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A06660 A brief and compendiouse table, in a maner of a concordaunce openyng the waye to the principall histories of the whole Bible, and the moste co[m]mon articles grounded and comprehended in the newe Testament and olde, in maner as amply as doeth the great concordau[n]ce of the Bible. Gathered and set furth by Henry Bollynger, Leo Iude, Conrade Pellicane, and by the other ministers of the church of Tygurie. And nowe first imprinted in Englyshe. D.M.L. [sic] The third boke of the Machabees a booke of the Bible also prynted vnto this boke which was neuer before translated or prynted in any Englyshe Bible. The contents of this booke are conteyned in the next leafe. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Juda, Leo, 1482-1542. aut; Pellicanus, Konrad, 1478-1556. aut; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 17117; ESTC S102763 104,729 292

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man ought to defend hys Innocency and to cleare hym selfe of false suspectyons Iosu xxij c i. Regum i. b iij. Regum xviij b Ierem. xxxvij c Ioan viij e Act. ij b vi vij a xxviij c No man is Innocent in the syghte of God ¶ Seke ryghteousnes Insurrectyon ¶ Loke in thys worde Sedityon Ioab the sonne of Zeruia ij Regū ij b. kylleth Abner iij. e Reconcyleth Absalon thorough the wyse woman of Thekoa xiiij* kylled Amasa xx b was also kylled hym selfe iij. Regum ij e accordyng to the byddyng of Dauid ij a Ioachim a hygh priest Iudith xv b Ioahas the sonne of Iehu kynge in Israell iiij Regum x. e xiij a Ioahas the sonne of Iosias was deposed from hys kyngdome and caryed into Egypt where he dyed iiij Regum xxiij g The captiuite is signyfied to hym before Ezechy xix a Is called Iohanna i. Paral. iij. b After hym was kyng Eliachim hys brother iiij Regū xxiij g Ioanna the wyfe of Chusa foloweth Christ Luk. xviij a Iohannes the sonne of Mathathias and brother of Iudas Machabeus was slayne i Mach ix d Iohānes the baptyst the sonne of Zacharye Luc. i.e. Preacheth and baptyseth Mat iii a. Sendeth his dyscyples to christ xi a was headed xiiij a. Iohannes is Helyas Mat. xi b. Iohannes the sonne of Zebedei was called Mathey iiij c. Was specyallye loued of Chryste xiii c xix c xx a xxi a d Wrytheth the thynge Whyche he hadde sene Iohannis xix d xxi d i. Iohn i a Iohannes Marcus goeth wyth Paule and Barnabas Actuum xii d Departeth from them xiij b For hys sake they fell at varyaunce xv e. Ioas the sonne of Ahasya was onely saued in the destruccyon of all the kynges sede iiij Regum xi a. was crowned kyng in Iuda xi b. Was destroyed of hys seruauntes xii d. After hym was kyng hys sonne Amasya i Para. iij b. ij Paraly xxiiij e Ioas the sonne of Ioahas kynge in Israell iiij Regum xiii b. Fyghteth agaynst Amasia brake doune the walles of the cyty spoyled the temple and died xiiij c. Iochebed the mother of Aaron Moises Exod vi c Num xxvi g. Saueth Moyses lyfe Exod ij a. Ioell a wecked sonne of Samuell i Reg viii a. is called Seni i Par vii b. Ionadab the sonne of Rechab was taken in to the charret of Iehu iiii Regū x c. Ioiada the pryeste putt Athalya to death iiij Regum xi a b c. dyed i Para xxiiij c. Ionas prophecieth iiii Regum xiiii c. Was caste in to the sea Ionas i c was swalowed vp of the fishe ij a. Mat xii d Ionathas the sonne of Saull smytteth the Phylystyans i. Regum xiij a. xiiii a.b. was troughe the people delyuered oute of the handes of Saull xiiii g. Maketh a confederatyon wyth Daued xviii a xx b xxiii d Was slayne xxxi a. Ionathas the sonne of Matathyas a capitaine of the Iewes i. Machabeo ix c Maketh a bounde wyth Demetryus x. a.b f g. Was taken prysoner xii f Hys sonnes are taken prysoners xiii c Ioram the sonne of Iosaphat kynge of Iuda iij. Regū xxij g kylleth syre of hys brethren ij Paraly