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A12701 An ansvvere to Master Iohn De Albines, notable discourse against heresies (as his frendes call his booke) compiled by Thomas Spark pastor of Blechley in the county of Buck Sparke, Thomas, 1548-1616.; Albin de Valsergues, Jean d', d. 1566. Marques de la vraye église catholique. English. 1591 (1591) STC 23019; ESTC S117703 494,957 544

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to abridge them of their wil and to resist their tyrannicall oppressions then they laboured practised by all meanes to hamper them also in so much that certaine it is that Gregorie the 7. excommunicated Henry the 4. or as some write 3. about the year 1078. gaue his empire to Rodolph who missing of it being slain the Emperour yet to be recōciled with the Pope waited 3. daies 3. nights in the winter with his wife and child at the gates of Canossus and within the suburbes thereof barefoote barelegged before he could come to the speech of the Pope when he had obteined that then he was faine to kisse his foote and to yeelde vp his crowne into his hands to take it againe vpon such conditions as it pleased him to prescribe and yet his successour Pascalis raged against the same Emperour againe set vp his owne naturall sonne Henry to depriue his father of his Empire Who when he had got it yet he was in the ende accursed and excommunicated by that Romish see as his father had beene and not preuailing sufficiently that way the Saxons at last were set vp to warre against him and depose him And thus they hauing hampered these two Hēries vnto Frederick Barbarossa came which was about the yeare 1155. they did what they listed who beganne somewhat againe to abridge them of their vsurped supremacy and so did his sons sonne Frederick the 2. but in the ende Alexander the third brought the necke of the first vnder his feete in S. Marks church in Venice and Pope Adrian controlde him from holding his wrong stirrop excommunicated him for being so saucy as to set his name in writing before his and the other was miserably vexed by Honorius the 3. Gregory the 9. and Innocent the 4. For the first of these interdicted him the second excommunicated him twise raised the Venetians against him and the third did in the end spoile him of his Empire caused him to be poisoned and at length strangled by one Māfredus Innocent the 3. in the minority of Frederick the second and before he was chosen Emperour dealt in like sort with Philip and Otho the 4. placing them and displacing them at his pleasure Frederick the seconds sonne called Conrade and the next of his line also called Conradine were amongst thē miserably abused for the first of them was soone dispatched they stirring vp against him the Lātgraue of Turing who droue him into his kingdome of Naples where he died of poisō giuē him as some write the other claiming but the kingdome of Naples after his death the matter was so handled they stirring vp Charles the French Kinges brother against him that both he Frederick Duke of Austria were takē imprisoned in the end beheaded Hēry the 6. Frederick the firsts son Pope Celestine the 3. crowned at Rome but in such sort that with his foote he put the croune vpon his head therewith he spurned it of againe And the like that happened to Frederick had almost befallē Philip the Frēch king by Pope Boniface the 8. who because he could not haue whatsoeuer commodities he demaunded out of France by his bull denoūced sentence of deposition against the saied King Philip and gaue the title thereof to one Albertus king of the Romans ●●t for all the roaring of that bull Philip kept his place still Alexāder the 3. that trode vpon Frederick the firsts necke at Venice euen here in England so farre abused King Henry the 2. about Thomas Beckets death that he caused him to go for penaunce barefoote in winter with bleeding feete to his tombe And Innocent the third caused King Iohn his sonne after that 7. yeares he had resisted their supremacy tyranny by the meanes of his excommunicatiōs indicements of his land and encouraging of his subiects against him to surrender his croune to the hands of his Legat Pandelphus and so he continued fiue daies before hee receiued it againe and then was glad to take it in farme of him for a rent by indenture Infinit be the villanies that haue bene offered done by that see to Emperours and Kings For did not Gregory the 7. to the great iniury of the Empire set vp Robert Wisard and made him King of Sicilia and Duke of Capua Did not Pope Vrbane the second put downe Hugo an Earle in Italy discharging his subiects from their oath and obedience vnto him Did not Pope Clement the fift most despitefully cause Franciscus Dandalus the Venetiā embassadour suing but for absolution of Venice from the Popes curse to lie a long time first tied by the neck in a chaine vnder his table like a dogge before he would harken to his request Furthermore Gelasius the second brought the noble captaine Cintius so vnder that he was glad lying prostrate before him to kisse his feete and by the yeare 1237 the Pope Gregorie the 9. had so cursed king Henry the 3 king here of Englād that he was glad to currie fauour with him to receiue a Legat of his called Cardinal Otho meeting him at the sea side that in most lowly maner bowing downe his head in low curtesie towards his knees And though he yeelded wonderfull submission to the next Pope Innocent the 4. yet he tooke of one Dauid Prince of Northwales 500. marks by the yeare to set him against the King of England exempted him his welshmen from their fealty which they had sworne vnto him before Most intolerable were the exactiōs cōmodities that one way other the Popes for thēselues their frends had out of Englād in Henry the 2. king Iohns Hēry the thirds time they exceeded oftē as it appeareth in the stories the anciēt reuenues of the crowne wonderfully empouerished the land yet whē these kings though in neuer so hūble maner at any time neuer so litle sought to stay these pillages oppressiōs of the lād the Popes raged most extreamly against thē did thē what despite they could vntill they had their will Yea so intolerable hath beene their pride insolēcy against kings Emperors that they haue brought thē to lead their horses by the bridle to waite on thē on foot like lackies they riding like high mighty princes ouer thē they haue made thē faine to please thē withal to hold thē water to serue at their table And though their power bee not as it hath beene yet 〈◊〉 ●lice and will to trample Princes vnder their feete is as 〈◊〉 as euer it was and therefore not onely haue Pius 5. and Gregory the 13. by their cursed buls roared against our gratious soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth that now is thereby labouring her deposition but also both secretely and openly a number of waies they and their fauourits haue gone about both by opē hostility and priuy conspiracies to bring that their wicked purpose to passe yea though it were by the shedding of her innocent
