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A51926 The general history of Spain from the first peopling of it by Tubal, till the death of King Ferdinand, who united the crowns of Castile and Aragon : with a continuation to the death of King Philip III / written in Spanish by the R.F.F. John de Mariana ; to which are added, two supplements, the first by F. Ferdinand Camargo y Salcedo, the other by F. Basil Varen de Soto, bringing it down to the present reign ; the whole translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stevens.; Historiae de rebus Hispaniae. English Mariana, Juan de, 1535-1624.; Camargo y Salgado, Hernando, 1572-1652.; Varen de Soto, Basilio, d. 1673.; Stevens, John, d. 1726. 1699 (1699) Wing M599; ESTC R18800 1,371,898 749

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before Santarem King Alonso tho' very Aged and Lame since his hurt at Badajoz in so much that he could not ride having assembled all the Force of his Kingdom marched to Santarem He charged the Moors in the Front and his Son Sallying out of Town upon the rear they were easily put to flight Great Slaughter was made The Moorish King Mortally wounded endeavouring to pass the River Tagus which is there deep and rapid was drown'd This Victory was obtained in the Year 1184. Abenjozeph Brother to Abenjacob succeeded him in the Empire of Africk and Spain CHAP. VII The Death of the Kings of Leon and Portugal Alliances betwixt the Kings of Spain The defeat of the Christians at Alarcos Sancho the Wise King of Navarre dies Sancho the first King of Portugal Alonso the Ninth of Leon. THE Death of Armengaud Earl of Vrgel somewhat abated the joy all Spain conceived for the Victory of the Portugueses over the Moors He was Son of Armengaud of Castile Earl of Barcelona Marryed to a Sister of the King of Aragon and had not only great Dominions in Catalonia and Aragon but was also Lord of Valladolid in Castile as being great Grandson to Peranzules before spoken off This Prince to advance the Christian Cause with his own Forces broke into the Territory of Valencia and after some successful Exploits was killed in an Ambush laid by the Moors near the Town of Requena Others will have it that he was slain by the Castilians but that is not so probable He left a Son of his own Name who inherited his Dominions On the other side the King of Navarre entred Castile plundering all the Country as far as Atapuerca where the Abbot of S. Peter de Carden̄a met him with the Standard of Roderick Diaz Sirnam'd Cid begging he would restore the Booty The King not only condescended to his Request but accompanied that Standard back to the place whence it was brought These things hap'ned in the Year 1185. At the same time the King of Portugal and his Son went to Coimbra and thence to Porto where the Marriage betwixt Teresa the King's Daughter and Philip Earl of Flanders was Celebrated the Flemings call her Maud. After the Solemnity they return'd to Coimbra there the King worn out with Age and Diseases dy'd on the 6th of December being 91 years old His Body as he had ordered was bury'd in a mean Tomb in the Church of Santa Cruz built by him and thence remov'd by King Emanuel to a stately Sepulchre of Marble He was a Man accomplish'd in all manner of Virtue the Founder and Conqueror of the Kingdom of Portugal His Zeal for Religion appears by the many Churches and Monasteries he Founded in Lisbon Ebora and other places His Queen Malfada was not inferior to him in Piety and perform'd many like Acts of Christian Generosity Spain enjoy'd Peace after the late Agreement among the Christian Princes and Death of Abenjacob the Moorish King Peter Ruiz de Açagra Lord of Albarazin was willing to assist the Christian Kings in their Wars but would not be Subject to any of them and therefore stiled himself the Vassal of S. Mary The strength of his City and the Emulation of the Kings each striving to draw him to himself secur'd his Possession In the Year 1186. in January the Kings of Castile and Aragon meeting at Agreda by mutual consent Banish'd out of their Dominions all the Kindred of the said Peter de Açagra that were of his party No more was done at that time At the beginning of the Year following Gaston Viscount of Bearn did Homage to the King of Aragon at Huesca as his Predecessors had done This Year was unfortunate for the taking of Jerusalem Baldwin King of that City and the Great Master of the Templers by Saladin In Castile King Alonso regulated the Order of Calatrava In the Year 1188. dy'd Frederick King of Leon at Benavente having Reign'd 31 Years and was bury'd in the Royal Chappel at Santiago He was judg'd more fit for War than Peace immoderate in the desire of Ruling but brave and generous Martin a Priest of Leon at that time writ many Books and is said to have attain'd all his Learning in a Vision in which S. Isidorus appear'd to him and gave him a Book to eat whereas before he was very Ignorant Sancho succeeded King Alonso of Portugal and Alonso IX his Father Ferdinand in the Kingdom of Leon. Upon the Death of his Father Alonso turn'd back being then on his way to Portugal whither he was going only to shun his Mother-in-law who accounted him a Bastard and could not endure that he should take place of her Children Hence arose continual Disgusts and tho' the new King allowed her the Joynter setled by his Father yet at last she was oblig'd to retire to Najara where she spent the remainder of her Days In the Monastery of S. Mary Royal in that City are the Tombs of that Lady and her Brothers D. Lope Bishop of Segovia and D. Martin de Haro Alonso King of Leon was twice Marry'd first with Teresa Daughter of King Sancho of Portugal by whom he had three Children Sancha Ferdinand who dy'd young and Dulcis then being Divorc'd by reason of Consanguinity he Marry'd Berengaria Daughter to Alonso King of Castile his Cousin-german Sancho the first of the Name King of Portugal call'd the Peopler and the Fat was Marry'd to Aldonça Dulcis Sister to the King of Aragon By her he had many Children which were Alonso the eldest Ferdinand Peter and Henry who dy'd young and 5 Daughters Teresa Malfada Sancha Blanch and Berengaria After the Death of the Queen he had many Children by two Mistresses by the first call'd Johanna he had Vrraca and Martin by the other whose Name was Mary Teresa Egidius Constance and Roderick Teresa was Marry'd to Alonso Tello who Founded the Town of Albuquerque Alonso King of Castile by one Wife had eleven Children whereof Blanch was the happiest for that being Marry'd to Luis VIII King of France she was Mother to S. Luis After Blanch follow'd Berengaria Sancho Vrraca and Ferdinand born in the Year 1189. then Malfada and Constance then two or three Sisters whose Names are not known and lastly Ellenor and Henry the youngest who came to succeed his Father as shall be shown in its place The King of Castile was the greatest Potentate in Spain and consequently terrible to the others which mov'd them to joyn in a League Offensive and Defensive They endeavour'd to draw the King of Leon into this Confederacy but he was more inclinable to his Cousin the King of Castile and therefore as soon as setled in the possession of his Kingdom he went of his own accord to Carrion where the Cortes or Parliament of Castile was held in the Year 1188. There he was Knighted by the King and kissed his Hand a Submission misbecoming the Regal
Force or upon Submission is not known All things being settled with a wonderful Celerity Caesar having gather'd vast sums of Money to which effect he spared not the Temple of Hercules departed for Rome where he arrived in October Asinius Pollio was left to govern Hispania Vlterior and Marcus Lepidus the Citerior together with Gallia Narbonensis About this time some guess Cordova had the name of Colonia Patricia given it and several other Towns to flatter the Conqueror chang'd their Names as Attubis which was call'd Claritas Julia Ebora in Portugal Liberalitas Julia Calahorra also took the name of Julia Sexi that of Firmum Julium Iliturgi which is Anduxar that of Forum Julium Those of Ampurias laying aside the distinction there was betwixt Greeks and Spaniards receiv'd the Roman Custom Language and Laws with the Name of a Colony There are many Monuments of this War remaining in Spain and particularly at Talavera a Town well known in the Kingdom of Toledo on that part of the Wall which is opposite to St. Peter's Church these words are to be seen cut in the stones To Gneius Pompey the Son of Pompey the Great The remaining part is worn out and not legible but suppos'd to be set up in Memory of some great Action CHAP. VII Other Commotions in Spain after the Death of Caesar the beginning of the Empire of Augustus and War of Cantabria THE power of Julius Caesar was at its greatest height when the Senators Conspiring against him as a Tyrant slew him in the Senate on the 15 of March in the Year 710 giving him 23 Wounds From that time some begin the Computation of the Years of Augustus his Reign but the most Commence from the following Year when on the 22 of September according to Dio he was chosen Consul in the Place of C. Vibius Pansa slain near Modena In Spain Pollio attended to suppress the Robbers that thro' the Confusion of the times were grown very Numerous about Sierra Morena When the News of Julius Caesar's Death was brought to him he Assembled the Principal Men at Cordova and there protested before them that he would in all things submit to the Authority of the Senate of Rome This seem'd to promise some settlement of Affairs but it prov'd otherwise for Sextus Pompey appear'd about Jaca formerly the Lacetani thinking to make his advantage of the times He set up his Standard made Levies and some Men resorting to him form'd a Legion with which he took a Town near Carthagena call'd Vergi now Vera or as others will have it Verja This small beginning chang'd the Face of Affairs and Pompey's Party which seem'd to be quite forgot was revived and grew the more formidable for that he having in a pitched Battle defeated Pollio possess'd himself of all that Province of Betica or Andaluzia The upper Garment of Pollio falling or being by him cast off was a great cause of this Victory for the Soldiers imagining thereby that their General was Kill'd dismay'd and soon fled Marcus Lepidus soon quieted these troubles and perswaded Sextus with the Money he had got to go to Rome whereby he might recover his Father's Inheritance Italy was no less embroil'd in Civil Wars at the same time the Senate setting up Octavian Julius Caesar's Nephew to oppose the designs of Marc Antony whom he defeated at Modena where he had besieged Decius Brutus the Consul elect for the ensuing Year Marc Antony fled into Gaul where he agreed with Lepidus and both of them soon after with Augustus This was the beginning of the Triumvirate which divided the Roman Empire into three Parts Lepidus had Gallia Narbonensis and all Spain Antony the rest of Gaul and Augustus Italy Africk Siclly and Sardinia The Provinces of the East were not divided because Brutus and Cassius the Murderers of Caesar were possess'd of them There follow'd a great Butchery of the Nobility call'd the Proscription whereby many suffered and among the rest the Famous M. Tullius Cicero Thus the City of Rome again lost its Liberty There ensu'd other Wars first with the Murderers of Caesar then with Lucius Antonius Brother to Marc Antony After which follow'd a new distribution of Provinces which was in the Year 714 after the building of Rome In this division Spain fell to Octavian and hence it is the common and much us'd Computation of Years called Aera Caesaris takes its beginning But the most usual now Commences from the Birth of Christ which was the 39 of the other Computation according to the best Accounts In Spain that Computation continu'd till the Year of our Lord 1383 when King John the first of Castile in an Assembly of the States or Parliament order'd that for the future all computation of Years should Commence from the Birth of Christ The same had been done not long before at Valencia and was follow'd soon after in Portugal But to return to the Affairs of the Government Domicius Calvinus in the Year 35 before the Birth of Christ govern'd Spain as Proconsul and afterwards obtain'd a Triumph in Rome for having subdu'd the Ceretani at the foot the Pyrenean Mountains in that part where Cerdania now stands New divisions hap'ned betwixt the Triumphirs part of the evil consequences whereof fell upon Spain Octavian being at Variance with Lepidus soon made himself Master of Africk which was his lot in the distribution of Provinces Marc Antony who had the Eastern Provinces thought much that Octavian should seize upon all without allowing him any share Hence sprang that War betwixt them which ended in the ruin of Antony and so consequently Octavian remain'd sole Lord of all the Roman Empire in the 28th year before the birth of Christ He took the Name Octavius in Memory of his Father and that of Caesar in Honour of his Unkle that of Augustus was given him by the Senate as to a Man sent from Heaven to Restore Peace to the World During this last War Bogud King of Mauritania came over into Spain in favour of Antony but was defeated and sustain'd great loss Not long after in the eighth Consulship of Augustus 25 Years before Christ the great road in Andaluzia that ran from Cordova to Ezija and thence to the Ocean was pav'd as appears by a Marble Column that is in the Monastery of St. Francis at Cordova on which is an inscription signifying it was set up in the eighth Consulship of Augustus and that from the Temple of Janus on Guadalquivir to the Ocean were reckoned 121 Miles This Temple is suppos'd to have stood in or near Cordova After this there ensued some Commotions among the Cantabri Asturiani and Vacei about Old Castile Statilius Taurus appeas'd them it is suppos'd as Lieutenent to Caius Norbanus who about this time Triumph'd over Spain About the same time the form of the Government of Spain was chang'd for instead of Pretors and Proconsuls it was under
concluded betwixt those two Crowns Thus much concerning the Original of this Order of Knighthood I know some will have King Alonso the Chast and others King Ramiro to be the Founders of it long belong this time but they have no grounds for it In France after much trouble Peace was concluded betwixt the King of Aragon and Earl of Toulouze who was dissatisfied for that the King obstructed the Marriage of his Son with the Daughter of the late Earl of Provence The King gave him 3000 Marks of Silver to quit his pretensions and his Son Married the Sister of Trencavelle Viscount of Carcassonne her name was Beatrix Hugo Great Master of the Templers was very instrumental in making this Accommodation Castile after a long Oppression began now through the Valour of its King D. Alonso to lift up its head At the same time the power of the Moors declined The Almohades wholly taken up with the affairs of Africk had not leasure to mind Spain Besides Aven Jacob Successor to Abdelmon tho' of sufficient Valour yet equalled not his Father in good Fortune The King of Castile being now at Age resolved not to let slip so good an opportunity of inlargeing his Territories Having therefore taken his revenge on Navarre and Leon he consulted with the King of Aragon about carrying on the War against the Moors and it was determined to begin by the Conquest of Cuenca This City was built by the Moors on a high and Craggy Hill shut up on two sides by the Rivers Xucar and Huecar so that it is naturally impregnable The ascent is difficult the Streets narrow so steep that Horses cannot go in many of them In those days it had no Spring nor Wells at present Water has been brought to it from other Hills so that it was easie to keep the Town from Water but not practicable to assault it by reason of the Cragginess of the Ground Great preparations were made in both Kingdoms and many Captains of note and Prelates attended the Kings in this Expedition Among them Peter de Açagrd being now reconciled to the Kings was the first that took his Post before the City The Siege was begun with the Year and there being no Possibility of Battering or Assaulting the Town lasted long the Moors defending themselves in hopes of relief Provisions grew as scarce in the Camp as in the Town and they lived only upon plunder Besides there was no Money to pay the Soldiers and invite Vivandiers These difficulties moved the King of Castile to go to Burgos to raise Money The Cortes or Parliament being Assembled it was proposed that not only the Commonalty but Nobility and Gentry who used to be free from Taxes should pay to the King five Maravedies of Gold a Head for that the populace was before wasted with Taxes This advice was given by D. James de Haro Lord of Biscay whose Sister was Marryed to the King of Leon and brought him two Sons Sancho and Garcia Peter Earl of Lara opposed it and a great number of Nobility joyning him left the Assembly resolving to maintain their Priviledges by force of Arms. The King moved by this danger gave over that Tax It was agreed among the Nobles to make an Annual Feast to Peter of Lara and his Successors in Memory of this Mutinous exploit Whilst these debates were at Burgos the Siege having lasted Nine Months Cuenca was at last taken in the Month of September 1177. This same Year was Fortunate to Navarre in the Birth of Ferdinand of whom the Fruitful Queen Beatrix was delivered after she had brought Sancho Raymund Berengaria Teresa and Blanch. For the greater honour of the City Cuenca it was by consent of the Pope made a Bishoprick the Priviledges of Valera an Episcopal See in the time of the Goths being translated thither To the Citizens was granted the Priviledge of sending Representatives to the Cortes or Parliament In reward of their good Service the Aragonians were freed from the Homage they ow'd to Castile A League was concluded betwixt the two Kings against all Princes except him of Leon who was exempted in respect to his Kindred After Cuenca the War continuing Alarcon a place of no less strength was taken Also the Town of Iniesta better known for its Salt-Pits the Salt whereof is like Transparent Stone than for the goodness of the soil The Knights of St. James that they might be nearer the Moors were Ordered to settle their Monastery at Vcles whence King Ferdinand of Leon repenting what he had done would have had them return to their first Habitation After much debate it was agreed that Four Priests of that Order should be sent to Leon who should still be Subject to the Monastery of Vcles which they afterwards refused and Pope Vrban I. Ordered the Monasteries should be independent of one another only subject to the great Master of the Order Not long after these Knights were admitted to Portugal and had large Possessions given them They for many Years obey'd the Great Master of the Order till King Denis assigning them a Head of their own withdrew them from any dependance on Castile Tho' these things fell out in several Years they are put together to ease the Memory Let us return to the series of the History The King of Castile now built the City Plasencia on the Borders of his Kingdom and made it a Bishoprick The Walls of Toledo were repaired and the Town of Alarcos rebuilt All this hap'ned in the Year of our Lord 1178. At the same time Alonso King of Aragon upon the death of Giraldus Earl of Russillon who dy'd without Issue seized upon that Earldom and from thence forward stiled himself King of Aragon Earl of Barcelona and Russillon and Marquess of Provence On the 20th of March 1179. he set out from Perpignan towards Cazola where he was to have an interview with the King of Castile Here it was agreed that Valencia Xativa Denia and their Dependancies should belong to the Conquest of Aragon All the other Towns in the Kingdom of Murcia were assigned to Castile They also made a League against Sancho King of Navarre to his great loss for the Castillians took from him the Towns of Briviesca Cerezo Logron̄o and all that lies between the Mountains Doca and Calahorra To these Roderick the Archbishop adds Navarrete Thence the Army of Castile marched towards Leon where they plundered and wasted all the Country The King of Leon being too weak to defend himself Sollicited him of Aragon putting him in mind this was a breach of the Confederacy made at Cuenca There only wanted a pretence for the Kingdom of Aragon to break with Castile therefore he sent to demand Restitution of Hariza and its Castle and in case of refusal to declare War Great were the Apprehensions of a Bloody War yet the King of Castile's modesty prevented it for he restored Hariza and forbore carrying on the War
Peace His Son Peter succeeded him and was the second of the Name To Alonso he left Provence and its Dependencies to Ferdinand the Monastery of Poblete of Cistercians founded by his Father and finished by himself betwixt Tarragona and Lerida His three Daughters Constance Ellenor and Dulcis were appointed to succeed in the Throne in case their Brothers dy'd without Heirs This Year was also unfortunate for Plague and Famine which raged most in Catalonia The Moorish King also made an incursion took Caceres and Plasencia destroyed the Country of Talavera but could not enter the Town and demolished Santolalla and Escalona Toledo was ten Days Besieged In the Year ensuing which was 1197. there were great revolutions in Catalonia the People being divided in Factions some followed Armengaud Earl of Vrgel other Roger Earl of Faux who prevailed and subdued the other Party Abenjoseph the Moor flushed with succeess marched again to Toledo but despairing of taking that City ravaged all the Country about Madrid and Alcala then turning off to the left did the same about Ocan̄a Vcles Huete and Cuenca King Alonso not able of himself to withstand so great a Power thought of Foreign aids there was no hopes in Leon and Navarre who at the same time wasted his Dominions the one entred at Soria the other the Country of Campos No hopes remained except Peter called the Catholick King of Aragon who readily condescended and they joyn'd their Forces It was resolved first to take revenge on the King of Leon from whom were easily taken the Towns of Bolanos Castroverde Valencia and Carpio Navarre was designed to suffer next but it was not effected for that Abenjoseph prepared again to invade Castile however the Christians again in the Year 1198 turned their fury against Leon ravaged all the Territory of Salamanca and took Alva and Monterey with other lesser places Such was the blind Passion of the two Kings that to be at leasure to invade Navarre they concluded a Truce for ten Years with the Moor Abenjoseph At this time Sancho King of Portugal was busie repairing many Towns as Valencia de Min̄o Montemor O Novo Vallelas Penamacor Sorrella Penella and others which he gave some to the Knights of Santiago some to those of Avis who then first began to be known With the assistance of a Fleet of English French and Flemmings he took the City Silves near Cape S. Vincent His Brother-in-Law Philip Earl of Flanders sent 27 Ships and a good Body of choice Soldiers Authors do not agree about the time of this Action some say it was the Year 1199. others 10 Years before Many Prodigies seen about this time Terrfied all Men especially the Vulgar who are more Superstitious In Portugal there was a raging Plague and Famine at once which the Commonalty attributed to Gods Vengeance for that Alonso King of Leon and Teresa Princess of Portugal were not divorc'd as the Pope had expresly Commanded by reason of their Consanguinity so that Portugal was under an interdict and all Persons who opposed that Separation Excommunicated To add to these misfortunes the City Silves was recover'd by Abenjoseph the Moor. At length in the Year 1200. the King of Leon was divorced and immediately began to treat of Marrying Berengaria Daughter to King Alonso of Castile with whom he had as near Kindred as with the former but state Policy bears down Conscience and Religion It appears by an Epistle of Pope Innocent III. to the Archbishop of Compostella that he refus'd to give a Dispensation for this Marriage Alonso King of Castile ardently desired to be reveng'd of Navarre but the King of Aragon could not join him presently as had been agreed being then at variance with his Mother Queen Sancha of whom he was suspicious and therefore seiz'd upon her jointer Lands The two Kings met at Hariza and there matters were adjusted betwixt the Aragonian and his Mother Peter Ruiz de Açagra Lord of Albarazin being reconcil'd to both Kings was at this Congress and here was concluded a stricter Alliance on the 30th of November This same Year according to our Historians Richard King of England Married Berengaria the Daughter of Sancho King of Navarre English Authors say it was a Year sooner and that he dy'd this same Year King Alonso of Castile by the benefit of the Truce with the Moors repair'd all the places they had demolish'd and at the same time ceas'd not to press the King of Aragon to join his Forces against Navarre as had been agreed At last both Armies entred Navarre Sancho King of Navarre despairing of any Succour from Christian Princes and finding himself too weak to withstand so great a Power went over into Africk not doubting of assistance from Abenjoseph Miramamolin He being gone the Kings of Castile and Aragon rang'd that Country without any opposition Aivar and the Country of Valderroncal were given to the King of Aragon he of Castile had Miranda and Insula and lay'd Siege to Vitoria head of the Province Alaba The Siege growing tedious the King left James de Haro to Command there and went himself to the Province of Guipuscoa in Biscay which submitted to him the People being offended at the Government of the Navarrois Vitoria was also Surrendred and after it all the Fortresses in Alaba Yet they Capitulated that the King should impose no new Laws or Governours on them except in Vitoria and Trevin̄o where he might place whom he pleas'd Nothing could withstand the two Kings the Country being altogether forsaken A report was also spread that King Sancho had an Incurable Cancer in one of his Legs which proceeded from Melancholy for his Misfortunes The Sea-Coasts of Biscay were now fortify'd some Towns repair'd as S. Sebastian Fuenterrabia Guetaria and Motrico and other new ones built which were Laredo Santander and St. Vincent Mean while King Sancho having met with no success return'd home with shame and found his Kingdom diminish'd on all sides He sent submissive Embassies to both the Kings but they obtained nothing for neither of them would part with what he had gained by the Sword besides they had other pretensions of right to palliate their Ambition Whilst these things hap'ned in Spain John King of England being hard pressed by Philip Augustus King of France concluded a dishonourable Peace by which he restored many Towns to the French and the better to Colour this condescention gave them in the Nature of Dower obliging the King of France to Marry one of the Daughters of Alonso King of Castile and Neices to John King Alonso had Four Daughters three of them marriageable which were Berengaria Vrraca and Blanch. Berengaria about the same time was Marryed to the King of Leon the French had their choice of the other two and pitched upon Blanch. She was Contracted at Burgos and thence convey'd to Guienne then in the hands of the English from whence the Nobility of France conducted her
succeeds him KIng Alonso the Tenth of the Name as was of right succeeded his Father Ferdinand His Reign for the strange variety of Revolutions that happen'd prov'd much more wonderful than glorious For what can be more admirable than to see a Prince bred in War and so Learned that few private Persons could compare with him reduc'd to that Unfortunate State he could neither obtain the Empire offer'd him by Strangers nor secure the Kingdom left him by his Father but to be reduc'd almost to the state of a private Man He sully'd the Title of the Wise purchas'd by his Learning by not knowing how to foresee and prevent the Calamities that fell upon him At Sevil where he was when his Father dy'd he was Proclaim'd King His first action was to renew the League with the King of Granada and he remitted him the sixth part of the Tribute he us'd to pay This was done in respect to his good Services and to encourage him to continue faithful That Prince was so great an admirer of King Ferdinand that tho' a Moor he sent Yearly 100 Wax Torches to Sevil for that Kings Anniversary There was great scarcity of Money to relieve which want it was thought fit that instead of Pepiones a Coin so call'd that was made of pure Metal there should Burgaleses be us'd which were base and full of allay This was no relief to the King's wants for all things grew dear and he was forc'd to raise the Salaries of all Officers But the People were much more inrag'd when another sort of Money was invented call'd Black because it had much Copper 15 pieces of this Money were worth a Crown one Burgales was worth two Pepiones This Method of raising Money has often been found very prejudicial and soon made King Alonso odious to his Subjects King Alonso was troubled for the Barrenness of his Queen Violante Flatterers advis'd there might be a Divorce obtain'd and the King was easy to be perswaded He sent to conclude a Match with Christina Daughter to the King of Denmark and she was brought into Spain King Jayme of Aragon indeavour'd by fair means to alter this resolution but those failing had recourse to Arms. Thus the War broke out incursions were made on both sides and the Frontiers plunder'd Theobald King of Navarre dy'd now on the 8th of July 1253. As he was worthy of praise for his zeal towards the Holy Land so he was Blameable for invading the rights of the Church on which account it is said that Kingdom was for the space of three Years under a general Interdict After that time was expir'd Peter Remigius or Gaçoliz Bishop of Pamplona who had been Banished was reconciled to the King and return'd to his Church Theobald was honourable for other good qualities and especially for his Learning He had Three Wives by the first who was Daughter to the Earl of Lorrain he had no Children Being Divorc'd from her by the Pope's Command he Marry'd Sibila Daughter to Philip Earl of Flanders by whom he had Blanch Marry'd to John Duke of Britanny called the Red. By his third Wife the Daughter of Archimbaud Earl of Faux he had Theobald Henry and Ellenor Theobald succeeded his Father being then not 15 Years of Age but of an Excellent temper and promising hopes Queen Marguerite his Mother fearing Alonso King of Castile being eas'd of the War with the Moors would again set up his pretensions to that Crown had recourse to the King of Aragon with him she had a Conference at Tudela in August and they concluded a League Offensive and Defensive It was also agreed that Theobald should Marry one of King Jayme's Daughters and that neither of them should be given to any of the King of Castile's Brothers without the consent of Queen Marguerite However the King of Aragon sav'd to himself his pretensions to that Crown on account of the adoption of King Sancho That this League might be the firmer they had it confirmed by the Pope It aim'd directly at Castile The apprehensions of a War caus'd the King of Aragon and his Son to be reconcil'd Thus I find that Alonso the eldest Son confirm'd under an Oath what his Father had given to Peter and Jayme the two Younger Brothers A new War ensued Alasarcho a designing Moor promis'd to deliver up the Castle of Reguara King Jayme being a forward Prince easily gave credit to him and was on the way with a small handful of Men. He had fallen into the snare and been taken but that he had intelligence of the design The Moor thus disappointed perswaded those of Valencia to revolt thither the King hasted and it was debated to expel all the Infidels Interest sway'd the Nobility to oppose this advice but the Prelate and Commonalty prevail'd so the Moors were Commanded to depart Valencia and all its Territory within a time prefixt They tho' 60000. strong and in Arms obey'd and dispersed themselves into the Country of Murzia and Granada A considerable number also setled in that part now called La Mancha de Aragon formerly Montaragon of a Town of that Name At that time it was not Tilled nor Improved at present yields Corn that supplies many Places Ferdinand Brother to King Alonso made a considerable profit of the Moors for being Governour of Villena through which they were to pass he obliged every one to pay a Crown of Gold These affairs hindred the King of Aragon from falling upon Castile and this delay proved fortunate At the same time that Christina after her long Voyage came to Toledo which was in the Year 1254. it appeared that the Queen was with Child The King moved at so unexpected an accident changed his hatred into Love and those who before perswaded a Divorce now pleaded for the Queen Such is the Custom of Flatterers Philip the King's Brother notwithstanding he was Abbot of Valladolid and Elect Archbishop of Sevil renounced the Priestly Function and with the King's consent Marry'd Christina who dy'd soon after Queen Violantes Barreness was chang'd into Fruitfulness and she bore many Children These were Berengaria Beatrix Ferdinand called de la Cerda that is of the Hair because of long Hair that grew on his back Sancho Peter John James Elizabeth and Ellenor By a Woman of mean Extraction the King had Alonso Fernandez by D. Mayor Daughter to Peter de Guzman he had Beatrix both Illegitimate In the following Year 1255. Edward the Eldest Son of Henry King of England came into Spain the cause of his coming is not known unless it were on account of Christina who was his Cousin-german He was honourably received by the King at Burgos and by him Knighted according to the Custom of those times Honours directed to appease the Fierce Youth King Alonso had not the same Character in all parts In Spain he was hated by his Subjects and not much beloved by the Neighbouring Princes Abroad the Fame of
his Nephew P●t●r de Luna but the King not approving of him the Bishop of Siguença Vicar of the Archbishoprick had charge of it for some Years till the Popes election took place The Joy and Devotion of the great Year of Jubilee 1400 was much lessen'd by the Schism in the Church tho the Christian Princes us'd all possible Means to put an end to it To this purpose for the humbling the Obduracy of Pope Benedict the King of Castile at the perswasions of D. Peter Hernandez de 〈◊〉 Cardinal of Spain publickly disown'd him Yet the King of Aragon interposing three Years after he submitted to him again From Lag●●doc and Catalo●●a the Plague spread over all Spain with such a mighty Mortality that it oblig'd the King of Castile to give leave to Widows to marry the same Year their Husbands dy'd which before was forbidden The King generally resided at Sevil that being a Pleasant and Healthy place and he very ●ickly In July the first Clock was fixing in the Steeple of the Cathedral for there were no such Clocks before in Spain and a great Bell to it the King Noble● and a Multitude of People being present when on a sudden a Storm rising a flash of Lightning kill'd several Men. This being taken as an ill Omen Processions were made to appease God's Wr●th Near the Town of Nieb●● 5 Leagues from Segovia an Image of our Blessed Lady was 〈◊〉 and many People devoutly resorting thither to visit it Queen Cath●rine built there a Church for it with a Monastery of Dominican● adjoyning to it which drew many 〈◊〉 and settle there so that in our Days it is grown up to be a pretty considerable 〈◊〉 ●●●P V. The Death of the 〈…〉 Sicily Of Tamerlan and Bajazet Pope Benedict again received in Castile The King of Castile has a Son born Pope Boniface dies Innocent the VII●● chosen at Ro●● THE Lady Violante Daughter to John King of Aragon was during her Father's Life contracted to Luis 〈◊〉 Anjo● as was said before Her Marriage was delay'd because she 〈◊〉 under Age and 〈◊〉 Year it ●●s concluded upon She was to have 160000 Florins Portion and he to swe●● never to lay any claim to the Crown of Aragon in her Right This done she was nobly Conducted into France to her Husband In the Month of March 1401 the King of Castile assembled the Cortes at Tordesillas where many good Laws were enacted particularly to restrain the Avarice of the Farmers of the Revenue and Officers of Justice In the Month of May Mary Queen of Sicily dy'd at Catane● as was thought of Grief for the Death of her Son who ended his Days at 〈◊〉 Age of 7 Years Both the Mother and Son were bury'd in that City However her 〈◊〉 next of Blood remain'd King and all the Nobility aim'd to marry their Daughters 〈◊〉 to him He marryed Blanch third Daughter to the King of Navarre who afterwards inherited her Father's Kingdom The Kings of Aragon and Nava●●● met upon this Account on the Frontiers there the 〈◊〉 deliver'd his Daughter to the 〈◊〉 in Law who sent her from Valencia to Sicily in a ●●eet commanded by D. Bernard de Cabrera but her Departure and Marriage was in the Year 1402. In November the same Year the Queen of Castile was deliver'd of a Daughter call'd Mary who was afterwards marry'd to her Cousin German Alonso King of Aragon and Naples but they had no Issue for she prov'd Barren After the Defeat of the French and Hungarians at Nicopolis Bajazet Emperor of the Turks lay'd Siege to Constantinople At the same time Tamerlan the Tartar with an incredible Army as is reported of 40000 Horse and 600000 Foot overran all the East His Custom was when he sat down before a City the first Day to put up white Colours in token of Mercy the second Day they were red to denote he would shed the Blood of the Inhabitants and the third black which signify'd the utter Desolation of the Place It happen'd the City Berytus did not surrender before the second Day and then sent out their Women and Children cloath'd in White with Boughs in their Hands to appease him but he nothing mov'd caus'd his Horse to trample them to Death A Genoese who follow'd his Camp took the Boldness upon this Occasion to put him in mind he was a Man and he with a furious Countenance answer'd Dost thou think I am a Man I am no such I am the Scourge of God and Plague of Mankind Baj●zet seeing all Asia was in danger of being lost rais'd the Siege of Constantinople and pass'd over into Asia On that part of Mount Taurus call'd Stella they came to a Battle and after a mo●● Bloody Dispute 200000 Men being slain Bajazet was overthrown and taken Him Tamerlan put into a Cage and in that manner carry'd him about Asia treading on his Shoulder every time he mounted a Horse-back and feeding him like a Dog with bits thrown from his Table King Henry of Castile though sickly attended the Affairs of the Government and sent Embassies to all parts and particularly to the Levant he sent Pelayo de Sotomay●● and ●●●dinand de Palaçuelos who were present at that famous Battle between the Turks and Tartars Tamerlan treated them courteously and at their return to Spain sent along with them an Embassador of his own to settle Peace and Unity with the King of Spain He having concluded his Negociation return'd home accompanied by three Spanish Embassadors who writ a Journal of that Embassy which is still Extant Tamerl●n's Glory was not lasting At his return home he built a beautiful City which he called Mercanti He left two Sons who differing about the Inheritance tore in 〈◊〉 the Empire purchas'd by their Father This Year was unhappy to the Portugueses and Navarrois for the Heirs of both Kingdoms dy'd D. Alonso eldest Son to the King of Portugal was but 12 Years of Age. He was bury'd in the Cath●●ral of Braga This Loss was the more tolerable for that there were several Brothers besides as the Princes Edward Peter Henry John and Ferdinand and two Sisters Blanch and Elizabeth At Painplona dy'd the Princes Charles 5 Years and L●●ys but 6 Months 〈…〉 were bury'd in that Cathedral The Grief of the Navarrois was the more inconsolable for that there remain'd never an Heir-male and the Crown must of course fall to the Female This Wi●●er at the end of the present Year and beginning of that of our Lord 1403 the Rains were so great in Spain that most Rivers overflow'd doing great harm Particularly Guadalquivir swell'd above the Wa●●s of Sevil and came as far as the Church of St. Michael Alonso Perez then Governour by his Industry prevented much Mischief that might have been done The See of Toledo was vacant since the Death of the late Archbishop D. Peter T●●orio This was caus'd by the Discord betwixt the Popes for Castile had
with 4000 Aragonian Horse and 2000 Foot to invade the Duke's Territories on the side of Alexandria la Palla Ferdinand the King's Son and Duke of Calabria who had now 3 Children Alonso Frederick and Ellenor had 6000 Horse and 2000 Foot to make War upon the Florentines He entred the Territories of Cortona and Arezo wasted the Country burnt the Villages and took the considerable Town of Toyano He also overthrew Astor de Faenca who came first to the Assistance of the Florentines whereupon some other Castles were taken On the other side Antony Oleina having made himself Master of Vado a Town in the Territory ceased not thence to infest the Lands of the Florentines The War went on no less vigorously in the Dutchy of Milan Francis Sforcia endeavoured to draw Renée Duke of Anjou to his Assistance promising when that War was ended to aid him in recovering the Kingdom of Naples Renee found the Passes on the Mountains guarded by the Duke of Savoy and Marques of Montferrat and therefore came to Genoa by Sea with only two Ships and a small Retinue which soon rendred him contemptible Luis Dauphin of France who was afterwards King came as far a Ast with Forces to favour the Dukes of Milan and Anjou but at the end of three Months that Army returned into France without doing any Thing Thus the Affairs of the Milaneses and Florentines were in a dangerous Posture but the Ruin of others proved their Safety The loss of Constantinople inclined all Parties to harken to Peace and the more readily because it was given out the Turk design'd to pass over into Italy Simon de Camerino an Augustin Fryar a Man more active and fit for Business than Learned took such pains that in April he concluded a League betwixt the Venetians Florentines and Milaneses which was afterwards ratifyed in August The King of Aragon complained of the Falshood of the Venetians in that they should conclude any Confedracy without his Knowledge or Consent Hereupon he recalled his Son from Florence to Naples The Venetians Florentines and Milaneses fearing to offend so powerful a King sent Embassadors to him to excuse their Hastiness in concluding the League whereof they still offered to make him the Head begging if still he thought them faulty that he would forgive it To back them the Pope also sent the Cardinal of Fermo his Legate to the King He in a long Harrangue laid before him the Danger that threatned from the Turks offered him in the Name of the Confederates to be Head and General of the League and prayed he would not obstruct the Peace of Italy The King answered he neither began the War nor would be any hindrance to the Peace that he forgave the Affront done him in making any Confederacy without his Knowledge and was ready to take upon him the Command against the Infidels After the King had given his Answer the Articles of the League made betwixt the Venetians Florentines and Milaneses were read and were to this Effect That the Venetians Francis Sforcia and the Florentines shall inviolably observe what is here agreed unto among the Confederates for the term of 25 Years and longer if it shall be so thought fit and be in perfect League and Friendship with King Alonso of Aragon for the publick Peace of Italy and to oppose the Designs of the Turks That King Alonso shall defend the Venetians Milaneses and Florentines as if they were his own Subjects against all Enemies either Italians or Forreigners That in time of Peace to be in a readiness for any sudden War the King Venetians and Francis Sforcia be obliged to keep each of them in constant Pay 8000 Horse and 4000 Foot and the Florentines 5000 Horse and 2000 Foot well armed and equipped That if any War break out none of the Confederates shall make Peace without the Consent of the others nor joyn in League with any State in Italy without the Concurrence of all That if any of the Confederates be invaded each of the others be obliged immediately to send to their Assistance half his Horse and Foot which shall not be recalled till the War is ended That whosoever shall receive such Succour be obliged to assign them Quarters and furnish them with Provisions and other Necessaries at the same rates as the Natives have it That if any of the Confederates shall make War upon another of the Allyes then the others be obliged to send the same Supplies to him that is attack'd as if the other were none of the Confederates and yet the League to stand good in all other Respects That if any of the Allyes be invaded none of the others shall give his Enemies Passage through his Country or furnish them with Provisions but rather oppose them with all his Power These Conditions with only some small Amendments were approved of by the King All the Cities and States of Italy were included in the Confederacy except the Genoeses Sigismund Malatesta and Astor de Faença who were not admitted by the King The Genoeses because they observed not the Articles of Peace concluded on some Years before Sigismund and Astor because after receiving Mony from the King of Aragon for to pay their Men they went over to the Enemy This League it was generally hoped would advance the publick Interest of Christendom but all fell to nothing by the Death of Pope Nicholas who supported this great Colossus and departed this Life on the 24th of March. Within 14 Days the Cardinals elected in his place Cardinal Alonso Borgia who had before vowed and given it under his Hand if he were chosen Pope he would make War on the Turks calling himself Calixtus so great was his Assurance of obtaining that Dignity it being as was given out foretold him when a Child by F. Vincent Ferrer To requite whom for that Prophecy he Canonized him as he did S. Edmund an Englishman This Pope was born at Xativa in the Kingdom of Valencia of mean Parentage but he never did any thing that was little He proved a constant Enemy to the King of Aragon either because he thought it conduced to his Grandeur or that as it generally happens he hated him being more obliged than was in his Power to pay Thus he could never be prevailed upon to grant a new Bull of Investiture of the Kingdom of Naples to the King and his Son He was more studious of advancing his Kindred than became him for in one Day he made his two Nephews John Mila and Roderick Borgia Cardinals He also constituted Peter Borgia Brother to Roderick Vicar General of all the State of the Church Pope Alexander and Duke Valentine two Persons afterwards odious to the World for their wicked Practices were Branches that sprang from this Papacy Peace was ratifyed betwixt Castile and Aragon and the King of Navarre as had been agreed ceased pretending to any Towns in Castile receiving a Pension in lieu of them The Tumults in Navarre did not cease
Humility and Modesty About the same time dyed D. Alonso de Cartagena Bishop of Burgos who composed some Books among them a short History of the Kings of Spain in Latin called Anacephaleosis his other Works are all mentioned in the History called Valeriana D. Luis de Acuna succeeded him in the Bishoprick CHAP. X. The new War at Naples upon the Death of King Alonso and Succession of his Bastard Son Ferdinand Pope Calixtus dies Pius the II. succeeds him Alcazar on the Coast of Africk taken by the King of Portugal Prodigies in Spain KING Alonso's Death put an end to the Peace of Italy and the Kingdom of Naple which seemed to be setled was again perplexed with new Troubles A new War broke out there in such manner that it rather seemed conquered anew than preserved Ferdinand King of Naples had good Natural Parts improved with Learning and no less Experience of Military Affairs He was inferior to none in all sorts of Many Exercises and Inured to suffer Hardships In his Conversation courteous and affable All these good Qualities could not gain him the Affections of the Nobility who bore him perfect hatred Charles Prince of Viana was perswaded to pretend to that Crown as appertaining to him of Right He was willing to harken to these Insinuations and rather wanted Strength than Will to attempt it Some offered to stand by him but he durst not rely on them knowing how much easier it is to promise than to perform It was impossible these Contrivances could be kept private therefore the Prince fearing the new King sailed over into Sicily there to wait the Event of those Affairs Whilst he lived there in Banishment he had by a mean Woman called Capa two Sons Philip and John and by Mary Armendaria the Wife that had been of Francis Barhastre a Daughter called Ann afterwards married to D. Luis de la Cerda first Duke of Medina Celi Notwithstanding all his Practices King Ferdinand payed him a Pension of 12000 Ducats a Year left him by his Father Prince Charles his Departure into Sicily did not discourage the Nobility of Naples The Prince of Taranto and Marques of Cotron sent to invite King John of Aragon to come and accept of that Kingdom but he content with what he had secure made no account of their offer He set out from Tudela and having received the News of his Brother's Death came to Zaragoça where he took possession of the Kingdom of Aragon not as Lieutenant as he was before but as Proprietor The storm raised by Pope Calixtus from whom it had been least expected was great He said that Kingdom which was a Feof of the Church ought not to have been given to a Bastard and therefore pretended it was again forfeited to the See Apostolick This was believed to be only a Colour and that his Aim was to secure that Kingdom for Peter Borgia whom he had created Duke of Spoleto a City in Vmbria An extravagant Ambition much misbecoming his Age and the high Dignity God had raised him to This was supposed would prove the cause of a new War and every Body feared the late Calamities would again be renewed King Ferdinand desiring to reconcile and appease the Pope wrote a very submissive Letter to him a●cesting his respect to the Church and particularly to his Person putting him in mind that he had been bred under him as his Scholar and came over into Italy with him and therefore prayed to be looked upon as a Son and treated as such promising on his part to act accordingly This Letter had no effect upon the Pope who began to sollicit all the Princes and Cities of Italy to take Arms but all his Contrivances were disappointed by Death He departed this Life upon the 6th of August happily and in good Season for the Kingdom of Naples In his Place was elected Aeneas Silvius a Native of Siona of the Family of Picolomini who in all Respects acted suitable to the Name he took which was Pius the II. for he restored Peace to Italy and used his utmost endeavours to renew the War with the Turks He confirmed the Kingdom of Naples to Ferdinand only adding this Provisu that it should not be found to be done in wrong of any other He summoned a General Council to meet at Mantra in order to treat in it of the Expedition against the Turk The Neapolitans once having began to raise Commotions could not be so easily quelled The Calabrians took Arms and John Duke of Lorrain being invited from Genoa where he then was arrived on the Coast of Naples with a Fleet of 23 Galleys The chief cause of these Tumults was Abtony Centellas Marques of Girachi and Croten who to revenge the wrong he pretended done his Father by King Alonso doubted not to prefer the Dominion of the French before that of the Spaniards tho descended himself from Spain These Troubles were very great and lasted long therefore it would be too tedious to relate all the Particulars of them it will be properer for our History to return to Spain In Castile King Henry raised mean Persons to high Posts and Dignities He made Michael Lucas de Trançu born at Belmonte a Town in the Country of la Mancha Constable of Castile and gave him the Town of Agreda and Castle of Veraton and Bormediano Gomez de Solis who took the Name of Ga●ere● from his Country and was Steward of the Houshold was by the Knights of Alcantara to please the King chosen Master of that Order in the Place of D. Gutierre de Sotomayor To the Brothers of these two the King gave plentiful Estates To John de Valençuela the grand Priorship of S. John These Men he designed should stand by him against the Nobility who were disgusted His ordinary Residence was at Madrid where he wholly gave himself up to Pleasure without applying himself to the Government This extraordinary Negligence drew him into great Inconveniences and no less could be expected since he used to sign all Orders or Grants without reading or knowing what was contained in them The Revenue could not answer the vast Expence of his Houshold and other Prodigalities James Arias his Treasurer finding a fit Opportunity gave him to understand as much advising him to Retrench the number of his Servants since many of them only wasted the Revenue with their Salaries and were of no manner of use This advice did not please the King who presently answered Were I Peter Arias I should have more regard to Mony than to Generosity You speak like your self and I will do as becomes a King without fear of coming to Poverty or having occasion to raise new Tares It is the Duty of Kings to give and to measure their Power not by themselves but by the publick Good which is the true fruit of Riches To some we give because they are Serviceable to others that they may not be Wicked Words well becoming a great Prince had his Actions
the Wall The Besieged resolved to quit the Bulwark which when they saw covered with the Enemy they blew up and sallying upon such as had escaped that danger put them to the Sword so that above 400 perished Fresh Forces still resorting to the Duke of Alva his Army was now increased to 400 Men at Arms 1500 Horse and 10000 Foot With this Power on the 13th of October he marched down and stood till Sun-set before the French Camp The Enemy would not leave their Works tho our Cannon played upon them and did some Execution At this time the Catholick King came to Girona to gather the Forces that were coming from Castile no fewer in number than those at Perpignan and better Armed He gave out he would attack the French in their Works if they refused to march out A Fleet was also provided under the Command of Estopin̄an for the Coast of Roussillon but was not yet come Whilst the King drew all his Forces to that part 19 Sail of Moors took the opportunity to do some harm upon the Coasts of Valencia and Granada Martin Hernandez Galindo Admiral of the Coast of Granada met them near Cartagena where after a hot Dispute they were all burnt or sunk This Joyful News being brought to the King he set out from Girona and came to Perpignan on the 19th of October There understanding the Distress of the Besieged he resolved that part of his Army should attack the French on the side next to France and the rest on the opposite part For the better effecting of it he first assaulted and took a Wooden Fort the French had raised to secure the passage into France The loss of that Fort and approach of the King so dismayed the Enemy that they drew off their Artillery that night to the Road of Narbonne and the day following marched off leaving part of their Baggage and Ammunition At first they came down into the Plain as if they had designed to fight but immediately wheeled off towards Narbonne The Aragonian and Catalonian Horse falling in upon their Rear made them abandon some of their Artillery and Baggage yet tho the King came up in Person the Enemy having their Retreat near at hand got off The King entring France took Leocata and some other Places about it On the 24th of October was born at Lisbon the Princess Elizabeth afterwards Empress and Queen of Spain Soon after came Ambassadors from France by whom a Truce was concluded for 5 Months betwixt the two Kings exclusive of Naples Thus the War ceasing the Marquess de Denia was left to Command on those Frontiers with 1000 Men at Arms 2000 Light Horse and 3000 Foot D. Dinas de Requesens was made Governor of Salsas and then the King returned to Barcelona Thence he sent Michael John Gralla and Antony Augustin his Ambassadors into France to endeavour to settle the Affairs of Naples for which the Catholick King was in Care because Supplies were going thither from France but chiefly because upon the Death of Pope Pius III. the Cardinal of S. Peter had been Elected Pope on the first of November by the Name of Julius II. He was by Birth a Genoese but in Assection a Frenchman and it was feared lest he should embroil all Italy Duke Valentin had influenced this Election At this time the Archduke departed out of Savoy to see his Father who advised him not to press the observation of the Peace he concluded with France He also offered if the Catholick King would furnish him with Money to make War in Lombardy but the Catholick King reposing no great Confidence in him time was delayed and nothing concluded It began now plainly to appear that the Princess Joanna was distracted which much troubled her Parents She pressed to be gone to her Husband and her Mother put her off with good Words because the Season was not proper It came to that that she offered to depart afoot from Mota de Medina where she was kept No way was left to stop her but taking up the Draw-bridge She perceiving she could not get away stayed at the Farriers and there eat and lay in a Kitchin not regarding the Coldness of the Weather and inconveniency of the place Neither could D. John de Fonseca Bishop of Cordova who was with her or the Archbishop of Toledo who came on purpose prevail with her to return to her Chamber till the Queen came who was sick at Segovia To please her she ordered a Fleet to be Rigged at Laredo to carry her as soon as the Weather would permit to Flanders whither her Husband the Archduke was come after his long stay in France and Savoy The French Army in Italy marched very slowly towards Naples They marched through Florence and Siena without any let under the Command of the Marquess of Mantua The Lord de la Trimouille being sick followed after but went no farther than Rome That City would not admit the French but suffered them to pass the River Tiber at the Bridge called Molle which is two miles from thence The Great Captain was in care how to continue the Siege of Gaeta and oppose those Forces that came to relieve it Francis de Rojas the Spanish Ambassador at Rome very opportunely supplied him with 2000 Spanish German and Italian Foot he gathered in that City and 100 Light Horse and made up 200 Germans and 500 Italians to send after the others D. Hugo de Moncada who had been in the Service of Duke Valentin led these Men. This Supply came very opportunely because the Siege of Salsas hindred any Succours coming from Spain As soon as the Great Captain understood the Enemy approached to the Borders of the Kingdom he marched with all his Army from Castellan towards them The first day he came to the River Garellano and leaving Peter de Paz with a Party to secure a Pass there advanced himself to S. German Then the French Army lay at Pontecorvo a Town of the Church only 6 miles off It was reported they were 1000 Curassiers 2000 Light Horse and 9000 Foot most of them Italians They had 36 Pieces of Cannon whereof 16 were large the rest Field Pieces Peter Navarro advanced with a Body to attack the Castle of Montecasino which still held for the French It was carried by main force to the great shame of the French who lay in sight and durst not relieve it It was given out the Duke of Mantua used to boast he desired nothing more than to come to a Battle with that Rabble The Great Captain encamped within a mile of him and then sent to offer him Battle since he was so desirous of it He answered they would meet at Garellano which River he would pass in despight of him This River has its Springs in Abruzzo and runs between S. German and the Lands of the Church in a narrow Channel but so deep it is scarce fordable There was no Bridge thereabouts but that of Pontecorvo
Africa but the truth was they undertook this War at the Instigation of the French King whose Embassadors were aboard the Fleet. Anno 1552. Four Divines or Ministers of Wittemberg the chief of whom was Brencius came to Trent They presented to the Council a Book called the Wittemberg Confession All this was only to amuse the Council till such time as Duke Maurice had raised Men and made other warlike Preparations On the 2d of April News was brought to Trent that he had seized the City Ausburg and that the Emperor was in danger at Inspruck which caused the Council on a sudden to break up On the other side Albertus Marquis of Brandenburg possessed himself of Treves and the French of all Lorrain The Emperor was much perplex'd not being able to withstand so many Enemies He resolved to release the Duke of Saxony and the Landtgrave which pacified Duke Maurice On the Borders of Italy whither in the first Consternation he retired Forces flock'd to him from all Parts However he pardon'd the Marquis of Brandenburg designing to make use of him against the French This done he laid Siege to Metz with a great Army on the 20th of October but many of his Men perishing by reason of the badness of the Weather he was forced to quit that Enterprize On the 2d of December this Year departed this Life the Blessed F. Francis Xaverius as he was going to China He was a Native of Navarre and one of the Ten first Companions of S. Ignatius He preached among the barbarous People of India Japan and other Parts and was doubtless a Man of singular Sanctity and admirable in his Life His Body is preserved entire in the Church of his Order at Goa he being Canonized D. Peter de Toledo was Viceroy of Naples at such time as Ferdinand de Sanseverino Prince of Salerno caused the Turkish Fleet under the Command of Rustan Bassa to come against that City His Treason being discover'd he fled to Venice for which cause the Fleet returned to Constantinople without attempting any thing Only near the Island Ponça they met Andrew Doria overthrew his Fleet and took 7 of his Galleys The Prince of Salerno having declared himself went away to the Port to incite him the next Year to send another Fleet. The Emperor had put a Garison into Siena under the Command of D. James de Mendoza upon occasion of the Tumults and Factions in that City and to prevent its being deliver'd to the French D. James for his greater security raised a Fort for the Garison The Citizens suspecting this tended to deprive them of their Liberty put themselves under the Protection of France and then taking Arms expelled the Garison razing the Fort from the very Foundations which necessitated them to prepare for the ensuing War and for the Siege which was laid to the Place by D. Peter de Toledo in pursuance of the Emperor's commands This Year died at Florence Paulus Jovius at Ferrara Lillus Gregorius Giraldus and at Salamanca Ferdinand Pincianus the Greek Commentator Anno 1553. King Edward of England departed this Life on the 16th of July his Sister Queen Mary succeeded him tho opposed by many She being possessed of the Crown restor'd the Catholick Religion D. Peter de Toledo lying at the Siege of Siena died in the House of his Son-in-Law Cosmo de Medicis Duke of Florence His Forces return'd to Naples upon a Report of the approach of the Turkish Fleet under the command of the afore-mention'd Prince of Salerno This Fleet appear'd before Naples but there happening no Mutiny in the City it sailed on to Corsica great part whereof the Turks possessed themselves of it being subject to the Genoeses This Year John Prince of Portugal Married Joanna the Emperor's Daughter with great Solemnity but the Joy of this Match was not lasting Anno 1554. Before a Year was gone about after his Marriage the said Prince John died at Lisbon the 2d of January His Body was buried at the Monastery of Bethlem near Lisbon On the 20th of January his Wife was deliver'd of a Son who of the Day of his Birth was called Sebastian He was of a Noble and truly Royal Spirit but lived not long His Mother went away to Castile to govern those Kingdoms because her Brother Prince Philip was going away to be Married The new Queen of England desiring to secure her self in the Throne thought fit to chuse a Resolute and Powerful Husband and found none fitter for her purpose than Philip Prince of Spain to whom the Emperor his Father had on the last of October before resign'd up the Kingdom of Naples and Dukedom of Milan All Points being adjusted the Prince went over into England where the Marriage was Solemnized at Winchester on the 25th of July being St. James's Day Cardinal Reginald Poole was present being the Pope's Legate of the Blood Royal of England and great Sanctity of Life to reduce that Kingdom as he did to the Obedience of the Church of Rome Our Forces return'd to the Siege of Siena and the Marquis de Marignano the Emperor's General overthrew in Battel near that City Peter Strozzi a Banish'd Florentin sent by the French King with Forces to relieve the Besieged and drive the Imperialists out of Milan Anno 1555. Pope Julius died at Rome the 23d of March and on the 10th of April Cardinal Marcellus Gerninus born at Montepulchiano was chosen to succeed him and kept his former Name He held S. Peter's Chair only 22 days wherefore on the 23th of May Cardinal John Peter Garrasa born at Naples of noble Birth and a great Spirit was Elected in his room He took the Name of Paul IVth and governed the Church 4 Years 2 Months and 27 Days At length the City Siena tired with the Miseries of a long Siege was surrendred to the Emperor D. Francis de Mendoça Cardinal of Burgos was sent from Rome to settle the Government of that City At the Suit and Intercession of Cardinal Alexander Farnesius the Emperor pardoned his Brother Duke Octavius but kept in his hands the Citadel of Plasencia where a Spanish Garrison was left which King Philip the Second some Years after withdrew D. Ferdinand of Toledo Duke of Alva was at this time Viceroy of Naples he was ordered to march to Milan to oppose the Mareschal de Brissac who made War on that side for the King of France tho not with much vigor King Philip the Summer being well advanced departed out of England and came to Brussels where the Emperor his Father resigned up to him all his Kingdoms being desirous to take his repose as he accordingly did the Year following when having given up the Empire to his Brother Ferdinand he with his two Sisters the two Queens Ellenor and Mary went over into Spain and made choice for his retreat of the Monastery of S. Justa of the Order of S. Hierome in the territory of Plasencia
with Sardinia 272 Seeks Aid against the French 226 King of England Prepares to invade France 545 King of Granada murder'd 251 King of Leon makes War upon his Son the King of Castile 199 King of Majorca delivers himself to the King of Aragon 205 King of Morocco comes to assist King Alonso of Castile 222 King of Navarre murders the Cnostable of France 273 Uses Means to recover his Possessions in France 322 King and Queen of Navarre Excommunicated 546 King of Portugal invades Castile 237 Sworn Heir of Castile 481 Kings alike in the manner of their Death 144 Of Aragon and Castile join againd Navarre Of Aragon and Navarre Prisoners Set at Liberty 361 Of Castile and Aragon meet Of Castile and Aragon Invade the Moors 215 Of Castile and Navarre meet 305 Of Castile and Portugal after their Victory return to Sevil 264 Of France and Aragon meet and are reconcil'd 213 Of Portugal and Castile meet 416 Of the Moors 116 Knights of Alcantara their Original 194 Of Calatrava their Original 176 Of Montesa in Aragon and of Christ in Portugal Instituted 249 Of Santiago or S. James the Apostle 244 Increase of these Knights 245 Templers Hospitallers c. 103 Templers destroy'd 244 Their Possessions in Spain 245 L. Lancaster Duke lands at Coruna 303 Lara's Family conspires against the young King of Castile 196 Seize the Government into their hands The Archbishop obliges them to take an Oath Alvaro the Elder of them Excommunicated Seizes upon the Queen's Lands and banishes her 198 Is taken by the King and set at Liberty 199 His and his Brother Ferdmand's Death 200 Lautrech in Guipuzcoa 551 Laws establish'd by King Wamba 94 League betwixt Castile and Aragon renew'd 174 176 Against Peter Ruiz de Azagra 180 Against Castile 184 Betwixt Castile and Aragon 233 221 Against the French 468 Against the Venetians 509 Offensive and Defensive betwixt the two Kings of Spain 519 Of Cambray 532 For Defence of the Church 544 Learned Spaniards ●50 Legate makes Peace among Christian Princes 183 Lelius successful against Viriatus 36 Leo King of Armenia in Spain 297 Leo the 10th Chosen Pope 553 Leon City built 55 Taken with other Places by the Infidels 128 Taken by the Christians 104 Leon Kingdom rebels 128 Lepidus the Consul routed with the Loss of 6000 Romans 39 Leuvigildus drives the Romans out of Spain Chooses his two Sons Companions with him in the Throne 78 Besieges Sevil. 80 Persecutes the Catholicks His Death 81 Causes of his Conversion He was the first Goth that us'd the Royal Ornaments 82 Liberty of Conscience 62 Licinius Nerva 32 Licinius Lucullus 34 His Barbarous Cruelty 35 Licinius Larcius Governs Spain 54 Lisbon taken by King Alonso the 2d of Leon. 109 Besieg'd taken by King Alonso the first of Portugal 171 Besieg'd and the Siege rais'd 300 Liuva succeeds his Father Recaredus Is murder'd 86 Longin us in Danger of being murder'd for his Avarice and Cruelty Is cast away going to Italy 46 D Lope de Haro Favourite to King Sancho thi 3d of Castile 229 Is kill'd at Court 230 Love Adventure 331 Loxa City besieged by the Christian without Success Taken with other Places 449 D. Lucas de Tuy a famous Writer 204 Lucius Canulcyus 32 Luis the younger King of France comes into Spain His Entertainment 174 Luis the 9th King of France sends Presents to Toledo and undertakes the Conquest of the Holy Land Fol. 211 p. 2 Dies and Philip succeeds 249 Luis the 10th King of France dies 559 Luis the 11th King of France dies 436 Luis the 12th King of France dies 481 Luis Duke of Orleans murder'd 326 Luis Duke of Anjou Adopted Heir of Naples 344 Luis Sforza Duke of Milan 466 Luna Town built 155 Lusitani so call'd from Lusus 8 M. Macedonius his Heresy condemn'd 65 Madrid taken and ruin'd 122 Mahomet the Founder of Mahometisme born A. M. 5800 79 Mahomet usurps the Kingdom of Cordova and secures Hissem Is overthrown and 30000 of his Men slain 131 Mahomet inthron'd by the Abenhumeyas 133 Mahomet King of Granada in Africk 256 Is murder'd 257 Mahomet King of Granada dies 295 Mahomet King of Granada expell'd by his Subjects 341 Restor'd 348 Again expell'd and restor'd 356 Imprison'd 372 Mahomet usurps the Crown of Granada 318 Is depos'd 380 Mahometan Power its Increase 90 Majorca City taken by Storm 205 Majorca sabdned by the Aragonians 265 Malecontents in Andaluzia 530 Mancmus succeeds Pupilinus 38 Concludes a dishonourable Peace with the Numantians and is deliver'd up to them 39 Mandonius and Indibilis revolt 30 Manlius Acidinus 32 Many Towns built and repair'd 123 Towns taken 151 Roman Colonies planted in Spain 50 Places taken by the Aragonians from the Moors 174 Nobles reduced Places taken by the Christians Fol 206 p. 2 Marcellus suceeds Fulvius 34 Marcius restores the Roman Power in Spain 26 Marcus Marcienus 32 Marcus Junius 32 Marcus Marcellus 32 Marius and Cinna 41 marquess de Villena his double Dealing 423 Marquess del Gasto comes over to the Spaniards 493 495 Marriages 187 Of King Henry's Bastards 295 King Ferdmand of Castile with the Princess of Portugal 240 Of Princes Of the Prince of Aragon with the Princess of Castile 337 Marseilles taken by the Aragonians 345 Martin de Freitas the Famous Loyal Governour of Coimbra 210 Martin the 4th Pope and the King of Aragon at variance 223 Martin the 5th Chosen Pope 338 Dies 354 Martin Lopez Master of Calatrava faithful to King Peter 288 Martin King df Aragon 316 Marries 329 Dies 330 Martin King of Sicily dies 328 Mary de Padilla Mistriss to King Peter 269 Dies 280 Declar'd by King Peter his lawful Wife 281 Mary Princess of Castile contracted to the King of Portugal 486 Mary Queen of Sicily dies 321 Mallacre of the French call'd the Sicilian Vespers 123 Massinissa joins with the Romans 29 Master of Alcantara cut off by the Moors 314 Master of Santiago strengthens himself against his Enemies 416 Dies 421 Masterships of Military Orders annex'd to the Crown 453 464 Mauregatus the Bastard aspires to the Crown assisted by the Moors 108 Reigns expelling King Alonso 109 Maxentius usurps the Empire 60 Maximilian Storcia Duke recovers Milan 552 Mazalquivir in Africk taken 513 Mecma besieg'd by the French 223 Memorable Siege of Astapa 29 Memorable Battel betwixt Christians and Infidels 111 The same renew'd Takes Name from the Town of Clavijo 112 Men famous for Learning and Sanctity 105 Merida reduced 100 Merines a Family among the Moors obtains the Empire of Africk 214 Method of reducing the rebellious Prelates 415 Metellus subdues the Celtiberi 37 Metellus sent by Sylla into Spain 42 Kills 20000 of Sertorius his Men. 43 Mighty Army of Christians in Castile 189 Divisions throughout Spain 241 Floods 354 Milan recever'd by the French 561 Minorea and Yvica Islands conquer'd 206 Miraculous Victory of 1000 Christians 103 Miraculous Tryal of a Bishop 113 Miserable Slaughter 92 Mithridates sends Ambassadors to
