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A34064 A discourse upon the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating bishops, priests, and deacons, according to the order of the Church of England by Thomas Comber ... Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. 1699 (1699) Wing C5464; ESTC R1808 281,164 522

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these Seven who were all qualified as the Apostles required First Steven (s) Qui vocatur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Menol. Anthol Graec. the chief and most eminent among them a Man full of Faith and zeal and inspired with extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost above the rest who all had such degrees of these gifts and graces as fitted them for this Office and therefore they elected Philip (t) Vide Act. viii 5 26 cap. xxi 8. and Procorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicholas (u) Vid. Apoc. ii 7. Ab eo orti sunt Nicolaitae Epiphan haer 25. Hieron ep 48. At ipsum inculpa●um asserunt Clem. Alex. Strom. 3. Euseb l. 3. c. 23. Theod. haeret Fab. l. 3. who was of Gentile Extraction a Proselyte converted first to the Jewish Religion and formerly of Antioch all which had deserved a good testimony and were then well known in the Apostolical College and divers of them afterward proved eminent in the Church Ver. vi These Seven are the Men whom they of the Synod elected and set before the Apostles who as Supream Rulers of the Church had the sole power of delegating a right to any that were to officiate therein And since the Office of Deacons was sacred necessary and to continue in the Church they solemnly admitted them in such manner as all others afterwards were to be admitted therefore when they had prayed earnestly to God for them they laid their hands upon them as the Jews were wont to do in their solemn Designations of any to Offices of Dignity and trust (w) Numb xxvii 18. and from this Precedent set by the Apostles here and afterwards all Ordinations in the Christian Church were made by Prayer and Imposition of Hands (x) Ordinatio Clericorum non solum ad imprecationem vocis sed ad impositionem impletur manus Hieron in Isai 58. Tom. 4. p. 421. And these two have been ever since accounted so necessary that no regular Ordination could be without them Ver. vii And God who directed the setting up this New Order gave it a good effect the Apostles having more leisure to make Converts and being sometimes assisted by the Deacons in these higher Ministries divers became Christians And the word of God was preached so frequently that the knowledge thereof encreased and the number of the Disciples by the accession of new Converts multiplied in that Church of Ierusalem greatly notwithstanding the malice and menaces of the Jewish Rulers So that abundance of the common people and a great company of the Priests (y) Male Beza dubitat de hoc loco cum omnes MSS. Graec. ita legunt themselves not only professed but were obedient to the Faith of Christ believing the Principles and practising the Duties of Christianity §. 9. Of the Oath of Supremacy Though the Form of this Oath in our Nation be no older than the dawning of our Reformation under King Henry 8. (z) Sub Henrico 8. primo introductum est juramentum primatûs Reg. Jacobi Apol. log p. 53. yet the thing is as old as Scripture History for the right of Kings which this Oath declares is set forth in God's Word where David and Solomon Hezekiah and Jehosaphat (a) 1 Chron. xxviii 21. 1 King ii 27. 2 Chron. viii 14 15. chap. xx 21. as Supream in the Ecclesiastical as well as in Civil Affairs made Laws in matters of Religion and the Priests as well as the People were subject unto them As to the putting it into the Ordination Office we will shew 1st The reasonableness thereof in general 2ly The particular reasons for giving it to the Clergy 3ly The occasion of introducing it here 1st That it is reasonable in general will appear from the consent of all mankind the modern Papists excepted that Kings are Supream in all sorts of Causes the Jews thought so as was shewed before and so did the Gentiles as the great Philosopher sufficiently declares in saying the King is Lord of all things that relate to the Gods (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist Pol. l. 3. of which opinion also was a good old Pope who did not foresee the unjust claim of his Successors but owned that God had given the Emperor dominion over all Priests as well as Soldiers (c) Deus qui ei omnia tribuit dominari eum non solum Militibus sed etiam Sacerdotibus concessit Greg. l. 2. ep 64. a Doctrine taught long before by St. Chrysostom who says the Emperor was the