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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14268 Two treatises the first, of the liues of the popes, and their doctrine. The second, of the masse: the one and the other collected of that, which the doctors, and ancient councels, and the sacred Scripture do teach. Also, a swarme of false miracles, wherewith Marie de la Visitacion, prioresse de la Annuntiada of Lisbon, deceiued very many: and how she was discouered, and condemned. The second edition in Spanish augmented by the author himselfe, M. Cyprian Valera, and translated into English by Iohn Golburne. 1600.; Dos tratados. English Valera, Cipriano de, 1532?-1625.; Golburne, John. 1600 (1600) STC 24581; ESTC S119016 391,061 458

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abhominable in his doctrin Very rich verye mightie clothed with silke and clothe of Gold and precious stones a great warrior and persecutor of the Lambe and his followers Saint Paule noting the place of his abode saith that he shall sit in the temple of God Saint Iohn goeth further he shall sitt saith he in the cittie that hath 7 mountaines which is Rome And so vnder stoode Saint Ierome when he said This Babilon and this whore which in the Apoc is painted out to vs no other thing then Rome can signifie vnto vs In the life of Mar●k he repeateth the same Verie blinde is he which seeth not through a boulter That this can agree with none but only the Pope who seeth not Therefore is he Antichrist Concerning his ende the holy Spirite by Daniel Paule and Iohn before alleaged sa●th as we haue said that it shall be miserable wherewith he helpeth comforteth and animateth the poore faithfull which with his tyrannie are afflicted and oppressed Come Lord Iesus Blessed are those that reade and those that hea●e the wordes of the prophesies of this booke and keepe the thinges which are written in them as saith the same Saint Iohn in the beginning of his Re●elation By that which we haue said touching the life and doctrine of the Popes and by that which the Doctours and ancient Councels haue said and the holy Scripture also it selfe which we haue before alleaged each faithfull true and Catholike Christian which hath any iu●gement or litle spark of faith shal clearely vnderstand the Pope not to bee vniuersall Bishop not to be Peters successor nor the vicar of Iesus Christ but contrariwise to be the successour of Iudas to be the Vicar of Sathan to be the man of sinne and sonne of perdition which as God sitteth in the Temple of God to be the whore of Babylon which hath her seat in the great Citie that hath 7 mountaines which is Rome to be the Antichrist which in all and by all opposeth himselfe to Christ and knowing him for such a one shall abhorre and detest him And shall know also how to answer the reasons or to speake better reasonlesse reasons which the Popes Parasites for their owne temporall commodities to be made Bishops or enioy other ecclesiasticall dignities c. and oftentimes against their owne conscience contrarie to that which they thinke to entertaine the Pope and maintaine his primacie do alleage To answere to all their obiections and passages which this way and that way they alleage should be neuer to make an end Onely will we answer to the principalles whereupon the rest are founded which being cast downe all the building thereupon builded of necessitie must needes fall to the ground These in number be two Thou art Peter Matth. 16. and Feede my sheepe Ioh. 21. and in Pro●●mio Sexti in Gloss it is said that the Pope by these words obtained the Primacie Tu es Petrus thou art Peter or by these Pasce oues meas Feed my sheepe Iesus Christ say they sayd to Peter Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I build my Church c. To thee will I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen whatsoeuer thou bindest in earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsouer thou loosest in earth shall bee loosed in heauen The sheepe saith Christ know the voyce of their shepheard All this then which Iesus Christ said vnto S. Peter we know to be very true because it was pronounced by our pastor master and redeemer Christ Iesus who is truth it self But we say that by no way neither in part nor by art hath it any agreement with the Pope neither in part nor art it can be applyed to the Pope who is Antichrist nor yet pertaines it vnto him when the Pope shall haue made the same confession that did S. Peter Thou art the Christ c. shal so beleeue when the Pope shall liue as S. Peter liued when the Pope shall teach preach the doctrine which S. Peter taught and preached then shall it agree with him But the Pope is an Atheist he holdeth for a fable the historie of the Gospell abominably liueth teacheth doctrins of diuels as befoe we haue proued wherupō it followeth that this which Christ saith to S. Peter he said not to the Pope nor in any wise doth it belōg to him But the better to vnderstād it examine we this place Christ demāded of his disciples whom do men say that the sonne of man is They answered vnto him Some say Thou art Iohn Baptist others Elias c. And againe Christ asked them But whom say ye that I am Peter answered Thou art the Christ c. Then Christ approuing the confession of Peter which proceeded of the Spirit and not of the flesh said vnto him Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke to wit vpon this