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A02043 Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that learned [and] godly martyr I.H. sometime Bishop of Glocester in his life time.; Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. Baker, John, minister.; Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Garnier, Jean, d. 1574. Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. 1581 (1581) STC 1219; ESTC S110441 203,151 484

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head and one house but one Lorde and master to rule it what wickednesse is it to say that the Pope of Rome is an vniuersall head ouer the Church Is not this to take away Christes roome and dignitie or rather is it not to make the Church a monster to haue two heades in one body But they say that the Byshope of Rome is the visible heade in Christes steade but this they can not shewe by Scripture neither doeth the Church require any such heade for Christ is present with it as he hath promised Mat. 28. I am with you alwayes euen vnto the ende of the worlde If the Pope be a visible heade why is he not seene of al men why doeth he not gouerne all men in the Church and giue nourishment vnto them as the heade ought to doe This he doth not wherefore he is no visible heade as he doth pretende And surely to be the general head ouer al is too great a matter enterprise for any mortal man to take vpō him I am sure the Pope will graunt him selfe to be a member of this Catholike Church If hee then bee a member howe can hee be an head except the same thing shal be both an heade and member which is very absurde monstruous If he say that as he is a member Christ is his head only and not another why shall not Christ bee as well a head for all These thinges wee see are very childish and fonde But yet they apply and say that Christ sayde to Peter Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I builde my Church First note hee sayth not vpon thee Peter will I builde but vpon this rocke meaning the fayth of Peters confession which confessed him to be Christ therefore by the rocke hee meant himselfe For when Peter had sayd Thou art Christ the sonne of God Christ sayd to him Vpon this rocke will I builde my Church and in that place hee giueth no more to Peter in the keys which is the binding and losing of sinners then he giueth to thē al els where as in Ioh. 20. when he said Receiue the holy Ghost whosoeuers sinnes ye remit they are remitted whosoeuers sinnes ye reteyne they are reteyned Here all haue as much as Peter and if they will beleeue the fathers which they brag of much they do neuer referre this vnto Peter alone but to the rest of the apostles to al faithful ministers of Iesus Christ As Origē in his 1. homi vpō Mat. so doth Cyprian Ambrose Ierome Augustine And what hath the pope to do with these woordes which followeth not Peter neyther in life nor doctrine A strange thing it is to see how they builde their kingdome vpon Peter and whatsoeuer is saide of him they take it to them selues But before they can prooue any thing in deede they must prooue these three poyntes vnto vs if they wil haue the Pope to be the supreme head of the whole Church which they shall be neuer able to doe by the scriptures as long as they liue First they must prooue that Peter was chiefe and head of all the Apostles Secondly that he was at Rome and sate there as Bishop generall Thirdly that hee left all the title and preeminence of this seate to his successours whatsoeuer If they prooue the two first poyntes as they can not yet they make nothing against vs although we shoulde graunt it them vnles they proue the third which they shall neuer be able to do that Peter hath left all his authoritie to his successours after him for euer Forasmuch then as the Pope neither is nor cā be any ecclesiasticall head to this Church but Christe Iesus alone which is alwayes presēt with it euer walketh in the midst of the seuē golden cādlesticks so that he needeth no vicar general or vniuersal B. let vs dearly beloued as we loue the Lorde Iesus our head and tender the saluation of our owne soules flee farre from the Pope and all his adherents traditions decrees and pardons lest hee make marchandise also of our soules as he doth of a great many both in Rome Spaine and els where This being set downe as a most certaine and sure principle that Christ is the head of this church it would be seene what authoritie this church hath and what rule or power is graunted vnto it If the Papistes will graunt as they can not deny but that this church is the wife chaste and obedient spouse to her Lorde and husband Iesus Christ If I say they will admit this this controuersie betweene them and vs of the authoritie of the Churche whether it be greater then the scriptures and worde of Christ shall not bee hard to discusse but soone ended For what authoritie iurisdiction a wise man wil graunt to his wife vnder him that libertie is to bee graunted to the church vnder Christ If it be reason and iust that a wife shoulde not controll or be superior and aboue her husbandes worde and commaundement hauing a wise and discrete husbande to gouerne and commaunde her then is it no reason or right whatsoeuer the papists say that the authoritie of the church which is the wife should be greater and of more force then the woorde and will of the husbande Christ seeing that S. Paul saith Eph. 5. 