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A00005 Here begynneth a shorte and abreue table on the Cronycles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, John, d. 1402. 1515 (1515) STC 10000; ESTC S106695 471,876 302

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Englonde and also of Scotlonde· ¶ And anone after in the same yere kynge Edwarde of Englonde receyued of the duke of Brytayne hys homage for the erldom and lordshyp of Rychmonde And so folowynge in the .ix. yere of hys regne after Myghelmas rode into Scotlond And there was faste by saynt Iohānes towne almoost all the wynter tyme And soo he helde his Crystemas at the castell of Rokersbourgh ¶ And in the same yere trughout all Englonde abowte saynt Clementys tyde in wynter ¶ Chere arose suche a sprengynge and wellynge vp of waters and also flodes bothe of the see and also of the fresshe ryuers and sprenges that the see bankes walles and costes brake vp that mennys bestes and housys in many places namely in lowe countrees vyolently and sodaynly were drowned and fruyte dryuen awaye of the erthe thrugh contynaunce and abundaunce of waters of the see ouer more afterwarde were torned into more saltnesse and sourenesse or sauoure ¶ The .x. yere of kynge Edwardes regne kynge Edwarde entred the Scottes see after Mydsomer And to many of the Scottes he haue bataylle and ouercame theym and many he treatyd and bowed vnto hys peas thrughe hys doughtynesse and hardynesse ¶ And after the feest of saynt Myghell thenne nexte folowynge was the erle of Moryf hadde and taken at Edenbrugh brought into Englonde and put into pryson ¶ And in the monethes of Iune and Iulii thā next folowynge in the xi yere of his regne was seen and apperyed in the fyrmament a beme sterre the whiche clarkes calle stella Cometa that sterre was seen in dyuers partes of the fyrmament ¶ Where after anone there folowed in Englonde goode chepe and wonder greate plente of chaffare vytaylles marchandyse there ayenst honger scarsyte myscheyf and nede of monye ¶ In so moche that a quartre of whete at London was solde for two shellynge and a good fatte oxe att a noble and fyue good douues byrdes for a peny In whiche yere deped syr Iohn̄ of ●l●am erle of Cornewaylle that was kynge Edwardes brother and lyeth atte westmestre ¶ How kynge Edwarde made a duchye of the Erldome of Cornewayle and also of syxe other Erles that were newe made and of the fyrste chalēge of the kyngdodome of Fraunce IN the yere of our lorde a M. and of kynge edwarde .xii. in the moneth of marche durynge the parlement at westmestre in lente tyme kynge Edwarde made of the erldome of Cornewayle a duchye and lete it calle the duchye of Cornewayle the whiche ducye he gaaf vnto Edwarde hys fyrste sone with the erldom of Chestre And also kyng Edwarde made att that same tyme syxe other erles That is for to saye Syr Henry the erle of Lancastres sone erle of Leycetre Wyllyam of Bughū erle of Northamptō wyllyam of Mountagu erle of Salysbury Hughe of Awdell erle of Gloucestre Roberte of V●orde erle of Southfolke And wyllyam of Clyton Erle of Huntyngeton ¶ And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlemente that no man sholde were noo clothe that was wrought out of Englond as clothe of golde ne of sylke or veluet or damaske or satyne baudkyn ne none suche other ne none wylde ware ne furres of bynde that see But suche as myght spende an hundred poūde of rente by yere but this ordynaūce statute was but of lytyl effect For yt was no thynge holden ¶ In the .xiii. yere of his regne kynge Edwarde went ouer see into Braban with quene Phylyp his wyf there beryng a chylde at And warpe there he dwellyd more than a yere for to treate wyth the duke of Braban and other alyed vnto hym of the chalengynge of the kyngdome of Fraunce to kynge Edwarde of Englond by ryght and by herytage after the deth of Karoll the grete kynge of Fraunce brother Gerymayne of quene Isabell kynge Edwardes moder the whyche was holden and occupyed vnryghtfull by Phylyp of Valoys the ēmys of kynge Karoll the wheche duke and all his in the forsayd thynges all other longynge there to with alle hys men and goodes kynge Edwarde founde redy vnto hym and made behyght hym suerte by good fayth truste and after that the kyng hath hym ayen into Englonde lelft there the quene styll be hynde hym in Braban Than in the .xiiii. yere of his regne whan all the lordes of his reame other that oughten to be at his parlement were called assembled togyder in the same parlemēt holden at London after the feest of saynt Hylarye The kynges nedes were put forth promothed as touchinge the kyngdom of Fraunce For whiche nedes to be spedde the kynge axed the fyfte parte of alle the meuable goodes of Englonde the wulles the .ix. sheep of euery corne And alle the lordes of euery towne where suche thynges sholde be taxed gadryd sholde answere to the kynge therof had it and helde it at his owne lust wyl wherfore yf I shold knowleche the very trouth the ynner loue of the people was torned in to hate And the comyn prayers in to cursinge for cause that the comune people were soo strongely greued ¶ Also the for sayd Phylyp Valoys of Fraunce had gadred vnto hym a grete hoste destroyed in hys partyes kyngdome many of the kynges frendes of Englonde wyth townes castels many other of theyr lordhypoes and many harmes shamys dystytes dyd vnto the quene wher fore kyng Edwarde whan he herde thys tydynges strongely meued therwythe and red and sente dyuers letters ouer see to the quene to other that were his frendes Glagynge them certefyenge them that he wolde be there hymself in all the haste that he mygh ¶ And anone after Ester whan he had sped of all thinges that hym neded to haue he went ouer see ayen Of whose cominge the quene all hys frendes were wonder glad made moche Ioy And all that were his enmyes and held ayenst hym made as moche sorow ¶ In the same tyme the kynge thrughe counseyll of hys trewe lyeges and counsell of hys lordes that there we represent wyth hym wryte the kynhe of Fraūces name and toke and medled the kynges armes of Fraunce quartred with tharmes of Englond and commaunded forth with hys coyen of golde vnder dyserypcyon and wrytynge of the name of englonde and of Fraunce be made beste that myght bee and that is to saye the floreyne that was callyd the noble pryce of .vi shellynge .viii pens sterlynge and the half nobell the value iii· shellynge and .iiii. pens and the far thynges the value of .xx. pens ¶ How kynge Edwarde came vnto the scuys and dyscomfyted alle the power of Fraunce in the hauen ANd in the next yere after that is to say the .xv. yere of his regne he cōmaūded and lete wryte in his chartres wryttes other letters the date of the regne of fraunce the fyrst And whyle that he was thus doynge and trauayllynge in
the .xlii. yere of Octauyan themperoure whyche began to regne in Marche and in .xxx. yere of Herode .vii. C. and .l. yere after that Rome was buylded the .vi. monthe frome the conceyuynge of Iohan Baptyst the .viii. Kal. of Apryl the .vi. fery at Nazareth of Galylee of the virgyne Mary was conceyued Cryste our sauyour and the same yere was borne· ¶ Here at Crystys Natyuyte begynneth the sixte aege durynge to the fynall Iugement hauynge yeres as god knoweth ¶ Here begynneth the sixte aege durynge to the ende of the worlde THat daye our lorde Ihesu Cryst was borne a welle of oyle beyonde Tybre by Rome sprāge and ranne alle daye The goldȳ yamge fell that whyche Romulꝰ had made and put it in his palays sayenge This ymage shall not fayle vnre a mayde bere a chylde ¶ whan Herode disposid hym to slee the chyldern of Israell he was commaunded by the letter of themperour to come to Rome to Answere to the accusacyon of hys chyldern Alexium and Aristoboli And ther were thre Herodes grely spokē of for ther yll dedes The fyrste was called Ascolonita and vnder this man was borne cryste and the chyldren of Israell were slayne The secōde was called Antipas sone to the fyrst Herode vnder whom Iohn̄ Baptyst heeded and cryst suffred deth And the thyrde was called Agrippa sone to Aristoboli sone to the fyrst Herode the whyche slewe Iames prysoned Peter The fyrst Herode whan he sawe his sones Alexiū and Aristoboli thrugh the pretens of hys letter by the Emperour sende stryue for the successyon of his kyngdome he disposid and made Antipater that was his fyrste begoten sone to be before them and whan they were talkynge of the deth of theyr fader he cast them awaye they went to thēperour to complayne of the wrong of therfader And in the meane tyme the thre kynges of Coleyne came by Herode vnto Ierusalem whan they came not ayen by hym he thought that they were ashamed for to come ayen by hym for bycause that they were disceyued and that they founde not the chylde as he denied therfore in the meane season he cessed to slee the chyldern of Israell and so wene vnto Rome for the cytacion of themperoure And he toke his waye by the cyte of Tarsum where he brente the shyppes in the whiche the thre kyngꝭ of Coleyne shold haue saylled in to ther owne countree Thenne after a yere and certen dayes this Herode came frome Rome ayen accorded with his sones And for the cōfyrmacōn of his kyngdome he was made moche holder and then he slewe all the chyldern of Bethleem that were of two yere of aege vnder that had space of one nyght of aege and amonge these was there one of hys owne chylrden And Aristoboli Aleriū werre had in suspeccion in so moche as they promysed a barbour a grete rewarde that he sholde take kitte ther faders throte whā that he dide him shaue whan this Herode herde this he was greued there he slewe bothe his sones And Herode Agrippa his sone he ordeyned to be kige wherfore Antipater hys oldest sone was aboute to poyson his foder the whiche Herode Agrippa vnderstode prysoned there his brother that whiche the Emperour herde and sayd that he had leuee be an hogge of Herodes than for to be one of his sones for hys hogges he spareth and his sones he sleeth ¶ And whan that Herode was .lxx. yere of age he was stryken with a grete sykenesse in his hondes and in his feet and in his membres that noo lethe myght come to hym for stenche and soo he deyed ¶ So Antipater his sone in pryson herde tell of thys and Ioyed gretely and therefore that cause he was slayne ¶ Thenne stroue Archelaus and Herodes for the successyon of the fyrste Herode The Emperour there thrugh coūseyll of the Senatours the halfe of the Iury and Idumea gaaf to Archelaus vnder name of Tetrarche And the other parte he deuyded in two Galylee he gaaf to Herode Antippa And Ituriam and Traconidem he gaafe to Philype Herodes brother ¶ And that same yere Cryste came from Egypte And Archelaus was accused many tymes of the Iewes was exiled in to Vyennam in to fraūce And in that place were sette foure Tetrarchees to the repreuynge of the vnstablynesse of the Iewes ¶ And that same yere Octauyan the Emperour deyed ¶ Anno xyristi x o I.N.R.I. ¶ Crux χρristi IHesus Cryste at .xii. yere of aege herde the doctours in the Temple ¶ Our lorde Ihesu Cryst at .xxx. yere of Aege was baptysed· ¶ Ihesu Cryste the lorde of all thynges at .xxx. yere of aege .iii. monethes deyed far hys seruauntes ¶ Anninꝰ Rufus was bysshop in the Iury about this tyme. ¶ Valeriꝰ Geaceꝰ was after hym .xi. yere This man openly solde the bysshopryche he that moost yaaf had it And there was moneye in alytell whyle ¶ Poncius Pylatꝰ was Iuge Proctour in the Iury vnder the Emperour And vnder this man Iohn̄ Baptyst began for to preche And our lode surffred deth the whyche was dampned to dethe vnryght wysly for drede of themperour ¶ Tyrus a certen kynge gate a chylde on Pyla a poore mānes doughter the whiche man hyght Arus this chylde of his moders name and hys be●syre put togyds was called Pylatus This Pylatus the fourth yere of hys aege was sente to his fader The whiche kynge of his lefull wyf had goten a chylde euen of the aege with Pylate by cause this lefull gotē chylde as they proceded in aege exceded this bastarde Pylatus he was full of enuye slewe his brother the lefull goten chylde wherfore forth with his fader sēte hym to Rome for pledge for hys trybute that he payed to Rome entendynge he wolde neuer redeme hym In the whiche tyme the kyngꝭ sone of Fraunce was pledge for his trybute the whiche exceded hym in strēgth chyualry also he slewe hym Therfore the Romayns sente Pylate as a profytable man for the comyn wele to the yle of Ponto to tame the cursyd people the whiche slewe eueri Iuge that came to them And he that cursid man gouerned that vnhapy people what with thretynge with promyse with lawe with ieftes that nōe of them durste contrai do to his pleasure wherfore he was called Pylate of Ponto ¶ Herodes Antipa yonge in his conuersacyons with yeftes● and messages drewe hym to hym made hym prynce of the Iury vnder hym And this tyme Pylate gadred moche moneye Herode not knowynge he wente to Rome that he might receiue of the Emperour that Herode had giuē him Wherfore Hyrode Pylate were enmyes togyder vnto the passiō of our lord whan that pylate sende Ihesus vnto Herode clothed in a whyte clothe then̄e they were made frendes ¶ Ouidius Naso in ponto aboue thys tyme deyed the fourth yere of his exile ¶ Tyburius this tyme
