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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A64936 Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks and wholesome advice and expedients for the reformation of the church / writ by one of the communion of the Church of Rome and translated from the French, printed at Colgn, 1682 ; with a preface by a divine of the Church of England. Vigne.; Wake, William, 1657-1737. 1688 (1688) Wing V379 124,886 138

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we say that it was owing to the eagerness of his temper which being not always well regulated made him commit greater faults than any others of the Apostl●s except the perfidious Judas which made him be called Satan by his good Master which none of the other were We ought also to attribute to this temper the blow he gave Malchus with the Sword as well as that warmth that made him promise wonders of Fidelity to his Master and induced him to accompany him to the Emperors Court where he denied his Saviour So that it is with very little reason that they make an argument of this to prove his Royalty in the Church In Spain where the most Honourable walk the last they will not fail to alledg places where St. Peter is named last as in the passage where it is said I am the Disciples of Paul and I of Apollos and I of Caephas who is Peter For I remember that at Paris where they understand Divinity a little better than in Spain a good Bishop and an Abbot did maintain to me that the passage where it is said that James Peter and John are esteemed Pillars of the Church I having alledged against them another where he is named the first they maintained to me I say that this passage confirmed that which they alledged and proved very well the Primacy of St. Peter For said the Bishop when three persons of worth are walking together they always put the most Honourable in the middle This is according to the common saying That a Lawyer well paid shall always find the cause of his Client good His Benefices made him see clear in this passage There are three other passages which the greatest part of our Doctors produce against our Adversaries with a little more colour which are Thou art Peter c. I will give thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven c. Feed my sheep Which passages we shall examine one after another to see if St. Peter had any priviledg above the other Apostles they say that in the first of these passages Jesus Christ doth establish the Church found it and built it upon St. Peter I do not deny but that St. Peter was one of the Pillars of the Church because he is so called as well as James and John. Nor can it be denied but that he was and is one of the foundations of the Church since that he is not excepted out of the number of the Twelve who in Scripture are called the Foundations of the New Jerusalem But I maintain that the Church is no more founded upon him than upon St. Paul and the other Apostles I would fain have these Gentlemen tell me upon whom the Church was founded before St. Peter and why the Church changed its foundation and upon whom Peter himself was founded It was without doubt upon Jesus Christ upon the Rock which is the Christ. And it is without all question that St. Peter and we ought to have no other foundation than that which St. Paul had who says That no man can lay any other foundation than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ. Also we see in this passage that it is upon the Rock upon the Rock of Ages that our Saviour builds his Church and not upon St. Peter The Holy Ghost would have changed neither name nor person if he would have had us to have believed this of St. Peter He would not have said Super hanc Petram sed super te Petrum Vpon this Rock but upon thee Peter To the end that no difficulty may remain we must observe what goes before and what follows after Jesus Christ had demanded of all the Apostles together whom they thought he was Peter either as the eldest or most zealous answers for all and says to him Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God. Whereupon Jesus Christ says to him Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church c. It is evident that as our Saviour's discourse was directed to all and that Peter answered for all the following part of our Saviours Discourse was directed also to them all and related no more to Peter than to any other particular Apostle And men must have lost their understandings to think that Jesus Christ in this place founded his Church upon Peter whom in the same Chapter he calls Satan What Foundation would the Church have had and what would have become of her when he deni'd his Saviour It must then necessarily be acknowledged that it is not the visible Church that is here spoken of which they pretend St. Peter to be the Head of But the Invisible the Society of the Faithful and the Elect. For