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A62149 A genealogical history of the kings of England, and monarchs of Great Britain, &c. from the conquest, anno 1066 to the year, 1677 in seven parts or books, containing a discourse of their several lives, marriages, and issues, times of birth, death, places of burial, and monumental inscriptions : with their effigies, seals, tombs, cenotaphs, devises, arms, quarterings, crests, and supporters : all engraven in copper plates / furnished with several remarques and annotations by Francis Sanford, Esq. ... Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694.; King, Gregory, 1648-1712.; Gaywood, Richard, fl. 1650-1680.; Barlow, Francis, 1626?-1702.; Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677. 1677 (1677) Wing S651; ESTC R8565 645,221 587

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in Royal Robes with Her Crown on Her Head carved in Grey-Marble is at this day to be seen lying by Her Husband King Henry in that stately Monument erected by the late Lady Abbess Her Effigies is marked with the Letter B. and the Tomb is exhibited in Sculpture at the later end of the Reign of the said King Duke Henry about two years after the Death of His Father came again for England where after some velitations with King Stephen they were at last * Chron. Norman p. 989 b c. An. 1152. Vii Ides of Nov. reconciled and His succession to the Crown of England ratified by Act of Parliament not long after which he returned into Normandy and laid siege to a Castle detained from Him by the King of France where news was brought Him that King Stephen was dead notwithstanding which Henry who had no competitor to fear continued before it six weeks until it was surrendred and then came for England and was Annointed and solemnly Crowned at Westminster Ibidem p. 990 c. by Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury upon the Fourteenth of the Kalends of January viz. the Nineteenth day of December in the year of our Lord 1153. He began His Reign with singular Prudence making choice of the wisest men He could get for Counsellors He expelled those strangers brought in by King Stephen and demolished the Castles the Nobility had built by His allowance often proving Nurseries of Rebellion and the Crown-Lands alienated by that King He reassumed judging it safer to offend a few then disobliege many And for the furtherance of Justice in the One and twentieth year of His Reign He divided His whole Realm into six several Circuits appointing in every Circuit Three Judges who twice a year rode together to administer Justice and to hear and determine causes betwixt party and party His War with Owen Prince of Northwales was rather accounted an exercise to keep Him in motion then to disturb His rest yet notwithstanding Owen was not so easily reduced but that Henry de Essex the Kings Standard-Bearer being oppressed by the Welsh let fall the Royal Standard in Battel for which he was cashiered for cowardise shorn a Monk and had his Lands seised into the Kings hands After which Himself and Queen Eleanor His Wife were solemnly Crowned at Worcester upon Christmas-day where they at the Offertory laid their Diadems upon the Altar Vowing never to wear them after This being the third time at which in three several places Westminster Lincoln and this City he had been crowned To make His Dominions more entire He seised into His hands the Earldom of Anjou left by His Fathers Will to His Brother Geoffrey allowing him in lieu thereof an annual pension and also divested David King of Scots of the Earldoms of Cumberland and Huntington peeces granted him by King Stephen and of Northumberland the gift of his Mother the Empress leaving David onely that of Huntington with the condition of doing him homage for the same Sancte Marthe Tom. 1. p. 339 341. He married his second Son but Eldest living Henry to Margaret Daughter of Lewis the Seventh King of France and affied his third Son Richard to Alice another Daughter of the same King and also in the Thirteenth year of his Reign matched his fourth son Geoffrey to Constance the Daughter and Heir of Conan Earl of Little Britain who dying not long after left them that County If King Henry had hitherto managed his affairs with much Wisdom and Prudence he now shews as much weakness and infirmity in causing his son Henry to be made Copartner with him in the Kingdom and to be twice Crowned the * Robert of Glocester p. 237 b. first time by Roger Archbishop of York and a second time with Margaret his Wife by the desire of her Father King Lewis in the City of Winchester by Rotrock of Warwick Archbishop of Roan where the Father descended so low as to serve as a Sewer at the Table of his ambitious son and made the Barons swear him Allegiance which act proceeded partly from Indulgence to him but more it is believed to ensure his Succession to the Crown finding by experience that Oaths for Succession are often evaded but Oaths for present Allegiance seldom are eluded And now Henry the young King is blamed by his Father-in-Law for that having entred upon the Government and being Crowned he would yet permit his Father to rival him in the Kingdom and content himself with being a Titular King onely which easily enflamed the youth with unjust desires So that breaking out into open hate many quarrels arose betwixt the two Henries which were at length desided by sharp and bloody Wars In all which most unnaturally his sons and most undutifully Robert Earl of Leicester and Hugh Earl of Chester together with William then King of Scots taking part with the King of France were continually overcome by King Henry forced to an Agreement and all their Complices upon submission pardoned Long was the contention betwixt King Henry and Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury which though no equal match yet it is hard to distinguish which had the Victory The difference was the King would have it ordained that Malefactors of the Clergy should be tryed before the Secular Magistrate as Lay-men were This Becket opposed urging it to be against the Liberty of the Church and therefore against Gods honor many Bishops sided with the King some few with the Archbishop at last Becket signs the Ordinance yet with a Salvo ordine suo which not being satisfactory to the King he then signs absolute without reservation but immediately recants and hath his Temporalities seised on upon which he flies the Realm and his Kinred are banished Becket in this misery continued Seven years till by the Popes threatnings of Excommunication or by the Mediation of the King of France he was restored to his Archbishoprick who still continuing his Pride and interdicting those Bishops that had offended him so much incensed King Henry that it forced some rash expressions from him which being noted by four Knights there present viz. Reynold Fitz-Vrse Hugh Morvile Thomas Tracy and Richard Britton who thinking they should do an acceptable service to the King by ridding him out of the way came shortly afterwards for England and murthered the Archbishop in his own Cathedral upon the Thirtieth day of December An. 1172. Which assassinates being ever afterwards abhorred of the King died miserably and the King himself being accused of his death by the Pope purgeth himself by Oath but yet is forced to do penance and afterwards to Foot it three miles on his bloody bare Feet to visit the Shrine of this Unruly-Saint and further suffered himself to be beaten with Rods by every Monk in the Cloyster By which he is said to have appeased Beckets ghost say some Authors and to become victorious not onely in his Wars in England and France but also immediately thereupon made his
her to Geffray Earle of Angeo Who 's Sustur William his Sone spoused er tho That dreynt was in the Seé as to fore is tolde And betweén th' Emperour and Molde no fruyt was For when the Emperour was dede of full age * The Emperor was not of age heo nas Henry King loued hur muche and well the more ich gesse Because she was heire and also Empresse Of these Geffrey and Molde came ich vnderstonde Henry Fitz-Empress King of Englonde Earl Geoffrey Plantagenet Chronica Norman p. 984 a. after the death of his Father-in-Law King Henry set on foot his Wives title against King Stephen but was by him forced to a pecuniary composition and not long after died upon the VII of the Ides of September An. 1150. Who although no King Himself yet was he both the Son of one and the immediate Ancestor of that Royal House from him called Plantagenet which by a direct and uninterrupted Male Line swayed Englands Scepter down to King Richard the Second and then branching it self into the Families of Lancaster and York ended in Richard the Third the XIV King of that House after it had ruled the English Scepter 330 years This Geoffrey was a Man of great Justice and Charity his death much lamented and is noted to be the first Person that ever was admitted to a Burial place within the Walls of Mans where he was interred in the Church of S. Julian before the Crucifix with this Distick Huic Deus aeternum tribuat conscendere regnum Rbidem Quatenus Angelicis turmis conregnet in aevum The Empress Maud Her Husband Earl Geoffrey being dead undertakes Her own quarrel against King Stephen managed by Her Half-Brother Robert Earl of Glocester and Milo Earl of Hereford Her two Principal Cheiftains with various success in several passages whereof She her self was present and at last takes King Stephen prisoner at the Battel of Lincoln which in all likelihood might have put an end to the business but that the Empress upon this Victory by Her high and neglective carriage so lost the hearts of Her party but more especially of the Londoners whose Request She had denied that Stephen came to be set at liberty by exchange for Her Base Brother Robert Earl of Glocester taken prisoner also not long after at the Battel of Winchester and the Empress finding London too hot for Her was forced to flie privately to Oxford and being twice worsted makes Her escape by a wile The first time at the said Battel of Winchester by being carried away on Horsback in form of a Dead Corps And a second time from Oxford Castle in a great Snow when in the night She and some few others cloathing themselves all over in white made their escape unseen by the Guards of the Besiegers But this deliverance out of Her Enemies hands could not free Her from those fears that attended Her afterwards and forced Her to quit the prosecution of the War which Henry Duke of Normandy Her Son was now happily grown up to continue who Landing in England with fresh Supplies and with His Army confronting that of King Stephen the intended Battel ended in a composition by which Stephen held the Kingdom during life and Henry was proclaimed His Heir which had so real an effect That after the death of that King the Empress lived to see Her Son in possession of the Kingdom of England and other large acquisitions who is not so much as mentioned by Historians after this accommodation Sir Rich. Baker in his Chronicle of the Kings of England till the time of Her death which is much to be wondred at especially that She being so stirring a Woman as She was should be so quiet upon a suddain as not to have one word spoken of Her in all the long time She lived after And if she placed Her contentment so wholly in Her Son that in respect of Him She regarded not Her self at all it deserves at least the encomium of such a Motherly Love as is very unusual and not always safe But however it was we must leave it as a Gordian Knot which no Writer helps us to untie She was Earl Geoffreys Wife 23 years Chronica Normanniae p. 1001 d. Chronica S. Stephani Codomensis p. 1019 d. Gabriel du Moulin en son Histoire Generale de Normandie p. 387. and his Widow 17. And being aged about 64 years ended Her life in the City of Roan on the IV of the Ides viz. the Tenth day of September An. 1167. in the Thirteenth year of the Reign of Her Son King Henry the Second and was buried in the Abbey of Bec in Normandy with Funeral Pomp. But Gabriel du Moulin tells us That She had Her Interment in the Church of Nostre Dame du Pre in the Suburbs of Roan and that for Her Arnulph Bishop of Lisieux composed this Epitaph Regia progenies stirps regia Caesaris uxor Hic est magna brevi clausa MATILDA loco Virtutum titulis humani culmen honoris Excessit mulier nil mulieris habens Septembris decima regno post regna recepto Creditur aeternum continuasse diem A Parallel hath been made betwixt this great Princess and Agripina who was the Daughter of an Emperor Ibidem p. 387. the Wife of an Emperor and the Mother of an Emperor and our Empress Maud was the Daughter of King Henry the First the Wife of Henry the Fourth Emperor of Almaine and the Mother of King Henry the Second Which relation of Her to these Three Royal Henries is most emphatically expressed in this short yet significant Memorial * Thus Englished in Speed p. 470. engraven on Her Tomb Matthew Paris p. 143. num 56. mentioned by a Faithful Historian Ortu magna * Here HENRY's Mother Daughter Wife doth rest By Birth much more by Spouse By Child most blest viro major sed maxima partu Hic jacet HENRICI filia sponsa parens And now it were critical to imagine that in memory of these Three Henries She was the charitable Foundress of the Three Monasteries viz. Of Vieu in the County of Caux of Cherbourg and of S. Andrew in the Forest of Gouffer She also for the publick good of the Normans bestowed much Money in laying the Foundation and building the Bridge of Roan The Empress in Her Grant of the Earldom of Hereford to Milo Fitz-Walter stiles Her self Vincent p. 504 b. Matilda Imperatrix Henrici Regis filia Anglorum Domina and in the circumference of Her Great Seal Mathildis Dei Gratia Romanorum Regina The Figure of which Seal I have exhibited in the Front of this First Book Children of MAUD the Empress by GEOFFREY Earl of ANJOU Her Second Husband 4. HENRY FITZ-EMPRESS Eldest Son and Heir of his Father and Mother succeeded King Stephen in the Kingdom of England by the name of HENRY II. Whose History followeth in the First Chapter of the Second Book 4. GEOFFREY
By the Mediation of Pope Boniface a peace is concluded with the King of France Matth. Westminster p. 432. n. 17. and King Baliol permited to live a private life in that Kindom His Second Marriage At which time also King Edward takes to His Second Wife Margaret Ibidem Walsingham fol. 94. Sister to Philip IV. Surnamed the Fair King of France eldest Daughter of Philip the Hardy Son of St. Lewis who was Married to Him at Canterbury upon Thursday the VIII The Seal of Queen Margaret of Red-Wax represented in the 120 Page of this Third Book is affixed to a Pardon Granted to Johan de Daylyngrigg dated at London upon the 14th day of November An. 9th of King Edw. II. Her Son in Law She is stiled therein Margarite par la Grace de Dieu Royne d'Engleterre and on the said Seal Her Armes viz. Seme of Flowers de Lize are demidiated with King Edwards being the first Queen of England that did Beare Her Armes with Her Husbands in one Escocheon which kind of bearing is more antient then the impaleing of the intire Coates of Armes as you may observe in my Annotations Book 2. Page 101. day of September in the 27th year of His Reign An. Dom. 1299. after almost Eight years Marriage surviving Him She remained a Widdow Ten years and departing this life in the 10th of Edward II. Reign An. 1317. was Interred in the Gray-Fryars in London in the Choire before the Altar which Monastery Her Self had Built Besides this Marriage of King Edward with Margaret of France he had Contracted the Prince his Son to that Kings Daughter upon which the French King made Restitution of all he had usurped in Gascoigne Burdeaux returnes to the obedience of the King of England and had 150000 l. paid them for his Brother Edmonds Expences in the late Warrs The Scots being excluded in this Peace send their lamentable Complaint to Pope Boniface of the King of Englands Usurpation upon them but have no redress for in a Parliament at Lincolne upon a Confirmation of their Charters a Fifteenth is granted with which King Edward makes a Fourth Expedition and a Fourth Conquest of Scotland after which He removes His Exchequer from York Feasts His Nobility at Lincolne And being received with great Solemnity at London there He renders Thanks to God and St. Edward for His Victory Then he began to shew his Resentment of the Stubborness of his Nobility in times past and so terrifies them that the Lord Marshall makes him heir of all his Lands though he had a Brother living Hereford escapes by death the rest redeeme themselves with great Sums the Archbishop of Canterbury is sent over to Pope Clement who succeeded Boniface to be crusht by him who being a Native of Burdeaux and having received a great present from the King gratifies his desire in this and also absolves him from all his Covenants made to his Subjects in the three last Parliaments But all this was quashed by the appearing of a new King in Scotland Robert Bruce Earl of Carrickt Son to the Competitor with Baliol who escaping out of England where he was a Pentioner becomes the head of that distracted People and is Crowned their King of which advice being given to King Edward by John Comin Bruce his Cosin German a titler also himself he is violently pursued by Bruce and by him Murthered in Dunfrayes Church The King vowes to revenge Comyns death and himself upon the perjured Scots adjuring his Son and the Nobility if he dyed in the attempt to carry his Corps about Scotland and not to bury it till the Usurper and Country were subbu●d Aimer de Valence Earl of Pembroke the Lords Clifford and Percy are sent with a strong power to relieve his Wardens of Scotland retired since this revolt into Barwick whilst himself prepares to follow 300 young Gentlemen the Sons of Earles and Barons at the Feast of Pentecost receive with great Solemnity the honour of Knighthood from the Prince at Westminster and presently after with a great Army and these honourable Attendants he sets forward but before he arrives in Scotland the Earl of Pembrook with the Aide of the Family of Comyn in a Battel near St. Johns-Town had routed the whole Army of the new King who escaped very hardly in a disguise His Brother Nigel Bruce and two Priests were Executed as Traytors at Barwick the King notwithstanding to terrifie the Scots and to shew them His power passes all over Scotland with his Army making strait inquisition for the Abettors of the Murther of Comyn of which he spared neither Sex Age nor Quality The Earl of Atholl though of the Blood Royal found no other favour then to be Hanged on a Gallows higher then the rest the Wife of Robert Bruce is sent Prisoner to London and her Daughter to a Monastery in Linsey the Countess of Boughan put into a Wooden Cage and hung out for a spectacle over the Walls of Barwick King Robert Bruce shifts privily from place to place attended onely by the Earl of Lenox and Gilbert Hay who never forsook him in any of his fortunes The King spends this Summer in Scotland An. 1307. and Winters in Carlisle to be ready against the next Spring Matth. Westminster p. 458. n. 8. about which time appears the hidden King surprizes the Earl of Pembrook and gives him a great Overthrow forces the Earl of Glocester into Air Castle and there besieges him till the Castle being relieved by the Kings Forces he was again driven to his former Retirements King Edward hereupon commands all that held by Knights-Service by Midsummer to attend Him at Carlisle and sending the Prince to London about his Marriage in July following although he found himself not well with a fresh Army he enters Scotland but finding His distemper which was a Dysentery or Bloody-Flix increase upon him he returned to Carlisle where he sent for the Prince his Son whom besides many Admonitions to Piety He Commanded three things especially That He should carry His Bones about with him through Scotland till he had subdu'd it That he should send his Heart to the Holy Land with Sevenscore Knights to that Warr and the 32000 l. he had provided to that purpose And that he should never recall Piers Gaveston from Banishment And soon after he dyed at Borrough upon the Sands on the VII day of July Ypodigme Ncustriae p. 499. Matth. Westminster p. 458. ● 18. in the year 1307 His Death when he had ruled the Scepter 34 years and 8 Moneths wanting nine dayes and lived 68 yeares Being dead his Corps was brought to Waltham and there remained the space of sixteen weeks and after on Simon and Jude''s day viz. 280 October was buried in the Abbey of Westminster at the head of King Henry III. his Father on the North-side of the Shrine of St. Edward His Sepulchre the Figure of which is represented in the following Page is