24. that the church is in subiection to Christ and from thence draweth an argument of the obedience and subiection of wiues to their husbands which surely can not be so in euery thing as Paul there willeth except the Church bee in subiection and vnder the authoritie of the will and commandement of the husbande in all things If they will not permit but thinke it vnreasonable vnles they goe against scripture that the wiues authoritie should bee either equall or superiour to the husband why then doe they suffer and teache that the decrees and constitutions of the churche to make articles lawes sacramēts and other rites and ceremonies are aboue the authoritie of the written worde and so consequently aboue Christ him selfe which can not be separated from his worde and will which hee will haue vs to receiue as him selfe For speaking of his Apostles and other ministers that brought his worde to the people he saith He that receiueth you receiueth me and hee that despiseth you despiseth me And therefore when the aduersaries saye that the authoritie of the Church is greater then the woorde and scriptures of God what doe they saye els but that man is aboue God the wife aboue the husband The one is blasphemy and the other absurde Wee see then by these thinges that the authoritie of the church is to obey Christ in all things and to doe such workes and busines as he hath commanded in his worde except it bee in indifferent matters not repugning vnto the worde nor hindering godlines and being voyde of superstition and without clogge of conscience The Church is compared and likened to an house 1. Timoth.
the ground then is hee subiect to gunshatte or other snares and daungers So it is with vs if our mindes were fixed aboue vpon heauenly things Satan coulde not take vs in his trappes but when they are altogether cast downewarde vpon the earth and earthly pleasures then we fall into his baytes and are entangled in his grennes Therefore as Christ is ascended so let vs also ascende in minde cogitation vnto him for Christ doeth bidde vs tome vnto him and this saying standeth in his full force nowe as it did when ●e spake it here with vs vpon the earth and we must come vnto him nowe Let vs then come and resorte vnto him by our earnest and heartie prayer for then wee talke with him For prayer is sayd to be a speach and communication with God and a lifting vp of our heartes vnto him in heauen We shoulde remember then that as often as we pray we speake to the maiestie of God and therefore shoulde come with feare and reuerence Let vs also come to Christ to heare h●● comfortable worde and Gospel For when we heare his worde preached vnto vs or reade it our selues we must consider that God speaketh vnto vs and therefore giue diligent and attentiue heede to the things thou hearest lest they slip out of thy minde Againe let vs also ascend and come to him by heartie thanke sgiuing for al benefits receyued in our body and soule both temporall and spirituall This is to ascende vnto Christ in this life Seeing therefore that by the blood of Iesus we may be bold to enter into the holy place by the new liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is his flesh seeing also we haue an high Priest which is ouer the house of God let vs all draw neere with a true heart in assurance of fayth our hearts being pure from an euill conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water Let vs keepe the profession of our hope without wauering and let vs ascende whither our forerunner Iesus Christ is entred and ascended for vs already euen into the heauen of heauens Another singular cō●ort ●or to ●ead our faith vpon by Christs ascension is his power to strengthen our weakenesse for we beleeue nowe that Christ hath taken full possession of his most glorious kingdome is entred into glory to whom as Saint Peter sayth The angels and powers and myght are subiect and whatsoeuer else For God hath sayde vnto him Sit thou at my right hande vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole the Lord shall send the ●odde of thy power out of Sion be thou buler in the middest of thine enemies Psal 110. So that wee may boldly saye as Dauid sayde sometime The Lorde is our shephearde yea the Lorde Iesus is our King therefore shall wee lacke nothing For tel me I pray you what good thing can we want Christ being our heauenly King and hauing nowe all power and authoritie giuen vnto him and sitting at the ryght hand of the almightie Father Surely his seruantes shall enioy all things as he sayeth He that ouercommeth shall inherit all things and who is he that ouercommeth but Iesus Christ in whome we by his power and vertue ouercome also that as hee is made heyre of all things so myght wee also bee made ioynt heyres with him Wherefore wee knowe Christ no more in his mortalitie and humilitie Yea although wee had knowen Christ after the flesh yet hence foorth knowe we him no more after the flesh but after the woorking of his myghtie Spirite whereby hee is able to subdue all things to him selfe Philip. 