Peter was Pope of rome is shewed by ordre the names of all the popes emperours of Rome afore after with certeynt of theyr actes breuyatly many other dyuers thynges merueyles in those mennes dayes fallynge And it is shewed euery thynge in his place howe many yere it fell after the begynnyng of the worlde how longe afore that Cryste was borne And whan that I come to Cryst was borne then it is wryten how longe ony thynge fell after the Natyuyte of Cryst And this is the ordre of this boke the thynges that ben spoken of ANd as to mennes desyrynge to haue a very knowledge of these cronycles or of ony other it is necessary to knowe .vi. thinges ¶ The fyrst is the states of thynges and those ben two One is fro the begynnynge of the worlde vnto Cryst the whiche is called the state of Diuiacion The secunde is frome Cryste to the ende of the worlde the whiche is called the state of Reconsiliacion ¶ The seconde thynge is the diuisyon of tymes those ben thre One is afore the lawe of moyses an other is vnder the lawe of Moyses an other is vnder the lawe of grace after cryst dyed ¶ The thyrde is the gouernynge of kyngdomes And as for that ye must know that al though there were foure pryncypall kyngdomes that is to say Of Babylon of Persces of Grekis and Romayns neuertheles as to the cours of the worlde the ordre of holy scrypture the fyrst gouernyng was vnder faders from Adam vnto moyses The seconde vnder Iuges from Moyses vnto Saul The thyrde vnder kynges frō Saul vnto zorobabel The fourthe vnder bysshops from zorobabel vnto Cryst ¶ The fourth is the dyuersyte of lawes those were fyue The fyrst was the lawe of nature and that was comen of all men The seconde is the lawe or the custome of gentyles whan that vnder kynge Nyon the peple began to worshyp fals goddes The thyrde is vnder the lawe wryten rose the lawe of Iewes whā the Circūcisyon deuyded the Iewes from other peple The fourth is vnder Cryst rose the lawe of cristen men whan faythe and grace of the sacramentes enformed the lyf of men The fyfth vnder Machomete rose the lawe of Sarrasyns Turkes ¶ The fyfthe is the noblenesse or vnnoblenesse in dedes ¶ And as to these it is to knowe that .vii. persons ben redde of whome the dedes many tymes are had in mynde in hystoryes That is to wyte of a prynce in his reame of a knyght in batayll of a Iuge in his place of a bysshop in the clergy of a polytyk man in the peple of an husbonde man in the hous of an abbot ī his chirche And of these are wryten many tymes the laudes of good men the punysshemētes of the cursyd men ¶ The sixthe is the true coūtynge of the yeres and as to that it is to be knowe that there were .viii. maner of nombryng or coūtynge of the yeres Thre after the Hebrewes Thre after the Grekis One after the Ramayns· And one nowe after the crysten men The Hebrewes thre maner of wyse begyn̄eth theyr yere After the Hebrewes there is the yere vsuall begynnynge at Ianuary the whiche they vse ī couenaūtes bargēs makyng And the yere leyfull begynnyng at Marche the whiche they vse in theyr cerymonyes And the yere Emergens from May begynnynge whan they went from Egypt they vse in theyr cronycles calculacions ¶ The Grekis nombreth theyr yere thre manere of wyse Fyrst to the glory Ioye of theyr victory coūteth theyr yeres from the destruccyon of Troy The fyrst the seconde the thyrde the fourth c. ¶ Thenne after the chyualry beganne at the hylle of Olympus they notefyed the yeres after the same Olympyadū And what Olympyades is ye shall knowe after in the boke The thyrde whā they begā to haue lordshyp of all the world they notefyed theyr yeres these maner of wyse In the yere of the regne of Grekys the .iiii. the .x. the xv c. As it is open in the boke of Machabeorum ¶ Then̄e after the Romayns gouernynge the worlde counted nombred theyr yeres ab vr be condita ¶ The last of all Cristen men coūteth theyr yeres from the Incarnacyon of cryst And bycause we ben Crysten men we vse moste to nombre from the begynnynge of the worlde vnto cryst was borne And fro Cryste was borne vnto our tyme. And this ordre is obserued and kepte in all the booke of euery thyng in his place as it is sayd before ¶ Explicit Prologus ¶ Hic incipit Fructus temporum BYcause of this bokes made to tel what tyme of ony thynge notable was Therfore the begynnyge of all tymes shortely shall be touched For the whiche after doctours it is to be knowen that .iiii. thynges were made fyrste in one tyme of one aege That is to wyte the heuen Imperyall aūgels nature the matere of the foure elemētes tyme. And that doctours calle the werke of the creacyon the whiche was made afore ony daye or nyght of the myghty power of god And was made of nothynge ¶ Thenne after foloweth the werke of the dyuysyon the whiche was made in thre of the fyrst dayes in whiche is shewed the hyghe wysdome of the maker ¶ Thenne after foloweth the arayenge of this werke in the whiche is shewed the goodnes of the creature the whiche was made .iii. of the nexte dayes folowynge Vt patꝪ clare in te●●u gen̄ primo ¶ The fyrst day god made deuyded the lyght from the darkenesse ¶ The seconde daye god made ordeyned the fyrmament deuyded the water from the water ¶ The thyrde daye god made in the● whiche he gadered the waters in to one place 〈◊〉 erthe then appered ¶ The fourth daye god made in the whiche he ordeyned the sonne the mone the sterres put them in the fyrmament ¶ The fyfth daye god made in the whiche he ordeyned fysshes and foules and grete whales in the water ¶ The sixte daye god ordeyned in the whiche he made beest and man ¶ The seuenth daye god made and in that daye he rested of al werkes that he hadde ordeyned not as in werkynge beynge wery But he ●eased to make mo newe creatures Vide plura gen̄ .i. BE it knowē that Adam the fyrst man of whom it is wryten ī this fyrst age next lowynge lyued .ix. C. yere .xxx. And he gate .xxxii. son̄es as many doughters ¶ Anno mundi .i. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem v. M. C.lxxxxix· ¶ Here begynneth the fyrste aege durynge vnto the floode of Noy Adam Eua IN the fyrst yere of the worlde the syxte day god made Adam in the felde Damasc●n̄ eua of one of his rybbes puttyng thē in paradyse And bad them to kepe his cōmaūdemēt that they sholde not ete of the fruyte of lyfe vnder the payne of deth And the same day that they had synned anone
hylle of Hor. And his sone Heleazarus succeded hym in the bysshopryche ¶ Pharao Boccaris this tyme was kynge of Egypt this Pharao wolde not here the cōmaūdement of god ne delyuer the childern of Israel wherfore he was punysshed with ten plages Vt patꝪ exo And after he with all his hoost were drowned ī the red see Nason sone to Amynadab was prynce of the trybe of Iudas in the deserte and about this tyme the lawe of god was gyuen in the hylle of Synay the boke of Leuicici was wryte and another booke was called Numerū the tabernacle was ordeyned The boke of Deuteromanū was made Balaam was prophete and was slayne ¶ Anno mundi .iii M.vii C.xxxv. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M.iiii C.lxxiiii SAlmen of the lyne of cryst was aboute thꝭ tyme had a wyfe that hyght Reab Moyses about thys tyme decessed the water of frome Iordan was drye Ierico was take the son̄e stode in the fyrmament Inmeuable Historia li. Iosue incipit et Iudicū Iosue seconde Iuge of Israel was a myghty mā in batayll the fyrst in deserte he ouercame Amalech after Moyses of god he was ordened iuge of Israel of whom the bataylles the werkes the relygyous lyf ye may see in the boke of Iosue wryten ¶ Eleazar was the secōde bysshop And he Iosue deuyded the londe of promyssy on to the childern of Israel And of hym descēded the bysshops vnto cryst a fewe excepted ¶ Othonyell of the trybe of Iuda was the thyrde Iuge And thys man delyuered the chyldern of Israel from the oppressyō of the reame of mesopotamie the whiche he ouercame in batayl This man toke Axam to his wyf the whiche asked the vale londes aboue beneth of her fad Calepth vt pꝪ Iudicū .i. ¶ Aoth was the four the iuge of Israel· This man subdued Eglon the kyng of Moab delyuered the childern of Israel This was a myghty man in batayl he vsed the one as wel as thother for his ryght honde ¶ About this tyme the kyng of ytaly began And many tymes theyr names ben chaūged of the whiche progenyte of the Romayns more clerely is shewed ¶ Ian●s was the fyrst kyng of ytaly after warde of the rude gētyles he was worshyped as god they feyned hym to haue two faces for they worshypped his feest in the begynnyng of the yere as he were the ende of the last yere And the begynninge of the fyrst And of hym the moueth of Ianuary hath his name ¶ Amictus was the viii· kynge of Babylon vnder whom Iosue decessed ¶ Anno mūdi .iii. M.vii C.lxxv Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M. iiii.xxiiii BOos sone to Salmon of the lyne of cryst was this tyme but of hym is lytel wryten but that Ma●he nombred hym in the Genology As doctours saye there was made skyppynge of names bytwyxt Boos Obeth For at the lest betwyxt them were .ii. C.lxxii yere the whiche tyme to one mā may not be referred and therfore here many thynges is spoken of or I come to the lyne of cryst agayne Nicholaꝰ de lyra dicit qd sūc .iii. boos vnꝰ post alium ¶ Sāgar was the .v. Iuge of Israel but he lyued no yeres ¶ Dolbara was the .vi. Iuge thꝭ Dolbora was a womā for the grace of her ꝓphecy was gyuē to her honour that she Iuged Israel She by the cōmaūdemēt of god called Baruch that he shold go fyght with the enemyes of Israel the chyldren of Israel gate the vyctory agaynst Iabyn the kyng of Chanaan Cizaram the prynce of his chyualry he destroyed them vt ptꝪ iudicū .iiii ¶ Phenies was bysshop this Phenies yet a yonge man for goddes sake slewe many lecherous men therfore our lorde was pleased with hym ¶ Saturnus this tyme was kynge of yealy he was the secōde kyng there this Saturnꝰ is sayd to come fro the londe of cretens in to ytaly who by ydolatry thrughe a maruaylous blyndenes they sayd he was no man but a god yet they sayd that he regned vpon them as theyr kyng And he taught men to dounge theyr feldes And of Saturnꝰ the Romayns were called Saturniani Picꝰ was son to saturnꝰ or he was kyng ī ytaly he was kyng ī larētin after his dethe he was worshyped of the gētyls for a god Anno mundi .iii. M.viii C.lxxv Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M. iii.xliiii GEdeon the .vii. Iuge of Israel was thys tyme this Gedeon subdued .iiii. kynges Oreb zebe● zeb and Salmana And he subdued Madean to Israel Vide plura Iudicum vi.vii et .viii. BOcci was bysshop in Israell then ¶ Abimalech the .viii. Iuge in Israell was natural son̄e to gedeon he was not called of god but malycyously tooke on hym the pryncehode of Israel And he slewe lxx of hys brethern wherfore he ended hys lyfe myscheuously Vt pꝪ iudicū ¶ Tola was the .ix. Iuge in Israel And this man guyded hym after the olde gouernaūce of Iuges by the maner of dyreccyon coūsell more than by domynacyon ¶ Bocci was bysshop aboute this tyme but of hym lytell is wryten ¶ Iayr the .x. Iuge of Israel had .xxx. son̄es whom he made prynces of .xxx. Cytees And by cause they were goode men and ruled to the pleasure of god Therfore in the dayes of these two men Israel drewe to our lorde And therfore al thynge came and was in prosperyte and welthe FAnus was the .iiii. kynge in ytaly he was kynge of larentin both ¶ Latinꝰ was kynge in ytaly after Fanus of this Latinꝰ was called the kyngdome of Latinorum And Carmentꝭ doughter of Euandri foūde fyrste latyn letters Tauranꝰ about this tyme was kynge of Babylon or of Assiriorum vnder this man Troy was dystroyed fyrst The occasyō of the batayl of Troy began for a lytell thyng In so moche as Lamydon kynge of Troy receyued not Hercules Iason with due honoure as they sholde haue receyued of so lytell a trespaas how many harmes hurtes grewe ¶ Sibilla delphica afore the batayll of Troy prophe●yed how a chylde sholde be borne of a vyrgyn without mānes seed ¶ Lamydō kynge of Troy was slayne his doughter Roxoma was taken in to Grekys londe For the whiche foloweth myghty batayll moost ferdfull myscheues vide hystoria troianam Hercules with Iason destroyed Iliū or Troy the whiche anone after was buylded of Pryamus son̄e to Lamydon This Hercules dyd many merueylous thyngꝭ many mighty bataylles And infynyte lesynges ben fayned on hym At the last whan he had ouercome moche people he was sore hurte in warre And whan he myght not suffre the payne of his sore with the whiche he was greued Hymselfe he ranne in to the fyre and whan he was deed he was worshypped amonge the goodes of the Gentyles myghtely ¶ Circa annū mūdi .iii. M.ix C.lxxv Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M.ii. C.xxiiii AFter the dethe of Iayr Iuge of
was sworne to the kynge of Syrie Benedab For Baasa kynge of Israell then̄e began to fyght ayenst hym the whiche dyspleased god wherfore he sende to hym the prophete Anani whome he put in pryson and therfore he hadde the gowte strōgely deyed ther of Vt pꝪ .iii. regum .ii. para ¶ Azarias sonne to Achomas was bysshop Nadab kyng of Israell regned to yere the whyche beganne to regne the seconde yere of Asa kynge of Iewes and dyde not as hys fader And Baasa ouerthrewe hym and regned for hym Vt pꝪ .iii. regū ¶ Baasa kynge of Israel regned .xxiiii. yere the whiche began to regne the thyrde yere of Asa kynge of Iewes and he walked in the synnes of Ieroboam and slewe Iehen the prophete ¶ Hela thesone of Baasa regned in Israel two yere \ zamri slewe hym regned .vii. dayes ¶ Amri regned .xii. yere dyde not as his predecessours dyd ¶ Archa sone to Amri regned on Israell .xxii. yere and aboue all that were afore hym he was cursyd for wycked Iesabell ruled more than he meued hym to folowe her vt pꝪ .iii. regū ¶ Of kynge Ebrac the whiche began to regne the .xv. yere of Dauyd and how he conquered Fraunce THys Ebrac regned .lx. yere a stronge man he was a myghey And thys Ebrac thorugh hys myght helpe of his Brytons cōquered all Fraunce And wanne there so moche golde syluer that whā he came ayen in to this londe he made a cyte and after hys owne name he lere calle it Ebrac that is called Euerywyk And this kynge made the castell of Maydens that now is called Edenbrugh This kyngehad xx sones and .xxiiii. doughters by dyuers wymmen goten these sones were called as ye shal here Brute greneschelde de Margāde Iakyn Kymbar Roselm Spadogh Godeherl Thormnan Gldaugh Iorkaughut Haibor Ketyn Rother Kaier Assaruth And all the dougters hyght as ye shal here after Eligene ymogen Oghdas Guenbran Guardith Auganrel Guenthold Tangustell Gorghō Michel Medhan Mailour Ondre Cambredan Ragā Renthely Neest Cheghā Skaldud Gladus Herherhen Abalaghe and Blandan And these were tho .xxiiii doutghters And the brethern becam good knyghtes and worthy in many countrees ¶ Of kynge Brute Greneschelde the fyrste sone of Ebrackynge AFter the dethe of kyng Ebrac regned brute Greneschelde his sone .xxx. yere that was Ebracs fyrst sone that well and nobly regned And whan tyme came he deyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ Of kynge Leyl that was Brute Grenescheldes sone ANd whan Brute Greneschelde was deed regned hys sone Leyl xxii· yere And he made a fayre towne and lette calle it Karleyl after his owne name And he was a worthy man and welle beloued of his peop●e And so whan he badde regned xxii· yere he dyed and lyeth at Karlyll ¶ And in his tyme regned kyng Salomon in Iherusalem and made the noble Temple And to him came quene Sibylle quene of Saba for to here and see yf it were sothe that men spake of the greate and noble wytte and wysdome of kynge Salemō And she founde it soth that men had her tolde ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.ii. vi Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .ix. C.xlii. IOsaphat kynge of Iewe was a good man and a ●ycke and a deuoute in the waye of oure lorde and regned x●v yere and dyde none yll but to the cursed kynge of Israell gaue helpe and other lytel thyng And therfore oure lorde was with hym vt pꝪ ii● para ¶ Helyas the greate prophete was thys tyme an hooly man that was lyfted vp in to paradyse with grete solace ● a charre ¶ Macheas and Abdias prophecyed wyth hym ¶ Ochosyas sone of Achab regned in Israell .ii. yere And sende to Belsabub god of Acharam to be helyd For. the whyche he deyed after the sayenge of Hely Vt pꝪ .iiii. Regum ¶ Of kynge Lud Ludibras that was kynge Leyles sone LVd Ludibras this kyng made the cyte of Caunterbury wynchester And he regned .xxxix. yere and thenne he deyed and lyeth at wynchester ¶ Of kynge Bladud that was Ludibras sone how he regned and was a god man and a Nygromancer SO after this Ludibras regned bladud his sone a greate Nygromancer And thorugh his crafte of Nygroman●y he made the meruayllous hote bathe As the geste ●elleth And he regned .xxi. yere and he lyeeh at the newe Troy ¶ Anno mundi ·iiii M.ii. C. lxxxxi Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .ix. C.viii. IOram kynge of Iewes sonne to Iosaphat regned .viii. yere this Ioram was a cursyd man had a good fader slewe hys brother wyckedly lyued as dyde the kynge of Israel· Therfore he was sore correcetd dyed vnhappely vt pꝪ .ii o para ¶ This tyme he lyas was rauisshed in the Paradyse ¶ Ochosias or Asarias kyng of Iewes regned oo yere lyued not as his fader dyd anone was slayne with all the hous of Achab. ¶ Athalia moder to Asarias toke the kyngdome slewe all the kynges blod regned .x. yere And the .vii. yere of Ioiada bysshop she was slayne iiii regū This Asarias his sone Ioas his neue we Amasia Matheus the gospeller putteth not in the lyne of Cryste for ther offences Ioram kyng of Israel regned .xii. yers the whiche began to regne the .xviii. yere of Iosaphat for his brother Ochosie cursedly he lyued and was slayne of Iehen with alle his faders housholde vt pꝪ ¶ Iehen anoynted of the childe of Helyse vpon Israel slewe Achariam the kyng of Iewes Ioram the kynge of Israell and Isabell moder to Ioram and .lxx. childn of Achab and ·xlii brethern of Azari all the preestes of Baall And he regned .xviii. yere ¶ Athalia moder to Azari kyng of Iewes doughter to Achab regned on the Iewes .vi. yere flewe the kyngis blood of Ioram except Ioas the sone of Azari the whiche was kepte amōge shepeherdes and afshe was slayne Anno mundi .iiii. M.iii. C·ix Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .viii. C. lxxxxiii IOam sone to Achazie regned in the Iury .xl. yere whome Ioiada the bysshop crowned kynge at .vii. yere of aege And helyued well as longe as he was ruled by Ioiada but after he forsoke god and martred Azrias that tyme bysshop sone to Ioiada for he blamed hym that he forsoke hys god Vide plura .ii. para ¶ Ioathas sone to Iehen regned in Israell .xvii. yere in whoo 's dayes Helyse the prophete deyed And he began to regne the .xx. yere of Ioas Vide plura iiii regum ¶ Ioam sonne of Ioathas regned in Israell .xvii. yere and he troubled Amazia Plura vide .iiii. regum .xiii. ¶ Of kynge Leyr sone to Bladud and of the answere of his yongest doughter that gracyously was maryed to the kynge of Fraunce AFter kynge Bladud regned Leyr hys sone And thys Leyr made the towne of Leycetre and lete calle the towne after his name and gouerned the towne welle and nobly This kynge Leyr hadde