Supream and Head of all things upon Earth (d) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys Orat. de Stat. 2. p. 463. To which agree all those Titles that the Clergy gave Christian Princes or they claimed as their due Pope Eleutherius calls Lucius King of Britain The Vicar of God in his Kingdom (e) Epist Eleuther ad Luc. Spelm. Tom. 1. p. 34. King Edgar is called The Vicar of Christ in the Laws promulgated in his time (f) Leg. Hydens ibid. p. 438. and he stiles himself Pastor of the Pastors (g) Charta ejus apud Seld. notis in Eadmer p. 146. and in much later times before the Pope pretended to give the Kings of England this Title for defending the Roman Errors our Princes claimed it as a right inherent in their Crown to be the Defenders of the Faith (h) Fidei defensores sumus esse volumus Brev. Ric. 2. Reg. Eliens fol. 1384. and 't is very remarkable that the General Councils of Constantinople and Chalcedon used that very same stile as of right belonging to the Emperors Theodosius and Marcian (i) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Conc. Constant Bin. Tom. 2. Par. 1. p. 89. ita Concil Chalced. Act. 6. Bin. ibid. p. 269. and Leo Magnus Bishop of Rome calls the latter of these the Defender or Preserver of the Faith (k) Custos Fidei Leo M. ep 71. ad Anastas p. 415. Agreeably to which Pope Anastasius calls the Emperor of the same Name God's Vicar appointed in his stead to preside in the Earth (l) Epist Anastas Pap. ad Imperator Anastas Bin. ut supr p. 507. The like Titles were given by the Bishops in Councils to the Western Emperors for Charlemaign is stiled Ruler of the true Religion and Governor of God's holy Church (m) Concil Mogunt An. 813. in Praef. Bin. T. 3. Par. 1. §. 2. p. 196. his Son Lewis is also called The strenuous Ruler of the true Religion (n) Vid. ibid. An. 847. p. 372. But if any should object these are only Complements and do not prove that Princes were really Supream in all Causes I shall observe that they really exercised this Supream Authority for the Codes and Novels of Justinian Theodosius and other Emperors in the East the Capitulars of Charles the Great and his Successors in the West the Laws of our Saxon Danish and first Norman Kings abound with Statutes and Edicts concerning
c. 14. p. 335. Skinners Dictionary voce Signior alibi and so was Presbyter originally intended for the Verb from which it comes signifies to Rule (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hesch p. 784. and it is used for a Superior Of which the word Priest which we commonly use is only a barbarous contraction but can by no means be supposed as some profanely apply it in their discourse to be any name of diminution or contempt There remains only the Title of Deacon now restrained to the lowest of these three Orders but it must be reckoned honourable in it self because it is applied to the chief Civil Magistrate in respect to his being subordinate to God (c) Rom. xiii 4. Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Bishops to the Apostles and to Christ himself (d) Rom. xv 8. 2 Cor. vi 4. Colos iv and though I would not infer from that use of the Name as a late Author doth that this Order was not in the Apostles time (e) Preface to the History of the Regalia p. 14. yet I may justly note that no dishonour can be cast upon our Deacons or Ministers from this appellation that will not reflect upon Magistrates and our Lord also To which I may add Mr. Mede's observation that 't is not said they are Ministers of the people but of God and of Christ (f) See Medes Diatrib on 1 Cor. iv 1. Wherefore all the names of these Sacred Orders in Scripture are honourable and so are also the Offices signified by them and this may suffice for the inspired Books As to the Opinion and Practice of the Christians afterwards they could not but value the Priesthood at an high rate since they reckoned it so necessary to Religion that there could be no Church where there were no Priests (g) Ecclesia non est quòd non habet Sacerdotes Hier. adv Lucif c. 8. ita Theod. Valent. l. 20. in append ad Cod. Theodos And the famous Justinian hath recorded it in his Laws That the Kingdom and the Priesthood are the greatest gifts that the Divine Goodness hath given unto men (h) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Justin praef ad Auth. coll 1. Tit. 6. p. 11. but to go back to the earliest times Epiphanius cites ancient Authors affirming That St. James Bishop of Jerusalem after the manner of the Jewish High-Priest (i) Exod. xxviii 36. wore a golden Plate as a Diadem on his Head in token of his Royal Priestood (k) Epiphan Panar l. 1. T. 1. haer 29. l. 3. T. 2. haer 78. The like Ornament as Polycrates Bishop