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A61053 A prospect of the most famous parts of the vvorld Viz. Asia, 3 Affrica, 5 Europe, 7 America. 9 With these kingdomes therein contained. Grecia, 11 Roman Empire, 13 Germanie, 15 Bohemia, 17 France, 19 Belgia, 21 Spaine, 23 Italie, 25 Hungarie, 27 Denmarke, 29 Poland, 31 Persia, 33 Turkish Empire, 35 Kingdome of China, 37 Tartaria, 39 Sommer Ilands, 41 Civill Warres, in England, Wales, and Ireland. You shall find placed in the beginning of the second booke marked with these [3 asterisks in triangle formation] and (5) together with all the provinces, counties, and shires, contained in that large theator of Great Brittaines empire. / Performed by John Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Goos, Abraham,; Gryp, Dirck,; Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine. 1646 (1646) Wing S4882A; ESTC R218797 522,101 219

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Positure in respect of Heaven Lucretius the first of the Latine Writers that names Britain seemeth to place it in the same Parallel with Pontus where he saith Nam quid Brittannum coelum differre putamus c. What differs Britaines heaven from that of Nile Or Pontus welkin from Gadz warmer Isle In which by a certaine crosse comparison he opposeth two likes against two unlikes Britain Pontius against Egypt and Gades But to seek into profound Antiquity rather then present practise for matters in which Vse makes perfectnesse were to affect the giving light by shadowes rather then by Sun-shine 3 It is by experience found to lie included from the degree fifty and thirty scruples of Latitude and for Longitude extended from the 13. degree 20. minutes unto the 22. and 50. minutes according to the observation of Mercator It hath Britaine Normandy and other parts of France upon the South the Lower Germany Denmarke Norway upon the East the Isles of Orkney and the Deucaledonian Sea upon the North the Hebrides upon the West and from it all other Ilands and Inlets which do scatteredly inviron it and shelter themselves as it were under the shadow of Great Albion another name of this famous Iland are also accounted Britannish and are therefore here described altogether 4 Britaine thus seated in the Ocean hath her prayses not onely in the present tense and use of her commodities but also in those honorable Eulogies which the learnedst of Antiquaries hath collected out of the noblest Authors that he scarce feemeth to have left any gleanings neither wil we transplant them out of his flourishing Garden but as necessity compels sith nothing can be further or otherwise better said 5 That Britaine therefore the Seas High Admirall is famously known and the Fortunate Island supposed by some as Robert of Avesbury doth shew whose ayre is more temperate saith Caesar then France whose Soile bringeth forth all graine in abundance saith Tacitus whose Seas produce orient Pearle saith Suetonius whose Fields are the seat of a Summer Queen saith Orpheus her wildest parts free from wilde beasts saith the ancient Panegyrick and her chiefe Citie worthily named Augusta as saith Amianus So as we may truly say with the royall Psalmist Our lines are fallen in pleasant places yea we have a faire inheritance Which whatsoever by the goodnesse of God and industrie of man it is now yet our English Poet hath truely described unto us the first face thereof thus The Land which warlike Britaines now possesse And therein have their mightie Empire raisde In ancient times were salvage Wildernesse Vnpeopled unmanur'd unprov'd unpraisde 6 And albeit the Ocean doth at this present thrust it selfe betweene Dover and Callis dividing them with a deepe and vast entrenchment so that Britaine thereby is of a supposed Penisle made an Iland yet divers have ●tifly held that once it was joyned by an arme of land to the continent of Gallia To which opinion Spencer farther alluding thus closeth his Stanza Ne was it Iland then ne was it paisde Amid the Ocean waves ne was is sought Of Merchants far for profits therein praisde But was all desolate and of some thought By Sea to have bin from the Celtick Mainland brought Which as a matter meerly conjecturall because it is not plaine that there were no Ilands nor hils before Noahs floud I leave at large Virgil surely of all Poets the most learned when describing the Shield which Vulcan forged in Virgils braine for Aeneas he cals the Morini people about Call is the outmost men doth onely meane that they were Westward the farthest Inhabitants upon the Continent signifying withall that Britaine as being an Iland lay out of the world but yet not out of the knowledge of men for the commodities thereof invited the famous Greeke Colonies of Merchants which dwelt at Massilia in France to venture hither as hath been well observed our of Strabo THE KINGDOME OF GREAT BRITAINE AND IRELAND 7 And as Iulius Caesar was the first Romane which ever gave an attempt to Conquer it so will we close its praises with a late Epigram concerning the outward face of the Isle and the motive of Caesars coming ALBIONIS vertex frondoso crine superbit Arboreas frondes plurimus ales habet Gramineam Montes fundant pascua pubem Et carpunt circum pascua gramen oves Sed LATII caruit potioribus Insuladonis Victori potior Gloria ni LATIO Albions high tops her woody locks farre shew With quiers of chanting Birds these woods resounding Her Downes and Meadowes clad in verdant hew Meadows Downs with flocks and heards abounding Latium had greater wealth yet Caesar thought To British Glory Latiums Wealth worth nought 8 The division of Britaine concerning the government and territories thereof at such time as Caesar here arrived doth not sufficiently appeare Caesar himselfe makes so sparing mention herein that we have little cause to beleeve Florus where he makes Livie say that after Caesar had slain an huge multitude of Britaines he subdued the residue of the Isle but rather with exquisite Horace that he did not at all touch them as the word intactus doth in him purport 9 Kings there were and therefore that Division which was here in Caesars time was into Kingdomes the old names of whose Nations as also the knowledge of their several abodes hidden under the rubbish of so many ages have of late with infinite labours and exquisite judgement beene probably restored and bounded yet that no mans expectation and desire be too much frustrated reason wils that we briefly set forth such divisions of the Land as many repute not ancient onely but authenticke 10 Our seeming ancient Historians begin it at Brute who to every of his three sonnes gave a part called presently after their names as Loegria to Locrine his eldest sonne Cambria to Camber his second sonne and Albania to Albanist his third son And doubtlesse if there had been more Nations of fame in this Iland Brute should have had more sons fathered on him which conceit some ascribe to Monmouth holding that before him it was never so divided 11 Ptolomey naming Britaine the Great and the Lesse hath been by some mistaken as so dividing this Iland into two parts but his proportion and distance from the Aequator compared with his Geographicall description will evince that he calleth this our Iland GREAT BRITAIN and Ireland BRITAIN THE LESSE 12 Howbeit some latter doe make indeed the South and more Champion to be called GREAT BRITAIN and the North more mountainous BRITAIN THE LESSE whose Inhabitants anciently were distinguished into the MAIATAE and CALEDONII and now by the Scots are into Heghlandmen and Lawlandmen But that Northerne clime being more piercing for the Romanes constitutions and lesse profitable or fruitfull they set their
twenty eight thousand and fifteene were of Religious order and yet among these he accounteth no part of Cornwall But from this report it may well be that Rossus Warwicanus complaineth of the depopulation of the Land which with Towne-ships saith he anciently had stood so bestrewed as a goodly Garden every where garnished with faire flowers 11 King Elfred the first divider instituted a Prefect or Lieutenant in every of these Counties which then were called Custodes and ●fterwards Earles saith Higdon who kept the Countrey in obedience to the King and suppressed the outrages of notorious robbers But Canutus the Dane when successe had set him upon the English Throne divided the care of his Kingdomes affaires into a foure-fold subjection to wit West-Sex Mercia Northumbre and East-England himselfe taking charge of the first and the greatest making three Tetrarches of especiall trust over the rest namely Edrich over Mercia Yrtus over Northumbre and Turkill over East-England Wales neither in this division nor that of King Elfred was any waies liable it being cut as we have said from England by King Offa but those remnants of the ancient Britaines divided likewise that Westerne Province into Kingdomes Cantreds and Commots as more largely we will shew in the plot of that Principalitie And this shall suffice for the division of England under the Saxons who enjoyed it the space of 567. yeeres from their first entrance under Hengist unto the death of Edmund Ironside and againe under Edward Confessor the terme of twenty yeeres 12 Now if any shall be so minutely curious as to enquire the meaning of the Emblematicall compartments bordering the Mappe the right side containeth the first seven Kings of that sevenfold State their Names their Kingdomes their Escocheons their yeeres of first aspiring the left side doth portraict the like of the seven first kings in each of those Kingdomes which by Christian Baptisme aspired to the hope of a Kingdome eternall 1. Ethelbert of Kent receiving Austens instruction 2. Sebert the East-Saxon converting by advice of B. Miletus the Temples of Diana and Apollo now S. Pauls in London and S. Peters in Westminster to the service of Christ. 3. Erpenwald the East-Angle received Baptisme by exhortation of King Edwin the Northumbrian though as it seemeth Edwin himselfe for a time deferred his owne Baptisme and was therefore martyred by his Pagan Subjects 4. Edwine the Northumbrian stirred up by a vision both to expect the Kingdome and to receive the Faith which he did by the preaching of Paulinus whom he made Arch-bishop of Yorke 5. Kingill the West Saxon converted by the preaching of S. Berinus whom he made Bishop of Dorcester neere Oxford 6. Peada the Mercian receiving Christian Faith by perswasion of Oswy King of Northumbers was murdered by his owne mothers some say his wives procurement 7. Ethelwolfe the South-Saxon Baptized at Oxford by S. Berinus where Wulpherus King of Mercia was his God father at Font. 13 And sith these Saxons first gave to this Iland the name of England we will here affixe for a close of all an ancient Epigram touching both this Country and her Name the rather because of late a principall part and prayse therein is surreptitiously against Lex Plagiaria taken from England and ascribed as proper to France A certaine Author saith Bartholomeus de proprietatibus rerum thus in verse describeth England Anglia terra ferox fertilis Angulus Orbis Insula praedives quae toto vix eget Orbe Et cujus totus indiget Orbis ope Angliaplenajocis Gens Libera aptajocari Libera Gens cui libera mens libera lingua Sed linguâ melior liberiorque manus ENGLAND fierce Land Worlds Angle fertile art Rich I le thou needst no other Countries Mart Each other Country yet thy succour needs ENGLAND Ioyes Land be free and joyous long Free Race free Grace free Kind free Mind Tongue Yet Hands passe Tongues for free and glorious deeds THE TYPE OF THE FLORISHING KINGDOME OF ENGLAND VVITH THE GENERALL DESCRIPTION OF IT AS IT WAS FROM THE TIME OF THE NORMANS CHAPTER III. THE Saxons glory now neer to expire by his appointment who holdeth both times and Kingdomes in his all-ordering hand their owne swords being the instruments and the Danes the maules that beat their beautifull Diademe into pieces the Normans a stirring Nation neither expected nor much feared under the leading of William their Duke and encouragement of the Romane Bishop an usuall promoter hereof broken titles made hither sodainly into England who inone onely battell with the title of his sword and slaughter of Harold set the Emperiall Crown thereof upon his own head which no sooner was done but the English went downe and the Normans lording it became owners of those Cities which themselves never built possessed those Vineyards which they never planted dranke of those Wels which they never had digged and inhabited those houses filled With riches for which they never had laboured for they found it to be as the Land whereupon the Lord set his eye even from the beginning to the end of the yeer not onely drinking water of the raine of heaven but having also Rivers of waters and fountaines in her valleyes and without all scarcitie whose stones are yron and out of whose mountains is digged brasse This made them more resolute at first to settle themselves in this fairest and fruitfullest part of the Iland the Conquerour using all policy both Martial and Civill to plant his posterity here for ever How he found the Land governed we shewed in the Heptarchie but his restlesse thoughts were not contented with conquering the Nation and their Land unlesse he also overcame their very Customes Lawes and Language 2 Touching the distribution of the Kingdome whereas other kings before him made use of it chiefly for good of the people and better ministring of Iustice he made use of it to know the wealth of his Subjects and to enrich his Coffers for he caused a description to be made of all England how much land every one of his Barons possessed how many Knights fees how many Plow-lands how many in villanage how many head of beasts yea how much ready money every man from the greatest to the least did possesse and what rents might be made of every mans possession the Booke of which inquisition yet in the Exchequer was called Domes-day for the generalitie of that Iudgement on all the Land Whereunto we may adde his other distribution of this Land worse then any former when thrusting the English out of their possessions he distributed their inheritances to his Souldier● yet so that all should be held of the King as of the onely tri● Lord and possessor 3 For the Lawes by which he meant to governe he held one excellent rule and purpose which was that a People ought to be ruled by Lawes written and certaine
Morston Seray Mote Ayles Motingham Sutton Munchelsey Ayles Munford Seray Muttenden Ayles Mylhall Ayles N Nackington August Nash Seray Nash court August Sharpe Nasse Seray Shire Nasse Seray Peper Nasse August Swale Nasse Seray White Nasse August Faire Nasse August Shell Nasse August Natington August Nayland poynt August Nettlested Ayles Nethercourt August Nevenham August Newbridge Seray New church Shep. New eye Flu Shep. Newenden Seray Newenton Seray New haven August Newington Shep. New●nham Seray Newhyth Ayles S. Nicholas August S. Nicholas at wood Aug. S. Nicholas Shep. Nokholt Sutton Noninton August Norborne August North forland August Norton Seray Nowre-heade Seray Nutsted Ayles O O●sam Ayles Old wives lease Seray Ollantigh Seray Organsweke Shep. Orlaston Shep. Orlaston Shep. Orpinton Sutton Orpinton Seray Ospringe Seray Oslen hanger Shep. Otham Ayles Otham Abbey Ayles Otteford Sutton Otterdon Seray Otteringden Ayles Overland August Oure Seray Outmeston August Oxney Island Seray Oxney August Oxenhoath Ayles P Paddlesworth Shep. Paddlesworth Ayles Palmers bay August Panscray Sutton Patriksborne August Pecham East Ayles Pecham West Ayles Pedelsworth Ayle Pensherst Sutton Pepenbury Ayles Pipingley Ayles Pery Shep. Pet Seray S. Peters August Petham August Pevinton Seray Pierling Ayles Pluckley Seray Plumsted Sutton Popeshall August Postling Shep. Preston August Preston Seray Preston Ayles Priory She● Q Queenborow Seray Quekes August R Radignudes August Ramesgate August Raynam Seray Rave●borne Flu. Reculver August Reding Seray Rever August Richborow August Ridley Sutton Rie●sh Ayles Ringleton August Ripplel August Rivers August River-hill Ayles ROCHESTER Ayles Rockins staires August Rodmersham Seray Royden-hall Ayles Royton Seray Roking Shep. Rolling August Rolvinden Seray Romden Seray ROMNEY Shep. Romneyold Shep. Rookesley Sutton Rothe● Flu. Rucking Shep. Rugu●ethill Ayles Rusborne August Ryde Seray S All Saints August Saltwood Shep. Sandherst Seray Sandhill Seray Sandowne August Sandpit Seray SANDWICH Aug. Sargate Shep. Sard Seray Scadbery Sutton Scadbury Ayles Scale Sutton Scelling Shep. Scorney Seray Scots-hill Shep. Scabrooke Flu Shep. Scale Sutton Seasalter August Sednor Seray Selling Seray Sellingder Shep. SEVENOKE Sutton Sevington Seray Sewards Seray Shaddockherst Shep. Shaddockherst Seray Shaniford Seray Sharsted Seray Sheyborne ruscall Ayles Shelving August Shelwich Seray Sheppey Island Seray Shere Flu. Shene course Flu Shep. Shiborne Ayles Shepway crosse Shep. Sh●d Flu. Sholden August 1. Shorland Seray 2. Shorland Seray Shone Ayles Shoram Sutton Shooters-Hill Shotenden Seray Shurte August Sibertswood August Sidbrooke Flu Shep. Sissingherst Seray SITI INBORNE Seray Sittinborne little Seray Smalbrooke Flu. Ayles Smalhead August Smalhythe Seray Smarden Seray 〈◊〉 Shep. Snagat Shep. Snave Shep. Snotheland Ayles Secombe Seray Southe Ayles Spelherst Ayles Spelmendon Ayles Spetingbrooke Flu Shep. Spilspill Seray Stallisfield Seray Stanford Shep. Stanford Seray Stanstead Ayles Stanstead Shep. Staple August Staplegate August Stap●therst Seray Stare August Starborow Sutton Stelling Shep. S. Stephens August Stitcbridge Ayles Storke Ayles Stodmaish August Stoke Ayles Stoakbury Ayles Stoakbe●y Seray Stone Sutton Stone Ayles Stone Shep. Stone-end Shep. Holine Stone Shep. Stone Seray Stone-bay August Stoner August Stoningley Ayles Stowmaish August Stowre Flu. Stouring Shep. Stroud Ayles Sturrey August Sturmouth August Sturtmarsh Seray Stutstall Shep. Sundrich Sutton Surrenden Seray Sutton August Sutton at bone Sutton Sutton East Ayles Sutton valance Ayles Swalecliffe August The East Swale Aug. Swanscombe Sutten Swingfield Shep. T Tannington August Taperegge Ayles Tenham Seray Tenterden Seray Teston Ayles Thanet Isle August Themote Ayles Thorneham Ayles Throwley Seray Tilmaston Seray Tilmeston August Tokingham Seray Tong Seray Torne Ayles Towne Seray Tremworth Seray Trottischise Ayles Tudesey Ayles Tudenham Seray TUNBRIDGE Ayles Tunford August Tunstall Seray Tutsham Ayles Turvey stayies August Twydall Ayles Twidley Ayles Twyford bridge Ayles The Twist Ayles Twytham August V Uddenham bridge Seray Vintners Ayles Ulcombe Seray Ulcombe Ayles Upchurch Seray Upnor Ayles W Watchorne Shep. Waldershare August Wallingford course Flu. Walmer August Waltham Shep. Waltham August Wantsume Flu. S. Warburg alias Hoo. Ayl Warddon Seray Warchorne Seray Watringbury Ayles Waye●-end Shep. East Weare Shep. Weeke Ayles Well August Well-place Sutton Welles Seray Wellstreat Sutton Westhere August Westcliffe August West-court August West-gate August Westenhanger Shep. Westheath Shep. Westram Sutton Westre Ayles Westwell Seray Whetsted Ayles Whitestable August Whoornes place Ayles Witcheling Ayles Wickham East Sutton Wickham West Sutton Wickham brux August Wide●ton August Wigme●e August Wigsell Seray Willesbrough Seray Wilmington Seray Wilmington Sutton Wimingswold August Wingham August Witham Ayles Witrap Shep. Wittresham Shep. Witrisham Seray Woldham Ayles Wolwich Sutton Wood August Woodchurch Seray Woodfalls Ayles Woodland Sutton Woodnesborow August Wotton August Wo●th August Wormsh●ll Ayles WROTHAM Ayles WY● Seray Wye Court Y Yaldam Ayles Yalding Ayles Yotes Ayles SVTH-SEX a word compounded of the side thereof Southward and of the Saxons whose Kingdome was the second in their Heptarchie is written by them Suðex and by us Sussex lieth stretched along the Brittish Seas The North confronts upon Surrey and Kent and the West butteth upon Hampshire 2 For forme it lieth long and narrow so that all her Rapes doe run quite thorow the Shire and containeth from Westbarting in the West to Kent ditch that divides it from Kent in the East sixtie foure Miles but in the broadest part little above twentie the whole in Circumference about one hundred fiftie eight Miles 3 The Aire is good though somwhat clouded with mists which arise from her South bordering Sea who is very prodigall unto her for Fish and Sea-fowle though as sparing for Harbours or Ships arrivage and those which she hath as uncertaine for continuance as dangerous for entrance 4 Rich is the Soile and yeeldeth great plentie of all things necessary but very ill for travellers especially in the winter the land lying low and the wayes very deepe whose middle tract is garnished with Meadows Pastures and Corn-fields the Sea-Coast with Hills which are called the Downs abundantly yeelding both Graine and Grasse and the North side overshadowed with pleasant Groves and thicke Woods where sometimes stood the famous Wood Andradswald containing no lesse then an hundred and twentie Miles in length and thirtie in bredth taking the name of Anderida a Citie adjoyning both which were won from the Britaine 's by Ella the first Saxon King of this Province and the place made fatall to Sigebert King of the West-Saxons who being deposed from his Royall Throne was met in this Wood by a Swine-herd and slaine in revenge of his Lord whom Sigebert had murdered 5 The ancient people in the Romans time were the Regni of whom we have spoken and who were subdued by Vespasian the Leader of the second Legion under Aulus Plautius Lieutenant in Britaine for Claudius the Emperour But after the departure of the Romans this with Surrey was made the South-Saxons Kingdom yet that giving place to the West-Saxons as they in time to the Normans it became a Province under the Conquerours power who gave to his followers much land in these parts
Wynander-mere CVMBERLAND CHAPTER XLIIII CUMBERLAND the farthest North-west Province in this Realme of ENGLAND confronteth upon the South of Scotland and is divided from that Kingdome partly by the River Kirsop then crossing Eske by a Tract thorow Solome-Mosse untill it come to the Solwaye Frith by Ptolemie called the Itune Baye The North-west part is neighboured by Northumberland more East-ward with Westmerland the South with Lancashire and the West is wholly washed with the Irish Sea 2 The forme whereof is long and narrow pointing wedge-like into the South which part is altogether pestred with copped hils and therefore hath the name of Cop-land The middle is more levell and better inhabited yeelding sufficient for the sustenance of man but the North is wilde and solitary combred with hils as Cop-land is 3 The Ayre is piercing and of a sharpe temperature and would be more biting were it not that those high hils breake off the Northerne stormes and cold falling snowes 4 Notwithstanding rich is this Province and with great varieties thereof is replenished the hils though rough yet smile upon their beholders spread with sheepe and cattle the vallies stored with grasse and corne sufficient the sea affordeth great store of fish the land over-spread with varietie of fowles and the rivers feed a kinde of Muskle that bringeth forth Pearle where in the mouth of the Irt as they lie gaping and sucking in dew the Country people gather and sell to the Lapidaries to their owne little and the buyers great gaine But the Mines Royall of Copper whereof this Country yeeldeth much is for use the richest of all the place is at Keswick and Newland where likewise the Black Lead is gotten whose plentie maketh it of no great esteeme otherwise a commoditie that could hardly be missed 5 The ancient Inhabitants knowne to the Romans were the Brigantes whom Ptolemie disperseth into Westmerland Richmond Durham Yorke-shire and Lancashire But when the Saxons had over-borne the Britaines and forced them out of the best to seeke their resting amongst the vast Mountaines these by them were entred into where they held play with those enemies maugre their force and from them as Marianus doth witnesse the Land was called Cumber of those Kumri the Britaines But when the State of the Saxons was sore shaken by the Danes this Cumberland was accounted a Kingdome it self for so the flower-gatherer of Westminster recordeth King Edmund saith he with the helpe of Leoline Prince of South-Wales wasted all Cumberland and having put out the eyes of the two sonnes of Dunmail King of that Province granted that Kingdome unto Malcolm King of Scots whereof their eldest sonnes became Prefects This Province King Stephen to purchase favor with the Scots what time he stood in most need of aide confirmed by gift under their Crowne which Henry the Second notwithstanding made claime unto and got as Newbrigensis writeth and laid it againe in the Marches of England since when many bickerings betwixt these Nations herein have hapned but none so sore against the Scotish side as was that at Sollome-Mosse where their Nobilitie disdaining their Generall Oliver Sinclere gave over the Battle and yeelded themselves to the English which dishonour pierced so deeply into the heart of King Iames the fifth that for griefe thereof he shortly after died 6 Many memorable Antiquities remaine and have beene found in this County for it being the Confines of the Romans Possessions was continually secured by their Garrisons where remain at this day parts of that admirable wall built by Severus also an other Fortification from Werkinton to Elns Mouth upon the Sea-shore toward Ireland by Stilico raised when under Theodosius he suppressed the rage of the Picts and Irish and freed the Seas of the Saxons Pyrats Vpon Hardknot hill Moresby Old Carleil Papcastle along the Wall and in many other places their ruines remaine with Altars and Inscriptions of their Captaines and Colonies whereof many have beene found and more as yet lie hid 7 The chiefest Citie in this Shire is Carlile pleasantly seated betwixt the Rivers Eden Petterell and Caud by the Romans called Luguzallum by Beda Luell by Ptolemie Leucopibia by Ninius Caer-Lualid and by us Carlile This Citie flourishing under the Romans at their departure by the furious outrages of the Scots and Picts was dejected yet in the dayes of Egfrid King of Northumberland was walled about but again defaced by the over-running Danes lay buried in her owne ashes the space of two hundred yeers upon whose ruines at length Rufus set his compassionate eye and built there the Castle planting a Colony of Flemings to secure the Coasts from the Scots but upon better advisement removed them into Wales After him Henry his brother and successour ordained this Citie for an Episcopall See whose site is placed in the degree of Longitude from the first West part 17. and 2. scruples and the Pole thence elevated from the degree of Latitude 55. and 56. scruples 8 West from hence at Burgh upon the sand was the fatall end of our famous Monarch King Edward the First who there leaving his Warres unfinished against Scotland left his troubles and soone missed life to his untimely and soone lamented death 9 And at Salkelds upon the River Eden a Monument of seventie seven stones each of them ten foot high above ground and one of them at the entrance fifteene as a Trophie of Victory was erected These are by the By-dwellers called Long Megge and her Daughters 10 This County as it stood in the fronts of assaults so was it strengthned with 25. Castles and preserved with the prayers as then was thought of the Votaries in the houses erected at Carlile Lenecoft Wetherall Holme Daker and Saint Bees These with others were dissolved by King Henry the eight and their revenewes shadowed under his Crowne but the Province being freed from charge of subsidie is not therefore divided into Hundreds in the Parliament Rowles whence we have taken the divisions of the rest onely this is observed that therein are seated nine Market-Townes fiftie eight Parish-Churches besides many other Chappels of ease CUMBERLAND AND THE ANCIENT CITIE CARLILE DESCRIBED WITH MANY MEMORABLE AN TIQVITIES THEREIN FOUND OBSERVED A TABLE of all the Towns in Cumberland A Acton Aglionby Aldby Alhollowes Alne Flu. Alme Allonby Alonby Alwarby Ancautre Kirk Ander Anstable Arladon Armanthwat castle Armanthwat Armebath Artruth Askerton castle Aspatre Austermore B Kirk Banton Little Banton Bardsey hall Barrenwood Parke Basmthauate Beamont S. Bees head S. Bees Bekermond Bew-castle Birtby Black-band Black-hall Blek-hall Blencongey Blenge Flu. Blenkerne Blynroser Blenrake Bodell Bolton Borrodale Boulnesse Bowtell Brakenthwar Braken hill BRAMPTON Brathwate Brathwate S. Brides Bridgeham Bridekirk Brisco Brodwater Bronelston Brounrig Brumfeild Bucknes Burds wold Burgh kirke Burnes Bustwath hill C Cambek Flu. Kirk Cambok Cammerton Cander Canda Flu. Cannonby Cardew Cardronok Carlton Carleton Carleton CARLILE Castle
is Prage which was taken by the Imperialists in this last quarrell the King and Queene being at that time in the Church celebrating Gods service were forced suddenly to flye for their safetie into Silesia 31 Silesia Eastward from part of Bohemia two hundred mile long and eightie one broad a fruitfull Countrey the people valiant Her principall Cities are Breselare and Neisse 32 Moravia on the East of Bohemia and South of Silesia Her chiefe Cities are Almusium Olmutz and Brin 33 Pomerania It is bounded on the East with Istula on the North with the Baltick Ocean Her Metropolis is Stetin Others chiefe are Wolgast Wallin c. On the West of this Region stands 34 Mecklinburg or Megalopolis a place Provinciall of it selfe and hath Townes of note Malchawe Rostock c. 22 35 Austria an Arch-Dukedome it lieth upon Hungarie and is esteemed by the Germans the Easterne bound of the Empire It was formerly called Pannonia superior It is a rich Countrey Her chiefe Cities are Vienna famous for beauty wealth and learning Emps Sr. Leopald c. There are reckoned to this Region the Provinces of Styria Carinthia Carinola and by some Tirolum The Description of the Kingdom of Bohemia IN our Description of Germany we reckoned Bohemia but as a Province among the rest and therefore she was mentioned there with no more solemnitie then the other parts were We purpose here to declare it an intire Kingdome of it selfe which besides her own compasse as she is most commonly limited by Geographers hath under-subjects Dukedomes and Marquisates such as doe her homage and make her well worthy of a particular Historie then we had before roome for 2 The ancient Inhabitant of these parts was the Bemorum magna gens as Ptolemie cals it and placeth it somewhat South toward Danubius und●r Suna sylva After them the Boii a people of Gallia Lugdunensis which had been before conquered by Caesar saith Quadus and packt over the Alpes to seek them a new seat in Italy But when they found the Romanes too hotte for their abode there they were forced to trudge farther and to passe the River Rhene into Germany as Strabo witnesseth where they found them a fit place to lurk in compassed with a large Wood called the Sylva Hercinia and like enough they joyned in with the Bemi to make up the name of Bohemia But neither here did they enjoy their peace long for they were in time nessled out by a potent people of Swevia called Marcomanni and they again had the like measure from the Slavonians a barbarous crue which came in upon them under the conduct of an exiled murderer of Croatia one Zechius about the yeare five hundred and fiftie 3 From that time there hath beene no generall expulsion● but the present Bohemians are the progeny of those Sclavonians whose very language and customes are in use among them at this day Doubtlesse it was at first a rude Common-wealth that had no other Governours but so ungoverned a multitude for so they continued above an hundred years after Zechius But when they had for a time endured the misery of such a confusion they were content to agree upon some one for their Prince that might rule them and the first which they elected was Crocus a man of great esteeme among them for his wisdome and goodnesse 4 Till the time of Vratislaus it had the title of a Dukedome onely He was the first King and was created by Henry the fourth of Germany anno one thousand eighty sixe Yet after that againe for the succession of sixe Princes it was governed by Dukes For the second King was Vladislaus the third crowned by Fredericke the Emperour in the yeare one thousand one hundred fiftie nine and the third Primaslaus Crowned by the Emperour Philip one thousand one hundred ninetie nine after sixe other Dukes from his Predecessor Vladislaus the third It hath beene now long since fully settled into a Kingdome and is the title of the right Noble Frederike Count Elector Palatine of the Rhene and husband to the illustrious Elizabeth Daughter to our late Soveraigne King IAMES They were both Crowned at Prague in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred and nineteene but have beene enforced ever since to maintaine their right by continuall warres against Ferdinand the second who by vertue of an adoption which declared him successor to Matthias layes claime to the Crowne of Bohemia But the case was before decided in their third Vladislaus who though as deeply interessed to the Kingdome as Ferdinand could be yet for that he had past no legall election according to their Customes and Priviledges he was deposed by the States and Vldarilaus chose in his roome 5 There remains no great difficultie concerning the name It appeares sufficiently to proceed either from her first people or first Prince who as some report was one Boemus And t is worth observing that though this Land hath in sundry ages beene so often ransackt and possest by strangers and Tyrants yet in her name she constantly preserves the memorie onely of her first Natives and hath not suffered that change as we have done from Albion to Britaine from Britaine to England And so indeed it is with almost all which have beene equally subject to the like Invasions 6 The scituation of this Kingdome is almost in the middest of Germany and is easily descried in our common Maps by the Hircinian Forrest held in the Romans time to be nine dayes journey in bredth and in length at least forty So Caesar in his sixth Com It closeth Bohemia on every side insomuch that to shew they are not unlike an Amphitheater it is Maginus his comparison The severall parts of this Wood are knowne by divers names which they take from the Countrey adjacent The portion North West is by Strabo called Gabreta Sylva that South toward Danubius Luna Sylva by Ptolemy non Sylva Passarica and so the rest Without this wall of Bohemia as Quadus calls it her limits are on the West Franconia on the North Lusatia and Misnia on the South Bavaria and Austria on the East Moravia and Sile●ia The figure of it is in a manner circular and the diameter is esteemed three dayes journey to a quick travailour The circuit containes five hundred and fiftie miles of good ground fertile and pleasant enricht as well by her Rivers as Land Commodities 7 Her principall are 1 Albis Elve which hath his rising in the Hercinian Wood and the name from eleven Fountaines which meet in one at the head of the River For Elve or Elbe in the Germane tongue signifies eleven It runs through a great part of the Countrey and by the chiefe Citie Prague and at last vents it selfe into the German Ocean Of this Lucan thus Fundat ab extremo flav●s Aquilone Suevos Albis indomitum Rheni caput 2 Multaria Mulda 3 Egra which gives a name to a Town 4 Sassava 5 Gisera 6 Missa And 7 Vatto They are received
