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A17018 The iudgement of the Apostles and of those of the first age, in all points of doctrine questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England, as they are set downe in the 39. Articles of their religion. By an old student in Diuinitie. Broughton, Richard. 1632 (1632) STC 3898; ESTC S114820 265,017 428

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THE IVDGEMENT OF THE APOSTLES THE IVDGEMENT OF THE APOSTLES AND OF THOSE OF THE FIRST AGE IN ALL POINTS of doctrine questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England as they are set downe in the 39. Articles of their Religion By an old student in Diuinitie MORIENS REVIVISCO AT DOWAY By the widdow of MARK WYON at the signe of the golden Phoenix M.DC.XXXII TO HER MOST EXCELLENT MAIESTY MARIE BY THE GRACE OF GOD QVEENE OF GREAT BRITTANY FRANCE AND IRELAND ALL dignities Most Gratious Queene haue assembled themselues in your Maiestie striuing as it were to make you Great and Glorious Whether we respect that great Monarchie of Fraunce whose Iewell darling you are or that great Monarch HENRY the fourth your noble Father surnamed GREAT for his MARTIALL CHIVALRIE or your Most Illustrious Mother descended of the howse of the great Duke of Florence or your most Christian brother King of Fraunce surnamed IVSTE or your noble Sisters the one married to the great and CATHOLIKE King of Spaine the other to the potent and warlike Duke of Sauoye And although your Maiestie may seeme to haue left all these dignities in leauing Fraunce transporting your selfe to Inglād Yet they follow you as inseparable attendants on your royall vertues yea now there is a new dignitie accrewed vnto your Maiestie greater then all the rest to wit Your mariage with our great King CHARLES his great Crowne and Kingdome because by your former dignities you were only daughter and Sister to Kings and Queenes by this you art a greate Queene and Spouse to the mighty Prince and greate King of the great Brittanie and by him you haue all the greatnesse also which the Royall bloud of him and his Ancestours can adde vnto yours I may adde to all this another thing which doth agrandize your greatnesse more thē all the rest to wit your Maiesties Constancie in Religiō amidst so many diuers sectes of heresie your zeale towards the Catholike cause your compassion of your Catholike Subiectes for whom you are often suppliant to our noble Souueraigne in all their distresses lastlie your manie pretious and rare indowmentes of nature grace for which our noble King loueth you dearely your subiectes admire you and God hath blessed you with a Royall and hopefull issue When I cast mine eyes on the resplendent beames lustre of this your Greatnesse I confesse I was daunted and feared to approach to so Great maiestie especiallie with so litle a present as I had prepared to wit this litle pamphlet rudelie compiled and in respect of it selfe and the Authour nothing beseeming because nothing proportionate to your greatnesse But because great Princes who cannot be Higher or greater in Temporall dignitie disdaine not yea take pleasure to bowe euen to their lowest Subiectes and doe willinglie accept of their loyall duties and respectes be they expressed by neuer so litle presentes I aduentured presuming on your Maiesties great and gratious Goodnesse to dedicate this my booke vnto your Royall Maiestie my selfe and humble seruice with it hoping that although in other respectes it be too litle a present for so great a Queene yet in that it containeth the Iudgement of the great Apostles and Apostolicall Doctours of the first age after Christ concerning the Protestant Religion conteined in the articles authorized by Parlament it will not be slighted nor lightlie esteemed by your most Excellent Maiestie It will rather confirme and comfort your Maiestie in the Catholike faith when by this booke you shall perceaue that you professe the same religion which the Apostles and Apostolicall Doctours preached and deliuered which S. PETER taught in our countrie which S. IOSEPH of Arimathie who buried CHRIST and was at his mothers death and Assumption taught and practised at Glastenburie where he and his companions fixed their aboade and passed their life in fastinges watchinges and prayers as our Annalles doe testifie Which not onelie the noble Kings of France from CLODOVEVS the first Christian King to King LEWIS the IVST who now raigneth imbraced but also our first Christian King LVCIVS receiued from that holy Pope ELEVTHERIVS who sent him not onely preachers to instruct him and his people but also as our Annales recorde vnto vs sent vnto him an hallowed crowne and extended the limits of his Kingdome to Norwaye and Denmarke Which faith all our first Christian Kinges who were also Saintes mantained by sword and Scepter as Sainct LVCIVS our first Christian King S. LVCIVS or LVCIAN Apostle to the BAVARIANS S. CONSTANTINE Emperour amongst the Grecians S. CONSTANTINE King S. THEODRICKE the two SS ETHELBERTES the two SS ETHELDREDS S. GVNDLEVS S. OSWALD S. OSWIN S. SEBBE S. CEADWALL S. INAS S. SIGEBERT S. RICHARD the twoe SS ALFREDS S. CEOLNVLPHE S. FREMVND S. KENELME S. ETHELNVPH SS EDGAR S. EDMVND the two S. EDWARDS and S. MALCOLME and their holie Queenes also imbraced as S. HELEN Queene and Emperesse mother to CONSTANTINE the great S. AVDRIE or ETHELDRED S. CHINNEBVRGE S. EANFLED S. ERMEMBVRGE S. ETHELBVRG S. ERMVILD S. HERESWIDE S. BVTHILDIS S. SEXBVRGE S. WILFRED S. EADGITH S. ALGVIE S. AGATHE S. MARGARET S. MAVDE To which I willinglie adde our holie Queene S. BERTH as whom your Maiestie so much representeth and resembleth She was daughter to a King of France so is your Maiestie She was married to King ETHELBERT who then was of a contrarie religion to her so is your Maiestie despoused to our King CHARLES the GREAT different as yet from your Maiestie in