the Gates of Hell would have prevailed against the Church not only when St. Peter denied his Master since that the foundation being run to decay that which is built upon it falls to ruin But since that time have they not very often prevailed against this Church which they would have the Bishops of Rome the pretended Successors of St. Peter to be the Heads of For Example when according to the Fathers the whole World was Arian the Bishops of Rome and all their Flock and so many other times as the Popes have been Magicians Sodomites Atheists Hereticks c. And what would have become of the Church in the time of that great Schism that succeeded Gregory the Ninth which lasted fifty years when the French would not have an Italian Pope nor the Italians a French one and many Princes would have neither one nor other to whom at length Charles the Sixth joined himself for three years and the Kingdom of France was very well contented without a Pope and many other Princes for a longer season And what shall we say of that great Schism which the Popes made and caused with the Greek Church by cutting them off out of Devilish pride from the Communion of the Church because they would not submit to their yoke but demanded the observation of the Canons What shall we say also of that great Apostacy that happened about 130 or 140 years since or thereabout when so many States separated themselves from the Church by reason of the Impiety and Tyranny of the Popes Doth not all this prove that Hell hath prevailed against this exterior and visible Church which the Popes govern and whereof St. Peter according to them was the Head It is then the Invisible Church which is here spoken of the Society of the Faithful the Heavenly Jerusalem whereof Jesus Christ is the principal Corner-stone upon which St. Peter himself saith believers are built as living stones He says not it is on himself that they are built but on the contrary he pretends himself as well as others to be one of these living stones which are built upon the Corner-stone which is Christ. It is then upon the Rock confessed by Simon Peter or upon his Confession that the Church is founded on that which he declared
and veneration and even attribute to them sometimes names and degrees of excellency which do not belong to them without any prejudice to Piety provided they are not attributes nor honours which are appropriated only to the Divine Being for then it would be Idolatry as it is to attribute that to the Pope which belongs only to Jesus Christ. For example in reference to the great men of this world it is very allowable to speak to the advantage of a Minister of State to whom a great King shall communicate a part of his Authority for his service It is very fit to commend him and to extoll him even above his merit by reason of the good qualities which appear in him or the favours which he receives from the King provided that the respect and obedience due to the King be inviolably kept but it would be a crime to lessen or contemn him especially when the prosperity tranquillity and safety of the State depends upon him So I maintain that tho the Fathers had said a t●ousand times of St. Peter That the Church was founded upon him and that he was the Head of it If they have said sometimes that he was not so and that he had nothing more excellent than the other Apostles this last ought to prevail because that the first was an expression of favour and without danger since they assert ev●ry where that Jesus Christ is the only Head of the Church and that it was hard to conceive that ever men should arrive to su●h excess of extravagancy as to think that one simple man could be the Head of the Universal Church Whereas if St. Peter had been instituted by God in that quality to deny it would look like resisting God destroying the Church which would be established upon him and dethroning J●sus Christ by dethroning his Vicar It must then be agreed to whatever the Doctors of the Age say that the Church is built upon Jesus Christ and not upon a man and we may say with David That the stone which the builders refused is in spight of them become the Corner-stone of the Church But let us come to the second passage Tibi dabo claves c. I will give thee the Keys c. First of all you must know the occasion whereon this was said to him Jesus Christ had asked this question of his Disciples Whom think you that I am c. Peter with his wonted fervor spake and answered for all Thou art the Christ c. And our Lord upon this promiseth to all his Apostles and to the whole Church under the name of Peter the Power of the Keys which is indisputable because in the 18 Chap. of St. Matthew he tells them all in general and without distinction the same thing Verily I say unto you That whatsoever you shall bind upon Earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven The other Apostles then have this power as well as