An. 1327. An. Dom. 1327. so that he began his Reign not at the Death but Deposition of his Father which so great a crime can in no wise be attributed to this King being then but 14 yeares of age the whole cause of that horrid blame too apparently remaining upon the Queen His Mother and her Minion Roger Lord Mortimer though Countenanced by a Parliament and forced Resignation who usurped all to themselves notwithstanding for meer shew of the contrary Twelve especial Men are Elected to manage the Affaires till the King was fit to Govern of Himself VVhereupon to busie the present Times and uphold this Change an Expedition is immediately set on foot for Scotland wherein all the Hainowayes and other strangers still retained with the Queen Ypodigma Neustriae p. 509. n. 50. since her last return from France and Hainault are principally employed under the conduct of John Lord Beaumont which being very much disgusted by the English a Commotion is raised some Blood spilt and the Tumult hardly appeased At Stannop-Parke Tho. Walsingham p. 127. n. 46. in the Bishoprick of Durham both Armies met where the English though thrice the greater in number could not be said to have obtained the Victory the Scots all without hurt escaping by Treason of some of the English great ones as is more than probably suspected In the year also 1327 Ypodig Neustriae p. 510. n. 13. King Edward's Marriage is Solemnized at York In a South-Window of St. Mary Bothaw Church near London-stone An. 1665. stood in painted Glass an Escocheon of the Armes of Q. Philippa viz. Or 4 Lyons rampant in quadrangle the first and fourth Sable the second athird Gules impaled with Gules 3 Lyons passant guardant or set up in that Window before King Edward III. Quartered the Armes of France But afterwards I find them impaled in diverse Windows with France and England Quarterly Upon Her Privy Seal of Red-Wax See the Figure thereof p. 124. is this Circumscription SECRETUM PHILIPPE DE DANONIA REGINE ANGLIE about a Shield charged with the Armes of England and Henault Quarterly This Indenture beares date at Westminster the 24 day of June An. 33 Ed. 3. and is in my custody The like Armes of this Queen are in a Window of Leyer Church in Leicestershire And I find that Q. Anne Wife to King Richard II. Quartered Her Armes with the Armes of France and England but neither of these being Heires these two Examples do absolutely thwart the true Rule for Quartering of Armes with Philippa the Third daughter of William Earl of Henault she was Crowned at Westminster on the first Sunday in Lent in the same year Sister to William IV. of the name Walsingh p. 129. n. 28. Scevole Louis de St. Marthe Tome 1. p. 451. Tho. Walsingham p. 128. n. 16. Earl of Holland and Henault slain by the Frisons without lawful issue and to Margaret of Henault VVife of the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria Her Mother was Joane the eldest daughter of Charles Count of Valois younger Son of Philip the Hardy King of France and Sister to King Philip de Valois notwithstanding which Alliance she proved a most constant and true-hearted Lover of the English Nation and highly assisted King Edward III. her husband in the prosecution of his claime to the Crown of France being a Lady of great honour and virtue During this time the Deposed King Edw. II. is Murdered in Berkley Castle by the Lord Maltravers and Thomas Gourney Thomas de la Moor. p. 602. n. 53. The Murderers though they had a Commission and great hopes of a reward yet not daring to avow so monstrous a Fact fled their Country Gourney is three yeares after taken in France Ibidem p. 603. n. 39. and being upon his return for England is put to death at Sea least by his arrival more of the Villany might be revealed though before Divine Justice had sufficiently fallen and was still lighting not only on the heads of the Contrivers themselves but the whole Kingdome A Parliament is held at Northampton where a most dishonourable Peace is made with the Scots the King quits His Interest in that Kingdome delivers up the Evidence called Ragman-Roole the Black Cross of Scotland together with all Fealties and Homages whatsoever c. and in a Parliament at Winchester An. 1329. Edmond Earl of Kent is accused to have endeavoured the Restauration of the late deposed King his Brother Ypodigma Neustriae p. 510. n. 38. for which he is condemn'd and lost his head Another Parliament is held at Nottingham where on the contrary An. 1330. the Power of the Queen and Mortimer are quite pluckt up by the rootes Ibidem p. 510. n. 52. she reduced to the maintenance of 1000 l. per annum Mortimer accused of the Kings Death The Scots escape at Stanhop Parke The young Kings late Marriage with Philippa of Hainalt The dishonourable Peace with the Scots To have wasted the Treasure of the Kingdome and been too familiar with the Queen for which he is Condemn'd sent up to London and hang'd at Tyburne Ibidem n. 57. Thus did this Noble young Prince being now arrived at somewhat more maturity of years begin to wipe out the staines which during His Minority had blemished the State of His Kingdome Notwithstanding upon the Coronation of the new King of France He being Summoned to do Homage for the Dukedome of Guien and other Lands which He there possessed was about this time induced to render this Homage at Amiens according to the arrogant demands of the King of France with more then due or decent submission for which in short time after the new Soveraign and His whole Nation paid severely For full of indignation and swolne for Revenge He returnes for England Ypodigmae Neustriae p. 511. n. 31. where first a fit occasion is offered Him to rectifie the abuse He had received by the late ill concluded Peace with Scotland An. 1332. Edward Baliol now appearing out of France to question His Right to that Crown from which His Father John had 32 yeares before been unjustly Deposed with whom he goes against Barwick and after three Moneths siege took it and the Scots Army which came to its reliefe Hollinshed Chr. p. 350. a. utterly defeated at Hallydowne Hill Battel of Hallydown-Hill An. 1334. where were slain 7 Earls 90 Knights and Bannerets 400 Esquires and about 32000 Common Souldiers The year following King Edward Baliol doth His Homage to the King of England Ypodigma Neustria p. 511. n. 60. and takes His Oath of Fealty for Himself and His Successors for ever delivering up several Counties adjacent to the borders that thereby He might for the future secure Himself with more quiet with which His own Subjects were not so contented but often rebelled against whom K. Edward of England went as often in Person and never returned but with Victory Scotland being thus
she takes Prisoner and thus all fell before the Sword of England King Edward next layes Siege to Calais Ypodigma Neustriae p. 517. n. 35 Tho. Walsingham p. 167. n. 44. which was most stoutly defended for a whole year An. 1347. and then surrendred the King having condemned six of the Burgesses which came with submission in their Shirts and Halters about their necks they were by the Queens humble intreaty upon Her knees Pardoned and set at Liberty A Collony of English he there planted and having sent the Inhabitants to seek out new dwellings returnes with his Queen for England after he had concluded a Truce for some Moneths And to add yet to his Glory the Electors sent him word that they had chosen him King of the Romans but in regard that it seemed out of his way King Edward refused it But to allay the great joy that was now throughout this Kingdome a most contagious Pestilence arose over all Christendome and in England took away as is reported one halfe of the Men in London between New-years-day and the first day of July 57374. persons After which Ypodigma Neustriae p. 519. n. 28. the next Action is the Lord Geoffrey Charney's attempting to corrupt Sir Amery de Pavy an Italian Anno 1349. then Governor of Calais to betray the Town to him for 20000 Crownes which Sir Amery accepts but privately sent King Edward word who the night that it should have been delivered the summ being payed arrives there with 900 Soldiers surprises the Persons that brought the Money and issuing out of the Town on Foot and in disguise Tho. Walsingham p. 168. n. 50. under the Banner of Sir Walter Manney meets Charney and his Forces where he happened to encounter one Eustace of Rybemont a valiant Knight who having struck him twice on his knees was at last mastered by the King and taken prisoner who Froissard c. 1.52 for his valour forgave him his Ransome and honoured him with a rich Chaplet of Pearle which himself wore upon his head Charney is likewise taken and the whole Force defeated King Philip not born to see better Fortune leaves the World but his distressed Kingdom to his Son John An. 1350. and King Edward the next Year is in Person with a Fleet to encounter certain Spanish Ships passing from Flanders Ypodigma Neustriae p. 519. n. 38. Tho. Walsingham p. 169. n. 6. Laden with Cloath and other Commodities which after a sharp Fight he mastered revenging himself upon that People who in the River Garrone had taken away several Ships and slain diverse of his Subjects In Guyen also his Soldiers continue in Action and several hot encounters there are between the Widdow of Montfort and the Wife of Charles of Blois Prisoner in England eager Defenders of eithers pretended Right to the Dukedom of Britain Diverse overtures of Peace had been made by Legates sent from the Pope and the Commissioners met to the great expence of both Princes but nothing effected The King in discontent with the Flemmings for being disappointed of a Match between their Heire with his Daughter Anno 13●● withdrawes the Staple of Wooles from their Townes Ypodig Neustriae p. 520. n. 31. and placeth it at home Charles of Blois long here a Prisoner buyes his Ransome for 40000. Florins which to raise he is permitted to return into Brittain Great Mediation is made by the Pope for Peace upon this Article That the King of England should enjoy the Dukedom of Aquitaine without homage Tho. Walsingham p. 170. n. 16. which the Frenchmen resolutely deny though in the end at a Treaty in Britany they were forced to condescend unto But the Commissioners returning without effecting any thing at this time King Edward grew so much displeased that he would not any longer prorogue the Truce but appoints the Prince An. 13●● with considerable Forces Ypodigmae Neustriae p. 520. n. 48 57. to go for Gascoigne and at Michaelmas Himself follows with a great Army endeavouring by all means possible to draw the French to a Battel whose Distemperatures are mightily encreased by Charles II. King of Navarre a subtil and haughty Prince who being descended from Jane the Daughter of Lewis Hutin late King of France and put by the Inheritance of the Crown in regard of their Salique Law holding himself wronged of the Counties of Campagne and Bry falls violently on the Constable of France at l' Aigle in Normandy and rushing himself into his Chamber with his Brother and two of the Harecourts Murthers him in his Bed and returning home justifies the Act. The French King highly displeased thereat Summons the King of Navarre to appear before him at Paris promising That if he would come and ask pardon he should have it but upon his appearance commits him to Prison Three Queens become suitors for him by whom his enlargment is obtained which he immediately imployes by way of revenge for that indignity in the Service of the King of England by withdrawing the People of Normandy from their Obedience to the King of France however coming to visit Charles his Son newly invested in the Duchy of Normandy he is at Roan surprised the two Harecourts slain several others Executed or taken prisoners and sent under Guard to Arras which so amaz'd the Partizans of Navarre that Philip his Brother and Geoffry Uncle to the two Harecourts come immediately for England sadly complaining of the Injustice of King John and offering to King Edward all their Towns and Havens to let him into Normandy whereupon Henry Duke of Lancaster Tho. Walsingham p. 171. n. is sent with an Army thither and with their assistance won many strong Towns Mean while King Edward with another Army Marches to recover Barwick Anno 1356. which during the time that he was at Calais Ypodigma Neustrioe p. 521. n. 16. Tho. Walsingham p. 171. n. 25. had been taken from him by the Scots where he not only reobtaines that place but hath the whole Kingdome of Scotland resigned unto him by Edward Baliol himself yielding to be content with a Pention At which time Prince Edward enters Guyen passes over Languedock to Tholouse Narbon and Bruges without any encounter destroyes and laden with booty returns to Burdeaux King John thus distressed on all sides Assembles the Power of his whole Kingdom 60000 fighting Men and marches first against his Enemies in Normandy recovers many of his lost Towns and then turns all his Force upon the Prince of Wales Battel of Poictiers An. 1356. September 19. whom he followed through Tourain and Pouicton and within two Leagues of Poictiers had him at a great advantage when at the instant Ypodigmae Neustria p. 521. n. 38. two Cardinals come from the Pope to Mediate for Peace which the French King supposing he had all at his mercy would by no means hearken unto upon any less Condition Then the surrender of the Prince himself
raised his Siege and returned into Britaine during which time the Regent Stores and Fortifies the City so that at His return finding little good to be done there He takes His way to Besiege Chartres but being terrified with horrible Tempest of Haile Froissard l. c. 211. Ypodigma Neustriae p. 523. n. 51. Tho. Walsingham p. 175. n. 15. n. 51. p. 176. n. 13. Rotulo de Tractatu pacis Franciae An. 34 Ed. 3. m. 10. Thunder and Lightning that fell upon His Army He Vowed to make Peace with the King of France upon any reasonable Conditions Which was done shortly after viz. upon the 15 day of May An. 1360. near Chartres by a Treaty Managed between Edward Prince of Wales and Charles Regent of France in the Name of both Kings upon these Articles viz. That the Dukedome of Aquitaine the County of Poicton the Ficfes of Thouars and Belvile the Country of Gascoigne Agenois Perigort Limosin Cahors Torbe Bigorre Rovergne and Engolmois remain to the King of England and His Heires and Successors in Soveraignty with the Homages of the Lords thereof That Monstruel on the Sea Ponthieu Calais Guines La Merke Sangore Bologne Hames Vales and Oye should also be to the Kings of England besides three Millions of Scutes of Gold whereof one half in hand and the other half at two payments within three yeares after And the King of England for Himself and His Successors did renounce all Claime unto the Crown of France the Countries of Normandy Touraine Anjou and Maine with the Duchy of Britaine and Earldome of Flanders for Assurance of which Accord He had Hostages given the Kings Brother and two younger Sons with about 22 more of the Chief Nobility of France Whereupon King John is delivered at Calais Ypodigma Neustriae p. ●24 n. 14. Tho. Walsingham p. 177. n. ●9 after near upon five year Imprisonment in England An. 1361. from whence both Kings part with great kindness the one is with much Joy received of his subjects and the other with as great Triumph returnes with his Hostages for England Where to attend this inexpressible joy a most woful Pestilence sweeps away many of the Nobility one whereof is Henry Duke of Lancaster a great Pillar of the Nation whose Daughter Blanch was lately Married to John of Gaunt whereby he is now created Duke of Lancaster Tho. Walsingham p. 178. n. 5. Ypodigma Neustriae p. 524. n. 43. The Prince of Wales is made Duke of Aquitaine Anno 1362. and with his Wife and Family sent into Gascoigne and Lionel Earl of Vlster is also created Duke of Clarence in the 50th year of his Fathers Reign an Year of great Jubile in which King Edward among many other gratious Acts made for the good of His People caused the Lawes heretofore written in French to be Translated into English Whose Honour is now so great in the World that the Kings of France Ypodigma Neustriae p. 525. n. 8. Tho. Walsingham p. 179. n. 43. Scotland and Cyprus become His Visitants An. 1363. the first of which as if not willing to part from his old Prison resigned His last breath in the Savoye much lamented by King Edward who Solemnly Accompanied his Corps to Dover whence it was conveyed to St. Denis and there Interred being succeeded in His Kingdom by his Son Charles the Daulphin And now are we come to the Fortieth year of the Reign of this Mighty King at this time the most Glorious Prince in the Christian World notwithstanding during these remaining Ten yeares Charles the V. King of France Intituled the Wise the late Daulphin Ypodigma Neustriae p. 526. n. 12. 55. Tho. Walsingham p. 181. n. 40. won much advantage upon him An. 1367. The Prince of Wales having aided and restored Peter the ungrateful King of Castile is by him sent back to Aquitaine without the least pay for that great Army which he had brought to His Assistance for which being forced to raise Money amongst his Subjects at home they Rebell against Him The Lords of Armaignack and Albret and many others in France make Protestations against King Edward by whose Example the Cities of the County of Ponthieu render themselves to Guy de St. Paul An. 1368. and Guy de Chastilion Ypodig Neustriae p. 527. n. 16. The King of England Complaines of this Breach of Peace to the Emperor Charles the IV. who took a Journey into France to Reconcile the two Kings Tho. Walsingham p. 183. n. 44. but not desiding the Matter King Edward sends over His Son John Duke of Lancaster An. 1369. with a mighty Army to Invade the French on that side whilst the Prince of Wales strives to recover the revolted Towns on the other but little being effected the Duke returnes and Thomas Beauchampe Earl of Warwick with fresh Supplies is sent in his stead and dies in the Journey then Sir Robert Knoles an eminent Man both for Counsel and Valour Ypodigma Neustriae p. 527. n. 40. is made Leader of that Army against whom the Great Ones murmur in regard of the meaness of his quality by which they overthrew themselves and that Action In the year 1369. Death of Qu. Philippa on the 15th day of August Deceased Queen Philippa the Wife of King Edward III. Tho. Walsingham p. 184. n. 22. having been Married 42 yeares An. 43. of his Reign and was buried in the Abbey of St. Peter at Westminster in the Chappel of the Kings where She hath a fair Tombe at the Feet of Her Husband of Black Touchstone with the Garnishing and Her Portraiture thereon of Alablaster about which Monument were placed the Figures and now remain the Shields of Armes Carved and Painted of these Persons following viz. at the Head of Edward Prince of Wales Lewis the Emperour King Edward III. John King of France and William Earl of Henault the Queens Father On the South-side of Joan Countess of Henault the Queens Mother William Earl of Henault the Queens Brother Margaret Empress of Germany the Queens Sister Reginald Duke of Geldres Elianor Duchess of Geldres John of Bavaria Earl of Henault Mary Duchess of Britain Lewis Duke of Bavaria Margaret Countess of Pembrook Charles of Valois Son to the King of France and John Duke of Brabant On the North-side of Joan Queen of Scots John Earl of Cornwall Joan Princess of Wales Lionell Duke of Clarence Issabel Countess of Bedford John Duke of Lancaster Elizabeth Duchess of Clarence Edmond Earl of Cambridge and Thomas Earl of Buckingham And at the Foot of the Kings of Navarre Bohemia Scotland Sicily and Spain The Forme of this Tombe is represented in the following Page near unto which on a Tablet you may read this Epitaph Gulielmi Hannonis soboles postrema Philippa Hic roseo quondam pulchra decore jacet Tertius Edwardus Rex ista conjuge letus Materno suasu nobiliumque fuit Frater Johannes Comes Mauortius heros Huic
with Forces commanded by John de Vienna Admiral of France which drew King Richard thither with an Army of 120000 Men but not being able to bring the Scots to a Battel he burns Edenburgh and returns The King having thus disobliged the Duke finds a way both to gratifie him and to be rid of his company which was by giving him the command of part of these Forces to be employed in the Conquest of Castile and Leon the Title of which Kingdoms he had long used but is now resolved by Arms to force a Possession in order to which Anno 1386. he with the Duchess Constance his Wife Ypodig Neust p. 538. n. 35. Tho. Wal. p. 321. n. 56. having received two Diadems of Gold from the King and Queen and an Army of 20000 Soldiers of which number at least 1000 were Knights and Esquires and a brave Fleet of Ships set sail for Spain land at the Groyne thence march to Compostella where they are met by John King of Portugal Ypodig Neust p. 538. n. 37. and there a Marriage is concluded betwixt that King and the Lady Philipe the Dukes eldest Daughter and she honourably attended into Portugal Some incursions they make into Castile Tho. Walsing p. 341. n. 32. and the Countrey de Campo but a Peace is at last made up in a Marriage betwixt the Lady Katherine of Lancaster the Dukes only Child by the Duchess Constance of Castile and Henry Prince of Asturgus Son of King John Anno 1388. and a composition to have during the life of him and his Dutchess to each 10000 pounds yearly and in hand 200000 Nobles By which agreement though the Duke of Lancaster was obliged to unking himself yet did he in this his most fortunate expedition not only place those Crowns of Castile and Leon but also that of Portugal upon the heads of his Posterity The year after his return out of Spain Parl. an 13. R. 22.21 Tho. Walsing 343. n. 34. viz. upon the second day of March An. 13 R. 2. in the year 1389. this John Duke Lancaster was by the said King created Duke of Aquitaine Anno 1389. by the ceremony of delivering him a Golden Rod and the imposition of a Cap of Estate Pat. 22. R. 2. p. 3. n. c. and afterwards stiled himself in all his Charters Anno 1395.6 Johan filz du Roy d' Engleterre Duc de Guyene de Lancastre Comte de Derby de Nicol de Leycestre Seneschall d' Engleterre In a Parliament held at London An. 19 R. 2. he moved Leland p. 383. that his son Henry of Bullingbrook might be adjudged Heir of the Kingdom of England as being the son of Blanche Daughter of Henry Duke of Lancaster Grandson of Edmond first Earl of Lancaster An. 11 R. 2. Roger Mortimer Earl of March was proclaimed Heir to the Crown Leland p. 693. who he pretended was elder Brother to King Edward I. but put by the Crown by King Henry III. because of the deformity of a broken back and therefore named Crouchback which argument of his was contradicted by Roger Mortimer Earl of March who made it appear to the contrary and alledged it belonged to him as son of Philipe only Daughter and Heir of Lyonel Duke of Clarence second son that lived of King Edward III. who not allowing Henry's pretended succession from an eldest son of King Henry III. was to be preferred before the son of John Duke of Lancaster being younger than Lyonel This bold motion of the Dukes how well it pleased King Richard you may imagine which bad it been true did not only reflect upon the King but fixed upon the three Edwards his Predecessors the Title of Usurpers It was this spark which his son Henry of Bullingbrook afterwards blew into a Flame which continued burning in the two Royal Families of Lancaster and York till having well-nigh consumed both it became quenched with the effusion of much Princely Blood But the Duke who was by all admired for his ambition Anno 1396. is now as much wondred at for his condescention for his second Wife the Duchess Constance having been dead about two years he marries to his third Leland Coll vol. 1. p. 191. Stow. p. 312. Dame Katherine Swynford at Lincoln His third Marriage in the year 1396. a Match highly disdained by the Dutchess of Glocester the Countess of Derby and Arundel and others The Escocheons of this Katherine and the Duke of Lancaster are in laid in Brass on her Tomb in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln That above her head on the right side being charged with the Arms of England a Labell Ermine The other on the left contains the Arms aforesaid impaling those of this Katherine which were Gules three Katherien-Wheels Or. Ladies descended of the Blood Royal by means of which she should be accounted the second person in the Kingdom and be preferred before them She was the Daughter of Sir Payn Roet alias Guyen King of Armes and Widdow to Sir Ottes Swynford Kt. and had been familiarly acquainted with the Duke of Lancaster in the life time of his former Wives being Guardianess to his Daughters the Ladies Philipe and Elizabeth Ex Libro nigro in Camera Ducatus Lanc. fol. 96. in their minority for a recompence of whose care in their education the Duke grants her by Patent dated 27 Decemb. An. 3 R. 2. the Wardship of Bertran de Sanneby's Heir these are his words Pur le bone greable Service quelle nostre treschier bien amee Dame Katherine Swynford Maistresse de noz tresames filles Philipe Elizabeth de Lancastre ad fait a noz dittes filles lui anoir grauntes c. In which he calls her our most dear and wellbeloved Dame Katherine Swynford and by the same appellation and upon the same consideration Duke John grants her an Annuity of 200 Marks upon the seventh day of September An. 5 R. 2. payable out of his Honour of Tickhill Ibidem A valuable recompence in those times but not so consirable when we know that it was not only to support the Governess but also those Children which the Duke had begotten in his often visiting the Nursery of whom he took a particular care Anno 1396. not only in repairing their Mothers Honour Parl. an 20. R. 2. Feb. 9. by marriage but in procuring them to be made legitimate by an Act of Parliament An. 20 R. 2. in which they were rendred capable of all Ecclesiastical and Civil Honours and Employments the Royal Dignity excepted being called Beauforts from the Dukes Castle of Beaufort in Anjou the place of their Nativity This Dame Katherine was Duchess of Lancaster about three years outlived her Husband four years deceased upon the 10th day of May Anno 1403. An. 1403. and was buried in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln on the South-side of the Choire where she lies intombed under