meny And then he sholde sende to her lorde the kyng feyne that he were come for to speke with hys doughter hym for to se so he dyde And whan the kynge and the quene herd that they came with moche honoure they hym receyued And the kynge of fraunce then lete lende thrugh al the realme cōmaunded that al men sholde be as entendaūt to kynge Leyr the quenes fader in all maner of thynges as it were vnto hymselfe whā kynge leyr had dwelled there a moneth more he tolde to the kynge to the quene his doughter how his two eldest doughters hadde hym serued Agampe anone lete ordeyne a grete hooste of Frensshmē sente in to Brytayne with Leyr the quenes fader for to cōquere his lōde agayne his kyngdome And Cordeill also came with her fader in to Brytayne for to haue the realme after her faders dethe And anone they wente to shyppe passed the see came in to Brytayne fought with the felons thē dyscomfyted slewe then had he his lōde agayne after lyued .iii. yere helde his realme ī peas after warde dyed so Cordeill his doughter thenne let enter him with moche honour at Leycestre ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.iii. C.xlix Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .viii. C liii AMasius sonne to Ioam regned on the Iewes .xxix. yere after the whiche the kyngdom of Iewes was without kynge .xiii. yere This man worshypped the goddes of Seyr vt pꝪ .ii. para .xv. ¶ Ieroboam sone to Ioam regned on Israel .xli. yere the whiche was manly and vyctoryous For he ouercame the kynge of Sirie restored Israel Damaske after the worde of Iono the prophete But he was not good Therfore sayth austyn if good men regne they profyte many a man And yf ylle men regne they hurte many men· ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.iii. C.lxxxviii Et ant xp̄i natiuitatē .viii. C.xi. Ozias or Azarias sone to Amasie regned on the Iury .lii. yere the whiche lyued wel afore oure lorde of hym is none euyl thynge wryten but that he vsurped the dygnyte of preesthode vnder Azari the whiche he forbode hym For that whiche cause our lorde stroke hym with a leper vt pꝪ .ii. para ¶ Ozee bysshop prophete was this tyme the fyrst of the .xii. that is sende astaynst the .xii. tribus ¶ Ioel the secōde of the .xii. prophecyed of Iuda Ananias the thyrde prophecyed agaynst many people Abdias the fourth of the .xii. prophecyed agaynst Edom ¶ zacharius son̄e to Ieroboam regned in Israel .vi. monethes the whiche began to regne the .xxxviii. yere of Ozias was nought ī his lyuynge as his predycessours were And Sellum slewe hym regned a moneth And Manahen slewe hym toke his kyngdome vt pꝪ .iiii. regū This Manahen regned .x. yere the whiche began to regne the .xxxix. yere of Ozias \ he ruled hym myscheuously And our lorde toke hym in the power of the kynge of Assuriorum And he payed to hym a thousande talentes of syluer vt pꝪ .iiii. regū ¶ Phaseia son̄e to Manahen regned in Israel .ii. yere he began to regne the .l. yere of Ozias and he was nought in his lyuynge ¶ Phase slewe phaseia regned .xx. yere he began to regne the .lii. yere of Ozias dyde as other cursed men dyde Plura vide .iiii. regū And after this Israel was without ony kynge .viii. yere ¶ How Morgan and Conedag that were neuewes to Cordeill warred vpon her And put her in pryson NOw as kynge Leyr was deed Cordeil his yongest doughter regned the .x. yere of Ozias kynge of Iury. And after her regned Conedag the .xv. yere of Ozias Cordeil that was Leyrs yongest daughter after the deth of her fader had all the londe .v. yere And in the meane tyme deyed her lorde Agampe hat was kynge of Fraūce after his dethe she was wydowe And there came Morgan and Conedag that were Cordeils systers sones to her had enuyte for as moche as theyr aunte sholde haue the londe So that bytwene them they ordeyned a grete power and vpon her warred gretely And neuer they rested tyll they had her taken and put her vnto deth And tho Morgan and Conedag seased all the londe departed it bytwene them And they helde it .xii. yeres And whan that those .xii. yeres were gone there began̄e bytwene them a grete beatel so that they warred strōgely togyders And eueryche of theym dyde other moche dysease For Morgan wolde haue all the londe frome beyonde Humbre that Conedag helde But he came agaynst hym wyth a grete power so that Morgan durste not abyde but fledde a waye in to walys And Conedag pursued hym and toke hym slewe hym And tho came Conedag agayne and seased all the londe in to his honde and held it And regned after xxxiii· yere And thenne he deyed and lyth at newe Troy ¶ And by cause the matere conteyneth moost comodyously togyder of the kynges of Brytayne now called Englonde for the tyme of them is not certaynly knowē what tyme of the wrolde the kynges folowen regned Therfore they shall be togyder tyll it be comen vnto Guentolen kyng of Brytayne now called Englōde ¶ How Reynolde that was Conedags sone regned after his fader in his tyme it rayned blood thre dayes in to kenynge of grete deth ANd after thys Conedag regned Reynolde hꝭ sone that was a wyse knyght a hardy curteyes that wel nobly gouerned the londe wonder welle made hym beloued of all maner of folke And in hys tyme regned blood that lasted thre dayes As god wolde soone after ther came a grete dethe of people For hostes wythout nombre of people fought tyll that almyghty god ther of toke mercy and pyte tho gā it cesse And this Reynolde regned .xxii. yere deyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ How Gorbodian regne in peas that was Reynoldes sone AFter thys Reynolde that was Conedags sone regned Gorbodian that was thys Reynoldes sone ·xv yere and thenne he deyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ How Gorbodian had .ii. sones how that one slewe the other for to haue the herytage how ydoyne ther moder slewe that other wherfore the londe was destroyed SO whan thys Gorbodian was deed hys two sones that he had be came stoute and proude and euer warred togyder for the londe And that one was called Ferres and that other Porres ¶ And thys Ferres wolde haue all the londe but that other wold not suffre hym This Ferres had a felonous herte thoughte thrugh treason to slee his brother But pryuely he wente in to Fraunce and there abode with the kynge Sywarde tyll vpon a tyme whan he came ayen and fought wych his brother Ferres But full euyll it happed tho he was slayne fyrste whan ydoyne ther moder wyst that Portes was deed she made grete sorowe for by cause that she loued hym more than
ytaly That is to wyte Ianus Picus Famus Latinus the whiche vnto Eneas regned about two hondred yere And thenne after warde frome this Eneas to Romulus it was regned vnder .xv. gouernours .iiii. C.xxxii yere After that fro the Cytee was made vnto the laste yere of Tarquyne that proude it was regned vnd .vii. kynges about two hondred and .xliii. yere· Then̄e after warde vnder Senatours and Counsullers vnto Iulius Cezar Emperour by foure hondred .lxiiii. yere Romulus the fyrste of Romayns of whome they ben called in latyn Romans made the cyte to be named Rome after his name The whyche gadred togyder the peple on euery syde an C. of the sage men and wyseste he chose the coūsell of whom all thynge he dysposed the whiche he named Senatours for the tyme of theyr aege And he made theyr names to be wryten in golden letters wherfore we wryte noble faders and thynges soo yet Also he called M. men of armes the whyche he named Milites a numero mi●i●to But these were noble blod Therfore as saynt Austyn sayth de ciuit● dei And also ther was longe warre betwixt the Sabyns and them For Romulis toke many wymmen of the noble blode of Sabyns maryed theym to that vnnoble blood Of thys Romulus Orosyus wryteth moche euyll Vt patet in libro suo ¶ Aboute this tyme Merodach the kynge of Babylon sende grete gyftis to Ezechie the kyge of Iewes vt pꝪ .iiii. regū .xx. And then̄e the kyngdome of Babylon begon ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.lxxii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem .vii. C·xxvii Ezechias the .xiiii. kyng of Iewes a good childe of a cursyd fader regned wyth a partyte herte to our lorde And he restored the hous of god ther was none lyke hym afore nor after amonge the kyngꝭ of Iewes therfore our lorde god gloriyed hym For whan Senancheryb the kyng of Assuriorum came ayenste Ezechias with a myghty hoste our lorde stroke hys people and slewe an ·C lxxxv of fyghtynge men Sennacheryb fledde shamfully vt pꝪ .iiii. regum .ix. et .ii. para .xxxii. ¶ Sadoch this tyme was hyghe bysshop there ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.v. C.i. Et ante xpi natiuitotem .vi. C·lxxxxviii MAnasses kyng of Iewes regned .lv. yere he was an euyll chylde of a good fader for he dyd more cursedly than ony that was afore hym For he slewe the prophetes of god that the stretes in Ierusalem were al blody And he made ysai the prophete to be sawen the peces with a sawe of tree wherfore the kynge of Assuriorum wasted the Iury and toke Manasses ● put him in pryson And after Manasses repented his trespaas cryed for mercy to our lorde was herde Thenne he was restored to his kyngdome he amended his lyf vt pꝪ .iiii. regū .xxi. et .ii. para xxxiii ¶ Sel●um was bysshop and Echias after hym This tyme the .vii. wyse men had worshyp in Grece ● Tale. Solon Chilon Poreandus Eldobolus Bias. Pitacus Thys Talus founde fyrste the defawte of the sonne and the moone Vide plura august .viii. deci dei ¶ Numa the seconde kynge this tyme regned in Rome .xlii. yere the whyche was a greate worshypper of fals goodes He fulfylled Rome soo full that he myght haue noo place for hym self to dwele in This man put Ianuary and February to the begynnynge of the yere Vide plura in august de ciui dei ¶ Aboue alle reason it is meruaylle that suche men so extedyng in wytte in all thynges that was ylle receded fro the knowlege of very god Amon kyng of Iewes regned two yere the whiche was noughte in his lyuyng And he was strykyn of his seruaūtes and he deyed without ony repentances ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.v. C.lviii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem vi.xli IOsias the sone of Amon ac .viii. yere of his aege began to regne regned .xxxi. yere a good chylde of a peruerse fader in hys yonge aege he saught the grace of god And in that grace laudably abode vnto his ende His relygyous lyfe and his werkes ye maye see iiii regum .xxii. et .ii. para xxxiiii ¶ Azastas the sone of Elchie was bysshop ¶ Tobyas aboute this tyme deyed And he was a very holy man And he prophecyed the destruccyon of Ierusalem· ¶ Tulius Hostilius was the thyrde kynge in Rome And saint Austyn sayth in his boke deciuitate dei that from Rome was made vnto August the Emperour there was too contynuell bataylle that it was take for a merueylle and they were one yere without bataylle excepte ·xlii in Nume dayes in the whiche was contynuell peaas And that Tulius by cause he hadde reste he dyd cursedly to hys neyghburs and thenne he was slayne and all hys husholde wyth a stroke of lyghtnynge ¶ Nabugodonosor thys tyme was kynge of Babylon a manly man and a victoryous For he was the scourge of our lorde to punysshe the syn̄es of many people This man was kynge of Babylon and after he conquered the kyngdom of Assuriorum and made it one monarche But many wayes scrypture speketh of this man nowe good and nowe euyll And for by cause scrypture concludeth that he ended his lyf in the louynge of god by the prayer of Danyell and in the knowlege of one very god some doctours saye He is saued and some saye it is doubte ¶ Ancus Marcius the fourth kyng of Rome regned .xxiii. yere This man for grace and truste that he had to Tarquinus Preiscus made hym the gouernour of his chyldren And Ayres and he ylle rewarded hym ¶ Danyell yet a chylde delyuerd saynt Susan and stode in the conceyte of the kyng wyth his felowes and after warde he dyscussed the dremes of the kynge and was made a man of grete honeste Vt pꝪ Danielis prio. ¶ Ionathas the seconde sone of Iosie regned on the Iewes thre monethes and was made kynge by the people and he was not good And Pharao tooke hym and ladde hym in to Egypte and made hys elder brother kynge vt pꝪ .iiii. regum .xxiii. ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.v. C.lxxxviii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .v. C.xi. IOachim or Ieconyas the sone of Iosie was made kynge of Iewes by pharao regned .xi yere And by cause he lyued nought ne herde not the prophetes Nabudonosor toke hym and made hym his seruante thre yere And he rebelled ayenst hym after warde and he toke hym was aboute to haue ladde hym vnto Babylon but his coūsell was chaūged and so Nabugodonosor slewe hym in Iherusalem and cast his body ouer the walles after the prophecy of Ieremy and tooke with hym the vesselles of our lord Ihesu vt pꝪ .ii. para vlt ¶ Samias was bysshop vrias prophete was slayne of Iecony the kynge and Ieremi was presente ¶ Ioachim sone to Ieconias regned in the Iury thre monethes lyued nought therfore anone he was meued that he sholde regne no lenger and was boūde and translated in to Babylon and many with hym were