St. Peter and we see it also in St. John the 20. and the 22. where Jesus Christ says to all his Apostles Receive ye the Holy Ghost whosesoever sins ye forgive they are forgiven and whosesoever ye retain they are retained Let us see whether the Fathers be not against us We have already heard St. Cyprian who says Christus Apostolis post Resurrectionem parem potestatem tribuit Jesus Christ after his Resurrection gave an equal power to his Apostles Origen demands An vero soli Petro dantur a Christo claves Regni Caelorum nec alius beatorum quisquam eas accepturus est Quod si dictum hoc tibi dabo claves c. Caeteris quoque commune est cur non simul omnia quae prius dicta sunt quae sequuntur velut ad Petrum dicta sunt omnium communia Were the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven given only to Peter and shall no other blessed person have them Certainly if what was said I will give thee the Keys be common to all the Apostles why shall not all that goes before and that follows after tho said only to Peter be common to all St. Hilary Vos O sancti beati viri ob fidei vestri meritum claves Regni Coelorum ligandi solvendi jus in terra adepti He spoke to the Apostles O holy and blessed men who by the merits of your faith have obtained the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the power of binding and loosing upon Earth St. Hierom At dicis super Petrum fundatur Ecclesia licet id ipsum in alio loco super omnes Apostolos fiat cuncti claves Regni Caelorum accipiunt ex aequo super eos Ecclesiae fortitudo solidetur tamen propterea inter duodecim unus eligitur ut capite constituto schismatis tollatur occasio Sed cur non Johannes electus est virgo Aetati delatum est Quia Petrus senior erat ne adhuc adolescens ac poene puer provectae aetatis hominibus anteferretur ne causam praebere videretur invidiae But you say the Church is founded upon Peter tho in other places the same thing is done upon all the Apostles and they all receive equally the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the strength of the Church is equally founded upon one as well as another nevertheless he chose one out of the Twelve to the end that by establishing a Head he might take away the occasion of Schism But why was not John chosen Jesus Christ had regard to the age of Peter who was the eldest and would not prefer a young man one that was almost a child before those who were more advanced in years that he might not seem to give an occasion for envy amongst them The same Hierom tells us that the Ministers under the Gospel have also the power of binding and of loosing of pardoning sins or retaining them that is to say of judging when God doth pardon us or not Id juris officii habent Sacerdotes Evangelici quod olim sub lege habebent Legales in curandis Leprosis Hi ergo peccata dimittunt vel retinent dum dimissa a Deo vel retenta judicant vel ostendunt St. Augustin Sicut in Apostolis cum esset etiam numerus duodenarius omnes essent interrogati solus Petrus respondit Tu es Christus c. Et ei dicitur Tibi dabo claves tanquam ligandi solvendi solus acceperit potestatem cum illud unus pro omnibus dixerit hoc cum omnibus dixerit hoc cum omnibus tanquam personam gerens ipsius unitatis acceperit Ideo unus pro omnibus quia unitas est in omnibus Amongst the Apostles who were Twelve in number tho they were all asked Peter only answered Thou art the Christ and Jesus Christ said to him I will give thee the Keys as tho he alone had received the power of binding and of loosing Tho
is the Judge who doth his Duty in judging according to this Word but exerciseth no Authority And St. Augustin Claves sunt discernendi scientia potentia qua dignos recipere indignos excludere debet Sacerdos a Regno Dei. The Keys saith he signifie no other thing than the Knowledge and Skill of discerning those who are Worthy and those who are Vnworthy that the Priest may Exclude them from the Kingdom of God. It is now time to examine the third passage which they alledge for the Primacy of St. Peter which you find in the 21 of St. John. Peter lovest thou me Feed my Sheep From whence they draw this Consequence that St. Peter was the Head of the Universal Church It is certain that he was one of the most excellent Pastors of the Church but notwithstanding that he was not a Pastor to any of the Apostles nor to any other Christians but as the other Apostles were For our Lord says to them all in common As my Father hath sent me so send I you and in another place Go then and teach all Nations c. Which is the same thing as if he had said to them all Feed my Sheep What is to Feed but to Teach Instruct and Edify as well by Speaking as Writing by Preaching and Explaining to men the word of God and its Truth accompanying that with a life conformable to that Holiness the Gospel requires Which is called pascere Exemplo verbo But they ask why our Lord repeated three times Peter lovest