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A06347 An excellent and plaine discourse of the church, whereby the godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church, from the Romish Church, and all other false and counterfet churches, as well for matters of doctrine, as discipline, &c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque, a godlie minister of Dolphenine. And faithfully translated into English, by M.T.W. Seene and allowed; Traité de l'eglise. English Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1582 (1582) STC 16813; ESTC S103377 172,896 422

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first and formost because our sinnes are the cause thereof Isaia 59 1. 2. Behold saith the prophet the Lords hand is not shortened that it cannot saue neither his eare heauie that it cannot heare But your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God and your sinnes haue hidden his face from you that hee will not heare Secondly because that serueth for the aduauncement of God his glory and for the augmenting and increase of our faith as appeareth by that whiche is written touching the sicknesse and death of Lazarus the brother of Martha and Marie Iohn 11.14 15. This sicknesse saith Iesus Christe is not to death but for the glory of God that the sonne of God might bee glorified thereby and afterwardes Lazarus is dead saith he and I am glad for your sake that I was not there that yee may beleeue And to this last point is referred that which S. Paul saith Wee receiued the sentence of death in our selues 2. Cor. 1.9 because we should not trust in our selues but in God which raiseth the dead The fift point that afflictions and dangers increase euen then when the deliuerance is nigh examples heereof are set out vnto vs in the Scripture The Israelites were meruellously tormented in Egypt all the while that they were kept captiues and prisoners there Exod. 14. throughout but they neuer had so great an occasion to feate neither were they at any time so pressed yea oppressed as when God brought them out of their captiuitie and bondage to make them passe thorow the redde Sea and to guide them in the wildernesse as we may see in the foureteeneth Chapter of Exodus Dauid before he came to the enioying of the kingdom which was promised him by God 1. Sam. 27. 1 c. was constrained to depart out of the Countrie and to seeke a place of refuge and comforte amongest the Philistines his enemis yea in the Courte of king Achish Isaih 37. throughout Where hee founde himselfe in extreeme danger yea more great then at any time before hee had escaped Then was the angel of the Lorde sent from him to remoue the siege of Zennacherib from beefore the Citie of Ierusalem and so by that meanes to deliuer king Ezekias and the people whiche were within when for the great oppression thereof they were held kept in so narrowly short that they were at the point or very nighe to see the Citie rendred and deliuered to the Assyrians pitie Mark 6.47 c. and mercie Iesus Christe did very wel behold that his Disciples were in great danger in the shippe which was tossed to and fro with the outrage or violence of the windes and tempestes but yet notwithstanding hee came not vnto them to succour them but about the fourth watch of the night Wherefore let vs not loose our courage and stomacke in the midst of the greatest persecutions and afflictions which can come For when all the meanes of help and ayde on mens side or in respect of thē do faile vs and that it seemeth that all were done with vs and that the Church shoulde bee altogether worne out consumed and beaten down euen then will God perform his owne worke hee alone succouring vs to the end that vnto him alone also the glory of our deliuerance may be wholy and absolutely referred The sixt point that God through his power keepeth and defendeth his Church against the violences assaults of tyrants and persecutors and deliuereth the same out of their hands when time is therefore Thereto tend and belong these promises The Lorde knoweth to deliuer the godly out of temptation 2. Pet. 2.9 to reserue the vniust vntill the day of iudgement to bee punished For the oppression of the needie Psal 12. 5. and for the sighes of the poore I will vp saith the Lorde and will set at liberty him whom the wicked hath snared The Angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them Psal 34.7.17 19.20.22 that feare him and deliuereth them The righteous crie and the Lord heareth them deliuereth them out of al their troubles Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of them all He keepeth al his bones not one of them is broken The Lord redeemeth the soules of his seruants and none that trust in him shall perish Call vpon mee saith the Lorde in the day of trouble Psal 50. 