translated vt pꝪ .iiii. regum .xxiiii. ¶ Daniel Anamas Azarias Mysaell Ezechiel Mardocheus all these with Ioachim the kyng were ladde in to Babylon yonge chyldern for by cause they werre of the noble blood ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. C. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .vi. C. SEdechias the thyrde sone of Iosie regned on the Iewes .xi. yere thys Sede●hias was a myscheuous man in his lyuynge And he wolde not here Ieremy the prophete therfore he perysshed wretchedly and alle the Iury wyth hym And his eyen were put out hys chyldern were slayne vt pꝪ .iiii. regum ¶ Iosedech the sone of Azarie was bysshop was trāslated fro Iherusalem by Nabugodonosor in to Babylon ¶ Abacuk prophecyed ayenst Nabuch at Babylon And there be opynyons what tyme this Abacuk ●as This Abacuk brought mete to Danyel whan he was put to the lyons after Ierom And here endeth the fourth Aege the hystore of Regum ¶ Here begynneth the fyfth aege of the worlde durynge to the Natiuite of Cryste THys tyme the Temple of Salomō was brente of the Caldes Ierusalem was destroyed this Temple stode cccc .xlii. yere that is to wyte fro the fyrst makyng the whyche was made the fourth yere of Salomō And fro the destruccion the whiche was made by Tytus that is to wite .xlii. yeres after the passiō of Cryst ¶ Priscus Torquinꝰ the fyfth kyng of Rome regned And he made Capitoliū quasi caput solū For in the groūde werke was foūde an heed without ony body as for prophecy of thynges to come For there after warde the Senatours sate as one heed of all the worlde ¶ This tyme thre childern were cast ī to a furnays bren̄yng with a myracle they were delyuern as it is sayd in dan̄ pri o ¶ Nabugodonosor the sone of Nabugodondsor the myghty regned in Babylō this man an hyngyng garden with myghty costes for his wyfe many meruailloꝰ thynges he dide So that he wolde be named to excede Hercules in his gretenesse strengthe Enilmerodach brother to the later Nabugodonosor regned in Babylon Thys man toke Ioachim out of pryson and worshiped hym his fader deed body after the coūseyl of this man he deuyded to an hundred grypes leest that he shold ryse from deth to lyue ¶ Nota This playe of the chesse was foūde of Xerse a Philosopher For the correctōn of Eniimerodach thys tyme the kynge of Baby a grete tyraunte the whyche was wonte to kylle hys owne maysters and wyse men And for he durste not rebuke hym openly with suche a wytty game he procured hym to be meke Anno mūdi .iiii. C.xxxiiii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .v. C.lxv. SAlathiel of the line of Cryste was sone to Iecony the kynge of Iewes the whiche he gate after the transmigracōn of Babylon as Mark the Euāgeliste sayth ¶ Seruius Tulius the sixt kyng of Rome was of a bonde condicyon on the maders syde For she was a captyue mayde but she was of the noble blode This man had grete louynge nobly he bare hym in euery place Thre hylles to the cyte he put· dyched the walles roūde about ¶ Regusar Sabusardach Balthasar were brethern the whyche regned one after a nother were kynges in Babylon And Balthasar was the laste kynge of Babylon the whyche was slayne of Darius Cirꝰ Plura vide daniel .v. ¶ Incipit monarchia Persarum DArius vncle to Ciro felowe in the kyngdom with Ciro trāslated the kyngdomes of Babylon Caldees in to the kyngdom of Persarum Medorum Cirus was emperour .xxx. yere This Cyrus helde the monarche hole at Perses Of this man prophecyed ysayas he destroyed Babylon slewe Balthasar kyng of Babylon he worshyped gretly danyel the Iewes he sende home ayen that they sholde buylde the Temple of god Vt pꝪ Esdre pri o ¶ Babylō that strōge castel was destroyed hꝭ power was take from hym as it was prophecyed This was the fyrst cyte the gretest of all the worlde of the whyche Incredyble thynges are wryten this that was so stronge ī one nyght was destroyed that it might be showed to the power of god to the whiche power all other ben but a sperke duste For it is sayd forsoth that it was Incredyble to be made with mannes hōde or to be destroyed with mānes strēgth wherof al the world myght take an ensāple it wolde or myght be enfourmed ¶ Tarquinꝰ Superbus was the .vii. kynge of Rome he regned .xxxv. yere Thys man concyued fyrst all the tormentes whiche are ordryned for malefactours As exile pryson welles galowes feters and manacles chayne 's colous and suche other ▪ And for his grete pryde and cruelnes god suffred hym to myschyef and in what maner of wyse it shall be shewed He had a sone of the same name the whiche defoyled a worthy mannes wyfe they called hym Collatin his wyf was called Lucres Thys Tarquinꝰ that was this .vii. kynges sone aforesayde came vnto the ladyes hous absente her husbonde to supper and to lodgyng And whan all were a slepe he a rose with a swerde in hys honde and with strengthe and fere he rauysshed the woman And whan he was gone the nere daye after she sende vnto her fader and to her husbonde for she was of greate kynne and thus she sayde to them The kynges sone came hyther as frende of whome ▪ I had no mystrust and thus he hath defoylled my chastyce loste my name for euermore Thenne her frendes sawe her wepe and pytously complayned and they comforted her as well as they coude and sayd it was noo vylany vnto her for it was ayenst her wyll She answered sayd yet shall ther neuer woman excuse her by Lucres For though she cōsented not to thys dyde yet shall she not dye without payne for that dede And with that worde she had a knyf redy vnder her mantell with the whiche she smote herself to the here for this cruelnes this pyteous deth the peple of rome arose exiled the king for euer more all his progenye And thus seased these kynges of Rome neuer was none after Of the gouernaunce of Rome tyll the Emperours beganne AFter thys tyraunte was deed the Romayns ordened that theyr sho●de neuer be kynge more in Rome But they wolde be gouerned fro that forthe by Cōsules So whā tho kynges had regned .ii. hondred yere and .xl. they made thys statute that two Consules sholde be chosen they sholde gouerne the cyte the people for this cause these two were chosen that ony of thē wolde make ony yf excesse the other sholde gouerne hym For theyr was no thynge obeyed but yf they consented bothe Also they sholde not stonde in ther dygnyte passynge one yere for thys cause That for domynacyon of longe tyme they sholde not vsurpe vpon them more than was ryght In alle thys tyme the Empyre of Rome was not
thyng was profytable vnto the chirche as wel in worde as in doctryne And he gouerned the spyrytualtee the temporaltee noble He was the louer the defender of poore men Thys man anoynted Pyppynꝰ the kynge of Fraunce sente hym ayenst the Lombardes that he sholde compell them to restore the chirche of suche goodes as they had with holde from theym longe tyme vnryghtwys●y the whyche he dyde He also translated the Empyre of the Grekes to the Frensshemen ¶ Paalꝰ a Romayne was pope after hym .x. yere Thys was a very holy man for he dyde grete almesse to fadlesse chyldern prysoners wydowes other poore men that he myght be a folower of saynt Poule ¶ Constantyne a Romayne the seconde was pope after Poul two yere Thys Constantyne was a lay man sodeynly was made a preest as a tyraunt toke on hym the dygnytee of the pope And with a grete slaūdre to the chyrche was pope a lytell tyme. But the faythful men put hym out and put out his eyen And this was the fyfth Infamed pope amonge so many herde tofore So the holy ghost the holy apostels sete kepyin al honour holynesse ¶ Infynyte martyrs were made this tyme by Constantyne the emperour for he was suche an heretyke And men trowe that there was neuer Emperour ne no pagon that slewe so many martyrs· And in his tyme the chirche was trowbled full sore very precyously bought the worshyppynge of the ymages of the holy sayntes for the grete shedynge of blood of martyrs And certaynly the cursyd Emperour was not vnpunysshed For whan that he deyed he cryed with an horryble voys sayd I am taken to a fyre that is vnable for to be destroyed And so he yelded vp the ghost to euerlastynge payne ¶ The Empyre of rome was deuyded about this tyme For Stephanꝰ the pope translated ytaly other vnto Karolus a yonge man And Constantyne helde the londe of Grece with other londes ouer the see with a grete labour and many rebellynge ¶ This tyme Karolus magnus was a noble yonge man And he began for to regne vpon Fraunce was the sone of Pippinus hys moder was called Berta· ¶ Stephanus the thyrde was pope after Paulus thre yere And he amended all the errours of Constantyne And he degarded all those the whiche Cōstantyne ordeyned in a generall Synodus ¶ Anno dm̄ .vii. C.lxxxiiii ADrianus a Romayne was pope after Stephanus .xxiiii. yere Thys man was myghtely worshypped of the people noo man greter afore hym in honour ryches and buyldyng This man sette two solempne Syno●is The fyrste of the thre hondred and fyfty faders The seconde in Rome with an hondred and fyfty faders beynge present Charles the kynge of Fraunce to whom it was graunted the lyberte of eleccyon of the popes and to ordeyne the appostles sete ¶ Leo the fourthe regned Emperour with the Grekes fyue yere This Leo was a cursyd man but not so moche as his fader was And he was a couetous man and he toke a way a certayne crowne of a chyrche and put it vpon his heed And anon● he was corrupted with an axes and sore deseased And he had a cursed wyf that whiche regned after hym with her sone ¶ Constantyne was Emperoure after Leo he was a meke man and put a waye his moder fro the kyngdom that she myght take hede vnto her wymmens werke But she with a fayned rancour put out his eyen after warde and his childern also and regned agayne thre yere And at the last she was about for to haue be wedded And whan the Grekes perceyued that she wold be wedded to grete Karolus they toke her shytte her vp in a monastery and toke Nychoferum to be theyr Emperour ¶ The .v. vnyuershall study the whiche in olde tyme was translated from Anthenes vnto Rome aboute this tyme was translated to Parys by Karolus kynge of Fraunce ¶ Nychoferus was Emperour after Constantyne He was a very nygon and was exalted to his Empyre by the Grekys But he profyted not for ī his tyme all the E●st Imperyall was brought to noughte For the Romayns put them vnder Karolus magnus ¶ Ierusalem about this tyme was recouered by Karolus with all the hooly londe And the secte of the Sarrasyns was destroyed strongly· For the struccyon of wretches came then̄e ¶ Michael was Emperour two yere and he was a very crysten man and he was well beloued and also he was connyge in alle scyences And tho that Nychaferus had hurte and drestressyd of theyr goodes by hys coueytousnesse this Mychaell restored them and made them ryche ayen ¶ Nota. ¶ Karolus magnus the fyrst saynt was Emperour after Michaell And he was crowned Emperoure by Leo the pope frome the whyche tyme the Empyre was translated frome the Grekes to Fraunce and Germane And for the translacyon of that Empyre the Grekes alwaye were defectyue vnto the Romayns And the Grekes stroue euer more with them But it was more wyth venomous wordes thanne wyth strenghthe and more with crafte thanne with batayyll ¶ For they hadde soo grete enuye at the Romayns that they wolde not obeye the chyrche of Rome For certaynly whan that the popes wold wryte vnto them for to obeye the chyrche of Rome they wrote agayne sayde ye haue taken from oure kynrede the Empyre and therfore we wolde not obeye And we vs take from you And for this noble Emperour Rarolus it is to be vnderstande thys man whan he was a yonge man he was anoynted kynge of Fraunce by Stephanus the pope In the yere of our lorde Ihesu Cryste .vii. hondred .liiii. whan his fader Pippinꝰ lyued Vnder whome and wyth whome he regned ·xv yere vnto the dethe of his fader ¶ Thenne after hys fader vnder the yere our lord god vii hondred .xlviii. This Karolus with hys brother Karolomannus regned two yere And thenne his brother deseased in the seconde yere And this Karolus there helde alle the hoole kyngdome .xiiii. yere to the yere of our lorde .vii. hondred .lxxxiiii. In the whiche yere he wente to Rome that he myght be crowned Emperour of the pope Adrianus And he regned emperour .xvi. yere to the yere of our lorde .viii. C. whan pope ▪ Leo confermed hym ayen the Emperour And after that he was Emperour xiiii yere And he dysseased in the yere of hys aege .lxxii. The whiche was the yere of oure lorde .viii. C. and .xiiii. ¶ yf ye wyll see more of Karolus goo to the boke of Turpinus and Libraminus his mayster for they wrote hys noble actes ¶ Leo the fourth was pope after Adrianus .xx. yere thys man whan he wente on a certayne daye with the Lentany to saynt Peters chyrche on Saynt Markes daye he was taken with cursyd people and bothe hys eyen put out his tonge cutte of But our lorde merueylously restored hym ayen hys syght and his speche soo that he spake without tonge and sawe by myracle Afterwarde
Glocetre that was in kepynge warde of the forsayde Symonde thrugh ordynaunce of kynge Henry that wente ayen vnto the kynge wyth moche power wherfore the forsayd Symonde was destroyed and that was grete harme to the comyns of Englonde that so good a man was slayne for the trouth and deyed in thar●y●e for the comyn profyte of the same folke therfore almyghty god for hym hathe syns shewed many a fayre myracle to dyuers men wymmen of the sykenesse dyscease that they haue had for the loue of hym ¶ And Merlyon also sayd in his prophecye that afer that tyme the lame sholde lyue no whyle thenne his seed sholde be in straunge londe wythout ony pasture and he sayd sothe for kyng Henry lyued no whyle after that Symonde Mounforde was slayne that kynge Henry ne deyed anone after hym And in the meane tyme syre Edwarde hys sone that was the beste kyng of the worlde ef honour was tho in the holy lond and gate there Acres And in that countree he begate there vpon dame Elenore his wyf Iohan of Acres hys doughter that afterwarde was countesse of Glocetre made suche a vyage in the holy londe that all the worlde spake of his knyghthode euery man dradde hym hye lowe thorughout all crystendome as the storye of hym telleth as afterwarde ye shall here more openly ¶ And from the tyme that kynge Henry deyed tyll that syr Edward was crowned kynge al the grete lordes of Englonde were as faderles childern wythout ony socoure that theym myght mayntene gouerne and defende ayenst theyr deedly enmyes GRegorius the .ix. was pope after Honorius thys man canonysed many sayntes defended myghtely the chyrche ayenst Frederyk therfore the tooke many prelates two Cardynalles the whiche wente to counseyll ayenst hym This pope was segyd in the cyte of Rome by the Emperour he sawe the Romayne were corrupte by the moneye of the Emperour Thenne he toke in hys honde the heedes of the appostles Peter Poule and went with processyon fro the chyrche of saynt Iohn̄ Latranente to saynt Peters chyrche ¶ And so he gate the hertꝭ of the Romayns the Emperour went fayr a waye fro the cyte This pope made frere Ianond to compyle the fyue bokes of Decretales of many pystles and decrees And after with many trybulacōns of chyptyraūt and other he decessyd and wente to heuen ¶ Celestinus the fourth was pope after Gregorius almoost a moneth and he was in his lyf and in hys conynge laudable And he was an olde man a feble decessyd there was no pope after hym almoost a .xii. month ¶ Innocenciꝰ the fourth was pope after hym almoost .xi. yere .vi. monethes thys man canonysed many sayntes Frederyke the Emperour he deposyd as enmye vnto god in the thyrde yere that he was made pope he was holpe by the Ianuencꝭ ¶ Thenne was Henry the sixt chosen wyllyam by the popes commaundement ayenst Frederyk that one after an other but they preuayled not to ouercome hys tyranny for he was ouermyghty ne these were not crowned for they decessyd anone ¶ Thomas de Alquine an holy doctour Albertus magnus the bysshop of Ratysponens Eustacius Bonouenture a deuoute doctour were thys tyme the whiche destroyed moche heresye enfected by the Emperour ¶ Alexander was pope after Innocencius .viii. yere lytell of hym is wryten ¶ Vrbanus was after hym thre yere thre monethes This man droue awaye the host of the Sarrasyns by men marked with the crosse the whiche Maufred had sent