alwaies demonstrable succession of such ●●●●sters in the Church without interruption as these metaphor●●●●scribe And yet I deny not but that alwaies in one place or ot● 〈◊〉 the Church hath had from the beginning thereof and shall haue 〈◊〉 the ende of the world such and so many ministers whereby the L● 〈◊〉 hath alwaies and will continue the life thereof but that this pl●●● of Matthew proueth so much which is yet far lesse then you 〈◊〉 enforce vpon it I deny Notwithstanding I graunt that all 〈◊〉 faithfull pastours and teachers according to the nature of their ●●ling and measure of their gifts so far forth as they therein haue ●●●thing common with the Apostles and are found like vnto thē 〈◊〉 also in some sort haue these things applied vnto them vnderst●●● of them but then withall it must be noted and alwaies remembr●● that as there was and is diuersity of gifts and offices in sundry ●●spects betwixt the Apostles and common pastours and teachers 〈◊〉 it must follow that there is proportionable difference betwixt the apparent light and visiblenes of the one and the other The Apostles were by their office appointed to preach to all nations Math. 28. 〈◊〉 therefore worthely called in that respect the light of the world and by their extraordinary giftes they were set vp as burning lampes and mighty cities to be seene discerned a farre off whereas Bishops Pastours Doctours haue charges limited vnto them but of final compasse and giftes but such as if they giue true light and be seene of those that be about them and neare vnto them it is well Howsoeuer certaine it is as I saied before that Christ doeth not there prophecy or foreshew how visible lightsome his Pastours teachers should be from time to time to the worlds end but he teacheth his Disciples and Apostles what by his grace they should be and so others succeeding them in the office of teaching what they ought according to their place to striue to bee And I would haue this marked also that euen they to whom Christ spake properly were but tolde that there light should lighten those of the house and that a citty built on a hill though it be not hid to those that are ●eare vnto it yet to those that dwell in another cuntrey farre of it may bee hid and that therefore though this place were as properly to be vnderstood of al true Pastors as of the Apostles that yet ●t inferreth not that their persons and light should bee seene and ●iscerned but of them that be nigh them or ioined with them in the ●ame house or communion of religion And as for that in the 4 to the Eph. though it proue that there shall be teachers in the Church to gather togither the Saintes and to edifie the body of Christ vntill it be brought to perfection yet it proueth not therefore your visibility of them neither doeth that in the 62 of Esay For it onely sheweth that God would blesse his Church with watchfull and discreet pastours which accordingly after he performed But there is nothing saied to proue that they and their succession in the truth should be so visible apparent as you dreame of But to awake you out of this dreame you must heare and vnderstand that though it be as certaine that neither the trueth nor teachers thereof hath at any time or shal hereafter vtterly faile or cease to be in the Church as it is that the Church if selfe cōtinueth euer neuer quite ceaseth yet thereupon it followeth not that therefore both the trueth and teachers thereof haue so continued a personall succession one vnto another or one immediatly after another and are withal so visible and apparent that their names and places may straight not onely then but alwaies after of euery one as you vpon these places would infer be pointed and painted out And for the confirmation proofe hereof let vs briefely take a view of the state of the Church frō time to time as it is set downe vnto vs in the holy Scriptures And in this point let vs beginne with the Church when in respect of all the former times it was best setled began to haue the most visible apparence namely when vnder the conduict by the seruice of Iosua God had placed it in Canaan After this though God therein had established a Priesthood tied it Leuit. 10. by his ordināce promise to the tribe of Leui though the Church thē had most notable promises of Gods presence fauour towards it Psal 68.2 Chro. 33.2 Chr. 7. Esa 60.62.63 yet for al this for the sinnes iniquities of the people it was driuē oftē into those streights that successiō of priests pastors was interrupted of the teachers of the professors of the trueth there could hardly be made demōstration For in the time of the iudges that followed Iosua as it appeareth in the booke of thē Cap. 10.13 c. it had many such ecclipses that we read ther of their general Idolatry other sinnes therefore of their slauery vnder heathē princes in Gods iustice laied vpō thē diuers times for many yeares togither in the meane time we finde little mention either of priest or people that feared God aright And in Elies time 1. Sa. 2. the priesthood al grew so corrupt that therefore by Samuel Elie is threatned that the priesthood notwithstanding Gods promise Leu. 10. should be trāslated frō his house after we read Cap. 4. that the very Arke of God was lost takē of the Philistines And it canot be denied but the God had his church in Israel in king Achabs time For Obadiah had thē hid 100 prophets in two caues 1. King 18. God himselfe told Eliah that he had 7000 there that had not bowed their knees vnto Baal Cap. 19. yet Eliah though there thē a prophet was so far frō being able to name thē to point out who they were what they were the he thought himselfe in that kingdome to be left alone And in the kingdome of Iudah where in cōparison of the kingdome of the ten tribes the Church vsually had a more visible estate yet in the latter end of Salomons raigne Rehobohās Ahiiahs the estate thereof was so growen out of order that the prophet Azariah saied vnto king Asa their next successour there hauing relatiō to the state of the Church in the kingdō as sūdry good interpreters take his words now for a long seasō Israel hath bene without the true God without priest to teach without law 2. Chr. 15. Be like then their successiō their nāes were not so visible as you seeme to imagin alwaies they must be in the Church And though by Asa his son Iehosaphat the church was wel reformed again yet in king Ahaz time as appeareth 2. Chr. 28.2 King 16. grosse Idolatry ouerspred the kingdōe so that the tēple was
