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A69038 The theatre of Catolique and Protestant religion diuided into twelue bookes. Wherein the zealous Catholike may plainelie see, the manifest truth, perspicuitie, euident foundations and demonstrations of the Catholique religion; together with the motiues and causes, why he should perseuer therin. ... Written by I.C. student in diuinitie. I. C., student in divinity.; Copinger, John, b. 1571 or 2, attributed name.; Colleton, John, 1548-1635, attributed name. 1620 (1620) STC 4284; ESTC S115632 314,600 666

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great ioie of Petrocias Abbott thereof where he increased verie well in vertue and religion and especially in humilitie For beinge by the Abbott appointed to keepe sheepe which office he more willinglie accepted then the scepter when he was crowned at a certaine tyme when one of the sheepe was lame he brought her vpon his owne shouldiers vnto the feild he liued Anno 750. What shall I say of Trebellus kinge of the Bulgars who through the blessed endeuours of Pope Nicholas the first became a christian and bore such zeale to christian religion that he expelled presentlie Photinus the heretique and leauinge the kingdome to his sonne became a mouncke But vnderstandinge afterwardes that his said sonne caste off the yoke of Christ and returned to his former impietie he went out of the monasterie tooke his sonne prisoner whome he seuerlie punished by putting out his eyes perpetuall emprisonment and depriuation of his kingdome which he gaue to Albert his younger sonne and instructinge him with sound councells and blessed admonitions of Christian obseruations returned to his monasterie 7. Another memorable example is of Iohn Brena kinge of Hierusalem and Emperor of Constantinople who in his feruent praiers saw saint Fraunces offering vnto him his habitt and forthwith called his confessor and receaued the said habitt in which he liued but fewe dayes and though he came to the vieneyarde the 11. houre yet he receaued neuerthelesse his wages What kinge more famous for his great vertue and miracles then kinge Henrie of Cyprus who followed the same blessed course of life In this blessed rancke wee may enroll Iohn kinge of Armenia who resigninge his kingdome to Leo his nephew which was soe large and soe great that he had vnder him 24. kinges chose rather to be abiect and base in the house of God then to commaunde in the tabernacles of sinners But when the Turcks inuaded those kingdomes and Leo beinge not able to resiste them and seinge it was the quarrell of God he girded himselfe with the sworde leuied an armie resisted the enemies of Christ giuinge them a verie great ouerthrowe but persecutinge the course of his victorious battell he was slaine and made a blessed ende What shall I say of the sonnes of Emperours and kinges the 3. sonnes of Charles the great Emperor as Vgon Dagon and Pipine two of them became religious of their owne accorde the last was compelled to enter for that he aspired to the kingdome in his fathers life tyme but when he tasted the sweetnesse of Christe his yoke he imbraced the same willinglie they liued Anno 83. 8. Vbian kinge of Ireland had 3. sonnes all were Mouncks and great Sainctes vid. Furseus Follianus and Vltanus who leauinge their countrie came into Fraunce in the time of Clodoneus kinge of that countrie and builded the monasterie of Pontimacum which euersince was verie famous The emulation of the two sonnes of Brittaine should not be omitted for whē Iudaellus who was next to succede in that kingdome told his brother Iodocus of his purpose in takinge vpon him a religious obseruation and that he should prepare himselfe for the gouernment thereof he craued 8. dayes to deliberate vppon the matter but when he entred in deepe discourse with himselfe what a heauie and daungerous burden he should take vppon him he preuented his brothers purpose and fled into the monasterie before he tooke any order to hinder his determination The kinge of England called Richard had two sonnes that were religious anno 802. the one was called Willebald in Mount Cassin the other Wi●ebad at Mardeburge in Saxonie The kinge of Fraunce called Charles had also two sonnes that were religious Clotarius and Charles the great who professed the same institution anno 841. In whose register wee ought to enroll Frederique the sonne of Lodouicke anno 962. Henry the sonne of another Lodouicke Anno 1150. Lodouicke alsoe the sonne of Charles the second Kinge of Fraunce and heire apparen● of the crowne thereof who beinge hostage in Spaine became a Franciscan Frier The like profession alsoe Iames the sonne of the kinge of Maiorca embraced which was the first of the royall blood that euer entred that order whose happie exāple Peter the sonne of the kinge of Arragon followed who did not onlie proffit himselfe but was alsoe by his deuoute sermons a light to manny that walked in darcknes and in the shadowe of death 9. If I should register all the kinges Princes and Dukes which entred into religion it should require an infinitt labour although I ought not to omitt al as Algorius Duke of Aquitane with his sonne Amandus Anno 429. Also Anselmus Duke of Mantua anno 740. Diclādus Arcigiadus Duks of Suethlande anno 815. Vigestus of Spoleta 820. Willian Duke of Guyne and Aquitane 411. another Williā also Duke of that place anno 912. who was soe humble that vppon a certaine time when the Abbott of Claima in which Abby the said Duke serued God bid him to bake some bread he went most willingly to the hoat furnace and hauinge not at that tyme wherwith to cleanse it he did sweepe the hoate furnace with his habit and receaued noe harme Not inferior vnto him in this religious zeale was another William Duke of Burgundie who entred into saint Frauncis his order Was there any mā found in the worlde these manny a hundreth yeares more triumphant and victorious in warre more prosperous and happie in peace then Charles the fifte Emperor who hauinge triumphed and ouercome all his mightie and potent enemies chased and draue away the great Turcke with his armie of three hundred thowsand soldiors from the dreadfull siege of the cittie of Vienna the capitall cittie of Austria and from the destruction of Christendome and supplantation of the catholique religion tooke the rebellious and seditious princes of Germanie prisoners in the oxen fielde hauinge but a handfull in respect of the great and mightie armie which he ouercame in in a sett battell which they pitched by the instigation of that fatall and ominous Apostate Luther beinge the onlie cause of all the miseries and callamities of the Christian world He tooke also Frauncis the first by his captaine generall before Pauia in Lumbardie who with 6000. soldiors came to besiege the said cittie where all his army beinge ouerthrowen was brought prisoner in his owne gallies to Madrill He tamed alsoe all Affrique with his victorious and inuincible Armies Wyone Tuins and Goleta ouerthrewe Barbarosa beinge a Pyratt and most infestuous to the Christians Extinguished that raginge and furious flame of the Spanish rebellion and all the citties and comons of the two kingdomes of Castile the kingdome of Arragon Valentia all which reuolted from him for that he placed in his owne absence a Viceroye which was not natiue of their owne countrie all the rebells although he ouercame them yet he pardoned them both in landes and goodes he tooke manny citties and fortresses in Affrique as Oran Tanges Zeita with many