confession which thou hast made saying that I am the sonne of God will I build my Church So that not so much the person as the confession of Peter is here to be considered And so saith Christ these words not to Peter only but also to whomsoeuer shall make the same confession and with the same faith that Peter did For the rocke which Peter confessed which is the fundamentall stone of the corner whereupon the Church is builded that rocke is Christ Vpon Peter is it not sounded but Peter as saith Saint Augustine is founded vpon the rocke For other foundation saith Saint Paule then that which is laid which is Christ Iesus can no man lay H●e onely and no other is the foundation and head of his Church the Virgin Mary Peter Iohn and the other Apostles and faithfull Christians be liuelie stones builded vpon this foundation thy are members of the Church whose head is Christ The Pope ought to be contented to be a stone of this building to be a member of this body But as he is no member much lesse is he the head To thee saith Christ will I giue the keyes c. All whatsoeuer thou bindest c. Not only to Peter but also to all and each one of the Apostles to all and whomsoeuer of the Apostles successours that shall teach the word of God did Christ make this promise And that this is the true meaning of this place appeareth clearely by that which the same Iesus Christ Matth. 18. 18. saith Whatsoeuer ye bind in earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer ye loose i● earth shall be loosed in heauen Seest thou not that the same which Christ before had said to Peter the same by the same words saith he afterwards to all the Apostles The same saith he by Saint Iohn when he spake to all his Apostles and sent them to go and preach the Gospell As the Father saith Christ sent me so also send I you And when he had thus spoken he breathed vpon them and sayd vnto them Receiue ye the holy Ghost those whose sinnes soeuer ye
or of the diuell And to make that more manifest whereof we intreat let vs deuide into three partes or orders all the Bishops that haue bene in Rome The first shall conteyne all those that from the beginning were Bishops vntill the time of Saint Siluester The second all those which were from Siluester vnto Boniface 3. The third all those that haue bene from Boniface 3. vnto Clement 8. who this yeare of the Lord 1600. doth tyrannize in the Church Come we now to the first order The common opinion hath bene that S. Peter was the first Bishop of Rome the which by holy scripture can no way but the contrary rather be proued Many haue handled this argument to whom I referre those that would knowe it For my part that which our aduersaries say concerning this matter to me seemeth impossible First they soy that S. Peter ●●ued after after Christ passion 38. yeares which they count in this maner That he was for a time in Iudaea after at Antioch where he was Bishop 7. yeares So saith Bartholmew Caranza in his summa Conciliorum But if that be true which they say that S. Peter liued but 38. yeares after Christ the Epistle of S. Paul to the Gal. sheweth this to be impossible Saint Paul also in 1. chap. of his said Epistle declareth that after his conuersion he went not to Ierusalem but into Arabia and thence turned to Damascus and that 3. yeares after he came to Ierusalem where he found Peter with whom he abode 15. dayes not to learne ought of him but to confer with him 14. yeares after this as he saith in the chapter following he came againe to Ierusalem where those that were pillers of the Church Iames Cephas which is Peter and Iohn gaue him the right hand of fellowship These yeares were 18. at the least 3. saith he and afterwards 14. and the time which passed from the Passion of Christ vntill S. Paules going to Arabia After this they both were at Antioch where S. Paul reproued S. Peter for his dissimulation If there he was seuen yeares and twenty fiue yeares afterwardes at Rome ioyned with the eighteene yeares before mentioned shall make fiftie yeares at the least Then shall it be vntrue which they say that Saint Peper liued thirty eight yeares after the death of Christ as saith Caranza in his summa Conciliorum And much more vntrue shal be that which Humfridus Panuinus in the Chronicle of the Roman Bishops and in his annotation vpon Platina in the life of Saint Peter saith that Saint Peter was martyred 34. yeares 3. moueths and 4. dayes after the passion of Christ Count thus the yeares the S. Peter liued after Christ From the death of Christ vntill the 2. yeare of the death of Claudius were 10. yeares all which time Saint Peter abode in and departed not once from Iudea This time passed he came to Rome where he abode 4. yeares from whence by Claudius Edict against the Iewes he departed and returned to Ierusalem from Ierusalem he went to Antioch and there abode 7. yeares in which time died Claudius and Nero succeeded him in the Empire In the beginning of Neros reigne S. Peter returned to Rome whence after some time he departed and trauelled almost throughout all Europe which peregrination being ended he returned the third time to Rome From Saint Peters first enterance into Rome vntill his death were 24. yeares 5. monethes and 12. dayes which ioyned with the 10. yeares before passed in Iudea make 34. yeares three moneths and 4. dayes All this saith Panuinus Herein he contraieth his owne authors which affirme Peter to haue bene 