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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12943 A retur[ne of vn]truthes vpon [M. Jewel]les replie Partly of such, as he hath slaunderously charg[...] Harding withal: partly of such other, as he h[...] committed about the triall thereof, in the text of the foure first articles of his Replie. VVith a reioyndre vpon the principall matters of the Replie, treated in the thirde and fourthe articles. By Thomas Stapleton student in Diuinitie.; Returne of untruthes upon M. Jewelles replie. Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598. 1566 (1566) STC 23234; ESTC S105218 514,367 712

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is saide Beholde Sathan hath desired to sifte you as it were wheate and I haue praied for thee Peter that thy faithe faile not And thou being once conuerted strengthen thy brethern To him it is saide Thou arte Peter and vpon this Rocke I will builde my Church and the gates of hell shall nor preuaile against it To thee I will geue the kaies of the kingdome of heauen c. Beholde he receiueth the keyes of the heauenly kingdome the power of binding and loosing is geuen vnto him The charge of the whole Churche and principalite is committed to him Yet Peter is not called the Vniuersall Apostle Thus farre Gregory In whose wordes I beseche thee gentle Reader consider thre thinges First that the Charge of the VVhole Church and Principalite thereof is committed vnto Peter Secondarely that the Commission of that charge was made by our lorde and Sauiour him selfe to Peter by name and that in three seuerall times in the gospell In S. Matthew at his Confession of Christ. Before Christes passion when the Apostles were in most daunger to falle and after Christes passion for full confirmation of all that went before Last of all that not withstanding all that preeminēce of Peter notwithstanding the Charge that he had of the VVhole Church not withstanding he was Prince of all the Apostles and had the Principalite of the whole Churche committed vnto him notwithstanding I saye all this yet by the name of an Vniuersall Apostle he was not called Touching the first point note the matter and pithe of this Article to be confessed which is the chefe gouuernement of Christes flocke in the Bishop of Rome For as Peter was Bishop of Rome as the Churche to him committed endureth for euer as that Authorite was not geuen for Peter only so are the Bishops of Rome his successours so doth that commission endure for euer and so doth that Authorite take place force and effect for all the Church of Christ from that time forewarde for euermore Therefore Chrisostom saieth expressely that Christ did shead his bloud vt pecudes eas acquireret quarum curam tum Petro tum Petri successoribus committ●bat to winne those shepe the charge of whom he did committe bothe to Peter and to the successours of Peter Of the which charge in an other place he saieth Ecclesiae Primatum gubernationemque Petro per vniuersum mundum tradidit that Christ deliuered to Peter the Primacy and gouernement of the Church throughout the whole worlde In which wordes we see M. Iewell the chiefe gouuernement in Christes flocke to be confessed in Peter the Bishop of Rome and in his Successours Touching the seconde point that this chiefe gouuernemēt so cōfessed is grounded vpon the Scriptures and Authorite of our Sauiour him selfe For S. Gregory after he had affirmed this chiefe gouuernement in Peter he added the reason thereof and saied Ipsi quippe dicitur For to him it is saied Fede my shepe Lo vpon this Commission of Christe geuen in holy Scripture to Peter Only Gregory groundeth the Authorite of Peter So doth also Chrysostom in the place aboue alleaged Touching the last pointe marke I beseche thee good Reader diligently that though such principall Authorite ouer the whole Churche be graunted in Peter yet he is not fo● all that called an Vniuersall Apostle The Power is confessed the Name or Title is denied Right so of any Bishop of Rome euer sence Peter that title or name of Vniuersal Bishop was neither desired nor vsurped And yet the Authorite notwithstanding hath bene bothe confessed and practised Neuer Pope more practised this vniuersall Authorite then Gregory him selfe His writinges decrees and Epistles yet extant doe most euidently declare it Yet no man euer more abhorred the name then he M. Iewell in all this Article hath not shewed One Pope that euer called or wrote him selfe Vniuersall Bishop It is therefore a great vanitie and but a point of a cōtentious sprit in M. Iewell to crie and call vpon the name of Vniuersall Bishop in the Pope the power and Authorite vniuersall being confessed