3. For here we must consider that Christ hath thus ascended into glorie for vs and hath receyued giftes for men euen great spoyles of the enemies to enrich his Church This is our reioycing which wee haue dayly in Christ Iesus here is the ioy patience and victorie of the Saints of God for he must reigne vntill hee hath put all his enemies vnder his feete Who then can he discouraged with any thing that befalleth vnto him eyther of bodie or griefe of minde or losse of goods and friends Is it not Christ that dyed for vs and which is rysen againe who is also at the ryght hande of God and maketh request for vs Who shall say any thing vnto our charge who shal condemne vs If Christ be on our side as hee is most certaynely being our head who then can bee agaynst vs howe can wee sacke any thing in this lyfe when God hath giuen his Sonne for vs What man or woman woulde thinke to lacke any thing earthly that had a King to his Father or a Prince to bee his brother and shall wee bee of so litle fayth to thinke that wee can lacke ought hauing GOD the great King ouer al the world to be our louing Father and Iesus Christ his Sonne the Prince of all princes to bee our owne brother This were madnesse to thinke or conceiue but yet if wee bee wauering through incredulitie let vs saye and waye with the man in the Gospel Lorde helpe my vnbeliefe and with the Apostles let vs saye Lorde increase our fayth in vs and make it strong agaynst all tentations of Satan Seeing then that Iesus Christ is of that power that he is able to bring to passe all thinges Gods children may assure them selues of a singular defence agaynst all their enemies For who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or peryll or sworde Nay dearely beloued I am certaynely perswaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor heyght nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde for in all these thinges wee are more then conquerours through him that loued vs and this is our Christ that sitteth in the heauens for vs. By this his glorie and power euer since his ascending hee hath mayntayned the estate and welfare of his Congregation and will doe to the ende of the worlde The last thing wee learne by Christes ascension is this that he is also ascended to leade captiuitie captiue that is to say to beate downe and ouerthrowe all his foes and such as ryse vp heere agaynst him so that as his power is a great comfort to his spouse so it is as great a terrour and griefe to the wicked reprobates to thinke or to consider of it For it maketh them to frette and fume and to bee euer at their wittes ende for sorowe and griefe that hee must ouercome in spite of their teeth Then wee learne that our enemies shall not alway tryumph ouer vs they shall not still haue vs in their bandes in pryson and thraldome but one day they surely them selues shall come to confusion and shame The Scriptures when they will paynt out Christ vnto vs
or the chamber of presence for a mā can haue no accesse thither vntill he haue passed through many other doores and houses so surely it is in the life to come We can not come or enter into the kingdome of heauē euen the priuy chamber of Iesus Christ and there behold his presence except we first passe by many doores in this life which doe leade vs thither as for example we must first passe by our election then by our creation thirdly by our redemption wrought by Christ vpon the crosse fourthly by iustification fiftly by sanctification of life and last of all we must come to the resurrection as the last doore if we will haue our finall glorification which is euerlasting life to beholde and inioy the sweete and louing countenance of the Lorde Yea Paul goeth further and sayth that by many tribulations as strayte doores and gates which wring vs wee must enter into the kingdome of God Needes therefore must the resurrection be ioyfull whē as it leadeth vs directly to such a palace of pleasure as shall neuer ende therefore is called of Peter the time of refreshing both of bodye and soule in the presence of the Lorde Actes 3. The holy Apostle willed the Thessalonians to cōfort them selues with the ioyfull remēbrance of this day 1. Thess 4. For it shal be vnto vs as a new birth or natiuitie in al purenes And if wee so celebrate the dayes of our birth wherein we were borne into a vale of myserye and troubles howe ought wee to celebrate and keepe holy this day wherein we shall be exempted from all curses of this present life This day is termed our marriage day if we reioyce here when we are married to a mortall creature peraduenture to our greater payne and trouble thē before oh dearely beloued how should we be affected what tokens of ioy ought we to shewe foorth when wee shal be marryed to the sonne of God Christ Iesus for euer in fayth and trueth with a band which neuer shal be broken as the Lord speaketh in Ose 2. chapter and Reuelat. 