15. Psal 9 14.15 so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And againe because he hath loued me therefore will I deliuer him I will exalt him because he hath knowne my name Hee shall call vpon me and I will heare him I will be with him in trouble I will deliuer him and glorifie him Psal 125.2 As the mountaines are about Ierusalem so is the Lord about his people from hence foorth and for euer Mat. 16.18 Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shal not ouercome it Luke 12.32 Feare not litle flock for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you the kingdome Exod. 14. throughout Dan. 3. Daniel 6. throughout Isaiah 37. throughout Acts. 12.7 Actes 5.19 And wee haue many examples heerof in the Scripture as when God brought the Israelites out of Egypt by the Ministerie of Moses when he deliuered Daniel out of the Lions denne and Shadtach Meshach Abednego out of the burning flame and ouen when hee deliuered from death Susanna already condemned when he set Ierusalem at libertie when hee brought Saint Peter out of prison and the other Apostles by the ministerie of an angel And at this day although we see not angels visibly rounde about vs yet for all that wee ceasse not by experience to feele Gods aide and succour and that after many sortes yea extraordinarie Wee know also that which is spoken in Zacharias Zacha. 2.8 to wit Hee that toucheth you shal touch the apple of mine eie saith the Lorde For indeed Iesus Christ accounteth the persecutions which men bende againste his Churche as bente againste his verie owne person which appeareth by the reproofe that hee gaue Saint Paule saying Saule Saule Acts. 4.9 wherefore doest thou persecute mee who would euer haue looked for such assistance and helpe as God hath bestowed vpon his Church in our time were there at any time more furious and raging persecutions was the pride of the enemies of gods Churche euer greater They spare not wisdome nor counsell nor power nor diligence nor men nor money to the end that the poore Church might be altogether cast downe and made ruinous But behold the prudencie the counsell the might and the wisdome of God is farre aboue all that which setteth it selfe against his greatnesse yea hee worketh myraculously by hidden close and secrete meanes insomuch that all the height of the worlde is confounded ouerthrowne For as the wise man sayeth There is no wisedome neither
GOD. It followeth then that Saint Peter was not an vniuersall Apostle nor a soueraigne and high bishoppe ouer all the Churche Otherwise Saint Paul shoulde haue done yll in so limiting and hedging in as it were the charge and office of his Apostleshippe yea that eighteene yeares after the death of Iesus Christ But I woulde wishe the Romish Catholikes to take some better viewe of and heede to this reason For if their Pope snatche and take vnto himselfe the primacie for this reason because hee is Saint Peters successour he must then exercise his primacie or popedome ouer the Iewes and preach vnto them the Gospell that he may gaine them and drawe them to Iesus Christ leauing vnto him whosoeuer he be that will take vppon him to be called the successour of S. Paul primacie ouer the Gentiles The fourth reason One wife hath but onely one husband which is her head But the Church is the spouse of Christ 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephe. 5.22 Reue. 21.9 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephesians 5.22 Reuelat 21.9 The Church then hath none other but Christe alone for her husband and head The fifth reason It is certaine that Saint Peter vsed the power and authoritie which Iesus Christe gaue him for otherwise hee shoulde haue neglected his charge and hidden his talent in the ground and so by consequent haue disobeyed his Maister not seruing him purely and faithfully But so it is hee neuer vsurped any primacie ouer the other Apostles or ouer the Churche for hee maketh him selfe equal to the other pastors naming himselfe a Pastor and an Elder with them 1. Pet. 5.1.21 c. and hee hath saide also that it is not lawfull at any hand for any man to haue Lordshippe ouer the Lordes inheritaunces Then it followeth that he receiued not any primacie or Lordshippe from Iesus Christ ouer the church of God The sixth reason Act. 8.14 Saint Peter was sent together with Iohn into Samaria by the other Apostles Nowe if hee had beene the head of the churche and had had rule and authoritie ouer the Apostles it had apperteined vnto him to sende others and not others to sende him The seuenth reason If Saint Peter had had the right of primacie to what ende woulde he haue suffered himselfe to haue beene reproued by S Paule and that before the people In sext decr de con cap. Licet distinct 19. ca. si Roman in Glossa de conces prae tit 8. ca. pro. posuit