xxi a.b dyed iiij Regum viij d ij Paral. xxi d Ioram a kyng in Israell iiij Regū i.b. iij. a Goeth forth against Hasael king of Syria viij d Whan he was wounded of the Syrians he returned to be healed in Iesraell ix c Dyed ix e Iordan standeth styl Iosu i.d. Psal Cxiij a Iosaphat the sonne of Assa was kyng in Iuda iij. Regum xxij g Sendeth forth teachers into all the cytyes of Iuda ij Paraly xvij b Ioyneth himselfe wyth wycked kynge Ahab xviij a Wherfore he was rebuked of the prophetes xix a Ioyneth hym selfe wyth Ahasia xx.f. Dyeth xxi a After hym succedeth hys sonne kyng Joram i. Paraly iij. b Ioseph the sonne of Iacob is borne Gene. xxx.d. hath dreames xxxvij a b was sold of hys brethren to the Ismaelytes xxxvij e Psal Ciiij c was falsly accused and imprysoned Gen. xxxix d e Is delyuered oute of pryson xli b was made ruler ouer all Egypte xli f Toke to his wyfe the daughter of Putyphar xli f Dyscloseth hym selfe to his brethern lxv a Dyeth l.d. Hys boenes are caryed oute of Egypte Exody xiij d Are buryed in Sychem Iosue xxiiii f Ioseph the Husbande of the vyrgen Marye Mathey i b. Flyeth in to Egypte ii c Ioseph called Barsabas selleth the fyelde Actuum iiii d Was appoynted wyth Mathie i d. Iosyas the sonne of Amon a ryghteous kynge in Iuda iiij Regum xxi e xxij * Hys byrthe was prophecyed iij Regum xiij a He readeth the boke of the Lawe iiij Reg xxiij a. kepeth the passeouer iiij Regū xxiij e. Is slayne and Dieth xxiij f. he is hartely be wayled ij Par xxxv e. after him succedeth hys sonne kynge Ioahas iiii Regum xxiij f g. Iosua fyghteth agaynste Amelech Exody xvij c d He was sente forthe to spye oute the lande of Chanaan Numery xiij a Magnyfyeth vnto the people the Lande of Chanaan xiiii a Was ordeyned far to beare the rule in the stede of Moyses xxvij d Deuter. iij d. xxxi a. b d Iosue i a b. Sendeth forth spyes ij a. Goeth thoroughe Iordane iij d Reareth vp twelue stonnes in Gilgall iiij a b. The Angell of God appeareth vnto hym v d. Geueth the curse and blyssynge viij g. Goeth forth of Gilgall to delyuer the Gybeonytes x b Retourneth agayne to Gilgall after that he hadde delyuered them x g. Smyteth xxxi kynges xii * Receyueth his inherytaunce xix d. Dyeth xxiiij f. Iud ij b. Iotham ruleth for Asarpa ouer Iuda iiii Regū xv a After his death was he made kinge xv a Iothan the sonne at Ierubaall dyd onlye escape and was not beheaded amonge all hys brethern Iud. ix a Spake agaynste the Sychemytes cursed and fledde ix b c. The curse was fulfylled ix h. Ipocrysye and dissimulation Regū xv.e. * xviij * ij Regū xxv b iiii Regū i. b c. Sapyen i. a Eccli i. d xix d xxxii c ij Machabeo vi d Iob viij b. xiij b. xv c.d. xx * xxvij a xxxvi b. Prouerbyo xxx b Esay xxix c lviij a. Ieremy ij e ix a Ezeche xxxiij f Malachy iii c Mathey ij b. c vi a b. vij a b xv a xvi .a xxij d. xxiij * xxiiii d Marke vii a. Luke xi d e xij a f xviij b Actuum v a viii b. xiij a ●… Roman ij * Galat. ij b. i Tymo iiij a i. Petri ij a. Isaac is promised Gen. xv a. xvii c xviij b Is borne xxi a. Is offred xxij * Taketh Rebecca to hys wyffe xxiiii f. maketh conuenaunte with Abimelech xxvi d sendeth Esau forth a hunting xxvij a dieth xxxv e Isaschar the sonne of Iacob of Lea Gen. xxx.c. Isay the father of Dauid i. Reg. xvi * xvii.b. xx.d.e. ij Regum xxiij a Ruth iiij a Is called Iesse Mathe. i.a. Isboseth was kynge in Israell two yeares