7. yeares in Antioch and 25. after at Rome And Gracian in a certaine decree saith that Saint Peter by reuelation passed or translated his seate from Antioch to Rome And so Fryar Iohn de Pineda in the 3. part booke 20. chap. 5. Sect. 1 following this opinion saith In Antioch before Rome had S. Peter his seate Papall Caranza in his summa Conciliorum speaking of S. Peter counteth thus He sate saith he in the bishops chaire at Antioch 7. yeares and departing thence came to Rome in the time of the Emperor Claudius where he sate in the Bishops chaire 25. yeares 2. moneths and 3. dayes We see now the count of Caranza and Panuinus to be false In this they agree that he was crucified at Rome Betweene the death of the Lord and the death of Nero were 37. yeares The said Panuinus saith that S. Peter was crucified in the the last yeare of Nero then shal it be 37. yeares and not as he saith 34. yeares after the death of Christ The Legend and Cannon say that Saint Peter and Saint Paul were in one selfe same yeare day and hower beheaded at Rome Saint Ierome saith that Paul was killed with a sword and Peter crucified Eusebius saith that the one was beheaded and the other crucified We demaund and chiefly of our Spaniardes which so much beeleeue these thinges when came Saint Peter to Rome how longe there stayed he when and of what kinde of death and where dyed he who was his successor for some say Linus others Clement we shall finde great confusion and disorder amongst them as already we haue seene and how deale they so with Christians whose faith is to be founded vpon the word of God The Popes Supremacie to be Peters successour they sell for an Article of our faith insomuch as saith Boniface 8. it was de necessitate salutis necessarie to saluation and who so beleeued it not could not be saued behold vpon what holy scriptures it is founded vpon a legend of mens sayinges disagreeing among themselues The cause taken away the effect ceaseth If Saint Peter were not Bishop of Rome it followeth that all whatsoeuer is sayd touching the succession Primacie of the Pope is meere lyes and fashood Also Saint Peters Commission was to be Apostle of the circumcision among the Iewes and that of Saint Paul of the vncircumcision among the Gentiles Gal. 2. 7. Saint Paul to the Romans themselues also saith that he preached the Gospell where none had once made mention thereof and giueth a reason Beast he should seeme to build vpon a straunge foundation Whereupon it followeth that Saint Peter was not at Rome Also in the Epistles which he wrote being prisoner in Rome he sent salutations from the faithfull which were then in Rome without any mention made of Saint Peter And had he bene in Rome it is to be thought he would haue named him Read the 4. chapter of the Epistle to the Colossians from the 10. verse vnto the 14. where he saith Salute Aristareus and Marke and Iesus called Iustus which be of the circumcision These onely be they that assisted me in the kingdome of God and were a comfort vnto me Whereupon it followeth that Saint Peter was not at Rome seeing he neither did assist nor comfort him This Epistle was written from Rome And in
tyranny subiected his companions to obey him Also he complaineth that the prophane Sismatikes withdrew themselues to the Bishop of Rome There was none saith he that would doe this but certaine lost and desperate men making men beleeue that the Bishops of Affrike had lesse authoritie thē he of Rome S. Ierome to this selfe same purpose saith Wheresoeuer a Bishop shal be be it in Rome or in Egubium be it in Constantinople or in Regium one selfe same dignity he hath and one selfsame priesthood riches nor pouertie either make him superiour or inferior And so the ancient Doctors as Ireneus Tertullian Hillarius Cyprian c. when they wrote to the Bishop of Rome they gaue him not the glorious titles which the flatterers of our times now giue him Most holy father most blessed Pope chiefe Bishop our Lord God vpon earth they called him brother fellow Bishop companion in office other such like titles which sauored of loue Christian simplicitie not of flattery pride wherewith the miserable Popes are puffed vp rest much contēted And if it seemed to those Fathers that the Bishop of Rome countermāded or in any thing faulted seeing he was a man either in life or doctrine they aduised him if need so required reproued him Thus not once by chance but many times that very sharply did Cyprian handle Stephen Bishop of Rome Ireneus reproued Victor for that through an impudent ambition he excōmunicated the Churches of Asia for the differēce in celebration of Easter Who should now dare to do this albeit the Pope were another Iohn 8. 12. 13. 14. 23. or 24. or were he another Boniface 8. another Syluester 2. another Gregory 7. another Alexander 6 Paule 3. 