the name also by the Pope him selfe neither desired neither vsurped For as S. Augustin most truly telleth you M. Iewel Quid est contentiosius quàm vbi de re constat certare de nomine VVhat is more Contentious then to striue vpon the name when the thinge is cōfessed Let vs see therefore what you answer to this place of S. Gregory alleaged by D. Harding You saie Iewell If S. Gregorie were now aliue he would charge M. Harding with open iniurie not only for altering his whole meaning but also for mangling and maiming his very wordes Stapletō Here be two great faultes in dede M. Iewell First to alter the meaning of S. Gregory then to mangle and maime his wordes But how proue you these two faultes to haue ben committed Let vs see You folowe and saie Iewell M. Harding to proue that the Bishop of Rome was called the vniuersall Bishop alleageth these wordes of S. Gregorie Stapletō Vntruthe M. Iewell D. Harding doth not alleage them therefore You belie him impudently He saieth in the very beginning of this Article Harding By what name so euer the Bishop of Rome was called c. this is cleare his Primacy and Supreme power is confessed VVich thinge being so whether then he were called by ether of these names he meaneth of the Vniuersall Bishop or Head of the Church or no it is not of great importance And yet for the one of them he meaneth the name of Vniuersal Bishop somewhat and for the other of head of the Church an infinit nūbre of good authorites may be alleaged But thereof Hereafter Harken M. Iewell Of these Names D. Harding saieth he will speake Herafter What then will he proue now at this present He telleth you Now Concerning the chiefe point of this Article which is the Primacie of the Pope Peters successour First it hath bene sett vp and ordained by God This this M. Iewell is the thinge that D. Hardinge first will proue For this matter he alleaged before Anacletus and now he alleageth Gregory For this point I saie to proue that the Popes supremacy was ordained by God Gregory is alleaged And we haue heard Gregory to proue it in Peter whose successour the Pope is by no lesse then three seuerall authorites of holy Scripture Here therefore I beseche thee gentle Reader consider and marke the shamelesse impudencie of M. Iewell VVhich not being able to answer to the Matter it selfe of the Popes supreme Authorite telleth thee that these wordes were alleaged to proue the Name and title He deceiueth thee he mocketh thee he abuseth thy patience gentle Reader He turneth thy minde away form the Matter to make thee beholde only the Name For thou shallt see that vpon this Name and against this Name he driueth all his talke that foloweth vtterly beside the Purpose and quite out of the Matter For now he
him not as a sect by his patrone but as the flock by their Pastour vt sit vnus Pastor vnum ouile that there may be one Pastour and one flocke and as S. Hierom saieth vt schismatis tollatur occasio that schisme might be auoided In like maner where it was alleaged out of Irenaeus that to the Church of Rome all the Churche that is to saye all that be faithefull any where oughte to repaire Propter potentiorem Principalitatem For the mightier principalite of the same M. Iewell here saieth Iewell Of these wordes groweth their errour They dreame of a kingdome and Principalite But Christ saieth to his disciples The kinges of Nations rule ouer them Vos autem non sic But you may not s● Beholde howe shamefully Christes holy worde is abused In that place of the gospel the Apostles not yet replenished with the holy Ghoste thought that Christ should haue a temporall reygne and therefore when they heard that Iohn and Iames the sonnes of Zebedee sued to sit the one of 〈◊〉 right hād the other on the leafte Indignati sunt it de duobus 〈◊〉 They toke an Indignatiō against those two brethern The Christ calling them vnto him saied the wordes alleaged signifying vnto them that they shoulde not looke for any temporal honour rule or preferment such as Kinges of the Nations exercised but who so woulde be greatest amonge them should be their seruaunt Nowe Ireneus speaketh of a Principalite in the Churche off Rome not temporall or Ciuill as full grossely M. Iewell imagineth folowing therein that rude ghospeller Andreas Smidelinus but a Spirituall Iurisdiction such as all the Churche not all the worlde and all faithefull not all pagans and infidels then subiect to the Romaine Empire ought to repaire vnto The humilite that Christ commaunded his Apostles in that place taketh not away the Spirituall Authorite and Iurisdiction of Prelats in Christes Churche The Bishop off Rome ruleth the Churche of God as S. Paule saied of such as he had appointed Regere ecclesiam