not be troubled of Israell Deuter. ij c Shall not come in to the temple for euer xxiij a ij Esd xiij a They are smytten of Israell Iud. xi.f. i. Reg. xi c ij Re. viii b x* xij f Agaynst Ammon is prophecyed Psal lxxxij* Iere. xlix a Ezech. xxi d xxv a Amos. i.c. Zepho ij b Amnon the sonne of Dauid defyleth hys syster Thamar ij Reg. xiij d Wherfore he was kylled of hys brother Absolon xiij f Amon the sonne of Manasse kynge in Iuda was kylled iiij Reg. xxi.d.e. Lefte behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iosias xxij a Amori the sonne of Chanaan Gen. x. c The Amorites would geue Israel no lycence to passe thorough there land Nu. xxi c.d Iud. xi c * Amos the prophet was dryuen away Amos. vij b Amri a wycked king in Israel iij. Re. xvi b.c agaynst Amry Mich. vi c Anamelech an Idol of Sepharnaym i. Reg. xvij f Ananias selleth the feld wyth deceyte Act. v. a Ananias was sente to instruct Paul Act. ix b.c Anathoth a cytye of the land of Beniamin Iere. xxxij b in the whyche Ieremye was borne Iere. i.a. xxix e and the aboue named Antiochus was made king i. Mach. vi c went wyth a greate armye into Iury. vi d Brake his othe wyth Israel vi.g. was slayne vij a reade ij Macha x Apollo an eloquent man and myghty in the scryptures act xviij c Apollonius a prince of Syria was slayne i. mach iij. a x. g Apostles The apostles are chosen out of the disepples Luc. vi b they are sent to preache the kyngdome of God in Iury. mat x. * Luc. ix a xxiiij d they returned agayne ix b They are sent to preache the gospel into all the worlde math xxviij c marc xvi b Luce. xxiiij d Iohan. xv.b.c. xx c act i.a. x. e The apostles and prophetes haue had the spyryt of god Exod. iiij c ij re xxiij a Daniel ix b Iohan. xiiij b act i.a. ij a iiij d xix a i. Corin. ij b ij Corint xiij a i. Thessa iiij a ij Timoth. iij. b i. Pe. i.b. ij Petr. i. b.d Christ the great apostle Hebre. iij. a Appearyng Vysyons Sightes or hearynges Iosue v.d. iiij Reg. vij b ij Macha iii. d v.a. x.e. xi b iii. Macha s Arad the king of the Cananites fought against Israell Nume xxi a Aram whiche is also called Ram the sonne of Hezron begat Aminadab Mat. i.a. Luke iii. b Aquila a benefactour of Paule Acto xviii a Archelaus reigneth in the stede of hys father herode Math. ij d Aristarchus a compaignion and pryson fellowe of Paule Acto xix d xx a xxvij a Coloss iiij b Arcke The Arke of the conuenaunt of God is made Exo. xxv.b.c. Is caried to Gilgal Iosu iiij d From thence to Sylo xviij a From thence into the hooste against the Phylystians i. Regum iiii a From thence into the handes of the Phylystyans i. Regum iiij c From thence into the house of Dagon v.a. From thence to Bethsemes vi * From thence to Kiriathiarim into the house of Abinadab vij a Frō thence to Mitzpa vij b x.d. From thence to Gilgal xi d From thence to Nobe xxi a Frō thence to Gibeon i. Para. xxij.e. ij Paral. i.a. From thence into the house of Obededom ii Reg. vi b From thence to Zyon vi c xv.e.f. i. Paral. xvi* From thence to Ierusalem into her place iij. Regum viij a ij Para. v* What thyng there was in the Arcke Exod. xvi f Deut. x.a. xxxi f iii. Regum viii b ij Para. v.b. Heb. ix a Arpharat the kynge of the Medes was vanquyshed of Nebuchadnezar Iudyth i. a.b Arrogancy ¶ loke in thys word prides Arsaces kinge of the Persians and Medes goeth forth against Demetrius i. Mach. xiiij a Arthasastha kyng of the Persians receyueth letters of complaintes agaynst the Iewes i. Esdr iiij b.c Wryteth an aunswere forbyddeth the buyldynge of the temple iiij d dyd graunt Israel to buylde the temple i. Esd vij Sendeth a commaundement thorough out al hys kyngdome ij Hest iij* Asahel was kylled of Abner ij Regum ij c Asaph a renoumyd Chaunter of Dauid i. Para. vij c xvij a Asaria the sonne of Amasia kyng of Iuda became a Leper iiij Regum xv a ij Para. xxvi d Lefte behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iothan iiij Regum xv.g. i. Para. iij. b Is called Vsia ij Para. xvi d. Osia Math. i.b. Mattha Luk. iij. e Asaria the prophet was sent to kynge Assa ij Para. xv a Assa came vnder the powre of the Romaynes i. Macha viij a In Asia is the word of God preached Act. xix a Asnath begetteth Ioseph Ephraim and Manasses Gene. xli.g. xlvi c Assa the sonne of Abian a ryghteouse kyng in