4. or Pius the fift By diuine law all Bishops are equall and so as brothers are to aduise and correct one another If any difference there bee of Maioritie or Minoritie by positiue lawe it commeth as the Cannonists themselues when the truth doth inforce thē confesse saying Quod omnis maioritas minoritas etiam Papatus est de iure positiuo That all maioritie and minoritie yea the verie Popedome it selfe is by the positiue law as much to say that men haue made it And yet go I further The maiority say I which the Pope hath vsurped ouer all the Churches being against the Lambe of the Apocalyps and against his Saints is not by diuine nor yet humane law I say it is de iure diabolico of the diuell that it is an infernall tyranny against which all the world is to rise vp as against a fire and generall burning which toucheth euery particular person Note here that which in the life of Iohn 24. we haue noted where the Pope by a decree of the Councell of Constance and Basile is proued to be subiect to the Councell and that more ouer which there we haue said Not bluntly and foolishly as they say but with good reason me seemeth do I say this as by the sayings of the Fathers and decrees of ancient Councels we haue sufficiently proued the same And had there bene none to haue said it yet their proper life and doctrine which we haue in the beginning mentioned are most euident testimonies to confirme our sayings By their liues may each one see if of wilfull ignorance he become not blockish foolish and blind the Popes which haue bin bishops of Rome from Boniface the third who was a creature of Phocas the Emperour an adulterer murderer and tyrant vntil Clement 8. or 10. which now tyrannizeth to haue almost bene al noted read their histories of terrible enormious and wicked vices and sinnes Witches they haue bene murtherers ill beloued tumultuous troublers of common wealths and kingdomes seditious reuengefull brothellers simonists sodomites periured incestuous Nigromancers sacrilegious wicked without God without religion They then being such we conclude them not to be successors of Peter but of Iudas not to be vicars of Christ but of the Diuell and verie Antichrist But now for more confirmation of that which is said we will alleage certaine passages of holy Scripture which the Papists themselue vnderstand and interpret of Antichrist we will consider if that which the Scripture saith Antichrist shall do and say the Pope doth and saith And seeing that the doctrine and life of the Pope is the very same which the scripture doth say shal be that of Antichrist by the Papists owne confession will we conclude the Pope to be Antichrist The first passage is taken out of Daniel the 11. chapter which saith And the king shall doe what he list By king aswell in this place as chapter 8. 23. and 24. is ment Antiochus a great persecutor of the people of God This Antiochus was a figure of Antichrist which is the Pope Antiochus burned the Bible aduanced his God Mauzim forbad marriage made Idols of gold and siluer adorned them with rich ornaments c. and the same doth the Pope Daniell proceedeth He shall exalt and magnifie himselfe against all that is God and shall speake marueylous thinges against the God of Gods and shall prosper till the wrath be accomplished for the determination is made Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers nor the desires of women nor care for any God for he shal magnifie himselfe against all c. Note here in Daniel 3. notable markes which saith he Antichrist shall haue In whomsoeuer then we shall see them hold we him for Antichrist The 1. is that he shall not acknowledge the God of his fathers 2. is that he shall not regard the loue of women 3. nor care for any God The cause of all this saith he is the excessiue pride The Pope being of the race of Christians which haue worshipped the true God father of our Lord Iesus Christ hath brought into the Church of God where he holdeth his seat Idolatrie and superstition commaunding men in afflictiō calamitie to inuocate another others then God contrary to the expresse cōmandemēt of God Thou shalt haue no other Gods before me and contrary to that which he commaundeth by his Prophet Call vpon me in the day of trouble There is no commaundement of God either in the old or new Testament that commaundeth vs to inuocate any other but God alone Neither is there any example of Patriarke Prophet or Apostle which hath called vpon any saue God alone For how shall they call vpon him in whom they haue not beleeued as saith Saint Paule In one onely God we beleeue vpon him onely let vs call This new Doctrine hath the Pope brought into the Church to call vpon others then God alone Therefore is he Antichrist Who hath forbidden Christians to reade the law of the Lord the bookes of the Prophets Apostles and Euangelists The Pope Who burneth these holy bookes and those that for instruction of their conscience read them The Pope Who hath taken vppon him authoritie
the day houre and moment when Christ offered it for which cause it neither ought nor may be reiterated without doing most great iniurie to Christ as though his sacrifice which he once offered were not fufficient to obtain pardon for all sins that therefore another new sacrifice were needful or at the least to reiterat the old All as many as were or shal be saued not onely since the death of Christ but before his death also frō the first iust Abel vnto the last were are shal be saued by the vertue of this only sacrifice once offered Otherwise must he often haue suffered since the foundation of the world But now in the end of the world hath he appeared once to put away sin by the sacrifice of himselfe These be the words of the Apostle against which nothing impugneth that which S. Iohn saith in his Reuelatiō That the Lambe Christ was slaine frō the beginning of the world for Iesus Christ but onely once died this was whē Tiberius Caesar was Emperor which is now 1566. yeares since How thē saith S. Iohn that he died frō the beginning