Alonso of Portugal takes the Title of King His Wars with the Moors War betwixt the Christian Princes and Peace concluded Baeça and Almeria taken by the King of Castile and Lisbon by him of Portugal p. 169 The Eleventh BOOK Chap. I. THE coming into Spain of the Moors call'd Almohades The Death of D. Garcia King of Navarre by a fall from his Horse his Son Sancho succeeds him King Alonso and his Daughter both Marry'd Many Places taken from the Moors p. 171 Chap. II. King Luis the Younger of France comes into Spain Alonso of Castile and Leon call'd the Emperor dies His Sons Sancho and Ferdinand inherit the Crowns of Castile and Leon. Original of the Knights of Calatrava p. 174 Chap. III. The Death of Sancho King of Castile The great Commotions that ensu'd The Death of Raymund Prince of Aragon his Issue Alonso his eldest Son succeeds in his Dominions p. 176 Chap. IV. Alonso the young King of Castile takes upon him the Government recovers most of his Dominions joyns in League with the Aragonian and Marries Ellenor the Daughter to Henry II. King of England Some Actions of Ferdinand King of Leon. p. 178 Chap. V. The League made against Peter Ruiz de Açagra The Original of the Knights of Santiago The taking of Cuenca by the Christians Increase of the Knights of Santiago or S. James the Apostle Several Places in Navarre taken by the Castilians p. 180 Chap. VI. Rebellion in the Kingdom of Leon suppress'd Alonso King of Portugal taken by Ferdinard of Leon and set at liberty Being Besieg'd in Santarem by the Moors is reliev'd by him He Vanquishes the Infidels Actions of his Son Sancho p. 182 Chap. VII The Death of the Kings of Leon and Portugal Alliances betwixt the Kings of Spain The Defeat of the Christians at Alarcos Sancho the Wise King of Navarre dies Sancho I. King of Portugal Alonso IX of Leon. p. 183 Chap. VIII King Alonso of Aragon dies and his Son Peter succeeds him The King of Leon Divorc'd Castilians and Aragonians over-run Navarre Alonso King of Castile 's two Daughters Marry'd to the Kings of England and Leon. Plague and Famine in Spain p. 186 Chap. IX The Marriage of the King of Aragon and Death of some Persons of Note Peace concluded and Alliance betwixt all the Christian Kings of Spain The beginning of the War with the Moors A vast Multitude of Foreigners comes to the Assistance of the Christian Kings of Spain p. 187 Chap. X. The further Progress of the Christian Army which obtains a most signal Victory over the Infidels of whom 200000 are slain and this call'd the Battle of Navas de Tolosa Many Towns taken after this Success p. 189 The Twelfth BOOK Chap. I. THE Original and Growth of the Heresie of the Albigenses which spread all over France and some part of Spain Preaching against them unsuccessful War is resolv'd upon p. 191 Chap. II. The Death of Peter King of Aragon and of Alonso King of Castile Simon Earl of Montfort General of the Catholicks Overthrows the Hereticks and takes the Towns they had possessed themselves of p. 193 Chap. III. Disorders in Castile and Aragon under the two Infant Kings Sancho King of Navarre altogether decripid The Lateran General Council Honours done there to the Archbishop of Toledo p. 195 Chap. IV. The Family of Lara take the Government of Castile into their Hands They commit many Insolencies and oppress the Nobility Young King Henry Marry'd and Divorc'd The King of Aragon escapes from his Keepers p. 197 Chap. V. Great Disorders in Castile rais'd by the Family of Lara Young King Henry kill'd by the fall of a Tile Ferdinand Prince of Leon succeeds his Mother Berengaria renouncing her Right Orders of S. Dominick S. Francis and La Merced Instituted p. 198 Chap. VI. The Marriages of two Kings Ferdinand of Castile and Jayme of Aragon King Ferdinand quells many Commotions Death of the Kings of France and Portugal p. 200 Chap. VII King Ferdinand of Castile 's great Success against the Moors King Jayme of Aragon seiz'd by some Rebellious Nobles makes his escapes and commences War against the Rebels p. 202 Chap. VIII The War with the Moors renew'd The Island of Majorca Conquer'd by the Aragonians The Popes Legate disanuls the Marriage of King Jayme on account of Consanguinity Raymund Earl of Toulouze a Heretick reduc'd p. 204 Chap. IX Alonso King of Leon defeats the Moors takes Merida and Badajoz and dies Crowns of Castile and Leon united under Ferdinand Sancho King of Navarre dies Theobald succeeds him Interviews of several Kings p. 205 Chap. X. The beginning progress and end of the War against Cordova with the Conquest of that Noble City p. 206 Chap. XI A Moorish King Baptiz'd Description of Valencia its Siege and Surrender to the King of Aragon who is wounded before it Theobald King of Navarre goes with others to the Holy-War p. 207 The Thirteenth BOOK Chap. I. THE taking of many Towns by the Christians The Kingdom of Murcia surrendred to King Ferdinand His Marriage Salamanca made an Vniversity 20000 Moors defeated by the Christians p. 208 Chap. II. A defeat of the Christians who recover and are successful take Jaen and many other Places The King of Granada made Tributary King Sancho II. of Portugal expell'd by his Rebellious Subjects p. 209 Chap. III. The beginning of the War against Sevil. Aragon under a General Interdict The Siege and Surrender of Sevil. Carmona and several other Places p. 210 Chap. IV. S. Luis King of France sends Presents to the Church of Toledo and makes an unfortunate Expedition to the Holy-Land Aragon embroyl'd King Ferdinand of Castile after gaining much from the Moors dies p. 211 Chap. V. The beginning of the Reign of King Alonso he is chosen Emperor by part of the Electors and Richard Duke of Cornwal by the rest Theobald I. King of Navarre dies his Son Theobald II. succeeds him p. 212 Chap. VI. Aragon and Castile at variance and reconcil'd Sancho King of Portugal dies in Exile Death of the Queen and Prince of Aragon Portugal under an Interdict Marriages of the King of of Navarre and Prince of Aragon p. 213 Chap. VII The Family of the Merines obtains the Empire of Africk The War against the Moors renew'd in Spain Cuidad Rodrigo built Troubles in Aragon The City Murcia taken and the King of Granada made Tributary p. 214 Chap. VIII The Kingdom of the Normans in Sicily extinguish'd by the French The Empress of Constantinople comes into Spain and Jayme King of Aragon to Toledo p. 215 Chap. IX The King of Aragon 's Expedition for the Holy-Land The Kings of France and Navarre and the eldest Son of the King of England move upon the same Enterprize The Nobles of Castile revolt Troubles in Aragon p. 216 Chap. X. Rodulphus of Ausburg chosen Emperor Henry King of Navarre dies His Daughter Joanna Inherits Alonso King of Castile agrees with his Nobles then goes into France
Queen Mother joyns them the King gets the better and Executes many of them p. 272 The Seventeenth BOOK Chap. I. THE beginning of the War in Aragon many Rebellious Nobles in Castile put to Death The War betwixt Castile and Aragon carry'd on by Sea and Land p. 275 Chap. II. The Kings of Castile and Aragon both call the Moors to their assistance The War is carry'd on vigorously on both sides The Castilians treacherous to their King He punishes many of them The Computation of Time in Aragon altered p. 277 Chap. III. The Death of Queen Blanch and D. Maria de Padilla Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon The War with the Moors and Death of their King The King of Aragon 's Daughter Marry'd to the King of Sicily p. 278 Chap. IV. Castile and Navarre joyn in League The War is carry'd on successfully against Aragon by King Peter of Castile who declares the Lady Mary de Padilla to have been his lawful Wife The Death of John King of France and Constance Queen of Aragon p. 281 Chap. V. Count Henry Proclaim'd King of Castile King Peter expell'd the Kingdom Refus'd Entertainment in Portugal gathers a Fleet in Galicia and flyes into France to the Protection of the English p. 282 Chap. VI. The War betwixt France Navarre and Aragon King Peter of Castile supported by the English in France is brought into Spain by the Prince of Wales with an Army Overthrows Henry the Vsurper and recovers his Kingdom p. 284 Chap. VII King Peter Excommunicated and Absolv'd Count Henry returns into Spain is again receiv'd by many Places Toledo opposes him and is Besieg'd King Peter comes to its relief is overthrown betray'd to and murder'd by Henry the Bastard p. 286 Chap. VIII Several Foreign Princes pretenders to the Crown of Castile War with Aragon Portugal and Granada Affairs of Aragon Sardinia and Navarre The League betwixt Portugal and Aragon p. 288 Chap. IX The Siege of Carmona The King of Portugal Marries the Lady Ellenor de Meneses Peace betwixt Castile Portugal and Navarre p. 289 Chap. X. Peace concluded betwixt Castile and Aragon Several Matches of Princes French and Spaniards Besiege Bayonne in vain The Papal Chair restored to Rome Death of Frederick King of Sicily p. 292 The Eighteenth BOOK Chap. I. THE Wars of Navarre Matches of some of King Henry 's Children The Schism in the Church caused by the Election of the two Popes Urban and Clement The Death of the King of Castile and of Mahomet the Moorish King of Granada p. 294 Chap. II. King John succeeds his Father in the Throne of Castile Charles King of France dies Charles VI. succeeds him Pope Clement own'd in Spain thro' the French Interest p. 296. Chap. III. Charles Duke of Durazzo Crown'd King of Naples The War with Portugal Peace concluded The King of Portugal dies Actions of the Aragonians and Catalonians in Greece and of the former in Sardinia p. 297 Chap. IV. Portugal full of Divisions about the Succession to the Crown King John of Castile having been Proclaim'd at Lisbon enters that Kingdom has many places deliver'd to him Besieges Lisbon but is forced to raise the Siege and return to Castile p. 299 Chap. V. John the Bastard Master of Avis Proclaim'd King of Portugal King John of Castile sends his Fleet then enters Portugal himself with an Army The famous Battle of Aljubarrota and rout of the Castilians p. 301 Chap. VI. The Portugueses make an Inroad into Castile and defeat a Body of Castilians The Duke of Lancaster lands at Corun̄a and takes several Towns The Death of the Kings of Naples Aragon and Navarre p. 303 Chap. VII Peace concluded with the English The Heir of Castile in imitation of the Prince of Wales in England is created Prince of Asturias A Truce with Portugal and the Moors King John of Castile kill'd by a Fall from his Horse p. 304 Chap. VIII John King of Aragon upon complaint of his Subjects complies with their demands Irruptions of the French into Aragon Henry III. Proclaim'd King of Castile The Form of Government appointed there during his Minority p. 307 Chap. IX The Contentions betwixt the Nobility of Castile about the Government They agree on a Settlement then alter it The Affairs of the Moors at Granada War renew'd with Portugal King Charles VI. of France runs distracted p. 308 Chap. X. The Divisions among the Nobility of Castile continue A Truce betwixt Castile and Portugal for 15 Years The Nobility at length pacify'd Sicily brought under the Aragonian Yoke p. 310 The Nineteenth BOOK Chap. I. KIng Henry takes upon him the Government The Cortes at Madrid Discontents among the Nobility The Death of the Master of Alcantara The Biscainers invade the Canary-Islands The Plague at Madrid p. 313 Chap. II. Another Rebellion in Castile quell'd by the King Pope Clement dies and Benedict XIII is Elected which continues the Schism The strange Death of John King of Aragon p. 315 Chap. III. The Queen of Navarre returns to her Husband The Earl of Faux invades Aragon The War betwixt Castile and Portugal renew'd Joseph King of Granada dies Mahomet his second Son Vsurps The Turks come over into Europe p. 317 Chap. IV. Two Franciscans Preaching to the Moors of Granada suffer Martyrdom The Truce with Portugal renew'd Two great Plagues in Spain and France The Year of Jubilee 1400. p. 319 Chap. V. The Death of the Queen of Sicily Of Tamerlan and Bajazet Pope Benedict again receiv'd in Castile The King of Castile has a Son born Pope Boniface dies Innocent VIII chosen at Rome p. 321 Chap. VI. Great Tumults in Aragon appeas'd by the Cortes A Battle betwixt the Castilians and the Moors The Cortes of Castile meet at Toledo and King Henry dies there A Notable Action of his p. 322 Chap. VII The Crown offer'd to Prince Ferdinand be refuses it John II. Proclaim'd King of Castile The Death of the Queen of Aragon The War of Granada Several Places taken by the Christians who also obtain a Victory at Sea p. 324 Chap. VIII The Murder of the Duke of Orleans by him of Burgundy The War carry'd on with the Moors and a Truce concluded Original of D. Alvaro de Luna Continuation of the Schism p. 326 Chap. IX The Death of Martin King of Sicily Several Pretenders to the Crown of Aragon Their several Claims Martin King of Aragon prefers that of his Nephew Prince Ferdinand of Castile tho' unjust p. 328 Chap. X. The Moors having done much harm in the Christian Territories Prince Ferdinand marches against them defeats them and takes Antequera and other Places Martin King of Aragon dies A Love Adventure p. 329 The Twentieth BOOK Chap. I. THE State of Christendom Nine Judges appointed in Aragon to decide the dispute about the Succession Arguments us'd by each of the Candidates The Government of King John of Portugal p. 332 Chap. II. Ferdinand Prince of Castile declar'd King of Aragon by the Judges and afterwards Proclaim'd at
Jews expelled Spain Pope Innocent VIII dies Alexander VI. succeeds him Navarre pacified Roussillon and Cerdagne restored to King Ferdinand p. 460 Chap. II Discoveries and Conquests of the Spaniards in the West-Indies Controversies arise betwixt the Crowns of Spain and Portugal concerning their Discoveries Roussillon and Cerdagne restored to King Ferdinand p. 461 Chap. III. Palma one of the Canary-Islands Conquered The Mastership of the three Military Orders annexed to the Crown of Castile The Original of the Neapolitan War The Death of Ferdinand King of Naples p. 464 Chap. IV. The French invade the Kingdom of Naples An Account of Luis Sforcia Duke of Milan The French King at Rome Alonso King of Naples Abdicates The French possess themselves of the Kingdom of Naples p. 465 Chap. V. The League against the French carried on with wonderfull secrecy The French King returns home The Venetians overthrown by the French King Ferdinand of Naples successful against them and recovers that Noble City p. 468 Chap. VI The Death of John II. King of Portugal The French quite expell'd the Kingdom of Naples Ferdinand King of Spain honoured by the Pope with the Title of Catholick King The posture of Affairs in Portugal under Emanuel the new King p. 469 Chap. VII The Death of Ferdinand King of Naples The Emperor passes into Italy The Popes Forces defeated by the Ursini The Death of the Duke of Gandia The Marriage of Prince John of Spain Proposals concerning setling the Kingdom of Naples p. 472 Chap. VIII Progress of the Portugueses Discoveries in the East Peter Covillam and Alonso de Paira sent to India by Land Vasca de Gama sent to discover India by Sea with four Ships His Voyage till he came to Calicut p. 474 Chap. IX A short but particular Account of India what happened to Vasco de Gama at Calicut His bold Enterprize there and a Relation of his return to Portugal p. 476 Chap. X. An Account of the Navigation of Vasco de Gama and of all the Coasts of Africk as they lay in his way Of the Island of Zocotora and of all the Coast of Asia as far as China and the Method observed by the Portugueses in Sailing thither p. 478 The Twenty Seventh BOOK Chap. I. THE Death of the Prince of Castile Of Charles VIII King of France Matches of two Daughters of Spain The Prince of Salerno expelled Naples France and Spain agree Hierom Savonorola burnt at Florence p. 480 Chap. II. The King of Portugal sworn Heir to the Crown of Castile Elizabeth his Queen delivered of a Son dies The Duke of Milan expelled his Dominions Vniversity of Alcala founded Rebellion of the Mountain Moors p. 481 Chap. III. The Birth of the Emperor Charles V. The French possess themselves of the State of Milan and take the Duke and his Brother the Cardinal The great Year of Jubelee 1500. The League betwixt France and Spain Cefalonia taken from the Turks p. 484 Chap. IV. King Ferdinand 's double dealing The Princess Mary of Castile Marry'd to the King of Portugal The French and Spaniards jointly subdue the Kingdom of Naples Actions of the Great Captain p. 486 Chap. V. The French and Spaniards fall at variance about divideing their Conquest The Description of the Kingdom of Naples Frederick King of Naples puts himself into the French King's hands French perish by Pestilence and stress of Weather The coming of the Arch-Duke into Spain p. 488 Chap. VI. Further Actions of the Great Captain at Naples The Duke of Calabria contrary to Articles sent into Spain The French and Spanish Generals consult their Kings and have a Conference to adjust Differences in the division of Naples The beginning of the War betwixt them p. 490 Chap. VII The Arch-Duke of Austria and Princess his Wife sworn Heirs of Aragon He goes away for Flanders The Spaniards offer Battle to the French several small Actions betwixt them The Spaniards decline in Calabria are defeated p. 492 Chap VIII Great Booty taken by the Spaniards as also the Sieur de la Palisse A Combat betwixt 13 French and as many Italians Several losses of the French The Marques del Gasto comes over to the Spaniards p. 494 Chap. IX The Peace concluded by the Arch-Duke with France It takes no effect Succours from Spain arrive at Naples The Lord Aubigni defeated and taken p. 496 Chap. X. The Battle of Cirinola and great overthrow of the French Almost all the Kingdom of Naples subdued by the Great Captain His Reception into that Noble City p. 497 The Twenty Eight BOOK Chap. I. THE Siege of Gaeta The Death of Pope Alexander VI. Pius III. chosen Practices of the Spaniards The French invade Roussillion p. 501 Chap. II. The French Besiege Saulses or as the Spaniards call it Salsas The Siege raised Nineteen Sail of Infidels destroyed Pope Pius III. dies Julius II. chosen The French Army marches thro' Italy Two Defeats given them p. 502 Chap. III. The City Gaeta surrendred A Truce betwixt France and Spain The Prefect of Rome submits to Spain The Nobility of Naples swear Allegiance to Spain and several Cities of Italy sue for its Protection Truce for 3 years betwixt France and Spain p. 505 Chap. VI. Perfidiousness of Duke Valentine who is as perfidiously sent into Spain by the Great Captain contrary to his Promise and he ill represented to the King Projects of Peace betwixt France and Spain come to nothing p. 507 Chap. V. The League betwixt the Emperor the Arch-Duke and King of France The League against the Venetians The Death of King Frederick of Naples and Queen Elizabeth of Castile Contention about the Government of Castile betwixt King Ferdinand and King Philip. Treaties with France p. 509 Chap. VI. King Ferdinand becomes odious to his People The posture of Affairs in Italy The Emperor and King Philip of Castile Ratifie the Peace with France King Ferdinand agrees with the French King p. 511 Chap. VII Mazalquivir in Africk taken from the Moors The Nobility of Spain divided for and against King Philip. The Agreement made betwixt the two Kings Ferdinand and Philip The latter in England p. 513 Chap. VIII The Affairs of Portugal A bloody Mutiny at Lisbon King Ferdinand Marries Queen Germana King Philip comes into Spain and declares against the Treaty with King Ferdinand Death of Christopher Columbus p. 515 Chap. IX The Spaniards and Flemings at variance upon their first Meeting King Ferdinand raises Forces pretending to rescue his Daughter Many forsake him and he is forced to quit Castile An Interview of the two Kings p. 517 Chap. X. The two Kings of Spain agree and join in League Joanna King Philip 's Queen Distracted thro' Jealousie Troubles in Castile King Ferdinand and his Queen go to Zaragoca Jealeusie started against the Great Captain King Philip dies p. 519 The Twenty Ninth BOOK Chap. I. THE Settlement made by the Nobility of Castile after the Death of King Philip. The Catholick King goes over to Naples His Reception
Asturias then cuts Gallicia in the middle and forms Cape Finisterre butting out far into the Sea By this Mountain are divided the Vltramontani from the Citramontani or those beyond from those on this side the Mountains From these Mountains springs that formerly called Idubeda now Oca taking the Name of the ancient City Auca whose Ruins are to be seen near Villafranca about 5 Leagues from Burgos This Mountain rising near the Spring of the River Ebro on the Borders of Asturias where is a Town called Fontibre or the Fountains of Ebro and running down by Bribiesca and the Arevaci near Mount Orbion and Moncayo passes along between Calatayud and Daroca and ends in the Mediterranean not far from Tortosa from which City that part of these Mountains takes Name From this Mountain Idubeda or Oca begins that of Orospeda which at first rises so leasurely it is scarce perceivable but further on lifts its Head and forms the Mountains of Molina then those of Cuenca where on the Left-Hand are the Springs of the River Xucar and on the Right those of Tagus both noted Streams Next follow the Mountains of Consuegra near which in the Plains formerly called Laminitani now of Montiel are the Fountains of Guadiana Hence it goes on to Alcaraz and Segura where in different places spring the Rivers of Segura formerly Tader Guadalquivir running towards different Seas At Caçorla this Mountain Orospeda divides it self into two Branches one of them opposite to Murcia expires in the Sea near Muxacra or Murgis on the Right-Hand whereof are the Bastetani so called from the City Basta now Baça on the Left are the Contestani ancient People of Spain whose Metropolis now is Murcia The other stretches it self towards Malaga and joyning to the Mountains of Granada runs beyond Gibraltar and Tarifa as if it designed to pass the Streight into Africk From Orospeda near Alcaraz rise the Mountains Mariani vulgarly called Sierra Morcna the foot whereof all along almost as far as the Ocean is washed by the River Guadalquivir which at Anduxar cuts Andaluzia in the middle runs by Cordova Italica and Sevil and falls into the Ocean near the Place formerly called Templum Luciferi now to St. Lucar At present this River has but one Mouth in ancient Times it is said to have had two for Nebrixa and Asta which the Ancients placed on the Island of Guadalquivir are now two Leagues from the Mouth of it Not far from the rise of Orospeda and near Moncayo in the midst of a great Plain other Mountains lift up their Heads which no doubt are Branches of the Pyreneans as all others that cross Spain are The rise of this is scarce perceivable at first but for the fall of several Waters and because the River Duero whose Source is in the Pelendones and whose Course is Southward as far as Soria it is there by them turned away to the Westward Among ancient Authors I find no mention of these Mounts at present they have several Names taken for the most part from the Neighbouring Cities as of Soria Segovia and Avila Castile the greatest Province of Spain is by these Mountains divided into the Old and the New Hence they run on near Coma and Placentia are watered on the Left by the River Tagus and passing on part Portugal into two almost equal Portions They expire at Sintra which is on Mount Tagrus seven Leagues to the Northward of Lisbon where they form in the Ocean the Cape called by Solinus Promontorium Artabrum CHAP. II. Of the Ancient and Modern Division of Spain of the Languages used there and of the Customs of the Spaniards SPain was divided by the Romans into three Parts Lusitania Betica and Tarraconensis The Lusitani Inhabited the farthest parts of Spain Westward their Limits were the Rivers Duero on the North and Guddiana on the South and a Line drawn from that part of Duero which is opposite to Simancas to Puente del Arçobispo and thence through the Oretani which was that part where Almagro now stands to the Banks of Guadiana which Line parted them from the Province Tarraconensis in such manner that within Lusitania was comprehended the Country about Avila Salamanca Soria and other Places now belonging to Castile Betica or Andalusia is shut in on three sides by the River Guadiana and the Sea as far as Murgis or Muxacra a Town near the Promontory Charidemum or Cape Gatas from whence a Line drawn to Castulon and the Oretani where stands the rich Town of Almagro makes the fourth side towards the East All the remaining part of Spain was included in the Province Tarraconensis so called from the noble City Tarragona a Colony of the Scipio's which for many Years was the Metropolis of the Roman Empire in Spain where they kept their Courts and the Majesty of their Government resided St. Isidorus following the division made by Constantine the great which is to be seen in Sextus Rufus subdivides this Province into Tarraconensis Carthaginensis and Gallicia but does not assign the Limits of each and it is no wonder for these Provinces were often lessened or enlarged according to the will of those who Commanded All this Province Tarraconensis is also known by the Name of Hispania Citerior that is the hither Spain as also Lusitania and Betica are comprehended within the Vlterior or further for Pliny and other learned Men oppose that Opinion which assigns the River Ebro for the Bounds of the two Spains tho' doubtless once it was so Both these Provinces at present have several new Names which it would be troublesome to reduce to any certainty but may all be comprehended under five Kingdoms which were Erected as the Moors were driven out of Spain The Kingdom of Portugal was Founded by the French and their Chief Henry who was of the House of Lorrain tho' Born at Besançon in Burgundy Peter Mantuanus says he was of the House of Burgundy His Father-in-law King Alonso the VI. of Castile gave him in Dower with his Daughter Teresa the City of Porto at the Mouth of the River Duero and some other Towns And some Authors are of Opinion that the Name of Portugal was then compounded of Porto and Gallia others and those more Learned say it came from the Place called Cale now Caya and Porta Portugal reaches farther in length than the ancient Lusitania for taking in the River Duero it contains the fruitful Fields as far as the River Minho and its length along the Sea-coasts is no less than 117 Leagues but it is less in breadth than the ancient Lusitania and beginning towards the East a little above Bragança in the North it reaches to the City Beja on the Banks of Guadiana which River shuts it in on the South To the N. E. part of Portugal joyns the Kingdom of Leon the second of the six Provinces spoken of This Kingdom takes its Name from the City Leon the Head and Metropolis thereof it contains all Galicia and Asturias de
Geryon was Buried near the Mouth of the Streights and after worshipped as a God as appears by the Temple of Osiris Built in Sicily by Hercules and his famous Oracle at Padua which Princes often visited as Suetonius affirms Osiris having thus rescued Spain from the Tyranny of Geryon thought not fit to punish the Crimes of the Father in the Children which were three beautiful Sons to these therefore he gave the Kingdom appointing who should Govern during their Minority and then returned into Egypt These Geryons being come to Age did not only Tyranize over their Subjects but meditating Revenge for the Death of their Father induced Typhon to Murder his Brother Osiris which he performed and seated himself in the Throne of Egypt Orus the Son of Osiris who then Governed Scythia understanding what had passed hasts into Egypt and in revenge of his Fathers Murder slew Typhon then gathering a great Army he passed into Spain and drove the Geryons into the Island of Cadiz where they Fortified themselves Fearing lest so great an Army should suffer want if the War were protracted and desiring to avoid the great Bloodshed that must ensue if they came to a Battle he offered to decide the Quarrel by his own Person and sight the three Brothers They accepted of the Challenge and were all Slain by him Their Bodies were buried in the Island and from thence forward it was called Erithrea of some People that came with Orus or Hercules from the Red Sea who with the Approbation of their General planted there This done Hercules caused vast Stones and other Materials to be cast into the Sea at the mouth of the Streights and raised the two Mounts so famous by the name of Hercules's Pillers that on the West of Spain is called Calpe the other in Africk Abyla All things being settled to his Mind he chose Hispalus one of his Companions of whose good Conduct he was fully satisfied to Govern and Reign in Spain and then went over by Sea to Italy It is agreed on all Hands that Hispalus Reigned in Spain From him Justin affirms it took the Name of Hispania only one Letter being changed Others say he built Sevil in Latin Hispalis St. Isidorus says it was built by Julius Caesar and called Julia Romana perhaps it was then enlarged and beautified Plutarch affirms Spain took its Name from Pan a Follower of the second Hercules and was first called Pania then Spania others say it was from Hispanus the Son of Hispalus These are all bare surmises our Historians write many things of this Hispalus of their own Invention to beautifie their Works but their being no certain Account of such Antiquity it is better to pass it by in Silence than Impose upon the Readers Authors do not agree about the time of the Death of Hispalus but after his Days Hercules returned into Spain where having Governed with Moderation and Built as some will have it the Towns of Julia Lybica Vrgel Barcelona and Tarragona he departed this Life being of a very great Age. The Spaniards Consecrated him a God and payed him Divine Honours raising a Temple where his Body was Buried and placing Priests therein Hispalus and Hercules dying without Issue the latter before his Death appointed Hesperus Brother to Atlas and one of his Compauions to succeed him The Fame of this Hesperus's Valour and Vertue gained him such Credit among the People that of him some Greek and Latin Authors say Spain was afterwards called Hesperia tho' others are of Opinion it was from Hesperus the Evening Star The good Fortune of this King was not lasting for his Brother Atlas offended that he should be preferred before him came over into Spain and having gained the good Will of the Soldiers soon possessed himself of the Kingdom Hesperus thus forsaken fled into Italy where he was Friendly entertained and soon after constituted Tutor to the young King Coritus called by others Janus or Jupiter wherein he behaved himself so well that having gained the Affections of that People he gave his Name to Italy as he had done to Spain and it was called Hesperia Atlas jealous of his Brother's greatness and fearing he might in time recover his Kingdom resolved to prevent him In order hereunto he raised a mighty Army and under colour of Honouring them took the Chief Men of Spain along with him into Italy but his design was to keep them as Hostages lest the People in his Absence should endeavour to cast off a foreign Yoke At Sea a violent Storm scattered his Fleet and instead of Landing in Italy he was forced into Sicily that Island being exceeding Rich and Fruitful he left a considerable Number of Spaniards to Plant there This done he put to Sea again and arrived in Italy where he found his Brother Hesperus was Dead so that there was no difficulty in seizng Coritus King of Tuscany and making himself Master of the Country Atlas had two Daughters one of them called Electra was Married to Coritus and had Issue Jasius and Dardanus of whom more hereafter That his other Daughter called Rome Built the City Rome looks more like a Fiction of our Historians than a true History therefore I will make no further mention of it no more than of Sicorus Sicanus Sicceleus and Lusus whom our modern Writers reckon among the Kings of Spain whereas among the Ancients there is not the least Account of them nor of Morgetes the Son of Atlas giving his Name to the People of Italy called Morgetes for which there is no other Authority but framed likeness of Words Philistius Siracusanus's Authority is sufficient to believe that Siculus the Son of Atlas Governed Spain in his Father's absence and succeeded him in the Kingdom after his Death In his time the two Brothers Jasius and Dardanus being at Variance about the Kingdom of Tuscany by reason of the Death of their Father Coritus Siculus their Uncle went over with an Army to pacifie them and by the way Landing in Sicily is said to have given his Name to that Island till then called Trinacria of the three great Promontories that run out into the Sea Thence passing over into Tuscany he endeavoured to reconcile the Brothers but Dardanus dealing Treacherously Murdered Jasius and Siculus in Revenge drove him out of Italy Dardanus with a great Number of the Aborigines who followed his Fortunes fled into Asia where he Built the famous City of Troy Siculus having settled the Affairs of Italy and Seated the Son of Jasius on the Throne of Tuscany returned into Spain and from this time we find no Account of any other Actions of his unless we should write the Dreams and Ravings of modern Authors who also Forge other Kings of Spain upen as vain grounds as the former One of these is Testa who they say built a Town of his own Name and from him the People of that part of Spain were called Contestani Another is Romus to whom
Brother-in-law Pygmalion to murther him This Voyage being for some time laid aside by reason of the Death of Sicheus Pygmalion set out with a Fleet from Tyre and landed among the Turduli that is in Andaluzia at the Place where now stands Almun̄ecar he built a Town for the security of Trade calling it Axis or Exis and returning home with much Treasure made afterwards several Voyages till he came as far as Cadiz which Island before called Erythrea from that time was known by the Name of Gadira that is a Bulwark either in respect it is the Bulwark of Spain against the swelling Sea or in regard of the Fortifications raised by the Phenicians They also built a Temple to Hercules on that point of Land which is opposite to the Continent and is thence called Promontorium Herculeum The Phenicians grown Rich with the Trade of Spain and having built Malaga and Abdera thought of nothing less than possessing themselves of the whole Country At this same time the Foundation of the City of Rome was laid Hezekiah Reigned in Jerusalem after Salmanasar King of the Assyrians had extirpated the Kingdom of Israel This is the same Salamanasor who laid Siege to Jerusalem and designing to Conquer the whole World went with a mighty Army into Egypt where he was overthrown by Taracho King of Egypt and AEthiopia Taracho after that Victory subdu'd many Kingdoms Strabo testifies he passed over into Europe and our Historians say he came into Spain where not far from the River Ebro he built the City Tarragona which the Scipio's long after rebuilt and made the Metropolis of the Roman Empire in Spain which gave occasion not only to the Ignorant but to learned Authors and among them Pliny and Solinus to attribute the Foundation of it to them After the Death of Queen Dido the Power of the Carthaginians increased by Sea and Land Their chief aim was to extend their Empire in Europe to this end they attempted Sicily Sardinia and Corsica but being repulsed by the Natives thought fit to try their Fortune upon lesser Islands in order hereunto directing their Course towards Spain they possessed themselves of Iviça which is an Island girt with Rocks and difficult of Access unless toward the South where is a large and spacious Harbour This Island is opposite to Cape Denia about 100 Miles distant from the Coast of Spain it is small being not above 20 Miles in Circumference at that time it was Wild and covered with Woods of Pine-trees whence the Greeks called it Pytuissa It produces great plenty of Salt the Air is temperate and the nature of the Soil such it does not only breed no Vermin or venomous Creatures but if any are brought thither they presently die This is the more wonderful for that as ancient Cosmographers affirm near it was another Island not Habitable by reason of the Multitudes of Snakes and poisonous Animals whence it was called Ophiusa that is Island of Snakes We cannot certainly determine which Island this should be at present some say it is Formentera because but two Miles from Iviça others will have it to be Dragonera by reason of the likeness of the Names The most Learned are of Opinion that a Mountain called Colubre joyning to the Continent and opposite to Pen̄iscola was called in Greek Ophiusa and in Latin Colubraria notwithstanding ancient Geographers place their Ophiusa near to Iviça The Carthaginians being possessed of Iviça and having built there a City of the same Name resolved next to attempt Majorca and Minorca distant 30 Miles from one another and 60 from the Coast of Spain The Greeks sometime called them Gynesiae by reason the Inhabitants went Naked and other whiles Baleares for their skill in casting Stones with Slings but in particular the greatest was called Clumba and the lesser Nura as Antoninus testifies and from him Florian. Before they would attempt to Land the Carthaginians went round these Islands to view all their Creeks and Harbours and being terrified by the fierceness of the Inhabitants having lost some of their forwardest Men that durst go a Shore they despaired of Success there and stoodover for the Coast of Spain with a design to make Discoveries and gain some Footing there But with little Success for the People of Saguntum foreseing the danger of such Neighbours persuaded the Natives to have no Commerce with them which together with the Distress of their own Country at that time labouring under Civil Broils and set upon by the Neighbouring Africans obliged the Carthaginians to return home Where to appease their Gods they Instituted an inhuman Sacrifice of Young-men which was afterwards used in Spain with such Rigour that in their greatest Distress they thought none a sufficient Sacrifice but the King 's eldest Son a Custom taken from the Moabites and sometimes practised by the Idolatrous Jews CHAP. V. Of the Age of Argantonius the Phenicians Attempt to Subdue all Spain but being Repuls'd sent for Aid to the Carthaginians who Ravage the Country but sustain great loss from the Natives ABout the Year 620 before the Birth of Christ and 132 after the Building of Rome was the Age of Argantonius King of the Tartessi who according to Silius Italicus's Account lived 300 Years Pliny out of Anacreon assigns him 150. To him for his great Skill in War and long Experience the People committed the Government hoping by his Courage and Conduct to be able to oppose the Designs of the Phenicians who had now laid aside their Mask and openly aimed at the Sovereignty of all Spain having to this effect passed over from Cadiz to the Continent They used Policy as well as Strength sowing Dissention among the Natives and by that means had possessed themselves of several Places The Natives gathering under the Conduct of their King Argantonius not only check'd the Phenicians but as some will have it drove them out of all the Province of Betica or Andaluzia and even out of the Island of Cadiz a thing the more likely for that many were gone before to the relief of their own Country the City of Tyre being then Besieged by the mighty King Nebuchadnezzar after he had Taken Jerusalem This Relief that went from Cadiz getting into Tyre was the cause it held out four Years and Nebuchadnezzar being called away into Egypt rais'd the Siege and having subdu'd the greatest part of Africk resolved to pass over into Spain as well to possess himself of the Riches of that Country as to take Revenge for the Relief sent thence to Tyre he landed his Army near the Pyreneans and from thence without any Opposition rang'd all the Country over till he came to Cadiz Josephus says he Conquered all Spain The Natives taking Courage began to make Head the King fearing to tempt Fortune and satisfied that he had stretched his Empire to the utmost limits of the Earth loaded with Riches returned Home in the Year 171. after the Building of Rome This comming
that had done the Monothelites and Apollinarians who ascrib'd to Christ but one Will this Council they counted the 5th and placed it next to that of Chalcedon for it was a common Error thro' Spain Africk and Illyricum not to admit of the 5th General Council held in the time of the Emperor Justinian Ervigius notwithstanding all the means he had used to secure himself and please the People was much perplexed fearing their Hatred did not abate and might in time light upon his Children To prevent any such Disaster he Marry'd his Daughter Cixilona to a powerful Man of Wamba's Family called Egica making him swear he would Protect and Defend his Mother and Brothers-in-law After this having Repealed some of Wamba's Laws too severe for that corrupt Age and particularly that relating to Soldiers he dy'd at Toledo upon Friday the 15th of November 687. having Reign'd 7 Years and 25 Days In this King's Reign there hap'ned a great Famine in Spain and the Bridge and Walls of Merida were Repair'd with great Magnificence Ervigius the Day before he dy'd nam'd his Son-in-law Egica to succeed him and that the Nobility might without any scruple swear Allegiance to him he absolv'd them from the Oath they had taken to him The Ceremony of Anointing was performed 9 Days after at Toledo in the Church of St. Peter and Paul This King soon made it appear that the memory of Injuries is more lasting than that of Benefits for at the very beginning of his Reign in hatred to his Father-in-law he put away his Wife Cixilona notwithstanding he had by her a Son called Witiza Some are of Opinion he did it by persuasion of Wamba who under the Cloak of Religion concealed his hatred to Ervigius to the end of his Life Besides he punished some of the Nobles who had a hand in the Deposing of Wamba This is what some blame in Egica for the rest he was not inferior to the best Kings in Justice Piety Meekness and Prudence in Governing He Convened the 15th Council of Toledo at which were present 66 Bishops who held their first Session on the 15th of May 688. One of the principal Points decided in this Council was that the Oath Egica and the Nobility had taken to protect the Widow and Children of Ervigius did not extend to maintain 'em in the Possession of what they had wrongfully taken from others Here also Julian the Archbishop composed a new Apology in Vindication of that sent by the last Council to Pope Benedict in which he found fault that they had said the Will proceeded from the Will and the Wisdom from the Wisdom Pope Benedict was dead when this second Apology came to Rome and Sergius his Successor approved and highly commended it This Julian is reckoned in the number of Saints The faults of his Successor made him the more admired Sisbertus was the Man who after presuming to put on the Vestment which was brought to St. Ildefonsus from Heaven ran from one Crime to another till he raised a Rebellion against the King and as is believed stirred up Strangers to Invade the Country Three Battles were fought with the Franks in all which the Goths were defeated yet we have no Particulars of any of these Actions The King by his Prudence quell'd the Rebellion in its first rise Sisbertus the Causer of all these Mischiefs was first Banished by the King afterwards he was Deposed and Excommunicated by the Bishops who to the number of 66 Celebrated the 16th Council of Toledo 693. Here was made a Confession of Faith which expresses that in God the Will proceeds from the Will the Wisdom from the Wisdom the Essence from the Essence and that Christ our Lord descended into Hell Such Jews as should sincerely embrace Christianity were declared Noble and free from all Taxes The Laws of the Goths were Corrected and it was Ordained that Prayers should be daily offered for the Health of the King his Children and Grandchildren which Custom still continues in Spain in the Mass only some few Words altered The following Year on the 7th of November was Celebrated the last Council of Toledo The number of Bishops is not know but very few came from Gallia Gothica as well because the Plague raged there as for that the Country was infested by the neighbouring French The Bishops in order to root out the Jews who it was said had held Correspondence with the Moors in Africk inviting them over into Spain Condemned them all to be Slaves all their Goods confiscate and their Children ordered to be taken from them at 7 Years of Age and bred Christians A Law was also made to protect the Queen Cixilona and her Children after the King's Death notwithstanding as was said he was Divorced from her Three Years before this in a Council held at Zaragoça it was Enacted in general that every Queen after the Death of her Husband should become a Nun that so none might offend her Egica having Reign'd alone 10 Years made his Son Witiza whom he had by the Queen Cixilona his Companion in the Throne as appears by the Coin of those times on which are the Names of both those Princes Near the City Tuy in a pleasant Valley adorned with Springs and Trees are to be seen to this Day old Walls the Ruins of a House built by Witiza to divert himself whilst he Resided in that City for his Father to prevent Tumults and Disorders sent him to Galicia where the Kingdom of the Suevians had been Egica dy'd at Toledo 5 Years after which was the Year of our Lord 701. about the Month of November His Son coming from Galicia was Proclaimed King without any opposition and Anointed according to the Custom of the Goths on the 15th of the same Month of November CHAP. VIII The Reign of King Witiza Roderick ascends the Throne ravishes Count Julian 's Daughter and breaks open an old Castle at Toledo said to be Inchanted WItiza's Reign was Disorderly and Infamous in all respects but particularly noted for Cruelty Impiety and Contempt of the Church True it is at first he gave hopes he would prove a good Prince and protect the Innocent for he recalled those who had been Banished by his Father and restored all their Estates Besides he caused all the Records to be burnt that there might remain no memory of the Crimes that had been falsely charged upon them These were good beginnings had they been follow'd but it is hard to curb extravagant Youth and great Power His first false step was giving Ear to Flatterers at whose Instigation he fell into all manner of Lewdness a thing natural to him but which he had concealed for fear of his Father He kept a great number of Concubines with the same State as if they had been Queens and the better to colour this Impiety committed a greater giving leave to all Men to do the like and particularly to
Territories of Biscay and Castile but were by the Earls drove out again King Alonso waited for them at Sublancia which they understanding return'd home only destroying by the way the Famous Monastery of Sabagun Nevertheless Abuhalit sent underhand to treat of Peace and Dulcidius was sent by the King on the same score to Cordova about the end of the Year 883. In the mean while a great Fleet of Moors was gather'd at Sevil to destroy the Coast of Galicia the greatest part whereof perish'd by Storms A Truce was concluded with the Moors by Dulcidius for Six Years Presently after follow'd the Death of Mahomet in the Year 886. He left 30 Sons and 20 Daughters CHAP. IX The Death of King Alonso the Great The Reigns of D. Garcia and D. Ordonno the second of Oviedo and of Almundar Abdalla and Abderhaman of Cordova A Lmundar the Son of Mahomet succeeded his Father He was generous and mild and therefore at his Accession to the Crown abolish'd an imposition of the tenths the People of Cordova used to pay They forgetting his favour Mutiny'd and he being about to suppress them dy'd before he had Reign'd full two Years leaving behind him Six Sons and Seven Daughters Nevertheless Abdalla his Brother was chosen King by the Souldiers in the Year 888 and Reign'd 25 Years The beginning of his Reign was full of trouble by reason that Homar a turbulent Moor revolted and drew to his Party Lisbon Astapa Sevil and other Towns Yet this was soon over for Homar of his own accord submitted and was reconcil'd to the King This Ease in obtaining Pardon encourag'd him to rebel again and the Moors being divided into Factions betwixt the Families of the Humeyas and Alavecins there never wanted some to side with any turbulent Spirit Abdalla pursu'd Homar so close he was forc'd to fly to the Christians and there receiv'd Baptism tho' not with a good intention as afterwards appear'd The Biscainers under the Conduct of Zuria thought to be of the Blood Royal of Scotland and Son-in-law of Zenore before-mention'd revolted from King Alonso D. Ordon̄o sent by his Father to reduce them was overcome in Battle whereupon Zuria was declar'd Lord of Biscay This Battle was fought hear a place then call'd Padura but afterwards Ariogorriaga which in the Language of Biscay signifies Bloody Stone The natural strength of that Country hindred the King from taking Revenge besides his great Age which made him now study to govern in Peace building Churches Forts and Cities for the safety and conveniency of his Subjects At the beginning of his Reign he rebuilt Sublancia and Cea near Leon and the Castle Guazon on the Sea Coast betwixt Oviedo and Gijon Afterwards the Cities Porto Viseo Chaves Oca and Zamora To his Son D. Garcia he recommended the Building of Toro He took from the Moors Coimbra Simancas Duen̄as and all the Territory of Campos Besides he rebuilt the Monastery of Sahagun destroy'd by the Moors one of the greatest in all Spain His Revenues were too small for these mighty Expences he was therefore obliged to raise new Taxes at which the Subjects being disgusted the Queen persuaded her Son D. Garcia to lay hold of that opportunity and Rebel against his Father D. Alonso tho' Old and Decay'd presently repaired to Zamora took his Son and caused him to be confined in the Castle Guazon This did not put an end to the Troubles for Nun̄o Hernandez Earl of Castile a Powerful Man and Father-in-law to D. Garcia made War upon the King which lasted two Years at the end of which the Rebels prevailed and the King weary of trouble and coveting repose resigned the Crown to his Son D. Garcia and to his other Son D. Ordon̄o gave the Lordship of Galicia in the Year 910. The following Year D. Alonso after going in Pilgrimage to Santiago and making an Incursion into the Country of the Moors with the consent of his Son dy'd at Zamora His Body and that of his Queen were first Buried at Astorga and thence Translated to Oviedo At the same time dy'd at Cordova Abdalla King of the Moors aged 72 Years leaving 12 Sons and 13 Daughters Abderhaman the Grandson of Abdalla and Son of Mahomet succeeded his Grandfather a thing not usual for the Grandson to be preferred before the Sons of the Deceased At his accession to the Crown he was 23 Years of Age and enjoy'd it 50 Years To his Name was added the Title of Almanzor Ledin Alla that is Defender of the Law of God as also that of Miramamolin or Prince of those that believe Abderhaman may be counted among the greatest of the Moorish Kings He spent all his Life in reconciling the differences betwixt his People adminstred Justice impartially built a Castle near Cordova took Ceuta in Africk and Beautified many Cities of his Kingdom Power ill gotten for the most part is not lasting So D. Garcia enjoyed the Kingdom he took by Force from his Father only Three Years During that time he made War upon the Moors wasted their Country plundred their Towns overthrew and took Prisoner Ayola a Noble Moor that offered to oppose him yet through the neglect of his Keeper he made his escape near to a Town called Tremulo The King dy'd at Zamora in the Year 913. He left no Children whereupon D. Ordon̄o his Brother succeeded him and had been reckoned a good Prince had he not imbrued his Hands in the Blood of the Earls of Castile His Reign lasted 9 Years and a half At first to gain reputation and humble the Moors he broke into the Kingdom of Toledo and laid Siege to Talavera a pleasant and strong City An Army was sent by the King of Cordova to relieve the Place but it was defeated the Town taken plundred and burnt because it could not be maintained being encompassed on all sides with Garrisons of the Moors The Governour and many more were taken and the Christian Army returned home Victorious and loaded with spoils The King of Cordova fearing this beginning might be an Introduction to worse Consequences sent to desire Assistance of the King of Mauritania who sent him a considerable Body of Men under the Command of his General Almotaraf To these was joyned the Army of the Moors in Spain Commanded by Avolalpaz and thus they overran the Lands of the Christians as far as the River Duero Here the King met and gave them Battle near to the Town of Santistevan de Gormaz which was very Bloody and for a long time the event seemed dubious till the two Moorish Generals and a great number of their Men being killed the rest fled That the advantage of this Victory might be the greater they wasted all the Country of Lusitania as far as Guadiana but above all the Territories of Merida and Badajoz suffered This struck such a Terror into those People that they bought a Peace It happened in the
worth ordered that for the future he should be called Cid which was done accordingly so that his own name was almost forgot the new Title being given him as long as he lived Our Historians add that the Kings Ferdinand of Castile and Ramiro of Aragon being at variance about the right to the City Calahorra they agreed to put the decision of that Controversy to the Issue of a Combat to be fought by two Persons one appointed by each King He of Aragon chose Martin Gomez and he of Castile took Roderick Diaz for his Champion who slew Gomez supposed by some to be the stock from which is descended the Noble Family of Luna in Spain The most learned look upon all this as Fabulous by reason that D. Garcia King of Navarre took that City from the Moors and therefore the King of Aragon could pretend no right to it Roderick Diaz being newly Married was not in the assembly of the States at such time as the Emperor and Popes demands touching the Kings submiting himself to the Empire were heard and debated The King was more inclinable to Peace yet feared the ill consequences of condescending to own a Foreign Superiority Therefore he would resolve upon nothing till Roderick was called and consulted about this affair He being come and asked his Opinion replyed It was no matter of dispute but that the Liberty of Spain ought to be asserted by force of Arms it being unreasonable that those who had not helped to relieve them from the Tyranny of the Moors should pretend to any power over them that he was resolved to stand up for the honour of his Country and would look upon all as Cowards and Traytors that were not of the same Opinion This reply of his confirmed those who before were dubious and fearful and a suitable Answer was sent to the Pope In order to oppose the Emperor Levies was made throughout the Kingdom and 10000 Men raised besides the Auxiliary Forces of the Moors who were Subject to the Christians Roderick Diaz was appointed their General who to gain the greater reputation passed the Pyrenean Mountains and marched as far as Toulouze which City I suppose was then subject to Spain as appears by the inscription on the Tomb of King Sancho the Greater above mentioned Thence he sent Embassadors to the Pope desiring him to depute Commissioners to hearthe reasons the Spaniards had to offer in their own defence The Principal Men sent were Count Roderick not he that was called Cid and D. Alvar Yan̄ez Minaya who prevailed with the Pope to send Rupertus Cardinalis Sabinensis his Legate and certain Embassadors from the Emperor before whom the case might be argued and decided Mean while King Ferdinand returned out of France into Spain The Legate and Embassadors stayed at Toulouse where the whole matter having been debated judgment was given in behalf of Spain and it was declared the Emperors for the future ought not to pretend to any right over it And from that time it has ever been the Opinion of all Civilians that Spain owed no acknowledgment to the Empire Popes have also pretended to receive Tribute from Spain as appears by a Bull of Gregory VII directed to the King and Lords in which he says such Tribute used to be payed before the Moors possessed themselves of the Country But this took no effect and it appears that Spain has never since been Tributary to any Foreign Prince Roderick Diaz was descended from Lain Calvo who as we said above was judge of Castile for this judge by his Wife D. Elvira Nun̄a Bella had Fernan Nun̄o This Nuno by his Wife D. Egilona had Lain Nun̄o who had a Son called James Laynez the Husband of Teresa Nun̄a and Father of Roderick Diaz commonly called Cid He by his Wife D. Ximena had a Son called James Rodriguez de Bivar killed whilst the Father was yet living in the Wars with the Moors and two Daughters which were D. Elvira and D. Sol of whom we shall speak hereafter About this time some Synods were held The first at Compostella in the Year 1056. Here it was ordained that Bishops and Priests should say Mass every Day and that the Canons should wear Hair Cloth on the Fasting days and at all times when the Litanies were said upon account of any publick necessity Another Synod was held at Jaca of the Dominions of Aragon in the Year 1060. Two Years after this another was Celebrated at S. John de la Pen̄a Near this same time tho' Authors do not agree upon the Year Cardinal Hugo the Popes Legate in Spain in an Assembly of Nobility and Clergy held by consent of Ramon Earl of Barcelona in that City Abrogated the Laws of the Goths till then in use among the Catalonians and instituted others which are in Force to this Day This Cardinal Hugo I suppose is the same that had the Sirname of Candidus and came Legate into Spain in the Year 1064. at such time as there were two pretenders to the Papacy and both stiled themselves Popes One called himself Alexander II. the other Honorius II. The Kings of Spain adhered to Alexander whose Legate this was and who seemed to have the better Title CHAP. V. The remaining part of the Reign of Ferdinand King of Castile and Leon. His Dominions divided among his Children Of D. Ramiro King of Aragon Perpignan Built THE late troubles caused by the Emperors pretensions gave the Moors an opportunity of casting off the heavy Yoke King Ferdinand had laid on them At the same time as it were by common consent they all appeared in Arms but chiefly in the Kingdom of Toledo and among the Celtiberi which is part of Aragon The King was old and tired with continual Wars besides the revenues were exhausted and the Subjects wasted with heavy Taxes Queen Sancho a Woman of a Masculine Spirit being desirous to advance Christianity offered towards the charge of the War all the Money Plate and Jewels that belonged to her This supply so incouraged the King that raising a powerful Army he attack'd the Moors about the River Ebro and made a great slaughter of them Thence he advanced as far as Catalonia and Valencia and returned loaded with Booty He had the same succeess against the Kingdom of Toledo and obliged them all to swear they would punctually pay the Tribute imposed on them This done he returned home in Triumph Some Authors write that near Valencia S. Isidorus to whom he had always a particular devotion appeared to him bidding him to prepare for he should soon die His sickness which presently followed confirmed this Opinion wherefore having settled all things with the Moors he returned towards Leon being carryed in a Litter upon Mens Shoulders the Soldiers and Officers striving who should carry him On the first of January 1065. he entred the City of Leon and as he was used visited the Bodies of the Saints prostrating himself on the
storm threatned first having sent Embassadors to procure assistance from his Brother and Cousins gathered a number of good Soldiers and marched toward the Enemy Both Armies met near a Town called Piantaca where was fought a Bloody Battle both sides for a long time resolutely maintaining their Ground but at length D. Alonso was discomfited his Army put to the rout and he forced to fly to the City Leon. CHAP. VI. The Progress of the War D. Sancho made upon his two Brothers He expels Alonso King of Leon first and then Garcia King of Galicia lays Siege to the City Zamora and is there murdered KIng Alonso after the Defeat above-mentioned having with all possible speed Recruited his Army met the Enemy again near a Town called Golpelara according to Pelagius Bishop of Oviedo the Archbishop D Roderick calls it Vulpecularia on the Banks of the River Carrion Here the fortune of the day was changed and the Castilians routed Roderick Dyaz who accompanied King Sancho in all his Wars guessing that Success would produce security to the Victors rally'd his scattered Soldiers and by break of day fell upon the Enemy in their Camp as they lay buried in Sleep and Wine In this confusion some fled others stood to their Arms all commanded and none obeyed Thus in a short time were they overthrown D. Alonso retired to the Church of Carrion which he had Garisoned There he was taken and sent Prisoner to the Castle of Burgos The Princess Vrraca Sister to both Kings who loved D. Alonso and the Count D. Peranzules who never forsook him interposing King Sancho consented that his Brother should go to the Monastery of Sahagun on the Banks of the River Cea and there renouncing the World took upon him the Religious Habit. He took the Habit in the Year 1071. but after some time at the persuasion of those that brought him thither fled and put himself into the hands of Almenon the Moorish King of Toledo who had been a great Friend to his Father The Moor received him with Joy and Affection gave him a House near the Palace to live in and assigned him a Pension On the other part D. Alonso swore to be true and faithful to that King and to be ready upon all occasions to serve him He being of a graceful comely Person modest discreet liberal and affable soon gained the affections of those People D. Vrraca his Sister sollicited for him she obtained leave of King Sancho for Count Peranzules and his two Brothers Gonzalo and Ferdinand to go wait upon D. Alonso With those three went many others all whom the Moorish King received into pay that they might not want Subsistance and might be serviceable to him in his Wars against the neighbouring Moors Thus that banished Prince spent his time when the Wars ceased he gave himself to Hunting and for the greater conveniency built a Country-house whither others resorting and building it became a noted Place now called Brihuega a Town not obscure in the Kingdom of Toledo His ordinary Residence was in Toledo where he often conversed with the K. who was very much taken with him It hap'ned they went out one day to Recreate themselves to a Garden near the City now called the King's Garden where D. Alonso fell asleep The King and his Courtiers who lay hard by under a Tree began to discourse of the great strength of Toledo One among the rest said there was but one way to take the City which was by Famine keeping it block'd up seven Years together D. Alonso who was not quite asleep or else wakened was pleased to hear this discourse and charged his memory with it Another day he being with the King his Hair stood up an end and tho' the King stroked it down two or three times still it rose again The Moors who are very Superstitious said that was an Omen he would possess himself of that Kingdom if they did not prevent it by killing him But who can prevent the Decrees of the Almighty The King who was compassionate could not be persuaded to break the Laws of Hospitality but was satisfied with D. Alonso's Oath that he would ever be a true Friend to him This is what hap'ned at Toledo King Sancho grown haughty with Success possessed himself of all the Kingdom of Leon some places submitting others being taken by force as was the City Leon after holding out a long Siege All being reduced he advanced into Galicia against his other Brother who was in a very weak condition his Kingdom being all divided into Factions and full of Mutinies by reason of the heavy Taxes he laid upon the People as also because he put the Government of himself and his Kingdoms into the hands of a Servant who was his Favourite The Nobility offended at this killed that Servant in his presence and not so satisfied took up Arms and put the whole Kingdom into an uproar This was the condition of Galicia when King Sancho invaded it D. Garcia finding it impossible his Subjects being in Rebellion to withstand his Brother fled with only 300 Men to the Moors in Portugal and there endeavoured to stir them up to espouse his Quarrel and so to revenge their own but all his persuasions were of no force and he obtained nothing Being disappointed in that part yet he resolved to try his Fortune with such as resorted to him some of whom came out of hatred to King Sancho others in hope of plunder and were of both sorts as well Moors as Christians Thus entring his Kingdom the Towns of Portugal easily submitted to him King Sancho marched to quench this flame that began to blaze before it could grow to a head He marched as far as Santarem formerly called Scalabis there the two Armies met and came to a Battle in which the Castilians were Victorious Great slaughter were made of the Enemies many of them were taken and among the rest D. Garcia himself who was kept Prisoner in the Castle of Luna in Galicia all the remaining part of his Life He was naturally sloathful and negligent talkative and unsit to weather such great Storms as were raised against him D. Sancho having striped his Brothers and being now possess'd of all his Father's Dominions grew more haughty and made no reflection upon the inconstancy of Humane Felicities Having despoiled his Brothers nothing remained but his Sisters whom also he designed to deprive of the Lands their Father had left them The City Zamora was well fortify'd had a strong Garrison and store of Arms and Provisions The Inhabitants were faithful and resolute always ready to oppose any that should assault them Arias Gonçalo an ancient experienced and discreet Gentleman was their Commander and by his advice the Princess Vrraca was governed The King seeing there was no hopes that they would submit to him by fair means sate down with his Army before that City with a resolution not to desist till he was Master of it
Dissolute Richard Cardinal and Abbot of S. Victor of Marseilles was the Legate who in the Year 1076. called a Council of all the Bishops in Spain to Burgos In this Council it was ordained that the Roman Ministry should be in force which I believe to be the forbiding of Priests to Marry Here also as had been done before in Aragon the Gothick Breviary and Missal were abolished and the Roman ordered to be used Thus much as to Ecclesiastical Affairs Roderick Diaz was now sent into Andaluzia to oblige the Moorish Kings of Cordova and Sevil to pay the usual Tribute The Kings of Granada and Sevil were at War and the former had the better by reason some Christians served under him Roderick Diaz endeavoured to bring them to an Accommodation but he of Granada refusing was overthrown and forced to accept of the Conditions offered at first In fine Peace was established betwixt those Moors and the Christian Army returned loaded with Booty and carrying home the Tribute they had received For the many Victories he gained the Soldiers and People called Roderick Diaz Cid Campeador which is as much as Lord of the Field This raised the envy of the Nobility and Gentry who used all means to lessen and destroy him This was the easier to perform because the King was before offended at him and a new occasion of reflecting on him offered it self The Moors of Andaluzia had Revolted and the King went in Person to subdue them At the same time a number of Infidels out of Aragon broke into Castile wasting the Territory of Santistevan de Gormaz Roderick Diaz who lived retired upon his Estate knowing the King was then absent with the Forces of the Kingdom gathered what Men he could and therewith not only expelled the Moors but pursuing them entred the Kingdom of Toledo without stopping till he came in sight of that City destroying all the Country taking a great Booty and 7000 Slaves Men Women and Children His Enemies represented this to the King as a breach of the Peace with the King of Toledo and said there was no reason to suffer a Mad-man to commit daily Extravagancies This Affair being debated among the Nobility it was resolved he should be Banished and only 9 days given him to depart the Kingdom He not daring to stand this shock recommended his Wife and Children to the care of the Abbot of S. Peter de Carden̄a a Monastery he had a particular Devotion for and then set out with a good Retinue resolving not to be idle during his Exile but to do all the harm he could to the Moors The number of those that went with him was not great but they were chosen Men with them he entred the Kingdom of Toledo and going along up the River Henares pierced into that part of Aragon where is Alhama and the River Xalon that Waters much of the Country being drawn out in small Chanels He took from the Moors the strong Castle of Alcozer seated on a Hill and thence infested all the neighbouring Country having defeated two Captains sent by the King of Valencia to oppose him The Booty he took was extraordinary rich of which he sent 30 Horses led by as many Moors and 30 Scymiters of a Present to King Alonso who received it with great signs of Satisfaction All the People extolled his goodness and merit comparing him to the Heroes Antiquity has so much boasted of King Alonso gave a courteous Answer to the Messengers that brought the Present but would not recall their Master lest the Moors should be offended if he forgave him so soon but leave was given to all those who desired it to follow and serve under him This was not done only to oblige him but to rid the Country of many troublesome People who being bred in Arms knew not how to be idle Tho' these things happened in several Years we have put them together for the ease of the Memory Let us now turn back to the Year 1076. D. Sancho King of Navarre had a Brother called D. Ramon these tho' Sons of one Father and Mother differed much in Nature and Inclinations D. Ramon was Turbulent without regard of Justice and many like himself followed him with whose assistance he aimed at the Crown The King was very Religious and had by his Queen D. Placencia a young Son called D. Ramiro some Authors say he had two other Sons D. Ramon stiled the King's Bounty Prodigality and finding him old and his Sons in their Infancy with the help of his Friends seized on some Strong-Holds in order to carry on his wicked Designs The King endeavoured to reclaim him but seeing all fair means were of no force caused him to be Impeached and absent as he was to be declared a publick Enemy and Condemned to Death Thus they became open Enemies and each sought the Death of the other Wicked Men are generally more cautious and designing whereas the Just relying on a good Conscience are more open The King being in the Town of Rhoda the Traytor surpriz'd and murder'd him there D. Ramiro the eldest Son of the Deceased fled for Protection to Roderick Diaz the two others to D. Alonso King of Castile The Nobility of the Kingdom meeting resolved not to submit to the Murderer but because the Princes were young and absent offered the Crown to D. Sancho King of Aragon Cousin-German to the Deceased He lost no time but embracing the offer secured the greatest part of the Kingdom That part ●●ich is about Bribiesca and Rioja submitted to Alonso King of Castile who pretended a better Right to Navarre in regard that D. Ramiro Father to the King of Aragon was a Bastard Particularly the City Najara was Surrendred to him where in the Church of S. Mary the Royal were buried the Bodies of the dead King and his Wife The King of Aragon rather than break with him of Castile agreed to pay a certain acknowledgment yearly for Navarre as appears by ancient Records of D. Sancho and D. Peter The Murderer seeing how the new King was received and having lost all hopes of being able to oppose him fled to Zaragoça where the Moorish King gave him a House and certain Lands to support the remainder of his miserable Life CHAP. VIII The Death of Almenon King of Toledo and of D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona The Conquests of the Normans in Italy The Conquest of Toledo resolved upon Ramon Earl of Barcelona Murdered IN the Year of Grace 1077. dy'd two famous Princes These were Almenon King of Toledo and D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona Sirnam'd the Old which was the most remarkable thing that happened that Year Hissem Son to the late King succeeded his Father in the Throne of Toledo and during the short time of his Reign which was but one Year kept up the Amity betwixt King Alonso of Castile and himself as he had been charged by his Father After the death of Hissem Reigned his