19. In this day shall the gates of heauen be set wide open vnto vs which were shut vp before our bodies shall so much excell the bodyes which we now beare about with vs as the sunne doeth passe and ouercome the moone in brightnesse and light O what a ioye is this to haue our estate like vnto the blessed Angels of God most pure and diuine creatures If this cannot moue vs I see nothing that may doe it I am sure this reward so moued good Moses that hee forsooke the kingdome in Egypt and suffered paine with the people of God to come to this life in the ende Hebr. 11. Yea this hope of life to come made Abraham to leaue his coūtrey and to goe to the land of Canaan as a poore stranger Gen. 12. This made Paul to go through thicke and thinne in this life that he might attayne to the resurrection when he had seene the ioyes and pleasures that were shewed vnto him in Paradise when hee was taken vp thither 2. Cor. 12. Of this ioy our Sauiour gaue his disciples a tast in the Mount when hee was transfigured before them but it was nothing in respect of this Nowe as these thinges are most comfortable to the godly to heare that their bodyes shall be raysed vp to such glory So is this day most fearefull to the vngodly which haue here liued a dissolute life For they shall say at that day to the hilles Fall vpon vs and to the mountaynes Couer vs. but this shall not preuayle for they shal be raised vp but to their shame and confusion for euer as Daniel saith Cha. 12. They shal come forth as our sauiour sayth but to the resurrection of condemnation and so to be punished from the presence of the Lord Iesus with the worme of cōscience which shal neuer leaue to bite thē with the fire which shal not be quenched So they shal perish worthily through their owne corruption and receiue the wages of vnrighteousnesse as they which count it pleasure dayly to liue dilitiously These men would willingly wishe that this day might neuer be but it shal come vpon them and that suddenly and they shal be taken and snared not escape this iudgement For they must yeeld an accoūt of al their vngodly works wherby they haue both displeased the Lord and euil intreated his sayntes here vpon earth Thus you haue heard dearely beloued brethren the treatise of the resurrection by the scriptures discoursed First how that there is a generall rising of all fleshe Secondly the endes wherefore it is ordayned and then the cōfortable doctrine that the godly by this may lay hold on in all miseries of this life Nowe it remayneth for a finall conclusion that while we liue here we indeuour to haue our part in the first resurrection with Christ that we may by this come to the second and be blessed with him Let vs therefore giue thankes to our Lord Iesus Christ who is the resurrection and the life in that he hath vouchsafed to giue vnto vs an assurance of it in his owne person in that he rose againe from the dead And let vs likewise pray vnto him that we may so liue as we may be children of this happy resurrection to life hauing an effectual fayth with charitie which worketh by loue in vs that al our actions whatsoeuer may be seasoned powdered with it preparing our selues against this day with mortifying of our flesh seeing wee shal meete so victorious glorious a Lord comming in the cloudes let vs purge our selues from all filthinesse of the fleshe and spirit for no vncleane thing shall enter in with him God for his sonnes sake giue vs the grace to doe these things to the which blessed and immortall God with the sonne and the holy Ghost be rendred all prayse glory and thankesgiuing for euermore Amen The twelfth Lecture vpon the twelfth article of our Christian fayth which is The life euerlasting THis is the last article of our Christiā faith the last greatest benefite that God doth bestow vpō his church which is y● third benefit of thē that followe the church for after remission of sinnes and the resurrection of our bodyes followeth this free gifte of life which is the ende of all our fayth as S. Peter calleth it 1. Pet 1. The resurrection going before giueth a passage vnto this endlesse life for except that resurrection come we cannot fully haue this benefit As remission of sinnes by Christ is the greatest gifte that God doeth bestowe vpon his children in this life so in the world to come this euerlasting life doeth so far surmount all the rest as the earth in cōpasse doth passe the bignesse of a tennys bal. This article shal then haue his effect whē Christ shal come to iudgment not before For of al the articles of our faith these three only