destroied by the heresie of Pelagius giue a Moncke of Bangor for chastisment wherof almightie God suffred the Englishmen to turne the edge of their sworde vppon those that sent for them for their defence Vortiger was the leader of the Church when old Britans weare destroyd and dispossessed them of their Countrie and made themselues Lord thereof called Brittanie Englande by their owne name soe that heresie did soe increase in that kingdome about the tyme that S. Gregorie did send S. Augustine and other holy mounckes thither to preach the Catholick faith therein that 9. hereticall bushoppes beinge there before them no one catholick bishopp was found Ireland alsoe when the Englishe in kinge Henry the 2. gott footinge therein did little esteeme the sacred censure of holly Church Bern. in vita Malachiae Dolman Lib. 2. and the noblemen of that kingdome did vsurpe Church liuinges as may appeare by S. Bernard Edward the 3. beinge a most glorious kinge his end was pittifull his heire kinge Richard after infinitt sedition contention and blood-shedd of the nobilitie and others was deposed and made away the bloody diuision of the howse of lancaster yorcke came in and endured almoste one hundreth yeares with the ruyne not only of the royall lyne of Lācaster by whom especially Iohn Wittcliffe a peruerse hereticke condemned in the Councell of Constance was fauored at the beginninge but with the ouerthrowe of many other Princes and families and most pernicious warres and garboyles continued both at home abroade with the losse of all the states and Prouinces of France Thomas Walsingham settes downe the Commotion of King Richard the 2. his time againste the nobilitie and Cleargie vnder their seditious Captaines Iacke Strawe Watt Tyler and the rest soe againe vnder other kinges whilest this heresie lasted and namly against the two most valiant Catholicke Princes Henry the 4 and 5. his sonne in the first yeare of whose rayne to witt kinge Henry the fift Iohn Stowe wryteth thus That the fauorers of Wi●cleefe his secte did nayle vpp scedulles vpon the Church doores of London containinge that there were an hundreth thousand readie to rise against all such as could not awaye with their secte The first tumu●tes of Pollardes and Wicliffians in England were Anno 1414. and hereon followed the open rebellion of Sr. Iohn old Castle and Sr. Roger Acton and others in S. Giles f●lde by Holborne neuerthelesse this secte could neuer take hold or preuaile in England neither then or after vntill foure pointes thereof beinge renewed by Luther and Zuinglius the later I meane Zuinglius his secte was admitted in kinge Edward h●s dayes 5. Did not the kinge of Denmarke bringe the people of Thretmarse which were a free state into a vilde thraldome after they were Lutheranes whereas as longe as they were Catholicks they were a free state of their owne Ces to 4. An Christi 379. S. Amb. in libris ad Gratianū Caes Baro. to 4. 379. S. Ambrose also doth proue the same as Caesar Baronius doth alleadge and saith Vna cum haeresi in regna cladem inuehi cum fide catholica salutem ferri c. that noe sooner heresie was broughte in then presentlie the kingdomes where it crepte in were ouerthrowen and quickly destroied and were againe restored and established by Catholique religion This he spake of the Empire of the easte sicque in occidente accumulari victorijs Gratianum that in the weast by the Catholique religion Gratianus the Emperor did encrease in many victories Cum in castris excubant cum gratia atque precibus Sacerdotum sancta religio when the priestes in the Campe did watch in prayers and other exercises of sacred religion Contrariewise you shall see the happie and florishinge Empire to decay and cast topsie turuie when the Emperor did fauor heretiques or at leaste when they were slacke in defendinge the Catholicque religion adeo saith he vt perspicuè intelligas claram victoriam religionem penitus consequi hereses tristes erumnas euocatas ab inferis secum ducere soe as you may plainly perceaue that by religion victorie was gotten and alsoe by heresie woe and wreake and all other dolfull calamitie and hellish confusion was broughte to the wo●lde The like assertion hath holie Basill Basil ep 69 Caes Bar. to 4. An. Christi 363. quod enim comune est ciuitatibus omnibus vt cum semel hereticis aurem praebent mox vna cum heresi dissentiones rixae ac mala omnia sugata recta ●ide paceque subintrent ita planè Neocesarientibus accidit that which is incident to all Citties when once they giue eare vnto hereticques presently trewe faith beinge once abandoned dissentions debates and all other mischeefes will creepe in as wee see an euident example to those of Noecessaria what heresie saith he but which was contraire to the traditions of S. Gregorie the greate his wordes be these aduersaria traditioni magni reuera Gregorij 6. tomo 4. An. Christi 371. many heresies in the East The like miserie yow may read by the Epistles of those holy Sainctes videlicet Mile●ita●us Eusebius and Basilius to the Bushoppes of Italie and France and related by Caesar Baronius in which he wrote as followeth Miserandus status orientalis ecclesiae c. The state of the Easte Church is to be pitted for not onlie two or three Churches haue fallen vnto this dangerous tempest but that mischeefe of heresie hath extended her selfe from the bondes of Illi●ia vnto Tebaira the seede of which was first sowed by Arrius and afterwarde was gathered by wicked people who haue broughte forth wicked and pernitious fruites and discipline and doctrine of pietie and goood life is ouerthrowen all bondes and obligation of honestie and charitie is confounded and decaide none hath sway ouer others but he that is most wicked whose rewarde is the gouernment of others and he that exceedes others in blasphemies exceedes all in the episcopall dignitie The grauitie of Bishopps is lost the honestie of Pastors is gone the holy Canons of the Church are troade vnderfoote the releefe of the poore is altogether abused to their filthie vse The occasions of all such mischeefes are laide open by Saincte Optatus Milenitanus who hauinge reckoned the bloody and cruell actes of the heretickes called Donatistes he applied that place of the scripture vnto them Veloces pedes eorum ad effudendum sanguinem Cruelty of heretiques Mauritaniae videl the sea coast of Affrique next vnto Europe their feete are verie swifte to shedd blood And then addeth In Maritaniae ciuitatibus c. In the Citties of Mauritania by your procuremente they were affrighted with many garboiles Children were kilde in their mothers bellies men were murthered and torne in peeces matrons were violated infantes were slaine by riping vp their mothers bellies behould this your Church which was mantained vpholden by cruell and bloody Bishoppes whose greatest furie and vildest facte although in their estimation
Ore●h kinge of Bohemia who was married vnto Frederique the second neuer gaue any consent to matrimonie and kept her selfe perpetually continent vntill shee went into a monasterie which her selfe builded at Prage Chunegundus also the daughter of the king of Hungarie who was married vnto that chast Boleslaus king of Polande together with him kept hirselfe a Virgin and liued most religiouslie in a monasterie that shee her selfe hath builded Ioane the daughter of the kinge of Hungarie Isabella the kinge of Fraunce his daughter and sister vnto S. Lewis and Blanche daughter of Philipp kinge of France all obserued the religious vow of virginitie and continence 6. In our dayes God forgetteth not alsoe to blesse his Curch with the like example of despisinge the worlde and imbracinge the crosse of Iesus Christe with his euangelicall counselles yea in great personages as in that most vertuous virgin Margarita de Austria daughter of Maximilian the Emperor and kinge Philipp the second of Spaine his sister who professeth at this daie this blessed institution in S. Clara at Madrill in Spaine Alsoe the two daughters of Charles ArchDuke of Austria and Stiria and sisters vnto the Queenes of Spaine and Polande and vnto the great Dutches of Florence who discended from the greatest Potentates of the worlde settinge at naught all the vaine promotions of the same consecrated themselues to serue God in religious profession 7. But was it euer seene from the beginninge of the worlde that any Kinge Queene Prince or noble man became a minister or forsooke landes or liuinge to imbrace perfection in protestante religion was it euer seene that anny protestant followed the councell of Christ to giue all that he had to the poore to denie himselfe to take vpp his crosse and to followe him No trulie the contrarie is knowen too well for they neuer giue anny thinge to the poore but take from them all that the Catholique church purchased for them who turne all sacred thinges to prophane vses who robbe both God the church the poore of all their patrimonie For they extorte from the poore inhabitants 20. shillinges some 30. some 40. both for marriadge and christininge and euerie one must pay so much Yea euerie Gossopp is compelled to paie the like and this they take vpp fron the Catholiques of Irelande whose inhabitantes in all places are of that profession except the Englishe soe that one English minister of that miserable countrie in a village called Inischortie in the countie of Wexford called Husse an Englishman tooke from one little hamlett neere that village 14. crownes for marriage and christninge in one fortnight By which you may perceaue what he tooke in euerie other place of iurisdiction he being in those partes the Bishopps officiall By this cruel and irreligious religion manny of the poore inhabitantes of that countrie are disabled to keepe house