thou me Feed my Sheep St. Augustin answers that Redditur Negationi Trime Trina Confessio c. St. Cyril understands it also in the same sense Jure nunc ab eo Trina dilectionis Confessio petitur ut trina negatio aequali Confessionis numero Compensetur Ita quod verbis commissum fuit verbis curatur c. Dixit autem pasce Agnos meos Apostolatus ipsi Renovans dignitatem ne propter Negationem quae Humana infirmitate accidit labefacta videretur c. That is to say Our Saviour had reason to demand a three-fold Confession of his love towards him to Recompence in some measure Peters thrice denying him c. And he says unto him Feed my Sheep to renew unto him the Dignity of his Apostle-ship from which he might seem to have fallen by denying his Master St. Cyprian Pastores sunt omnes says he Sed grex unus ostenditur qui ab Apostolis omnibus unanimi Confessione pascatur Episcopatus unus est cujus a singulis in solidum pars tenetur They were all Pastors but he shewed them but one Flock which all the Apostles were to feed with an Vnanimous consent St. Augustin In Petro unitatem Commendavit multi erant Apostoli uni dicitur pasce oves meas c. Sed omnes boni pastores in uno sunt unum sunt Illi pascunt Christus pascit c. He recommended the unity in the person of Peter there were many Apostles he said nevertheless but to one of them Feed my Sheep c. But all good Pastors are in one and are but one They feed Christ feedeth c. The same Father says in another place In uno Petro figurabatur unitas omnium Pastorum sed Bonorum In Peter only was represented the unity of all Pastors but that is to say of all good Pastors Chrysostom tum ostensu●us es eximiam tuam Dilectionem in Christum cum paveris ejus gregem cum scriptum sit si diligis me pasce Oves meas Then said he to St. Basil thou wilt shew thy love towards Jesus Christ if thou feedest his Flock as it is written Lovest thou me feed my Sheep St. Peter himself explains to us these words and shews that he was himself far from pretending to the quality of Universal Pastor Excluding the other Apostles because he doth acknowledge that even the Priests are Pastors as well as himself and that the Flock of Christ is committed to their charge as well as to his which they ought to feed not out of a ●hameful desire of gain but by a disinterested Charity not in lording it over the Heritage or over the Cl●rgy of the Lord But by giving themselves a good example to their Flock How many r●proofs are ●ere in a f●w words ag●inst the Pope and evil Priests These are the places of Scripture which they cite with the greatest colour for the papacy of St. Peter which as they explain them are I think sufficiently confuted One may say of them as heretofore the Council of Basil said to the Creatures of Pope Eugenius who also corrupted the Sence of these Passages Sunt Interpretationes Paparum fimbrias suas extendentium These are Interpretations of Popes that stretch out the Skirts of their Garments To these which I have already given I shall yet add some reasons drawn from the Gospel it self against this pretended Primacy and Rule of St. Peter I shall not repeat that we see nothing in the Gospel but Precepts of Humility of Charity of renouncing the World its Grandures Pleasures and Riches But I shall say that we read in the Acts of the Apostles that St. Peter was sent to Samaria by the other Apostles A Prince is not usually treated thus by his Subjects We see also that in another place having been accused by the others for misbehaving himself he justifies himself This looks not like a Soveraign Would the Pope endure this from the Bishops or from any other We see not that he gave Laws to others that he established any thing by his own private Authority without the other Bishops St. Paul says expresly that he was not inferior to the greatest of the Apostles In St. Matthew and St. John it is manifest that Jesus Christ gave to all his Apostles the same power And in the Epistle to the Galatians that Peter James and John gave their hands to each other as a mark of the Society that was between them Would the Pope give his in this manner to the other Bishops We see that at the Council of Jerusalem it was not St. Peter but St. James who presided and concluded We read in the Epistle to the Galatians that St. Paul and he agreed together that St. Paul should go and Preach to the Gentiles and St. Peter to the Jews If St. Peter had known that he had been the Head of the Church he would not in all likelihood have suffered that his Ministry should have been thus limited or that the Ministry or Power of St. Paul should have been of an extent an hundred times greater than his especially if he had been of the humour of our good Popes If any Bishop should pretend to govern the Church of France or Spain without them it is to be believed that it would not be very pleasing to them and from hence by the way one may judge that Saint Peter had nothing