alibi for this was done euen then when hee both might and ought to haue shewed his authoritie and rule As at this day the Pope who saith that hee is aboue right neither is helde or bound by lawes that he may preferre through his interpretation equitie vnwritten before lawe written that wee ought to allowe or disallowe all that he alloweth or disalloweth that he is not subiect to any censure hauing all lawe and right in the coffer of his breste and stomacke Nowe Saint Peter did not alledge any whit or parte of all these blasphemies but tooke in good woorth Saint Paules censure and reproofe acknowledging himselfe his companion and fellowe and one that was ioyned with him and the other Apostles in felloweshippe of office yea inferiour to the whole bodye and subiect to the admonitions and censures of his brethren Luk. 22.24 c. The eight reason So it was that among the Apostles in the time that our Sauiour Christ was bodily conuersant with them there was a controuersie whiche of them shoulde bee esteemed or iudged the greatest but Christ laboureth to bring them to humilitie and to take from amongest them all ambition saying thus The kinges of the nations beare rule and they which exercise authoritie ouer thē are called Gratious lords but ye shall not bee so But let the greatest among you be as the least and the chiefest as hee that serueth And afterwardes hee setteth himselfe foorth for an example For who is greater he that sitteth at Table or he that serueth is not be that sitteth at the table And I am among you as he that serueth and yee are they which haue continued with mee in my temptations Lastly he concludeth Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome as my father hath appointed to me These are our principall reasons to declare that Saint Peter was not appointed Lorde ouer the Church and that hee had no more authoritie or preheminence in it than the other Apostles his companions and fellowes had Nowe let vs heare the contrarie reasons which the Romishe Catholikes make The first is this Iesus Christe hath saide to Saint Peter Thou art Peter Mat. 16 18. and vpon this rocke I will builde my Church It followeth then that Saint Peter is the foundation of the Churche and by consequent the heade thereof I aunswere that the holy spirite is not contrarie to it selfe but hee hath spoken plainely to the Corinthians That Iesus Christe alone is the onely foundation of the Church 1. Cor. 3 11. and that none can lay any other then that which is laide alreadie Therefore hee affirmeth not in that place of S. Matthewe the contrarie to this And mark this indeed Iesus Christ hath not said and vppon thee O Peter I will builde my Church but and vppon this rocke I will builde And what meaneth this vpon this rocke Let vs heare S. Augustine August in Iohan. tract 124 cap. 21. The Church sayth he is founded vpon the rocke of which rocke Peter hath taken his name for the rocke is not so called of Peter but Peter is so named of the rocke as Christ hath not taken his name of Christiās but Chhristians of Christ Therefore the Lord saith vpō this rocke I will build my Church because that Peter had confessed thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God He saith therfore vpon this rocke which thou hast confessed I will build my Church For the rocke was Christ vpō which foundatiō Peter also himselfe was builded Marke what S. Augustine saith S. Ambrose and S. Chrysostome vnderstande this to be spoken of the faith which is in Christe not as the Pope doth of the person of Peter Amb. in epl ad Ephe. cap. 2.20 S. Ambrose saith thus Iesus Christ saide to Peter vpō this rock I wil build my church that is to say vpon this confession of catholike faith I will establisshe the faithfull vnto eternall life Chrysostome sayth also Chryso Ser. 21. de Pentecost Iesus Christ saith Thou art Peter and vppon this rocke I will builde my Church Hee saith vppon this rocke and not vpon Peter For he hath founded or set his Church not vppon man but vpon the faith and confession of Peter And what was this fayth and confession Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God The seconde reason is Mat. 16.19 Iesus Christe hath giuen the keyes vnto Peter he hath therfore appointed him head of the Church I denie the consequent For by