that I may dwell may seeme after a sort to be verified accomplished in us at this day so that although many thousands were aspared the land would remain abundantly replenished which being so if such as lack meanes here as many doe to support the charges incident to themselves and their families in such sort as were requisite to goe over thither they are forth-with endowed with lands and employments whence through their industrie they may raise their estates And it is certaine there are very few there but they maintaine themselves farre better and with lesse care and pains then they did or could doe here Againe if they be such as have meanes to purchase land there and transport servants at their own charge they have in their lands large penny-worths and for their servants many profitable employments Secondly the benefit that should redound to the native Inhabitants of Virginia is very great whilst by this meanes they might in time be reclaimed from their rude conditions and savage kind of life to more humanity and knowledge being instructed in Arts and Occupations and furnished with sundry instruments so necessary in humane Societies that without them we could not well subsist and finally be reduced to a more civill and orderly forme of government But chiefly and in the first place those silly creatures sitting now in darknesse and in the shadow of death might be delivered from darknes to light from the power and tyranny of Satan unto God by faith in Christ. Lastly as it would adde much to the fame and glory of this Kingdome so would it to the strength and prosperitie thereof whilst we might be served from thence with sundry commodities which we now obtaine from other places with the exporting and diverting hence an infinite treasure and that many times to the enriching of the enemies of our State and Religion as Currants and other fruit Oyles Gummes Cotten-wooll Sugar Rich Furres Caviary and Cordage Masts Plancks Boards Pitch Tarre Pot-ashes and Sope-ashes Hempe Flax Iron Salt Silkes Woad Madder Indico and other Drugs for Dyes and Physick c. For it is not to be doubted but these and the like things doe cost this Kingdome yearely many Millions of wealth Some men will say though these things or any them were brought us from these Plantations yet would there be little saved to this Common-wealth because they would and in equitie might expect to receive their price for them but the difference is very great First because we might have them from thence at lower Rates the voyage being shorter and lesse dangerous then in any of the others Secondly the customes and other duties which we now pay in Forraine Countries would there be saved for though they were as great as they are in those countries yet would they wholly redound to the benefit of his Majestie and consequently to the good of this Kingdome Thirdly forasmuch as those which are Adventurers thither live and have their estates here in Englaud condition with such as they send over at their charge upon their lands to receive from them the ratable moyetie of all such profits as shall be raised on their lands It is evident that a great part of those commodities would be brought in without any charge to this Kingdome whilst there should be neither money nor wares exported for them And so they would become as it were the naturall commodities of our owne Countrey Moreover the Planters there are our Countrey-men members of the same Common-wealth with us who may no doubt in short time deserve of the Indians so well in the things before mentioned and succouring them in their wants c. as may move them freely without compulsion or injury to resigne themselves to his Majesties protection and government And many other benefits are like to arise of this worthy action which might stirre up forwardnesse in the prosecution of it But let this suffice to be spoken in this place BRITANNIA THE THEATRE OF THE EMPIRE OF GREAT BRITAINE Presenting AN EXACT GEOGRAPHY of the Kingdomes of ENGLAND SCOTLAND IRELAND and the ILES adioyning With The Shires Hundreds Cities and Shire townes within the Kingdome of ENGLAND divided and described By IOHN SPEED IMPRINTED AT LONDON Anno Cum Privilegio 1627 Are to be sold by George Humble at the Whit horse in Popes-head Alley A BRITAINE A ROMANE A SAXON A DANE A NORMAN THE BRITISH EMPIRE CONTAINETH AND HATH NOVV IN ACTVALL possession those many and renovvned KINGDOMES and PRINCIPALITIES DESCRIBED IN THIS OVR THEATRE THE KINGDOME OF ENGLAND anciently containing seven famous Kingdomes 1 The Kingdome of Kent 2 The Kingdome of South-Saxons 3 The Kingdome of West-Saxons 4 The Kingdome of East-Saxons 5 The Kingdom of Northumbrians 6 The Kingdome of East-Angles 7 The Kingdome of Mercia THE KINGDOME OF SCOTLAND anciently containing these three Kingdomes 1 The Kingdome of Scots 2 The Kingdome of Picts 3 The Kingdome of the Iles. THE PRINCIPALITIE OF WALES anciently containing these three Kingdomes 1 The Kingdome of North-Wales 2 The Kingdome of Powys-land 3 The Kingdome of South-Wales THE KINGDOME OF IRELAND anciently containing these five Kingdomes 1 The Kingdome of Mounster 2 The Kingdome of Leinster 3 The Kingdome of Meth. 4 The Kingdome of Connaught 5 The Kingdome of Vlster THE KINGDOME OF MAN with the Iles adjoyning THE ACHIEVEMENT OF OUR SOVERAIGNE KING IAMES AS HE NOWE BEARETH With the ARMES of the Severall kings that have aunciently raigned within his nowe Dominions DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE TO THE MOST HIGH AND MOST POTENT MONARCH IAMES OF GREAT BRITAIN FRANCE AND IRELAND KING THE MOST CONSTANT AND MOST LEARNED DEFENDER OF THE FAITH INLARGER AND UNITER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE RESTORER OF THE BRITISH NAME ESTABLISHER OF PERPETUALL PEACE IN CHURCH AND COMMON-WEALTH PRESIDENT OF ALL PRINCELY VERTUES AND NOBLE ARTS JOHN SPEED HIS MAJESTIES MOST lowly and most loyall Subiect and Servant consecrateth these his Labours though unworthy the aspect of so high an Imperiall Majestie DIEV ET MON DROIT ✚ HONI ✚ SOIT ✚ QVI MAL ✚ Y ✚ PENSE ✚ TO THE WELL-AFFECTED AND FAVOVRABLE READER SO great was the attempt to assay the erection of this large and laborious THEATRE whose onely plat-forme might well have expected the readiest hand of the best Artist that even in the entrance of the first draught as one altogether discouraged I found my selfe farre unfit and unfurnished both of matter and meanes either to build or to beautifie so stately a project But how the Lord then composed my minde for the Worke or rather how his own great power would be seene in my weaknesse is now in some measure made manifest by raising the frame thereof to this height which here from the Presse sheweth his aspect unto the world But with what content to thy eye gentle Reader I stand in suspence so many Master-builders having in this subject gone before me and I the least not worthy to hew much
City famous before that time by the conversion of these Saxons unto Christianity and in building a most magnificent Church to Gods service wherein eight of their Kings have been interred but all their Monuments since overshadowed by the height of Beckets Tombe that for glory wealth and superstitious worships equalized the Pyramides of Egypt or the Oracles of Delphos yet now with Dagon is fallen before the Arke of God This City hath been honoured with the presence and Coronations of King Iohn and Queen Isabel his wife with the mariages of King Henry third and of King Edward the first and with the interments of Edward the Black Prince King Henry the fourth and of Queen Ioan his wife as Feversham is with the burials of King Stephen and of Maud his Queen and wife But as in glory so in adversity hath this City born a part being divers times afflicted by the Danes but most especially in the dayes of King Ethelred who in that revenge of their massacre made havock of all and herein slew forty three thousand and two hundred persons the tenth besides reserved to live Afterward it recovered breath and beauty by the liberality of Bishop Langford Charters and Priviledges by King Henry the third strength in trench and Fortifications from King Richard the second and lastly wals for her defence by Simon Sudbury Archbishop of that See whose Graduation is placed for Latitude 51.25 and parallelized for Longitude 22.8 her sister Rochester differing not much in either degree 9 Which City as Beda saith was built by one Rof Lord of the same though some ascribe the foundation of the Castle to Iulius Caesar and hath been often ruinated by the injuries of warre both in the times when the Saxons strove for superiority among themselves wherein this City was laid waste Anno 680. as also in the assaults of their common ●nemy the Danes who about the yeare 884. from France sailed up the River Medway and besieged the same so that had not King Elfred speedily come to the rescue it had been overthrown by those Pagans And again in Anno 999. the Danes miserably spoiled this City in the time of King Ethelred neither hath it stood safe from danger since though not defaced so much by war for twice hath it been sore endamaged by chance of fire the first was in the reigne of King Henry the first An. 1130. himself being present with most of his Nobility for the consecration of the Cathedrall Church of S. Andrew And again almost wholly consumed about the latter end of the Reign of King Henry the second Anno 1177. Yet after all these calamities it recovered some strength again by the bounty of King Henry the third both in buildings and in ditching her about for defence 10 Civill broyles and dissentions hath this Countie been burdened with and that not only under the Saxons and Danes whose desolations were many and grievous but also by other rebellions since the Normans Conquest both in those infamous insurrections called The Barons Warres in the reigne of King Henry the third wherein much harme was done as also under King Richard the second when Wat Tilar Captaine of a dreadfull commotion assembled at Black-heath Mile-end and in London doing many outrages where in Smithfield he was lastly struck down by William Walworth then Major of the City and worthily slaine for his notorious treasons Again upon Black-heath Michael Ioseph the Lord Dawbeny with their Cornish Rebels were overthrowne by King Henry the seventh Anno 1497. 11 Kent in the time of Iulius Caesar was governed by four severall Kings Vnder Vortigern the Britain by a Lieutenant called Guorong from whom the said King gave it to Hengist the Saxon in favour of his Daughter Rowen who seeking to make himself absolute King thereof eight yeares after his first entrance fought a victorious Battell against the Britaines neere unto Crayford and thence-forth accounted that Province his owne Yet afterward Vortimer the valiant Britaine gave him battell at Aylesford in the which both Horsa and Catigern brethren to both the Generals were slaine and the Saxons driven into the Isle of Thanet their first assigned habitation not daring to enter the Continent so long as Vortimer lived Catigern was interred upon the Plaine where to this day remaineth his Monument being foure stones pitched in manner of the Stonehenge and is vulgarly called Citscotehouse The like Monument was of Horsa at Horsted which storms and time have now devoured Hengist made this Province a Kingdom for himselfe and successors which name and power it retained the space of three hundred and twenty years when Egbert King of the West-Saxons subdued and joyned it to his own in which subjection it stood untill the time of the Normans Then was it given under the title of an Earledome by the Conqueror unto Otho Bishop of Bayeux his halfe-brother whose successours in that dignity were those most honourable Families whose Armes and Names within this Plot are blazed and expressed It is divided principally into five Lathes subdivided into 66. Hundreds and them againe into 398. Parishes ● and wherein had been seated three and twenty Religious Houses KENT WITH HER CITIES AND EARLES Described and observed LATHES DIVIded into Hundreds and Hundreds into Parishes Sutten Black-heath 7. Sutten Bro●eley 2. Sutten Lesnes 4. Sutten Axtane 16. Sutten Rookesley 15. Sutten Godsheath 8. Sutten Westerham 4. Sutten Somerden 6. Aylesford Hoo 5. Aylesford Shamele 11. Aylesford Toltingtroe 6. Aylesford Chetham 3. Aylesford Wortham 4. Aylesford Larkfield 15. Aylesford Littlefield 3. Aylesford Twiford 6. Aylesford Tunbridge 2. Aylesford Watchlingston 5. Aylesford West Barnefield Aylesford Brenchley 3. Aylesford Marden 2. Aylesford Eyhorne 13. Aylesford Maldstone 7. Seray Milton 23. Seray Tenham 4. Seray Feversham 17. Seray Bo●●on 4. Seray Felboro 5. Seray Chart 9. Seray Wye 5. Seray Byircholt 1. Seray Galehill 8. Seray Ashford Seray Blackborne 5. Seray Tenderden 1. Seray Barkley 1. Seray Cranbrooke 3. Seray Rolvenden 2. Seray Selbrightenden 1. Seray East Barnfield 1. Seray Newyadene S. Augustine Ringsloe 4. S. Augustine Blengate 7. S. Augustine Whirestable 3. S. Augustine Westgate 4. S. Augustine Downchamford 6. S. Augustine Preston 2. S. Augustine Bredge 7 S. Augustine Kinghamford 5. S. Augustine Seasalter S. Augustine Wingham 5. S. Augustine East●y 11. S. Augustine Cor●iloe 8. S. Augustine Bewesbrough 13. S. Augustine Longport Shepwey Folkestane 8. Shepwey Lovingboroe 4. Shepwey Stowting 5. Shepwey Heane 2. Shepwey Pyrcholt stan 2. Shepwey Streats 3. Shepwey Worth 2. Shepwey Ilam 3. Shepwey Langport 1. Shepwey S. Martin Shepwey Newchurch 4. Shepwey Alowsbridge 6. Shepwey Oxney 3. A ACryse Shep. Acton Sera Addesham Aug. Addington Ayles Akkam Shep. S. Albans August Aldington Ayles Aldington Shep. Aldwecke Shep. Alhallowes Ayles Alkham Shep. 〈◊〉 Ayles 〈◊〉 Coltham Ayles Allington Shep. All Saints August APPLEDORE Sera As●●ey August 〈…〉 ASHEFORD Seray Ash●ey August Ash●●● Ayles Aylesford Ayles Aynsford Sutten
the South with Dorset and Hamp-shire and upon the West is confronted against partly by Gloucester and the rest by Somerset-shires 2 The forme thereof is both long and broad for from Inglesham upon Thamesis in the North to Burgat Damarum in the South are thirtie-nine miles the broadest part is from Buttermer Eastward to the Shire-stones in the West being twenty-nine the whole in circumference is one hundred thirty-nine miles 3 For aire it is seated in a temperate Climate both sweet pleasant and wholesome and for soyle saith Iohn of Sarisbury is exceeding fertile and plentifull yea and that with variety 4 The Northerne part which they call North-Wilt-shire riseth up into delectable hils attired with large woods and watered with cleare Rivers whereof Isis is one which soone becometh the most famous in the Land The South part is more even yeelding abundantly grasse and corne and is made the more fruitfull by the Rivers Wily Adder and Avon The midst of this County is most plaine and thereby is knowne and commonly called Salesbury-Plaines and lie so levell indeed that it doth limit the Horizon for hardly can a man see from the one side to the other These Plaines grase an infinite number of sheepe whose fleeces and flesh bring in an yearely revenew to their owners 5 Anciently this County was possessed by the Belgae who are seated by Ptolemy in Hamp-shire Somerset-shire and in this Tract and they as it seemeth by Caesar were of the Belgae in Gaul These as some hold were subdued by Vespasian Lieutenant of the second Legion under Claudius when the foundations of his future greatnesse were in these parts first laid by his many victories over the Britaines And herein surely the Romans seated for besides Yanesburie Trench by tradition held to be his in many other Forts in this Shire the Tract of their footing hath beene left and the stamped Coines of their Emperours found an apparent testimonie of their abode 6 After them the West-Saxons made it a part of their Kingdome whose border was Avon as witnesseth Athelward though the Mercians many times encroched upon them whereby many great battles as Malmsbury tels us betwixt them were fought when in the young yeares of their Heptarchie each sought to enlarge his by the lessening of the next but growne unto more ripenesse they assigned their limits by a great and long ditch crossing thorow the middest of these Plaines which for the wonder therof is supposed by the vulgar to be the worke of the Devil and is called of all Wansdike undoubtedly of Woden the Saxons Ancestor and great reputed God where a little village yet standeth and retaineth to name Wodens-burg At this place in Anno 590. Ceaulin the West-Saxon received such a foyle of the Britaines and his Country-men that he was forced to forsake his Kingdome and to end his dayes in exile becomming a pitifull spectacle even unto his enemies And in this place Ina the West-Saxon joyned Battle with Ceolred the Merciā whence both of them departed with equall losse The like was at Bradford by Kenilwach and Cuthred at Wilton betwixt Egbert and Beornwolfe at Edindon where K. Elfred was vanquisher of the Danes and at Wilton where the Danes wonne the day against him With as bloudy sucesse though not happening by sword was the issue of the Synod assembled at Calne a small Towne in this Countie in the yeare of Christ Jesus 977. where being hotly debating for the single life and against the marriages of the Clergie what wanted by the Word to prove their divorce was supplyed by a Stratagem and that very bloudy for suddenly the main timber brake and downe fell the floore with the Nobles and Prelates the Gentlemen and Commons whereby a great number were hurt and many more slain onely Dunstan the President and mouth for the Monks escaped untouched the Joist whereon his chaire stood remaining most firme which confirmed the sentence of their separations whom God had conjoyned and became the fall and snare of much incontinencie in both sexes 7 The chiefest Citie of this Shire is Salesbury removed from a higher but a far more convenient place whose want of water was not so great in the mother as is supplied and replenished in the daughter every street almost having a River running thorow her middest and for sumptuous and delicate buildings is inferiour to none The Cathedrall a most rich magnificent Church was begun by Richard Poore Bishop and with fourty yeares continuance was raised to her perfect beauty wherein are as many windowes as there are dayes in the yeare as many cast pillars of marble as there are houres in the yeare and as many gates for entrance as there are moneths in the yeare Neither doth this Citie retaine true honour to her selfe but imparteth hers and receiveth honour from others who are entituled Earles of Salesbury whereof eight noble Families have been dignified since the Normans Conquest and now is enjoyed by that most wise and loyall Counsellor Robert Cecill Lord high Treasurer of England and the worthy Patron of the place whereof my selfe am a member This Cities situation is in the degree of Latitude 51.10 minntes and from the first West point observed by Mercator 18. degrees and 31. minutes of Longitude 8 Over this old Salesbury sheweth it selfe where Kenrik overcame the Britains and where Canutus the Dane did great dammge by fire This formerly had been the seat of the Romans as likewise was Lecham as by their Coines digged up is apparant so were Brokenbridge and Cosham the Courts of the Saxon Kings But Fortune long since hath turned her face from all these as lately she did from many ancient and religious foundations planted in this Province whereof Malmesbury was the most famous I will not with Monmouth avouch the foundation thereof unto Mulmutius but by true records from Maidulph a Scot a man of great learning that therein built a Cell and led an Hermits life whereof Beda calleth it the Citie of Maidulph and we by contraction Malmsbury Adelme his disciple and successour built here a faire Monasterie which Athelstan the Monarch richly endowed and left his body after death there to rest Neither hath any graced this more then William her Monk in recording to posterities the Chronicles of our Land concerning both the Church and Common-weale wherein himselfe and wrote those Histories 9 Ambresbury for repute did second this built by Alfritha King Edgar his wife to expiate the sinne of murder which she committed upon young Edward her sonne in Law that hers might be King In this place Queene Eleanor widow to King Henry the third renounced all royall pompe and devoted her selfe unto God in the habit of a Nunne Other places erected for piety were at Salesburie Lacock Stanlege Wilton Ivichurch Farnleg Bradstocke Briopune and Bromhore These
of King Henry the second first took breath 7 Which Citie is and long hath been the glorious seat of the Muses the British Athens and learnings well-spring from whose living Fountaine the wholsome waters of all good literature streaming plenteously have made fruitfull all other parts of this Realme and gained glory amongst all Nations abroad Antiquitie avoucheth that this place was consecrated unto the sacred Sciences in the time of the old Britaines and that from Greekelad a Town in Wilt-shire the Academie was translated unto Oxford as unto a Plant-plot both more pleasing and fruitfull whereto accordeth the ancient Burlaeus and Necham this latter also alledging Merlin But when the beauty of the Land lay under the Saxons prophane feete it sustained a part of those common calamities having little reserved to uphold its former glorie save onely the famous monument of Saint Frideswids Virgine-Conquest no other Schoole then left standing besides her Monasterie yet those great blasts together with other Danish stormes being well blowne over King Elfred that learned and religious Monarch recalled the exiled Muses to their sacred place and built there three goodly Colledges for the Studies of Divinitie Philosophie and other Arts of humanitie sending thither his owne sonne Ethelward and drew thither the young Nobles from al parts of his kingdome The first Reader thereof was his supposed brother Neote a man of great learning by whose direction King Elfred was altogether guided in this his goodly foundation At which time also Asserius Menevensis a Writer of those times affaires read the Grammar and Rhetoricke and affirmeth that long before them Gildas Melkin Ninius Kentigern S. German and others spent there their lives in learned studies From which time that it continued a Seed plot of learning till the Norman Conquest Ingulphus recordeth who himselfe then lived No marvell then if Matthew Paris calleth Oxford the second Schoole of Christendome and the very chiefe Pillar of the Catholique Church And in the Councel holden at Vienna it was ordained that in Paris Oxford Bononia and Salamanca the onely Vniversities then in Europe should be erected Schooles for the Hebrew Greeke Arabick and Chaldean Tongues and that Oxford should be the generall Vniversitie for all England Ireland Scotland and Wales which point was likewise of such weight with the Councel of Constance that from this precedence of Oxford Vniversitie it was concluded that the English Nation was not onely to have precedence of Spaine in all Generall Councels but was also to be held equall with France it selfe By which high prerogatives this of ours hath alwaies so flourished that in the dayes of King Henry the third thirtie thousand Students were therein resident as Archbishop Armachanus who then lived hath writ and Rishanger then also living sheweth that for all the civill warres which hindered such places of quiet studie yet 15000. Students were there remaining whose names saith he were entered in matricula in the matriculation Booke About which time Iohn Baliol the father of Baliol King of Scots built a Colledge yet bearing his name Anno 1269. and Walter Merton Bishop of Rochester that which is now called Merton Colledge both of them beautified with buildings and enriched with lands and were the first endowed Colledges for learning in all Christendome And at this present there are sixteen Colledges besides another newly builded with eight Hals and many most faire Collegiat Churches all adorned with mest stately buildings and enriched with great endowments noble Libraries and most learned Graduates of all professions that unlesse it be her sister Cambridge the other nursing breast of this Land the like is not found againe in the world This Citie is also honoured with an Episcopall See As for the site thereof it is removed from the Equator in the degree 52. and one minute and from the West by Mercators measure 19. degrees and 20. minutes 8 As this Countie is happy in the possession of so famous an Academie so it is graced with most Princely Palaces appertaining to the English Crown whereof Woodstocke is the most ancient and magnificent built to that glory by K. Henry the first and enlarged with a Labyrinth of many windings by K. Henry the second to hide from his jealous Iuno his intirely beloved Concubine Rosamond Clifford a Damosell of surpassing beauty where nowtwithstanding followed by a clew of silke that fell from her lap she was surprised and poysoned by Queen Eleanor his wife and was first buried at Godstow Nunnery in the midst of the Quire under a Hearse of Silke set about with lights whom Hugh Bishop of Lincolne thinking it an unfit object for Virgins devotion caused to be removed into the Church-yard but those chaste sisters liked so well the memory of that kinde Lady as that her bones were translated againe into their Chappell Bensington is another of his Majesties Mannors built by Will. de la Pole Duke of Suffolke but now in neglect through the annoyance arising from the waters or marishes adjoyning Houses built for devotion and for abuse suppressed and againe put downe the chiefe in account were Enisham Osney Bruerne Godstow Burchester and Tame besides Saint Frideswides and very many other stately houses of Religion in the Citie The Divsiion of this Shire is into fourteene Hundreds wherein are seated ten Market Townes and two hundred and fourescore Parish-Churches whose names are Alphabetically inserted in the Table ensuing OXFORDSHIRE described with the Citie and the Armes of the Colledges of that famous Vniuersity Ao. 1605. HVNDREDS in Oxford-shire 1. BAnbury 2. Bloxham 3. Chadlington 4. Wotton 5. Ploughley 6. Bullington 7. Bampton 8. Tame 9. Lewknor 10. Pirton 11. Dorchester 12. Ewelme 13. Langtree 14. Binfeild A Adderbury Blox Addington Plough Adwell Lewk Alvescott Bamp Ambesden Bulling Ardeley Plough Arnecott Bulling Ascott Chad. Ascott Tame Assenton Pirt. Astoll Bam. Astoll Lye Bam. Aston Steeple Wot Aston Bam. Aston North Wot Aston Rowen Lewk Aulkerton Blox B Bampton Bampt. BANBVRY Ban. Balscott Blox Barford S. Iohns Blox Barford S. Michael Wot Steple Barton Wot March Baulden Bulling Toot Baulden Bulling Baynton Plough Beckley Bulling Beckley Parke Bulling Begbrocke VVot Bensington Ewel Berington little Bamp Berwicke Priorie Ewelme Berwicke Sulham Ewelme Bixbrand Binf. Bix Gobon Binf. Blacke Burton Bamp Blackthorne Bulling Bladon VVot Bletchington Plough Bloxome Blox Blunt Lewk Bodicott Blox Bolney Bin. Bradwe Bamp Brickenton Bamp Bridsett Bulling Bright Hampton Bramp Brisemorton Bamp Britwell Priory Ewelme Britwell Baldwin Ewelme Britwell Fulham Lewk Broken Chad. Brooke Hampton Ewelm Broughton Blox Broughton Poges Bamp Bruerne Chad. Bucknell Plough Burcester Plough Burcester Kings Plough Burcott Dor. BVRFOBD Bam. Burton great Banb. Burton little Banb. C Carbridge Bamp Cassington Wot Caswell Bamp Caverfeild Plough Caversham Binf. Chackenton Lang. Chadlington Chad. Chalgrave Ewelm Chapell on the Heath Chad. Charleton Plough Charswell Wot Charwell Flu. Chastleton Chad. Chawfer Lewk Cherlbury Ban. Chesterton Plough Chilson Chad. Chillworth Bulling
then the former Robert was both of them in like degree of dishonourable course of life though of different issue at their deaths the one dying penitent and of devout esteeme the other leaving the stench of Tyrannie to all following ages who from this City setting forth in one day with great pomp and in battell aray to keep the Crowne sure upon his owne Helmet in a sore fought field yeelded both it and his life unto the head and hands of Henry of Richmond his Conquerour and the next day was brought back like a Hogge naked and torne and with contempt without tears obscurely buried in the Gray-Friers of this City whose suppression hath suppressed the plot-place of his grave and only the stone-chest wherein he was laid a drinking trough now for horses in a common Inne retaineth the memory of that great Monarchs Funerall and so did a stone in the Church and Chappell of S. Maries inclose the corps of the proud and pontificall Cardinall Wolsey who had prepared for himselfe as was said a far more richer Monument 7 Other places worthy of remembrance in this Shire were these In the West where a high crosse was erected in former times stood the faire Citie Cleycester the Romans BENONNES where their Legions lay and where their two principall wayes crossed each other as the Inhabitants report Loughborow in the North-verge which the Saxons called Leizanburge was as Marianus affirmeth taken from the Britaine 's by Cuthwolfe their King about the yeere of Christ 572. At Redmore neere Bosworth West-ward in this Countie the Kingdom of England lay in hazard of one Battell when King Richards Field was fought where the land at once was freed from a Tyrant and a wicked Vsurper Neither may we passe Lutterworth as the least in account where the famous Iohn Wickliffe Englands Morning star dispersed the clouds of all Papisticall darknesse by preaching the Gospell in that his charge and stile of his pen so piercing in power that the man of Sinne ever since hath beene better known to the world 8 Religious houses by Princes erected and by them devoted to God and his service the chiefest in this Shire were at Leicester Grace-Dieu Keirkby-Bellers and at Burton a Spittle for Lazers a disease then newly approached in this Land for the erection whereof a common contribution was gathered thorow the Realm the Patients in this place were not so much deformed in skin as the other were in the defects for the soule whose skirts being turned up to the sight of the world their shames were discovered and those houses dissolved that had long maintained such Idolatrous sinnes 9 This Shires division is into six Hundreds and in them are seated twelve Market Towns for commerce and containeth in her circuit two hundred Parish-Churches whose names with others are in the Table following to this Chapter belonging LEICESTER both Countye and Citie described The Honorable Famylies that have had the titles of Earls thereof With other accidents therein observed HVNDREDS in Leicester-shire 1. West-Goscote 2. Sparkingho 3. Goodlaxton 4. Gartrey 5. East Goscote 6. Framland A Abbey gate West Affordbie east Ailston good Allexton east Altongrange west Anker Flu. Ansty West Appleby little spark Appleby great spark Apekettelbie Fram Arnesbye Good ASHBYE de la Zouch west Ashbye folvile east Ashbye little good Ashbye great good Aston slamvill spar Atterton spar B Bagrave gart Bagworth pakre spar Bagworth spar Barbythorpe east Baresby east Bardon hill west Barkebie east Barkston fram Barlston spar Barn parke spar Barrow upon Zoram east Barton spar Barwell spar Beebie east Belgrave east Belton west Bensford bridge good Bew maner west Billesdon gart Bilston spar Bitteswell good Blabye good Blackbrooke flu Blangherby west Blason gart Boresworth husband gart Borhisson spar BOSWORTH spark Botisford fram Bowden great gart Bradgate west Bradley gart Brantingthorpe good Brantingthorpe Westcotts spar Braunston fram Braunston spar Braughton nether fram Bredon on the hill west Brenkinsthorpe spar Brentingby fram Bringhurst gart Brokesbie east B●oughton Ashley good Buckminster fram Burbage spar Burley parke west Burrow gart Burstall west Burton layers fram Burton upon ol●s east Burton overy gart Bushbye gart C Candwell east Carleton spar Carlton Curlew gart Cathorpe gart Charley west Chamwood forest west Cawdwell fram Clawson long fram Cleybrooke good Colderton east Collerton west Cosbye good Coson fram Cossington east Counston spar Countesthorpe good Cottesboche good Cotes east Cotton spar Cranoe gart Crawston east Crofee spar Cropston west Croston South east Croxton Kerriall fram D Dadlington spar Dalbye little fram Dalbie Iacombe east Dalbye wood east Dalbie upon Olds east Deane flu Desforde spar Dishley grange west Drayton spar Drayton gart Dunton Basset good Dunington spar DVNINGTON CASTLE west Dyseworth west E Eaton fram Eastwell fram Easton gart Edmondthorpe fram Eie flu Eie Kettleby fram Elmesthorpe spar Elston good Enderby spar Engarsby gart Erdisborowe gart Erlshilton spar Evington gart F Fleckney gart Foston good Foxton gart Freabie fram Frisbye gart Frisbye upon Wreake east Frolesworth good G Gaddesby east Gadebye spar Galbye gart Garenton west Garthorpe fram Gillmorton good Glenfeild spar Glenn great gart Glenn little good Glowston gart Goadbie fram Goadbye gart Goldsmiths grange fram Grace dieu west Grimston east Groobye spar Gumley gart H Hachton fram HALLATON gar HARBOROW gart Harbye fram Harston fram Hatherne west Hawlstead east Heather spar Hemington west Higham spar High crosse good Hinckley bond spar HINCKLYE spar Hobie east Hoes fram Hogges Norton spar Holt gart Hollwell fram Horninghold gart Horsepoole grange spar Horsepoole spar Hoose fram Hoton east Houghton gart Hucklescott spar Humberstone east Huncott spar Hungerton east I Ibstoke spar Illeston gart Ingersbye gart Isbye Walton K Katthorpe good Keham east Kemington south east Kerbey muchese spar Ketworth west Kibworth Beacham gart Kilbye good Kilworth north good Kilworth harcott gart Kimcote good Kirby bellers fram Kirbey mallary spar Knaptost good Knaveston gart Knighton good Knighsthorpe west Knipton fram Knosson gart L Lungley west Church Langton gart Thorpe Lanckton gart Lancton east gart Lancton west gart Laund east Lawghton gart Leicester Forest spar Leesthorpe fram LEICESTER east Leicester Abbey west Leire good Lindley spar Littlethorpe good LITTERWORTH go Lockington west Loddington east LONGBOROW west Loseby east Lubenham gart Lubsthorpe spar M Marfeild South gart Markefeild spar Marston potters spar Medburne gart MELTON Mowbray fram Merill grange west Misterton good Morebarne spar MOVNTSORRELL west Mowsely gart Musson fram N Naneby spar Nelston spar Newbold verdon spar Newbold west Newbold gart Newton west Newton harcourt gart Newton burcott gart Newton cold east Newton nethercote spar Newtowne spar Norborow spar Normanton fram Normanton spar Normanton on the health spar Norton gart Norton East east Nosely gart O Oddeston spar Odeby good Orton upon the Mount spar Osberston spar Osgathorpe west Overton cold fram Overton sausye west Oweston gart P The great Parke west Peatling little
howd. Thorpe huns Thorpe Gillingw Thorpe Dic. Thorpe hangw Thorpe basset buc Thorpe row Aller Thoroby hangw Thorpp●●om hange Thaprow hangeast Throstenby Pick. THRVSK burdf. Thur●bie hangwest Thwate Hangwest Thywynge Dick. To●●●te● Lan. Tole●bie Lan. Tollerton bul Topclisse burd Toppy hill Lan. Toul●ho●pe buc The Towre Dic. Tranbie huns Tunstall hold Tunstell hangeast Turnton bridge Hal. V V●kerby Gillingeast Verby Lan. Vggelbarnby Whit. Vgthorpe Lan. V●●on Howd Vlston Burdf Vpsall burd Vplethun Lan. Vpstane halli Vpton hold W Wabu●●h●ll Hangw Waghe● hold Walwith hangw Walborne hangw Waldby huns Walden hangw Walgrave Pick. Wolkenton Provost Huns. Walkinton howd. Walton Baynt. Wanlas hangwest Wanford Dic. Wapley Lan. Waplinton Wilton Watlobie Gillinge Warthell bul Warter baynt Warton Wilton Wasland hold Wath halli Watlas hangeast Watles hangeast Waxham hold Weaverthorpe hold Weickliffe Gillingw Well hangeast Welborne Ryd Welborne bulm. Welburne burd Welham buc Welton Howd Welton hold Welton huns Welwicke hold Wensedale hangwest Wenslay hangw Westerdale Lan. We●●ow buc Westwarige buc Wherleton Castle Lan. Wharram in the street Buc. Whayston Gillingw Wheldrake Derw Whenby bul Whiteside hangw WHIT●Y Whit. Whitwel Gillingeast Whitwel bul Whereleton Lan. Wickham Ryd Wickham Pick. Wickham Abbey pic Wigginthorpe bul Wigginton bul WIGHTON Holm Wilbefosse Wilton Willerby Dick. Willerby huns Willitost holm Willowbe●ke flu Wilsted hold Wilsted hall hold Wilsthorpe dic Wilton Pick. Wilton Lan. Wilton Castle Lan. Wilton Bishops W●l Wintering hangw Winton Aller Wintringham buc Witton east hangw Witton west hangw Wiske flu VVoldnewton Dic. VVoodal hangw VVoodhal Derw VVoodhal park hanw VVomental Rydal VVansforth baynt VVasall Aller VVasall Lan. VVrelton Pic. VVressall holm VVulferton huns VVynestead hold VVythernwick hold VVythernsey hold VVyton hold Y Yafford Gillingw Yapham Wilton YARVM Lan. Ye●eley Pic. Yeareslay burd Yeastorpe Rydal Yeddingham buc Yeneiudale Wilton Yonckslee●e howd. YORKE bul Yorkes wade Wilton Youlthorph Wilt. Youre flu Yowton bul Yrton Pick. The Bishopricke of DVRHAM THe Bishoprick of Durham containeth those parts and Town ships that lye betwixt the River Tees and Derwent and all along the Germane-Seas It is neighboured on the North with Northumberland and their Jurisdictions parted by the River Derwent her West is touched by Cumberland Westmorland and from Staine-more divided by the River Tees and by the same water on her South from Yorkshire even unto the Sea and the East is altogether coasted by the Germane-Seas 2 The forme thereof is triangle and sides not much differing for from her South-East unto the West-point are about thirty miles from thence to her North-East and Tyne-mouth are likewise as many and her base along the Sea shore are twenty three the whole in circumference about one hundred and three miles 3 The Ayre is sharpe and very piercing and would be more were it not that the vapours from the German-Seas did helpe much to dissolve her ice and snow and the store of Coales therein growing and gotten doe warme the body and keepe backe the cold which fuell besides their owne use doth yeeld great commodities unto this Province by trade thereof into other parts 4 For soile it consisteth much alike of pastures arable and barren grounds the East is the richest and most champion the South more moorish but well inhabited her West all rockie without either grasse or graine notwithstanding recompenceth her possessors with as great gaine both in rearing up cattle and bringing forth coale whereof all this Country is plentifully stored and groweth so neere to the upper face of the earth that in the trod wayes the cart-wheeles do turne up the same Some hold their substance to bee a clammy kinde of clay hardned with heat abounding in the earth and so becoming concocted is nothing else but Bitumen for proofe wherof these Coales have both the like smell and operation of Bitumen for being sprinckled with water they burne more vehemently but with Oyle are quite extinguished and put out 5 The ancient Inhabitants knowne unto Ptolemie were the Brigantes of whom we have spoken in the Generall of Yorkshire they being subdued by the Romans after whom the Saxons made it a part of their Northumberlands Kingdome at first a Province belonging to the Deirians and enjoyed by Ella their first King afterwards invaded by the Danes and lastly possessed by the Normans whose site being so neer unto Scotland hath many times felt their fury and hath bin as buckler betwixt them and the English for which cause the Inhabitants have certaine freedomes and are not charged with service as other Counties are so that this with Westmorland Cumberland and Northumberland are not divided into Hundreds in those Parliament Rolles whence I had the rest which want I must leave for others to supply 6 Over this County the Bishops thereof have had the Royalties of Princes and the Inhabitants have pleaded priviledge not to passe in service of warre over the River of Tees or Tyne whose charge as they have alledged was to keepe and defend the corps of S. Cuthbert their great adored Saint and therefore they termed themselves The holy-worke-folkes And the repute of this Cuthbert and his supposed defence against the Scots was such that our English Kings in great devotion have gone in pilgrimage to visite his Tombe and have given many large possessions to his Church such were King Egfrid Aelfred and Guthrun the Danc Edward and Athelstan Monarch of England and zealous Canute the greatest of all who came thither bare footed and at Cuthberts Tombe both augmented and confirmed their Liberties This Saint then of nothing made Durham become great and William the Conquerour of a Bishoprick made it a County Palatine at that time William Careleph Bishop of the Diocesse pulled down the old Church which Aldwin had built and with sumptuous cost laid the foundations of a new wherein S. Cuthberts Shrine in the vacancie of the Bishops was the keeper of the Castle-keyes In the West of this Church and place called Gallile the Marble Tombe of venerable Beda remaineth who was borne at Iarro in this County and became a Monk at Weremouth whose painfull industries and light of learning in those times of darkenesse are wonderfull as the Volumes which he wrote do well declare And had the idle Monkes of England imployed their times after his example their founders expectations had not been frustrate nor those foundations so easily overturned But the revenge of sin ever following the actions of sinnes dissolved first the largenesses of this Counties liberties under the raigne of King Edward the first and since hath shaken to pieces those places herein erected under the raigne of King Henry the eight such were Durham Sherborne Stayndrop Iarro Weremouth and Egleton all which felt the reward of their idlenesse and wrath of him that is jealous of his owne honour 7 Things of rare note observed in this Shire are three Pits of a wonderfull depth commonly