Religion She was allowed a Bishop and others to be about hee who were of her religion so is your Maiestie She by her prayers and good examples together with some religious preachers sent by S. GREGORIE the great procured the conuersion of her HVSBAND and his people vnto the Christian and Catholike faith and religion so we hope that your Maiestie shall by your holie prayers and examples for which our soueraigne loueth you dearely be a cause of his conuersion to the Catholique Faith at least we hope your Maiestie shall worke in him such a liking of the Catholike Faith that he shall neuer permitte that faith to be persecuted for the defence whereof against Luther King HENRY the eight his great vncle was the first who by Pope LEO the Tenthe was Honoured with the glorious title of DEFENDOVR OF THE FAITH which with the crowne and Kingdome is line●llie defcended vnto his Maiestie Certes his morall life free from all note of vice in which he yeeldeth to no Christian P●ince in Europe seemeth to promise noe lesse This our Kingdome most noble Queene is stiled in auncient histories THE DOWRIE OF MARIE the mother of God Which perchaūce is the cause why it hath beene so fortunate in Queene MARIES as in Queene MARIES as in Queene MARIE who restored the Catholike Religion after the death of her brother King EDWARD the sixt and in Queene MARIE our Souueraignes grand-mother who sanctified our Land with her bloud shed
recognit l. 1. he relateth it in the name of the Apostles a Councell which they kept at a feaste of Easter Cum nos duodecim Apostoliad diem Paschae cum ingenti multitudine conuenissemus ingressi Ecclesiam fratrum quae à nobis per loca singula gesta sint breuiter exponimus So of that their holy Councell wherein they decreed and composed the Creede which the Church euer since professeth and our Protestants before receaue as composed by them the history of it is expressely set downe by Sainct Clement Ruffinus and others Christo resurgente ascendente in coelum Clem. epist 1. Ruffin l. de expos Symb. misso sancto Spiritu collata Apostolis scientia linguarum adhuc in vno positi Symbolum quod fidelis nunc tenet Ecclesia vnusquisque quod sensit dicendo condiderunt vt discedentes ab inuicem hanc regulam per omnes gentes praedicarent And reciting the contents thereof concludeth that the Apostles penned it by instinct of the holy Ghost Hoc praedicti sancti Apostoli inter Clem. Const Apost l. 6. c. 14. 15. 16. 17. c. se per Spiritum sanctum salubriter vt dictum est condiderunt Diuers other such sacred Councels of the Apostles and Disciples of Christ wee might recite from approued writers and yet none of them was by the commaūde or allowance of any temporall Prince or Potentate but otherwise And to make it manifest to all posterity that Princes tēporall were not to haue any commaunde in such affaires as Protestants in this article pretend the same holy Apostles in their Canons by some readings in the 36. by others the 37. and by others 38. do thus decree that Bishops should twise Canon Apōstol can 36. 37. vel 38. in the yeare keepe councels and among themselues examine the decrees of religion and compose such Ecclesiasticall Controuersies as should arise first in the fourth weeke after Pent●cost and the second the 12. day of October Bis in anno fiat Episcoporum Synodus inter se examinent decreta religionis incidentes Ecclesiasticas controuersias componant semel quidem quarta hebdomade Pentecostes iterum autem Hyperb●retaei duodecimo And S. Clement from the same Apostles teacheth Clem. Apost constit l 2. c. 30 c. 26 in al. exempl further that Episcopall power and dignity was the greatest on earth Bishops were Mediatours betweene God and men in things belonging to diuine worship The Bishop is the Master of piety and Religion the Father of Christians vnder God their Prince their Leader their King their Ruler After God the earthly God who ought to enioy honour the Bishop must gouerne being adorned with the dignity of God whereby he hath power ouer the Cleargy and ruleth all the people Qui Episcopus est hic est minister verbi scientiae custos Mediator inter Deum homines in ijs quae ad eum colendum pertinent hic est magister pietatis religionis hic est secundum Deum pater vester hic Princeps Dux vester hic vester Rex praefectus hic post Deum terreus Deus qui honore v●stro frui debet Episcopus vobis praesideat vt dignitate Dei cohon●status qua clerum sub potestate sua ten●t toti populo p●aeest He tell●th vs againe by the same Apostolike warrant Cap. 11. that a Bishop representeth the example of God to men and ruleth all men Preists Kings Magistrats parents children and all subiects Stude Episcope vt mundus purusque sis locum tuum dignitatemque tuam actionibus declara vt pote qui exemplar Dei repraesentas praesidendo omnibus hominibus Sacerdotibus regibus Magistratibus parentibus filijs pariter cunctis Cap. 12. subditis And iudgeth with power as God doth Iudica Episcope potestate fretus tanquam Deus And as Moses by God was called a God so a Bishop Cap. 30. c. 34. 37. 13. is to be honoured as God By how much the soule is more excellent then a Kingdome Wee must loue a Bishop as a Father feare hym as a King honour him as Lord. It is graunted onely to Preists to Iudge in spirituall causes Lay men must obey the Bishop is Steward and dispenser Cap. 40. 