and are faine to begg being not able to mantaine house through soe great an extortion and yet this minister cannot vnderstand his parrishoners nor they him excepting a verie fewe of the English that are resident at Inischortie Are there any laymen in the world more worldlie or more couetous to purchase landes for their childrenn or are there any more greedie to hourde vpp wealth then they To conclude it was neuer seene that anny man or wooman who imbraced protestancie liued chast and continent for by that profession none can be such the meanes being taken awaye by which chastitie and continencie are to be obtayned as fastinge prayers discipline hair clothe almesdeedes contempt of his owne excellencie and despising of the world How greatlie religious people fructifie vnto God and to his Church and that they are the best labourers which are therein CHAPTER IX 1. S Bernard saith that they are appointed by God to pray for the bodie of the church both for the quicke and for the dead And as Nazianzen witnesseth their praiers be the only diluge that washe awaie our sinnes and purge the world And as Eusebius affirmeth they are cōsecrated vnto God for the whole stocke of mankinde None knoweth what mischeefes and callamities they driue from the worlde what singuler benef●ttes they obtaine of God by whose praiers and workes of incomparable charitie godes wrathe is appeased and made placable Beside what blessed example giue they vnto the world for had it not bene for them the euangelicall vertues and counsells would haue bene quite extinguished which they doe not only teach but also practize For their modestie humilitie pietie deuotion and contempt of all temporall honnors and allurementes are forcible motiues and infallible inducementes to all kinde of vertues and therfore saint Iohn Chisostome calleth them the lanternes and spectacles of the worlde for of them the people doe learne how God is to be reuerenced with what feare loue and deuotion he is to be adored in the Sacramentes with what reuerence and respect he is to be praied vnto how patient wee ought to be in aduesitie how stout inuincible wee should behaue our selues in aduersitie how charible wee ought to shewe our selues to our neighbors yea their whole liues is nothing els then a continuall bearinge of Christes crosse a secreat exhortation to all good examples of vertue and pietie and a silent obiurgation and distastfullnes of all vice and wickdenes Chrisost de despi rerum hom ad popul 59. And therfore S. Iohn Chrisostome wished the people to visitte and frequent monasteries conuentes for they are saith he without any allurementes and voide of all disquietnessesse and distractions besides said he they are most secure and quiett hauens to fixe our ancker in Moreouer they oppose themselues against all the enemies of the church with whome they haue continuall and cruell skirmishes and doe susteine the heauie burden of their bloodie persecutions against whome they vphoulde and defende Christs religion in all places where the same is oppressed And by their blessed labours yea losse of life with violent effusion of their blood they plant restore it againe in those countries where it was supplanted 2. Omittinge most of the examples which you may read in the Chronicles of their holie orders I will here set downe some fewe only as a patterne and example of the rest Remigius beinge a mouncke conuerted kinge Clodoneus withall the Realme of Fraunce from Idolatrie vnto Christ Anno 530. Afterwardes he was made Archbishopp of Rehmes S. Martin beinge a mouncke conuerted all Suethland from the Arrian heresie Anno 540. S. Augustine being sent by saint Gregorie into England conuerted that kingdome with their kinge Ethelbert anno 622. Lambertus the Mouncke conuerted Feslandria a prouince in Germanie About that time Kilian an Irish mounck conuerted the Fraunckes in the managing of which buisinesse he suffred martirdome Wilfrid an English mouncke and afterwardes Archbishopp of Yorck Anno 673. goinge from Rome was by a tempest driuen into Holland were he preached the ghospell of Christe and returned vnto the East Saxons who beinge blinded
which blessed name none disdayned none were called Gospellers Lutherans Caluinists Zuinglians Protestantes or Puritans Anabaptistes Trinitarians or any other sect with innumerable others which the Protestant religion hath sett abroach and inuented men were simple and honest in their dealinges faithfull of their promisses charitable in their workes zealous in their beleefe obediente vnto their Prelates and Pastors This is soe euident a trueth as that all bookes recordes generall and prouinciall councells all parleamentes of kingdomes all vnctions and inuestinge of Emperours and Kinges all consecration of Bishoppes all holy orders of Priestes all churches monasteries and chappels in the worlde all the gates of townes and cyttyes all monuments and recordes both spirituall and temporall all vniuersities and doctours of Christendome both comon and ciuill lawes of all countries yea Protestantes themselues doe plainly witnesse 3. But that Protestant religion is new is a thing most certeine for there are men yet liuinge at this day more auncient then it and can remember when it first came into England and Irelande Wee can shewe you the first inuentours and authors therof The place the time and the occasion by which it crepte in and infected these miserable nor then countries Who haue opposed themselues against it What garboyles callamities came into those countryes that nourished the same What rebellion and insurrectiō of subiects against their princes for defending the same What were the motiues of such as inuented yt and occasions of others that imbraced it The successe of the one and the other and by whome and how the same was condemned I pray you what can be more euident signes and tokens of noueltie for noueltie in all common wealthes but especially in matters of religion as S. Nazianzenus saith is to be auoided yea the Emperour of the Turckes did aduise the Queene of Transiluania to beware of the noueltie of hereticall sectes and that shee should neuer suffer the same to creepe into her countrie It is well knowen also that the name of protestāt religion was neuer heard of before the yeare of our Lord 1529. in the towne of Spira in Germany where the Lutheranes beinge as it were combined against the Emperour Charles the 5. did vse a kinde of protestation wherupon afterwardes they were called Protestantes 4. If thou say that it lay lurkinge and hidden in the worlde I aske where or in what place of the world in what kingdomes and townes or who were the defenders therof Truly no writer or historiographer did or could euer make mētion of any such nor euer before that time any mention was made of them nor was it euer heard that any hereticall secte was so closelie hidden in the worlde but it might be knowen at least when Luther himselfe taught the same they should then haue manifested themselues and yet we can finde none such for such as followed Luther they were before Catholickes Ex nobis prodierunt saith Saint Iohn sed non erant ex nobis Ioan. 2. They went foorth frō vs but they were not of vs for if they had bin of vs they had remayned with vs it is cleare therfore they were not good Christians who forsakinge the narrowe way of saluation runne headlonge into the broade way of perdition and licentious doctrine of newe sectaries Whereas the religion of Christ is a religion moste auncient sacred immutable impregnable inuiolable alwaies the selfe same holdinge and continuinge his vigor and force vnto the worldes ende it is the soule and life of the Church For euen as by the soule fleash is vnited vnto the liuinge man soe by religion mākinde is ioyned vnto the church of Christe beinge his spirituall kingdome and all that euer were saued either before Iustinus mart orat ad Anto. Aug. l 10 confess ca. 43. or after Christe oughte to be called Christians as Iustinus martyr and other holy Doctors doe say for that they embraced Christian religion and as saint Augustine saith Ipse vnigenitus Dei silius homo propter nos factus est c. The only begotten Sonne of God became man for vs that he should become the head of his whole Church against which the gates of hell shall not preuaile Matt. 16. vnto whome Christe promised to remaine withall vnto the consumation of the worlde Matt. vlt. So that the religion by which this church is vpheld and Christe professed did and shall allwaies continue 5. It is well knowen that the name of hugonots began in France an 1562. as themselues of their assēblies made in the nighte at a gate in