in the Meadows at the foot of the Hill on which the Town stands Some Skirmishes hap'ned near the Wall but nothing remarkable in them except that it was observed the Christians were the better Foot and the Moors the experter Horse Towers of Wood were made and all other sorts of Engines apply'd to the Wall which tho' they beat down part of it yet it availed not because the ascent was difficult the Streets narrow the Houses high and strong and the Defendants numerous Thus the Siege was protracted Provisions were scarce the Country about being wasted the heat of the Summer came on and the Army began to be sickly All these things caused the Soldiers to wish for some Honourable Accommodation At this time Cyprianus Bishop of Leon acquainted the King that S. Isidorus had appeared to him assuring the City would be taken in 15 Days The Besieged suffered great want having spent all their Provisions Whereupon gathering in a Body they repaired to the Palace with clamours requiring the King to Capitulate He having endeavoured to appease them affirming they should be speedily relieved and finding they persisted in their demands sent out Commissioners to Treat Some day s●●eing spent in Expostulating and debating the Matter at length the Treaty was concluded upon these Articles That the Palace City Gates Bridges and King's-Garden be delivered up to King Alonso That the Moorish King may go to Valencia or where he shall think sit The same liberty to be allowed the Moors that will bear him company and they may carry their Goods and Moveables Such as will stay in the City shall not be molested in their Persons or Goods The chief Mosque shall continue in their possession No other Taxes shall be imposed on them but such as they paid to their own Kings They shall be Try'd by Judges of their own Nation and no others These Articles were solemnly Sworn to on both sides and Hostages given for performance which done King Alonso with great Joy in the nature of a Triumph entred the City on the 25th of May being the Feast of S. Vrban Pope and Martyr in the Year of our Lord 1085. Some Authors say 1083. That City was in the hands of the Moors about 369 Years Julianus says 366. and that the Moors took it in the Year 719. on S. Vrban's Day during which time the Moors being nothing curious in building it lost much of its former Beauty The Streets were narrow and crooked the Houses ill contrived the very Palace was of Mud-walls and stood where now is a great Hospital Founded by D. Peter Gonzalez de Mendoza Cardinal of Spain and Archbishop of Toledo In the midst of the City stood the chief Mosque on a rising Ground the Building at that time nothing sumptuous Soon after it was Consecrated and in process of time built from the Ground very large and beautiful The fame of this Success was soon spread abroad and Embassadors came to Congratulate with the King from several Princes The Moorish King according to the Capitulation went away with a good Guard to Valencia which was his own where he preserv'd the Title of King On the other side many Brigades of Christians were dispersed throughout the Kingdom of Toledo to reduce all that remained in the possession of the Moors which proved no difficult task they being terrify'd at the loss of so great a City Many Towns were taken the most noted were Maqueda Escalona Illescas Talavera Guadalajara Mora Consuegra Madrid Berlanga Buytrago Medinaceli and Coria many of them ancient Towns not far distant from Toledo strong and seated in a pleasant and fruitful Country Some of the Moors of Toledo accompanied their King but the most staid behind Their number being great there was danger they might upon the first opportunity Revolt To prevent this evil the King resolved to settle his Court there till such time it was better Peopled with Christians and new Fortifications raised to secure it Houses and Lands were by Proclamation offered to all such as would come and inhabit there which drew a great number of People Among the rest we have an account of one Peter a Grecian of the Imperial Family of the Paleologi of Constantinople who is said to have served during the Siege and therefore the King the Town being taken gave him a House and Lands of Inheritance From this Gentleman the great Family of Toledo pretend to be descended From this time 't is said the King's Quarter in Toledo was so called because the King gave that part of the City to the new Inhabitants that resorted thither A new Palace was began to be built in the highest part of the City all to the intent the better to curb the Moors After this we find King Alonso began to stile himself Emperor whether he had reason so to do we will not dispute He was puft up with the Conquests of that new Kingdom and being Sovereign of the greatest part of Spain and the King of Aragon and Moorish Kings being his Tributaries he thought no Titles too great His Joy was somewhat allay'd by the death of his Sister D. Vrraoa whom he respected as a Mother and she deserved it for her singular Vertues His other Sister D. Elvira was Married to the Count de Cabra to whom he gave her to appease him having provoked him by some rash words as is related in the General History of D. Alonso the Wise CHAP. X. The Election of the new Archbishop of Toledo The abolishing the old Missal and Breviary The Original of the Archbishop of Toledo His Spiritual Jurisdiction over all Spain King Alphonso's Wives and Children New Wars break out in Spain IN the Year 1086. the City of Toledo being well Inhabited with Christians and the Moors kept under the King convened a Synod of Bishops at which many of the Nobility were present The cause of their meeting was to chose an Archbishop of Toledo and by the unanimous consent of all Bernard Abbot of Sahagun was Elected He was a Man of a vertuous Life a ready Wit sound Judgment very Learned and Upright which good Qualities moved them to prefer him before all others tho' a Stranger as being a natural born French-man of the City of Agen in the Province of Aquitain or Guienne In his Youth he was a Soldier at riper Years took the Habit of a Monk at Aux and was sent thence into Spain by Hugo the Abbot at the request of King Alphonso to reform the Monastery of Sahagun which he design'd to be the head of all the Benedictines in Spain After he had been their Abbot some time he was promoted to the high Dignity of Archbishop of Toledo That his Honour and Authority might be the greater the King freely gave to him and his Successors Archbishops of that See many Towns Lands Mills and Houses In memory whereof an Anniversary is Celebrated for King Alphonso every Year in that Church in June This done
Forces but by the way at the Wood of Cazlona in Sierra Morena the Emperor fell sick and near the Town of Fresneda he dyed in a Tent on the 21th of August he lived 51 Years 5 Months and 21 Days was King 35 Years and had the Title of Emperor 22 Years and a half A Prince worthy of a longer Life Pious in his Youth Brave and Modest in his riper Years always a pattern of Virtue and Famous to Posterity for his zeal to the Christian Religion He had three Wives Berengaria Beatrix and Rica The second had no Children the last was Mother of Sancha Berengaria brought him Sancho and Ferdinand his Successors also Elizabeth and Beatrix Besides these Alonso and another Ferdinand who dy'd Young and was bury'd in a Monastery of Nuns of the invocation of S. Clement built by his Father with this Inscription on his Tomb Here lies the most Illustrious D. Ferdinand Son to the Emperor D. Alonso who built this Monastery he laid him here to Honour it Sancho and Ferdinand the Emperor's Sons divided his Dominions as he had Ordered Ferdinand had the Kingdom of Leon and Galicia Sancho the Elder Castile with all it Dependencies Both were good and virtuous Princes Sancho was best beloved as being the more affable and dying soon was called the Desired Ferdinand was jealous and gave ear to Court-Flatterers therefore before his Father's Funeral Rites were perform'd he repaired to Leon to take possession of his Kingdom On the contrary Sancho understanding his death made hast to Frensneda and thence conducted him with all the Nobility to Toledo where he was buryed with great Pomp in the Cathedral of that City Sancho King of Navarre for his Learning Age and Exploits called the Wise saying hold of this opportunity over ran all the Lands of Castile as far as Burgos and with the same celerity return'd into his own Country The Moors finding those places they had lost forsaken by the New King easily recovered them It was requisite to check both those Enemies but it was thought fit first to move against Navarre It hap'ned that Ponze Earl of Minerva one of the chief among the Nobility of Leon being wronged by King Ferdinand fled to Castile He being a Person of known Valour and Conduct was favourably received by King Sancho and appointed General of the Expedition against Navarre Having taken charge of the Army by the way of Briviesca he entred the Territory of Rioja and incamped in a plain called Valpiedra near the Town of Ban̄ares where both Parties Ordered their Battles D. Lope de Haro led the Van of the Navarrois D. Ladron de Guevara the Rear and the King the Main Body The Castillians being the more numerous and resolute were not backward At the first charge the Castillians gave way but recovering themselves put the Navarrois to flight but made no great slaughter most saving themselves in the Neighbouring Castles and Towns Supplies coming up now out of France the King adventured a second time to fight in the same place but with no better success Many of the Nobles being taken were generously Treated by D. Ponze and afterwards set at Liberty After this Victory he returned to Burgos where the King having commended and rewarded the Soldiers above all honoured D. Ponze and that to such a degree that he marched as far as the Monastery of Sahagun resolving to make War upon his Brother if he did not condescend to restore him to his Possessions King Ferdinand perceiving the danger he was in came to his Brother unarmed where all differences were agreed and he promised not only to restore D. Ponze but to bestow fresh honours upon him Besides he offered to do Homage to his Brother which King Sancho with great courtesy refused to accept of Calatrava a Town seated on the Banks of Guadiana not far from Almagro when taken from the Moors was given to the Knights Templers but they understanding the Infidels made great preparations to Besiege it and despairing of holding out restored it to the King No Body would undertake to defend it only two Cistercian Monks who came to Court upon business offered themselves These were Raymund Abbot of Fitero near the River Pisuerga and his Companion James Velazquez who having been a Soldier was become a Religious but still had a great Spirit and perswaded the Abbot to undertake the maintaining of that place This offer was very grateful to the King and to John Archbishop of Toledo who were before much concerned for the danger which threatned that place The Archbishop because Calatrava belonged to his Diocess advanced a sum of Money and in his Sermons stirred up the People to contribute towards the defence of that Town either by adventuring their Persons or laying out their Money since they were all concerned in the preservation of it as being the Bulwark of the Christian Borders which once lost ruin and desolation would soon come upon every particular Man's Estate This was at the beginning of the Year 1158. The King freely gave the Town of Calatrava to the Order of the Cistercians for ever Fame which commonly surpasses truth is of great moment in all Worldly affairs as it appeared now for the Moors hearing of the mighty preparations that were making to defend that City came not before it This was the Original of the Knights of Calatrava for many Soldiers followed the Abbot and took the habit he gave them Being returned to Toledo he brought a great number of Cattle from his Monastery and from the Neighbourhood about 20000 people to whom he gave the Lands about Calatrava which before lay wast for want of Inhabitants Thus the Town was secured against any danger Abbot Raymund dy'd some Years after at Ciruelas a Village where he was also buried and is honoured as a Saint Thence in the Year 1471. he was translated to our Lady of Mount Sion a Monastery of Bernardines near Toledo James Velazquez lived many years after and dy'd in the Monastery of S. Peter at Gumiel where he is buried From this beginning the Military Order of Calatrava rose to the greatness it is now arrived at Pope Alexander III. confirmed it by his Bull in the Year 1164 The Convent at first setled in Calatrava was thence removed to Ciruelos then to Buxeda to Corcoles Salvatierra and lastly to Covos There are other lesser Convents of the Order in other places but that is the Principal This Order in process of time grew rich and had the Lordship of many Towns for their good Services and thro' the Bounty of Kings Formerly the Revenues of such Towns were given to old Knights of that Order for their Maintenance during their own Lives only and not for their Heirs Now they serve only to support the Prodigality of Courtiers Thus for the most part good Institutions are perverted CHAP. III. The Death of Sancho King of Castile The great Commotions that ensued The Death of Raymund Prince of
and challenged him as was then usual but some Persons of Piety interposing the business was mitigated yet the hatred betwixt those two Families could not be rooted out Many Towns and Places of strength adhered to Ferdinand de Castro therefore the King forbore for the present contending with him and bending his Force another way recovered many places that were not Garrisoned It was thought convenient to try the Castle of Zurita seated on a Hill at the foot whereof runs the River Tagus Lope Arenas held it as Lieutenant to Ferdinand de Castro Being summoned he excused himself saying The King was not yet at the age appointed by his Father's Will and that he was but Lieutenant and could not surrender without leave of his Lord. No hopes remaining of a surrender it was resolved to use force D. Lope de Haro came from the farthest part of Biscay to serve at that Siege Provisions growing scarce the Besieged resolved to use Fraud and therefore upon pretence of Capitulating getting D. Nun̄o and Suero de Lara into the Castle kept them Prisoners believing the King to save them would raise the Siege There was one Dominick in the Camp who had deserted from the Castle this Man offer'd for a Reward to make them Masters of the Fort. Upon promise of what he demanded he wounded one Peter Ruiz who was consenting to it and flying was admitted into the Castle and to the Favour of the Lieutenant whose Servant he had been He watched his opportunity and kill'd the Lieutenant whereupon the Castle was immediately Surrendred The King caused Dominick's Eyes to be put out as an example of Treachery yet allowed him a Maintenance which was afterwards taken away and he put to Death for that he boasted of his wickedness The Army was dismissed and D. Lope de Haro much commended return'd home having refused Presents that were offer'd him because the King's Treasury was exhausted This Gentleman is said to have built the Town of Haro not far from the River Ebro The King went to Toledo whither he had summon'd the General Assembly call'd Cortes or Parliament and there it was consulted how to settle the Kingdom and recover those places that would not submit This Year was remarkable for great Rains and Floods particularly at Toledo the River Tagus swelled till it came to the Church of S. Isidorus The following Year on the 8th of February there was an Earthquake in that City a thing not usual and therefore thought to presage more Troubles Ferdinand King of Leon had Marry'd Vrraca the Daughter of Alonso King of Portugal by whom he had Alonso who succeeded him notwithstanding he was Divorc'd from the Queen on account of Consanguinity This Divorce produc'd enmity betwixt the Kings and much harm was done on both sides King Ferdinand was busie repairing the Towns ruin'd by the Wars and building others By the advice of a Banish'd Portugues he built Cuidad Rodrigo on the Borders of Portugal to be a check to those People Hence arose Disgusts which ended in open Enmity King Ferdinand tho' Affable and Courteous was Brave and Resolute and feared not at once to engage both the Kings of Castile and Portugal King Alonso of Castile in the beginning of the Year 1170. held the Cortes or Parliament at Burgos where it was Enacted That since he was at the age of 15 appointed by his Father's Will for delivering all Cities Towns and Castles into his Hands there should be War declared against all such as withheld any from him not excepting King Ferdinand who still was possess'd of a considerable part of the Kingdom That War many difficulties intervening was deferr'd for some time The great Men lest they should be reputed Traitors now no excuse was left obeyed Among the first was Ferdinand de Castro who fearing his Enemies and the King's Displeasure renouncing his Country as the Custom was then went over to the Moors whence he ceased not to do harm upon the Lands of the Christians It was also proposed in the Cortes or Parliament to set on foot a Treaty of Marriage between the King and the Lady Ellenor Daughter to Henry II. King of England and Duke of Normandy and Aquitain After this Alonso King of Aragon had an Interview with his Cousin the King of Castile at Sahagun where a League was concluded between them Thence the two Kings about the beginning of July went to Zaragoça From thence an Embassy was sent to treat about the King's Marriage Cerebrunus Archbishop of Toledo was Principal of the Embassy with him went Raymund Bishop of Palencia and other Prelates and Noblemen At Bourdeaux the Treaty was concluded whence the Lady came into Spain attended not only by those that went for her but by Bernard Bishop of that City and many other Persons of Note Mean while the Kings of Castile and Aragon had made a League Offensive and Defensive against all Princes except the King of England in respect to the Marriage in hand For the more security Cautionary Towns were given on both sides the King of Aragon had Najara and Biguerra he of Castile Ariza and Daroca The Bride being come to Taraçona there the Nuptials were Celebrated with great Pomp in the Month of September The King of Aragon gave her Her Joynter was a great part of Castile Burgos Medina del Campo and many other Towns and half of all that should be taken from the Moors For the King ravished with the beauty of his Bride endeavour'd to exceed all his Predecessors in Liberality Lope the Moorish King of Murcia was doubtless in League with the King of Castile for I find he went to Toledo about this time King Alonso of Aragon was about making War upon him on account that he refused to pay the Tribute he paid to his Father but they agreed and he consented to pay upon Condition King Alonso should not uphold the Maçemutes his Enemies All the Solemnities being perform'd at Taraçona the two Christian Kings parted and publick Rejoicings were again Celebrated at Burgos After that the Troop of Avila which till then had attended the King was dismiss'd Great Privileges were granted to the City Avila for its Fidelity to the King in the worst of times Then the King and Queen set out for Toledo At the same time the King of Aragon with the consent of the Bishop of Rhoda had the Head of Valerius Bishop of Zaragoça translated to that City from Rhoda where it had been till then Garsendis Princess of Bearn by the Death of her Father and Brother did Homage to the King of Aragon and confirmed the contract made that she should not Marry without his leave Some are of Opinion she was Marry'd to William of Moncada a Nobleman and Seneschal of Catalonia of which there is no proof and therefore I thought better to leave it dubious than attempt to decide it on either side CHAP. V. The League made against Peter Ruiz de Azagra
The Original of the Knights of Santiago The taking of Cuenca by the Christians Increase of the Knights of Santiago or St. James the Apostle Several places in Navarre taken by the Castilians THE Moors were so pressed by the Aragonians that they had no place of safety Along the River Alga the Towns of Favara Maella Fresneda and others were taken from them On the River Ebro the strong Town of Caspe A great number of them had retired to the Mountain Idubeda thinking the natural strength of the place would secure them but thence also they were driven by the Valour of the Christians So that from this time the Dominion of the Moors extended no farther than the Borders of the Kingdom of Valoncia At the same time Peter de Açagra Son to Roderick de Açagra before spoken of and Lord of Estela for some signal Service done to Lope King of Murcia had the strong Town of Albarazin seated on an uncoth Mountain near the Springs of Tagus given him This place was soon after made a Bishoprick and annexed to the Province of Toledo Both the Kings of Castile and Aragon were offended at Peter de Açagra the latter pretending that City was within the limits of his Conquest whereas Peter would do Homage for it to no Man The other complained he had taken some Castles belonging to him and therefore both agreed with their joint Forces to destroy Albarazin For the more strengthening of this League cautionary Towns were given on both sides the King of Aragon had Agreda Cervera and Aguilar he of Castile Aranda Borgia and Arguedo It was also concluded that Hariza and its Castle should be delivered to the King of Castile in pursuance of the former Capitulation But because Nun̄o Sanchez delivered it without a Special Order the two Kings fell at Variance which yet went no further than Words This discord gave Peter de Açagra time to strengthen himself for neither of the Kings attack'd him He of Aragon despising the Match that had been made by his Father with the Daughter of Castile sent Embassadors to Emanuel Commenus Emperor of Constantinople to desire his Daughter in Marriage Some troubles were at this time in Aragon on occasion that William Aguillon Lord of Tarragona had killed Hugo Bishop of that City for maintaining the Priviledges of his Church The death of Hugo fell on the 22th of April in the Year 1171. which Year was also remarkable for the Death of Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury in England who was Murdered on the same score afterwards Canonized by Pope Alexander III. and soon honoured as a Saint in Spain Lope King of Murcia dy'd in the Year 1172. The King of Aragon thought this a fit opportunity to make his advantage of and entring the Kingdom of Valencia obliged that King to buy a Peace and promise for the future to pay double the Tribute he had payed before Thence the Aragonian pass'd into the Country of Murcia and lay'd Siege to the City Xativa which he was forced to quit when it was upon the point of surrendring being called away to defend his own Country against the Navarrois who made War upon him Hereupon a Truce was concluded with the King of Murcia upon Condition he should pay the same Tribute his Father had agreed to This done the King marched towards Navarre in a rage yet they came not to a Battle but he wasted that Country on the side of Tudela and took the Town of Argueda This hap'ned towards the end of the Year In the beginning of the next being 1173. the War was continued and the Aragonians utterly destroy'd the Town of Milagro betwixt Calahorra and Alfaro from whence much harm had been done in the Lands of Aragon Petronilla Mother to the King of Aragon dy'd on the Third of October the same Year at Barcelona On the 18th of January 1174. the Marriage was at last consumatted at Zaragoça betwixt the King of Aragon and Sancha Sister to him of Castile as had been agreed long before by their Parents the King of Aragon now upon second Thoughts perferring the Alliance of Castile before that of a Foreign and remote Emperor At the same time the Grecian Emperor's Daughter arrived at Montpellier in France where understanding how she was disappointed she Marry'd the Lord of that City About this time the Order of the Knights of Santiago or St. James the Apostle began first to be taken notice of and by degrees from a small beginning are now risen to a Regal Grandeur When the Sepulcher of St. James the Apostle was first discovered the devotion of the place drew many Pilgrims and many were deterred by the badness of the ways and danger of the Moors For taking away these Obstacles the Cannons of St. Eloy built many Hospitals on the road and one to be the Chief of the rest at Leon. This at first mov'd many good People to bestow great Riches upon them Afterwards some that had served in the Wars joined their stocks and lived under certain Rules like Religious Men. These by the industry of Cardinal Jacintus the Popes Legate joyned with the Canons of St. Eloy who had a Convent without the Town of Compostella and sent Commissioners to Rome to Pope Alexander for the obtaining his approbation of their new institution which was to be regulated according to the rule of St. Augustin observed by those Canons Pero Fernandez de Puente Encalada was the chief of these Commissioners who obtained the Pope's Bull approving their design and assigning them Rules to observe The Bull bears date July the 5th 1175 Pero Fernandez himself was Constituted the first great Master of the Order The Badge of the Knights is a White Cloak with a red Cross made in the manner of a Sword The Hospital of St. Mark at Leon was assigned them for their Monastery Their Possessions in Castile were very large among others they had the Towns of Vcles Mora Estriana Almodovar Larunda and Santa Cruz de la Zarça near Ocen̄a in the Year 1176. King Alonso of Castile being of Age and resolving to be revenged on the Kings of Leon and Navarre for the wrongs they had done him in his Minority before he took the Field made his Vows to God in Toledo and gave the Towns of Illescas and Hazan̄a to that Church This done he entred the Territory of Rioja as far as Ebro and having wasted the Borders of Navarre turn'd back and bent his Force against the Kingdom of Leon where he burnt and plundered all the Country the King his Unkle being too weak to withstand him The King of Leon vented his Anger upon the new Knights of St. James supposing they favoured their old Master the King of Castile and therefore drove them out of his Dominions and obliged them to fly to Castile for protection Soon after King Ferdinand repented but it was too late however by the Mediation of Prelates a Truce was
against Leon thinking the wrongs done him had been sufficiently reveng'd CHAP. VI. Rebellion in the Kingdom of Leon suppress'd Alonso King of Portugal taken by Ferdinand of Leon and set at Liberty Being Besieg'd in Santarem by the Moors is relieved by him He vanquishes the Infidels Actions of his Son Sancho THE People of Leon bore Ferdinand their King no Affection some pretending heavy Taxes others that he was Austere and the City Salamanca complained that he had taken part of their Territory to add it to Ledesma which he rebuilt Hereupon they rebelled under one Nun̄o Rabia whom D. Lucas de Tuy says they called King The Town of Avila sent them supplies but King Ferdinand coming upon them overthrew the Rebels took their Captain and caused him to be executed Salamanca was easily reduced and Zamora before Mutinous by this example was pacified These troubles being over the King was perplexed how to relieve Cuidad Rodrigo besieged by Ferdinand de Castro with a great number of Moors S. Isidorus Patron of Leon is said to have assisted him in vanquishing them as he did and grown proud with this success entred Portugal and plundered the Frontiers D. Ferdinand de Castro was prevailed upon by the King to quit the Service of the Moors and ingage under him against Castile whose Territories he immediately entred with the Forces of Leon. Near Lubrical in the Country of Campos he overthrew a Body of the Enemy that came to oppose him took many Prisoners of note and among them D. Nun̄o de Lara his Mortal Enemy He Treated them all courteously and gave them their Liberty only exacting an Oath of them that they would be his true Friends Then putting away his first Wife he Marryed D. Estephania King Ferdinand's Sister by whom he had Peter de Castro of whom we shall speak hereafter Alonso King of Portugal tho' of a great Age had Warlike Thoughts and resented that Cuidad Rodrigo was a curb and inlet to Portugal Wherefore having gather'd a powerful Army he gave the Command of it to his Son Sancho ordering him to Besiege that City being persuaded the King of Leon now ingaged in War with Castile could not have leisure to relieve it King Ferdinand with part of his Forces met the Portugueses and near the Town of Arraganal overthrew them taking many Prisoners whom he presently set at liberty King Alonso after this loss recruiting his Army entred Galicia where he took Limia Turonia and some other Towns Then having encreased his Army he attack'd Badojoz which tho' it belong'd to the Moors was under the protection of King Ferdinand who immediately came to its relief The Portugues had already taken part of the City but Portugal taken by King Ferdinand of Leon and set at Liberty daring to give Battle was vanquish'd and forc'd to retire into the very Town That was no place of safety for the Moors press'd him on the one side and the Christians on the other Attempting to escape he was struck down by the Bolt of the Gate and so taken King Ferdinand having entertain'd him with all manner of Civility and caused his wound to be dressed gave him his Liberty This Courtesie so oblig'd the Portugues that he offer'd to submit himself and Kingdom to King Ferdinand which was refused and nothing demanded of him but the restitution of the Towns he had taken in Galicia The following Year being 1180. on the first of October dy'd Luis VII King of France and Philip Augustus succeeded him About the same time Sancho King of Navarre built the City Victoria in that part of Biscay called Alava it is the head of that Province and stands where formerly was a Village called Gasteiso At Tarragona a Synod was held where among other things it was decreed that for the future the Catalonians in the publick writings should forbear naming the Kings of France and the Year of their Reigns as had been used till then In the Year 1181. dy'd Cerebrunns Archbishop of Toledo Gonzalo the first of this Name a Man of great Piety and Learning succeeded him Some name Peter de Cardona before D. Gonçalo some after him perhaps he was Elect and not Consecrated most Authors make no mention of him King Ferdinand of Leon now made himself Master of Badajoz That City was altogether inhabited by Moors and he could neither People it with Christians nor leave a sufficient Garrison Therefore he gave the Government of it to Abenabel a Moor who soon rebell'd and called the Almohades to his assistance Not content with this he gathered an Army wasted the Frontiers of Leon and then marching into Portugal Besieg'd King Alonso in Santarem King Ferdinand assembling his Forces marched with all speed to the relief of his Father-in-Law but the Moors not daring to stand the Power of both Kings fled At first the King of Portugal was jealous of King Ferdinand's designs being as much afraid of him as of the Moors but being better assured took Courage King Ferdinand returned home with great honour and a rich Booty This same Year 1181 Pope Lucius III. entred upon the Papacy He sent a Legate into Spain to settle Peace betwixt the Christian Princes for the better prosecuting the War against the Moors The King of Aragon being resolv'd to go in Pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James bore the Legate Company into Castile By their Mediation Peace was Established the Bounds of each Kingdom assigned and how much of what the Moors possessed should belong to the Conquest of each appointed wherein the King of Aragon gain'd great reputation for his modesty having no further assign'd him than to Valencia but afterwards his Son Peter being dissatisfy'd had it extended to Alicant Only the King of Navarre could not be perswaded to admit of this pacification being highly offended at the King of Castile for the great harm he had done him However for some time Peace continued among the Christans or at least no considerable Hostilities were committed The War was carryed on against the Moors chiefly by the King of Portugal who in the Year 1183. caused the Bones of S. Vincent to be brought from the Cape of his Name to the Cathedral of Lisbon He sent his Son Sancho to the other side of Tagus to secure the Frontiers and observe the Moors Sancho being Young and Ambitious of Honour with a good force entred Andaluzia and ravag'd all the Country as far as Sevil. Those People daring to come out and give him Battle he overthrew them and laid Siege to Ilipa now called Niebla but could not take it being forc'd to raise the Siege upon News brought him that the Moors had attacked Beja on the Frontiers of Portugal Them also he put to flight and entred Santarem in Triumph At the same time intelligence was brought that the Almohades with their King Abenjacob gather'd mighty Forces against Portugal but they were so quick that before it was expected they sate down
charge The King warn'd Mancada to forbear violence and stand to judgment and he refusing invaded his Lands so furiously that he took from him 130 Towers and Castles and the Town of Cervellon near Barcelona The Castle of Moncada being strongly fortified and William himself in it could not be so easily carry'd Thus much in the Year 1223. in which on the 15th of July dy'd Philip King of France at Medun His Son Luis VIII Husband to Blanch of Castile and Father to S. Luis succeeded him The Year following Alonso II. Sirnamed the Fat King of Portugal deceased at Coimbra and was buryed in the Monastery of Alcobaça near his Wife D. Vrraca in a mean Tomb as was used in those days He left Three Sons Sancho Sirnamed Capelo his Successor Alonso who Marry'd Maud Countess of Bologne in France and Ferdinand Lord of Serpa who Marry'd Sancha the Daughter of Ferdinand de Lara He also left one Daughter called Ellenor Marryed to the King of Dacia as the Histories of Portugal say I will not dispute the truth of it CHAP. VII King Ferdinand of Castile his great success against the Moors King Jaime of Aragon seized by some Rebellious Nobles makes his escape and Commences War against the Rebels THE Tumults in Castile being over King Ferdinand granted a general Pardon He chose the Wisest and most Virtuous Persons to commit the Government of the Cities to and was a mortal Enemy to Hereticks for some of the Albigenses had crept into Spain These good qualities had gained him the Love of his Subjects and he to improve it resolved to make War upon the Moors The People of Cuenca Huete Moya and Alarcon understanding his design Assembl'd together and entring the Kingdom of Valencia brought thence a rich Booty On the other side the King marched towards Andaluzia and when he had passed Sierra Morena Embassadors met him from Mahomet King of Baeça offering to surrender the City and furnish Provisions and Money Having signed Articles the Army moved to Quesada a Town of note now in the Government of Caçorla At first the Inhabitants relying on the strength of their Walls defended themselves but the place was taken by Assault all that could bear Arms put to the Sword and the rest to the number of 7000 made Slaves This slaughter was a Terror to others It were tedious to relate the particulars of this expedition In short many Towns were abandoned by the Moors many surrended Of them some were destroyed others Garrisoned D. Lope de Haro and the Masters of the Military Orders attacked a Town called Mivoras and took it notwithstanding it had a Garrison of 1500 Arabs whereof part was slain the rest fled Thus the Summer and Autumn were spent and in November the Season growing bad they returned to Toledo where the Queens waited the coming of the King in the Year of our Lord 1224. Some days were spent in Publick Rejoycing and Thanksgiving after which as soon as the Weather would permit the King Ordered the Army to march towards Cuenca designing to invade the Kingdom of Valenca Zeit the King of that place terrified with his former losses came to Cuenca submitting himself to the Will of King Ferdinand The Aragonians pretending Valencia fell within the Limits of their Conquest sent Embassadors to complain and at the same time to show their resolution made an inroad into Castile by the way of Soria New troubles arising in Aragon they could not then push on that undertaking William of Moncada Peter Ahones and Ferdinand the Kings Unkle had a consultation at Tahuste where it was resolved to seize the King's Person on pretence of removing evil Councellors but in reality to make their own advantage of him Moncada was offended for the Lands he had lost Ferdinand tho' a Monk still aspired to the Crown and Ahones could not bear to be removed from the Government To strengthen their party they resolv'd to gain Nun̄o Son to Prince Sancho Earl of Russillon All things being thus Order'd they went to Aragon where the King was and coming together upon him advised him to go to Zaragoca there to settle the important affairs of the Kingdom The King tho' he saw into their drift was obliged to condescend They conducted him to his Palace at Zaragoça and plac'd Guards upon him that he might converse with nor write to no Body William Boy and Peter Sanchez Martel were Captains of this Guard and for the greater security lay at Night by the King's Bed-side In this manner they kept him 20 days till he condescended to all their demands Particularly he caused all that had been taken from William de Moncada to be restored and promised to pay him 20000 Ducats for Damages Prince Ferdinand still kept the Government in his hands and the King had no hopes of Relief but in God In Castile all things succeeded prosperously In the Year 1225. as soon as Summer came on King Ferdinand having recruited his Army entred Andaluzia The King of Baeça relieved them with Provisions and received them into the City Andujar and Martos were taken the last was given to the Knights of Calatrava Besides the Town of Jodar was gain'd and the Army return'd home loden with Plunder The same was continued the following years The Affairs of Aragon began to mend and the King departed from Zaragoça towards Tortosa a City at the Mouth of Ebro He resolved to rid himself and the Kingdom of that Oppression and therefore privately made his escape to Huerta a Town belonging to the Knights Templers Thence he sent Circular Letters to summon the Nobility to the City Teruel in order to Invade Valencia They look'd upon this as a Childish heat yet some few Aragonians and more Catalonians came at the day appointed With this small Body he broke in on that side where were before the Ilergaones and sate down before Peniscola a strong place on a Rock opposite to Majorca Zeit the King was so terrified that he sent to beg Peace and agreed to pay the fifth part of the Revenues of Valencia and Murcia This done the Aragonians return'd to Tervel and thence to Zaragoça By the way at a Village called Calamocha they met D. Peter de Ahones and his Brother the Bishop leading a Party raised at their own cost to make an Incursion into Valencia The King would not have him proceed because of the Peace he had made with the Moors but Ahones excused himself with the charge he had been at in raising those Men. Whereupon the King endeavouring to have him apprehended he was killed by the Soldiers His death was so grievously resented that except Calatayud which continued Loyal to the King all the other Cities declared for his Uncle Ferdinand Fair means failing the War broke out and was continued in the Year 1226. This same Year Luis King of France made War upon the Albigenses and having taken Avigron from them dismantled it
Alonso de Meneses was appointed Governour and D. Alvaro de Castro General of the Frontiers To his other Titles the King added that of King of Cordova and Baeça At this time the Episcopal See of Calahorra was translated to St. Domingo de la Calçada but those two Cities disputing the right they were at length both made Bishopricks CHAP. XI A Moorish King Baptized Description of Valencia its Siege and surrender to the King of Aragon who is Wounded before it Theobald King of Navarre goes with others to the Holy-War THE King of Aragon ceased not to press the Moors of the Kingdom of Valencia Zeit their King was Banished thence and being well affected to the Christian Religion was at length Baptized by the Name of Vincent This was done privately that the Moors might not know it he still entertaining hopes of recovering his Kingdoms His Conversion had been foretold by two Fryars John and Peter whom for that reason he caused to be put to Death D. Sancho Ahones Archbishop of Zaragoça laboured to have him Marry because his Life was scandalous he indulging his former Libertinism His Wife's Name was Dominga Lopez of Zaragoça By her he had Alda Hernandez Marry'd to Blasco Ximenez Lord of Arenos who inherited many other Towns of his Father-in-Law and from him came the Family of Arenos In Prosecution of his design the King of Aragon wasted the Territory of Exerica burning the ripe Corn on the Ground Bernard William the King's Unkle by the Mother's side was appointed General of the Frontiers to oppose the Moors he being Famous for Martial exploits In October following the Cortes or Parliament was held at Monçon where it was resolved to carry on the War and Besiege Valencia It was also determined that a certain Coin called Jaquesa which had much mixture of Brass should not be called in because it would be a great loss to those who had any quantity of it On this account they ordered that every House should pay to the King one Maravedis in Seven Years Bernard William repaired the Castle called Poyo de S. Maria destroy'd by the Moors and kept a good Garrison in it Zaen King of Valencia resolved to Besiege this Castle with 600 Horse and 40000 Foot The Christians tho' nothing equal in Number drew out to Fight them in the Field and were reduced to the utmost peril but at length their Valour overcame the Multitude and the Infidels were put to flight It was given out that St. George assisted the Christians in that Fight When success is beyond expectation Men are apt to attribute it to Miracle It is also said an Image of Our Lady was found under the Bell in the Castle to which the Neighbouring People erected a Church This Battle was fought in the Month of August of the Year 1237. King Jaime hearing of the Victory and being informed tho' it proved a false report that the Moors were returning with a greater force he with more Courage than discretion having in his Company only 130 Horse advanced beyond Poyo and Monviedro There a strong Squadron of Moorish Horse met him under the Command of D. Artal de Alagon Son to D. Blasco then in Banishment The danger was great but the King 's good Fortune and above all God's Special Providence brought him off for the Moors marched off another way without offering to charge the Christians It was very dangerous and expensive to keep the Castle of Poyo which lay near Valencia and far from Aragon but chiefly for that Bernard William the King's Unkle who Commanded there was dead which was the cause that the King set out from Zaragoça where he had passed the Winter and exposed himself to that danger He bestow'd on William Entença Son to the deceased all the honours and places of Trust his Father had possessed which were justly due to him for that Gentlemans good Service Berengarius Entença was made Governour of the Castle notwithstanding the most were for abandoning of it yet the King would not consent because it stood opportunely to forward the taking of Valencia Understanding the Soldiers designed to make their escape thence and forsake it he gathered them in the Chapel of the Castle and there upon the Altar took an Oath Solemnly that he would never return home without being Master of Valencia This his Resolution so encourag'd the Soldiers that they willingly stayed there and so dismay'd the Infidels that their King Zaen sent to sue for Peace offering to deliver up several Forts and pay a considerable Yearly Tibute Yet the King contrary to the advice of most Men refused these conditions not doubting of the Conquest of that City He was the more incouraged for that Almenara Betera Bulla and other places were surrended to him With the King at this time there were only 1000 Foot and 360 Horse a small force for so great an undertaking With this handful he durst pass the River Guadalaviar and lay Siege to that great and populous City He intrenched himself in the Mid way between Valencia and the Grao which is the shore so called for that it rises as it were by Steps a Mile distant from each place Valencia is seated in that part of Spain formerly called Tarraconensis in the Territory of the Edetany The Country about it is Fruitful and pleasant but is supplyed with Corn from abroad It was furnished with good Soldiers rich in Merchandize and so pleasant it neither felt the sharpness of Winter nor extream Heat of the Summer Its Buildings are stately its Gardens and Orchards replenished with all variety of Trees in some places cut in various shapes in others so intermixing and intangling their boughs they make a continued Arbour always Green and Pleasant Such were the Elysian Fields feign'd by the Poets Such the beauty of this City which may compare with the pleasantest in Europe On the left side it is Watered by River Guadalaviar which runs between the Wall and the Royal Palace and on the East joins to the City by a Bridge Many small Chanels are drawn from this River to Water the Orchards Three Miles off near the Sea is Albufera a place not very wholesome but where great plenty of fish is taken At that time the Walls of the Town were round containing 1000 paces in Circumference and had Four Gates The first called Boatelana towards the South East the second Baldina towards the North the third Templaria so called of a Church Built there by the Templers towards the East the fourth Xaraena betwixt which and Boatelana the King incamped that being the best place for Battery by reason of a sort of Angle the Wall made there Great diligence was used by the Christians in fixing their Engines for Battery King Zaen the first day before they could intrench drew out to give Battle but the Christians would not be drawn to Fight because their Number was yet small and supplies came in daily to them Many Prelates
and other Persons of note were at the Siege A Body of Frenchmen came under the Command of Aymilius Bishop of Narbonne also succours out of England drawn by the Fame of the enterprize In several Skirmishes the Enemies were worsted which made them more cautious how they Sally'd The Christians lodging themselves under the Walls in Three several places lay'd open as much of them as for one Man to pass Mean while the Besieged were not idle Peter Rodriguez de Açagra and Ximeno de Vrrea at the same time took the Town of Cilla on the other side of Valentia Yet the Moors gain'd Courage at the Arrival of the King of Tunez his Fleet consisting of 18 Ships and Gallies This availed them nothing for the Africans understanding a Fleet was furnishing against them at Tortosa sailed away without relieving the City or taking Pen̄iscola on that Coast as they had designed Now the Besieged began to dismay not only for this disappointment but also because Provisions began to grow scarce and they feared greater want On the contary the Christian Camp was full of hopes and had plenty of all things notwithstanding they were so increased that now they amounted to 60000 Foot and 1000 Horse The King gave great demonstrations as well of his Valour as Conduct and acted the part not only of a General but of a Soldier upon occasion insomuch that approaching too near the Wall he was wounded with a dart in the forehead For five days he could not go abroad On the 13th of June this Year 1238. he received Embassadors in the Camp from the Pope and Cities of Lombardy offering to put themselves into his hands if he would assist them against the Emperor Frederick II. By the advice of his Queen Violante who had great power over him and by whom he had a Daughter of the same Name he accepted of their offers but could not perform as to succouring them he being so engag'd in the Wars of Spain besides that the Emperor was reconciled to the Pope tho' but superficially The Besieged having lost all hopes of Relief resolved to surrender Haliabata the King's Favourite and after him Abulhamaler his Nephew were sent out to treat After many Debates both Parties being eager to come to a conclusion the Capitulation was sign'd and the principal Articles were That the Moorish King deliver up the City Valencia and all other Towns and Castles on this side the River Xucar That the Moors be safely conducted to Cullera and Denia That they have liberty to carry along with them as much Gold Silver Jewels or any other Goods as they can without being searched That a Trūce be inviolably observed betwixt the two Kings for the Term of 8 Years Five days were allowed for the performance of Articles but the Moors before the time was expir'd quitted the City to the number of 50000 Men Women and Children They march'd thro' a Lane made of the Christian Army On Michaelmass-Eve the Victors took possession of that City and Kingdom Consecrated the Churches and chose Ferrer de S. Martin some say he was a Dominican the first Bishop People resorted to inhabit there chiefly out of Catalonia from Tarragona Girona and Tortosa The Country about the City was equally divided among the Prelates Gentlemen and Councils of such Cities as were assisting in carrying on the Siege Also the Knights of S. John and the Templers had their Quota To 380 Horse was assign'd a particular share on account that they should defend the Frontiers 100 of 'em doing Duty every four Months Because the City was not naturally strong and the Walls were batter'd the King raised a new Wall larger than the former and square with 12 Gates 3 towards each quarter of the World New Laws were also given to the Inhabitants Thus Zaen the Moorish King lost the Kingdom he had wrongfully Usurped for no Power unjustly acquir'd can be lasting Great was the Joy for this Success throughout all Spain and it was the greater for that scarce any Gentleman of Note was lost in the Expedition Only D. Artal de Alagon who seeing the Moors go down the Wind had return'd to his Allegiance and together with Raymund Folch Viscount of Cardona took Villena in a Skirmish with the Moors near Saix was killed with a Stone This was the conclusion of the Conquest of Valencia Whilst the Aragonians were busie in this War the Navarrois committed not the least Hostility Theobald Earl of Champagne was their King as has been said above This King being ambitious of Honour and zealous of God's Glory and his Kingdom enjoying Peace agreed with the Earls Henry of Bari Peter of Berteigno and Aymerick of Montfort to go over with their Forces to the Holy-Land All things being in a readiness on their part the Genoeses failed sending a Fleet to transport them They took their Journey by Land thro' Germany Hungary and Thracia and passed over the Streight of Constantinople In Cilicia about the Passes of Mount Taurus they were in great danger being attack'd by vast numbers of Turks so that scarce the third part of the Army that set out reach'd the City Antioch and those that did sick and worn out with their long march Their Success in Palestine was answerable to the beginning very few return'd home The French Historians place this Expedition of King Theobald 10 Years later when S. Luis their King went to the Holy-Land But that cannot be because Roderick the Archbishop mentions this Action of Theobald and his History reaches but five Years after the Conquest of Valencia besides that he was dead before S. Luis set out for the Holy-War THE History of SPAIN The Thirteenth BOOK CHAP. I. The taking of many Towns by the Christians The Kingdom of Murcia surrendred to King Ferdinand His Marriage Salamanca made an Vniversity 20000 Moors defeated by the Christians THE two Kings of Spain Jayme and Ferdinand tho' they were before famous for their Valour and other Vertues became now much more Renown'd for the taking of Cordova and Valencia Several Embassies were sent them by Foreign Princes Congratulating their Success and exhorting them to root out the Moors now reduced almost to extremity Nevertheless the War ceased for some time for the King of Aragon had made a Truce and soon after went to Montpelier King Ferdinand was Celebrating his Nuptials at Burgos Queen Berengaria his Mother had concluded a Match for him with the Lady Joanna Daughter of Simon Earl of Poitiers and Adeloyde his Wife Grandchild of Luis King of France and Elizabeth the Daughter of Alonso the Emperor By her the King had Issue Ferdinand Sirnamed Poitiers Luis and Ellenor After the Solemnities were perform'd both King and Queen took a Progress thro' the Kingdoms of Leon and Castile He used to give access to all Men and hear their Business not only in publick Audiences but even in his Closet which gain'd him the affections of all his People Being come
the King entred in solemn Procession He caused the Walls to be Repaired the Church to be Consecrated and made the City a Bishoprick Authors do not agree about the time when this City was taken the most Learned affirm it was in the Year 1243. the Annals of Toledo say three Years later The Siege lasted eight Months and our Men kept the Field tho' the Winter prov'd very hard Here Roderick the Archbishop of Toledo concludes his History and says it was the 33d Year he had enjoy'd that Dignity The following Year there were Tumults betwixt the Catalonians and Aragonians each side pretending that Lerida was within their Limits The Aragonians said their Borders extended to the River Segre and the Catalonians affirm'd that the River Cinga parted those Dominions King Jayme was more inclinable to the Catalonians designing to divide his Dominions and leave Aragon to Alonso his eldest Son and the Principality of Catalonia to Peter whom he lov'd most tho' the youngest born of Violante his second Wife In fine the case being put to Arbitration the King gave Judgment for the Catalonians to whom he assign'd all the Country betwixt the Rivers Segre and Cinga This resolution of dividing his Kingdom offended not only Prince Alonso but most of the Nobility of Aragon and Catalonia Upon this the Prince withdrew to Calatayud with such as were of his party the chief whereof were Ferdinand the King's Uncle Abbot of Montaragon D. Peter Rodriguez de Aragon Peter Infante of Portugal and other Persons of both Nations who disliked the King's Designs Portugal was now in an Uproar and full of Tumults Sancho II. called Capelo of the form of his Cap then Reigning at the first Govern'd not altogether ill for we find he made War upon the Infidels and gave Mertola and other Towns taken from them to the Knights of Santiago In other respects he was of so easie a nature it almost came to be an Infatuation Mencia his Queen and Daughter to Lope de Haro Lord of Biscay had so intirely gain'd the ascendant over him that she seem'd to be King and he only the Instrument of her Will Her Favourites were of the worser sort and at their will Honours were bestow'd Crimes pardon'd and Punishments inflicted This prov'd the King's ruin for the Noblity offended to see the Government in the Hands of mean People first endeavoured to have the King Divorc'd upon account of Consanguinity and the Queen's Barrenness The business was mov'd to the Pope and to the King who was Consciencious enough yet it availed not it being hard to prevail with the Pope and the King being so in love with the Queen that the People said She had bewitch'd him But love is Witchcraft enough of its self King Sancho had a younger Brother called Alonso Marry'd to the Countess of Bologne in France The Nobility sent the Bishops of Braga and Coimbra to Pope Innocent who then held a General Council at Lyons in France to obtain his Consent for Deposing of their King and Enthroning his Brother but the Pope could not be brought to it only granted that Alonso should take charge of the Government D. Alonso having first been with the Pope at Paris took an Oath that he would have regard above all things to the Publick Good then went into Portugal It was no difficult matter to seize upon the Government the Nobility being all for him yet many Troubles ensued in which Ferdinand and Alonso his Son Kings of Castile bore a part At first King Sancho withdrew into Galicia whither the Queen had before fled Afterwards he went to Toledo to King Alonso then Reigning hoping to regain his Kingdom with the Forces of Castile But his Brother Alonso prevented him by offering to put away his Wife and Mary Beatrix Bastard Daughter to King Alonso and moreover to do him Homage and pay Tribute for the Kingdom of Portugal as had been done Originally Interest bore down Honour and the Pope declared the first Marriage void Thus the Nuptials were Celebrated Certain Towns near the Mouth of the River Guadiana taken by the Castilians which the Portugueses pretended to belong to their Conquest were given in Dower Hence some believe the Kings of Portugal took occasion to add an Orle of Castles to their former Arms. King Sancho having lost all hopes of regaining his Kingdom spent the rest of his days at Toledo living upon Revenues assigned him by the King of Castile After his Death he was Honourably Bury'd in the Cathedral near to Alonso the Emperor Authors do not agree about the time of his Death some say it was 13 years after this we now write of others but 3 and that he Reigned 34 years At the time that King Sancho dy'd his Brother Alonso besieg'd Coimbra which still continued Loyal to the King tho' the Inhabitants suffer'd great hardships Freitas the Governour being inform'd the King was dead yet not giving credit to the Report desir'd leave to go to Toledo to be satisfy'd Leave was granted and a Truce concluded betwixt the Besieged and the Besiegers for that time Freitas being come to Toledo and understanding the truth caused the King's Tomb to be open'd and put the Keys of the City into his Hands saying My Sovereign Lord and King whilst I thought you liv'd I endured all Miseries eat Hides drank Vrine and encourag'd the Townsmen to do the like I have done all that could be expected of a Loyal and dutiful Subject Now you are dead I deliver up the Keys to you which is my last Duty and with your leave will advise the Citizens since they have discharged their Duty that they submit to your Brother Alonso An example of Loyalty that well deserves eternal praise CHAP. III. The beginning of the War against Sevil. Aragon under a general Interdict The Siege and Surrender of Sevil Carmona and several other Places THE League made with the King of Granada put King Ferdinand in hopes of subduing Sevil. 500 Light-Horse were sent before under the Command of the King of Granada to waste the Lands of Carmona formerly a considerable Town Alcala Guadayra thro' that Kings persuasions surrendred Thence a good Body marched towards Sevil and fired the ripe Corn the Vines Olive-trees and all the Country-Houses D. Pelayo Correa Master of Santiago Commanded this Party Another under the King of Granada and Master of Calatrava did the like harm in the Territory of Xerez King Ferdinand himself was at Alcala Guadayra providing all Necessaries that the War might be carry'd on before the Enemy had time to gather strength Now dy'd Queen Berengaria the Kings Mother and soon after Roderick Archbishop of Toledo As to the Year Authors vary some say it was 1245. others 1247. and this agrees with the Inscription upon his Tomb. The Queen was very ancient the Archbishop besides his great Age was worn with continual Labour and had been lastly at the Council of Lyons among other things
not ceas'd His Nobles were Mutinous and there was a report that the Moors of Africk made greater Preparations against Spain than they had ever done before Yet Peter Martinez the Admiral the last Year had taken Cadiz from the Moors by surprize There was some difficulty in maintaining that Island and therefore it was restor'd to the King of Morocco whose it was before by that means to oblige him King Alonso of Portugal sent his Son Denis then but 8 years old to his Grandfather the King of Castile to obtain of him that Portugal might be independant he quitting his Claim to any Homage from that Crown This was propos'd in an Assembly of the Nobility and oppos'd by none but D. Nun̄o Gonzalez de Lara the chief of the Malecontents Nevertheless the King carry'd it and Portugal was made Independant D. Nun̄o worse offended than before conspir'd against the King with D. Lope de Haro and Prince Philip the King's Brother Finding themselves too weak to carry on a Rebellion they sollicited Prince Henry who then govern'd Navarre to joyn with them but he excus'd himself with the absence of the King his Brother Being disappointed there those great Men sollicited the Kings of Portugal and Granada and even the Emperor of Morocco to joyn with them in making War upon Castile King Alonso was a Man of great sence but more fit for a Scholler than a King for whilst he Study'd the Heavens and Stars he lost the Earth and his Kingdom Understanding what was in hand by the information of Fernan Perez whom the Conspirators endeavour'd to engage to their Party he was much surpriz'd and apply'd his Thoughts to prevent the Mischiefs that threatned To this effect from Murcia where he then was he sent Henry de Arana his Embassador to endeavour some Accommodation with those Nobles who had then assembled themselves at Palencia to prepare for War He with the Queen went to Valencia to Confer with the King of Aragon That Prince like a wise Man having forseen the Storm that threatned Castile had at Burgos advis'd King Alonso not to proceed in making himself odious to his Subjects and that if he could not reconcile the Nobility he should gain the Commonalty and Prelates with whose assistance he might baffle all the designs of the others At this Conference nothing of moment was done King Alonso nevertheless was forc'd the next Year to return to Alicant to see the King his Father-in-law and desire he would withhold the Nobles of Aragon from joyning with the Rebels of Castile as they intended to do He also ask'd his advice for that the King of Granada made War upon Guadix and Malaga which Affair he ought first to take in hand King Jayme advis'd to observe the Treaty made with the Moors but that avail'd nothing for the King of Granada invited by the Rebels entred the Christian Territories burning and destroying all before him A Body of African Horse sent by Jacob Abenjoseph King of Morocco followed him Hereupon King Alonso orders his Son Ferdinand then at Sevil with all the Force he could make to oppose the Moors He himself went to Burgos to try if there were any means left to reduce the Rebels In that City the Cortes or Parliament met all those Mutiniers being summoned upon security of their Persons and for their greater safety the Hospital Royal without the City was appointed for that Assembly After several Conferences they were further from any Accommodation than before Their Passions swel'd to that height that many renouncing their Allegiance went away to Granada in the Year 1272. D. Nun̄o de Lara D. Lope de Haro and Prince Philip were the chief of the Conspirators Next to these Ferdinand de Castro Lope de Mendoça Giles de Roa Roderick de Saldan̄a besides a vast number of inferior Persons At their departure they burnt Towns and wasted the Country in token of their malice The King made hast to Toledo thence to Almagro and despairing of reducing the Rebels endeavoured to appease the King of Granada It this did not succeed he resolved to make War upon him with the greatest Force he could gather Whilst these things were acting in Castile Philip King of France Son to S. Luis added Poitiers and Toulouze to his Crown by Inheritance Not long after he expelled Roger Bernard Earl of Faux because he would not stand to Judgment This had like to have caus'd a War betwixt France and Aragon because that Earldom was a Feof of the latter The wisdom of King Jayme prevented it for he persuaded the Earl to submit himself to the King of France and so the dispute ended There were some apprehensions of Troubles within the Kingdom Peter the King 's eldest Son being offended at Ferdinand Sanchez his Bastard Brother for that in his return from the Holy-Land he had been nobly entertain'd by Charles King of Sicily and he suspected they had contriv'd something prejudicial to the Kingdom Ferdinand was at Burriana thither Peter came with a number of Soldiers and Ransack'd the whole House Mean while Ferdinand and his Wife Aldonça made their escape From this beginning greater Troubles arose the Nobility being divided between the two Brothers with such heat that Ferdinand's Party doubted not to raise War against the King himself All the Effect was that the Viscount of Cardona and other great Men lost their Estates Ferdinand Sanchez being taken by his Brother in the Castle of Pomar was Strangled and cast into the River Cinga The Head being taken off the other Conspirators were soon subdued But the Death of Fernan Sanchez hap'ned three Years later He left a young Son from whom the Family of Castro in Aragon descends To Roger Lauria King Jayme gave an Estate in Valencia because he had accompany'd his Daughter-in-law from the furthest parts of Italy This Gentleman proved a great Commander especially by Sea A Truce was concluded for many Years with Henry now King of Navarre his Brother Theobald dying without Issue The King of Aragon pretended a Right to Navarre but finding his own Subjects inclinable to Rebel thought good to agree with the Foreigners lest they should joyn with his People against him CHAP. X. Rodulphus of Ausburg chosen Emperor Henry King of Navarre dies his Daughter Joanna Inherits Alonso King of Castile agrees with his Nobles then goes into France to plead for the Empire before the Pope and returns re infecta KIng Alonso ardently desired to go over into Germany to take possession of the Empire and the more for that Richard his Competitor being dead the Electors were about choosing another This moved him to prepare for that Journey The wiser sort said it were better to settle the Kingdom at home Vain Men advised to carry an Army to subdue all that should oppose him in Germany Being resolved upon this Expedition he determined at any rate to Compound with the Moors of Granada and his own Nobles Mean while
Alhamar King of Granada died at the beginning of the Year 1273. He was a Man of Courage and Conduct Some differences arose about the Succession but that Party prevail'd with which the Outlaws of Castile joyned and Mahomet Miralmutio Leminio eldest Son to the Deceas'd was Proclaimed King Tho' this Prince was naturally an Enemy to Christians and many advised him to War yet because he was not well setled in his Kingdom King Alonso hop'd to conclude a Peace Besides several of the Revolted Nobles began to slacken in their Demands particularly Ferdinand de Castro and Roderick de Saldan̄a upon a safe-conduct came to the Cortes held at Avila At the same time in Germany they proceeded to an Election and Rodulphus Earl of Ausburg was by the unanimous consent of the Electors chosen Emperor All the Opposition King Alonso's Embassadors then at Francfort could make availed nothing The Cortes at Avila being broken up King Alonso went to Requena to consult with the King his Father-in-law about the carrying on the War against the Moors There he was seized with a dangerous Sickness and because nothing succeeded to his Mind thought good to try whether a Peace could be concluded by the means of the Queen and D. Sancho the Archbishop They two went immediately to Cordova to set the Treaty on foot To Pope Gregory X. the King sent Aymarus a Dominican and Ferdinand de Zamora his Chancellor who before the Pope pleaded the Illegality of Rodulphus's Election Ferdinand Bishop of Oviedo was sent to the Electors upon the same Errand All these Embassies took no effect But in the following Year 1274. the Pope holding a General Council at Lyons Fredulus was sent with the Legantine Power into Spain and Orders to offer King Alonso the tenth of the Ecclesiastical Revenues for carrying on the War against the Moors provided he would give over his vain pretensions to the Empire and not disturb the Peace of the Church Mean while King Henry of Navarre overgrown with Fat died at Pamplona on the 22d of July By his Wife Joanna Daughter to Robert Earl of Artois the Brother of S. Luis he left one only Daughter called like her Mother Joanna who succeeded him in the Kingdom tho' but three years of Age. This was the original of new Troubles and the cause that the Kingdom of Navarre was annexed to France Fredulus his Embassy was not ungrateful to King Alonso who answered he would entirely refer himself to the Pope Whereupon his Holiness in open Consistory confirmed the Election of Rodulphus and wrote accordingly to all Christian Princes He also ordered Rodulphus to prepare to go into Italy in order to be Crowned King Jayme tho' old went to the Council at Lyons and returned thence dissatisfied with the Pope because he refused to Crown him unless he would pay the Tribute agreed by his Father King Peter as has been said before Mean while the King of Granada and Rebellious Nobles of Castile by the Queen's Mediation were reconciled to King Alonso All their Demands were granted to the Nobles The King of Granada was ordered to pay 300000 Maravedies of Gold yearly and a great Sum of ready Money Besides because King Alonso had taken Guadix and Malaga into his Protection a Truce for a Year was concluded between them and the King of Granada Gonzalo Ruys de Atiença was then a great Man and the King's Favourite who had a great hand in this Accommodation The King of Granada and the Nobles with Prince Ferdinand set out from Cordova and were kindly received by King Alonso at Sevil. Things being thus setled the Army of Castile under the Command of Prince Ferdinand and by his Father's order moved towards Navarre to Conquer that Kingdom King Jayme having made over his Title to that Kingdom to his eldest Son Peter sent him to gain the good will of the People of Navarre who naturally were more inclinable to the Aragonians than the Castillians Neither the Policy of Aragon nor the Arms of Castile prevailed for the Queen retired into France with her Daughter under the Protection of that King Prince Ferdinand attacked Viana and being repulsed took Mendavia and other small Towns All things proved more difficult than had been expected notwithstanding no Army appeared to oppose him and the Nobility of that Kingdom was divided into several Factions Most inclinable to the Aragonians but chiefly Armengaud Bishop of Pamplona and Pero Sanchez de Montagudo Governour of the Kingdom Peter Prince of Aragon came as far as Sos a Town on the Borders of both Kingdoms there he pleaded his Title to the Crown or at least demanded 70000 Marks of Silver which King Theobald not long before had agreed to pay A Treaty being set on foot the Nobility proposed a Match betwixt the young Lady Heiress of the Crown and Prince Peter who was to have the Kingdom in Dower with her In case that Match should be disappointed they engaged to pay the Prince 200000 Marks towards the charge of the War they were to make with joynt Forces against Castile in case that King persisted to molest them These Articles were agreed on at Olite in November King Alonso being resolved to take a Journey into France held the Cortes or Parliament at Toledo that all things being setled he might set forwards The Government of the Kingdom he left to his Son Ferdinand to several Noblemen he gave Posts of Honour and made D. Nun̄o de Lara General of the Frontiers against the Moors The Cortes breaking up the King and Queen their younger Children and Emanuel the King's Brother about the end of the Year set forwards Their Journeys were short by reason of the greatness of the Retinue They went to Valencia then to Tortosa then to Tarragona where King Jayme waited to entertain them They kept Christmass at Barcelona and there began the Year 1275. Both Kings were present at the Funeral of F. Raymund de Pen̄afuerte a Dominican and Person of singular Piety This same Year died D. Pelayo Perez Correa Master of the Knights of Santiago very Aged and Famous for his great Exploits His Body was Buried at Talavera in the Church of S. James the Apostle which is in the Suburb as the People of that Town affirm Others say at S. Mary de Tudia a Church built by him at the foot of Sierra Morena in memory of a great Victory obtained there by him over the Moors Which was so remarkable that the People gave out the Sun had stood as at Joshua's Command They also say that Church at first was called of Tentudia from the words the Master said to the Mother of God which were Sen̄ora Ten Tu Dia that is to say Lady hold thy Day Fear makes one Hour look like many and many things are feigned or fancied in danger which never hap'ned King Jayme no way approved of his Son-in-law King Alonso's Journey and endeavoured all he could to dissuade him