the vse of the keyes is vnderstood not the rule or ouersight of the whole Churche but the power to binde and loose or else to pardon or not pardon sinnes as it is declared in the 18. Chapter of the Gospell after Saint Matthewe and Chap. 20. after S. Iohn Mat. 18.18 Iohn 20.23 Now seeing that so it is that power to remitte or to retaine sinnes was giuen not vnto Peter onely but equally vnto all the Apostles it followeth well that the vse of the keyes was not giuen to Saint Peter alone but also to all his companions fellowes by consequent if he were the head of the Church to whō the power of the keyes was giuen it woulde followe that the Churche had so many heads as it had then Apostles But some will say Iesus Christe speaketh onely to Peter It is true indeede Howe be it by the name of Peter is vnderstoode the whole Church For euen as Iesus Christ was willing to heare what iudgement not onely Peter but also all his fellowes had of him when he demaunded of them But whom say ye that I am Mat. 16.15.16 And that Peter alone in the name of all answered and made this confession Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God So on the other side Iesus Christ giuing the power of the Keyes vnto the Churche addressed his speeche vnto Peter alone although he meant to speake as well vnto all the rest Augu. in Iohan tract 50 And so doeth Saint Augustine vnderstande it for beholde howe hee speaketh Peter saith hee signifieth the whole Churche For if that in Peter there were not the figure of the Church Christ woulde not haue saide vnto him I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen And againe when Iesus Christ sayd vnto Peter I will giue vnto thee the keyes c. Hee ment without doubt the whole Church And the reason would be marked why Iesus Christe in the person of one spake vnto all that is to the ende hee might comend set out the vnity of the Churche euen as also the auncient writers haue marked and obserued the same Cypr. tract 3 de simpli praelat S. Cyprian saith thus Our Lorde in the person of one man hath giuen the keyes vnto all thereby to denote and set out the vnitie of al. The other were the same in deede that Peter was fellowes in equall honour and in equal power But Iesus began with one man to the ende to shewe that the Churche is one And Augustine August in Iohan. tract 11. So it was saith he that all were asked Peter alone answered him thou art Christ c. and to him was it said I wil giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen as though power to bind loose had been giuen vnto him alone But as he answered for all so he receiued the keyes together withall bearing as it were the person of vnitie Wherefore he alone was named for all because there was vnitie among all 3 The third reason is Iohn 21.16 Iesus Christ commaunded Peter aboue all the rest yea that three times to feed his sheepe Hee then did constitute and make him an vniuersall Bishop and head of all Churches I aunswere that this consequent is false for there is a very great not onely difference but contrarietie betwene these two to haue charge to feede the sheepe of Christ and to haue a most high Empire and vniuersal rule ouer the whole Church Besides if to feede the sheepe of Christ bee no other thing but to minister and giue vnto them the spiritual food of their soules Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.15 by the preaching of the Gospel as it is in deede and seeing that it is most euident and plaine that Iesus Christe hath giuen this commission to al his Apostles generally it followeth very well that he hath not giuen it to Peter alone And indeed Peter himselfe doth well confesse the same 1. Pet. 1.5 c. when he exhorteth his fellowe ministers to feede the flocke of Christ which is committed vnto thē And Basil confirmeth the same saying Iesus Christ himselfe teacheth vs this to wit that he is the onely head of the Church who did constitute and appoint Peter the pastor of his Church after him For he saith Peter louest thou me feed my sheep consequently he hath giuen this very same power to all pastours and teachers and hereof this is a certayne signe and sure token that all binde and loose without any difference as well as hee The fourth reason S. Peter is diuers times in the scripture named the first among the Apostles Therefore he was chosen to haue rule aboue the other his fellowes yea aboue or ouer the whole Church I answere first that this argument is friuolous and vayne yea worthie to bee mocked and hissed at For be it that we confesse that S. Peter was the first and chiefe as it were amongst a fewe people that is to say amongst the twelue Apostles yet very farre set is this that it shoulde therefore followe that hee was the firste or chiefest ouer all Christians or that hee did beare rule ouer all the worlde Secondly if because that S. Peter is the first named he is therefore the first and chiefest among the Apostles wee must then say by the contrarie that the virgin Marie is the last and least of all women because in the first chapter of the Actes where also S. Peter is set the first in the catologue or nūber Act. 1.13.14 shee is set the last after others Which matter the Romishe Catholikes will not at any hande say or affirme which if they should it woulde be founde in deede a very absurde thing Thirdly we read in many places that S. Peter is not named first And S. Paule in the seconde Chapter of his Epistle to the Galathians Placeth Iames before him Gal. 2.9 Iames then by this reason shoulde haue authoritie ouer Peter because he is named before him Besides in the Councell of Hierusalem the speach and aduice of Iames which was had after that peter had giuen his Actes 15. 