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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68093 The practise of preaching, otherwise called the Pathway to the pulpet conteyning an excellent method how to frame diuine sermons, & to interpret the holy Scriptures according to the capacitie of the vulgar people. First written in Latin by the learned pastor of Christes Church, D. Andreas Hyperius: and now lately (to the profit of the same Church) Englished by Iohn Ludham, vicar of Wethersfeld. 1577.; De formandis concionibus sacris. English Hyperius, Andreas, 1511-1564.; Ludham, John, d. 1613.; Orth, Wigand, 1537-1566. 1577 (1577) STC 11758.5; ESTC S122044 265,657 396

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and preserued An other example out of Mathew cap. 16. When Iesus was come into the coastes of Cesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the sonne of man am And they sayde Some saye Iohn Baptist and some Elias and others Hieremias or one of the prophets He sayd vnto them but whom say ye that I am Then Simon Peter aunswered and said Thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuinge god And Iesus aunswered sayde vnto him Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Iona for fleshe and bloode hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my father which is in heauen And I say vnto thee againe that thou art Peter and vppon this rocke will I builde my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuayle against it And I will giue thee the keyes of the Kingdom of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vppon earth shall be bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt lose on earth shall be loosed in heauen There is no man but perceyueth the Euangelist Mathew to commemorate how and after what forte Christe exacted of his diseiples the confession of faith and what maner of confession Peter made in the name of all the reste Therfore we shal not vnaptly affirme the state of this readying to be that the confession of faith ought necessarylye to be made of euery one of vs. And that this state pertayneth to the kinde didascalick it is more manifest then that it néedeth to be proued This state being prefixed these thinges may profitablye be noted as referred to the same And they saide ▪ Some say Iohn Baptiste I. It is no easye matter alwayes to render a pure and perfyt confession of the trueth For oft times partl●●y reason of the wonderfull myste and ignoraunce continually cleaning to al men and part●ly through the great plenty of obscure and darke disputations diuers iudgements and varyable opinions of other onē which are supposet to be wise the mindes yea euen of excellent and good men are in suche wise letted hindered us that they can not determin any thing certayne touching matters of religion Examples hereof if euer there were any be in these our dayes most chiefely to be séene In the meane season it standeth euery one greatly in hande that is at the least touched with any ca●e at all of his ●a●●●tion to be fully resolued in his conscience as son●thing matters of faith neyther can he iustlye pretende why excuse why he ●●●lo● refine so to be Christ therefor 〈◊〉 doth 〈…〉 séeke to know what the 〈…〉 are but he 〈…〉 instantly 〈…〉 would fréely confesse at on●● what they 〈…〉 or Flesh and bloud 〈…〉 healed it vnto thee II. Here ●e● see whe●●● the power of makinge a perfect confession commeth The thinges that are of GOD no man truely knoweth but the spirit of God and he whō the holy ghost hath taught The naturall man pere●y●●eth not the thinges of the spirit of God. And our heauenlye father hath hidden those thinges from the wise and prudente and hath reuealed them to Babes And agayne the holy Scripture whiche is the princypall ayde and instruement to procure the knowledge of the trueth is wholl● giue● and opened by the gift of god and without reuelation is not vnderstood To be short God graunteth vnto every man so muche knowledge of spirytuall thinges as he iudgeth to be profytable for hym Vpon this ro●● will I build my Churche ▪ III. The notable 〈◊〉 and effects of a pure confession ▪ Fyrst by the confession of faith the true Churche is knowwen and decerned from all foreine assemblies whether they be of the Iewes Turks or hypocrites Seconde where constancy in a true confession ●●ineth forth there the Churche remayneth 〈◊〉 and the 〈…〉 challenge to hymselfe no ryghte or intereste● Let h●resides springe vp never so fall ●et tyraunts 〈◊〉 hyhypocrits imagine what they can yet as long as the confesson of faith shal be 〈◊〉 whole and it 〈◊〉 so longe shal be 〈…〉 Third 〈◊〉 that 〈…〉 confession is founde to 〈◊〉 and approued with God God giueth power ●oth to iudge au●●●●●● wisely For the iudgements of bindinge and loosinge is no other where rightly lawfully exercised saue in the true church Wherefore a pure confession of Faith by vs made causeth that euery one of vs also is knowen to be a liuely member of Gods Church and that we are safe from the power and snares of the diuill and may besides that iudge prudently of all thinges that are done or ought to be done in the Church And in this wise as well what belongeth to the whole Church which resteth in the pure confession of the Faith of Christ as also what perteyneth vnto all men yeldinge a sounde and sincere confession it séemeth to bée aboundauntly declared But wee will add also a thirde example out of Iohn cap. 4. in which are learnedly discussed certaine poyntes as touchinge the nature of Fayth There was a certaine Ruler whose sonne wa sicke at Capernaum Hee when he hearde that Iesus was come out of Iudea into Galile went vnto him and besought him that he would goe downe and heale his sonne For he was euen at tho point of death Then sayd Iesus vnto him Except ye see signes and wonders ye will not beleeue The Ruler saide vnto him Syr goe downe before my sōne dye Iesus saide vnto him Goe thy way thy sonne liueth And the man beleeued the word that Iesus had spoken vnto him and went his waye And as he was nowe goinge downe his seruantes mette him sayinge thy sonne lyueth Then enquired he of them the hower when he began to amende And they saide vnto him yester daye the seuenth hower the feuer lefte him Then the father knewe that it was the same hower in the which Iesus had saide vnto him they sonne liueth And he beleeued and all his householde Iohn the Euangelist pronounceth very well that the man beleeued the worde that Iesus had spoken vnto him And straight way hée addeth also he beleeued and all his housholde And in the very discourse the narration it is showed how he all his house was induced to beleeue These thinges therfore doe cause me to affirme that in this present reading is declared howe by what meanes faith springeth and is confirmed Wherfore the state shall be touching the nature or beginning and encreasement of faith And that this state is to be attributed to the kinde didascalick ech man may easely without any teacher perceyue He when he hearde that Iesus I. First of all are put forth heard certaine things of god and of his good will and benefites towardes mankinde The beginning of faith commeth of hearing and hearing by the worde of God. He went vnto him and besought him II. By hearing the worde the minde of man is turned vnto god Moreouer man wisheth and praieth that hée may be made pertaker of Gods benefites And so to praye