strangers which he thinketh could not be considering their habitations so neere unto them and that the like was in use he proveth by the words of French Gardian for Wardian Cornugalles for Cornwalles yea and Galles for Wales calling our most famous Edward Prince of Galles not Prince of Wales in so much that the Countie of Lombardy bordering along upon the Germans was of them called Gall●a Cis al●ina and at this day Welsh-land So likewise do the Netherlanders call the Inhabitants of Hen●li and Artois Wallen or Wallons and s●me part of Brabant and Flanders We●sh-Brabant and Welsh Flanders and all because of the language or lineage of the Gaules Neither doe the meere Natives of Wales know any other name of their Countrey then Cambria of themselves then Cambri or Cumri or of their language then Cambraoc But leaving this opinion free to his affection we will proceed 3 Wales therefore being anciently bounded as before the Saxons did afterwards win by force from the Britaines all the plain and champion Countrey over the River Dee and especially Offa King of Mercia made their limits straiter by making a ditch of great breadth and depth to be a Meare betwixth his Kingdome and Wales This ditch is in many places to be seene at this day and beares the name of Clawdh Offa that is Offaes Ditch The Countrey between it and England is commonly called the Marches and is for the most part inhabited by Welshmen especially in North-Wales even to the River Dee This admirable trench began at Bassingwerke in Flintshire between Chester and Ruthlan and ran along the hils to the South Sea a little from Bristow reaching above hundred miles in length 4 Silvester Giraldus makes the River Wye to be the Meare between England and Wales on the South part called South-Wales whence he ascribeth the breadth of Wales unto Saint Davids in Menevia to be an hundred miles and the length from Caerlcon upon Vske in Gwentland to Holly-head in Anglesey an hundred miles he might have said thirtie more 5 About the yeare of Christ 870. our Alfred raigning in England Rodericus Magnus King of Wales did divide it into three Talaiths Regions or Territories which were called Kingdomes whose names both British and English with their severall chiefe seats follow 1 Gwyneth ENG. Northwa chiefe seats Abersraw in Mon. or Anglesey 2 Powys ENG. Powys Land chiefe seats Pengw●rn removed to Mathraval 3 Dehenbarth EN South-w chiefe seats Caermar●yn removed to Dinevowr This Rodericus Magnus gave Venedotia Gwineth or North-wales to Anarawd his eldes sonne to Ca●e●h his second Demetia Deheubarth or South-wales and to Mervin his third sonne Powys 6 North-wales had upon the North-side the Irish Sea from the River Dee at Bassingwerke to Aberdyvi upon the West and South-west the River Dyvi which divideth it from South-wales and in some places from Powysland And on the South and East it is divided from Powys sometimes with high hils and sometimes with Rivers till it come again to the River Dee It is generally full of high mountaines craggy Rocks great woods and deepe vallies many straight dangerous places deepe and swift Rivers 7 This Land was of old time divided into foure parts Mon Arvon Meryonyth and y Beruedhwlan or the middle Countrey and each of these were againe divided into severall Cantreves and they subdivided into their Cymeden or Commo● wherein we follow that division which was in the time of Llewylyn ap Gruffin last Prince of Wales according to a Copy imparted to me by a worshipfull friend and learned Antiquerie as seeming farre more exact then that of Doctor Powels 8 Anglesey the chiefest is separated from the maine Land with the River Moenay wherein at Aberfraw was the Princes Court now a meane village In this Iland is a faire Towne called Beau-marish and a common passage to Ireland at Caer●ybi in English Holly head This Anglesey hath ●antreves and Commots as followeth 1 Cantrerhi Aberffraw or Aberffro Cwmwd. Llivon al. llion 1 Mall traeth 2 2 Can. Cemais Cwmwd. Talibolton 3 Twr celyn 4 3 Can. Rossir Cwmwd. Tendaethwy 5 Moenay 6 9 Arvon the second part of North-wales is now called Canarvonshire the strongest Countrey within that Principalitie giving place to none for fertilitie of the ground or for plentie of wood cattell fish and fowle c. Here are the Townes of Caernarvon in old time called Caer-Segont and Bangor the Bishops See with divers other ancient Castles and places of memory This portion hath on the North the Sea and Moenai upon the East and South-east the River Conwey which divideth it from Denbigh-shire and on the South-west is separated from Merioneth by Rivers Mountaines and Meares whose Cantreves and Commots are these 4 Can. Aber. Cwm. Llechred achaf 7 Nant conwy 8 Llechweddisaf 9 5 Can. Arvon Cwm. Vwch gwyrfai 10 Is gwyrfai 11 6 Can. Dinodyn al Danodic Cwm. Ardudwy 12 Esionydd 13 7 Can. Llyn Cwm. Cymymaen alias Cwm●inam 14 Tinllaen 15 Canologion 16 10 Merioneth was the third of Gwyneth and keepeth the name till this day is full of hils and much noted for the resort of people that repaire thither to take Herrings Upon the North it hath Arvon and Denbigh-shire upon the South Caerdigan shire and upon the Last Montgomery-shire heretofore part of Powys In this Countie standeth the Towne of Harlech and a great Lake called Llyn Tegyd This Countrey is likewise full of Cattle Fowle and Fish and hath in it great store of red Deere and Ro●s but there is much scarcitie of Corn whose Cantreves and Commots are as followeth 8 Can. Merionyd al Meirton Cwm. Talybont 17 Pennal 18 Yshm●ner alias eshomaneyr 19 9 Can. Arwystly Cwm. Vwch coed 20 Is coed 21 Gwarthrynion 22 10 Can. Penllyn Cwm. Vwch Meloch 23 Is Meloch 24 Micnynt a Micnaint 25 11 Y Bervedhwlad was the fourth part of Gwyneth and may be called in English The middle Countrey is enclosed with hils on the East West and South-parts and with the Sea North-ward It is plentifull of Cattle Fish and Fowle as also of Corne and is divided in the middest with the River Clayd to which run a number of other Rivers from the hils In this part is Dyffryn Clwyd the fairest Valley within Wales containing eighteene miles in length and seven in breadth In which is the Towne and Castle of Ricthlan neere unto the Sea and not farre thence S. Assaph an Episcopall Seat betweene the Rivers Clwyd and Elwy Herein stands the faire Towne and goodly Castle of Denbigh situated upon a Rocke the greatest Market-towne of North wales and from thence is seene the Towne and Castle of Rutbyn faire for prospect and fruitfull for site This part of North-wales hath the Sea upon the North d ee toward the East Arvon the River Conwey and Merionyth upon the West and the Countrey then called Powys upon ths South It hath Cantreves and Cummots as
originall of Ireland from the Hebrewes as if Irin should be as much as Iurin that is the Iewes land which opinion I hold no better then those that would have it from the Winter-like stormes although upon every winde the ayre is cold there 3 Festus Avienus in that little book which he intituled Orae maritimae calleth Ireland Sacram Insulam that is the holy Iland to which opinion the people are soone drawne by reason of the many Saints that the Iland is said to produce and the blessed soyle that affords no venemous creatures to retaine life It is thought that Plutarch meant Ireland by his Ogygia for her great antiquitie and of latter times by Isidore and Bede it was called Scotia of those Scots that inhabited it and that thence the name of Scotland together with the Scots themselves came into Britaine 4 For largenesse and circuit in times past this Iland challenged the third place in ranke of all the Iles of the then knowne world for thus have Geographers left us that the Indian Taproban for greatnesse was the first the I le of Britaine the next and this of Ireland the third and for that cause doth Ptolemy call it the little Britaine But howsoever Strabo hath extended the breadth as broad as the length and others have formed it in shape like an egge yet latter dimensions have found it far otherwise twice longer then broad and may be compared to the forelegge of a Beare if the Simile breed no offence Whose East side hath on it that tempestuous Sea that cutteth her channell betwixt England and this Ireland the West is washed with the westerne Ocean the North with the Deucaledonian and the South with the Verginian Sea 5 The ayre of this Iland is delectable and wholesome though neither so cleare nor subtile as is ours of England which as Mela saith is nothing favourable for the ripening of Corne but so gratefull to the ground that it causeth grasse to grow abundantly not onely fresh and long but withall very sweet for all Cattle and in winter is more subject to winde then snow and that I may use the words of Giraldus It is of all Countries most temperate neither forcing the Inhabitants to seek shade from the frying heat of Cancer nor the chilling cold of Capricorn to drive them to the fire but at all seasons most milde betwixt a sufferable cold and gentle warme heat 6 The soyle saith Cambreusis is uneven wooddy wilde waterish and boggie so full of Loghs and Meeres that great ponds of water are found upon the high Mountaines These indeed make the places somewhat dangerous unto all new commers by breeding of rheums dysenteries and fluxes whose usuall remedie is Vskebah a wholesome Aqua vitae that drieth more and enflameth lesse then many other hot confections 7 The commodities of this Kingdome chiefly consist in Cattle whose feed is so sweet and so ranke that they will soone graze to a surfeit if they may be suffered to feed as they will Their sheepe are many but beare not the best wooll which twice are shorne within one yeare Of these they make Mantles Caddowes and Coverlets vented from thence into forraine Countries Their Hobbies likewise are of great esteeme and are answerable to the Iennets of Spaine Bees there are in such abundance that hony is found in holes of old trees and in re●ts of the rocks No annoyance of hurtfull Snake or venemous creatures and to speake all in a word nothing wanting for profit or pleasure for so much doth Giraldus affirme in saying that Nature had cast into this Westerne Kingdome of Zephyrus a more gracious eye then was ordinary 8 Touching the originall peopling of this faire Iland if you will beleeve their records they make Antiquitie it selfe but young unto themselves affirming the damsell Caesarea and niece unto Noah to have found it out before the Floud and that three hundred yeares after when Iaphets posteritie tooke into these West-parts of the world one Bartholanus of his Progeny a Scythian by birth encouraged by the late successe of Nimrod who now had intruded upon the Monarchy of Syria wandred so farre West that Fortune at last cast him and his people upon the coast of Ireland There he setled with his three sonnes Languinna Salanus and Ruthurgus who searching through every creeke and corner of the land left their owne names by three notable places Languini Stragrus and Mount Salanga which the revolution of times hath since called by other names as S. Domincke-hill Ruthurgi and Stagnum Vnder the government of these three sonnes and their off-spring this Land was kept about three hundred yeares at which time there arrived also in Ireland a Giant-like kinde of people of Nimrods race who in bodily shape exceeded the proportion of usuall men using their strength to winne soveraignties and to oppresse with rapine and violence These growing to numbers accounted it necessary to prevent dominion lest the curse of slavery prophecied by Noah should light upon them to prevent the which they set up a King of their owne then quarrels bred daily either parties purposing to hold their interest by their swords against whom lastly a battle was fought and an infinite company of Giants slaine when also died most of those of the posteritie of Iapheth leaving them of Cham Lords of the Iland 9 Whereupon Nemethus a Scythian with his foure sonnes arrived in Ireland and by strong hand seated themselves among these Giants where for two hundred and sixty yeares they kept but then no longer able to hold out against them they left their standings and departed the Land 10 Soone after the five sonnes of Dela descended from the said Nemethus came into these coasts and with manly prowesse drove these miscreants out of Ireland whereby the seede of Cham was utterly expelled and these of Iapheth divided the Land into five parts whereof they became themselves Kings but falling at variance gave advantage unto others among whom the Britaines set in a foote THE KINGDOME OF IRLAND Devided into severall Provinces and thē againe devided into Counties Newly described 12 These by the direction sufferance and assistance of Gurguntius King of the Britaines after that Ireland had beene very much dispeopled by a contagious Pestilence seated themselves and from the eldest Hibernus called the Island Hibernia as some are of opinion these divided the whole into five Provinces famously known by the names of Mounster Leinster Connaught Vlster and Meath in their midst and from these the present Irish repute themselves to come Yet surely as I make no question but that this Island became inhabited even of old time when mankind againe over-spread the face of the earth so doubt I not but that our Britains passed thereinto themselves such infinite number of words in the Irish language yet in use such ancient
they inhabited for to this the very name is almost sufficient to perswade us 5 The Commodities of this Countrey do chiefly consist in Cattle Sea-fowle and Fish It breeds many excellent good horses called Irish Hobbies which have not the same pace that other horses have in their course but a soft and round amble setting very easily 6 This Country hath in it three Rivers of note termed in old time the three Sisters Shour Neor and Barraeo which issue out of the huge Mountaine called by Giraldus Bladinae Montes as out of their mothers wombe and from their rising tops descending with a down-fall into severall Channels before they empty themselves into the Ocean joyn hand in hand all together in a mutual league and combination 7 Places very dangerous for shipping are certaine slats and shallowes in the Sea that lye over against Holy-point which the Mariners call the Grounds Also the shelves of sand that lye a great way in length opposite to Newcastle which overlooketh them into the Sea from the top of an high hill adjoyning 8 In this Province are placed many faire and wealthy Townes as Kilkenny which for a Burrough Towne excels all the midland Burroughs in this Iland Kildare which is adorned with an Episcopall See and much graced in the first infancie of the Irish Church by reason of Saint Bridgid a venerable Virgin had in great account and estimation for her virginitie and devotion as who was the Disciple of Saint Patricke of so great fame renowne and antiquitie also Weisford a name given unto it by these Germans whom the Irish terme Oustmans a towne though inferiour to some yet as memorable as any for that it became the first Colony of the English and did first submit it selfe unto their protection being assaulted by Fitz-Stephen a Captaine worthily made famous for his valour and magnanimitie 9 But the Citie which fame may justly celebrate alone beyond all the Cities or Townes in Ireland is that which we call Divelin Ptolemie Eblana the Latinists Dublinium and Dublinia the West-Britaines Dinas Dulin the English-Saxons in times past Duplin and the Irish Balacleigh that is the Towne upon hurdles for it is reported that the place being fennish and moorish when it first began to be builded the foundation was laid upon hurdles 10 That it is ancient is perswaded by the authoritie of Ptolemie That it was grievously rent and dismembred in the tumultuous warres of the Danes and brought afterwards under the subjection of Eadgar King of England which his Charter also confirmeth wherein he calleth it the noble Citie of Ireland is written by Saxo Grammaticus That it was built by Harold of Norway which may seeme to be Harold Harfager when he had brought the greatest part of Ireland into an awfull obedience unto him we reade in the life of Griffeth ap Sinan Prince of Wales At length it yeelded unto the valour and protection of the English at their first arrivall into Ireland by whom it was manfully defended from the fierce assaults as well of Auscoulph Prince of the Dublinians as afterwards of Gottard King of the Isles since which time it hath still augmented her flourishing estate and given approved testimony of her faith and loyaltie to the Crowne of England in the times of any tumultuous straights and commotions 11 This is the royall seat of Ireland strong in her munition beautifull in her buildings and for the quantitie matchable to many other Cities frequent for traffique and intercourse of Merchants In the East Suburbs Henry the second King of England as Hoveden reporteth caused a royall Palace to be erected and Henry Loundres Archbishop of Divelin built a store-house about the yeer of Christ 1220. Not farre from it is the beautifull Colledge consecrated unto the name of the holy Trinitie which Queene Elizabeth of famous memorie dignified with the priviledges of an Vniversitie The Church of S. Patricke being much enlarged by King Iohn was by Iohn Comin Arch-bishop of Dubline borne at Euesham in England first ordained to be a Church of Prebends in the yeere 1191. It doth at this day maintaine a Deane a Chanter a Chancellor a Treasurer two Arch-Deacons and twenty-two Prebendaries This Citie in times past for the due administration of Civill Government had a Provost for the chiefe Magistrate But in the yeer of mans Redemption 1409. King Henry the fourth granted them libertie to choose every yeere a Maior and two Bailiffes and that the Maior should have a guilt sword carried before him for ever And King Edward the sixt to heape more honour upon this place changed the two Bailiffes afterwards into Sheriffes so that there is not any thing here wanting that may serve to make the estate of a Citie most flourishing 12 As the people of this Countie doe about the neighbouring parts of Divelin come neerest unto the civill conditions and orderly subjection of the English so in places farther off they are more tumultuous being at deadly feuds amongst themselves committing oft-times Man-slaughters one upon another and working their owne mischiefes by mutuall wrongs for so the Irish of Leinster wasted Leinster with many Townes in the same Province in the yeere 1294. And in the yeere 1301. the men of Leinster in like manner raised a warre in the winter season setting on fire the Town of Wykinlo Rathdon and others working their owne plague and punishment by burning up their sustenance and losing their Castle by depredation 13 Matter of observation and no lesse admiration among them is the Giants dance commonly so called and so much talked of which Merlin is said by Art Magick to have translated out of this Territory unto Salisburie Plain which how true it is I leave to the vaine beleevers of miracles and to the credulous observers of antiquitie 14 In this County have beene erected many famous Monasteries Abbies and religious houses consecrated to devout and holy purposes as the Monasterie of Saint Maries of Oustmanby founded for preaching Friers unto which of late dayes the Iudiciall Courts of the Kingdome have beene translated also the magnificent Abbey called S. Thomas Court at Dublin builded and endowed in times past with many large priviledges and revenewes of King Henry the second in expiation of the murther of Thomas Archbishop of Canterburie Likewise Tinteru Monastery or the notable Abbey which William Marshall Earle of Pembroke founded and called De voto for that he had vowed to God being tossed at Sea with many a fore and dangerous tempest to erect an Abbey wheresoever he came to land and being after shipwrack cast upon land in this place he made performance of his vow accordingly This Province containeth the Counties of Kilkenny Caterloge Queens County Kings County Kildare East Meath West Meath Weisford and Dublin to say nothing of Wicklo and Fernes which either be already or else are to be annexed unto it
ibid. Brecknock-shire how bounded 109.1 Why so named ibid. The dimension of it 109 2 The nature of the soyle 3 By whom inhabited in old time 4 In Brecknock-shire what Hundreds Townes and memorable places 110 Brecknocke Towne and Castle how seated 109.6 The graduation of it Ibid How governed Ibid. Brigantes in England where seated 75.5 79.4 87.5 83.5 85.5 Brigantes or Birgantes in Ireland whence they tooke name 141.4 Saint Brigid much esteemed in Kildare 141.8 Saint Brioch or Brien a Town in Britain Armorica whence it had denomination 139.6 Saint Briochus where borne and bred 139.6 Bristow a beautifull Citie 23.7 47.8 A County by it selfe 23.7 47.8 How governed 23.7 Great Britaine how far it extends 1.2 The greatest Island of the Roman world ibid. What Countries abut upon it 1.3 Her Eulogies 1.3 4 The site thereof 1.2 Sometime no Island 1.6 Slenderly known to Iulius Caesar 2.8 Divided into Kingdoms in Caesars time 2.9 The supposed divisiō thereof to Brutus three sonnes 2.10 Britaine into three parts divided 99.1 Britaine the lesse in Ptolemy is Ireland 2.11 Britaine great and lesse how to be taken 2.12 Britaine the higher what it is in Dio 2.13 Britaine the lower what it is in Dio ibid. Britaine divided by Severus into two Provinces higher and lower 2.13 Divided into three parts 2 14 Britannia prima secunda maxima Caesariensis 2.14 Britaine divided into five parts 2.15 Prima how limited 2.15 15 Secunda how bounded ibid. Maxima Caesariensis how limited 2.15 Britaine for greatnesse the second Island in the world 137.4 Britaines Conquest highly respected of the Romanes 2 17 Britaines triumph magnificent 2.17 Brittish Brickes 77.6 Brittish Islands which they be 1.3 Buckingham-shire why so called 43.1 How bounded 43.2 The dimension of it ibid. The aire and soile 43.3 The Commodities ibid. By whom in old time inhabited 43.4 Places of Religion therein 43.7 Hundreds Towns therein 44 Buckingham Town how seated 43.5 How governed ibid. The graduation of it ibid. Buleum Silurum 109.5 Bullingbroke the birth-place of King Henry the fourth 63 7 Bur● a River in Norfolke 35 3 Burgheses 4.7 Burgh under Stanemore 85.8 The same that Vertera ibid. Busie-gap 89.13 Buxston Wells 67.8 C Caer-Caradoc why so called 71.5 Caer-diff the fairest Towne of all South-Wales 105.4 How governed ibid. The site thereof ibid. Caer-diff Castle where Robert Curthose was kept prisoner 105.4 Caer-digan shire how bounded 100.16 113.1 Townes Castles Cantreves and Commots therein 100.16 The County given to Gilbert de Clare 113.5 The forme and dimension thereof 113.2 Commodities thereof 113 4 Hundreds Townes Rivers c. in it 114 Caer-digan Towne upon Tivi 100.16 How seated and by whom fortified 113.7 The graduation thereof ibid. Caer-legion is Westchester 73 7 Caer-leon an Arch-bishops See 6 Caer-lheon upon Vske 110 20 Caer-marden shire how divided into Cantreves Commots 100.18 How it is bounded 103 1 The forme and aire of it 103.2 3 By whom in old time possessed 103 4 The Commodities it yeeldeth ibid. 5 Hundreds Townes c. in it 104 Roman Coyns there found 103.4 Carmarden town what names it hath 103.6 How governed 103.6 The position thereof ibid. Caernarvon-shire how bounded 99.9 123.1 What names it hath 123 1 The forme and dimension of it ibid. 2 The aire and soile ibid. 3 4 In it Pearls engendred 123 5 Cantreves and Commots in it 99.9 By what people in old time inhabited 123.5 Townes Rivers and memorable places 124. Caernarvon Towne or Citie within a Castle 123.6 The civilitie and government thereof 123.6 The position ibid. 99.9 Caer-Segont i. Carnarvon 99.9 Caesaria See Iersey Caledonia Wood in Scotland 123.12 Caledonium or Deucaledonium Sea 99.1 Caledonii 2.12 Calphurnius Father of Saint Patricke 101.7 Camalet Hill in Sommersetshire 23.10 Camalodunum See Malden Cambria Cambri Cambraoc 99.2 Cambridge-shire how named by the Saxons 37.1 How bounded ibid. The length bredth and circumference of it 37.2 Whence it came to be so called 37.4 What Religious houses therein 37.3 Commodities thereof 37 6 Hundreds and Townes therein 38 Cambridge towne and graduation 37.4 Made an Vniversitie ibid. Came a River in Cambridge-shire 37.3 Candal See Kendal Cangi where they inhabited 37.5 Canterbury a very ancient Citie 7.8 The glory and graduation of it 7. ● Canterburie Arch-bishop Primate of all England 6.7 Metropolitane and his jurisdiction 5.4 King Canute with his Danes overthrowne 17.4 Canutus Delfe See Swords Delfe 57.1 Caractacus a valiant British Prince 71.5 Caresbrooke Castle in the Isle of Wight 15.7 The position or graduation of it ibid. At Carleton in Leicester-shire they wharle in their speech 61.2 Carlilo Citie how seated 87 7 An Episcopall See 87.7 What names it had 87.7 A Colony of Flemmings ibid. The Castle built ibid. The position thereof ibid. Carreg Castle 103.7 Caruca and Carucata what it is 57.3 Casquets what rockes 94.3 Casterford 78.10 Called Legeolium ibid. Cassii what people and where planted 39.4 Castle Cornet in Garnsey 94.8 Castor in Norfolke sometime Venta Icenorum 35.5 Catarick or Cattrick bridge an ancient place 79 7 Cattieuchlani where seated 39.4 41.4 43.4 Catigern slaine in Battle 7 11 A Cave or Chinke yeelding a strange noise 105.6 Cauci people in Ireland 104 4 Ceangi See Cangi Ceaulin defeated by the Britaines dieth in exile 25 6 Robert Cecil the worthy Earle of Salisbury 25.7 Centuriatae or Hundreds why so called 57.3 Ceorle or Churle 4.7 Chamber in the Forrest 73 7 Charlos Duke of Orleance taken prisoner 9.8 Chersey in Buckingham-shire 43.4 Cheese in Essex 31 6 Cheese in Suffolke 33.5 Cheshire how bounded 73 1 The forme ayre and Climate 73.2 3 The soyle ibid. 4 Cheese there the best 73 4 The men described ibid. 5 Chiefe for men and women ibid. Alwayes true and loyall to their Soveraigne ibid. Their Gentry ibid. Made a Principalitie ibid. A Countie Palatine ibid. The Commodities thereof 73.7 Hundreds and Townes therein 74 Chester Citie alias West Chester 73.7 The Minster or Cathedrall Church by whom built 73.7 A Corporation of it selfe 73.7 The position thereof 73.7 Chester Earledome 73.8 Chester in the Street sometime Condercum 83.9 Chichester Citie 9.6 Chichester the Cathedrall Church built and twice burnt ibid. Chichester hath borne the title of an Earledome ibid. The position thereof ibid. Chiltern-hills 43.3 Chirke Castle in Chirkeland 100.12 Chorographicall Tombe of this worke 1.1 Christ his Passion cut in stone by David 2. King of Scots prisoner 65.7 Cidre See Sidre Cimenshore in Sussex why so called 9.7 Cinque Ports 7.5 Circester why called Passerum Vrbi 47.9 How named in old time ibid. Of what circuit in times past ibid. Cites or Kitescote the Monument of Catigern 7.11 Citie built Saint Cuthbert in Farne Isle 93 Clare County See Twomund Clawdh Offa. See Offa ditch Clausentium now Southampton 13.10 Cleicester where it stood 61.7 Cley a part of Nottinghamshire 65.7 Coccles on the top of Mountaines 79.6 Coinage in
I.S. and published at the charges of G. Humble Ano 1626 11 Numidia was the second part in our Division of Africa and hath on the West the Atlantike on the East Aegypt on the North Atlas and the deserts of Lybia on the South It is called likewise regio dactylifera from the abundance of Dates for they feed upon them onely a people Idolaters Idiots Theeves Murderers except some few Arabians that are mingled among them of ingenious disposition and addicted much to Poetry They seldome stay longer in one place then the eating down of the grafle and this wandring course makes but few Cities and those in some places three hundred miles distant 12 Lybia the third is limited on the East with Nilus Westward with the Atlantike on the North with Numidia and the South with terra Nigritarum It was called Sacra as much as Desert For so it is and a dry one too such as can afford no water to a travellor sometimes in seven dayes journey The Inhabitants are much like to the Numidians live without any Law almost of Nature Yet in this place were two of the Sibyls which prophecied of Christ and Arrius the Hereticke About Lybia were the Garamantes and the P●illi mentioned before for their simple attempts against the South winde 13 Terra Nigritarum the Land of Negroes is the fourth and hath on the West the Atlantike on the East Aethiopia superior on the North Lybia on the South the Kingdome of Manilongo in the inferior Aethiopia It hath the name either from the colour of the people which are black or from the River Niger famous as Nilus almost for her overflowing insomuch that they passe at some times in Boats through the whole Countrey It is full of Gold and Silver and other Commodities but the Inhabitants most barbarous They draw their originall from Chus and have entertained all Religions that came in their way First their owne then the Iewes the Mahumetans and some of them the Christian. For the most part they live not as if reason guided their actions Maginus numbers twenty five Provinces of this Countrey which have had their severall Governours Now it knoweth but foure Kings and those are 1 The King of Tombulum and he is an infinite rich Monarch hates a Iew to the death of his subject that converseth with him keepes a guard of three thousand Horsemen besides Foote 2 Of Bornaum where the people have no proper Names no Wives peculiar and therefore no Children which they call their owne 3 Of Goaga who hath no estate but from his Subjects as he spends it 4 Gualatum a poore Countrey God wot not worth either Gentrie or Lawes or indeed the name of a Kingdome 14 Aethiopia Superior the fifth and is called likewise the Kingdome of the Abissines It is limited on the North with Aegypt on the South with the Montes Lunae on the East with the Red Sea and on the West with the Kingdome of the Nigers and Manilongo It is distinct from the Aethiopia so often mentioned in Scripture For by all probability that was in another quarter of the world and reacheth from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulfe It is governed by one of the mightiest Emperours in the world For his power reacheth almost to each Tropicke and is called by us Presbyter Iohn He is the onely white man amongst them and drawes his Line from Solomon and the Queene of the South His Court rests not long in any one place but is moveable as well for housing as retinue For it consists of Tents onely to the number of sixe thousand and incompasseth in about twelve or thirteene miles He hath under him seventy Kings which have their severa●l Lawes and Customes Among these the Province of Dobas hath one that no man marry till he hath killed twelve Christians The Inhabitants of the whole Region are generally base and idle the better sort have the modestie to attire themselves though it be but in Lions and Tygers skinnes Their Religion is Mixt. Christians they have but yet differ from us For they Circumcise both sects Their oath is by the life of their King whom they never see but at Christmas Easter and Holy Rood Their Commodities are Oranges Lemmons Cittrons Barley Sugar Hony c. 15 Aethiopi● inferior the sixth part of Africa is on every side begirt with Sea except toward the North that way it is severed from the Abissines by the Montes Luna The government of this Region is under five free Kings 1 Of Aiana which containes in it two petty Kingdomes of Adel and Adia and abounds with Flesh Hony Wax Gold Ivorie Corn very large Sheepe 2 Zanguebar in this stands Mesambique called by Ptolemie Prassum Promon●orium and was the utmost part Southward of the old world The Inhabitants are practised much in So●th-saying indeed Witch-craft 3 Of Monomolopa in which is reported to be three thousand Mines of Gold Here there lives a kind of Amazons as valiant as men Their King is served in great pompe and hath a guard of two hundred Mastives 4 Cafraia whose people live in the Woods without Lawes like brutes And here stands the Cape of good Hope about which the Sea is alwaies rough and dangerous It hath beene especially so to the Spaniard It is their owne note in so much that on● was very angry with God that he suff●red the English Hereticks to passe it so easily over and not give his good Cathol●k●s the like speed 5 Manicongo whose Inhabitants are in some parts Christians but in other by-Provinces Anthropophagi and have shambles of mans flesh as we have for meat They kill their own children in the birth to avoyd the trouble of breeding them and preserve their Nation with stolen brats from their neighbouring Countries 16 Aegypt is the seventh and last part of the African Continent which deserves a larger Tract then we can here afford it But for the present be content with a briefe Survey and satisfie your selfe more particularly in the many severall Authours that write her story It hath on the East the Red Sea Barbarie on the West on the North the Mediterraneum and Aethiopia Superior on the South It was first possest by Cham and therefore called Chemia in their owne antique Stories Or at least by Mitzraim his Grand-childe and is so agreed upon by most For plenty it was called Orbis horreum yet it had very seldome any raine but that defect was supplied by the River Nilus The places of note are Caire and Alexandria The first was heretofore Memphis Some say Babylon whither the Virgin fled to escape Herods tyranny intended to our Saviour and blush not to shew the very Cave where she had hid her Babe In a desert about foure miles distant stand the Pyramides esteemed rightly one of the seven wonders of the world Alexandria was a magnificent Citie and the place where Ptolemie tooke his Observations and was famous for the rarest Library in the World To the Inhabitants
