vniversal Vicar and Viceroy to supply his bodily absence and succeed him in the execution of these his offices in the Church Militant throughout the world are the sole reason ground foundation of St. Peters and the Popes pretended Temporal and Ecclesiastical Monarchy And if this basis thereof be once subverted the whole superstructure must presently fall to the ground and come to ruine I shall therefore in the 4th place addresse my self to undermine this foundation with all convenient brevity 1. By expresse Scriptures 2ly By the Resolutions Canons Decretals Doctrines Practices of the Church Councils Popes Cardinals Schoolmen Casuists Canonists Civilians of the Church of Rome in opposition to those of the Protestant Religion relating to the Virgin Maries Monarchy and Christs corporal presence still on earth which utterly subvert St. Peters and Popes pretended Regal and Pontifical Supremacy depending on it The Scriptures I shall cite are these The first is Ephes 4. 8 11 12. When he to wit Christ ascended up on high to heaven he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men And he gave some not Peter alone to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ Compared with 1 Cor. 12. 28 29. And God hath set some not one in the Church first Apostles not Peter to be first or sole Apostle secondly Prophets thirdly Teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps governments not Peter to be sole or supreme Governour diversity of tongues Are all Apostles are all Prophets are all Teachers are all workers of miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret Here St. Paul by the spirit of God enumerates what ever gifts Christ at his ascension into heaven bestowed on his Apostles Church or men in general In which Texts it is observable First That there is not one syllable of any peculiar gift much lesse of all his Regal and Sacerdotal power in heaven and earth then bestowed on Peter or any of his successors as his sole Universal Vicars or successors in both which being a matter of so grand moment to his Church as Popes and Pontificians deem it would certainly have been specified and not pretermitted by St. Paul yea by all the four Evangelists the Penmen of the Acts of the Apostles and by St. Peter himself in his large Oration to the Apostles in his first Sermon to the Jews and strangers at Jerusalem immediately after Christs ascension Act. ch 1. 2. 3. 4. in his Sermon to Cornelius Act. 10. and in both his own Epistles generall wherein there is not the least mention or intimation of any such gift or power bestowed on him by Christ but the contrary 2ly That the first gift he then bestowed on men was Apostles or Apostleships not worldly Empires Kingdoms Nations Crowns Scepters Principalities Dominions and that upon all the eleven Apostles not St. Peter alone in the self-same equality and degree at the very time of Christs ascension and immediately after on Matthias chosen in the place of Judas as is undeniable by Christs giving all the Apostles the self-same Apostolical mission and Commission when he declared to them that all power was given unto him both in heaven and in earth Mat. 28. 16 18 19 20. by St. Peters and the other Apostles own resolutions Acts 1. 15 to the end especially vers 22 23 25 26. Act. 5. 31 32. c. 10. 38 41 42. 1 Pet. 1. 1. c. 5. 1. 2 Pet. 1. 1 16. c. 3. 2 15. Gal. 2. 7 8 9 11. and by the Holy Ghosts descending equally on them all in cloven tongues and giving them all equally the gifts of tongues within few dayes after Christs ascention Acts 2. 1 to 10. 3ly That both the Commission and all gifts Christ gave to the Apostles joyntly or to others at his ascention were only Ministerial not Imperial Judicial or Magistratical to wit for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ not to be Soveraign Vniversal Monarchs over all Empires Kingdoms Nations Churches of the world to root out pull or throw down destroy build plant them at their pleasure or to exercise Soveraign Dominion over the Lords Churches heritage or other Christians faith expresly prohibited them by Christ and disclaimed both by St. Paul and Peter Mat. 20. 25 26. Luke 22. 25 26. 1 Pet. 2. 13 14. c. 5. 1 2 3 5. 2 Cor. 1. 24. Rom. 13. 1 to 7. Tit. 3. 1. The second sort of Texts are Acts 2. 34 35 36. where St. Peter himself in his first Sermon to the Jews and Gentiles at the feast of Pentecost soon after Christs ascension into heaven asserts and proclaims with the highest confidence that can be both to all Jews and Gentiles that Christ did not transferre his Soveraign power which God conferred on him after his triumphant resurrection unto him or his successors at Rome but reserved it entirely in and to himself till the end of the world in these observable expressions For David
himself saith of Christ in reference to his ascending into heaven The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand untill I make thine enemies thy footstool Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly That God hath made the same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ Which he thus seconded both before the Councel and High Priest of the Jews Acts 5. 31 32. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and forgivenesse of sins and we are witnesses of these things And in his Sermon to Cornelius Acts 10. 36. he addes He not I is Lord of all Which St. Paul whom he stiles Our beloved brother and fellow Apostle and whose Epistles he voucheth as concurring with his own 2 Pet. 3 15 16. thus amplifies 1 Cor. 15. 24 25 26. For Christ must reign till he hath put all his enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death Then cometh the end when he shall deliver up the Kingdom to God even the Father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power Compared with Ephes 1. 20 21 22. Col. 1. 17 18 19. Phil. 2. 9 10 11. 2 Tim. 5. 14 15 16. And St. John thus thirds Rev. 11. 15 16 17. And there were great voices in heaven saying The Kingdoms of the world are become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and He not St. Peter or the Pope his pretended successor shall reign for ever and ever And the twenty four Elders fell upon their faces and worshipped God saying We give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty which art wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee not delegated to the Pope or St. Peter thy great power and hast reigned And Rev. 19. 6. I heard as the voyce of a great multitude and as of mighty thunderings saying Allelujah for the Lord God omnipotent not Pope reigneth Moreover David in relation to the Kingdom Kingship of Christ after his resurrection and ascension assures us Psal 29. 10. The Lord sitteth King for ever Psal 97. 1. The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoyce let the multitude of Isles be glad thereof Yea Dan. 2. 44. c. 4. 3 34. c. 6. 26. c. 7. 14 27. Luke 1. 33. It was prophesied and predicted of Christ That his Kingdom shall never be destroyed that his Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and his Dominion an everlasting Dominion from generation to generation without any inter-regnum or succession and shall be even unto the end and shall not passe away or be transferred and shall not be left to other people therefore not to St. Peter or Roman Pontiffs of several Nations and all Dominions shall serve and obey him not St. Peter or Popes Compared with Mich. 4. 7. And the Lord not Popes shall reign over them for ever Isa 9. 6 7. Luke 1. 38 39. And the Lord God shall give him the throne of his Father David and the government shall be upon his shoulders and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom and of the encrease of his government there shall be no end Therefore by the concurrent verdicts of St. Peter himself backed by St. Paul St. John and all these sacred Texts it is infallible that Christ neither at his ascension nor at any time else ever transferred the right exercise dominion of his Kingdom Church or government thereof much lesse of all Kingdoms Nations Monarchs in the world to St. Peter or his Roman successors but intirely reserved it to himself as personal and untransferrable to any other And so they must bid farewell for ever to St. Peters pretended Universal Monarchy and Patrimony as Christs Successors or Vicars by the Testimony of all these sacred Texts whereon they would gladly found and establish it The third Texts are such as destroy both St. Peters and all Popes Titles to Christs Universal High Priesthood or Shepherdship over the Catholick Church as the precedent do their Kingship The first is St. Peters own expression 1 Pet. 5. 2 3 4. Feed the flock of God which is amongst you neither as being Lords over Gods heritage but being ensamples to the flock And when the Chief Shepherd Christ shall appear therefore Christ not he was then Chief Pastor of the Sheep you shall receive a Crown of glory that fadeth not away The next is that of St. Paul Hebr. 13. 20. Our Lord Iesus Christ brought again from the dead is the Great Shepherd of the Sheep to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen compared with Hebr. 7. 21. to the end ch 10 12. 15 to 22. and Psal 110. 4. The Lord sware and will not repent in relation to Jesus Christ and his Priesthood Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedech And they truly were many Priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death but this man because he continueth ever hath an unchangable or untransferrable Priesthood that passeth not to another by succession or delegation therefore not to St. Peter or any other Roman Pontiff Wherefore he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him not by Peter Mary or the Pope seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them For such an high Priest became us who is holy harmlesse undefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the heavens are any Roman Pontiffs so qualified and who needed not daily as these Priests did and all Popes and Masse-Priests too to offer up sacrifice for their own sinnes and then for the peoples for this he did once when he offered up himself and is consecrated for evermore For by his own blood he entred in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us After he had offered one sacrifice for ever he sate down at the right hand of God from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool for by one offering he hath perfected for ever those that are sanctified And having him an High Priest over the House of God not St. Peter nor his successors let us draw near with a pure heart in full assurance of faith Popes therefore and their seduced Pontificians must now bid adieu to their Antichristian Titles of Pontifex Optimus Maximus Pontifex Summus Sanctissimus Episcopus Vniversalis Oecumenicus Pastor summus Pastor Pastorum and to their Vicarship and succession in Christs Vniversal High Priesthood as well as to his Kingship unlesse they will renounce all these Canonical Scriptures Vnking Vnpriest our Saviour Christ and usurp both his Royal Throne and Chair upon Christs pretended Donation of them to St. Peter at his ascention who never heard of claimed but professedly disavowed any such Gift and all Popes of Rome too for some hundreds of years Of no greater Credit or Validity then their forged Donation of all Ecclesiastical and Temporal Soveraignty and