Tours in France called Hugon confesse to haue taken their denomination went out of the Catholique churche and did embrace the impiety of Caluine In Scotland they fell alsoe from the Catholique Church into Caluinisme anno Domini 1560. In Flanders the Geuses reuolted from the said church ouerwhelmed in the pit of soe manny heresies anno 1566. In England they chaunged religion anno 1535. and first fell vnto Lutheranisme afterwardes to Zuinglianisme afterwardes the bodye of the realme fell from Zuinglianisme to puritanisme the next degree vnto Anabaptisme and since what numbers are fallen to the familie of loue And what swarmes of Athistes are sprunge vpp in euerie shire as Whittguifte noteth against Cartwrith 6. Are not the first Authours of the protestancy also knowen as Luther Carolastadius Oecolampadius in Germanie Pharell in France Thomas Crammer in England Iohn knox and Paule Methen a baker in Scotland George Browne in Irlād In the Apologie of the church of England pag. 142 it is said that Luther and Zuinglius came first to the knowledge of the truth Luth. tom 7. f. 307. and preaching of the ghospell Luther said that God reuealed vnto him the knowledge of his Sōne that he at lenghte might euangelize it to others and that the Gospell was first preached by him D Kellyson reply to Surcliffe fol. 149. But we knowe that they cannot alleadge the author of our religion neither can they nominate vs from any particuler man nor can they chardge the Catholique church with any priuate opinion or faith that is not vniuersally allowed embraced of all Catholiques neither can they nominate the time that shee fayled of her faith Neither can they obiect that our church hath separated herselfe from the greater church or that such as did adhere to the Pope were in number lesse then any Church For it is written in S. Gregories Epistles to the Bishoppes of the Easte that Affrique Spaine France Italie and all the worlde did communicat with him This verie argument other Doctours did vse against other heretiques as Tertullian Tertull. lib. de praescrip Qui estis vos inquit c. What are yee saith he from whence and when came you where did you lie hidden all this while alsoe Optatus mileuita lib. 2. contra Parmenand Vestrae inquit Cathedrae originem ostendite c. Shew the beginninge of your Chaire you who challenge vnto your selues the churche
came within his reache Besides the destruction and desolation he caused in many places of Germanie In Norriberge he burned a hundred villages Townes and Castles and shutt vp in them men and women with children and olde people which the firy flame consumed Surius An. 1553. viz. at Alterfum and Laufum Againe did not Christiernus kinge of Denmarke execute the like crueltie vpon those of Stocholum the cheefe Cittie of Suethlande after that he inuited all the nobilitie with the two Archbishopps viz. Sarcen and Stringeron and then murthered them euerie one and afterwards all the rest of the Cittizens notwithstandinge he had giuen his royall worde to the contrarie in the execution of which murther Surius An. 1517. he continued for many dayes That heresies are the cause of Reuolution of Countries and destruction of state CHAPTER IV. 1. SAincte Gregorie sayeth that the conseruation of the Common wealth doth depende of the peace of the Church and that for two reason for that the lawe of God commaundes vs that wee should obey our kinges and princes in thinges that are not contrarie to the said lawe of God soe that he that obeyes God he muste needes obey his lawfull Soueraigne because God almightie soe commaunded for that obedience wee owe to the kinge is parte of that wee owe to God But when men doth cast away this bridle by heresie or by anny other occasion of their vnbridled and incorrigible humors as they haue no feare of God soe bear they noe dutie to their Prince or Soueraigne Euseb de vit Const lib. 1. c. 11. Zozo lib. 1. cap. 16. Wherfore Constantius Clorus father to Constantyne the greate a most prudente and valiante Prince intendinge to assay and proue the loyaltie of some Christian souldiers he said vnto them that if they would renounce their faith and sacrifice to the Idolls Carol. Sig. lib. 2. de occiden imperio they should abide with him and possesse such honors and promotions as they had receaued of him otherwise such as would refuse soe to doe they should departe from him Some there were who for to gaine the Princes fauor did as he comaunded and renounced their religion others refused soe to doe But Constantius putt awaie such as did sacrifice to the Idolls and kepte with him such as refused soe to doe saying that they were his best subiectes for quoth he he that is a Traytor vnto God will alsoe be a Traytor vnto his Prince 2. Carol Sig. lib. 16. de occid imp Theodor. histor l. 5. cap. 36. The like alsoe did Theodoricke being an Arrian hereticke killing a Courtier of his owne whome he loued intirlie for that from a Catholicke he became an Arrian only to please the kinges humor sayinge that he could neuer keepe touch with man that was not faithfull vnto God Also the most valiant Martyr S. Hornusta said vnto the kinge of Persia who comaunded him to denye his religion and become an infidel that if he should denie Christe that was Lord and Redeemer of the worlde he shoulde more easilie denye him that was a mortall man Through want of faith therefore and good religion rebellions are stirred vpp against their Princes and Soueraignes as alsoe insurrections of subiectes spoyles and garboyles of Traitors combustion and confusion of Common wealthes and all other enormities and trespasses are committed And as Aristotele saith Cuius vsus est optimus eius abusus est pessimus the more excellent and eminent a thing is if it be well vsed soe the more mischeefe it ingenders and the more ruine it bringeth with it if it be abused For as nothinge in this world is comparable in goodnesse to the Christian Catholick faith so when the same is abused by sectes and diuisions nothinge did euer more trouble the Christian Comon wealth for that discordes in matters of faith doe procure and ingender discordes and differences in the hartes and mindes of them that professe the same from which discords and variances proceedes soe manny mischeefes and reuolutions of Countries and kingdomes and kingdomes deuided as our Sauior saith cannot longe endure Therfore Theodosius the yonger beinge at Constinople and seinge his Empire deuided into sectes by the heresie of Nestorius he wrote an Epistle to that most vertuous and holy man Symon Stylites which at that tyme did florish with most rare example of sanctitie Act. Conc. Ephes edi tom 5. Ces Baro. tomo 5. An. 43● by which epistle he requested him verie earnestly that hee should aske of God peace and vnion for the Church and added these wordes Because that its diuision doth soe afflict vs that it is the roote and fountayne of all our euills and calamities Wherefore whosoeuer will read the Chronicles of kingdomes and the ecclesiasticall histories of the sainctes he shall finde this to be true by the warres that the Catholicks had in the Easte with the Arrians and in Africke with the Donatists and the Gentiles and Iewes against the Christians in all places 3. And neither Iewe nor Gentile are soe infestuous and pernitious againste the Churche and Christian Comon wealth as hereticks and especially those of our vnhappie times and of all sects the Caluinistes which are flames of sedition and destruction of Church and Comon wealthe an infernall fire-brand that burnes wheresoeuer it takes place which consumes to ashes all states and Citties where it is nourished not vnlike the Cancker that eates and gnawes the body that feedes it thus much you shall knowe by readinge a booke called Incerdium Caluinisticum printed 1584. Hollensen hist Angl. Anno 1554. idem in histo Scot. Anno 1567. Also the histories of the troubles of France lib. 1. Anno 1565. The historie of Flanders Anno 1555. in the additions of Surius 1585. Stanislaus Rescius Ambassadors and Treasure for the kinge of Poland in Naples did write a booke 1596. De Atheismis Phallerismis Euangelicorum nostri temporis videl of Atheismes and Phallerismes I meane cruelties of the Euangelistes of our tyme neither onlie doe they destroie kingdomes but alsoe seeke to depriue Princes of theyr liues that oppose themselues againste their doctrine for some of them conspired to kill Queene Marie and one of them confessed the same at his death which was at Tiborn the 18. of May 1554. Norman Lesby Iames Meluine and other Caluinists in Scotland murthered the Cardinall of S. Andrewes in his owne howse and chamber the yeare 1546. Stowe 1554. and this by approbation of Iohn Knockes Buchanan and others of the Geneuian Consistorie Doctor Hancraft in his booke of dangerous positions Lib. 4. c. 14. in historia Ioh. Lesley ep Ros●e 4. Buchanan in his most wicked and vngodly declamation made at London against his dread soueraigne the last Queene of Scottes incensed both English and Scottes against her to depriue her of her life and of her kingdome whose wicked desires and desigmentes was putt in execution by the English in the moneth of Ianuarie 1587. which