of this Countrey we owe the invention of Astrologie Physicke Writing on Paper Their Kings names were Pharaoh toward the beginning Now what the Turke pleaseth 17 And this is as farre as we may travell by Land it remains that we loose out into the bordering Seas descry what Ilands we can neere those parts of Africa which we have here mentioned And these lye either Southward in the Aethiopicke Sea or else Westward in the Atlantick Ocean 18 The Aethiopicke Ilands are onely two 1 The Iland of S. Laurence or Magadassar four thousand miles in compasse and the length more then Italie rich in all Commodities almost that man can use The Inhabitants are very barbarous most of them blacke some white there are supposed to have been transplanted out of China 2 Zocatrina at the mouth of the Red Sea in length sixtie in bredth twenty five miles It lyeth open to sharpe Windes and by that meanes is extreame drie and barren Yet it hath good Drugges and from hence comes the Aloe Zocatrina The people are Christians and adore the Crosse most superstitiously and give themselves much to Inchantments 19 The Atlanticke Ilands are 1 Sir Thomas Iland and lyeth directly under the Aequator it was made habitable by the Portugalls which found it nothing but a wood It is full of Sugar little other commodities 2 Prince Iland betweene the Aequator and Tropicke of Capricorne It is rich enough for the owner though I finde no great report of it 3 The Gorgades of old the Gorgons where Medusa and her two sisters dwelt I forbeare the fable they are nine in number and because neere to Cape Virido in the Land of Negroes they have a second name of Insulae Capitis Viridis They abound with Goates and the chiefe of them is called Saint Iames. 4 The Canaris called for their fertilitie The fortunate Ilands and was the place of the first Meridian with the ancient Geographers to divide the world into the East and West and from thence to measure the earths Longitude but now it is removed into the next Ilands more North which are the Azoris and belong properly to Europe as lying neerer Spaine then any other Continent The number of the Canaris are seven The chiefe Canarie next Palus where our Shippes touch to refresh themselves in their voyage toward America Then Tanariffa which hath no water but from a cloud that hangs over a tree and at noone dissolves and so is conveyed into severall parts The other foure are Gomera Hieiro Lansarat and Fuerte ventura some few other not worth note or name The men lend their Wives like Horses or any other Commoditie 5 Lastly the Hesperides not farre from the Gorgades they are often mentioned by our ancient Poets in the fable of Atlas his Daughters It was supposed to be the seat of their blessed which they called the Elizian field And indeed it is a very happy soyle the weather continually fayre the seasons all temperate the ayre never extreame To conclude Africa affords not a sweeter place to rest in ¶ The Description of EVROPE EVROPE may perhaps thinke her selfe much injured to be thus cast back into the third place of my Division and reckoned the last of the old world but my promise shall be here made good to give her her due And though Chronologie will not allow the precedency yet compare her present estate with the rest and you may take her rank here to be ad Pompam as most commonly in our solemne Triumphs those of most worth are marshalled forth last Yet were she so minded to quarrell for Antiquitie she could not want abetters such as would have some parts of Europe flourish within thirty years after the confusion of tongues The originall of the Germane Kingdome is drawne by Aventinus Helcr●● and others from Tuisco the sonne of No●h and he began his raigne in the yeare 1787 after the Creation and that was but one hundred thirty one yeares after the Deluge not above thirty from the time that they were dispersed out of Babell But to passe by those uncertaine stories which may admit dispute we have to this day the Germane Triers a Citie standing from the time of Abraham and beares as yet the markes both of the art and ambition of the Babylonians As if here they strove to reach eternitie as they did before in the plaine of Shinar to top heaven 2 Sure I am what ever part of the world was first famous Europe soone got the start and tooke the Scepter of the earth into her hand she had the name with Plinie of Orbis domitorum genitrix and well she might if we but read her Storie since first she came in view In the Greek Monarchie Alexander was her Champion In the Latine Empire the Romanes bare the sway and scarce left a corner of the earth then knowne unconquered And to this day the Princes of Europe enlarge their Dominions upon the Regions of the other three A small portion as we are of this little I le in respect of their vast Continent yet have we a part too in America for our peculiar and hope still to bring more into our possessions that we may bring them unto Christ. 3 In respect of the two other quarters in the Easterne hemisphere Europe is partly West and partly North for she is situated North-ward betwixt the Tropike of Canc●r and the polare Articke and West-ward hath no Continent betwixt her and America but is bounded with the Atlantick Ocean On the East toward Asia she hath the Mare Aegeum which the Italians call Archipelagus and the Pontus Euxinus or Mare Magor And the Palus Meotis and the River Tanais Southward it hath the Mediterranean and Fretum Herculeum So that it is almost incompast with the Seas and hath the forme of a Peninsula whose Isthmus that joynes it to the rest of the Continent is to be reckoned that part which lyeth betwixt the branches of the River Tanais and the Mare Glaciale These are her out-bounds 4 If we view her within we shall find that Nature had not spent her store nor was she close handed when she allotted her portion And though Europe indeed be the least yet is she furnished in all points with the like varietie her Rivers as Commodious as those of Asia and Africa and her Mountains no lesse famous then Taurus or Atlas Her measure indeed is not comparable to any of the other three She beares in Longitude but 3800. miles from S. Vincent in Portugall to Constantinople And in Latitude at most 1200. and that too from the Aegean to the frozen Sea by some account not above 900. 5 But be her extent as it is small it addes to her glory that in Exiguo res numerosai●cet that yet she exceeds those vaster Regions and bears the name of the most happy Countrey in the world both for plenty of Corne Plants Fruits for Rivers and Fountaines of admirable vertues for beauty as well of Cities Castles and
hardened like marble It is a rich Countrey as wel for gold as other commodities of worth The Rivers are fed with Snow that fals from the tops of high mountains The people are of large stature and very valiant The chiefe City is Saint Iames where a Colony of Spaniards keep hold And thus we are travelled from the Basis to the very Pyris at the South America The utmost point of it is called Caput victoria from Magellanus Ship The rest must be performed by Sea Our best course will be from the East Atlantick Ocean round by the Magellanick Straights into the Pacifick Sea For within this compasse lyeth all the Ilands that belong to this new World and those were my second part in the generall division of the whole Hemisphere 28 The Ilands of America in the Atlantick Ocean are 1 Margarita not farre from Castella del oro 〈◊〉 very barren in provision for victuals but exceeds in plenty of precious stones of the greatest value And so doth her neighbour 2 Cubagna 3 Trinidado stored with Tobacco 4 Bacalaes over against Terra Laboratoris 5 Boriquen Northward from Guiana Her principall Cities are St. Iolas and Port Rico ruined by our Earle of Cumberland 1●97 6 Iamaica spoyled by the Spaniards cruelty of most of her Natives Insomuch that the mothers strangled their babes in their wombe to prevent their servitude under so hard a Master as the Spanish Governour 7 Laba a rich I le In this there is a Bishops Sea called St. Ingo 8 Lucaiae insulae in number 4●0 and is best commended for the beauty of her women 9 Barmudae many in number discovered by Sir Thomas Summ●rs and thence have the name of Summer Islands possest by a plantation of English and agreeth well with their temper ●0 Hispaniola or Haitie the first that was described by Columbus in the beginning of his attempt An excellent Iland for temper of ayre fertilitie of soyle rich Mines Amber Suger and Roots medicinall One of the chiefe Townes in Domingo ransackt by Sir Francis Drake 1585. The rest are St. Isabella St. Thome St. Iolius c. 11 ●here are a rank of Ilands neer the Basis of the South America that are called Insulae Caralum or Canibalorum part of them are Canibals and wild people yet they yeeld commodities especially the Guiacum or lignum Sanctum 19 The Ilands of America on the West in the Pacifick Sea are not many of much account 1 The chiefe is Califormia an Iland of about 500. leagues from the North Cape Mendocino to the South S. Lucas which enters a little within the Tropick of Cancer 2 Insulae Salomonis supposed by some to be the Land of Ophir 3 Insulae Latronum named from the Natives theft who stole Magellanus Cockboat when he first entred it The Description of GRAECIA GREECE is divided from Italy but by a short cut of the Adriaticke sea Each is so placed in Contra-view of the other as if she were ordered to overlooke her neighbours actions And so indeed there hath beene continually a mutuall emulation betwixt the two flourishing Nations which have either in turnes possest or at once divided the Empire of our Christian world 2 How ever now she lieth dejected and groanes under a miserable servitude yet once she had as well the preheminence of Rome in glory as the precedence in time For to say truth she was the wisest of any people that were not inlightned with the knowledge of that great mystery she set a patterne for government to all her succeeding ages and in briefe she was the mistresse almost of all Sciences some there are which in a strict account will accept none but the Mathematikes And yet too though those without doubt owe their being to the Chaldeans and Aegyptians sure I am that even in them she bred some of the most famous Artists that ever the world had Euclide may be my proofe In Philosophie Socrates Plato and our great Aristotle In Oratory Demosthenes Aeschines and Isocrates In Historiographic Xenophon Thucidides Plutarch and Herodotus In Poesie Hesiod Homer Sophocles and Aristophanes In State-policy the wisest Solon of Athens and Lycurgus of Lacedemonia In Militarie affaires Themistocles Miltiades and the great Alexander and infinite others which had all past their times and Greece almost sunke in her luster before the name of Rome was heard of almost in her Territories 3 She was at first but a small parcell of this quarter till by her prowesse she grew on upon her neighbouring Countries and enlarged her dominions through all Macedonia Peloponnesus Epirus the Aegean Ilands and Thrace and besides sent forth Colonies into other parts as well of Asia and Africa as of Europe whereof some retaine the Greeke names to this day Her selfe enjoyed the liberty for a long time which the first Inhabitants tooke to themselves and felt not the burden of a tributary nation till the time of the Persian Cyrus He first brought her under After him Xerx●s and other of the Kings of Persia which held it till it was recovered by Philip King of Macedonia and from him it fell to Alexander the great who first tooke up his Greeke Monarchie and at his death in the division delivered this with the rest to his successors in the Kingdome of Macedonia and so it continued untill their last Perseus in whose time it fell into the power of the Romans 4 But when that Empire too had its fate to be severed by Constantine the great into the East and West the Greeks again put in for a part and were for a time rulers of the East till they were successively over-run by the Goths Bulgarians Saracens and Turks under whom to this day the poore wretches suffer continuall persecution for the name of Christ and are scarce permitted by that great Tyrant meanes of learning to know the Name for which they suffer 5 This Religion was first called Helles from Hello the sonne of Deucalion and Pyrrha and in after-times tooke the name of Graecia from Graecus the sonne of Cecrops and King then of that part onely which was called Attica For when there were many States which were ordered by their peculiar Princes But when once they were all joyned into a Monarchie the whole retained the name of that part which was accounted most famous and the Inhabitants in their stories generally called Graecians though sometimes by the like Synecdoche Achaei Achivi Argivi Danai Delopes Dores Dryopes Hellenes Iones Myrmidones and Pelasgi 6 The bounds of Greece have beene severally set as her government hath beene either enlarged by her owne valour or impaired by a forraine enemy But as she is now taken by Geographers her marke on the East is the Aegean Sea on the West the Adriaticke which severs her from Italy on the North the Mountaine Haemus which is reported though falsly to be of such heighth that from the toppe a man may descrie Seas foure severall wayes and on the South the Mediterranean Ionium Seas 7
Catilines conspiracie and the noble acts of those great Heroes Scylia and Cicero Caesar and Pompey and the rest which removed the Greeke Empire to Rome and made her the seat of the fourth Monarchy about seven hundred and three yeares after the Citie was built fortie eight before Christ. 17 Hitherto though with some change and curbe they continued the succession of Consuls till Iulius Caesar returned from Spaine with victory over Pompeys sonnes and then the Senate expressing more worship to him then fore-sight of their owne future mischiefe invented new titles of singular honour call him Pater patriae Consul in Decennium Dictator in perpetuū Sacro-sanctus and Imperator all which himselfe made good not in bare name onely as perhaps they meant but in short space gathered a power equall to their flattery and by his owne strength kept what was only theirs to give till by Brutus and Cassius he was slain in the Senate and then the rule fell for a short while to a Triumviratus which began and ended with Octavius Caesar Antonius and Lepidus After ten years the whole Empire was left to Octavius and his titles were Augustus Caesar and Imperator they continue to his successors to this day 18 Rome as yet sinkes not in her glory but goes fairely on with full victory till the Imperiall seat was removed to Bizantium and after divided into the East and West by Theodosius Betwixt these whiles was a great part of the world still called in to inlarge their Dominions and our selves among the rest though with some difficultie were forced to yeeld Britaine a Province to Caesar and the Romane Empire For let us take her limits at their best advantage and she was on the West bounded with the Atlantick Ocean on the East with the River Tigris in Asia on the North with Rhene and Danubius in Europe and on the South with the mount Atlas in Africa They containe these severall Provinces almost in order of time as they were subdued Italy parts of Africa Spaine and Germany Britaine Illiricum Diburnia Dalmatia Achaia Macedonia and Dardania Maesia and Thracia Pontus Armenia minor Mesopotamia Parthia Arabia Iudaea Cilicia Syria Aegypt Cantabria Austria Alpes Maritimae Rhetia Norricum Pannonia Armenia maior and the Ilands round so Ortelius marshals them 19 We must omit for want of space many eminent turnes of Fortune which Rome suffered in these interims and take her now as at that time she was in her full height of honour in compasse fiftie miles seated on the River Tyber fifteen from the Sea on her wals were raised 740. turrets fit to receive provision on warre for defence of the Citie in time of siege Livie numbers her 37. gates and her foundation was pitcht upon seven hils 1 Palatinus which as some say gave the name to our Kings Palaces 2 Capitolinus upon which was built the Capitoll delivered from the Gals by the gaggling of geese 3 Viminalis 4 Aventinus from whence their condemned persons were cast into the River Tyber 5 Esquilinus 6 Caelius where once stood the chiefe Councel-house for the Senators 7 Quirinalis You may not expect here an exact description take at large the speech of the Emperor Constantius when with wōder he beheld the Campus Martius the Sepulchre of Augustus the Forum Temples Bathes Theaters the Arcus triumphales Aquaducts statenesse and infinite other Monuments he gave a briefe epitomy of her antique glory that Nature had spent her selfe in the making up of that one Citie as if we might not hope to see the like in after-ages and true enough it is that she could not long support her selfe in that state of honour but as a string stretcht to the utmost cracks on the sudden 20 No sooner she was once divided but she lay open as a prey to the Goths Hunns Vandals Alani Burgundians and Lombards all now left of the Empire is almost a naked title and that scarce heard of in Rome for it hath it seat in Germany and is conferred upon some Christian Prince by the suffrages of the seven Electors The spirituall 1 Arch-bishop of Mentz Chancellour of the Empire through all Germany 2 Arch-bishop of Cullen Chancelour of the Empire through Italy 3 Arch-bishop of Triers Chancellour of the Empire through all France The Temporall 4 Count Palatine of Rhene Arch-sewer to the Emperour 5 Duke of Saxonie Lord Marshall 6 Marquesse of Brandenberge Chiefe Chamberlaine and 7 in case of equalitie of voyces among the other sixe the King of Bohemia casts the Diademe into whose lap he pleaseth 21 For the state of Rome as now it is and what else concerns the Empire since the removall of the seat royall I referre my Reader either to the descriptions of Italy and Germany or at least to some other moderne Authors who have scope to write more at large my intent here was briefly to set downe the beginning increase top and limits of the ancient Romans government ¶ The Description of GERMANY GERMANY is continued with Belgia and lyeth next East-ward in our course toward Asia We shall find them oft-times no otherwise distinguisht then by the termes of higher and lower greater and lesser Germany And indeed as this is the largest portion of the whol● Region which is known by that name so is it the largest Region of our whole quarter which is knowne entirely by any one name 2 As for her antiquitie it doth not onely compare her to the rest of Europe but compares Europe her selfe with any other part of the second world which accounts her years but from Noahs Flood or the confusion of Tongues For this purpose we had before occasion in our generall Descriptions to mention the originall of the Germane Kingdomes and that as you may remember was drawne by Chronologers from Tuisco some say the sonne of Noah which lived soon after the world was repaired and began his Empire about thirty yeares from the fall of Babel 3 It appeares sufficiently upon the record of received Historians that in the time of their Idolatry they worshipped one Thyst or Tuisco as a God which sprang from the earth and to this day as I heare there is a street about Cullen called Deutsch and is thought as yet to retain a sound of the name of Tuisco for there he is supposed to have kept his residency Whether thus or no I leave it to my Authors proofe and my Readers judgement to beleeve or reject as it shall seeme best All I can inforce is that doubtlesse the Germanes were an ancient people and that they might challenge had they no other testimony to shew for it then her very names of Tuiscia or Teutscke Theuschland Almania and Teutonia by which she was known in severall ages long before the Romanes gave her this last appellation of Germany 4 Tuiscia Teutsch or Theuschlant was received from her first King and Almania from her second the sonne of Tuisco who as their Story gives it with equall credit as it doth the rest was
likewise worshipped for a God by the name of Mannus The same account is rendred for Teutonia from Teuto a Captaine of the Germanes and their ninth from Tuisco Vnder these they continued till the Romanes entry after their Conquest over the Gals for whose likenesse to them both in feature and colour in goodly portraiture and carriage of their wars they were from that time called Germany as if brothers to the Gaules Yet there are two which compound the name of the Teutonike words Gar or Ger which signifieth all or wholly and man which retaines with us its prime signification of Man as if they were all men to the proofe or as others interpret as if they were a mixt Nation of all sorts of men from severall Countries 5 But this last agrees not with the conjecture of some Geographers that Germany hath not changed her Inhabitants since she was first possest quoniam non est verisimile saith one aliquos Asiâ aut Africâ aut quidem Italiâ relicta Germaniam pettisse terris informem Coelo asperam cultu tristem aspectúque minimè nisi indigenis gratam And this indeed differs not much from the report of Mela Tacitus other ancient Writers But the reason I hold not good for howsoever it might be true in their times of some and the most part perhaps of Germany as it was then limited that it was sylvis horrida paludibus faeda et fluviorum cursibus praepedita montium anfractibus exasperata ob idque maximè invia yet now she hath changed her hue and by the help of good husbandry is become so fertile and pleasant by the large additions to her Territories in these our after ages is growne so populous that she vayles not to France Spaine or Italy it selfe saith Quadus 6 By her first Geographers she was limited on the West with the River Rhene on the east with Ietula on the south with Danubius each of these tracts have won upon their neighbouring Countries and inlarged the compasse of Germany to a double extent of what it was before For on the West she passeth Rhene as farre as ●icardy and Burgundy parts of France Eastward is the German tongue and Empire exercised over the Region of Prussia Southward she reacheth beyond Danubius to the very Alpes which border upon Italy North-ward she hath ever kept her owne but hath beene curbd indeed from seeking new Kingdomes in that tract by the maine Ocean which divides her in part from Swevia Norway c. And to these limits we apply our Description No marvaile if it give her more honor then she had in former times For her compasse now is reckoned to be 2600. English miles Her ground fertile enough of it selfe and yet besides enjoyes the benefit of many Navigable Rivers which inrich her with trafique from other Kingdomes 7 Those of greatest fame are 1 Danubius the largest of Europe called by Pliny and others Ister It takes in sixtie Navigable Rivers and is at last discharged by many passages into the Pontus Euxinus 2 Rhene which hath its rising from the Alpes and runnes into the German Ocean From thence have we our best Rhenish Wines and upon his bankes stands the Citie Strasburg 3 Amasus Ems which glides by Westphalia into the German Sea 4 Maemu Megu whose head is in the Mountaines of Bohemia and from thence passeth by Francfort into the German Sea 5 Albis Elve which riseth from eleven Fountains meeting into one about the Sylva Hircinia 6 Odeca which hath not his passage immediately into the Sea but into the River Albis The middle mark of this Countrey is the Kingdome of Bohemia incompassed with the Sylva Hircinia 8 The chiefe Commodities of Germany are Corne Wine Salt Metals of all sorts Fruits good store Saffron c. The Ayre wholesome her Baths healthfull her Gardens pleasurable her Cities faire her Castles strong and her Villages very many and well peopled 9 The Inhabitants have put off their ancient rudenesse as the Countrey her barrennesse They are as goodly of person as ever as stout as ever and farre more civill then in the time of the Romanes It seems they were then esteemed but an ignorant and simple people more able to fight then to manage a battaile They were ever hardy enough but wanted Commanders of their owne of skill and judgement Since they have had Commerce with other Nations and have suffered the upbraid as it were of their Predecessors dulnesse they have beene in a manner shamed out of it and are now become rather by industrie then wit a most ingenious people and skilfull in the Latine Greeke and Hebrew learning famous beyond any others in Europe unlesse Belgia for the invention of many notable and usefull Engines The Gun and Gun-powder was first brought to light by one Bertholdus Swart a Franciscan which hath almost put by the use of any other warlike Instrument in those parts of the world where the practise is perfectly understood Generally the poorer sort are excellent Mechanikes and the rest for the most part Schollers 10 It bred Albertus Magnus Appian Gesuer Munster Luther Vrsin Zwinglius Scultetus Iunius Keckerman and many others in their severall kinds and Religions some Papists some Lutherans some Calvinists and among the rest many Iewes A. NEWE MAPE OF GERMANY Newly Augmented by Iohn Speed Ano. Dom 1626 12 The first which injoyed the institution of Pope Gregory was Radulphus Nabs purgensis 1273. after twelve yeares interregnum The last before him was our Richard Earle of Cornwall and brother to Henry the third King of England Since it hath continued firme in this course of Election howsoever not with that liberty as was intended For commonly the Emperour in being while he hath his power about him and can at least intreat if not command the Subjects of the Empire promise a choice of the Rex Romanorum who is no other then a successor designed to rule after his death or resignation And by this meanes it hath a long time continued in the house of Austria without any intermission 13 Thus we see much plotting great state many ceremonies to the making up of an Emperour and yet when it is well weighed it is little better then a bare title For howsoever these outward observances of the German Princes make shew of an humble subjection to the Emperour yet when it comes to trial he hath very little to do● in their Governments But each of them takes upon him as a free and absolute Commander in his owne Countrey permitteth or suppresseth the Religion which he either likes or dislikes makes and abrogates Lawes at pleasure stamps Coyn raiseth Souldiers and sometimes against their great Master as the Duke of Saxoni● against Charles the fifth and at this day divers others in defence of the Prince Palatine For of this quality and power there are many Dukes Marqueses Counts c. besides 64. Franc Cities which make onely some slight acknowledgement to the Emperour appeare perhaps at his Parliaments
sucked the sweetnesse they were not to be removed by the easie tearme of friendship but there kept hold till a people stronger then themselves dispossessed them The attempt was made by Scipio and the Roman forces but they withstood their assault with so resolved a courage and so strong a hand that it might oft-times be questioned Vter populus alteri esset pariturus and so held play almost 200. yeares and could not be fully subdued into the forme of a Province till the Reigne of Augustus Caesar yet after they were held to it till Honorius 3 About his sixt yeare was there a second Invasion made by the Vandales and soone after by the Gothes which bare sway for above 300. yeares The last King was Rodoricus who lost both himselfe and Kingdome for a rape committed upon the Daughter of Iulian a noble Gentleman and at that time Embassadour with the Moores in Africa When the Father had understood of his Daughters unworthy injurie he brought backe his revenge with him 30000. Horse and 180000. Foot of Moores and Sarazens which discomfited the King overthrew all the resistance which he could make and bespread the Country with their Forces where they and their posteritie stood firme till within the memory of some which yet live 4 This change of State was before prophecied and concealed in a large Chest within a part of the Palace which both the last King and his Predecessors were forewarned not to discover But the hope of an inestimable treasure made him transgresse and when he had entred there appeared nothing but the Portractures of Armed Moores with a presage annexed that when that part of the Palace should be forced open such enemies should ruine Spaine It is now at last but one people but yet retains the mixture of those many Nations which have heretofore possest it Goths Sarazens and Iews who were partly banisht hither by Hadrian the Emperour and partly sent hither by Vlider Vbit the Caliph after the Moores conquest 5 In all this Discourse touching the beginning and settling of the State of Spaine it appeares not from whence she derives her severall names of Iberia Hesperia Hispania It seemes they are more ancient then the entrance of the Carthaginians and therefore they allow us no certaine Story nor other reason indeed more then a likely Conjecture and in some scarce that Her first name of Iberia was given by her ancients from a River that runs almost through the middle of the Countrey So saith Maginus and relies upon Pliny and Iustin for his Authours Others give it rather to the Iberi the ancient people of Asia that came in under Panus from toward Syria possest it before the Carthaginians Her second name admits as much question Some fetch it from Hesperus the brother of Atlas and their twelfth King from Tubal Others beyond the Moone from the Evening starre because it is situate upon the West of Europe The last Hispania is supposed from one Hispanus or Hispalus who raigned in those parts and was the third in the account of some from Tubal or else from Hispalis now Seril rather we may take it from the fore-mentioned Panus Captaine of the Iberians by the prefixion of an S for so the Greeks give it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and since by their owne addition and corruption it is made Espania Hispania 6 Her whole compasse is reckoned to be 1893. English miles and her bounds are Seas on every side unlesse on the East towards France from which she is severed by the Pir●naan Mountains On the West he Atlantick Ocean on the North the Cantabrick and on the South the Fretum Herculeum and other parts of the Mediterraneum which divide her from Africa Her Rivers of note are specially 1 Minius or Mingo 2 Dorio now Duerus 3 Tagus now Taio famous for her golden sands Betis or Guadilquiver 5 Iberus now Ebro and 6 Ana or Guadiana which in one place glides under ground for fifteene miles together and gives the Spaniard an occasion as he will catch at any to bragge that they have ten thousand Cattle daily feeding upon one bridge Yet give them their owne sense the truth may be questioned For they have not such plenty of meat as they have of sauce 7 It yeelds indeed abundance of Oranges Lemons Capers Dates Sugar Oyle Honie Licorish Raisins Saffron Rice excellent Sacks and other Wines And in some places Sheepe Goats and swift Horses It hath beene heretofore noted for rich Mines in so much that Hannibal received daily 3000. from one Mine in Spaine The number is not answerable in proportion to other Regions of Europe Their Cities not so great nor so many The reason may be because indeed their women are not so fertile to multiply among themselves and their usage of strangers so uncivill that very few of other Countries seate themselves there as in France England and Germany And yet they have of late times sent many Colonies abroad into both Indies 8 They are extreamely proud and the silliest of them pretend to a great portion of wisdome which they would seeme to expresse in a kinde of reserved state and silent gravitie when perhaps their wit will scarce serve them to speake sense But if once their mouthes be got too open they esteeme their breath too precious to be spent upon any other subject then their owne glorious actions They are most unjust neglectors of other Nations aud impudent vaine flatterers of themselves Superstitious beyond any other people which indeed commonly attends those which affect to be accounted religious rather then to be so For how can hearty devotion stand wih cruelty lechery pride Idolatry and those other Gothish Moorish Iewish Heathenish conditions of which they still savour 9 Yet it hath yeelded heretofore men very famous for their severall endowments both of wit and religion The Apostle himselfe expresseth a great desire to see Spaine as hoping to doe much good among those which had entertained the name of Christ. Osius a learned Bishop in the time of Constantine the Great And Pac●anus mentioned by S. Hierome Isidore Fulgentius Arias Montanus Tostatus and Masius were all Spaniards Seneca Quintilian the Orator Lumen Romanae eloquentia as Valla styles him Martialis Lucan Silius Pomponius Mela were Spaniards Traian the Emperour Theodosius Ferdinand the Catholike and Charles the Emperour were Spaniards To this day it breeds good Souldiers slow but sure and successfull in their Conquests Yet such as prevaile more by art then valour Their continuall scarcitie of victualls inureth them to hunger and other hardnesse which oft-times wearieth out their enemie and makes him yeeld at least to their patience if not to their strength SPAINE Newly described with many adictions both in the attires of the people the setuations of their cheifest Cityest by Iohn Speed 1626 11 The present state of Arragon comprehends three of those Kingdomes as it was scattered by the Moores and Sarazens 1 Arragon it selfe which lyeth on the