39. of Ecclesiasticall things Wee must not aske an accomp● of him nor obserue how he performeth his dispensation when with whom where well or ill or conueniently He hath God his Iudge who hath committed this dispensation into his hands Without a Bishop wee must do Cap. 31. nothing If any man doth any thing without the Bishop he doth it in vaine A Bishop is the heade and must no● Cap. 17. obey the foote a lay man but onely God He must rule hi● subiects not obey them The sonne doth not rule the Father nor the Seruant his Lord nor the Scholler his mastor nor the Souldier the King so the lay man must no● commaund the Bishop Si de parentibus secundum carnem lex diuina inquit honora patrem tuum matrem tuam quanto magis de spiritualibus parentibus vob● praeceptum est vt eos honoretis diligatis tanquam b●n●ficos ligatosque ad Deum Hos venerabiliter colite varijs honoribus Hos Principes Reges vestros p●tatote tributa tanquam Regibus penditote Si aliquid orationi addendum est plura hic Episcopus quam ille Rex olim Ille enim rem militarem tantum administrabat belli pacisque moderator ad tuenda corpora hic verò Dei Sacerdotium administrans corpus animam periculis liberat Quanto igitur corpore est excellentior tanto Sacerdotium Regno praestat Ligat enim id soluit supplicio vel indulgentia dignos Ideo Episcopum diligere debetis vt patrem timeré vt Regem honorare vt Dominum Non est aequum caput cum sis ô Episcope caudae obsequi hoc est laico homini seditioso in alterius pernici●m sed soli Deo Imperare enim debes subditis non parere nam neque filius imperat patri secundum originis rationem neque seruus Domino secundum potestatis rationem neque discipulus magistro neque miles Regi ita neque laïcus Episcopo The like he hath in diuers other places and in S. Ignat. epist ad Smyrnen ample manner S. Ignatius is as plaine in this point He telleth vs that all without exception of any must followe the Bishop as Christ his Father And none must doe any thing in matters belonging to the Church without the Bishop Omnes Episcopum siquimini vt Christus patrem Sine Episcopo nemo quicquam faciat eorum quae ad Ecclesiam spectant He manifestly maketh the Authority of Bishops greater then any regall or other on earth in these matters the Princes of Preists representing the Image of God and next to him to be honoured and obeyed and declareth it for a greater treason and disobedience to resist the Bishop then the
onely in our Concil in cen 1. cen 1. can ● Concil Antioch c. 20 Ignat. epist Polycarp most auncient Popes and writers as Sainct Anacletus before but in first and generall Councels themselues Sainct Ignatius testifieth it was the order in his time and giueth that order that such councels should be often kept Crebrius celebrentur conuentus synodique And euident it is by all antiquities that many such Councels and Synods were kept longe before and when and where there was not any Christian Prince or King to giue his will commaund or consent vnto them Diuers such are yet extant Tertullian lyuing long before any such Christian King was either in Britaine which had the first or els where is an ample witnesse that in diuers places and from all Churches councels were assembled about affaires in religion and with greate reuerence and such as represented all Tertullian aduers Psychicos cap. 13. that were Christians Aguntur praecepta per Graecias illas certisin locis concilia ex vniuersis Ecclesijs per quae altiora quaeque in communa tractantur ipsa represent atio totius nominis Christiani magna veneratione celebratur And if wee should follow the will and Rule of Protestants to accompt them generall Conc. Arelat to 1. Conc. in Subscript Io. Bal. l. de Scriptor Brit. cent 1. Stowe hist Romans Godwine conuers of Britaine Concil Sunessan to 1. Concil in 3. examp Act. antiq S. Marcellin Robert Barnesse l. de vit Pontif. Rom. in Marcellin councels where the most Bishops and from most prouinces in greatest number be assembled wee may relate for such the Councels of Arles where our Archbishop of Lōdon Rectitutes was present gathered forth of aboue 30. Kingdomes and contries and that of Sunessanum hauing 300. Bishops present at it in such time when the King of the Contry and Emperour of the world Diocletian reigned and raged the greatest persecutour of Christians that euer was they assembled themselues against his will and to keepe their meetinge vnknowne to him kept their coūcell in a secret Caue of the earth and thither entered not aboue 50. at one time it not able to receaue more together at one meetinge these things thus agreed vpon both by Catholike and Protestant antiquaries must needs make vs all Catholiks in this point As also to see the first Christian Kings and Emperours so to haue behaued themselues in this matter as Catholiks now professe Britaine was made happy with the first Christian King holy S. King Lucius who neuer tooke vpon him any such pretended spirituall power but so much honoured that true power in the Pope of Rome that by all antiquities he sent humble Ambassadge and suppliant letters to the then Pope S. Eleutherius to haue his Kingdome conuerted and Christian Religion setled here by his meanes and authority and by him and his holy legates all such busines was here established ratified confirmed all historians forreine domesticall Catholike and Protestāt so consenting Philipp was the first Christian Emperour though a short time he was so farre from arregating any such power to him selfe or denying it to the Pope of Rome that as Eusebius and others testifie he did publike pennance euen among the common penitents at the Popes enioyning it vnto him De Philippo fertur quod cum Euseb Eccl. hist l 6 ca. 3● Nicephoras Callist l 5. ca. 25. Christianus esset in die qua vltimae Paschatis vigiliae seruabantur in precationibus multitudini Ecclesiasticae tanquam consors coniungi vellet ab eo qui tum Ecclesiae praeerat admissum non esse nisi primum consiteretur ijs se qui propter peccata inquirebantur in poenitentiae loco constituti erant coniugeret Alioqui nisi hoc faceret nonfore ipsum admiitendum propterea quòd in multis culpabilis esset fertur itaque promptè obediuisse sincerumque ac religio sum animum erga Deum ipsis operibus declarasse This Pope as Nicephorus with others writeth was Sainct Fabian which so commaundeth the first Christian Emperour and hee Christianly and dutifully obeyed him When the first Nicen Councell against Arius which is commonly reputed for the first generall Councell was called That