Iuda putteth doune the Idolls iij. Reg. xv.a.b. Seketh help by a Syryan and dyeth xv.c.d. Left behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iosaphat i. Paraly iij. b Assarhaddon after that he had kylled hys father Sanheryb He was made kynge in hys sted iiij Regum xix g Esa xxxvij f i. Esd xiiij a Assur the sonne of Sem the sonne of Noath and begynner of the kyngdome of Assyria Gen. x.b. i. Para. i.b. Assur is a rod of goddes wrath Isa x.a. against Assur is prophecyed Num. xxiiij d Esa x.b. xiiij xvij.d. xxx e.f xxxi b Athalia the daughter of Isesabel and Ahab a wycked wyfe of Ioram kyng in Iuda iiij Regum viii d Destroyeth allmost all the royall stocke of Dauid xi a Reigneth sixe yeres in Iudea ij Paral. xxiij d She was also destroyed iiij Reg. xi.c.d. Athenobius was sente to Symon i. Mach. xv d Athniel taketh to his wyf the doughter of Caleb his fathers brother Ios xv d was Iudge in Israell Iud. iij. b B Baal an Idoll of the Samaritans iij. Reg. xvi d Baals groues are destroyed Iud. vi.ef. Baals prophetes are slaine iij. Regū xviij e iiij Regum x.c. xxiij b Baalzebub the Idoll of Akaron was asked counsell iiij Regū i.b. Baalzebub the prince of the deuels Math. xij c Babell was builded Genes x.b. was confounded and called Babell xi b The captiuitye of Babilon for lxx yeres is prophecyed Leui. xxvi.e. Deu. iiij d xxviij d.e iiij Reg. xx c Isai v. b vij c Iere. xiij d.e xvi b xx.a.b. xxv.a.b. Eze. vij * xij * xxij a Mich. iiij c Abac. i.a. Baruc. vi a Is fulfilled iiij Re. xxiiii * xxv * ij Par. xxxvi iij. Esd i.e.f. The goyng forthe is promised prophecyed Leuit. xxvi g Deut. iiij e xxx a iij. Reg. viij e ij Par. vi.e.g. Esa xiiij a xl.a. xliij a xlviij d Iere. xi c xij c xvi c xxiiij b xxv b xvi e xxix b xxx* xxxi b xxxij e xlvi.e. Ezech. xi c Dan. ix a Baruch vi a Is fulfylled i. Esdr i. * ij * iij. Esdr ij a Occasion of the captiuitie iiij Reg. xvij b.c.d Agaynst Babylon Psalm cxxxvi b Esa xiij* xiiij a xxi a.b xlvij* Iere. xxv b. * l. * li. * Baruch iiij e Apoc.
Gen. ij d Tasted the forbydden fruyte iij. b was called Heua iij. d Helkias fyndeth the boke of the law iiii Regum xxii b ij Para. xxxiiij c The heauēly kingdome Heauen and saluatyon is prepared after thys tyme fett all the angels of Goddes elect ¶ Seke Saluatyon Himeneus a falle Apostel of Christe ij Timoth. ij b Hiram the kynge of Tyrus sendeth word to kynge Dauid ij Regum v.c. And to kyng Salomon iij. Regum v. b Hiram a connynge worckeman in brasse iij. Regum vij b Hebab the sonne of Reguell and brother in law to Moses Numer x.d. hys chyldren dwelled vnder Iuda Iud. i. d Whom kyng Saul fauoured i. Regum xv b Honor. Temporall honor and powre oughte we to eschue Num. xvi a Iud. ix a.d.e i. Regum x.e. ij Regum xv a iij. Regū i.a. ij Paral. xx c i. Hest iij. a Eccli ix b x.d. xi a Ierem. ix d Math. vi a viij a. ix d xvij b xx.c.d. Mark i.d. v e. vij d viij c ix a x.d.e. Luk. xxij b Iohn vi b viii e xij.f. Acto x.c. Gala. vi a Philip ij a i. Thessa ij a Goddes honor and prayse ought to be sought in all thynges Iosue vij c Mathe. vi b Iohn ix c xvij a Acto iij. d xij d i. Corinth vi c x.d. Philip. i.c. Titum ij b Hope trust confydence The hope of the faythfull must not be directed vpon any temporall thynge but onely vpon God and hys eternall worde Gene. xxvi a Iud. vij a b i. Regum iiii a xvij f xxii a iii. Regum xx e i. Para. xx c xxv a b xxxij b ij Paraly xvi b xx c d Sapi. iii. a b Eccli ij a b xiiii b xxxij c xxxiiii b Judith ix c i. Macha iii. b viij c Psalm ix b xiii a xxi a.b xxx a xxxix a lxi* lxvi a lxx a xc a Cxiii b c Cxli. a Cxlv a b Prouerb iii. a xviii b xxii c xxviii d xxx a Esayas xxvi a xxix c xxx a c xxxi a xxxvi a xl.d. Ieremy ij e vij a ix a.d xvij b xxij d xxxix c Tren iij. c Ezech. xxix a Osee xij a Miche vij a b Nahum i.a. Mathe. x.e. xij b Romano v. a viij