alwayes even to the end of the world And before that time Mat. 18. 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them As likewise Hebr. 13. 5 6. For he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee So that we may boldly say The Lord is my helper I will not fear what man can do unto me Compared with Ps 125. 2. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever Isa 43. 2. When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle upon thee Fear not for I am with thee Psal 91. 15. He shall call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honour him Isa 41. 10 13 14. Fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousnesse For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand saying unto thee Fear not I will help thee Fear not thou worme Jacob and ye men of Israel I will help thee saith the Lord and thy redeemer the holy one of Israel Together with Jer. 1. 8 19. c. 15. 20. c. 30. 11. c. 39. 17 18. to the same effect Thus experimentally fulfilled after his ascention into heaven Acts 18. 9 10. Then spake the Lord unto Paul in the night in a vision Be not affraid but speak and hold not thy peace For I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee 2 Tim 4. 16 17 18. At my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me not Peter the preaching might be fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of the Lion And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil worke and will preserve me to his heavenly kingdome 2ly By Christs reiterated promises to send the Holy Ghost as a Comforter unto his Apostles Church Saints to supply his absence not St. Peter or the Pope John 14. 16 17 26. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you forever Even the spirit of truth for he dwelleth in you and shall be with you I will not leave you Orthans I will come to you because I live ye shall live also But the Comforter the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things c. John 16. 7 8. It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you And when he is come he shall convince the world of sin c. which promises he fulfilled in sending the Holy Ghost upon them in cloven tongues immediately after his ascention Acts 2. and by shedding him on them and us abundantly through Jesus Christ Tit. 3. 5 6. 1 Cor. 12. 4 5 c. 3ly By Christs expresse provision for his Churches when he ascended up on high and gave several gifts unto all his Apostles and others not to Peter alone for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ to wit his Church Ephes 2. 8 to 17. 1 Cor. 12 4 c. to 31. All which as they subvert this foundation of St. Peters and Popes pretended Monarchy and Vicarship So likewise 4ly It is directly refuted disproved and totally overturned by the avowed Practises established professed Doctrines of the Church and Popes of Rome to wit of the breads and wines real transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper by Hoc est corpus meum c. uttered by the Priest into the very natural body and blood of Jesus Christ born of the Virgin Mary crucified on the Crosse ascended into Heaven accompanied with his humane soul and actually united to his Deity his whole body person both as God and Man being really and substantially present in and contained under every consecrated Hostia and each part thereof and in every drop of the consecrated wine too on earth and thereupon adored by them as their Lord God and Saviour with Latria or divine adoration whose very body is made and continually reserved by them in all their Churches Pixes under lock and key carried about in Processions and to sick persons as their Popes Councils Doctors of all sorts assert and their grand Council of Trent hath thus Affirmatively and Negatively resolved in direct words Semper haec fides in Ecclesia Dei fuit statim post consecrationem verum Domini nostri corpus verumque ejus sanguinem sub panis et vini specie una cum ipsius anima et divinitate existere sed corpus quidem sub specie panis animamque sub utroque vi naturalis illius connexionis et concomitantiae qua partes Christi Domini qui jam ex mortuis resurrexit non amplius moriturus inter se copulantur divinitatem porro propter admirabilem illam ejus cum corpore et anima hypostaticam unionem Quapropter verissimum est tantundem sub alterutra specie atque sub utraque contineri Totus enim integer Christus sub panis specie sub quavis ipsius speciei parte totus item sub vini specie sub ejus partibus existit Quoniam autem Christus Redemptor noster corpus suum id quod sub specie panis offerebat vere esse dixit ideo persuasum semper in Ecclesia Dei fuit idque nunc denuo Sancta haec Synodus declarat per consecrationem panis et vini conversionem fieri totius substantiae vini in substantiam sanguinis ejus quae conversio convenienter et proprie a Sancta Catholica Ecclesia transubstantiatio est appellata Nullus itaque dubitandi locus relinquitur quin omnes Christi fideles pro more in Catholica Ecclesia semper recepto latriae cultum qui vero Deo debetur huic Sanctissimo Sacramento in veneratione adhibeant Neque enim minus est adorandum quod fuerit a Christo Domino ut sumatur institutum Nam illum eundem Deum praesentem in eo adesse credimus quem Pater aeternus introducens in orbem terrarum dicit Et adorent eum omnes Angeli Dei quem Magi pro●identes adoraverunt quem denique in Galilea ab Apostolis adoratum fuisse Scriptura testatur Declarat praeterea Sancta Synodus pie religiose admodum in Dei Ecclesiam inductum fuisse hunc morem ut singulis annis peculiari quodam et festo die praecelsum hoc et venerabile
constituerat surgens audientibus cunctis respondit Domine Rex res notissima est omnibus quod Johannes dictus Rex Angliae pro Arthuri nepotis proditione quem propriis manibus interemit in curia vestra per judicium Parium suorum ad mortem sit condemnatus ac postmodum a Baronibus Angliae pro multis homicidiis enormitatibus aliis quas ibidem fecerat ne regnaret super eos reprobatus Unde Barones contra eum guerram moverunt ut ipsum a solio regni immutabiliter depellerent Praeterea Rex saepe dictus praeter assensum Magnatum suorum regnum Angliae Domino Papae contulit et Ecclesiae Romanae ut iterum illud reciperet ab eis tenendum sub annuo tributo mille marcarum Et si coronam Angliae sine Baronibus alicui dare non potuit potuit tamen dimittere eam Quam statim cum resignavit Rex esse desiit et Regnum sine Rege vacavit Vacans itaque regnum sine Baronibus ordinari non debuit Unde Barones elegerunt dominum Lodovicum ratione uxoris suae cujus mater Regina scilicet Castellae sola ex omnibus fratribus sororibus Regis Angliae vivens fuit Tunc Legatus proposuit quod Rex Johannes erat Cruce signatus unde ex constitutione generalis Concilii pacem habere debuit usque in quatuor Annos omnia sub protectione sedis Apostolicae secura permanere unde medio tempore Lodovicus non debuit guerram dicto Regi movere nec eum a regno privare Ad haec procurator Lodovici respondit Rex Johannes ante crucem sumptam guerram moverat Domino Lodovico castrum de Buncham obsederat illud destruxerat c. Legatus itaque his rationibus non contentus prohibuit sicut prius sub paena excommunicationis ne Lodovicus Angliam intrare praesumeret patrem ejus ne ipsum ire permitteret His auditis Lodovicus Patri suo dixit Domine etsi ego homo vester ligeus sum de feudo quod mihi dedisti in partibus Cismarinis de regno Angliae ad vos non pertinet statuere quicquam unde me subjicio judicio Parium meorum si debetis cogere me ne prosequar jus meum quia pro haereditate uxoris meae usque ad mortem si necessitas coegerit decertabo Et his dictis Lodovicus cum suis a colloquio recessit Quod videns Legatus Rogavit Regem Francorum ut salvum sibi conductum praeberet usque ad mare Cui Rex respondit Per terram nostram propriam conductum libenter praestabo sed si forte incideris in manus Eustachii monachi vel aliorum hominum Lodovici qui custodiant semitas maris non mihi imputes si quid sinistri tibi contingat Haec audiens Legatus iratus a Curia recessit By which passages it is apparent that the King of France his Son Lewis and all the Nobility of France unanimously resolved with highest indignation and detestation this Charter to be a meer nullity because made by King John then no lawfull King and without the Barons consent and of dangerous president to all other Kingdoms thereupon thus slighted the Popes command and his Legates not to War upon King John or invade England being St. Peters Patrimony And dare any Pope or other Champion of the Church of Rome now own or justifie such a universally condemned Charter as this 12ly King Henry the 3d. King Johns heir and next successor though much devoted to the Pope and his Legate as instrumental to Crown and restore him to the actual possession of his Kingdoms after his Fathers death not only disclaimed and endeavoured by the assistance of his Chancellor and whole Kingdom to free himself from the Vassallage of this pretended Rent and Charter Anno 1231. as you have heard but in the general Council of Lyons Anno 1245. about 31. years next after this grant and Oblation by his Ambassadors and Advocate made a special protestation against it as a meer Nullity extorted by War Force from King John against the Archbishops protestation and against the Barons consent thus related by a Matthew Paris and b Matthew Westminster PEr idem tempus Rex sano fretus Consilio ex quo certificabatur de Concilio generali in proximo Lugduni celebrando Nuncios solennes ad Concilium destinavit videlicet Comitem Rogerum Bigod Iohannem filium Galfridi Gulielmum Cantilupo Philippum Basset Radulphum filium Nicholai Milites et Gulielmum de Powic Clericum ut Domino Papae et toti Concilio gravamina exponerent quae Regno Angliae in multis a Romana Curia diatim inferentur Praecipue de Tributo in guerrae tempore extorto in quod nunquam consensit Regni universitas cui contradictum fuit et aperte per Stephanum Archiepiscopum Cantuariensem reclamantem Quod in posterum factum est In this Council when assembled on the very day that Pope Innocent the fourth propounded his complaints against the Emperour Frederick to depose him Gulielmus de Powic qui cum Nobilibus Domini Regis Angliae procuratoribus Comite Rogerio et aliis sociis praesens affuit volens haec praedicta per interruptionem differre surgens in medio gravamina Regis et Regni Angliae proponens satis eleganter CONQUESTUS EST GRAVITER QUOD PER CURIAM ROMANAM EXTORTUM EST TRIBUTUM INJURIOSE NIM IS TEMPORE GUER RAE A REGE JOHANNE DUM SUMMA MENTIS ANGUSTIA TORQUERETUR CUI ETIAM MANIFESTE CONTRADICTUM FUIT ET EX PARTE UNIVERSITATIS REGNI RECLAMATUM QUOD TALIA NULLO MODO FACERE POTERAT PER OS VENERABILIS STEPHANI CANTVARIENSIS ARCHIEPISCOPI QUO NON ERAT TUNC MAJOR IN REGNO IN QUOD TRIBUTUM NUNQUAM PATRES NOSTRI CONSENSERUNT VEL ALIQUO TEMPORE CONSENTIENT UNDE SIBI PETIT INSTANTER EXHIBERI JUSTITIAM CUM REMEDIO Ad quod Papa non oculos elevans nec vocem dissimulavit donec quae magis eum angebant primitus exuperasset From the consideration of which passage and that of Simon Langhton Archdeacon and of his Brother Stephen Langhton Archbishop of Canterbury thus recorded by Archbishop Parker his Successor in his Life Sed Stephanus Langton et si has injurias cala nitates tam Regi quam Regno conflavit tamen cum rebus composit is in Cantuariensi Archiepiscopatu cum Regis benevolentia sedisset quietus victus amore atque charitate Patriae cum Iohannes Rex in Pandulphi manus Sceptrum et Diadema Regium concessisset iniquissimo id animo ferens accedens ad altare ob tam indignum Papae facinus continere se non potuit quin in appellationis vocem a tam grandi illato Angliae praejudicio prorupit I am clear of opinion that Archiepiscopo dolente reclamante applyed by Matthew Paris and others to the Archbishop of Dublin at the sealing of the first Charter and Legates trampling on the earnest money or rent was in verity the
Defender of the Church which he by Gods grace would and ought to defend to remove all violences injuries in Churches by whatsoever persons or occasion they were committed and reasonably to punish them with Justice That therefore it was fit his Bishops who by reason of their Baronies are bound by Oath to conserve the Kings temporal honors and dignities should by a gratefull requital preserve the rights and liberties of the Regal Dignity 576 671 688 689 1016. His Writs for making publike prayers for the prosperity of himself his Queen and Military expedition 577. His prohibition of any Novelties or new Ecclesiastical encroachments to disturbance of the Clergy and Realm 578 579 600. He imployes the prosits and provisions of the Archbishoprick of Canterbury during the vacancy to supply his forces in France 579. His endeavours to procure Boniface his Queens Vncle a Forraigner and unfit person Archbishop of Canterbury which he effected the Pope and he favouring promoting one another designs His Letters to the Pope and Cardinals on B●●i●ace his behalf 579 580 581. His Writ to the Mayor of Winton not to permit the Bishop whose election he opposed or any of his Officers to come within the City to the Sheriff of the County and others not to receive lodge or give him or his Officers victuals within the County the Bishops Excommunication of them thereupon he forced to quit the Realm 584 585 to 592. Pope Innocent 4. his sharp Letter reprehending him for writing to him that no postulation of a Bishop from the Pope o● other ought to be admitted in the Realm of England against his will That he had the same power in temporal as the Pope had in Spiritual things That no Bishop ought to receive possrssion of his Temporalties without his assent That he held the Popes translation of the Bishop of Norwich to Winton invalid as done by the vice of surreption which sounded not to the honor of God nor of the Church not of his own sublimity especially since the pious credulity of all Christians held That the Apostolical See by the providence of God had a free power in all Churches neither was it bound to stand to the arbitrement of Princes that their assent should be required in the businesses of elections or postulations of Bishops Admonishing him to restore the Temporalties to the Bishop he had confirmed against the Kings will else since he desired not the Liberties of the Church to be d●minished in his dayes but to be encreased through Gods favour he could by no means endure that himself should suffer so prejudicial an injury in this Bishop who gave this Pope 8000 Marks without abating one penny for this Bishoprick 592 593. The Bishop of Wintons propo●als to him for the preservation of his antient prerogative concerning the election postulation and confirming of Bishops to continue in full vigor to release the interdict against the City of Winton and absolve the Citizens of Winton with all others he had excommunicated in the quarrel between