ayenst the chyrche And the pope toke the kyngdome of Cecyle to the kynges brother of Fraunce that he sholde fyght with Maufrede thenne he decessyd And Maufrede after loste his lyf and his kyngdom bi Karolus· ¶ Alphōsus the kynge of Castell Rychardes brother to the kynge of Englonde erle of Corne waylle were chosen Emperours after the longe vacacyon of the Empyre for the chesers of the Emperour were diuyded in sondre and there was grete stryfe many yere At the last decessyd Rycharde Alphonsus came agaye afore Gregorius the .ix. by the sygne of peas ● and vtterly renoūced all this tytle of the Empyre he hadde ony for he was a very wytty mā and a noble astronemer and hys tables ben very famous the whiche he made for they be compendyons ¶ Clemens the fourth was pope after Vrbanus .iii. yere ix· monethes this Clemēs was an holy man sayd thrugh the spyryte of prophecy that the enmyes of the chyrche shold perysshe as the smoke And it is to byleued that god cessyd the trybulacyons of the chyrche thorugh his merytes Thys man afore had a wyf and chyldern and whan he was preest and after bysshop he was sente in to Englonde Legate and he no thynge knowyng was chosen pope and after decessyd blessydly for hys vertuous lyuynge ¶ Gregorias the .x. was pope after hym foure yere after he was made pope for the desyre that he had to the holy londe the whyche he entended to vysyte personally a●e Londō in Fraunce he made a solempne counseyll in the wihche the counseyll of the Grekes and the Tartars were there the Grekꝭ promysed to be refourmed by the vnyte of the chirche And the Tartars were but a lytell afore baytysed promysed the same And there were gadred .vi. C. bysshops M. prelates and therfore a certayne man sayde Gregorius gadred togyder all kynde of people there was decreed that all persones vycaryes shold be called preestꝭ no prelates that no man sholde assygne his tythes to what chyrche he wolde and they dyed afore But they sholde be payed to his moder chirche And he dampned the pluralyte of benefyces and deyed a blessyd man ¶ Innocencius the .v. was after hym .v. monethes lytell he dyd ¶ Adrianus was after hym ●o monethe dyde lesser ¶ Iohānis the x●i was after hym .viii. monethes he was in dyuers scyences a famous man but in maners a fole decessyd anone ¶ Nicholaus the thyrd was pope after Iohn̄ oo yere Thys mā was in his dayes in buldynge a noble man well gouerned the cyte all his dayes the secōde yere he decessyd ¶ Radulphus was Emperour .xviii yere this man was Erle of Hanebrough a wyse mā in armes noble and vyctoryous was chosen at Basyle· And he toke the crosse on hym for the holy londe Thimperyall blessynge he had not but the pope alowed the eleccyon for fauour of the holy londe ¶ Anno dm̄ M.CC.lxxiiii MAr●inus the .iiii. was pope after Nycholaus .iiii. yere thys man was a grete louer of relygyous men great attendynge to vertuous werkes Thys man cursyd the Emperour of Constantynople in so moche as he promysed for to torme to the fayth in the generall counseyl ▪ and dyde not for the whyche he suffred many passyons all holy chyrche Also he cursyd the kyng of Aragon for he expulsyd the
saynt Thomas of Lācastre after the suggestiō that the forsayd erle of Kent hadde vnto hym made And whan this Edmonde saw that he myght not spede of his purpos as touchynge the traunslacion He prayed hȳ of coūsell as touchynge syr Edwarde of Carnariuan hys brother sayd that not longe agon he was kynge of Englonde what thynge myghte beste be done as touchynge his delyueraūce sythe that a comune fame was thrugh Englonde that he is alyue hole sauf whā the pope herde hȳ tell that syr Edwarde was alyue He cōmaūded the erle vpō his blyssynge that he sholde helpe with all the power that he myght that he were deliuered out of pryson saue his body in all manere that he myght And to brynge this thynge to an ende he assoyled hym his cōpany a pena et culpa all that to his delyueraūce Tho toke Edmond of wodstok his leue of the pope came ayen into Englōde whā syr Edmonde was come some of the frere prechers came sayd that syr Edwarde his brother yet was alyue in the castell of Corf vnder the kepynge of syr Thomas Gurnay tho sped hȳ the forsayd Edmonde as fast as he myght tyll he came to the castel of Corf acquaynted hym spake so fayre to Iohn̄ Dauerel that was conestable of the same castell yaue hym ryche yeftes for to haue acquayntaunce of hym to knowe of his coūsell And thus it befel that the forsayd Edmonde prayed specyally to tel hym pryuely of his lorde his brother syr Edward yf that he lyued or were deed yf he were alyue he prayed hym ones to haue a syght of hym And this syr Iohn̄ Daueryl was a hygh herted mā ful of courage answerde shortly to syr Edmond sayd that syr Edwarde hys brother was in helth vnder hys kepynge durst not shewe hym vnto no man syth it was defended him in the kyngys halfe Edwarde that was Edwardes sone of Carnuariuan also by the cōmaundement of quene Isabel the kynges moder of syr Roger Mortymer that he sholde shewe hys body to noo mā of the world sauf only to thē vpō lyf lym̄e disherytynge of his heyres for euer more But the fals traytour falsly lyed For he was not in his warde but was take thēs and lad to the castell of Berkeley by syr Thomas of gurney by the cōmaūdemente of Mortymer tyll he was dede as before is sayd But syr Edmonde of wodstok wyst no thynge that syr edwarde his brother was deed wherupon he toke a letter vnto kyng Edward his brother as to his worthy lorde receyued the letter of hym and behyght hym ryght faythful to do his message without fayll And with that syr Edmonde toke leue of the forsayd Iohn̄ and yede into his owne coūtre lordshyp in kent that he had there Anone as this same Iohan wist that syr Edmonde was gone into Kent his owne lordshyp anone he went in all the hast that he myght fro the Castell of Corf came vnto syr Roger Mortymer and toke hym the letter that syr Edmond of wodstok erle of Kent had taken hym closyd and ensealed with his owne seale And whan syr Roger Mortymer had receyued the letter he vnclosed it and sawe that was conteyned therin began it to rede wherof the begynnynge was this ¶ Worshyppes and reuerence wyth brother alyegaunce subieccyon syr knyȝt worshypfull dere brother ● yf it you please I praye you hertely that ye be in gode cōforthe for I shall soo ordeyn for you that ye shall come out of prysō be delyuered of that dysese that ye ben in and vnderstondyth of your grete lordshyp that I haue to myn assentynge all moost all the grete lordes of Englonde wyth all theyr apperyll that is to say wyth armour with tresour wythout nombre for to mayntene your quarell so ferforth that ye shall be kynge agayn as ye were before and that they haue sworne to me vpon a boke and aswell prelates as erles and barons ¶ Whan syr Roger Mortymer saw vnderstode the myght and the strenth of the letter anone his hert for wrathe began to boll and euyll herte bare to ward syr Edmōde of wodstok that was erle of kent and wyth all the hast that he myght he wente vnto dame Isabell the quene that was the was the kynges moder shewed her syr Edmonds letter his wyll and his purpose and how that he had coniected ordeyned to put downe kynge Edwarde of wyndsore her sone of his ryalte and of his kyngdome Nowe certes syr Roger sayd she hathe syr Edmonde done so now by my faders soule sayde she I wyll be therof auenged yf that god graunte me lyf and that in a shorte tyme. And with that quene Isabell wente vnto kynge Edwarde her sone there he was att the parlemente at wynchestre to haue amende the wrongys and the trespasses that were done amonge the people of hys reame tho she toke and shewed hym the letter that syr Edmond of wodstok had made and ensealed with hys owne seale and badde hym vpon her blessynge that he sholde be auengyd vpon syr edmond as vpon his dedely enmye Tho was the quene sore wrothe to warde syr Edmonde erle of Kente And sessyd neuer to praye vntyll her sone tyll that he had sente in all the hast after hym And vpon that the kynge sent by hys letters after syr Edmoode of wodstok that he sholde come speke wyth hym att wynchestre all manere thinge left And whan syr edmond sawe that the kynge sente after hym wyth hys letters ensealed ye hastyd hym in alle that he myghte tylle that he came to wynchestre ¶ But whan the quene wyst that syr Edmonde was come to wynchestre tho anone she prayed and so faste wende vnto kynge edwarde her sone that the good erle was arested anone and ladde vnto the barre before Robert of Hamonde that was Coroner of the kynges housholde And he assocyed vnto hym syr Roger Mortymer And tho spake the for sayd Roger and sayde syr edmonde erle of Kent ye shall vnderstōde that it is done vs to wyte and pryncypally vnto our lyege lorde the kynge edwarde of englonde almyghty god hym saue and kepe that ye be his deedly enmye and a traytoure and also a comune enmye to the reame and that ye haue ben aboute many a day For to make pryue delyueraunce of syr edwarde somtyme kynge of englonde your broder the whiche somtyme was put downe of hys ryaltee by the comyn assent of the lordes of englond in peasynge of our lorde the kynges estate and also of his reame ¶ Tho answerd the good man and sayd For soth syr vnderstonde well that I was neuer traytoure to my kynge ne to the reame that I doo me on god and on all the worlde therfore by my kynges leue I shalle it preue defende as a man ought for to do ¶ Tho sayde Mortymer
that other they muste fyght or be drenched And so whan all other worthy mē and of the see costes fast by wynchelse romeny were gadred togyder and our nauye shyppes al redy to the warre the Englysshemen mette manly and strongly wyth theyr enmyes comynge fyersly ayenst them ¶ And whan the Spayns vessels nauye were closed all about there men myght se stronge batayll on both sydes longe duryng in the whiche bataylle was but fewe that faught but they were rytously hurte And after the batayll there were .xxiii. shyppes taken soo the Englysshemen had the better And in the nexte yere folowynge of hys regne that is to say the xxvi yere the kynge thrugh hys counseyll lete ordeyne and make hys newe money that is to saye the peny the grote value of .iiii. pens and the halfe grete of .ii. pens But it was of lesse weyght than the olde sterlynge was be .v. shels in the pounde ¶ And in the .xxvii. yere of his regne was the grete derth of vytayls that whiche was called the dere somer And the .xxviii. yere of his regne in the parlement holden atte westmestre after Ester syr Henry erle of Lancastre was made duke of Lancastre and in this yere was soo greate a drought that frō the monethe of Marche to the Monethe of Iuyll there fell no rayne on therth wherfore all fruytes sedes and herbes for the moost parte were loste in defaute wherfore come so greate dysease of men and beestes and derth of vytayls in Englonde that thys londe that euer afore had ben plenteuous hadde nede that tyme to seke vitayls and refresshynge at other out yles countres And the .xxix. yere of kynge Edwarde it was accorded graūted and sworne bytwene the kynge of Fraunce kynge Edwarde of Englonde that he shode haue ayen all his londꝭ lordshyppes that lōged to the duchye of guyhen of olde tyme the whiche had bē withdrawen and wrongfully occupyed by dyuers kynges of Fraunce before honde to haue to holde to kynge Edwarde to hys heyres successours for euermore frely pesybly and in good quyete vpō this couenaunt that the kynge of Englonde sholde leue of and releasen all his ryght clayme that he had claymed of the kyngdome of fraūce and of the tytle that he toke therof vpon whyche speche and couenauntes it was sente to the courte of Rome on both sydes of the kynges that the forsayd couenaunt sholde de enbulled but god ordeyned better for the kynges worshyp of Englonde for what thrugh fraude dysceyte of the frensshmē and what thrugh lettynge of the pope of the court of Rome the forsayd couenaūtes were dysquate and left of ¶ And in the same yere the kyng reuoked by his wyse and dyscrete coūseyll the staple of wulles out of flaundres into Englonde with all the lybertees fraunches and fre customes that longed therto and ordeyned it in Englōde in diuerse places that is for to saye atte westmestre Caunterbury Chychestre Brystowe Lyncoln And Hulle wyth all the forsayd thynges that longen therto And that this thynge that shold thus be done the kynge swore hymself therto and prynce Edwarde hys sone wyth other many grete wytnesses that there where present ¶ And the xxx· yere of hys regne anone after wytsontyde in the parlemente ordeyned att westmenstre it was tolde and certefyed to the kyng that Phylyp that helde the kyngdome of Fraunce was deed And that Iohan his sone was crowned kynge And that this Iohan had gyuen Karoll his sone the duchye of Guyhen of the whiche thynge kynge Edwarde whan he wyst therof he had greate Indygnacyon vnto hym was wonder wrothe strongly meued And therfore afore alle the wrothy lordes that there were assembled at that parlement callyd Edwarde his sone vnto hym to whom the duchye of Guyhen by ryght herytage sholde longe to gaue it hym there byddynge strenthynge hym that he sholde ordeyne hym for to defende hym and auenge hym vpō his enmyes and saue mayntene his ryght And afterwarde kyng Edwarde hymself his eldest sone Edwarde went to dyuers places and sayntes in Englonde on pylgrymage for to haue the more helpe grace of god and of his sayntes And the .ii. kal of Iuyll whan all thynge was redy to that vyage batayll all his retenue power assembled hys nauy also redy he toke with hym the erle of warwyk the erle of Suffolk the erle of Salysbury and the erle of Oxforde a thousande men of armes as many archers and in the Natyuyte of our lady toke theyr shyppes at plūmouth began to sayll And whan he come was arryued in Guyon he was there worshypfully taken recyued of the moost noblest men and lordes of that countree ¶ And anone after kynge Edwarde toke wyth hym his two sones that is to saye syr Lyonell erle of Vlton syr Iohn̄ hys brother erle of Rychemonde syr Henry duke of Lancastre wyth many erles lordes and men of armes two thousande Archers saylled towarde Fraunce rested hym a whyle at Calays after the kyng went with hys hoste aforsayd with other souldyours of beyonde the see that there abode the kyngꝭ comynge the seconde daye of Nouembre and toke hys Iourney towarde kynge Iohn̄ of Fraūce there as he trowed to haue founde hym fast by Odomarum as hys letters and couenaūt made mencyon that he wolde abyde hym there with hys host And whan kynge Iohan of Fraunce herde telle of the kynges comynge of Englonde he wente awaye wyth his men and caryage cowardly and shamfully fleynge and wastynge all vytayls that Englsshmē sholde not haue ther of ¶ And whan kynge Edwarde herde telle that he fledde he pursued hym wyth all his host tyll Henede and than he beholdynge the scarsyte and waytynge of vytayls and also the cowardyse of the kyng of Fraunce he torned ayen wastynge all the countre ¶ And whyle all thyse thynges were a doynge the scottes pryuely by nyght toke the towne of Berwyk sleynge theym that withstode theym and no man els But blessyd be god the castell was saued kept by Englysshmen that were therin whan the kynge perceyued alle thys he torned ayen in to Englonde as wrothe as he myghte be wherfore in the parlemēt at westmynstre was grauntyd to the kynge of euery sacke of wulle .l. shellyngꝭ durynge the terme of .vi. yere that he myght myghtlyer fyght and defende the reame ayenste the Scottes and other mysdoers And so whan all thynges were redy the kynge hasted hym to warde the syege ¶ How kyng Edwarde was crowned kynge of Scotlonde and howe prynce Edwarde toke the kynge of Fraunce and syr Philyp hys yonger sone at the batayll of Peyters ANd in the .xxxi. yere of hys regne the .xiii. daye of Ianyuere the kynge beynge in the castell of Berwyk with a fewe men but he hauynge· there faste by a greote hoost The towne was yolden vnto