third Province of Corduba Estrem●dura lyeth on the South of Castile and is watred through the middle with the River Ana And in this stands the City Merida once a Roman Colonie and named by them Augusta Emerita from the Inhabitants which were there planted by Augustus and culled out of his ancient tryed Souldiers 19 Portugall is the third Kingdome in our last division of Spaine and it may well be esteemed one of her largest Territories For it runnes along by the Atlantick Ocean from the borders of Gallicea as Andaluzia on the North it is limited with the River Mingo on the South with part of the Mediterraneum on the West with the Atlantick on the East with the Castiles Andaluzia and Estremadura Her name some derive à portu Gallorum Maginus rather à portu Cale a Haven of that name which was much frequented by Fishermen It is almost the same portion of Spaine which was heretofore Lusitania and her people were esteemed the most valiant crafty and agile Souldiers of the whole Region yet now they are held to be simple ad proverbiū usque But it is their neighbour Spaniards censure who indeed have over-reached them in cunning and brought them under the subjectiō of their Catholicke King which were before a free State of themselves and carried with them another Kingdome of the Algarbi which stands in her very South and shews the Cape of St. Vincent into the Atlanticke Ocean Give them their due they are excellent Sea-men and the best alive to atchieve adventurous actions For they added to their Dominions many Territories of Africa Asia and America could they have been so fortunate as to have kept their Kingdomes and themselves out of the reach of the cogging Spaniard 20 The Countrey affords not much Corne but fruit reasonable store and Mines of severall metalls Allum Marble good Silkes c. The chief City is Lisbone in Latine Vlyssipona supposed to have been built by Vlysses And from hence they set sayle towards the East Indies to Aethiopia Brasile c. In so much that this very City yeelds more revenew then the rest of the whole Kingdom Another eminent place of this Region is the Metropolis and Academia of Conimbria called before Mouda And this briefly is the whole Continent of Spaine but doth not terminate the Spanish Dominions which commands as well the Ilands which lye neere in the Atlanticke and Mediterraneum as many other parts of the world besides interminate with other Regions The Kingdome of Naples in Italy Dutchy of Myleine Iles of Sicily and Sardinia the Canaries Townes and Castles and Havens in Barbarie In the West Indies Mexico Peru Brasile large portion in the East 21 The Ilands neere Spaine in the Atlanticke chiefly the Tarsarae In the Mediterraneum are the Baleares and those are two principall Maiorica commonly called Mallorca and Minorica commonly Menorca Other lesse Ilands are Dragonera Cabrera Pyttussae Erisa Vedrau Conirello Dragomago and Scombraria ¶ The Description of ITALY ITALY is divided from France and Germanie by the Alpes and stretcheth her selfe South-east betwixt the Tyrrhene and Adriaticke Seas almost in just proportion of a mans legge I may spare my Reader her lavish attributes which he can hardly ba●●e if he will but looke into any Authour where her name is mentioned She must for me and well may be content here with the briefe Elogie of Plinie to which I thinke the wit of man can adde but little Certainly the most blessed seat of man upon earth can deserve no more Italia terrarum omnium alumna eadem parens numine deorum electa quae coelum ipsum clarius faceret sparsa congregaret imperia ritus molliret tot populorum discordes linguas sermones Commercia ad colloquia distraberet humanitati hominem daret 2 Yet to speake truth we cannot abate her much of this title The mother of Countries we may call her since most Writers agree that she was first inhabited by Ianus or Noah as some would report him the father of Nations It was doubtlesse a very long time since the world was honest and deserved the name of a golden age yet then was she peopled as Iustine delivers out of Trogus by the Aborigines whose King was first Ogyges then Saturne a man so just that under his government there was knowne no tyranny from their Prince no disloyaltie from the subject no injurie from the neighbour They had all one patrimony one possession and where all acknowledge no peculiar there can be but little cause of strife 3 I presume not to set downe the just yeare when men were thus ordered But if you will beleeve the story of the Gentiles compared in Chronologie by some of late yeares and better trust as Munster Quade c. Ianus pater hominum deorum and immediate predecessor to Saturne was in Italy within 200. yeares after the Flood and received the aged Chronus into part of his Kingdome with him being expulsed by his sonne Iupiter out of Crete Each of them built a Citie and left a sound of his name for their remembrance the one Ianua which to this day hath suffered no further change then to Genua and the other Saturnia and both in their times gave name to the whole region which are not yet fully worne out though others have since took place as Latium quia his latebat Saturnus Italia ab Italo Siculorum rege Hesperia from the Westerne starre A●sonia and Oenotria from her excellent Wines But this is the largest scope which we can give to her antiquity Helvicus and other authenticke observers of time cuts off well-nigh a thousand yeares from this account of the Aborigines and placeth their Dynastia 2622. years after the creation 966. after the Flood and before Christ 1327. 5 The first change of Inhabitants was forced by Evander the Arcadian a man of that admirable eloquence that he was called the sonne of Mercurie but had by chance slaine his father and was therefore expulsed his inheritance and advised into Italy by his mother a great Prophetesse of those times He removed the Aborigines from their seat and planted his companions in the same plot of ground where after Rome was built and in the Mons Palatinus founded a little Town which he called Pallanteum in memory of his great grand-father And this was about the yeare 2710. 6 About 60. yeares after Aeneas arrived in this Countrey from the siege of Troy was entertained as an amorous suitor by Lavinia with consent of her father Latinus and after the death of his corrivall Turnus King of the Rutilians was settled heire to the Latine Monarchy after his father 7 From Aeneas to Numitor the succession went on not without some rubs but suffered no great breach for almost foure hundred yeares When the title should have fallen to him being the elder and true heire he was spoyled of the Kingdome by his younger Amulius Sylvius nor could it be recovered till time had given growth and
compasse eight miles and the houses for two stories high are built with Marble The people noble minded and forward to any honourabale action be it in the warres by Land or hazzard by Sea One Christopher Columbus is sufficiēt to make good this Elogy for whose birth she deserves to be honoured to the worlds end The women of Genoa are the most happy of any in Italy for they may see a man and speak and be courted if not too boldly without suspition of their friends or jealousie of their husbands 27 The State of Luca is in Tuscanie and comprehends the Territories and Citie Luca built by Lucumo King of Italy upon the River Serchius It was once the randevouse of Pompey Caesar and Crassus Here they joyned their forces in their great attempt This hath beene the Emperours the Genoa's the Venetians the Millanoy's and the Florentines in their severall turnes They now rest under the protection of the King of Spaine The Description of the Kingdom of Hungary IT is not without example of good authoritie if I take into this Description not onely that part which is now more peculiarly knowne by the name of Hungarie but the whole Countrey likewise of Daria which was once one with it though time and fortune have at last severed them so that each hath now its owne Princes Laws Customes Language and Religion different from other I the rather take to my selfe this leave to avoyd both the charge and trouble of ordering for every one a severall Table 2 First then the Kingdome of Hungarie is on the Southeast of Germanie and joynes upon the Dukedome of Austria They heretofore divided betwixt them the Countrey of Pannonia Austria was the superior and this the inferior Pannonia Their government and titles are now dis-joyned and Austria hath got the start in power for she is the mother of many German Princes and hath drawne the Crowne Imperiall almost into a succession 3 Yet is Hungarie still an absolute Kingdome and if not so rich and populous as heretofore it must not take from her honour since her fortunes sunke not through want of valour and fault of her former Inhabitants but have beene for a long time exposed to hazzard in the defence of Christendome against the mis-beleeving Turke and for that it hath beene by some styled the Cockpit of the world where once in a yeare at least a prize is played and some ground either won or lost by either partie 4 The first Inhabitants of this Countrey were the Pannones those were expulsed by the Gothes And when the Gothes went into Italy it was left to the possession of the Hunni a Scythian people which lived before neere the Palus Maeotis and when they saw their time changed their seat and about the yeare three hundred seventie three brake by great multitudes into these parts of Europe which they held till they were displaced by the Lombards These last were the Winnili which lived in Scandia or Scandinaria a Northerne Peninsula betwixt the Germane and Hyperborean Seas Their seat it seemes was too barren for their number and meere want of victualls forced them to seeke better sustenance in some other quarter They over-ran many Countries ere they could find any one to their content Among the rest the Pannonia had her course and here they continued till they marched into Italy under the command of Alboinnus where after 200. yeares their Kingdome was ruinated by Charlemain 5 When it was thus left by Lombards the Hunnes returned to their former seat and after some time of rest grew up to a potent Nation able to encounter the Romane Macrinus to breake his Forces and returne victors from the battaile About the yeare 439. they chose for their King Attyla whose inscription was Attyla Mundizi filius Magni Nim nepos Engadiae natus divinâ benignitate Hunnorum Medorū Gothorum ac Danorū metus orbis Deique flagellum An insolent title but indeed he was victorious over most parts of the then known world and bethought himselfe of enlarging his Territories in Asia and Africa But that designe was drowned in wine and lust which at length brought him to a most miserable destruction For in the night time when he had filled himselfe with both as he lay by his Concubine with his face upward in a dead sleep his nose gusht a bleeding and choked him being not able to recover himselfe from his back to give it passage 6 Since this settling they were once more disturbed by the Lombards and after by Charles the Great so that they were not well fastened in their possession of this Countrey till the time of the Emperour Arnulphus about the yeare 900. And in deed at this day hardly enjoy it by reason of the incredible spoyls and massacres which the Tartars commit amongst them This last name of Hungaria without doubt had the Originall from their present Inhabitants and their Predecessors which at times have peopled this Countrey above 1200. yeares 7 This Hungaria propria is bound on the West with Austria on the East with the River Tibiscus on the North with Poland and Russia and on the South with the River Savus 8 The land thus limited it is hard to beleeve what most Geographers report of her fertility That she yeelds Corne thrice in one yeare almost without any tillage or care of the husbandman Fruit of all kinds in great abundance and grapes which make an excellent wholesome and rich wine It breeds Cattle in such plenty that this one Countrey besides stores for her owne Inhabitants sends Sheepe and Oxen into forraigne Nations which lye about her and might say they suffice to feed all Europe with flesh Venison is not here any dainties Does Haires Harts Goates Boares c. are every mans meate and the game common as well to the Boores as Gentry And so for Phesant Partridge Black-birds Pigeons most fowle wild and tame 9 The earth is inricht with variety of Mines which yeelds her plenty of Iron Steele Copper Silver and Gold Lead she hath not and scarce at all any Tinne Her Rivers are equally commodious as well for their owne wealth as fit conveyance of forraigne Merchandize by shipping into their quarters The chiefe and onely one indeed which belongs properly to this Region is Tibiscus or Teissa and this imparts not her streames to any other Countrey but fully and freely payes her tribute to the Hungarian more Fish then can be spent yearly within their owne limits It passeth proverbially upon this River that two parts of it are water and a third fish The rest which are common to this with other Countries are Danubius here Ister and Savus and Darvus all of them well stored with water provision and in some places cast up a sand mixt with very good Gold Here are besides many waters of excellent vertues whereof some turne Wood into Iron others Iron into Brasse Some very medicinall for sundry diseases others againe so pestiferous that they kill the
often attempted and reckoned with great losse yet at last in the yeare one thousand five hundred twenty one it gave up to Solyman and became a Province to his Empire It stands neere where the Rivers Danubius and Savus are dissevered and is the Towne which the Hungarians report to have been once delivered by the admirable industrie of Ioannes Capistranus a Franciscan who is much honoured for the action by those of his own Society But Ioannes Huniades that great Souldier and terrour to the Turke challengeth the glory as his peculiar Vadianus 2 Samandria and 3 St●nib●rg 18 Rascia is on the North of Danubius where it parts with the River Sa●m and lyeth betwixt Servia and Bulgaria In her chiefe Citie Boden there is kept a Fayre once every yeare and much people resort for enterchange of commodities from most Countries there-about 19 Bulgaria some what Northeast from Rascia and is bounded with Danubius upon the South Theophylact was here Bishop and was called Bulgarius Neere this is the Citie Tom●s where Ovid lived in Banishment as himselfe mentioneth in his 3. de Tristibus The principall cities at this present are 1 Sophia the seat of the Beylerbeg of Greece And 2 Nicopolis The ornament of their Kings was Imperiall a crowne of gold attire of silke and red shooes Their title 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a terme allowed by the Greeke Emperours to those onely which might weare this habit the rest they called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as much as Reges 20 Bosnia on the West of Servia and South of the River Savus had her name from the Bossi or Bessi the people of Bulgaria within the memory almost of our Fathers it was governed by Kings and as yet retaines the title of the Kingdome of Bosnia The chief Towns are Cuzachium and Iaziga the first is the place of residencie and the second of buriall for the Bosnian Kings Heretofore the Citie Sinderoria had that honour which some suppose to be the same that was once called Dardanum The Description of the Kingdom of Denmark THe Kingdome of Denmarke strikes into the Sea upon the North of Germanie as Italy on the South the manner of both is not much unlike and the glory of this heretofore was not inferiour For how ever in this latter ages the pride of Rome hath pranked up her Territories in gay apparrell yet the day was when both she and they stooped to the Inhabitants of this Countrey though then knowne by another name of Cimbria Chersonesus Three Romane Consuls Manilius Sillanus and Cepio fell by their sword and the Empire it selfe it seems was in a shrewd hazzard when their owne Historian reports that Actum esset de imperio nisi illi saeculo Marius contigisset 2 The people were then and had beene from their beginning the Cimbri a Progenie of Gomer first sonne of Iapheth who before they removed into this quarter of the world dwelt in the inner Asia neer the straight which passeth from the Pontus Euxinus to the Palus Maotis there we yet find the Bosphorus Cimmericus in Ptolemy which took name from the Cimmerii for so they were called at large and by contraction Cimbri 3 From thence they were in time disturbed by the Scythians and forced to seek them a new seat for their habitation which after long travell here they found fittest for their securitie as being a Peninsula fenced almost round with Seas from the force of all forreigne Enemies Yet here too they met at last with a worse danger which they could lesse resist For the maine Ocean brake into a great part of the Countrey displaced many of their Colonies and sent them Petitioners to Rome for a dwelling within her Dominions but their entreatie being with some neglect denied it kindled the sparkes which to this time had laine as it were dead in a dejected Nation and now they brake out into flames which stirred them to require that by force of Armes which they could not request by submissive Oratorie 4 Hence grew their first quarrell with the Romans which they put on with that courage and successe that they were imboldened at last to assault the very Citie with so strong Forces that the glory of it began to shake and had shattered to pieces had not the victo●y followed rather the fortune of one Marius then the valour of the whole Roman Legions and that too as some relate it was bought of his heathenish gods at a deare rate by the bloudy sacrifice of his owne Daughter The great and most memorable Encounter was sixe hundred and forty yeares after the Citie was built about an hundred and eleven before Christ. And then indeed they received in a manner a fatall Crush which quelled them for the present yet not so but that in after ages they recovered strength and fame spread their victories over the most part of Europe and left their name for many yeares since that in Italy it selfe 5 For without doubt those Cimmerii mentioned by Strabo which lived on the North side of the Appennine Mountaines neere Boianum were of this stock and of that note as the gave occasion for many Proverbs and Fables to both Greek and Latine Poets It was a people which belike seldome saw Sunne but lurked for the most part under ground lived upon theft and issued forth onely in the night a season most fit for deeds of Darkenesse and so was their whole course which caused our well known Adage of tenebrae Cimmeriae pro denscssimâ caligine Their horrid dennes and dismall Rivers which ranne by the place of their abode bred at length a terror in the silly Heathens and was esteemed by them the passage down to their Elizium So Homer gives it in the second of his Odysses and Virgill in his sixth of the Aeneidos and h●re did Naso feign his house of sleep Metamorph. 11. Est propè Cimmerios longo sp●lunca racessu Mons Carus ignavi domus penitralia Somni 6 Thus was their Originall and progresse for the first age whilest it continued in the possession of the Cimmerians The next which succeeded were the Saxons a people no lesse famous but since their Story hath been else-where remembred in our other Descriptions it must give place here to the third Invader the Danes who whilest the Saxons were imployed with us here in the Conquest of England start out of those p●tty Iles in the Sinus Codanus and took up their roome in this Peninsula There they have continued to this day and added other Territories to their Dominions so that the then Cimbria Cbersonesus is but a parcell of the now Kingdome of Denmarke as shall appeare when we come to her division and that onely which in our latter times is called Iuitland and runs Northward in forme almost of a Hounds tongue into the Balticke Ocean 7 The Danes like enough were at first one Nation with the Cimbri but being together expulsed by the Scythians from their native soyle they were severally dispersed
violence of the Sea that they need feare no inundation but yet have a very easie and secure entrance for shippes Along the Coast stand Colberg Camin Coslin Gribswald c. In the upland Stetinum the Metropolis Newgard Lamburge c. The people were harsh persecutors of the Church of Christ till the yeare 1122. The two Dukedomes of Ozwittes and Zator by Silesia in the West bounds of this Kingdome They were heretofore sui juris But now belongs to this government The first since the yeare 1454. in the time of Cas●mirus and the last was brought under by Sigismond the first about an hundred yeares after 3 14 Polonia is divided iuto the greater and l●ss● The greater Poland is more Northerne and joynes upon Pomerania and Prussia It was therefore called the greater because here Lechius first planted himselfe and built the Citie Guesna which was the regall seat till it was translated to Cracovia in the lesser Poland 1320. yet at this day is her Arch-Bishop Primate of the Kingdome during an interregnum hath the power of a Prince and Crownes the new King at his inauguration Polonia the lesse is more Southerne lyes hard upon Russia and Hungarie It is now esteemed the more noble part of this Province For here stands the Metropolis Cra●ovia on the banks of Vistula and Lublin and other of the best note in Poland 4 15 Prussia Spruce on the East of Pomerania hath the Baltick Seas on the North and Massoria on the South and on her owne East Lituania It is now a Dukedome and containes Cities of note Dantzke where Ke●kerman professed and Mons Regius Regimont Maneburg Heilsperge Culne c Her chiefe Commodities is leather much used heretofore to make jerkins where none more brave then the younger that could compasse a leather jerkin Here is likewise great store of Amber a juyce growing like Corroll in a mountaine of the North Sea which is cleane covered with water and cast up by violence of the waves into their Havens 5 Russia nigra on the East and South of Poland the lesse and the North of Hungarie and West of Podolia had her name as some suppose first Ruthenia and Russia which in the Ruthen tongue signifies no other then a dispersed Nation For so were the Russians through all Sarmatia Europaea part of the Asiatike from the frozen Ocean to the Mediterraneum the Sinus Adriaticus and the Pontus Euxinus and the Mare Balticum all that used the Sclavonian tongue and professed Christ after the manner of the Greekes were called Russi and Rutheni But the Province here meant is onely the South tract as much as belongs to the King of Poland and is called Nigra to distinguish it from Moscovia or Russia Alba. The people are valiant and in their fights use weapons of exceeding weight and bignesse Her Prince is intituled Duke the name of King they will not endure This Province containes the territories Leopoliensis with her chiefe City Leopolis Lunt-burg a faire Towne and an Arch-bishops See And the territories Haliciensis Belzensis Praemisliensis c. 6 16 Samogitia toward the North and her West hath the Sinus Balticus North-East Livonia It is in length fiftie miles very cold compassed in with Woods and Rivers Her principall Towne is Camia But not that nor any other is very famous for Lordly buildings the fairest are but sheds in respect of other Countries The Peasants are truly so indeed For they reckon themselves but little better then their Cattell live under the same roofe with them without any partition or nice ●oathing of their nastinesse a life fit enough for such a people for they are yet most of them grosse Idolaters and are oft times met in their Woods with horrid visions and are strangely cozened by the Divell with a beliefe that they can Prophecie The silly blasphemers nourish in their house a poore snake like themselves gathered out of some ditch and call it their God worship it with great fear reverence and sacrifice once in a yeare 1. Octob. to their devil but by the name of their God Ziem enike The better sort are Christians of a comely portraiture and good feature valiant and ready to take Armes when occasion calls them Their greatest plenty is of Honey which they gather ready made to their hands in their hollow trees 7 17 Massoria on the South of Prussia and North of Polonia and Russia and the East of either Poland West of Lituania She had her name from a former Duke which was ejected by Casimirus where it had a peculiar Prince of its owne it belonged to the second sonne of the Kings of Poland but in the yeare 1526. after the untimely death of Iohn and Starislaus heirs to this state it became a peculiar to the Crowne of Poland Her chiefe Citie is Marscoria which hath many under her all use the same speech and Customes with the other Polonians 8 Livonia to the North bounded with Finlan on the South with Lituania on the West with the Baltike Sea and on the East with Mos●ovie It is a large Province carries in bredth one hundred and sixtie miles and in length five hundred It is Penny and Woody but yet hath Corne and Fruit plenty Cattle good store wilde and tame especially Horses They have Honey Waxe c. enough to exchange with other Countries for Wine and Oyle For this yeelds little or none It became Christian one thousand two hundred Her chiefe Townes are Riga Rivalia Derpe and Venda About some twelve miles from the Continent is the I le of Osel 9 18 Podlussia on the East of Masoria and West of Lituania was joyned to Poland one thousand five hundred sixtie nine The Inhabitants are Massorites Russians and Polands Her chiefe towns are Titocksin a Fort where the Kings treasure is kept Beisco and Russiu In this the King hath a faire Court furnisht magnificently both for state and pleasure 10 Lituania on the East of Poland and South of Livonia on the West of Moscovia and North of Podolia The Ayre is very unnaturall and by that meanes the creatures there of every kind are very small and their wants great of Corne Wine Salt c. The people are of a slavish disposition and live thereafter po●re and basely The women have a freedome by custome to keepe many Stallions which their Husbands love as themselves and call them their adjutories But the men may by no meanes play false Their condemned persons be it to death must execute themselves or be tormented till they expire They became Christians such as they are one thousand three hundred eighty sixe The principall Cities are Vilna Vilkomire and Brestia and Norigredum a Citie by report larger then Rome 19 11 Volhinia lyeth betwixt Lituania Podolia and Russia a plentifull Region and breeds hardy Souldiers They live as Russians use the same speech and Customes Her chiefe Towns are Kioria and Lircassia upon the edge of Boristhenes 12 Podolia is on the South of Lituania
East of Poland and North of the River Neister or Boristhenes as it runnes from his head to the Pontus Euximus on the West of Russia It affords great plenty it seems three Harvests they say of one sowing It is pity saith Vadianus it should be left Desert as in a manner it is unlesse here and there a Village Her chiefe is Camiensen the onely one able to returne the Turk and Tartars with the losse as it hath oftentimes done The rest are not many and those but weakly peopled For the often incursions of the Tartars their speedy Horse to ride a great compasse in a little time their breach of faith upon tearmes of composition and their crueltie when they have got a victory causeth the Inhabitants of those parts to flie them at a great distance and leave their Land waste since they dare not trust their peace nor are able to withstand their warre The Description of the Kingdome of PERSIA THis Empire was one of the first and most potent in the Easterne world and though since in severall ages she hath felt the variety of fortunes to which all Kingdomes are subject and beene forced to deliver up her glory to the succeeding Monarchies of the Macedonians Parthians Turkes and Saracens yet now at last is she recovered to her owne height and greatnesse and the name of Persia reacheth farther then ever if we take in as most Geographers doe the Regions of Media Assyria and the rest which were heretofore the seats of severall illustrious Kingdomes 2 Surely the first which inhabited any part of this compasse were the Medes a people of great antiquitie who reach both their originall and name from Madai the sonne of Iapheth for it was not long after the Flood that they were subdued by Ninus King of the Assyrians one and t'other Media I meane and Assyria though then they had apart their peculiar governments yet both were but a parcell of this Countrey which is now knowne by the name of Persia. 3 To Ninus and his successors they continued faithfull for many years till the effeminate weakenesse of Sardanapalus gave opportunitie to the ambition of Belochus governour of Babylon and Arbaces of Media to divide his Empire betwixt them which they did in the yeare of the world three thousand one hundred fortie sixe and then beganne the Monarchie of the Medes which spred it selfe through the greatest part of Asia and for above two hundred yeares gathered strength till the time of Astiages who dreamed himselfe out of his Empire as Iustine relates the storie 4 Persia proprie dicta from whence this whole Countrey at last tooke name was at this time but an obscure Kingdome in respect of what now it is tributary to the Medes Her Prince was Cambyses the father of the great Cyrus by Mandanes daughter to Astiages when she was great and expected the time of her deliverance her father touched with a perplexed dreame that she made so much water as would drowne all Asia interpreted it that her issue should be the overthrow of his state and therefore delivered the child which was born to her into Harpagus his charge to be destroyed and he to the Kings Heardsman who unawares to both preserved the guiltlesse infant so that at last he tooke revenge upon his cruell Grand-father and laid a foundation for the Persian Monarchie 5 In this attempt his anger wrought him no farther then his enemy for he left the government of Media still to Cyaxares the sonne of Astiages and afterward married his daughter joyned with him in his conquests and till his death gave him the preheminence of title They were both ingaged in the taking of Babylon slaughter of Baltazar and destruction of the Chaldeans the Scripture gives this victory to Darius Medius who as most hold was no other then Cyaxares and he onely named as the principall of the two while he yet lived though Cyrus had his part in the action after his uncles death enjoyed it as his owne and made perfect the Monarchie of the Persians in the yeare of the world 3046. 6 About thirty seven yeares after the succession was broke for want of lawfull heires to Cambyses their second King and therefore their Princes consulted to salute him whose Horse first neighed at a set meeting upon the Court green before the Sun-rising Darius Histaspes was one and by the subtiltie of his horse-keeper carried the Crowne for the night before in the same ground he had coupled a mare with the horse that his Master should ride which when the lustfull steed missed the next morning being full of spirit no sooner had he set footing upon the place but with much eagernesse he snuffed and neighed after his mare and gave the quue to the other Princes to proclaime Darius King of the Persians This was he whom the Scripture calls Ahasuerus he was Hesters husband 7 Thus is the Empire now setled and intayled by descent after him to that famous Xerxes who made war upon Greece with an incredible Army joyned Asia to Europe with a bridge and dammed up Hellespont with his Navie yet was at last vanquished by foure thousand at Thermopylae and after by Themistocles forced to make his flight in a small ●oat toward his owne Countrey contemned of his subjects and within a few yeares slaine in his Palace by Artabanus His immediate successour was Artaxerxes Longimanus who sent the Prophet Esdras to reedifie the Temple and so on to Darius the last Persian of that course who was oft vanquished by Alexander the great and left the Monarchie of the world to the Macedonians After the death of their victorious Captaine it was divided among many of the most potent Princes of Greece 8 But when the Persians saw the force of their enemy thus severed they began to conceive a hope of recovering their libertie and so they did indeed under the conduct and command of the Parthian Arsaces but found thēselves little bettered in their condition as being now become new slaves to a more harsh tyrant and therefore in the year two hundred twenty eight after the Incarnation they made a second attempt to quit themselves from the Parthians they tooke their time when their masters were sore afflicted with a strong enemy from Rome which had broke their forces to their hands so that by the admirable prowesse of another Artaxerxes they made good their Conquest upon the Parthian and adventured so farre with the Romanes themselves that their name began to grow terrible and the Emperour Constantine forced to fortifie his Provinces which lay toward the East and this might be some cause too why he removed his seat to Constantinopolis 9 After this it fell into the hands of the Saracenicall Caliphs in the year sixe hundred thirty foure and to the Turks in the yeare one hundred thirty next to the Tartars and so againe to the Parthians by the help of Gempsas who redeemed both his owne and this from the Tartarian and
for the Tartarian Emperours Toward the East Seas and neer the Promontory of Tabin are the Regions of Arzaret which some thinke to be the very place first possest by the remnant of the ten captive Tribes and Annian and Argon and Tenduch and Mongal and many other whose people live after the antique manner in tents moveable some few Cities they have poorely built and as rudely customed Among other incivilities they have this fashion to prostitute their wives and sisters to such guests as they would entertaine most friendly and when it was once forbad by their great Cham they recovered it againe with much suite and solemne protestation that they had not thrived since it was laid aside The ground brings forth good store of especiall good Rhubarbe 15 Zagathai the same with Scythia intra Imaum and is bounded upon the West with the mare Caspium upon the East with the desert as farre as Lop upon the North with the River Iaxartus and upon the South with the Mount Caucasus It hath the name from their Prince brother to their great Cham and containes in it these severall Provinces 1 Zagatai where Tamberlane was borne and first bare rule in the Citie Sarmachand a place enricht by his victories and memorable for the death of Clytus slaine by Alexander in his drunken fury The seate of the Governour is in Bochara another Towne of the best note here 2 Bactria now Cocazzan the Inhabitants were led by Bessus which slew Darius and the first King was Zoroastes in the time of Ninus the Assyrian and twice tried the fortune of warre with him but was at last vanquished and his Kingdome made a Province to the Monarchie In severall ages it hath beene tossed into the hands of divers States among the rest the Romanes had it once in their possession at which time the Inhabitāts received knowledge of the truth from the mouth of Saint Thomas but have lost it since by the tyranny of the Saracens and Tartars 3 Sogdiana on the North of Bactria where Gropolis stood built for a Fort against the Scythians and standing to the time of Alexander who battered it to the ground 4 Margiana and 5 Turchestan East of the Mare Caspium and was the seat of the Turks before they brake into Armenia 16 Cathaie the same with Scythia extra Imaum and is the Empire of the great Cham of the Tartars and true progenie of Chinchis It is compassed almost with mountaines and deserts and is divided from China onely by a great wall on the South The soyle is exceeding fertile and the people farre more civill then in the other parts of Tartaria Her Provinces are 1 Cathaie which is supposed to be the antique seate of the Seres and is therefore called Regio Serica For it sends forth excellent Silkes Stuffes and Chamlets and other rare Commodities which equalize her at least in her owne esteeme to the best parts of Europe Her Metropolis is Cambelu twenty-eight miles in compasse besides the suburbs built foure-square by the River Polysangus and enricht from India China and other Regions with all sorts of Merchandise Here their great Cham lives but is buried at the Mount Altay and is conveyed thither by a strong guard which kils all they meet in the way and commands them to serve their Lord in the other world Maginus reports from Marcus Polus that while he was in Cathaie tenne thousand persons lost their lives upon one such occasion 2 Tangut which they say had the Art of Printing many hundred yeares before it was knowne among us 3 Camul 4 Tanifu 5 Tebet not much differing either from themselves or the other parts of Tartaria which belong to the Kingdome of Cathaie The Description of the Sommer Ilands once called the BERMUDAS AS it hath pleased God of his especiall grace and mercy to deliver this Nation from that sinke of errours and superstitious practises wherewith the face of Christendome was overspread and hath caused the truth of Piety and Religion to shine amongst us through the effectuall Ministry of his Word In so much that there is no Nation in the world to whom the grace of God hath in these latter times more abounded nor where true Religion hath beene so generally imbraced and maintained as in this Kingdome So hath he likewise delivered us from many eminent dangers and evill practises at home and abroad hath blessed us with much peace and prosperitie and moreover hath honoured us with such notable favours that the fame of the worthy exploits and noble attempts of this Nation by Sea and by Land hath resounded to the glory of his Name even to the farthest parts of the earth And I beseech God in the Name of him in whom alone he is well-pleased still to continue this his goodnesse towards us although in these times we have just cause to feare the contrary Amongst these latter sort of Benefits which God hath vouchsafed to this Nation I meane that magnanimitie and courage and his divine assistance in the prosecution of so many notable actions may worthily in my judgement though sleighted at by some be reckoned that noble enterprise of planting VIRGINIA with Christian Religion and English people And as he hath manifested his succour and providence many waies beyond expectation for the advancement of this worke so not a little in the discovery of the Sommer Ilands for to omit other reasons these are as it were the Key opening a passage and making the way more safe to many parts of this new World and especially to Virginia so that if they had been discovered and inhabited by any such as would oppose the planting of Virginia It had proved a matter so difficult and dangerous that in all likelihood it had been relinquished ere this time of these I have exhibited this description with the relation following These Ilands formerly called the Bermudas now the Sommer Ilands shunned by Travellers as most dangerous and seldome seene by any except against their wills reputed to be rather a hold and habitation of Devils then any fit place for men to abide in were discovered in the yeare 1609. in manner following There was at that time eight Ships send by the Adventurers to Virginia amongst which one of the best and strongest was called the Sea-venture in burden neere 300. tunne In this were their chiefe Commanders Sir Thomas Gates Sir George Sommers and with them about 150. persons And upon the 25. of Iuly the same yeare being at Sea this Ship called the Sea-venture was by a fierce and terrible storme separated from the rest of the Fleet and withall so shaken and torne by violence of the weather that she sprung a leake whereat the water came in so fast that in short time it was seven or eight foot deepe within the hold Whereupon for safetie of their shippe and lives they fell to pumping and bayling out the water with buckets and continued their labour for three dayes and as many nights without intermission