polluted prophaned Vriah the priest ioyned with the king in the erection of a new altar in cōmitting abhominatiō before the Lord though he were one that had his calling by the ordinary way of succession of priests frō Aarō Againe though Ezechiah succeeding Ahaz for his time did notably rid the Church of the abhominatiōs wherw t his father had defiled it yet whē he was dead his son Manasses his son Amon brought it to as il an estate as euer it was in so much that frō the beginning of Manasses raign vnto the 18 of Iosiahs the booke of the law of the Lord was lost which was wel nigh 80 years for thē it is noted that Hilki●h the priest found it 2. King 22. In Manasses his time it is euidēt Idolatry opēly preuailed the whole Synagogue saue a few prophets their folowers erred If we proceed during the 70 years captiuity in Babylon what visible apparēt shew of any successiō of Bishops pastors cā we finde the ioined togither in the exercise of Gods religiō Was not their tēple then destroied consequently did not the publick exercise of their religiō which for the most part was tied therūto cease as it was prophesied by Hosea Ca. 3. therfore lamēted by Ieremy Ca. 3. Lā Whē Christ our sauiour cāe into the world surely then God had his Church For it is a most certaine article of our faith that since it begā it hath neuer ceased nor neuer shal yet what visible succession of pastors and priests was there thē in possession of soūo religiō Had not they as euidētly appeareth by the stories writē by the Euāgelists that were in the visible personal succession corrupted the doctrine of the Messias both concerning his person and office so that they were the deadliest enemies that he had But you wil say perhaps that though these thinges were thus in the Church in the time of the olde Testament yet it may not be so in the Church now in the time of the new And why so Howsoeuer otherwise there be some differēce betwixt the Church then and now in respect of the more cleare reuelation now then then of the doctrine of the Messias whereof that Heb. 8.6 is by sōe vnderstood yet in this respect you shal neuer be able by the word writē or any true story to proue any necessary difference vnles it be that God had tied then his promises to that peculier people his seruice in great part to their temple and that he had ordained amōgst them a priesthood to continue by natural succession so that the Church thē had more right to plead visible succession then now In the meane time thus much is gained by these stories of the Church in the time of the olde testament that this outward clearenes visible succession you talke of is not an inseparable note of the true Church for therby we haue seene it seperated oftētimes from it And vnles men were peeuishly disposed to maintaine a manifest vntruth conuicted so to be both by Scripture and experiēce you would see graūt that it is as separable from the Church now since Christ For is it not plainely prophesied 2. Thess 2. that there should come a departing from the faith by the comming of Antichrist and that very great and effectual And least you should babishly foolishly as many of you doe vnderstand this of an Antichrist that towards the end of the world should come and raigne seduce men 3 yeares an halfe marke that here Paul telleth vs in his time that this mistery of iniquity did already worke which it did in that there were false Apostles there that taught men to seeke iustification partly by faith partly by the workes of the law as it appeareth by the Epistle to the Galathiās weigh that he attributeth vnto him such things as could not be brought to passe in that space lastly consider that he teacheth that though he should be detected and fal into a consūptiō by the Spirit of Gods mouth yet he should not be fully abolished before Christs second comming All which make it most euident that Paul here prophecieth of a longer lasting Antichristianity which should trouble the Church thē yours of 3 years an halfe continuāce But least yet this notwitstāding you should imagine that the fulfilling of this prophecy your fāsie of perpetual clearnes vniuersality of the church may stād alwaies togither S. Iohn in his Reuelatiō describing as you al must cōfesse the state of the Church seeth her in a vision by the great 7 headed Dragō driuen into the wildernes and there glad to be fed for a season Chap. 12. And he seeth the Babilonish harlot the true patterne of your Romish prelacy by which harlot he most notably setteth forth Antichrist his kingdome committing fornication not with a fewe but with the Kings and inhabitants of the earth not ruling or sitting ouer a few but as the Angel there expoundeth the waters whereon she was seene to sit people multitudes natiōs tōgues Apoc. 17 Al which laied togither doe plainly shew that after Christ there should grow such a defection frō the fayth in the world by the means of Antichrist that during the florishing of his kingdome the true Church and her pastours should be driuen into the wildernes and so for that time should haue in comparison of Antichrists followers small visibility and shew in the eies of the world Which we say and constantly are able to defend hath beene verified in the late florishing of your Romish Prelats Besides view the stories of the church the Cronicles of times and you shal be driuen to confesse that though the Church hath had alwaies her two witnesses Re. 11 to testifie to the trueth that they neuer could be extinguished quite by Tyrāts yet she hath often beene driuen from carying any great shewe of visibility in the world For certaine marble pillers at Salmantike erected in the hill of S. Bartholomew doe witnes that Diocletian Iouius and Maximinianus Herculeus imagined when they caused them to bee erected that they then had quite layed the honour of Christ for euer in the dust and as it should seeme by the circumscriptions that they thereupon caused to bee engraued they set thē vp euen of purpose to brag that they had like great conquerers quite extinguished as they terme it the superstitiō of Christ Which they would neuer haue done if either they or their fauorites had then seene a visible succession of Bishops and pastours amongst them and had knowen their names and where to haue found them If wee go on to the time that the Arrians most florished wee shall read that the Emperour Constantius sayed to Liberius Quota pars es tu orbis terrarum qui solus facis cum homine scelerato meaning Athanasius Ecclesiast Hist Theodoreti lib. 2. cap 16. whereby it appeareth that then the