of Marquis Dorset Tho. Wal. p. 355. n. 40. and under that denomination had divers grants made unto him betwixt the time of his creation and deposition from the Titles of Marquis in the first year of King Henry IV. who doubtless had not any prejudice to this John or suspition of his Loyalty nor had he reason he being the Kings half Brother and stood allied rather in a degree of service than competition but being that Sir John Beaufort had received those Honours from King Richard II. and that the Title of Marquis had been first granted by that King to his favourite Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford whom he created Marquis of Dublin King Henry was willing this should fall in the company of those of Albemarle Surrey and Exceter erected at the same time by the deposed King Richard and in the place thereof Pat. 1 H. 4. pars 3. in the same year viz. 9th of February 1 H. 4. constituted him Chamberlain of England for term of life Johannes Comes Somerset frater Regis H. 4. constituitur Camerarius Anglie ad totam vitam suam per ipsum R. fratrem suum 9 Feb. 1. H. 4. and upon the first day of February in the 3d of H. 4. I find him written Captain of Calais The next year viz. 4 H. 4. the Commons became earnest Petitioners in Parliament for his restitution to the Dignity of Marquis Titles of Honour p. 217. but because that Title was so new and strange in this Kingdom he himself being the second person honoured therewith he was altogether unwilling to be restored thereto Parl. an 4 H. 4. m. 18. artic 18. In a Patent dated 6 Junii An. 7. H. 4. he is stiled Johannes Comes Somerset frater Regis Pat. 7. H. 4. p. 1. Camerarius Anglie Vincent saith he deceased the 16th of March. Capataneus Ville Castri de Calais Pat. 11 H. 4. Inq. apud Tevelcest in Co. Som. 12 Junii 11 H. 4. n. 44. which Titles he enjoyed till his death happening upon the 21 day of April being Palme Sunday in the 11th year of H. 4. An. 1410. The Earl of Somerset took to Wife Margaret Holand His Marriage the third daughter of Thomas In Pale Beaufort Quarterly Fance semeé and England a Border Gobone Argent and Azure and Holand which is Gules 3 Lyons passant guardant Or a Border Argent This Impalement is carved in a Copper Escocheon on the North-side the Tomb of Margaret Countess of Richmond in the Chappel of Henry the Seventh and Sister and Coheir of Edmond both Earls of Kent after whose death she was espoused to her second Husband Thomas Duke of Clarence second son of King Henry IV. whom also she survived and afterwards deceased full of years and honour on the last day of December 1440. having in her life-time erected for her two Husbands and her self in the middle of the Chappel of St Michael in the South-side of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury a Tomb of grey Marble with their three Portraitures of Alablaster lying thereon without any Inscription The Figure of which Monument is exhibited in the 302 page of this fourth Book Weever in his Funeral Monuments p. 211. takes notice of several Escocheons of Arms placed about this Monument now defaced by which he observes that the Effigies on the right hand of the Duchess Margaret was there placed for Thomas Duke of Clarence and that on her left for this John Earl of Somerset the Coronets on their three heads being all of the same form Children of JOHN BEAUFORT Earl of Somerset by MARGARET HOLAND his Wife 12. Beaufort France and England quarterly a Border gobone Argent and Azure Being the Arms of his Father HENRY BEAVFORT Earl of Somerset eldest Son and Heir of Earl John Orig. an 3 H. 4. bundello 1 Rot. 18. was baptized the 16th day of October in the third year of King Henry IV. An. 1401. to whom the said King was Godfather and gave him his name and also to him and the Heirs Male of his Body granted 1000 Marks yearly c. He deceased young and unmarried upon St Katherines day Esceat an 3. H. 6. in the 6th year of the Reign of King Henry V. leaving his Inheritance to his Brother John who succeded him 12. JOHN BEAVFORT second Son of John Earl of Somerset succeeded his Brother Henry in the Earldom of Somerset and was afterwards created Duke of Somerset vide the next Chapter 12. EDMOND BEAVFORT third Son was Earl of Moriton in Normandy Dorset in England and after the death of his Brother John without Issue Male was created Duke of Somerset whose History followeth in the tenth Chapter of this fourth Book 12. THOMAS BEAVFORT fourth Son of John Earl of Somerset of whom no further mention is made than only of his name 12. JOANE BEAVFORT Queen of Scots Heninges eldest Daughter of John Earl of Somerset Scotland viz. Or a Lyon rampant Gules within a double Tressure Flowry counter Flowry of the second Impaling Beaufort aforesaid and Margaret Holand his Wife M. 14. p. 46. b. Lib. in Collegio Arm. was with great solemnity Married to James I. King of Scots in the Priory of St Mary Overy in Southwark upon the _____ day of February 1423. a Match procured for her by Henry Beaufort the rich Cardinal and Bishop of Winchester her Uncle to strengthen and support this Family by an alliance with that Kingdom This King was most cruelly murthered by the Faction of Walter Earl of Athol his Uncle in the third year of his Reign 1436. at which time it 's an act worthy of everlasting remembrance his Queen Joane so long shrowded him from the assassins with her own Body that she received two wounds before she could be drawn off him Athol's punishment was answerable to his crime for being conducted to be tormented bound fast and seated stark-naked in a Carre his head was encircled with a Crown of burning Iron with which torture he expired James I. by Queen Joane his Wife Scotland impaling Geldres viz. Perpale Azure a Lyon rampant sinister Or and Or a Lyon rampant Sable left Issue James II. of the name King of Scots who marrying with Mary the daughter of Arnold Duke of Geldres left Issue James III. and was slain at the Siege of Roxborrow by the bursting of a piece of Ordnance called a Paulcon in the year of our Lord 1460. James III. his son succeeded him in the Kingdom of Scotland Scotland impaling Denmark Or three Lyons passant Azure crowned of the first and semé of Hearts Gules and by Magaret his Wife daughter of Christerne I. of the name King of Denmark and Norway had Issue James who by the practises of the Scotish Nobility being insensed against his Father slew him in a Battel fought upon the 11th day of June An. 1488 and made his way to the Kingdom by the name of James IV. concerning whom his marriage
88. is commanded out by King Henry which so distasted the French King that he seized the ships and persons of the English denied the composition Money for Tournay Richard Grafton f. 91 92 93. and kept back the Queen Dowagers Jointure Anno 1522. whereupon the King confined the French Ambassadors here committed all French men within his Dominions secured the four Hostages and set out a Fleet of 28 sail which burnt several Scotch ships in their very Harbors took many Prisoners and great Booty King Henry being informed that the Emperor on his way to Spain intended to visit England Edward Halle f. 94 95 96. sent the Marquis of Dorser to receive him at Calais and the Cardinal of York at Dover where on Ascension Eve the King embraced him with extraordinary splendor and conducting him to Canterbury and thence to the Queen his Aunt at Greenwich and shortly after to London where they were entertained with as splendid Shows as at a Coronation the Emperor being lodged at the Black Friers and his Lords at the new Palace of Bridewell On Whitsunday with great Triumph they rode to St Pauls where the Cardinal sang Mass before which two Barons served him with Water and after the Gospel 2 Earls with Wine and Water and at the last Lavatory two Dukes performed the same service Next the two Courts removed to Windsor Ibid. f. 99. where on Corpus Christi day both Princes took the Sacrament renewing their League with reciprocal Oaths Hence they proceeded to Winchester and so to Southampton where the English Fleet commanded by the Earl of Surrey then lay which having conveyed the Emperor into Biscay Edward Halle f. 100. a b. in their return fell upon Britain took the Town of Morlaix and being shortly after sent to the Coast of France landed in Picardy burnt and took many Towns and Castles Ibid. f. 101 b. even as the Lord Ros and Lord Dacres of the North had likewise done all this while in Scotland It was about this time when Christierne King of Denmark with his Queen landing at Dover the 15th of June were sumptuously received at the Bishop of Bath's Palace in London that King Henry thus engaged in a War with France and Scotland resolved to prosecute it in good earnest Ibid. f. 116 a. 117. a.b. usq 121. b. when sending Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk with an Army of 12600 men for France Anno 1523. they first took Bell Castle and then marching into Picardy and being joined by 3000 Foot and 500 Imperial Horse took the rich Town of Anchor also Bray Cappe Roy Libome Davenker and Montdidier thus ravaging the Country they came before the Castle of Boghan which at last by the advantage of the Frost they took and so returned to Calais During which Richard Grafton f. 104.115 b. the Duke of Albanie from Scotland invading Northumberland with a great Army the second time was confronted by the Earls of Surrey Northumberland and Westmorland c. upon whose approach he retired into Scotland Whereupon Margaret Queen-Mother of Scotland praying King Henry her Brothers forbearance of the War till a furthur communication could be had the Army was dismist In this year came three Ambassadors from the Emperor Edward Halle f. 136. a. b. requesting first That his only Daughter the Lady Mary Anno 1524. might be sent into Flanders and by the name of Empress to govern the Low Countryes Secondly That her Portion Mony might be forthwith payed and Thirdly That the King in Person should prosecute the War in France the next Summer The two first the King waved and took time to consider of the last when suddenly news was brought that the French King before the Town of Pavia was by the Imperialists taken prisoner and carried to Madrid This altered the face of affairs for that King despairing of life by reason of a violent Sickness contentedly resigned the whole Dukedom of Burgundy to the Emperor whereby gaining his liberty and shortly after his health he married Isabel daughter to Emanuel King of Portugal when three years before at Windsor he had engaged to take King Henry's daughter to Wife This year viz. 1524. the Cardinal by some specious pretences Richard Grafton f. 137. a. obtained from the Pope the suppression of about forty small Monasteries in England for the raising of two Colledges one at Oxford and another at Ipswich By which president 't is much to be feared King Henry afterwards took example to destroy all the rest On the eighteenth of June this year Ibid. f. 140 a. b. King Henry at his Palace of Bridewell created his Natural Son Henry called Pitz-Roy These Creations were 18 June 1525. 17 H. 8. first Earl of Nottingham and then Duke of Somerset and Richmond Henry Courtney Earl of Devonshire Marquis of Exceter the Lord Henry Brandon son to the Duke of Suffolk by Mary the French Queen Earl of Lincoln Sir Thomas Manners Lord Roos Earl of Rutland Sir Henry Clifford Earl of Cumberland Sir Robert Ratcliff Lord Fitz-Walter Viscount Fitz-Walter and Sir Thomas Bullen Viscount Rochford The same year King Henry Edward Halle f. 144. a.b. usque 152. by mediation of the French Kings Mother then Regent of France having concluded a Peace with that Kingdom in consideration of 400000 l. sterl whereof 50000 to be paid in hand and the rest at a time appointed and thereupon made Arbitrator between the French King and the Emperor a motion was made by the French Ambassadors for a marriage between the Lady Mary King Henry's only daughter Anno 1526. and the Duke of Orleans second son to the French King Ibid. f. 155 b. wherein as Wolsey had designed it to revenge himself on the Emperor for denying him the Archbishoprick of Toledo as likewise the Papacy the question was started by the President of Paris Ibid. f. 155 concerning the lawfulness of the Kings marriage with Queen Katherine Aunt to the Emperor having been the Wife of his elder Brother Prince Arthur And this as it afterwards became the Cardinals ruine so it put the King upon all those future extravagancies for being secretly fallen in love with Anne Bullen daughter to the late created Viscount Rochford the Cardinal was obliged even against his own inclination to prosecute the Divorce from Queen Katherine by solliciting the Court of Rome for a Session here in England to determine the business Richard Grafton f. 181 182 who joining Cardinal Campeius in Commission with his Eminence of York Anno 1528. the matter was debated at the Black-fryers where the Queen appealing to the Pope and the Kings own Conscience his Majesty declared her virtue and innocence and his unwillingness to leave her were it not for the scruple of his Conscience Whereupon after much debate and many means used but ineffectually to persuade the Queen to recall her Appeal the Kings Councel moved earnestly for Sentence which Campeius the chief
of Gold Silver and Pretious Stones the Spanish Ambassador required a restauration of the Goods as taken from their Subjects in the Indian Seas upon which the Queen having before sequestred them repaid a great part of the same to Pedro Sebura the King of Spains Agent which afterwards was ungratefully employed in the Low Countrey Wars And now more earnestly than ever is the Match between the Duke of Alanson now Anjou and Queen Elizabeth sollicited by the Queen Mother of France in compliance to which Delegates on both sides are appointed and Articles at last agreed on much to the same purpose with those of Queen Mary and King Philip upon which the Duke comes over stays here three months and was so kindly received by the Queen that publickly she took off her Ring from her Finger and put it upon his admitting many private Conferences with him but being thwarted by the Earl of Leicester and the Court Ladies for fear of re-introducing Popery it came to nothing Many Tumults at this time arising in Scotland even to the surprising the Kings Person Anno 1582. Queen Elizabeth sends thither Sir Francis Walsingham to advise the King who a little before had rescued himself from his Surprisers to beware of evil Counsellors to preserve the purity of Religion and the Amity of both Kingdoms to which the young King returned a full satisfactory answer beyond what could be expected from his years Many practises were about this time discovered for the Queen of Scots Enlargement the chief whereof was by Francis Throckmorton eldest Son to the Chief Justice of Chester upon whose apprehension some persons of Note fled beyond the Sea others were committed and in fine Sir William Wade is sent to Treat with the Queen of Scots from whom though he received all he could require yet did it not suffice but that an association was entered into by the Earl of Leicester and others for the prosecution of all those that should attempt any thing against the Queen which the Queen of Scots easily perceiving to be meant against her sent so absolute a Submission to the Queen in all things but that of her Religion that Queen Elizabeth was in a manner disposed to have acquitted her But so potent were her Adversaries in England and Scotland that they wanted not opportunities to obstruct it by suggesting to the Queen the dangerous consequences thereof which was seconded with such scandalous and contumelious bellowings from the Scottish Pulpits against her and other stratagems and devices as might if possible drive her to some desperate attempt but failing Assassinates were by Leicester sent to make her away which they had certainly done if Sir Drue Drury and Sir Amias Paulet to whom she was now committed had not detested so horrid a Villany In this Session of Parliament Anno 1584. the aforesaid Association was universally approved of and 't was Enacted that twenty four of the Queens Councel and Peers of the Realm should be elected and authorised to enquire of all such persons as should attempt any evil against the Queen lay claim to the Crown attempt or invade the Kingdom and that person by or for whom the same shall either be attempted or invaded to be made incapable of the Crown and liable to the Law The poor distressed States of the Low Countreys being now again drawn into a sad straight and neglected by the French more humbly than ever sollicite Queen Elizabeths assistance who considering the growing potency of the Spaniards and the lamentable condition of those afflicted people resolved actually to take them into her Protection and to supply them with a 1000 Horse and 5000 Foot with Pay during the War on condition that the Forts of Flushing Ramekin and the Brill should be delivered up to her use which being agreed to the Earl of Leicester as General with the Earl of Essex the Lords Audley and North c with a great number of Volunteers besides the before promised Forces landed at Flushing in December 1584. where they were honourably received by Sir Philip Sidney Governor of that place whence being with great magnificence conducted to the Hague by the States of Holland Leicester is invested with the Titles of absolute Governor and General of all the United Provinces whereat Queen Elizabeth seemed somewhat displeased as being too great a presumption in them to bestow and in him to accept them without the Queens knowledge and consent The Peace thus broken with Spain the Queen to divert that Kings anger further from home immediately fits our a Navy of twenty one ships for the West Indies where they surprized many Spanish Towns when a Calenture seizing on their Men they returned with a very great Booty homewards by Virginia where Sir Walter Raleigh had planted a Colony from whence they now first brought Tabaco into England The Earl of Arundel having remained near a year in the Tower Anno 1585. was summoned into the Star-Chamber where he is charged with the Fostering of Priests having Correspondence with Allen and Parsons the Jesuite and his endeavouring to depart the Kingdom for which being convicted he was Fined 10000 l. and committed again to the Tower during the Queens pleasure About which time another Conspiracy was discovered against the Queen for which one Ballard a Priest Anno 1586. and thirteen more were hanged drawn and quartered in St Giles's Fields Whereupon the Queen of Scots being supposed conscious of the Treason it was consulted what should be done with her when concluding to put in execution the Statute of 27 Eliz. made about a year since by the procurement of Leicester and his Association for that very purpose Commissioners are appointed to proceed against her who after many meetings at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire in order to her Tryal finding her to insist on her innocency and exemption as a Sovereign Princess threatned her at last into a compliance whereupon the Court being sate in her presence Chamber and the charge read she replyed That the Letters produced might be Counterfeits the Treasons confessed might be extorted for fear of death motions for the Queens destruction she was never privy to but for practising her own Enlargement as a thing justifiable in her she denied not desiring to be heard in Parliament before the Queen herself which not being granted the Commissioners proceed to Sentence which in the end was performed 1 Aug. 1586. when upon a Scaffold purposely erected in the great Hall of the Castle of Foderinghay she was after nineteen years imprisonment unhappily beheaded To excuse which Sir Robert Cary son to the Lord Hunsdon is sent to King James charging Davyson the Queens Secretary and her too credulous Councel with the Fault protesting the Queens intention otherwise But the King denied him access at the first till means were found to persuade him to continue Amity with England However a War from Spain must certainly be expected and therefore it is resolved to attack them first