his Sword saying There was no Reason such Men should fall out about that Dog The Arch-Bishop's Head and left Hand were cut off This Disaster was so much the more to be lamented for that the Enemy in that Fight might have been utterly overthrown had the Christians expected till D. Lope de Haro could joyn them for he coming up soon after with only his own Forces oblig'd the Moors to retire but could not totally defeat them because Night came on The Body Head and Hand of the Arch-Bishop being ransom'd at a great rate were bury'd in the Royal Chappel of Toledo where lay Alonso the Emperour and his Son Sancho Ferdinand Abbot of Covarrubias succeeded in the Archbishoprick and he having after six Months resign'd it because the Pope would not confirm his Election the Pope made choice of D. Gonzalo the second of the Name who had been Bishop of Cuenca first and then of Burgos He is said to have been a Cardinal and dyed in the Year 1299. This unhappy Year we now write of was yet more remarkable for the Death of Prince Ferdinand He dyed at Villareal where he had appointed the Rendezvous of all the Forces His Body was bury'd at Huelgas and his Death caus'd no less Grief at present than it afterwards produc'd Troubles his Brother Sancho pretending the Crown of Right appertain'd to him as second Son to King Alonso then Living notwithstanding Prince Ferdinand by his Wife the Lady Blanch left two Sons call'd Alonso and Ferdinand whom at the time of his Death he recommended to D. John de Lara eldest Son to D. Nun̄o de Lara Prince Sancho being a Youth of good Conduct made Head against the Moors and put a stop to their proceedings He garison'd all strong Places and avoided giving Battle by that means gaining time for the fury of the Infidels to spend it self The Moors of Valencia encouraged by the success of the others and despising King Jayme who was grown old revolted notwithstanding Prince Peter was upon the Borders of Murcia wasting the Lands of Almeria with a good Body of Men. Navarre was no better setled at that time Philip King of France having contracted Joanna the Heiress of Navarre to his Son Philip who succeeded him and was called the Fair made Stephen de Belmarc a French-Man Viceroy of Navarre taking that Imployment from Peter de Montagudo A stranger had not sufficient Authority to quell the Tumults that then were in the Kingdom and Peter de Montagudo offended that he had been removed from that Post joyning with Garcia Almoravides who had always favour'd the Castilians they both headed the Mutineers Within the City Pamplona the Two Factions came to Blows Such was their cruelty that they burnt the Ripe-Corn and dash'd out the Brains of Children but the French had the worst of it Peter de Montagudo inclining afterwards to the French Party either for the sake of Peace or some other Cause was kill'd by his own People A Man unworthy that hard Fate for his many Virtues CHAP. II. Three Popes Dye in one year Prince Sancho of Castile contrives to Vsurp that Crown from his Nephews The Death of Jayme King of Aragon and of Alonso of Portugal Peter succeeds the first and Denis the latter THE following Year 1276 was remarkable for the death of Three Popes which were Gregory the Xth Innocent the Vth and Adrian the Vth. Innocent held it but Five Months and Two Days and A●rian only Thirty Seven Days John the One and Twentieth succeeded him he was born at Lisbon and a great Scholar as appears by his Writings In the Ninth Month of his Pontificate he was kill'd at Viterbo by the fall of the Roof of the Room where he was Nicholas the III. was his Successor At this same time in Castile were sowed the Seeds of a Civil War which prov'd lasting and destructive Prince Sancho us'd all means to gain the affections of the Nobility and People which the King his Father had utterly lost His Journey into France had increas'd their Discontent The People was desirous of Novelties and the Nobles were well dispos'd to Rebel D. Lope de Haro a Man in great power was reconcil'd at Cordova to Prince Sancho A Truce was concluded with the Moors for two Years This done the King of Morocco pass'd over into Africk Prince Sancho with great speed went to Toledo upon pretence of visiting his Father then newly return'd from France His chief Design was to have the Succession settled upon himself with the consent of the King and Nobility D. Lope de Haro undertook to propose this Affair which highly displeas'd King Alonso both for that they urg'd the Succession whilst he was yet living and because he thought it a great wrong to exclude his Grand-children However by the Advice of his Brother Prince Emanuel then a great Friend to Prince Sancho it was resolv'd the Cortes or Parliament should meet at Segovia to determine this Affair Their Judgment was given in behalf of Prince Sancho in which doubtless regard was had to the Peace of the Kingdom which he would otherwise never have ceas'd to disturb In Aragon King Jayme us'd all his Endeavours to quell the Moors by Policy or if that fail'd to apply Force To this purpose he March'd through Valencia and in several Rencounters sometimes the one sometimes the other Party had the better Whilst the King was at Xativa his Forces were so intirely cut off at Luxen that from that Day which was Tuesday the People began to account Tuesday an unlucky Day Garci Ruiz de Açagra Son to Peter de Açagra Lord of Albarazin was slain in that Fight and the Head-Commendary of the Knights Templers taken The King griev'd at this loss and being very much broken with continual Labour left the Charge of the War to his Son Prince Poter and was carry'd away sick to Algezira a Town in Valencia There being given over by the Physicians he resign'd up the Kingdom to his Son giving him much wholesome Advice Then he put on the Habit of S. Bernard intending to spend what remain'd of Life in the Monastery of Poplete where he would also be buryed His Sickness gave him not so much Leisure he dy'd at Valenica on the 27th of July His Fame will be immortal not only for his great war-like Exploits but also for his Piety since Authors assirm that he built 1000 Churches I suppose he caus'd most of them to be Consecrated having taken them from the Moors For Martial Affairs he may be compar'd to the most renowned antient Commanders having fought Thirty pitched Battles with the Moors and been Victorious in them all whereby he obtained the Name of Conquerour He reigned Sixty Three Years and somewhat blemish'd his Good Name by his Incontinency By Queen Violante he had Peter Jayme Sancho the Arch-Bishop Elizabeth Queen of France Violante Queen of Castile Constance marryed to Prince Emanuel and Mary and Elenor who dyed
young This was his lawful Issue By D. Teresa Egidia Vidaura he had D. Jayme Lord of Exerica and Peter Lord of Ayerve both whom at his Death he declared Legitimate and appointed to succeed in Case Queen Violante's Children left no Heirs By another Woman of the House of Antillon he had Fernan Sanchez who we said above was killed by his Brother By Berengaria Fernandez he had another Son called Peter Fernandez to whom he gave the House of Ixar From them all are descended Noble Families in the Kingdom of Aragon It is remarkable that after his four Sons which he declared Legitimate he appointed the Heirs Male of his Daughters Violante Constance and Elizabeth to succeed excluding the Mothers themselves and all other Women from ever inheriting the Crown of Aragon He charg'd his Son to expel all the Moors the Kingdom as being a People never to be trusted Prince Peter tho' his Father were dead took not immediately the name of King but stil'd himself Heir of the Kingdom till such time as he was crown'd at Zaragoça which was on the 16th of November after the Troubles of Valencia were appeas'd The Queen also was Crown'd and the Nobility took an Oath to Prince Alonso the new King's Son as Heir apparent of the Crown To D. Jayme the late King 's younger Son were given the Islands of Majorca and Minorca with the Title of King as his Father had order'd He had also the Earldom of Rusillon and Mompellier in France This Prince had Three Sons Sancho Ferdinand and Philip. The Division of the Kingdom caus'd disgusts between the two Brothers which at length broke out into open War D. Jayme complain'd that the Kingdom of Valencia had been taken from him and he left a Homager to his Brother thus his Ambition push'd him on to his Ruin and he never gave over till stripp'd of all his Dominions Navarre was nothing quieter than the rest of Spain Philip King of France having taken upon him the Charge of that Kingdom resolv'd to go thither in Person with a sufficient Army to compose those Distractions The Weather was unseasonable the Pyrenean Mountains cover'd with Snow and great want of Provisions Which difficulties caus'd him to return Home himself yet he sent forward Charles Earl of Arras with the most and best of the Army This was a Person of great Authority as being Uncle to Queen Joanna and therefore his presence was of great use The contrary Faction being worsted by the French near a Town call'd Reniega retir'd to that quarter of Pamplona call'd Maverreria the French still pursuing and pressing upon them Therefore Garcia de Almoravides the head of those People with all his Friends and Kindred in the Dark Night got through the Enemies Centinels and fled out of the Kingdom Some of them setled in Cerdagne where their Posterity remains to this Day Pamplona was taken and fired Such as remain'd terrify'd with this Punishment submitted themselves others that were fled being summon'd to appear and answer for themselves upon contempt were in absence attainted of High Treason The French General having quieted the Kingdom went into Castile and was nobly entertained by King Alonso with whom being somewhat familiar the King said He wanted not intelligence from the French Court of such as were near about that King and revealed his Secrets This whether true or false brought Broquiol the French King's Chamberlain into suspicion which was increas'd by Letters of his to King Alonso written in Cyphers intercepted by his Enemies and at last cost him his Head Da. Violante Queen of Castile seeing her Grand-children slighted and Prince Sancho prefer'd before them and not thinking her self safe resolv'd to fly and to that purpose perswaded her Brother the King of Aragon to come to the Monastery of Huerta upon pretence of visiting him there With the Queen were her Grand-children and all together went into Aragon King Alonso when he understood her design indeavour'd to prevent it but too late No misfortune could have troubled him more than this did therefore he vented his Passion upon those he thought had any hand in the Queens departure He caus'd his Brother Prince Frederick and Simon Ruiz de Haro Lord of Cameros to be apprehended The Court was full of discord and many favour'd the King's Grand-children Simon Ruyz was burnt at Trevizo by Prince Sancho his Order he also caus'd Prince Fredrick's Head to be cut off which drew on him much hatred especially for that they were executed without being try'd Embassadors pass'd between the Two Kings He of Castile demanded his Wife should be sent back and the Election of D. Sancho allow'd The King of Aragon excus'd himself saying that Business was not yet fully determin'd and that all Persons found protection in his Kingdom much more a Sister These differences were so heightn'd that it was thought the King of Aragon would have made War upon Castile had not the Moors of Valencia rebell'd and taken Montesa relying upon the King of Morocco But those Tumults were quell'd sooner than was expected for the Moors seeing no Succours came from Africk delivered up to the King Montesa and many other Castles they had in the Month of August 1277. Now King Alonso was come from Burgos to Sevil and thence sent a great Force to Besiege Algezira by Sea and Land Prince Peter the King's Son undertook to subdue that City but he return'd with Shame having lost many Men and our Fleet being ill mann'd was destroy'd by the King of Morocco Our Army dispers'd Some say the King of Morocco then built another Algezira not far from the former The Body of King Jayme of Aragon was deposited near the high Altar of the Cathedral Church of Valencia and thence in the Summer translated to the Monastery of Poblete Both the Kings of Castile and France were equally concern'd about the departure of Qu. Violante he of Castile fearing lest the Children should be carryed into France where they were sure of Protection and he of France lest they should fall into the Hands of their Uncle where their Lives were in danger or at least their Liberty was certainly lost Solemn Embassies were sent from both Princes upon this Score to the King of Aragon who at length resolv'd that Queen Violante should return to her Husband and that the Two Princes should remain in Aragon where they were secur'd in the Castle of Xativa This resolution troubled the Lady Blanch their Mother seeing them depriv'd of Liberty where she expected they should have been protected Hereupon she went away to Aragon and not obtaining any thing of that King pass'd over into France to perswade the King her Brother to make War upon Castile and Aragon unless they comply'd with her reasonable demands The Kingdom of Navarre which the French then possess'd lying so opportunely to infest Castile and Aragon mov'd that King and Prince Sancho to appoint a Conference at a place between Requena and
Bun̄ol There they met on the Fourteenth of Sept. 1272 and laying aside all former Animosities concluded a League After the conference the King of Aragon went away to Catalonia then in an Uproar caus'd by the Nobility Armengaud de Cabrera Son to Alvaro de Cabrera to whom the King not long before had given the Earldom of Vrgel was the great incendiary The King besieg'd Balaguer the chief City of that Earldom and in it took Armengaud himself and his Uncle Roger Bernard and some other Lords whom he long kept Prisoners especially the Earl of Faux who had Rebell'd several times Thus the Troubles of Catalonia ended Prince Sancho of Castile went to Badajoz whither his Father was gone from Sevil to endeavour to make Peace between his Grandson Denis King of Portugal and Alonso that Kings Brother whom he labour'd by Force to deprive of the Possessions his Father had left him King Alonso of Portugal Father to Denis dyed at Lisbon the beginning of this same year He Liv'd 70 years Reigned 32. and was buried in the Monastery of S. Dominick Built by himself in that City Prince Sancho having seen his Father was sent away to make New Levies throughout the whole Kingdom in order to March against the King of Granada who was then taken up in Building the Palace of that City call'd Alhambra an excellent Structure which cost much Mony that King being no less skill'd in Works of that Nature than in Military Affairs What pretence there was for this War I know not but suppose he was not included in the late Treaty made with the King of Morocco Denis the King of Portugal either that he confided not in his Grandfather or fearing he was more inclinable to his Brother tho he came as far as Yelves which is but Three Leagues from Badajoz on a sudden turn'd back and went away King Alonso in a great Rage to be so disappointed return'd to Sevil. At this time Conrade Lança Admiral of Aragon with a Fleet of Ten Galleys scour'd the Coasts of Africk particularly of Tunez and Tremezen because they refus'd to pay the Tribute agreed upon some years before A certain Author affirms this Expedition was undertaken to restore Mirabusar Expell'd his Kingdom of Tunez by his Brother All agree a great Booty was taken by the Aragonians and that at the Streights of Gibraltar they defeated Ten Galleys of the King of Morocco Taking some and Sinking others The King of Aragon at Valencia where he commonly resided gave a Grant of the Lordship of Segorve to his Bastard Son D. Jayme about the Month of November CHAP. III. The Practices of Prince Sancho He Rebels against his Father The King of Morocco comes to Aid King Alonso Returns home leaving a Thousand Horse to serve under him King Alonso Disinherits and Curses his Son Prince Sancho IN Castile the Affection the People bore Prince Sancho daily increas'd and many believ'd when he was once well rid of his Nephews he would ease his Father of the Burden of the Crown His Father suspected nothing less than such a Design Prince Sancho in the Spring of the Year 1280. March'd with the Army he had rais'd to the Frontiers about Jaen and being there Recruited with Forces sent by his Father from Sevil entred the Territories of Granada where he Burnt all the Country as far as that City and then return'd with a great number of Cattle and Captives to Cordova and thence bore his Father Company to Sevil. This Success endear'd him more to the People which was what he chiefly aim'd at to secure the Succession to the Crown Philip K. of France sent Embassadors to demand that his Nephews should be set at liberty and deliver'd up to him and in case fair means would not prevail to threaten War Nothing being concluded it was agreed the Three Kings upon sufficient Security given should meet and commune together All the Kings set forward but they met not for Prince Sancho cunningly broke off that Interview fearing his Father who was inclinable to his Grandchildren might conclude something that might be prejudicial to him However it was agreed that Charles Prince of Taranto Son to the King of Sicily should carry the messages between the Kings yet all came to nothing Prince Sanoho undermining their Designs The French only ask'd that Prince Alonso should have the City Jaen given him with the Title of King and to hold of the Crown of Castile After this Disappointment the Kings of Aragon and France met about the same Affair and with the same success only the King of France took an Oath he would resign the Lordship of Mompellier to which he had pretended a Right to Jayme King of Majorca Prince Sancho was extreamly pleas'd that he had disappointed all the Designs of those Kings yet fear'd his Fathers Love towards those Children and there wanted not some who incensed King Alonso against his Son Therefore the Prince resolv'd to strengthen himself with Foreign Aids and to that purpose procur'd an Interview between his Father the King of Aragon and himself at a Town call'd Campillo between Agreda and Taraçona on the 27th of March 1281. At this Conference a League offensive and defensive was established between the two Kings upon penalty of 20000 pound weight of Silver to him that first broke it Palaçuela Teresa Xera and Ayola were now given to the King of Aragon and in lieu of them to Prince Emanuel the King's Brother whose those Places were Escalona was given This is what was publickly acted In private they concluded with jont Forces to invade Navarre and agreed what part each was to have when Conquer'd Prince Sancho obtain'd that the young Princes his Nephews should be secur'd in the Castle of Xativa and the more to oblige the King of Aragon he promised after his Fathers Death to yield him up all the Kingdom of Navarre and to give him in Castile the Town of Requena with all its Dependencies which lies on the Borders of Valencia towards Murcia He valu'd not what promises he made to secure his Power D. John Nun̄ez de Lara a powerful Man was then Lord of Albaracin having Marry'd the Daughter and Heiress of D. Alvaro de Açagra the Son of Peter Rodriguez de Açagra both Lords of that City Thence he made inroads into both the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon carrying away much Booty and gave Protection to all those that fled to him on account of any Crimes whatsoever Particularly D. Lope Diaz de Haro a mighty Lord being offended at King Alonso and Prince Sancho for the Death of Prince Frederick and the Lord of Cameros was retir'd thither The King of Aragon and Prince Sancho consulted at Taraçona about taking that City and expelling D. John de Lara King Alonso went to Burgos to Celebrate the Neptials of his two Sons Peter and John Peter marry'd a Daughter of the Lord of Narbonne and John the Daughter of the Earl of
Italy where he gave the Pope an account of his Negotiation and then went into Sicily to stir the People there to Rebel Such was the Security of the French and the Secrecy of the Conspirators that nothing was discover'd At this time dy'd Pope Nicholas and Martin the IVth native of Tours succeeded him This Pope was wholly devoted to King Charles and to oblige him Excommunicated the Greek Emperor Besides he refused to Canonize Raymund of Penafuerte which the King of Aragon solicited for pretending that nothing ought to be granted him whilst he refused to pay the Tribute he ow'd to the Church of Rome but instead thereof he recall'd the Grant of the Tenths of Ecclesiastical Revenues which his Predecessors had made to King Jayme Father to him now Reigning What might have terrify'd the Aragonian made him the more eager and therefore he furnish'd a mighty Fleet on the Coast of Aragon giving out it was to go over into Africk where two Sons of the King of Tunez who was deposed by Conrade Lança were at variance about the Cities of Constantina and Bugia This was given out but his real design was against Sicily The Popes and King of France's Embassadors pressing to know the intent of those Preparations as being both concern'd for King Charles the King of Aragon in a Passion answer'd If he thought his Shirt knew his design he would take it off and burn it The Grecian Emperor according to promise sent a considerable Sum of Mony The Conspiracy of the Sicilians was put in Execution at the holiest time of the year to wit on the 21st of March being Easter Tuesday when the French were most secure being wholly bent upon Sports and Pastimes At the time when the Bells Rung to Vespers or Evensong all the French throughout the whole Island were Massacred and thence came the Proverb of the Sicilian Vespers Besides the Sicilians seiz'd upon all the Fleet provided in the Ports of that Island against the Grecian Emperor then declar'd an Enemy by the Pope This is the most receiv'd Relation of that memorable Action Yet others affirm it began at Palermo where a French Man offering to search a Woman for Arms the People laid hold of that occasion to Rise and kill all the French in the City Castle and Country without sparing either Age or Sex insomuch that they slew such Women as they thought to be with Child by them that none of the Race might remain The City of Palermo was Plunder'd as if an Enemy had entred it All other Towns follow'd the Example of Palermo Only Mecina was some time quiet because Herbertus Aurelianensis Governour of the whole Island for the French was there yet soon after the Mecineses expell'd the Governour and Garrison William Porcelotte a Provençal who was Governour of Calatafimia in the Heat of that Confusion was permitted to depart peaceably the general opinion conceiv'd of his Goodness and Modesty protecting him This was the event of that most famous Conspiracy of John Prochita The Sicilians after their Fury was over reflecting on their Danger and resolving rather to Dye than fall again into the hands of the French thought fit to have recourse to the Ring of Aragon for Protection Whilst this was doing in Sicily he was at Tortosa with his Fleet in a readiness and thence went over into Africk where having plunder'd and ruin'd the Sea Coasts on a sudden he Sail'd over to Corsica There he was inform'd of what had been done in Sicily and that King Charles was gone in great haste from Tuscany and had laid Siege to Mecina Battering it with the greatest Fury imaginable The French acted with Rage seeking to revenge the Slaughter of their Country-men and the Besieg'd defended themselves with such Resolution that the Women and Children were not exempted from the Labour or Danger Now the King of Aragon arrived at Palermo where the more to tye him to the Interest of the Island he was Crowned and there his Fleet was Increas'd with the Addition of the Ships taken by the Sicilians and provided by the French against the Grecian Emperor Hope of speedy Relief encourag'd the Besieg'd and King Charles was forc'd to quit the Siege and with Shame return into Italy The Two Kings sent one another Letters full of reproachful Language and declar'd open War The King of Aragon expected Supplies from Spain King Charles from France and Marseilles The later incamp'd with his Army near the Streight of Mecina in sight of Sicily King Peter had distributed his Forces in Garrisons He finding the Enemy was Strong and that his own Recruits were to come from far off thought good to make use of Policy King Charles was Brave and valu'd himself much upon his Strength and Skill at all Weapons King Peter sent him a Challenge to Fight Hand to Hand and decide the Quarrel without the Effusion of so much Blood as must of necessity be shed in a Battel So say the French Historians But the Aragonians affirm that King Charles Challeng'd King Peter and that Simon Leontius a Dominican brought the Challenge Certain it is the Challenge was accepted and they agreed to Fight with 100 Gentlemen on a side A Dispute arising about the Place of Combat Bourdeaux was agreed upon as an indifferent Place being then in the Hands of the King of England They appointed the Day and swore to the Conditions of the Combat The Pope knowing what had been done in Sicily charg'd the King of Aragon to desist and not disturb the publick Peace but he refusing to obey on the Ninth of November was Excommunicated He also sent to the King of England to forbid him permitting the Battel in his Dominions yet that avail'd not Queen Constance by her Husband's Order went to Sicily that the Sicilians might not Revolt she being their Natural Sovereign She arriv'd at Mecina on the 22th of April 1283. and with her her Son Jayme to whom his Father design'd to give the Kingdom of Sicily Both Kings prepar'd for the Challenge King Charles went over into France and he of Aragon with his Fleet into Spain On the first day of June the day appointed for Battel King Charles with his Troop of Gentlemen appear'd at Bourdeaux King Peter came not The French Authors attribute this to Cowardize and Falshood for at the same time the King of Aragon was making Warlike Preparations Our Historians excuse him saying he was warn'd by the Governour of Bourdeaux to have a care of Treachery for that the King of France was Marching that way with a powerful Army so that his 100 Aragonian Horse were to encounter with the whole Power of France This gave occasion to every one to make Reflections according to their inclination and was the ground of a lasting War As soon as the King of Aragon return'd home he took in hand two several Affairs One was to drive D. John Nun̄ez de Lara out of Albaraçin since relying on the Strength
to return into France by Land about Autumn dismiss'd many hir'd Ships they had i● the 〈◊〉 Roses to 〈…〉 Charges Mean while Roger Lauria Admiral of Aragon having take● the 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 Part of Italy came with great speed to relieve the King of Aragon being come upon the Coast of Spain he fell upon the French Fleet then out of Port consisting of few Ships and those unprovided and so easily overthrew them John Sco●us the French ●dmiral was 〈…〉 with 15 Galleys 12 others fled to the Port of Roses whence they had 〈◊〉 Their 〈…〉 burnt not only them but the very Town such was their Conste●nation and fled to the Camp whither they carry'd the News of their Defeat The King of France finding all things more Difficult than he had expected and much griev'd with Sickness repair'd 〈…〉 and leaving a strong Garrison in it march'd with the remainder of his Army towards Roussillon On the Pyren●an Mountains the whole Army was in great Danger the Aragonians having secur'd all the Passes in hopes to take the King of France who by reason of his Indisposition was carry'd upon Men's Shoulders Great loss was sustain'd much Baggage lost and what was worst of all the King fatigu'd with the Journey d●'d at Pe●pignan on the 6th of 〈◊〉 His Body as he had order'd was carry'd to the Church of ●● Denis near Pari●s His Son Philip the Fair or the Beautiful succeeded him being before that King of Navarre Upon the Departure of the French all the ●had taken was recover'd by the 〈◊〉 Besides Prince Alonso s●nt over by his Father to that effect took all the Island of Majorca in 〈…〉 that the King of it had joyn'd with the French 〈…〉 his own Brother The King of 〈◊〉 design'd to pursue his good Fortune and had new Design● 〈…〉 to strengthen himself when Death put a Period to all his Resolutions He dy'd at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 8th Day of November in the Prime of his Age being but 〈…〉 Six Years old 〈…〉 the height of his Glory He was call'd the Great for that 〈…〉 Sicily to his Dominions and for his other memorable Exploits He was an 〈…〉 being of ●● only Presence Presence of large Stature a generous Spirit well skill'd at all Weapons especially in wielding a Pole-Ax He had a particular Way of ●●ining Peoples Affections with Good Words Courtesey and Liberality He le●t no other Reflection on himself but his lying under an Excommunication till the end of his Life the Thoughts whereof often perplexed him and particularly at the Hour of his Death He was resolv'd of that Scruple in the last Ag●ny by the Arch-Bishop of Tarragona having exacted to Oath from him that he would for the future be obedient to the Church His Body was Buried in the Monastery of Santa Cruz which is near that Place His Children went D. Alonso the Eldest whom in his Will he appointed Heir of his Kingdoms without making particular mention of Sicily then Jayme 〈◊〉 Peter Elizabeth and the 〈◊〉 Constance all Born of Queen Constance his Wife Arnaldus de Vallanova a most famous 〈◊〉 of those times was with the King when he dy'd This Man and all his Works were afterwards condemn'd by the Inquisitions Tostatus affirms he attempted with Humour 〈◊〉 and other 〈◊〉 to form a Man and that tho' it took not effect he went a great way towards it 〈…〉 is not our Business to argue the Truth of this Assertion CHAP. VII The King of Castile and Portugal meet D. Lope de Haro flies to Navarre A Treaty in order to release the two Princes of Castile Charles Prince of Salerno set at Liberty France and Castile joyn against Aragon Denis King of Portugal his Issue THis Year unfortunate in the Death of so many Princes was in some measure bless'd with the Birth of Prince Ferdinand Son to the King of Castile and born at Sevil while his Father was gone to Badajoz to appease some Troubles that were in those Parts The Care of his Education was committed to Hernan ●once ●● Leon a Man of great Note and Zamora was appointed for his Residence as being a Place 〈…〉 and Pleasant Moreover the following Year which was 1286 in the Cortes or Parliament he was sworn Heir to the Crown● which was his Father's chiefest Ca●e both in respect he fear'd his Nephews as also because his Marriage with the Queen was illegal upon account of Consanguinity He endeavour'd to obtain a Dispensation but could never Prevail with the Popes the King of France always opposing it in favour of the two excluded Princes his near Kinsmen King Sancho labour'd by all means to gain his Good Will and to that purpose sent the same Embassadors who went to him the Year 〈◊〉 and were the Bishop of Calaherra and Abbot of Valludoli● Philip the 〈◊〉 King of France was Crown'd at Rheimes on the 6th of January In Sicily Prince Jayme as soon as he neard of the Death of his Father took upon him the Title of King of Sicily and Prince of Apulia and 〈◊〉 as being possess'd of a good Part of the Kingdom of Nap●●● and hoping in a short time to be Master of all that remain'd Yet all places were well fortify'd and provided to oppose the Sicilia●● though the Valour and Industry ●● Robert Earl of Arras to whom the King of France after the Death of King Charles had committed the Care of the Kingdom of Naples 〈◊〉 the III. King of Aragon being sometime taken up in fitting out a Fleet to invade Majorca and Minorca as was left him in Charge by his Father delay'd his Coronation ●● the 14th of 〈◊〉 being Easter Sunday He was crown'd at Zaragaca by the Bishop of 〈◊〉 the See of Tarragona whose that Honour was being then vacant and took the usual Oath to preserve the Liberties of the People The Expences of the Royal Family were retrench'd and at the Cortes or Parliament held at Huesca the King granted that Valencia sometime before annex'd to the Crown of Aragon should be govern'd according to the Law● 〈…〉 that Kingdom Gonçalo Archbishop of Toledo a Person of great Esteem with the King here him company to S. Sebastian in order to a Conference between him and the King of France but they met not However the Arch-Bishop was sent by King Sancho and the Duke of Burgundy by him of France to Bayonne where a Treaty of Peace was earnestly labour'd upon The French would give Ear to no Proposals unless King Sancho would put away his Wife to whom he was illegally Married by reason of their Consanguinity and Marry one of the King of France his Sisters which were 〈…〉 after Wife to Edward King of England and Blanch Marry'd to the Duke of Austria King Sancho would hot be perswaded to putaway a Virtuous Wife by whom he had a Son and ● Daughter so the Treaty broke off and he return'd to the Queen to Vitoria The King was highly affended at the
tho he had an Obligation laid upon him to continue Loyal favour'd the Enemy Prince Henry grown Peevish by his long Imprisonment and us'd to Evil Practices studied how to get the Government into his Hands and look'd upon it as an Affront that the late King had made no mention of him in his Will He first held Private Cabals at Berlanga then beginning to act more openly many Towns declar'd for him and particularly the Royal City Burgos The Cortes or Parliament Assembled at Valladolid where the Nobility declar'd so much in Favour of Prince Henry that tho' the King and Queen 〈◊〉 thither they would not admit them into the City till it was late and they had left their Retinue behind Here it was resolv'd that Prince Henry should govern the Kingdom and the Queen have the Education of the King to whom nevertheless they all again took the Oath of Allegiance King Sancho by his Will left the Lordship of Biscay as gain'd in War to his Son Prince Henry James Lopez de Haro broke into that Province by the way of Navarre and made himself Master of all Places except Balmaseda and Ordun̄a The Two Brothers of the House of Lara laying aside their Enmity with the House of Haro joyn'd with him in Hatred to Prince Henry who they could not endure should Govern the Kingdom contrary to the King's Will which nam'd one of them Prince John the King's Uncle who had stay'd till then in Africk came into the Kingdom of Granada aiming at the 〈◊〉 of Castile thinking he had a better Title than his Brother King Sancho for that the present King Ferdinand was not Born in lawful Wedlock It was wonderful to see how many Revolted upon this account which gave him an opportunity of seizing Alcantara and other Places on the Borders of Portugal King Denis of Portugal was so earnest for him that at the time the Cortes were held at Valladolid he sent to declare against Castile A great Storm threatned on that side but no less was on the other for at Bordalva in the Territory of Hariza the King of Aragon and D. Alonso de Cerda who stiled himself King of Castile and Leon met There on the 21th of January 1296 they agreed upon the following Articles That they joyn their Forces in order to restore D. Alonso to his Grandfathers Kingdom That the Kingdom of Murcia be given to the King of Aragon The Kingdom of Leon Galicia and Sevil to Prince John Cuenca Alarcon Moya and Can̄ete to Prince Peter of Aragon for his Service as General of that Expedition In this League were included Queen Violante Grandmother to D. Alonso the King of France Portugal and Granada and soon after D. John de Lara in hopes of recovering 〈…〉 On the other side through the Queens Industry D. James de Haro was reconcil'd the King and all the Estate of D. John de Lara who was gone to the Aragonians added his Lordship of Biscay By these means other Great Men were gain'd particularly D. John Alonso de Haro giving him Cameros which he had a Right to The Army of Aragon under the Command of D. Alonso de la Cerda and Prince Peter of Aragon entred Castile in April at Baltanas Prince John and D. John Nun̄z de Lara joyn'd them They march'd without any lett as far as the City Leon formerly great and rich then poor and unprovided and therefore was easily surrendred the sooner for that some Citizens held Correspondence with the Enemy There Prince John was proclaim'd King of Leon Galicia and Sevil. Soon after D. Alonso de la Cerda was in the same manner proclaim'd King of Castile at Sahagun Thence they march'd and laid Siege to Mayorga which is Five Leagues from Sadagun the Town being Strong and well Garrison'd defended it self bravely and the Siege lasted till August Mean while the Cortes or Parliament was summoned to meet at Valladolid The first that appear'd was Prince Henry who as soon as he alighted without changing his Riding Apparel went to the Queen then at Mass in the Castle After the usual Reverence with a feign'd Sorrow he laid before her the Danger of the Kingdom and urg'd how little Defence there was in a Woman a Child and an Old Man Then advis'd her to Marry the Prince of Aragon by whom she might be Protected and the Crown defended The Queen put him away with signs of Displeasure affirming She would rely on God and not use any dishonourable Means for her Preservation Thus Prince Henry's Design fell to the Ground About 4000 Horse were levy'd but Prince Henry could not be prevail'd upon to March with them and raise the Siege of Mayorga excusing himself with the War in Andaluzia Yet they March'd to Zamora to settle that Place then wavering in it's Duty to the King The length of the Siege allay'd the Fury of the Besiegers and the Heat of the Weather together with the Want of all Necessaries caus'd much Sickness among them These things and the Death of their General Prince Peter of Aragon oblig'd them to return home much weaker than they set out At their first entring Castile they consisted of 1000 Men at Arms and 50000 Souldiers The King of Aragon at the same time had better Success in Murcia for he took the City of that Name and all other Places about it except the Towns of Lorca Alcala and Mula which held out for King Ferdinand In all these Dangers and Troubles Prince Henry who govern'd Castile acted nothing for either side but seem'd to stand Neuter so that he oblig'd not the Enemy and drew on himself the Hatred of all Men who laid the Blame of all the Loss sustain'd to his Charge The Queen wink'd at these Practices of the Prince but some Men of Note did not spare to upbraid him therewith The Chief of these was Alonso Perez de Gusman who bravely defended the Frontiers of Andaluzia and more than any oppos'd the Designs of Prince Henry With a Body of Men he gather'd the Prince march'd to Andaluzia lest he should be thought altogether Idle and in a Skirmish he had with the Moors near Arjona was defeated and in great danger of being taken his Reins being Cut so that he could not guide his Horse Alonso Perez de Gusman in that danger furnish'd him with another Horse on which he escap'd After this Rencounter a Treaty of Peace was propos'd to the Moors The King of Granada demanded Tarifa offering in lieu of it 22 Castles 20000 Crowns in ready mony and to advance the usual Tribute of Four Years Prince Henry approv'd of these Conditions because of the present Necessities and want of Mony Alonso Perez de Gusman violently oppos'd it This difference was heighten'd to such a degree that the Moors being joyn'd by some Christians laid Siege to that City Alonso de Gusman had not a sufficient Force his Men deserted and those were his Enemies who ought to have protected him In
means of Prince Peter his Uncle who came to Jaen as soon as Alcaudete was taken and by this Loyal Action gain'd the Love and Applause of all the People The young King was at Avila Vataza a Noble Lady Grandaughter to Theodorus Lascarus Emperor of Greece who came from Portugal with Queen Constancy was appointed his Governess She afterwards return'd to Portugal dy'd there and lyes Bury'd in the Cathedral of Coimbra as appears by the Inscription on her Tomb. Queen Mary the King's Grandmother liv'd a retir'd Life at Valladolid Queen Constance who had follow'd the King her Husband was at Martos overwhelm'd with Sorrow Prince John was gone to Valencia and D. John de Lara to Portugal both in Disgrace with King Ferdinand Every Body strugl'd to have a share in the Government chiefly D. Alonso Lord of Molina the Queen's Brother Prince Philip his Uncle and D. John Manuel labour'd hard but underhand and modestly Prince John and Prince Peter Uncle and Nephew aspir'd more openly Prince Peter being the nearest of kin to the King and most in the Favour of the People stood fairest Prince John was of riper Yeas but restless and inconstant so that he seem'd to be born only to embroil Kingdoms Prince Peter had charge of the Affairs of Andaluzia and concluded a Peace with the Moors which was convenient for both Parties for the Prince could not follow the War being taken up with his Pretensions at Court and among the Moors Farraquin Lord of Malaga sought to revenge the Murder of the late King Queen Constance and Prince Peter having conferr'd together resolv'd to go to Avila where the King was hoping the Townsmen would not oppose them or If they should to prevail by Force On the other side Prince John King Ferdinand's Uncle and D. John de Lara joyn'd in a League the likeness of their Inclinations and their common Danger made them Unite They labour'd to draw Queen Mary to their Party giving her hopes she should have the Education of her Grandson D. John de Lara came first to Avila but could not lay hold of the King for D. Sancho the Bishop convey'd him into the Cathedral and there made himself strong and defended him Next came Queen Constance and Prince Peter but the same thing happen'd to them Means of Accommodation were propos'd and it was agreed the King should be deliver'd to none but such as the Cortes or Parliament should appoint and the Citizens of Avila made an Association in order to see this perform'd D. John de Lara gave this Advice hoping to exclude Prince Peter The Cortes met at Palencia in the beginning of Spring where much Bribery was us'd The better sort were for Queen Mary and her Son Prince Peter Others preferr'd Prince John and Queen Constance who was subtilly drawn away by the adverse Party from Prince Peter Hence sprang new Fumults and Confusions Prince Peter confiding in his own Power and the Affections of the People as also hoping for Aid from Abroad agreed with D. John Manuel upon Condition that if he obtain'd his Ends he would give him the Government of the Kingdoms of Toledo and Murcia At the beginning of the Year 1313. he met his Father in Law the King of Aragon at Calatayud to whom he urg'd how much he was oblig'd to favour his Pretentions and prevent a War which might otherwise ensue Therefore by Consent of both Michael Arbe was sent Embassador to Portugal to try whether that King could prevail with the Mutineers to desist from their Pretensions and leave the Government of the Kingdom to Prince Peter allowing Queen Constance the Charge of Educating the King The People of Avila were not zealous for either Party but at last joyn'd with Prince Peter and Queen Mary his Mother yet upon Condition they should not carry the King out of the City At this Time Azar King of Granada was forc'd to retire to the Alhambra a strong Pallace in the highest part of the City because Ismael the Son of Farraquin had caus'd the Townsmen to Rebel against him Prince Peter who was then at Sevil march'd thither to relieve that King who was his Friend and Ally but came too late for he had already agreed to quit the Fitle and Authority of a King and remain content with only the City Guadin seated in the pleasant Plains of the antient Turduli Tho' the Prince could not Relieve he endeavour'd to Revenge him for he took from the Moors a strong Castle near Granada call'd Rute and made great spoil throughout the Country Azor had Reign'd Four Years and seven Months when he was deposed Ismael his Competitor and Nephew being the Son of Farraquen and his Sister succeeded him The taking of Rute gain'd Prince Peter great Reputation for that in three days he did that which several Kings had attempted in vain but the War was not carryed on because of the intestine Divisions The Cortes met in the Monastery of Sahagun to endeavour to compose those Differences Whilst they were sitting Queen Constance departed this Life for Grief that her Son was kept from her and that she was reduc'd to such Poverty that all her Jewels would not pay her Debts as she her self declar'd at her Death The Queens Death made things easier to be compos'd for Prince John having lost that support apply'd himself to Queen Mary and Prince Peter They agreed that the Queen should have the Breeding up of the King and the Princes should joyntly govern the Kingdom each in that Part which had Voted for him in the Cortes or Parliament held not long before at Palencia The King was carry'd to Toro a healthy and pleasant Place but the main design was to get him out of Avila and revenge the Affronts receiv'd of that People It was now the year 1314. when New Tumults broke out in the Kingdom of Toledo and all manner of Crimes were committed In order to settle a better Form of Government the Cortes met at Burgos where it was enacted that the supream Authority and management of Affairs should be in the Council of State That the said Council should attend the King and Queen where-ever they went That the two Princes should determine all smaller Affairs but have no power to alienate the Revenues of the Crown nor to appoint another in their stead in case any of them or the Queen should dye At the same time dyed Three Persons of great Note Peter the Queens Brother D. Tello his Son and D. John de Lara Lord Steward That Place was given to D. Alonso Prince John's Son D. John de Lara had a Sister marry'd to D. Ferdinand de la Cerda of whom was Born Blachs and D. John de Lara who took that Sirname because he inherited the Estate of the Family This in Castile In Aragon the King in November sent his Daughter Elizabeth to Germany she being Contracted to Frederick Duke of Austria who was now chosen King of the Romans
against the Moors and ea●●●● have the payment of his own Army In this Assembly the Archbishop of Santiago in the Pope's Name propos'd the business of D. Alonso de la Cerda threatning to proceed to Ecclesiastical Censures if he were not satisfy'd D. Alonso now demanded those Towns which he refus'd when offer'd him The Nobility excus'd themselves saying it was against the Oath they had taken to lessen any thing of the King's Patrimony during his Minority All that could be obtain'd was that Ferdinand D. Alonso's younger Brother should be made Lord Steward of the Houshold The Queen went to Cuidad Rodrigo to reconcile her Son-in-Law Prince Alonso to his Father but all in vain The two Princes John and Peter went several ways to Andaluzia Ismael King of Granada to obtain Succours out of Africk gave the King of Morocco Algezira and Ronda with all their Dependencies Prince Peter took Tiscar a strong and populous Town Mahomet Andon whose the Town was surrender'd the Castle Prince John extravagantly ambitious of Honour resolv'd to march up to the Walls of Granada a rash design considering the great Heat of the Season At Alcaudete the two Princes joyn'd their Forces which consisted of 9000 Horse and a great number of Foot They march'd into the Enemies Country destroying all before them Prince John led the Van and Prince Peter brought up the Reer They took the Town of Alora but being in great haste did not make themselves Masters of the Castle On a Saturday being the Eve of Midsummer-day they appear'd in sight of Granada and rested there the next day The 3d day perceiving what Difficulties surrounded them they began to retire Prince Peter in the Van and Prince John in the Reer with the Baggage The Moors hearing of their Retreat Sally'd out of Granada to the number of 5000 Horse and a multitude of Foot under the Command of Ozmin Their design was only to stick upon our Reer without hazarding a Battel In the Heat of the day our Men were far from the River and wanted Water Hereupon the Moors charg'd them with great Fury and hideous Cries Prince Peter hearing the Noise Fac'd about to succour those that Fought The Soldiers were dispers'd and Fainting with the Heat whom the Prince endeavouring to encourage and bring on opprest with Labour and the Fury of the scorching Sun he fainted away and dy'd without any assistance The same befell Prince John who yet sensless liv'd till Night This News being spread abroad the Soldiers drew themselves into a Close Body and the Moors having plunder'd the Baggage retir'd Night sav'd many of the Christians The Bodies of the Princes were bury'd at Burgos Prince John left a Son of the same Name call'd also One-ey'd because he was really so His Inclinations were no better than his Presence Mary Wife to Prince Peter was deliver'd at Cordova of a Daughter call'd Blanch the Education of whom and the Care of her Estate Garcilasso de la Vega a great Friend of her Fathers took upon him New Troubles ensu'd in Castile upon the Death of the Princes every one striving to have the greatest share in the Government At the same time Aragon was disturb'd upon a very extraordinary occasion D. Jayme the King's eldest Son had resolv'd to renounce and resign his Right and Title to the Inheritance of that Crown His Father us'd all possible Arguments to disswade him but all to no purpose Therefore on the 23th of November before the Cortes or Parliament then assembled at Tarragona he made a publick act of Resignation That done he took the Habit of Calatrava and soon after that of Montesa The Lady Ellenor who had been Contracted to him was sent back a Maid into Castile His loose manner of Life was a sufficient proof that it was not Virtue but weakness and inconstancy that mov'd him to refuse a Kingdom D. Alonso his second Brother succeeded in the Title to the Crown and had at ●●●t time by his Wife the Lady Teresa a young Son call'd Peter born the 7th Month. This Ladys Portion was the Earldom of Vrgel left her by her great Uncle Armengaud Brother to her Grandmother The Moors incourag'd by their last Success took Huescar Orles and Galera Towns belonging to the Knights of Santiago Besides they made themselves Masters of Martos a very strong place where they spar'd neither Sex nor Age some Christians sav'd themselves upon a Rock near the Town and in the Castle Castile was full of Confusion caus'd by the many Competitors to the Government Queen Mary according to what had been agree'd some years before pretended it belong'd to her alone and sent her Letters to all Places exhorting the People to stick by her Being a Wom●● she was look'd upon as too weak to undergo so great a Burthen and many strove to raise themselves to the supream Power Among these the chief was Prince Philip the King's Uncle D. John Manuel and the other D. John who had but one Eye and was Lord of Biscay all powerful Men of the Blood Royal These were all put into Power not by publick Consent but in part as every ones Interest lay Several Assemblies of Provinces were held the result was that Andaluzia chose Prince Philip for their Governour The Kingdom of Toledo and Estremadura elected D. John Manuel most part of old Castile stood by D. John Lord of Biscay These things were not lasting but at every foot the Governours were chang'd as the Peoples Minds alter'd which caus'd an unspeakable Confusion D. Ferdinand de la Cerda had no great Interest and was suspected by all Men he resolv'd to joyn with D. John the Lord of Biscay This was the condition of Castile in the Year 1320. The same Year Prince John the King of Aragon's third Son was consecrated Arch-Bishop of Toledo at Lerida Queen Mary was somewhat jealous of that Prince but the Pope by his Letters assur'd her he would do all things in her Favour The new Arch-Bishop had great Disputes with the Prelates of that Kingdom about carrying his Cross through their Diocesses and he persisting to do so the Arch-Bishop of Zaragoça excommunicated him and shut up all the Churches This he did relying on a Decree of the Prelates of that Kingdom by which they declare any Bishop excommunicate that shall carry his Cross in the Diocess of another The King of Aragon was highly offended at it and wrote to the Pope Letters full of Passion and Threats and had perhaps gone farther but that he was disswaded by his Friends The Pope's Answer was Ambiguous for he blam'd the Arch-Bishop of Zaragoça yet order'd him of Toledo to be absolv'd of the Excommunication lest it might have been just The new Prelate being come to Toledo behav'd himself in such manner towards D. John Manuel who was marry'd to his elder Sister Constance that all Apprehensions of his favouring him ceas'd He would by no means suffer him to receive the King's
Revenue in his Arch-Bishoprick whence there ensu'd a mortal Enmity betwixt them At the same time the Navarrois still subject to France sustain'd a great loss in Biscay Philip the Long King of France dying without Heirs on the second of June 1321 his Brother Charles the Fair succeeded him and equall'd his Brothers in Liberality Valour and Beauty In his time the Biscainers seiz'd the Castle of Gorricia in Guipuscoa pretending the Navarrois withheld it from them wrongfully 60000 Men-march'd out of Navarre if the Numbers are not mistaken and came to Botivara on the 19th of September 800 Biscainers having secur'd the Passes of the Mountains from thence roll'd down Barrels full of Stones and Bodies of Trees on the Navarrois which broke and put them to flight with greater Slaughter than could be imagin'd from so small a Number Giles Oniz commanded the Biscayners and Ponce Morentaina a Frenchman and Viceroy of Navarre those People The Pope sent Cardinal William of Bayonne his Legate into Castile to endeavour to put an end to the Distractions of that Kingdom He procur'd the Cortes or Parliament should meet at Palencia at the same time that Queen Mary the Protectress of three Kings and Honour of Castile worn out with Age and Troubles dy'd at Valladolid on the first of June 1322. She built the Monastery of Huelgas in that City where she order'd her self to be bury'd another at Burgos a third at Tore and others in several Parts of the Kingdom The Cortes at Palencia it seems took no effect A Synod of all the Bishops or Castile was held at Valladolid by the Legate There on the 2d of August many wholsom Constitions were enacted Among other things those that shall eat Flesh or sell it publickly in Lent or the Ember-days are Excommunicated Such as are not Christians are forbid to be present at Divine Service yet if Baptiz'd they are allow'd to be capable of Benefices The common way of Purgation used in Spain is Condemned The Decrees of D. John Archbishop of Toledo publish'd at that time are preserv'd to this day He ordains that Divine Service do not go forwards till the Jews or Moors go out of the Church That Monies gather'd upon the Croisade be deliver'd to the Prelate for Redemption of Captives and Relief of the Poor That Priests say Mass at least four times a year and that after they have said Mattins That what is gotten by the Church shall not be left to Children tho' got in Wedlock This same year Ismael King of Granada was kill'd in the Alhambra by his own People stirr'd up against him by the Lord of Algezira and Ozmin the first was offended at him because at the taking of Martos he took from him a Beautiful Captive the other because he lost a Nephew he dearly lov'd there Scarce was his Death known abroad when his Son Mahomet but 12 years of Age was carry'd on a Chair on Men's Shoulders through the City and proclaim'd King By this means the Governour of the City manifested his Loyalty and prevented the designs of the Conspirators who intended to have set up a King of their own making but were now forc'd to quit the City and to fly to several places CHAP. IX King Alonso the 11th of Castile takes upon him the Government The Conquest of Sardinia by the Aragonians The Death of King Denis of Portugal His Son Alonso succeeds him Jayme the 2d King of Aragon is succeeded by his Son Alonso the 4th UPon the Death of Queen Mary the Disorders of Castile were doubl'd No hopes of Remedy remain'd but in the King 's coming to Age to take upon him the Government There were great Tokens to be seen of his Prudence and Virtue At last being arriv'd at the Age of Fifteen tho' so young the necessity of the Times oblig'd him to take up the Government of his Kingdom Besides the Subjects press'd him and particularly Garcilasso de la Vega and Alvar Nunez Ossorio Men of great Note who labour'd to get into the King's Favour thereby to obtain Pardon of the Crimes they had committed during his Minority He admitted them into his Family and they grew so great that he was chiefly govern'd by them One Joseph a Jew of Ezija a very Rich Man and Chief of the Farmers and Managers of the Revenue had the next place to these Two Gentlemen The King sent Letters of Summons to the Governours of the Kingdom who presently came to him to Valladolid each striving to be first in gaining his Favours tho' their Hearts were not sincere as soon appear'd for only Prince Philip stay'd with the King D. John Manuel and D. John Lord of Biscay withdrawing privately from Court Their pretence was as usual Evil Counsellors They joyn'd their Forces and made a solemn League at Cigales The Form of Covenant formerly us'd among the Nobles of Castile was thus Having read the Articles of Agreement one of the Gentlemen concern'd in the Name of all the rest said I swear by Almighty God and by his most glorious Mother that every one of us will perform all that has been read in this Publick Instrument without Fraud or Deceit That we will not go one without the other against our Enemies nor in any manner act contrary to what has been here establish'd Whosoever shall first violate it that very Day do Thou Almighty God in this World take away his Life and torment his Soul in the other with cruel and everlasting Torments let his Strength and his Speech fail him and in Battel his Horse Arms and Spurrs and his Vassals when he has most need of them Then all present answer'd Amen Other times they divided the Consecrated Host into Two Parts and each took one then follow'd the Curses and Imprecations This is the solemn manner of Associating themselves long us'd in Castile This Union was dangerous to the King and therefore to break it he agreed to Marry D. John Manuel's Daughter who thereupon came to Pen̄afiel submitted himself to the King and deliver'd him his Daughter as yet too young to be marry'd The other D. John seeing himself forsaken thought of Marrying Blanch the Daughter of Prince Peter kill'd in Andaluzla for her great Portion she being Lady of Almaçan Alcocer and other Towns upon the Borders of Aragon which lay opportunely to forward his designs To prevent him the King was advis'd to seize upon all the Lady Blanch's Patrimony Garcilasso forgetting his Obligations to Prince Peter was the chief Man that gave this Advice D. John Manuel being restor'd to the King's Favour meditated Revenge against the Archbishop of Toledo Hereupon some hard words passing betwixt them in the King's Presence the King depriv'd the Archbishop of the Chancellorship whereat he being offended withdrew into Aragon and there exchang'd Churches with D. Ximeno de Luna Archbishop of Tarragona with the additional Title of Patriarch of Alexandria Garcilasso was made Chancellor and from that time
Gentleman of great Note who had been Governour of Granada and had no hand in this Treason set up Joseph Bulhugia Brother to the deceas'd which displeas'd many because there was another Brother Elder than he call'd Ferrachen Thus the Moors were in confusion D. Gonçalo and Ferdinand de Aguilar two Brothers Lords of Montilla and Aguilar went over to the New King being disoblig'd by their own Incursions were made upon the Borders and the Truce lately concluded violated More mischief had ensu'd but that Abomelique was call'd into Africk by his Father to serve against Tremeçen He being gone a Truce was again concluded in the beginning of the year 1334. with the New King for four years yet so that the Moors were freed from the Tribute they used to pay the King of Castile being wholly bent upon subduing his Rebels At this time the Lady Ellenor de Guzman the King's Mistriss was brought to Bed of two Sons at a Birth which were Henry and Fredrick of whom we shall have much occasion to speak In the Spring the King return'd to Castile was at Segovia and thence went to Valladolid The Rebellious Nobles not being able to maintain a War were hard press'd and most of the Towns belonging to them taken the greatest part of Biscay submitting to the King to whom they swore Fidelity under an Old Tree at Guernica as is their Custom Some few Places impregnable by Nature still held out for D. John de Lara D. John de Haro was beheaded as a Traytor in his own Town of Agoncillo and his Estate Confiscate except the Town of Cameros given to his Brothers D. Alvaro and D. Alonso that so Noble a Family might not wholly perish The Governour of the Castle of Iscar shut the Gates against the King and being taken lost his Head for the same About the end of August the Queen was deliver'd of a Son at Burgos who was call'd Peter and his Brother Ferdinand dying came to be King of Castile By the Lady Ellenor the King had another Son call'd Ferdinand In Aragon two Brothers of that King dy'd one after another one was D. Jayme Master of the Knights of Montesa who had renounc'd his Right to the Crown and D. John Archbishop of Tarragona in whose place Arnaldus Cascomes Bishop of Lerida succeeded The King of Aragon by reason of his indisposition committed the whole care of the Government to his eldest Son Prince Peter Queen Ellenor who govern'd the King through her importunity obtain'd of him several Towns for her Sons Ferdinand and John to the prejudice of Prince Peter and as was said contrary to the King's Oath who had sworn not to alienate any thing belonging to the Crown This was the ground of great Hatred betwixt the Mother and Son-in-Law which caus'd many Tumults in the Kingdom The Queen had a meeting with her Brother of Castile and he promis'd to support her as did D. John de Exerica and his Brother Peter who were both of her Party At the beginning of the year 1335 D. John Manuel terrify'd by the example of D. John de Haro and D. John de Lara was reconcil'd to the King to the great Joy of all People for which there were publick Sports and particularly a notable Turnament But this Joy was not lasting for the King of Portugal was resolv'd to put away his Wife Blanch and Marry the Lady Constance and rathe● hazard a War than not have his Will The King of Aragon's Eldest Son was contracted to Mary Daughter to the King of Navarre she ●eing preferr'd before her Sister Joanna the Elder to inherit the Crown in case that King dy'd without Issue Male. Henry Viceroy of Navarre contriv'd these Affairs which were very displeasing to the King of Castile against whom they seem'd to be levell'd for the Prince of Aragon made this League with Navarre in hatred to his Mother-in-Law The Navarrois surpriz'd the Monastery of Fitero appertaining to Castile Complaint being made to the King of Aragon he answer'd by reason of his Indisposition he could not govern his Son Thus the War broke out Martin Portocarrero was sent with a great Army into Navarre They came to a Battel near Tudela which was very Bloody but the Navarrois were defeated and a great number of them drowned in the River Ebro D. Michael Zapata the Aragonian General was absent fortifying Fitero but appear'd on the Neighbouring Hills when the Battel was almost over His coming caus'd the Navarrois to Raily and the Battel was renew'd yet the Aragonians tho' they came in fresh were put to Flight and their General taken by the Castillians The Slaughter was not so great as expected because the Castilians were tir'd and Night drew on besides that the Enemy differ'd not in Language which sav'd many On the other side the Biscayners under their General Lope de Lescan̄o having destroy'd all the Territory of Pamplona took the Castle of Vnsa Thus the Insolency of the Navarrois was check'd At that time the King of Castile lay sick of an Ague at Palencia and taking Compassion of the Navarrois order'd his General to March out of that Country who brought with him Prince Peter of Aragon's Royal Standard Gaston Earl of Faux march'd to the Assistance of Navarre and their Forces being joyn'd they laid Siege to Logron̄o the chief City on the Frontiers The Neighbouring People and Inhabitants of that Place gave the Enemy Battel but were defeated and forc'd to retire into the City Ruy Diaz de Gao●●● ●●●mander and a Native of Logron̄o with only three Soldiers made good a Bridge against the whole Army of the Enemy left they should enter the Town together with the Citizens He was kill'd his Companions came off and defended the Town for the Navarrois finding great opposition rais'd the Siege and return'd home John Archbishop of Reimes going on Pilgrimage to Santiago at this time in his way made a Peace betwixt these two Crowns Three Embassies came at once to the King of Castile from the Kings Edward of England Philip of France and Alboacen of Morocco The last sent Rich Presents and desir'd to have the Truce renew'd The English offer'd a Wife for Prince Peter which was refus'd by reason of his tender Age. This in the Year 1335. Soon after at the beginning of the following Year D. Alonso King of Aragon dy'd at Barcelona He was a just merciful and religious Prince and was therefore call'd the Pious He was more Fortunate during his Father's Reign than his own and that by reason of his continual Indisposition To D. Jayme his youngest Son by his first Wife he left the Earldom of Vrgel and Prince Peter was Heir to the Crown To his Sons by the 2d Wife he left other Possessions as has been said above Queen Ellenor fearing her Son in Law went away to Albarazin being a place of great Strength and near the Frontiers of Castile D. John and Peter de Exerica follow'd
