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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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same if we be not able to keepe them which to thinke or speake as heretiks doe of God which is all good and iust is most horrible blasphemie But one other kind of sinne there is which we call Veniall sinne as a light thought vaine worde and the like that deserueth not damnation nor is so grieuous in Gods sight and in such small sinnes the best commonly offende some more some lesse and as we oft diuerse waies fall therein so be there diuerse waies for our remedy as oft saying the Pater noster with sorrow and purpose to amend knocking vpō the breast sprinckling our selues with Holy-water taking Holy-bread geuing Almes Fasting with many such charitable workes and the like yet we must abstaine from such little sinnes to as much as we may for feare of falling into greater yea and Christ saieth Of euery Math. 12. 36. idle word at the day of Iudgement we must make accompt therefore we had need flie all sinne as much as we may for the least sinne though it damneth not yet it darkeneth mans soule hindreth Gods grace and deuotion and if we doe not satisfie for it in this life we must be purged for it in the next before we can attaine the sight of God in that clensing fire of purgatorye th●t farre exceedeth all the payne and punishment in this world But for those great sinnes which be deadly neither Pater noster knocking kn●eling nor any other ceremonies of the Church will serue without the holye Sacramente of Penance of which sins cheifly our sauiour spake Vnlesse Luc. 13. 5. you doe Penance you shall all perish Wherefore as I saied euerye deadlye sinne must needes be opened in confession with sorow of hart and full purpose to amend * Which confession before a We ought to be diligent to confesse all great sinnes for euen as a wound not well searched to the bottom though outwardly ●●aled yet corrupteth the whole member or body so doth deadly sinne by dissimulation not opened in Confession infect destroy the whole soul 1. Cor. 11. 13. Preist ought to be breife simple plaine in humble sort entire or whole sorowful prepared to obey First breife it ought to be not with many wordes but necessary accusing no body but our selues in no sortexcusing ourfaults but plainly telling the truth and no more then the trueth In hnmble sort remembring that what we tell to the Preist wee speake as to God which confession must bee entire or whole that we tell not one sinne leaue another vnconfessed but confesse all as farre as our memo●y serueth for God forgiueth all or else none and therefore as we remember them we be bound to confesse and then God will forgiue that the rest And withall in Confessiō euery one ought to be prepared to doe that is enioyned him to doe by his ghostly-father and for so iudging a mans selfe heere in this world a man at the day of iudgemēt shal not be iudged But if he wil not confesse himselfe to one man here thē at the last day shal his sins before God the whole world be laide before him to his vtter shame confusion endlesse dānatiō therfore as S. Paul exhorteth vs. Let vs iudge our selues here that is by humble Confession and we shall not be iudged at the last day For God hath left a iudgement seat here of mercy in his Church before which if a man iudge him-selfe hee shall escape that straight iudgement at the last day if first he be losed quit here neither needeth a man feare to confesse for the Preist may not reueale or disclose any thing vttered in Confession no not for his life nor to saue or loose the whole worlde therfore if any man should be so vngracious to vtter any thing heard in Confession besides his perpetuall infamy and shame he should be suspended and degraded euer after from al Preistly office and function Wherefore none needeth to feare that his Confession shall be vttered Chap. XX Of whom the Sacrament of Penance was ordained that Preist● haue authority giuen them by Christ to forgiue sinnes and of the matter forme and effect of Penance THis Sacrament of Penance thē wherof lowly Confession is one cheife part was ordained by Christ whē he gaue to his Church authoritie to binde and loose saying to his Apostles and Disciples and their lawefull successours to the worldes end Whos● sinnes you forgiue they be forgiuen Ioh. 20. 23 For that hee saied to them he saied to all as not suffering for their age only but for all persons in all ages to the worldes end saying to them and vs and the Pastors of his whole Church Euen as my father Ioh. 20 hath sent mee also I send yon So that his power that his father gaue him hee left to his Church the heads chiefly as namely to Saint Peter who when he first confessed Christ to bee the sonne of God in reward of his glorious confessiō he promised him first and chiefly authority to binde and loose sinnes as appeareth by the ve●y wordes of the Ghospell saying Thou art Peter and vppon this Math. 16 18. 19. rock● will I build my Church and to thee will I giue the k●ies of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer t●ou shalt binde in earth shal be bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose in earth shal be loosed in heauen And then after his resurrection as appeareth by Saint Iohns gospell hee performed his promise saying to his Apostles when hee breathed vppon them Receiue you the holy Ghost Whose Ioh. 20. 23 sinnes you forgiue they be forgiuen and whose sinnes you hold they bee holden By which plaine wordes of Christ you se● in both places he hath giuen authority to his Church to bind loose sinnes as al holy fathers vpon these places do vnderstand But you must vnderstand that Preists as they be men doe not forgiue sinnes but as they be the ministers of Christ that is by his holy worde and vertue of the holy Sacrament as you see in Baptisme the Priest speaketh Gode● worde and sayeth I baptize thee in the name of the Father c. And so then by the power of Gods worde with water in that holy Sacrament the soule of the childe is washed and clensed from all sinne So when the humble penitent sinner commeth to the Preist and confesseth his sinne the Preist then vseth the word of God and saieth I absolue thee and so by the power of Godes worde and authority giuen him from Christ hee looseth the sinner from sin So that he which can beleeue his sinnes be forgiuen him in Baptisme I see no reason but hee may aswell beleeue his sinnes by Penance in confession and absolutiō be forgiuē him Neither ought any to doubt as some vnlearned foolishe Idiots some times doe whether Preists Bishops the lawfull successors of the Apostles and disciples of Christ haue