to the custody of the Lord Privy Seal shortly after which he was brought to a private Tryal wherein he was accused for First Making the Earl of Northampton General of the Horse Secondly Drawing his Forces into Munster and neglecting the Arch-rebel Tyrone and Thirdly Having a Private Parley with him To which protesting his innocency and craving the Queens mercy he was at last enlarged when falling into new Dilemma's he was with the Earl of Southampton and others committed to the Tower With the begining of the year they were brought to their Trials Anno 1600. the Earl of Essex and other his Confederates beheaded some hanged and the rest suspended All this while the Rebellion remained hot in Ireland Tyrone having received aid from Spain now carries himself as Monarch of the Country but by one single Battel near Kinsale on Christmass Eve they were by the Lord Mountjoye defeated and the Spanish * General who had possessed himself of Kingsale Don John d' Aqu●ta forced to a Capitulation whereupon Kinsale with other Forts being by Treaty yielded up the Spaniards quit the Kingdom and are conveyed home Tyrone thus deserted submits wholly to the Queens mercy rendring himself to the Lord Mountjoy then Deputy of Ireland who designing to bring him into England was prevented by the death of the Queen Her death which happened at her Palace of Richmond 24 March 1602. when she had lived 69 years 6 months and seven days and reigned 44 years 4 months and 7 days Eight days Camden Her Body being embalmed and wrapped in Lead was conveyed to Whitehall whence the 28th of April it was brought to St Peters at Westminster with great solemnity attended by Funeral Mourners to the number to 1600 by her converted into a Collegiate Church with a Dean 12 Prebends Vicars and Singing-men a Master Usher and 40 Scholars and 12 Alms-men and there buried in the magnificent Chappel of her Grandfather King Henry VII where her Royal Successor King James built for her a stately Monument near the East end of the North Isle which being of white Marble and supported by ten Corinthian Pillars of black Marble hath the Frize thereof adorned with the Arms of all the Royal Matches in a direct Succession from Edward the Confessor and also with Impalements of several Branches of the Kingly Family The Figure of which Tomb with the Epitaphs at each end of it containing a Summary of her most memorable Actions I have here exhibited On a Tablature over the Cornish at the head of the Tomb. MEMORIAE AETERNAE ELIZABETHAE ANGLIAE FRANCIAE ET HIBERNIAE REGINAE R. HENRICI VIII FILIAE R. HEN. VII NEPTI R. ED. IIII. PRONEPTI PATRIAE PARENTI RELIGIONIS ET BONARVM ARTIVM ALTRICI PLVRIMARVM LINGVARVM PERITIA PRAECLARIS TVM ANIMI TVM CORPORIS DOTIBVS REGIISQ VIRTVTIBVS SVPRA SEXVM PRINCIPI INCOMPARABILI IACOBVS MAGNAE BRITANNIAE FRANCIAE ET HIBERNIAE REX VIRTVTVM ET REGNORVM HAERES BENE MERENTI PIE POSVIT On the Basement at the ●ead REGNO CONSORTES ET VRNA HIC OBDORMIMUS ELIZABETHA ET MARIA SORORES IN SPE RESVRRECTIONIS Illustrissimo Domino Dno. IOHANNI Comiti de BRIDGE WATER Vicecomiti BRACKLEY et Baroni de ELLESMERE Serenissmoque Regi CAROLO 2 do in Comitatu Buckinghamiae locum tenenti hanc Monumenti Elizabethae Reginae Figuram hunnili m● DDDFS SIC DONEC HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT R Gaywood fecit MEMORIAE SACRUM On a like Tablature over the Cornish at the foot RELIGIONE AD PRIMAEVAM SINCERITATEM RESTAVRATA PACE FUNDATA MONETA AD IUSTUM VALOREM REDUCTA REBELLIONE DOMESTICA VINDICATA GALLIA MALIS INTESTINIS PRAECIPITI SUBLEVATA BELGIO SUSTENTATO HISPANICA CLASSE PROFLIGATA HIBERNIA PULSIS HISPANIS ET REBELLIBUS AD DEDITIONEM COACTIS PACATA REDDITIBVS VTRIVSQ ACADEMIAE LEGE ANNONARIA PLURIMVM ADVCTIS TOTA DENIQ ANGLIA DITATA PRVDENTISSIMEQ ANNOS XLV ADMINISTRATA ELIZABETHA REGINA VICTRIX TRIVMPHATRIX PIETATIS STVDIOSISSIMA FAELICISSIMA PLACIDA MORTE SEPTUAGENARIA SOLVTA MORTALES RELIQVIAS DVM CHRISTO IVBENTE RESVRGANT IMMORTALES IN HAC ECCLESIA CELEBERRIMA AB IPSA CONSERVATA ET DENVO FVNDATA DEPOSVIT On the Basement at the foot OBIIT XXIIII MARTII ANNO SALVTIS M. DC II. REGNI XLV AETATIS LXX For an Eternal Memorial Thus Englished by Mr. Speed in his Chronicle of the Kings of England Unto Elizabeth Queen of England France and Ireland Daughter of King Henry the Eighth Grandchild to King Henry the Seventh Great-Grandchild to King Edward the fourth The Mother of this Her Country The Nurse of Religion and Learning for perfect skill of very many Languages for glorious endowments as well of Mind as Body and for her regal Vertues beyond her Ser. A Prince Incomparable Iames of Great Britaine France and Ireland King Inheritour both of Her vertues and Kingdoms to Her so well deserving piously hath this erected Consorts both in Throne and in Grave heere rest we two Sisters Elizabeth and Mary in hope of our Resurrection Sacred unto Memory Religion to its Primitive Sinceritie Restored Peace Thorowly Settled Coine to the true value refined Rebellion at home extinguished France neere ruine by intestine mischiefs received Netherland supported Spaines Atmano vanquished Ireland with Spaniards expulsion and Traitors coercion quieted both Vniversities Revenewes by a Law of Provision exceedingly augmented Finally all England enriched and xlv yeeres most prudently governed Elizabeth a Queen a Conqueresse a Triumpher the most devoted to Piety the most happy after ixx. yeeres of her life quietly by death departed hath left heere in this most famous Collegiat Church which by her was established and refounded these remaines of her Mortality until at Christs call they shall again rise immortal She died xxiiij March the yeere of Saluation MDCII of her Raigne XLV of her Age LXXII 15. MARGARET QUEEN of SCOTS eldest Daughter of Henry VII King of England c. CHAP. VI. THis Princess Margaret In pale Or d Lyon rampant within a double Tressure flowry counter-flowry Gules Scotland and France and England quarterly Which Arms are carved and painted on the Tomb of Queen Elizabeth in King Henry VII his Chappel Th. Milles p. 221. eldest Daughter of King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth Daughter of King Edward IV. and Sister to King Henry VIII was born on the 29th day of November in the year of our Lord 1489. and of her Fathers Reign the fifth At the age of 14 years she was assied unto James IV. King of Scots Richard Grafton f. 56. who had earnesty desired her in Marriage whereupon King Henry her Father accompanying her as far as Cole-Weston beside Northampton where his Mother the Countess of Richmond then lay having given her his Blessing with fatherly counsel and exhortation committed the guard and conduct of her person principally to the Earls of Surrey and Northumberland and to such Ladies and Gentlewomen as were appointed to
Bride being led to Church by two Batchelors her Brother Prince Charles and the Earl of Northampton Lord Privy Seal She was attired all in white having a rich Crown of Gold upon her Head her Hair hanging down at length curiously beset with Pearls and Precious Stones her Train supported by twelve young Ladies in white Garments The King gave her in Marriage the Archbishop of Canterbury married them and the Bishop of Bath and Wells Preached the Bridal Sermon Which ended she was led home by two married Men the Duke of Lenox and the Earl of Nottingham Lord Admiral These Nuptials were celebrated with stately Masques After which the Lord Mayor and Aldermen gave the Bride a Chain of Oriental Pearl valued at two thousand Pounds And now when all things had been performed for honouring their Marriage on the 10th of April the Count Palatine and the Princess Elizabeth took their leave of the King and Queen at Rochester and there embarking on the 29th of the same Month they arrived at Flushing and from thence journied to Heydelberg being received in all places where they passed with great State and Magnificence The Count Palatine being thus strengthened by alliance with the King of Great Britain was though a fit person to be King of Bohemia and accordingly was elected by the Estates of that Kingdom but he was no sooner invested in the Crown than that the Emperor with great Forces assaulted him in Prague and not only drove him with his Wife and Children from thence but took from him also his own Patrimony the Palatinate so as though now a King he was fain to fly to the States of the Low Countreys for a place of Residence King James although he had never given his consent to the Palsgraves taking upon him the Government of that Kingdom as foreseeing in his great Judgement what the event would be yet in this distress he could not forbear to take care of the Queen his Daughter and thereupon sent his Ambassador Sir Richard Weston to the Emperor to sollicite the restoration of the Palatinate but returning without success King James had then a Conference with Count Gundomar the King of Spains Legier in England what course might be taken therein who made him answer there could be no better way than to make a Marriage between his Son the Prince of Wales and the Infanta of Spain the effecting of which he said would be easie if the Prince might have leave to make a Journy into Spain which after much ado was consented unto Upon which Prince Charles with the Marquis of Buckingham and others making a Journy thither by the way of France is magnificently received but after eight months stay in Spain by the delay of the Spaniard rendred ineffectual so that this Exiled Prince the King of Bohemia being dispossessed of his Hereditary Estate died of a Fever in Mentz on the 29th of November 1632. a Prince so sweetly conditioned Galliazo Gualdo lib. 5. p. 147 Englished by the Earl of Monmouth as that he was universally beloved by all Protestants leaving his Queen a Widow who continued at the Hague in Holland till the Restauration of her Nephew King Charles II. to His Monarchy of Great Britain who thereupon sent for her into England Busellinus pars prima in Genealogica Germaniae notitia p. 45. where she arrived at London upon the 17th day of May 1661. and continuing till the 8th of February at the House of the Earl of Craven in Drury Lane a Noble Man very assistant to her in the time of her greatest afflictions and afterwards at Leicester House in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields contemplating the great mercy of God in bringing her Nephew to his rightful Throne which she declared was the only desire of her heart there departed this mortal life upon Thursday the 13th of February in the same year 1661. and upon Monday following early in the morning was conveyed to Somerset House from whence her Corps in the evening was carried by Barge to the Abbey of Westminster being there accompanied to her Sepulchre by Prince Rupert her Son and many of the Nobility and privately interred in the same Vault in King Henry VII his Chappel with Prince Henry her eldest Brother Upon her Majesties Coffin is fastned a Plate of Silver gilt on which the following Inscription is engraven viz. Depositum Serenissimae et Potentissimae Principissae Elizabethae Reginae Bohemiae relictae Erederici nuper Regis Bohemiae Archidapiferi et Principis Electoris Sacri Romani Imperii et filiae unicae Jacobi Sororis Caroli primi et Amitae Caroli ejus nominis secundi Magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Regum Quae Aedibus Comitis Leicestriae die Jovis decimo tertio Februarii pijssime in Domino obdormivit Anno a Christo nato 1661. Aetatis suae Sexagessimo sexto She left Issue by Frederick King of Bohemia her Husband these Children following viz. 20. Frederick Henry eldest Son Count Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Bavaria c. born upon the first of January An. 1614 was crowned King of Bohemia by those of his Faction and drowned in Haerlem Meer the 7th of January in the year 1629. and fifteenth of his age 20. Charles Lodowick Count Palatine of the Rhine Ibid. p. 45. Duke of Bavaria Quarterly Sable a Lyon rampant Or crowned Gules and Lozengy in Bend Argent and Azure over all on an Escocheon Gules a Mound with a Cross thereon Or. Impaling Azure a Lion barruly Argent and Gules which is Hellen. Elector and Great Steward of the Empire second Son of Frederick King of Bohemia born at Heydelberg upon the 12 22 day of December Anno 1617. was commonly called the Palsgrave from the High Dutch Psalizgraff Palatij Comes At the age of about four years he was conveyed thence into the Countreys of Wirtenberg and Brandenburg then into Holland where at the Hague and the University of Leyden he was educated in a princely manner At eighteen years of age came into England and was created Knight of the Garter He fought a Battel at Vlota in Westphalia about two years after and An. 1637. passing privately through France to take possession of Brisack intended to be delivered up to him by the Duke of Saxen Weymar together with the command of his Army he was by Cardinal Richlieu discovered at Moulins and thence sent back prisoner to Bois de Vincennes whence after twenty three weeks imprisonment he was by the Mediation of the King of England Charles I. his Uncle set at liberty In the year 1643. he came again into England and with the Kings secret consent because the King could not continue unto him the wonted Pension whil'st the Rebels possest the greatest part of His Majesties Revenues made his addresses to and abode with the disloyal part of the Lords and Commons at Westminster where he continued until the Murder of the said King and the restitution of the Lower
whereof Sir Henry Finch was Speaker in which after Thanks rendred His Majesty for his Gratious Answer to their Petition concerning Religion their next Debate fell upon the Grievances of the Kingdom by Evil Councellors and clipping of the Kings Wings as to his Privy Purse and publick Grants c. but the principal String on which they harped was Religion keeping thereon a kind of a constant Committee whereof one John Pym a turbulant person was Chairman so that the Kings Ears were never free from their noise daily fomented by two turbulent Members of the House of Commons Clement Cook and one Turner a Phisitian till at last the King was constrained to send them word by Sir Richard Weston that it was best for them to consult of Matters of greatest importance at present and that they should have time enough for other things afterwards Anno 1626. Several thwarting accusations at this time passed in Parliament between the Duke of Buckingham and the Earl of Bristol for matters acted in the late Kings time wherein they recriminate upon each other In fine the Duke of Buckingham sustains the lash of all their contumely which though to every Article he gave as good satisfaction as in reason could be expected yet their rage ceased not to prefer new matters of old Concernments against him which though true as he urged ought not then to have been remembred since in Parliament An. 21. of King James he had been acquitted besides his present Majesties General Pardon at his Coronation was sufficient to free him as it did all others from the like Imputation Yet all this suffis'd not whereupon the King was forced to dissolve the Parliament After this an Information was at the Council Table preferred against the Bishop of Lincolne by Sir John Lambe and Doctor Sibthorp as favouring the Puritans speaking dangerous words in their behalf against the King and opposing the Loan which now the King was about taking up in order to a War with France For which the Bishop with some others of the same Faction were imprisoned Doctor Lamb is murdered in the Streets of London by the Rabble for which the City is fined 6000 l. Notwithstanding Epedition to Isle of Rhe. with much ado shortly after that Expedition went on with 6000 Horse and Foot 10 Royal Ships and 90 Merchantmen under the command of the Duke of Buckingham Anno 1627. for defence of the Rochellers who being conducted by one Monsieur Sobiesse had seized on that place and divers others for the Protestant Religion against their King from whom but a little before they had by Mediation of the English Embassadors obtained a Truce which afterwards upon advantage of the King of Frances Armies removing towards Italy the said Sobiesse took an occasion to break by surprising the Isle of Rhe and attempting Port Lewis whereupon Lewis XIII the French King diverting his Force fromwards Italy with the shipping that had been lent him for that service by the King of England set upon them forcing them from their Holds and Sobiesse into the Isle of Olleron When at the Duke's coming he endeavoured to land in the Isle of Rhe with his Men he had a sherp Fight Sir John Burrough was there slain wherein many brave Gentlemen lost their lives on both sides and little to the purpose effected But returning home another Fleet was shortly provided which the King himself at Portsmouth came to view where the said Duke being very intent upon the Business and labouring much to get all things in readiness for recovery of that wherein he had been unsuccessful as he came down Stairs out of his Chamber and passing towards his Parlor he was by one John Felton a Lieutenant of Foot on the 23d of July 1628. stabbed to the Heart with a Knife which the Villain flying left sticking in his Back and being apprehended declared that he did it for the Cause of God and his Country upon the account of the Parliaments late Remonstrance against him as being a friend to Popery for which the said Felton was executed at Tyburn The Parliament at this time growing stubborn against the King Anno 1628. would needs by a Vote take off the Subsidies granted him of Tunnage and Poundage whereupon His Majesty sending Mr. Maxwell Usher of the Black Rod to dissolve them they denie it till the King with his Pensioners and Guard preparing to come himself they quitted the House and thus ended that Parliament For now what with the continual clamour of the Commonalty against the Introduction of Popery as they called it and their perpetual grumblings against Taxes the Puritanical Faction grow so numerous and bold that Libels are daily cast about the Streets against the King and Clergy especially Bishop Laud and others of the Kings most faithfull Councellors which though by all the gratious Concessions that could be the King endeavoured to quiet yet it would not be It was now the 6th year of the Kings Reign Anno 1630. when on the 29th of May the Queen was happily delivered of her eldest Son our present Soveraign Lord King Charles whose Nativity was ushered in with a Star seen at noon-day After which a general Peace ensued between us and all Foreign Nations however a damnable Rebellion not long after broke out in Ireland Anno 1632. which for several years continued and another more horrid had taken root in Scotland That by the Irish Recusants upon pretence of regaining their Ancient Freedom from their long continued slavery and this upon the contrary account for fear of Popery But upon the humble intreaty of the Scots the King in the ninth year of his Reign over England An. 1633. takes his Journy thither Anno 1633. and is solemnly Crowned at Edenborough the 18th of June where he called a Parliament in which he confirmed many old Statutes but not without the opposition of the discontented Reformers as they called themselves as supposing the same to have been done in favor of Episcopacy The King having visited some principal places in that Kingdom in July returns for England The English Seas were about this time sadly infested with Pirats Anno 1634. and the Fishing almost wholly usurped by the Hollanders whereupon the King advising with his Attorney General Noy he finds out an ancient President for the setting out of a Fleet by vertue of the Kings own Writ who thereupon caused several Sums of Mony to be raised among his Subjects called Ship Money wherewith being indifferently furnished He set forth a considerable Navy under the command of the Earls of Lindsey and Essex whereby not only our Ships passed with great security upon their Trade but England grew so formidable to Foreign Princes that the King of Spain as his safest way made use of our Bottoms for transporting his Bullion which yielded an inestimable benefit both to our Merchants for Exchange of their Commodities and to the Kings Mint The good effects of the last
the World to die an innocent Man and a good Christian according to the Profession of the Church of England Praying that His Enemies might Repent and with St. Stephen That His Death be not laid to their Charge with an heroick magnanimity endured the fatal Stroak thereby exchanging His Crown on Earth for one far more glorious in Heaven His Body was laid in a Coffin covered with black Velvet and from thence carried to His House at St. James's where it was put in a Coffin of Lead there to be seen by the People On Wednesday the 7th of February His Corps was delivered to two of His Servants to be buried at Windsor whither the Duke of Richmond the Marquis of Hertford the Earl of Lindsey and Southampton together with Doctor Juxon Bishop of London and divers others repaired There with much difficulty they find a Vault in St. George's Chappel where King Henry VIII was formerly buried Which being prepared a small piece of Lead some two Foot long and two Inches broad was provided on which was inscribed KING CHARLES 1648. which was sawdered to the Breast of the Corps All things being in readiness the Body was brought to the Vault by the Soldiers of the Garison over which was a black Velvet Pall which was supported by the four Lords the Bishop of London stood by weeping then was it deposited in Silence and Sorrow the Pall being cast in after it Several Elegies and Epitaphs both in Verse and Prose have been Celebrated to the Memory of this Glorious Martys One in Latin written by Richard Powell of the Inner Temple Esq which together with His Majesties Portraiture at large and His Works in Folio under it were Painted and set up since his present Majesties Restauration in St. Olaves Church in Silver-Street London is as followeth M. S. Sanctissimi Regis Martyris CAROLI Siste Viator Luge Obmutesce Mirare Memento CAROLI ILLIUS Nominis paritèr Pietatis Insignissimae PRIMI MAGNAE BRITANNIAE REGIS Qui Rebellium Persidia primo Deceptus Dein Perfidorum Rabie Percussus Inconcussus tamen LEGUM FIDEI DEFENSOR Schismaticorum Tirannidi Succubuit Anno Salutis Humanae MDCXLVIII Servitutis Nostrae Primo Faelicitatis Suae Primo Coronâ Terrestri Spoliatus Coelesti Donatus Sileant autem Periturae Tabellae Perlege RELIQUIAS verè Sacras CAROLINAS In Queis Sui Mnemosynen aere perenniorem vivaciùs exprimit Illa Illa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Children of King CHARLES I. by Queen HENRIETTA MARIA of France his Wife 20. CHARLES STVART Prince of Great Britain who was born baptized and deceased on the 18th day of March An. 1628. 20. CHARLES STVART Prince of Great Britain second Son of King Charles I. and Queen Mary of France succeeded his Father in his Kingdoms by the Name of King Charles II. whose History followeth in the next Chapter His Royal Highness doth bear the Arms of Great Briain France and Ireland distinguished by a Label of three points Ermine within the Garter and Ensigned with a Coronet composed of Crosses and Flowers de Lize Which form of Coronet His present Majesty hath by Warrant granted to be born by this Duke His Brother by all His Majesties immediate Sons and by all the immediate Sons and Brothers of the succeeding Kings of England Which said Grant because it directs not only the form of the Diadem to be used by the Son and Heir apparent to the Crown but also of the Coronets of other Princes of the Blood Royal I have for the Readers information here exhibited the same CHARLES R. Trusty and Welbeloved We Greet You well Earl Marshalls Book 1. 25 fol. 86. a. in Coll. Arm. Whereas the Sons and Descendents of Our Royal Ancestors and Predecessors Kings of England and other Noble Persons who for the eminence of their Extraction and Merits are and have been Dignified with the Titles of Dukes Marquisses Earls and Viscounts have borne and used several sorts of Coronets and Circles as particular distinctions of their respective Dignities and Degrees the which notwithstanding have not been so established but that they have in several Ages admitted of alteration Wherefore We having observed that the Coronets used by those of Our Royal Family have not been enough distinguished from those used by others We have thereupon found it fit and necessary so to settle and establish the use and bearing of such Coronets as may not only evidence the just esteem we have for those of Our Royal Family but as may in all ●imes hereafter Distinguish such from others though of Eminent Birth and equal Titles with them Our Will and Pleasure therefore is That the Son and Heir apparent of the Crown for the time being shall use and bear his Coronet composed of Crosses and Flower de Lizes with one Arch and in the midst a Ball and Cross as hath Our Royal Diadem and that Our most dear and most entirely beloved Brother James Duke of York and so all the immediate Sons of Our Self and the immediate Sons and Brothers of Our Successors Kings of England shall bear and use his and their Coronets composed of Crosses and Flowers de Lizes only but that all their Sons respectively having the Title of Dukes shall bear and use their Coronets composed of Crosses and Flowers or Leaves such as are used in the composure of the Coronets of Dukes not being of Our Royal Family hereby commanding you Our Principal Herald and King of Arms of Our Order and your Successors respectively in the said Office to Emblason and set f●rth the Arms in all Atchievements whatsoever of the Son and Heir apprent of the Crown for the time being of Our said most dear and most entirely Beloved Brother James Duke of York and of all other descended of Our Royal Family in such manner as is hereby exprest and directed And that you forthwith cause an Entry to be made in the Publick Register in our Office of Arms of this Our Will and Pleasure to the end you and all others whom it may concern may duely execute and observe the same And for your so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant and full Authority Given under Our Signet at Our Court at Whitehall this 9th day of February in the Thirteenth Year of Our Reign By His Majesties Command Edw. Nicholas 20. JAMES STVART Duke of York and Albany Earl of Vlster c. his Royal Highness third Son of King Charles I. and Queen Mary and onely Brother living to our present Soveraign King Charles II. was born upon the 14th day of October 1633. at the Palace of St. James and forthwith Proclaimed at the Court Gates Duke of York upon which several Medals of Silver were cast abroad Penes Rad. Sheldon de Beoley Armigerum The one side of which contained a Lyon Seiant with a Ducal Coronet on his Head composed of Roses and Flowers de Lize behind a compartment inscribed with the words DUX EBORA NATUS OCT. 14. 1633. and the other side