c ij Corinthio v. a Collossen i. c i. Thessa i.a. i. Timot. i.a. vi d i. Petr. i. c Heb. iii. a The hope of the vngodlye and all wheresoeuer they trust vnto is deceyuable vnstable and corruptyble iiij Regum xviij d Sapi. v. c Eccli v.a. i. Macha ij.g. Iob. viii a b xiiij c xx a Prouer x. d xi.a.c. xxv c Esayas xxviii c d xxx a.b lvij b Ierem. ix d xvij b Holofernes the Capitayne of Nabuchodoneser was sent out agaynst Israel Iudith ij a Blasphemyth God vi a Beseged Bethulya vij a Was beheded wyth hys owne sworde xiij a Hys hedde was sett vpon the walles of the cytye xiiij a All the hoste of the Assyryans fled xv a Hulda a prophetysse in Iuda iiij Reg xxij c Whordome Horedome and other vnclennes is forbydden commytted and punyshed Genesys vi a xix b.c.f.g xxxiiij * xxxviij d.e Exody xxii c Leuytycy xviij * xix f xx.b.c. xxi b Numery xxv.a.b. Deuteronomy xxij b.c.d xxiij c Iudycum xix a i. Regum ij c Ecclesiasticy xxiii e xxv a Toby iiij b Prouerby ij.b.c. v. * vii b xxij b xxiij c xxix a Ecclesyastes vii d Ezechy xxii a.b Actuum xv.c. Romano i.c.d. i. Corynthy v.a. vi b.c x. a Ephesy v.a. Collossen iij. a i. Thessalony iiij a i. Tymoth i.b. Hebre. xiij a Of Spyrytuall whoredome whyche is Idolatrye Exody xxxiiij c Deuter. xxxi d Iudycum ij c viij.f. Esaye i. c lvij.a. Ieremy iij. a Ezech. vi b xvi b c. d Oseas i.a. ij a iiij c Apoc. xviij a Hospytalyty keping for the poore and straungers Esay lviij b Matheus xxv c Luk. xiiij b Roma xij b i Tymot iij. a i Petry iiij b iij. Ioannys i.a.b. Hebreo xiij a Iacob i.c. Examples of Hospytalytyes Genes xviij a xix a xxiiij d Iudycum xiij c xix a.e iij Regum xvij b.c iiij Regum iiij b.c.d Iob. i.a. xxxi b Tobye ij a Luk. x.d. xix a Actuū xvi b xxviij a.b Of vnhospytalytye Deute xxiiij.a. Iudycum viij b xix.e. i. Regum xxv bc Isay xvi a.b Sapien. xix.c.d. Humilytye vmlenesse Trewe humylytye and despysynge of hym selffe dothe God regarde Genes xviij d xxix.f. xli f Exody iij. b iiij c Iudycum vi.e. i. Regum i. * ij.a.b. vij b.c ij Reg. vi.d.e. ij Par. xij a.b. xxxij e. xxxiij c xxxiiij e Psal xxxiij c Prou. xi a xvi c xviij b xxij a xxv a xxix c Esai xxxvij a lvij.a. lxvi a Iere. i.a. Ionas iij. a Eccli iij. c vij b xi a xxxv b Iudith iiij b.c ix c Math. iij. b v.a. viij a xi.e. xv.c. xviij a xx d xxi a xxiij a b Mark ix d x. e Luk. i. d ix e xiiii ab xv.c. xviii b xxij b Ioan. xiij a Acto x.c. Roma xi c xii.c. i. Corinth iiij b xv a. Philip. ii a Coloss iii. b i. Petr. v. a Iaco. i.b. iiii b Hebre. xi d Apoca. iiij b xix b Husai a faythfull frende of Dauid sheweth the deuyces of Absalon ij Regum xv.g. xvij a b I Iabes in Gilead was destroyed of Israell Iud. xxi b They are besyeged i. Regū xi a They shewe mercy vpon Saul and hys sonnes xxxi c Iabin the kynge of the Cananites bryngeth Israell vnder hys handes Iud. iiij a was humbled iiii d Iacob the sonne of Isaac is borne Gene. xxv c Byeth of hys brother Esau his fyrst byrthryght xxv d Stealeth from Esau the blessyng xxvii a Goeth to Laban xxviii a Seeth the ladder and maketh a nowe xxviij c.d Serueth Laban for hys two daughters xxix d Retourneth agayne into hys owne countre xxxi c Wrestleth wyth the angell of God xxxij b Is called Israel xxxij e xxxv b iij. Regum xviii d Sendeth hys sonnes into Egypt xlij.a. Goeth wyth all hys familye and houshold that is wyth lxvi soules into Egypte xlvi* Deut. xix d Taketh the sonnes of Ioseph for hys owne chylderen xlviii a.b Blesseth hys twelue sonnes and dyeth xlix a Was buryed by hys fathers in Chanaan l.a.b. Accordynge to the promyse xlvij g and accordyng to the commaundement xlix.e. Is praysed Eccli xliiii d ¶ Seke Israel Iames the sonne of Zebedee is called Mathe. iiij c was kylled Acto xij a Iahell smott a nayle thorough the tēples of the Haed of Sissara Iud. iiii d Iair a iudge in Israel Iud. x. a Iairus daughter was raysed from death Mark v.e. Luke viij e.f Ioannes and Iambres two false prophetes of Pharao ij Timoth. iij. a Iaschub the sonne of Esaye the prophet Esay vij b Iason the brother of Onias laboured to be hye pryeste ij Machabe iiii b was slayne ij Macha v. a.b Iason was assaulted because he lodged Paule and the other brethren Act. xvii a.b Ibzan a Iudg in Israell Iud. xii.c. Icabod the