greate glory of this Kingdome borne here Constantine the greate was Emperour and although he was the greatest benefactour to the Church of God founder and dilatour of the honour and renowne thereof that enioyed the Empire and hauing onely in his power then to permit so greate assemblies of learned and holy Christians Bishops as were present there yet as Eusebius then liuing Euseb lib. 3. de vit Constantini cap. 6. writeth he called not the Bishops together by his commaunde as this article giueth to Kings but wrote honorable letters vnto them to such purpose per literas honorificè scriptas And as Ruffinus a Ruffin lib. 1. hist cap. 1. man also of that time expoundeth those proceedings vnto vs this was as the Bishops willed and directed ex Sacerdo●um sententia apud vrbem Nicanam Episcopale cuncilium conuocat And S. Damasus Damasus in vit Syluestri Papae an other old writer of the liues of the Popes saith expressely it was called by the consent of Sainct Syluester then Pope of Rome Huius temporibus factum est concilium cum eius consensu in Nicea Bithiniae Besides it is euident in the authenticall subscription Subscript in Concil Nicaeno in fine Euseb l. 3. 4. de vit Constantini to that holy Councell that diuers Bishops were present and subscribed vnto it out of Persia and other Kingdomes and contries where Constantine had no temporall commaund or dominion and they which so then ruled in them were not Christians at that time So hath Eusebius others when they say that assembly was frō all Churches in Europe Afrike and Asia ex omnibus Ecclesijs quae frequentes in tota Europa Africa Asia extiterunt And name diuers in particular where Constantine Euseb l. 3. de vit Constantini cap. 7. Socrates Ecclesiastic hist l. 1. c. 5. Sozomen hist l. 2. c. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. had then no power by his owne relation giuing still the most he could to that Emperour in all respects This is euident also by the exceeding greate desire which all good Bishops in all places then had to assemble in such a councell which could not be done at that time persecution scarcely yet ceased by inferiour rulers and the Bishops in greate pouerty and distresse by their late persecution without the temporall helpe and allowance of the Emperour which being had as Eusebius and others write came together with greatest alacrity and ioye as men newly set at liberty out of prison Vbi edictum in quaque prouincia diuulgatum crat omnes Euseb l. 3. de vit Constant cap. 6. summa cum animorum alacritate tanquam è carceribus ad cur sum emissi properè aduolarunt This is
builde● before S. Ioseph and his holy companians ca●● hither and here founded by them wholly finished Antiquitat glast tabulis fix sup S. Augustinus in Ecclesia S. Edmundi Matth. parker An●iquit Britan. c. 2. p. 3. edit Hanouiae an 1605. and perfected dedicated also to the blessed Virgi● Many Primi Catholicae legis Neophyta antiqua● De● dictante repererunt Ecclesiam nulla hominion arte v● referunt constructam immo ●umanae saluti à Deo p●●atam quam postmodum ipse caelorum fabricator m●ltis mir●culorum gestis multisque virtutum mysterij● 〈◊〉 Sanctaeque Dei Genitr●ci Mariae se consecrasse monstrauit This was in the ●1 yeare after the Passion of Christ and after the assumption of our lady 15. Anno post Passionem Domini 31. post Assumptio●e● Gloriosa Virginis 15. When few other Saincts in the lawe of Christ were deceased this life and then in heauen Thus were our Two first Churches dedicated here by greatest warrant to the honour of the blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God where shee assisted and protected her Suppliant Seruants and petitioners there And S. Bede with all Antiquaries Catholiks Protestants consenteth that the Britans kept their first faith inuiolate and whole vntill the cruell persecution of Dioclesian Bed histor Eccl Angl. l. 1. cap. 4. susceptam fidem Britanni vsque in tempora Dioclesia● 〈◊〉 inuiolatam integramque quieta in pace serua●●● And when this Kingdom was generally ●●●●erted which happend in the succeding age all ●●● Temples before founded to false Gods were by common and greatest authoritie in all opinions 〈◊〉 now whatsoeuer of the holy pope S. Eleu●●●●i●s his legats and our holy kinge S. Lu●●us c●●●nged into Christian Churches dedicated to God and his Saincts Templa quae in honore plurimo●●● Galfrid histor Briton l. 4. c. 19. Matth. west an 185. Deorum fundata fuerant vni Deo eiusque San●●●● dedicanerunt So they dedicated Churches to ●●● holy Angels namely S. Michael the Archangel ●●●oured and prayed vnto him and he protected Antiquitat glaston manuscript epistol S. Patricij Capgr catal in S. Patric Ioseph Bed hist l. 1. c. 7. Matth. westin An. 303. Manuscript Antiq. Iacob gemen in vit S. Amphibali Cap grau in eod in S. Alban Gradual antiq miss Sarisb in festo S. Albani litan Angl. antiq ante bapt commend anim● ●●em Phaganus Damianus Oratorium aedificauerunt in honore S. Michaelis Archangeli quatenus ibi ab hominib●● haberet honorem qui homines in perpetuos honores i●●ente Deo est introducturus So they prayed vnto the Saincts as is euident in the Examples of Sainct Heraclius our Martyr at the death of our fist Martyr S. Alban praying to him and heard and helped by him And S. Amphibalus that conuerted Saint Alban thus prayed vnto him both to be assisted by him and the holy Angels Sancte Albane Deum nostrum depreceris vt mihi Angelum bonum obuiam mittat ne mihi praedo truculentus obsistere nec Iter meum pars iniqua valeat impedire So it was in all after times which I am not to speake of in this place but thus may end this tedious and confused Article stuffed with so many fulshoods and aunciently condemned heresies I may be more breife in the rest of their followeing Articles not conteyning so many particulars THE IX CHAPTER The 23. article examined THeir next Article the 23. in number is this ● is not lawfull for