Dei to rule the Churche of God as S. Ambrose saied that Damasus was the Ruler of Gods house as Chrisostom saieth that to Peter Christ gaue Primatum guber nationeque per vniuersum mundum The primacy and gouuernement thourough out the whole worlde as S. Gregory saieth that to Peter The charge and Principalite of the whole Church was cōmitted All this is not to rule as Kinges of Nations rule ouer them but as such to whom we must obedire subiacere tanquam rationem reddituris pro animabus nostris obeye and be subiect as vnto such which shal geue accōpt for our soules but they them selues must be Sicut ministri as seruauntes not in subiection but in humilite And thus bothe Scriptures must stande together M. Iewell must not ouerthrowe one Truthe by an other neither wrest that to Spiritual Iurisdictiō which was expressely spoken of the temporall and ciuill With the like vprightnes and sincerite whereas D. Harding alleaged the saying of S. Ambrose that Rome was more aduaunced Per Apostolici Sacerdotij Principatum By the Chiefty of the Apostolike Priesthood in the Tower of Religion then in the Throne of temporall power M. Iewell for answer hereunto wresteth a place off holy Scripture and saieth Iewell Peters whole power in Rome was Spiritual and stode onely in the preaching of the Ghospell with which armour God is able to pull downe kinges and Princes to the obedience of his Christ. Thus saieth God vnto Hieremie I haue sett thee ouer Nations and kyngdomes And S. Peter speaking generally to all Christen people saieth Vos estis Regale Sacerdotum You are the Kingely priesthoode This principalite and Towre of Religion was not onely in Rome but also in euery place where the Name of Christ was receiued Stapleton In this later place out of S. Peter M. Iewell hath falsely translated the text For where the Latin hath Vos estis regale sacerdotium and the greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a kingely priesthood without the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that or illud M. Iewell to make it serue his turne hath translated the wordes thus You are that Kingely Priestood And so hath put in the word That more then he founde in the Text. And vpon the vehemēcy of the word That he inferreth This principalite and Tower of Religiō was not only in Rome but also in euery place where the Name of Christ was receiued But false translation maketh no proufe S. Peter in that place after the minde of S. Basill and S. Augustine who are to be thought to haue vnderstanded the text as well as M. Iewell calleth all Christen men Regale Sacerdotium A kingely Priesthood bicause as of the mysticall vnction we be all called Christians so as the membres of Christ the true and euerlasting priest we be all Priestes S. Hierom calleth this generall and Common priesthood of all Christen men Baptim expounding shortly that which the other Fathers spake by circumstances Againe as S. Peter calleth here Christen men Regale S●cerdotium a kingely priesthood so S. Iohn in his Reuelation saieth Fecisti nos deo nostro Regnum Sacerdotes regnabimus super terram Thou hast made vs a kingdome and Priestes to our God and we shall reigne ouer the earthe And in the olde lawe the like was saied to the Iewes You shall be to me priestly kingdome and a holy Nation But as it will not folowe therefore that euery Christen man is a kinge and all Christē men rule and raigne alike nor that euery Iewe was as rightly a priest as was the Tribe of Leui no more it wil folow that euery Christē man is a priest in one kind and maner of priestood or that the Principalite of Priesthood is in euery man alike Thirdly albeit al Christen men in respect of the internall Sacrifice of a Contrite harte be priestes yet in respect of the Apostolike priesthood and of the externall Sacrifice of Christes Church none are priestes but such as are Ordred thereunto And of such Apostolike Priestes the B. of Rome by S. Ambroses Iudgement had the Principalite And by that Principalite Rome was more glorious then euer it was by the Imperiall Throne Last of al because at Rome by S. Ambrose his Iudgement was the principalite of Apostolike priesthood and Rome for that was more glorious then for the Imperiall Throne it foloweth that as the Empire of the Romaines was through out the worlde but the Chiefe Rule and Authorite thereof came from Rome so the faithe of the Romaines was preached through out the worlde as S. Paule saieth but the Principalite of Apostolike priesthood the rule and Authorite came from thence This is the comparison of S. Ambrose in that place and this he noteth as a Speciall and principall prerogatiue of that Churche Wherefore M. Iewell doth bothe great wronge to that holy