be gotē and taken in ony partyes And in the .v. yere of kynge Rychardes regne was the grete erth quake and was generall thrugh out the world the wenesbaye after wytsonday in the yere of our lorde M. CCC.lxxxxi wherfore all maner people were sore agast and aferde longe tyme for drede of vengeaūge that our lorde shewed and dyd ¶ And in the .vi. yere of kyng Rychard then syr Henry spēser bysshop of Norwiche wente with a grete cōpany ouer see into Flaundres and there they gete the towne of Grauynge and the towne of burbrugge Dunkerk and Newport and there they laded and fraughted .li. shippes with pelage for to haue comen into Englond with these shyppes goodes And the bysshop of Norwiche and his counseyll lete brenne these shyppes with al the plege in the same hauen all into harde asshes att Dunkerk was done a grete batayll bytwene the Flemynges and the Englysshemen And at that batayll were slayne a grete multytude of the Flemynges and a grete nōbre And thā went the bysshop with hys retenue to sypers and besyeged it a longe tyme but it myght not be goten And so left that syege and came ayen into Englonde for oure Englysshmen were fouly destroyed and many deyed on the flyx in this yere come quene Anne into Englonde for to be spoused to kynge Richarde and hyr fader was Emperour of almayne kyng of Beme with hyr come the duke of Tassy hyr vncle and many other worthy lordes knyghtes of hyr countree of Beme and of other duche tonges to doo hyr reuerence and worshyp And syr Symonde beuerle a worthy knyght of the garter and other knightes and squyres that were the kynges embassatoures broughte hyr in to Englonde and soo forthe to London· And the people of the cyte that is to saye the mayer and the aldermen and alle comynes roden ayenste hyr to welcome hyr And euery man in goode araye and euery crafte wyth hys mynstralsye in the beste manere wyse and mette wyth hyr on the blacke hethe in Kente and soo brought hyr vnto London thrugh the cyte so forthe vnto westmynster vnto the kynges palays And there she was spoused vnto kynge Rycharde well and worthely in the abbaye of westmynster and there she was crowned quene of Englonde And all hyr trendes that came with hyr haddē grete gyftes and were well cherysshed refresshed as longe tyme as they aboden there ¶ And in thys same yere there was a batayll done in the kynges palays at westmester for certayne poyntes of treason bytwene syr Iohan Ansley knyght defendaūt Carton squyre the appellaunt But thys syre Iohan of Ansley ouercame this Carton made hym to yelde hym wythin the lystes And anone was this Carton dyspoyled of his harneys drawē out of the lystes and so forth vnto Tyburne there he was hangyd for his falsnesse ¶ And in the .viii. yere of the regne of kynge Rycharde the seconde syr Edmonde of Langley the. Erle of Canbrydge kynge Rychardes vncle wente in to Portyngale with a fayr company of men of armes and archers in strengthynge and helpynge the kynge of Portyngale ayenst the kynge of Spayne hys power and there the kynge of Portyngale had the victory of his enemyes thrugh helpe comforth of our Englysshmen And whan that Iourney was done the erle of Cambridge come home ayē with his people in too Englonde in haste blessed be god his blessyd gyftes Amen· ¶ And this same yere kynge Rycharde helde his Crystemas in the maner of Eltam ¶ And the same yere tyme the kyng of armony fledde out of hys owne londe and came into Englond for to haue helpe and socoure of our kynge ayenst hys enmyes that hadde dryuen hym out of hys owne reame And so he was brought vnto the kyng to Eltham there as the kynge helde his ryall feest of Crystmasse ¶ And there our kynge welcomed hym and dyd moche reuerence worshyp and commaunded all hys lordes to make hym all the chere that euer they coude And than he besought the kynge of hys grace and of helpe of his comforthe in hys nede that he myghte be brought ayen to his kyngdome and londe For the Turkes had deuoured and destroyed the moost parte of his londe ● and how he fled● for drede and come hyder for socoure and helpe And thenne the kynge hauynge on hym pyte and compassyon of hys grete myscheyf and greuous dysease anone he tooke hys counseyll and asked what was beste to do And they answerde and sayde yf it lyked hym to gyue hym ony good it were weldone And as touchynge hys peple for to trauell so ferre into our londes it were a grete Ieoperdye And soo the kynge gaf hym golde and syluer and many ryche gyftes and Iewels and betaught hym to god and so he passed ayen out of Englonde ¶ And in thys same yere kynge Rycharde wyth a ryall power wente into Scotlonde for to warre vppon the Scottes for the falsnes and destruccyon that the Scottes had done vnto Englysshemen in the Marches And than the Scottes come downe to the kynge for to treat wyth hym and with his lordes for trewes as for certayne yeres And so ouer kynge his coūseyll gaūted theym trewes for certayne yeres and our kynge torned hym ayen in to Englōde And whan he was comen vnto yorke there he abode and rested hym there syr Iohn Holonde the erle of Kentes broder slewe the erles sone of Stafforde and his heyre with a daggar in the cytee of yorke wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed greued and remeued thens came to London And the mayer with the aldermen and the comyns with all the solempnyte that myghte be done ryden ayenst the kyng brought hym ryally thrught the cytye and so for the vnto westmynstre to his owne palays ¶ And in the .ix. yere of kynge Rychardes regne he helde a parlemēt at westmynster there he made two dukes a marqueys fyue erles The fyrste that mas made duke was the kynges vncle syr Edmonde of Langle erle of Cambridge hym he made duke of yorke his other vncle syr Thomas of wodstok that was erle of Bukyngham hym he made duke of Gloucestre And syr Lyonuer that was erle of Oxford hym he made marqueys of Deuelyne Henry of Balyngbrok the dukes sone of Lancastre hym he made erle of Derby And syr Edwarde the dukes sone of yorke hym he made erle of Ruttelond And syr Iohan Holonde that was the Erle of Kentes broder hym he dyde make erle of Huntyngdon· ¶ And Syr Thomas Mombraye hym he made erle of Notyngham and the erle Marshalle of Englond And syr Mychell de lapole knygh● hym he made erle of Southfolke and Chaunceler of Englonde And the Erle of the Marche at that same parlemēt holden at westmynster in playne parlement amonges all the lordes and comyns was proclamed erle of the Marche and heyre Parente to
grete lyghte and bryghtnesse hath ben shewed vpon Englysshmē sythe they fyrst torned to ryght byleue So that of no men in ony prouynce ben founden so many hole bodyes of men after her dethe in sykenes of euerlastyngnes that shall be after the daye of dome as it well semeth in these hooly Sayntes as Edeldrede Edmonde the kynge Elphege Edgar Cutberde saynt Edwarde many other I trowe that it bedoo by a specyall grace of god almyghty for the nacyon that is set as it were without the world take hede to buryēge of bodyes without corrupcyō and rotynge and ben the more bolde stedfaste for to trust on the fynall arysynge of dede dodyes for to laste euermore after the daye of dome ¶ Of the chyef partyes of the same lond ca. v. AFter the fyrst Brutes tyme the ylonde of Brytayne beganne for to haue the pryncypall partyes that ben Loegria Cambria that is that wales And Albania that is now Scotlonde Loegria hath that name of Locrinus that was Brutes oldest sone and heet loegria as it were Locrinus londe but now Loegrin is called Englōde The boūdes and Markes were ther of somtyme the Frensshe see boothe by eest by southe ¶ Beda li.i ca. ii And by north two armes of the see that breketh ferre in to the londe eyther ayenst other But they reche not togyder The eest arme of thylke tweyne begynneth about a two lytell myle fro the mynstre of Ebburcurynge In the weste syde of Penulton in that arme is a towne that is called Guydy the west arme of thylke tweyne hath in the ryght syde a stronge Cyte that heet Alclyued whiche in theyr lāgage is called Clint stone stondeth vpon a ryuer that is called Clynt also ¶ R. Some men wolde mene that Loegria endeth at Humbre stretcheth no ferther north warde The seconde partye of Brytayne is caleo Albinia that is Scotlonde hathe that name of Albinactus Brutes sone stretcheth fro the forsayd two armes of the see northe warde vnto these of Norwaye Neuertheles the south partyes of Albania where as pyetes dwelled somtyme that lyeth frome the water of twede vnto the Scottesshe see All that longed sometyme to the kyngedome of Northumberlonde Brenycorne the north sade of Northumberlonde fro the fyrst tyme of Englysshe kynge to that tyme whan Kynadius kynge of Scotlonde that was Alpinus sone dyd a way the Pyctes and so Ioyned that countre to the kyngdome of Scotlonde Thē thyrde partye of Brytayne is wales walia that heet Cambria also hath that name Cambria of Cambre Brutes sone for he was prynce of wales In the eest syde Seurnee departed some tyme bytwene Englonde wales But in the north syde the Ryuer of Dee atchestre and in the southe the Ryuer that is named Vaga at the castel of Srygelyn departeth Englonde and wales All so kynge Offa for to haue a dystynccyon for euermore bytwene the kynges of Englōde and of wales made a longe dyche that dretched for the out of the southe syde by Brystowe vnder the hylles of wales Seuerne and Dee almoste to the heedes and vnto the mouthe of the Ryuer of Dee beyonde Chestre faste by the castell it reenneth bytwene Colehyll and the mynstre of Basyngwercke into the see This dytthe is yet in many places seen In saynt Edwardes tyme walsshmen sholde not passe that was att Erle Haroldes procurynge as it shall be sayde here after but now in eyther sydes both ayonde half a thys half the dyche and specyally in the shyres of Chestre of Shrowesbury and of Herforde in many places been Englysshemen and walsshmen medled togyders ¶ Of the ylondes that ben therto adiacent Capitulo vi BRytayne hathe thre ylondes that ben nyght and longynge therto all without the ylondes Orcades as it were answerynge to the thre chyef partys of Brytayne For the yle of wyghte longeth lyeth to Leogrya that is Englonde The ylonde Mon that is called Angleseya also longeth to wales and the ylonde Enbonia that hathe two other names and is called Meneuia and Man also whiche longeth to Scotlonde And all these thre ylondes wyght Mon and Man ben almoost alyke moche and the quantyte of the whyche thre all arowe foloweth our speche ¶ Beda li.i ca. iii· Claudius sent Vespasianus and Vespasianꝰ wāne wyght And wyght stretcheth out of the eest in to the west .xxx. myle long And out of the south in to the north .xii. myle and is in the eest syde .vi. myle fro the south clyfe of Brytayne And thre myle fro the west syde ¶ Beda li.iiii ca. v. The mesure of this ylonde as Englysshmen gesse is a thousande heusholders and two hondred ¶ Gir. in itinere mon that is called Angleseya also his departed from north wales by a shorte arme of the see as it were two myle brode In Mon ben thre hondred townes lx.iii And ben accompted for Cādredes that ben .iii. hondredes The ylonde is as it were .xxx. my●e longe and .xii. myle brode Candredus is so moche londe as conteyneth an hondred townes that name candredus is made out of two langages of Brytysshe and of Irysshe In praysynge of this ylonde walsshmen were wonte to saye a prouerbe and an olde sawe Mon Mankembri that is to saye in Englysshe that londe is so good that it semeth that it wolde fynde corne ynough for all the men of wales Therfore Virglys verses maye be accordynge therto as moche as guawes bestes longe Inneth dawes So moche efte bryngeth colde dewe in a nyghte ¶ In that arme of the see that departed this londe and north wales is a swolowe that that draweth shyppes to it that sayleth by and swoloweth them in ryyght as dothe Cylla and Carybdis that ben two peryllous places in the see of myddel erthe Therfore men maye not sayll by this swalowe but slyly at ful see ¶ R. Of the merueylles and wondres of the ylonde of Mon thou shalt fynde in the chapytre of wales Gir. in itinere The thyrde ylonde that is called both Eubonia Meneuia that is Manstondeth in the myddell bytwene the Irysshe vlstere and the Scottesshe galle waye as it were in the nauell of the see ¶ Beda .iiii. ca. ix This ylondes The fyrste is southe warde the more condtree And the better corne londe and conteyneth .ix. hondred and ●x housholdes· The secon●e conteyneth the space of CCC moo as Englysshmen gesse Gir. in ●op Somtyme was stryf whether this ylonde Man sholde longe to Brytayne or to Irlonde and for as moche as venemous wormes that were broughte thyder ly●ed there It was Iuged that the ylonde of Man sholde longe to Brytayne ¶ R. In that ylonde is ●ortylege and whyche crafte vsed Fer women there selle to shypmē wynde as it were closed vnder thre knottes of threde So that more wynde he wyll haue the moo knottes he muste vndo Chere often by daye tyme men of that londe seen men that bē deed to fore honde byheded or