to be thrust out as you haue beene to get possession of his own from another man yea although the other had no right to it he should not onelie lose the possession but likewise the propertie but if it were found that he that did enter by force had no right to the Mannor hee should not only be depriued of it but moreouer he shoulde be condemned to giue as much more of his own vnto him against whom he had vsed the force as the thing was valued at that he sought to vsurpe If one should cal you my masters the new reformed Gospellers to such a reckoning ye might wel packe vp your pipes and transport your fidelie into another countreie for you should haue no other remedie but to runne awaie with the goods and preach pouertie The XV. Chapter WHat argument you speake of it is hard to tell seeing as yet for any thing that I cā perceiue you vttered nothing since you entered into this matter to call vs to an account of our vocation worthie the name of an argument Indeed that which losely you haue vttered here and there against it of the necessity of succession of persons and of imposition of handes as you imagine we must say indeede take place in an ordinary calling and not alwaies in an extraordinary But by your speach it should seeme you had relation to some thing which you took to be an argument set downe in the last Chapter before this where in effect you haue saied nothing but onely in your scoffing maner found fault with vs because in setting downe the ill liues of your prelates on the one side of the leafe we set not downe on the other side the good liues thē of our own which how it should seeme to containe an argument either against ordinary or extraordinary vocation I see not For neither they that are called the one way or the other are alwaies bound to obserue that order But to let your pitiful logicke go and to passe ouer your scoffing in calling vs Gods Commissaries not worthy an answere let vs see if you haue hit of any better argument here to proue our ministers not to haue beene extraordinarily by God stirred vp to correct the superstitious liues and doctrine of the papistes Idolaters as you saie we tearme thē then as yet you haue brought to disproue their ordinary calling If we would come to plead this matter with you you say you would aide your selues herein against vs with a Syllogisme of Christ Iohn 8. which is this Hee that is of God doeth obey the word of God but you doe not obey the word of God therefore ye are not of God You suppose that we will denie your minor and therefore in that God commaundeth Matthew 22. to giue vnto Cesar that which is Cesars and vnto God that which is Gods and our ministers doe neither of these but the contrary in deteyning Geneua from the Duke of Sauoy and in being the causes of the stirres in France and spoiling your bishops and Priests of their liuings you thinke that proueth so against them that the conclusion must needs follow Doe you thinke in earnest that whosoeuer can be proued in anie one thing to disobey God streight thereupon it followeth that his commission or calling is not of God What man euer was there either ordinarilie or extraordinarilie called to anie office except the man Christ Iesus but in some one thing or other at one time or other one waie or other hee did not obey God Seeing that all men are sinners and there is not one that can truely say his heart and handes haue alwaies beene free from sinne and transgression of the law of God Take Christes words in this sence and so none no not hee amongst you that is fullest of his workes of Supererogation shall euer escape this conclusion If you had viewed the text you should haue perceiued that Christ vseth that speach against the Scribes and Pharises who blasphemed the doctrine of the Messias and would abide neither to heare nor to obey it and not generallie against all that in anie thing are found at anie time disobedient to God of ignorance or infirmitie And yet though he had ment so and it were graunted that euery man in that hee offendeth or sinneth is not therein of God yet thereupon it followeth not that the same man therefore cannot be a man that hath his cōmission or calling of God Dauid was not of God in that he committed adultery with Bershebah and murdered Vrias yet euen then hee had a commission of God and a calling to bee King ouer his people And therefore though you could proue these thinges to be true that you charge our ministers withal and though also it were graunted that therein they haue done ill yet thereupon necessarily it doeth not follow that therefore they were not extraordinarily stirred vp by God to correct your sins and abhominations For Iehu whom God vndoubtedly stirred vp to chastise the house of Ahab and to correct the Idolatrous priestes of Baal euen with an extraordinarie zeale 2. King 9. 10. yet he departed not from the sins of Ieroboam the son of Nebat which made Israell to sinne as there it appeareth Againe it is strange that you should lay these as faults yea as such faults to our ministers charge as that therefore they cannot be sent of God when as not onely it is a receiued taught printed doctrine amongst you in the 5. Chapter of D. Allines defence of catholiques but also such as hath from time to time beene and yet is most monstrously practised euen amongst your Popes which pretend to haue the best highest and largest commission from God of all other ministers not onely that they may deteine dukedomes from the right owners but also depose Princes and Emperours translate their kingdomes and crownes to whom they please and make warre against them both by forreiners and their owne subiects for the aduancement of their religion when and how it pleaseth them For this your doctrine and practise considered if your argument for the causes by you alleadged supposing that they were true haue any force against our ministers it hath ten times asmuch force against yours whose chiefest meane of late to establish and continue your kingdome hath beene as the stories of all countries for this 600. or 700. yeares at the least doe make it most manifest by force and subtlety to bend and frame Kings and their kingdomes either to be at your deuotion or els to make a spoile of them and their kingdomes for your selues and your frends If therefore there had beene either shame or common discretion in you you would neuer haue vsed this argument against vs which maketh more strongly against your selues But in deed and trueth the things that you ground your argument vpō against vs are partly vntrue and partly maliciously wrested onely against our ministers For neuer shall any of you be able to proue that our