them their accord and reconciliation 563 594 595. The Contest between him and Grosthead Bishop of Lincoln about a provision and the Church of Thame 595 596. He claims an interest in the Church of Lincoln and in the Controversie between the Bishop Dean and Chapter by their Charters produced 597. His Writ not to permit the Monks of Bardeny to be tak●n and imprisoned upon an excommunication unduly awarded against them and to take their impropriations as well as other Lay-fees into Custody during the vacancy 599 600. His summons to the Bishop of Aquis to answer his imprisoning of 3. and killing one of the Citizens in a hostile manner to his enormous disgrace as King and prejudice of his dignity his order therein no more to insest them 600 601. His License to the Abbot of the Cistercians to send one or two Monks of his order to visit the Cistercians in England His Writs to provide livings for his Clerks of the Chancery 601. His Writs not to suffer female heirs in Capite especially such as hold Castles to marry without his royal assent and to require pledges of them for that purpose And against Archdeacons demanding annual procurations 612. He extorts Escuage Demands the price of one years wool from the Cistercians who opposing it are thereupon prohibited to meet at their Chapter or to transport their wool that year and abused by the Kings Officers especially on the Sea 603 604. The Nobles assemble and petition to him against Martins the Popes agents intollerable grievances and provisions of benefices to Italians and other Forraigners which they should rather dye then any longer tolerate 606 607. His notable Letters to Pope Gregory 9 and Innocent 4. against their provisions to Churches to the great grievance oppression of him and his kingdom and of the rights Liberties of the Crown and to redresse this Innovation which yet neither of them refrained following their own unbrideled wills whence men believed that the ●o●d and his Apostle Peter whose fo●steps they did not follow were not unworth●ly provoked against the Church of Rome who bent th● how and prepared against it 607 608. The Pope exemots David Prince of No●thwales from his allegeance and Oath to him for 500 Marks a year out of it and its appurtenances who fled to the Popes wings for shelter protection in his rebellion against the King of England whose Vassal he was 608 609. His Nobles in Parliament refuse to grant him an Ayde against the Scots Pope Innocent 4. his Letter to the Prelates and Clergy to grant him an Ayde wherein he extolls him for a Catholick Prince and devout sonne of the Church of Rome alwayes so studying to reverence his mother with filial subsection and obsequiousnesse that he would by no means decline from its good pleasures but perform with all ready diligence what things he knew gratefull and pleasing to her Wherefore it was both condec●nt and condigne for him and them if they more easily granted his requests and gave him an ayde for his present great arduous affairs Which yet the Bishops Abbots joyntly and severally denyed postponing the Popes as well as Kings petition 609 610. The Popes New Bull and Martins Demand of an Ayd for the Pope which the Bishops Nobles joyntly opposed and the Emperors Embassadors who advised the King justly and potently to sree the Realm of England from the Tribute wherein Pope Innocent the 3. bad unjustly obliged it and all other Papal grievances wherewith it was daily oppressed which if he refused to do the Emperor would grievously panish every of his he could fiade within his Dominions 61● 612 613. His breach of the Great Char●r notwithstanding his Oath to observe ●● and publick Excommunication by St. Edmond Archbishop of C●n●●●u●y against all infringers of it The Nobles pio●osi●●ns to prevent it by having the power to elect his Counsellors Chancellor Chief Justice and o ther Officers to publish a New excommunication against all infringers of
Januarii 3. 1664. Imprimatur WILL. MORICE THE SECOND TOME OF AN EXACT CHRONOLOGICAL VINDICATION AND HISTORICAL DEMONSTRATION OF OUR British Roman Saxon Danish Norman English Kings Supream Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Over all Prelates Persons Causes within their Kingdomes and Dominions From the First Year of the Reign of King John Anno Dom. 1199. till the Death of King Henry the III. in the year 1273. WHEREIN The several branches of our Kings Ecclesiastical Soveraignty are truly stated the Popes usurped Vniversal Monarchy subverted by their own Popish Assertions concerning the Virgin Mary Transubstantiation and Christs corporal presence on earth in every Hostia Popes Popish Prelates Intollerable USURPATIONS on Vnchristian Practises against the Persons antient undoubted ECCLESIASTICAL TEMPORAL PREROGATIVES JURISDICTIONS RIGHTS of these KINGS CROWNES PRIVILEGES the LIBERTIES PROPERTIES of the Churches Kingdomes Clergy Nobility Commonalty of ENGLAND and IRELAND By Legates Nuncioes Delegates Bulls Palls Exemptions Dispensations Non-obstantes Decretals Canons Appeals Citations Journeys to Rome Inhibitions Sequestrations Provisions Ratifying void vacating legal Elections Presentations to Ecclesiastical Dignities Benefices at their pleasures By Croysadoes Procurations Tenths Firstfruits illegal Oathes Extortions Rapines Excommunications Interdicts Absolutions from Oathes Vowes open Treasons Rebellions Wars to depose enslave our KINGS KINGDOMES and make them HOMAGERS VASSALLS TRIBUTARIES to the SEE OF ROME With their and our Parliaments Nobles Clergies Commons successive memorable Complaints Oppositions Letters Writs Prohibitions Proceedings against them in the height of Popery The principal Transactions of State between these Kings and the Popes Cardinals Legates Court of Rome with their unparallel'd Avarice Bribery Simony Treachery Tyranny Frauds Impieties Extortions Corruptions are impartially related out of the best Historians in or next that age and irrefragable rare Records in the Tower not formerly published With Vsefull Observations on from them And several Indexes to this Tome By WILLIAM PRYNNE Esquire a Bencher and Reader of the Honourable Society of LINCOLNES INNE Tit. 3. 1. Put them in minde to be subject to Principalities and Powers to obey Magistrates to be ready to every good work 2 Pet. 2. 14 15. An heart they have exercised with covetous practises cursed children which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following the way of Balaam who loved the wages of unrighteousnesse LONDON Printed for the Author by Thomas Ratcliffe 1665. and are to be sold by Abel Roper at the Sun over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet Gabriel Bedell at the inner Temple Gate and Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Britaine To the Right Honourable EDWARD Earle of CLARENDON Lord High Chancellor of ENGLAND Chancellor of the Vniversity of OXFORD and one of His MAJESTIES most Honourable Privy Counsell MY LORD IT is the Institution of God and Nature that all things by a divine and natural right should terminate in their Original and revert to the Spring from which they issue Hence St. Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles and of our British Isle resolves that as all things in heaven and earth visible and invisible whether Thrones Dominions Principalities Powers or other Creatures were and are created By so likewise TO and FOR GOD their ALPHA and OMEGA Yea King Solomon long before him not only concluded in point of Divinity The Lord hath made all things FOR HIMSELF but thus demonstrates it by natural experimental Philosophy All rivers run into the Sea unto the place from whence the Rivers come THITHER THEY RETURN AGAIN This Contemplation hath excited yea obliged me in point of Right and Equity not only to return but dedicate this Large Chronological Vindication and Historical Demonstration to Your Lordship from whose unexpected Voluntary Motion and Subsequent Encouragements to collect publish it for the Honour of our Kings Nation Church Kingdome and benefit of Posterity it received its Original Conception Augmentation Production at vacant hours borrowed for the most part from my natural rest and repasts without the least neglect of my other distracting publick Imployments Which may justly excuse all Defects of Ornament Method Stile Substance any Curious Eyes shall discover therein or in my yet uncompleated Preceding or Succeeding Tomes of the same heroick subject not hitherto at large historically discussed by any Antiquary or Historian I have seen I have prefaced this Tome brought forth into the VVorld like Pharez before its elder brother with a brief necessary Introduction to supply the want of my Larger Introduction comprised in the First Book of the First Tome not yet compleated over-large to be annexed to this as I at first designed Wherein I have truly stated that antient Soveraign Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction claimed exercised as there was occasion by our British Roman Saxon Danish Norman English Kings which I have historically vindicated in Fact and Right in this and my other intended Tomes Whereunto I have subjoyned a short Synopsis of Roman Popes and their Parasites impudent Claims to a Vniversal Antimonarchical if not Antichristian Soveraign Monarchy over all Churches Empires Kingdomes Nations Emperors Kings Prelates Priests persons throughout the world as well in Temporals as Spirituals under their own forged Titles of Christs Vniversal Vicars His and St. Peters Successors which Supremacy they have for sundry ages attempted to exercise and enlarge upon all advantages by scandalous Bulls Excommunications Interdicts Treasons Rebellions Absolutions of Subjects from their Oathes Allegeance deposals of Christian Emperors Kings wresting their Crownes Regal Authority and Kingdomes out of their hands by force and fraud to the grand disturbance of all Christian Realms to which they have forged Titles The sandy foundations of this their pretended Papal Monarchy I have utterly subverted in a new way by the avowed practises of their own Popes Church and Articles of their Romish Faith concerning the Vniversal Empire yea Deification of the Virgin Mary whom they have not only seated Soul and body in the very Throne of the sacred Trinity in heaven but elevated above God the Father and Christ her Sonne intituling her to all their Soveraign Power over all creatures in heaven earth hell to all their Divine Attributes Titles Offices Worship invoking adoring her in their publike private authorized Devotions more then them yea ascribing to her a commanding power over them in heaven it self And by their Doctrine of Transubstantiation or Christs real presence both in his human body soul Deity in every consecrated Host adoring it as God Christ himself seconded with their Legends of his frequent corporeal real visible apparitions on earth which infallibly overturn the foundations whereon they build St. Peters and their own Supremacy Upon which occasion I have briefly and I hope irrefragably refuted by new Topicks not hitherto used or not fully pressed by Protestant Divines their idolatrous Invocations Adorations of the Virgin Mary and other Saints wherein they not only imitate but farr exceed the antient