Arms the Lyon of Aquitain of the same Mettal in a Field of that Colour in the Right of Elianor his Wife Heir of that Countrey and for this cause are they painted for the Conquerour upon the Tomb of Queen Elizabeth in Henry VII Chappel at Westminster impaled with those of Queen MAND of Flanders his Wife viz. Gironne of eight pieces Or and Azure an Ineschocheon Gules Arms attributed to the Forresters and First Earls of Flanders to the time of Robert the Frison Olivarius Uredus in Sigilla Com. Flandriae p. 6. and the Arms also of King Henry I. impaleing them of Queen Maud of Scotland viz Or a Lyon rampant within a double Tressure counter-flowry Gules when indeed Impalements were not known before the time of Henry the Thirds if so soon as I shall prove in its proper place To pass by the Poetical Fictions of Devises assigned to the Trojan and Grecian Captains those attributed to Solomon David and Josbua yea and our Saviour himself by Monks Poets and Painters Hen. Spelman Eq. Anr. in Aspilogia p. 41. We may upon better grounds not only note the Devises of several Romans upon their Consular Coins Carolus Patin in Antiquis Numismatibus c. pag. 257. 313. but take a view of their Practice in the time of Trajan the Emperour upon whose Pillar one of the Worlds most famous Monuments in being are not only variety of Devises but also the exact form and difference of the Roman German and Dacian Shields But to confine my self within the limits of my Story and to prove that Devises were in use about the time of the Conquerour we may note in the Challenge of Geffrey Martell Earl of of Anjou returned him being only Duke of Normandy near Damfront by Roger de Montgomery and others where the Earl that he might be the better known to the Duke describes Qualem Equum in praelio sit habiturus quate SCUTUM qualem vestitum and Roger on the behalf of the Duke of Normandy Equum vicissim Domini sui praefignat vestitum ARMA Gesta Will. Ducis Normanuiae pag. 113. Upon this ground Samuel Daniel in his History of the Conquerour's Life pag. 26 surnished with what other Authority I know not enlargeth thus That Count Martell made this return by Roger de Montgomery viz. Tell the Duke to morrow by day-break he shall have me there on a White Horse ready to give him the Combate and I will enter Damfront if I can and to the end he shall know me I will wear a SHIELD d' OR without any devise Roger replies Sir you shall not need to take the pains for to morrow morning you shall have the Duke in this place mounted on a Bay Horse and that you may know him he shall wear on the point of his Launce a STREAMER OF TAFFATA to wipe your face Here was a Shield d' Or of Gold without any Devise which implies that Devises were used in that time but it seameth onely momentary taken up and laid down at pleasure For had they been personal that is for life Count Geffrey might have been as well known by his Devise as Families are by their Arms at this day And its probable the reason why the Shields of that Age were lest Blanks or of one Simple Colour or Mettal was to receive the Impress of every Fancy that either pleased the Bearer or the Painter CHAP. I. THere had been a continued Succession of Six Dukes of Normandy Gesta Norman ex Veteri Codice M.S. pag. 213. beginning with ROLLO who being a Nobleman of Denmarke came forth with the exuberancie of his Nation and compelled Charles surnamed the simple King of France by force of Armes to make him Duke of Normandy To Rollo succeeded his Son William the Second Duke called Longue-Espee or Long-Sword Father of Richard Third Duke of Normandy who had issue Richard surnamed the Hardy and Emma Wife of King Etheldred Mother of St. Edward the Confessor Will. Malmesh Will. Gemmeticonfis p. 230. d. 231. a b c. King of England from whom our succeeding Monarchs derive the Cure of the Kings Evil. Richard Duke of Normandy II. of the Name surnamed the Hardy had two Sons Richard and Robert Richard succeeded his Father by the Name of Richard III. and was Fifth Duke of Normandy who deceasing without issue the Dutchy came to his Brother Robert the Sixth Duke of Normandy Father of this WILLIAM II. of the Name Seventh Duke of Normandy and Conquerour of England begotten on Arlot a Skinners Daughter of Falais Rob. of Glocester whom he affected for her Beauty and Comely Dancing which he by chance beheld among her Countrey Companions WILLIAM thus meanly generated yet wanted not before and at his Birth Presages of his future Greatness for his Mother being with-child of Him The Norman Dinasty had a Dream like that of Mandana Mother of Cyrus the First Persian Book I. Monarch that her Bowells were extended over all Normandy and England and even his Bastardy seemed to have an allay if it be true as * Will. Malmesh lib. 3. in principio Ingulph lib. 6. cap. 19. some write that his Father took Arlot to Wife Nor was Bastardy at that time accounted a scandal or reproach for this WILLIAM in his Grant to Alan Earl of Brittain of the Lands of Earl Edwin in Yorkshire styles himself WILLIAM surnamed Bastard King of England it being then also a general Custom in France that Bastards did succeed even in Dignities of highest condition as Children lawfully begotten Scevola Louis de St. Marthe lib. 2. p. 68. Thierry Bastard of Clouis had for his Appennage with the Lawful Children of the said Clouis the Kingdom of Austrasia now called Lorrain so likewise in England Harold surnamed Harefoot Bastard to Canutus succeeded him in the Kingdom before Hardy-Canutus his Lawful Son The like Custom hath also been observed in Spain and Portugal and its probable this use was grounded upon often experience that Bastards as begotten in the highest heat and strength of affection have many times been Men of excellent proof both in courage and understanding But however it was Duke Robert esteemed our WILLIAM worthy to be his Successor for undertaking his Pilgrimage to the Holy-Land whether out of Devotion or Penance for procuring his Brother Richards Death whereof he was suspected he caused his Nobles to swear Allegiance to WILLIAM and after his Death to receive him for their Prince being then onely Nine years old the Tuition of whom he left to his Brothers and the Guardianship of his person to Henry the First King of France Will. Gemmet lib. 6. oh 7. into whose Custody he delivered him with his own hands that King owing Robert a kindness for former assistance in the preservation of his Crown But Duke Robert's Journey and Life ending together the Nobles of Normandy by much intreaty got him out of the French Kings hands thinking by his presence to awe his
that it begets a new Confederation into which Earl Richard the Kings Brother is drawn whom as being Heire to the Crown it is argued to eoncerne and he is sent to King Henry to reprove Him for the vast profusion of His Estate His Indulgence to Strangers and neglect of the Natives The King fearing the consequence and finding the Londoners favour them by advice of the Legate calls a Parliament at London Anno 1239. whether the Lords come Armed but Montford making his Peace with the Kings Brother and the Earl of Lincoln the business cool'd and the Miseries of the Kingdom continue Besides the great Exactions of the King the Pope is not wanting in his who requires 300 Italians to be Preferred to the first Vacancies in England which forces the Arch-bishop of Canterbury to an Exile in the Abbey of Pontiniac and the rest of the Clergy to a Submission Anno 1241. And the King in the mean time makes an Expedition into Wales which being at discord within its self with the shew only of His Army obtaines Prince Davids Submission and Fealty and is now again Courted by the Poictavins into France which Matter and Supplies to that end is moved in Parliament but no Money given however by Loans and otherwise he procures 30 Barrels of Silver and with that leaving the Arch-bishop of Yorke Governor he goes into France Mat. Paris p. 583. n. 35.588 589. but is forced to a dishonourable Peace Upon occasion of a Revolt in Wales and Scotland Anno 1244. He Marches first into that Kingdom with the Officious Ayde of the Earl of Flanders which is also ill taken of the Barons but a fair Peace is concluded and then Money must be had for an Expedition against Wales and to pay His Debts which with one Voice was refused in this Parliament Anno 1246. which put the King upon other courses London is Amerc'd 5000 Markes and great Fines exacted of the possessors of Inforrestations or else to be sold to others This gives occasion to enquire into the Popes yearly Exactions which were found to be 60000 Markes more then the Revenue of the Crown of England which being Complained of in a General Council then held at Lyons the King forbids under a Penalty any further Contributions but wanted Resolution to continue it His necessities now cause another Parliament wherein Matth. Paris p. 743. n. 45. notwithstanding He ruffles with them they boldly Tax Him with the Breach of all His Promises and will not be brought to grant any thing Anno 1248. so that He is constrain'd to sell His Land and Jewells pawn Gascoyne and the Ornaments of St. Edwards Shrine and give over House-keeping to wring out of the Londoners 20000 l. and beg of the Clergy some small sums Anno 1249. The Barons urge still his Promises concerning the Election of Officers but obtain nothing The Marriage is now Solemnized at Yorke betwixt Margaret the Kings Sister and the King of Scots to which that Arch-bishop is extravagantly generous And the Pope sollicites the King to take the Cross for which he grants a Tenth of the Layety and Clergy which in a Parliament called to that purpose is absolutely denyed But in the next Anno 1252. the Charters being once again Ratified Matth. Paris p. 866. and Sentence of Excommunication Solemnly Pronounced against the Infringers a Tenth of the Clergy for the Holy Warr and Scutage and three Markes upon every Knights Fee is granted Gascogny complaining of Earl Richards Government to quiet them the King revokes His Grant thereof to Him and gives it to His Son Edward sending the Earl of Leicester thither as Governour with whom they are no better pleased Matth. Paris p. 832. n. 34. and he is sent for over who in Councel disputes it very undutifully with the King but returns nevertheless to his Charge which he executes now with more rigour then ever wherefore the Gascoignes put themselves under the Protection of the King of Spain and King Henry is forced to take a voyage thither in stead of the Holy Land Leicesters Commission is nulled by Proclamation who thereupon comes into England and the King after He had quieted Gascogne to take off the King of Spain Matth. Paris p. 890. n. 16. who pretends likewise to Aquitaine concludes a Marriage for His Son Edward Anno 1254. with Elianor that Kings Sister who thereupon quits his Claime to both and arriving in England Fines the Londoners and Jewes for not aiding Him In Easter-Terme another Parliament is called but yields no returnes but those of Grievances and the Pope to support His Wars against the Emperour demands a Tenth of England Scotland and Ireland and the better to dispose the King thereunto Absolves Him of His Oath for the Holy Land invests Edmond His second Son in the Kingdom of Sicilie and in consideration of that Promotion of His Nephew desires to borrow 500 Markes of the Earl of Cornwall but his Answer was He would not lend them Money on whom he could not distraine At Winchester the Gascogne Merchants by the Prince their Patron complain of the taking their Goods without pay which is ill resented by the King and the Princes Servants commit so many outrages in Wales of which he had now the Government that it revolts for the quieting whereof Prince Edward requires Money of his Father but He is so farr from that that to supply His own necessities He commands every Sheriff and other Officers to bring in their Money by a precise day upon severe penalties and daily upon one quarrel or another gets Money out of the Londoners Matth. Paris p. 939. n. 48.952 n. 32. when great hopes of Honour and Advantage is conceived to accrue to His Crown Anno 1257. by the Election of Richard Earl of Cornwall to be King of the Romans and the Arch-bishop of Cologne is sent to conduct him over who hath a Present of 500 Markes and a rich Mitre and Richard is accordingly Crowned at Aquisgrave Ibidem p. 979. n. 45. much to the dissatisfaction of France and Spain The King to sound the affections of the People as to the Election of His Son Edmond to the Kingdom of Sicilie in a Parliament then Summoned brings him clad in Apulian Habit and declares His Obligation of 140000 Markes for obtaining the said Kingdom towards which he declares a Tenth and First-Fruits of the Clergy were granted Him by the Pope and therefore hopes they will not be backward but nothing will be done but upon the usual Condition of Magna Charta and then they promise 52000 which satisfies not For the next year in a Parliament at London declaring His Engagements to the Pope and His disappointment of the Kingdom of Sicilie Matth. Westm p. 364. He is plainly denyed and the Parliament Adjourn'd to Oxford till Barnabas-day Anno 1258. in which time the Earles of Leicester Glocester and Hereford resolve the
Romans it bears date An. 1271. at his Castle at Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire whose Epitaph I find thus written Thus Englished in Milles p. 552. Richard Plantagenet lieth here intomb'd That Brother was to Henry England's King Of Poictou and of Cornwal he was Earl Whose Mind did always such contentment bring As he was never found Ambitious Th'Electors made him King of Almaine where His Noble Mind procur'd both Love and Fear At length with Charles his Crown was Royaliz'd By which the Eagle in his Shield he wore Excelling other Kings in Wealth and State And scorn'd the Lion which he bare before But Kings and Kingdoms have this certain Fate That though their Reign on Earth be just and even Yet Time says they must die to live in Heaven Hic jacet in Tumulo RICHARDUS Theutonicorum Rex vivens propria contentus sorte bonorum Anglorum Regis Germanus Pictaviensis Ante Comes dictus sed tandem Cornubiensis Demum Theutonicis tribuens amplissima dona Insignitus erat Caroli rutilante Corona Hinc Aquilam gessit clipeo sprevitque Leonem Regibus omnigenis praecellens per rationem Dives opum mundi sapiens conviva modestus Alloquio gestu dum vixit semper honestus Jam Regnum Regno Commutans pro meliore Regi Coelorum summo conregnet honore The Body of King RICHARD being removed from the Castle of Berkhamsted received Burial at his Monastery of Hayles in Glocestershire of the Cistercian Order Robert of Glocester p. 300 a. Ibidem Rossus Warwicensis which he Founded in the year 1246. But his Heart at Oxford in Reuly Abbey of the Order of Fryers Minors also of his Foundation under a Pyramis of admirable Work of which there is not at present any Remains In his Grants he stiled himself Ricardus Comes Pictavie Cornubie and the Seal of his Earldom was charged with these words SIGILLUM RICARDI COMITIS CORNUBIE But his Royal Seal was Circumscribed thus RICARDUS DEI GRATIA ROMANORUM REX SEMPER AUGUSTUS Both which Seals are exhibited in this Second Book Pag. 94. Children of RICHARD Earl of Cornwal afterwards King of the Romans by ISABEL MARSHAL His first Wife 7. JOHN the Eldest Son died young An. 1232. Milles p. 553. and it seemeth was buried at Reading in Barkshire near to King Henry the First 7. HENRY Lib. Theokesbury M. S. Second Son of Earl Richard was born in the year 1235. upon the Fourth of the Nones of November and Knighted on the day of his Fathers Coronation Matthew Paris p. 922. With whom he was taken prisoner by Simon Montfort Earl of Leicester at the Battel of Lewes in Sussex Pat. An. 53 Hen. 3. num 45. There was a Treaty of Marriage betwixt him and Constance the Daughter of Gastion Viscount of Bearn at Westminster the Sixth day of March An. 53 Hen. 3. King Henry the Third his Uncle Pat. An. 50 Hen 3. num 73. gave him the Mannor of Norton in Northamptonshire upon the forfeiture of William Marshal Earl of Pembroke the Kings enemy An. 50 H. 3. This Henry afterwards undertook the Crosiade for Siria and being in Italy on his return from that voyage was murthered at his devotion in the Church of S. Laurence in Viterbium by Guy and Simon Sons of Simon Montford Earl of Leicester Robert of Glocester pag. 300 a. in Revenge of their said Fathers Death slain in the Barons Wars in England as Rishanger says An. 1271. Rishanger in Continuatione Matth. Paris p. 975. num 30. in the Five and fiftieth year of Henry the Third Another delivers it An. 1272. Which if so he outlived his Father and consequently was Earl of Cornwal for Earl Richard his Father died An. 1271. Whereupon those of Viterbium in memory of this HENRY de Alemannia thus assassinated caused the manner thereof to be depicted upon the Wall of the said Church which one beholding versified upon as you may observe in Vincent pag. 135. To whom I refer my Reader 7. RICHARD Third Son of Richard Earl of Cornwal and Isabel his first Wife died without issue 7. NICHOLAS the Fourth and youngest Son of Earl Richard and Countess Isabel was Christned in hast Matth. Paris p. 505. num 40. for my Author tells me That his said Mother being dangerously sick of the Jaundis and great with Childe fell in Travail Vincent p. 136. and in the end with some difficulty was delivered who together with her little Babe Adhuc vivo sed non vivido idcirco statim Baptizato cui nonien Nicholaus aptatum est migravit ad dominum Within a small time died 7. Lib. Theokesburiae ISABEL of Cornwal Onely Daughter born in the year of our Lord One thousand two hundred thirty and three Died the next year about the Feast of S. Faith and was buried at Reading near to her Brother John Children of RICHARD King of the Romans by SANCHIA of Provence his Second Wife 7. EDMOND Earl of Cornwal Fifth Son and at length Heir of Richard King of the Romans whose History followeth in the next Chapter 7. RICHARD Sixth Son of Richard King of the Romans but Second by Queen Sanchia his Second Wife was slain at the Siege of Barwick with an Iron-shot in his head An. Dom. 1296. Natural Children of RICHARD King of the Romans 7. This Family of Cornwal doth bear for Arms Ermine a Lion Rampant Gules Crowned Or within a Border Ingrailed Sable Bezanty Their Pedegree tells us That Sir Geoffrey Cornwal Kt. who married a Daughter and Coheir of Hugh Mortimer Lord of Richards Castle and Burford having taken prisoner the Duke of Britain had given him in reward The Field Ermine being the Arms of Britain whereas before he did bear his Lion in a Field Argent RICHARD de Cornwal Chart. An. 5 Edw. 3. num 70. B. 197. One of the Natural Sons of Richard King of the Romans was Ancestor of the Knightly Families of the Cornwals commonly called Barons of Burford in Shropshire and of those of Berington in the County of Hereford 7. WALTER de Cornwal another Base Son of Richard Earl of Cornwal and King of the Romans to whom Edmond Earl of Cornwal Granted 18. Pat An. 28 Ed. 1. B. 197. Libratas Terrae in his Mannor of Branel by the name of Waltero de Cornubia fratri suo These two Brethren viz. Richard and Walter Nothi erant saith my Authority and will you know his Reason Nam Rex fuit Consanguineus Haeres propinquior dicti Comitis Meaning Earl Edmond their Brother which if they had been lawfully begotten they had had a right of Succession in the Earldom of Cornwal But it seemeth the King was by all Inquisitions after the decease of Earl Edmond found to be his Heir 7. ISABEL de Cornwal Vincent pag. 136. a Natural Daughter of Richard King of the Romans whom King Henry the Third called his Neece She was the Wife of Maurice Lord Berkley from whom all those