wise as you would haue him in your conscience what would you doe to him I thinke that that verie zeale if you coulde that hath mooued you vnder the colour of a reformed Gospell to trouble so much a This you attempt and practise flatly all the world knoweth Looke else to the course that your legers now in France take against their king our state vvould likewise commaunde you to dispossesse those Kings that doe abuse there owne kingdomes euen asvvell as to depriue those Bishoppes that doe abuse their bishoprickes But O Lorde vvhat a Gospell is this if it bee permitted that the people shall call their Princes to accompt or that they maie correct their superiours vnder the colour of a reformed Gospell vvhat seditions troubles and vvarres shall vvee see ouer all Christendome Wee shall see fulfilled to our great harme the prophecie of * Cap. 3. Esay who saieth The people shall seeke to raise one against another euery one against his neighbour the yong man shal disdaine the old and the ignoble the noble c But what colour soeuer ye cloke your new Gospel withal ye run far wide from him that doeth command vs * Rom. 13. to b If this lesson had beene remēbred of your Romish prelats they neither could nor would haue beene so terrible to Kings and Emperours as they haue beene of late obeie al creatures for the loue of God He doeth not regard whether they doe acquite their charge or no for the obedience of the inferiours is not limited by the duetie of the superiours * Rom. 13. Al power doeth come of God saieth the Apostle he that resisteth that power doeth resist the ordinance of God and they that doe with saie it acquire for themselues damnation for euer c The Lord in his word prescribeth obedience to ciuill magistrates and to all such ministers and Chu ch officers as are according to his ordinance but if they be contrary to that as your Popes be hee saieth neuer a word for them but many against them He doeth make no distinction of persons whither it be a Magistrate Ecclesiastical or temporal whither it be a King or a Pope a Bishop or a Lord he doeth talke generally of al powers that are established by God to make vs liue in peace tranquility God had not chosen of his good wil Caesar the Emperour of Rome to be king of Hierusalē as he did chuse Saul Dauid Salomon the rest for of his owne ambition vnsatiable cupidity he had vsurped the kingdom appertaining to the house of Dauid yet our Sauiour did commaund that they should paie him tribute Math. 22. The which commandement he himselfe did fulfill to teach others obedience God did likewise permit that the wicked king Nabuchodonozor should destroie the kingdome of Hierusalem to punish the wickednes of those that dwelt in it And although hee had inuaded the kingdome of Iuda to the which he had no title nor right yet doth God protest that he gaue it him he willeth doeth command that they should obey him euen as if he were the best Prince of the world Beholde saieth God by the Prophet Ieremy Cap. 27. you shall tell your Lordes that I make the earth the men the beastes that walke on the face of the earth through my great strength and mighty arme and I haue giuen it to whom it pleaseth me And so now I haue giuen all these Lands and countreyes to Nabuchodonozor my seruant king of Babylon Besides this I haue giuen him the beastes and the fields to serue him his sonne his sonnes sonne vntill the time of his earth come also of him many people great kings shal come and shal ordaine that the kingdome or the people that shall not serue Nabuchodonozor king of Babylō I wil visit that people saieth the Lord with the sword pestilence and hunger vntil that I consume them in his hands c. But if you my masters the new reformers of the Gospel had beene in those daies what would haue bridled your burning zeale d No● for your Popes place and office that he challenges is far more vnlawfull then Nabuchodonozors was Could yee not with a little better cause report of Nobuchodonozor that that ye report of the Pope for who is that Nabuchodonozor that we should submit our selues vnto him He is not a king hee is not a tirant hee is not an Emperour but a robber a cutthrote more cruel then anie kinde of wilde beast Is it not by him that the Prophets haue represented the spoiler of nations For God when he would cause * Cap. 14. Esay e Cujus contrarium verum est to talke of the fall of Lucifer he doeth discrie it vnder the person of Nabuchodonozor then how wil you haue vs to submit our selues to be subiect vnto him whom God doeth liken not onelie to a deuill but to the captaine of all the deuils of hell Manie causes doe persuade vs not to obey him First his wicked abhominable life Secondly our religiō for we beleeue in God that created heauen earth but as for him he is more thē a worshipper of Idoles for he is one that called himselfe a God Thirdlie he is not of the line of Dauid by whom God had promised to establish his kingdome for hee was a stranger such a one as got into the kingdome by force making himselfe a king not by righteous election but by violent compulsion so that considering althese things ye might well according to your zeale haue found fault with his raigne but God would haue stopped your mouthes saying as I haue writē aboue I haue created all things I giue thē to whō it pleaseth me Or as he saieth in * Cap. 34. Iob It is I that cause Hypocrits to raign to punish the sins of the people Or as he saieth in the .4 of Daniel I haue the preheminēce ouer the kingdomes of men I giue thē to whō it pleaseth me f True the authority being of it selfe lawful● as Nabuchodonosors was though he abused it but it is not so when the office it selfe is vtterly vnlawfull as your Pope is And he that speaketh against him that is put in authoritie although he be as euil as Nabuchodonozor hee shall perish thorough the sword famine or pestilence or that that is worse through eternal death These are the very words that God spake by the Prophet therefore saieth Christ Come vnto me learn in my schoole for I am humble and milde of heart I haue obeyed Pylate and Annas Cayphas I haue suffered the sentēce of death haue beene nailed betweene two theeues * Math. 12. and I tooke it paciently for your sakes Learne of me to be my disciples in the schoole of humility and you shall finde rest in your spirits The which true rest indeede is for euerie man to examine diligently his owne conscience and to commit
