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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09109 A temperate vvard-vvord, to the turbulent and seditious VVach-word of Sir Francis Hastinges knight vvho indeuoreth to slaunder the vvhole Catholique cause, & all professors therof, both at home and abrode. Reduced into eight seueral encounters, vvith a particuler speeche directed to the Lordes of her Maiesties most honorable Councel. To vvhome the arbitriment of the vvhole is remitted. By N.D. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1599 (1599) STC 19415; ESTC S114162 126,552 136

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holie Apostle aboue his fellowes by Christes owne declaration which were overlong to set downe how many ancient fathers do deduce and inlarge vpon these places of scriptures and factes of our Sauiour alredie rehearsed And agayne after the ascension of Christ to heauen that Saynt Peter first of all called the Councel of Apostles together and caused Saint Mathias to be chosen in place of Iudas That he first of all the rest did publish and promulgate the ghospel after the coming of the holie ghost and conuerted fyue thousand at one se●mon That he wrought the first miracle in healing the lame man at the temple gate called Speciosa That he first of all as high iudge gaue sentence and condemned to death Ananias and Saphira for their hypocrisie That he first of al presumed to preache the ghospel of Christ to Gentils as he had don before to the Iewes That to him alone was shewed the vision wherby Christ declared that the tyme was now come to admit Gentils to Christianitie That of him only is written dum transiret vniuersos that is as S. Chrisostome sayth whyles he as a general of an armie walketh vp and down to see what is in order what is not That of him only among all the Apostles S. Paule writeth after three yeares I went vp to Hierusalem to see Peter the reason wherof Saynt Chrysostome affirmeth to be quia os erat princeps Apostolorum for that he was the mouth and prince of the Apostles And fynally that by Christes particulir order as is to be supposed he left the bishoprike of Antioche and went and tooke vpon him that of Rome that was head ci●tie of the world All these thinges put together do wel argue that Saint Peter well knew the dignitie and prerogatiue he had aboue the rest both for himself and for his successours wherunto if we ad the playne commission geuen by Christ in two distinct places of scripture that are recorded besides other perhaps that are not written the matter wilbe more euident The first is where after that glorious cōfession made by S Peter of the God head of Christ recorded in S. Mathew his ghospel our Saueour sayth to him agayne Thou arte Peter or a rock for to this end Christe before had geuē him that name that signifieth a rock and vpon this rock will I build my churche and I will geue to thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen c. By which wordes is promised to Peter the principalitie in gouernment of the churche as the wordes themselues do shew and the consent of ancient fathers both Greek and Latin do expound The second place is in Saynt Ihons ghospel where Christe after his resurrection gaue to Saynt Peter that preheminence which before he had promised for being in the companie of diuers other principal Apostles he asked Peter alone three seueral tymes whether he loued him more then the rest or no which holy fathers say was don in respect of the three tymes that Peter had denied him before and the other answering that he loued c. Christ three tymes sayth to him pasce agnos meos pasce oues meas feed my lambes and feed my sheep making him pastor general of all his flock and committing the whole churche to his pastoral charge by those wordes as both the wordes themselues do import being vttered to Peter alone and with particuler emphasie for him to feed Christes flock aboue the rest of the Apostles as he had thryce byn asked whether he loued more then they and as all antiquitie with one consent haue euer taken the sense to be quia solus profitetur ex omnibus omnibus antefertur sayth Saynt Ambrose for that Saynt Peter only did professe to loue so extraordinarily aboue the rest he was preferred in charge before all the rest And Saynt Augustine vpon this place oues ipsas pascendas id est docendas regendasꝙ committit Christ committed here his sheep to be fed by Saynt Peter that is to say to be taught and gouerned And Saint Chrisostome vpon the same wordes alijs omissis Petrum duntaxat affatur fratrum ei curam committit Christ leauing the other Apostles there present speaketh only to Saynt Peter and committeth the charge of his brethren to him And a litle after agayne Cum magna dominus Petro communicasset orbis terrarum curam demandasset when our lord had imparted great matters to Peter and had geuen him the charge of the whole world c. And Saynt Epiphanius Hic est qui audiuit pasce oues meas cui concreditum est ouile This is he to whome it was sayd feed my sheep to whome the whole flock of Christ was geuen in charge c. I haue thought good to ad this litle taste of ancient fathers interpretation leaving out infinite others to the same sense to preuent heretical shiftes in this behalf who first would make this commission of pasce oues meas to be onely to feed by preaching and not to gouern with superioritie and secondly to be a common and indifferent commission giuen to all the Apostles equally and not to Saynt Peeter aboue the rest which is aparently false For albeit we gra●nt that this commission pasce oues meas in a general sense may be and is vnderstood and spoken not only to Saint Peter but also to all the rest of the Apostles and not only to them but to all other inferior pastors besides yet in preheminence and highest degree of special authoritie oueral it is spoken in this place to S. Peter alone as hath bin shewed and consequently also to his successors and by the same consequence it followeth in lyke manner that if Sir Francis Hastinges and his people be either lambes or sheep of Christe or do any way apertain to his flock and fold they apertain also to the gouernment and iurisdiction of this vniuersal pastor Saint Peters successor agaynst whome he rayleth and rageth so pitifully as in his booke appeareth And for that all the Christian world hath made euer this most certayne and infallible deduction that Christ gaue not to Saint Peter these eminent prerogatiues of authoritie and superioritie for himself alone but for his posteritie and successours also that should ensue him in his seate and charge ouer the church of Christ vnto the worldes end for this cause they haue reuerenced and respected so much the Bishops of Rome as by all general Councels fathers and Ecclesiastical stories doth appeare and only certayn broken heretiques both in old tymes and ours as guiltie people fearing their iudges haue set themselues agaynst them but euer to ther owne perdition among which rable not withstanding if Sir francis Hastinges will needs be one still hauing red what here hath byn alleaged I can say no more but leaue him to Gods iudgementes cum apparuerit princeps pastorum when Christ the prince of