any man to take vpon him ●● office of publik preaching or ministring the Sacrame●● in the Congregation before he be lawfully called ●● sent to execute the same And those wee ought to Iudg● lawfully called and sent which be thosen and called ● this worke by men who haue publik authoritie giu● vnto them in the Congregation to call and send mi●●sters in the Lords vineyard This is the whole Article wherein there is no controuersie with or again● the Church of Rome neuer allowing any fo● Preists or publike ministers of the holy Sacraments but such as are duely and truely consecrate● in the Sacrament of holy orders onely ministre● by lawfully and Canonically Sacred Bishops a● the doctryne and practise of this Apostolike ag● was as I haue proued before and S. Ignatius wit● S. Ignatius epist ad Smyrnen others thus proue vnto vs Non licet sine Episcop● baptizare neque offerre neque sacrificium immol●●● neque Dochen celebrare sed quodcumque illi vis●● fuerit secundum beneplacitum Dei vt tutum ra●●●sit saci at is No Sacrament could be ministred nothing done in the Church without the Bishop● authoritie and approbation No man could be ● Preist minister Sacraments or exercise any Ecclesiasticall order or function but onely such as wer● Epistol ad Heron. consecrated thereunto by lawfull Bishops Nih●●sine Episcopis facito baptizant sacrificant elig●●● manus imponunt And these Protestants themselue● both in their Booke of their pretended consecration Protest Booke of consecrat pref per tot artic 36. infra prot glosse vpon the same canons Iniunctious c. and their 36. Article hereafter intituled of Consecration of Bishops and Ministers as also their publik glosse therevpon and common practise do thus testifie The Superioritie and authoritie which Bishops and Archbishops do exercise in ordering ●●d consecrating of Bishops and Ecclesiasticall ministers i● grounded vpon the word of God From the Apostles d●●es hither to there neuer wanted à Succession of Bis●ops neither in the East nor westerne Churches And from the first nursing of their Religion here in England they euer by their publik proceedings allowed that consecration which was in the Romane Church and most willingly without any addition or ceremony allowed such as were so consecrated to be Preists Ministers and Ecclesiasticall men among them if they would in wordly respects and in externall shew giue any allowance to their Religion And at this day they contend to deriue their owne pretended Bishops and Ministers by Consecration from our Catholik Roman Bishops This Article as their glosse expoundeth it seemeth to haue beene made agaynst the Mancerians Them Rogers Analis vpon the b. of Articles art 23. allowed by the lawf authoritie of the Church of Engl. Anabaptists family of loue and such others risen vp in their Protestāt Schoole denying externall Ordination and calling of cleargie men But being well examined it doth both free the Roman Church as is proued and they confesse and condemneth all Protestants in the world First for forreyne Protestants none of them take or clayme ordination true or pretended from eyther true or pretended Bishops and so by that is already saide are vtterly condemned by this Article And for our English Protestants which pretended a calling and ordination by Bishops they are in the same case by their owne decree in this Article for therein they say that men lawfully called and sent be onely they which be chosen and called by men who haue publike
be true nor the liberty therein allowed lawfull but wantonly licentious and damnable THE XXV CHAPTER Tbe 33. 34. Articles examined an in whatsoeuer repugnant to the doctrine of the Church of Rome thus condemned THeir 33. next article intituled of excommunicate persons how they are to be auoided containeth nothing contrarie to the doctrine or practise of the Church of Rome as is manifest in these the verie words thereof That person which by open denuntiation of the Church is rightly cut of from the vnity of the Church and excommunicate ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithfull as an heathen and publican vntill he be openly reconciled by pennance and receaued into the Church by a Iudge that hath authority thereto Therefore I passe it ouer and come to the next 34. article intituled Of the traditions of the Church and followeth in these words It is not necessary that traditions and ceremonies be in all places one or vterly like for at all times they haue beene diuers chaunged according to the diuersity of contries times and mens manners So that nothing be ordained against Gods word Whosoeuer through his priuate Iudgment willingly and purposely doth openly breake the traditions and ceremonies of the Church which be not repugnant to the word of God and be ordained and approued by common authority ought to be rebuked openly that others may feare to doe the like as he that offendeth against the common order of the Church and hurteth the authority of the magistrate and woundeth the consciences of the weake brethren Hitherto this article seemeth to haue litle or no opposition to the Church of Rome but it may be passed ouer with silence The rest of it immediatelie thus followeth Euery particular and nationall Church hath authority to ordaine chaunge and abolish ceremonies orrites of the Church ordained onely by mans authority So that all things be done to edifying This clause is euidentlie false and prophane in itselfe for making euery particular Church many thousands such being in the world to be supreame iudge sentencer not onely to ordaine chaūge abolish ceremonies and rites of the vniuersall Catholike Church but to haue ouerruling authority to decree and commaund what is fit or fittest for edification taketh away all possible hope of edification and bringeth most certaine destruction confusion and desolation by making so many thousands of Supreame Iudges in these doubts as there be particular Churches which is a thinge most foolish and irreligious to affirme and vnpossible to be acted Further it is directly opposite repugnant to their owne 19. and 20. articles before of the Church and authoritie thereof In the 19. article they teach that all particular Churches euen the cheifest haue erred not onely in their liuing manner of ceremonies but also in matters of faith Therefore by these Protestants wee may neither admit so many or any one such erring false Iudge in such things Neither by their doctrine may wee stand to the censure of any particular nationall Church but onely of the one Catholike militant Church of Christ which as it is euer by that article of our Creede I beleeue the holy Catholike Artic. 