upon that Design Soon after two others being put to the Wrack confess'd the same Both the Moorish Kings desir'd to relieve the Town He of Morocco durst not leave Ceuta for fear his Son Abderhaman should Rebel who about this time was put to Death for attempting it The King of 〈…〉 durst not alone hazard a Battle but lest he should be thought to be Idle sent part of his Forces to over-run the Country of Ezija whilst he Burnt Palma a Town seated upon the Conflux of the Rivers Xenil and Gaudalquivir He durst not Garrison it nor make any stay there hearing the Country was gathering to make Head against him His other Forces were defeated by Ferdinand de Aguilar who took from them all the Booty they had gather'd It was now the beginning of the Year 1343 and nothing considerable was done at Algezira only some Works were carry'd on by In̄iga Lopez de Horosco wooden Towers were apply'd to the Walls and other Engines play'd but all was destroy'd with Stones cast by the Defendants The Place was unfit for advancing of Works or for the Men to ascend In the Streight of Gibraltar there are two Bays of the same Form but one bigger than the other Tarifa stands upon the Lesser and Algezira over the Greater upon a steep and craggy Hill It is divided into the New and Old each encompass'd with a Wall like two distinct Towns This was then the Seat of the African Empire in Spain No Provision could be convey'd into the Town except a few Boats that stole in by Night which was a small Relief where Hunger began to pinch It was now doubtful whether in were not better to raise the Siege than continue it for the Mony sent by the Pope and King of France was spent and he of Portugal had contributed nothing Some Overtures of Peace were made but took no Effect Therefore the King of Granada advanc'd with his Army as far as the River Guadiarro 5 Leagues from Algezira In Ceuta a great Fleet was ready with the Power of Africk to pass over into Spain These were fresh and the Christians harrass'd yet the King's Resolution and good Fortune overcome all Difficulties Considerable Succours came to him at the same time from England France and Navarre From England the Earls of Derby and Salisbury This Earl of Derby must doubtless be John of Gant 3d Son to King Edward the IIId for it was he had the Title at this time From France the Earl of Faux with his Brother and some others King Philip of Navarre having sent before great store of Provision by Sea and order'd his Army to follow hasted away himself to come time enough for the Battle which was expected would be fought D. John de Lara and D. John Manuel came before and daily fresh Forces arrived from all Parts This increase of the Christian Army terrify'd the Moors and they propos'd a Truce Notwithstanding the Treaty the Town was batter'd and the besieg'd did great harm among the Christians with Iron Bullets they shot This is the first time we find any mention of Gun-powder and Ball in our Histories In the Month of August in the County of Vrgel a Child was born with two Heads and four Legs The Superstitious People bury'd it alive and the Parents suffer'd Death for consenting to that Act. This year also dy'd Robert King of Naples At Algezira when Autumn came on the foreign Souldiers went away the English pretended they were call'd home by their King the Earl of Faux said his Men complain'd of the Pay But Sickness was the chief Motive of their Departure and the Earl of 〈…〉 dy'd at Sevil King Philip of Navarre at Xerez both in the Month of September their 〈…〉 were carry'd into their Countries The Departure of those Princes encourag'd the 〈…〉 hazard a Battle 60 Galleys of theirs which in October had Anchor'd at Estepona pass 〈…〉 to Gibraltar The River Palmones parted the two Armies both Parties several times meeting in that River at last they came to a Battle in which the Moors shew'd no Bravery but presently fled Hunger press'd in the City for our Fleet had taken two Galleys of theirs carrying in Provisions Five Barques got in at the beginning of the Year 1344 and they returning to Africk gave an Account that the besieg'd could hold out no longer Presently after a Treaty was set on Foot and on the 26th of March the City was deliver'd upon the following Conditions That the King of Granada pay the usual Tribute That the besieg'd have leave to depart and carry away their Goods That there be a Truce for the term of Ten Years Many of the Moors went over into Africk The King enter'd the City in solemn Procession on the 27th of March the great Mosque was consecrated and the Country divided among the Souldiers who were willing to live there This done the King went to Sevil where he receiv'd an Embassy from King Edward of England offering his Daughter Joanna in Marriage to France Peter the Heir of Castile This offer was then accepted of yet afterwards took no effect In the late Battle of Tarifa two Daughters of Albohacen were taken Prisoners and now sent to him without any Ransom but he return'd rich Presents Great rejoycing was throughout all Spain and the Churches resounded with Thanksgiving CHAP VI. The King of Aragon conquers Majorca and all its Dominions Great Troubles in Aragon The Rebels suppress'd An Vniversal Plague The Knights of Calatrava at Variance at length reconcil'd DUring the time of the War in Andaluzia the King of Majorca was depriv'd of his Kingdom by Peter the Ceremonious King of Aragon who ought chiefly to have protected him The City Montpellier in France was subject to the Kings of Majorca for which place the Kings of France pretended the others ought to do them Homage they having bought it of the Bishops of Magalone to whom of right it belong'd but those Kings refusing the French by force made themselves Masters of many Towns subject to Montpellier and put Garrisons into them The King of Majorca being a Dependant on the Crown of Aragon begg'd assistance of that King The Aragonian cunningly temporiz'd with the King of France and gave the other nothing but good Words At length they met and the Aragonian promis'd to aid his Kinsman in case the King of France should refuse to put the Difference between them to Judgment Embassadors were sent on this Message but this was only to gain time or mean while the King of Majorca was charg'd with many Crimes whether true or false is not known but such as serv'd for a pretence to deprive him of his Crown The Pope and Queen of Naples labour'd in vain to compose these Differences the Mallorquines wasted with heavy Taxes were willing to change their Master At length the War broke out Peter Moncada the Admiral was call'd from the Siege of Algezira and a Fleet of 116 Sail
month dy'd D. Gonçalo Archbishop of Toledo D. Vasco or Blas then Bishop of Pal●ncia succeeded him From Aguilar the King went to Cordova at such time as D● Maria de Padilla was brought to Bed of ● Daughter call'd Beatrix Thence he return'd into the Kingdom of Toledo At Torrijos five Leagues from Toledo in a Turnament made for Joy of his Success and Birth of his Daughter the King receiv'd a Wound in his Hand which had like to have cost him his Life fo● that the Surgeons could find no means to stop the Blood To this Town came D. Alonso ●● Albuquerque who had been on an Embassy in Portug●● and brought with him D. John de la 〈◊〉 whom the King receiv'd into Favour with demonstrations of Affection but could never ●● prevail'd upon to restore him his Father in Laws Lands for he now began to be positive About this time the Lady Blanch of Borbon came to Valladolid accompany'd by the Viscount of Narbonn● and D. Frederick the Master of Santiago who went out to meet her D. Alonso de Albuquerque was for having the Marriage solemniz'd immediately He then was so absolute that at times he spoke disrespectful Words to the King and hastned his Marriage lest Da. Maria de Padilla's Relations should work him out of Favour and so it fell out Yet the Marriagew as solemniz'd on the 3d. of June At the same time in France another more fortunate Marriage was consummated betwixt Charles King of Navarre and the Lady Joanna eldest Daughter to the King of France A Match I say more happy for the 〈◊〉 they always had to one another and their Issue They had three Sons ●●arles 〈◊〉 and Peter the second dyed young and three Daughters Mary Bla●ch and Jo●●n● 〈◊〉 liv'd 〈…〉 Years the other two were Match'd to great Princes Before he was Marry'd King Charl●s had a Bastard-Son called Leo of whom are descended the Marqueses of Cortes in Navarre The Marqueses of Falces in that Kingdom say they are descended from Peter the Kings lawful Son Scarce was King Peter married when he began to slight the Bride being wholly devoted to Da. Maria de Padilla Two Days after he prepar'd to go to the Castle of Montalvan on the Banks of Tagus where he had left his Minion The Queen his Mother and his Aunt Queen Ellenor conjur'd him not to forsake his Queen and give himself up to his Lust but he nothing mov'd said He did not design any such thing yet immediately took Horse and rode away without speaking to any body Count Henry D. Tello and the Princes of Aragon went with him for now the Nobility study'd to please and flatter him Only D. Giles de Albornos the Cardinal who had been Arch-Bishop of Toledo ceas'd not to reprove him till he became hateful to him Then with leave he retir'd to Cuença and thence went into France to Pope Innocent who had succeeded Pope Clement the last Year The King and Lady Mary Padilla from Montalvan went to Toledo At Valladolid it was consulted how to bring him back by force which he understanding was so offended at D. Alonso de Albuquerque the first mover of that Design that he was forc'd to appease him to deliver up his Son Giles as an Hostage At length through much intreaty of the Nobility he was perswaded to return to Valladolid to see the Queen but stay'd with her only two Days It was given out he was bewithc'd by a Jew with a Ribben so charm'd that it appear'd to the King like a Snake Some believ'd the King did not so suddenly quit his ●●een without cause but because he discover'd Treachery in his Brother Frederick which I suppose is ment in regard to her Honour But all these are Surmises for there needs no stronger Witchcraft nor other Offence to draw a Man away than Love From Valladolid the King went away to Olmedo a Town in that Neighbourhood Thither by his Order came the Lady Mary de Padilla from Toledo and he never more had Compassion or so much as thought of the Queen his unfortunate Wife CHAP. IX King Peter of Castile removes his Officers punishes some Rebels and reduces several Towns The War of Sardinia where Diseases raging in the Aragonian Army that King clap● up a dishonourable Peace and returns to Aragon D. Alonso de Albuquerque being in disgrace spent some time upon his own Estate and then fearing the King would pursue him fled to Portugal D. Frederick Master of Santi●go had been discontented ever since the King caus'd his Mother to be put to death but being now reconcil'd came to Cuellar where the Court resided D. Tello his Brother at Segovia Marry'd Joanna Daughter to D. John de Lara and had with her the Lordship of Biscay The Kindred of Da. Maria de Padilla promoted this Match to oblige the King's Brothers who were Enemies to D. Alonso de Albuquerque Queen Blanch resided at Medina del Campo with the Queen her Mother-in-Law living like a Widow and spending her time in modest Recreations Thence she was by the King's Order remov'd to Arevalo and forbid conversing with her Mother-in-Law or any of the Nobility Peter Gudiel Bishop of Segovia and Tello Palomeque a Gentleman of Toledo were appointed to guard her The King chang'd the Officers of his Houshold and made James Gar●●a ●● Padilla Brother to his Mistress Lord Chamberlain Alvaro ●● Alborn●z Cup-bearer and Peter Gonzalez Mendoça Taster These changes were made in hatred to D. Alonso de Albuquerque who had before many of his Creatures at Court. In Autumn the King went to Andaluzia and displac'd many great Men preferr'd by Alonso de Albuquerque The King was wholly govern'd by D● Maria de Padilla and her Kindred and 〈…〉 Nobility even his Brothers made their Court to her This Winter the great Rains caus'd mighty Floods especially at Sevil where they made up all the Gates of the City lest it should break in At the beginning of the year 1354. D. John Nun̄ez de Prado Master of Cal●●r●●a who had fled to Aragon came to Almagro the chief Town of that Order being invited by the King 's kind Letters There D. John de la Cerda who was in Favour made him Priso●● His greatest Crime was being a Friend to D. Alonso de Albuquerque and having perswaded the King to return to the Queen D. James de Padilla was immediately chosen Master and John Nunez put to Death at Maqueda The King seem'd sor●y for hi●●●ath but no body being question'd it was concluded to be done by his Com●●●d N●●●●he King invaded the Inheritance of D. Alonso de Albuquerque in which were man●●●rong ●●aces Mede●●●n was besieg'd and the Governour not able to defend it surrender'd having first obtain'd his Master's Consent The Town of Albuquerque tho' besieg'd held out and D. Frederick and Count Henry were left at Badajoz to Blockade it The King went to C●cer●s and thence sent Embassadors to Alonso King of
vain Thence he sail'd to Barcelona where he found 12 Galleys of Aragon which he twice attempted to carry off but could not because they lay near the Shore and were bravely defended by the Catalonians Thus disappointed he sail'd for the opposite Islands He landed at Yviça and tho he assaulted the Town of that Name could not take it Mean while the King of Aragon having gather'd 40 Galleys sail'd over to Majorca designing to Fight the Castilian Fleet. The King at the Request of his People stay'd in the Island and sent the Fleet under the command of Bernard de Cabrera his Admiral and the Viscount to find out the Enemy who leaving Yviça were come to Calpe with the same Resolution The Aragonian Fleet lay at the Mouth of the River that falls into the Sea neat Denia both Parties seem'd desirous to Ingage yet both were cautious so all this threaten'd Storm vanish'd The Aragonians put into Barcelona and the King of Castile from Cartagena sent his Fleet to Sevil and went by Land himself to Tordesillas to see Da. Maria de Padilla who was there deliver'd of a Son call'd Alonso The King's Joy for his Birth was not lasting for he dy'd soon after In the Fields of Araviana at the foot of the Mountain Moncayo Count Henry and his Brother D. Tello with 700 Aragonian Horse charg'd a Party of Castile and overthrew them killing about 300 and taking many Men of Note Among the rest was killed John Fernandez de Hinestrosa the Commander in Chief The King of Castile in a rage caus'd two Bastard Brothers he kept Prisoners to be put to Death which were John and Peter It is likely they were convicted of keeping Correspondence with the Rebels yet this Action terrify'd the whole Kingdom All the great Ones trembled but doubtless it was their Guilt made them do so for many Men of Quality not thinking themselves secure in Castile fled into Aragon The King was charg'd with Cruelty but the Subject consider'd not how many frequent Rebellions oblig'd him to make Examples of Justice Having Intelligence that 12 Venetian Galleys were ready to pass out of the Streights the King sent 20 to Intercept them but a Storm disappointed the Design This is represented as a hainous Crime without reflecting that is was say'd before the Venetians were in League with Aragon and might therefore be justly looked upon as Enemies to Castile But it was the Misfortune of this King to have all his Actions misrepresented and to have those things call'd Cruelty in him which were but just Punishment of Rebels Yet because a Bastard prevail'd against him that Bastard was applauded as lawful King and the true King stiled a Tyrant Such is the Judgment of the World that Misfortunes make the best King a Tyrant and success Crowns the vilest Vsurper with the Name of a Lawful Prince The Cardinal Legate took much pains to set on Foot a Treaty of Peace which he compass'd at the beginning of the Year 1360. Embassadors were sent on both sides with full Power and the King was near a Conclusion Yet neither at Tudela nor at Sadua where the Treaty was renew'd and continu'd could any thing be brought to Perfection for the Aragonians were incourag'd with their late Success and the King of Castile after so many Disappointments would not yield the least Point Yet finding so much Falshood among his People he knew not who to trust and therefore every Day chang'd the Officers of his Household and Army This was the unhappy condition of King Peter CHAP. III. The Death of Queen Blanch and Da. Maria de Padilla Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon The War with the Moors and Death of their King The King of Aragon 's Daughter marry'd to the King of Sicily THE Treaty of Peace was so carry'd on that still fresh Preparations for War were made on both Sides The King of Castile went from Sevil towards Leon in speed to apprehend Peter Nun̄ez de Guzman Lieutenant of that Kingdom but he having Notice of the King's approach fled to Portugal a sign he was not Innocent Peter Alvarez Osorio being at Dinner with D. James Garcia de Padilla Master of Calatrava was put to Death by two of the King's Guards From Leon the King went to Burgos where he put to Death James Arias Maldonado the Archdeacon for keeping a Correspondence with Count Henry Many others sav'd their Lives by the sudden Irruptions of the Aragonians under Count Henry D. Tello and the Count de Osona into the Territory of Rioja where they took the Town of Haro and City Najara killing a great Number of Jews and making great Slaughter and Destructions In this heat they advanc'd as for as Pancorvo Gonzalo Gonzalez de Lucio Governour of Taraçona for the King of Castile deliver'd it up to the Aragonians The King of Castile march'd towards the Enemy then at Najara and encamp'd near a small Town call'd Azofra Here a Priest came to tell him he had a Revelution that his Bastard Brother Count Henry would kill him unless he mended his Life but the King for his Intelligence caus'd him to be publickly Burnt in the Camp From Azofra the King march'd towards Najara and there totally routed the Aragonians who fled to the City which might have been taken but the King could not be perswaded to besiege it Within two or three Days the Aragonians abandon'd Haro and Najara and the King put Garrisons into them Having secur'd the Frontires he return'd to Sevil and there agreed with the King of Portugal that each should deliver up the Out-laws that fled from the other The King of Portugal put to Death one Peter Coello and another because they had murder'd the Lady Agnes de Castro James Lopez Pacheco who had a Hand in her Death fled to Count Henry who afterwards for his good Service gave him an Estate in Castile and he was the Founder of the Noble Family of Pacheco Others were deliver'd to the King of Castile who put them to Death at Sevil. One of these was Peter Nun̄ez de Guzman the Lieutenant of Leon. Another was Gomez Carillo beheaded in a Galley as he was going by the King's Order from Sevil to Algozira upon pretence of being Governor of that Place Gutierre Fernandez de Toledo was put to Death at Alfaro for favouring the Party of Count Henry Gutierre Gomez and Toledo and James Gomez Brother to the deceas'd understanding he was Executed fled to Aragon D. Vasco Arch-bishop of Toledo was banish'd the Kingdom without allowing him time to change his Cloaths He went to Coimbra where in a Monastery of Dominicans he ended his Days holily Some Years after his Body was Translated to the Cathedral of Toledo Many call this Archbishop Blase It is suppos'd D. Vasco resign'd the Archbishoprick as soon as he was Banish'd for the same Year we find D. Gomez Manrique succeeded him Whilst these things happen'd in Castile the King of Aragon sent 4 Galleys well
Attack Guadix A great Number of Men was put into that Place unknown to the Christians who sent some Troops to Plunder the Fields call'd Val de Alhama The Moors perceiving they were divided fell upon those with great Fury that remain'd behind The Fight lasted all Day but the Number of Moors prevailing many of our Men were kill'd many taken and among them the Master of Calatrava who was carry'd to Granada and that King being desirous to appease King Peter sent him away without any Ransom King Peter believing this Courtesy proceeded from fear assembling his Forces enter'd the Kingdom of Granada took several Towns and return'd to Sevil with a rich Booty To this Misfortune of the Moorish Kings another was added which was that many Men of Note forsook him and favour'd his Adversary Mahomet Lagus who was in Banishment The King fearing he should be expelled the Kingdom consulted with his Friends what was best to be done and by the advice of one Edriz a constant follower of his Fortunes having obtain'd a Pass came away to Sevil with 400 Horse and 200 Foot to put himself under the Protection of the King of Castile The King receiv'd him Honourably in the Palace of Sevil and having heard him promis'd all should be well Then he was sent to Sup with D. Garcia de Toledo the Master of Santiago whilst they were at Supper the Moorish King was apprehended and a few Days after being Cloath'd in his Royal Robes which were Scarlet was carry'd out upon an Ass with 37 of his Gentlemen to the publick Place of Execution which is near the City and is call'd Tablada There they were all put to Death It was given out their Riches were the Cause of their Death and some Authors say King Peter himself slew the Moorish King with a Spear His Body was sent to his Competitor Mahomet Lagus who immediately recover'd his Kingdom and sent away all the Christians taken at the Fight of Guadix without Ransom CHAP. IV. Castile and Navarre joyn in League The War is carry'd on Successfully against Aragon by King Peter of Castile who declares the Lady Mary de Padilla to have been his lawful Wife The Death of John King of France and Constance Queen of Aragon THE War with the Moors being ended the King of Castile bent his Thoughts against Aragon but gave out that the Preparations he made were to defend himself against France He resolv'd to make a League with England fearing the King of France would take Revenge for the Wrongs done his Neece Queen Blanch. At Soria he had a Meeting with the King of Navarre and they made a League against Aragon the Navarrois pretending to take Revenge for that the Aragonian being his Brother in Law and Ally had not assisted him when he was Prisoner in France Having therefore assembl'd all the Force of his Kingdom he lay'd Siege to the Town of Sos in Aragon and took it after a vigorous Resistance made At the same time the King of Castile with an Army of 10000 Horse and 30000 Foot entred Aragon resolving to besiege Calatayud By the way he took Hariza Ateca Cetina and Alhama and in June sat down before the strong City of Calatayud within it was a numerous and resolute Garrison The King of Aragon considering the Danger the Besieg'd were in sent the Count de Osona Son to Bernard Cabrera D. Peter de Luna his Brother D. Artal and other Gentlemen to attempt getting into the Town that they might encourage the Besieg'd till he could send them Relief They being come to Miedes a Town near Calatayud King Peter who had notice of it surpriz'd the Place and carry'd them away Prisoners to the Camp The King of Aragon being unprovided sent to desire Aid in France and to call Count Henry and his Brother D. Tello to his Assistance Relief was long a coming and the City no longer able to hold out was surrendred upon the 29th of August upon Condition the Inhabitants should remain free in their Persons and Estates as they had been under the Crown of Aragon This City being taken and a good Garrison put into it under the command of the Master of Santiago the King return'd to Sevil. Here before he went to Calatayud he had held the Cortes or Parliament in which he publickly declar'd and vouched that Da. Maria de Padilla had been his lawful Wife he being privately Marry'd to her long before Queen Blanch came into Spain which made his Marriage with that Lady void That he had not discover'd it before fearing the Malice of the Nobility but thought himself now oblig'd in Conscience to do it as also for the sake of the Children he had by her He order'd she should for the future be call'd Queen and bury'd among the Kings On the 17th of October following dy'd his Son Alonso whom he design'd his Heir On the 18th of November the King made his Will in which he orders himself to be bury'd with the Habit of S. Francis betwixt Da. Maria de Padilla and his Son Alonso It appears he was not so remote from godly Thoughts as his Enemies represent him tho his violent Nature often transported him By this Will he appoints his Daughters by Da. Maria de Padilla successively his Heiresses and after them his Son John by the Lady Joanna de Castro The Witnesses of the Marriage produc'd were of undoubted Reputation such as D. Garcia de Padilla Master of Calatrava John Fernandez de Hinestrosa one John Alsonso de Mayorga and John Perez a Priest who all made Oath upon that Matter In one Article of his Will he forbid his Daughters on pain of incurring his Curse and forfeiting the Crown marrying of Prince Ferdinand of Aragon or Count Henry or D. Tello his Bastard Brothers but order'd Beatrix the Elder to marry Ferdinand Prince of Portugal and that the Crown of Castile should be her Dower D. Garci Alvarez de Toledo Master of Santiago was appointed her Tutor He also ordain'd that D. James de Padilla Master of Calatrava and D. Suero Martinez Master of Alcantara should be supported in their Estates Honours and Dignities Having setl'd all things in the dead of Winter being the beginning of the Year 1363 the War was carry'd on with great Vigour Levies were made throughout the Kingdom and a League with the King of England Malvenda Aranda and Borgia with other Towns of less Note were taken and Taraçona besieg'd On the other side the King of Navarre made an Incursion into Aragon and destroy'd all the Country wherever he came Luis Brother to the King of Navarre Giles Fernandez Carvallo Master of Santiago in Portugal with 300 Horse and some French Gentlemen came to serve the King of Castile The King of Aragon courted him of Granada to make War in Andaluzia but he refus'd acknowledging the Favour lately receiv'd He also solicited the African Moors and excus'd himself for so doing by the Example of the King
of Castile whom Farax Reduan serv'd with 600 Moorish Horse sent by the King of Granada Count Henry was daily expected out of France with 3000 Lances yet all the Power of Aragon was Inferior to that of Castile wherefore Taraçona Tervel Segorbe Exerica and many other Places surrender'd The Castilians without Opposition peirc'd into the Heart of the Kingdom and took Monviedro On the 20th of July they besieg'd Valencia In Aragon they gave themselves for lost when Count Henry arriving reinforc'd their Army so that they durst advance towards the Enemy But the Army of Castile being much weaken'd with Garrisoning the Towns taken the King would not hazzard a Battel and therefore retir'd to Monviedro The Aragonian perceiving he could not draw the Enemy to a Battel retir'd to Burrlanna a strong Town 2000 Horse were sent by the King of Castile to disturb their March but they did nothing worth taking notice of Whilst these Things were in Agitation in Spain King John of France dy'd at London whether he went to ransom the Hostages left there when he was releas'd His Son Charles the Vth. succeeded him Charles the new King was an utter Enemy to him of Navarre therefore as soon as he was possess'd of the Kingdom he sent Bertran Claquin a famous General with an Army to invade his Territories in France This General took several Towns and overthrew in Battle Philip the King's Brother who soon after dy'd His death mov'd the King of Navarre to propose a Peace betwixt the Kings of Spain Besides he began to pity his Kinsman the King of Aragon and was envious of the Success of the Castilian Hereupon Luis the King of Navarre's Brother and the Abbot of Fuscan the Popes Nuncio went to treat with the King of Castile and found with him the Count de Denia and Bernard de Cabrera Embassadors from the King of Aragon These Gentlemen mollify'd the King of Castile's Heart especially by proposing two Matches one for him with Joanna Daughter to the King of Aragon the other for his Daughter Beatrix with John Duke of Girona Heir of that Crown This is what was propos'd publickly Underhand the death of Henry Earle of Trastamana and Prince Ferdinand of Aragon were contriv'd but the King of Aragon was unwilling to condescend Nevertheless whether it was to please the King of Castile or for any other Reason Prince Ferdinand was put to death at Castellon a Town near Burriana The old Animosities were reviv'd and he was about making his escape into France with some Castilians that follow'd him His Wife flying towards Portugal was taken by the way and afterwards sent to her Father Count Henry was not a little pleas'd at the death of Prince Ferdinand as being thereby deliver'd of a powerful Competitor in his pretensions to the Crown of Castile But his Joy had like to be but short for the next day he was in evident Danger of his Life without knowing any thing of it The Kings of Aragon and Navarre had agreed to meet together with Count Henry in the Castle of Vncastel belonging to the Aragonian on the Borders of Navarre and there to kill him The Count tho ignorant of the Design was jealous and would not go into the Castle To satisfy him John Ramirez de Arellano was made Governour of the Place in whom doubtless the Count had some Confidence and went thither upon his patole Some say this Meeting was at Sos on the Frontiers of Navarre This Caution sav'd Count Henry's Life for the Kings could not prevail with the Governour to suffer him to come to any harm He said the Count was his Friend and besides he had ingag'd his Honour to him and therefore on no account would blast his Reputation with the Name of Treachery About this time Constance Queen of Sicily ended her days at Catanea She left one Daughter called Mary who afterwards inherited her Father's Kingdom which in her right came to Martin Her Husband the Son of another Martin Duke of Monblanc and lastly King of Aragon The Treaty of Peace being broke up the King of Aragon went to Catalonia to provide for his defence He of Castile return'd to Sevil with such eager Desire of renewing the War that about the end of the Year he enter'd the Kingdom of Valencia took the Towns of Alicant Muela Gallosa Denia Gandia and Oliva and in the Month of December laid Siege to Valencia the Metropolis of that Kingdom CHAP. V. Count Henry proclaimed King of Castile King Peter expelled the Kingdom Refus'd entertainment in Portugal gathers a Fleet in Galicia and flies into France to the protection of the English THE King of Aragon who kept his Christmas at Lerida was much surpris'd at this Advance of the Castilians On the 23d of February 1364 he had a Conference with the King of Navarre at Sos. Count Henry was there being reconcil'd to the Two Kings or what is likelyest not knowing what had been design'd against him They make a Confederacy which was not lasting Castile they divided among themselves The King of Navarre was to have Biscay and old Castile he of Aragon the Kingdoms of Murcia and Toledo Count Henry all the other parts Only Bernard de Cabrera lik'd not these Proceedings therefore they resolv'd to kill him which was not so private but he had some notice of it and fled to Navarre Count Henry sent some Officers after him by whom he was apprehended at Carcastillo and deliver'd to the King of Aragon That King having gather'd his Forces march'd to raise the Siege of Valencia The Castilians would not come to a Battel but kept within their Intrenchments and so the Aragonians got into Valencia The Fleet of Castile consisting of 24 Galleys and 46 Ships sail'd to Monviedro there they understood that the Viscount Cardona was with 17 Galleys of Aragon in the River of Cullera The King of Castile made thither resolving to take them but at the Mouth of the River a sudden Tempest forc'd him back to the Port from whence he set out The King himself was in great Danger and therefore as soon as he Landed went in Pilgrimage to the Church of our Lady del Puch to give Thanks He is said to have done this Barefoot and in his Shirt which shews he was not so ungodly as he is represented After this the King of Aragon return'd to Barcelona he of Castile to Murcia and thence to Sevil in the Heat of Summer On the 26th of July Bernard de Cabrera was publickly put to death at Zaragoça the King himself giving Sentence against him and consiscating all his Lands This was doubtless a cruel Act for he had serv'd well was Innocent and had been the King's Tutor all his Crime was speaking the Truth to the King's Advantage but Kings love Flatterers The Queen the King of Navarre Count Henry and Count de Ribagorça contriv'd his death The War continu'd hot Ayora in the Kingdom of Valencia was taken by
the King of Castile D. Gutierre de Toledo Master of Calatrava leading a Convoy to Monviedro was defeated and kill'd by the Aragonians Martin Lopez de Cordova succeeded him The King of Castile thought to make himself Master of Orihuela but the Aragonian offering him Battel and he refusing the place was relieved and the Aragonian return'd home At the beginning of the Year 1365 the King of Aragon besieg'd Monviedro and had it surrender'd to him On the other side the Castilians after a long Siege took Orihuela D. Gomez de Porras Prior of St. John either because he fear'd King Peter for loosing Monviedro or to curry favour with Count Henry deserted to the Aragonians with 600 Horse that were in that Town From this time the Forces of Castile began to decrease and there being Peace betwixt France and England many French came to serve the King of Aragon These were no better than common Robbers to whom the Pope and King of France gave great Summs of Mony to purchase their absence They were invited into Spain by Count Henry This Body was made up of English and Germans as well as French to the Number of 12000 Frossarte a French Historion says 30000. Bertran Claquin and Hugo Carbolaye were their chief Commanders On the First of January 1366 their advanc'd Parties came to Barcelona the rest of them soon after The King of Aragon receiv'd them joyfully distributed a Summ of Mony among them and promised much more Bertran Claquin he made Earl of Borgia The King of Castile held his Cortes or Parliament at Burgos and demanded supplies of Mony Monsieur de la Brie who came out of France to serve him advis'd to buy off the Strangers that follow'd Count Henry and undertook to manage that affair but King Peter being a Man without fear gave no attention to his Counsel Count Henry and the King of Aragon met at Zaragoça where the foreign Forces were There the League betwixt them was renew'd the limits of their Dominions in case they succeeded determin'd and it was agreed that D. John the Count's Son should marry Ellenor the King's Daughter This done the King stay'd at Zaragoça and Count Henry having assembled all his Army enter'd Castile by the way of Alfaro Ynigo Lopez de Horosco was Governour of that Town which was very strong therefore the Army stay'd not to besiege it but march'd towards Calahorra the chief City in those parts seated on the River Ebro Ferdinand Bishop of that place and Fernan Sanches de Tovar the Governour open'd the Gates to the Count on the 16th of March. Here a Councel was held to consider how to proceed Some were for marching directly to Burgos the chief City of Castile Others advis'd Count Henry to take the title of King that so there might remain no hope of reconciliation with King Peter of Castile Bertran Claquin spoke much to this purpose and all the chief Officers of the Army siding with him they easily perswaded him to accept of the Title and immediately proclaim'd him about the Streets The new-made King was bountiful of what was not his own giving Towns and Cities to all present To Bertran Claquin he gave Trastamara and to Hugo Carbolaye Carrion with the Title of Earls To his Brother D. Tello he restor'd Biscay to D. Sancho he gave Albuquerque the Master-Ship of Santiago to Gonçalo Mexia that of Calatrava to Peter Muniz to D. Alonso de Aragon that King's Uncle the Marquisate of Villena and all that belonged to D. John Manuel and as much more to many others Thus Castile was divided betwixt two Kings striving for the Crown Nothing kept the people in their Obedience to King Peter but fear tho his was the undoubted Right the other being a Bastard Henry advanc'd towards Burgos leaving Logron̄o as believing it in vain to attempt it Navarrete and Bribiesca surrendred King Peter was at Burgos doubtful that course to take as confiding but little in his People At length he resolv'd to go to Sevil for there were his Children and Treasure The People of Burgos offer'd to stand by him he thank'd them but would not then make use of their Zeal and absolv'd them from their Oath of Fidelity that if they were put to Streights they might receive Count Henry without being look'd upon as Rebels Before his departure he put to death John Fernandez de Tovar Brother to him that deliver'd up Calahorra On the 28th of March he set out from Burgos sending Orders by the way to the Commanders of the conquer'd places in Aragon to burn them and with all Speed march to meet him at Toledo Thus all he gain'd in some Years was lost in one Day He stay'd some time at Toledo to secure that City and left D. Garci Alvarez de Toledo Master of Santiago to command there No sooner was King Peter gone from Burgos but the Citizens sent to invite Count Henry thither They stil'd him Count but offer'd him the Crown if he would take it in that City according to ancient Custom He accepted their Offer march'd thither and was Crown'd in the Monastery of Huelgas After the Example of Burgos most Cities in that Kingdom within 25 Days submitted to him Thus his Power became equal to his Adversary the Nobility and Commonalty striving to gain the Favour of the new King The Affairs of Castile and Leon being setled he remov'd to Toledo where he was receiv'd with joy Garci Alvarez de Toledo resign'd the Mastership of Santiago in lieu thereof and for deserting his Master had Oropisa and Valdecorneja given him Count Henry being posses'd of Toledo all the rest was easy so that King Peter durst not stay longer in the Kingdom but imbarq●ing his Children and Treasure aboard a Galley fled to Portugal The King of Portugal would not receive him Ferdinand his Son favour'd Count Henry and kept correspondence with him Yet King Peter had no Wrong offer'd him but was suffer'd to pass quietly through that Kingdom into Galicia where he design'd to gather a Fleet in order to sail to Bayonne At Compostella he caus'd D. Suero Arch-Bishop of that See and the Dean to be put to death Having got together Twenty two Ships and some smaller Vessels he set Sail for France carrying with him his Son D. John and two Daughters for Beatrix the eldest was dead tho Polydore writes she dy'd at Bayonne There he arriv'd safe that place being then in the Hands of the English with a considerable part of his Treasure for the rest which his Treasurer Martin Yanez had in a Galley was taken by the People of Sevil to please Count Henry who after the surrender of Cordova was expected at Sevil. The new made King Henry being come to Sevil concluded Peace with the Kings of Portugal and Granada That done as if nothing more remain'd to do he disbanded his Army retaining only 15000 Lances of the Foreignes under the command of Bertran Claquin and Bernal
Son to the Earl of Faux His Wife and Daughter-in-Law the Princess Ellenor came to him but of Aragon and with them D. Lope Fernandez de Luna Arch-Bishop of Zaragoca and several other Men of Note It was requisite to settle the Kingdom and raise Mony for it was not doubted but a Storm threaten'd from France Therefore the Cortes were assembled at Burgos and there John the Son of the new King Henry was sworn Heir to the Crown after his Fathers Decease The Tenth of all things sold was here given him without any limitation of time Their hatred to King Peter binded them so as not to reflect how heavy a Burden they lay'd upon the Country King Henry gave to the City Burgos for their Service at his Coronation the Town of Miranda de Ebro D. Dominick was at this time Bishop of Burgos who Election was remarkable His Predecessor Ferdinand dying the Chapter could not agree who should succeed It was therefore resolv'd to stand the Decision of this Dominick being then one of the Canons He without regarding the Competitors said Since there must be a Bishop let Dominick himself be Bishop All the Chapter rejoye'd at his Choice and he was accordingly consecrated About this time D. Lope de Luna the Archbishop came again into Castile being sent Embassador by the King Aragon to demand Performance of Covenants and a great Summ of Mony he had lent Count Henry The new King acknowledg'd the Debt and all that was demanded to be due but said the Kingdom being not yet setled he could not alinate so great a part of it without exposing himself to extraordinary Danger yet assoon as he were well fixed he would perform all Articles and in the mean while look'd upon the King of Aragon as his Father and Preserver This he said to amuse that King be-being resolv'd to part with nothing Thus Princes devote themselves to their Interest without regarding Promises or Oaths CHAP. VI. The War betwixt France Navarre and Aragon King Peter of Castile supported by the English in France Is brought into Spain by the Prince of Wales with an Army Overthrows Henry the Vsurper and recovers his Kingdom THE War commenc'd three Years befor this betwixt France and Navarre still continu'd with disadvantage to the latter who lost several Towns At Toulouze a League was concluded betwixt the Kings of France and Aragon wherein it was agree'd that the Aragonian should make War upon Navarre to which effect the King of France was to assist him with 500 Lances maintain'd at his own cost This being known to the King of Navarre he stay'd in Spain to make head against the Aragonian by whose command Luis Coronel was already wasting the Frontiers of that Kingdom He sent the Queen his Wife tho with Child into France to try if she could bring that King her Brother to Composition Her Journey proved in vain for the King of France was resolv'd to seize all that the Navarrois possess'd in France At Evreux in Normandy the Queen was brought to Bed of her Second Son call'd Peter who was Earl of Mortaine With him in the heat of Summer she return'd to Navarre not liking her Entertainment in France It was requisite for the King of Navarre to seek some new Allyes he thought it convenient to joyn with King Peter then in Banishment who made him great Offers as Men commonly do in distress King Peter of Castile was then busy soliciting for Succours to recover his Kingdom and particularly apply'd himself to Edward Prince of Wales who then govern'd Guienne for his Father They met at Cabreron a Town not far from Bayonne King Charles of Navarre was with them The Prince invited them to Dinner King Peter was seated on the Right Hand and the Prince next to him on the left sat King Charles by himself There they swore to the Articles of Allyance made betwixt them which were That King Peter should be restored to his Kingdom That the Prince for his Service therein should have Biscay the King of Navarre Logron̄o and That King Peter should leave his Daughters in Guienne as Hostages for performance of Articles and payment of Mony lent him to defray the Army The King of Aragon renew'd his League with France He of Navarre fearing all the Burden of the War would fall upon him chang'd his Mind and meeting Henry the new-made King of Castile at Campeio concluded a League with him by which it was Articled That the King of Navarre should not give Passage to the English through his Dominions That he should assist Henry against them and deliver up certain Towns for Security of Performance That Henry should give him the Town of Logron̄o promis'd to him not long before by King Peter About this time Luis Brother to the King of Navarre marry'd Joanna Dutchess of Durazzo in Macedonia as eldest Daughter and Heiress to Duke Charles to whom Pope Vrban the VIth some time after gave the Investiture of the Kingdom of Naples Because there is generally a mistake made in the Genealogy of these Princes I thought good to set it down here Charles the IId King of Naples was Father to John Duke of Durazzo John had Charles and Luis Charles was Father to John and Margarite Luis the other Son to John had Charles that came to be King of Naples and Joanna who we said marry'd Luis Brother to the King of Navarre On the 18th of January 1367 some Authors say a Year later King Peter of Portugal dy'd at Estremoz He liv'd 46 Years 9 Months and one Day and reign'd 9 Years 9 Months and 28 Days His Body was bury'd with great Pomp at Alcobaça near to the Lady Agnes de Castro He left a Revenue for Chaplains to pray for his Soul and those of his Predecessors was a rigorous observer of Justice and much lamented by his People He order'd that nothing should be taken up for his Use upon trust but paid for at the full Value with ready Mony made wholsome Laws to curb the Avarice of Judges and Lawyers was most Severe against Malefactors particularly for Adultery insomuch that he is say'd to have struck the Bishop of Porto on that Account and us'd Yearly to distribute a considerable Sum of Mony among his Servants according to the Merits of every Man His Son Ferdinand succeeded him who concluded a Peace with the King of Aragon's Embassadors This King kept the Lady Ellenor de Meneses whom he took from her Husband Laurence Vasquez de Acuna who therefore fled to Castile and is said always to have worn in his Cap a pair of Silver Horns denoting the King's Lust and his own Shame All France and Spain resounded with Warlike Preparations Henry the new-made King was at Burgos gathering an Army to oppose the Enemy who had passed the Mountains at Ronoesvalles and without meeting any Opposition advanc'd to Pamplona that King being detain'd a Prisoner at Burgid by Oliver de Mani who held
Trastamara was with him this Man was employ'd to offer Bertran Claquin many Towns and 200000 Castilian Doubles to leave the service of Henry and carry the King off Bertran refus'd but being press'd consulted with some Friends who advis'd him to acquaint Henry with the Proposal He did so and Henry thanking him for his Fidelity perswaded him to carry on that Design and secure King Peter at his Quarters King Peter accordingly came with only a few Gentlemen to Bertran and said it was time to be gone At the same time Henry enter'd the Tent and stood some time as it were astonish'd at the sight of the King till a Frenchman pointing at him said to Henry Take notice that is your Enemy King Peter with his natural fierceness answer'd I am I am Then Henry taking out his Dagger wounded him in the Face they clasped one another and both fell to the Ground but Henry was undermost till Bertran turning them Henry got uppermost and then stabb'd the King several times till he dy'd A horrid sight to behold a lawful King descended of Kings murder'd by a Bastard Frossarte a French Historian writes that as Henry enter'd the place where the King was he said Where is this Jewish Son of a Where who calls himself King of Castile and at that the King answer'd Then art the Son of a Where for I am the lawful Son of King Alonso King Peter dy'd on the 23d of March in the flower of his Age being but 34 Years and 7 Months old he reign'd 19 Years lacking 3 Days His Body was carry'd without any Pomp to Alcoçer and there deposited in the Church of S. James Afterwards he was translated by King John the IId to the royal Monastery of Dominican Nuns at Madrid After the King's death several of his Followers were apprehended CHAP. VIII Several Foreign Princes pretenders to the Crown of Castile War with Aragon Portugal and Granada Affairs of Aragon Sardinia and Navarre The League bewixt Portugal and Aragon MOntiel immediately submitted and Toledo upon the News of the King's Death was surrender'd Among foreign Princes there arose a Dispute concerning the succession of the Crown All agreed that Henry being a Bastard could have no Right and every one strove to make his Advantage of the Troubles of Castile The King of Navarre as has been said had already taken several good Towns belonging to Castile Molina Can̄ete and Requena were betray'd by their Governours to the Aragonian The King of Portugal call'd himself King of Castile and Leon being great Grandson to King Sancho and Grandson to Beatrix his Daughter He was already possess'd of Cuida Rodrigo Alcantana and Tuy The King of Granada always a Friend to King Peter hop'd to make his Advantage Yet the greatest Storm was threaten'd from England and Guienne for John Duke of Lancaster Brother to the Prince of Wales had marry'd Constance Daughter to King Peter and the Earl of Cambridge another Brother had to Wife Elizabeth the younger Sister both Daughters to Da. Maria de Padilla The only remedy against all these Evils that hung over the new King Henry was to secure the Affections of the Nobility and Commons of the Kingdom Therefore he immediately went away to Sevil where he was receiv'd with the usual Joy of the Rabble thither all the Cities of Andaluzia sent to make their Submission except Carmona where King Peter had left his Children and Treasure under the Care of Martin Lopez de Cordova Master of Calatrava who still continu'd faithful to his dead Master At Sovil King Henry not without Infamy endeavour'd to settle a Truce with the King of Granada but could not obtain it Therefore having secur'd the Frontiers he went to Toledo knowing his Wife and Son were come thither from Burgos Here it was taken into Consideration how to raise Mony to pay the Arrears due to the Foreigners and what was promis'd to Bertran Claquin at Montiel for his good Service or rather infamous Treachery All that could be gather'd of the King's Revenue was but a small Summ towards satisfying the Foreigners who boasted they had put the Crown upon Henry's Head To supply this want two new sorts of base Coin were invented the one call'd Cruzados the other Royals which caus'd all things to grow excessive dear The Kings of Aragon and Portugal at this time infested the Frontiers Pero Gonzalez de Mendoça and Alvar Garcia de Albornoz were sent with an Army to oppose the Aragonians and recover'd Requena from them Henry himself march'd towards Galicia where he heard the Portugueses did much harm By the way he attempted Zamora yet stay'd not to take it but enter'd Portugal between the Rivers Duero and Min̄o burning and destroying all the Country and taking Braga and Bragança This done he return'd into Castile His Brother Sancho was with him having been ransom'd from the English who took him at the Battel of Najara The King of Portugal was too weak to give Battel and Henry drew off with much hast upon the News that the King of Granada wasted all Andaluzia having taken Algezira and so demolish'd it that it was never after Rebuilt Besides he was forc'd to return to Castile to raise Mony for Payment of the foreign Souldiers and discharging of Bertran Claquin who was courted by the King of Aragon to go over into Sardinia against Marianus the Judge of Arborea who had again rebell'd and taken many Towns D. Peter de Luna had been sent against him before who reduc'd him to secure himself in the City Oristan whence watching his Opportunity he sally'd and surprising his Besiegers put the whole Army to flight killing the General and his Brother Philip. Some Days after Brancaleon Doria who was of the Lord of Arborea his Party was reconcil'd to the King but the Rebels made even for this loss by taking the City Sacer the Capital of the Island Berengarius Carroz Earl of Quirra was sent as General to put some stop to the Proceedings of the Rebels and Bertran Claquin was sollicited to accept of that Command Bertran was about to accept of that Offer when another more important War drew him away The People of Guienne weary of the English Government sollilicited the King of France to assist them in their Rebellion He gladly condescended and sent for Claquin to command his Army in that Expedition At the same time he desir'd the King of Navarre to assist him That King resolv'd to go into France tho he had but then sent John Cruzate Dean of Tudela into Aragon to settle a Confederacy He left his Queen to govern Navarre and went to his own Estate in Normandy resolving not to trust the King of France but to make his advantage of those Wars The King of France sent Embassadors to him and at last they had a Meeting at Vernon on the Seine Here they agreed the Navarrois should deliver up Mante Meùlan and the County of Longeuville about which they were
at variance and in lieu thereof should have the Lordship of Montpelier These things were done later in the Year 1375 therefore let us return to Castile King Henry's Joy for his Success was somewhat abated by the many Enemies he had yet to deal with for still King Peter's Party was not extinct The Portugueses had a strong Garrison in Cuida Rodrigo and thence infested all the neighbouring Country This place King Henry laid Siege to at the beginning of the Year 1370 but the Portugueses defended it so bravely that he was forc'd to quit that Design for the present and march away to Medina del Campos Here he held the Cortes or Parliament The chief Thing done at this Meeting was the granting of an extraordinary Subsidy towards the War There was due to Bertran Claquin 120000 Doubles promis'd him for betraying of King Peter at Montiel this was a vast Summ in those Days Jayme King of Naples was deliver'd to him as payment of 60000 the Queen his Wife offering so much for him the rest was paid down in Gold Besides the King gave him the Towns of Soria Almaçan Aciença Montagudo Molina and Seron This done he return'd into France where he was made Constable and serv'd well against the English In July the Aragonians and Navarrois concluded a League only defensive as was given out but in reality design'd against Henry of Castile Then the Towns of Salvatierra and La Real formerly belonging to Aragon were restor'd to that Crown by the Queen of Navarre In Castile Peter Manrique Lieutenant of that Kingdom and Peter Ruiz Sarmiento Lieutenant of Galicia were order'd with some Forces to defend Galicia where the Portugueses had taken Compostella Tuy and the Port of Corun̄a D. Tello King Henry's Brother was also commanded thither This done King Henry went away to Sevil with the best of his Army for there was the greatest need of it because the Moors made War on that side Carmona still held out and the Portuguese Fleet kept the Mouth of the River Gaudalquivir Henry was much pleas'd that the Masters of Santiago and Calatrava concluded a Truce with the King of Granada for he could not have withstood so many Enemies at once The Portuguese fleet consisted of 16 Galleys and 24 Ships King Henry order'd 20 Galleys to be lanch'd but they could not all be fitted because King Peter had laid up the Tackling at Carmona therefore a Fleet was order'd to come from Biscay which the Portuguese understanding durst not stay to give them Battel but return'd to Portugal having lost three Galleys and two Ships The Portuguese Fleet was at that time weaken'd having sent some Galleys to Barcelona to carry the Embassadors who went to make a League with the King of Aragon They concluded the Confederacy upon these Terms That the Kingdom of Murcia and City of Cuenca with all its Dependencies should belong to the Crown of Aragon all the other Dominions of Castile should fall to the King of Portugal who already called himself King of Castile That the King of Portugal should marry the Lady Ellenor Daughter to the Aragonian her Dower to be 100000 Florins This Contract came to nothing for the King of Portugal fell in love with and marry'd the Lady Ellenor Tellez de Meneses Daughter to Alonso Tello Count of Barceols and the Aragonian taken up with the War of Sardinia had no leisure to attend that of Castile On the 15th of October dy'd D. Tello King Henry's Brother Lord of Biscay Some say he was poison'd others deny it The King gave the Lordship of Biscay and Lara belonging D. Tello to his own Son John and ever since they have been annex'd to the Crown of Castile The Body of D. Tello was bury'd with great Pomp in the Monastery of S. Francis at Palencia CHAP. IX The Siege of Carmona The King of Portugal marries the Lady Ellenor de Meneses Peace betwixt Castile Portugal and Nevarre KIng Heny eas'd of two great Troubles by the Truce made with the Moor and the removal of the Portuguese Fleet laid Siege to Carmona the only Refuge of King Peter's Friends in the Spring of the Year 1371. This Siege lasted long and many notable Exploits were perform'd by the Besieged who kept their Gates always open making continual Salleys One Day just at Noon the Heat being very great the besieged observ'd the Enemy to keep very close in their Tents and thereupon sallying furiously enter'd their Trenches and went directly to the King's Tent resolving by his death to put an end to the War He was in extream Danger but that some Gentlemen came to his rescue and stop'd the Fury of the besieged till the Army gathering they were repuls'd with considerable Loss After this King Henry attempted by Night to scale the Walls about 40 Men at Armes got up and secur'd a Tower but the Townsmen taking the Alarm fell on them with such Bravery that the Ladders not able to bear them going down broke and those that were in the Tower were left behind Martin Lopez de Cordeva the Governour who was out of the Town that Night returning caus'd them all to be put to Death Provision failing the Governour was at last forc'd to Surrender upon Articles which were basely broken and the brave Governour Martin Lopez de Cordova publickly put to Death or rather murder'd at Sevil by the King's Command The Treasure and Innocent Children of King Peter fell into the Hands of King Henry who kept those guiltless Persons in perpetual Imprisonment This done King Henry caus'd the Bones of his Father King Alonso to be translated to the Royal Chappel of the Cathedral of Cordova At the Siege of Carmona he receiv'd the News that Peter Fernandez de Velasco had taken the City Zamora from the Portugeses and his Liuetenant Peter Manrique and Peter Ruiz Sarmiento pacify'd Galicia having defeated D. Ferdinand de Castro the chief Man that favour'd the Portugeses who having lost the Battle fled to Portugal King Ferdinand of Portugal discourag'd at these Losses gave ear to Peace propos'd to him on the behalf of King Henry by Alonso Perez de Gusman chief Alguazil of Sevil. The Treaty was concluded on the 1st Day of March upon these Articles That the King of Castile restore the Towns taken during the War That the King of Portugal marry Ellenor Daughter to him of Castile whose Dower was to be Cuidad Rodrigo Valencia de Alcantara in Estremadura and Monreal in Galicia The Love the Portuguese bore the Lady Ellenor de Meneses as has been said before prevented this Match and he sent an Embassy to excuse himself and deliver'd up all the Places he had belonging to Castile His Excuses were easily allow'd and he publickly marry'd the Lady Elenor de Meneses which prov'd an unhappy Match and produc'd Wars betwixt Castile and Portugal Before the King was marry'd his Design being known at Lisbon the People mutiny'd to prevent it but the
of great Beauty which made him prefer her before Joanna Queen of Naples who was offer'd to him By this Lady he had two Sons who dy'd young and a Daughter call'd Elizabeth afterwards marry'd to the Earl of Vrgel CHAP. II. King John succeeds his Father in the Throne of Castile Charles King of France dies Charles the VIth succeeds him Pope Clement own'd in Spain through the French Interest KING John having bury'd his Father was Crown'd together with his Wife Queen Ellener in the Monastery of Huelgas at Burgos He Knighted 100 young Gentlemen according to the manner of those Times and gave the Town of Pancorvo to that City in Payment of the Expence it had been at and to reward its Loyalty The Cortes or Parliament was held in that City where several Laws were enacted One was that a Man who had receiv'd the lesser Orders if he marry'd should pay Taxes but if he liv'd Single was shorn and were the Habit of a Clergy Man he should be priviledg'd as a Church Man Great rejoycing was throughout the whole Kingdom for the King's Coronation The Joy was the greater for that it was hop'd he would prove an excellent Prince being Generous sharp Witted Mild Religious and not Conceited but always inclinable to be advis'd Of Stature he was low yet with Majesty The first thing he did after his Accession to the Crown was to express his Affection to the French and therefore immediately fitted out a Fleet and sent it against John de Montfort Duke of Britany whom because he sided with the English the King and Counsel of France had declar'd an Enemy to the Crown and confiscated his Estate The Fleet scower'd the Coast of Britany and took there the Fort they call'd Gaye The King spent the Summer at Burgos Two things concurred the one to increase the other to lessen the publick Joy The first was that one Joseph Pico a rich and famous Jew was kill'd by his own People He was Receiver General of the Revenue which rais'd him to a great height Some Jews of Note bore him ill will the reason of it is not known and they contriv'd to make him away To this purpose they deceitfully obtain'd an Order of the King for putting of him immediatly to Death and finding out the Executioner prevail'd with him to kill the Jew without delay The Fraud being discover'd the Contrivers of it were punish'd and that People were debarr'd the Power they had before of Judging their own Members a Liberty till then allow'd by the Kings forc'd by their wants because the Jews have extraordinary Methods of raising Mony The Subject of Joy was that on the 4th of October the Queen was deliver'd at Burgos of a Son call'd Henry in Honour of his Grandfather this Child came afterwards to inherit the Crown About the end of this Year and beginning of the next which was 1380 the Rains were so great and continu'd so long that all the Rivers overflow'd and all the low Lands were under Water Particularly the River Ebro near Zaragoća broke down it's Banks and ran a new way so that it cost much Mony and Labour to bring it back into it's own Channel From Burgos King John went to Toledo where he again repeated his Father's Exequies and plac'd his Body in the Tomb built for him Then he set out for Andaluzia resolving to aid the French against the English At Sevil he fitted out 20 Galleys with which Fernan Sanchez de Tovar having coasted along Spain and France came to the English Shore and ran up the River Thames destroying all the Country and burning the Villages The Difference about the two Popes was now hotter than ever and each of them had powerful Supporters Pope Vrban meditated Revenge against the Queen of Naples the chief causer of the Schism whom her wicked Life had rendred Infamous He invited Charles Duke of Durazzo descended of the Kings of Naples into Italy intimating he would conferr that Crown upon him On the other sid'e the Queen having no Children adopted Luys Duke of Anjou giving him the Title of Duke of Calabria appertaining to the Heirs of that Crown not doubting by that means to be supported by the Arms of France This is all the Title the Dukes of Anjou have to that Crown which was the occasion of tedious and bloody Wars betwixt them and Spain tho at this time the Design was only to support the Queen and Pope Clement On the 13th of July dy'd the Famous Bertran Claquin at the Siege of Chasteauneuf in Britany and on the 16th of September following Charles King of France departed this Life at Bois de Vincennes His Son Charles the VIth succeeded him The King of Portugal was concern'd about the Succession be being old and having never a Son Beatrix his Daughter by the Queen whose Birth was afterwards call'd in Question was contracted to Frederick Duke of Benavente and Bastard Son to King Henry After the Death of Henry the Portuguese would not stand to that Match but sent Embassadors to the new King to offer her to his Son Prince Henry then a Child but a few Months old King John hoping to joyn the Kingdom of Portugal to Castile admitted of the Proposal The Articles of Marriage were agreed upon at Soria where the Cortes met but at last they came to nothing Peter Manrique Leiutenant of Castile was apprehended being accus'd of holding a treasonable Correspondence with D. Alonso de Aragon Earl of Denia He dy'd in Prison without leaving any Children James Manrique his Brother inherited his Estate and Honours as he well deserv'd for his good Service in Navarre Luis Duke of Anjou govern'd France for King Charles who was under Age. The King of Aragon fear'd lest he should lay hold of that Opportunity to conquer the Kingdom of Majorca to which he pretended a right as has been said but he had bent his Thought upon securing the Crown of Naples to himself and his Heirs However King John of Castile sent Embassadors into France to accommodate that Affair and it was agree'd he should sell the Title he had bought King John advanc'd a good Summ out of kindness to his Father-in Law and to secure the Peace of Spain He also sent Embassadors to the Soldan of Egypt to sollicite for the Liberty of Leo King of Armenia whose Wife and Daughter had dy'd in Prison The barbarous King granted his Request and releas'd the Prisoner sending him into Spain with Letters full of Pride and Arogancy in relation to himself but honourably writ in regard to King John whose Power and Valour he extoll'd desiring his Friendship Three Years after that unfortunate King came into France and thence into Spain where the King entertain'd him honourably and gave him the Towns of Madrid and Andujan with a competent Revenue for his Maintenance He stay'd not long in Spain but return'd into France designing thence to go into England to perswade those Kings to
make Peace and unite their Forces against the Enemies of the Gospel in Asia Death cut him off without doing any thing of what he intended In the Church of the Celestines at Paris there is to this Day an Arch in the Wall of the great Chappel with a curious Marble Tomb and an Inscription signifying LEO King of Armenia lies there The Christian Princes were weary of hearing the Legates of the Two Popes The King of Castile resolv'd to hold the Cortes at Medina del Campo to decide this debate in Castile The Legates of both Popes labour'd hard to be receiv'd believeing all Spain would follow whatever was decreed there Opinions differ'd some were for the one some for the other but the wiser sort were for standing Neuter as if there were no Pope till a general Councel had determin'd that Controversy Mean while the Queen on the 28th of November was deliver'd of a Son who was call'd Ferdinand exceeded all the Princes his contemporaries in greatness of Spirit and good fortune and at length came to be King of Aragon A great Number of Benedictine Monks came to the Cortes complaining that the Noble Men who were their Patrons did them signal Wrongs whereupon it was order'd that the King alone should be their Protector which lasted during his Reign D. Peter de Luna was one of the Cardinals that favour'd Clement who at the beginning of the Year 1381 sent him as his Legate into Spain to draw those Kings to his Party In Aragon he effected nothing but in Castile the Cortes which had been adjourn'd to Salamanca on the 20th of May acknowledg'd Pope Clement who resided at Aivignon The Interest of France sway'd more with them than Equity and Justice Many look'd upon it as a Judgment for this wrongful Decree that Queen Joanna the King's Mother a most Pious Woman and of so great Charity that she was call'd the Mother of the Poor dy'd soon after During her Widowhood she wore the Habit of a Nun and was bury'd with it at Toledo near her Husband Henry CHAP. III. Charles Duke of Durazzo Crown'd King of Naples The War with Portugal Peace concluded The King of Portugal dies Actions of the Aragonians and Catalonians in Greece And of the former in Sardinia CHarles Duke of Durazzo call'd by Pope Vrban came out of Hungary into Italy The Florentines gave him a great Summ of Mony that he might not enter Tuscany in warlike manner At Rome the Pope gave him the Title of Senator of that City and crown'd him King of Naples All things succeeded better than he had expected for all places even the City of Naples receiv'd him joyfully The Queen fortify'd herself in Castel Nuovo Otho her Husband was defeated and taken whereupon she deliver'd her self up to the Victor Soon after she was hang'd in the same place where she had strangl'd her Husband Andreasso Otho was set at Liberty Thus Pope Vrban was successful The Duke of Anjou had enter'd Italy with a powerful Army but he dy'd in Apulia Prince Luis of Navarre and the new King Charles had married two Sisters but that Prince was not with him in this Expedition being ingag'd in a War for recovering of Athens and Neopatria on the account of the antient Title the Kings of Naple had to those Dominions The chief of that Country being descended from Catalonia ceas'd not to invite the King of Aragon to take possession of those Dutchies as at last he did A new Storm broke out betwixt Castile and Portugal which reduc'd the Country to great Streights and put King John in danger of losing his Kingdom The English and Portugueses entred into a League and joyn'd their Forces against Castile The English pretended a right to the Crown of Castile because the Duke of Lancaster had marry'd the eldest Daughter of King Peter and the King of Portugal was not pleas'd to see his Title laid aside Besides he look'd upon John as an Excommunicated Person for adhering to Clement whereas Portugal was for Pope Vrban Alonso Earl of Gijon laid hold of this Opportunity to mutiny King John hasten'd to Oviodo the capital City of Asturias to reduce him and at the same time order'd Levies to be made and a Fleet equip'd against Portugal The Earl easily submitted but whether sincerely will appear hereafter The Rendezyouz of the Army was appointed at Simancas Assoon as all things were in readiness the King repair'd thither march'd directly into Portugal and laid Siege to Almeyda a Town not far from Badajoz The Place being strong and bravely defended the Siege went on slowly At Sea 16 Galleys of Castile met with 23 of Portugal They fought and the Castilians obtain'd a memorable Victory taking 20 of the Enemies Galleys and in them their Admiral D. Alonso Telez Earl of Barcelos This Victory had been more advantagious if well prosecuted but the Admiral of Castile Fernan Sanchez de Tovar satisfy'd with what he had done return'd to Castile which gave the Portugueses time to recover themselves and the English Fleet to come to Lisbon which was the greatest damage Nevertheless King John encourag'd by that Success sent a formal Challenge to the Enemy by a Herauld offering as soon as Almeyda were taken to advance two Days March to meet him The English being hot and resolute were for Fighting but they wanted Horse having brought none in the Fleet and it being difficult to raise them in Portugal Therefore the Herauld contrary to Justice was secur'd Winter drawing on the King of Castile withdrew without doing any thing of Moment but resolving to return with a greater Power at the beginning of the Spring of the following Year 1382. The Earl of Gijon again rebell'd and fled to Bragança but his Friends forsaking him and the Marques de Villena interposing he again submitted and was the second time pardon'd by the King The Marques for his good Service was created Constable an Honour new in Castile tho long us'd in other Countries Fernan Alvarez de Toledo and Peter Ruiz Sarmiento were made Mareschals equal to our Major-Generals Winter being spent the Randezvous was again appointed at Simancas that Country being plentiful to supply the Army As soon as all was in a readyness the King set out for Badajoz being inform'd that the Enemy design'd to invade Castile that way and were already advanc'd as far as Elvas which is but three Leagues from Badajoz The Portugues Forces were 3000 Horse and a great Number of Foot the English 3000 Horse and as many Archers In the Army of Castile were 5000 Horse and a much greater Number of Foot all old Soldiers and eager to fight Yet the King of Castile rather than put all to the hazard of a Battel thought good to make overtures of Peace D. Alonso de Castro was sent to make the Proposals The English were inclinable to harken to Peace being sorry they had undertaken a trouble some War so far from Home notwithstanding