ciel parce Son lustre assuiettit an temps et a ruine D'un Dimidieu euurier d'une fabriq ' divine Par la plume se void la bresche reparee La ruine dressee et la force assuree Contre la mort que tant de beautes assassine La police le nom l'invincible courage Les Princes Provinces et tout qu' est d'avantage Du Breton belliqueux luisent en son Histoire Pour vn ouur age donq ' atouts tant admirable Faisons fasons Brettons d'un burin memorable Graver le nom de Speed au temple de Memoire T. BARKHAM HEN. SPELMAN Mil. Lectori NON leve nec temere laudo tibi seria Lector Gratum opus dignum consule crede vides Noster hic Ortelius sic nostrum hunc exhibet orbem Vt res emineat tota Britanna simul Ora sinus fluvii portus nemus oppida tractus Regna duces populi foedera bella quies Rich. Saint George Norrey King at Armes in favour of this Worke. IT is farre from my purpose to commend without cause or by over-curious flourish to make a shadow seeme a substance this worke needs no such deceptio visus The Subject is of it selfe Honourable and able to stand without such weake props The glory of our Nation being almost buryed in the pit of Obscuritie is herein revived the continuance of Christianitie traced from age to age the antiquitie and situation of our Townes Castles Religious Houses Nobilitie and all other memorable matters so lively portrayed as in a Glasse we may rightly discerne the true shape qualitie and condition of each of them in particular This Worke therefore being now brought upon the publique Stage and view of the world may in my poore censure give satisfaction to the learned Reader and abide the touch of the malignant Opposer which being affected without hope of gaine or vaine ostentation with so great care both of body and minde is the more precious for difficilia quae pulchra Wherein Gods power is made known in this his weake but worthy Instrument and the glory of Great Britaine made more famous to the world as well in the Geographicall dimension of the Lands situation as in the Historicall relations of her most famous Monarchs and glorious Actions no Kingdome hitherto so particularly described nor Nations History by true record more faithfully penned In honour whereof I sacrifice these Lines of my love upon the Altar of this Worke and celebrate the Authors remembrance to future posterities To my Friend Mr. IOHN SPEED being very sicke GReat Love and little skill may cause mee to missay But certainly this sicknesse cannot make thee dye Though cruell Symptomes and these thirteene yeers assay For thy deare Countrey doth thy health and strength decay Yet sith thy toylesome labour and thy industry Is for thy Countries sake her fame on high to raise She shall thy Temples crowne with everlasting Bayes And in despight of Death shall cause thy memorie To live in endlesse fame with all posteritie Now may she see her beautie and her riches store What erst she was in ev'ry age and change of State And present greatnesse such as never heretofore Since this great Monarch rul'd from North to Southern shore And sith thy life is to thy Country dedicate Let none presume thy Lawrell from thy head to reave For this her Story which thy skilfull hand did weave But live and weare it Speed untill the worlds great fate Shall bring all earthly things unto their utmost date ALEX GILL In exactissimi huius Operis Authorem Eulogium THO BARKHAM VIncta diu rumpat despecta silentia lingua Culmina ut immensi memorem superata laboris Speidi tui insueta jactor licèt optime cura Quam tibi pro merito possim circundare palmam Qui coeant populi quaecunque sub orbe Britanno Digna refers uno aspectu script ó que loc ó que Sanguineas pugnas atavorum bella palaestras Nobilitans que aptâ patriam compagine rerum Ad nostra exactum deducis tempora filum Ergo erit haec magni merces non parva laboris Egregium pariunt haec quòd monumenta decorem Ipsa sibi ventura quòd haec mirabitur aetas Totá que perpetuas debet Respublica grates To the right well deserving Mr. IOHN SPEED the Author of this Worke. IN this Book Bibliothec or Book of Books TIMES Library PLACES Geographie All that is shewne for which the curious looks Touching this LAND for Place or History In which thou hast with pain with care and skill Survey'd this LAND more neere then ere it was For which thy Wit thou strain'd hast to thy Will That wils as much as Wit can bring to passe The faire Hibernia that Westerne Isle likewise In every Member Artire Nerve and Veine Thou by thine Art dost so Anatomize That all may see each parcell without paine Here Time and Place like friendly foes doe warre Which should shew most desir'd Particulars But Place gives place sith Time is greater farre Yet Place well rang'd gets glory by these warres No helps thou hadst nor no assisting ayde In this attempt but Vertue gave thee might That well to doe that well thou hast assaide Which shall in grace out-live immortall spight Hadst thou among the Romanes liv'd when they Did signiorize the World A Signiory Should then at least have guerdon'd thy Survey Thy Maps Descriptions and thine History But thou doest live when all Arts save the eight Illiberall-liberall Art a begging goe That Art alone with her true friend Deceipt Gets all then all seeks but that Art to know But by thy Art though nought be purchased But emptie Fame that feeds but fattens not Yet shall it feed thy NAME till DEATH be dead While emptie noble Names away shall rot The Leaves this Book contains Maps here grav'n Are still as Feathers to thy Fames faire Wings To fanne fresh Aire upon the face of Heaven And raise the same above all ending Things That when Confusion wracks this double FRAME A Spirit shall move on CHAOS called thy Fame The unfained lover of thy Person JO DAVIES OF Him that this Great Taske hath done Great for the goodnesse many wayes Fame doth affirme he well hath wonne Arts highest Prize and Palme of praise In Climes and Realmes remote throughout His merits merit rare report For none the like hath brought about Or equaliz'd in any sort The Shafts of his endevours shot At Gaine and Pleasure both have hit His Observations have begot On private publike Benefit Chiefe Cities Townes and Countries many Which this vast Globe of Earth affords I oft have view'd but never any So well describ'd by Maps and Words His travel'd Body toyled Minde To bring this Worke at last to rest In Period which his Plot design'd Should now rest famous with the best The Romanes such Deserts did Crowne With Lawrell which their Soyle brought forth But I of Branches farre-off growne Bring Wreathes to this
Worke more of worth The Palme wherein rare vertues be And for a Conquest crownes a King The Olive and the Cader Tree Faire fat and fruitfull these I bring In Egypt Syria and the Land Of Promise nam'd by holiest High I could not see nor understand For vertue any Trees come nigh As these worth praise are profitable They being of the worthiest kindes So in best sense hath Speed been able To please worth praise the worthiest Mindes In short to give him then his due This Art his better never knew IO SANDERSON THE CONTENTS OF THE CHOROGRAPHICALL PART THE FIRST BOOKE DESCRIBING THE WHOLE KINGDOME in generall with those Shires Cities and Shire-townes which are properly accounted for ENGLISH Countries and Counties Fol. BArk-shire 27 Bedford-shire 41 Buckingham-shire 43 Cambridge-shire 37 Chesse-shire 73 Cornewall 21 Cumberland 87 Darby-shire 67 Devon-shire 19 Dorcester-shire 17 Durham-Bishopricke 83 Englands Generall 5 Essex 31 Glocester-shire 47 Great Britaine 1 Hant-shire 13 Hertford-shire 39 Hereford-shire 49 Huntington-shire 57 Ilands 93 Kent 7 Lanca-shire 75 Leicester 61 Lincolne-shire 63 Man Island 91 Middlesex 29 Mounmouth-shire 107 Northampton-shire 55 Norfolke 35 North and East Ridings 81 Northumberland 89 Nottingham-shire 65 Oxford-shire 45 Rutland-shire 59 Saxons Heptarchie 3 Shrop-shire 71 Somerset-shire 23 Stafford-shire 69 Suffolke 33 Surrey 11 Sussex 9 Warwicke-shire 53 Westmorland 85 West-Riding 79 Wight Island 15 Wilt-shire 25 Worcester-shire 51 Yorkeshire 77 THE SECOND BOOK Containing the Counties of VVales Countries and Counties Fol. ANglesey Iland 125 Brecknock-shire 109 Caermarden-shire 103 Caernarvon-shire 123 Cardigan-shire 113 Denbigh-shire 119 Flint-shire 121 Glamorgan-shire 105 Merioneth-shire 117 Mountgomery-shire 115 Penbroke-shire 101 Radnor-shire 111 Wales Generall 99 THE THIRD BOOK Scotlands Kingdome in one Generall 131 THE FOVRTH BOOK Containing the Kingdome of Ireland Countries and Counties Fol. IReland Generall 137 Mounster 139 Leinster 141 Conaugh 143 Vlster 145 A Briefe Description of the Civill Warres and Battailes fought in England Wales and Ireland IN this platform here are contained Gentle Reader the severall Battailes fought by Sea and Land at severall times and in severall places of England and Ireland and the parts adjoyning within these five hundred yeares last past Descriptions of pictures after the manner of fight as the plot would give roome I have placed and in the margent by numbers marked observed the time yeare and event of every Battaile Which being undertaken in satisfaction of the honourable desire of certaine Martiall and Noble minded Gentlemen professours of Armes and followers of Fame desirous to see the passed proceedings of their owne professions dealt liberally with me to draw the plot and were most diligent themselves in giving directions to set downe the places persons and the issue of every Battaile fought either by Sea or Land in England Wales and Ireland And being finished in a farre larger platforme with the liking of the motioners and good acceptance of her that then was the mirrour of her sex and the maiden Martialist of the then knowne world the glorious and ever-living Queene ELIZABETH to whose sacred censure it was commended and dedicated I intended there to have staid it from further sight or publication Since indeed the silence of Englands civill warres better befitted Englands subjects they being the markes of her infamies and staynes to be washed away rather with repentance then any way revived by too often remembrance But these defects I saw could not be so smothered as to be quite forgot therefore I thought fit at least to make up her honour with our other proceedings in forraine parts and insinuate my penne into some little better applause by tracing the victories of the English as farre as the Sunne spreadeth his beames or the girdle of the earth doth any wise incircle it Not to mention then the fictions of Monmouth that makes our Authour another Caesar in his conquests nor Polydors proofes for Ethelstans title unto Scotland by the cut of his sword an ell deepe into a Marble stone things rather Poeticall then substantiall by truths testimonie In Syria the Long-shankes for the recovery of the holy Crosse made his sword drunke with bloud And before him the Ceur-de-Lion upon the same intent subdued Cyprus forced Cursat the King thereof into fetters of silver and gold assumed the Iland to himselfe whose title he intended to have changed for that of Ierusalem unto whom Guido the King thereof with Geffrey de Lenizant his brother and Raimund Prince of Antioch with Bo●mound his sonne sware fealtie to be true and loyall subjects unto King Richard France felt the heavie hands of Edward and Henry our English Kings when the one of them at Poictiers tooke prisoners Iohn King of France and Philip surnamed the hardy his sonne And the other at Azincourt in a bloody battaile tooke and slew foure thousand Princes Nobles Knights and Esquiers even all the flowre of France as their owne Writers have declared And at Paris the Crowne of France was set upon Henry 6. his head homage done unto him by the French that Kingdome made subject and their Flower-de-Luces quartered with our Lions of England Scotland like wise felt the fury of Henry 2. when their King William was taken prisoner in the field And to omit the Bailiolls that made themselves subjects to England At Novils-Crosse David King of Scotland was taken in battaile by the English Queene Philip wife to King Edward the third being present in field and both the Kings of France and Scotland at one time retained prisoners in London till their liberty was obtained by ransome Nor was Spaine free from Englands power when that Thunderbolt of warre our blacke Prince re-established Peter their King upon his Throne at Burgus to say nothing of the ruines Spaine suffered at Cadez by the English led by Essex in revenge of their unvincible vincible Navy in truth the seale of their truth-lesse cowardize unto this day And not onely the Garter which King Richard the first tyed about the legs of his Souldiers remaines still the Royall bound of Englands Combinators but the Round Table of sixe hundred foote circumference erected at Windsor by King Edward the third with the allowance of an hundred pounds by weeke for the diet of his Martialists may like wise witnesse Where the Worthy admitted by conference and continuall practise got such experience in military affaires that that which was ●aid of the Gadites might have beene said of them They were all valiant men of warre apt for Battaile and could handle speare and shield their faces were the faces of Lions and were like the Roes in the mountaines for swiftnesse In whose imitation Philip de Valoys the French King erected in Paris the like though his Knights proved not in courage like unto Edwards And from this Academy of Military professors commenced such Masters of Military discipline as Maximilian the Roman Emperour held it such honour to be incorporated into their Societies as himselfe became the King of ENGLANDS professed Souldier wore the
the Lord Cromwell Say and Mountjoy the slaughter in all amounted to 10000. saith Hall 1471. Edw. 4.11 60 At Towkefoury King Ed. 4. obtained the diadem in subduing H. 6. under the leading of Prince E. who was there slaine and Q Margaret taken prisoner there died likewise Tho. Courtney E. of Devonshire Ioh. Sommerset Marq. Dorset and the Lord Wenlake of Knights Hamden Whitting Vans Harvy Deluys Filding Leukenor Lirmouth Vrman Seamer Roos and Henry Edm. D. of Sommerset was there taken and beheaded with Iohn Bough Lord Prior of S. Iohns May 4. 1471. E. 4.11 61 Bosworth-field fought upon Redmore Aug. 22 1458. and 3. of Ric. 3. where himselfe was slain with Iohn D. of Norfolke Wa. L. Ferres Richard Ratcliffe and Rob. Brakenbury Knights and 4000. more of his company on the Earle of Richmonds part only 10. persons the chiefe where of was Wil. Brandon Knight his Standard-bearer Earle Henry was there crowned in the field and the union of Lancaster with Yorke effected whose civill dissentions had cost more English bloud then twice had done the winning of France 62 Stoke-field Iun. 16. 1487. was fought to arrest Lambert a counterfeit Warwick against King Henry 7. where 4000. with the naked Irish were slain and with them died De la Pole Earle of Lincolne Francis L. Lovel Tho. Gerardine Chancellour of Ireland Martin Swart and Sir Tho. Broughton Knights generall against the King Lambert was there taken and made a turn-spit Hen. 7.2 63 At Cockeledge ●●r Yorke the Commons rose and slew Henry Earle of Northumberland for a tax collected by him granted in Parliament their Captain named Iohn a Cumber was hanged at Yorke 1489. H. 7.4 64 Excest besieged by Perkin Werbeck a counterfeit naming himselfe Ric. Duke of York before murdered in the Tower of London after he had in dammaged the North and North●●berl was from this City expulsed to Bewdley Sanctuary and lastly executed as Tiburn 1497. reg H. 7.13 65 This same City was again besieged by the rebels of Devon-shire a●d Cornwall the 3. of E. 6. under the leading of Hum. Arundel Holmes Winslow and Bury but was rescued by Iohn L. Russel with the Lord Grey and 4000. of them slain 1549. 66 On Black-heath again was fought a sore battell by Thomas Fla●●ock gent. Michael Ioseph Blackesmith and Iam. Twichet L. Andley with the Cornish rebels where 2000. of them were slaine by Giles L. Daubeney generall for the King and 1500. taken prisoners Iune 22. 1497. H. 7. 67 Flodden-field the 9. of September and 5. of King Henry 8. was fought against the Scots by L. Tho. Howard Earl of Surrey lieutenant generall for the King where Iames 4. King of Scots with 3. Bishops 2. Lord Abbots 12. Earles 17. Lords and 8000. souldiers were slaine and the dead body of K. Iames wrapped in Lo●d● was brought to shine in Surrey and there cast into a corner not long since remaining and seen 68 At Solommosse 15000. Scots under the leading of the L. Maxwell by Thou bastard Dacres and Iack Musgrave were valiantly vanquished and 21. of their Nobilitie whereof eight were Earles brought as prisoners to London and 200. mere of great account besides 800. common souldiers slaine and taken for very griefe whereof K. Iames fell sick and shortly after died 1542. H. 8.32 69 Muscleborrow-field fought September 10. 1546 by Edward D. of Sommerset L. Protector and Iohn Dudley Earle of Warw. against the Scots where 14000. were slaine 1500. taken prisoners onely 60. English then slaine E. 6.1 70 At Norwich in a commotion led by Rob. Ket Tanner of Wind 〈◊〉 Wil. Lord Marquesse of Northampton was put to flight and the Lord Sheffield slain the Citie fired and many outrages done 1549. E. 6.3 71 At Mount Surrey the Rebels with their leader Rob. Ket were by Iohn Dunley E. of Warwick overcome and forced to yeeld 5000. of them being slain and Ket taken and hanged on the Castle of Norwich or as some have upon the Oke of reformation Aug. 27. 1549. E. 6.3 72 Sir Tho. Wist with his company of Kentishmen driven to march from Southworke to Kingstone and thence to S. Iames yeelded himselfe at Temple-bar with the losse onely of 40. persons on both parts Feb. 7. 1554. Mary 1. 73 At Tadcaster Thomas Piercie Earle of Northumberland and Charles Nevil E. of Westmerland in thier commotions tooke 200. footmen repairing toward York for the defence of the City against those rebels 1596. Eliz. 12. 74 Durha●● taken by the rebels of the North under the leading of Piercy and Nevil Earles which had gathered 7000. and surprised Barnards Castle were by the Earle of Sussex Lieutenant generall for the Queens forced into Scotland and many of their Associates worthily put to death 1569. And lastly which God grant may be the last Thomas late Earle of Northumberland was beheaded in Yorke Aug. 20. 1572. Eliz. 14. THE BRITISH ILANDS PROPOSED IN ONE VIEVV IN THE ENGLISH MAP WITH A GENERALL DESCRIPTION OF GREAT BRITAINE UNDER THE ROMANES CHAPTER 1. THE State of every Kingdome well managed by prudent Government seemes to me to represent a humane Body guided by the soveraignty of the reasonable Soule the Countrey and Land it selfe representing the one the Actions and State affaires the other Sith therefore the excellencies of the whole are but unperfectly laid open where either of these parts is defective our intendment is to take a view as well of the outward body and Lineaments of the now-flourishing British Monarchy the Ilands Kingdomes and Provinces thereof in actuall possession for with others no lesse justly claimed in the Continent we meddle not which shall be the content of our first or Chorographicall Tome containing the foure first Bookes of this our Theater as also of its successive government and vitall actions of State which shall be our second or Historicall Tome containing the five last Bookes And here first we will by example of the best Anatomists propose to the view the whole body Monarchy intire as farre as conveniently we could comprise it and after will dissect and lay open the particular Members Veines and Ioynts I meane the Shires Rivers Cities and Townes with such things as shall occure most worthy our regard and most behovefull for our use 2 The Iland of Great Britaine which with her adjoyning Iles is here first presented containeth the Kingdomes of England and Scotland and is of many accounted the greatest Island in the World though Iustus Lipsius gives that praise to Cuba in America as the Orientall Navigators do unto Sumatra taken for Ptolomees Taprobana or to Madagascar the Island of S. Laurence both which are neere unto or under the Equinoctiall Line In which we will not contend as pleasing our selves with her other praises greater then her Greatnes yet with this honour also that is was without question the greatest Island of the Romane World and for any thing yet certainly knowne of all the rest Concerning whose
bounds not farre from Edenburgh and altogether neglected the other parts more Northward 13 This neerer part of Britain they then divided into two parts for the more Southern tract together with Wales Dio termeth the Higher and that more Northward the Lower as by the seats of their Legions doth appeare for the second Legion Augusta which kept at Caerleon in South-Wales and the twentieth called Victrix which remained at Chester he placeth in the HIGHER BRITAIN but the sixt Legion surnamed also Victrix resident at Yorke served as he writeth in the LOVVER BRITAIN which division as seemeth was made by Severus the Emperour who having vanquished Albinus Generall of the Britaines reduced their State under his obedience divided the government thereof into two Provinces and placed two Prefects over the same 14 After this againe the Romanes did apportion Britaine into three parts whose limits our great Antiquarie assigned by the ancient Archiepiscopall Seates grounding his conjecture on 〈◊〉 the saying of Pope Lucius who affirmes that the ●●●lesiasticall Iurisdictions of the Christians accorded with the precincts of the Romane Magis●●●●●s and that their Archbishops had their Sees in those Cities wherein their Presidents abode so that the ancient Seats of the three Archbishops here being London in the East Caerleon in the West and Yorke in the North Londons Diocesse as seemeth made BRIT PRIMA Caerleon BRIT SECVNDA and Yorke MAXIMA CaeSARIENSIS 15 But in the next age when the power of their Presidents began to grow over-great they again divided Britaine into five parts adding to the three former VALENTIA and FLAVIA CaeSARIENSIS the first of which two seemeth to have been the Northerly part of MAXIMA CaeSARIENSIS recovered from the Picts and Scots by Theodosius the Generall under Valence the Emperour and in honour of him named VALENTIA and Flavia may be conjectured to receive the name from Flavius the Emperour son of Theodosius for that we read not of the name BRIT FLAVIA before his time 16 So these five partitions had their limits assigned after this manner BRIT PRIMA contained those coasts that lay betwixt Thamesis the Severne and the British Sea BRITAIN SECUNDA extended from Severne unto the Irish Seas containing the Countrey that we now call WALES FLAVIA CaeSARIENSIS was that which lay betwixt the Rivers Humber and Tyne and VALENTIA from the said River and Picts-wall reached unto the Rampire neere Edenburgh in SCOTLAND the farthest part that the Romanes possessed when this Division was in use For the severall people inhabiting all those parts with their ancient Names and Borders whether designed by the Romanes or the old Britaines together with our moderne Names and Shires answerable to each of them we will referre you to the Tables thereof elsewhere 17 This whole Province of BRITAINE as in our History shall appeare was highly esteemed of the Emperours themselves assuming as a glorious surname BRITANNICUS coming thither in person over those dangerous and scarce knowne Seas here marrying living and dying enacting here Lawes for the whole Empire and giving to those Captaines that served here many Ensignes of great honour yea Claudius gave Plantius the first Prefect of that Province the right hand as he accompanied him in his Triumph and his owne Triumph of BRITAIN was set out with such magnificence that the Provinces brought in golden crowns of great weight the Governours commanded to attend and the very Captains permitted to be present at the same A Navall Coronet was fixed upon a pinnacle of his Palace Arches and Trophees were raised in Rome and himselfe on his aged knees mounted the staires into the Capitoll supported by his two sonnes in Law so great a joy conceived he in himselfe for the Conquest of some small portion of BRITAIN 18 How the Romanes found it held it and left it as times ripened and rottened their successe with the Names the Inhabitants Manners and Resisters I leave to be pursued in the following Histories and will onely now shew thee these three Kingdomes that are in present the chiefe Bodies of GREAT BRITAINES MONARCHIE two of which Scotland and Ireland shall in their due places have their father and more particular descriptions WHen the Romane Empire beganne to be unweildy by the weight of her owne Greatness and the Provinces ready to shake off subjection by the Ambition of their Prefects Britaine then wanting her Souldiers taken thence to serve in forraine warres and abandoned by the Romanes who were wont to protect her was now laid open and naked to her Enemies who had long waited an opportunitie to lay her waste Among whom the Picts and Scots casting a covetous eye upon so rich a prey daily with inrodes molesting the weary and now-weakened Britaines inforced them to call in to their assistance the Saxons who in a short time of ayding friends became oppressing enemies and supplanting the Natives of this Land laid the foundation of their aspiring hopes so sure that thereupon in successe of time they transformed the fabricke of this one Province into a seven-fold State which as seven-crowned Pillars stood upon the Bases of Kent South-Saxia West-Saxia East-Saxia Northumberland Mercia and East-Anglia governed by so many severall Kings whose limits are in this Map distinguished by their severall Armes and circumscribed Lines but for all the particular Counties under each of their commands we will referre you to the Table in the fourth Chapter of our seventh Booke in which Booke the History of that growing Heptarchy and its setling againe into one Monarchy is contained at large 2 Neither may we thinke that the Limits of the whole Heptarchy or of each particular Kingdome were at their first raising apportioned as afterward they were but that as all other States doe by steps and degrees they came to their setled bounds Their utmost Northerne border was at first no other in all likelihood then that wherewith the Romanes had formerly severed this their Province from Scotland being that famous partition called the Picts-wall which therefore in our Map you shall finde described with Battlements girding the wast or narrowest place of the whole Iland from Sea to Sea and reaching twixt the Bay of Eden on the one coast and the mouth of Tyne on the other though afterward the Northumbrians extended their Marches beyond that Wall The Romanes had no other partition but onely this Northerne the Saxons who had made the Britaines also their enemies added two others both in the West to straiten them strengthen themselves The first was divised by Offa the Mercian King who made a Trench of admirable worke and charge called Offa-Dyke running about one hundred miles over mountaines and hils from the mouth of Dee in Flint-shire to the fall of Wye in Glocestershire therewith encircling the remainder of the dispossessed Britains in those Western and barren parts which oppression
6 The place of most account in this Shire is Chichester by the Britaine 's called Caercei and by the Saxons Cissan-Ceasr a Citie beautifull and large and very well walled about first built by Cissa the second King of the South-Saxons wherein his Royall Palace was kept And when K. William the first had enacted that Bishops Seas should be translated out of small Townes unto places of greater resort the Residence of the Bishop untill then held at Selsey was removed to this Citie where Bishop Raulfe began a most goodly Cathedrall Church but before it was fully finished by a sudden mischance of fire was quite consumed Yet the same Bishop with the helping liberalitie of King Henry the first began it again and saw it wholly finished whose beauty and greatnes her fatall enemy still envying againe cast downe in the dayes of King Richard the first and by her raging flames consumed the buildings both of it and the Bishops Palace adjoyning which Seffrid the second Bishop of that name reedified and built anew And now to augment the honour of this place the Citie hath born the Title of an Earldome whereof they of Arundell were sometimes so stiled Whose Graduation for Latitude is removed from the Equator unto the degree fiftie fiftie five minutes and for Longitude observing the same point in the West whence Mercator hath measured are twentie degrees 7 With whom for frequencie bignesse and building the Towne Lewes seemeth to contend where King Athelstan appointed the mintage of his Moneyes and William de Warron built a strong Castle whereunto the disloyall Barons of King Henry the third in warlike manner resorted and fought a great Battle against their own Soveraigne and his sonne wherein the King had his horse slaine under him Richard King of the Romans surprized and taken in a Wind-mill and Prince Edward delivered unto them upon unequall conditions of Peace But a greater Battle was fought at Battle when the hazard of England was tried in one dayes sight and Harold the King gave place to his Conquerour by losing of his life among sixtie seven thousand nine hundred seventie foure Englishmen besides whose blood so spilt gave name to the place in French Sanguelac And the soyle naturally after raine becomming of a reddish colour caused William of Newbery untruly to write That if there fell any small sweet showers in the place where so great a slaughter of the Englishmen was made presently sweateth forth very fresh blood out of the carth as if the evidence thereof did plainely declare the voice of blood there shed and cryed still from the earth unto the Lord. 8 But places of other note in this Shire are these From Basham Earle Harold taking the Sea for his delight in a small boat was driven upon the coast of Normandie where by Duke William he was retained till he had sworne to make him King after Edward Confessors death which oath being broken the Bastard arrived at Pensey and with his sword revenged that Periurie At West-Wittering also Ella the Saxon before him had landed for the conquering of those parts and gave name to the shore from Cimen his son But with greater glory doth Gromebridge raise up her head where Charles Duke of Orleance father to Lewes the twelfth King of France taken prisoner at Agincourt was there a long time detained 9 The commodities of this Province are many and divers both in Corn Cattell Woods Iron Glasse which two last as they bring great gaine to their Possessors so doe they impoverish the Countie of Woods whose want will be found in ages to come if not at this present in some sort felt 10 Great have been the devotions of Religious persons in building and consecrating many houses unto the use and only service of Christ whose Bead men abusing the intents of their Founders have caused those foundations to lament their own ruines for in the tempestuous time of King Henry the Eight eighteene of them in this Countie were blowne down whose fruit fell into the lappes of some that never meant to restore them again to the like use This Country is principally divided into six Rapes every of them containing a River a Castle and Forrest in themselves besides the severall Hundreds whereunto they are parted that is the Rape of Chichester into seven of Arundell into five of Bramber into ten of Lewes into thirteene of Peuensey into seventeene and of Haslings into thirteene in all fiftie six wherein are seated ten Castles eighteene market Towns and three hundred and twelve Parish Churches as in the Table following appeareth SUSSEX Described and divided into Rapes with the fi●sation of Chichester the cheife citie thereof And the armes of such Nobles as have bene dignified with the title of Earles since the conquest and other accidents therein observed Hundreds and Rapes in SVSSEX Chichester Rape 〈…〉 hund 〈…〉 hund Dump or hund 〈…〉 Manbou● 〈◊〉 Bex and 〈…〉 hundred Al●weck hund Arundel Rape West A 〈…〉 Botherbridge 〈◊〉 P●ling 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Bary 〈◊〉 Bramber Rape West 〈◊〉 hund 〈…〉 hund 〈◊〉 hund 〈◊〉 hund 〈…〉 〈…〉 Fishe●gat● hund Tipnoke hund 〈…〉 hund S●ingle●●●sse hund Lewes Rape Bark●●● and Hamsey 〈◊〉 S 〈…〉 H 〈…〉 I 〈…〉 U 〈…〉 H 〈…〉 F 〈…〉 P 〈…〉 Battinghill North hund Battinghill South hund Wyncham hund 〈◊〉 North part Streat South part Peuensey Rape East gri●●te● hund H 〈◊〉 hund Rutherfield hund Fox●●ald Kings hund Tinfield and Bucklie hun Ringomer hund I●field hund Rushmonden hund Danchill horste● hund Danchill Sheffeild hund Sheplake hund Dill hund Longbri●ge hund Willington hund Eastborne hund Alsiston hund Flexborow hund Hastings Rape Foxenall hund D●nill hund Shewswell hund Goldespure hund Staple hund Hanksborough hund Nethersfeild hund Boxhill hund Ba●sloc hund Gestling hund Gostrowe hund Nenvill hund Henhurst hund A ADrington Arund Alberton Bramb Alborne Bramb Adingborone Chich. Adrington ●ewes Almanington Chich. Aldfrisian P●u●n Alsiston Peuen Amberlie Arund Amersham Chich. Angleton Lewes Angmering West Arund Angmering East Arund Angton Arund Anstye Lewes Apoledrum Chich. Apsl●y Bramb Ardingleigh Lexes Arundell forrest Arund ARVNDEL Arund Arundel flu Ashburnham Hast. Ashefeuld Arund Athurst Bramb Assington bramb Aylworth chich B Badw●rth parke Arun. Balcombe L●w●● Balesd●ane lewes Balteslow Beacon hast Barcombe lewes Barlavington arund Barlugh arche● lewes Barnham arund BATTLE hast Bayles Court arund The Beach peuen. Beawbush bramb Beckley hast Bedingham peuen. Bedingstreat bramb Bentley peuen. Bepton Chich. Bersted South chich Bersted North chich Berwyke peuen. Bexill hast Bidlington bramb Bigmo●e arund Bignor arund Billinghurst arund Bilson arund Binderton chich Binsted arund Bishophurst bramb Blackdow Beacon chich Blackhouse peuen. Blackston bramb Bletchington lewes Bletchington peuen. Bogner ●ocks chich Bodgiham hast Bolbroke peuen. Bolney le●es Bony●k bramb Borcham Chapp●ll hast Bormer lewes Borsill hast Borstye lewes Boscham chich Bosgrav● chich Bowes bramb Bowley chich Bramber bramb Bramble peuen. Brantsnap lewes Breed