19. Church holy and vnspotted from errour so by these men in the same article it is thus assigned to be our onely true Iudge in these affaires The visible Churcb of Christ is a congregation of faithfull men in the which the pure word of God is preached and the Sacramēts be dayly ministred according to Christs ordināce in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same And in their next article of the same one onely Church thus they decree in these words of the authority of the Church The Church hath power to decrecrites or ceremonies and authority in Controuersies of faith And their best writers haue published with their common and best allowance this sentence in this Question The primatiue Councels haue condemned Couell Mod. exam p. 65. them as heretikes onely for being stiffely obstinate in this kinde of denying the ceremonies of the Church They exemplifie thus in Aerius Aerius Feild l. 3. cap. 29 pag. 138. Couel exam pag. condemned the custome of the Church For this his rash and inconfiderate boldnesse in cōdemnig the vniuersall Church of Christ was iustly condemned The custome ceremonie and tradition which this heretike denied and was therefore by these men iustlie condemned was as they confesse naming the deade at the altare and offering the sacrifice of Eucharist for them This is but a ceremony by them because they contend it is not contained is scripture nor may be proued thereby as they likewise haue pretended for all other things which their Articles before haue reiected both in Sacraments and other doctrines and customes which I haue proued against them and doe leaue them as alterable ceremonies vpon that feeble and vaine pretence Vnder this pretence they haue taken away all our Missals or orders of holie Masse vsed in all Churches with their religious ceremonie from the Apostles time as I haue proued before So they haue done by all rituals and ceremonials about the ministring the Communion Booke and Booke of Consecrat of King Edu 6. Franc. Mason and the Prot. of their consecrat in Mat. Parker Prot. art 36 infra Stat. in parlamento an 2. Eduardi 6. holy Sacraments and brought in their places the childish and womanlie deuises of a named communion booke by yong King Eduard 6. and Queene Elizabeth and an other named and stiled by them The forme and manner of making and consecrating Bishops Preists and Deacons quite omitting all other orders euer vsed in all Churches from Christs time and these fashions neuer vsed before by their owne cōfession by anie Christian Britans Saxōs French or others in this Kingdome or all the world but to vse their owne words in these articles lately set fourth in the time of Eduard the sixt and confirmed at the same time by authority of Parlament the second yeare of the aforenamed King Edward He then being about eleuen yeares old a farre to yonge censurer Iudge and condemner of all Churches with their holie vniuersallie receaued ceremonies to bring in so straunge and childish an Innouation We are assured by the Apostolike men of this first age and others that euen from the Apostles there were manie particular ceremonies deliuered to be immutably vsed in all Churches Thus S. Clement and S. Dionisius the Areopagite Clem. Rom. Apost const lib. 8. cap. 29. Dion Areop Ecclesiastic Hierarc c. 2. with diuers others deliuer of hallowing oyle and water to heale diseases driue away deuils and and like effects settinge downe the verie manner how to sanctifie them Domine Deus Sabaoth Deus virtutum qui dedisti aquam ad bibendum oleum ad exhilarandum faciem in exultationem laetitiae ipse etiam nunc sanctifica per Christum hanc aquā oleum ex nomine eius qui obtulit tribue
the testimonie of S. Clement confirmed Anaclet ep decret Ruffin interpr epist Clem. Leo 2. ep decret Marian. Scot. l. 2. aetat 6. Flor. wigorn chronic in Clem. Mart. Polon Supputat col 33. in Lino Robert Barnes l. de vit Pont. in Lino Anacleto Anaclet ep decretal 3. Barn sup in Anaclet Omerd pict Pap. pag. 78. by S. Anacletus then liuing Ruffinus Marrianus Martinus Florentius wigorniensis Pope Leo the seconde and many others both Catholike and Protestant writers S. Anacletus made Preist by S. Peter and by him instructed euen as our Protestants confesse did teach that Christ gaue to the Church of Rome primacy ouer all Churches and all Christian people neither King nor Caesar exempted Anacletus ab ipso Domino primatum Romanae Ecclesiae super omnes Ecclesias vniuersamque Christiani nominis populum concessum esse asseruit Thus our Protestants and S. Anacletus is more playne that this supreamacie of the Roman Church was not giuen vnto it by the Apostles but Christ himselfe Haec sacrosancta Romana Apostolica Ecclesia non ab Apostolis sed ab ipso Domino Saluatore nostro primatum obtinuit eminentiam potestatis super vniuersas Ecclesias ac totum Christiani populi gregem assecuta est And both Christ commaunded and his Apostles decreed that great and difficult questions should be referred to the Apostolike Romane see to be decided and that Anacl epist 1. Christ builded his whole Church vpon it Apostoli hoc statuerunt iussu Saluatoris vt maiores difficiliores quaestiones semper ad sedem