oughte to be fedde Deu. xxiii a Iud viij b. i. Regum xxi a xxv b.c. ij Regum xvi a Esay lviij b Ezech xviij a Math. xxv c Medes take in the kyngdome of Babell Dany v.e. Melchysedecke a pryeste and kynge of Salem Gene. xiiij d Hebre. vii a Menahen a kyng in Israel iiii Regū xv.c. Menelaus a traytoure of hys countre became hyghe pryeste by vyolence ij Mochabeo iiii e dyed shamdfullye xiij a.b Man Man is created after the Image of God Gen. i.d. ij b v.a. ix a Sapyen ij d. Eccli xvij a Job x.a. Psalm Cxviij k Iacob iij. b Man is cursed Gene. iij. d Is blessed agayne in Christ Gene. xii a xxij c Galath iij. b Of the regeneracyon of man Math. xviii a Ioan. i.a. iij.a.b. iiij b vij d i. Corynth iiij c Gala. iiij b Ephe. iiii c Colloss iij. a i. Petr. ij a Iacob i.b. Man is dust and earth Gene. ij b iij d. xviij d Eccli xvij a xl b Iob. iiij b x.a. xxxiiii b Psal lxxvij d Cij.b. Cxlv a. Esay xl.a. Mekenes and Reste Nume xij a Iosue vij.c.d. i. Regum xxv * iii. Regum xij b Eccli i.d. Pro xv a Math. v.a. xi.e. Gala. vi a Ephe iiii a. Mephiboseth the sonne of Ionathas ij Regum iiii a. Founde fauor at the hande of Dauid ix * Was falselye accused to Dauyd xvi a. He was fauored in the destruccion of the chyldren of Saull xxi b Is called Merybaall i. Paraly ix c. Mephyboseth the sonne of Saul was hanged ij Regū xxi b. Mercyfulnes and pytye ☞ Of the mercyfullnes and goodnes of God towardes the faythefull Gene xviij d.e. Exody vi a ix f xi b. xx a xxxiiij a. Numery xx a. Deutero iiii e v a. b vii b x d. xxviii a. xxx a. xxxii a. ii Regum vii c. xii c. xxiiii c. iij Regum viij c. iiii Regum xx a. ij Esdre ix b. iiii Esdre ij d. vij f. Sapy xi d. Eccli ii b iij b. xvii c xviii b Psalm xxxi a. xxxv a. lxxxv a. Cij * Cxxxv * Cxliiii a. Esay xxx c. liiii a b lv b. Ieremy xii c. xviij a xxxviii a d. Ezeche xviii e. xxxiii c Osee ii c. Iohell ii c. Ionas iiii a Mathe. xi e xviii c. Luke i. d vi d xv c d. xxiii d Roma xi a d. ij Corynthy i a. Ephe. ij a i. Timoth. i.b.c. Of the mercyfullnes of the faythfull towardes theyr neyghboure and the rewarde therof i Regum xv b ij Paralyp xxviij b.c Psalm xl a. Cxi a. Prouerb iii. a xiiii c xix c xxv d Esay lviij b Osee vi b Myche vi b Zacha vii b Eccli iii. d xxviii a xxxv a c. Math v a. ix b. x e. xviii c xxv.b.c. Mark ix e. Luk vi d x d. Rom xij c. Gala. vi b. Coll iii b. i. Timo. v a. ¶ Seke almes Of vnmercyfullnes and the punyshement therof Exody i c. Deute xxiii a Iud. viii b i Regum xxv a.b. Eccli xij a. Iob xx b. Prouer. xxi b. Isay lvij a. Amos i b. Math xviij d. xxv d Luk xvi c. d Iacob ii b. Merary the sonne of Leuy Nume iii c. Of the offyce of the Merarytes iii. e iiii e ▪ Merob the daughter of Saull i. Reg xiiii g. was promised Dauid to be hys wiffe i Regū xviii d Mesach ¶ Seke missael Mesulla ¶ Seke Sorobabel Mychas mother maketh an Ephod of syluer Iud. xvij b He hyreth a Leuyte xvij c The Ephod and the Leuyte were caryed away from hym xviij d * Mycha the sonne of Mephyboseth ij Reg. ix c Micha prophecyeth agaynst CCCC false prophetes iii. Regū xxij b.c.d is called Mychaya ij Para. xviij d Mychael fyghteth wyth the Angels Dan. x.b. xij a Iude. i.b. Apoc. xij c Mychael the daughter of Saul was wedded to king Dauid i. Regum xviii e. Accordynge to the promyse xvii c.d Saued hys lyfe xix c Was caryed awaye from hym and gyuen to Paltyel xxv g Was delyuered vnto ●ym agayne ij Regum iii. c mocketh hym vi.e. Mydyan the sonne of Abraham Gene