her Sons were the two first grand Trayterous Oppugners Underminers of our Kings Ecclesiastical Soveraignty and Jurisdiction as well as of Jesus Christs and first Propugners of the Popes Usurpations not unworthy observation I might here subjoyn to these their Catholick Blasphemies concerning the Virgin Maries Monarchy Mediation Redemption c. the like concerning her two grand Chaplains St. Francis and St. Dominick to whom their followers apply sundry Scripture Texts peculiar to our Lord Jesus Christ his person Kingly and Priestly Offices in derogation of his Soveraignty Priesthood Advocation and of the Virgin Maries and Popes too Witnesse their Conformitatum Sancti Francisci presented by Bartholomaeus de Pisis to and specially approved by the General Chapter of the Franciscans Assisii 2º Augusti 1389. as Liber Aureus yea by Pope Gregory the 9. Alexander the 5. Nicholas the 3. Benedict the 12. since printed and reprinted by publick authority wherein they assert of St. Francis Ipse merito dicere posset illud quod cantatur in Evangelio Omnia mihi tradita sunt à Patre meo Ero illi in Patrem ipse erit mihi in Filium Hic est Dei gratia totus Christo conformis Omnis perfectionis exemplar In gloria Dei Patris Deificatus In gloria Sanctorum Deo unitissimus Vnde et praefuit universae creaturae factus unus Spiritus cum Deo Quem Ecclesia militans ADVOCATUM apud Deum possidere meruit Exiens de vulnere laterale Christi Iesus typicus passione factus ad similitudinem Iesu Christi crucifixi In eo passio Iesu Christi pro genere humano renovatur De quo David dixerit Gloria honore coronasti eum constituisti super opera manuum tuarum Datus est in lucem Gentium Quod propter unam Missam beati Francisci placatus fuerit Deus pro toto mundo Omnes salvantur qui moriuntur in ordine et sub regula Sancti Francisci Et indutio cuculli dat ei plenam peccatorum remissionem tam a poena quam a culpa In a word Christus oravit Franciscus exoravit Witnesse what St. Antoninus Archbishop of Florence Surius Ribadeniera and others story of St. Dominick Christus post mortem dicit Omnis potestas mihi dara est in coelo in terra Et haec potestas non parum communicata est Dominico therefore not wholly transferred to the Pope or Virgin Mary coelestium terrestrium et insernorum Nam Angelos Sanctos in suum Ministerium habebat ad nutum ejus Daemones contremiscebant nec imperium ejus recusare valebant for which they produce several examples Quia Christo similis à Demino Christo aptissime denominatus est Dominicus Dominicus namque quasi totus Domini Vt Christus sit Dominus absolutè authoritativè Dominicus autem principaliter possessive Whom as they parallel with Christ in many things so they preferre before Christ in others as in the multitude of his miracles and prevalency of his Prayers and Advocation Nam Christus cum in horto oravit Calicem à se transferri non fuit exauditus c. Dominicus autem cuidam religioso viro sibi familiari insinuavit se nunquam a Deo aliquid postulasse quod ad votum non obtinuerit That Christus Dominus dilexit nos lavit nos à peccatis nostris in sanguine suo but by one suffering Dominicus verò charitatis perfectione non vacans pro salute omnium animam ponere promptus erat For which end trinam disciplinam quasi de manu propria non cordula sed cathena ferrea usque ad sanguinis effusionem capiebat pro suis culpis unam quae minimae erant pro in purgatorio existentibus aliam tertiam pro iis qui versantur in mundo That at his death to comfort his sorrowfull and mourning Disciples he used the same words to and Prayer for them as Christ did to his Disciples John 17. promising them In loco ad quem vado utilior vobis ero quam hic Et post mortum ADVOCATUM POTIOREM HABEBITIS quam in hac vita habere possitis As if he would then prove a better Advocate for them in Heaven then the Virgin Mary or Christ himself Who both honoured him so far That adfuit in hac hora transitus sui beata Virgo cum Filio as was revealed to Freer Guala then Prior afterwards Bishop of Brixia who saw Heaven opened and two most white Ladders let down from thence Summitatem unius scalae tenebat in manu beata Virgo Maria alterius summitatem Filius ejus Jesus Christus tenebat Angeli autem discurrebant per eas ascendendo descendendo at the end of both which Ladders St. Dominick was placed in a Chair fastned to them Scalas autem illas sursum trahebat Dominus Jesus cum Matre paulatim ducebatur sursum simul cum illis scalis sedes pariter cum sedente comitantibus Angelis Denique receptis in coelum scalis sede cum sedente apertura illa coeli clausa est visuque disparuit In brief they preferre him before St. Paul and all the Apostles recording that before his birth there appeared to all the people two Images in the Church of St. Marke at Venice the one of St. Paul with this motto under it Per istum itur ad Christum the other of St. Dominick with this inscription Facilius itur per ipsum Quia writes St. Antoninus Doctrina Pauli sicut caeterorum Apostolorum erat Doctrina inducens ad fidem observantiam praeceptorum Doctrina Dominici ad observantiam consiliorum et ideo facilius per istum itur ad Christum and so by his Mediation and Advocation they may easier go and be reconciled to God the Father then by Christs St. Pauls or their grand Advocate the Virgin Maries I shall no longer insist on these or any other of their Saints Powers or Advocations but proceed to the second sort of established Doctrines and Practices in the Church of Rome which directly overthrow the very foundation of St. Peters and the Popes Universal Monarchy over the World and Church Militant to wit Christs personal corporal absence from his Church and all Kingdoms Nations on Earth during his residence at his Fathers right hand in Heaven which could not be supplyed but only by constituting St. Peter and Popes his pretended Successors in his Chair at Rome to succeed him in his Supreme Universal Monarchy and Priesthood as his sole Viceroyes and Vicars to instruct feed comfort direct rule them in his stead untill his second coming to Judgement This foundation of St. Peters and Popes pretended Universal Monarchy Vicarship as it is directly contradicted 1. By our Saviours own expresse promises made to his Apostles Church at the very time of his ascention when he informed them all power is given to me in heaven and earth and that with a special Ecce Mat. 28. 20. And lo I am with you
Hyberniae ab hac hora et in antea fidelis ero Deo et Beato Petro et Ecclesiae Romanae et Domino meo Papae Domino Innocentio ejusque successoribus Catholice intrantibus Non ero in facto in dicto consensu vel consilio ut vitam perdant vel membra vel mala captione capiantux Eorum damnum si scivero impediam et remanere faciam si potero alioquin eis quam citius potero intimabo vel tali personae dicam quam eis credam pro certo dicturam Consilium quod mihi crediderint per se vel per nuncios suos seu Literas suas secretum tenebo et ad eorum damnum nulli pandam me sciente Patrimonium Beati Petri et specialiter Regnum Angliae et Regnum Hyberniae adjutor ero ad tenendum et defendendum contra omnes homines pro posse meo Sic me adjuvet Deus et haec Sancta Evangelia Amen Acta autem sunt haec ut praedictum est in vigilia Dominicae Ascensionis praesentibus Episcopis Comitibus Magratibus supradictis Pandulphus autem with most Antichristian pride and intolerable insolency pecuniam quam in arram subjectionis Rex contulerat sub pede suo conculcavit Archiepiscopo dolente et reclamante Having thus presented you with a full and faithfull History of King Johns resignation of his Crown and Kingdoms of England and Ireland to Pope Innocent and his Successors the successive Interdicts Excommunications Abjudications from the Crown Treasons of his Prelates Subjects Forces of his invading foreign Enemies unchristian Frauds unrighteous Policies by which it was effected and this gallant Kings enforcements to it against all his former Heroick Oppositions Resolutions I shall desire the greatest Votaries to the See of Rome to resolve these Quaeres 1. Whether Pope Innocent who in all his former Epistles proceedings against King John pretended that he sought nothing else or more but King Johns repentance and reception of Stephen Langhton Archbishop of Canterbury and greived at nothing so much as Englands desolation did yet by all the premised circumventions frauds practises display to all the world that the principal thing he sought after was the very Crown Kingdoms of England and Ireland to united them to the See of Rome as St. Peters pretended Patrimony though with the Kings and Kingdoms great greif and desolation 2. Whether this Resignation gained extorted from King John by so many years successive unchristian detestable Perjuries Treasons Interdicts Excommunications Abjudication from the Crown Hypocrisies Frauds Menaces Lyes false suggestions by Pope Innocent himself who was sole Judge of King John in his own case and his confederates and such unjust invasions of the Rights of his Crown can in point of Justice Law Reason Conscience be reputed a Good Valid Legalor equitable Title for him and his successors to claime the Realms of England and Ireland as part of St. Peters Patrimony or the rents reserved annually out of them as a just Papal revenue admitting King John had a legal power to resign his Kingdomes without the joynt consent of all his Nobility subjects Kingdoms which he had not as they oft protested both in and out of Parliament 3. Whether all or many of these abominable insolent injurious Machivilian if not Atheisticall practises proceedings against King John diametrically repugnant to all rules of Christianity Piety Justice moral honesty and expresse precepts of Christ himself St. Peter and Paul forecited proclaim not this Pope Innocent one of the grandest Nocents Hypocrites Antimonarchs Impostors Usurpers Athiests Monster of Impiety Arrogancy Covetousness Ambition that ever sat in St. Peters pretended chair and King John the only Innocent and patern of patience justice clemency and unparalleld humility farre below his Royal dignity and the place person and publick trust he then sustained notwithstanding our Monkish Historians defamations of him 4. Whether the serious consideration of these proceedings of Innocent seconded with those succeeding them were not of themselves a sufficient ground for the King and Kingdoms of England and Ireland without any guilt of Scisme or Injustice for ever to exterminate the Usurped Antimonarchical Usurpations and forraign jurisdiction of the Bishops and See of Rome and to hold no future communion with them to prevent the like attempts especially when so magnified justified by our Monkish Historians in that age by late Popish Parasites of all sorts and most succeding Popes who still make fresh successive claimes to the Crown Kingdoms of England and Ireland and the annual rent then reserved out of them as St. Peters undoubted Patrimony But more of this in due place Pope Innocent and Pandulphus having thus cheated decoyed King John of his Crown Kingdoms yea all his Regal Honour Glory Wisdom Magnanimity and Renown acquired by his former oppositions against them and the King of France their mear stalking horse to gain this rich booty to his vast and frutlesse expence of his elevated hopes to possesse and enjoy it by the Popes donation his next designe was how to take off and pacify the French King from his intended invasions and so sent the Archbishop and his confederates into England there to insult over and trample upon King John as they had done abrode wherein he thus proceeded HIS ita gestis Pandulphus cum Cartis memoratis transfretravit ad Gallias Octo millia Librarum Esterlingorum secum gerens ut Archiepiscopo Episcopis Monachisque Cantuariensibus ac caeteris causa interdicti exulantibus in parte restitutionis faceret ablatorum Cum autem tenor Cartarum prefatae pacis forma illis omnibus placuisset persuasit diligenter Pandulfus ut pacifice redirent in Angliam Episcopi supradicti residuum restitutionis illico percepturi Deinde Regem Francorum diligenter admonere caepit qui jam paratus fuerat in manu violenta ad Angliam hostiliter transfretare ut desisteret a proposito ad propria pacifice remearet non enim potuit sine offensione summi Pontificis terram Angliae vel ipsum Regem infestare cum ille paratus sit Deo sanctae Ecclesiae ejusque ordinatis satisface re atque Domini Papae Catholicis jussionibus obedire Haec audiens Rex Francorum iratus valde dixit se jam in apparatu Navium Victualium Armorum plusquam seraginta Millia librarum expendisse ex praecepto Domini Papae Laborem pretatum in peccatorum remissionem suscepisse Et ut verum fateamur idem Rex suggestionibus Pandulphi ascensum nullatenus praebuisset nisi solus Comes Flandrensis Philippus ipsum sequi contradixisset Fuerat enim Regi Anglorum confaederatus ideo contra pactum suum venire noluit Dixit praeterea idem Comes injustum fuisse idem bellum quod ad debellandum Regem Anglorum susceperat cum nullus Antecessorum suorum jus aliquod sibi hactenus in Regno Angliae vendicasset Adjunxit insuper quod Rex Francorum terras suas castella