each side his Throne The Armes of Issabel His Queen were Azure seme of Flowers de Lize Or which are demidiated with those of her Husband in one of her Seales p. 121. and in her other Seal there also exhibited her Effigies is placed betwixt an Escocheon of the Armes of England on her right hand and on her left a Shield containing the Armes of France impaleing Navarre Queen Joane her Mother being the Daughter and Heire of Henry the First King of Navarre the three eldest Sons of K. Edward I. and Queen Elianor of Castile his first Wife this Edward their Fourth Son succeeded Him in the Kingdom by the Name of EDWARD II. He had His Surname from Caernarvon in North-wales the place of His Birth where by the appointment of His Father Queen Elianor was delivered of Him upon St. Markes Day viz. the 25th of April An. 1284. who in his Charter upon the 24th day of March Matth. West p. 411. n. 52. Charta in Officio Armorum dated in the 33th year of his Fathers Reign is stiled Edwardus illustris Regis Anglie filius Princeps Wallie Comes Cestrie Pontini Montistrolli Never came Prince to the Crown with a more general applause of the Nobility and People and not without reason for He had seen the excellent Government of His Father been initiated in the Principles of State left Governour of the Kingdom and presided in Parliament in His Fathers absence and now succeeded to His Crown at 23 years old a fit age for bearing the weight of a Scepter These indeed were rare advantages but soon lost He this good opinion when by His Management of Affaires He seemed to do nothing less then either to imitate His Father or to performe those three positive Commands He had enjoyned Him by His Will Ypodigmae Neustriae p. 499. n. 47. Walsingham p. 95. n. 41. for in opposition thereunto Gaveston is recalled from banishment and gratifi'd with the 32000 l. designed for the Holy Warr and Walter de Langton Bishop of Chester the then Lord Treasurer who was busie in preparing for the Burial of the deceased King for an old Grudg Imprisoned at Wallingford His Fathers Funerals performed Thomas Walsingham p. 95 96. over He passes with His Ganimed to Boloigne where His Marriage with Issabel the daughter of Philip IV. of the Name surnamed Le Bell King of France Sister to the Lewis Hutin Philip le Long and Charles le Bell also Kings of France a Lady of 12 years old Ibidem Tho. de la Moore p. 593. n. 4. Ibidem was solemniz'd in the Church of our Lady upon the V. of the Kalends of February viz. the 28th day of January 1307. and graced with the presence of 4 Kings and 3 Queens besides the Bride who having been His Wife twenty years and His Widdow thirty deceased in her great Climaterical year viz. 63. at Risings near London the 22th day of August an Inquisition Records it upon Wednesday before the Feast of St. Bartholomew in the 31 year of the Reign of Her Son King Edw. III. An. 1357. and was buried in the midst of the Choire of the Gray Fryars Church in London the 27th of September following At this Grand Solemnity Gaveston exceeds all the Company in Bravery and Richness of Attire which vanity of his together with his filling the Court with Buffoons and Parasites so stings the Nobility Escheatr An. 32 E. 3. n. 43. that at the instant the King and Queen were to be Crowned they require Gaveston might be removed from the Court and Kingdom otherwise they would hinder His Coronation at that time to avoid which disgrace He was forced to promise that what they desired should be performed the next Parliament Walsingham p. 96. n. 42. Tho. de la Moore p. 593. n. 5. and so on the VII of the Kalends of March viz. the 23 day of February An. 1307. He and His Queen were Crowned at Westminster by the hands of Henry Bishop of Winchester by Commission from Robert Archbishop of Canterbury Walsingham p. 95. n. 25. being then in Exile and the Solemnity performed with great hast but little reverence wherein Gaveston carrying St. Edwards Crown before the King aggravates the hatred already conceived against him And accordingly in the next Parliament the Clergy and Nobility procure his Banishment An. 1309. and away he is sent into Ireland Ibidem p. 98. n. 2. n. 12. Thomas de la Moore p. 593. n. 27. Thomas de la Moore p. 593. n. 9. where he lived not as an Exile but as Lieutenant of the Country yet the King never left working till He had recalled him again and matched him with His Neece Margaret the Daughter of Joane de Acres and Sister to Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glocester a man highly esteemed of the Nobility hoping he might thereby find the more favour but such was his insolency and the Kings immoderate bounty to him that the Barons sent plain word to the King that unless He put Gaveston from Him they would rise against Him as a Perjur'd Prince so that He is again forced to condescend to his second banishment and in Flanders he lives a while Walsingham p. 98. n. 45. but in great danger and finding no where any security back he returnes into the Kings bosome by whom he is received with as great joy as ever and to be the further out of the eye of Envy An. 1311. is carryed with Him into the North parts But the Barons with great Forces under the command of Thomas Earl of Lancaster follow Him beseeching the King either to deliver Gaveston into their hands or send him and his Trayn out of England An. 1312. The King withdrawes to Newcastle but having notice of the strength of the Lords Ibidem p. 100. n. 59. p. 101. n. 9. embarquing Himself there lands at Scarborrow Castle whereinto He puts Gaveston with the best Forces He could provide for his defence The Earles of Pembrooke and Warren lay Siege to the Castle which he surrenders and begs he might once more speak with the King Chap. 2. which Pembrook undertakes for Edward II. but as he was going under Guard of some of the Earles servants he is taken from them by the Earl of Warwick committed to his Castle and there notwithstanding the Kings earnest Solicitation for his life Walsingham p. 101 n. 50. c. Beheaded The Barons having had their desires in this with great Forces as far as Dunstable on their way towards London An. 1313. where the King then lay urge the Confirmation of the Articles formerly granted the great Prelates of the Kingdom the Earl of Glocester with two Cardinals sent expresly from the Pope to that purpose labour a Reconciliation which the King consenting unto they yield to Him such Horses Treasures and Jewels as they had taken from Gaveston And although the King in the next Parliament complains of
the Enemy had built against it But this good service was rather envied then encouraged by those about the King and indeed by the King himself because not countenanced by the Duke of Ireland Ypodigma Neustriae p. 540. 42. Thomas Walsingham p. 328 n. 56. 329. n. 5. who now puts away his lawful Wife the Lady Issabel one of King Edward III. Grand-daughters and Marries a Joyners daughter of Bohemia at which Indignity the Duke of Glocester her Uncle took such displeasure that new Plots are forged by Suffolke Sir Robert Tresilian c. to take away his life as also of the Earles of Arundel Warwick Derby son of the Duke of Lancaster Nottingham and such others as they thought fit to clear themselves of Easter being now past K. Richard pretends to send the Duke of Ireland to the waterside but after some stay in those parts brings him back again with him and at Coventry 2000 persons are Indicted by the L. Chief Justice Ypodigma Neustriae p. 540.59 and at Nottingham where the King and Queen lay Robert Belknap Chief Justice of the Common-Pleas and other Judges by the Kings command attend him to whom He propounds several Questions of the unlawfulness of the proceeding of the Parliament and Lords and what Penalties they had incurred They declare them unlawful and the Abettors guilty of Treason which the King having effected not only those Justices but all other Justices and Sheriffs were thereupon summoned to Nottingham Ypodigma Neustriae p. 541. n. 5. Ypodigma Neustriae 541. n. 7. to know what Forces they could raise for the King against the Lords and to take care that no Members should be chosen in the Parliament he then intended but such as the King should approve of Furthermore the King and the Duke of Ireland send all over the Kingdome to dispose the People as much as possible to their party as to their Elections and in the mean time endeavour to surprise the Duke of Glocester and the Earl of Warwick who had got a great Power of Men about them and also sends to the Lord Mayor to know what Forces he could raise for Him in the City of London Thomas Walsingham p. 329 n. 22. who promised 50000 Men but could not perform the Cittizens refusing to fight against the Kings Friends and Defenders of the Realme as they called them Whereupon King Richard by advice of the Earl of Northampton requires the Lords to come to Him which by reason of an Ambush laid for them though without the Kings knowledge they forbore at that time Thomas Walsingham p. 330 n. 56. but afterwards upon safe-conduct came and the King receives them seemingly with all kindness and agrees to them that at the next Parliament all parties should be indifferently heard and in the mean time to remain in his Protection upon which the Favourite Lords not daring to come to the Test withdraw from the Court But the King not enduring their absence commands the Constable of Chester to raise an Army and to conduct the Duke of Ireland to him who is by the way encountred and overthrown by the Earl of Derby Ypodigma Neustriae p. 542. n. 46. Tho. Walsingham p. 332. n. 8. Ibidem p. 332. n. 27. Ypodigma Neustriae p. 542. n. 52. The Duke very very narrowly escaping flies beyond Sea and at Lovaine after two or three years ends his life The Earl of Suffolke also in disguise retires to Calais where he is discovered and sent back into England but by the King is permitted to go at large The Lords having now Anno 1388. as they thought matter enough to justifie the taking of Armes march to London with 40000 Men and to the King then at the Tower the Duke of Glocester and the Earles of Derby and Nottingham declare their Grievances and produce Letters from the Duke of Ireland Tho. Walsingham p. 333. n. 39. for his levying an Army for their destruction and also another of safe Conduct written to him by the French King to come into France to do Acts to his own and the Kingdomes dishonour The King promised He would come the next day to Westminster to Treat further of these matters but repenting that promise Ypodigma Neustriae p. 543. n. 1 3. they peremptorily send him word That if He did not come and hearken to his faithful Council they would choose another King so that the next morning He went and there with no small regret condescended to the removal and imprisonment of all those whom the Lords required Alexander Nevil Archbishop of York is removed from the Parliament all the Judges except one are Arrested on the Bench and sent to the Tower Tho. Walsingham p. 334. n. 20. Sir William Tresilian Lord Chief Justice is hanged at Tyburne and the rest of the Judges banished and the King bound by Oath to abide by such Rules and Orders as the Lords should make and the same imposed throughout the whole Kingdom After much adoe a Peace is concluded for 3 yeares Anno 1389. Thomas Walsingham p. 337. n. 39. Ypodigma Neustriae p. 544. n. 23. Ypodigma Neustriae p. 544. n. 45. Thomas Walsingham p. 347 n. 7. Tho. Walsingham p. 347. n. 55 Ypodigma Neustriae p. 546. n. 55. Tho. Walsingham p. 350. n. 50. Ibidem p. 351. n. 16. betwixt England France and Scotland And afterwards John Duke of Lancaster Anno 1392. upon his return from Spain meets the King of France at Amiens with a train of 1000 Horse to treat of a more lasting Truce betwixt the two Crownes but only procures the addition of a year more to the former In this year viz. An. 1392. the Queen dies and the City of London having forfeited their Charter are by the Duke of Glocesters intercession and the payment of 10000 pounds Fine restored to their Liberties The King sends the Dukes of Lancaster and Glocester once more into France about a Peace Anno 1393. but this negotiation produces only a Truce for 4 years Great numbers of Irish resorting into England are commanded to return whether the King himself not long after takes a Voyage and at Dublin summons a Parliament to which repaire the Kings of Meath Thomond Leynster c. and thence sending the Duke of Glocester to his Parliament in England called in his Name by the Duke of Yorke in His absence to demand Supplies he so far prevailes that a Tenth is granted by the Clergy and a Fifteenth by the Laity The King had not continued long in Ireland when the Clergy of England petitioned his return for the suppression of the Lollards who at that time much increased being favoured by many eminent persons of the Kingdom Anno 1396. and shortly after takes a voyage into France where at that famous interview between Him and Charles the VI. Tho. Walsingham p. 353. n. 5. Scevo●c Lovis de St. Ma●she Liureviii Chap. v. King of France betwixt Ardres
Harflew and then nothing but War would King Henry hear of Ypodigma Neust p. 586. n. 4. immediately sending his brother John Duke of Bedford with the Earls of March Oxford Huntingdon Warwick Arundel Salisbury and Devonshire in 200 ships Tho. Wal. p. 394. n. 43. who upon the Feast of the Assumption of our Lady land in the Mouth of Seine where they sunk near 500 French ships and bravely relieved the Town Tho. Wal. p. 394. n. 47. whereupon the Emperor entring into a League offensive and defensive with King Henry the Popes concerns with whom the Emperor now or lately was at War only excepted the 29th of October departs towards Germany But the French not yet desisting inforce their Fleet with several Carricks of Genoa and blocking up again the River of Soame are likewise by the Earl of Huntingdon taken and dispersed In one of these Carricks was the whole half years pay for the French Fleet together with Jaques bastard of Bourbon its Commander with which rich Prize the Earl returns to Southampton A. 52. fol. 300. Penes H. St. George Arm. Richmond where then King Henry lay who by his Proclamation dated at New Sarum the 2d day of June last past had commanded that no person retained in this present expedition of what quality soever should presume to wear any Coat-Armour to which he had not right from his Ancestors or by grant from a sufficient Deputy impowered therein upon penalty of being cashiered loss of wages and the having his Coat of Arms rased and torn off his back except those which did bear Arms with him at the Battel of Agincourt thereby rewarding his veterane Soldiers with a mark of Honour who had atchieved it in his last bloody Victory and punishing those Soldiers who were their own Carvers and laid in common the reward of Valour Clausae an 5. H. 5. in d●rso before they had opportunity to shew it or to receive the Royal approbation and authority for the same These are the words of the Record Rex vicecom Suth Salutem quia prout informamur diversi homines qui in viagiis nostris ante haec tempora factus Arma Tuninicas Armorum vocat Cote Armures in se sumpserunt A. 52. fol. 300. Penes Hen St. George Arm. Richmond ubi nec ipsi nec eorum A●tecessores hujusmodi Armis ac tunicis Armorum temporibus retroactis usi fuerunt ea in presenti viagio nostro in prox deo dante faciend ' exercere proponunt Et quamquam omnipotens suam gratiam disponat prout vult in naturalibus equaliter diviti atque pauperi volentes tamen quemlibet ligeorum nostrorum predictorum juxta status sui exigentiam modo debito pertractari haberi Tibi precipimus quod in singulis locis infra balivam tuam ubi per Breve nostrum nuper pro monstris faciend proclamari demandavimus publice ex parte nostra proclamari facias quod nullus cujuscunque status gradus seu conditionis fuerit hujusmodi arma sive tunicas armorum in se sumat nisi ipsi jure antecessorio vel ex donatione alicujus ad hoc sufficientem potestatem habentis ea possideat aut possidere debeat quod ipse Arma sive Tunicas illa ex cujus dono optinet die monstrationis suae personis ad hoc per nos assignatis seu assignand manifeste demonstret exceptis illis qui nobiscum apud bellum de Agincourt arma portabant sub penis non admissionis ad proficiscendum in viagio predicto sub munere ipsius cum quo retentus existet ac perditionis vaduorum suorum ex causa predicta preceptorum nec non rasurae rupturae dictorum Armorum Tunicarum vocat Cote Armures tempore monstrationis sue predicte si ea super illum monstrata fuerunt seu inventa hoc nullatenus omittas T. R. apud Civitatem nove sarum secundo die Junii Per ipsum Regem Anno 1417. King Henry's second Expedition into France Upon the 23d of July in the fifth year of his Reign Tho. Wal. p. 397. n. 5. King Henry with the Dukes of Clarence and Glocester most of his Nobility and an Army of 25628 fighting Men Ypodigma Neust p. 588. n. 58. besides 1000 Artificers and Pioneers took shipping at Portsmouth and landed the first of August in Normandy near Tongue which Castle was the 9th day after surrendred unto him The Castle also of Abbeville was at the same time taken by Thomas Mountague Earl of Salisbury and King Henry next sits down before Caen with his Army which is shortly after delivered upon Terms and from thence to Roan which City after a brave resistance being forced by famine he likewise obtained by surrender Anno 1418. This prosperous proceeding of Henry V. caused John Duke of Burgundy for his own ends Tho. Wal. p. 401. n. 35. to mediate for a Peace between the two Crowns and Embassadors being sent a meeting of reconciliation was appointed whereunto King Charles VI. being troubled with a Frenzy did not repair but his Queen and beautiful Daughter the Lady Katherine came with whose person at first fight though King Henry was wonderfully taken yet made he no shew thereof only that at parting since nothing was that time effected he told the Duke of Burgundy he either would enjoy the Lady Katherine together with all his demands or drive the King of France out of his Kingdom and him from his Dukedom Burgundy was shortly after viz. 2 Sept. 1419. most barbarously murthered by the Dauphin Charles who had a long time born him a spleen as he made his submission to him on his knee Tho. Wal. p. 402. n. 37. in the presence of his Peers Anno 1419. which his son Philip Earl of Charolois sadly resenting yet thought it better to mediate for a Peace between the two Kingdoms than to seek revenge He therefore caused Embassadors to be sent to King Henry both from the King of France and himself who were kindly received though King Henry intimated unto them that their propositions were not acceptable unto him unless the Lady Katherine would join with them whose innocency he knew would not abuse him The Kings desire was granted but in the interim the Earl of Salisbury takes Fresnay and the Earl of Huntington Mayne who marching towards Ments was encountred by the Forces of the Dauphin whereof he put 5000 to the Sword and took 200 Prisoners for which Victories King Henry gave publick thanks to God at Roan Thither other Embassadors arrived from the King and Queen of France and a Letter from the Lady Katherine which was secretly delivered to the King of England by the Bishop of Arras the substance of their business was to invite the King to come with all speed to Troyes in Campaigne there to receive satisfaction to his demands and be espoused to the Lady Katherine whereupon with a guard of 15000 Soldiers accompanied
Castile viz. quarterly Gules a Castle Or for Castile and Argent a Lyon rampant Purple for Leon. As John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster used a red Rose for his Devise in right of his Wife Maud of Lancaster so this Edmond his Brother took for his a white one which the fautors and followers of their heirs did afterwards bear for distinction in that bloody War between the Families of Lancaster and York long before which assumption a white Rose Tree at Longleete did bear upon one branch a fair white Rose on the one side and as fair a red Rose on the other which might be interpreted to have been a foretoken of that division Camdens Remains p 214. This Edmond of Langley did bear also for an Impress a Faulcon in a Fetterlock implying that he was shut up from all hope and possibility of the Kingdom when his Brother John began to aspire thereto Whereupon he asked on a time his sons when he saw them viewing this Devise set up in a Window what was Latine for a Petterlock whereat when the young Gentlemen studied the Father said Well if you cannot tell me I will you Hic haec hoc taceatis as advising them to be silent and quiet and therewithal said Yet God knoweth what may come to pass hereafter This his great Grandson King Edward IV. reported when he commanded that his younger son Richard Duke of York should use this Devise with the Fetterlock opened as Roger Wall an Herald of that time reporteth Camb. Rem p. 215. THis Prince was fifth son of King Edward III. by his onely Wife Queen Philipe Tho. Wal. p. 149. n. 10. daughter of William Earl of Henault His Fathers Mannor of Langley near St Albans in Hertfordshire gave him birth An. 1341. 15 E. 3. from whence he had his Sur-name and was baptized by Michael then Abbot of St Alban The first Honour that I find granted to him was the Earldom of Cambridge Chart. 36. Ed. 3. n. 8. conferred on him and his heirs by Charter bearing date the 13th day of November Orig. 1. H. 4. bund 1. An. the 36 of Edward III. 1362. At what time he was also Lord of Tindal and not long after Knight of the Garter Upon the 12th of July 1376. An. 50. of King Edward III. his Father he had granted unto him the Offices of Constable of Dover Castle Pat. 50 E. 3 pars 1. m. 18. and Warden of the Cinque-Ports after whose death he was appointed one of the Commissioners for the management of affairs during the tutelage of King Richard II. his Nephew which he performed with great temper and moderation Then in the year 1381. Leland p. 188. we find him in the head of an Army sent into Portugal to the aid of his Brother John Duke of Lancaster who claimed the Crowns of Gastile and Leon Ypodigma Neustriae p. 534. n. 59. an 1381. in the right of Constance his Wife daughter and coheir of Peter surnamed the Cruel where in a Battel fought by John King of Portugal this Edmond and his Brother John against John King of Castile who challenged the Kingdom of Portugal in the right of Beatrix his Wife by whom he had no Issue the onely daughter of Ferdinand King of Portugal he with his English men obtained a memorable Victory against the Castilians is which they lost 10000 men and for two whole years valiantly assisted in the defence of the Portugueses at which time the English grew so famous there and both the Kings of Portugal and Castile so jealous of their power that they conveyed them home at their common charge Here Edmond gave a testimony of his valour as well as policy and that he was a Souldier as much as a Statesman The Poet John Harding gives us a character of his deportment in the said Battel in these old Rhimes At whiche Battaill Duke John of Gaunt indede Harding cb 184. And his Brother Edmond then faught full sore Were never twoo better Knightes then thei indede That better faught upon a feld afore It was but grace that thei escaped thore Thei putte theimselfes so far furth ay in prees That wounded wer thei bothe full sore no lees Not long after his return out of Portugal he was as a reward of his eminent services created Duke of York Pat. an 9. R. 2. p. 1. m. 10. which was erected into a Duchy in his person the 6th of August An. the 9th of Richard II. 1385. For the Title of Earl of York had slept ever since that Otho son of Henry Leo Duke of Saxony begotten of Maud daughter of Henry II. King of England had been girt with the Sword of the Earldom of York in the first year of King Richard I. his Uncle which King afterwards made an exchange with this Otho for the County of Poicton Then King Richard II. on the 29th of September in the 18 year of his Reign upon his Voyage into Ireland conferred upon this Duke Edmond his Uncle the place of Custos and Warden of the Kingdom of England during his absence And in this Kings second fatal expedition Pat. an 18 R. 2. m. 12. undertaken into that Kingdom for the revenge of Roger Mortimer's death slain by the Irish whom he had nominated his Successor in the Kingdom of England he left this Edmond as his Lieutenant who faithfully to his power endeavoured to withstand the force of Henry Duke of Hereford son of John Duke of Lancaster which Henry upon pretence of recovering his Patrimony seiz'd by King Richard with a powerful Army did not onely depose his lawful Soveraign but laid violent hands on the Royal Diademe How well this transmission of the Crown to the House of Lancaster was approved by Duke Edmond we may find in the remaining part of his life who from that time abandoned the Court and gave himself over to a solitary retirement at his Mannor of Langley Though he hated Henry of Bullingbroke the Usurper yet we find he hated Treason worse though it were in his nearest Relations for Edward Duke of Aumarle his eldest son having with other Lords contrived the death of King Henry at Oxford was by this Edmond detected and reviled for being twice a Traitor first to King Richard and then to King Henry Jllaystrissimo Domino ROBERTO Chi Comiti de AILESBURY ELGIN Vicecomiti BRUCE de Ampthill Baroni BRUCE de Whorleton Skelton et Kinlosse Tumuli hoc EDMUNDI Ducis EBORACENSIS Exemplum H.D.D.D. FS This Duke Edmond married two Wives His first Marriage France semee and England quarterly over all a Label of three points Argent each charged with as many Torteaux Impaling Castile and Leon also quarterly viz. Gules a Castle Or and Argent a Lyon rampant purpure which impalement is carved on the South-side of the Duke of Yorks Tomb at Langley depicted in the preceding page His second Marriage At the foot of the said Dukes Tomb exhibited in the 359. page is