grace the sweet li●our of his holie Sacraments without this Church of Christ no saluatiō can be found this Church is worthily called the ship of S. Peter out of which whosoeuer at death shall be found shal bee ouerwhelmed without all doubt in those flouds of eternall damnation For as at Noes floud none were saued but those only that were in the Arke eight persons euen so we cannot pas through the Sea of this troublesome world nor arriue to the sure hauē of rest with god in his kingdome vnlesse we saile in Noe and Saint Peters ship Christs holy Church which church is nothing else but a congregation of al faithfull people liuing in one faith or vnity of beleif vnder Christ their head his Vicar the cheif Pastor of our souls Saint Peters successor heare in earth keeping that faith and beliefe that Christ and his Apostles taught and hath beene euer openlie preached in Christs Church without intermission euen from Christs Assention vnto this day shal be so without faile euen to the end of the worlde For against his Mat. 16 Church Christ promised The gates of hel that is the Diuel and al his power that is al Infidels Turkes Iewes Heret●kes Schismatikes should neuer preuaile but the true Catholike church hath more manifestly shall haue in the end the vpper hand though for a time for our sins in this and other countries it hath beene sore persecuted and oppressed yet can it neuer be vanquished or suppressed because Christes worde shall neuer faile who promised to be with it and assist it with his holy spirit to the end of the world Nay the more it is persecuted the more in the end it will florish as the vine that is pruned afterward bringeth out branches more perfectly and more plentifull fruit This ship of Saint Peter hath bin sore tossed with stormes of persecution frō time to time but yet by the good guiding of Christ her head neuer ouerwhelmed How sore was it shaken when Nero that bloudy tirant and persecuting Emperour slew the chief Captaines therof Saint Peter and Saint Paul at Rome in which city now Christs Religion by his special grace and by the merits praiers of these Apostles most florisheth What bloudy battailes afterward made Domitian Diocletian and rhe rest of those persecuting Kings and Emperours against the same Church slaying by thousands of Christiās in one day The Arrian Heritickes aboue a thousand yeares agoe that denied the Son of God to be of the same substance with his father as the Heretickes of our time now deny him though not altogither alike but in another manner and in another article of our beliefe according to his worde to be heare with vs in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar Those that were true Christian Catholickes especially Bishopps Preists were for the truth by them persecuted with fire and sword both by Sea and land Yet by the valiant death and constancie of Martirs and worthy Confessours who were robbed spoiled of goods landes liberties and liues by long imprisonment death as many in this countrie for the same cause now be they in the end obtayned ouer the enimies of the truth the victorie that euen in those very places where greatest persecution bloodshed was for the truth there afterward was of all sorts of people greatest confession of the truth Churches and houses of prayer being raised in those very places where many Martirs were hanged shed their blood the bloody persecutor dying and being buried in hell in eternal obliuion The glorious Martir now triumpheth and reioyceth with God in Heauen with perpetuall praise and memory of his name here on earth When the ghospel in this country was first preached a blessed man harboured Amphibo l●s by Saint Albon nere to Christs time that blessed Martir for his receipt of Christs messenger and for becoming a Christian shed his bloud and yet in that very place was afterward a goodly Abbey built where Christ was serued both day and night and the towne of Saint Albons as of whome it tooke the name for many hundred yeares honoured God in him in that place who before as a traitor and enimie to the Realme and state they put to death Afterward about a thousand years agoe when Saint Augustine the Moncke was sent by Saint Gregorie then Pope of Rome to restore preach christs faith and religion here amongst English men then a mongst the Britons in some sort partly decaied for sinne as now in a great part of the whole Isle it is if not worse in manie mens hartes though God bee thanked a Church though litle poore and afflicted wee haue still manye mockes buffets and blowes that holy Moncke with the rest of his fellowes had before they could recall this Country to the right way of saluation The storme against them was sharp for a time But afterwardes with long patience Christ bad the winde cease and there became a great calme The Church of England hauing great tranquility flourishing after in religion virtue almost a thousand years togither till wicked Luther a many of his fellowes runagate Friers and forsakers of their order and religion for the desire they had to liue as they lust in al liberty pleasures of the flesh broched a new gospel I would say raised vp a mōstrous storme of heresy infidelity troubling the peace of the christian world quite ouerthrowing the cōmon state of Religiō here in our Country till it please God to bid the raging storme cease which no doubt hewil do whē it semeth best to his good wil pleasure who after a storme sendeth faire weather when he hath beaten his children wel knoweth to cast the rod into the fire in the meane time in this perilous storme it behoueth vs to bee well armed least we be ouerwhelmed with al vertues but first cheifly with true faith and religion Chap. II Of the first certaine note of the true Church WHerfore because heretiks the enimies of truth deceiue simple soules vnder the shewe of truth glory of the Church as though they only were true mēbers of the same which notwithstāding they oppugn pul down Therfore the first note wherby you may knowe the true church of Christ frō the Church of Satan is this that the Church of God is called Catholike which word Catholike is deriued frō the Greeke and in Latine is asmuch as vniuersalis that is vniuersall and generall common as it were to al true beleuers of all nations so that the true Church of Christ is commonly called the Catholike church or at least knowne The proper etimologie of this word Catholik is vniuersall or generall of all sorts so to be called as we are taught in our Creed to beleue the holy Catholike Church so that true Christiā beleuing men are commonly called catholikes those that be deuided from this knowne common faith and Church of Christ in