of the world To this say we that S. Iohn meant that the sacrifice which Christ offred did not only profit those that in the time of Christ or sithence liued but all those also which were long time before frō the beginning of the world For all before the death of Christ which beleeued that the seed of the woman which is Christ should breake the head of the serpent which is the diuel were neither more nor lesse saued then these which sithence the death of Christ beleeue that he is come and that by dying he hath ouercome the deuill In the same God whom we beleeue beleued they the same faith which wee hold held they and by the same sacrifice of Iesus Christ one only time no more offred they we are saued The same Sacraments as touching the substance that we haue had they So wittnesseth Saint Paul when he saieth Moreouer Brethren I would not that yee should be ignorant That all our fathers were vnder the cloud and all passed through the Sea and were all baptised vnto Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eate the same spirituall meate and did all drinke the same spirituall drinke for they dranke of the spirituall Rocke that followed them which Rock was Christ This is the difference between them and vs that they beleeued Christ the Messias shuld come and we beleeue that he is already come and hath fulfilled all whatsoeuer was written of him We then here conclude that with one only sacrifice which Iesus Christ offred and this one only time and no more he sanctified for euer all those that from the beginning of the world haue bene are and shall be sanctified The Lord God which whē we were the children of wrath and his enemies hath shewed vs such mercie giue vs grace firmely and constantly to perseuer in this faith perseuering may liue in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life The holy Scripture as we haue seen mentioneth two kinds of Priests which offer sacrifice for sinnes the one after the order of Aaron the other after the order of Melchisedech Many there were after the order of Aaron because being mortall they died and being dead one succeded another After the order of Melchisedech no other Priest there is but only Christ who being an euerlasting Priest and his sacrifice being of euerlasting vertue admitteth no companion for he only is sufficient This priesthood shall shall endure for euer and it is proper to the new Testament wherein there is not nor can be more then one onely Priest which neither hath nor can haue companion nor successor in his office For he is an euerlasting priest and therefore his offering one only time offered is of euerlasting vertue Hereupon we then conclude that if the Masse-priests which say they offer Christ in Sacrifice for the sins of men be Priests instituted by God either they so be after the order of Aaron or after the order of Melchisedech for of these two only orders the scripture maketh mention But Priests they be not after the order of Aaron which already ceased with the death of Christ As little are they of the order of Melchisedech for after this order there is but one only Priest which is Christ Hereuppon it followeth that if they be Priests not by God but by the diuell be they instituted and so be they the Priests of Baal May it please our God and Lord to conuert them Or if they bee vessels of wrath to breake them with his rod of yron that they doe not more mischiefe to the Catholique Church the Spouse of Iesus Christ and with his precious bloud redeemed I trust in mine omnipotent God that one day he will haue mercie vppon our country of Spaine and send the true Elias which with the power of Gods word shal kill these false prophets filthy priests Besides the expiatory sacrifice wherof we haue spoken anothere there is called Eucharisticall of thanksgiuing This sacrifice offereth and ought to offer euery faithfull and Catholique Christian and for such a one he that offereth it not neither is nor ought to be holden What maner of sacrifice this is in the beginning of this Treatise of the Masse we haue before declared And if euery Christian offer vnto God this kind of sacrifice it followeth hereupon that euery Christian seeing he offreth sacrifice is a priest And for this cause God commanded Moses to say these words to all the people of Israel Ye shall be vnto me a kingdom of Priests and a holy nation And S. Peter speaking to all the faithfull saith Ye are a chosen generation a royall priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his maruellous light c. S. Iohn in his Reuelation speaking of the Lambe saith Thou hast made vs vnto our God kings priests Of this which we haue said we conclude Christ only to be the Preist who offring vp himselfe this onely once obtained for vs remission of sins that all faithful christians are priests that not once but manie times euery day euery houre euery moment so ought it to be done do offer sacrifices of praises vnto God And why ought we to praise God to giue him thanks For al the benefits which we receiue ech momēt of him touching both body soule But for this benefit chiefly that passeth all others which is the inestimable benefit that we receiue by the death passion of Christ By the sin of the first Adam we were all made sinners and seruants of sinne sonnes of wrath enemies of God and to two sorts of death temporall and eternall of body soule condemned Strangers we were from the common wealth of Israel