German-Ocean on the West toward Cambridge-shire with some branches of the greater Ouse toward Lincolne-shire with that part of the Nene which passeth from Wisbitch into the Washes It containeth in length from Yarmouth to Wisbitch about fifty miles In bredth from Thetford to Wels about thirty The whole Circuit is about two hundred forty two miles The name ariseth from the situation of the people who being the Norther-most of the Kingdome of East-Angles are therefore called the North-folke as the Souther most South-folke The Ayre is sharpe and piercing especially in the Champion and neere the Sea therefore it delayeth the Spring and Harvest the situation of the Country inclining thereto as being under the 53. degree of Latitude The Soile diverse about the Towns commonly good as Clay Chalk or fat earth well watered and with some wood upward to the Heaths naked drie and barren Marsland and Flegg exceeding rich but Marsland properly for Pasture Flegg for Corne. 2 The parts from Thetford to Burneham and thence Westward as also along the Coast be counted Champion the rest as better furnished with woods Wood-land The Champion aboundeth with Corne Sheepe and Conies and herein the barren Heaths as the providence of our Ancestors hath of old disposed them are very profitable For on them principally lie our Fould courses called of the Saxons whose institution they therefore seem to be faldsocun that is Liberty of fold or fouldage These Heaths by the Compasture of the Sheepe which we call Tathe are made so rich with Corne that when they fall to be sowne they commonly match the fruitfullest grounds in other Countries and laid againe doe long after yeeld a sweeter and more plentifull feed for sheep so that each of them maintaine other and are the chiefest wealth of our Country The Wood-land fitter for grasse is maintained chiefly by feeding of Cattell yet well stored with Corne and Sheepe The Coast is fortunate in fish and hath many good Harbours whereof Lenn and Yarmouth be the mother Ports and of great traffique Wels and Blakeney next in estimation The whole County aboundeth with Rivers and pleasant Springs of which the Ouse is chiefest by whose plentifull Branches the Isle of Ely the Towns and Shires of Cambridge Huntington and the County of Suffolke vent and receive commodities The next is Hierus or Yere passing from Norwich to Yarmouth where it rec●iveth the Bure comming from Aylsham both of them of great service of water carriages but very notable for their plenty of fish for some one man out of an hold upon the Bure hath drawne up ordinarily once a yeare between two Nets about five or six score bushels of fish at one draught The Waveney and the lesser Ouse are also Navigable and of great use The residue I omit 3 The People were anciently called ICENI as they also of Suffolke Cambridge-shire and Huntington-shire and supposed to be of them whom Caesar nameth Cenimagni Ptolemic Simeni some Tigeni Their manners were likely to be as the rest of the Britaines barbarous at those times as appeareth by Caesar and Tacitus Neither can I otherwise commend their Successours the Saxons for so also their owne Country-man Ethelwerd termeth them Since the entry of the Normans they have been counted civill and ingenious apt to good Letters adorning Religion with more Church●s and Monasteries then any Shire of England and the Lawes and Seats of Justice for many ages with some excellent men from whom most of our chiefe Families and some of the greatest Nobility of the Kingdome have taken advancement And herein is Norfolke fortunate that as Crete boasted of an hundred Cities so may shee of an hundred Families of Gentlemen never yet that searching I can find attainted of high Treason How the government of this Country was about Caesars time is uncertaine but agreeable no doubt to the rest of the Britaines under some peculiar Toparch or Regulus as Tacitus termeth him The latter Romans held it by two Garrisons one at Gariannum neere Yarmouth the other at Branodunum now called Brancastre both of horse and commanded by the Comes Maritimi Tractus as Marcellinus calleth him termed after Comes Littoris Saxonici Upon the entry of the Saxons this County with Suffolke fell in the portion of the Angles and about the yeare 561. were together erected into a Kingdome by Vffa of whom the succeeding Kings were tituled Vffines But having suffred many Tempests of Fortune it was in yeare 870. utterly wasted and extinct by Hungar and Hubba the Danes who overthrew the vertuous King Edmund about Thetford and after martyred him at S. Edmundsbury Yet they did not long enjoy it for King Edward shortly recovered it from them and annexed it to his other Kingdomes The Danes notwithstanding inhabited abundantly in these parts so that many of our Townes were founded by them and a great part of our people and Gentry are risen out of their blood 4 This Kingdome of East Angles was after allotted to an Earledome of that name by William the Conquerour who made Radulph a Britaine marrying his kinswoman Eal●e thereof but gave the greatest parts of this County about Wimondham Keninghall Lenn Burneham Fulmerston c. to W. de Albany Pincernae and W. de Warranna Forrestario who to strengthen themselves according to the use of that time with the homage and service of many Tenants divided large portions of the same amongst their friends and followers so that most of the Manours and Lands in the parts aforesaid were in those dayes either mediatly or immediatly holden of one of them And as Norfolke and Suffolke were first united in a Kingdome then in an Earledome so they continued united in the Sheriffewicke till about the fifteenth yeare of Queene Elizabeth 5 The Townes here are commonly well built and populous three of them being of that worth and quality as no one Shire of England hath the like Norwich Lenn and Yarmouth to which for ancient reputation as having been a seat of the Kings of East-Angles I may adde Thetford knowne to Antoninus and elder ages by the name of Sitomagus when the other three were yet in their infancie and of no esteeme for I accept not the Relations of the Antiquitie and state of Norwich in the time of the Britaines and Saxons though Alexander Nevil hath well graced them Her very name abridgeth her Antiquitie as having no other in H●stories but Norwich which is meere Saxon or Danish and signifieth the North-Towne Castle or winding of a River It seemeth to have risen out of the decay of her neighbour Venta now called Castor and as Master Cambden noteth not to have beene of marke before the entry of the Danes who in the yeare 1004. under Sweno their Captaine first sackt and then burn it even in her infancie Yet in the dayes of Edward the Confessor it recovered to 1220. Burgesses But maintaining the cause of Earle Radulph aforesaid against the Conquerour they
Hertford Hund. 8. Caisho Hund. A. Abbotsbury Edwinst. Ass●ey Hitch S. ALBANS Caish. Aldbury Dacor Aldbury Edwinst. Aldbury Hall Edwinst. Aldenham Caish. Alswick Edwinst. Amwell little Hert. Amwell great Hert. Angabury Hitch Annables Dacor Anslye Edwinst. Ashwell Odsey Aspender Edwinst. Aston Brod. Ayott Laurence Brod. Ayott little Brod. B The Beacon Hert. The Beacon Brod. The Beacon Odsey BALDOCK Brod. BARKHAMSTED D. Barkhamsted Hert. BARKWAY Edwinst. Barley Edwinst. Bartrams Brang. The Base Hert. Beachams Edwinst. Beaches Edwinst. Beamonds Caish. Beche Wood Dacor Bedmont Caish. Bedwell Hert. Bedwell Parke Hert. Bell Bare Caish. Benington Brod. Benjoy Hert. HIGH BERNET Caish. Bernet East Caish. Bersted Dacor Berwick Brang. Bibswell Hitch Bleakswaye Brang. Bouington Dacor Bourne Hall Caish. Bourne end Dacor Box-wood Brod. Bradfield Odsey Bragherend Brod. Bramsifield Caish. Branfield Hert. Branghing Brang. Brickenden Hert. High Bridge Caish. Briggens Brang. Brodwater Brod. Brokell Hall Brod. Broxboume Wood Hert. Broxbome Hert. Buckland Edwinst. BVNTINGFORD Ed. Burley Brod. Burwells greene Brod. Bushey Hall Dacor Bushie Caish. Bygrave Odsey C Caddington Dacor Caishoe Caish. Caishoe Bridge Caish. Caishoburie Caish. Calkott Odsey Camberlow greene Odsey Cassulburie Brang. Chandose Dacor Cheisfield Brod. Chepperfield Dacor Cheston Hert. Cheston Parke Hert. Cheston Nunnery Hert. Clothall Odsey Coddicott Caish. Cokenhatch Edwinst. Colliers End Brang. Colshill Dacor Colney Caish. Colvestreet Caish. Coringley Edwinst. Corner Hall Dacor Cottered Odsey High Crosse Brang. Cudicott Hitch Cuhollgate Caish. D Dane End Dacor Dane End Brod. Darnels Brod. Datchworth Brod. Digswell Brod. Dogshed Edwinst. E Eastwicke Brang. Elstree Caish. Epalletts Hitch Essenden Hert. F Fincher end Brod. Flamsteed Dacor Flaunden Dacor Fresden Dacor Friers Brang. The Friers Dacor G Gabbins Hert. Gabbins Caish. Gadsden little Dacor Gadsden great Dacor Geldesden Brang. Gigging Edwinst. Gorehambury Caish. Graveley Brod. Gravesend Edwinst. Grove Caish. H Hadham great Edwinst. Hadham little Edwinst. Hadham nash Edwinst. Halmeley Brod. Haly Hert. Harding Dacor Harpsfield Hall Brod. HERTFORD Hert. Hartingfordbury Hert. Hatfield Wood Hert. HATFIELD Bishops Brod. Haulwicke Brod. Helshams Hall Edwinst. HEMPSTEED Dacor Henxworth Odsey Hexton Caish. Hide Hall Odsey Hidehall Brang. Highover Hitch Highstreet Dacor Hillend Caish. HITCHING Hitch HODDESDON Hert. Horkerell Brang. Holey Hert. Hormead great Edwinst. Hormead little Edwinst. How End Hitch Holwell Brod. Hunsdon Brang. Hyde Caish. I Ickleford Hitch Ilestrey Caish. K Kellshull Odsey Kempton Hitch Kensworth Dacor Kinswoodbury Odsey Kinsburne Dacor Knebworth Brod. L Ladwell Hitch Laiston Edwinst. No mans Land Caish. Kings Langley Dacor Langley Abby Caish. Langley Hitch The Lea Caish. Lechworth Brod. Lenmere Dacor Levesden Caish. Ludwell Hitch Ludwick Hall Brod. Lullie Hitch M Mallocks Brang. S. Margets Hert. Maiden Crosse Hitch Meesden Edwinst. Merden Hert. Merston long Dacor S Michael Caish. Milford Edwinst. Minhall Caish. Minsingbery Edwinst. Monden frewell Brod. Monden furnivall Brod. More Parke Caish. Morehouse Caish. North Myms N Nasthide Caish. Newbarne Caish. Newenham Caish. Newenham Odsey Newgatestreet Hert. Newhall Brang. New place Brang. Nimhall Northaw Caish. Northchurch Dacor Norton Caish. Norton Odsey Newsels Edwinst. Nuthamsted Edwinst. Nimhall Caish. O Odsey grange Odsey Owghton Head Hitch Owley Edwinst. P Pansanger Hert. Parkeward Caish. Patmer Hall Edwinst. Pelham burnt Edw. Pelham Furneux Edw. Pelham stocking Edw. Penley Dacor Periton Hitch Pessebery Brang. Potters crouch Caish. Pottrels bare Caish. Pottrels Caish. Popes Hert. The Pree Caish. Preston Hitch The Priorie Brod. PVCKERIDGE Bran. Punchin end Dacor Punsburne Hert. Putnam Dacor Putteridge Hitch Q Quenbery Edwinst. Quickswood Odsey R Radwell Odsey Redborne Caish. The Ree Brang. Reed Odsey Redgewells Edwinst. Reuels Brod. Reyford Hert. RICKMANSWORTH Caish. Ricknesse Brang. Ridge Caish. ROISTON Odsey Rose Hall Caish. Rushden Odsey S Sabsworth Brang. Salesbery Caish. Sandon Odsey Sarret Caish. Satridge Brang. Sauntridge Caish. Sawcombe Brod. The Scale Hert. Shenley Caish. Sheepehall Brod. Shepeshide Caish. S●inglehall Brang. Sinkles Caish. Sleape Caish. Smalford Caish. Sopwell Caish. Spelbrooke Brang. Standen Brang. Stansted Abbots Brang. Stanthecle Brang. Stapleford Hert. S. Stephens Caish. Stevenage Brod. STORTFORD Bishops Brang. Studham Dacor Sullemaca Caish. T Tannis Edwinst. Tednambury Brang. Temple Brod. Temple dinsley Hitch Tewing Hert. Tharfield Odsey S. Thomas Chappell Hitch Thoreley Brang. Throcking Edwinst. Thundrick Brang. Thyobald Hert. Titten hanger Caish. Totteredge Brod. Totteredge Caish. TRING Dacor Tunwell Brod. Two waters Dacor V Vphall Brang. W Wadesmill Brang. Wakerley Edwinst. Walden S. Pauls Hitch Walden Kings Hitch Walkerne Brod. Wallington Odsey Waltham Crosse Hert. Walsworth Hitch Ware Parke Brang. WAR● Brang. Watford Hall Hert. WATFORD Caish. Watton Brod. Waymer Castle Brang. Welbery Hitch Welde Caish. Wellwin Brod. Westhide Caish. Westmill Brang. Weston Brod. Westwich Caish. Wheathamsteed Dacor Whitebarnes Edwinst. Widboro hill Brang. Widford Brang. Wigginton Dacor Willesborne Dacor Willion Brod. Windridge Caish. Withiall Edwinst. Woodgreene Hert. Woodhall Brod. Wormeley Hert. Wulmer grene Brod. Wymley great Brod. Wimley little Brod. Y Yardley Odsey BEDFORD-SHIRE CHAPTER XXI BEDFORD-SHIRE seated in the South-East of this Iland is a plaine and Champion Countrey and lyeth bounded upon the North with Huntington-shire upon the East with Cambridge and Hartford-shires and upon the West with Buckingham and Northampton-shires 2 The forme thereof is somewhat ovall and not very large for from Tilbroke in the North unto Studham in the South are but twentie foure English miles and from Turny in the West unto Hatley Coking in the East are not fully foureteene the whole in circumference about seventie three miles 3 The Aire is temperate and the Soile bountious especially the North whose borders the fruitfull Ouse with her many windings watereth The South is more leane and with greater industry bringeth forth Barley no better else-where Generally this Countie is Champion though some places be sprinkled with Pasturage and Woods 4 The ancient Inhabitants knowne to the Romans that held in this Shire were part of the Cattieuchlani a stout and warre-stirring people and yet upon the report of Caesars proceeding sent him their subjection for peace But when that conquering Nation had brought Britaine into a Province under Rome their Legions lay at Sclanea and Magintum which are now Sandy and Dunstable places of memorable note in this Shire After them the Saxons coveting for so faire a Seat first dispossessed the Britaines under the leading of Cuthwulfe the West-Saxon about the yeere of Grace 572. who making it their owne was lastly enjoyed by the Mercians as a part of their Kingdome 5 In the yeere of Christs Incarnation 1399. immediately before those Civill Warres that rent in pieces the peace of this Land betwixt the Princes of Lancaster and Yorke the River Ouse neere unto Harwood stood suddenly still and refrained to passe any further so that forward men passed three miles together on foot in the very depth of her Channell and backward the waters swelled unto a great height which was observed by the judicious to foretell some unkind division that shortly
one hundred thirty eight miles 3 The aire is passing good temperate and pleasant yeelding the body health the mind content The soile is rich fat and fruitfull giving abundance of Corn Grasse and Marle It is chiefly divided into two parts by the Chilterne hills which run thorow this Shire in the middest and before time were so pestered with Beech that they were altogether unpassable and became a receptacle and refuge for theeves who daily endammaged the way-faring man for which cause Leostan Abbot of Saint Albans caused them to be cut down since when those parts are passable without any great incumbrances of trees from whose tops a large and most pleasing prospect is seene The Vale beneath is plaine and champion a clayie soyle stiffe and rough but withall marvellous fruitfull naked of Woods but abounding in meadows pastures and tillage and maintaining an infinite number of sheepe whose soft and fine fleeces are in great esteem with the Turkes as farre as Asia 4 The ancient Inhabitants that were seated in this Shire were the Cattieuchlani mentioned by Ptolemie and then dispersed through the Tract of Bedford Hertfort and this These yeelded themselves with the first to Caesar under the Romanes subjection whose over-worne Empire ending in Britaine the Saxons by strong hand attained this Province and made it a part of their Mercian Kingdome yet was it first subdued unto them by Cherdike the West-Saxon whose memory is in part continued in the Towne Chersey upon the West of this Countie where in a sharpe and bloudy battle he was victor over the Britaines So also Cuthwulfe a West-Saxon at Alesberie in the yeere of Grace 592. overcame the Britaines and bare downe all things before him yet no sooner was their Heptarchie wained and their Monarchie able to stand alone but that the Danes before their strength and growth was confirmed waxed upon them and they not able in so weake a hand to hold fast that weight of greatnesse they had so grasped gave place to their Conquerours who did many harmes in this Province for in the yeere 914. the Danes furiously raged as farre as Brenwood where they destroyed the Citie Burgh the ancient seat of the Romanes afterwards a royall house of King Edward the Confessor which they utterly destroyed 5 The Shire-town Buckingham fruitfully seated upon the River Ouse was fortified with a Rampire and sconses on both bankes by K. Edward the elder saith Marianus the Scotish Writer where in the heart of the Town hath stood a strong castle mounted upon an high hill which long since was brought to the period of her estate now nothing remaining besides the signes that there she had stood The River circulates this Town on every side that only on the North excepted over which three faire stone-bridges lead and into which the springs of a Well run called S. Rumalds a child-saint borne at Kings Sutton canonized and in the Church of this Towne enshrined with many conceited miracles and cures such was the hap of those times to produce Saints of all ages and sexes This Town is governed by a Bailiffe and twelve principall Burgesses and is in the degree removed from the first point of the West for Longitude 19.33 scruples and the North-pole elevated in Latitude for the degree of 52.18 scruples 6 A Town of ancienter note is Stony-Stretford the Romans Lactorodū being built upon that ancient Causey-way which is called Watling street where remain the markes thereof even unto this day At this place Edward the elder stopped the passage of the Danes whiles he strengthned Torcester against them and herein King Edward the eldest since the Conquest reared a beautifull Crosse in memory of Eleanor his dead Queen as he did in every place where her Corps rested from Herdby in Lincolne-shire till it was received and buried at Westminster 7 Places intended for Gods true worship built by devout persons and sequestred from worldly imployments were at Launden Luffeld Bidlesden Bradwell Nothey Ankerne Missenden Tekeford Partrendune Ashbridge Alesbury Ashbridge in great repute for the blood supposed out of Christs sides brought out of Germany by Henry the eldest sonne of Richard King of the Romans and Earle of Cornwall whereunto resorted great concourse of people for devotion and adoration thereof But when the Sun-shine of the Gospel had pierced thorow such clouds of darkenesse it was perceived apparently to be onely hony clarified and coloured with Saffron as was openly shewed at Pauls Crosse by the Bishop of Rochester the twenty foure of Februarie and yeere of Christ 1538. And Alesbury for the holines of S. Edith was much frequented who having this Town allotted for her Dowrie bad the world and her husband farewell in taking upon her the veile of devotion and in that fruitfull age of Saints became greatly renowned even as farre as to the working of miracles These all in the stormes rage of the times suffred such shipwrack that from those turmoiled Seas their Merchandize light in the right of such Lords as made them their owne for wreacks indeed 8 With foure Castles this Shire hath beene strengthned and thorow eleven Market Towns her Commodities traded being divided for service to the Crowne and State into eight Hundreds and in them are seated one hundred fourescore and five Parish-Churches as in the Table annexed Alphabetically are expressed BUCKINGHAM Both Shyre and Shire towne describ ¶ An Alphabeticall Table of all the Tovvnes Rivers and memorable places mentioned in Buckingham-shire HVNDREDS in Buckingham-shire 1. NEwport 2. Buckingham 3. Collstowe 4. Ashenden 5. Alesbury 6. Disburrough 7. Burnham 8. Stocke A Achenborow Buc. Ackeley Buck. Addington Buck. Adstocke Buck. AGMONDSHAM Bu. AYLESBVRY A. Vale of Aylesbury Ales. Apstone Dis. Ascott Coll. Ashridge Coll. Ashendon Ash. Aston clinton Ales. Aston abbotts Coll. Cold Aston Ales. Astwood New Aunslop New B Barton Buck. Beach hampton Bu. BEACONFIELD Burn. Bearton Ales. Bernwood forest A. Bidlesden Buck. Blechley New Bledlow Ales. Boreney Bur. Boreton Buck. Bostall Ash. Cold Bradfield New Bradnam Dis. Bradnam parke Dis. Bradwell New Brickhill little New Brickhill great New Bowe Brickhill New Brill Ashen Broughton Ales. Broughton New BVCKINGHAM Buc. Buckland Ales. Burnham Burn. East Burnham Burn. Burston Coll. C Calverton New Caldecott New Castlethorpe New Caveley Buck. Caversfeild Buck. Chalfont S. Peters Burn. Chalfont S. Gyles Burn. Chalwey Stock Checkmore Buck. Chechely New Cheddington Coll. Chepping wickcomb Dis. Chepping wickcomb florens Dis. Cherslie Ash. Chesham Burn. Chesham boyes Burn. Cheyneyes Burn. Chilton Ash. Chitwood Buck. Cholesbury Ales. Choldesbury Coll. Claydon middle Ash. Steeple Claydon Buck. Claydon East Ash. Clifton raines New Colbrocke in horton Stock COLBROCKE in LANGLEY S. Cold-aston Ales. Crandon Ash. North Crowly New Cublington Coll. Cuddenton Ales. D Datchet Stock Denham Stock Dorney Burn. Dorton Ash. Drayton beauchampe Coll. Drayton parslowe Coll. Dunton Coll.
wig Pembridge Castle worm PEMBRIDGE Stret Pencombe Brox. Pencoyd worm Penrosse worm Penyard Castle Grey Pery Brox. Peterchurch web Peterstowe worm Piddleston wols Pixley Chapell Rad. Poston web Preston Brox. Preston web Putley Chapell Grey Putteley Grey Pype Grims R Castle Richards wols Risbury wols Rochford wols Rod wig ROSSE Grey Rosse Ferren Grey Rosemaund Brox. Rotheras web Rowlston Ewia. Rudhall Grey S Salers hope Grey Over Sappy Brox. Nether Sappy Brox. Sarnesfeild Stret Sarnesfeild Wols Sarnesfeild Coffen Stret Selleck worm Shellwicke Grims Shobden VVig Shobdon Stret Shorley VVig Snowdell Castle Ewia. Stanbache VVig Stanford Kings Brox. Stanford Bishops Bro. Staunton VVig Staunton upon Wyland Grims Stepleton Castle Wig. Stocklo Stret Stockton Wols Stogbach VVig Stogbach VVols Stoke VVols Stoke Edye Rad. Stoke Lacy Brox. Stoke Blish Brox. Stouton Stret Stretton Grims Stretton Rad. Stretford Wols Stretford Stret Suggas Grim. Suston Grey Sutton Brox. T Tadington Rad. Tedston Dalamer Brox. Tedston Wafer Brox. Teneraven Chapell Worm Thornbury Brox. Tregose Grey Tresek Worm Tretier Worm Trewin Ewia. Triago Worm Tripleton VVig Tupsley Grims Turnaston VVeb Twyford VVeb Tyberton Web. Tytley VVig V The golden Vale VVeb Vpton VVols Vpton Grey W Wackton Brox. Wadels Flu. Walderston Ewia. Walford VVig Walford Grey Warham Grims Warton VVols S. Waynards VVorm The Weares end VVor. WEBLEY Stret Wellington Grims Weobley Stret Weston Stret Weston beggar Rad. Weston subter Gre. Wethington Brox. Wheyle VVols Whitborne Brox. Whitchurch VVorm Whitney Stret Witney Hunl. Wicton VVols Wigmor Castle VVig Willersley Stret Wilton Castle worm Winforton Hunl. Winforton Stret Winkcot wols Winssey wols Winslowe Brox. Wolhope Grey The Worlds end Rad. Wormebridge web Wormsley Grim. Wonton Stret Wullferlow Brox. Wytton wig Y Yarcle Rad. Yarpoll wols Yasor Grims Yatton Grey Yetton wig WORCESTER-SHIRE by the English-Saxons called Wir-ceasder-scyre is a County both rich and populous and lyeth circulated upon the North with Stafford-shire upon the East with Warwicke and Oxford-shires upon the South with Glocester-shire and the West by Malverne hils is parted from Hereford-shire the rest lyeth confronted upon and in part divided from Shrop-shire by the River Dowles 2 The forme thereof is triangle but not of equall proportion for from North to South are thirtie two miles from South to North-west twentie two and from thence to her North-east point are twentie eight the whole in circumference is one hundred and twenty miles 3 The Aire in this Shire is of a favourable temperature that gives an appetite for labour diet and rest the Soile is fertile and to me seemed inferior to none other in this Land for besides the abundance of Corne in every place spread the Woods and Pasturage in her hils and plaines sweet Rivers that water the vallies below Cattle that cover the tops of higher ground the Fields Hedge-rowes and High-wayes are beset with fruitfull Peare-trees that yeeld great pleasure to sight commodious use for with their juyce they make a bastard kinde of wine called Pe●rey which is both pleasant and good in taste Many Salt Springs also this County affordeth yea and more then are commonly in use such with the Germans our ancient Predecessors were esteemed most sacred and holy so that as Tacitus writeth to such they wontedly resorted to supplicate their Gods with their devout prayers as to places neerest the heavēs and therefore the sooner to be heard And Poets in their fainings will have the Nymphs residence in shady green groves and banks of sweet Springs if so then as Helicon this County affords both such are the Forrests of Wire and Feckenham the great woods of Norton and most faire Chase of Malverne And for waters to witnesse what I say is the Severne that cuts this Shire in the midst Teme Salwarp and Avon all of them making fruitfull their passage and stored with Fish of most delicious taste 4 The ancient people possessors of this Shire were the CORNAVII Inhabitants of Chesse-shire Shrop-shire Stafford and Warwicke-shires subdued by the Romanes in Claudius Caesars time and after their departure made a portion of the Mercian-Saxons Kingdome and in Bedaes time were called the Wicii whereof it may be this Shire had the name unlesse you will have it from the Salt-pits which in old English are named Wiches or from the famous Forrest of Wyre Howsoever true it is that the County doth hold her name from her chiefe Citie VVorcester 5 Which is most pleasantly seated passing well frequented and very richly inhabited This was the Branonium mentioned by Antonine and Ptolemie called by the Britains Caer-wrangon by Ninius Caer-Gourcon by the old Saxons Wire-ceasder and by the Latines Vigornia This Citie is seated upon the East banke of Severne and from the same is walled in triangle-wise about extending in circuit one thousand sixe hundred and fiftie paces thorow which seven Gates enter with five other Watch-Towers for defence It is thought the Romanes built this to restrain the Britaines that held all beyond Severne This City by Hardy Canute in the yeer of Christ 1041. was sorely endangered and set on fire and the Citizens slaine almost every one for that they had killed his Collector of the Danish Tribute yet was it presently repaired and peopled with many Burgesses and for fifteene Hides discharged it selfe to the Conquerour as in his Doomesdayes is to be seene But in the yeer 1113. a suddaine fire happened no man knew how which burnt the Castle and Cathedrall Church Likewise in the civill broiles of King Stephen it was twice lighted into a flame and the latter laid it hopelesse of recovery Notwithstanding from those dead Ashes a new Phenix arose and her building raised in a more stately proportion especially the Cathedrall dedicated to S. Mary first laid by Bishop Sexwolfe in Anno 680. since when it hath been augmented almost to the River In the midst of whose Quire from his many turmoiles resteth the body of King Iohn the great withstander of the Popes proceedings under a Monument of white Marble in Princely Vestures with his portraiture thereon according to life And in the South-side of the same Quire lyeth intombed Prince Arthur the eldest sonne to King Henry the Seventh his Monument is all black Jette without remembrance of him by Picture This City is governed by two Bailiffes two Aldermen two Chamberlaines and two Constables yeerely elected out of twenty-foure Burgesses clothed in Scarlet assisted with 48. other Citizens whom they call their Common Counsellors clad in Purple a Recorder Towne-Clerke and five Sergeants with Mace their Attendants Whose Geographicall Position is distant in Longitude from the West-Meridian 18. degrees 10. scruples having the North-Pole elevated in Latitude 52. degrees and 32. scruples 6 Places of further note for memorable antiquitie is Vpton of great account in the Romane time where some of their Legions kept as witnesse their monies there often found the admirable Ditch upon Malverne
Bing Attenton Brox. B Babworth Bosset Balderton New Bantree Basset Basford Brox. Basingfield Bing Barley grange Thurg. Barmby in the willowes New Barmby on the more Bas. Barnston Bing Barton Rush. Beckingham Northclay Belam Northclay Bellon Southclay Benall Brox. Bernthorp New Beskwood lodge Brox. Bestwood parke Brox. Besthorp New Beston Brox. Bilborow Brox. Bilsthorp Southclay Bingham Bing Bircotes Basset Bleasbie Thurg. Blodworth Brox. BLITH Basset Bole Northclay Boucot Thurg. Boughton Basset Bothmusall Basset Bradmeere Rush. Bramcot Brox. Bridgeford East Bing Bridgeford West Rush. Brimsley Brox. Brodham New Nether Broughton Bing Budly Basset Bulwell Bro. Bunney Rush. Burton Thurg. Burton West Northclay Bilbie Basset C Calverton Thurg. Carberton Basset Carletons Basset Carleton Thurg. 3. Carleton Thurg. 3. Carleton Thurg. 3. Carroulston Bing Caunton Thurg. Chilwill Brox. Claworth Northclay Claerbourgh Northclay Clifton North New Clifton South New Clyfton Bing Clunther Basset Clipston Rush. Clipston Basset Coddington New Codgrave Bing Codlingstocke Rush. Collingham North New Collingham South New Colwick Thurg. Cossall Brox. Cotes Northclay Cotham Northclay Cotham New Coulston Bing Coulston Basset Bing Cropwell Bishop Bing Cropwell Butlet Bing Crumwell Thurg. D Darleton Northclay Draiton VVest Basset Draiton East Southclay Dorkard Brox. Dunham Southclay E Easter Leake Rush. Eaton Southclay Edwalton Rush. Edwinstow Basset Egmanton Southclay Elkesley Basset Elston New Elton Bing Eperston Thurg. Erwash Flu. Estwood Brox. Everton Northclay F Farindon New Farnesfeild Thurg. Fellie Brox. Fenton Northclay Fiskerton Thurg. Fledborough Thurg. Flintham Bing Flixthorp Basset Fymingley Basset Fleet Flu. G Gamston Southclay Gaitforth Basset Girton New Godling Thurg. Gonalston Thurg. Gotham Rush. Granby Bing Gresthorpe Thurg. Griesley Brox. Gringley on the hill Nort Gringley Northclay Grove Southclay Gunthorp Thurg. H Hablestorp Northclay Halam Thurg. Hallington Thurg. Hanton Thurg. Hardwick Brox. Hareby New Harworth Basset Haverham Thurg. Hawksworth Bing Hawton New Haiton Northclay Headon Southclay Heddingley Thurg. Hexgrave parke Thurg. Hickling Bing Hockerton Thurg. Hodsokes Basset Hokdike Flu. Holbeck Woodhouse Basset Holme Bing Holme New Horringham Thurg. Houghton Basset Hucknall Brox. I Idle Flu. Idleton Southclay K Keeton Bing Kellam Thurg. Kersall Thurg. Keyworth Rush. Kimberley Brox. Kingston Rush. Kirkby Brox. Kirklington Thurg. Kirton Southclay 2. Kirton Southclay 2. Knesall Thurg. Kynolton Bing Kynston Rush. L Lamley Thurg. La●gar Bing Langforth New Langhton lodge Brox. Langham Southclay Laxton Southclay Lenton Brox. Leverton South Northc Leverton North Northc Linby Brox. LITTLE-BROUGH North. Lodge in the wowld Bing Lowdham Thurg. Lynhurst wood Brox. M Manner Basset MANSFEILD Brox. Mansfield Woodhouse Brox. Markham East South Markham West South Marnham Thurg. Maplebeck Thurg. Mattersey Basset Maun Flu. Mering New Missen Basset Misterton Northclay Morehouse Southclay Morton Thurg. Muscombe South Thu. Muscombe North Th. N NEWARKE New Newsted Bro. Newthorp Bro. Normanton upon Sore Rush. Normanton Basset Normanton Thurg. Norton Cucknie Bas. Norwell Thurg. NOTTINGHAM Thu. Nutthall Brox. O Ordsall Basset Orston Bing Osburton Basset Ossington Thurg. Ouldcots Basset Ourney Basset Owthorpe Bing Oxton Thurg. P Paplewick Brox. Parklathes Thurg. Plumtree Rush. Perlethorpe Basset R Radford Brox. Radforth Basset Ragnell South Rampton Southclay Ranskill Basset Ratcliffe upon Sore Rush. Ratcliffe upon Trent Bing REDFORD North. Remston Rush. Roulston Thurg. Ruddington Rush. Rughford Basset S Saundby Northclay Saxendale Bing Scarrington Bing Scofton Basset Screveton Bing Scrooby Basset Selston Brox. Shelford Bing Shel●ord Abbey Bing Sherewood forrest Bing Shelton New Sibthorpe New Skarle South New Skarle North New Skegby Brox. Slauford Rush. SOVTHWELL Thu. Soveam Basset Spadworth New Stanford Rush. Stapleford Brox. Staunton New Staunton Bing Stockwit●h Northclay Stoke New Stoke Thurg. Stokham Southclay Strelley Brox. Stretford East Northc Sturrop Basset Sturton Northclay Surlby Basset Sutton Brox. Sutton Bing Sutton Thurg. Sutton upon Lound Basset Sutton Bonington Ru. Sweynton Thurg. Syerston New T Terleton Rush. Teversall Brox. Thornie New Thorney wood Bas. Thoroton Bing Thorpe New Thorpe Basset Thowresby Basset Thurmpton Rus. Thurgarston Thurg. Tilney Northclay Tollaston Bing Torworth Basset Towto Brox. Triswell Southclay Trent Flu. Trowell Brox. Tuxford South Tythby Bing V Upton Thurg. Upton Southclay W Waerton Bing Walesby basset Wallam Northclay Walley basset Walkeringham Nort. Wansley bro. VVarnham Thurg. VVarsope basset VVatnall brox Welbeck Abbey bass Welley Southclay VVester Leake Rus. VVesterford basset VVeston Thurg. VVhatton bing Wheatley North Northcl Wheatley South Northclay VVhit VVater Flu. Widmerepoole Rus. VViest Northclay VViggesley New VVilford Rus. VVilloughbie Rus. VVilloughbie Thurg. VVinkborne New VVinthorpe New VVisall Rus. Woldingwels basset VVollerton brox VVoodborow Thurg. VVoodthorpe Thurg. WORKSOP Basset DARBY-SHIRE which the English Saxons called Deorbicire lyeth inclosed upon her North parts with York-Shire upon the East with Nottingham-shire upon the South with Leicester-shire and upon the West is parted with the Rivers Dove and Goyt from Stafford and Chesse-shires 2 It is in forme somewhat triangle though not of any equall distance growing from her narrow South-point still wider and in the North is at the broadest for from Stretton neere the head of Mese to New Chappell seated neer the head of Derwent the two extremes from North to South are thirty eight miles but from the Shire-Oakes unto the meeting of Mersey and Goyt the broadest part of all this Shire is not fully twenty-nine the whole in circumference extendeth to an hundred and thirty miles 3 The Aire is good and very healthfull the soyle is rich especially in her South and East parts but in the North and West is hilly with a blacke and mossie ground both of them fast-handed to the Ploughers paines though very liberall in her other gifts whose natures thus dissenting the River Derwent doth divide asunder that taketh course thorow the heart or midst of this Countie 4 The ancient people that possessed these parts in the times of the Romans assaults were the Coritani whom Ptolemie disperseth thorow Northampton Leicester Rutland Lincolne Nottingham and this Shire who were all of them subdued by P. Ostorius Scapula Lieutenant in this Province for Claudius the Emperour But Romes Empire failing in Britaine by the intestine warres among themselves the Saxons a more savage and fearfull Nation soon brought it under their subjection and made this a Province unto their Mercians Kingdome whom the West-Saxons first wanne and againe lost to the Normans 5 It is stored with many Commodities and them of much worth for besides woods and cattle sheepe and corne every where over-spreading the face of this County the Mill-stone Crystall Alablaster the Mines of Pit-coale Iron and Lead are of great price whereof the last is mentioned in Pliny who writeth that in Britaine in the very crust of the ground without any deep digging is gotten so great store of Lead that there is a Law expresly made of purpose forbidding men to make more then to a certain stint Whose stones are plenteously gotten in those Mountaines and melted
Longon off Longnor tot Longton pyr Loxley tot Loynton pyr M Madeley pyr Madeleholme tot Mair pyr Manye flu Marbroke tot Marchington tot Marchingdon tot Marston pyr Marston cud Marton great cud Mason off Materfeild tot Mavestone Ridware off Meare pyr Meare cud Meare pyr Milwich pyr Mitton cud Moreland hilles tot Moreton cud Morocopp hill pyr Morsall off Mose flu Moseley seis Muckleston pyr N Nedwood Forrest tot Newborowe off Newbold off NEW CASTLE VNDER LINE pyr New Chappell pyr Newton cud Newton pyr Norbury cud Narrowdale tot Norton pyr Norton cud Norton off Norton off Norton in the Mores pyr O High Of●ley pyr Oken seis Okover tot Oldbury off Oncot tot Onely pyr Orgrave off Orton seis Otherton cud Overpen seis Ousley bridge cud P Painsley tot Parkhill tot Patsell seis Pattingham seis Pelfalle off Over Pen seis Nether Pen seis Pencl● pyr Pencle pyr Penkirch cud Penke flu Penford seis Penset chase seis Peribury off Peryhall off Perton seis Pellington cud Pellington hall cud Pipe off Placdwick cud Ponke flu Prestwood seis Prestwood tot R Ramsor tot Rannton pyr Rannton Monastery pyr Rickardscott cud Rickardscott pyr Ridgley cud Ridware off Pipe Ridware off Hill Ridware cud Robaston cud Rolston off Rowcester tot Rowley seis Rowley seis Rowley parke off Rudiard tot Rushall off Rushton tot Rusheles seis Riddsley cud S Salte pyr Sandon pyr Sandwall off Sardon great cud Sardon little cud Sawe flu Scotfeild off Season seis Sedgeley seis Seigford seis Seisdon pyr Shareshull Cud. Shawford pyr Shene tot Shenston off Sherishales cud Shire Okes off Shitterford seis Shobnall off Shredicott cud Shugborow cud Skelton pyr Smestall flu Smethwick off STAFFORD pyr Stafford Castle cud Standon pyr Stanton tot Statford off Stoke pyr Stokeley off The three Shire-Stones tot STONE pyr Stowe pyr Stranshill tot Stratton Castle off Stretton off Stretley hall off Stretlie off Stretton cud Stoure flu Stubby lane off Sturton Castle seis Sutton cud Swinford Kings seis Swinfeld hall off Swinshead pyr Swithanley tot Swynerton pyr T Talke pyr TAMWORTH off Tatenell off Teane tot Teane flu Terley pyr Tettenhall Kings seis Tettenhall Clice seis Thickbrome off Thorne hill tot Thorpe off Thorpe off Throley tot Tillington pyr Tipton seis Titterfore pyr Tixall pyr Treislie seis Trent flu Trent flu Trentham pyr Trescott seis Trisell seis Tunstall Court pyr Tunstall pyr Turburie off Tyne flu Typton off V Voxall off VTTOXCESTOR tot W Walgrang tot Wall off WALLSHALL off Wallfall Forrest off Walton pyr Walton cud Warslawe tot Waterfall tot Weddsbury seis Wednesfeild off Wednesbury off Weford off Welobridge parke pyr Weston pyr Weston Jones cud Weston under Lisiard cud Weston upon Trent pyr Wharnford tot Whattley hall off Whichnor off Whitmore pyr Whitstone cud Whittendon off Whittenton seis Whittgreene pyr Whittington off Wichnor off Wiggendon off Wilbrighton cud Wilenhall off Wilnall seis Witton tot Wo●ley off Woken seis Wolaston cud Wolstanton pyr WOLVERHAMPTON● Womborne seis Worley little seis Worley great seis Wotton tot Wrottesley seis Y Yardley pyr Yendon flu Yoxall off SHROP-SHIRE SHROP-SHIRE by the ancient Saxons writen Sciripscyre is both large in circuit well peopled and very fruitfull for life It lieth circulated upon the North with th● County Palatine of Chester upon the East altogether with Stafford-shire upon the South with Worcester Hereford and Radnor-shires upon the west with Mountgomery Denbigh 2 The form thereof is almost circular or round whose length from Wooferton below Lodlane South to Over neere unto the river Trent in the North is thirtie foure miles the broadest part is from Tong in the East to Oswestre sited at the head of Morda in the West twentie and five the whole in circuit about extending to one hundred thirtie and foure miles 3 Wholesome is the ayre delectable and good yeelding the Spring and the Autumne seed time and harvest in a temperate condition and affordeth health to the Inhabitants in all seasons of the yeare 4 The soile is rich and standeth most upon a reddish clay abounding in Wheat and Barley Pit-coales Iron and Woods which two last continue not long in league together It hath rivers that make fruitfull the Land and in their waters containe great store of fresh-fish whereof Severne is the chiefe and second in the Realme whose streame cutteth this Countie in the middest and with many windings sporteth herselfe forward leaving both pastures and meadowes bedecked with flowers and greene colours which every where shee bestoweth upon such her attendants 5 This River was once the bounds of the North-Britaines and divided their possession from the Land of the Saxons untill of latter times theirs began to decay and the Welsh to increase who enlarged their lifts to the River Dee So formerly had it separated the Ordovices from the Cornavij those ancient Inhabitants mentioned by Ptol●mie The Ordovices under Caractacus purchased great honour whilst he a Prince of the Silures removed his Warres thence among them where a while he maintained the Britaines libertie with valour and courage in despight of the Romans His Fort is yet witnesse of his unfortunate fight seated neere Clune Castle at the confluence of that River with Temd where in remembrance of him the place is yet called Caer-Caradoc a fort of his wonne by P. Ostorius Lieutenant of the Romans about the year of grace 53. The Cornavii were seated upon the North of Severne and branched into other Counties of whom we have said 6 But when the strength of the Romans was too weake to support their owne Empire and Britaine emptied of her souldiers to resist the Saxons set foot in this most fair soile and made it a part of their Mercian Kingdome their line likewise issued to the last period and the Normans beginning where these Saxons left the Welshmen tooke advantage of all present occasions and brake over Severne unto the River Dee to recover which the Normans first Kings often assayed and Henry the second with such danger of life that at the siege of Bridge-north he had been slain had not Sir Hubert Syncler received the arrow aimed at him in stepping betwixt that Shaft and his Soveraigne and therewith was shot thorow unto death In the like danger stood Henry Prince of Scotland who in the strait siege of Ludlow begirt by King Stephen had beene plucked from his saddle with an iron-hooke from the wall had not Stephen presently rescued him Anno 1139. 7 This then being the Marches of England and Wales was sore afflicted by bloody broiles which caused many of their Townes to be strongly walled and thirtie two Castles to be strongly built lastly into this Countie the most wise King Henry the seaventh sent his eldest sonne Prince Arthur to be resident at Ludlow where that fair Castle