deferantur Apostolicam super quam Christus vniuersam construxit Ecclesiam So haue also S. Euaristus and S. Alexander Euarist ep 1. Alex. ep 1. who liued in this first age Relatum est ad huius sanctae Apostolicae sedis apicem cui summarum dispositiones causarum omnia negotia Ecclesiarum ab ipso Domino tradita sunt quasi ad caput Our Protestants Sutcliffe subu pag. 57. Iren. l. 3. c. 3. also acknowledge thus Irenaeus saith that euerie Church ought to haue respect to the Church of Rome for her eminent principalitie But S. Irenaeus is more cleare in this manner ad hanc Romanam Ecclesiam propter potentiorem principalitatem necessè est omnem conuenire Ecclesiam hoc est eos qui sunt vndique fideles There is a necessitie that euerie Church and all faithfull Christians wheresoeuer should acknowledge the more powerable principalitie of the Romane Church No King contrie or nation is exempted from but all are included in this necessitie of being vnder the Iurisdiction of the Church of Rome And particularly for this Kingdome of England which singularly this Article would thus depriue of that honour and happines from being in the folde vnder the chardge of the vicar and highest pastour and shephard of Christ one earth To begin with a Protestant Bishops censure in Godwyn conuers of Britayne pag. 6. these words we should accompt it a great glorie to deriue the pedigree of our spirituall linage from so noble and excellent a father as S. Peter And yet both Greeke and Latin domesticall and forreyne Catholike and Protestant Antiquaries do thus deriue and proue it Petrus venit in Britanniam quo in loco Sim. Metaphrast die 19. Iunij Euseb antiq graec apud eund ib. Sur. eod die Andr. Chesu l. 3. histor Angl. Bucley pag. 171. Cambden in Britan. Sutcliffe Subu pag. 3. Prot. Archb. whitg answ to admo pag. 65. sect 1. def of the answeare pag. 318 Marc. Anton. de Dom. de reb chr l. 4. c. 10. cum longo temporefuisset moratus apud Britannos verbo gratiae multos illuminauit Ecclesias constituit Episcoposque Presbyteros Diaconos ordinauit S. Peter came into Britayne and staying there longe time did illuminate many with the word of grace and founded Churches and ordered Bishops Preists and Deacons Which more Protestant Doctours and Bishops euen Archbishops with them thus confirme Peter preached in no place but he there ordeyned Bishops and teachers and founded Churches The Apostle Peter did in euerie prouince appoynt one Archbishop whome all other Bishops of the same prouince should obey Est caput Roma quatenus ab ea diffusum est Euangelium in reliquas totius occidentis Ecclesias Rome is the heade in respect that from it the ghospell was diffused into the rest of the Churches of the west and into many of the east and into barbarous nations out of the Romane Empire Et in multas orientis atque in harbaras extra Romanum Imperium nationes Diuers of the holie Bishops and Apostolike Doroth. l de 72. discip in Aristob Arnol merm Theatr. conu gent. Antiq. Ecel Tullen Gul. Eisengr cent 1. Petr. de Natal l. 11. Pantal. de vir Ibl. part 1. Stumph l. 7. de Sanctib Theater of great Brit. l. 6. Tho. Rogers Anal. in Prot. Articl ar 36. whitg supr Clem. Sup. ep 1. Arnol. mirm sup Antonin hist part 1. will harrison descript Brit. pag. 23. Harris Theatr. l. 1. Girald Cambr. l. 2. de Iure Metrop Eccl. Meneu ad Innocent 3. Mat. Parker Antiq Britan. pag. 24. Io. Pris defens hist Britan. pag. 73. Nennius hist manuscript Preists which S. Peter consecrated for this Kingdome are remembred both by Catholike and Protestant Historians S. Aristobulus S. Mansuetus S. Beatus and his holie companion not named in Antiquities Our Protestants make S. Aristobulus Archbishop here Britayne Aristobulus and by their Rule before The Apostle Peter did in euerie prouince appoynt one Archbishop he must needs be ordeined Archbishop by S. Peter S. Clement hath sufficiently proued before that he sent Bishops hither saying he sent to the other nations of the west ad reliquas gentes besides Italy Spayne Fraunce and Germany And both Catholiks and Protestants from antiquities affirme that he sent to vs S. Nicasius who instructed the Britons Britones instruxit formauitque fide S. Nicasius à S. Clemente delegatus These Britans must needs be those of this Kingdome they of little Britayne in Fraunce came not thither vntill aboue 200. yeares after S. Clement and S. Nicasius time Both Brittish and English Catholike and Protestant Antiquaries affirme that the diuision of Primates or Patriarkes Metropolitans and others with their seuerall Iurisdictions from the see of Rome being as he ackdowledgeth the decree of his predecessour S. Clement and the Apostles also was receaued in this Kingdome of Britayne as it comprehendeth England wales and Scotland Nennius our old brittish historian in his manuscript antiquities affirmeth that his Successour Pope and S. Euaristus sent legates to our Brittish King to receaue the faith of Christ Missa legatione à Papa Romano Euaristo Who yet saith the generall conuersion was not vntill the yeare of Christ 197. Albertus Krantius well acquainted with our Brittish antiquities writeth the like of S. and Pope Io. Caius Antiq. Cantabrig l. 1. Alber. Krantzius