13 c. had such weight with it that al consented and agreed to his iudgement And this muche concerning the firste point Let vs come to the other which concerneth the Pope who sayth that he is Saint Peters successor and so by consequent the head of the Church First if it manifestly appeare by that which hath been said heretofore that Saint Peter was neuer established head of the Churche and that hee neuer had any suche preheminence and authoritie attributed vnto him by what title or right can or will the Pope who sayth that he is his successor pretende at this day any suche Lordshippe rule and authoritie Let vs also on the other side well marke this S. Peter dyed as they say vnder Nero and there succeeded him Linus Cletus and Clemens in the tyme of S. Iohn who
be written to Iulius Bishoppe of Rome by which there shoulde be declared vnto him that he did attribute and take vnto himselfe an authoritie whiche did not at anye hande belong vnto him and that in so doing hee offered greate wronge to other Churches and other Bishoppes And there was added to the letters that he should no more meddle with them whome they had deposed then they medled with those whiche were deposed by the bishop of Rome and others whiche were ioyned with him therein To whiche purpose they alledged the example of Nouatus whiche was as yet verye freshe and newe For when this Nouatus was reiected by the bishoppe of Rome none of the rest of the Metropolitanes and Bishops of other prouinces did gainsay the same neither any manner of way intermedled therein Furthermore if that whiche is maintained and practised at this day amongest the Romishe Catholikes touching the large iurisdiction and soueraigntie of their Pope were in force by Gods lawe as they woulde perswade the simple people thereof shoulde not then al the foresaid Bishops al others together with their Councelles and Churches whiche haue not at any time confessed the Bishoppe of Rome for their head be verie greeuously censured or punished and woorthie of a verie seuere and sharpe reprehension It is true that men may finde that some amongst the anciēt fathers haue somtimes called the Bishoppes of Rome high Priest and Pope but they did heretofore call after the same sorte all Bishops For as touching the name high Priest Theodo lib. 2. cap. 7 Theodoretus in his second booke chap. 7. speaketh on this maner that two hundreth and fiftie high priests were assembled together in Sardis And Athanasius in his first Oration against the Arrians Athanasius oratio 1. contra Arriano● doth not onely call Iulius and Liberius the bishops of Rome high Priestes but also hee calleth by the very same name the Bishops of Grecia Dacia Cappadotia Affrica Ruffin lib. 2. cap. 26. Italie Sicilia and Armenia Ruffinus also in the second booke and 26. chapter called Athanasius the great high Priest As concerning the name Pope we will speake therof by gods grace and aide hereafter in the ninth chapter Moreouer let vs consider by what tokēs and markes the Pope of Rome saith that he is Saint Peters successour It is say the Romish Catholikes because that Saint Peter had his seate and chaire in the churche of Rome being there the Pastor and hauing borne rule there a long time and that after him there came in order his successors the Bishops of Rome hauing the same authoritie which he had before But touching the first it is vncertaine whether S. Peter was Bishop of Rome or no at the least whether he bate rule there and helde the seat They are not able plainely to proue the same neither to approoue it as truth at what time it was neither vnder what Emperour neither how long because that out of the holy scriptures they are not able to bring Cal. lib. 4. Instit cap. 6. sect 14. so muche as one onely probable coniecture but rather the contrarie as Caluin hath well and sufficiently declared in his Institutions Secōdly if S. Peters abode at Rome hath giuen this autoritie to the Romish bishops to bee the heads of the Church and vniuersall Bishops from whence commeth it that the Councels haue limited to all the Patriarkes who were many and diuers yea euen after that they were brought to foure Concil Nic. Can. 6. Concil Antioch Can. 13. their seuerall charges making them Metropolitanes euery one in his owne prouince the Bishop of Rome hauing no more authoritie ouer others than others ouer him For at that time the Bishop of Rome might very well haue alleadged