reigned three yeers till all the princes of the Ilands agreeing together rose up against him and made him flie into Ireland 6 An. Do. 1111. Olave the son of Godred Crovan aforesaid began his reigne and reigned fourtie yeers a peaceable Prince He took to wife Affrica the daughter of Fergus of Galway of whom he begat Godred By his Concubines he had Raignald Lagman and Harald besides many daughters whereof one was married to Summerled Prince of Herergaidel who caused the ruine of the Kings of the Ilands On her he begat four sons Dungal Raignald Engus and Olave 7 An. Dom. 1144. Godred the son of Olave was created King of Man and re●gned thirty yeers In the third yeer of his reign the people of Dublin sent for him and made him their King Which Mure-card King of Ireland maligning raised war and sent Osibeley his half brother by the mothers side with 3000. men at Armes to Dublin who by Godred and the Dublinians was slaine and the rest all put to flight These atchievemēts made Godred returned to Man and began to use tyranny turning the Noblemen out of their inheritances Whereupon one called Thorfin Otters sonne being mightier then the rest came to Summerled and made Dulgal Summerleds son king of the Ilands whereof Godred having intelligence prepared a Navie of 80. Ships to meet Summerled And in the yeer 1156 there was a battle fought at Sea on Twelfth day at night many slain on both sides But the next day they grew to a pacification and divided the Kingdome of the Ilands among themselves This was the cause of the overthrow of the Kingdom of the Iles. 8 An. 1158. Summerled came to Man with a Fleet of fiftie three sayle put Godred to flight and wasted the land Godred upon this crossed over to Norway for aide against Summerled But Summerled in the mean time arriving at Rhinfrin and having gathered together a fleet of a 160. ships coveting to subdue all Scotland by the just judgement of God was vanquished by a few and both himself and his son slain with an infinite number of people 9 The fourth day after Raignald began to reigne but Godred coming upon him out of Norway with a great multitude of armed men took his brother Raignald and bereft him both of his eyes and genitall members On the fourth Ides of November An. Dom. 1187. Godred King of the Ilands died and his body was translated to the I le of Ely He left behinde him three sons Raignald Olave and Yuar He ordained in his life time that Olave should succeed him because he onely was born legitimate But the people of Man seeing him to be scarce ten yeers old sent for Raignald and made him their King This caused great division and many turbulent attempts between the two Brethren for the space of thirty eight yeers which had no end till at a place called Tnigua●●a there was a battle struck between them wherein Olave had the victory and Raignald was slaine The Monkes of Russin translated his body unto the Abbey of S. Mary de Fournes and there interred it in a place which himself had chosen for that purpose 10 An. 1230. Olave and Godred Don who was Raignalds sonne with the Norwegians came to Man and divided the Kingdom among themselves Olave held Man and Godred being gone unto the Ilands was slaine in the I le Lodhus So Olave obtained the Kingdome of the Iles. He dyed the twelfth Calends of Iune An. 1237. in S. Patricks Iland and was buryed in the Abbey of Russin 11 Harrold his sonne succeeded him being foureteene yeers of age and reigned twelve yeers In the yeer 1239. he went unto the King of Norway who after two yeares confirmed unto him his heyres and successours under his Seal all the Ilands which his Predecessours had possessed 12 An. Do. 1242. Harrold returned out of Norway and being by the inhabitants honourably received had peace with the Kings of England and of Scotland The same yeer he was sent for by the King of Norway and married his daughter In the yeer 1249. as he returned homeward with his wife he was drowned in a tempest neer unto the coasts of Radland 13 An. Dom. 1249. Raignald the sonne of Olave and brother to Harrold began his reign and on the thirtieth day thereof was slaine by one Yuar a Knight in a meadow neer unto the holy Trinity Church and lyeth buried in the Church of S. Mary of Russin 14 In the yeer 1252. Magnus the son of Olave came to Man and was made King The next yeer following he went to the King of Norway and stayed there a yeer 15 In the yeer 1265. Magnus Olaves son King of Man and of the Ilands departed this life at the Castle of Russin and was buryed in the Church of S. Mary of Russin 16 In the yeer 1266. the Kingdome of the Ilands was translated by reason of Alexander King of Scots who had gotten into his hands the western Ilands and brought the I le of Man under his dominion as one of that number 17 An. 1340. William Montacute Earl of Salisbury wrested it from the Scotish by strong hand and force of Armes and in the yeer 1393. as Thomas Walsingham saith he sold Man and the Crown thereof unto William Scroope for a great summe of money But he being beheaded for high Treason and his goods confiscate it came into the hands of Henry the fourth King of England who granted this Iland unto Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland But Henry Percy entring into open rebellion the fift yeer following the king sent Sir Iohn Stanley William Stanley to seize the I le and Castle of Man the inheritance whereof he granted afterwards to Sir Iohn Stanley his heirs by Letters patents with the Patronage of the Bishopricke c. So that his heires and successours who were honoured with the Title of Earles of Darby were commonly called Kings of Man HOLY ILAND THis Iland is called Lindisfarne by the River Lied that is opposite unto it on the Coast of Northumberland Beda tearmeth it a Demy Iland The Britaines name it Inis Medicante for that it twice every day suffereth an extraordinary inundation and over-flowng of the Ocean in manner of an Iland which twice likewise makes it continent to the Land and returning unto her watry habitation laies the Shoare bare again as before It is called in English Holy-Iland for that in ancient times many Monks have been accustomed to retire themselves thither and to make it their receptacle for solitude having on the West and South Northumberland and more South-Eastward the Iland Farne 2 The form of it is long and narrow the West side narrower then the East and are both conjoyned by a very small spang of Land that is left unto Conies The South is much broader then the rest It is from East to West about two thousand two hundred and fiftie pases and from North to South twelve hundred and
sithay Tyn. Llanvair ycromwd Men. Llanvaiergwin pull gingill Ty. Llanvair ynghowrnyw Tal. Llanvailog Llyf. Llanvais Tyn. Llanverion Mall Lanvigail Taly Llanvihangle ymhemros Twr Llanvihangell Llyf. Llanvihangle yskiwiog Men. Llanvihangell tre●z bard Tw Llanuwrog Taly Llnwenllwife Twrk Llanyddeysant Taly Llanyughenell Llyf. Llanyhangel Tyn. Llany trysavit Llyf. Llech ryd Llyf. Llech-gyn farwy Llyf. Llinon Flu. Lloydearth Twrk Lluidon Meney Llyn Corran Mall M Chappell Maier Mall Malltraeth Flu. Mathhanan Flu. Menai flu N NEWBVRGH M. Place Newith Tyn. P Penmynid Meney Pentreath Tyn. Pontrid pont Taly Pontourid Tyn. Porthamble Mene. Porthathuferye Tyn. Preceadduet Llyf. Prestholme Island Tyn. The Priorye Tyn. R Redgynt Meney Redigilio Meney Rosbeiro Twrk Rownd Table hill Tyn. S Saint Sirian Tyn. The Sound Tyn. T Chappell Talallayn Mall Talyllin Twrk Tresdraeth Mall Tregavon Mene. Trevarthin Mene. Trewalchmay Llyf. Trysylwin hils Tw Y Ycoedon Twrk Chappell Yloughroid Taly THE THIRD BOOKE Containing A GENERALL VIEVV OF THE KINGDOME OF SCOTLAND THE COVNTIES DIVIDED AND ILANDS THEREOF DESCRIBED AS BY OTHERS HATH BEEN OBSERVED WITH A BRIEFE RELATION OF SVNDRY MEMORABLE THINGS THEREIN CONTAINED BY JOHN SPEED LONDON Printed by Iohn Legatt for William Humble 1646. Cum Privilegio DIEV ET MON DROIT ✚ HONI ✚ SOIT ✚ QVI MAL ✚ Y ✚ PENSE The Divisions of SCOTLAND THIS KINGDOM IS PRINCIPALLY DIVIDED INTO TWO PARTS NORTH AND SOVTH OF THE RIVER TAYE IN THE NORTH COVNTRIES 1 Loquabrea Buquhan 8 2 Braidalbin Murray 9 3 Perth Rosse 10 4 Athol Sutherland 11 5 Anguish Cathanes 12 6 Mern Strathnavern 13 7 Marr.   IN THE SOVTH 1 Teifidale Arran 12 2 Merch. Cluydesdale 13 3 Lauden Lennox 14 4 Liddesdale Stirling 15 5 Eskedale Fife 16 6 Annandale Strathern 17 7 Niddesdale Menteith 18 8 Galloway Argile 19 9 Carrick Cantire 20 10 Kyle Lorn 21 11 Cunningham   SVBDIVIDED ACCORDING TO THEIR CIVILL GOVERNMENT COVNTRIES OR SHERIFDOMES Edenburgh Perth Linlythque Clackmannan Selkirk Kinros Roxburgh Fife Peblis Kincardin Berwick Forfair Lanark Aberden Renfrew Bamff Dunfreis Elgin Wighton Forres Ayre Narne Bute Innernesse Argyle Cromartie Tarbet Orknay Dunbarton Shetland STEVVARDIES Menteith Kircudbright Strathern Annandale   BAILERIES Kyle   Carrick   Cunningham   CONSTABLERY Hadington ALL FOR THE BEST THE TYPE OF THE FAMOVS KINGDOM OF SCOTLAND VVITH A GENERALL DESCRIPTION OF SVNDRY THINGS REMARKEABLE THEREIN CHAPTER I. SCOTLAND the second Kingdome of Great Britaine and the North part of the Iland hath on the East the Germane Ocean on the North the Orkneyes and Deucalidon Sea the West affronted with Ireland and the South hath the River Tweed the Cheviot Hils and the adjacent Tract reaching to the Sulway Sands whereby it is separated from England 2 This Kingdome is faire and spacious and from these South-borders spreadeth it selfe wide into the East and West till againe it contracts it selfe narrower unto the Northerne Promontories furnished with all things befitting a famous Kingdome both for Aire and Soyle Rivers Woods Mountaines Fish Fowle and Cattle and Corne so plenteous that it supplyeth therewith other Countreys in their want The people thereof are of good feature ●●●ong of body and of couragious minde and in warres so venturous that scarce any service of note hath been performed but that they were with the first and last in the field Their Nobilitie and Gentry are very studious of learning and all civill knowledge for which end they not onely frequent the three Vniversities of their own Kingdom S. Andrews Glasco and Edenborough the Nurseries of Pietie and Mansions of the sacred Muses but also much addict themselves to travell into forein Countries 3 The Counties contained in this Kingdome are many and every where bestrewed with Cities Townes and Borrowes as is that of England and as England I entended to describe it had I not been happily prevented by a learned Gentleman of that Nation who hath most exactly begun and gone through the greatest difficulties thereof to build upon whose foundations I hold it injurious and am so farre from any ambition to prevent his noble purposes that I heartily wish all happy furtherances thereto with a longing desire to see by his industrious labours another Scene added to the perfecting of the Theater of Britains Glory 4 Yet in the meane while lest I should seeme too defective in my intendments let me without offence in this third though short Book give onely a generall view of that Kingdome upon observations from others which to accomplish by mine own survey if others should hap to fayle and my crazy aged body will give leave is my chiefe desire knowing the Iland furnished with many worthy remembrances appertaining both unto them and us whom GOD now hath set under one Crowne and the rather for that their more Southerne people are from the same Originall with us the English being both alike the Saxon branches as also that the Picts anciently inhabiting part of that Kingdome were the inborne Britains and such as thither sled to avoyd the Romane servitude whose names began first to be distinguished under Dioclesian the Emperour when they were termed Picti for painting their bodies like the Britains as saith Flavius Vegetius which is more strengthened for that the Northerne Britains converted by Saint Columb are called Britaine Picts 5 But the Highland-men the naturall Scot indeed are supposed to descend from the Scythians who with the Getes infesting Ireland left both their Issue there and their manners apparent in the Wild Irish even to this day And from Scythae as is thought the name of Scot grew for so the Netherlanders by Scutten expresse indifferently the Scythian or Scot so Gildas calleth the Irish Britains Scythians so King Elfred in translating the History of Orosius turneth Scotos into Scyttan and so saith Walsingham from one and the same originall Scythae Scytici Scotae Scotici take their names as from Getae Getici Gothi Gothici have done 6 Their Manners were alike saith Diodurus Siculus and Strabo and their garments not much differing as by Sidonius Apollinaris may be gathered where he seemeth rather to describe the moderne Wild Irish then the antike Gete Notwithstanding this Nations Originall by some hath been derived from Scota the supposed Daughter of the Aegyptian King Pharaoh that nourished Moses afterwards married unto Gaithelus the sonne of Cecrops Founder of Athens who first seating in Spaine passed thence into Ireland and lastly into Scotland where his wife Scota gave Name to the Nation if we beleeve that they hit the marke who shoot at the Moone 7 But that the Scythians came into Spain besides the Promontory bearing their Name Scythicum Silius Italicus a Spaniard born doth shew who bringeth the Concavi a Nation therein seated from the Massagetae which were the Scythians and the Sarmatae whom all confesse to have been Scythians were the builders as he saith of the Citie Susanna in Spain And how from Spain they possessed themselves of Ireland at the time when the Kingdome of Iudah flourished Ni●ius
the Land-lords prey till King Malcolme enacted that half a marked should be paid for redemption The residence of those fore-mentioned Kings was chiefly in Ila Bunals and Iona now Columbkill where as Donald Munro who travelled thorow these Ilands reporteth are three Tombes having the severall Inscriptions of the Kings of Scotland of Ireland and of Norway 19 Among these Westerne Ilands the Hebrides Skie Mula Ila and Arran are the greatest All of them plentifull of Corne Woods Salmons and Herrings as others of Conies Deere Horses and Sheepe where in some they are wilde and in others without any owners but the people uncivill and lacking Religion they rather live rudely in state of necessitie then as Lords of these portions which God hath allotted them and with a sufferable ease ignorant of ambition enjoy those contentments which some others though they no great summe doe more laboriously attaine unto by the Precepts of Philosophy for feeding themselves with competencie without any excesse they returne all the overplus unto their Lords as doe the Inhabitants of Hirta and Rona but alas Religion not knowne among them these penurious vertues are rather the curses of Cham then the followings of Christ who forbids us to be too carefull for the morrow 20 The Iles of Orkenay upon the North of Scotland lying in a most raging and tempestuous Sea are about three and thirtie in number whereof thirteene are inhabited and the other replenished with Cattle in these are no venemous Serpents nor other ugly vermine the aire sharpe and healthfull and the soyle apt to beare onely Oates and Barley but not a sticke of wood among these Pomonia is the greatest accounted and called the Maine-land affording sixe Minerals of Lead and Tinne and in her chiefe Towne a Bishops See wherein are seated twelve Parish-Churches one of them very Magnificent for so remote a Countrey 21 Of all the Romanes Iulius Agricola first discovered the Orkenayes yea and subdued them if we will beleeve Tacitus but Pomponius Mela that wrote thirtie yeers before him doth mention them and Invenal in Hadrians time after him tels us the Romanes had wonne them and lastly Claudian nameth Saxons that were slaine in them and so doth Ninius name Octha and Ebissus Saxon Commanders who in their roving Pinnaces wasted the Orkenayes These Ilands Donald Bune the usurper of the Scottish Crowne gave to the King of Norway for his assistance and by the Norwegians were they held the space of an hundred and sixtie yeers untill that Alexander the third King of Scotland with sword and composition got them from Magnus the fourth King of Norway which afterward King Haquin confirmed unto King Robert Bruce but lastly Christian the first King of Norway and Denmarke utterly renounced all his right to those Ilands when he gave his Daughter in marriage unto King Iames the third which deed was further ratified by the Pope who openeth the way to the possession of Kingdoms with his own key 22 More North and further then this Chart could well expresse lye the Isles of Shetland of some thought to be Thule and by the Commenter upon Horace the Fortunate Iland where as Tzetzes fabuleth the souls of good men are ferryed into those Elizian fields that ever grow greene and whence Iulius Caesar could hardly be drawne as Muretus hath written but their fictions intended onely that the vert●●●●s souls of the dead passed the uttermost bounds of earthly abode and attained to an over-pleasing repose and ever-flourishing happinesse which whether they borrowed from the description of Paradise taken both for a faire Garden and the souls happie rest I cannot define but sure they would not have made those fields alwayes greene if they had seene how they lye ever covered with Ice and Snow being in the 36. degree of Latitude as Ptolemie hath placed it where for the most part is a continuall Winter but for proofe that this was the Thule besides Ptolemies Positure Saxo Grammaticus betwixt Norway and Scotland hath placed it and Solinu● two dayes sayling from the point of Caledonia and Tacitus saith that the Romanes kenned Thule afarre off as they sayled about Britaine by the Orcades and lastly Mela maketh it to face Berge a Citie in Norway THE FOVRTH BOOKE Containing THE KINGDOME OF IRELAND WITH AN EXACT CHOROGRAPHICALL DIMENSION OF THE PROVINCES THEREIN CONTAINED AND THOSE AGAINE DIVIDED INTO THEIR SEVERALL COVNTIES TOGETHER With a compendious Description of that NATION and ILANDS COMMODITIES BY IOHN SPEED LONDON Printed by Iohn Legatt for William Humble 1646. Cum Privilegio THE PARTICVLAR COVNTIES IN THE FOVRE SEVERALL PROVINCES OF IRELAND AS NOW THEY ARE DIVIDED AND LIMITED MOVNSTER Limmerick Kery Corke Waterford Desmond Holy Crosse in Typperary LEINSTER East Meath West Meath Kilkenny Caterlough Queenes Countie Kings Countie Kildare Weshford Dubline CONNAVGHT Clare or Towmund Gallaway Maio. Slego Letrim Roscoman VLSTER Dunghall or Tyr-connell Tyrone-upper Tyrone-nether Farmanagh Cavon Monaghan Colran Antrim Doun Armagh Lough DIEV ET MON DROIT ✚ HONI ✚ SOIT ✚ QVI MAL ✚ Y ✚ PENSE ✚ IRELAND AS IT VVAS AND IS INHABITED THE SITE AND COMMODITIES OF THE 1LAND DESCRIBED AND DECLARED THE Traditions of time have delivered unto us divers names whereby this famous Island is recorded to have been called yet none of more faire probabilitie then that of Orpheus Aristotle and Claudian by whom it is named Ierna by Iuvenall and Mela called Inverna by Diodorus Siculus Iris by Martian of Heraclea Ioyepnia by Eustachius Oyernia and Bernia by the native Inhabitants Erya by the Britaines Yuerdon the Welsh-bards in their Ballads Triuolas Totidanan and Banno and by the English Ireland But from whence these diversities were derived arise many opinions Doubtlesse it is that Hibernia Inverna and Overnia came from Ierna spoken of by Orpheus and Aristotle and the same Ierna as also Iris Iuerdhon and Ireland and Erin the terme that the Inhabitants now use From this Erin therefore a word proper to the Nation the originall is most likely to be deduced 2 Some derive Hibernia from Hiberno tempore that is from the Winter season some from Hiberus a Spaniard some from a Duke named Irnalph some againe from the ancient River Iberus and some from Hiere an Irish word which signifieth the West or a westerne coast whence Erin may also seeme to fetch the derivation for it lyeth furthest Westward of any Region in all Europe As also for that the River running in the most remote West part of this Iland is in Ptolemy called Iernus like as the furthest western Promontory in Spaine from whence our Irish men came is by Strabo called Ierne and the River next unto it by Mela Ierna yea and Spaine it selfe for the Westerne situation is called Hesperia the West-Cape of Africke Hesperium and in Germany Westrich and Westphanlen from their position have their names Postelius a man that rather followed his owne fancy then the judgement of others fetcheth the
it is that the Scots first received the doctrine of Christ in this Kingdom of Ireland for thus writeth Prosper Coelestine Pope of Rome sent his Archdeacon Palladius into Britain to withstand the Pelagian heresie who at one time did drive out these enemies of grace and ordained a Bishop among the Scots Wherby that barbarous Nation embraced Christianity Yet Ninius reporteth that Palladius did nothing in neither being taken away by untimely death but that S. Patricke borne at Eiburne in Cluedsdale the son of Calphurus by the sister of S. Martin was the first Apostle for Ireland who sowed his heavenly seede with such plentifull increase that the soyle it selfe shortly was called Sanctorum patria the Country of Saints for whose Sepulchre after his death rose as great variance as was for Homer among them of Greece they of Downe challenged his grave to be with them upon certaine verses written on a Tombe which ascribes Patricke Briget and Columbe to be buried therein they of Armagh lay claime by the warrant of S. Bernard who saith that Patricke in his life time there ruled and after death there rested Glascenbury in England by ancient records will have his body interred with them and Scotland avoucheth his birth to be at Glasco and bones to rest at Kirk Patricke with them of such reverend esteeme was this Irish Apostle 23 This Patricke in his youth had been taken captive by the Irish Pirats and for sixe years continuance served Macbuain as his slave and keeper of his swine in which dejected condition so desirous he was of the Lands salvation that in his dreames he thought the infants unborne cried unto him for Baptisme and redeeming himselfe thence for a piece of gold found in the field which a swine had turned up in his aged years came back againe into Ireland preached the Gospel converted the people and lastly became Arch-bishop of Armagh Of whose mi●●cles and Purgatorie I leave others to speake that are m●re credulous in the one and have better leisure to relate the other and will shew thee Ireland as now it is first in generall and then in parts THis Province called in Irish Mown in a more ordinary construction of speech Wown in Latine Momonis and in English Mounster lyeth open South-ward to the Verg●vian Sea North-ward it affronteth part of Counaught The East is neighboured by Leinster and the West is altogether washed with the West Ocean 2 The length thereof extended from Ballatimore Bay in her South unto the Bay of Galway in her North are about ninetie miles Her broadest part from East to West is from Waterford Haven to Feriter Haven and containeth an hundred miles The whole circumference by following the prom●taries and indents are above five hundred and fortie miles 3 The forme thereof is quadrant or foure-square The aire milde and temperate neither too chilling cold nor too scorching hot The soyle in some parts is hilly looking aloft with woody wilde and solitary mountaines yet the vallies below are garnished with corne-fields And generally all both pleasant for sight and fertile for soyle 4 This Province is at this day divided into two parts that is the West Mounster and the South Mounster The West Mounster was inhabited in old time by the Luccui the Velabri and the Vicrim the South Mounster by the Oudiae or Vodiae and the Coriondi The Velabri and Luceni are said by Orosius to have dwelt in that part of the Countrey where it lyeth outmost Westward and passing towards the Cantabrian Ocean looketh afarre off to Gallitia in Spaine The Luceni of Ireland who seeme to have derived their name and originall from the Lucensii of Gallitia and of whom there still remaine some reliques in the Barony of Lyxnauw are supposed to have been seated in those parts that lie neighbouring upon the banke of the River Shennon 5 The generall commodities of this Province are Corn● Cattle Wood Wooll and Fish The last whereof it affords in every place plentie and abundance of all sorts But none so well knowne for the store of Herrings that are taken there as is the Promontorie cal●ed Eraugh that h● betweene Bantre and Ballatimore Bay whereunto every yeare a great Fleet of Spaniards and Portugals resort even in the middest of Winter to fish also for Gods 6 The principall Citie of the Province is Limericke which the Irish call Lowneagh compassed about with the famous River Shennon by the parting of the Channell This is a Bishops See and the very Mart-Towne of Mounster It was first wonne by Reymond le Grosse an Englishman afterwards burnt by Dunewald an Irish petty King of Thuetmond Then in processe of time Philip Breos an Englishman was in●●offed in it and King Iohn fortified it with a Castle which he caused therein to be built In this Castle certaine Hostages making their abode in the yeare 1332. grew as is reported so full of pride and insolencie that they slew the Constable thereof and seized the Castle into their own hands But the resolute Citizens that could neither brooke nor beare with such barbarous crueltie did in revenge then shew such manly courage and vivacitie as they soone after recovered the Castle againe repaying the Hostages in such hostile manner as that they put them all to the sword without partialitie The position of this Towne is by Mercator placed for Latitude 53. degrees 20. minutes and for Longitude 9. degrees and 34. minutes Neere unto the River that Ptolemy calleth Daucona and Giraldus Cambre●sis by the alteration of some few letters nameth Sauranus and Sauarenus which issueth ●ut of Muskerey Mountaines is seated the Citie Corke graced also with another Episcopall dignitie and with the Bishops See of Clon annexed unto it which Giraldus calleth Corragia the Englishmen Corke and the native Inhabitants of the Countrey Corcach This Towne is so beset on every side with neighbouring mole●t●rs as that they are still constrained to keep● watch and ward as it there lay continuall siege against it The Citizens of this place are all linkt together in some one or other degree of affinitie for that they dare not match their daughters in marriage into the Countrey but make contracts of matrimony one with another among themselves In this place that holy and religious man Briock is said to have his birth and breeding who flourished among the Gaule in that fruitfull age of Christianitie and from whom the Diocesse of Sanbrioch in Britanie Armori●a commonly called S. Brieu had the denomination 7 The Citie which the Irish and Britaines call Porthlargy and the English Waterford though it be last in place yet is it not least in account as being the second Citie of all Ireland as well for the convenience and commodiousnesse of the Haven that affords such necessary aptitude for trade and tra●●ique
but little wormes breeding on the roote of a Plant called Bibenella d This is that we call the prickled peare * There are only of these two last 〈◊〉 in the Sommer Ilands * You must understand it to be meant whilst the Figs are on the trees The principall motives of Writing Eccles. 1.9 Exod. 31. Exod. 25. Mark 12.42 Exod. 34. Things described upon a personall survey of all England and Wales Amos 2.13 What is performed in this Worke. Cities and Shire-townes Shire-divisions Tables to finde all names in the Maps Armes of the titular Nobles Places of great Battels Micah 4.3 The benefit made of this labour * Travell * Adulation The scope of this Worke. The distribution of the wh●le Work The first Tome Chorographicall The second Tome Historicall * For some Ilands as Gersey and Gernsey we have left to their proper places Britaine the greatest Iland * Lib. de Cons●an The Site of Britaine * Dere●●a l. 6. * Buchanus so noteth against Humph. Lloyd The degrees of Britaines Site The Countries abutting upon Britaine All the Ilands about Britain counted British * Cambdens Britannia Britaines Eulogies * Lib. 18. c. 7. Psal. 16. * Spen●ers Fairie Queen l. 2. Can. 10. Stan 5. Britaine once no Isle * Or half Isle * Twine Verste●an Aeneid lib. 8. * Extremique huminum Morini * D. Cockes Epist l. 3 Report * Ca●● Iuda M. S. * Italie Britaine but slenderly knowne to Caesar. Epit. Liv l. 105. * Rebquam I●silae partem in potestatem sub●g●t * Epod. 7. Britaine had Kings in it in Caesars time * In Cambdens B●itannia Britaines supposed divisi●n 〈◊〉 Brutes three 〈◊〉 * England * Wales * Scotland G●ff of Monmouth father to Brutes three sonnes Britaine the Great and Lesse * Appiau Britaine the Higher and Lower Her●dian Britaine divided into three parts * Camb. p. 111. Sexius Rusus Dist. 80. cap. 1. Britannia prima Britannia secunda Maxima Caesariensis Britaine divided into five parts Valentia why called Amianus l. 28. Flavia why called The bounds of Britaines five parts 1 Britannia prima 2 Britannia secunda 3 Flavia Caesa. 4 Max. Caesar. 5 Valentia Lib 5 cap. 5. and 6. The Emperours respect of Britaines Conquest Their surnames hence Their residence here Their favours Their Triumphs Scotland vide lib. 3. Ireland vide lib. 4. How the Saxon H●ptarchie began The seven Kingdomes of the Saxon Heptarchie The most Northerne limit of the H●p●archie The Picts wal the Romanes onely partition Northward * A River in Cumberland The Saxons added two other bounds in the West 1 Offa-Dyke Io. Sarisbu in Poly●rat 2 The River Tamar * Marianus cals them Occidentales Britanes as Saxo victor ƿest ƿeales The Saxons domini●●ns divid●d into Hid●s * M. Ta●● * M. Clarenc p. 114. K. Elfred first divided the Land into Shires and why Ingulphus Malmesbury Tacitus Ingu●phus Aldermen Earles * Cam. p. 20. but Lambert thinks it a Saxon title Peramb p. 502 Portgreves Burgesses Thean Vnderthaine * Lamb. p. 502. but Cam. p. 121. ●●inkes it Danish Churle Y●omanry The number of the Shires 32. Malmes Polyc. li. 1. c. 19 A three-fold ●●stibution Three sorts of Lawes and Shires subject to them In Wil Conq. time Shires 34. and more Shires 39. Shires 52. Polyclnon Shires 36. Towns in the Conqu●rours time Parish-Churches Knights Fees Lieutenants Camd. Higdon A foure-fold division ●●der Canutus the● Dane * Lib. 2. The continuance of the Saxons governement The compartments of the Map unfolded The first seven Kings The first seven Christian Kings 1 Lib. 7. c. 18. 2 Lib. 7. c. 8. §. 3 3 Li. 7. c. 11. §. 3. 4 Lib. 7. c. 9. §. 8. ib. c. 20. 5 Lib. 7. c. 7. §. 7. 6 Lib. 7. c. 10. § 5. 7 Lib. 7. c. ● §. 3. * In Io. Hondius his Map of Gallia * L. 15. c. 14. he lived An. 1330 his Author perchance much ancienter * 〈◊〉 some read not so well because sertilus followeth * This verse Hondius inserts as peculiar to France * This verse Hondius inserts as peculiar to France Deut. 6. v. 10 11. Deut. 11. v. 11 12. Deut. 8. v. 7 9. Florentius Wigor p. 449. Gervas Tilb. Ingu●phus Camb. in Norm Mat. West lib. 2. c. Gervas Tilb. de Scaccar Hoveden p. 243. where they are set downe Ibid p. 347. Ingulphus Lamberts Archaion Gervas Regis Caria in qua i●s● in propria persone jura die●●●t H●st Derob Polyd. Hist. A●g lib. 1. * This David was the Vncl● of Arthu● and son of Princ X●●thus bego● on M●lea●ia a Nunne Beda Hist●● Angli● lib. 1. cap. 2● * Ha●●s●ald Linda●●rn c. An. Iom 765. Chron. Winton Ho●lienshed ● scrip Brit. p. 12 * In the Nort Riding of Yo●kshire M. Lamb. peramb The length of Kent The bredth The forme The name As M. William Lambard conjectureth The site of Kent The Soile The commodities Wil. Lambard fol. 248. Rivers of Kent The Cinque Ports Peramb of Kent fol. 148. Goodwin-sands Silvest Giraldus in his Itinerary of Wales Lamb. fol. 105. Hector Boetius Iohn Stowe The Inhabitants of Kent Caesar. Com. lib. 5. fol. 52. Lam. Peram in description of Dover fol. 158. Canterbury by King Rudhudibras Lam. Peram in description of Canterbury fol. 292. Ethelbert Edbald Lotharius Withred Edelbert 1 Sam 5.4 Herein King Iohn and his Queene were Crowned Rochester Civill dissentions in Kent The government of Kent Caes. Comment The Earles of Kent The division of Kent The name of SVSSEX The forme length and bredth The Ayre The Soile An. 478. The ancient Inhabitants of Sussex Sussex subdued to the Romans Chiefe places in Sussex Lewes An. 1263. A battell at Lewes battle Wil Newbery Bas●●● Pensey Cimenshore Gromebridge Commodities Religious houses built and suppressed The Shires division The bounds of Surrey The forme The length The circumference The Ayre and Soyle The ancient Inhabitants Principall places in Surrey King Henry the sixth buried at Chertsey Cambden Battles before the Conquest in Surrey Some say this Victory was obtained at Fernham in Kent Iohn Stow. Religious houses erected and suppressed in Surrey The divisions of Surrey The length and bredth of Hampshire The ayre of Hampshire The soile Havens Creekes Castles Ninius in Catalog Civit. Doomsdayes booke Beda bist lib. 4. cap. 13. New Forrest Gualter Maps The City Winchester Lib. Notitiae Zosimus Wil. Malms Henry Hunting The Staple Kings buried in Winchester The situation of Winchester South-hampton Clausentium Silcester Ninius Ger. Can●u The chiefe religious houses in this County The ancient Name Ninius The occasion of naming it Guyth The length Bredth Ayre The Soyle The delectablenesse of it The commodities Ancient Inhabitants Richard Ridvers Newport the chiefe towne A showre of blood The strength of this Iland The Romane Governours The Mercian King Wilfrid Bishop of Winchester their Diocesan The ancient name of this Shire The bounds of limits The forme and measure of it The Aire The ancient inhabitants