They wish'd for any manner of Composition and at length the Mortality was so great that the Siege was rais'd with much Loss and Dishonour and the Army march'd away James Sarmiento was made Marshal de Camp in the Place of his Brother deceas'd and had the Government of Santarem given him Other Officers were put into Garrisons about the Country the King designing to recruit his Army and return as soon as possible This done the Fleet and Army mov'd towards Sevil. Much harm might have been done them had the Besieg'd pursu'd but they were glad to be rid of them at any rate Processions were made at Lisbon and throughout the Kingdom for this Deliverance At this time the King of Aragon shew'd no Kindness to his two Sons by the first Wife the Princes John and Martin The Blame was laid upon the Mother in Law but Prince John had offended his Father by Marrying privately the Lady Violante Daughter to the Duke of Berri not regarding the Queen of Sicily which was much the better match The King vented his Passion upon John Earl of Ampurias in whose Dominions and under whose Protection they were Marry'd for as soon as his Son return'd home and was Pardon'd he seiz'd the greatest part of the Earl's Estate The Earl himself fled by Sea to Avignon resolving to make use of the Forces of his Friends for recovering of his Dominions CHAP. V. John the Bastard Master of Avis proclaim'd King of Portugal King John of Castile sends his Fleet then enters Portugal himself with an Army The famous Battle of Aljubarrota and rout of the Castilians AT the beginning of the Year 1385 the King of Castile was employ'd in raising Land-Forces and had fitted a Fleet of 12 Galleys and 20 Ships Yet all things went on slowly because he fell Sick and was in Danger of Death yet as soon as recover'd he forwarded all Preparations News was brought that the Garrison of Santarem had taken the Master of 〈◊〉 and Grand Prior of S. John but this prov'd False and the Joy conceiv'd was turn into Sorrow for it was certainly known that the Portugueses in Coimbra had proclaim'd the Master of Avis King which was engaging themselves so far that there was no way to go back again The chief of the Rebels in that City had consulted together and agreed it was absolutely Necessary to choose them a Head and that for the greater Authority he ought to be declar'd King Some thought this too bold an Attempt and were against excluding Queen Beatrix whose Right it was or so far Provoking the Anger of Castile Others favour'd Prince John tho then a Prisoner at Toledo but this was wholly rejected he being in no Condition to assist them Therefore they all voted for the Master of Avis who was present and proclaim'd him King on the 5th of April at the Monastery of St. Francis in Coimbra where that Consultation was held All that were present even those that had before oppos'd it kiss'd his Hand and did Homage to him to express their Zeal Prophesies were then invented to justify their Choice and they gave out that at the beginning of these Troubles a Child in the Cradle had three Times with a loud Voice cry'd out D. John King of Portugal Which they attributed to the Master of Avis for Men are apt to fancy every thing as they would have it From that Day the Portugueses despairing of Pardon became more resolute and bold The Province between the Rivers Duero and Min̄o soon declar'd for the new King This Joy was somewhat abated by the Arrival of the Fleet of Castile on the Coast of Portugal which meeting no body to oppose it ravag'd all the Sea Coasts The King of Castile was at Cordova and thence at the beginning of Summer sent his Queen to Avila since she could be no longer useful her Subjects having wholly cast her off About the beginning of July D. Peter Tenorio Archbishop of Toledo made an Incursion into the Country of Viseo destroying all the Country and sparing neither Sex nor Age but at their Return they were met with and overthrown by the Portugueses Many other Encounters happen'd with various Success but all prov'd ruinous to the Natives for both Parties liv'd at Discretion The Army of Castile randevouz'd at Guidad Rodrigo when the Summer was well advanc'd Only Prince Charles Son to the King of Navarre was expected with a good Body of Men. A Council of War being held the wiser sort were against Fighting and only for wasting the Country and wearying out the Rebels But their Opinion prevail'd who being young were hottest and magnify'd the Strength of Castile despising the Enemy as a raw and undisciplined Rabble and therefore were for putting an end speedily to the War This advice the King follow'd tho the other was the safest The Castilians were overseen in many things and they ought at least to have expected the Succours that the Prince of Navarre was to bring Having fix'd this Resolution they enter'd that part of Portugal call'd Be●ra and took Cillorico Thence they advanc'd and burnt the Suburbs of Coimbra and attempted to take Leyria which held for Queen Ellenor During the Siege of Cillorico the King being unhealthy and considering the Danger of the War made his Will upon the 21st of July In it he ordain'd that the Lordships of Biscay and Molina his Mother's Inheritance should for ever be annex'd to the Crown and belong to the eldest Sons of the Kings of Castile He appointed 6 Tutors for his Son and Heir Henry and 12 Governours of the Kingdom during his Minority The Queen his Mother in Law the Princes John and Denis of Portugal the Children of King Peter and Son of D. Ferdinand de Castre who were all Prisoners in Castile he order'd should have Justice done them The Shortness of his Life gave not Leasure to make it known whether he design'd to put to Death or release them Many other things he ordained in his Will which being made without Deliberation was the Cause of many Troubles and Confusions The Portugues Army was advanc'd to Tomar with a Resolution to try their Fortune The Castilians march'd to meet them They discover'd one another about the Mid-way and there Intrench'd themselves The Portugueses were in a narrow Place having a Plain on the Front and deep Morasses on each side which secur'd their Flanks they were 2200 Horse and 10000 Foot The Castilians being much more Numerous encamp'd in an open Plain about a League and half from them and being confident of their Strength advanc'd and offer'd Battol on the Eve of the Assumption The King of Castile led the main Battel and some of the Nobles the Wings which in the time of need were useless by season of the Streightness of the Ground D. Gonzalo Nun̄ez de Guzman with a Body of 〈◊〉 was order'd through By ways to fall upon the Enemies Rear that none might escape being taken or
June 1409 they elected a third Pope who was Peter Philargus a Native of Candia of the Order of Fryers Minors and Archbishop of Milan In his Papacy he took the Name of Alexander the Vth. His Reign was short and extended not to a Year This which was looked upon as a Remedy only serv'd to increase the Disease for instead of two now there were three Popes each pretending to be the Right So weak is all humane Policy CHAP. IX The Death of Martin King of Sicily Several pretenders to the Crown of Aragon Their several Claims Martin King of Aragon prefers that of his 〈◊〉 Prince Ferdinand of Castile tho unjust PRince Ferdinand govern'd the Kingdom of Castile prudently yet let slip no Opportunity of advancing his Family and increasing his Estate For this reason some Persons spar'd not to set the Queen against him which was easy as she was a Woman and naturally Jealous There is nothing more uncertain than the favour of Princes They said the excessive Power of Prince Ferdinand might prove dangerous to the Crown for that too much Grandeur is seldom attended with Loyalty James Lopez de Zun̄iga and John de Velasco whose Interest was great at Court were the Men that chiefly heightned these Jealousies Frederick ●●rl of Trastamara the Son of Peter Constable of Castile advis'd the Prince to secure them but they having notice of the Design fled The Queen when she knew it was offended and grew more suspicious than before saying that Affront was offer'd to her and design'd to deprive her of their Advice and Assistance Besides the other Blessings which Heaven and Nature had plentifully bestow'd on Prince Ferdinand in which no Prince of that Age surpass'd him he had a numerous Issue viz. 5 Sons Alonso John Henry Sancho and Peter call'd afterwards the Princes of Aragon and two Daughters Mary and Ellenor About this time dy'd Ferdinand Rodriguez de Villalobos Master of the Order of Alcantara and Prince Ferdinand obtain'd that Honour for his fourth Son Sancho the Pope dispensing with his Age. Henry the third Son was in the like manner soon after made Master of the Order of Santiago upon the Death of Laurence Suarez de Figueroa Many were offended that the Prince not content with the Government bestow'd all Perferments upon his Sons At this time the Duke of Austria and Earl of Luxembourg sent to offer Supplies of Men to carry on the War of Granada Charles Duke of Orleans promis'd 1000 French Horse and made suit to have to Wife Queen Beatrix the Widow of King John the Ist of Castile who had the right to the Crown of Portugal Neither was his offer accepted of nor his Request granted for the Queen would not marry again or leave Spain and the Truce was continued for 5 Months longer at the suit of Joseph King of Granada Yet soon after the Moors making an Attempt upon Priego gave a sufficient occasion to the Christians to break with them but the King of Granada ●ent to excuse that Action as done without his Consent and offering to make Reparation of Damages such as Judges appointed on both sides should decree This year betwixt Salamanca and Cuidad Rodrigo was found an Image of our Blessed Lady held in great Veneration and call'd De la Pen̄a de Françia very famous for a Monastery of Dominicans built in that Place and for the great Concourse of People that resorts thither The same year was unfortunate to the Aragonians to the Death of Martin King of Sicily only Son and Heir to the King of Aragon who departed this Life at Caller in Sardinia on the 25th of July in the flower of his Age and the promising hopes conceiv'd of him His Father had sent him into that Island to suppress Brancaleon Doria and Aymerick Viscount Narbonne who having marry'd two Daughters of Marianus Judge of Arborea lay'd claim to and endeavour'd to possess themselves of it They were grown strong because the Power of the Aragonians was small and the Islanders rather favour'd them than Strangers The King 's coming chang'd the Face of Affairs Both Parties assembl'd their Forces and met near a Town call'd Luri There they engag'd the Isanders were overthrown and Brancaleon their General taken Death prevented the Kingdom making his Advantage of that Victory and putting an end to the War But Peter de Torrellas the Mareschal that Prince's Favourite and some other Men of Note with the Forces that remain'd for some time made good the Aragonian Party The King's Body was bury'd in the Cathedral of Caller By his Wife Blanch he had one Son who dy'd not long before him He had also two Bastard Sons by two Sicilian Women one was 〈…〉 whose Mothers Name was Teresa and by Agathusa he had the Lady Violante afterwards marry'd to the Earl of Niebla It was reported the Cause of his Death was his too much Familiarity with a young Woman of Sardinia before he was perfectly recover'd of a Sickness he had In his Will he constituted his Father Heir of the Kingdom of Sicily and ordain'd his Wife 〈◊〉 Blanch should continue in the Government thereof as he left her at his Departure then ●● Several Persons of Note were nam'd to be assisting to her with their Advice The loss of this Prince was much lamented throughout the Kingdom of Aragon and many contests arose about the Right of Succession It is in vain to relate how grievous this Misfortune was to his Father every one may judge●● himself Yet he monerated his Sorrow and having perform'd the Funeral Rights to 〈…〉 apply'd himself to setling of the Kingdom His Favourites advis'd him to marry 〈…〉 was 〈…〉 might have Children and by that means settle the 〈…〉 prevent many Mischiefs which must otherwise follow He approv'd of the●● 〈…〉 beautiful Lady and of the Blood Royal of Aragon The Marriage was solemniz'd at Burcelona on the 17th of September The King was but 5● years of Age but sickle and extreamly fat those very Medicines or Provocatives he made use of for getting of Children wasted him inwardly and hasten'd his Death Luis Duke of Anjou being inform'd of the Death of the King of Sicily was the first that reassum'd his Hopes of inheriting that Crown He sent the Bishop of Conserans to desire the King to declare his Son Luis whom he had by the Lady Violante Daughter to King John 〈◊〉 to the Crown as being the next of Blood the eldest Sister Joanna being dead two years before He also ask'd leave for the Mother to come to Aragon to breed up her Son according to the Custom of the Country It was look'd upon as an ill Omen that the King during the Solemnity of his Marriage should he pressed to declare an Heir The People thought the Earl of Vrgel to have a better Right but it was only to please their own Inclin'd out for all Nations would rather have a King of their own Country than a Stranger The Earl's
should they elect another before he resign'd There was but one way left which was that the Emperor Pope and King of Aragon should meet as had been propos'd To this effect Embassadors were sent to the two last and the City Nice on the Coast of Piemont appointed for their Conference Still it was hop'd Benedict would follow the Example of his Competitors and submit to the Resolutions of all Nations CHAP. IV. The Portugueses pass over into Africk and take Ceuta All Endeavours us'd to move Pope Benedict to resign the Papacy prove vain Ferdinand King of Aragon his Death The Council of Constance puts an end to the Schism in the Church WHilst these things were in Agitation at Constance the King of Aragon at Valencia with all Majesty solemniz'd the Marriage of his Son Alonso with the Princess Mary Sister to King John of Castile To Honour the Solemnity Pope Benedict came thither as did all the Nobility of the Kingdom With the Princess came from Castile D. Sancho de Rojas then translated from the See of Valencia to the Archbishoprick of Toledo upon the Death of D. Peter de Luna who departed this Life at Toledo on the 18th of September and was bury'd in that Cathedral D. Sancho was promoted at the Instance of the King of Aragon and he well deserv'd it for his good Parts and the signal Services he had done to the Crown Prince Alonso was marry'd on the 12th of June Her Father left the Princess the Marquisate of Villena for her Dower but it was taken from her and in lieu of it she had 200000 Ducats because the Castilians would not allow that Estate to be given to the Aragonians it lying on the Borders of both those Kingdoms very opportunely to make Incursions in time of War The King of Portugal since the last Year was fitting out a powerful Fleet. All the Neighbouring Princes as is usual in such Cases were jealous lest it might be design'd against them Particularly the King of Aragon was concern'd because it was reported the Portugues design'd to undertake the Protection of the Earl of Vrgel which would disturb the Peace of Aragon They were all deceiv'd for the Designs of the Portugues were of another Nature to wit to pass over into Africk and make new Conquests there His good Fortune which had gain'd and fix'd him in that Kingdom to which he had no Right encourag'd him and he sought new Conquests to bestow on his many Children because the Limits of Portugal were but very Narrow By the Queen his Wife he had the Princes Edward Peter Henry John and Ferdinand and the Princess Elizabeth Besides them a Bastard Son call'd Alonso afterwards Earl of Barcelos He fitted out 30 great Ships 27 Galleys 30 Galliots and many other small Vessels which in all made up 120 Sail. With this Fleet the King set sail towards Africk notwithstanding that at the same time Queen Philippa dy'd whom he caus'd to be bury'd in the new Monastery of Batalla at Aljubarrota At his first Landing on the 22d of August he took the City Ceuta seated upon the Sreights of Gibraltar by Storm The first that mounted the Wall was a Souldier call'd Cortereal another call'd Albergueria was first at entring the Gate Both were rewarded by the King as they deserv'd and others were honour'd according to their Merits Of the Moors some were put to the Sword others fled and others were made Slaves This lucky beginning put the Portugueses in hopes of subduing large Territories in Africk This same Year they also alter'd their manner of Computation from the Era of Cesar and began to reckon from the Birth of our Lord as all other Countries did The Council of Constance still labour'd to settle the Affairs of the Church King Ferdinand could not go to Nice by reason of Sickness and therefore it was resolv'd the Emperor should come as far as Perpignan in the County of Russillon Pope Benedict and King Ferdinand being nearest came thither first On the 19th of September came the Emperor with 400 Men at Arms on Horseback a splendid Retinue His Habit was plain and the Service of his Table of Pewter in token of Mourning for the unhappy State of the Church Thither resorted Embassadors from France Castile and Navarre All the World was in Expectation what this Meeting would produce King Ferdinand by reason of his Indisposition could not attend the Conferences Yet from his Bed conjur'd Pope Benedict to restore the Peace of the Church and to remember the Promises he had formerly made He urg'd the Example of his Competitors and shew'd how short a time he could expect to live being of a great Age. Pope Benedict was resolv'd not to agree to any Composition and therefore only study'd to protract or delay time Both Princes press'd him to come to some Resolution One day he made a long Harangue in defence of his Right alledging that if ever there was any doubt of the dueness of his Election it had now ceas'd by the Resignation of his Competitors he only being left as sole Governour of the Church that the Older he was the more cause he had to fear offending God by timorously yeilding to quit his Charge He spent 7 whole Hours in this Discourse without the least sign of Weariness tho he was 77 years of Age and the Auditors tir'd slip'd away one after another At last he urg'd that in case he were not the true Pope yet the choosing of another appertain'd to him alone as being the only Cardinal left alive of those promoted before the Schism by a Pope whose Right was indisputable Much time was spent in these Debates and no hopes of any Conclusion The Emperor weary of these delays departed from Perpignan threatning Pope Benedict to make use of Force since he could not be reduc'd by fair means Yet he made some stay at Narbonne to see whether King Ferdinand could work upon that hard Heart but all was in vain for Pope Benedict fled to Piniscola hoping to maintain himself there it being seated on a Rock encompass'd almost on all sides by the Sea At length the only remedy remaining was made use of which was to disown him in Aragon as was done by Edict and all Persons forbid to acknowledge him as Pope F. Vincent Ferrerius who had always adher'd to him was the Man that now advis'd to cast him off Some Persons still retain'd a scruple but the generality easily consented Benedict himself was so offended that he say'd he who was most beholding to him was his chief Enemy and he hop'd God would for his Ingratitude deprive him of the Kingdom which he had given him Whilst these things were hottest in Debate Ellenor Queen of Navarre dy'd on the 5th of March at Pamplona She lies in an Alablaster Tomb in the Cathedral of that City with an Inscription signifying the time of her Death King Ferdinand's Disease continu'd and he earnestly desir'd to return to
King Alonso having subdu'd Sardinia and abandon'd Corsica to the Genoeses sail'd with speed to Palermo in Sicily hoping to secure the Succession to the new Kingdom and was the more bent upon it for that a certain Mathematician five years before told him That Heaven promised him great Things that he should be Master of Naples that he should have many Subjects and heap mighty Riches whereupon he encourag'd him boldly to pursue his Fortune The depriving the King of Castile of his Liberty caus'd great Commotions and the Imprisonment of several Persons of Note The Court was at Talavera as has been said and the King as if he minded not the wrong done him diverted himself in Hunting This gave him an opportunity on the 29th of November to make his escape to Montalvan a Castle seated upon an Eminence almost in the mid-way betwixt Talavera and Toledo on the Banks of Tagus Alvaro de Luna his great Favourite advis'd him to fly Prince Henry gathering his Forces besieg'd the Place but would not batter it in respect to the King Prince John the Archbishop of Toledo D. Alonso Enriquez the Admiral and other Nobles assembl'd to revenge this Affront Hunger began to pinch in the Castle and they eat their Horses and other filthy Beasts At length the Siege was rais'd by them that came to relieve the Place and Prince Henry went away to Ocana a Town of his own as he was Master of Santiago resolving to stand upon his Guard After his Departure the King return'd to Talavera and was met upon the way by the Princes John and Peter of Aragon Great demonstrations of Affection passed betwixt them and the King by the Advice of Alvaro de Luna who rose apace to give the greater fall commanded them to return This alter'd the Posture of Affairs The King kept his Christmas and the beginning of the Year 1421 at Talavera Thence he went to Old Castile where he had more Forces and the People were better affected towards him Prince Henry had the Marquisate of Villena given him with his Wife which those People resented because it had been purchas'd for a sum of Mony of the King of Aragon and ought not to be alienated from the Crown Prince Henry seiz'd and garrison'd all the Towns of that Dominion except Alarcon which being naturally strong held out against him The King commanded him to disband his Forces and he refusing to obey that Estate was taken from him by Force Besides the King recall'd his Patent which made the Mastership of Santiago hereditary to the Heirs of Prince Henry This so provoked him that he set out from Ocan̄a after the King with 1500 Horse He passed the Mountains and without making any stop came to Arevalo where the King was There was danger of a Battle and therefore Queen Ellenor in care for her Son Prince Henry endeavour'd to lay that Storm that threatn'd The Archbishop of Santiago did the same They perswaded the Prince to lay down his Arms and thus for that time War was prevented Blanch Daughter to the King of Navarre on the 29th of May was brought to Bed at Arevalo of a Son who was call'd Charles as his Grandfather by the Mother's side The Cortes were summon'd first to Toledo and then to Madrid and in order to meet them the King and Queen set out towards new Castile On the 23d of October they came to Toledo Prince Henry of Aragon Ruy Lopez Davalos the Constable and Peter Manrique the Lieutenant being summon'd excus'd themselves saying they had powerful Enemies at Court Mean while Alonso King of Aragon and Luis Duke of Anjou contended for the Kingdom of Naples King Alonso kept in that City Aversa a Town near it was held by the French and Excursions were made by both Parties Cerra a Town four miles from Naples was besieg'd by the Aragonians and taken after a vigorous Defence Prince Peter of Aragon being call'd by his Brother with the consent of the King of Castile went away to serve in that War at the beginning of the Year 1422. The Cortes sat at Madrid Prince John of Aragon and other great Men were present The Archbishop of Toledo was not being then sick Prince Henry and his adherents because the King would oblige them to come resolv'd the Prince and Garci Fernandez Manrique afterwards Earl of Castan̄eda should go but the Constable and Peter Manrique should stand upon their Guard in Places of Safety On the 13th of June the Prince and Garci Fernandez came to Madrid were kindly receiv'd but the next day apprehended Prince Henry was sent Prisoner to the Castle of Mora and the care of him committed to Garci Alvarez de Toledo the Earl of Vrgel who had been some years a Prisoner there being remov'd to Madrid An Impeachment of high Treason for corresponding with the Moors was brought into the Cortes against those Lords 14 Letters written by the Constable to King Joseph of Granada were produc'd and read Therefore the Estates of Prince Henry and Garci Manrique were confiscated and the same was decreed against Peter Manrique who having notice of what was in hand fled to Taraçona The like Sentence was given against the Constable who with the Lady Catherine Prince Henry's Wife fled first to Segura a strong Place towards Murcia and thence to Valencia He left a mighty Estate in Castile for Arcos Arjona Ossorno Ribadeo Candeleda Arenas and many other Towns were his so that the House Davalos began to decay Several other noble Families as the Fajardos Enriquez Sandovals Pimenteles and Zunigas rose out of the Ruins of the Davalos It was then whisper'd that those Letters of the Constable were forg'd and afterwards his Secretary John Garcia confess'd he had counterfeited them and was put to Death yet because the King and others were concern'd the Constable was not restor'd Now the King created Alvaro de Luna Earl of Santistevan de Gormaz and made him Constable Gonzalo Mexia Commendary of Segura was impower'd to act as Master of Santiago These things being concluded the King went away to Alcala and at the same time the Queen was deliver'd of a Daughter at Illescas on the 5th of October she was call'd Catherine This caus'd great Joy being an Argument the Queen was not barren as had been fear'd The Archbishop of Toledo after a tedious Sickness dy'd at Alcala de Henares and was put into a curious Marble Tomb built by himself in the Parish Church of St. Peter D. John Martinez de Contreras Dean of Toledo by the King's Interest was chosen Archbishop The Chapter rather favour'd the School-Master John Alvarez de Toledo but the King's Recommendation prevail'd The elect Archbishop went away to Rome to be confirm'd by Pope Martin the Vth as was then the Custom and spent two years in that Journey CHAP. VII The Death of the Moorish King of Granada A Truce betwixt Castile and Portugal The Interest of the Aragonians decays at Naples Joseph
about the end of the Year Among other Things the Bones of S. Luis Bishop of Toulouze Son to Charles the 2d King of Naples were carry'd into Spain to the City of Valencia where the King landed The King of Castile hearing of his Arrival sent Embassadors to him at the beginning of the Year 1424 to Congratulate with him upon his safe Arrival and the Victories he had obtain'd as also again to demand the Fugitives and Out-laws should be deliver'd up to him to answer to such things as should be lay'd to their Charge These Embassadors had Audience at Valencia upon the 3d of April At the same time the Affairs of Aragon declin'd apace in Naples and no hopes remain'd of retrieving them notwithstanding that Sforcia the famous General marching to raise the Siege of Aquila was on the 5th of January drown'd passing the River Averno then much swell'd with the Winter Rains His Death was no way Advantagious to the Aragonians for Francis Sforcia his Son supply'd his Place Pope Martin and Philip Duke of Milan joyn'd with the Faction of Anjou The Duke fitted out a Fleet at Genoa and sent it to the Relief of the Queen under the Command of Guido Taurello This Fleet and the Army by Land besieg'd Gaeta It might well have been defended but was soon surrender'd only upon Condition the Aragonian Garrison should have liberty to depart From Gaeta the Army and Fleet mov'd towards Naples James Caldora to whom that City was committed agreed with the Enemy who promis'd him the Arrears due to him from the Aragonians and he open'd the Gates to them He pretended to justify himself that Prince Peter design'd to kill him whereas in Truth he was a faithless and changeable Man On the 12 of April the City of Naples was lost but still the Aragonians kept two Castles there viz. Castelnovo and that called Del Ovo which is very little but strong being seated on a Rock encompass'd by the Sea After the taking of Naples all other Towns surrender'd to the Victors The King of Aragon was much concern'd that the King of Castile imprisoning his Brother had oblig'd him to quit Naples which was the cause it was lost He meditated Revenge yet resolv'd to try all ways rather than declare War Dalmao de Mur Arch-bishop of Tarragona sent Embassador upon this Account deliver'd his Message before the King of Castile and Nobles at Ocan̄a He demanded the Prince's Liberty saying if he were Guilty of any Crime his long Imprisonment was Punishment enough and he ought to be forgiven being so near of Kin to the King of Castile besides that his Brother the King of Aragon would never desist till he had obtain'd his Demand There were many about Court who had advis'd the Prince's Imprisonment and fear'd if he were releas'd they should suffer Others were apprehensive of losing what they had got of the banish'd Person 's Estate These oppos'd the releasing of the Prince and Alvaro de Luna proud with his vast Preferment sided with them Thus nothing was concluded and the Embassadors departed The King of Castile went away to Burgos at the same time that his Daughter Catherine dy'd at Madrigal a Town in Old Castile on the 10th of August She was bury'd in the Monastery of Huelgas Soon was the Grief conceiv'd for her Death converted into Joy the Queen being deliver'd on the 5th of January 1425 at Valladolid of Prince Henry In April the three Estates took the Oath of Allegiance to him as Heir to the Crown The King of Aragon was making all necessary Preparations for War at Zaragoça At Valladolid a Council was held to make the necessary Provision to oppose him Opinions vary'd as is usual in such Cases Some were for declaring War immediately a hot sort of People where there is no Danger Others more prudent said all possible means ought to be us'd to prevent a Breach The King was doubtful and knew not which Advice to take Charles King of Navarre fearing this Dispute might be destructive to Spain sent Peter Peralta his Steward and Garci Falces his Secretary Embassadors to Castile to offer himself as Mediator When this Proposition was ready to be embrac'd it was obstructed by Letters from the King of Aragon requiring Prince John his Brother to repair to him immediately He having obtain'd leave of the King of Castile set out for Aragon and had Commission to treat with that King of an Accommodation The Army of Aragon lay at Taraçona ready to break into Castile and the King was so intent upon this Expedition he seem'd to have lay'd aside all Thoughts of Naples And Yet he had receiv'd Intelligence that Braccio who besieged Aquila was overthrown and killed before that Place on the 25th of May. James Caldora General of the Pope's Forces in the Service of the Queen obtain'd this Victory being assisted by John and Sancho Carrillo Nephews to the Cardinal of that Name They in pursuance of the Victory soon made themselves Masters of Marca de Ancona which Braccio had before taken The Body of Braccio was carry'd to Rome and bury'd before the Gate of S. Laurence he being an Excommunicated Person In the time of Pope Eugenius the IV he was translated to a beautiful Tomb at Perosa by Nicholas Fortebrachio who took Rome and did this Honour to his Uncle by the Mother's side In May at Florence dy'd D. Peter Fernandez de Frias Cardinal of Spain his Body was brought over and bury'd in the Cathedral of Burgos He was of a mean Extraction but his good Parts obtained him that Preferment together with the Favour of the Kings Henry and John His Life was scandalous for Avarice and Leudness Having some Words at Burgos with the Bishop of Segovia a Servant of his cudgell'd the Bishop which render'd the Cardinal very odious tho afterwards the Servant confess'd he had done it without his Master's Knowledge Yet many saying he ought to be punish'd he was forc'd to withdraw into Italy The King seiz'd upon all the Mony he had gather'd which was a great Sum. He was Governour of Marca de Ancona for the Pope and in Castile built the Monastery of Espeja of the order of S. Hierome Prince John was nobly receiv'd by his Brother at Taraçona Whilst the said Prince John made Proposals for an Accommodation and expected a more ample Commission from the King of Castile to determine the Points in Debate the two Brothers march'd into the Territories of Navarre but without doing any harm and encamp'd near Milagro the heat of Summer being then over The Commission being come from Castile certain Persons of all three Kingdoms met at Aruel and on the 3d of September came to this Conclusion That Prince Henry be immediately set at Liberty and all his Honours and Estate restor'd him as also the Arrears of the Profits thereof which had been deposited during his Confinement The same was decreed in favour of Peter Manrique who was also
We shall now relate the cause of this War and its event as also the rise and fall of D. Alvaro de Luna who now the second time began to tend to his utter Ruin perswading the King at his return to Court to command all the Nobility to retire from Court to their own Houses which Advice was bad in it self and prov'd fatal to him that gave it Peter Fernandez de Velasco Peter de Zun̄iga D. Roderick Alonso Pimentel Earl of Benavente and the Masters of the Orders of Calatrava and Alcantara understanding the King's Pleasure immediately retir'd to their own Houses There only remain'd the Princes of Aragon who seem'd too great to be turn'd off but D. Alvaro was so bold he doubted not to ingage them He first attack'd the King of Navarre whom all the World blam'd for neglecting his own to apply himself to the Business of another This Censure of the World was pleasing to the King and D. Alvaro and some Persons of Note were sent to signify the King's Pleasure to him Queen Blanch his Wife foreseeing the Danger sent to invite him home in the Name of all the People of Navarre King John was offended at these Contrivances of D. Alvaro yet seeing he must submit to Necessity he had a Conference with the King at Valladolid where the Cortes then sat Here the League before made betwixt Castile Aragon and Navarre was renew'd and sworn to by the two Kings Dr. James Franco was sent Embassador to get the Ratification of the King of Aragon who was not present at the Treaty These things being thus concluded the King of Navarre went away to his Kingdom He of Aragon after many delays at Barcelona told Dr. James Franco he did not approve of many of the Articles which ought to be alter'd and believing this Embassador a fit Man for his purpose he sent by him a private Message to D. Alvaro acquainting him that Peter Manrique was the Man who blew the Coles and sow'd Discord betwixt his Brothers That he was a Double-dealing Person and therefore ought to be expell'd the Court. The cause why the King of Aragon was displeas'd with Peter Manrique is not known At the same time the Archbishop of Zaragoça was cast into Prison where he dy'd The manner of his Death is variously reported some say he was strangl'd others that he was cast into the River Several Citizens of Zaragoça were also executed They were accus'd of keeping private Correspondence with D. Alvaro the Truth is they were too free in speaking of the King saying he ought to be oblig'd to observe the Peace made with Castile lest the whole Kingdom should suffer for his Miscarriages Francis Clement Bishop of Barcelona succeeded the Archbishop The two Brothers Kings of Aragon and Navarre plotted to joyn their Forces to ruin D. Alvaro de Luna He of Aragon call'd to him his Brother Prince Henry at the beginning of April 1429. They met at Tervel and resolv'd upon the War with Castile The King of Navarre was not present at this Interview being then busy about the solemnity of his Coronation which was perform'd at Pamplona on the 15th of May. The King and Queen in their Royal Robes and their Crowns on their Heads after the manner of the Goths were lifted up on the Shoulders of the Nobility the Royal Standards were display'd and they proclaim'd by a Herauld Presently after Levies of Men were made underhand in both Kingdoms It was given out those Preparations were to assist the French but in truth they were design'd against Castile This could not be so secret but the King of Castile understood it Embassadors pass'd betwixt them but to no effect Then the two Kings advanc'd as far as Hariza upon the Borders of Aragon designing to break into Castile on that side To this purpose James Gomez de Sandoval put a Garrison into Pen̄afiel and Prince Peter of Aragon came to the Camp from Medina del Campo The King of Castile made great Levies and commanded all the Nobility to assist him particularly Prince Henry of Aragon and Frederick Duke of Arjona were summon'd Besides he oblig'd the three Estates to take an Oath they would serve him faithfully in that War and discover any Designs against him making a Vow if they fail'd to go bear-footed to Hicrusalem without ever desiring to be absolv'd of that Vow This was done at Palencia at the beginning of May. D. Alvaro de Luna the Admiral Peter Manrique and Peter Fernandez de Velasco were appointed to guard the Frontiers with 2000 Horse no sufficient Force to oppose the Aragonians James Lopez de Zun̄iga was order'd to follow them as a reserve with another Body of Horse The King himself with part of the Army undertook the Siege of Pen̄afiel He encamp'd before it and summon'd the Inhabitants to surrender upon pain of being us'd as Traitors The Townsmen immediatly surrender'd and were pardoned D. Peter de Aragon and James Gomez de Sandoval Earl of Castro retir'd to the Castle which was not besieg'd because it would require much time The Kings of Aragon and Navarre enter'd Castile by the way of Cogolluda and encamp'd in an open Plain The Castilians on a Hill a League and half distant The Forces of Aragon and Navarre consisted of 2500 Horse 1000 Foot all well Armed and old Soldiers In the Camp of Castile there were but 1700 Horse and 400 Foot Both Parties being eager to fight mov'd forwards on the first of July the Generals exhorting their Men. D. Alvaro de Luna when the Enemy came in sight perceiving the greatness of the Danger order'd the Carts to be drawn up about his Men in the Nature of a Trench resolving not to fight unless he had some Advantage or were forc'd Prince Henry for the one side and the Lieutenant Peter Manrique for the other met and concluded nothing having only affronted one another Some Skirmishes pass'd betwixt them but the Cardinal of Faux the Pope's Legate in Aragon interposing the Battle was deferr'd till next day That delay prov'd Advantagious for the Queen of Aragon a Woman of a manly Spirit came and pitched her Tent betwixt the two Armies and manag'd the Affair so discreetly that Peace was concluded and as soon as the Castilians had sworn to observe it Hostilities ceas'd The Castilians stay'd in the same place but the Kings of Aragon and Navarre returned home without doing any harm to the Country Prince Henry was of late very near surprizing the City Toledo but failing a little before the Skirmish went and joyn'd his Brothers Now relying on the Articles of Peace he went by the way of Siguença to Veles resolving if what had been agreed upon in relation to him were not observed to raise new Troubles Nevertheless the King of Castile advanc'd with 10000 Horse and 50000 Foot His Sister the Queen of Aragon and the Cardinal of Faux told him what had been agreed and advis'd to lay down his Arms. But
hating him mortally The King who let slip no Opportunity to advance his Interest sent immediately Embassadors to the Queen and went over himself to the Island Ischia to be the nearer to her Most of the Summer was spent in treating but at length the Queen disannull'd the Adoption of the Duke of Anjou and renew'd that of King Alonso This was all privately transacted by the Advice of Corbella by whom the Queen was wholly directed Whilst these things were in Agitation at Naples the Princes of Aragon were in great danger Peter being a Prisoner and Henry besieg'd in Albuquerque A greater War was fear'd because the Articles agreed on before had not been observ'd whereof the Embassadors of Castile complain'd to John King of Navarre who was Lieutenant to his Brother of Aragon At length it was agreed that the two Princes should deliver up Albuquerque and all other Places they held and so depart Castile This being concluded by the Mediation of the King of Portugal the two Brothers and Catherine Wife to Prince Henry with the Master of Alcantara and Bishop of Coria embarked at Lisbon and went thence to Valencia designing to try their Fortunes again in Spain or if that fail'd to go over into Italy which was what their Brother desir'd being resolv'd to conquer the Kingdom of Naples as knowing well the Queen was more inclin'd to his Competitor and only study'd to amuze him Frederick Earl of Luna kept up his Intelligence with Castile intending to betray Taraçona and Calatayud Towns on the Frontiers of Aragon to King John This seem'd the more easy because at the same time there arose a Dispute about the Jurisdiction of the Church of Toledo D. John de Contreras Archbishop of Toledo with six others was appointed by the King of Castile to compose the Differences betwixt him and the Crown of Aragon D. John as Primate of all Spain carry'd the Cross before him which the Bishop of Taraçona first and then the Arch-bishop of Zaragoça as Metropolitan complain'd of This Dispute betwixt the Prelates hinder'd the most important Affair of the Peace which was the general Concern from being brought to an Issue and it was fear'd the Truce being expir'd the War would again break out Both Parties prepar'd for it and both were streighten'd for Mony but chiefly the Aragonians exhausted with such lasting Wars Several strange Apparitions in the Sky terrify'd the Spaniards already alarm'd with the Apprehension of a new War Particularly at Cuidad Rodrigo where the King of Castile then lay there was seen for a long time a Flame moving about which ended in a terrible clap of Thunder that was hear'd above 30 Miles from thence At the beginning of the Year 1433 it Snow'd in Aragon and Nevarre for the space of 40 Days continually which destroy'd vast Numbers of Cattle and Fowl The very wild Beasts came from the Woods to the Towns forc'd by hunger to seek Food From Cuidad Rodrigo the King of Castile went to Madrid to hold the Cortes Thither resorted so great a Multitude that the Town tho large could not contain it and many were forc'd to lodge in the neighbouring Villages Here it was consulted how to carry on the War of Granada the Truce being expir'd Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo was sent to begin the War He took some strong Holds from the Moors All the rest of Spain enjoy'd Peace this Year The Nobility of Castile strove to out do one another in the splendour of their Retinues and Expences spending the time in running at Tilt and such Sports to delight the King and People without any care of the War At Lisbon this Year the Plague carry'd off great Numbers of People King John of Portugal dy'd on the 14th of August at the Age of 76 4 Months and 3 Days and having Reign'd 48 Years 4 Months and 9 Days He is famous for having in such a confusion of times secur'd that Kingdom to his Posterity His Son Edward succeeded him and was declar'd King in a great Assembly of the Nobility being then 41 Years 9 Months and 14 Days old Besides his other Felicities King John was happy in a numerous Issue by his Wife Philippa Daughter to John Duke of Lancaster First he had Blanch who dy'd young 2dly Alonso who liv'd but 10 Years 3dly Edward who succeeded him 4thly Peter Duke of Coimbra 5thly Henry Duke of Viseo 6thly John Constable of Portugal 7thly Ferdinand Master of Avis and 8thly Elizabeth marry'd to Philip Earl of Flanders and Duke of Burgundy On the Day of King Edward's Coronation it is reported that a Jewish Physician call'd Gudiala advis'd to put off that Ceremony till the Afternoon else it would be unfortunate but his Council was slighted as superstitious As soon as the King took upon him the Government he order'd the Funeral of his Father with greater Pomp than had been till then he with all the Nobility accompanying the Corps to the Church of Batalla at Aljubarrota built by the deceas'd King as was said before All the rest of this King's Reign was answerable to this pious Beginning CHAP. V. The Council of Basil The Affairs of Naples and death of the Duke of Anjou and the Queen of Naples The Nobility of that Kingdom incline to favour the Aragonians The Pope expell'd Rome and restor'd POpe Martin the last Year of his Life had summon'd all the Christian Prelates to hold a General Council at Basil in order to reform the universal Corruption of Manners and to 〈◊〉 to the true Faith the Bohemians then tainted with new Heresies Cardinal Julian Cesarinus went from Rome to be present at the opening of the Council Eugenius successor to Pope Martin endeavour'd to remove the Council into Italy but Sigismund the Emperor oppos'd it Other Princes were courted to joyn with each of them The King of Aragon thought fit to be of the Emperor's Party hoping he would be the surer Friend to him towards obtaining the Kingdom of Naples For this Reason he sent his Embassadors to Basil as did all the other Princes of Spain mov'd by his Example At the beginning of the Year 1434 dy'd at Basil Cardinal Alonso Carrillo a Person of great Learning and Wisdom and Protector of Spain D. Alonso Carrillo his Nephew succeeded him in the Bishoprick of Siguença and came at last to be Archbishop of Toledo Sigismund the Emperor answer'd not the Expectations of the King of Aragon but as soon as he was crown'd at Rome as if the Crown had chang'd his Nature he made a League with the Venetians Florentines and Philip Duke of Milan for expelling the Aragonians out of all Italy with their joynt Forces This he did rather to comply with the Pope than out of any particular Prejudice But all things happen'd otherwise than they expected as shall appear hereafter Frederick Earl of Luna added one Crime to all his former Extravagancies which brought him to his Ruin He was bold and restless
Aragonians out of Italy and particularly the Venetians Florentines and Genoeses joyn'd in a League at the Sollicitation of Pope Eugenius At the same time the War with the Moors went on in Spain Peace was like to be establish'd betwixt the other Kings at the procurement of the King of Navarre who design'd to bend all his Forces against Italy Two Castles the one call'd Galea the other Castilleja were taken from the Moors by Roderick Manrique who was abroad with a Party Soon after Henry de Guzman Earl of Niebla having besieged Gibraltar at the Mouth of the Streights was drown'd with 40 Men the Boat he was in oversetting being too full and the Sea running high D. John de Guzman his Son despairing of Success after that Misfortune rais'd the Siege and return'd to Sevil. This Gentleman was the first Duke of Medina Sidonia King John honouring him with that Title to comfort him for the loss of his Father and reward his signal Services The King was come to Toledo after having been at Alcala and Madrid Nothing was seen at Court but Sports and Pastimes without any regard of the War In this City the Peace betwixt Castile Aragon and Navarre was concluded on the 2d of September to the great Joy of all People These were the Articles agreed upon That Henry Prince of Castile should marry Blanch eldest Daughter to the King of Navarre That Medina del Campo Olmedo Roa and the Lordship of Villena be her Portion That in case they have no Issue those Places shall remain to the Crown of Castile upon paying to the King of Navarre a sum of Mony agreed upon That all Places taken during the War by either side be restor'd That all Deserters and Fugitives on both sides be pardon'd excepting the Earl of Castro and Master of Alcantara on the Part of Castile and Godfrey Marques of Cortes on the Part of Navarre Thus the Truce was chang'd into a League Defensive and Offensive against all Princes whatsoever excepting the Kings of France and Portugal on the Part of Castile and on the Part of Aragon the Duke of Milan and Gaston Earl of Faux whose Father dy'd not long before Gaston inherited the Earldom at 15 years of Age and was contracted to Ellenor the younger Daughter to the King of Navarre Great Joy and publick Thansgiving was throughout all Spain upon the proclaiming of this League The Earl of Castro soon after obtain'd his Pardon and return'd to Castile where for the future he behav'd himself better being humbl'd by his long Banishment What is said relating to the Earl of Castro is taken out of the Chronicles of Castile Those of his Family produce original Writings sign'd by Kings in Vindication of him and promising Restitution of the Estate taken from him during the Troubles It were well the Case were decided that we might know what to give credit to Mean while the King of Aragon ceas'd not to oblige the Neapolitans and endeavour to subdue them by Policy as well as Force Balthasar Rata Earl of Caserta one of the Governours appointed by the People embrac'd his Party Raymund Vrsin Earl of Nola did the same To oblige and attract him he was promis'd to Wife the Lady Ellenor of the Blood Royal Daughter to the Earl of Vrgel who not long before dy'd at Xativa This done the King took the Field and soon made himself Master of the Valley of St. Severino the City Salerno and Coast of Amafil Into all these Places he put Garrisons of Aragonians which secur'd his Interest and weaken'd the Party of Anjou Naples the chief City remain'd to gain which was not much doubted of the People being well-inclin'd to the Aragonians and they still possess'd of two Castles there notwithstanding all their late Misfortunes This proved a very sharp Winter for Frost and Snow insomuch that the oldest Men did not remember to have seen the like At Guadalajara where the King was on the first day of the Year 1437 7 Men going out to cut Wood were all Frozen to Death Many People dy'd through the extremity of the Cold. In this hard Weather the King would go into Old Castile and the Snow lay so deep on the Passes of the Mountains that he was forc'd to send before 300 Pioniers to clear the Ways From Roa he went to Osma in March and thence sent Prince Henry his Son to Alfaro a great Town on the Borders of Navarre Most of the Nobility went with him and he who appear'd above them all was D. Alvaro de Luna who not long before by meer Importunity had obtain'd of the Queen the Castle of Montalvan being before possessed of that of Escalona near Toledo Two Days after the Prince arriv'd at Alfaro the Queen of Navarre came thither with her Children and a great Train of Nobles The Prince and Princess were marry'd with extraordinary Pomp both of them being then at the Age of 12 Years Four Days were spent in rejoycing and then the Queen with the Bride return'd to her Country The King of Castile and the Prince his Son went to Medina del Campo There by advice of D. Alvaro de Luna and the Earl of Benavente the Lieutenant Peter Manrique was apprehended and sent to the Castle of Fuentiduen̄a which caus'd mighty Tumults and Troubles in the Kingdom His Crime was conspiring with others to pull down D. Alvaro de Luna This year was fatal to the Portugueses for the slaughter made of them in Africk Five Brothers the King of Portugal being desirous of Honour and of enlarging their Dominions had resolved to attempt it in Africk among the Enemies of Christianity Mony was wanting for remedy whereof they obtain'd of Pope Eugenius the Croifade for all that would serve in that Expedition Hereupon a great Rabble of People gather'd together Prince Ferdinand Master of Avis being the hottest of the Brothers offer'd to command the Forces This Affair being debated in a grand Assembly Prince John the Master of Santiago in Portugal who was more cautious and discreet affirm'd that Africk ought not to be invaded unless with the united Force of the whole Kingdom All wise Men approv'd of what he said and among them the Princes Peter and Alonso Only Prince Henry favour'd Ferdinand's Design and he being a Person in great Repute for his Learning the 〈◊〉 advice prevail'd so that it was resolv'd to proceed in that Enterprize A Fleet being ●●gg'd 6000 Soldiers were shipp'd aboard it which were given out to be 12000. On the 12th of August they set sail and in 15 Days arriv'd at Ceuta where they anker'd and held a Council of War It was resolv'd to besiege Tangier at the Mouth of the Strelghts opposite to Tarifa Accordingly the Siege was lay'd and the Town batter'd the space of 37 Days the Inhabitants defending themselves with great Resolution as those that were assur'd of Relief To raise the Siege came the Kings of Fez and Morocco with several Princes of
Legate of Savoy Castile seem'd to be restor'd to perfect Peace by the Banishment of D. Alvaro de Luna but Ambition the Bane of Kingdoms soon disturb'd it The King was not of Judgment sound enough to govern without the Help and Advice of another This was well known to the Nobility and every one strove to gain his Favour in order to become First Minister of State D. Frederick the Admiral a Bold Man and of a ready Wit stood fairest being particularly recommended to the King by D. Alvaro de Luna at the time of his departure The Princes of Aragon were enrag'd that all their Contrivances fall'd them At Toro the Servants of the several Factions quarrell'd and were like to come to Blows about taking up their Lodgings The King knew not how to pacify the Nobles and therefore by the Advice of D. Alvaro's ●●ads under colour of Hunting fled to Salamanca at the beginning of the year 1440. After him went the Princes of Aragon the Earls of Benavente Ledesina Haro 〈◊〉 Valencia and In̄igo Lopez de Mendoça with 600 Horse resolving to use Violence if oppos'd The King being inform'd of their coming remov'd to Bonilla a Loyal and Strong Town Thence he sent to the Princes of Aragon who under a safe Conduct came first to Salamanca and thence to Avila whither the Mutinous Lords were come designing to secure that City The Archbishop of Seviil who then sighaliz'd his Loyalty was the Chief Man that passed between them but without success Yet the Nobles made use of him to write to the King giving him grave Advice and charging D. Alvaro de Luna He return'd no 〈…〉 They went the Earls of Haro and Benavente to him who prevail'd to have the 〈…〉 at Valladolid Yet those Lords were so far from restoring the Towns they had serz'd and their hands that they secur'd Leon Segovia Zamora Salamanca Valladolid Avila Burgos Placencia and Guadalasara Besides Prince Henry had Toledo deliver'd to him by Peter Lopez de Ayala who was Governour of the Town and Castle for the King At the Cortes which sate at Valladolid in April the first thing consider'd upon was to give satisfaction to D. Alvaro de Luna and bring him back to Court. To this effect Letters were sent to him from that Assembly yet he came not for the present Soon after all the Revolted Cities return'd to their 〈…〉 had particularly Toledo Prince Henry at this time Rebell'd against his Father being 〈…〉 that D. Alvaro should return to Court John Pacheco Son to Alonso Giron Lord of 〈…〉 had the same influence over the Prince that D. Alvaro had over the King and endeavour'd by supplanting D. Alvaro who had preferr'd him to rise to his Grandeur Prince Henry of Castile withdrew from Court giving out that he would not return till some of the King's Counsellors with whom he was displeas'd were remov'd yet he came back late at Night at the perswasion of his Father-in-Law the King of Navarre To pacify him his Wife was brought from Navarre to Valladolid where on the 25th of September the Nuptials were celebrated with great Pomp and there was a Feast of Tilting in which some Nobles were kill'd because they ran with sharp-pointed Spears The Bride remain'd a Maid which was at first conceal'd but afterwards became Publick to the great Grief of all People At the same time that the Publick Rejoycing was for the Marriage of Prince Henry the Lieutenant Peter Manrrique Dy'd He was a Man of a mean Stature a great Spirit Subtle and Bold His Son James Manrique who was also Earl of Trevin̄o succeeded him in his 〈◊〉 D. Alvaro de Lara tho absent from Court govern'd the Kingdom which inrag'd the 〈…〉 have all 〈…〉 Son who left his Father and went away to Segov● declaring for the Princes of Aragon John Pacheco his Favourite neightned his discontent Toledo was again'd deliver'd up by the same Peter Lopez de Ayala to Prince Henry of Aragon The Citizens provok'd the King by securing his Messengers sent to complain of their Disloyalty which mov'd him with a small Retinue the hast thither believing they would Respect his Person He stopp'd at the Hospital of Saint Lazorus which is in the Road to Madrigal Prince Henry of Aragon came out of the City with Two Handred Horse Those with the King being Fe● in Number Fortify'd themselves where they were but Prince Henry fearing he should become yet more odious than he was if he offer'd Violence to the King return'd into the City Roderick de Villandrando signaliz'd his Zeal and Legality for the Defence of the King in this Place in recompense for which he had a Priviledge granted him that the Earls of Ribadeo his Successors should always upon New-years Day dine with the King and serve him in the Bed-chamber For it was on the first of January 1441 that the King was in Danger in the Hospital The King went away to Torrijos and leaving Pelayo de Ribera Lord of Malpica with 100 Horse to secure that place remov'd to Avila whither D. Alvaro came to consult about carrying on the War they had in Hand His coming more incens'd the Mutineers Most of them were at Arevalo and the Queen her self favour'd her Son and Brothers against the King her Husband The King sent the Bishops of Burgos and Avila to try if there were any way of composing Differences but they could not prevail James de Valera a Gentleman who follow'd the Prince wrote a Letter to the King advising him to incline to Mercy rather than Severity It being read in Council no Body said any thing to it but the Archbishop D. Gutierre de Toledo who answer'd Let Valera give us Assistance for Advice we want none This Valera was a Man of very good natural Parts was twice Embassador in Germany and writ a short History of Spain of him called Valeriana But there is another Valeriana writ by an Archdeacon of Murcia and quoted in this Work Prince Henry being sent for by his Father to treat of Peace came to Avila but nothing was concluded The Prince being return'd to Segovia desir'd the two Queens his Mother and Mother in Law then in Castile to go as far as Santa Maria de Nieva to endeavour to appease those Commotions In that Town Blanch Queen of Navarre dy'd on the first day of April and was bury'd in the famous Church of that Place This grave Authors affirm but there is no sign of it in the Church Charles Prince of Viana her Son inherited the Crown but took not the Title of King out of respect to his Father This Prince Charles was very studious and there are some Works of his Extant as Aristole's Ethicks translated into Spanish a short History of Navarre and many Compositions in Verse which he us'd to sing to the Guitarre A Youth deserving of a better Fortune and a more peaceable Father He was 21 years of Age when his Mother dy'd Her Death put an
come the King's Forces offer'd Battle but the Aragonians were too weak to fight and too ill provided to endure a Siege Therefore they sent Commissioners to inform the King they were ready to submit to him provided D. Alvaro were remov'd The King only answer'd he would consider of it Whilst they were treating of Peace they came accidentally to a Battle upon Wedensday the 19th of May. Henry Prince of Castile being a hot Youth advanc'd with 50 Horse to draw out the Enemy to Skirmish A like number came out of the Town but back'd by Men at Arms. Those with the Prince seeing a great Number fled the Aragonians pursuing them up to their very Trenches Upon this the Royalists drew out D. Alvaro led the Van the Bishop of Siguença Peter de Acun̄a In̄igo Lopez de Mendoça and the Earl of Alva commanded the Men at Arms upon the Flanks In the main Body was Prince Henry with 550 Men at Arms under the Command of the Master of Alcantara The King the Archbishop of Toledo and other noble Men brought up the Rear In this Order they stood most part of the Day no Body coming out of the Town Two hours before Sun set Orders were given to return to the Camp Then the Aragonians sally'd out with great shouts thinking the Night would shrowd them if worsted and could be no hindrance to them if Victorious because they knew the Country The light Horse gave the first Charge and then all the rest fell on The Body commanded by Prince Henry of Aragon charg'd D. Alvaro that which the King of Navarre led attack'd Henry Prince of Castile Both sides fought resolutely but the Aragonians were inferior in Number and began to give way Night drew on and the Princes of Aragon having done all that could be expected from brave Commanders seeing their Men fly retir'd to Olmedo The Admiral and Earl of Benavente took another way The Earl of Castro Henry Brother to the Admiral and Ferdinand de Quin̄ones were taken with 200 more Only 37 were kill'd in fight but many wounded The Princes of Aragon the same Night fled towards that Kingdom the King of Navarre unhurt Prince Henry dy'd soon after at Calatayud of a Wound he receiv'd in his left Hand a Gangrene striking into his Arm. He was a Man of a great Spirit but restless His Body was bury'd in that City He left one Son of his own Name by his second Wife who in time to come prov'd as Turbulent as his Father After the Victory the King sent Expresses to all parts to give Notice of it and built a Chappel in the Place where the Battle was fought CHAP. II. The Marriage of Ferdinand Bastard Son to the King of Aragon and appointed Heir to the Kingdom of Naples Mahomet King of Granada depos'd D. Alvaro de Luna chosen Master of the Order of Santiago Continual Success attended the Armies of Aragon in Italy King Alonso in favour of the Pope had recovered Marca Ancona from Francis Sforcia Yet his Party ceased not to raise Commotions whereupon the King of Aragon at the Pope's Instance returned thither and being come to Fontana del Populo a Town not far from the City Teano summoned the Nobles to attend him there Among the rest came Antony Centellas Marques of Girachi with 300 Horse he had done good Service during the late War and sold part of his Estate to pay his Men. The King desired to marry Enricosa Rufa Daughter and Heiress to the Marques de Croton to In̄igo Davalos as a Reward for his good Service and recommended this Affair to Antony Centellas He liking her Fortune marries her himself by which his Power was increased and consequently his Boldness At first this was connived at but soon after he payed for all He was charged with contriving the Death of a certain Favourite of the King 's whereupon he fled from the Camp to Catançaro a Town of his own The King moved at this returned to Naples and sent Messengers to reduce Centellas by fair means but he would not give ear to them Therefore the King himself marches into Calabria and having taken several Towns came before Cataniçaro Centellas seeing no hope of Relief surrendred upon promise of Pardon He was ordered to deliver up that City and the Castle of Turpia and he with his Wife and Children was sent to Naples Great rejoycing was throughout the Kingdom as well for restoring of Peace to it as on account that Ferdinand the King's Son was on the 30th of May married to Elizabeth de Claramonte to whom he was before contracted This was contrived to oblige the Prince of Taranto whose Neece she was In the midst of all his Joy came the sad News of the Death of the two Queens the King's Sisters and his Brother Prince Henry and the King of Navarre's being expelled Castile That King's Embassador pressed King Alonso to return into Spain He answered when the Wars of Marca Ancona were ended he would go that the mean while the King of Navarre should govern Aragon and raise Forces in both Kingdoms for the War with Castile and also that a Truce should be made with the Moors of Granada for a Year That City about this time changed its King Mahomet the left-handed during the Rebellion in Castile enjoy'd Peace which caused him Troubles at home The Moorish King had two Cousin Germans one of them called Ismael being fearful of his Uncle fled to the King of Castile The other called Mahomet the Lame because he was so associated himself with some Moors of Quality at Almeria With their Assistance he seized the Castle of Granada called Alhambra took the King and cast him into Prison This done he usurped the Title of King On this occasion the Moors were divided into Factions Andilbar Governour of Granada seized the strong Castle of Montefrio near Alcala Real and having no hopes of restoring the Old King offered the Crown to Ismael He having received Supplies of Men and Mony from the King of Castile hasted to possess himself of a Kingdom These things happen'd at the end of this Year let us return to what is behind After the Battle of Olmedo a Council was held in D. Alvaro de Luna's Tent he being wounded in the left Leg. There it was resolved that all the Rebels Estates should be Confiscated Cuellar was taken and Simancas besieged Prince Henry was for pardoning the Admiral the others opposed it Therefore the Prince went away to Segovia and the King his Father fearing fresh Tumults left Peter Sarmiento to reduce the other Towns and went himself to Nuestro Sen̄ora de Nieva to reduce his Son Before he would submit he demanded Jaen Logrono and Caceres for himself Barcarroto Salvatierra and Salvaleon Towns on the Borders of Portugal for John Pacheco The King condescended and thus they received a Reward whereas they deserved Punishment Moreover at Medina de Rioseco the Admiral was pardoned provided he came in
of restoring them The Earl of Benavente made his Escape out of Prison by the Assistance of Alonso de Leon whom he bribed and the Governour of the Castle trusted 30 Horse were hid in a Wood and with them the Earl fled to Benavente where as soon as he came the Townsmen turned out the King's Garrison Then marching out relieved Alva de Liste besieged by the King's Party and took some small Towns The King alarmed at this News left D. Alvaro at Ocana to make Preparations for War and went himself in great haste to Benavente but that Town being well provided he passed into Portugal That Kingdom was then full of Joy for the Marriage of the King with Elizabeth Daughter to Prince Peter the King's Uncle and Governour of the Kingdom to whom he had been 7 Years Contracted This Lady was very Virtuous and Beautiful Of her was born D. John who dyed a Child and Joanna who also dyed and another D. John who lived many Years and succeeded his Father The King was young and Prince Peter had the whole Power of the Government which some great Men highly resented Among them the chiefest was D. Alonso Earl of Barcelos the Prince's Brother and by him created Duke of Bragança He perswaded the King to take upon him the Government and put to Death his Uncle for the wrong done to his Mother in depriving her of it The King contrived how to put this advice in Execution and Prince Peter having notice of it fled and made himself strong in Coimbra From thence he held Correspondence with some of the Citizens in order to possess himself of Lisbon Having layed his Design which could not be kept secret he set out but being attack'd in the way by a Party that lay in wait for him was killed with most of those that attended him in the Year 1449. Authors do not agree in what Month. He was a Man of a great Spirit and very wife It is said the King was much concerned at his Death but that is not likely since he lay long unburyed but at last was honourably Interred at Aljubarrota the Burial Place of the Kings His Son James was taken went afterwards to Flanders and his Aunt the Dutchess Elizabeth made Interest at Rome to have him chosen a Cardinal His Sister Beatrix went also to Flanders and was married to Adolphus Duke of Cleves After this Portugal enjoy'd Peace a long time and the King being come to Age governed prudently but was more Fortunate in the War he made with the Moors whilst young than in that with Castile in his latter Years He spent much of his Treasure in redeeming of Captives that were in Africk and is only censured for having been too much governed by his Courtiers and Favourites D. Alvaro being left at Ocan̄a as has been said to make the necessary Preparations for War found himself much streightned for Mony and therefore by way of Loan demanded a Million of Maravedles of Toledo a rich and large City Alonso Cota a considerable Citizen was employed to Collect this Mony but the Citizens opposed him saying it was contrary to their Charter D. Aloaro being informed of it order'd the Collection of the Mony to go on Hereupon the Town mutiny'd and gave the Alarm with a Bell from the great Church John Alonso and Peter Galvez two Canons were they that stirred up the People A Fellow that made Skins to carry Wine whose Name is not known headed the Rabble They fired the House of Alonso Cota and the Flame spreading all the Quarter of St. Mary Magdalen was consumed where most of the rich Merchants lived whose Houses were plundered This happen'd on the 26th of January The greatest Sufferers were those they call New Christians because descended from Jews Peter Sarmiento the Governour and his Lieutenant Marcos Garcia whom in contempt the People to this Day call Marquillos de Maçarambro● that ought to have quell'd the Mutiny encouraged the Rabble This done fearing the Punishment they had well deserved they shut their Gates and their Joy was soon turned into Sorrow D. Alvaro of himself not being strong enough to appease those Tumults because Peter Sarmiento was his Enemy gave advice to the King who having taken Benavente repaired to Toledo and the Gates being shut against him took up his Quarters in the Hospital of S. Lazarus Several Cannon-shot were made at him from the City Peter Sarmiento put some Citizens upon the Rack plundered their Houses and executed them for Corresponding with the King The King removed to Torijos thither came Deputies to him from Toledo to tell him if he did not remove D. Alvaro de Luna and preserve their Franchises that and other Cities would proclaim Prince Henry King These Deputies were dismissed without any Answer The King besieged the City but Prince Henry coming to its Relief the Siege was raised yet the People would not deliver the Keys of the City or Castle to the Prince On the 6th of June the Citizens made an Order that none descended of Jews should be capable of any publick Employment A Dean of Toledo writ a Treatise to shew the illegality of that Ordinance and offered to defend his Opinion by publick Dispute He also writ largely about it to the Bishop of Cuenca shewing that many very noble Families were related to Jews So far he proceeded herein that Pope Nicholas by his special Bull condemn'd that Act or Ordinance This Bull bares date September the 24th 1449. Two years after he put out another Bull to the same effect The Archbishops of Toledo D. Alonso Carrillo and the Cardinal D. Peter Gonzales in two Synods one held at Alcala the other at Vitoria condemned it also Our Historians have omitted this Tumult of Toledo as I suppose for fear of making themselves odious but I would not omit it having found it in very authentick Manuscripts The King of Navarre ceased not to stir up the Nobility of Castile to Rebellion The Cities of Murcia and Cuenca were ill affected towards the King which was no small Encouragement to the Navarrois and his Adherents Many Incursions were made by the Aragonians into Castile and they took a great Booty of Cattle about Requena defeating a Body of the Townsmen who ventured out to recover it Nevertheless their Design of securing Murcia failed them Cuenca was attempted by the Aragonians invited thither by the Governour of the Castle which was then in the highest part of the City now only the Ruins of it remain Here also they were disappointed for Bishop Barrientos defended the City with great Resolution In Aragon the Admiral of Castile being returned out of Italy the King's Orders were read in a full Assembly of the States and some were for raising Forces and declaring War with Castile But the Commons oppos'd it and therefore other Methods were thought of It was propos'd to marry the Prince of Viana with the Earl of Haro's Daughter It was also laboured that