of lond danegheld tayllage gyuē to the danes that was of euery bona taterre That is euery oxe londe thre pens A wepyntake and an hondred is alle one for the coūtree of townes were wonte to gyue vp wepyn in the comynge of a lorde Lestage custome chalēged in chepynges fares and stallage custome for standynge in stretes in fayre tyme. ¶ Of kyngdomes of boundes and markes bytwene them ca. xii THe kyngdome of Brytayne stode without departynge hoole and all one kyngdome to the Brytous frome the fyrste Brute vnto Iulius Cezars tyme and fro Iulius Cezars tyme vnto seuerus tyme thys londe was vnder trybute to the Romayns Neuerthelesse kynges they had of the same londe from Seuerus vnto the last prynce Gracyan successours of Brytayne fayled and Romayns regned in Brytayne Afterwarde the Romayns lefte of theyr regnynge in Brytayne by cause it was ferre from Rome and for grete besynesse that they hadde in other syde Then̄e Scottes and Py●tes by mysledynge of Maximus the tyraunte pursewed Brytayne and warred there with grete strength of men of armes longe tyme vnto the tyme that the Saxons come at the prayenge of the Bretons agaynst the Pyctes put out Gurmonde the Irysshe kynge with his Pyctes and the Brytons also wyth herꝰ kynge that hyet Careticus and drose hem out of Englonde in to wales and so the Saxons were vyctours and euery prouynce after hys strength made hym a kynge And so departed Englonde in seuen kyngdomes Netheles afterwarde these seuen kyngdomes euerychone after other came alle in to one kyngdome All hole vnder the prynce Adelstone Netheles the Danes pursewed this londe fro Adelwolfys tyme that was Aluredes fader vnto the thyrde saynte Edwardes tyme aboute a hondred .lxx. yere that regned contynuelly therin .xxiii. yere and a lytell more and after hym Haralde helde the kyngedome .ix. monethes And after hym Normans haue regned vnto thys tyme. But howe longe they shalle regne he woote to whom no thynge is vnknowen ¶ R. Of the forsayd seuen kyngdome her markes mares and boundes whan they began howe longe they endured here shal I som what shortly tell ¶ Alfre The fyrste kyngdome was the kyngdome of Kent that stretcheth fro the Eest Occyan vnto the Ryuer of Tamyse There regned the fyrst Hengistis and began to regne by the acomptynge of Dyonyse the yere of our lorde a hondred .lv that kyngdom dured thre hundred and .lviii. yere .iv. kynges vnto the tyme that Baldred was put out and Egbert kynge west Saxon Ioyned the kyngdom to his owne the seconde kyngdome was att soutsaxon that had in the Eest syde Kent in the south the see the yele of wyght in the weste Hampshyre in the Northsothery there Ella regned fyrste with his thre sones and began to regne the yere after the comynge of the Angles euen .xxx. but that kyngdome within shorte tyme passed into the other kyngdomes The thyrde kyngdome was of Eestsaxon and had in the eest syde the see in the weste the countre of London in the southe Temse and in the North southfolke The kynges of this countree of westsaxon fro the fyrste Sebertes tyme vnto the tyme of the Danes were .x. kynges that whiche were subgect somdele to other kynges Neuertheles of te●●e and lengeste they were vnder the Kynges of Mercia vnto that tyme that Egberte the kynge of westsaxon Ioyned that kyngedome to his owne The fourthe kyngdome was of Eest Angels and conteyneth Northfolke and Southfolke and had in the eest syde and in the North syde the see in the Northwest Cambrygeshyre in the weste saynt Edmondes dyche and Herfordshyre and in the south Estsex And this kyngdome dured vnder twelue kynhes vnto the tyme that kynge Edmonde was slayne And thenne the Danes toke wrongfully bothe the kyngdomes of eest Angels and of eestsaxon Afterward the Danes were put out and dryuen awaye or made subget And then the elder kynge Edward Ioyned both the kyngdoms to his owne The fyfte kyngdome was of westsaxon dured lengest of all the kyngdomes had in the Eestsyde southsaxon in the north Tamyse in the south in the west that see occean In the kyngdom regned Serdryd wyth his sone Kenryk and begā to regne the yere of our lorde fyue hondred .xx. And then after the comynge of Angels .lxxi. soo saythe Denys the other kyngdoms passed in to this kyngdome The syxt kyngdom was of Mercia was grettest of alle The markes and the meres therof were in the west syde of the Ryuer Dere fast by Chestre and Seuarne faste by Shrowesbury vnto bristowe in the eest the eest see in the south Tamyse vnto london in the north the Ryuer of Humber and so westwarde and downwarde vnto the Ryuer Merse vnto the corner off wyrhall there Humbre falleth into the west see Penda wybbes sone regned fyste in this kyngedome in the yere of our lorde Ihesu Cryste .vi. houndred .xxvi. so sayth Denys and fro the comyng of Angels an hōdred .lxxv. yere This kyngdome dured vnder .xviii. kynges aboute two hondred .lxiii. yere vnto the laste Colwulf the Danes betoke that kyngdome to kepe whā burdred the kynge was put out But the elder Edwarde the kynge put out the danes ●oyned the kyngdome of Mercia to his owne kyngedome Netheles at the begynnyng this kingdome of mercia was departed into thre in the west mercia in myddell mercia and eest Mercia The .vii. kyngdome was Northamhym brorū that is the kyngdome of Northumberlōde the meres and Markꝭ therof were by west and by eest the see of Occian by southe the Ryuere of Humbre and so downwarde to warde the weste by th ende of the shyres of Notynghā and of Derby vnto the Ryuer of merce and by north the Scottes see that heet forth in Scottesshe see in Englysshe This kyngdom of northumberlonde was fyrste deled in two prouynces That one was the southe syde and heet Deyra and that other was the Northe syde and heet Brenycia as it were twoo kyngdomes the Ryuer departed these two kyngdomes that tyme. for the kyngdome of Deyra was frome the Ryuere of humbre vnto the Ryuer of tyne The kyngdome of Brenycia was fro Tyne to the Scottysshe see And whan Pyctes dwelled there as Beda sayth li.iii cap. ii That Nynyā that holy man conuerted men of the south syde Ida the kinge regned there fyrste and began to regne the yere of our lord fyue hondred .xlvii. so sayth Dyonyse In Deyra regned kyng elle the yere of our lorde fyue hondred .xlix. These two kyngdomes were other whyle as it is sayde departed bytwene twoo kynges and somtyme all hoole vnder one kynge and dured as it were .xx. Englysshe kynges .ccc.xxi. yere Atte laste Osbertus and Elle were slayne in the .ix. yere of her kyngdome the Danes slewe theym and Northumberlonde was voyd without kinge .viii. yere Then afterwarde the danes regned in Northumberlonde .xxxvi. yere vnto the oonynge of the kyngdome Adelstone he made subgecte the
kynges Danes Scottesshe walshe and regned fyrste allone in Englonde and helde the kyngdome of Englonde all hole and one kyngdome that was the yere of oure lorde viii C.xxviii That Ryuer of Merse was somtyme the marke were betwene the kyngdom of Northumberlonde that may be shewed in two maners fyrst by thys properte of this merse is as moche to saye as a see that is abounde and a mere for it departed one kingdome from an otheri ¶ Also it is wrytten yn Cronycles of Henry Alfrede that kynge Edwarde the elder fastened a Castell at Mamcestre in Northumberlonde but that Cytie mamcestre is from the Ryuer of merse scarsely thre myle ¶ Of bysshpryches theyr sees ca. xiii LVcius was the fyrste kynge crystened of the Brytons in his tyme were thre Archebysshops sees in Brytayne one was att London an other at yorke And the thyrde att Caerusk the cyte of legeons in Glamorgan that cyte is nowe called Caerleon To these Archebysshoppes sees were called Flammes To the Archebysshops see of london was subget Corne wayle all myddel Englōde vnto humbre To yorke all Northumberlonde from the bowe of Humbre with all Scotlonde to Caerbeon all wales there were in wayles .vii. Bysshops and nowe bē but foure· Tho Seuarne departed Englōde wales ¶ Wihel de pan li. i But in the Saxons tyme thoughe Saynt Gregori had graunted london the preuylege of tharchebysshops see Netheles saynt Austen that was sente in to Englonde by saynt Gregory torned tharchebysshop see out of london into Caunterbury After saynt Gregoryes dayes at the prayer of kyng Ethelbryght and C● and burgeyses of Caunterbury ther tharchebysshops see hath dured vnto nowe saue that in the mene tyme of a kynge of mercia was wrought with men of Caunterbury and benam them that worshyp and worshypped Adulphe bysshop of lychfelde wyth the Archebysshops pally by assent of Adryan the pope vpon Caas 〈◊〉 yeftes sente Netheles vnder Kenulph the kynge it was restored to Caunterbury ageyne ¶ The worshyp of the see of yorke hath dured there alwaye and yet dured though Scotlonde be withdrawe fro his subieccyon by passynge of tyme. ¶ Gir intinere li.i the Archebysshoppes see was torned oute of Caerleon into Meneuia that is in the weste syde of Demecya vpon the Irysshe see in Saynte Dauyds tyme vnder kynge Arthur From saynt Dauyds tyme vnto Sampsons tyme were in Meneuya .xxiii. Archebysshops Afterwarde felle a pestylēce in all wales of the yelowe euyll that is called the Iaūdis And thēne Sampson the Archebysshop toke with hym the palle and wente in to Brytayne Armonica the lasse Brytayne and was there bysshop of Dolensin from that tyme vnto the fyrste Henryes tyme kyng of Englōde were at Meneuia whiche is called saint Dauyds .xxi. bysshops all without palle whether it were for vnconnynge or for pouerte Neuertheles alway fro that tyme the bysshops of wales were sacryd of the bysshop of Meneuia of saynt Dauyds and the bysshop of Meneuia was sacred of the bysshops of wales as of his suffrigans made no professyon ne subiection to none other chirche Other bysshops that come after warde were sacred at Caunterbury compellynge and heest of the kynge in token of that sacrynge subieccyon· Boneface Archebysshop of Caunterbury that was legate of the Crosse songe in euery Catheralle chirche of wales solempnely Amas he was the fyrste Archebysshop of Caunterbury that soo dyde in wales that was dene in the second Hēryes tyme. R. But nowe ben but two primates in all Englonde of Caūterbury and of yorke To the prymate of Caunterbury ben subgette .xiii. bysshops in Englonde iiii· in wales The premate of yorke hath but two suffrygans in Englonde that ben the bysshop of Caerleyll of Durham Of all these sees chaungynge of other places I shalle shewe you here folwynge Take hede in the begyngnynge of holy chyrche in Englonde bysshops ordeyned theyr sees in lowe places and symple that were couenable for cōtemplacyon for prayers deuocyon But in william conquerours tyme by done of lawe Canon it was ordeyned that bysshoppes sholde come out of small townes in to greate cytees Therfore was the see of Dorchestre chaunged to Lyncoln Lychefelde to Chestre Tetforde to Norwyche Shyrbron to Salysbury welles to Bathe Conewayles to exestre Seleseye to Chichestre The bysshopp of Rochestre hath no parysshe but he is the Archebysshops chapelayn of Caūterbury Syth the see of Caunterbury was fyrst ordeyned by saynt Austen it caunged yet neuer his place Chychestre hathe vnder hym oonly South sex and the yle of wyght and had his see fyrste in the tyme of the Archebysshop Theodore and the see dured there CCC.xxxiiii yere vnder .xx. bysshops fro the fyrste wylfryede vnto the laste Syth and at the commaūdement of kynge wyllyam conquerour chaunged the see fro Seleseye to Chychestre ¶ De episcopis occidentalibbus wilhelmus HAue mynde that all the prouynce of west saxon hadde alwaye one bysshop fro the begynnynge vnto Theodorus tyme by graunte of kynge Islo kynge of westsaxon the fyrste Birrynus ordeyned a see at Dorchestre that is a symple towne by southe Oxenforde besyde walyngforde bytwene the metynge togyder of Temse Tame whan Birinus was deed Kēwalcus the kyng ordeyned a see at wynchestre as his fader hadde purposed there agylbert a Frenssheman was fyrst bysshop of all the prouynce of westsaxon For that tyme the cyte the see of Dorchestre perceyued longed to the prouynce of Meria that cyte standeth with in Temse the Temse departeth bytwene Mercia westsaxon And after that Agylbert was pute out of wynchestre that tho hyght winton then was there an Englysshe bysshop that was called wyne Some men suppose that this cyte hath the name of this wyne is called wynchestre as it were wyne cyte At the last he was put out and after hym come Leutherius the forsayd Agelbertes neuewe After Leutherius hedda awhyle was bysshop there whan he was deed Theodorus the Archebysshop ordeyned two bysshops to the prouynce of westsaxon Danyell atte wynchestre to hym were subgette two coūtres Sothery southampshyre to hym were subget syx countrees Barkshyre wyltshyre Somersete Dorseteshyre Deuenshyre Corne walyle ¶ Treuysa It semeth by this that westsaxon conteyted Sotherye Southampeshyre Dorseteshyre Deuenshyre Corne wayle ¶ Wilhell After warde in elder Edwardes tyme to these two sees were ordeyned by cōmaūdement of Formosus the pope thre other sees At welles for Somersete At Kyrton for Deuēshyre and. At saynte Germayn for Cornewayle Not longe after warde the syxt see was sette At Rammesbury for wyltshyre At the last by commaundement of kynge wyllyam conqueroure all these sees saue wynchestre were torned and chaunged out of samlle Towne in to grete Cytees for Shyrborn and Rummesbury were torned in to Salysbury Now to that see is subgette Barkshyre wyltshyre and Dorsete The see of welles was torned to Bathe therto is now subget all Somersete The sees of kyrton
of Cornewale were chaūged to Exestre therto is subget Deuēshyre Cornwale ¶ De orientalibus episcopis IT is knowen that the Eest Saxons alwaye fro the begynnynge to nowe were subgette to the bysshop of London But the prouynce of the eest Angels that conteyneth Norffolke and Souffolk had one bysshop att Donwyk the bysshop heet Felix and was a Bourgon was bysshop .xvii. yere after hym Thomas was bysshoppe .v. yere after hym boneface .xvii. yere Thenne Bysy afterwarde was ordeyned by Theodorus ruled the prouynce whyle he myght endure by hymself allone After hym vnto Egbertes tyme kyng of westsaxon an hōdred .xliii. bysshops ruled that prouynce oone att donwyk and an other of Elyngham Neuertheles after Ludecans tyme kynge of Mercia lefte and was only one see att Elyngham vnto the .v. yere of wyllyam conqueroure whan Herfastus the .xxiii. bysshop of the estrene chaunged his see to Tetforde and his successour Herbertus chaunged these fro Tetforde to Norwhiche by leue of kynge wyllyam the reed The see of Ely that is nyght therto the fyrst kynge Henry ordeyned the .ix. yere of his regne and made subgect therto Cambrydgeshyre that was tofore a parte of the bysshopryche of Lyncoln and for quytynge therof he gaafte to the bisshop of Lyncoln a good towne called Spaldynge ¶ De episcopis Merciorum wilhelmus HEre take heede that as the Kyngdome of Mercia was alwaye greteste for the tyme so it was dealed in mo bysshopryches and specyally by grete hyrte by kynge Offa. whyche was .xl yere kynge of Mercia he chaunged the Archebysshops see fro Caunterbury to Lychfelde by assent of Adryan the pope Thenne the prouynce of Mercia of Lyndeffar in the fyrst begynnynge of her crystendom in kynge wulfrans tyme had one bysshop at Lytchefeld the fyrst bysshop that was there heet Dwyna the seconde heet Celath were both Scottes after them the thyrde Trumphere the fourth Iarmuanus the fyfte Chedde But in Edelfydes tyme that was wulfrans broder whan Chedde was deed Theodorus tharchebysshop ordeyned ther wynfrede Cheddes deken Netheles apud Hyndon after that for he was vnbuxum in some poynt he ordeyned there Sexwulf abbot of Medāstede that is named burgh but after Sexwulfus fourth yere Theodorus tharchebysshop ordeyned fyue bysshops in the prouynce of Mer●ia And so he ordeyned Bosell at wyrcestre Cudwyn at Lychfelde the forsayd Sexwulf at Chestre Edelwyn att Lyndeseye at cyte Sydenia he toke Eata monke of the abbaye of Hylde att whyt by made hym bysshoppe of Dorchestre besyde Oxenforde Tho this Dorchestre heet Dorkynge so the see of that longeth to westsaxon in Saynt Byrynes tyme longed to Mercia from Theodorus the Archebysshops tyme Ethelred kynge of Mercia hadde destroyed Kente this bysshop Sexwulf tooke Pyctas bysshop of Rochestre that come oute of Kente and made hym fyrste bysshop of Herdforde at last whan Se●fulf was dede Hedda was bysshop of Lychefelde after hym and wylfryd flemed out of Northumberlonde was bysshop of Chestre Netheles after two yere Alfred kynge of Northumberlōde deyed and wylfrede torned agayne to hys owne se hagustalden and soo Hedda helde bothe the bysshopryches Lychfelde and of Chestre after hym come Albyn that heet wor also and after hym come thre bysshops Torta at chestre wytta at Lychfelde And Eata was yet atte Dorchestre After his dethe bysshops of Lyndesey helde his see .iii. hondred .liiii. yere vnto ●emygius chaunged the see to Lyncoln by leue of the fyrste kynge wyllyam But in Edgars tyme bysshop Leot winus Ioyned both bysshopryches to gyeer of Chestre and lyndeffa● whyle his lyfe edured ¶ De episcopis Northumbran Wilhel de pon li. ca. xi AT yorke was one see for all the prouynce of Northūberlonde paulinus helde fyrste the see was ordeyned of the bysshop of Caūterbury helde the see at yorke .vii. yere Afterwarde whā kynge Edwyn was slayne and thynges were dystroubled Poulinus wente thens by water awaye into Kent from whens he come fyrste toke with hym the pall ¶ Wilhel li·iiii And so the