whosoeuer will eate the bread or drincke the Chalice of our Lorde vnworthilie did vse the wordes disiunctiuelie not copulatiuelie in which place S. Ambrose did read aut that is to saie or in the Greeke H. which is a disiunctiue particle and a disiunctiue commaundement is fulfilled if one parte be perfourmed as it is said in Exodus Exod. 15. he that killeth his father mother let him die the deathe for the sense is he that killeth his father or mother shall die because the one was sufficient Also in the actes Cap. 3. S. Peter beinge demaunded almes answered that he had not siluer and goulde that is not siluer nor goulde else he had not answered sufficiently siluer onlie suffisinge to giue almes And although we should grāt that Christ did giue a precepte to the laytie to receaue Christ vnder both kindes yet the laytie doe aswell receaue both vnder one kinde as vnder two for he receaueth flesh and blood in the one and in the other For although by effecte and force of the wordes and sacramentall forme hoc est corpus meum this is my bodie Christs bodie is there yet his blood soule and diuinitie are also there by due consequence and concomitance all these beinge inseparable since his resurrection vnited in Christs person and soe vnder the forme of bread the laytie receaue Christes blood with the bodie though not in forme of drincke or drinckinge but eatinge Cypr. ser de caena Dom. epist 3. for which cause S. Cyprian called it eatinge of Christes blood 19. This is also proued à posteriori by the maruelous effect and euente of receauinge vnder one kinde in the combustion and miserable troubles of the last warres in Fraunce procured by Caluine and Beza and other firebrandes their followers that rushed out of hell for destruction of their countrie Caluine sendinge a Minister of his called North vnto Rochell who hauinge corrupted with his poisoned heresie the Mayor of that towne with many of the cheefest did surprize it and his last attempte was to seaze vpon the poore catholique cleargie which beinge gathered together into a church and expectinge nothinge else then to fall into the cruell handes of this diuilish minister the Abbott of S. Bartholomew which was the cheefest and the learnedst of that clergie beinge in number 24. tooke a loafe of bread and did vse the woordes of consecration applyinge it to the bread for he durst not haue the blessed Sacramente in the pixe accordinge to the custome of the church least those damned and impious crewe should cast it to their dogges as they hade done in other churches in Fraunce and euerie one of that heauie clergie did receaue Domini vic ticum which before the receauinge thereof were both fraile in faith and fearfull of death and readie to make shippwreacke of their profession and religion as I was tould by men of good creditt in that towne but after the consumation thereof they were soe firme and soe constante that euerie one of those 24. except one did endure a most cruell and vilde death which is knowen to all both catholiques and heretiques at Rochell to wit that euerie one of them with a stone about his necke was cast downe headlonge oute of the highest pinnacle of the highe tower in the entrie of the keaye of Rochell into the sea with men in Boates readie to knocke them downe into the bottome of the sea if perhappes anie of them shoulde swimme vpon the water 20. The vertuous Queene both of Frāce and Scotlande Marie Steward the Kinges mother had the blessed Sacramente reserued in a little pixe which shee her selfe receaued a little before her execution by which noe doubte shee constantlie and most patientlie did endure such a violente death as is knowen to the worlde Wee knowe that the vse of the Chalice did succeede ill vnto all those kingdomes and regions that obserued the same The wofull lott of sectaries for in the east besides that they were infected with sundrie errors and heresies they are plunged into the yoke of the miserablest captiuitie that euer was vnder that damnable tyrant the enemie both of God and man In the countries of the weast alsoe they which doe and did obserue that custome are not onlie now ouerwhelmed and ingulfed in all pernitious and blasphemous heresies but alsoe intoxicated with hatred itched with ambition confounded with tumultuous in surrections and turbulent rebellious wearied with bloodie and cruell warres and defiled with all impudicitie of beastly concupiscence and corrupted with all exercise of extortion iniustice and besides their labours are without fruite their soules without conscience their liues without honestie and their conuersation without shame they are become plaine A●histes worse then either Iewe Turcke or Gentile 21. And in all those countries of the east and weast where nowe this wicked heresie infecteth worse then ether the poison of vipers or the corrupte aire of Basilisks the people especially the nobilitie were diuided into factions and hatred euerie one employinge his best time and his greatest skill to be reuenged vpon his competitors and therfore did embrace this heresie not for godes sake but for a reuenge wherby he might satisfie his vnlawfull ambition and filthie desires for as the wise-man saith Anima callida quasi ignis ardens non extinguetur donec aliquid deglutiat A turbulent minde is like a burninge flame of fire which shall hardly be extinguished vntill he shall deuoure consume somwhat And the Princes that fauoure these heresies are soe miscarried misled with this vnsatiable thirst both of ambition leacherie and couetousnes although they pretend religion herein that they shall neuer be satisfied nor their thirst shal be extinguished thoughe all the Chalices in the world had ben giuen vnto them It was graunted by the councell of Basil the vse of the chalice to the kingdome of Bohemia and the same permitted vnto them by Paulus 3. and by his 3. Legates that he did send to Germanie as also by Charles the fifte this graunt did them no good but rather did much harme for in a little tyme there grewe foure sectes of heresies in that kingdome as the Thaborites Adamites Howelites and Orphans soe as Pius the 2. was fayne to reuoke the graunt that was giuen them by the councell and trulie wee must not expecte great fruite nowe if it were graunted for our cleargie men are noe better then those that went before neither seculer Princes more vertuous or more iuste then their predecessors neither are heretiques more humble or more honest for hauinge the vse of it Theoph in cap. prioris ad Corinth 22. Yow vrge against vs out of Theophilactus in cap. prioris Tremendus hic calix cunctis pari ratione est traditus this dreadfull chalice is giuen to all after one fashion I answeare that his meaninge was to tell howe it was all a like to the twelue Apostles yea to Iudas himselfe yea it may be