kingdomes or that may be christian which obligation groweth by that great and high commission giuen to Saynt Peter in special manner aboue all other Apostles as after shalbe demonstred by Christe him self ouer all christian soules in these wordes thryce repeated pasce oues meas pasce agnos meos feed my sheep and feed my lambes VVhich feeding he could not performe nor can his s●ccessors but by doctrine to all and gouerment ouer all And therefore whensoeuer Sir Francis sitting in his wache shall discouer or heare that the Popes holines leaueth of this clayme of Ecclesiastical Supremacie or is so purged as he becommeth a Protestant which none euer yet was nor wilbe by all liklyhood let Sir Francis know that he leaueth also to be Pope and whensoeuer he ceaseth to indeuor the establishing of his Roman vniuersal catholique doctrine in England or any other countrie els where sheep or lambes of Christ are or may be had there he ceaseth also to performe the dutie for which the Popedome or principal See was ordayned by our Saueour And consequently a very impertinent and childish discourse was this of Sir Francis about his holines purgation and reconciliation to Protestantes religion Let vs see if you please the rest concerning father Persons and his pewfellowes as he scornfully calleth them whome albeit he slandereth falsly in the imputations layd agaynst them about seeking the Queens blood yet doth he much honour them all in ioyning them in slander and calumniation with the Pope himself First of all then for that it seemeth that by father persons pewfellowes this pleasant gentlemā vnderstādeth those of his order societie knowen commonly by the name of Iesuites I shall first treate somewhat of them and their estate and doinges in general and afterward descend to father Persons more in particuler though moderatly of them both in regard of the frendship that for many yeares I haue held with them and least any man should attribute the thinges I am to say rather to affection then iudgement in this behalf Notorious it is to them that haue experience in the affayres of our dayes and much more that trauayle through diuers countries and do weigh with iudgement what passeth in the world that these kynd of men I meane the Iesuites as they are greatly loued and esteemed by most catholiques so haue they many aduersaries and maligners also those not only such as in matters of fayth and opinion do dissent frō them both Heathen Turke Heretique Atheist Infidel and other lyke that all ioyntely do band agaynst them but diuers others also of catholique profession for other causes so as it seemeth that to them may be applied not vnfitly that saying of the Roman Iewes to Saynt Paule when they spake of Christian religion newly begun de secta hac notum est nobis quia vbique ei contradicitur This only we know of this new sect of Christians that euerie where there is contradiction made agaynst it to wit by Iewes gentils philosophers astronomers necromantes heretiques vitious and deuyded Christians and other the lyke and to say the truth it was no euil signe though vttered by enemies of the excellencie of the thing it self for so do diuers ancient fathers gather in their apologie for the Christian cause agaynst the heathens that obiected this matter they gather I say and namely Saynt Iustine Martyr and Tertullian the great perfection of true Christian and catholique doctrine by this general contradiction made of all handes agaynst it and this partly for that truthe is one and errors many and that excellent thinges haue euer many difficulties and that Christe foretold this finally for that the trial of gold by many and strong fyers sheweth it to be pure if it abyde and beare them all in which sence the holie ghost sayd of the iust man Certamen forte dedit ille Deus vt vinceret God hath geuen him a strong battell to the end he might win and therby his victorie to be the greater And king Dauid speaking in the same sence of himself and other seruantes of God complayneth sweetly Posuisti nos in contradictionem vicinis nostris thou hast put vs in contradiction euen to our owne neighbours that is to them that make the same profession also of thy seruice with vs and finally of Christ himself it was foretold Eccepositus est in signum cui contradicetur behold he is put for a signe agaynst the which great contradiction shall be made which in his passiō was cheefly seen whereof Saynt Paule speaking to the Hebrue Christians sayd Thinke of him which did suffer with patience so greate a contradiction of sinners agaynst himself and he not wearie nor faynt harted in lyke occasions This then perhaps may be some cause of so manyfold contradictions by sondry sortes of men at this day agaynst the Iesuits if as they beare the name so also they draw neare to the lyfe steppes of Iesus their mayster whose particuler badge and liuery seemeth to haue byn euer that his nearest followers and dearest frendes should haue most contradiction in this lyfe for so the lyfe of all his Sayntes do testifie which is nothing els but a rehersal of their contradictions and difficulties and himself discusseth the matter very largely in Saynt Iohns Gospel where hauing shewed extreme loue to his Apostles and disciples and sayd that now they were no more seruantes to him but rather frendes for that he had imparted with them all his secrets he telleth them this secret also for the vpshot of all about contradiction and opposition of the world If the world hate you sayth he know ye that it hated me before you if you were of the world the world would loue that which is his owne but for that you are not of the world and I haue chosen you out of the world therfore the world hateth you remember the saying which I was wont to vse vnto you that the seruant is not greater then his mayster Thus Christ in familiar and confident speech to his best beloued in which sence also he sayd after his resurrection to Ananias about Saynt Paule when he had chosen him to be his fauoryte vas electionis est mihi c. ego ille ostendam quanta oporteat eum pati pro nomine meo He is a chosen vessel vnto me and I will shew him how great matters he must suffer for my name and so he did afterward laying so many contradictions and tribulations vpon him from all handes as the poore man could not tell which way to turne him vt taederet etiam viuere that he was wearie euen of his lyf for that on one syde the Iew of another the Gentill pursued him of an other false brethren betrayed him of an other heretiques made diuisions of an other seditious Christians raysed factions agaynst him and added pressures to his chaynes of an other syde wordly Christians