tacuisset Unde ipse Rex ipsum plus aliis honoravit quasi pro praemio Custodiam Abbatiae potius sancti Albani quamvis non vacaret improbus exactor concessit ut sic de alieno Clericum suum fidei transgressor remuneraret Ipse igitur Robertus inconsulto imo invito Abbate qui protempore fuit videlicet Johanne de Colla viro religiosissimo literatissimo omnia quae in Ecclesia Curia fuerunt pro libitu diripuit sibi appropriavit Et in qualibet Balliva quas obedientias appellamus constituit maxime in janua janitorem omnium diligentem exploratorem protervum unde plusquam Mille Marcas ab eadem domo asiute nimis emunxit Robertus Clericus memoratus Hic tamen quosdam Abbatis Ministros praecipuos cum quodam S. Albani Monacho videlicet Dominum Clericum Magistrum Walterum Monachum Pictorem dilexit habuit familiares quibus gemmas suas alia secreta revelavit sibi a dicto Admiralio collata dicta audiente Matthaeo qui haec scripsit ennaravit If this Embassy to Admiralius were a real truth it discovers the transcendent wickednesse and impiety of the Popes Archbishops and Bishops Treasons to cheats put upon King John which should cast him upon such a temptation and necessity as this to trust a Saracen rather then a Christian and to renounce the Christian Religion as vain But the whole contexture proves it a most scandalous malicious forgery of this Monke of St. Albars for sequestring that Abby 1. It is recorded by no other Historian but himself 2. All the parts thereof appear to be a malicious Satyr Libel invective against King John invented by the Historians under the Person of Murmelius and Robert one of the Ambassadors to render him odious to his subjects excite them to rebel against him and deprive him of his Crown as a person unfit and unworthy to raign over them and to justify their election of Lewis of France for their King 4. All the premised passages Glorious Victories successes of King John prove him to be a quite contrary person to what was here represented to Admiralius 5. Had he formerly resigned up his Crown and Kingdom or under an Annual Tribute Rent to the Pope as this Monk relates King John had then no power to surrender or subject them to Murme lius a Sarazen without the Popes consent 6. This Kingdom being subject to none but God it was a very great impiety in the Pope to unite and enthrall it to the See of Rome 7ly That King John would renounce the Christian Religion as vain and embrace the Mahumetan as true is most improbable it had been truer of Pope Innocent For 1. King John commanded all Bishops Abbots Monks Priests to celebrate Divine Service and Sacraments during the above 6. years Interdict in all their Churches when the impious Pope and Prelates prohibited them and suspended those who obeyed his pious precept 2ly He seized all the Temporalties Benefices Goods of those who disobeyed him 3ly He encouraged all who celebrated Divine Service and Sacraments 4ly He with most passionate importunity pressed the Pope and Bishops to release the Interdict and that Divine Service and Sacraments might be every where administred which they both delayed and refused till their own covetous and ambitious ends were satisfied shewing himself a far more religious devout zealous Christian then the Pope Bishops and his Clergy who for above 6. years space together suspended all Divine Service and Sacraments throughout his Realm against his will and Writs to wreck their own malice upon this King and deprive him at last of his Crown and Kingdoms 5ly His constant profession and maintenance of the Christian Religion during his life the 5. Religious houses he built and his piety at his death prove this to be a malicious forgery that he would embrace Mahumetanism and abjure the Christian Religion 6ly It is very improbable as this forged Narrative relates that King John would make himself and his opulent Kingdom a Tributary and Vassal to another Prince so remote of his own voluntary motion without War or Conquest 7ly That King John should send such mean and despicable Ambassadors as these here mentioned to so great a Prince as Murmelius about so weighty an affair as this 8ly That he should do it with such privacy that none of his Nobles should know or consent unto it 9ly That these Messengers should find this Saracen King reading St. Pauls Epistles when they were presented to him and that he should professe the Christian Religion to be the best and purest of any yet blame St. Paul for electing it before that wherein he was educated 10ly That Robert should make such a relation to him and them concerning Admirallus his description of his own deformity of King John his Masters Tyranny Vices and unworthinesse to reign and King John continue him in his favour notwithstanding 11ly That Robert only of the three should be rewarded by Murmelius and that with so many and rich presents being so despicable a person and the first who was the most honorable eloquent properest person go unrewarded 12ly The ground of this Historians malice and frequent Invectives against King John and this forged Legend of his against him and this Robert was because the King seized the Lands and Monastery of St. Albans into his hands whereof he was a Monk for their Abbots and Monks refusal to celebrate Divine Service during the Interdict upon the Kings command and committing the custody thereof to this Robert at least three or four years before this pretended Embassy discovers Roberts Embassy thither and claiming the custody of this Abby by giving him a great share of the gifts bestowed on him by Murmelius to be a meer forged Fable 13ly He subjoyns this further forgery of King Johns mis-belief and denying the Resurrection of the dead grounded only upon his speech or jest of a fat Stagge Diebus quoque sub eisdem adeo insipiebat Rex Johannes ut de mortuorum Resurrectione futura aliis fidem Christianam contingentibus male sentiret quaedam inenerabilia diceret deliramenta quorum unum duximus recitandum as the worst of all the rest and that but a truth discovering his little esteem of the merits of Popish Masses by which the Monks got and held their livings Contigit ut venatu capto cervo quodam pinguissimo in praesentia Regis cum excoriaretur aeridens diceret O quam prospere vixit iste nunquam tamen missam audivit To make King John some amends for these malicious slanders who to over-top his new English Pope and Barons by that Papal hand by which himself was subjected to them this Historian gives Pope Innocent the 3d. this true Character evidencing him to be little better then a Devil incarnate EX tunc igitur Rex Johannes praeconceptum propositum suum a quo credidit resilire suam coepit conditionem
Denmark Swecia Norway Croatia Dalmatia and Scotland are the Popes Vassals Tributaries holding all their Crowns Kingdoms from him as his Feudatories under several annual rents and tributes and an Oath of Homage and Fealty It is no wonder therefore if they pretend the like Title under the like Tenure and Vassallage to the Realms of England and Ireland Pope Alexander the 2d had the impudency to affirm That ever since the kingdom of England received Christianity it hath been in the hands and power of St Peter if his Epistle be not forged by e Baronius If this were a truth then King Iohns resignation of his kingdom to the Pope was only a restitution of that antient right the Pope had thereto before in Recognition of the Popes Soveraign Dominion over it and his resuming of it from the Pope under an annual rent nothing but an revival of the former Service due to Rome as f Marta g Carerius and h Schioppius argue in the cases of Constantines pretended Donation Charles the Great Pepins and others grants of Lands and Territories to the See of Rome But none of our Monks or Historians of that or any age since though professed Votaries to the Pope ever made such a pretence or conclusion as this Therefore it is a meer forgery a Cardinal Bellarmin and other Romanists falsely averre That the kingdom of England was semper Beneficiarium et Tributarium Romano Pontifici because King Ina and Offa Anno 740. Adelphus Anno 847. paid a penny for every house to Saint Peter by way of Tribute confirmed by several Lawes And King Henry the 2d acknowledged the Pope to be his Temporal Lord himself his Feudatory and his Kingdom the Popes Patrimony The falshood of which having at large refuted I shall pretermit as fabulous only if true it quite subverts or enervates this Charter of King Iohn and reservation of the annual rent as a New thing honor rent not formerly acknowledged by his predecessors But their principal Title to England and Ireland is from King Iohns Charter under his golden Bull which they boast to be yet extant in the Vatican by which the Pope hath as Bellarmine and Marta assert Directum Dominium in Regnum Angliae et Hiberniae that King Iohn and his Successors are thereby made Feudatories and Vassals to the Pope whence b Pope Innocent the 3d. in a vaunting manner said of King Iohn Vassallus noster est Rex Angliae et Romanae Ecclesiae To counterplead and enervate this Grand pretended Title of the Pope I shall desire the Readers to consider 1. That Sir Thomas Moor Lord Chancellor of England who c lost his head under King Henry the 8. his Master in defence of the Popes Supremacy in England is so far ashamed of Pope Innocents proceedings against King Iohn that he avowes it in print d to be utterly UNTRUE that King John did make his Realms thus Tributdry to the Pope or that ever such pensions were paid to Rome for them wherein doubtlesse he mistakes Adding That if he so did or any other English King should so do such an act was of no validity at all as Rossius Warwicensis also resolves 2ly That e Edmond Campian a great Advocate for the Papacy writes Such Instruments might happily then be moved and drawn and yet dye unratified though the copies stand recorded denying any annual pensions paid thereby for England or Ireland to Rome 3ly f M. Antonius Coccius Sabellicus informes us That this pretended Rent out of England and Ireland was granted by King Iohn out of a Religious Vow to expiate his gaining these kingdoms by fratricide without mentioning any Charter or resignation Ha●d m●ri●ò post Johannes Rex Angliae Ricardum fratrem interfecit Regnumque parricidio adeptus à Ludovico Philippi filio qui tum in Gallia regnabat gravi bello petitus est Tum vero novisse fertur si regnum sibi incolume mansisset futurum ut Anglia et Hybernia vectigales essent Apostolicae sedis magnumque auro pondus voto nuncupavit quod duae illustres Insulae quotannis Romano Pontifico penderent sui itaque Voti damnatus quum ipse tum Successores plerique ut rite actum erat ratum habuere But this voluminous Historian is utterly mistaken in his whole relation of this pension For 1. King Iohn did not murder his brother King Richard who died of a shot out of Chaluz Castle as all our g Historians record 2ly He obtained not the Realm by parricide but by his Brothers special bequest at his death and heir to him 3ly This Rent was granted before Lewis the French Kings Sonne warred on him upon Philips intended invasion but admit it true the very force of warr nulls it 4ly None of our Historians mention any such Vow of King John as the cause of this grant 5ly Not one much lesse many of his Successors acknowledged it rightly granted nor ever confirmed but protested against it as null though one or two of them now and then voluntarily paid it upon other grounds Raphael Volaterans Geogr. l. 3. f. 54. concurring with Sabellicus records that Johannis cum gravi bello à Ludovico Gallorum Rege premeretur EX VOTO Angliam Iberniamque Romano Pontifice Vectigales fecit ut auri Marcas 70. quotannis penderent Anno salutis 1208. he being mistaken in the occasion quarrel summe year of the grant which was not till 1213. and Lewis his warre above a year after that And admit it true this Vow Grant being made by Duresse and force of Warr can be of no validity 4ly h Polydor Virgil a Stranger but yet the last collector of the Popes Peter-pence in England who pried into our Histories Annals and the i Century writers out of him write thus of this Rent and Grant reciting King Iohns surrender of his Crown Nunquamnisi à Romano Papa recepturus sic enim fieri jusserat Nocentius crudelis et sanguinis Anglici sitientissimus add the Centuriators ex quo fama est Johannem cupientem perpetuare memoriam muneris accepti therfore a meer free gift not tribute in their judgements ea lege fuisse se Beneficiarium not tributarium ut Reges deinceps à Pontifice duntaxat Romano jura regni consequerentur Caeterum has reconciliationis Leges qui secuti sunt Reges mimme servarunt neque Annales Anglici de hujusmodi donatione loquuntur Iohanni tantummodo qui deliquisset imposita non item Successoribus sustinenda fuisse satis constat So that by this resolution of the Popes own Collector in England the grant of these annual rents obliged only King John himself the delinquent who imposed them not his heirs successors or kingdoms in the least degree To which the Century collectors assent 5ly a Matthew Paris and Matthew Westminster themselves both Monks extraordinary Votaries to the Popes and inveterate Enemies to King John deride scorn his Charter to the Pope which they first inserted into their Histories stiling it