1 lib. 10. cap. 23. that the diuill did possesse him and so he died miserably S. Isidor writeth that Agila kinge of the Goathes did prophane the temple of S. Acisclo martyr where his bodie was and that he made of the church a stable for his horsses wherupon his armie was ouerthrowen by those of Cordima and that he fled himselfe to Merida and was slaine by his owne seruauntes Suriu● tomo 3. In the life of the S. Astregisill Bishopp of Burgis in Fraunce wee read strange punishmentes vpon those that robbed godes churche and prophaned his monasterie Zurita annali● l. 4. c. 69. 5. When Philipp kinge of Fraunce in his warres againste Peter kinge of Aragon tooke the cittie of Giron and his soldiors prophaned the churches thereof and robbed the sepulcher of S. Narciscus patrone of that cittie out of that sepulcher there did issue such swarmes of flees and froggs of wonderfull greatnes which so flew vppon the souldiors and vppon their horsses that that there died within fewe dayes after 40000. French men and more And the said kinge Peter in a letter written to Sanchius kinge of Castile did certifie that there died 40000. horsses and the kinge himselfe died shortlie after in Perpinian soe as the prouerbe grewe in that countrie 18. Mart. of the flies of S. Narcisus as Caesar Baronius notes vpon the Martirologe of Rome 6. In the yeare of our Lord 1414. when the French armie tooke the cittie of Suesson which belonged vnto Iohn Duke of Burgundie and earle of Flanders and prophaned the church of S. Chrispine and Chrispinian whose bodies are reuerenced in that cittie the next yeare after beinge the verie daie of those Sainctes the selfe same armie which was both puisant and great in which all the nobilitie of Fraunce were was vanquished torne and altogether destroied by the english armie which was but as it were a handfull in respect of the great multitude of the French which the daie before refused to graunt any reasonable composition vnto the said english and this was the iuste iudgment of God inflicted vpon them by the intercession of those blessed Martyres whose church they had defiled 7. The Earle of Tirons soldiors did robbe and spoile the monasterie of Timnlage and Kilcrea and prophaned other churches cominge to releeue the Spaniardes that were compassed about they being within Kinsale by the english armie consistinge for the moste parte of Irish catholique souldiors the english beinge altogether sauinge a verie fewe consumed through famine and cold beinge not able to indure the toile and labour of so vnseasonable a winter campe Yet Tirons cōpany exceeding the other in multitude of people and euer before that time terrible to the english by reason of soe many great ouerthrowes giuen vnto them were brocken and put to flight by a fewe horssmen that issued out of the englishe campe beinge therunto sollicited and procured by the earle of Clenricard an Irishe earle then in the english campe Wherfore the said earle of Tiron retourninge from that ouerthrowe said that it was the vengeance of the mightie hand of God and his most iust iudgment which ought to be executed vppon such wicked and sacrilegious soldiors that perpetrated and comitted such outrage vpon sacred places 8. Doctor Owen Hegan that permitted or rather willed certaine soldiors of the Clencarties beinge then in open hostilitie in the weaste parte of Mounster against Queene Elizabeth to robbe a certaine Church into which the poore people of the counteie sent their goodes hopinge to find a safe sanctuarie therin and within a seanight afterwardes his owne brother who was one of the Queenes subiects was slaine by the verie same people vnto whome he gaue leaue to spoile the said Church and alsoe within one moneth himselfe was slaine and another priest with him not by the English but by Irish subiectes soe as there is noe acception of persons with God who beinge an indiffrent and iust iudge doth giue to euerie one according to his workes whether they be good or badd let noe man therfore say he is a priest or a catholique to collour and cloake therby his scandalous actions who of all men ought to shunn scandall and the occasion thereof Truly I haue found by certaine relation that the Irishmen neuer spared noe church monasterie or anny sanctuarie in their last commotions and insurrections and that therfore such as haue bene noted to defile and spoile such places did not escape a miserable end shorthly after the sacrilegious acts was comitted 9. Wee knowe that spirituall benefices and other ecclesiasticall dignities were not bestowed vpō the worthieste for learning or more vertuous of life but vpon those that were vpholden and defended by the strongest faction of the nobilitie there soe as fewe came in at the right doore like trewe pastors but like theeues in at the backe doore soe as that kingdome was subiect to this abuse confusion in S. Malachias his time as S. Bernard sayes who beinge made Bishopp of Downe Conor in Vlster by the sea apostolique beinge soe holie and learned as the said S. Bernard was sayes he was banished from Vlster by the Neales to haue that dignitie for one of their owne familie and who did entermiddle more in this busines then the Geraldines of Mounster who by the sword defended and vsurped the ecclesiasticall supremacie noe otherwise then kinge Henry the 8. did and two of his children although they haue not don it by parleament as the other did yet by the sword they haue done it soe as the ouerthrowe of that howse of other great howses may be ascribed vnto the couetous desire they had of the liuinges of the Church and the little regard they had to churchmen and churches or any other place though neuer soe sacred Yea sometymes they would not spare their competitors at the verie alter which in manny places they polluted with their blood Geneb in Chro. Anno 988. Anno iuris 10. The french histories doe write that this was the cause also that tooke away the crowne of Fraunce from the linage of Clodoueus which was the firste Christian king of Fraunce beinge conuerted vnto the faith of Christe by the praiers and deuotion of his most vertuous Queene Clothilda which was passed ouer vnto Charles the great and also after the line of Charles the great were careles of their dutie to God and his church God tooke the crowne from them also gaue it vnto Hue Capè and to those of his howse A prosecution of the last Chapter CHAPTER III. 1. WEe should neuer make an end if wee should register soe manny examples as doe daily occurre in this matter De mirabilibut 2. cap. 1. Petrus Cluniacensis who liued liued in the same time with S. Bernard a most holie man and therfore called in his life time Peter the venerable said that there was a certaine Earle in Macon a cittie in Fraunce not far from Leon who vsurped the liuinges
time of the generall councell of Lateran and afterwardes confirmed by Honorius the 3. 1206. 10. The order of saint Celestine beganne by one Petrus Moromus who liued in the wildernes with great example of holines of life and multitude of miracles which was approued by saint Gregory the 10. in the generall counsell of Lions 1274. And it is called the order of Celestine for that the said Peter beng the author therof was made Pope afterwardes and called by the name of Celestine the 5. 11. The order of Obseruants beganne in the time of Fredericke the 2. Emperor who was a great enemie to the Pope and church and spoiled all the territories thereof they dedicated themselues to the seruice of the blessed Virgin and being in number 7. verie noble and welthy men went into th● wildernesse and there liued remoued from all the enticementes and inducementes of mischeife which was the occasion that others also forsooke the vanities of the world Many o● godly people in all ages and countries haue bene by a speciall fauor of God raised vp to knocke the hammers of pennance at our slumbring and lumpish hartes oppressed with dead sleepe and Lethargie to sounde the trumpet of Gods wrath in his church to awake rechles and forgettfull soules out of the slumbring dreames of fleshly concupiscence crying repeating to the carelesse children of Adam our sauiours heauie and dreadfull voice vnles yee repent you shall euerie one perish That preestes in the primatiue church euen from the Apostles time were religiouse and obserued religious order of life CHAPTER IV. 1. SEing that religion consisteth of the foresaid three vowes obedience chastity and pouerty and that the Apostles and their successors haue accomplished and performed them they were religious and obserued a religious life for when the preistes receaued holy orders they promised perpetuall chastity and if any of them had wiues by the example of the Apostles they willingly of their owne accorde refrained from the vse of wedlocke They obliged themselues also to cannonicall obedience as S●lpitius writeth of saint Martin whome saint Hillary sollicited that he should be made preiste by himselfe and whome for his great vertue he loued for that in receauing holy orders of him he would be obliged to stay with him and render to him obedience S. Gregory also declareth 4. Epi. 74 that it was the custome of Rome that no preist could deaparte from thence that receaued ther holy orders Cōcerning pouerty which is the third the preistes in old tyme imbraced the same in so much as when they were made priestes they made a resignation of all they had whether it was patrimony or anny other worldly substance which S. Hierome declared saying that this was the cause why the preistes were shauen that it should signifie a cuting off and forsaking of all temporall wealth Lib. de vita contēplatiua cap. 9. Prosper confirmeth the same saying it is expedient and meete for the acquiring of perfection to despise his proper goodes and to be contented with the goods of the church for the goods thereof are not proper but common and so he brought examples of saint Paulinus and S. Hillarius