of such vayne wordes as these aboue twenty times I am sure without any proofe at al therein repeated Indeed if in al your life you could proue but halfe so much as confidently here you set downe then you were a notable fellow indeede and then truely we would striue no longer with you But in the meane time seeing we know your speeches are such as you can neuer proue and that we are able against you both to proue the falshoode of yours and the trueth of our owne blame vs not if wee esteeme not your words Yet lest you should saie that these likewise are but words in vs as the former haue beene in you though I see no reason to the contrary but that our words containing a iust and true denial of yours were sufficient confutation thereof I say and will proue it that you shew your selfe a man past al shame in writing here as you doe that all the ancient Catholicke Church which hath continued visible since the comming of Christ vnto this day al the doctours of all the vniuersities all the Empires kingdomes priuate states throughout al the world are against vs for they haue al receiued honoured that doctrine that we count papisticall For first such is the newnes thereof as I haue plentifully shewed in diuers places already of this booke that none of all these for sundry 100. yeares were once euer acquainted therwith yea that diuers of your assertions which are the very principallest of your opinions as namely your dotcrine of Transubstantiation of your Popes being in authority aboue generall Councels and of denying the cuppe to the lay people are not yet of 400. yeares age and continuance And it is notoriously knowen that in the daies of Gregory the 9 about the yeare of Christ 1230 by occasion of iniury and oppression offered by the Pope to that Church that the Greeke Easterne Churches departed quite from the Church of Rome and neuer since though it hath beene oft attempted could be brought to hold communion therewith againe insomuch that in your conuenticle at Trent you haue condemned them for schismatical and heretical Churches And these Churches as it is noted in an ancient record in the Church of Herford differ from yours at the least in 29 articles And they holde yours excommunicate and an Apostata Church vnto this day And vnlesse your reading be very small you cannot be ignorant that Math Paris writeth that the Patriarch of Constantinople at the Councell of Lyons shortly after this breach shewed that of 30. bishoprickes in Greece the Pope had not three that then held communion with him and that all Antioch and the Empire of Romania to the gates of Constantinople was gone quite from him There is also extant in print in ancient record an Epistle writen about seuen yeares after this breach began in the yeare 1237 by one Germanus Patriarch of Constantinople vnto the Pope wherein not only he laboureth to make him see that the occasion therof was that he tooke more vpon him ouer those Churches then he should but amongst other argumēts to persuade him to see his folly he sheweth him that not onely the Greeke Churches themselues but that al so the Aethiopians Syrians Hiberians Alani Gothi Charari with innumerable people of Russia and the mighty kingdome of the Vulgarians held communion with his Church of Constantinople and so by occasion of this schisme had forsakē felowship with the Roman Church And the Cosmographers write that the iurisdiction of the Patriarch of Canstantinople reacheth so farre that all Greece Misia Belgaria Thrasia Walachia Moldauia Russia Muscouia the iles of the Aegaean sea and Asia the lesse bee vnder the same It is also reported by authours of good credit that at this day vnder the other Patriarchs of Antioch Alexandria Hierusalem and vnder the other in the dominions of Presbyter Iohn in Africa there be infinit numbers of Churches and Christians differing from yours and ioining with ours in manie thinges So that Churches also both in the East North and South and that of very great amplitude within the time that you speake of haue professed Christ and yet haue neuer beene acquainted with most or many at the least of the pointes for the which your religion is counted of vs Papisticall in all which there haue beene some doctours vniuersities Empires Princes and priuate men no doubt since Christ before you wrote that neither honoured nor receiued your papistical religiō Yea but that merueilously you ouershot your selfe you might haue remembred that within the time limited by you in these Westerne partes there haue beene euen vnder your Popes nose and in his greatest ruffe many doctours vniuersities and some Emperours kings and priuate estates that haue neither receiued nor so honoured your religiō which we cal papistical as here you would beare your reader in hand For euen in these parts and within the compasse of these times haue bene you know Wickliffe Hus and Luther vniuersities kingdomes good store haue had both your religion Church in defiance long before you wrote He that readeth but the stories of Philip Lodovicke the last French kings of Henry the 4 5. of the 2. Fredericks the 1 2 Emperours and the Cronicles of king Iohn here in England and of 2 or 3 of his successours he shal easily perceiue that much within the compasse of time that you speake of both Empires and Kingdomes with their Emperours and Kings haue beene far from making that reckoning of your popish Church and religion that you here bragge of or else doubtlesse you must needs confesse that your Popes haue beene vnreasonable creatures that haue so cursed and banned these men as they haue and which besides haue caused such infinite Christian bloud to be by warre shed to hamper them These things considered euen children may see not onely the vanity but grosse falshood of these your wordes For howsoeuer either here or else where in this your booke you would cause your reader to beleeue that your Romish Church is the catholicke Church of Christ euery one indeed may see that in trueth it is but a particuler and a petty Diocesse in comparison of the catholicke Church of Christ For the reader must vnderstand that the Church of Christ is called catholicke first because the religion that shee imbraceth is that which hath beene at al times will be to the end the true religiō of God secondly because the same Church in respect of the mēbers therof especially since the calling of the Gentiles is not to be limited or shut vp within the compasse of any particuler countries but may vniuersally be dispersed amongst all nations and in al countreyes where it pleaseth the Lord. In neither of which sences can the Romish Church be truly accounted catholick For neither is her doctrine that which the true Church of Christ embraced was in possessiō of for 4000 years more neither are the