bysshopryche of yorke ceased .xxx. yere the vse of the palle ceased there an hondred .xxv. yere vnto that Egbart the bysshop that was the kynges brooder of the londe recouered it by auctoryte of the pope R. whan saynt Oswolde regned Aydanus a Scot was bysshop in bernica that is the north syde of Northumberlonde after hym Finianꝰ after hym Salmanꝰ ¶ wylhel vby s. At last he went in to Scotlōde with grete in dygnacyon for wylfre vnder toke hym for he held vnlawfully Besterdaye .xxx. yere after the Paulinus was gone from thens wilfred was made bysshop of yorke ¶ Beda li. iiii But while he dwelled longe in Fraūce about hys sacrynge at excytynge of quartadecimonorum that were they that helde Eesterdaye the .xiiii. daye of the mone Chedde was ytake out of hys abbay of Lynstynge wrongfully put out ī to the see of yorkesby assent of kynge Oswy but thre yere after warde Theodorus tharche bysshop dyde hym a waye assygned hym to the prouynce of Mercia restored wilfred to the see of yorke But after by cause of wrathe that was bytwene hym the kyng Egfryde was put out of the see by Theodorus helpe tharchebysshop that was corrupt wyth some maner mede this was done after the wilfred had ben bysshop of yorke Cumbert at Hagustalde chirche Eata att Lyndeffar chirche that now is called holy ylonde in the Ryuer of Twede Aydanus founde fyrst the see And Theodorus made Eadhedus bisshop of Ropoune that was comen agayne out of Lyndeseye wilfred had be abbot of Repune Theodorꝰ sent Trunwynus to the londe of Pyetes in thendes of Englonde fast by Scotlond in a place that heet Candida casa and whiterne also there saynt Ninian a Bryton was fyrst foūder doctour But all these sees out take yorke fayled lytyll lytel for the see of Candida casa that is Galle waye that tho longed to \ Englonde and dured many yeres vnder .x. bysshops vnto that it had noo power by destroyenge of the Pyctes The sees of Hagalde of Lyndeffar was sōtyme all one vnder .lx. bysshops about four score yere ten and dured vnto the comynge of the Danes In that tyme vnder Hyngar Hubba ardufe the bysshop yede longe about with saynt Cuberts body vnto kynge Aluredes tyme kyng of west Saxon the see of Lydeffar was sette at Kunegestre that is called Kunyngysburgh also the place is called now Vbbesforde vpon Twede At the last the .xvii. yere of kyng Egbere kyng Edgars sone the se was chaūged to Durham saynt Cutber●tꝭ body was broughte thyder by the doynge of Edmonde the bysshop fro that tyme forwarde the see of that Hagustalde of lyndeffar fayled vtterly The fyrst kyng Henry in the .ix. yere of his regne made the newe seat Caerleyll The archebysshop of Caunterbury hathe vnder hym .xiii. bysshops in Englonde and .iiii. in wales he hath Rochostre vnder hym
frely And with hym went thyder was well apayed wyth the castell wyth the fayr werke and togyder they ete and dranke wyth moche Ioye And whan nyght came that the kyng Vortiger sholde go in to hys chambre to take there hys nyghtes reste Ronowen that was Engistes doughter came wyth cuppe of golde in her honde and kneled before the kynge sayd to hym wassaylle And the kynge knewe not what it was for to meane ne what he shold answere there vpon for as moche as hymself ne none of all his Brytons coude noo Englysshe spese ne vnderstonde it but he spake in the same langage that Brytons done yet Neuertheles a latiner tolde it to the kynge the full vnderstandynge therof wassayll and that other sholde drynke hayll And that was the fyrste tyme that wasshayll and drynkhall came vp in this londe And frome the tyme vnto thys tyme it is well vsed in this londe ¶ The kynge Vortiger sawe the fayrnesse of Ronowen his armes layde about her necke thryes swetely kyssed her anone ryght he was enamoured vpon her that he desyred to haue her to wyf asked of Engist her fader And Engist graunted hym vpon this couenaūt that the kyng sholde yeue him all the coūtree of kent that he there myghte dwelle in and hys people The kynge hym graunted pryuely wyth a good wylle And anone he spowsed the damoysell and that was moche confusyon to hymselfe And therfore alle the. Brytons became soo wrothe for by cause he spowsed a woman of mysbyleue wherfore they wente all frome hym and noo thynge to hym tooke ne halpe hym in thynge that he had to done ¶ How Vortimer that was Vortigers sone was made kynge Engist dryuen out And how Vortimer was slayne THis Engist wente in to Kente and seased all the londe in to his honde for hym and for his men bycame with a lytyll whyle of soo grete power and so moche people hadde that men wyste not lytell tyme whyche were the kyngꝭ men and whyche were Engistes men wherfore all the Brytons hadde of hym dredde and sayd amōges theym But yf that they ne toke other counseyll bytwene them all the londe sholde be bytrayed thrugh Engist his people ¶ Vortiger the kyng had begoten on his fyrst wyf thre sones The fyrst was called vortimer The seconde Catagien and the thyrde Passent ¶ The Brytons euerychont by one assent chose vortimer to be theyr lod souerayne and counseyler in euery batayll crowned hym and made hym kynge wolde not suffre vortiger no lenger to regne for cause of the alyaunce betwixt Engist and hym ¶ The Brytons ordeyned a grete host to dryue out Engist and his company of the londe and yaue hym thre bataylles The fyrste was in Kente there he was lorde the seconde was at Tetforde and the thyrde in a shyre a thys half Colchestre in a more And in this batayll theym mette Catagien and. Horne Engistes brother so that eche of thym slewe other· but for as moche as the countree was yeuen longe befor to horne thrugh vortiger tho ●e spowsed his cosyn there he made a fayr castell that is called Horne castell after his owne name And vortiger was so anoyed for his brothers dethe that anone he lete fell downe the castell to the grounde And after he ne lefte nyght ne daye tyll he had dryuen out Engist his people of the londe And then̄e Ronowen his doughter made sorow ynogh And quen●ely spake to them that were nexte the kyng vortimer and pryuyest with hym And so moche she gaue hym of gyftes that he was enpoysoned deyed at London the fourth yere of hys regne and there he lyeth ¶ How the. Brytons chose an other tyme Vortiger to be theyr kynge Engist came in to this londe and how they fought togyders AFter vortimers dethe the Brytons by theyr comyn assēt eft sones made vortiger theyr kynge vpon this couenaunt that he sholde neuer after suffre Engist ne none of his eft sones to come ī to this londe And whā all this was done Ronowen the quene pryuely sente by letter to Engist that she hadde en poysoned vortimer and that vortiger her lorde bare ayen the crowne and regned And that he sholde come ayen in to this londe well arayed wyth moche people for to auenge hym vppon the Brytons and for to wynne this londe ayen ¶ And whan Engist herde these tydynges he made grete Ioy. And appareylled hym hastely with .xv. thousande men that were deughty in euery batayll came in to this londe And whan vortyger herde telle that Engyst was come ayen wyth a grete power in to thys londe he assembled hys Brytons tho went ayenst Engyst for to yeue hym Batayll hys folke But Engist dradde hym sore of the Brytons for they had dryuen hym before discomfyted hym with strēgth wherfore this Engist prayed hym for a loue daye sayd he was not comen in to this londe for to fyght but for to haue hys lond ayen yf he myght accorde with the. Brytons of them to haue loue and grace The kynge Vortiger thrugh counseyll of hys Brytons graūted hym a loue daye And thus it was ordeyned thrugh the Brytons that the same daye sholde be holden fast besyde Salysbury vpon a hylle And Engyst sholde come thyder with four hordred kdnghtes without moo And the kyng with as many of the wysest men of hys londe· And at that daye the kynge came with his coūseyll as it was ordeyned but Engist had warned hys knyghtes pryuely then conmaunded that euery one of them shold put a longe knyf in hys hose And whan he sayde Fayre syres now ys tyme to speke of loue peas euery man Anone shold drawe out hys kynue slee a Bryton And so they slewe a M.lxi. knyghtes wyth moche sorowe many of them escaped And the kyng vortyger there hymself tho was taken ladde to Thongcastell put in pryson And some of Engystes men wolde that the kynge had be brente alle quycke And vortiger tho for to haue hys lyf graūted them as moche as they wolde are yaue vp all the londe townes castelles cytees borughs to Engist and to his folke And all the Brytons fledde thes in to waiys and there they helde them styll And Engyst wente thorugh the londe and seased all the londe wyth fraunchyles And in euery place lete cast a downe chyrches and houses of Relygyon And wasted and destroyed crystendome thrughout all thys londe And lete ●aunge the nam of thys lond called brytayne that noo man of hys were soo hardy after that tyme to calle this lōde Brytayne but calle Engist londe And then ne he departed all the londe to hys men and there made .vii. kynges for to strength the londe that the Brytons sholde neuer after come therem ¶ The fyrst kyngdome was Kent there that Engist hymself regned and was lorde mayster ouer al the other
¶ The other kyng had Southsex that now is called chychestre ¶ The thyrdet kyng had westsex ¶ The fourth had Eestsex The fyfth had Estangill that now is called Northfolke Southfolke Merchemeryk that ys to saye therldome of Nycholl ¶ The sixth had Leycheter shyre Northampton shyre Herforde and Huntyngdon ¶ The seuenth hadde Ox enforde Glouchestre wynchestre wer wykeand Derbyshyre ¶ How that Vortyger wente in to walys beganne there castell that wolde not stande wyth out morter tempred wyth blood AS Engist had departed all the lond in thys maner bytwene hys men and in lyuerde vortyger out of pryson suffred hym freely to go whyther that he wolde And he toke his waye and wente in to walys there that his Brytons dwelled for as moche as the londe was stronge wycked to wynne And Engyst ●neuer came therene neuer knew it before that londe ¶ Vortiger helde hym there wyth hys Bratons and axed counseyll what hym was best to do And they yaue hym counseyll to make a stronge castell that hym myghte hymself there in kepe and defende yf nede were Ma●e sons in haste tho were fette began to werke vpon the hylle of Breigh but certes thus it befell that all the werke that the masons made a daye downe it felle the nyght and they wyste not what it myght be Ther of the kynge was sore anoyed of that chaunce wyste not what to do werfore he lette sende after the wysest clerkes also lerned men than were thorugh out walys that myght be foude for they sholde tell wherfore the foūdament so fayled vnder the werke and they sholde hym tell what was best for to doo And whan these wyse men longe tyme had studyed they sayde to the kynge that he sholde doo seke a chylde borne of a woman that neuer had with man to do And that chylde sholde be slayne and tempred with his blood the morter of the werke And soo sholde the werke euer endure withouten ende ¶ How the kynge lette seke Merlyn thorugh out all walys for to speke wyth hym AS the kynge herde this he commaunded his messagers anone to go thrugh out walys to seke that chylde yf they myghte hym fynde and that they sholde hym brynge forthe with them vnto hym And in recorde in wytnesse of thys kynge he hadde take them his letters that they ne were distroubled of no ▪ man ne lette And tho the messengers wente thens and spedde soo faste that they came in to a towne that was called Carmardyne and as they passed for the theyr waye they founde two chyldern of xxiiii· yere of aege thydynge togyder with hasty wordes And one of them sayde to that other Donebat sayde he ye do all wronge to chyde or stryue with me for ye haue no wytte ne no reason as I haue Certes merlyn sayde he of your wytte ne youre reson I make no force For men telle comynly that ye haue no thynge of god all myghty syth ye had neuer fader But euery man knoweth who was youre moder ¶ The messengers of the kynge vortiger whan they herde the stryue betwixt the two gromes they axed of them that stode besyde them whens that· Marlyn was borne and also whom hym nourysshed And the folke them tolde that a greate gentyll woman hym bare in Carmadyne that was called Adhanr But neuer myght noth man wyte who was his fader ¶ whan the kynges messengers herde these tydynges they wente anone to hym that was wardeyne of the towne tolde hym the kyngꝭ wyll and shewed hym his leter wherfore they were come thyder ¶ Merlyn and his moder were fetched before the wardeyne of the towne And he commaunded them that they sholde go to the kynge as it was ordeyned by his messagers Merlyn and his moder wente thens and came vnto the kynge and there they were receyued with moche honour And the kynge axed of that lady yf the chylde were her sone whome hym be gate The lady answered full tenderly wepynge and sayde She neuer hadde company of worldly man But syr sayde she As I was a yonge mayden in my faders chambre and other of greate lygnage were in my company that oftentymes wente to place and solace I belefte alone in my chambre wolde not goo ●orthe for bernnynge of the sonne And on● tyme there came a fayre bacheler and entred in my chambre there that I was alone But how he came in to me and where I wyst it neuer \ ne yet knowe I not For the doores were fast barred and with me he dyde game of loue For I ne had myght ne power hym to defen from me And often he came vnto me in the forsayd maner so that he begate this childe But neuer myght I wyte what he was ¶ Of the answere of Merlyn wherfore the kynge axed why his castel myght not stonde that he had begonne ne proue SO whan Merlyn hadde herde all that his moder hadde sayd He spake to the kynge in this maner ¶ Syre how I was begoten axe ye no more For it be falleth not to you ne to none other to wyte But telle me the cause wherfore I am to you brought wherfore ye haue sente after me ¶ Truely sayd the kyng my wyse couseyllers haue done me to vnderstode that the morter of a werke that I haue begonne behouety to be thempred with your blood or the foundament shall fayle for euer more ¶ Syr sayd Merlyn wyll ye slee me for my blood to tempre with your morter ye sayd the kyng or elles my castell shall neuer stande as my coūseyllers do me to vnderstonde Tho answerd Merlyn to the kyng Syr he sayd he sayd lete them come before me those wyse coūseylles I woll preu they saye not well ne truly And whan the wyse men were comen Merlyn axed yf his blod were the cause to make this werke to stōde endure All tho wyse men were abasshed coude not answere Merlyn tho sayd to the kynge Syr I shall tell you the cause wherfore your werke thus fayleth may no● stande There is vnder the moūtayne there that ye haue buylded youre toure a grete ponde of water ī the botome of the ponde vnder the water there ben two dragons the one is whyte the other reede the fyght togyd ayēst your werke do ye myne depe eyll your men come to the pond cause your men to take a way the water all out thenne ye shall see the dragans as I haue you tolde the togyder fyght ayēst your werke this is the cause wherfor your foūdament fayleth The kynge anone lete dygge vnder that men came to the ponde And lette doo a waye the water and there they founde two dragons as Merlyn had tolde that egerly fought togyder The whyte dragon egerly assayled the reede and lyadde on hym so strongely that he myght not endure but withdrewe hym and rested in the same caue And whā he had a whyle rested hym he