Several complaints coming about this time of the daily insolence of the Scots Ibid. f. 247 248 249 c. and their harbouring divers English Rebels King Henry before he would invade that Kingdom sets forth a Declaration containing the just causes and considerations of the intended War with the Scots wherein also appeared the true and right Title of his Majesty to his Soveraignty of Scotland which taking no effect the Lord Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk and many Earls and Barons with an Army invade and harass the Borders of that Kingdom and so return to Barwick when presently the Scots made an inroad upon the Western Borders of the two Nations but being repulsed by Sir Thomas Wharton and Sir William Musgrave with a considerable loss the sad news thereof strook King James V. with a sudden death who leaving one only Daughter named Mary King Henry desires her in marriage for his son Prince Edward which not being granted a new War ensues In which Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford Richard Grafton f. 257 258 and Sir John Dudley Viscount Lisle having taken the rich Town of Leith burnt Edenbrough and destroyed the Villages within seven miles round about it and on the 18th of May returned to Barwick Anno 1543 The King had already disposed of five Wives Ralph Holingshed p. 960. col 1. when resolving on a sixth His sixth Marriage he married at Hampton Court the Lady Katherine Parr daughter of Sir Thomas Parr of Kendal sister of William Marquis of Northampton In an East-Window of the Hall of Baynard's Castle stood the Escocheon of this Queen Katherine Parr which I delineated from the Original on the 8th of November 1664. In which she did bear Quarterly of six peeces The 1. Argent on a Pile Gules betwixt six Roses of the first three Roses of the second which was an augmentation given to her being Queen 2. Argent two Barrs Azure a Border ingrayled Sable Parr 3. Or three Waterbougets Sable Roos of Kendal 4. Varry Argent and Azure a Fess Gules Marmion 5. Azure three cheverons interlaced in base and a chief Or Fitz-Hugh 6. Vert three Bucks standing at gaze Or Green These Quarterings are Ensigned with a Royal Crown and are between a K. and a P. for Katherine Parr and Window of John Nevil Lord Latimer Her Coronation is large in Edward Halle fol. 212 213 214 c. the 12th of July An. 35. of his Reign and of our Lord 1543. of whom growing a weary within a year or two a Warrant was signed for her commitment to the Tower to be burnt for Heresie which miscarrying and happily coming to her hands gave her the opportunity of retriving the Kings favor by submitting her Will to his Majesties judgement and the good luck to last him the remainder of his Reign T. f. 92. Populwel 19. which being about two years and a half she was afterwards married to Sir Thomas Seymour Knight of the Garter Lord Seymour of Sudely and High Admiral of England Brother to Queen Jane third Wife of King Henry VIII to whom by Will dated the 5th of Sept. 1541. An. 2. E. 6. she bequeathed all her Goods and Chattels Test probat 6 Dec. 1548. c. and shortly after dying in Childbed he being immediately afterwards beheaded King Henry having on Trinity Sunday before entred into a League with the Emperor in July this year sends Garter accompanied with the Emperors Toyson d'or King of Arms to the French King demanding performance of several Articles which being denied an Army of 6000 men is sent over which joining the Emperor they besiege the new fortified frontier Town Landersey which the French King by stratagem relieving the Emperor broke up his Army and the English returned home Anno 1544. The vast Sums which the King had made of the Monasteries and Religious Lands besides the immense Treasure left him by his Father now totally exhausted Proclamation is made the beginning of this year for advancement of Gold from 40 to 45 s. per Oance and Silver from 3 s. 9 d. to 4 s. and the acceptation of several base Coyns as Current which done he raiseth another great Army for France and having first left his Queen Governess of his Realms at home in his absence and sent over the Duke of Norfolk D. 145. Pat. 9 Julij an 36 H. 8. c. besiege Mutterel and the Duke of Suffolk on the like account before him to Bulloigne himself shortly after arrives there to whom the Town after a months siege and hard service being surrendred the 8th of September upon Articles to depart with Bag and Baggage he leaves the Lord Lisle his Deputy and returns for England landing at Dover the first of October following King Henry still straitned for Mony demands so high a Benevolence towards his Wars in France and Scotland that being denied by an Alderman of London he is commanded personally to accompany the Earl of Hertford with his Army to Scotland where at Pavior Hough being surrounded by the Scots and most of them slain or taken the poor Alderman was made a Prisoner Anno 1545. About this time the English Fleet before Newhaven were by the French beaten home when their Admiral making a descent into Sussex and landing some French Soldiers soon allarum'd the Country who forced them to their ships as they of the Isle of Wight did afterwards upon a like attempt To retaliate which the English Richard Grafton f. 240. a. under the command of Sir John Dudley soon after landed in Normandy burnt the Suburbs of Treport with the Abbey and 30 ships in the Haven Anno 1546. Bulloigne continued all this while in the hands of the English notwithstanding the frequent attempts of the French once with no less than 60000 men the Earl of Hertfort is sent into France for the relief of the Town where several skirmishes passing between the two Armies Edward Halle f. 262. b. a Peace is concluded for confirmation of which the Admiral of France coming into England landed at Greenwich the 19th of August and being next day sumptuously met by Prince Edward with 500 Gentlemen in Coats of Velvet with one Sleeve of Cloth of Gold and half the Coat embroidered with the same was conducted to Hampton Court where the League was sworn and signed by King Henry Thus we are come to the last year of his Reign Ralph Holingshed p. 976. col 2. when about Michaelmas An. 1546. Thomas Duke of Norfolk with his son Henry Earl of Surrey were committed to the Tower upon certain Articles of Treason and the 13th of January the said Earl was arraigned in the Guildhall of London before the Lord Mayor the Lord Chancellor and divers other Lords and Judges being there in Commission one especial Article among others wherewith he was charged was for quartering certain Arms which belonged to the King and the Prince which the Earl justifying that they appertained
committed to the Tower where the Lady Jane his daughter and the Lord Guilford Dudley his Son-in Law in stead of their enlargement which before they daily expected are now clapt up close Prisoners Thus their Fathers Treason becomes once more a cause of theirs as well as of his own destruction for within two days after viz. the 12th of February that innocent Lady with her Husband were beheaded on Tower-hill where their Father more deservedly met with the same Fate the 15th of the same month About which time fifty of the more eminent Rebels were hanged on twenty Gibbets Anno 1554● in several parts of the City Brett at Rochester Sir Henry Isley c. at Maidstone others at Sevenoke and lastly Wyat himself was the 11th of April beheaded on Tower-hill all others concerned in or suspected to be of the Conspiracy were pardoned by the Queens mercy only the Lord Thomas Grey brother to the Duke being found active in that Treason was beheaded the 27th of that month and the 18th of the next one Mr. William Thomas for conspiring the murther of the Queen was drawn to Tyburn and there hanged and quartered Shortly after which Cranmer late Archbishop of Canterbury Ridley Bishop of Rochester and Latimer Bishop of Worcester and Glocester were sent from the Tower to Oxford there to dispute several controverted points in Religion among which that of the Eucharist being chiefly insisted on the Assembly rejected the opinions of the late Bishops requiring them to recant which Cranmer alone subscribing to the other two were condemned of Heresie Hitherto these disturbances had protracted the business of the Queens marriage Anno 1554. which now in Parliament was fully concluded with these Reservations First That no Stranger should be admitted into any Publick Office Secondly That no Innovation should be made on any of the Laws or Customs of the Kingdom Thirdly That the Queen without her consent should not at any time be carried out of England nor any of her Children without consent of her Council Fourthly That if Prince Philip survived her he should claim no interest in the Kingdom but that Right and Rule thereof should redound solely to her Heirs Lastly That neither Money Plate Jewels nor Arms should at any time by Him or his Order be conveyed out of the Nation which in no wise was to be engaged in his War against France To all which the Queen consenting the Prince is sent for over and the 20th of July landing at Southampton was met by the Queen at Winchester on Wednesday the 25th of the same month Collect. Cerem vol. 2. f. 157. penes E. Walker mil. Gart. and there solemnly married in that Cathedral Hermarriage July 25. an 2554. by the Bishop of that place then Lord Chancellor of England when immediately before the Marriage Prince Philip had sent him from his Father the Emperor a surrender of the Kingdom of Naples which he freely gave to Him and his Heirs The Queen was given by the Marquis of Winchester the Earls of Arundel Derby Bedford and Pembroke in the name of the whole Realm The Ring being hallowed by laying it upon the Book and their Hands joined immediately the Sword was presented before the King born by the Earl of Pembroke and so they returned to their Traverse in the Quire the Queen on the right Hand and their Swords born before them where after Mass Wine and Sopps were hallowed and delivered to them both Upon which Garter King of Arms and the Heralds and Pursuivants published their Stiles in Latin French and English thus Philip and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of England France Ireland Naples and Jerusalem Defenders of the Faith Princes of Spain and Sicily and Elect of the Empire of Germany and Kingdom of the Romans Arch-Duke and Duchess of Austria Duke and Duchess of Millair Burgundy and Brabant Count and Countess of Haspurg Flanders and Tyrol Then they returned to the Bishops Palace under a Canopy born by six Knights the Queen always on the right Hand and their Swords borne before them and thence to the Hall where they both dined under one Cloth of Estate Hence by easie journies they came to Windsor where the King with Henry Ratcliff Earl of Sussex were Installed Knights of the Garter whence the 11th of August they removed to Richmond and there staying till the 17th they departed and with all imaginable splendor came to Suffolk Palace in Southwark and the next day rode through London to Whitehall Shortly after which they removed again to Richmond where dismissing their Train of Nobility they went and rested at Hampton Court About this time Cardinal Pole sent for over by the Queen came with Commission of Legate 〈◊〉 Latere into England unto whom the Parliament by humble supplication submitting prayed to be restored again to the Union of the Church of Rome which the Cardinal granting the Kingdoms Excommunication was taken off In October this year Anno 1554. all the Prisoners in the Tower were released upon presumption of the Queens impregnating about which time William Fether stone a counterfeit Edward VI. was first whipt and afterwards hanged and quartered at Tyburn the latter end of the year being taken up with the magnificent Receptions of Emanuel Prince of Piemont and the Prince of Orange was concluded by the Proto-martyrdom of John Rogers Vicar of St Sepulchers burnt in Smithfield the 4th of February On the first of July Anno 1555. John Bradford was also burnt in Smithfield and the 16th of October Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer the beforementioned Bishops were burnt at Oxford where five months after the late Archbishop Cranmer notwithstanding his former Subscription was also burnt having first declared himself of the Reformed Religion and punishing the Hand that subscribed his Recantation by thrusting it first into that fire which immediately after consumed his whole Body The adhering to which cost many more their lives in several places of the Kingdom so that within the compass of four years there died no less for the Testimonial of their Conscience in this Case than 277 persons without regard of Degree Sex or Age as Fox his Voluminous Collections of Acts and Monuments abundantly testifie These sanguinary proceedings occasioned several Conspiracies the beginning of this year as of Robbing the Queens Exchequer Anno 1556. thereby to raise a Rebellion the Attempters whereof were hanged at Tyburn and another of murthering the Queen for which the Conspirators were executed at Bury After which Anno 1557. Thomas Stafford second son to the Lord Stafford with others to the number of thirty two instigated by the French set sail from that Kingdom and violently possessed themselves of the Castle of Scarborough in Yorkshire for two days when being taken by Thomas Percy immediately after created Earl of Northumberland and brought to London Stafford was beheaded on Tower-hill the 28th of May and the next day three of his Accomplices quartered
of Bedford as her Deputy and a Font of massie Gold for a Present in value 1043 l. but gave him express command that he should not honour Darley with the Title of King But before a month or two after the Christning were passed this Matrimonial King in a stormy and tempestuous night was strangled in his Bed and then cast forth into a Garden and the House immediately blown up with Gunpowder Charles Stewart Earl of Lenox the third son of Matthew Earl of Lenox and Margaret Dowglas his Wife was born also in England He took to Wife Elizabeth the second Daughter of Sir William Cavendish of Chatesworth in the County of Derby Kt. by Elizabeth his Wife one of the Sisters and Coheirs of John Hardwick of Hardwick in the same County Esq and deceasing in the one and twentieth year of his age left Issue by her his only Child Arabella Stewart who being Cousin Germain to King James and without his privity or consent secretly marrying Mr. William Seymour second Son of the Earl of Hertford afterwards Earl of Hertford and lately restored to the Dukedom of Somerset they were both committed prisoners to the Tower of London where the said Lady Arabella ended her life without Issue upon the 27th day of September An. _____ and was interred in the Vault with Mary Queen of Scots in the Chappel of King Henry VII where I have seen her Lead Coffin without any Monumental Inscription 17. MARY QUEEN of SCOTS and DOWAGER of FRANCE CHAP. VII The Achievement of Mary Queen of Scots is carved and painted on her Magnificent Tomb in the Chappel of King Henry VII in Westminster Abby Vide p. 506. THis Mary sole Daughter and Heir of James V. of the name King of Scots and of Mary of Lorrain Daughter of Claude Duke of Guise Son of James IV. King of Scots by Margaret eldest Daughter of Henry VII King of England was born on the Vigil of the and Conception of our blessed Lady Tho. Milles p. 33. An. 1542. being an Infant at the time of her Fathers death was proclaimed Heir to the Kingdom of Scotland in the same year James Earl of Arran her Kinsman being her Governor in her tender years denied to give her in marriage to Edward VI. King of England notwithstanding it was so agreed between the chief Peers of both Realms whereupon ensued the famous Battel of Musselborough where the English became victorious An. 1547. But lest this young Lady should fall into the hands of the English Scevole and Louis de St Marthe Tome 1. p. 656 657. the Queen Dowager Mary of Lorrain her Mother and the Estates of Scotland convey her into France when Henry II. the French King taking that Realm into his protection sends them Forces Her first Marriage and espouses Queen Mary to his Son Francis the Dauphin which Marriage when they came of years was solemnized in the Church of our Lady at Paris An Impalement of the Arms of King Francis and Queen Mary are embroidered under an Imperial Crown on the Valence of the Canopy in the Queens Presence Chamber at Whitehall much of which is said to be her own handy-work by Charles Cardinal of Bourbon Archbishop of Roan upon which it was agreed among other things That Francis the Dauphin should have the Title of King of Scotland and bear his Arms quarterly with those of Scotland under the same Crown the Queens Dower being assigned her upon the Duchy of Touraine and County of Poicton Shortly afterwards this King Daulphin not being above sixteen years old succeeded to the Crown of France after the death of Henry II. his Father by the name of King Francis II. and was anointed and crowned at Rheims by Charles Cardinal of Lorrain Archbishop of that place Uncle by the Mother to the Queen his Wife the 8th day of September An 1559. whereupon being King and Queen of France and Scotland they lay claim to the Crown of England quartering the Arms thereof and also bearing them on an Escocheon of Pretence but a Peace being shortly after concluded at Edenborough these Arms and Titles were to be disused This Royal Couple continued but a short time together for King Francis being violently seized with a Catarrh in his Ear it caused his death the 5th of December An. 1560. having reigned only 17 months and 25 dayes After whose decease Mary the Queen-Dowager having no Issue by him retired into Scotland where she afterwards took to her second Husband her Cousin Henry Stewart Lord Darley Son and Heir of Matthew Earl of Lenox Her second Marriage from which Marriage came James I. Monarch of Great Britain The Arms of Henry Lord Darley and Queen Mary are Impaled on her Tomb in Henry VII his Chapel vide p. 506. the happy Uniter of both Kingdoms Few years had Queen Mary enjoyed her second Husband Henry Lord Darnly when by the practises of the Earl of Murray her base Brother who had animated the said King Henry to assassinate David Rizie her Secretary he was most cruelly murthered so that the Queen being thereby left alone is councelled to marry with some person that might be able to assist her against all opposers The man pitched upon is James Hepburn Earl of Bothwell being then great in her favor and of singular eminency for his Valor And though he were the person that had acted the Kings murther yet is he by Murray Morton and their Confederates recommended to the Queen to which motion as being destitute of Friends and not knowing whom to trust she at last consents But upon these Conditions That above all things respect might be had to her young Son James and that Bothwell might be legally quitted both from the Bond of his former Marriage and also of the Kings murther Hereupon a course is plotted by which Earl Bothwell is called to the Bar and Morton being his Advocate by the Sentence of the Judges clearly acquitted Her third Marriage Upon this he is created Duke of Orkney and many of the Nobility consenting married to Queen Mary which bred a suspicion in several that the Queen was conscious of the murther the thing indeed that by the marriage they intended which suspicion once raised they seek by all means to increase thereby to have the better colour against her and so the very same man who had absolved Bothwell and consented to the marriage now with others takes Arms against her as a delinquent in both force him to fly and then seize upon the Queen whom clad in very homely Garments they thrust into Prison at Loch-Levyn under the custody of Murray's Mother who had been the Harlot of King James V. but boasted herself to have been his Lawful Wife and this Earl of Murray her Son the King 's lawfully begotten Son Queen Elizabeth being informed of these proceedings against the Queen of Scots sends Sir Nicholas Throckmorton into Scotland to expostulate with the Confederates touching their cruel usage
of her and to consult by what means she might be restored to her liberty Being come into Scotland he found the Confederates in more insolent terms than report had made them being divided in opinion what to do with the Queen some would have her banished perpetually others committed to Prison and her Son proclaimed King others more inhumane were for having her to be deprived of Princely Authority life and all and this Knox and some other Ministers thundred out of the Pulpits Throckmorton on the other side maintained that the Queen was subject to no Tribunal but that in Heaven and that there was no Jurisdiction in Scotland which was not derived from her Authority and revocable at her pleasure To which they opposed the peculiar right of the Kingdom of Scotland and that in extraordinary Cases they were to proceed besides order taking up Buchannans Arguments who in those days by instigation of Murray wrote that damned Dialogue De jure Regni apud Scotos After all this Debate what Throckmorton could get of them was a Writing without any Subscription in which they protested they had shut up the Queen only to keep her from Bothwell whom she loved so desperately that to enjoy him she regarded not all their ruins willing him to rest satisfied with this answer till such time as all the Peers met together The Queen was yet confined to a more close imprisonment and through fear of death compelled unheard to set her hand to three Instruments The first whereof contained the resignation of her Kingdom to her young Son at that time scarce thirteen months old In the second she constituted Murray Vice-Roy during the minority of her said Son And in the third in case he refused the charge the Governors nominated were James Duke of Chastean-Herald Giles Spike Earl of Argyle Mathew Earl of Lenox the Queens Father-in-Law John Earl of Atholl James Earl of Morton Alexander Earl of Glencarn and John Earl of Mar. And presently she signified to Queen Elizabeth by Throckmorton that she had made these Grants by compulsion through the counsel of Throckmorton telling her that a Grant extorted from one in Prison which is a just fear is actually void and of none effect Five days after this Resignation James VI. the Queens Son was Anointed and Crowned King James Knox Preaching at the same time but Queen Elizabeth had forbidden Throckmorton to be thereat that she might not seem by the presence of her Embassador to approve their proceeding in the displacing of the Queen of Scots Who some time after having been a Prisoner eleven months makes her escape from Loch-levyn to Hamilton Castle where upon the Testimonies of Robert Melvyn and others in a meeting of a great part of the Nobility there was drawn a Sentence Declaratory that the Grant extorred from the Queen in Prison which is Justus Metus was actually void from the beginning upon which great multitudes flocked unto her so as within a day or two she had gotten an Army of at least 6000. But when they joined Battel with Murray being but raw and unexperienced Soldiers they were soon defeated so that the Queen sought to save herself by flight journying in one day threescore Miles and coming at night to the house of Maxwell Lord Heris From thence she sent John Beton to Queen Elizabeth with a Diamond Ring which she had formerly received from her as a Pledge of Mutual Amity intimating that she would come into England and implore her aid if her Subjects offered to prosecute her any farther Queen Elizabeth returned answer that she should receive from her in abundant manner all loving and friendly Offices But before the Messenger was returned she contrary to the advice of her Friends entred into a small Bark and with the Lords Heris and Fleming and a few others landed at Wickington in Cumberland near the mouth of the River Derwent England instead of being a Sactuary to the distressed Queen of Scots became only a change of air but not from confinement to liberty for being denied access to Queen Elizabeth and tossed from one Prison to another for the space of above eighteen years in which she had often strugled for liberty as our Annals do testifie that cruel Tragedy of her life begun in Scotland was here more cruelly ended by the stroak of an Axe in Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire much to the dishonour of this Kingdom upon the 6th of the Ides of February viz. the 8th day of February 1587. But beginning the year on the first of January An. 1586. Being thus deprived of life Queen Elizabeth to shew her detestation of so horrid an act which she declared to be done without her knowledge caused the Corps of the Queen of Scots to be buried with very great solemnity in the Cathedral Church of Peterborow E. 11. fol. 95. I. 14. fol. 160. usque 168. on the first day of August An. 1587. with all the Trophies of a Sovereign Queen and a stately Herse in the said Church the Proceeding consisting of many of the Nobility Lords and Ladies the Countess of Bedford being the chief Mourner and abundance of the Gentry all in Blacks Here her Body rested till her Son King James not long after his coming to the Crown of England prepared a Vault in the South I le of King Henry VII his Chappel at Westminster to which her Corps was privately conveyed and over the same erected a Magnificent Tomb the Figure of which is inserted in the following page upon eight Corinthian Pillars under the Arch of which lies the Portraiture of the Queen the Frize is beautified with several Matches of the Kings of Scotland and the top thereof crowned with her Achievement several Tables of Marble contain her Epitaph which gives the Reader a brief account of her Royal Descent and Kingly Relations the exquisite Endowments both of her Body and Mind the Troubles of her life her constancy in Religion and resolution in death D. O. M. Bonae Memoriae et Spei Aeternae This Monumental Inscription is engraven in Roman Capitals This first part of her Epitaph is on the South-side of her Tomb. Mariae Stuartae Scotorum Reginae Franciae Dotariae Jacobi V. Scotorum Regis filiae et haeredis unicae Henrici vii Angl. Regis ex Margareta majori natu filia Jacobo iiii Regi Scotorum matrimonio copulata Proneptis Edwardi iiii Angl. Regis ex Elizabetha filiarum suarum natu maxima Abneptis Francisci II. Gallorum R. Conjugis Coronae Angl. dum vixit Honoratiss et Nobiliss Domino Dno. IOANNI Baroni ROBERTS de Truro Dno. Custodi privati Sigilli Serenissimo CAROLO IIo. Magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Monarchae ab intimis et sanctioribus Consilijs Tumuli hanc Mariae Scotorum Reginae Jacobi Mag Britanniae ct Matris Imaginem HD.F.S. certae indubitatae haeredis Jacobi magnae Britanniae Monarchae potentissimi matris Stirpe vere Regia antiquissima prognata