that which he should this marke is euident vpon them and not vpon vs. But if by the common knowen catholicke church of Christ that hee talketh of here and alwaies else he vnderstand as it is apparent that hee doeth their Roman church that now is most beggerly still hee beggeth that almes that neuer an honest and wise man in the world would giue him For in all these points here named by him that Synagogue a long time hath taught and doeth still so contrary to the true and chast spouse of Christ that though nether seditiously nor contentiously yet vehemently and earnestly it is the part of all skilfull painfull and faithfull ministers of the Lord to cry out against her and her so doing And thus onely haue we and doe we labour to manifest vnto the world their corruptiō in doctrine in these points least thereby to their perdition they should be seduced by them Otherwise whatsoeuer he saieth neither he nor all his faction shall euer he able to proue against vs that we either deny any thing or hold otherwise of any point here reckoned vp by him then we haue most sound and good warrant for both out of the scriptures and out of the ancientest and soundest monuments of antiquity But where as he saith that we flatly deny that Christ hath here vpon earth any spouse or visible church to bee heard speake perceaued or seene hee shamefully and vntruely reporteth y● of vs. Onely cōcerning the visibility or not visibility of Christs church this wee holde and teach that who be the right members thereof whereof properly she doeth consist it is not discerneable by humane sence but knowen onely vnto God and vnto those to whom God giueth spirituall sences to discerne it withall but if otherwise by the church of Christ here vpon earth be vnderstoode generally all those that by outwarde profession seeme vnto men to be thereof then we hold and confesse that Christ hath alwaies had here vpō earth since the beginning and wil haue to the ende a visible spouse and church to be both heard speake perceiued seene though not alwaies alike nor of al sorts kinde of men as I haue shewed at large in the first and fourth chapters of my answere to Albine The onely thing that we deny is that it alwaies hath beene and euer must be so visible and apparent both for multitude and gouernment that euery one should be able therby not only to discerne it but frō time to time downe frō Christ to the ende of the world to name the principall persons by whose orderly succession one to another wtout interruption it hath bene cōtinued in one place or other Now hereupon to infer that wee simply deny it to be heard seene or perceiued argueth that they that doe so are growen so grosse that they can neither heare see nor perceiue that there is any difference betwixt the maner of being of a thing the simple being therof Iohn that neuer taught that the Church of Christ here vpō earth should neither be heard seen or perceiued yet teacheth Re. 12. that she would be driuē by persecution of the dragō into the wildernes where for a time in cōparison that she was before she should be hiddē Christ that hath taught vs that hel gates shal neuer preuaile against his church Mat. 16. yet foresheweth that towards his secōd cōming true faith should hardly be found vpō earth Luke 18. And doe we not read 2 Thessalonians 2. and 1. Timothy 4. to that end that before that day there shall be a great departing from the faith which by that which we read Reuelations 17 and 18. we may vnderstand shal be so great and so farre preuaile that the whore of Babylon there figuring vnto vs Antichrist and his kingdome shall haue vniuersality and all outward pompe that may be so on her side that shee shall make kings and people yea all nations drunke with the wine of her fornications During the fulfilling of which prophesies if it bee hard for some either to heare or see the Church or to vnderstand where shee is so that they cannot name the persons successiuely that she consisteth of no maruell For distance of time and place and ignorance or vnfaithfulnesse in Croniclers ioyned with a speciall care that Antichrist would alwaies by all likelyhoode haue to keepe from men all meanes to make thē to haue knowledge of these things least therby in the end he should fall into his cōsumption in respect of sundry former times and vs that liue now might make this impossible And yet he that should say so doeth not simply say as he here chargeth vs. But Gods name be blessed for it the Church yet was neuer so driuen into the wildernesse by the dragon or oppressed by Antichrist but as I haue shewed in my fourth Chapter of my foresaied answere to Albine some haue so heard seene and perceiued where she was and who were her true mēbers at al times that there was neuer time or state of the Church so bad but that we are able to nāe some of her frēds and where they liued or died in the profession of her trueth against antichristian abhominations As for the other points here reckoned vp by him gētle reader though he would make thee beleeue that they are such as in euery point as they teach thē now haue alwaies before beene taught of the true Catholicke church of Christ it is nothing so as in great part I haue shewed in answering of Albine as others thorowly vniuersally haue shewed of them all in seueral bookes writen against them for their Antichristiā doctrine therein Howbeit least by his words in the meane time whiles thou gettest leasure to peruse what we haue writen cōcerning these points thou shouldest cōceiue worse of our doctrine thē in any shew we deserue vnderstand that we preach against none of Christs sacraments neither doe we deny any sacrament of his in that sence to be a sacrament that he appointed it neither doe we deny Christs reall true most certain presence in the eucharist to the soule of the right receiuer onely a grosse presence of his body to the mouth of euery receauer fancied by thē cōtrary both to scripture the nature of a sacramēt of Christ himselfe is the presence that there we deny Indeed we as zealously as we can preach against their masse denying it to be any propitiatory sacrifice either for quicke or dead much lesse for both because we haue learned out of the epistle to the Hebrewes that only Christ is cōsecrate of his father as the fit Priest of the new testament in his owne person once for all to offer propitiatory sacrifice for the redemption of mankind that we learne by the words of the institution of this sacrament that it was neuer instituted to repeate that but with faith and thankesgiuing to make a commemoration thereof and rather to offer and deliuer Christ to vs thē