Saint Peters seate and the other Bishops and Councels woulde very well haue confessed and allowed the same if it had beene true and if the same could rightly haue giuen the title of primacie to the Bishop of Rome On the other side what an argument is this Saint Peter was Bishop of Rome and there suffered martyrdome therefore it followeth that this Churche is the mother and mistresse of all the rest and that the Bishop thereof is the vniuersall and generall head of all Christendome Verily if in this respect the question bee to establishe and set vp a primacie it ought rather to bee placed at Ierusalem than at Rome For Saint Peter preached there Act. 2.14 Act. 2.12 Act. 4.3 yea the firste after Christes ascention where hee together with his fellowes and brethren builded vp the Churche did great miracles was imprisoned Act. 5. 18 and sundrie times persecuted The Prophetes likewise preached there and all the Apostles yea whiche is more Iesus Christ him selfe Ioh. 2.13 7.14 8.2 c. 18.20 died there and rose againe and from thence ascended vp into heauen There also was the first Synode that euer was helde in the Christian Churche assembled of all the Apostles There also Iesus Christ sent downe his holy spirite vpon his Apostles and disciples Act. 15. 6 c. Act. 2.1 c And to bee shorte from thence it was that the doctrine of saluation shoulde come forth to bee spread abroad throughout all the world euen as the Prophets had before tolde Isai 2.3 Michah 4.2 which things we cānot after any sort say or affirme of Rome Moreouer if we must respect and regarde the Apostles there is as muche or rather more reason to make Saint Paul the first Bishop or Pope of Rome as Saint Peter For in the first place besides that hee was not in any thing lesse or inferior to the most excellent or chiefe Apostles 2. Cor. 11.5 wee fynde not that S. Peter did at any time reprooue him in his ministerie Gal. 2. 11 as he reproued or blamed S. Peter And besides wee haue a certaine and an assured testimonie in the holy scripture touching Saint Paule Act 23.11 Act. 28.30 31 that he was sent by God to Rome there to beare witnesse of him that hee there preached the kingdome of God two whole yeeres together that from thence he writ diuers Epistles to the Churches that hee was there prisoner and at the last beheaded by Nero. And as touching Peter wee haue no assured testimonie that hee went to Rome or that he tarryed there exercising there the ministerie If they will replie that Iesus Christ gaue him the keies of the kingdom of heauen and that by that meanes he was preferred before Saint Paul and made head of the Church we haue answered that heretofore which we mind not heere to repeate Besides though it were so that S. Peter was ordained to beare rule ouer all Churches as an Apostle yet it can not thereupon followe that his successours ought to haue any such right or authoritie as he because they which succeeded the Apostles haue not the same charge and the same office that the Apostles had For
because hee serueth him selfe with Princes tyrants and wicked Magistrates and vseth them that hee may by them punishe the vngodlinesse and vnthankefulnesse of his people Wherefore Isaiah speaketh excellently well That our iniquities haue made a diuision or separated betweene God and vs. Isaiah 59.2 And therefore when wee are afflicted and persecuted wee ought to confesse and acknowledge that God by that meane punishe vs as wee indeede haue rightly deserued it Yet all this notwithstanding wee haue to consider and weigh an other cause for which the worlde persecuteth vs whiche ought to be a great comfort vnto vs in the middest of our Crosse and Martyrdome For in the first place the worlde in persecuting vs looketh not to our sinnes but to that religion which wee make profession of which religion indeede the world reiecteth and persecuteth because it knoweth not the authour thereof and because it is altogether contrary to his maners and peruerse and wicked orders of life and conuersation euen as Iesus Christe hath foretolde the same and made his Disciples to see it Ioh. 3.19 20. when he said vnto them This is the condemnatiō that light is come into the world and men loued darknesse rather then the light because their deedes were euill For euery man that euill doth hateth the light neither commeth to light Iohn 15.20 21. least his deedes should bee reproued Also if they haue persecuted me they will persecute you also But all these thinges will they doe vnto you for my names sake because they haue not knowne him that sent me And againe Iohn 17.14 Father I haue given them thy word the world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the worlde Hereby we may see that the right and verie cause of the persecutiōs of the church is the plaine profession of the trueth