removing towards London which had He done before this last Army was raised would in all likeliood have put an end to the War Essex hereupon marched to Newberry where the King resolves to fight him First Battel of Newberry Sept 20. 1643. planting His Ordnance and making choice of His Ground The Enemy was received with unspeakable Valour by Prince Rupert the Engagement on both sides vigorously carried on with the loss of many gallant Gentlemens lives the Earls of Caernarvon and Sunderland and the Viscount Faulkland being slain till night concluded the Encounter wherein the Sedentaries gained not so much the better that they had any stomach next day to renew the Fight but marched away back towards Glocester near which in a narrow Lane they were so furiously charged by a party of Horse commanded by Colonel Vrrey that Essex's Horse were forced to run over his own Foot till taking the Field they rallied again and put Vrrey to flight This was News and cause of a Thanksgiving at London especially for the great honour that their Trained Bands had gained thereby and not long after that pernitious Confederacy called the National Covenant was taken by the Brethren at Westminster Mean while Gloucester receives many alarums by the Lord Herbert and Sir John Winter with a considerable Force now come out of Ireland but the place was too vigilantly defended by Colonel Edward Massey which he afterwards repented when Essex having besieged Redding the Kings Forces withdraw out of Gloucestershire towards that place whereby Waller and Massey getting some breath fall upon Hereford which they take and attempt Worcester but durst not stay long there for fear of the Lords Capell and Loughborough then at hand with intention of relieving Eccleshall Town and Castle then besieged by Sir William Brereton which at that time they effected though presently after the same were surrendred unto him The Parliament after this issue out their Proclamation declaring all Traitors that assist the King and His Majesty at Oxford summoning His Parliament where were assembled the Prince the Dukes of York and Cumberland Lord Treasurer Lord Keeper Duke of Richmond and Marquis of Hertford nineteen Earls 18 Lords and 126 Knights and Gentlemen doth as much for them whilst the Forces on both sides are in one place or other of the Kingdom daily engaged The Scots at this time entring England with an Army of 18000 Foot and 2000 Horse to the assistance of their Brethren Newark being besieged by Sir John Meldram he is there blockt up by Prince Rupert and made to yield upon Conditions The Marquis of Mountross upon his Countrymens advance into England is by the King made Governor-General in Scotland enters that Kingdom with an Army gaining many of the gallantest sort of that Country to his Party About which time Sir William Waller having taken Arundel Castle marcheth against the Lord Hopton and near Winchester had better success than his Cause deserved Oliver Cromwell is by the Sedentaries made Governor of the Isle of Ely Fox and Fairfax take Beaudly and Selby Latham House after eighteen Weeks siege is relieved by Prince Rupert Essex and Waller joining together His Majesties greatest Armies being now abroad resolve to environ the King in Oxford which He perceiving leaves that place by night and marches Northward whom the other pursuing two several ways Waller is at last met with by the King and sufficiently routed at Cropredy Bridge from whence His Majesty followed Essex Westward to Bath and so into Cornwall where once more a happy conclusion of this Intestine War might have been made had the advantage been but reasonably pursued for now was Essex pinned up in such a strait that he had but one way to shift for himself which was by putting to Sea leaving his Army to mediate for an Accommodation unto which the King giving too gracious a regard the Enemy gained so much advantage that increasing their force in the North Newcastle is taken by the Scots and the Earl of that place besieged in York To his relief came Prince Rupert at whose approach the Besiegers draw of the Prince follows intending to fight them and accordingly on the 3d of July 1644. at seven a clock in the morning the Sedentaries Forces having the advantage of Ground being on the South side of Marston Moor Battel of Marston-Moore July 3. 1644. within four Miles of York Prince Rupert with the Right Wing fell on the Enemy and routed part of them General Goring and Sir Charles Lucas fell on the main Body and put them to flight but pursuing too far the Enemy rallied and fell on the divided Bodies totally dispersed them took 3000 prisoners 20 pieces of Cannon besides a considerable number of Officers Immediately the Lord Fairfax with his Son and the Earl of Manchester surround York Sir Thomas Glenham being then Governor for the King but by reason that all their Powder and Ammunition was spent in the late Battel he was compelled to surrender the City up honourable Terms Prince Rupert marches into Lancashire with the broken Forces he had left many of the best of his Army with the Earl of Newcastle leaving him take to Sea and land at Hamborough By which incouraged the Sedentaries make new Levies in the associat Counties both of Men and Mony which under the Earl of Manchester they send Westward whilst Prince Rupert near Bristol seeking to pass his Army over at Aust Ferry near Chepstow is there incountred and worsted However the King now gathering all his Forces together came to Newberry where with the same preparation came Manchester Essex and Waller The 27th of October Second Battel of Newberry 27 Octob. 1644. 1644. another deadly Battel ensuing which concluded much after the same manner with the former in that place His Majesty removing towards Dennington was by them pursued the Castle summoned and in vain attempted The Sedentaries as if hitherto afraid to exercise much of their Tyranny in cold blood proceed now with confidence to sit judicially upon the lives of such whom they had in their hands and deemed Delinquents the first whereof were the Hothams Sir John the Father and Sir John the Son with Sir Alexander Carew all three beheaded on Tower-hill for having been Traitors and intending to become honest and after them followed the execution of the Irish Lord Macguire at Tyburn And upon the 10th of December 1644 ensued the decollation of William Laud Lord Archbishop of Canterbury upon Tower-hill after above an hundred times attendance on the Juncto by the Commons Voted guilty of High Treason Not long after which was the Treaty at Vxbridge which like to the rest came to nothing In Scotland the Marquis of Mountross having seized Dumfrees and expecting aid out of Ireland of which he received but 1100 Men from the Earl of Autrim marched into the High-Lands and had several skirmishes with Argile In all which he behaved himself with much heroick Valour Essex at this time laying down his
effecting of their Designes by force which puts the King to His shifts for Money and when the Parliament meet again they come thither Armed and force the new Confirmation of their Priviledges and Twelve Conservators to Govern the Kingdom And now Leicester Glocester and l'Despenser inforce the King to call a Parliament at London wherein the Authority of the 24 is delivered unto them and they absolved from their Allegiance if these things were not made good Matth. Paris p. 983. n. 50. when Richard King of the Romans comes over into England Anno 1259. but could not by the Barons be permitted to Land till he had condescended to take an Oath not to alter the Government of the Kingdom as then established Notwithstanding the King uses all meanes to revoke this and recover His Power and in order thereunto seeks to be absolved from Rome hath Aides out of Scotland and to be secure from France for 300000 l. resigns His whole Interest to Normandy Anno 1259. Anjou Nangius de Gest S. Lud. Fran. Reg. Matth. Paris p. 989. n. 13 Poictou Tourain and Main does homage for Guien Limosin and Quercy and thenceforth abridg'd His Stile and changed His Seal using a Scepter in place of a Sword whereupon these Monkish Verses were written MCCLIX God grant Firm Peace thou fix Poictou Anjou Normans To France range you New Seales are made Old Stiles forsaken Down laid the Blade Scepters up taken Est MCCLIX utinam concordia foelix Johannes Tilius Andegavis Pictavis Neustria gente relicta Anglorum dantur tibi France Sigilla novantur Nomina tolluntur fugit Ensis Sceptra geruntur The Figures of both His Great Seals being delineated in the 56 Page of this Second Book will more particularly satisfie the Reader in this Alteration in the first of which He is stiled HENRICUS DEI GRATIA REX ANGLIE DOMINUS HIBERNIE and on the Counter-Seal HENRICUS DUX NORMANNIE ET AQUITANNIE COMES ANDEGAVIE on which he is Figured sitting on His Throne with a Sword in His Right hand and a Globe in His Left But in His Second Seal He omits Normandy and Anjou using on both sides of His Seal this Circumscription viz. HENRICUS DEI GRATIA REX ANGLIE DOMINUS HIBERNIE DUX AQUITANNIE and in place of the Sword in His Right Hand He holds the Scepter of St. Edward or the Dove The Barons on the other side use all arts to strengthen their association and France is made Arbiter of the Quarrel Matth. Paris p. 992. n. 4. who condemns the Provisions of Oxford but allows the confirmation of King Johns Charter An. 1263. upon which Henry Son to the Earl of Cornwall Roger de Clifford Roger de Leyborne Hamon l'Estrange and many others depart from the Barons The Earl of Leicester shortly after having combined with Llewellin Prince of Wales Matth. Westm p. 382. n. 18. invades Mortimers Lands in those parts who is aided by the Prince whilst Leicester recovers the Castle and Town of Glocester Matth. Paris p. 992. n. 52. makes the Citizens to Redeem themselves with 1000 l. and subduing Worcester Anno 1264. Shrewsbury and the Isle of Ely begins to grow very considerable which the King fearing calls a Parliament and a Peace is concluded upon Condition That all the Kings Castles should be put into the Barons hands The Provisions of Oxford observed And all the Strangers to depart the Kingdom But the Prince still holding out Windsor-Castle it is besieged and taken by the Earl of Leicester Ibidem p. 993. n. The King calls another Parliament and therein gaines several Lords to His Party and with them the Prince Richard Earl of Cornwall Henry his Son and William de Valence Marches to Oxford whither many Scotish and Northern Nobility repaire to Him Mat. Paris p. 385. n. 29. and thence with all His Forces to Northampton where young Montford the Earl of Leicesters Son with fourteen of the Principal of the Faction are made Prisoners thence to Nottingham making spoil of all the Barons Possessions in those parts In the mean while Leicester drawes towards London and offers 30000 Markes to the King for Damages done in the Wars so that the Statutes of Oxford might be observed which not being accepted Battel of Lewes The King in this battel had a Dragon carried before Him for His Royal Ensign and Simon Montfort to signifie the justness of His Quarrel caused his Soldiers to put white Crosses upon their Armour the Earl is constrained to put it to the hazard of a Battel near Lewes in Sussex Matth. Paris p. 995. 996. Matth. Paris p. 387. n. 6. where by a Stratagem he gaines the day 5000 are slain upon the place the King Prince Earl of Cornwall and his son Henry the Earles of Arundel and Hereford and all the Scotish Lords taken prisoners Valence and Marshall save themselves by flight Leicester carries the King along with him a whole year and a half to countenance his Actions in which time he takes in most of the Strong Holds of the Kingdom only the Prince escaping out of Hereford Castle gathers some Forces and gaining the Earl of Glocester brought many more hands to him with several places of strength both in England and Wales Matth. Paris p. 997. 998. and with them in a Plain near Evesham gives Battel to Simon Montfort Earl of Leicester who Battel of Evesham finding himself not able to withstand Prince Edwards Forces said An. 1265. Let us commit our Soules to God for our Bodies are theirs and so undertaking the weight of the Battel like another Cateline fell there accompanied in his death by his son Henry and eleven other Barons The Captive King thus freed by His victorious Son Anno 1266. calls a Parliament at Winchester wherein all the Barons of Leicesters party who still maintain several strong Holds in the Kingdom are disinherited and the King Marches against them and at Northampton two of Leicesters sons submit but they that escape the Battel at Evesham Matth. Westm p. 398. n. 20. make good the Isle of Ely where the Prince goes to reduce them causes Bridges to be made of Boates enters the Island in several places and constraines them to yield Then revenge must be taken upon Llewellin for succoring Montfort and Glocester Matth. Paris p. 1004. n. 47. but he redeemes Himself with 32000 l. Sterling The next year Prince Edward undertakes the Holy Warr and for supplies Pawnes Gascoigne to France for 30000 Markes and two yeares after Anno. 1269. with His Wife then as it prov'd young with Child sets forward with great resolution Matth. Paris p. 1006 n. 36. towards the Holy Land but effects no great matter And whilst this preparation is in hand King Henry labours to establish the Peace of the Kingdom and to reforme the excesses which the Warr had bred and the same year Assembles His last Parliament at Marleborough where
de Lize Azure three Lyons passant guardant of the first The augmentation granted her by the King her Husband 2. Gules two Wings conjoined in Pale Or. He Paternal Arms by the name of Seymour 3. Varry Argent and Azure Beauchamp of Hatche 4. Argent three Demy Lyons rampant Gules Stermy 5. Party per bend Argent and Gules three Roses in Bend counterchanged Mackwilliam and 6. Argent on a bend Gules three Leopards heads Or Coker This Queen Jane Seymour who is said to die willingly to save the life of her Son the Prince afterwards King Edward VI. didbear a Phoenix in his Funeral Fire with this Motto NASCATUR UT ALTER Remains p. 217. daughter of Sir John Seymour creating on Whitson Tuesday following Sir Edward Seymour her Brother Ibid. f. 232 Lord Beauchamp and Sir Edward Hungerford Lord Hungerford She was his Wife one year five months and twenty four days and died in Childbed the 14th of October An. 1537. to the great grief of the King who not only removed from the place but kept himself private and wore the Garment of Mourning even in the Festival time of Christmas Her Body was solemnly conveyed to Windsor the 8th of November following where she was interred in the mid'st of the Choire of the Church within the Castle This year began the Parliament Richard Grafton f. 228. a. wherein the Lord Thomas Howard for affiancing the Lady Margaret Dowglas daughter of Margaret Queen of Scots and niece to the King without his consent was convicted of Treason being committed to the Tower there died whence the Lady after having long remained there being released married Matthew Earl Lenox by whom she had Henry Father to James VI. of Scotland afterwards King of both Realms King Henry exercising now full power of his Supremacy Ibid. fol. 232 233 advanced his Secretary Thomas Cromwel to many degrees of Honor till coming to be Keeper of the Great Seal Vicegerent of the Kingdom and Head of the Clergy had at last his own Head struck off on Tower Hill Many innovations being by these means introduced no less than five insurrections broke out this year on the account of Religion Anno 1536. as first Edward Halle f. 228. b. to the number of 20000 in Lincolnshire supprest by the King in person The second about 40000 in Yorkshire quelled by the Earl of Shrewsbury The third in Cumberland Westmerland and the North of Lancashire quieted by the Earl of Derby The fourth in the North where to the number of 12000 besieging Carlisle Ibid. f. 231 were encountred by the Duke of Norfolk and 74 of them hanged on the Walls of that City The fifth in Yorkshire again where Francis Bigot c. with a great power intending to surprise Hull was repulsed by the industry of Sir Ralph Ellerker and the Mayor of the Town and their principals executed Anno 1538. This year by order of the Lord Cromwel all the greater Monasteries both of Friers and Nuns Richard Grafton f. 233. b. were supprest also to the number of 645 besides 90 Colledges 110 Hospitals Chantries and Free Chappels 2374 in stead whereof the King instituted these six Bishopricks Westminster Oxford Peterborough Bristol Glocester and Chester and upon the 3d of November following the Marquis of Excester the Earl of Devonshire the Lord Montacute c. were put to death for complotting to advance Cardinal Pole to the Crown Ibid f. 233 as being son to the Lady Margaret Daughter and Heir of George Duke of Clarence Anno 1539. King Henry having lived now almost two years a Widower His fourth Marriage Queen Anne of Cleve did bear Quarterly of seven peeces four in chief and three in Base The 1. Gules an Inescocheon Argent over all an Escarbuncle of eight rayes pomette and flowry Gules Cleve 2. Or a Lyon rampant Sable Juliers or Gulick 3. Azure a Lyon rampant crowned Or. Schwarzenberg 4. Argent a Lyon rampant queve forch● Gules crowned or Bergh or Mons. 5. Or a Fesse Chequie Argent and Gules la Marck or March 6. Argent a Lyon rampant Gules crowned of the first 7. Argent three Cheverons Gules Ravensbergh These Arms thus marshalled are painted in a Glass Window of a house in Poplar in the County of Middlesex sometime belonging to Sir Gilbert Dethick Kt. Garter King of Arms and now in the possession of his great Grandson Mr Henry Dethick Rouge Croix a Member of our Society was by advice of his Favorite Cromwel Richard Grafton f. 237 238 239 240 6 Jan. 1539. married to the Lady Anne sister to William Duke of Cleve a Lutheran Prince of Germany whereupon Cromwel was made Earl of Essex but being shortly after arrested of Heresie and High Treason he was without answer condemned and beheaded the 28th of July following Ibid. fol. 242 a. about which time the King upon some dislike had by his own and the Archbishop of Canterbury's authority got himself divorced in Parliament from his new Queen with full power to each of them for re-marrying after which the Queen by the Title of Lady Anne of Cleve Ib. f. 242. b remaining single in England the space of sixteen years died An. 4 Mariae Reginae and was buried at Westminster on the South-side the High Altar where her large Monument of Free-stone is to be seen nearly carved and adorned with the Arms of Cleves and the Letters A. C. knit together for Anne of Cleves But the King within a month after viz. 8 Aug. An. 1540. was again wedded His fifth Marriage an 1540. The Lady Katherine Howard fifth Wife of King Henry VIII did bear for Arms quarterly The 1. Azure three Flowers de Lize in Pale Or between two Flaunches Ermine each charged with a Rose Gules an augmentation granted her by the King her Husband 2. Gules three Lyons passant guardant Or a Label of three points Argent Brotherton 3. Gules on a Bend betwixt six crosse-croslets fiche Argent the augmentation of part of the Scottish Arms being her Paternal Coat of Howard 4. Azure two Lyons passant guardant Or the Verge of the Escocheon charged with four half Flowers de Lize of the second which was also an addition granted to this Queen Katherine This Escocheon within a Chaplet of Leaves and red and white Roses Ensigned with a Royal Crown is painted in the East-Window of Gresham Colledge Hall in the City of London from whence it was delineated the 22d of July 1669. to the Lady Katherine Howard Niece to the Duke of Norfolk and Daughter to his Brother Sir Edmond Howard who within three months after being accused of Adultery and a Praecontract Anno 1541. was on the 13th of February Edward Halle f. 245. together with the Lady Rochford beheaded on the Green within the Tower twenty days before which viz. on the 23d of January King Henry was proclaimed King of Ireland by the Parliaments of both Kingdoms Anno 1542.