due admonition a meer Nullity inconsistent with Monarchy or the Kings or kingdoms Rights To which reasons I shall subjoyn I. That this Charter was procured by the Popes own wrongs and Duresse against King Iohn I. By interdicting his whole kingdom 2ly Excommunicating him by name 3ly Absolving all his Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance and Fealty 4ly By depriving both him and his heirs of their kingdoms and giving them to the French King and his heirs 5ly By publishing a general Crossado for all Christian Barons Knights to assist the French King to deprive him of his kingdoms by force of arms In all which Antichristian proceedings the Pope being both Judge and Party K. John the only person injured these his own wrongs frauds force can give him no just Title by any Laws Frauds and circumventions being expresly a prohibited Christians in the Gospel especially towards one another It is an old teceived Maxim in all Laws b Fraus Dolus nemini patrocinantur whence Charters Dowers Remitters gained by fraud collusion circumvention force are meer Nullities That c Nemo in propria causa potest esse Judex especially if Judex Testis too Yea Pope Gregory the I. and a whole Council denouuced an Anathema against the Pope himself or any other that should presume to be a Judge in his own cause sive in rusticano sive in urbano praedio much more then in case of two kingdoms whence Bartholomeus Buxiensis Dr. John Thierry and other Canonists in their Glosses on Gratian caus 16. qu. 6. resolve downright Papa in sua causa Judex esse non debet yet Alvarus Pelagius De Planctu Eccles l. I. Artic 34 35. affirms the contrary upon this strong presumption and supposition Quod non debet aliquam causam a se remittere immo non potest licet suspectus quamdiu est Papa Papa enim aut sanctus est aut sanctus praesumitur non enim praesumendum est quod alias faciat Papa quam Christus vel Petrus cujus est Vicarius Successor Which presumption ceased in King Johns case neither of them being ever Judges in their own case but submitting to the Judgement and execution of the Civil Magistrate and never denouncing such Interdicts curses against any nor procuring such a surrender charter of temporal kingdoms to themselves as the Pope did here much lesse by such unchristian practises To which I shall adde that this is a Maxim frequently resolved in Law-books by all the Judges of the Realm That none can be judge in his own case who have further adjudged that d if an Act of Parl make any person Judge in his own case the very Act it self is voyd in Law being against the Law of Nature which ought not to be violated and all Judgements given thereon are voyd Since therefore all these Judgements of Interdict Excommunication Deposition transferring his Crown to the French this Agreement from Rome and oath to perform it were all made by the Pope himself both Judge Party chief Witnesse and his professed Enemy too and that upon his Legates and Bishops bare Informations and false Suggestions in Kings Iohns absence without Oath Summons or Liberry to purge himself before any Lawfull indifferent Judge Arbitrator or Tribunal thereupon the Charters on this Account are meer Nullities in Law to all intents and purposes 2ly If Pope Innocents deprivation of King John and his heirs and giving away his Crown to the King of France and his heirs were good in Law as he reputed them then King John after this Sentence and grant to the French King had no power to resign to or resume his Crown and Kingdoms from this Pope nor he to approate them to himself as St. Peters Patrimony against his grant to the King of France who by his own command was at so prodigal expence in raising an Army to take possession thereof And so this Resignation Charter voyd by his own Act. 3ly It is a received Maxime in the Lawes of a England seconded by sundry Statutes hundreds of Resolutions by all the learned Judges of the Realm from age to age That if the King be misinformed circumvented or mistaken in the considerations grounds motives of his Grants especially by the circumvention of those to whom they are made the Charters of grant in such cases are meerly voyd to all intents Therefore this Charter must be so above any I ever yet read For 1. it recites That King Iohn publikely acknowledged he had offended God and his holy mother the Church meaning the Pope and his Traiterous exiled Bishops in many things for which he much needed Gods mercy to wit in not admitting Stephen Langton unduly elected to be Archbishop by this Popes own practises force fraud against the just rights of his Crown and Liberties of the Church of England in not submitting to his impious Interdict but commanding all Bishops Priests to celebrate divine Service Sacraments notwithstanding it and punishing those who disobeyed in not subjecting himself to his Excommunications unreasonable demands seising the Temporalties goods of his Treacherous Bishops and refusing to restore them for interdicting his Realm and depriving him of his Crown c. When as this Pope and they on the contrary by these impious proceedings had more highly offended God his Church the King for which they more needed mercie and to make publike acknowledgement and satisfaction thereof to the King by some humble Addresse rather then to extort this Charter from him upon such a false surmise 2ly That he needed to humble himself and both his kingdoms for these his pretended personal sinnes whereof his kingdoms especially Ireland were not guilty and so needed not to be humbled for them 3ly That he had nothing fit or worthy to make satisfaction to God or his Church for these his surmised sins but the humbling of himself and his Kingdom so farr as this against all rules of Law Justice and without president in any precedent age whatsoever in sacred or prophane storie to resign both his Crown kingdoms to this Pope and his Successors resume them from his Legat as his Tributary under an annual rent and to swear homage and fealty to him and them when as God himself the King of Kings never required any such satisfaction from the worst of the Kings of Israel and Iudah and this satisfaction was neither actually made to God nor yet to his Church but meerly to Pope Innocent himself and his Successors who was then neither God nor his Church but a professed Enemy to both as his above six years continued Interdict and proceedings demonstrate Besides the Church offended by his proceedings if any was the Church only of England by the Archbishops Bishops and Monks of Canterburies confiscations and exile not the Church or Pope of Rome who had no Right to dispose of the See of Canterbury or any of the Bishops and Monks seised Temporalties Therfore the satisfaction and Charter should have been only made to the
Church of England and those Bishops Monks not to this Pope Nocent and his Successors 4ly The satisfaction that was made by the King to the Archbishop Bishops and Monks in admitting restoring them to their Temporalties goods confiscated and what ever unreasonable dammage they could pretend to though Arch Traitors Rebels Enemies to him deserving rather a Gibbet after so many successive Treasons and Practises against him was more then sufficient being then made and secured to the Church he had offended without this resignation or oblation of his kingdoms to this Pope by this charter and swearing homage to him And so the charter void upon this account 5ly That this Charter was made by the inspiration of the holy Ghost is as direct a lye and blasphemy against the holy Ghost as that of Ananias to St. Peter who lyed not only to men but to God For 1. The holy Ghost never instructed any King to resign up his Kingdoms without his Subjects consents to any who had not the least right or pretence thereto 2ly He never taught any Pope Prelate Apostle or Clergy-man to receive Crowns Scepters kingdoms or Oaths of Fealty Homage and subjection from Kings to them as their Vassals but expresly prohibits them to do it commanding them to live in subjection to them and not intangle themselves in tho affairs of this world as I have largely demonstrated 3ly The premised passages of Mat Paris Mat. Westminster and others assures us That Pope Innocent and his Legate Pandulphus inspired those motions into King John which induced him to make this Charter which were full of Antichristian menaces and untruths As that near all the Barons and Commons of England had by their Charters promised homage and fealty to the King of France and to assist him to seise his Crown and kingdoms by force of arms c. Now whether such an insolent Impostor as Pandulphus such an Antichristian Pope as this Innocent were in truth the holy Ghost or their false fraudulent menaces surmises infused into this King by the inspirations of the holy Ghost or can be so reputed without blasphemy let all sober Christians judge they really proceeding from the very father of Lyes the Devil 6ly This pretended holy Ghost inspired him to insert these 8. notorious Lyes and false Suggestions together into the very next words of the Charter 1. That he did it non vi inducti so the later Charter but the first non vi interdicti 2. Nec timore coacti 3. Sed nostra bona spontaneaque voluntate which 3. all the premised passages disprove 4. Ac Communi consilio Baronum nostrorum offerimus as the last or conferimus as the first Charter Contradicted by the Barons themselves King Henry the 3d. the whole Kingdom and their Proctors to the Popes face in the Council of Lyons King Edward the 3d. and his whole Parliament by our Historian yea the French King and all his Nobles as you have heard 5. Libere concedimus c. 6ly Deo Sanctis Apostolis Petro Paulo who neither required approved nor accepted this satisfaction nor to whom King John ever intended it 7ly Et Sanctae Ecclesiae Romanae matri nostrae she being then his and our Churches stepmother enemy not mother all made stales to usher in this clause which hath the sole colour of truth Ac Domino nostro is added in the last not in the first charter Papae Innocentio ejusque Catholicis successoribus totum Regnum Angliae totum Regnum Hyber niae the word nostrum is omitted in both Charters and annexed to neither therefore void in Law cum omni jure pertinentiis suis 8ly For this pretended end Pro remissione omnium peccatorum meorum the only supposed delinquent totius generis nostri tam pro vivis quam pro defunctis the later whereof were no wayes privie to not guilty of his surmised offences against the Pope and Church Which Charter being against his Oath trust office duty and the Laws increased his Sins but could no wayes tend towards the remission of them as this Pope and Pandulphus untruly suggested 7ly It s Nullity in Law is most apparent from these 3. grand defects 1. King Johns surrender of his Crowns kingdoms to Pandulphus at least 5. dayes before was only by word of mouth not Patent or Charter and so voyd in Law 2ly Pandulphus had no special Letter of Attorny from the Pope either to receive this charter or surrender to the Popes use or regrant his kingdoms to King John under this special annual rent homage and other conditions 3ly Here is no reconveyance of them from the Pope or his Legat to King Iohn by any special Bull but only King Johns bare charter to the Pope Therefore all a meer void Pageantry passing just nothing 8ly The Tenure of King John in the last Charter quite subverts the Popes Title For whereas the first runs Et amodo illa ab eo to wit Pope Innocent the later is amodo illa A Deo Ecclesia Romana tanquam feodum the first is secundarius recipientes tenentes That the Kings of England hold their Crowns Kingdoms immediatly and only from God and King Iohn as well as his Predecessors not from the Pope or Church of Rome I have formerly evidenced Therfore he by this Charter holding and receiving it only from God not the Pope to whom he here granted it as concedimus Deo evidenceth by whom alone Kings reign receive their kingdoms the Pope being not mentioned in this clause and the Church of Rome no party to this Charter nor Proprietarie of our Realms nor exalted so as to out God himself of the Kings immediate Tenure of his Crown from him alone as his Soveraign Lord the Charter must needs be void 9ly Upon this account the Oath of Homage made and sworn by the King to Pope Innocent in the presence of his Legat Pandulphus seeing all the branches thereof relate only to him and his Successors not to God St. Peter St. Paul or the Church of Rome only inserted for a blind in the prologue not in any branches of the Oath must necessarily be void in Law and conscience else God the Supream Landlord and his Church alone commanding one thing and the Pope another contrary thereunto as oft he doth the King and his Successors by his Oath and Homage should be bound to obey the Pope before God or the Church under pain of forfeiting their right in the two kingdoms which were both irreligious and absurd 10ly The Clause whereby the King obligeth his heirs and successors to do homage to the Pope and his Successors and not to contradict any thing in this charter under pain of forfeiting his Right to these kingdoms is contrary to the Rights and Prerogatives of the Crown specially excepted out of this grant yea contrary to the coronation Oath and Laws of the Realm Therefore it makes the Charter Null to