xxv a God byddyth to vex the Mydyanytes Nume xxv c The Mydyanytes wyth theyr kynge are slayne xxxi ab They rule ouer Israel Iudic. vi a They are smytten vii * Mynystrynge to the poore ¶ Seke Almes Myryam the syester of Aaron prayseth the lord Exod. xv.c. was stryken wyth leprosye Num. xii * Deut. xxiiii b dyeth Num. xx a Myssaell was caste into a hote burnynge fornace Danyel iii. d Is called Mesach i. b Moab the sonne of Lott of hys eldeste daughter Gene. xix g The Moabytes shoulde not be vexed Deut. ii b Become tributaryes to the house of Iuda Israel ii Regum viii a They fall a way from Israell iiii Reg. i.a. iii. a They fall in to the lande of Israell xiii e They shal not come in to the temple of God for euer Deuter. xxv a ii Esdre xiii a Agaynste Moab is prophecyed Numeri xxi.d.e. xxiiii c Psal lix.b. Cvii b. Esa xv * xvi * xxv b. Ieremy xlviij a Ezechye xxv b Amos. ii a Zephon ij b Moloch an Idoll Leuy xviii c xx a Actuū vii e Is called Mylcon iii. Reg xi a Malchom Amos. v.d. Mone ¶ Seke Sunne Moyses was borne of Leuy Exo. ij a vi c Act. vii.c. Slewe the Egypcyan fled into Midian Exody ii b To●…e Ziphora the Midianite to hys wyffe ij c.d Became a iudge sent to Pharao into Egypte iii. b * v.a. vi b vij b.c.d viii a b c.e. ix a c. x.a. Went in to Egypte wyth wyffe and chylde iiii d. Prayeth for Pharao viii c f. ix.f.g. x g. Prayeth for the people xiiij d. xvii b.c. xxxii c.d.g. Numery xi a xiiij b. c xxi b Deuter ix c d e Receiueth the fyrste tables Exody xxxi d. Receyueth the seconde xxxiiii d Israell coulde not beholde hys face Exody xxxiiii d. ij Corynth iij. a Sente out spyes Num xiii a Testyfyeth hys callynge xvi d e. Seeth the lande of promyssyon and dyeth xx b xxvij c Deuter. xxxiiii a.b Appeareth in the transfiguration of christe Math. xvii a Luk. ix d Mother ¶ Seke in this worde father N Naball the vnthankfull man was fauoured for hys wyues sake i. Regū xxv d.e Naboth was stoned because he denyed the kynge hys vyneyarde iij. Reg xxi a Nadab and Abyhu are consumed thoroughe the fyer Leuyt x.a. xvi a Num iij. a xxxvi g Nadab a king in Israel iij. Reg. xiiij c. was destroied xv.e. Naeman the Capytayne of the hoost of the kynge of Syrya was clensed from hys leprosye iiij Regum v.c. Luk. iiij c Naemy the wyffe of Elymelech Ruth i.a. Nahas the father of Abygayll the syster of Dauyd ij Regum xvij e ¶ Seke Iesse Nahas kynge of the Amonytes fyghteth against Iabes i. Reg. xi a dyeth ij Regum x.a. Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab prince and capitain of the tribe of Iuda Num i.a. ij a vij b Nahor the grand sir
holpe them as the father hys chyldren part B and that also we dyd consider the good wil which they bere vnto vs as they haue to oure auncitours we haue iustly quyte them from all fautes what so euer was laide agaynst them and haue commaunded euerye man in euerye place that they shoulde be suffred to go to there owne and that no man shoulde hurt them or cast them in the teath wyth any thynge that they haue suffered for ye shall vnderstand that yf we * iiij Reg xix d Iere xxx c. ij a. x d Zac ij b Mathe. xxv d Act. ix a haue done eny hurt agayeste them malycyouslye or by any meanes haue made them sadde that we shall haue agaynste vs not a man but the hye God rular of all powre to be reuenged of thees deedes in euery point alwayes and neuer hable tobe auoydyd Fare ye well Zurich part Y Yet when they had receyued thys epystell they made not hast straight waies to go there wayes but they desyred this thynge also of the kynge that whosoeuer of the Iewes nacion had violatet the holy God or willingly * iij. Ma f. broken hys lawes that they myghte be punyshed of them as they hadde deseruyd sayeng part C ☞ that they whyche had transgressed goddes lawe for there bellye sake woulde neuer be faythfull to the kynges commaundement He