Metropol l. 1. c. 6. Alexander next Successour to Pope Euaristus both of them liuing in this first age though dying by martyrdome in the seconde that he sent diuers Apostolike men hither to preach the faith of Christ and so they did These Popes haue taught vs the supreamacie of the Church of Rome ouer all Churches before So did the next holie Pope S. Sixtus euen Protestants Sixtus 1. ep 2. Rob. Barn l. de vit Pont. Rom. in Sixto 1. Telesph Higin pio Anice●o So●ero so confessing Ab Episcopo ad Romanum Pontificem appellandi ius dedit Ecclesiasticis ministris So they confesse of all Popes Telesphorus Higinius Pius anicetus and Soter vnto Pope Eleutherius vnder whome and by whose meanes and authoritie this Kingdome was wholly conuerted by all antiquities and testimonies made the first Christian Kingdome in the world This holie Pope as Rob. Barn sup in Eleutherio Eleuther ep ad Episcop Gall. cap. 2. our Protestants write did Order and practise and as the Apostles and their Successours had defined as he testifieth sicut ab Apostolis eorumque Successoribus multorum consensu Episcoporum definitum ●st that nothing should be proceeded in against Bishops vntil it was defined by the Pope of Rome accusationem contra Episcopos Episcopos audire permifit sed vt nihil nisi apud Pontificem definiretur cauet This highest spirituall Authoritie in the Pope of Damas in Eleuth Monolog G●aec in eod Breuiar Roman die 26. Maij. Martyrol Roman eod die Bed l. 1. ●●st c. 4. l. de 6. ae●a● Ado Chron. Marian. Scot. an 177. Martin Pol. Supput an 188. Galfrid monum hist l. 4. Virun l. 4. Radulp. de Dicet hist in Lucio Gul. Mal. l. Antiq. caenob glaston Math. west chron an 185. 186. 187. flor w●gor chron an 162. 184. Antiq Eccl. land Antiq. Eccl. wint Cambd. Brigant Stowe hist hollinsh hist of Engl. Theatr. of Brit. l 6 Hect. Boeth l. 5. Parker Godwin c. Eleuth ep ad Reg. Lucium Lambert l. de leg Stowe hist Godw conu of Brit. Mat. Parker Antiq. Brit. Mason of consecr foxe tom 1. Theat of Brit. l. 6. Bridg. def of the gouern l. 16. pag. 1355. Iewell ag hard old Booke of Const Guil. hall in lond l. Antiq. Brut Caius antiquit Cantabrig l. 1. leges Antiq. Reg. Edward cap. 17. Gul. Lambard l. 2. de priscis Angl. legib fol. 130. p. Hect. Boeth Scot. hist l. 5. f. 83. Godw. conuers of Brit. pag. 22. 23. Antiq. Eccl. Glastonien Galfrid monum l. 5. hist Reg. Brit. c. 1. Mat. west chron an 186. Rome was not vnknowne to the Christians and King Lucius in Britayne which moued that King as both Greeke and Latin Brittish and Saxon domesticall and forreyne Catholike and Protestant Antiquaries informe to write humble letters supplices litteras to that Pope entreating him obsecrans that by his commaundement he with his Kingdome might receaue Christianitie vt per eius mandatum Christianus efficeretur The Pope most willingly assented and sent his legates with full power to founde the Church of Britayne to Ordeyne three Archbishops and 28. Bishops with their particular Sees power and Iurisdiction who hauing established all things here returned to Rome to haue them confirmed by the Pope the Pope confirmed that they had done and they with many other preachers and the Popes confirmation returned agayne into Britayne Beati Antistites Romam redierunt cuncta quae fecerant à Pontifice confirmari impetrarunt confirmatione facta cum pluribus alijs redierunt in Britanniam Our King craued direction of that Pope also what lawes he should vse in his Kingdome and the Pope directed him therein as his epistle still extant witnesseth as our Protestants write and themselues testifie We haue seene the Bishop of Romes owne letter to King Lucius So witnesse these men This Pope went further in prescribing the limits bounds and circuites of the Dominions of this Kingdome and assigned vnto it all the Ilands to Denmarke and Norway by his sentence and by that definition ordonation they were parts of Britayne as is conteined in our old lawes many hundreds of yeares since published and approued by our Protestant lawyers and historians aswell as others Vniuersa terra tota Insulae omnes vsque Noruegiam vsque Daniam pertinent ad coronam Regni sunt de appendicijs dignitatibus Regis vna est monarchia vnum est Regnum Tales enim metas fines constituit imposuit coronae Regni Dominus Eleutherius Papa sententia sua qui primo destinauit coronam benedictam Britanniae Christianitatem Deo inspirante Lucio Regi Britonum Here also he sēt first a crowne or hallowed crowne to our King being before as some Catholiks and Protestants write but a King by courtesie of the Romane Emperour and authoritie Lucus Britonibus Caesaris beneuolentia authoritate imperitabat He gaue Indulgences to our Churches namely to the old Church of Glastenbury ten yeares Indulgence as in the old antiquities of that holie place is recorded And by his Order and direction King Lucius endowed the Churches of Britayne with liberties regall Lucius Rex Ecclesias Britanniae libertatibus muniuit Gloriosus Britonum Rex Lucius cum infra Regnum suum verae fidei cultum magnificatum esse vidisset possessiones territoria Ecclesijs viris Ecclesiasticis abundanter conferens chartis munimentis omnia communiuit Ecclesias verò cum suis caemeterijs ita constituit esse liberas vt quicumque malefactor ad illa confugeret illaesus ab omnibus remaneret Thus reuerent and honourable was the spirituall power and supreamacie of the Church and Pope of Rome in Britayne and all places in these Apostolike dayes All those Apostolike men Popes or others which haue thus taught vs were glorious Saincts and King Lucius also Sainct Lucius who with all his Kingdome clergie and others so embraced it and though neither he nor the Romās had then any temporall Rule or dominion in the Kingdome now called Scotland yet that glorious Pope by his spiriruall supreamacie subiected that contrie to the Archbishop of yorke in the land of an Enemie And this Papall supreamacie and Iurisdiction continued here euer after vntill It was taken away by King Henry the 8. taking first of all Kings the title and name of Supreame head of the Church of England neuer heard of before in any time as his owne historian Polydor virgill and all others both Catholike and Protestant English and other historians acknowledge Habetur concilium Londini Polydor. Virgil Anglic. Hist l. 27. p. 689. Stowe Howes hist an 1534. statut in Parliament an 26. Henr. 8 in quo Ecclesia Anglicana formam potestatis nullis ante temporibus visam induit Henricus enim Rex caput ipsius Ecclesiae constituitur And after King Henry the 8. had thus as he endeuoured expelled the Papall Authority spirituall out of England and assumed