all intents of which anon more largely 11ly It is observable 1. That the thousand marks yearly pension for England and Ireland at two several feasts Michaelmas and Easter is no reservation made by the Pope and so no rent-service at all but a special grant of the King himself 2ly That he granted it only as an indicium or token of this his perpetuae oblationis so the last Charter not obligationis as the first concessionis thrice stiles it Therefore being only an Oblation not obligation made by him unto God to expiate his sins it could not be a Tribute rent-service or rent-charge but a meer voluntary pension 3ly That he granted it only de propriis specialibus redditibus nostris not haeredum nostrorum a great flaw praedictorum regnorum without the word nostrorum in the first inserted into the last and so out of his Exchequer only not his Demesnes 4ly That it was in lieu of all other services pro omni servitio consuetudine quae in the first but quod in the later charter pro ipsis facere debemus except only Peter-pence Therefore no Tribute but a pension to exempt him from all other duties formerly exacted out of either kingdom not a rent or service now due by his resignation resumption of his Crown and kingdom from the Pope 5ly That this Annual oblation is not granted by the King to God or to St. Peter and St. Paul the chief pretended Landlords and which is more considerable not to Pope Innocent himself and his canonical Successors but only Ecclesiae Romanae Now although Alvarus Pelagius informs us Vbicunque est Papa ibi est Ecclesia Catholica Yet whether the Pope alone or the Pope with his Cardinals or the Pope with his Cardinals and Diocesan Bishops or the Pope and a General Council joyntly or a General Council alone or the Cardinals and Clergy of Rome without the Pope be the Church of Rome is yet unconcluded undecided by their great Doctors and so the grant void for uncertainty 6ly There is no grant or clause of Distress Interdict Excommunication Sequestration Entry into the demesne of these Realms or any other coercive means to recover this Rent in Law or Equity if in arrear and unpaid at the terms in this Charter mentioned a very great oversight and so a meer voluntary pension oblation to be paid at will but no Tribute or real rent as hath been generally mistaken Now because I found no mention in our Histories of any payment of this Annuity or oblation to this Pope or his Successors by King John himself or any of his Successors but only an intimation by King Henry the 3d. and kingdom complaining against it in the Council of Lyons and endeavouring an exemption from it that it was demanded and paid too as a kind of Tribute and publike Grievance I did for my own satisfaction make diligent search in the Liberate Clause and Patent Rolls to discover what demands and payments were heretofore made thereof by any king which I shall here ptesent you with as a rarity not formerly observed by any Upon my strictest search I can find no payment thereof to Pope Innocent by King John himself which granted it but only † for one year before-hand when he sealed his Charter who dying about 3. years after during which his kingdom was infested with civil Wars between him and his Barons invaded by Lewes of France made King by the Barons in his stead his Lands Rents seised his treasure exhausted and the people every where miserably plundered it is probable there neither was nor could be expected any other punctual payment of it His Son and Successor H. the 3d. being an Infant crowned at Glocester by Walo the Popes Legat who was very instrumental to restore him to his Crown and expell Lewes only to preserve the Popes interest rather then the Kings after his Coronation Oath by this Legats means fecit homagium Stae Romanae Ecclesiae et Dom Innocentio Papae de regno Angliae et Hiberniae et juravit quod mille marcas quas Pater ejus tulerat Romanae Ecclesiae therefore his Fathers meer grant not Popes reservation fideliter persolveret quamdiu praedicta regna teneret as Matthew Paris records yet notwithstanding this Oath made by an Infant King not ten years old and so void in Law I cannot find in the Liberate Rolls where all warrants for payments of all Pensions granted by the King or sums of money issued out of his Exchequer to any persons are carefully entred any warrant to pay this oblation till the 12th year of King Henry the 3d. full 15 years after its first grant by King John when the King upon an extraordinary occasion to work his ends with the Pope and Cardinals and to advance gratifie his Chancellor issued this ensuing Warrant REX E. Thesaurar Camerariis suis salutem Liberate de Thesauro nostro Magistro Stephano Clerico Domini Papae ad opus ipsius Domini Papae de Annuo Censu eidem Domino Papae debito de termino Sancti Michaelis Anno c. xi et de Termino Paschae Anno c. xii Teste Rege apud Westm 21 die Febr Anno c. xii The ground of this Warrant I conceive to be this After the death of Stephen Langton the Monks of Canterbury gaining the Kings license to elect an Archbishop chose Walter de Hevesham a Monk whom the King refused to allow of for sundry reasons resolving to make Richard his Chancellor Archbishop Walter posting to Rome to get confirmation and consecration from the Pope and the Kings Proctors there excepting against him pressing the vacating of his election and making Richard Archbishop with much importunitie they could not prevail with the Pope or Cardinals to stop Walters confirmation or promote Richard till Habito tractatu detestabili de praemissis promiserunt Domino Papae ex parte Regis Anglorum Decimationem omnium rerum mobilium ab universo Regno Angliae Hyberniae ad guerramsuam contra Imperatorem sustinendam ut eos in Regis proposito exaudiret whereupon the Pope and Cardinals forthwith vacated Walters election for his insufficiency and made Richard Archbishop No doubt the same occasion drew on the payment of this Pension being both the same year and the warrant after the tenth promised was most probably seconded with a promise of paying this pension else the Pope and Cardinals would not have so readily gratified the King in this his importunate sute which being fully granted the King by way of gratitude made this other Warrant for payment of this annual Pension the very next year for one moiety at Michaelmas 12. and another moiety at Easter 13. of his reign REX W. Thesaurario Camerariis suis salutem Liberate de Thesauro nostro Magistro Stephano Capellano Domini Papae ad opus ipsius Domini Papae Quingentas Marcas de termino sancti
dejected enemies to life up their heads After which he caused the Germans to elect another Emperor the Lantgrave who upon conference sided with him against the Pope who refused all termes of peace unlesse he would sweat absolutely to stand to his-Ecclesiastical censure which he refused to do unlesse he knew before hand the causes and all conditions of it without restoring the places he had gained belonging to the Empire of antient right 651. The Pope refuseth all sorts of cautions he tendred to him to settle place to the great rejoycing of Saracens Turks and other Pagans who invaded spoyled the Christians in all places during their dissentions Upon which he stops all passages to Rome by Sea and Land imploying his Son Co●rade therein forced the Pope and Cardinals to fly out of Rome and Italy disguised into France his jeer against the Pope for this his dishonourable flight 651 652 653. By assistance of the French King the Pope summoned a General Council excommunicated deposed the Emperor afresh absolves all his Subjects from their allegiance prohibits any to own or converse with him under pain of Excommunication in a most insolent manner notwithstanding all his Embassadors Advocates allegations and proffers of satisfaction 643 to 654 664 753. The Bulls causes of his Excommunication and dethroning 644 to 660. His notable stout speech after his dethroning by the Pope and Council He sets his Crown on his head bids defyance against the Pope sends notable Letters to the King of England and other Princes against the pride insolency ingratitude of the Pope and Prelates occasioned by their great endowments riches by the bounty of Christian Emperors Kings to the impoverishing of their Realms asseits it would be an act of charity very acceptable to God to resume their possessions riches which made them cast God behind their backs choaked their Religion caused them ungratefully to conspire and set themselves against their advancers Heirs exhorting them to reduce them to their primitive humility condition to substract their great noxious revenues from them which made them mad riotous rebellious and unlike the Primitive Bishops in the Apostles times who subdued Emperors Kings by their piety holineste nor by Armes 660 661 662. The great dangers many Princes Prelates apprehended would ensue by this Emperors deposing by encouraging Popes though of mean birth to trample all Emperors Kings Princes Prelates under feet at their pleasures and grow intollerably proud insolent to boast we have trampled the very greatest Lord and Emperor Frederick under feet and who art thou who rashly believest thou art able to resist us 662. The Pope exhorts the Cistercians to live and dye in his and the Churches quarrel against him who thereupon inclined to his party 662 663. All Christendome troubled with Wars by the hatred discord between the Pope and him and the Universal Church every where endangered 753 754. The French Nobles adhere to him detest the pride of the Pope the Servant of Servants who rejected all the honest conditions of peace which he offered him 755. He the greatest of all Christian Princes who had not his equal an enemy to Pope Innocent the 4. generally hated in most Kingdoms 676. Two new Emperors successively set up against him their forces defeated one of them slain in battle the other dyes 753. Appendix 27. He is poysoned by his most intimate Counsellor and Advocate Peter de Vinea corrupted by Pope Innoccut the 4. his great gifts and promises his memorable declamation against Popes ingratitude insolency advanced from nothing by his predecessors to so great wealth power who thereby endeavoured to exterminate destroy their advancers and the tottering Empire 754 756 809 810. The punishment of his poysoner the Popes great rejoycing at his misery death 754 755. Frederick King of Naples his great munificent gifts of Crown Lands revoked 319. G. GErmany Almaign Popes pretended Title to it 391. The Emperors Oath power he cannot alien his Lands or Soveraign power 316 317 318 319. See Index 14. Emperor Oath Frederick Otho Seditions Rebellions raised in it by Popes against the Emperor 411 523 5●8 536 753 754 810 811. Shaken with intestine wars by the Pope 676 698 717. Gothes obey the Greek Church 491. Granado Popes pretended Title to it 9 291. Greek Church subject to the Patriarch of Constantinople its errors opposition against separation from the Church of Rome for its detestable symony ambition corruptions the several Nations Countries obedient to it rejecting the Popes authority its claim of primacy above the Pope by St. Peters first preaching fixing his See at Antioch not Rome G 〈◊〉 us its Patriarch and Greek Churches opposition against Pope Gregory 9. who grants a Croysado against them 484 490 491 492 512 513 676 752. Greek Emperors 319 490 491 492 512. Their donations of the Lands of the Empire revoked 319. H. HAco King of Denmark Norway and Sweden his Coronation by the Popes Legate gifts to him and the Pope for it 697. Henry 5. Emperor Pope Paschal 2. and his Cardinals grant of the right of Investitures to him by his Bull Oath perjuriously revoked soon after 328. King Henry 1. of England his Charter of Laws Liberties ●ead to the Barons by Archbishop Langeton who swear to revive maintain and fight for it to death in convenient time 283. Enlarged with divers new additions in King Johns Great Charter 338. He erected endowed the Bishoprick of Carlisle 376 377. King Henry 2. of England his antient Jurisdiction over Clergymen by prescription declared voyd by the Pope 6 7. He ejects the Abbesse and Nuns of Ambresbury for their Incontinency and puts others in their places 228. His contests with Becket abjuration of the antient priviledge of Investitures and right of conferring Bishopricks before the Popes Legate 250. Revokes resumes the Crown Lands Mannors Castles granted by King Stephen an Usurper to the Nobles as voyd and the Counties of Northumberland Cumberland Westmerland from the King of Scots 324. King Henry 3. of England his Coronation at Gloucester at 9. years old after his Fathers death his Oath Homage to the Pope 369 370. The Bishops Nobles Castellans Homage Fealty and Fidelity to him he remains in the custody of William Earl of Pembrock his chief advancer Ibid. Many Barons revolt from Lewes to him for breach of his Oath and detaining their Lands Casties 370. He routs Lewes his forces Articles of agreement between them ratified by Oath out of which sundry Bishops Abbots Clerks were excepted 371 372. The Popes Usurpations on him by reason of his infancy necessities assistance of him against the French and revolted Barons 369 372 1068. His memorable Prohibitions Writs to restrain the Usurpations Extortions exorbitant Encroachments of Popes Popes Legates Delegates Archbishops Bishops and other Agents in England and Ireland upon the rights of his Crown the Liberties Properties Consciences of his Subjects Courts Officers and redresse their grievances See Prohibitions Elections Excommunications Oathes Index 14. and Index 3 4 5 6