who when they were made preistes and Bishops they sould their patrimony and gaue the price thereof to the poore and were diligent administrators of the patrimony of the church Epist. ad clerum Hierosolimitanum distributing to each one proportionably according to his degree and necessity S. Clement writeth that the common life was requisite and to be followed of those that addicted and yeelded themselues wholy to the seruice of God and to the imitation of the Apostles the like obseruation of life saint Gregory the greate wished saint Augustine to institute amongst the cleargy of england The same is also confirmed by the decree of Eugenius the 2. and Vrban Pope in his epistle to all the cleargy 2. Of this grew the Canons regulars which life began in the Apostles days and afterwardes was renewed and restored by by saint Augustine as Possidonius writeth Possid in vita ● Aug. that he had a monasterie within the church in the which nothing was propre but all was common But after that saint Augustine was deade and Hippo of which he was Bishoppe being destroyed and ransacked by the Vandales Gelasius a holy man of that institution with some others came into Italy being made Pope the rest that were with him liued most regulary in a monestary that was founded by them nere to the church of Lateran which continued 800. yeares vntill afterwardes thinges that were common were made proper euery one hauing a portion assigned vnto him Of this order of Canon regulars was saint Patricke the Apostle of Ireland and also saint Dominicke before he instituted his order In the primatiue church all preistes obserued this religious community and especially such as dwelling in citties and great townes had any charge in them as wee may read in saint Augustine but such as were ordeined to be incumbentes in the country Aug. ser 1 resertur 12. q. 2. in respect of seuerall parish churches and seuerall distinct incumbencies were permitted to haue seuerall prouisions and distinct benefices and as the christians encreased so their pastors and preistes increased also the spirituall want of the christians the maiestie of God and the dignity of the church requiring and exacting many seruantes to serue the one and many pastors and preistes to serue the other in the multitude whereof it were very hard to preserue and continew the splendor and sincerity of the former feruor and charity of that heroicall age which had as it were the florishinge springe and the first fruictes of the holy Ghost and therefore the prime and the cheefest season of holines and religion Of whose blessed vigor of piety the lesse wee sauor by tract of tyme the more our owne proper loue increaseth and the loue of God decreaseth 3. But in all ages God sendeth some to reforme the auncient discipline and to reuiue the languished vigor therof not only in themselues but in others especially in this so generall a corruption not only of nature but also of manners of religion and lawes of ciuill honesty and religious pietie as Ignatius Loiola 1540. began his reformation of the clergy and by the institution of his order confirmed by Paule the 3. Pope renued the old discipline by reducing his order and institution therunto It is also a matter of no lesse consideration then the former The founder of the order of the Societie of Iesus that in one night he was borne in the house of Loyola nere the towne of Bergara in Ipulcha a prouince betwixt Biscaie and the kingdome of Nauarre and Luther was borne in Saxony in a towne nere Wittenberge called Ilesby 1483. Surius vpon S. Martins daye Both of them employed theire wittes at one time the one to bring all religion and ecclesiasticall order to vtter confusion and miserable
his holy life Anno 1581. 7. Patricke Ohealy of the order of saint Frauncis Bishopp of Maio coming out of Spaine into Ireland no sooner landed then by the sherif and officers of that place which was at Dingell in the weast part of all Irland but he was apprehended together with a religious man of that order nobly descended call Con Ornorcke and were sent to the Contesse of Desmōd who either to currie fauour which the state of the kingdome or for feare to be ill thought of if he had dismissed them or to be impeached of any imputation or suspitiō of any conspiracy with Sr. Iames fitz Morrice then on foote reddy at that time to passe out of Gallicia in Spaine into Ireland with a supply of Spaniardes did remitt them ouer to Limerick to be presented before Mr. Iames Gould then the Queens Attourney in the Prouince as about that time also shee yelded her eldest sonne to Sr. William Drury Lord Iustice of Ireland as an hostage that he should rest himselfe secure without feare of the Earles Ioialtie fidelitie to her maiesty for yelding her sonn and heire apparent of Desmond as a pleadg and the holy Bishopp as a prisoner but as shee was carfull to continew the Earldome in her Ioynes so the other was as warrie to preserue his owne reputation and creditt in his new promotion of Lord iustice who was no les suspected to fauor the catholique religion for he was in harte and will of that profession then the other was to further rebellion Sed quis vnquam tetigit Christum Domini innocens fuit both the iustice and the contesse were frustrated of their hope deceacea●ed of their expectation Maledictus qui conf●dit in homine and thincking to possesse the fauor of the world they respected nott the fauor and iustice of God whose wisdome surpasseth the prouidence of man timidae inepta prouidentiae nostrae 8. The Earle therfore of Desmond within one month after the good Bishopp suffred was proclaimed traitor and most part of the Geraldines with their followers in a serious conflict betwixt themselues and the English of whome Sr. Nicholas Malby was Cheeftaine were ouerthrowen and putt to flight at the Abbay of Bertiff in Irish called Eanighbegg within 7. miles of L●mericke weastward and that most noble ancient howse which was the only strenght and Bulwarcke for the Crowne of England it dangerous seasons of that kingdome heertofore is nowe altogether extinguished And the Lord Iustice continewed no longer in his new dignitie then one month after the Bishopps execution which was the space of time that he challenged the Lorde Iustice to answer before the dreadfull throne of God for their innocent blood I meane of him and his followe and for their vniust iudgment which was that they should be executed by Marshall law wherfore they were deliuered to a band of soldiors their handes being tide behind their backs and their feete with roppes vppon garrans of whome they were cruelly entertained al the way vntil they came to Kilmalocke a towne distant 12. miles from Limericke where they were hanged vppon trees the foolish cruell soldiors a whole senight after their death for they were not permitted all that time to be buried made butts of their carcases to shutt and leuill att them with their bullets calllng them by the name of papists traitors idolators Immediatly after their execution the said L. iustice sickned in the campe and ended his life at Waterfoord crieng out vpon those blessed martirs whome he had putt to death but one moneth before 9. Derby Ohurley Archbishopp of Cashall doctor of both lawes and professor of that facultie in the vniuersitie of Rheames in Fraunce vnder Cardinall Guise Archbishopp of the same was taken in Ireland and cast into a darck Dungeon in the Castle of Dublin and being sore vexed with this vgly prison and pensiue restrainct was more vexed and tormented by an vsuall and exquis●●t torment of bootes full of boylling oile and talloe into which he was cōpelled to putt his legges already wearied with heauie bolts and to stād by a great fire with which his flesh was consumed vnto the bare bones all which he endured with great patience and constancy And afterwardes when by that torment he could not be won●e nor by feare and alluring promisses of vncertaine and deceitfull promotion could nott be inueigled to relent or to faint in the profession of the catholique religion or to embrace the protestant negatiue religion was vpon fridaie morning in the dawning strāgled with a wyth in the moneth of May 1584. and so suffred a blessed martirdome and enioieth a blessed crowne 10. Redmond Ma-Goran primat of Ardmagh was slaine in Conaght by Sr. Richard Bingham Anno 1598. Redmond Ogulloglior Bishopp of Derry being almost 100. yeers of age and 50. yeers a Bishopp was with 3. prie●ts about midnight slaine in his owne howse neere Derry by the garrison of Log hefoile thorough the craft and drift of one Sr. Neyle Garrath Odonel who afterwards falling into disgrace with the English was impeached and arraigned for taking part with Odohirtyes conspiracy and was comitted together with his sonne prisoner in the owner of london anno 1600. Morihirtagh Obrien Bishopp of Emly being apprehended was cast into the castle of Dublin where through penurie and straightnesse of his restraint he died in the yeare 1586. 