proue by a law of Theodosius and Arcades Emperours of Rome made to forbid men vnder paine of leesing their right not to seeke to recouer possession of their own by violence force Wherunto I answere you that graunt vs so much which of right you must and for all your tale and penall Statute of Theodosius and Arcades we shall be to good for you For first what other Iudges sentence were wee to expect but theirs that we had on our side alreadie Secondly there hath beene no such tumultuous or disorderly violence vsed by vs as I haue shewed before as their lawe forbiddeth to recouer our owne from you and then you must vnderstand that these Emperours prescribe their lawe to bridle men and not to binde God from recouering his inheritance to the vse of his seruants from the hands of Antichristian vsurpers euen by force and violence if otherwise they will not yeeld To proue therefore that God would haue called in our commission though he had graunted it rather then hee would haue suffred vs to execute it in violent driuing you out of possession to recouer our owne right you had neede to haue vsed a stronger reason then taken from the edict of Emperours If these thinges had beene well cōsidered before of you you might haue spared your iest wherewith you conclude this Chapter well enough and so rather haue staied your pipes your selfe then in such sorte as you haue blowen so ioyfully in token of triumph before any likelihoode of victory The vanity and falshoode of your bragge for the continuance of your religion aboue one thousand yeares before we were borne not onely throughout France but also throughout all Christendome I haue fully and at large discouered in the later ende of the preface in my answer to your 4.16 39. ca. therfore in this place I haue saied no more then I haue referring the reader for a full answere thereūto both here and wheresoeuer else it is repeated by you vnto these places And though S. Augustine say as you write that liberty and licence of conscience to doe euil is the death of the soule yet that toucheth vs nothing at al for doing what we may by lawfull ordinary means to dispossesse your Antichristiā prelats of the places of gouernment ouer Christs Church and of the maintenance due to his true faithful pastors For so to deale is but orderly to recouer Gods inheritance out of the hands of his enemies to possesse them thereof to whom it is due and therefore in so doing there is neither liberty nor licence to doe euil practised But rather you in crauing the restoring of you thereunto and quiet continuance therein still craue both liberty licence without controlement to go on in sacrilegious enioying that which at no hand appertaines to such as you be The XVI Chapter FOR a This is vntrue for wee alleage both our lawful calling shew the right that we not you haue to those places and maintenāce for they were appointed for true Pastours and not for wolues foxes as your Prelates haue beene a great while your defence you alleage no other reason but your good zeale and your ardent Apostolicall affection the which hath mooued you to sowe this seede of sedition You saie that the fielde is great and there are few good reapers but if you marke that that doeth followe afterward and to take the counsaile of the wise Christ doeth not commaunde therefore that euerie one should take his sickle and go and cut downe other mens corne But he saieth * b Mat. 15. b Mat. 9. It is but your ill luck scarce to quote one of ten rightly Pray the master of the worke to the end that he sende more workemen to his vine He doeth teach vs that if we see anie estate out of order we should praie to God to redresse it And in the meane time we ought to correct and amend our owne liues for if euerie man were for himselfe God would bee for vs all c That is a good means but doth it thereupō follow that no other meanes is good and lawfull to that ende and in that case Yet notwithstanding this it is not reasonable that vnder the colour of a good zeale a seruant shoulde take in hand an act of so great importaunce without expresse commandement of his master as it is saied But now that wee are come to talke of your good zeale if it please you let vs knovv d Neither haue we if those ardent flames of charitie haue so inflamed you that you haue ouerthrowen the chaires of the negligent Pastours and Bishops and in their roomes ye haue collocated your ministers in euerie place where yee could beare anie swaie as it doeth appeare in manie townes and Cities in this Realme I doe not doubt but that you vvill doe the best that yee can to doe the like with the rest e This is but a malitious surmise enforced to make vs odious contrary both to your cōscience and experience but indeede it is plaine by proofe that thus you dea●e with Kings and Queenes if they be ●o● of your sect and humor I meane as vvell temporall as spirituall For euen as God of whom yee speake so often doeth make no exception of persons euen so you that call your selues his Lieutenants will make no difference betweene the euill estates the good Euerie one doeth know that the administration of iustice is verie honourable before God and that there be manie in this vocation that would not for anie thing doe anie wrong vnto the widow and fatherlesse childe yet we see and know by experience that there are manie others that without anie conscience doe take bribes and offer wrong both to the fatherlesse to the widow the which crimes are no lesse in that estate then the carelesse liuing of the Bishops and Pastors So that I thinke by this that he that hath giuē you charge power to turne the Bishops out of their seats the Curats out of their benefices and the Monkes and Abbots out of their Abbeys because of their euill liuings would likewise extende your commission to put downe Lordes Knightes Iudges and Gentlemen because of the corrupt liues of manie of them And to make an ende of the reformation your holie Ghost and those zealous flames of the spirit woulde mooue you to go a little higher for there is nothing done but the spirit may amend it Against the great trees striue the great windes and against great dignities great abuses It is not vnknown to al mē that ther are good and godly Catholicke Princes and Kings which are surelie to the people the great giftes of God but likewise one cannot denie but that there hath beene and are diuers ill Princes that doe gouerne their people careleslie without iustice And if by chance your Gospell should fall into some kingdom where the Prince were not so sage nor so