8 9. to be tried by their Peers in the Kings Courts 256 282 341 343 346. Penances Popish enjoyned by Legates Priests 287. Pensions of our Kings to Roman Cardinals and Popes Officers for better dispatch of their affairs in the Court of Rome 314 315. 756 785. 977. 1048. Pe●j●ry oaths prohibited in sundry cases by Fathers Councils Canons Statutes to prevent it 706 707. Breach of Oaths upon Civil Contracts not punishable in Ecclesiastical Courts though submitted to by the parties 880 881. Excommunications submitted to for it See Excommunications Persecution oppression for Kings Emperors to resume demand their rights Lands Castles usurped by Popes or Prelats 255 260 262 410 516 to 528. St. Peter his own professed disclaimer texts against his own since pretended Soveraign Monarchical Ecclesiastical Temporal power which Pope and their Parasites ascribe to and derive from him to themselves The Texts produced for impertinent subvert it 9 10 11 12. Was equal to and had not the least Monarchical or superintendent Jurisdiction over the other Apostles Ibid. Not Christs Sole Vicar Successor in his Regal or Sacerdotal Offices upon his ascention into heaven 11 12 13. Inferior to the Virgin Mary left Mistresse Chief Comforter instructer Governor of the Apostles Church yea Lady Empres1e of the world by Christ and successor in his Soveraign Kingly authority in his stead by Popish Saints and Doctors resolutions authorized by Popes 16 17 18 19 20 c. Sate first at Antioch and gave that Church precedency if any not Rome 10 490 491 492 643. No certain proof that ever he sate Bishop at ●ome the Scripture story contradicts it 10. Placed on the left hand and Paul on the right hand of the Crosse in Popes Bulls 487. His forged Wooden Chair at Rome lately consecrated with an annual Festival An. 1557. to which Popes infallibility is affixed 5. Neither Christ nor Peter ever made Popes their sole Vicars or Successors 10. He neither had nor claimed any temporalties or temporal Jurisdiction much lesse over Kings or kingdomes 10 11 12 258 259. 360 538 539. Christ persecuted in Peter his Vicar and Kings 1019. Popes succeed him not either in merit or workes usurp his office are most unlike him so have not his power 10. 12. 264 360 639 654. 531 532 560 799 to 805. 654 699. 700 544. Most prophanely swear by St. Peter 350 800. In King Johns Charters though the surrender was joynt to God St. Peter and Paul yet the Fealty for England and Ireland is done only to God and St. Peter without St. Paul and Popes yet stile them and other their Dominions St. Peters Patrimony not Gods or St. Pauls when as Peter had neither silver nor gold nor any earthly patrimony nor yet St. Paul 74 273 274 275 289 290 297 305. 360. Popes temporalties are St. Peters Spiritual patrimony 658. The annual rent for England not granted to God St. Peter Paul or Popes but to the Roman Church 306. England denyed by the French ever to have been be or shall be St. Peters Patrimony 297. Popes stile themselves Peters Successors Vicars yea St. Peter 78. 465. Sardinia stiled St. Popes Spiritual Patrimony by Popes 9 78. 515 658. 710. Peters pallace S Petri limina 78 465. Abbots Bishops take an Oath of fealty to St. Peter to preserve St. Peters Royalties to wit Popes own not Peters 465. The foundations of St. Peters and Popes Vniversal Monarchy Vicarship overturned by Popes principles practises authorized Devotions and Articles of their Roman faith 10 11 23 c. 29 63 66 67 68 c. 75 80. His Sword Keyes power to binde and loose claimed by Popes in their Excommunications of the Emperor and his name Cephas 409 538. Prayers used only for his delivery out of prison which Popes neglected not Soldiers or Croysadoes 513. The Care of the Church only belonged to him not the Dominion or property which Christ reserved to himself Not what he or Popes exact on earth is bound in heaven 568. Christ and he menaced bent their Bow against the Pope and Church of Rome 608. The Pope challengeth his power to binde loose depose Emperors as delegated to him and his Successors of Rome against Christs and St. Peters expresse Doctrine 656 658. St. Peters net was to catch and bring souls to heaven to promote the salvation peace and happinesse of the World not to catch money lands or Crowns by war rapines 360 994. Forsook all for Christ 1019. The Pope must be presumed to do nothing though never so bad but what Christ and St. Peter would have done whose Vicar Successor he is 303. See Paul Peter-pence granted by Ina and Offa to the English School at Rome not St. Peter called Peter-pence because payable on St. Peters day not to Peter or Popes 3 78. excepted in King Johns Charter demanded by Popes 273 289 306. 311 312. 649. 666 668. Granted to St. Albans Abby by King Off confirmed by Popes Bulls since 25. Abrogated 5 Pictures of Christ and the Virgin Mary See Christ Mary 14 15 16. Pilgrimages to the Virgin Maries Images in sundry places to pray offer to them 51 58. Pledges 881 882 885. See Baile Plague chased away at Rome by the Virgin Maries picture carryed in procession She the Papists Chief protector from and spell against it 41. A great one in Wales 231. The Bishop of London died thereof 954. and Monks 565. Pluralities Canons Councils Oaths against them their scandal mischiefs inconvenience to the Church and peoples soul proceeding from covetousnesse quite opposite to the Apostles institution of many Bishops Ministers in one Church not one over many 48● 489 492 502 1009 1042 1043 1044 1045 1065 1066. yet connived at dispensed with for money by Popes against their own Constitutions to gratifie Noblemens sonnes avarice Kings Chaplains whose interest was preferred before the peoples souls 422. 467 488 489 492 493 502 506 569 632 764 765 954 955 984 1042 1043 1044 1045 1048. Bestowed on Alexander Cementarius by King John for defending his right against the Pope who deprived him of all and reduced him to beggery 258 259. The Archbp of Yorks election vacated by the Pope because he had a plurality of benefices 1009 1010. The Bp of Winchesters nulled by the Archbishop of Canterbury because a Pluralist 1063 1064. Cause of Gods wrath plagues upon the Realms 1042. 1043 Pontagium Exemption from it 229. Poor Hospitals exempted from Dismes to the Holy Land 862 834 835. Poor Bishops in Wales relieved else where the Bishopricks being wasted with Wars 728 638. Excused from going to General Councils upon Popes summons 638. Poor people feasted by King Henry 3 at Westminster at St. Edwards feast 876. Have no audience at Rome with the Pope or his Officers for want of money 1069 1070. Popes Their transcendent pretended asserted Soveraign Jurisdiction and Universal Monarchy in Spirituals Temporals over all Councils Patriarchs Emperors Kings kingdomes Nations in the world whether Christian or Pagan 5 6 7 8.
Their pretended Titles to all Christian Empires Kingdoms Countries and the Indies 9. 291 292. Their Antichristian Treasonable practises in excommunicating interdicting deposing King John Otho 5. Frederick 2. Conrade Manfred and others absolving all their Subjects from their Oaths homage obedience to them stirring them up to rebell take up arms Croysadoes against them exciting all Christian Princes to invade depose them giving their kingdomes to others to enslave them to the See of Rome as their Vassals Tributaries only for opposing their injurious usurpations upon the undoubted antient rights of their Crowns Kingdoms against all Lawes of God Nature Nations the expresse precepts practise of St. Peter St. Paul and Christ himself whose Vicars Successors they falsly stile themselves 250 to 272 414 415. 516 518. 526. 540 541 547 552 553 554. 656 658 659. 666. 753 754 755 See Index 3 10 12 14. part 1. Their intollerable incroachments upon the Kings Prerogatives and Subjects Properties by depriving them of their rights of electing Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors of presentation to Benefices Prebends by nulling Legal Elections by Provisions Commendaes and other Papal Innovations See Elections Commendaes Provisions Non-obstantes Index 3 4 Their intollerable detestable Ambition Avarice Bribery Oppressions Rapines Injustice Symony Tyranny Dispen●ations Bulls Non-obstantes Hypocrisie Fraud malice impiety scandalous unchristian antichristian practices rendring them execrable to God and all good men 484. 490. 491 500. 509. 546. 560. 5●4 608 611. 612. 6●6 617. 622. 645. 646. 647. 654. 664. 66● to 681. 684. 694. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 716. 728 730. 748. 750 751. 752. 753. 7●0 771 777 798. to 805. 815. 821. 823. to 826. 848 8●0 926. 927. 1069. 1070. See Index 10. 11. 12. thoughout Croysadoes Rome Their execrable Idolatry blasphemous assertions practises adorations invocations of the Virgin Mary other Saints Hostiaes Their lying Legends Miracles grosse Errours Corruptions in Religion interdicting suspending Gods publike Worship for sundry years at their Papal pleasures Their purging the 2. Commandement out of the Decalogue willfull corrupting depraving of Scripture Texts in their authorized Psalters Hours Offices Rosaries Letanies Mariales of the Virgin Mary See Adoration Advocate Mary Miracles Prayer to Saints Transubstantiation Images Idolatry Rome and Roman Church They are neither Christs nor St. Peters real Successors Vicars or sole Universal Vicars they no wayes imitate but contradict their Doctrine Precepts Examples See Christ Peter Paul Rome Their Supremacy Monarchy Vicarship wrested Scriptures foundations whereon it is built clearly refuted subverted by Scripture their own Papal practises positions doctrines concerning the Virgin Mary and Teansubstantiation 9 to 80. See Mary Peter Transubstantiation Their Protections of the persons estates of all that are crossed or do homage to them 340. to 350. 383 402. 410. 448. 59● 774. Their Canonizing of Saints for Blasphemy Treason Rebellion against Emperors Kings and opposing their Soveraign Authority 49 50 64. See Ca●●aization Their pretended plenitude of Apostolical power is only for the Churches edification not oppression or invasion of the rights Crowns of the Emperor Kings or other Bishops 799 800. Appealed against yea summoned before Christs Tribunal for their Tyranny injustice corruption by Grosthead Se vald the Church of Christ 805 812 927 See Grosthead Sewald Church Appeals Innocent 3 4. Their absurd impious Pardons Indulgences of sinnes for many thousand dayes yeares See Indulgences Pardons Their detestable practises in making Canons against several Corruptions onely to get money for Dispensations See Commendaes Exemptions Dispensations Marriage Pluralities In nulling vacating all their own Grants Bulls Exemptions Priviledges purchased at dear ●ates by New Bulls and Non-obstantes See Non-obstante In holding themselves bound by no Laws Oaths Bulls Sentences whatsoever and unaccountable to Emperours Kings Councils or any mortals for any Crimes or Offences whatsoever though tending to the Churches souls and Religions ruine 5 6. In dispensing with nulling all others Oathes Charters Contracts for filthy luchre See Absolution Oathes Their Papal authority neglected Excommunications Bulls contemned by their own Cardinals the emin●ntest holiest Bishops as well as by Kings Emperours Nobles others 549 See Excommunications Ba●ons Antichristian severed from as such See Antichrist Greek Church Their power in Temporal things opposed denyed 258 259 473 498. 9 10 11. See Peter Their detestable insolence ingratitude towards Emperours Kings who endowed them with possessions a Resolution to resume them to reduce them to the piety humility of Apostolical Bishops in the primitive Church to cure their corruptions and rebellions against them 661. to 66● 700. 701. They no wayes considered the hand of God upon them in being made Fugitives like cain 750 753. See more of them Index 3. 10. 11. 12. Frederick Henry 3. King John Barons Paul Peter Index 3. Grostbead and Sewald Absolutions Excommunication Interdicts Rome Sicily Prayers to be made to God onely not Saints or Angels 56 to 63. Onely heard not seen in the Looking-glass of the Trinity 57 58. Publick Prayers appointed by and for our Kings and Kingdoms upon emergent occasions 2. 3. 577. 828. 829. Kings ought to have not onely prayers from Monks but money too but if they exact any Mony from them they lose their prayers 847. Devout and humble prayers the Sword wherewith Bishops and Clergy-men ought to fight 1004. Saint Peters weapons to rescue him out of prison but not Popes who little regard them 541. Pope Alexander 4. his hypocrisie in desiring all to pray for him 813. 848. See Index 10. Preaching of Croysadoes by preaching Freers and Popes agents to pick mens purses destroy undermine Christians more used practised by Popes than preaching of Christ crucified to save mens souls against Christs command to Peter Mat 26. 52. 541. 607. 728. See Croylad●●s Monks All summoned to hear the Crosse preached under pain of Excommunication but not other Sermons 466. preaching Freers how they begin conclude their Sermons 5● Diligent preaching of Gods word the principal duty of Bishops Ministers Kings duty to encourage them in their faithful discharge and punish them for their neglect thereof 2. 1011. 1012. 1041. The principal means of converting men to God 607. The first thing to be done in all Visitations 744. Faith perished for want of preaching and Preachers by Popes confession 516. Who yet suppressed it for six whole years and more and their Masse too throughout England during the Interdict to the irre airable l●●●● of the Church and mens souls 253. 333. Much neglectdd by Popes and most of our popish Archbishops Bishops who were greater Excommunicators and Souldiers than Preachers of Gods word 386. 457. 750. 799. 880. 803. 1011. 1012. 1041. 1044. 1061. The damnablenesse greatnesse of their sinne therein set out by Bishop Grosthead the onely diligent constant frequent Preacher to the people then read of 702 799. 801. 802. 804. 1242. 1043. Preaching Freers turning Courtiers Princes Counsellours cast off their Freers Weeds and preaching too 541. Clergy-mens greedinesse of pluralities of Livings but neglect of