righteousnes worde of God as S. Paul saith That That all they whiche will liue in the feare of God or godly in Christe Iesus 2. Tim. 3.12 shall suffer persecution And also what shoulde bee our consolation and comforte in the middest of the crosse if this point were not Socrates The answere which Socrates made to his wife was very apt and fit for the purpose shee lamented because they put him to death wrongfully but hee beeing somewhat moued answered That it was better for him to die an innocent without cause than if he had offēded But how much greater matter and iust cause haue wee of comfort and ioy seeing wee knowe that God of his vnspeakeable gentlenesse goodnesse mercy burying all our sins giueth vs ouer and leaueth vs but for a time to suffer vniust persecutions to the end that we bearing the Crosse with Iesus Christ shoulde communicate also and bee made partakers of glory with him The punishment Saint Augustine hath saide maketh not a Martyre but the cause August And the Diuell hath as well his witnesses and Martyrs as Iesus Christ hath his In former times there were Heretikes whiche bragged much and boasted wonderously vnder the shadow colour that men persecuted them And at this day the Anabaptists do in that behalfe the very selfe same thing yea and that so farre that by this meanes they account them selues blessed and happie But we must marke what the scripture saith Mat. 5.10 Blessed are they thus saieth Iesus Christe whiche suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdom of heauē Luke 6.22 Blessed are you when men hate you whē they separate you reuile you put out your names as euill for the sonne of mās sake If yee bee railed vpon for the name of Christ saith Saint Peter 1 Pet. 4. 14.15 ●6 Blessed are yee For the spirite of glory and of God resteth vpon you which on their part is euill spoken of but on your part is glorified But let none of you suffer as a murtherer or as a theefe or as an euill dooer or as a couetous person of other mens goods or as a busie bodie in other mens matters But if any man suffer as a Christian let him not bee ashamed but let him glorifie God in this behalfe And this is the marke or badge by which the scripture discerneth the Lordes true Martyres from others that suffer For the wicked men and vngodlye persons doe in deede suffer persecution but in the meane season it so falleth out that they cannot boast thē selues for all that to bee true Martyres neither by consequent that they are blessed for they suffer not for righteousnesse sake neither to maintaine Gods truth as doe the Martyres and witnesses of Iesus Christ Moreouer wee ought to marke that our good God sheweth vs great grace aduaunceth vs to singular honour when hee vouchsafeth vs meete and worthie to suffer any thing for his names sake when as he might very iustly if he would haue pursued vs with rigour nay if hee woulde haue proceeded against vs by iustice haue punished vs with all kindes and sortes of afflictions sending them to vs and laying the same vpon vs wherein he dealeth with vs as if a king should take from the Gibbet or Gallows some man who had rightly deserued to be bound thereto and hanged thereon and yet would set and appoint him among the chiefe Captaines of his orders that he might goe to warre and imploy him for the maintenance and defence of his crowne of his kingdom For who or what are wee Poore wormes of the earth dwelling heere in filthinesse and corruption and infected with so many spottes as nothing more than we yea wee are abhominable sinners who haue rightly deserued not onely by tyrantes in this life to bee persecuted in our goods and bodies but also to bee for euer lost drowned and swallowed vp in the Diuels possession in hell and yet notwithstanding that God hath vouchsaued vs worthie of this honour to vse our life and our death to withstande his enemies and to mainetaine and aduaunce his glorie by our Martirdome If wee had but so muche as one drop of good iudgement and were pushed on forwarde with as little right zeale as may bee to serue our God shoulde not this kindle and inflame vs in a singuler and wonderfull desire to imploy bestow our selues in the maintenance of his honour whatsoeuer assaultes should bee set before vs and to keepe our selues strong and stedfast in the middest of persecutions that we might suffer abide the same couragiously and chearfully for the name of Christ The ninth point What bee the endes which God respecteth and regardeth in the persecutions and afflictions of his Church and of his faithful people wherof wee will marke and put downe eight First that the glorie of God might bee aduaunced For it is said Prou. 16.4 The Lord hath made all thinges for his owne sake and glory yea euen the wicked for the day of euil When the Disciples asked Iesus Christ