Means The King from Cabeçon went to the Kingdom of Toledo and the Nobles to Plasencia D. Peter Giron Master of Calatrava went away to Andalusia where he had the Town of Ossuna designing to stir up that People to Rebellion D. John de Valencuela had the grand Priorship of S. John taken from him and the Bishop of Jaen his Goods and Revenues only because they were Loyal to their King Besides this D. Peter Giron raised Men and endeavoured with large Promises to Debauch all the Nobility of that Country The Duke of Medina Sidonia the Earl of Arcos D. Alonso de Aguilar and the Councils of Sevill and Cordoua resolved to join with the Rebels King Henry perceiving the Storm gather assembled a Councel at Madrid where he asked what was best to be done in that Exigence All being silent the Archbishop of Toledo said his Opinion was The first thing to be procured was that Prince Alonso should be put into the Kings Hands as the fittest Person to secure the Pledge of Peace which if the Nobility ●●used then they ought to be proceeded against by force of Arms That to this purpose the Court should remove to Salamanca to be near to the Rebels either to Treat of Peace or to carry on the War These things being thought to be meant as they were said were easily agreed to A Message was sent to the Nobles and the Forces ordered to march to Salamanca The King himself went away to Old Castile and with what Forces he had laid Siege to Arevalo then held by the Rebels Thence the Archbishop of Toledo putting off his Disguise went away to Avila whereof he was made Governor by the King Thither the Conspirators repaired to him The Admiral as had been agreed seized Valladolid where they designed their Forces should Rendezvous These sad News having awaked the King out of his Lethargy he is said to have fallen down before a Crucifix and uttered these Words Thy Aid I implore my Lord Christ the Son of God by whom Kings Reign To thee I Recommend my Person and Dignity I only beg this Punishment which I confess inferior to my Deserts may be for the good of my Soul Lord give me Patience to endure it and permit not the People to suffer for my sake Then he hasted away to Salamanca At Avila the Rebels resolved upon a most Barbarous Action to the Eternal Infamy of Spain Without the Walls of that City they Erected a Scaffold and placed on it the Statue of King Henry in his Royal Robes on a Throne with his Scepter and Crown Thither the Villanous Nobles and a Multitude of People resorted Then a Cryer proclaimed Sentence against the King laying to his Charge many horrid Crimes Whilst the Sentence was reading they leasurely stripped the Statue of all its Robes and at last with Reproachful Language threw it down from the Scaffold This Villany was acted upon Wednesday the 5th of June Immediately Prince Alonso who had been all the while present was brought upon the Scaffold there lifted upon the Shoulders of the Nobles and proclaimed King the Royal Standard being Displayed in his Name as was the Custom at the Inauguration of Kings The Multitude presently cryed God Save King Alonso which was ingaging themselves in the Quarrel The News of this horrid Treason being spread abroad some approved of others condemned it It was easie for the new King to be Liberal of what was not his own to Gutierre de Solis at the Request of his Brother the Master of Alcantara he gave the City Coria with the Title of an Earl Burgos and Toledo approved this Act of the Nobles On the other side many great Men declared for King Henry D. Garcia de Toledo Earl of Alva being reconciled came to him with 500 Horse and 1000 Foot The Queen and Princess Elizabeth were sent to the King of Portugal to beg Succours of him They met him at Guardia on the Borders of Portugal yet obtained nothing but good Words and Civil Entertainment The Rebels Rendezvoused at Valladolid the Loyalists at Toro being more Numerous than well Disciplined Pen̄astor was besieged by the Rebels who because it made a Virgorous Defence threw down its Walls to terrifie other Places Thence they removed to Simancas whither the King sent John Fernandez Galindo with 3000 Horse which so encouraged the Besieged that the Rabble formally condemned the Archbishop of Toledo and having dragged his Statue about the Streets burnt it in revenge to the Affront offered to the King at Avila Hereupon the Rebels raised the Siege but especially because they heard the King had an Army of 80000 Foot and 14000 Horse at Toro This Army marched to Simancas By the way in a Skirmish John Carillo a Captain of the Rebels was wounded and taken being at the point of Death he discovered a Conspiracy naming the Persons concerned in it to the King in private but the King fearing his Discovery might be feigned concealed their Names He laid Siege to Valladolid but could not take it by reason it had a strong Garison or rather because the Kings Men had no stomach to fight There a Treaty was again set on foot King Henry and the Marquis de Villena met again Much was promised and nothing performed yet the King was perswaded since his Revenue could not bear so great a Charge to dismiss his Army and then Prince Alonso quitting the Title of King with all the Nobility would submit Thus both sides disbanded and the Noblemen who were with the King tho they had'done no Service were highly Rewarded The Rebels went away to Arevalo and so Valladolid returned to its Duty Prince Alonso was kept in the nature of a Prisoner and they threatned to kill him because he designed to make his escape to his Brother The Treaty of Peace went on and the Rebels promised to submit provided the Princess Elizabeth were Married to the Master of Calatrava The King consented and immediately sent the Duke of Albuquerque and Bishop of Calahorra from Court because they were Enemies to the Master This Project afflicted the Princess who wept bitterly and having told the cause of her Grief to Da. Beatrix de Bobadilla her first Lady of the Bedchamber that Lady shewing her a naked Dagger promised she would with it kill the Master of Calatrava rather than he should have her But God ordered it better for as he hasted from his Town of Almagro to celebrate the Marriage he fell sick by the way and died at Villarubia at the beginning of the year 1466 He was buried in a private Chappel at Calatrava His Two Sons inherited his Estate D. Alonso Tellez Giron the eldest in pursuance of his Fathers Will was Earl of Uren̄a D. Roderick Tellez Giron the younger had the Mastership of Calatrava having before obtained the Popes Bull to that effect He had also a third Son called D. John Pacheco all three unlawfully begotten Not long before the Masters Death in the Territory
20 Days Of Disposition he was Robust and of Spirit Lively The latter part of his Life was stained with a leud Appetite tho he was past acting for he fixed his Affection upon a handsome young Woman called Frances Rose whom he design'd to have formerly Married to that D. Jayme de Aragon who was Executed at Barcelona In his Will made 10 Years before his Death he ordained several godly Works to be performed Particularly the Erecting Two Monasteries of the Order of St. Hierome which are famous at this time One of them is St. Engracia at Zaragoça the other St. Mary de Belpuch in Catalonia his Son exactly performing all that he had ordained He also ordered that the Grandsons of his Son Ferdinand tho' by a Daughter should Inherit the Crown of Aragon and take place of their Mothers CHAP. VIII Elenor Queen of Navarre The troubles of that Kingdom and her Death The Countess of Medellin raises Tumults in Castile Portugueses overthrown by the Castilians Heretical Opinions Started and Condemned in Spain King Ferdinand goes into Aragon BY the Death of the King of Aragon his Dominions were divided Aragon fell to King Ferdinand and Navarre to the Princess Elenor in the Right of her Mother She had been 7 Years a Widow and consequently exposed to great Misfortunes That Kingdom was still divided betwixt the old Factions The Biamonteses Enemies to the new Queen were most prevalent These troubles seemed to be a Judgment for the Murders committed upon Charles Prince of Viana the Princess Blanch his Sister and the Bishop of Pamplona Queen Ellenor Reigned not a whole Month. She was more Fortunate in her Issue than in her Life for she had 4 Sons Gaston John Peter and James and 5 Daughters Mary Joanna Marguerite Catherine and Ellenor we shall briefly speak of them all great Families being descended from them Gaston died as was said before and left two Children Francis Phebus and Catherine who both Reigned in Navarre successively John was Lord of Narbonne which he bought of his Father and had Issue Gaston and Germana Gaston was killed at the Battle of Ravenna where he was General for Luis the 12th of France Germana Married King Firdinand after the death of his first Wife Peter applied himself to learning and piety and Pope Sixtus made him a Cardinal James followed the War and was never Married Mary the Eldest Daughter was Married to William Marquess of Monferrat Joanna to John Earl of Armagnac Margaret to Francis Duke of Britany and had Issue Ann and Elizabeth Ann the Heiress being Married first to Charles the 8th and after his death to Luis the 12th of France joined that Dukedom and Kingdom Catherine 4th Daughter to Queen Ellenor Married Gaston de Faux Earl of Candale and brought forth 2 Sons and a Daughter called Anne Married to Ladislaus King of Hungary Ellenor the Youngest Daughter died a Maid Queen Ellenor died on the 12th of February at Tudela where she began her Reign In her Will she Ordained out of her own Money a Monastery of Franciscans should be Built at Tafalla and that her Body should be Buried there and the Bones of her Mother Queen Blanch be also Translated thither from the Monastery of Nuestra Sen̄ora de Nieva in Old Castile where they were deposited The Revenue was so exhausted that she was forced to Sell her Jewels to Live Francis Phebus so called for his extraordinary Beauty being but 11 Years of Age succeeded her His Mother the Lady Magdalen and his Uncle Peter the Cardinal had the Administration of the Government till he came to Years and discharged their Trust Prudently in those difficult Times The late Queen during her Troubles had no help from her Brother the King of Castile therefore she made no mention of him in her Will but directed the Governors to Adhere to France as they did which was the Cause they soon lost that Kingdom Thus much of Navarre In Castile some new Oppinions in matters of Religion were broached One Peter Oxomensis a Professor of Divinity at Salamanca was the Author By Order of Pope Sixtus the Archbishop of Toledo assembled several Persons of great Learning at Alcala where he Refided who all Condemned those new Opinions and the Author was Excommunicated unless he recanted Sentence was given on the 24th of May and soon after Pope Sixtus confirmed it by his Bull. John Prexanus a famous Divine in that Age. afterwards Bishop of Cuidad Rodrigo wrote a Book against the said Peter The Marquisate of Villena was now the Seat of War for the Marquess because Covenants were not performed with him had recourse to Arms and relieved the Town of Chinchilla besieged by the King's Forces Peter Ruiz de Alarcon who Commanded a Party of the King 's was defeated near Alberca by Peter de Baeça and D. George Manrique who in another Skirmish with Peter de Baeça was Wounded of which hurt he afterwards died A great pitty that so ripe a Wit should be so soon cut off Hereupon the Marquess was liable as having been in Arms against the King's Forces He excused himself laying the blame upon the Insolency of those Officers who forced him to do so and pleaded he had no dealings either with the King of Portugal or Archbishop of Toledo These excuses whether True or Counterfeit prevented any farther proceedings against him In this War there happned an extraordinary accident worth Relating The King's Party had hanged 6 of the Prisoners they took In revenge John Berrio an Officer of the Marquess ordered as many of those he had taken to be put to death in the same manner The Prisoners cast Lots and among the rest it fell to the share of one of 2 Brothers that were Prisoners who had a Wife and Children to die The other Brother who was a Batchellor begged to be put to death in his place and so it was done after they had both long and with many Tears contended about it King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth received the News of King John's Death and their own Accession to the Crown of Aragon in Estremadura where they were quelling the Tumults raised by the Countess of Medellin and D. Alonso de M●nrey The Countess had a Spirit above a Woman for she kept her own Son D. John Portocarrero some years a Prisoner and at last turned him out of Doors which was the cause she was in Arms fearing lest she should be obliged to restore the Earldom to her Son who laid Claim to it as his Father's Inheritance She also designed to keep the City Merida in which she had a Garison D. Alonso was digusted that the Mastership of Alcantara was taken from him and given to D. John de Zun̄iga upon which Pretence he seized several Towns belonging to that Military Order The King provided for the War with Portugal which it was feared would prove more bloody than before yet both Parties being exhausted a Treaty was proposed This was the more Welcome to
pacifie them These Two assembling the People at Santiago and putting to death the Mareschal Peter Pardo and some other Gentlemen brought the Country under subjection King Ferdinand was then gone to Catalonia upon this account Mahomer the Great Turk having in vain besieged Rhodes the space of three Months was forced to quit that Enterprize Part of his Fleet sailed to Vallona in Albania opposite to Apulia a Province of the Kingdom of Naples Thence Achmet Bassa who Commanded passed over into Italy and took the City Otranto on the 13th of August where he made a great Slaughter sparing neither Sex nor Age. From this Place the Turks made Incursions into the Country destroying all they came at to the great Terror of all Italy This moved the Christian Princes to think of joining their Forces to stifle that Flame Particularly King Ferdinand sent Gonzalo Beteta Ambassador to Pope Sixtus who was then much displeased with the King as appeared upon several occasions and now more especially for he constituted the Archbishop of Toledo his Legate in Spain without acquainting the King with his Design The publick Danger made private Animosities be forgot The King also sent D. John Melguerite Bishop of Girona in the Month of February 1481. to make a League with all the Princes of Italy At the same time the King gathered a Fleet of 35 Sail of all sorts at Barcelona The King of Portugal fitted 20 Ships for this purpose but these Succours went on slowly Therefore D. Alonso Duke of Calabria with what Forces he could gather in Italy at last laid Siege to Otranto It fell out happily that Mahomet the Great Turk died at Nicomedia in Bithynia on the 3d of May. News hereof being brought to the Turks in Otranto they surrendered that City the 5th Month after it had been besieged upon condition to depart freely The Duke of Calabria retained in his Service about 1500 Turks designing to make use of them against the Florentines It was the vulgar Opinion they well deserved it because they had called in the Turks yet many believed this was a Policy of the Duke to cast the Scandal of retaining those People upon his Enemy The Succours of Aragon and Portugal were of no use for they arrived in Italy after Otranto was surrendred Besides the distance weighty Affairs kept those Kings employed and diverted them from sending those Succours sooner King Ferdinand held the Cortes of Aragon at Calatayud whither Queen Elizabeth by her Husband's Order brought Prince John D. Alonso Enriquez the Admiral and Peter Fernandez de Velasco the Constable were appointed Commissioners to Govern Castile The King's aim was to have his Son sworn Heir to that Kingdom as had been before done in Castile and was also performed there on the 29th of May. Soon after the same was done at Barcelona for the Principality of Catalonia Besides these Cares another was added from Navarre Peter the Cardinal and James his Brother Unkles to the young King came to Zaragoça There being admitted to Audience in a long Harangue they laid before King Ferdinand the Misfortunes Navarre laboured under the Rebels being possessed of the most considerable Towns and Cities The Biamonteses had Pamplona the others Estela Sanguessa and Olite They represented That their King had nothing left him but the Title That the Earl of Lerin ceased not to commit all manner of Crimes Therefore they begged King Ferdinand to pity that young King and deliver him from the Slavery of his Subjects King Ferdinand having heard the two Brothers promised he would stand by King Francis and to shew his readiness sent certain Persons with the Two Princes who from him should advise the Rebels to submit to their King The Cortes of that Kingdom met at Tafalla there King Ferdinand's Ambassadors gave an account of what they had in Commission The Navarrois answered That if the King had not been received as he ought in the Kingdom it was not the fault of them all but of some few who disturbed the Peace of the Country yet if he would come to them no Town would be wanting in expressing its Loyalty This Answer was satisfactory and therefore it was proposed to King Ferdinand that King Francis should go to Pamplona It was thought sit he should go with a good Guard lest in that time of Confusion any Affront should be offered him At this time the King of Portugal died at Sintra in the very Chamber where he was born and on the 28th of August His Body was carried to Aljubarrota His Son John II. for his high Spirit and great Exploits Sirnamed the Great succeeded him This Prince as well as his Father was always an utter Enemy to Castile The Father carried it more openly but the Son subtilly and underhand and therefore more furiously vented his Passion upon some Noblemen of his Kingdom whom he suspected of favouring Castile as we shall soon see For Piety Goodness Severity towards Crimina Sharpness of Wit and a Tenacious Memory he equalled all the Kings his Contemporaries and excelled many He used to say That a Kingdom either found Princes wise or made them so by their continual conversing with Men of great Parts who constantly are about the Courts of Kings and use all Arts in Speech and Behaviour to obtain their Desires and discover their Ability CHAP. X. Francis King of Navarre comes out of France is Crown'd and soon after Dies A Conspiracy against the King of Portugal discover'd and the Conspirators punish'd Peace betwixt Castile and Portugal Ratified Luis the Eleventh King of France dies THree Princes died successively one year after another About the end of this year departed this Life Charles Duke of Anjou He appointed the King of France his Heir by which means Anjou and Provence were annexed to the Crown of France besides other Pretentions which served only to intail a War upon that Kingdom On the first of July in the following year 1482 died D. Alonso Carillo y Acun̄a Archbishop of Toledo a Man even when of great Age lively and active He retired in his latter days rather through necessity than of his own inclination He was buried in the Monastery of S. Francis built by himself at Alcalà de Henares he also made the Church of S. Stephen till then a Parish Collegiate He was addicted to Chimistry and died Poor yet is said to have left some Money to repair the School at Alcala On the left hand of the Archbishop's Tomb was buried his Son Troylus which the Cardinal D. Francisco Ximenez caused to be removed looking upon it as a Monument of that Prelate's incontinency From this Troylus are descended the Marquesses of Falces in Navarre their Sirname is Peralta The Cardinal of Spain succeeded D. Alonso Carrille in the Archbishoprick of Toledo He was Son to Yn̄igo Lopez de Mendoça Marquess of Santillana and Brother to James Hurtado de Mendoça first Duke del Infantado This Prelate was a Person of
to every Man's Fancy But what most troubled them was to see those who carried the Standards to Church to be Blessed look extraordinarily melancholy Others laughed at all these Observations as at vain and accidental things The day following the King went away to Ezija all Persons of any Note striving to have part in that Undertaking According as had been resolved they marched to Loxa where they encamped and entrenched themselves near the Suburbs among Olive Gardens on that side where the River Xenil is so straightned by high Banks that it is not sordable The Ground was streight and not proper for the Horse and the Citizens being Masters of the Bridge it was hard to pass the River Near this place is a Hill called Albohacen which being commodious to hinder the Enemy from sallying and to command the City the Master of Calatrava and Marquesses of Villena and Cadiz were ordered to possess themselves of it Within the City were about 3000 Horse Commanded by Alatar a Brave Captain They made several Sallies particularly upon a Saturday being encouraged by some Recruits they had received and the Hopes that the King of Granada was marching to relieve them they attacked our Post upon the Hill sallying in two Bodies Our Guards being surprized fled Those that encamped next them came to their Relief but without any Order or leaving a Guard in the Camp The other Body of Moors laying hold of this Opportunity easily made themselves Masters of our Works which greatly discouraged those that were engaged However they ran to defend their Camp and behaved themselves with great Bravery The Enemy pressed them in Front and Rear which was the cause our Men were defeated The Master of Calatrava was killed with many others the rest saved themselves by flight King Ferdinand discouraged by this Misfortune and perceiving that what his Brother the Duke de Villahermosa had said was true to wit That the Army was encamped in a disadventageous Post as also understanding the Enemy's Army marched towards him the next day marched away as far as the Lovers Rock called Pen̄a de los Enamorados which was seven Leagues distant from Loxa He retired in good Order the Marquess of Cadiz facing the Enemy who continually charged the Rear but were so bravely received they fled to the City This was the end of that ill laid Design The Moors encouraged by this Success returned to the Siege of Alhama King Ferdinand on the 14th of August in Person relieved the Besieged laid in Provision for 9 Months and gave the Lieutenancy of that Place to D. Luis Osorio who tho' Elect Bishop of Jaen was a brave and experienced Soldier Besides the King plundered and burnt all the Plain of Granada 600 Moors came out of the City to skirmish but the Earl of Cabra and Chief Commendary of Calatrava killed many of them and forced the rest back into the Town These were great Losses to the Moors but the greatest Mischief was Discord among themselves for a great number of the Citizens of Granada taking Arms drove their King Albohaçen out of the City They accused him of Tyranny and of beginning that bloody War In his Place they set up his own Son Mahomet Boabdil commonly called the Little King others call him Haley Muley Alcadurbil Malaga Baça and some other Cities continued Loyal to King Albohaçen Thus that Nation was divided betwixt Two Factions which did them no less harm than the Enemies abroad It is remarkable that amidst these Confusions neither Party asked Aid of the Christians but in the heat of the Civil War made Incursions into their Territories and took the Town of Can̄ete on the Frontiers of that Kingdom Other Affairs for some time diverted the King and Queen from the War with the Moores and they returned to the Kingdom of Toledo The Command of the Frontiers about Ezija was given to D. Peter Manrique Earl of Trevin̄o and lately created Duke of Najara D. Alonso de Cardenas Master of Santiago was to Command about Jaen The Government of Sevil was given to D. John de Silva Earl of Cifuentes All things thus settled the King and Queen came to Madrid about the beginning of Winter There the Cortes assembled to regulate the Association set on Foot some Years before as has been said that they might not abuse the Power they had Supplies were also demanded for the Expences of the War and they offered to furnish 16000 Beasts for Carriage Pope Sixtus commanded the Clergy to contribute 100000 Ducats for once He also granted the Croisade to such as served at their own Cost or at least contributed a certain small Sum of Money This was again granted 3 Years after and has continued ever since being Yearly Collected which brings a great Sum of Money into the Kings Coffers Besides all this much Money was borrowed of Bankers and other private Persons The Aragonians would not receive D. Raimund Folch Earl of Cardona for their Viceroy and pleaded it was a breach of their Priviledges to put a Stranger over them After some debate the King condescended and constituted his Son Alonso de Aragon Archbishop of Zaragoça Viceroy The designs of the Portugueses and Navarrois did not a little perplex King Ferdinand The King of Portugal proposed to Marry his Neece the Princess Joanna Daughter to King Henry to Francis Phebus King of Navarre who was not yet dead Navarre favoured France To prevent danger Ambassadors were sent to both Those who went to Navarre which was after the death of that King had orders to propose a Match betwixt Queen Catherine who had Inherited that Crown and Prince John King Ferdinand 's Son They had also instructions to endeavour to gain all the Men in Power particularly the Faction of the Biamonteses that was possessed of Pamplona and most of the Kingdom the Queen having little left her but the Name tho' she had appointed a Viceroy who was Monsieur de Abene a Frenchman well versed in Affairs of that nature Magdalen the Queen's Mother seemed pleased at the Match and said there could be nothing on her side to obstruct so advantageous a proposal In Galicia the Constable and Earl of Benavente with their followers were in Arms. Each of them strove to seize the Castles of the Bishops to be in a better Condition to oppose his Adversary King Ferdinand to prevent mischief Ordered Ferdinand de Acun̄a Governor of that Country to seize those Places The Governor besieging the Castle of Lugo D. Peter Ossorio Earl of Lemos came with Forces to the Assistance of his Brother who was Bishop of that City This produced a new War which obliged King Ferdinand to set out from Madrid on the 11th of February 1413 and hasten into Galicia By the way he received advice that the Earl of Lemos was dead He appointed his Grandson Roderick his Heir tho' a Bastard of his Son Alonso The Grandfather obtained a dispensation of the Pope to make him Legitimate and put him
assembled such as he thought fit with whom he expostulated the Madness of the Mutiniers shewing how absolute Necessity and not Affection had obliged him to Capitulate with the Enemy when no other way was left to save the City from perishing by Sword and Famine His Words made them calm and the People were pacified Many times Seditions are as easily suppressed as raised What became of the Moor who caused the Mutiny is not known it may be imagined he fled King Boabdil warned by the Danger past and fearing that before the expiration of the Days agreed upon for delivering up the City new Troubles and Tumults might arise he immediately sent a Letter to King Ferdinand with a Present of two choice Horses a Cymiter and some Furniture He advertised him of what had hapned in the City and how the People had Mutinied therefore inviting him to come and take possession speedily lest Delay might produce some Alteration In short he told him since God had so ordained it he would the next day deliver up the Alhambra and Kingdom to him as Conqueror This Letter was brought to the Camp upon New-Year's Day It is easie to imagin how great Satisfaction it gave to King Ferdinand He ordered all things to be in a readiness the Day following for his Entrance and that Day is still kept a Festival at Granada in Memory of the Taking of that City Having laid aside the Mourning he wore for his Son-in-Law Prince Alonso of Portugal and put on his Royal Robes he set out towards the Castle with his Army in the same Order as if going to engage the Enemy After him followed the Queen and her Children then the Nobility clad in Cloth of Gold and rich Silks When the King came in this pompous manner near to the Alhambra Boabdil the Little King came out to meet him with 50 Horse He offered to alight and kiss the Victor's Hand but King Ferdinand would not permit it Then fixing his Eyes upon the Ground with a sorrowful Countenance he said We are your Slaves Invincible King we deliver up this City and Kingdom to you not doubting you will use us with Clemency and Moderation This done he put into his hands the Keys of the Castle King Ferdinand gave them to the Queen she to the Prince her Son and he to D. In̄igo de Mendoça Earl of Tendilla whom the King appointed Governor of that City and Captain General of that Kingdom D. Peter de Granada was made head Alguazil of the City and D. Alonso his Son Admiral of that Sea The King entred the City with a good Party of Horse A great Number of Noblemen and Prelates followed among them the Chief were the Prelates of Toledo and Sevil the Master of Santiago the Marquess of Cadiz and F. Ferdinand de Talavera who of Bishop of Avila was now Elect Archbishop of Granada He having offered up his Prayers as is usual set up the Banner carried before the Cardinal of Toledo upon the highest Tower and on the sides of it the King 's and the Standard of Santiago This Action was followed by the Acclamations of the whole Army Then the King kneeling returned Thanks to Almighty God for that the Empire of the Infidels was extirpated in Spain and the Holy Banner of the Cross set up in that City where the Mahometan Superstition had so long prevailed and prayed that his Mercies might be continued unto him After the Prayer all the great Men came to congratulate his Success and kneeling kissed his Hand The same they all did to the Queen and Prince This Ceremony being ended they returned in the same Order after Dinner to the Camp To the Little King was given the Valley of Purchena not long before taken from the Moors in the Kingdom of Murcia with a sufficient Revenue but he soon after went over into Africk For they who have once been Kings cannot ever patiently submit to lead a private Life 500 Christian Captives were according as had been capitulated set free without Ransom They the next day after hearing Mass came in Procession to prostrate themselves before the King They thanked the Soldiers by whose means they obtained Liberty and commending their Bravery called them Fathers of their Country Before the King entred the City the Army took possession of the Gates Towers and Castles That done upon the 4th day they entred in the same manner as they had done before All the Army sang Hymns of Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God for their great Success King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth being richly clothed in the prime of their Age and having conquered that Kingdom seemed to appear more Majestick than before They shined above all others and were equal as to themselves Every one looked upon them as more than Human and sent from Heaven for the Glory of Spain It was they that restored Justice which before them was corrupted enacting excellent Laws for the publick Benefit They settled Religion restored Peace and enlarged their Territories not only in Spain but at the same time in the utmost Bounds of the World What is most to be commended they bestowed Honours and Preferments not according to Birth or for Favour but proportionably to the Merits of every one which stirred up their Subjects to Virtue and Learning Both the King and Queen were of a middle Stature their Limbs well proportioned their Countenances graceful pleasing and yet grave their Mien majestick but their Complexion somewhat swarthy especially the King 's was tanned with being always in the Field his Hair Chesnut-colour and long his Beard trimmed after the manner of that Age his Eye-brows large his Head bald his Mouth small his Lips red his Teeth little and thin his Back broad his Neck streight his Voice sharp quick of Speech of a sharp Wit of a sound Judgment of a courteous Disposition and easie of Access In Martial Affairs he was expert in Matters of Government not to be parallel'd so great a Lover of Business that it seemed to be his Delight and Diversion His Body was not pampered with Pleasures but inured to Labour His Diet was temperate and his Garb modest He was an excellent Horseman When young he was addicted to Cards and Dice grown more stayed his chief Sport was Hawking The Queen had a good Face fair Hair dark Eyes she used no Paints or Washes and had a singular Modesty and Gravity in her Looks She was very Devout and a Lover of Learning bore her Husband Affection but mixed with Jealousie She had some knowledge of the Latin Tongue which her Husband wanted having no Learning given him in his Youth yet he loved to read History and converse with Learned Men. The same Day that King Ferdinand was born as some relate a certain Carmelite Friar of Naples esteemed a Holy Man said to King Alonso Unkle to King Ferdinand This Day in the Kingdom of Aragon is born a Prince of your Family Heaven promises him a large Empire great
flourishing Kingdom His Son Alonso succeeded him and was no way more acceptable to the People than his Father had been Cardinal John de Borgia sent on purpose by the Pope his Unckle as Legate to Naples Crowned him This Year also the Pope by his Bull granted to the Kings of Castile for ever the 3d part of the Tithes of Castile Leon and Granada conditionally that the profit thereof should be spent in the War with the Moors At Tordesillas on the 7th of June was agreed the Difference betwixt Castile and Portugal touching their Discoveries in the Indies The Conquests of Castile were to begin 36 Degrees West from the Meridian of Lisbon all thence Eastward as far as half the Circumference of the Globe to appertain to the Portugueses The matter also of the Conquests in Africk was adjusted so that all within the Kingdom of Fez should belong to Portugal the Kingdom of Tremecen to Castile but no Line was fixed to distinguish their Limits which afterwards caused new disputes CHAP. IV. The French Invade the Kingdom of Naples An account of Luis Sforcia Duke of Milan The French King at Rome Alonso King of Naples Abdicates The French Possess themselves of the Kingdom of Naples THE King of France being resolved to Invade Italy in Person gathered all his Forces the Randezvouz of his Army was at Lyons Thither came from Ostia whither he fled for fear of the Pope the Cardinal of St. Peter to forward that undertaking On the other side D. Alonso de Silva according to his Instructions in his King's behalf protested against those proceedings Nevertheless the King of France committing the Government of his Kingdom to Peter Duke of Bourbon his Brother-in-Law set out from that City upon Tuesday the 22th of July with him went most of the Nobility of France His Army consisted of about 20000 Foot and 5000 Horse To pay these Forces he borrowed Money of the Nobility besides 150000 Florms taken up of a Genoese Banker a small Sum for so great an undertaking King Alonso sent a great Fleet under the Command of his Brother Frederick to Infest the State of Genoa By Land he sent his Son the Duke of Calabria to Invade the Territories of Milan All things fell out unfortunately for Frederick did nothing worth naming and the Duke of Calabria was stopped by the Forces of France and Milan from passing out of Romania The King of France passed the Alpes and on the 9th of September came to Aste the Bounds of the Dukedom of Milan and then possessed by the Duke of Orleans who was in that Expedition and pretended a Right to the whole Dukedom D. Alonso the Spanish Ambassador was very little looked upon at Court insomuch that he was ordered to be dismissed but he winked at all being a Person of great Prudence and Sagacity At the City Aste they flighted him so far as to assign him no Quarters whereupon he was forced to go away to Genoa There he began to treat with Luis Sforcia who repented of what he had done about joining in League with the Catholick King giving him a hint that one of the Princesses should be Married to his Eldest Son for they could not Marry with any other Prince by reason of the agreement made with France This took so much with Luis Sforcia that he resolved to change Parties tho' at the same time he repaired to Aste to receive the French King and gave him a Sum of Money to pay his Army The King leaving the Duke of Orleans who designed to lay hold of that oportunity to possess himself of the State of Milan at Aste Marched with his Army to Pavia where he visitted the Duke John Galeazzo who was then at the point of death and was his Cousin-german both their Mothers being Sisters and Daughters to the Duke of Savoy The Duke died on the 21th of October and it appeared plainly he had been poisoned which increased the Hatred conceived towards his Unckle The same day the King of France entred Plasencia and with him Lewis Sforcia who understanding the death of his Nephew immediatly returned to Milan and there publickly took upon him the Title of Duke notwithstanding his Nephew left a Son five Years of Age as also two Daughters and his Wife big with Child So far did his Ambition blind him that the same day he wrote to King Alonso giving an account of his Nephews death and telling him the Nobility and People of Milan had obliged him to take the Title of Duke and that he believed this would be no way displeasing to him knowing how well affected he was towards him and his Kingdom From Plasencia the King entred into Tuscany Ambassadors came to him from all parts and particulaly from the Venetians offering their Friendship The Pope sent the Cardinal of Siena his Legate who came as far as Pisa but the King would not see him The Florentines sent Peter de Medicis on the same account He contrary to his Commission and Instructions was agreeing to deliver up to the French Saraçana Saraçanella and Piedrasanta strong Holds belonging to the Republick on Mount Apennine as also the Castles of Pesa and Leghorn and some other things to this purpose Hereat the People were so inraged that they Banished him and his Brothers the Cardinal de Medicis and Julian plundered their Houses and confiscated all their Estates which were very great Being come to Pisa the King restored that City to its Liberty delivering it from the subjection it was under to the Florentines He entred Florence the same day that Picus Mirandula died there at the Age of 34 Years a Man of such an excellent Wit that he was called the Phaenix He agreed with the Florentines to restore their Forts after the War was ended that they for his sake should pardon Peter de Medicis and his Brothers and pay 120000 Florins towards the Charge of the War Rome was in an uproar because the Cardinals could not agree and the Nobility was divided for Prosper and Fabricius Colonna favoured the French and Virginius Ursinus the Neapolitans The Colonneses with Cardinal Ascanius Sforcia had seized the City Ostia by which means Rome suffered great want no Provisions coming to it by Sea It was genarally believed the Pope would agree with the King of France or else depart Rome Hereupon the People began to mutiny and the Pope was obliged to satisfie the Cardinals and Roman Gentry assuring them he would stand by the juster Cause and if the King of France attempted to enter Rome with his Army he would make head against him and hazard his own Life in the Quarrel All he could say was of little force to encourage the People who were terrified with the News daily brought of the approach of the French and their securing the Towns belonging to the Church The Pope himself perceiving that neither his own nor the Forces of Naples with a good part whereof the Duke of Calabria then lay at
he should have taken it and so the Breach had been the greater His chief care was to reestablish the Administration of Justice much depraved by the late Confusions He endeavoured to raise some Supplies of Money to help defray the past Expences and pay the Forces he was to keep on Foot which he Quartered about as might be least offensive to the People Some Companies of Spaniards whom he knew to be Insolent and Injurious he sent away to Spain in Two Ships He forgot not to repair the harms done during the War and particularly the Walls of Naples and Gasto Capua he secured with such Works as made it stronger than if it had been Walled These things he did to be in a readiness in case the Enemy should attempt any thing again and all was easie to him by reason of the great reputation he had gained not only in that Kingdom but throughout all Italy so that many Cities offered to side with Spain Genoa both the Factions of the Adornos and Fregosos consenting offered to revolt from the French so they were supplied with 2000 Spaniards Julian de Medicis Brother to Peter that was drowned in the River Garellano promised 100000 Ducats a Year from himself and his Party if he were restored to Florence whence at present he was Banished The Council of Pisa to avoid falling again into the Hands of the Florentines proposed either to submit themselves wholly to the Catholick King or to put themselves under his Protection The City Areço rather than continue subject to the Florentines made the same offers The Lord of Plombin a City tho' small yet of great importance for the defence of the Kingdom put himself under the Protection of Spain To be short Pandolfo Petrucci and Paul Ballon made the same Overtures for themselves and their Cities of Siena and Perusa Even in the City of Milan 600 of the Citizens offered their Service if he would attempt to Conquer that Dukedom All these practices were at an end by the Truce concluded in France by the Ambassadors Gralla and Antony Augustin for Three Years the Kingdom of Naples included The Catholick King Swore to observe it at Mejorada about the end of January One of the Articles was that the said Truce should be Proclaimed at Naples on the 25th of February which was not performed because the Great Captain would first have it made known to such as were still in Rebellion The Prince of Rosano would not admit of it but because the Commendary Solis on that score did not press Rosano he with his Forces sate down before Cherinthia where he did much harm Luis de Arsi tho' he admitted the Truce drove the Cattle of Andria and Barletta and took what Prisoners he could Our Commanders said that notwithstanding the Truce they might punish such of the Barons as committed any Insult after it and therefore pressed both them we have spoken of Venosa with its Castle was easily taken because Luis de Arsi left it unprovided when he retired thence to Trana and thence to France which in a Bravado he did with Colours flying and Beat of Drum Thus only Six Towns in that Kingdom and those remote from the Sea were left to the French The King of France pretended that all that was taken after the day appointed for proclaiming the Truce ought to be restored as unlawfully gained and suspected the Delay of proclaiming had been advisedly contrived to that purpose On the other side it was guessed he never intended to observe the Truce and had only contrived it to have the better Opportunity of taking the Spaniards at an Advantage which might well be believed because at the same time he had appointed John James Trivulcio his General in Italy besides 5000 Swissers and 500 Horse were daily expected out of France under the Command of the Lords of Aubigni and Alegre and the Marquess of Mantua and Duke of Ferrara raised all the Forces they could in Italy At the same time the Great Captain was dangerously sick which with the Report spread abroad of Re-establishing king Frederick and the Pope's soliciting to have him General of the French Forces gave occasion to People to discourse variously of matters of State and particularly the Coloneses took the Liberty to utter some bold Speeches All was again appeased by the Recovery of the Great Captain who pesently appyled himself to make all the necessary Prepations for a mighty War which was expected would break out again in that Kingdom All Italy and Spain suffered very much this Year by Famine and on the 5th of April being Good Friday there were great Earth-quakes in Castile and Andaluzia which overthrew many Buildings The greatest harm was done in some Towns on the Banks of the River Guadalquivir Lope Soarez de Albergaria Sailed from Lisbon with a good Fleet for India This same Year the Catholick King gave the Office of Lord High Steward to D. Bernard de Sandoval y Rojas Marquess of Denia of whose Family because often mention is made it will not be from the purpose to set down the latter part of their Genealogy Ferdinand Gutierrez de Sandoval who is said to have been chief Commendary of Castile was Father to D. James Gomez de Sandoval first Earl of Castro and Lord Lieutenant of Castile his Eldest Son was Ferdinand the Father of D. James Gomez de Sandoval whom King Ferdinand Created Marquess of Denia His Son was D. Bernard who we said was made Lord High Steward to the same King Ferdinand in which place he continued even after the King's death to Queen Joanna D. Bernard had by his Wife the Lady Frances Enriquez Four Sons and Six Daughters He had also a Bastard Son who for his good Parts came to be Archbishop of Sevil. Luis Eldest Son to D. Bernard was Father to Francis Earl of Lerma who died before him but left a Son called D. Francis Gomez de Sandoval who came to be Duke of Lerma and a Cardinal of whom we shall speak in another Place D. Ferdinand Youngest Son to the said Marquess had many Children and among them D. Bernard de Rojas y Sandoval Cardinal and Archbishop of Toledo to whom that Church is obliged for restoring to it the Lieutenancy of Caęorla after it had been many Years Alienated CHAP. IV. Perfidiousness of Duke Valentin who is as perfidiously sent into Spain by the Great Captain contrary to his promise and he ill represented to the King Projects of Peace betwixt France and Spain come to nothing THE V●netians after the death of Pope Alexander had possessed themselves of several Cities in Romania and aimed at the rest Duke Valentin being no way able to oppose them agreed to deliver such Forts as remained in his power to Pope Julius who sent one Peter de Oviedo to take possession but the Duke changing his Mind gave private Orders to his Lieutenant at Cesana to Hang the said Peter He did so whereupon the Pope Arrested
seized whereupon he went over to the other Party The Spanish Soldiers who according to the King's Order were to be dismissed tho' it was given out they should be sent to the Conquest of Gelves mutinied and much perplexed the Great Captain Yet he appeased and sent them to Spain as he was ordered The Emperor and King Philip met to ratifie the Treaty concluded with the King of France from whom came also the Cardinal of Amboise who took the Oath and did Homage to the Emperor in the Name of the King his Master for the Investiture of Milan granted to him and his Heirs Males and for want of them it was to devolve to his Daughter Claudia and Charles her Husband Yet in case that Marriage were disappointed through the King of France's means then that Dukedom should again fall to the House of Austria It was also declared that Investiture was given saving always a better Title which afterwards the Sons of Sforcia pleaded for recovery of that Dukedom On account of the first of these Conditions Prince Charles when Emperor pretended that Dominion appertained to him but then the King of France was to be repaid the 200000 Livres he gave for the Investiture Nothing was concluded concerning the Kingdom of Naples but the Marriage of Prince Charles and the Princess Claudia being confirmed it was supposed to be designed for her Dowry as had been before agreed These things perplexed the Catholick King who therefore contrived how to gain the King of France and secure himself on that side He thought the best way was to marry Germana de Foix that King's Niece F. John de Enguerra of the Order of S. Bernard and Inquisitor in Catalonia was sent to propose this Match This was so pleasing to the King of France that he resigned over the Kingdom of Naples to his Niece and her Heirs On the other side the Catholick King consented That in case he had no Issue by her that Kingdom should devolve to the King of France and his Heirs Besides he engaged to pay him 500000 Ducats within the space of 10 Years He also promised to restore the Barons of the French Faction which was hard to be done All the Prisoners the Great Captain had were also to be set at liberty and namely the Prince of Rosano and Marquess de Bitonto Only Duke Valentine and the Earl of Pallas were excepted On these Terms the King of France promised to aid the Catholick King against the Emperour and his Son in case they attempted to remove him from the Government of Castile Guicciardin adds That the Catholick King engaged to assist Gaston de Foix his Brother-in Law to conquer the Kingdom of Navarre to which he pretended to have Right As also That the King of France should send the Queen-Dowager of Naples with her Children into Spain and if she would not go then to order her to depart his Dominions All these Articles were agreed upon this Summer and on the 25th of August D. John de Sylva Earl of Cifuentes and Micer Thomas Malferit were sent from Segovia to France with the former Ambassador F. John d' Enguerra to Sign them They had also Orders to release the Prisoners at Naples and to secure the return of those that were banished It was also proposed to Robert de Sanseverino Prince of Salerno and Head of the Banished Barons to marry the Lady Marina d' Aragon Daughter to D. Alonso d' Aragon Duke of Villahermosa and Earl of Ribagorça which was so pleasing to the King of France that he endeavoured to hinder King Philip from going into Spain sending his Secretary to require him not to undertake that Journey till the Differences betwixt him and his Father-in Law were adjusted To make the surer of him he encouraged the Duke of Guelders to prosecute the War against him with a greater Power This Treaty put the Kingdom of Naples into an Uproar and those Barons who were possessed of the Lands of them that were fled combined to stand by one another Prosper Colona went to Rome and offered the Pope to conquer that Kingdom for him provided the King of France would quit his Claim The Nobility of Castile were no less disgusted it being reported That Queen Elizabeth before she died obliged King Ferdinand to swear he would never marry before she committed to him the Government of the Kingdom Some blamed the Great Captain because he did not declare for King Philip since that Match of King Ferdinand cut off Prince Charles from Inheriting the Kingdom of Naples whether the King had Issue or not King Philip was not a little offended to have the Kingdom of Naples absolutely disposed of from him and the Crown of Aragon left disputable if King Ferdinand should have a Son The Catholick King to prevent further Misunderstandings sent D. Peter Ayala the Protonotary who had been before Ambassador in England to Flanders that he with Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalida his Ambassador there should acquaint King Philip with the Treaty concluded and endeavour the Enlargement of Lope de Conchillos kept close Prisoner at Vilvorde As to the Marriage King Philip in general Terms answered He rejoiced at it that King Ferdinand was free and might marry where he pleased For what concerned Lope de Conchillos he said he was his Servant and received Wages from him and therefore having imprisoned him for his Demerits he did not design to release him Still the Venetians looked on without perceiving how great a Storm threatned them True it is they compounded with the Pope retaining Faença and Arimino and restoring what they had in the Earldoms of Imola and Sessena On these Terms they took into their protection the Duke of Urbino and the Prefect of Rome the Pope's Nephew whom the Duke had adopted and to the intent he might inherit the Dukedom given him to Wife the Daughter of the Marquess of Mantua his Brother-in-Law Advice was given to the Great Captain of the Peace concluded with the King of France and he ordered to come to Spain the Archbishop of Zaragoça being privately appointed Viceroy of Naples The Great Captain expressed Joy for the Peace and caused it to be proclaimed at Naples and as to his departure answered it should be very speedily but still he found Excuses to delay it which encreased the Jealousie before conceived of him and furnished much matter of Discourse tho' he sent his Secretary John Lopez de Vergara to justifie him CHAP. VII Mazalquivir in Africk taken from the Moors The Nobility of Spain divided for and against King Philip The Agreement made betwixt the Two Kings Ferdinand and Philip The latter in England THE Archbishop of Toledo never forsook the Catholick King but upon all occasions stood by him with extraordinary Fidelity and was a great Check to many disaffected Persons This Prelate was a Man of a mighty Spirit and more Generous than might have been expected of his mean Education He often pressed the
Pope must be deposed for opposing that Assembly according to the Decree of the 11th Session of the Council of Basil The Treaty betwixt the Pope and King of Spain advanced only the Pope was unwilling to pay the Spanish Forces and therefore had some thoughts of being Reconciled to the King of France but that sailing he stuck to King Ferdinand 500 Men at Arms 200 light Horse 200 other Horse and 2000 Foot were shipped at Malaga under the command of Alonso de Garvajal Lord of Xodar and Zamudio Collonel of the Foot It was given out these Forces were for Africk but it was not likely for at the same time Count Peter Navarro arrived at Naples with 1500 tattered Men the relicks of the late Misfortunes The King of France proposed to Marry his youngest Daughter to Prince Ferdinand and upon the Match to quit all Claim to the Kingdom of Naples and tho' the Catholick King liked it yet he pressed to have Bolonia restored to the Pope Still that King resolved to Protect that City whereupon the English Ambassadors formally required him to deliver that Place which was as good as declaring War if he did not He answered he was resolved to defend Bolonia as he would Milan The Pope fell so sick it was thought he could not escape The Emperor came as far as Trent having conceived hopes of being Seated in S. Peters Chair and possessing the Kingdom of Naples But the King of Aragon the Pope and Republick of Venice on the 4th of October concluded a League for Defence of the Church and against the Schismaticks at Pisa By this League the King was obliged within 20 days after the publishing of it to furnish 1200 Men at Arms 1000 light Horse and 10000 Foot The Pope 600 Men at Armes the Republick was to join their Army to the other Forces and their Fleet to the 11 Galleys of Spain Whilst the War lasted the Pope and Venetians were to pay 40000 Ducats a Month to the King and 2 Months of it advance The King was to appoint the General and he made choice of D. Raimund de Cardona Viceroy of Naples The Venetians gave up any Pretensions they had to any Sum lent to the Kings of Naples of the House of Aragon The Emperor did not join in this League but it was declared that he knew of it as did the King of England James Garcia de Paredes who had been long a Pyrate and then went into the Emperors Service was taken at Vincenza by the Venetians Admiral Villamarin who was gone with the Galleys to Spain by the King's Order returned to Naples Berengarius de Olms was left with some Galleys on the Coast of Granada Roderick Baçan went to burn certain Vessels at Tetuan It was reported the King of Fez designed to besiege Ceuta both those Commanders repaired thither and understanding he lay before Tangier where D. Duarte de Meneses was Governor they failed to that Place The Town was distressed Roderick Baçan with his Men made a Sally in which he drove the Moors from some of their Works Next day the Portugues Horse did the like so effectually that the King of Fez raised the Siege This done the Spanish Commanders returned to Gibraltar with Honour The Viceroy of Naples prepared to March Count Peter Navarro was General of the Foot and lay with them near Gaeta the Horse being also in readiness Prosper Colona would not go upon this Enterprize because he had no great Command therefore Fabricius Colona was left as Governor and Lieutenant General It was observed that the Barons who had been of the Faction of Anjou were the forwardest to offer their Service Count Peter Navarro marched before with the Foot towards Pontecorvo On the 2d of November the Horse followed with the Viceroy The Emperor was now dubious which Side to incline to the Cardinal Sanseverino still fed him with uncertain hopes and the Ambassadon D. Peter de Urrea offered if he would enter into the League that the Army of the Allies should assist him in the Conquest of Milan as also to Reduce Guelders He inclined to accept of the Conditions before offered by the Venetians but it was too late for they were now grown strong Yet Hierome Vic Ambassador at Rome so contrived it that a cessation of Arms was concluded betwixt the Emperor and the Republick which proved of great moment The King of France failed not to give Orders to his General Gaston de Foix and send him supplies to oppose the Allies and at the same time laboured to raise Swiss and prevent them from joining for the defence of the Church as was laboured by the Cardinal of Sion He offered the Emperor to make him Pope or give him Authority to choose one that he would Restore to him the Lands of the Church belonging to the Empire give him what part of Naples he would ask and that Milan and Genoa should be obliged to assist him in his Wars as also that the Differences about Guelders should be composed by Persons of his own choosing The Cardinal Sanseverino seeing the Emperor unsettled took his leave of him The Viceroy of Naples would have marched to Florence to secure that City which held for the French but the Pope commanded him to march to Bolonia The Weather was Bad and the Country Rough many of the Soldiers fell sick but few died At Imola the Viceroy staied for the Artillery which came to him at the beginning of the Year 1512. Count Peter Navarro was before at Lugo and Bagnacavalo and thought good to Besiege Bastida a Fort belonging to the Duke of Ferrara upon the River Po in which was a Garrison of 200 Italians This Place esteemed Impregnable was taken by Assault in Five days and most of the Defendants put to the Sword It was delivered to Cardinal John de Medicis the Popes Legate The King of France having got Alonso younger Son to Frederick King of Naples gave out he would settle him in that Kingdom which seemed easie the Kingdom being left Naked of Defence and the People coverous of having a King of their own CHAP. II. The Seige of Bologna The King and Queen of Navarre excommunicated The Venetians recover Bergamo and Bressa and are overthrown by the French AFter the taking of Bastida Count Peter Navarro return'd to Imola There a Council of War was held to determin which way was best to begin the War Fabricius Colona advised to waste the Country and take in the weaker Places of the Country of Bologna and leave the City to the last Count Peter Navarro was positive for besieging Bologna and being a bold Man represented the taking of it as a matter of no difficulty His advice was followed because he was in great esteem among the Soldiery and never served well when contradicted The Duke of Termens dying in his way from Rome and the Duke of Urbin refusing then to command the Forces of the Church tho afterwards he sent his Lieutenant the Pope
Kingdoms to come over with all the Forces he could make which he did with those that came from Tripoli and some other Horse D. Raymund de Cardona from Ancona repaired to Naples to recruit his Army and make the other necessary Preparations Before the Battel was fought Pope Julius provided for the celebrating the Lateran Council at the time appointed In order to it he appointed 8 Cardinals and some other Persons to attend that Affair and reform the City of Rome and his own Court that the foreign Prelates might not be scandalized at any Disorders He pressed the Bishops of Naples Sicily and Spain but particularly the Archbishops of Toledo and Sevil to repair to the Council that so he might bear down the Assembly at Pisa under the Schismatick Cardinals They about this time removed from Pisa to Milan and encouraged by the Success of the French published their Declaration against the Pope It contained That whereas they had often intreated him to come to the Council or at least not to obstruct the Sitting o' it and that instead of so doing he had caused much innocent Blood to be shed and there was no hope of his forsaking his Vices therefore they suspended him from Spiritual or Temporal Jurisdiction which they adjudged to the Council according to the Decrees of the Eleventh Session of the Council of Bosle and the Fourth and Fifth of the Council of Constance This Declaration was set up in the Churches of Milan Florence Genoa Verond● and Bolonia A Buisness that scandalized the whole World and made the Pope the more earnest to open the Council of S. John Lateran At length it was opened on the 10th of May. There were present the Cardinals of Rome many Prelates from several Parts and the Pope himself presided Egidius de Viterbo General of the Order of S. Augustin made a Learned Speech upon the Subject of their being there Assembled CHAP. IV. The War in Navarre King Ferdinand possesses himself of that Kingdom The Affairs of Italy The Great Captain stopped from going thither THE Truce betwixt the Emperor and Venetians and the Negociation of the Cardinal of Sion was the cause that on the 19th of May 16000 Swiss were come to Valcamonica and brought with them 18 Field Pieces Besides these 6000 came by the way of Novara and 2000 by Bergamo The Baron of Altsaxe was their General and with him came Matthew Cardinal of Sion Most of the French Forces abandoned Italy On the 27th of May above 20000 Swiss came to Verona which they easily took the French quitting both City and Castle Here Paul Capelo with 700 Men at Arms 800 Light-Horse and 4000 Foot of the Republick joined the Swiss They together pursued the French Army who retired to Aste on the utmost Borders of Milan the Sieur de la Palisse resolving to abandon Lombardy being terrified that the Germans had forsaken him Cremona Milan and almost all the Cities submitted themselves to this powerful Army and Ravenna was delivered to the Pope The Spaniards were for restoring that Dukedom to Maximilian Sforcia The Schismatick Cardinals fled into France Parma and Plasencia submitted to the Pope In Spain the Differences continued betwixt the Kings of Aragon and Navarre and the latter was fearful since the death of the Duke of Nemours that the other would pretend to that Kingdom in right of Queen Germana The French Ambassador in Navarre assured that King That his Master would stand by him with all his Forces and offered to give his youngest Daughter in marriage to the Prince of Viana These Promises so prevailed with that King that he entred into a League with France which proved his ruin Mean while the Marquess of Dorset with the English Fleet in which were 5000 Archers came to Passage a Port in Guipuscoa D. Frederick de Portugal Bishop of Siguença who was at S. Sebastian by the King's Order to furnish the English with all Necessaries went to welcome him A good Force was gathering in Castile to join with the English under the Command of the Duke of Alva King Ferdinand's Design was first to invade Navarre that he might leave a● safe behind He summoned the Corles of Aragon to meet at Monçon appointing Queen Germana to preside and ordered all the Forces of the Kingdom to be got together because he intented to Command in Person The Cortes agreed to maintain 200 Men at Arms and 300 Light Horse for the space of 2 Years and 8 Months The King of Navarre to divert this Storm sent his Mareschal Peter of Navarre to make some Composition The Catholick King resolved to besiege Pamplona and would have the Marquess of Dorset join with him but he excused himself saying he had no Orders to make War upon the King of Navarre and complained that the King's Forces were not ready to invade Guienne He said at first it had been easie to take Bayonne it being unprovided which now would be very difficult they having had time to prepare for their Defence The Duke of Alva waited for Orders at Vitoria His Forces which consisted of 1000 Men at Arms 1500 Light-Horse and 6000 Foot Quartered in Alava Rioja and Guipuzcoa Orders were brought the Duke to march to Pamplona and accordingly he entred the Kingdom of Navarre upon the 21st of July D. Luis de Biamonte who was banished Navarre led the Van. The Queen was gone to Bearne and the King was at Pamplona but no hopes being left of defending it retired to Lumbie●●e Pamplona immediately surrendered to the Duke and all other Places were for doing the same Upon this King John sent Three Commissioners to the Duke who resigned up the whole Kingdom to King Ferdinand to be held in trust and consented to deliver up the Prince of Viana the King's Son King John withdrew over the Mountains All Places submitted except Estela and Val d' Ezua in the Mountain The French who came to succour King John were now in Bearne The Catholick King came to Logron̄o D. Antony d' Acun̄a Bishop of Zamora had been at Pamplona in the behalf of the See Apostolick to require King John not to side with the Enemies of the Church and was now sent to Bearne to advise that King not to deviate from the late Articles agreed upon He was taken at Salvatierra and delivered up to the Duke of Longueville the French General and Governour of Guienne who afterwards sent him back to carry on the Treaty of Peace he leaving Three Nephews Hostages for his Return Navarre submitting so easily made the French jealous of some Treachery to remove which Suspicion King John put Salvatierra into their hands and went himself to the King of France He had resolved with all his Forces to secure Guienne and on the other side King Ferdinand was making sure of Navarre He made all the Country Swear Allegiance to him as to their King pretending King John had broke the Capitulation Tudela submitted not till the Archbishop of Zaragoça
was proposed that Prince Ferdinand should Marry the youngest Daughter of France and her Portion should be the States of Milan and Genoa and King Ferdinand should give his Grandson the Kingdom of Naples These were only Contrivances to gain time especially on the King of France his part who dreaded the English breaking into Picardy by the way of Calais King Henry laid Siege to Therouenne and having defeated the French that came to relieve it took and dismantled it Then he sat down before Tournay at such time as the Earl of Surry in England vanquished and killed the King of Scots who in favour of the French invaded England Hereupon Tournay surrendred There the Emperor Princess Margaret and Prince Charles came to see the King of England Thence they went to Lisle where it was agreed as soon as the Truce was expired the Emperor and Kings of England and Spain should each on their own Side Invade France King Ferdinand was to conquer Guienne for the English but it appeared he did not approve of this Treaty The Match before proposed betwixt Prince Charles and the King of England's Sister was confirmed and it was agreed it should be Consummated the following Year Summer being spent King Henry returned into England France was in distress the Swisse having broke through Burgundy Monsieur de la Trimoville overthrew and yet compounded with them The King of France ingag'd not to favour the Council of Pisa and to withdraw his Garrisons out of the Castles of Milan and Cremona No part of this Accord was performed except what related to submitting to the Church Whilst the other Christian Kings wasted their Forces against one another King Emanuel of Portugal enjoyed Peace at home and extended his Conquests in Africk and India On the Western Coast of Africk stands the City Azamor which is large and rich and belongs to the Kingdom of Fez. The Country about it is plentiful being watered by the River Omirabin which runs by the Town King Emanuel had some Years before this as has been said thought to possess himself of this Place by the means of one Zeiam a Moor who deceived him and made himself Master of it At this time the King fitted out a Fleet shipping aboard it 20000 Foot and 2700 Horse under the Command of the Duke of Bragança After a troublesome Voyage they landed at Azamor about Autumn Several Skirmishes passed betwixt them and the Defendants as also those that came to relieve the Place but many Men of Note among the Moors being killed the rest fled out at a Gate that could not be secured and thus the City was taken about the beginning of September Some neighbouring Places surrendred and among them the Citties of Gita and Almedina Having left a good Garrison at Azamor under the Command of Roderick Barreto and John de Meneses the Duke returned to Portugal tho' many advised to besiege the City Morocco but he said he had no such Orders This Success encouraged King Emanuel to prosecute his Conquests along the Coast of Africk on that side and therefore resigned any Pretensions he might have to Pen̄on and the City Velez upon Condition the Catholick King should not pretend to any thing along the Coast of the Kingdom of Fez even down to Cape Bojador In Italy the Viceroy entred the Territory of the Venetians by the way he took many Boats and Carts loaded with the Goods of People that fled Pieve de Saco a delightful Place where are all the Country Houses of the Venetians he plundered and burnt He passed the River Brenta and took Mistre which is as it were a Suburb of Venice At the end of the Channels are certain Houses which they call Palizas within Cannon-shot of the City Thence they Cannonaded it the Balls flying as far as the Monastery of S. Segundus but the Affront was more than the harm done Our Army was encompassed by Enemies On the one side was Treviso on the other Padua and Albiano who drew near with his Army being resolved to fight The Viceroy retired towards Vincenza and marched in one Day 14 miles tho' above 500 Carts followed the Army loaded with Baggage and Plunder Paul Baillon from Treviso and the Garrison of Padua joyned Albiano In all his Army consisted of 7000 Foot and 1200 Horse besides 10000 of the Country People that appeared upon the Mountains Albiano marched to cut off the Viceroy from Vincenza and encamped in a narrow Pass near a Town called Olmo Our Army was in great danger it being impossible to advance and dangerous to turn back yet they resolved to retire that they might draw the Enemy into the open Field They thinking our Men had fled pursued hastily and in Disorder whereupon the Viceroy by the advice of Prosper Colona and the Marquess of Pescara commanded his Germans to charge the Enemy which they did with such fury that they soon broke them The Marquess of Pescara pursued them up to the City where the Gates being shut many were drowned in the River and among them Sacromoro Visconte This done the Viceroy with the Germans and some Spaniards attacked a Body of the Enemies Horse and Foot who fortified themselves on a Hill with 5 Pieces of Cannon These also were easily put to flight This Battel was fought on the 7th of October 700 Venetian Men at Arms were killed all their Foot dispersed Paul Baillon and many others and 22 Pieces of Cannon were taken Albiano and Griti escaped The Viceroy marched to Vincenza where he stayed some Days At the same time the Castle of Bergamo was taken from the Venetians by Storm Paul Baillon was released upon his Parole that he would surrender himself again in case the Venetians would not give Alonso de Carvajal in Exchange for him Carvajal died in Prison and Baillon never returned On the 20th of November the Castle of Milan was surrendred as was that of Cremona Nothing was left the French in Lombardy but the Castle of Lanterna at Genoa The Duke layed Siege to it and the Adornos and Fliscos encamped before Genoa but were forced to retire leaving some of their Cannon behind The Pope continued the Lateran Council and admitted the French Ambassadors they in their King's Name renouncing the Council of Pisa and the Protection of the Schismaticks so the Gallican Church submitted to the Roman The Pope was concerned to see the Republick of Venice so near Destruction and underhand designed to relieve it He sent to require the Viceroy to proceed no farther against it that some Accommodation might be made Aragon was now in an Uproar on account of some Quarrel between the Earls of Ribagorça and Aranda At length the King interposing the Difference came to Tryal and the Earl of Ribagorça being found faulty was banished the Kingdom of Aragon during the King's Pleasure In the Kingdom of Naples some Towns had revolted being oppressed by their Lords And Peter de Castro tho' with much trouble reduced them all