11. Peers Power Bishoppe of Fearnes being taken and apprehended was cast into the castle of Dublin who either through the frailtie of the flesh or through the extremity of his restraint or els through the deceitfull promisses of temporall promotions yelded to the supremacy of the Queene in the spirituall iurisdiction of the church which being once granted he destroied all articles of our catholique beleefe and therfore he was sett at libertie But being afterwardes sore amased and strocken with an inward sorrow for being so weake and so inconstant in a point so highly importing the increase and honor of christian religion and consequently our saluation retourned like another Marcellinus vnto the place where he fell and where he gaue so vild a scandall deplored his fall and greeuously lamented his errors and so he was hardlier dealt with all then euer before but after long imprisonment and much affliction through godes prouidence he made an escape and fled into Spaine the common support and sanctuary of al distressed catholiques where he died with great probation of a blessed and constant catholique Bishopp 12. Richard Creogh natiue of the cittie of Limericke in the prouince of Munster in Ireland descended of welthie and honest parents of an auncient familie in that cittie who notwithstanding he imploied the prime of his youthfull dayes in the trade of marchandice yet he profitted more in the spirituall exercise of deuotion and pietie then he did in the acquiring of riches and wordly designementes And after some worldly losse went beyond the seas where he gaue himselfe to the studdy of vertue
preuaile further and although as S. Ciprian saith heretiques and scismatiques in the beginning like a raginge and furious tempest doe swallowe and consume all thinges yet they can not haue great encrease for by their owne emulation they will faile And S. Augustine vppon the psalme Psal 57. Ad nihilum deuenient they shal be brought to nothinge like a swifte streame saith Non vos terreant fratres c. Let not certaine violent streames terrifie you which for a time with violent irruptions doe thunder for presentlie they shall vanish and shall not endure longe many heresies are dead although they ran ouer the banckes yet now scarce is there any memorie of them 4. Theodoretus doth write that there were 76. sorte of heresies sprounge vpp vnto his time Theodoretus lib. de haereticis sabulis and in his 3. booke of that worcke he saith that all were extinguished sa●ing a fewe S. Augustine doth recken 88. heresies of which he writing vppon the 57. psalme saith that most of them were perished Vnto Luthers time there were 100. sectes of heresies and all of them are nowe extinguished except a fewe Nestorians in the easte and som other few Hussits in Bohemia Was there euer any heresie in the world soe great aswell for the multitude of Bishopps and doctors Kinges Princes and Emperors as that of the Arrians as alsoe for the continuance of time remaining for the space of 200. yeares and vpward and nowe what is become of it Aboute 200. yeares agone the heresie of Albigens had more people to defend it in Fraunce then the Caluinistes haue at this daie as may be gathered by Paulus Emilius Emilius li. 5. de rebus Gallor and nowe there is noe memory thereof The heresie of Luther began in the yeare of our Lord 1525. Then Zuinglius gott vppe and within two yeares after the Anabaptists disturbed Lutheranisme and allured the moste parte of that secte to imbrace theirs After the Zuinglians came Caluine which besides fewe townes in Suiserlande caused all the Zuinglians to followe and embrace his owne doctrine Caluinistes themselues beinge dissolued into Libertines in Fraunce into Puritantes in England into Trinitaries in Pollande into Samosettes in Transiluania But the Catholique Church continued allwayes notwithstandinge all the world firste the Iewes afterwardes the Pagans and last of all heretiques resisted and persecuted her by whose persecution shee did euer florish and increase 4. Note 5. The 4. note is the largnes and amplitude of the catholique church by the conuersion of the gentiles for the catholique church ought not onlie to comprehend all times but also all places nations and all kinde of people and soe saint Vincentius Lyrinensis in his comentarie saith that they be catholiques which houlde that doctrine which hath bene allwaies in all places and which was embraced of all and soe the prophett said in the persō of Christe Dabo tibigentes c. In Psal 2 Psal 7● Aug. lib. de vnitate Ecel c. 6. Bedac 6. Canticorum I will giue nations vnto thee for thine inheritance and the limittes of the earth for they possession he shall rule from sea to sea For the vnderstandinge of which marcke wee must consider out of saint Angustine and saint Beade that the church was to be catholique and not to exclude any time or any kinde of people by which it is distinguished from the sinagoge which was a perticular church and not Catholique was limited vnto a certaine tyme that is to say to the cominge of the Messias as also vnto a certaine place which was the temple of Hierusalem out of which there could not be offered any sacrifice and vnto a certaine familie which were the children of Iacob Also wee must consider out of the same saint Augustine Aug. Epi. 80. ad Hessichiū that for the church to be catholique it is not expedient that it should be in all men of the world but it is sufficient it should be made knowen in all Prouinces and that it should fructifie in them so that there be in all kingdomes some Catholiques which shall be brought to passe before the second comminge of Christe neither is it requisitt Matt. 24. that this be done at one tyme for it is sufficient it be done successiuelie 6. It is likewise knowen that the Catholique Romaine church hath gayned the whole world for it did fructifie in euerie place thereof in the time of the Apostles Coloss 1. Iren. li. 1. c. 3. Tertull lib. cont Iudeos c. 3. Cypr. li. de vnitate eccl Atha lib. ac humanitate Christi Chriso Hier. in c. Matt. 24. Aug. epi. 80. ad Hesichium as saint Paule saith In the time of S. Ireneus it was also spred throughout euerie knowen prouince The same doe Tertulian saint Cyprian and Athanasius witnesse that this churche was made knowen in their owne time in euerie place Also saint Chrisostome saint Aug. saint Hierom Theodoretus Leo the greate doe declare the same In the time of saint Gregorie the great the catholique Romaine church was imbraced in all the worlde Grego epistola ad episcopos Orientis Affricae Hispaniae Galliae Angliae Ciciliae The same Beda doth declare in cap. 6. Cantic and saint Bernard disputinge before Roger king of Cicilia Theod. li. de legib Leo magnus ser 1. de Sanctis Petro Paulo Prosper lib. de ingratis said that the easte and the weaste obeied the Bishopp of Rome at this verie daye And saint Prosper saith Sedes Romana Petri c. Rome the seate of Peter in respect of pastorall honnor is become the head of the worlde whatsoeuer it possesseth not by the sword it houldeth by religion The sectes of Mahomett with the heresies of Nestorians and Ethiches which as yet be in the easte neuer came vnto the weaste The secte of Luther or Caluine neuer infected Asia Affricke Aegipte or Greece noe countrie was euer conuerted by them for they labour not to conuerte Ethnickes but to corrupte and subuerte catholiques and as Tertulian said of the heretiques in his time Cum hoc sit negotium illis non Ethnicos conuertendi sed nostros euertendi Their drifte is not to conuerte Ethnicks Tertul. li. de praescriptionib but to peruerte ours for heresie is nothinge els then a manifeste corruption of the Catholique doctrine and a reuolte or defection from the former religion of Christians 7. The 5. note is the succession of Bishoppes in the Romaine church deriued from the Apostles vnto our times and soe all auncient doctors haue reckoned vp this succession as an irrefragable argument to shewe the true churche Irene li. 3. cap. 3. Ireneus did recken the Romaine Bishoppes from saint Peter vnto Eleutherius who was Pope in his time He said by this succession all heretiques were confounded Irene li. 3. cap. 3. Tertul. de praescript Aug. epi. 67. Optat. l. 2. cont Parmen cap. 4 S. Ambrose did recken his Apostolique succession