thyncking them to say trewe praysed them and gaue them powre to kyll thorowe all hys kyngdome those that had broke the lawe of God and that they shuolde not seke for eny powre of the kynge Then they as reason was thanckinge the kynge the priestes and all the people wyth them cryeng Alleluya went away wyth ioy and as thei went killed euery one of the nacion that was naught for example to other and in dede that daye they killed aboue thre hundreth men and were verie ioyyuos as they kylled them But thoos that stacke to God to death hauing the ful fruet of there health they went out of the cytye crowned wyth verye swete flowers of all sortes wyth cryeng and gladnes giuing praise to the holy God of there fathers the sauiour of Israel part D Zurich part Z And when they were come to Ptolomeus Rodophoros so called after the nature of the place where a nauye taryed for them they kepte a feaste there by there hole consentes vij dayes the kyng geuyng vnto them gladly all thynges necessary to there iouruey tyll they came home So departyng safe with worthy gratulacions ther also they purposed to kepe those glad dayes for the tyme of there being in a strannge lawe and makyng and dedicating a pillar of prayer in the place where they feasted they went their waye safe both by lande and by sea fre and mery And euery man came home to his house by the kynges cōmaundement hauyng greater power against the enemies with glory and feare then euer they had before nor they were not let from there goodes by any man for all men receiued there goodes as they were named in the byll of attendure so that whosoeuer had any thyng of theers restored it agayne with great feare the hye God finishyng the matters to all there healthes Praised be God the delyuerer of Israel worlde without ende Amen Hereafter folowe the names of the bokes of the olde testament GEnesis the boke of the creacion Exodus the boke of the going out Leuiticus the boke of the Leuites Numeri the boke of nombrynge Deuteronomium the repetynge of the lawe and of the actes Iosue Iudicum the boke of the Iudges Ruth i. Regum the fyrst boke of the kynges ij Regum the seconde boke of the kynges iij. Regum the third boke of the kynges iiij Regum the fourth boke of the kynges i. Paralipomenon the fyrst boke of the Cronicles ij Paralipomenon the second boke of the Cronicles i. Esdras ij Esdras iij. Esdras iiij Esdras Tobias Iudith Hester Iob. The Psalter of Dauid Prouerbia the boke of Salomons prouerbes Ecclesiastes the preacher Cantica canticorum the songe of hye songes Sapientia the boke of wysedome Ecclesiasticus the booke of Iesus the sonne of Sirach Esaye Ieremias Ezechiel Daniel Oseas Ioel. Amos. Abdias Ionas Micheas Nahum Abacuck Sophonias Aggeus Zacharias Malachias Baruch The first boke of the Machabees The second boke of the Machabees The third boke of the Machabees The bokes of the newe Testament S. Mathewes Gospell S. Markes Gospell S. Lukas Gospell S. Iohannes Gospell The Actes of the Apostles The Epistles of S. Paule To the Romaynes The first to the Corinthians The second to the Corinthians To the Galathians To the Ephesians To the Philippians To the Colossians The first to the Thessalonians The second to the Thessalonians The first to Timothee The seconde to Timothee To Titus To Philemon To the Hebrues The Epistell of S. Iames. The first Epistell of S. Peter The second Epistel of S. Peter The first Epistel of S. Iohn The second Epistle of S. Iohn The third Epistle of S. Iohn The Epistle of S. Iudas Apocalipsis the reuelaciōs of S. Iohn ¶ Imprinted at London for Gwalter Lynne dwellyng on Somers Keye by Byllinges gate In the yere of our Lorde M.D.L. ¶ And they are to be solde in Paules churche yarde next the great Schole at the sygne of the sprede Egle. Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum solū