General for the Pope at Placencia They not coming in time as they ought to have done the Swiss marched out to meet the King and tho the Battel was so resolutely fought that it lasted all day and part of the night next morning the Swiss terrified with a false Rumour that fresh Supplies were coming to the King were overcome and put to flight The Duke was taken in the Castle whether he fled for refuge and sent Prisoner into France as his Father had been and continued there in like manner as long as he lived This memorable Battel was fought on the 13th of September The Consequence of this Victory was such in Italy that the Spaniards who before were absolute being drove out of Lombardy and State of Milan began now to be in fear for Naples The Catholick King raised Men and endeavour'd to have Succours from all Parts yet at the same time he gave Orders to secure the Great Captain Gonçalo Fernandez de Cordova and other Men of Quality because they designed to go over to Flanders but he fell sick in October at Loxa and died the Second of December at Granada Anno 1516. Ferdinand the Catholick King died at Madrigalejo near Truxillo as he was going to Sevil on the 27th of January of a Dropsy which had troubled him many Months It is reported that the Bell of Velilla in Aragon which uses to denounce such Misfortunes had also been heard to ring of it self before this He appointed his Grandson Charles of Austria his Heir To his Grandson Ferdinand he left the City Taranto and some other Lands in the Kingdom of Naples To govern during the absence of King Charles he appointed the Cardinal of Spain Archbishop of Toledo in Castile and his Son the Archbishop of Zaragoça in Aragon Ferdinand Duke of Calabria he ordered to be set at Liberty and to have a competent Revenue assigned him His Body and that of the Queen his Wife were buried in the Cathedral of Granada as he had ordained in his Will King Charles by his Letters Patents appointed Adrian Dean of Lovain to govern together with the Cardinal of Spain and notwithstanding his Mother was still living he took upon him the Title of King without consent of the Nobility yet he continued to use that Stile it being a thing of dangerous consequence to oppose him Our Governours were in care for Navarre fearing least now upon the Change of Princes that Kingdom should declare for its own antient Kings For this reason they chose the Duke of Najara Governour and General of that Kingdom he being a Person very fit for that Employment by reason of the great Alliances he had among that People his Estate lying near at hand Nevertheless Peter of Navarre Mareschal of that Kingdom and Marquis of Cortes raised some Commotions which were not of any moment for he was taken and sent Prisoner to Simancas where he continued in Confinement as long as he lived Besides all those Contrivances ended in the Death of King John d' Albret who died in his Dominion of Bearne upon Tuesday the Nineteenth of June Anno 1517. Eight Months after ensued the Death of the Queen his Wife Both their Bodies were buried at Lescar a City in the Province of Bearne tho they in their Will had ordered themselves to be buried at Pamplona as King and Queen of Navarre by that means as it were to make good their Title which was a small comfort having lost the Crown Henry d' Albret their Son succeeded them in their Possessions as also in the Pretensions to that Kingdom At Lisbon in March died Mary Queen of Portugal in the flower of her Age. She died in Labour and was buried in the Church called de la Madre de Dios or of the Mother of God in that City She had the following Children Prince John the Eldest Elizabeth Beatrix Luis Ferdinand Alonso who was a Cardinal Henry also Cardinal and King Edward besides two that died young Adrian Florencius born at Vtrecht in the Low Countries Dean of Lovain and Bishop of Tortosa in Spain was at Rome chosen Cardinal on the 27th of June Charles of Austria the new King arrived with his Fleet at Villavicosa a Town in Astarias the 19th of September The Cardinal of Spain went to meet him but died by the way at Roa His Body was buried in the Colledge of S. Ildefonsus at Alcala de Henares which he had built from the Ground and endowed with plentiful Revenues to be a Seminary of Learning The manner of it is after that of the University of Paris if we may be allowed to compare small things to great at least much Profit has redounded from it to Spain a great number of Youth being there instructed and many Persons of great Learning having been brought up there He was Archbishop 22 Years Cardinal William de Croy a Fleming succeeded him in that Dignity This Year was remarkable and no less Unfortunate for two things that happened One was the total overthrow of the Empire of the Sultans of Egypt the other the broaching of the Heresy of Martin Luther Egypt was Subject to the Roman Empire till the time of the Emperor Heraclius when the false Prophet Mahomet conquer'd that Province After his Death it was possessed by the Caliphs who as he had appointed were Supream in Spirituals as well as Temporals These continued till the War of the Holy Land when King Amalaricus of Hierusalem having taken the City of Damiata formerly called Pelusium drove the Caliph to such streights that he was forced to crave Aid of the Sultan of Siria Sarraco was sent with these Succours He in requital for the Assistance given possessed himself of the Kingdom of Egypt leaving to the Caliphs only the Spiritual Jurisdiction Saladin the Son of Sarraco was Sultan of Egypt and Siria and having obtained many Victories over the Christians and taken Hierusalem reduced the Christians there to great streights Not long after Melechsala being possessed of that Empire finding himself too weak to oppose the Christians bought of the Tartars a great number of Circassian Slaves with whose help he did many great things and among the rest took S. Luis King of France Prisoner at Damiata The Slaves having murdered Melechsala chose a King from among themselves called Turqueminius upon condition that neither his Sons should inherit the Crown nor the Sons of the other Slaves should be admitted into their Order but that only those should be Soldiers and bare command who being the Sons of Christian Parents had renounced the Faith These they called Mamalucks and from among them the King was to be chosen This Government flourished 300 Years till the time of Cayerbeyus who obtained many Victories over the Turks and reigned in the time of King Ferdinand of Spain Campson his Successor after the Turks had overthrown the Persians near the City Tarvisium fearing they would invade Siria marched against them with his
afterwards they lost their Liberty King Henry of England hearing what had happened declared for the Pope and the League before spoken of The King of France also upon the same News sent his General Odet de Lautrec with Forces into Italy who joining with the Venetians took Alexandria and Pavia two considerable Cities in the State of Milan Margaret Sister to the French King was Married to Henry d' Albret King of Navarre and had Issue Joanna who for want of Heirs Male inherited her Father's Dominions This Lady most obstinately persisted in Heresie as I suppose because the Pope had given away the Kingdom of Navarre from her Forefathers Anno 1528. At Madrid the Three Estates swore the young Prince Philip Heir to his Father's Kingdoms The Emperor complained that the French King did not keep his Word or perform what he had so solemnly promised when he was Prisoner in Spain The French King sent a Herauld to challenge him to fight him Hand to Hand This Affair was advised about with the Nobility On the 24th of June the Emperor sent his Answer by Letter accepting the Challenge and appointing the Place of Combate But the King of France was so cautious he would neither open the Letters nor give Audience to the Herauld sent from Spain upon that Errand Mean while Lautrec having wintered at Bolonia marched towards Naples laid Siege to that City hoping soon to possess himself of all the Kingdom On a sudden the Plague began to rage so violently in his Army that great part of it Perished and he among the rest Others were made Prisoners and among them Count Peter Navarro who spent the rest of his Days under severe Confinement This Disaster moved Andrea Doria a Genoese but Admiral of the French Fleet to go over to the Emperor and afterwards he restored his Country to its Liberty having defeated and expelled the Family of Fregosa for which and his great Virtues he gained immortal Renown Anno 1529. Charles the Emperor earnestly desired to go over into Italy by Sea there to receive the Imperial Crown at the Hand of the Pope To this purpose he was reconciled with him after so many Discontents and Affronts and promised to give his Bastard Daughter Margaret in Marriage to Alexander de Medicis as also to restore that Family to its Country At the same time he renewed the League with the King of France the Embassadors of both Princes meeting to that purpose at Cambray on the Frontiers of France and Flanders He sent home that Kings two Sons ransomed for Two Millions of Gold and with them sent his Sister Ellenor who was to be Married to that King From this time forward the Low Countries were wholly exempted from the Jurisdiction of France and on the other side Burgundy was entirely made over to that Crown It remained now to agree the Differences with Portugal about the Molucco Islands It was concluded that the King of Portugal should lend the Emperor 350000 Ducats upon Condition that till such time as that Sum was repayed the Castillians should forbear Trading in those Islands or laying any Claim to them This done the Emperor went over by Sea into Italy Solyman the Great Turk at the Instigation of John the Vayvod of Transilvania laid Siege to Vienna which was bravely defended by Philip the Count Palatin who was in it with a strong Garison Anno 1530. At Rome the Citizens were disgusted and impoverished by the late Disorders and Sacking of the City wherefore it was agreed the Coronation should be performed at Bolonia The Concourse of People was incredible the publick Demonstration of Joy extraordinary and the Majesty of the Ceremony such as passed belief On the Day of S. Mathias which was His Majesty's Birth-day he was saluted Augustus and Crowned by the Pope His Holiness and the Venetians interceded for Francis Sforcia that the Dukedom of Milan might be restored to him which was done accordingly he taking to Wife Christiern Daughter to the King of Denmark and the Emperor's Neice He was ordered to pay 900000 Duccats and the City of Como and Castle of Milan were to remain in the Emperor's Hands till that were performed The Marquis of Mantua had the Title of Duke conferred upon him The Pope and Duke of Ferrara were at Variance about the Cities of Modena and Reggio and the Emperor as Umpire betwixt them adjudged them to the Duke After this he set out for Germany where he had Summoned the Dyet to meet at Ausburg on the 8th of April The principal aim was to reduce the Hereticks as had been intended at other Diets Little was done in this Affair only that the Hereticks presented in Writing a Confession of their Faith which of that City was called the Ausburg Confession He that composed it was named Philip Melancton a Learned Man The Imperial Forces having long besieged Florence reduced the City to such streights that they were forced not only to admit the Family of the Medicis but to receive Alexander de Medicis for their Duke and so lost their ancient Liberty Philibert Prince of Orange and Alonso Davalos Marquis del Gasto and of Pescara since the Death of his Cousin Ferdinand were the Generals that commanded at this Siege Margaret the Emperor's Aunt died at Mecklin in Brabant on the 1st Day of December She was Governess of those Provinces and Mary Queen Dowager of Hungary succeeded her in that Charge which she held for the Emperor her Brother many Years Anno 1531. By the Emperor's Order the Archbishop of Mentz whose Place it is Summoned the Electors of the Empire to meet at Cologn to chuse a King of the Romans Upon the day appointed by the unanimous Consent of them all but one Ferdinand Archduke of Austria King of Hungary and Bohemia was elected Only Frederick Duke of Saxony protested against their Proceedings but the Year after he agreed with the rest at the Diet of Ratisbon having obtained Liberty in Matters of Religion Many Earthquakes happened and in the Low-Countries the Dikes being shaken the Sea broke in and whole Towns were drowned and some of the Steeples are yet to be seen above Water Lisbon suffered extreamly insomuch that the King fearing his Palace should fall upon him for several Days lay in Tents in the Field The Waters separating in the Channel of Tagus left a sort of an Island in the middle for some time In England the Antient Catholick Religion was now subverted on this Occasion King Henry indulging his Appetite had cast an Amorous Eye upon Anne Bullen To satisfy his desire he put from him Queen Catharine upon pretence that she had been Married to his Brother Arthur and took Anne Bullen to Wife notwithstanding he had a Daughter called Mary by his Lawful Wife The Pope opposed this Proceeding and could not be brought to approve of it Hereupon the King commanded all his Subjects to disown the Supremacy of the Pope
soon after gave it the Title and Priviledge of a City Dr. Bartholomew de la Plaça was the first Bishop About the end of this Year the Floods were very great and the River at Sevill breaking into the City did much harm at the Custom-House The King of France being entirely reconciled to the Church was at last absolved by the Pope and immediately all his Kingdom submitted to him D Peter de Toledo Marquis of Villafranca on the 23th of September took and plunder'd the City Patras in the Morca having gone from Messina with 20 Galleys upon that design Anno 1596. Sir Francis Drake landed Men at Nombre de Dios in America designing to march over that narrow Neck of Land and plunder Panama The Spaniards taking the Alarm charged and forced him to retire to his Ships about the beginning of January He often did much harm along those Coasts but at last died at Portobelo and his Fleet was driven out of the West Indies by D. Bernardin de Avellaneda Albertus the Archduke on the 17th of April took Calais from the French but not long after it was restor'd upon composition At this time the King lay at Azeca near Toledo so dangerously sick that he was given over for dead He removed to Toledo where News was brought that the English Fleet on the 1st of July took and plundered the Island and City of Cadiz and burnt the Fleet that lay there bound for Mexico which was so great a loss that many Merchants throughout the Kingdom suffered much and some broke Anno 1597. Ferdinand Tello Governor of Dourlans for the Spaniards having Intelligence with the People of Amiens the chief City of Picardy suprized and made himself Master of it The King of France considering the great Importance of that Place came thither in Person and laid siege to it Albertus the Archduke marched with about 20000 Men out of Artois designing to relieve the City but finding the King too well posted and having suffered somewhat by his Artillery and in some small Skirmishes he retired upon which the City was surrendred the Garison marching out with the usual Honourable Formalities Sigismund Bator Prince of Transilvania who at this time with much Bravery maintained War against the Turks and Hereticks went to Vienna to attend the Emperor who supplied him with Money as did the Pope and Catholick King But the hopes conceived of his Proceedings vanished for he was taken sick some said he was bewitched whereupon he forsook the War and left his Wife the Daughter of Charles the Archduke and resigning up his Dominions to the Emperor lived a private Life at Prague where he died some years after Anno 1598. This Year on the 6th of May the King gave up all the Low-Countries to his eldest Daughter Elizabeth in order to marry her as was afterwards done to her Cousin the Archduke Albertus who to that purpose resigned up his Cardinal's Cap and the Archbishoprick of Toledo which was given to Garcia de Loaysa Prince Philip's Tutor Yet this Donation was in such manner that those Countries were to be held of the Crown of Spain to which also was reserved the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Prerogative of placing Governors in certain Castles such as Antwerp Ghent and Cambray Soon after a Peace was concluded with France in bringing the which to effect the Pope laboured very earnestly The King's Distemper still increasing upon him he died at the Escurial the 13th of September and was there buried A Prince remarkable for some Vertues as Liberality Resolution Vigilancy Abstemiousness in eating and drinking But no less for many Vices as Lust Cruelty Pride Perfidiousness and several others He lived 71 Years 3 Months and some Days and reigned in Castile 42 Years 7 Months and 28 Days Prince Philip his Son succeeded him Anno 1599. On the 22d of February died at Alcala de Henares Garcia de Loaysa Archbishop of Toledo and with him the great hopes conceived of his Vertue and Ability He was buried in that Town in the Chapel of the Martyrs without any Tomb. D. Bernardin de Rojas y Sandoval at that time Bishop of Jaen succeeded him and not long after had the Cardinal's Cap brought him to Toledo the King being present at that Ceremony The new King was before contracted to Margaret the Daughter to Charles the Archduke who came to him by the way of Milan with her Mother and Albertus the Archduke The Pope was at that time in Ferrara which City after the Death of the last Duke who left no Heir fell to the Church whereof it was a Feofe Thither the Queen and Archduke repaired and the Ceremony of the two Marriages was performed by the Pope with extraordinary Magnificence tho the King and Princess were not there They departed thence and on the 25th of March arrived at Alfaques de Tortosa thence they went to Valencia where the King was married The King went forward to Barcelona to bear the Archduke company who with the Princess his Wife imbarked for Flanders on the 7th of June After which the King and Queen returned to Valencia and thence to Madrid Anno 1600. This Year was very remarkable for the Jubilee at Rome to which a great number of People resorted The Winter was so extraordinary rainy that the Tiber overflowing Rome was 3 days full of Water and great harm done Among 13 Cardinals promoted by the Pope one was Robert Bellarmine of the Society of Jesus Nephew to Pope Marcellus a Man of a good Life and extraordinary Learning as appears by the many notable Books he published The new King of France with the Approbation of the Pope put away Queen Margaret his first Wife and presently after married Mary de Medicis Daughter to Francis Duke of Florence Anno 1601. About March or April the Court of Castile removed from Madrid to Valladolid in favour of that Country which was very poor but many Inconveniences being found there some years after it returned to the same place The famous Bell of Vililla in Aragon is reported to have rung it self several times which is accounted to portend some extraordinary Revolutions or other great matters like to happen but no such strange effects appear'd for many years after At Rome on the 29th of April S. Raymundus Pen̄afort of the Order of S. Dominick was Canonized On the 25th of August Prince Doria the great Admiral sailed to Argiers with a great Fleet came before that City in the night unperceived but was drove off again by contrary Winds On the 22d of September was born at Valladolid the Princess Ann afterwards married to Luis the 13th King of France and conducted to the Frontiers by the Archbishop of Toledo Anno 1602. The Marquis de Fuentes having corrupted the Lanskeneghts that were in Garison at Final made himself Master of that place as he did also of Milesino without any Provocation or just cause given
Bohemia and Austria to his Brother Mathias reserving to himself a Portion for the maintenance of his Court. After this he died in the same City the 20th of January this Year Soon after the Electors met at Francford and chose Mathias Brother to the late Emperor his Successor This Year on the 25th of April died at Valencia Francis Hierome Simon a beneficed Priest of that City being 33 Years of Age The People reverence him as a Saint and have particularly signalized their Zeal herein The Archbishop would have hindred their Proceedings as too forward whereupon ensued many Tumults till at last this Affair was referred to Rome Anno 1613. About this time came into Spain the Latin History of Monsieur de Thou President of Parliament a great favourer of Hereticks and Enemy to Catholicks He neither spares the Popes nor Kings of France being an utter Enemy to the House of Guise once the great stay of that Crown He is sufficiently stuffed with Falshoods and was prohibited at Rome in the Year 1610. Soon after in Spain it was order'd to be purged A French Man writ learnedly against him and calls himself John Baptista Gallus which seems to be a feigned Name none daring publickly to write against a Person so great in Power as a President A false Catholick does more harm than an open Heretick as says S. Bernard Anno 1614. Upon Saturday the 24th of May there happened an Earthquake in the Island Tercera which did much harm In the Town of Playa the Mischief was greater for private Houses Monasteries and Churches were overthrown In the City Angla 11 Churches and 19 Chapels besides private Houses were destroyed In August our Fleet commanded by D. Luis Faxardo took the City Mamora as was before hinted It is seated upon the Ocean five Leagues from Tangier and twenty-five from Arzila Anno 1615. There had been of late War in Italy betwixt the Dukes of Savoy and Mantua The cause of it was that Alfonso Duke of Mantua who Married the Duke of Savoy's Daughter at his death left no Issue but one Daughter His Brother Alexander the Cardinal resigning up his Cap inherited that Dominion The Duke of Savoy pretended that his Grandchild the Daughter of the late Duke tho as a Woman she could not be Heiress to the Dukedom of Mantua yet she might to that of Montferrat which for some Years had been united to the other The matter came to Blows and the Duke of Savoy by force possessed himself of a great part of that Country The Catholick King Philip the Third to prevent the embroyling of Italy would have had this Difference determined by course of Law and because the Duke of Savoy refused took up Arms against him After some Bloodshed it was at last agreed on the 21th of July this Year that both Parties should disarm and the Difference be referred to the Emperor as the proper Judge those Dominions being Feoffes of the Empire The King approved not of this Peace and therefore the War broke out again D. Peter de Toledo Marquis of Villafranca after a long Siege took the City Vercelli Soon after Affairs being composed it was restor'd by D. Goniez de Figueroa Duke of Feria who succeeded the Marquis in the Government of Milan It was reported the Venetians underhand assisted the Duke in this War The Duke of Ossuna then Viceroy of Naples armed against them and in the Adriatick Sea took some of their Ships besides other harms he did them Soon after the Duke of Feria took Valtolina a most important Place as being the Pass between Italy and Germany which he fortified and put into it a strong Garison At Burgos on the 18th of October Prince Philip was Married by Proxy to the Lady Elizabeth Sister to the French King who was in the same manner contracted to Anne Princess of Castile This Princess two Days before renounced any Right or Title she might have upon the death of her Brother to the Kingdoms of Castile or Aragon or to the Low Countries The two Brides were exchanged upon the River Vedaso which parts France and Spain on the 9th of November The King himself was present at all these Ceremonies and together with the Prince his Son received the Princess his Daughter-in-Law at Burgos Thence about the end of the Year he return'd to Madrid The King of France received his Bride at Bourdeaux where he was with the Queen his Mother Anno 1616. A Ship that sailed from Holland in the Month of May the last Year after a long and difficult Voyage in January this Year beyond the Streights of Magellan in 57 Degrees of South Latitude discover'd another Passage into the South-Sea and to India This Ship having gone round the Globe return'd to Holland 2 Years and 18 Days after it set out from thence They lost one day in their Reckning and by that means called that Monday which was Tuesday and so throughout the Week Anno 1617. Upon Saturday the 15th of April in the Philippine Islands a notable Victory was obtained over the Hollanders D. John de Ronquillo who commanded there defeated 10 Galleons of there 's some of which were sunk others burnt and the rest fled These Rebels have done great harm in the Coasts of America along the South-Sea and possess'd themselves of many Places in India Anno 1618. In October the Duke of Lerma departed the Court leaving the Government of the Kingdom which he had chiefly managed for several Years having a Cardinals Cap sent him from Rome before he quitted Not long after D. Roderick Calderon his great Favourite was apprehended who after he had lain two Years and an half in Prison was condemned to Death and his Goods Confiscate D. Bernardin de Rojas y Sandoval Archbishop of Toledo died suddenly at Madrid the 7th day of December He was buried in the Chapel of our Lady which he built and richly adorn'd The King labour'd to bestow that Bishoprick upon his Son Prince Ferdinand then but 9 Years of Age. Anno 1619. Mathias the Emperor had lately resign'd the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia to his Cousin the Archduke Ferdinand The Bohemians Rebell'd and Wars ensued The Emperor died at Prague in March without Issue and the Electors assembling the 23th of August chose the same Ferdinand King of Hungary and Bohemia Emperor In April the Catholick King set out from Madrid for Portugal and made his Entry into Lisbon on the 29th of June On the 14th of July the Three Estates took their Oath to the Prince as Heir and next day the Cortes were opened The Pope in October Beatified F. Francis Xaverius one of the first Companions of S. Ignatius and Apostle of India Pope Gregory the XV. Canonized them both in the Year 1622. Anno 1620. Prince Ferdinand being before made Cardinal in May had possession of the Archbishoprick of Toledo given him The Bohemians proceeding in their Rebellion chose the Elector Palatin for
Ducats and allowed 12000 Men to be raised in Germany and maintained at his cost To the Venetians he gave 100000 Ducats a Year and sent them 4000 Men for Defence of the Province of Friuli In France this Year the Queen was delivered of a Daughter who lived but a few days and her Majesty was in extream Danger but recovered The Duke of Beaufort Admiral of France sailed with a Fleet provided at Toulon and Marseilles and consisting of 14 Men of War 8 Galleys 5 Fireships 10 Brigantines 10 other Vessels and 30 Barks laden with Provisions Ammunition Lime Brick and other Necessaries for Building In this Fleet were 1500 Seamen and 5000 Land-Soldiers besides 500 Voluntiers of Quality In Port Maon in the Island Minorca he stayed till the Galleys of Malta joined him on the 17th of July and then they sailed together for the Coast of Barbary where they spent some Shot against Bugia but to little effect On the 22d they Anchored before Giguieri about 60 Leagues Eastward of Argiers and notwithstanding the Opposition made by the Enemy landed their Men as they did at Night 30 Pieces of Cannon Three Batteries being raised played seven days and nights at the end of which the French made themselves Masters of the Place having only 300 Men killed and wounded in the Action This Place is subject to the Government of Argiers and the Country about it has plenty of Cattel The Algerines having gathered 20000 Men on the 20th of October appeared before this Place and that Night attacked a Redoubt of the Castle but were so well plied with the Cannon from the Sea and the Works that they drew off with great loss Again on the 23d before day they gave a furious Assault and were again repulsed leaving behind 1000 of their Men killed and wounded The Infidels being with fresh Supplies now 40000 strong gave a third Attack on the 27th and possessed themselves of the Redoubt then following their Success they made themselves Masters of the Lines and Outworks tho' bravely defended by the French The Duke of Beaufort finding it impossible to maintain the Place the Outworks being lost shipped his Men the 30th of October and returned to France Another Squadron of 10 Ships sailed from Rochel carrying 1600 Men with Masons Carpenters and all manner of Necessaries for erecting a Colony which they accordingly performed 4 Degrees Northward of the River of the Amazons in America having found there an old Fort which they repaired and fortified with new Works The English having built several Forts about Tangier Gailan the Moor many times had attempted to gain them but still came off with loss and among others had his own Brother killed To revenge his Death and so many Disappointments he lay in ambush with Eight thousand Men and the Governour the Lord Tiveot marching out of the Town with the best of the Garrison to take a Prey encompassed them and cut off the greatest part Anno 1665. King Philip considering the great Harm the Portugueses did upon the Frontiers commanded the Marquess of Caraçena before appointed General to repaire speedily to his Command He obeyed and came to Badajoz the beginning of this Year The Duke of Aveiro went away to Cadiz where the Fleet was in a readiness and waited his coming he being appointed to Command The Duke of Osuna being accused of not having done his Duty at Cuidad Rodrigo went with Twenty four others a Voluntier into the Army which being ready to take the Field the Marquess of Caraçena commanded him to retire because he had no Order of the King for him to serve He had such small Suppires from Court during his Command at Cuidad Rodrigo that he was forced to raise Contributions which caused many Complaints to be made against him but upon Examination he was cleared and the King to restore his Honour made him Governour of Catalonia when the War was declared against France Great Preparations were made against Portugal but all came to nothing by reason of the Discourse of a Truce or Peace King Philip fell sick of his last Disease and died the 17th of September He made his Will providing for the good of the Kingdom and Education of his Son their not Four years of Age. He appointed Governors of his Son and Kingdom D. Garcia de Avellaneday Haro Count de Castrillo and President of Castile D. Christopher Crespi de Valdaura Vicechancellor of Aragon the Count de Pen̄aranda as Counsellor of State the Marquess de Aytona as Grandee of Spain and the Cardinal of Spain Archbishop of Toledo which the Cardinal D. Baltasar de Moscoso dying the same day as the King was Interpreted in favour of D. Pasqualis of Aragon then at Rome From Rome he went to Naples to take Possession of the Viceroyship of that Kingdom and being desirous to Return to Spain obtained leave of the Queen to resign that Command to his Brother D. Peter of Aragon The Inquisitor General for the time being was also appointed one of the Governors and the Queen as Governess to the King her Son Superior to them all Her Majesty out of her great Respect to F. Everard a German her Confessor and a Jesuit raised him to the Honour of Counsellor of State and Inquisitor General by which he also became one of the Governors After the death of King Philip all the Counsels went to Kiss the New King Charles the 2d his Hand and to Recognize him as their Lawful Sovereign the day after his Fathers death On the 27th they conducted the Royal Body to the Escurial with due Pomp and Magnificence many Noblemen and the Horse guards attending till they delivered him to the Prior of the Convent There he lies in one of those stately Urns which whilst living he Erected in Honour of his Predecessors A few days after the Town of Madrid resolved to be the first in Proclaiming his Majesty King Charles II. and made choice of the Duke of Medina de las Torres to display the Standard in his Name as the Custom of Spain is On the 8th of October the Duke accompanied by many of the Nobility went on Horseback from the Count de On●ies's House to the Town Court house where they alighted and were received by the Mayor and Aldermen and other Officers of the Corporation The Duke went up to the Council Chamber and sate down on the right Hand of D. Francis de Herrera Enriquez Knight of the Order of Calatrava Corregidor of the Town After a short Consultation they both stood up at once and the Corregidor taking the Standard bid the Secretaries and Notaries give it him under their Hands that he deliverd it to the Duke that the Town might display it in the Name of King Charles II. The Duke courteously received it and mounting on Horseback the Cavalcade began in manner following First went the King's Trumpets and Kettledrums then the Town Musick then 16 Alguaziles of their Liberty and after them some of the
Sertorius 40 Monasteries founded 89 Monks cast off their Subjection to the Bishops 155 Moors 12000 of them pass over into Spain their 2d Coming 98 Their Progress in Spain 99 From Spain they invade France 104 37000 kill'd in one Battel by Charles Martel 105 In Rebellion at Toledo and at Cordova 111 Overthrown 30000 of them kill'd in a Battel 122 Their Kingdom divided into many small Principalities They buy a Peace 133 Rise against King Ferdinand and are suppress'd 143 Intercede for the Queen and Archbishop 152 Routed by the Christians 156 60000 of them kill'd 199 20000 overthrown Fol. 208 p. 2 Vanquish'd in a Sea Fight 210 234 Banish'd Valencia Fol. 212 p. 2 Begin the War Fol. 214 p. 2 Of Granada expell their King 10000 of them slain with their King 246 268 470000 invade Spain 261 20000 slain Call'd by the Christians to their Assistance 277 Overthrown 332 Ravage Andaluzia 376 Of Granada break the Peace 402 Of Granada invade Murcia 430 Recover the lost Towns 453 In the Mountains rebell 483 Moorish Fleet perishes by Storms 116 Moorish King baptiz'd 207 Moorish Kings of Loragoca 159 Moorish Kings in Spain revolt 214 Moorish King of Granada depos'd 244 Moorish King of Granada wrongfully put to Death 280 Moorish King taken and set at liberty 444 Submits himself 454 Besieg'd by his own People 555 More Troubles in Gastile 241 Most villanous Action of Castilian Rebels 407 Mountain falls 103 Mozambique discover'd 475 Mummius defeated and 10000 of his Men slain He Triumphs over the Lusitani 34 Murcia Kingdom deliver'd up by the Moors 209 Murcia City taken by the Aragonians 215 237 Murder of 7 Brothers call'd the Infantes of Lara 129 Mutinous Lords in Castile submit 315 Matiny in Rome about choosing a Pope 63 In Sevil. 309 In Toledo 525 375 At Segovia 376 About Taxes 404 At Toledo and Sevil. 415 At Badajoz 231 In the Spanish Army 504 Muza the Moor comes into Spain Takes several Towns He and Tariff at variance 100 His Death 103 N. Naples besieg'd by the Aragonians 364 Taken by the Aragonians 368 Navarre revolts 91 Brought under by the French 219 Makes Peace with Castle 295 Its Kings Fictions concerning them Un certainties concerning that Country abridg'd 121 It s King defeated and taken by the Earl of Castile 125 Over-run by the Kings of Aragon and Castile 187 United to Castile Invaded by the French 551 Swears Allegiance to King Ferdinand 549 Pacifi'd Navarrois and Arragonians make War 536 Navarrois twice defeated 175 Navas de Tolosa Battel why so call'd 190 Nebuchadnezzar said to conquer Spain 11 Nero reigns 14 Years Kills himself 53 Nerva reigns 16 Months 55 New Debate in Aragon Fol. 215 p. 2 Trouble in Castile 338 520 And Breach of Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon 352 Commotions in Castile 366 War in Naples 386 Nicholas Pope dies 383 Nigidius routed by Viriatus 36 Nineteen Sail of Infidels destroy'd 503 Nobility of Castile raise Tumults 340 Supported in Rebellion by the King of Navarre 375 Conspire against their King Fol. 216 p. 2 Reconcil'd 311 Nobility of Naples favour the Aragonians 359 Swear Fidelity to Spain 506 Noblemen secure to themselves all strong Holds 430 Nobles of Castile reconciled to King Alonso 216 Nobles of Castile join with Portugal in favour of the rightful Heiress 423 Nobles in Castile for and against King Philip 514 Norbanus Triumphs over Spain 49 Normans infest the Coast of Spain 114 126 Their Actions in Italy Their Earls and Kings 148 Notable Combat of 11 Persons on each side 493 Notable Valour of a Spaniard 504 Notes of the Translator 107 110 Numantia its Description Terms of Peace it made with Sempronius Gracchus 33 Prosecrtion of the War 34 Revolts again Is besieged by Pompey 38 Destroy'd by Scipio 40 Nuptials in Germany O Obeydalla calls himself King of Toledo 132 Occasion of the barbarous Nations coming into Spain 68 Of the Wars betwixt France and England 253 Odd Project if true 100 Olmedo doubtful Fight betwixt the King and the Rebels 409 Opilius Macrinus reigns 3 Months and 28 Days 57 Oran in Africk taken 534 Order of the Belt Instituted 257 Orders of S. Dominick La Merced of Redemption of Captives 200 Of S. Hierome and S. Isidore 292 Ordono King of Leon his Reign 113 Ordono the 2d succeeds 117 Ordono the 3d inherits the Crown Is divorced from his Wife and Marries another 123 Ordono usurps and expells King Sancho flies to the Moors Original of the Division of the Goths 97 Of the several Kingdoms of Spain Of the Kings of Navarre Of the Earls of Aragon and those of Barcelona 117 Of the Neapolitan War 464 Orus or Hercules kills the 3 Sons oof Gerion 7 Osiris the Egyptian kills Gerion 6 Otho joins Galba Reigns 95 Days 53 Is defeated and kills himself 34 Ottoman Founder of the Empire of that Name 247 Overthrow given the Infidels 149 Of the Christians 217 Of the Moors 253 Of the Rebels in Catalonia 406 Of the Portugueses 455 Of the Swissers 561 Of the Castilians 303 P. Pacification in Aragon 204 Padua recover'd from the Venetians 536 Palencia rebuilt 136 Palma one oof the Canary Islands conquer'd 464 Particulars of the Christians Success 262 Paul General for King Wamba takes part with the REbels Is declar'd King 91 Taken Prisoner 93 Paul the 2 d Pope dies 415 Paul de Cartagena famous for Learning 319 Paulus Hypseus Peace in Spain 40 Broken by the Infidels 126 Betwixt the Moors and King of Leon. 126 With the Romans 87 With the Moors 227 Betwixt France and Aragon 333 Betwixt Sicily and Naples 240 Betwixt Castile and Aragon 164 168 260 279 For some time with the Moors 208 Betwixt the English and Castilians 355 Betwixt Castile Aragon and Navarre 351 Betwixt Castile and Portugal 290 435 291 336 Betwixt France and Castile 433 Betwixt France and Spain 485 Betwixt France and Venice 553 With France takes no effect 496 Pelayus or Pelagius flies too Biscay 99 Undertakes to oppose the Infidels Cause of his taking Arms. Is declar'd King 102 With 1000 Christians miraculously overcomes a great Power of the Infidels 103 His Power increases 104 His Death 105 Penon in Africk taken by the Spaniards Perfidiousness of Duke Valentin 507 Perpenna succeeds Sertorius Is kill'd 44 Perpignan built 144 Persecution under Severus 57 Under Decius 58 Under Dioclesian 59 At Cordova 112 Under the Moors 173 Peter declar'd King of Castile Is sick and recovers 268 Marries 270 Forsakes his Queen for the Lady Mary de Padilla 270 Changes his Officers Punishes Rebels Marries another and forsakes her his first Wife still living 271 Punishes Rebels 273 Expell'd the Kingdom 283 Flies to the English 284 Restor'd 285 Excommunicated and absolv'd 286 Provides for his Defence Is overthrown Betray'd and Murder'd by his Bastard-Brother 287 Peter the 1 st King of Aragon succeeds his Father 156 Peter the 2 d King of Aragon 186 Peter the 3 d King of
Jaca and S. Jokn de la Penna 1060. The Moors rise against Ferdinand and are suppressed 1065. Ferdinand Dies Death of Queen Sancha Ferdinand by Will leaves to each of his three Sons a Kingdom and Towns to his Daughters 1067. 1068. Perpignan Built The Kings alike in the manner of their Death King Sancho Wars upon his Brothers 1071. King Alonso flies to the Moors K. Sancho expels his Brother Garcia K. Sancho Besieges Zamora K. Sancho treacherously Murder'd before Zamora A single Combat upon the King's death K. Alonso returns from among the Moors and receives the Crown He imprisons his Brother Garcia Takes an Oath for the Crown of Castile 1073. 1074. K. Alonso aids the Moorish K. of Toledo 1076. A Synod at Burgos Roderick de Bivar ravages the Dominions of the Moors He is Banished 1076. Sancho K. of Navarre 1077. Almenon the Moorish King of Toledo and Ramon Earl of Barcelona dye Succession of the Moors Succession of the Earls of Barcelona Actions of the Normans in Italy Norman Earls and Kings The Conquest o● Toledo resolved upon Country about Toledo wasted 1079. Roderick Diaz deBivar his further Actions 1080. 1081. D. Garcia the King's Brother Bleeds to Death in Prison An overthrow given the Infidels Ramon Earl of Barcelona Murdred his Son Ramon succeeds him 1082. Toledo closely Besieged The manner of enclosing the City Articles of surrender Toledo surrendered Many Towns taken K. Alonso stiles himself Emperor 1086. An Archbishop of Toledo chosen Bernard first Archbishop The great Church taken forcibly from the Moors contrary to Articles The Moors beg for the Queen and Archbishop The Popes Legate his unjust proceedings 1088. Archbishop of Toledo made Primate of all spain Roman Missal and Breviary introduced 1091. Synod at Leon. How the Archbishops of Toledo came to be to be Primates of all Spain K. Alonso his Wives and Issue The Moorish Family of the Almoravides comes into Spain Hali sent to assist the King of Sevil overthrows and kills him 1091. King Alonso's Forces overthrown by the Moors A second defeat of the Christians Joseph the Miramamolin comes out of Africk Several Strangers come to serve against the Moors King Alonso Marries 3 Daughters to Strangers Original of the Kingdom of Portugal 1093. The Holy-War in the East 1094. Birth of Alonso I. King of Portugal Sancho I. King of Aragon His actions against the Moors Town of Luna built Monks cast off subjection to the Bishop K. Sancho killed His Son Peter succeeds him Christians and Infidels joyn to raise the Siege The Moors routed by the Christians Huesca surrendred Great Preparations for the Holy-War Bernard Archbishop of Toledo sets out for the Holy-land Is sent back by the Pope Valencia where seated besieged and relieved Roderick de Bivar takes Valencia Marries his Daughters to the Earls of Carrion Cruel Action of those Earls Valencia abandoned by the Christians Roderick de Bivar's Death 1093. K. Alonso's Works of Piety 1099. Jerusalem taken by the Christians 1100. Death of Joseph the Moorish Monarch Sancho Prince of Castile killed by the Moors The Infidels victorious Moorish King 's of Zaragoza 1102. 1104. The King of Aragon his Son Daughter all die Alonso succeeds to the Crown of Aragon 1106. 1109. The death of Alonso King of Castile Strange Prodigy Two holy Men. Vrraca Queen of Castile a dissolute Woman Hali the Moor ravages the Country and lays Siege to Toledo 1110. 1111. King Alonso of Aragon beloved of all Men. Two Synods Anointing of Kings first used in Spain The forces of Castile routed by the Aragonians Another defeat of the Castilians Alomso VII Proclaimed King of Castile The Wars of Majorca and Zaragoca Genoeses joyn the Catalonians 1115. Carcassone lost and recovered by the Earl of Barcelona Earl of Toulouze routed by him of Poitiers 1116. Zaragoca besieged by the Christians Tahuste other places taken 1118. Zaragoca taken Carthusian and Cistercians Monks Knights and Templers Hospitalers 1119. A Schism in the Church Peace concluded betwixt Castile and Aragon Conditions of the Peace 1122. The two Christian Kings make War upon the Moors Success of the Aragonians 1123. Of the Castillians Zamora made a Bishoprick and Compostella an Archbishoprick 1124. The Original of the Kingdom of Portugal Portugal describ'd Henry Earl of Portugal dies Teresa the Countess Dowager governs Alonso governs as Earl of Portugal Portugeses overthrows the Castillians This fabulous Story is apply'd to other Persons as well as this 1126. Death of Queen Vrraca and Bernard Archbishop of Toledo 1129. A Council of Palencia Calatrava taken and given to the Knights Templers Several other Towns Conquer'd 1131. Raimund Earl of Barcelona Success of the Aragonians against the Moors Fraga bebesieged and quitted 1133. Fraga again besiege The King of Aragon slain 1134. The King leave his Dominions to the Templers and other Knights The Navarrois choose Garcia for their King The Aragons choose Ramiro a Monk The King of Castile aspires to the Crowns of Aragon and Navarre He invades ' em 1135. The King of Castile stiles himself Emperor Arms of Toledo The King of Aragon puts to death 15 Noblemen 1136. Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon 1137. The King of Aragon quits the government and Raymund Earl of Barcelona his Son-in-law enters upon it Alonso of Portugal's Actions 1139. A great Overthrow given the Moors by the new Portuges King Portugal under an Interdict Alonso K. of Portugal Marries Divisions among Moors and Christians Sintra taken from the Moors War betwixt Navarre and Aragon 1140. Castile and Aragon in League against Navarre Troubles in Aragon 1141. 1143. Earl of Barcelona makes War in France 1144. Factions among the Moors 1146 A Truce betwixt Aragon Navarre Cordova taken by the Christians and revolts Baeca taken The City Almeria taken 1147. Tortosa taken as also Lerida and Fraga Lisbon Besieged and taken by the new King of Portugal Foreigners and K. Alonso of Portugal King Alonso of Portugal's further Success 1148. A General Council at Rheimes 1149. Bloody Rain 1150. The Title of King confirm'd upon Alonso I. of Portugal Another Invasion of Spain by the Moors called Almohades A Potter's Son set up King of the Moors Persecution under the Moors 1150. Garcia K. of Navarre kill'd by a fall from his Horse Sancho Crown'd King of Navarre Castile and Aragon joyn in League against Navarre Alonso of Castile and his Daughter both Marry'd An Act of Justice 1152. Many places taken by the Aragonians from the Moors Arms of Aragon 1154. Luis the Younger King of France comes into Spain His Entertainment 1155. Toledo declared Metropoiis of all Spain 1156. League betwixt Castile and Aragon renewed 1157. Alonso called the Emperor breaks into Andaluzia His Death Sancho has the Crown of Castile and Ferdinand that of Leon. War betwixt Castile and Navarre The Navarrois twice defeated Calatrava defended by two Monks given to their Order 1158. Original of the Knights of Calatrava League betwixt Castile and Aragon renew'd Sancho K. of
the XIth succeeds Mighty Divisions throughout Spain 1304. K. Denis of Portugal as Arbitrator reconciles Oustile and Aragon 1305. Roger Lauria the great Admiral Clement the Vth. chosen Pope Houses of Haro and Lara reconcil'd Discord among the Moors 1309 Castile and Aragon in League against the Moors Ceuta taken The Infidels twice overthrown Gibraltar taken The Moorish K. of Granada depos'd Queen Blanch of Aragon dies A general Council held at Vienne in Dauphine The Knights Templers destroy'd Possessions of the Templers in Spain 1310 1311 Prince Alonso of Castile has Birth 1312. War with the Moors A wonderful Judgment Ferdinand the IVth King of Castile dies Alonso not 13 Months old declar'd King of Castile ●rago dies The young King kept by the Citizens of Avila 1313. The Moors of Granada expel their new King 1314. The Cortes settle the Government of Castile Turks their Original Growth Ottoman Founder of the Empire of that Name Actions of the Catalonians in Greece They overthrow the Turbs Thier General put to Death They defeat the Greeks They fall out among themselves 1315 Luis King of France dyes and Philip succeeds 1316 John the XXth chosen Pope Infidels defeated by Prince Peter of Castile 1316 1317 Knights of Montesa in Aragon and of Christ in Portugal 1318 1319 Two extraordinary Accidents The death of the Princes of Castile Peter John Jayme heir of Aragon abdicates Several places taken by the Moors Several Governors chosen in the Provinces of Castile 1320 1321 Biscainers and Navarrois at War 1322 A Spanish Synod held at Valladolid King of Granada murder'd King Alonso of Castile enters upon the Government The Rebels associate The form of Association Sardinia conquered by the Aragonians 1324 1325 Denis K. of Portugal dies St. Elizabeth Queen of Portugal Alonso K. of Portugal Rebels of Castile punished 1327. Jayme the IId King of Aragon dies Alonso the IVth succeeds 1328. Occasion of Wars betwixt France and England Castile at War with the Moors Several Places in Castile Rebel 1329 Accord betwixt Aragon Castile and Portugal Affairs of Navarre Acts of the Cortes at Madrid 1330. Overthrow of the Moors Several Places taken from them Description of Africk Mahomet K. of Granada in Africk Alonso de la Cerda rightful K. of Castile submits to Alonso 1332 Order of the Belt instituted 1333 War with the Moors Mahomet King of Granada murder'd 1334 Rebels suppress'd in Castile 1335 Christian Kings of Spain at variance Castilans overthrow the Aragonians and Navarrois 1336. Alonso the IVth K. of Aragon dyes Rebellion of Castro and Albuquerque in Castile Rebels of Castile harden'd 1337. Castilians overthrow the Portuguses at Sea 1337. Frederick King of Sicily dies 1338. Preparations for War Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon Territories of the Moors ravaged 10000 Moors slain with their King Synod at Barcelona 470000 Moors invade Spain The Christian Fleet destroy'd by the Moors Tarifa besieg'd by the Moors The Battle of Salado 200000 Infidels slain Particulars of the successes The Kings after the Victory return to Sevil. Progress of the Christians against the Moors 1341 1342 The defeats of the Infidels at Sea Algezira besieg'd Attempts of the Infidels to Murder the King of Castile 1343. Algezira Siege continu'd Succours from England and other Parts Robert K. of Naples dies 1344. Algezira surrender'd Majorca subdued by the Aragonians 1344. The K. of Majorca delivers himself to him of Aragon Earthquake at Lisbon 1345. Troubles in Aragon 1346. 1347 K. Peter the IV. of Aragon marry'd 1348 Universal Plague Dissention among the Knights of Calatrava Canary Islands 1349 Confusions in Africk Cortes held at Alcalà Places that sent representatives to the Cortes o● Parliament Gibraltar besieg'd Castile and Aragon joyn in a League 1350. K. Alonso of Castile dies Peter declared K. of Castile K. Peter Sick and recovers Biscay united ●o the Crown of Castile 1351 Interviews of Kings Blanch Daughter to the Duke of Bourborn contracted to K. Peter of Castile 1352 Seditions arise in the Dominions of Castile Da. Mar● de Padilla Mistress to King Petir 1353 King Peter marries K. Peter forsakes his Queen for Da. Moria de Padilla K. Peter changeth his Officers 1354 He punishes Rebels K. Peter marries another and forsakes her his first Wife still living Moorish K. of Granada murdered Expedition against Sardinia K. of Aragon makes Peace in Sardinia Progress of the rebellion in Castile Treaty betwixt the K. and his Rebels Queen Mother joyns the Rebels 1355 K. of Navarre murders the Constable of France Pr. Peter of Portugal marries the Lady Agnes de Castro She is murder'd K. Peter punishes Rebels Toro taken by K. Peter Infamous Life and Death of the Queen Mother of Castile War betwixt Castile and Aragon The Causes of the War Victory of the English at Poitiers 1356 1357 Towns taken on both sides Alonso the IIId K. of Portugal dies Peter King of Portugal Rebellion of the Bastards of Castile Moors called by the Christians to their assistance 1358 Rebels punished Era of Cesar abolished 1359 Expedition of King Peter by Sea The Rebels defeat the Royalists 1360 Various accidents Peter K. of Portugal executes the Murderers of the Lady Agnes de Castro Constance the K. of Aragon's Daughter marry'd to the K. of Sicily 1361. Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon Blanch Q. of Castile dies Da. Maria de Padilla dies Peter of Portugal declares his Children Legitimate Presumption of a Legate 1362. Victory of the Moors over the Christians The Moorish K. of Granada wrongfully put to Death Castile and Navarre join in League Da. Maria de Padilla declared by King Peter his lawful Wife 1363. Castile in League with England John K. of France dies Charles the Vth succeeds Constance Qu. of Sicily dies 1364 Confederation against Castile Bernard de Cabrera cruelly put to death 1365 Foreigners come to serve Count Henry 1366 Henry the Bastard proclaims himself K. of Castile Castile divided King Peter expelled the Kingdom King Peter flies to the English War of Navarre Articles betwixt K. Peter and the Prince of Wales 1367. Peter King of Portugal dies Ferdinand K. of Protugal The English pass the Perineans in defence of K. Peter The Battle of Najara Henry routed K. Peter restored Sixteen put to Death for Treason K. Peter excommunicated and absolved The French support Henry the Bastard Henry returns into Spain 1368 K. Peter provides for his defence K. Peter overthrown 1369 Betrayed and Murdred by his Bastard Brother Several pretenders to Castile Martin Lopez faithful to K. Peter Affairs of Aragon Sardinia Of Navarre Henry the Usurper finds many Enemies 1370 Treachery rewarded Allyance betwixt Portugal and Aragon Carmona besieged by the Usurper 1371 Henry the Bastard takes Carmona and breaks the Articles Peace betwixt Castile and Portugal Ferdinand of Portugal marries the Lady Ellmor de Meneses The Pope returns to Rome Victory at Sea of the Spaniards and French over the English War betwixt Castile and Portugal 1373. Peace betwixt
all necessary Preparations gathering Arms Horses Provisions and Money Not only the Laity but the Clergy were obliged to take up Arms old and now Soldiers raised and Supplies sollicited from abroad Many Strangers moved by the great danger Spain was in and desiring to serve in that War came over especially out of France Among these Raymund Earl of Burgundy and his Kinsman Henry who was Born at Besançon was of the House of Lorrain and in process of time the Founder of the Kingdom of Portugal Besides these there came Raymund Earl of Toulouse With them came a good number of Brave and Experienced French Soldiers D. Sancho King of Aragon was not wanting he tho' very ancient yet had the Vivacity and Courage of Youth and was an excellent Commander having gain'd Experience in the continual Wars he had with the Moors All these Forces made up so great an Army that they resolved to invade the Enemies Country They entred Andaluzia plundring and wasting all where-ever they came It was no time for the Moors to be idle both Armies came in sight of one another near a Town called Alagueto but Joseph finding himself inferior to the Christians shunn'd sighting His retreat was more like to a disorderly Flight for he lost great part of the Baggage King Alonso thought it better to content himself with the Honour gained than to tempt Fortune besides that his Army being composed of so many different Nations could not long hold together Thus he returned home his Army loaded with Spoils and pleased with their Success After this for some time the Almoravides attempted nothing farther for Joseph was forced to repair to Africk to setle his new acquired Kingdom Mean while King Alonso slept not expecting the War would soon break out again Therefore he resolved to strengthen himself with fresh Allies abroad In the first place he gave three of his Daughters in Marriage to those three Lords that came to his assistance out of France Raymund Earl of Toulouse Marry'd D. Elvira Henry of Lorrain D. Teresa both Illigitimate Raymund of Burgundy had D. Vrraca got in Wedlock This Prince is said to have rebuilt Salamanca by the King's Order Moreover Sancha the King's Daughter was Marry'd to Earl Roderick From him some will have the Noble Family of Giron to be descended To Henry was given in Dower all that had been recovered from the Moors in Portugal with the Title of Earl yet as a Subject of Castile to be obliged to come to the Parliament and serve in the Wars This was the Original of the new Kingdom of Portugal which stile it afterwards assumed and continued in the Line of this Prince above 400 Years Raymund of Burgundy had the Government of Galicia with the Title of Earl then usually given to the Governors of Provinces yet the best of his Portion was the hopes of succeeding in the Throne if Sancha the King's Son dy'd The Earl of Toulouse received his Portion in Money and Jewels but no Lands in Spain because he resolved to return to France where he had large Possessions of his own There are Authors who write that the City of Lisbon was taken by King Alonso in the Year 1093. but this is doubtful for it was often taken from the Moors and lost again till some time after this it was gain'd by the Christians and has ever since remained in their hands Much about this time began the Holy-War in the East carried on by most of the Christian Princes for recovery of the Holy-Land Peter a Hermit who Travel'd into Palestine was the first Promoter of it for he making his Observations there discoursed Simon Bishop of Jerusalem about it and having received Letters from him moved the same thing to the Pope Vrban who then sate in S. Peter's-Chair ordered a Council of Bishops to meet at Clermont in France to promote the carrying on of this War and the mean while by his Legates stirred up all the Princes of Christendom to share in so Glorious an Undertaking His Endeavours prov'd so successful that all Countries sounded of nothing but Warlike Preparations most Princes aimed to signalize themselves by showing their Zeal in so Pious a War and Thousands of private Persons voluntarily Enrolled themselves to serve upon their own cost But we must not stray too far into Affairs so Foreign Let us return to what hap'ned in Spain CHAP. II. The great Actions of D. Sancho Ramirez King of Aragon He is killed at the Siege of Huesca his Sons continue the Siege Rout a great Army of Moors and Christians that come to raise it and take the Place IN the Year 1094. was Born D. Alonso Son to Henry of Lorrain and his Wife Teresa who by his Valour made the Name of Portugal famous extended his Dominions and was the first of those Princes that assumed the Title of King which he maintained in opposition to the Kings of Castile The same Year was unhappy for the unfortunate death of D. Sancho I. King of Aragon who merited the esteem of his Subjects not only for having governed and maintained his Kingdom as well as any of his Ancestors but for enlarging and extending its Limits He was the first that came down from the high Mountains where his Predecessors maintained themselves by the natural strength of those Places into the Plains where he took many Cities and Towns He had continual Wars with the Moorish Kings of Balaguer Lerida Monçon Barbastro and Fraga and obliged them to pay him Tribute Then after a long and tedious Siege took Barbastro a Noble City on the Banks of the River Vero in a delightful Country Tho' the strength of the Walls was great yet the King's constancy and indefatigable Labour of his Men overcame all Difficulties so that it was entred by Assault and Plundered From that time Barbastro was annexed to the Bishoprick of Rhoda At this Siege Armengaud Earl of Vrgel was slain and thence called Armengaud of Barbastro He being the King's Father-in-law and Father to his Queen Felicia his death was revenged with great slaughter of the Townsmen Bolea a Town on the Borders of Navarre upon the River Cinga after a long resistance was taken from the Moors So also Monçon a strong Town in that Territory with many other Towns and Castles too tedious to rehearse Estela then a small Town in Navarre now a famous City was built at this time King Sancho having a design upon Zaragoça raised a Castle called Castellar five Leagues beyond that City on the Banks of the River Ebro to bridle the Moors and waste the Country about in which that Garrison was so successful that the City was often reduced to such want as if it had been besieged In that part of the Country where were formerly the Vascetani was built the Town of Luna remarkable for nothing more than for being the Original of the Noble Family of that Name in Aragon The King who was much given
to Piety obtained a Grant of Pope Alexander II. by which the Monastery of St. John de la Pen̄a and others in his Kingdom were exempted from the Jurisdiction of the Bishops This was done under colour that the Bishops thro' Covetousness took to themselves the Revenues of the Monasteries Certain it is in those times the Monks aspired after too much Liberty which made their Abbots obtain the Privilege of using the Miter and Crosier to betoken Episcopal Power by which means they cast off the subjection due to their Ordinaries The principal Vice the King himself was taxed with was Avarice for he made use of the Ecclesiastical Revenues and Treasures of the Churches This seemed excusable on account of the general Poverty and extraordinary Charges of continual Wars Besides that he obtain'd a Bull from Pope Gregory VII by which he had full Authority given him absolutely to dispose of the Tenths of all such Churches as were erected of new or regained from the Moors Nevertheless some Years before his Death in the Church of St. Victorian of Rhoda he publickly asked Pardon of that offence promising amendment Raymundus Dalmachius Bishop of that City was present to whom he caused Restitution to be made of all that had been taken from him The King never ceased infesting the Moors and was particularly bent against Abderhaman King of Huesca He had already possessed himself of all the neighbouring Towns and Fortify'd Montaragon that it might curb that City At length he sate down with his Army before it secured all the Avenues and placed his Head-quarters on a Hillock which ever since is called Poyo de Sancho The City was very strong and the chief Bulwark of the Moors Dominions on that side therefore the Siege was protracted there being no possibility of forcing it The Besieged sued to Alonso King of Castile for Relief Kings for the most part have more regard to their particular Interest than the publick Good It was scandalous openly to side with the Moors therefore he thought it a good expedient to Invade Navarre by the way of Biscay and so to give a diversion Count Sancho was sent to put this in Execution who being met by the Princes of Aragon D. Peter and D. Alonso sent by their Father to that purpose was oblig'd to turn back without effecting what he came fo● Every day the Siege was streightned and King Sancho tir'd with lying there so long was viewing the Walls when finding a place he thought fit to be Attacked he lifted his Arm to show it to those that were with him and an Arrow shot from the Wall hit him under that Arm so that the Wound proved Mortal He dy'd on the 4th of June his Body was carried to Montaragon and deposited in the Church of Jesus of Nazareth which he had built Thence it was translated to S. John de la Pen̄a where is to be seen the Tomb of his Queen Felicia who dy'd some time before Nevertheless his Sons as had been ordain'd by their Father continued the Siege resolving not to stir till they had destroy'd the City D. Peter whilst his Father was yet living called himself King of Ribagorça and Sobrarve and had by his Wife Berta or Agnes a Son of his own Name or as others will have it called Sancho This Peter inherited all his Father's Dominions D. Alonso had some Lands assigned him and the youngest Brother called D. Ramiro was a Monk The Siege of Huesca lasted no less than 6 Months others say above two Years At length the Besieged tired with want called to their aid Almoçaben King of Zaragoça D. Garcia Earl of Cabra and another great Man whose Name was D. Gonzalo for in those confused times it was held no shame for Christians to assist Infidels against Christians D. Gonzalo went not himself but a Body of Men sent by him and D. Garcia joyn'd the Moorish King who had raised a great Power and they marched together from Zaragoça Things being in this posture D. Garcia whether out of good will or deceitfully is not known advised the new King Peter to raise the Siege and hast home Honour and the Promise made to their Father at the hour of his Death prevailed with the Brothers Near the City is a large Plain called Alcoraz famous for this Battle where the Christians resolved to meet their Enemies The Night before the Fight the King in a Vision saw a more than Humane Person that assured him of the Victory Prince Alonso led the Van the King brought up the Rear the main Body was under the Conduct of two famous Commanders Lisana and Bacalla Men of known Valour and Worth The Horse were placed in the Front and began the Battle then the Foot fell in the numbers of Infidels filled all the neighbouring Fields Both Bodies being come to close the Fight was desperately maintained Nothing could be heard but dying groans acclamations of those that fought and the noise of Arms. Night put an end to the Battle without deciding which side had the better Our side had the advantage in Valour and Conduct the Enemy in number All Night the Christians stood to their Arms Morning discovered the Moors and their King Almozaben retired with all speed to Zaragoça Being closly pursu'd 4000 of them were put to the Sword Scarce 1000 Christians were lost and none of Note D. Garcia was taken the Booty was great and all the Fields were covered with Weapons Blood and Dead Bodies Some say S. George was seen fighting and by his help the Victory was obtained Others affirm that a Gentleman of the Family of 〈…〉 who at that time was in the Holy Land appeared a Horse-back in this Fight It is 〈…〉 ●●crease the fame of a Victory to feign Miracles Authors agree That from 〈…〉 Arms of the Kings of Aragon were Argent a Cross the colour is not named 〈…〉 the 4 Quarters of the Escutcheon being the Heads of as many Kings or Gener●● 〈…〉 Battle which was fought on the 18th of November and the 9th day after 〈…〉 having lost all hopes of Relief was Surrendred On the 17th of December 〈…〉 great Mosque was Consecrated In the Field of Battle the King built a Church o● 〈…〉 ●●cation of St. George At the same time the Cathedral of Pamplona was Founded some Foo● steps whereof are still to be seen It was ordained That the Canons should observe the Rule of S. Augustin CHAP. III. Great Preparations thro' Christendom for the Holy War Valencia taken by Roderick de Bivar Other Actions of his suspected to be Fabulous His Death and that of Joseph the Moorish Monarch WHilst these things hap'ned in Spain all the rest of Christendom sounded of nothing but Preparations for the Holy War Pope Vrban at the General Council he held at Clermont in France and by his Legates at the Courts of all Christian Princes stirred them up to undertake this Religious Work Many Bishops Princes and Men of Note
Authority Conrad Son to the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa who was going a Pilgrimage and Raymund Earl of Toulouze were present at that Assembly and Knighted by the King according to the Custom of Spain A Match was also agreed upon betwixt Conrade and Berengaria the King's Daughter but at last it took no effect The Kings of Aragon and Navarre in the Month of September 1190. had a Conference at Borgia and there concluded a League against Castile Afterwards Leon and Portugal were drawn into the Confederacy at Huesca where the Embassadors of those two Crowns met the King of Aragon There to the former Articles it was added that none of those Princes should make Peace or Truce or declare War without the consent of the others The Treaty was signed in May 1191. This same Year Pope Clement III. departed this Life at Rome and Celestin III. succeeded him Gonzalo Archbishop of Toledo dy'd in August the same Year In his time King Alonso gave the Towns of Talamanca and Esquivias to that Church Martin Lopez for his extraordinary Actions and Generosity call'd the Great succeeded him This same Year the River Tagus was Frozen at Toledo a thing very rare in that Temperate Climate James Lopez de Haro Lord of Biscay the greatest among the Nobility of Castile and Governour of Briviesca Najara and Soria perswaded the King to assemble the Cortes or Parliament at Carrion in the Year 1192. for carrying on the War against the Moors Least the Kings of Leon and Navarre with whom Castile was at Variance should take any advantage while the King was employ'd against the Infidels a Peace was concluded with those Princes Then Martin Archbishop of Toledo was Ordered to Commence the War as a prelude to what follow'd In Aragon the Earl of Vrgel who since his Father's death had been out of the Kingdom upon account of the Enmity betwixt him and Ponce de Cabrera a Powerful Man now at length came and submitted himself to the King Gaston Earl of Bearne Marry'd a Daughter of Bernard Earl of Cominges and with her had in Dower the Lordship of Bigorre in Feof of the King of Aragon Berengarius Bishop of Tarragona was kill'd on the 16th of February 1194. by Michael de Moncada as is reported but the cause of their Enmity is not known On the 17th of June following dy'd at Pamplona Sancho King of Navarre for his more than Ordinary Learning Sirnamed the Wise His Body was bury'd with great Pomp in the Cathedral of that City He Reign'd 43 Years 7 Months and 6 Days By his Wife Sancha Aunt to the King of Castile he left Ferdinand Ramiro Berengaria Teresa Blanch and the eldest of them all that succeeded him was Sancho VIII King of Navarre who for the greatness of his Spirit and Warlike actions obtained the Title of the Strong He was also called The Confin'd for that towards his end he was long shut up in the Castle of Tudela by reason of a Cancer he had and would suffer no Body to see him There remain many Footsteps of his Magnificence and particularly he turned the Channel of the River Erbo to bring it to Tudela and built a Bridge over it He founded two Monasteries of Cistercians called Fitero and Oliva and a Church of the invocation of St. Mary at Roncesvalles for himself and his Successors to be Bury'd His Wife was Clemencia Daughter to Raymund IV. Earl of Toulouze by her he had Ferdinand who dy'd before his Father of a fall he had from his Horse in hunting and was bury'd in the Church of S. Mary at Tudela At the time of D. Sancho's Accession to the Crown all Spain was under the apprehension of a Bloody War Martin Archbishop of Toledo had broke into Andaluzia and made great havock putting all the Country to fire and Sword and no Body attempting to oppose him returned with a rich Booty The Moors incensed at this loss gathered all their Forces and Abenjoseph Mazemute Miramamolin of Africk came into Spain with a vast Multitude of Men for not only the Almohades but the Arabs and Ethiopians follow'd him This Inundation pass'd over Sierra Morena and incamped near Alarcos a Town built not long before by the Christians King Alonso was no ways daunted but having sent to the Kings of Leon and Navarre for aid advanced to Alarcos and pitch'd his Camp near the Enemy whose Multitude fill'd all those Hills and Plains Some advised to wait the coming of the two Kings others more hot would not give them any share in the honour of that Action The worst advice took place both Armies drew out and a Battle was fought near Alarcos upon Wednesday the 19th of June 1195. Great Bravery was shown on both sides but the Multitude of the Enemy prevailed our Army was put to flight great Numbers slain and among them Martin Martinez Great Master of Calatrava Some say Martin Archbishop of Toledo was in this fight James de Haro the Principal Promoter of this War behav'd himself ill and withdrew at the beginnig of the Battle to Alarcos either despairing of success or as some will have it being disgusted with the King for comparing the Gentry of Andaluzia to the Nobility of Castile in Bravery The Moors after the Victory not only took Alarcos but entred the Kingdom of Toledo as far as Yevenes which is Six Leagues from that City and then turned back In our days there remain only some ruins of Alarcos and a Church of Our Lady held in great Veneration it is supposed the Infidels destroyed that place This misfortune was deem'd a judgment of God on the King for that Neglecting his Wife he was fallen in Love with a Jewish Woman whom the Nobility in scorn caused to be killed The King being in a rage for the loss of her an Angel appeared to him in the same form he had one painted and with threats oblig'd him to give over that fondness In the Church of Illescas on the right hand of the High-Altar is a Chapel called the Angel with an Inscription signifying that to be the place where the Angel appear'd to King Alonso the Good so he is stiled The Kings of Leon and Navarre hearing of the disaster befallen at Alarcos drew back their Forces He of Leon visited King Alonso but he of Navarre returned without so much as Saluting him which affront the King of Castile highly resented and resolved to take revenge not only of the Moors but of the Navarrois CHAP. VIII King Alonso of Aragon dies and his Son Peter succeeds him The King of Leon divorc'd Castilians and Aragonians over-run Navarre Alonso King of Castile 's two Daughters Marry'd to the Kings of England and Leon. Plague and Famine in Spain THE following Year being 1196. dyed King Alonso of Aragon the second of the Spanish Kings in Power in Valour inferior to none He breath'd his last at Perpignan at a time his Kingdom enjoy'd Plenty and