of Ephesus reports was used by St. John (l) Euseb Hist l. 5. c. 23. p. 141. And Baronius gives instances of the same thing used by Primitive Bishops who could not be supposed to do it out of Pride but to express the dignity of their Order (m) Baron Annal. An. 34. p. 240. which in times of persecution when it had no outward lustre nor secular support was honoured by the faithful and those holy Bishops were revered as the representatives of God and Christ Jesus Yea St. Ignatius an humble Bishop and an eminent Martyr requires Christians to obey their Bishop as Christ did his Father to observe and reverence the Presbyters as the Apostles of Christ and to respect the Deacons as the Ordinance of God (n) Vid. loc citat à D.H. Ham. dissert 2. c. 25. which is no more than our Saviour and St. Paul had intimated before (o) Luk. x. 16. 1 Thes iv 8. And so it was no new Doctrine of his It were endless to give instances of the strict observance of these Precepts by the devout Converts of that Age so that one or two may suffice The blessed Martyr St. Polycarp was so highly honoured by the people of Smyrna where he was Bishop that until the day of his Martyrdom he had never pulled off his own shooes every one striving who should do that office for him (p) Euseb Hist l. 4. c. 15. p. 97. and those of Antioch kissed the Hands and embraced the Feet of Meletius their Bishop (q) Chrysost de S. Melet Antioch T. 5. p. 539. The old and famous St Anthony the Hermit who lived in the times of Persecution though he wrought Miracles yet being not in Orders he used to bow his Head and humbly receive the Benediction of Bishops and Priests nor would he pray if but a Deacon were present but made him go before him in the Office (r) Athanas in Vit. D. Ant. Tom. 5. p. 508. And this Custom of bowing to beg the blessing of the Clergy and other very holy Men was so usual among Christians that the very Gentiles did it to St. Anthonys's Scholar St. Hilarion as St. Hierom in his life reports (s) Vit. S. Hilarion apud Hieron Tom. 1. p. 329. and the usage continued for many Ages both in the Eastern and Western Church to kiss the Clergies hands and kneeling to receive their blessing (t) Vid. Haberti observ in Pontifical Graec. Obs 7. p. 139. But I proceed and shall add that when Constantine became a Christian he was exemplary for honouring the Clergy for comming to the Council of Nice and seeing the Bishops rise to receive him he would not sit down in that venerable Assembly till the Fathers desired him (u) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Euseb in Vit. l. 3. cap. 10. p. 363. and when the Council was ended He feasted them all in his Palace making divers of them sit at his own Table (w) Id. ibid. c. 14. p. 364. In after times St. Martin was placed next to the Emperor Maximus and his Presbyter sat between the Emperors Uncle and Brother at a Feast where many Nobles were present (x) Sulpic. Sever. vit D. Martini §. 23. p. 466. And it was believed a Judgment of God fell upon Valentinian the elder for not rising to that Bishop when he came to him (y) Idem in Dialogo §. 6. p. 537. I might also note that if Bishops sollicited Princes for the pardon of Criminals or on other occasions of Charity they used not to deny them And St. Martin is said rather to command it than intreat in such cases (z) Et si pro aliquibus supplicandum regi fuit imperavit potius quam rogavit Sulpic. Sever. vit §. 23. p. 465. But I shall rather observe that before there were Christian Magistrates the Apostles put the power of judging all causes among beleivers into the Governors of the Church (a) 1 Cor. vi 1. and 1 Tim. v. 19 20. who exercised this Power during the times of Persecution (b) Nam judicatur magno cum pondere c. Tertul. Apol. cap. 39. But when the Emperors became Christian the Bishops were by Law made Judges of all Spiritual Matters and of all Causes among their own Clergy (c) Sozom. Histor Eccles l. 1. cap. 9. p. 206.
(y) Idem ibid. lib. 1. p. 124. a. 'T is true that haughty Prelate encouraged by the Pope laboured to wrest this Privilege from King Henry the first but his procurator at Rome protested to the Popes face That his Master would part with his Kingdom as soon as with his Right to Elections (z) Matth. Par. Ann. 1103. pag. 59. And though he forbore a while to use his Prerogative herein upon his being reconciled to Anselm yet upon his Death he chose Rodulph to succede him (a) Idem ibid. An. 1113. pag. 65. in that See And afterwards he nominated or recommended all other Bishops that were preferred in his Reign it being recorded by an ancient Historian that this King made four Bishops in one years time (b) Henr. Huntingd. An. 1123. lib. 7. Histor pag. 219. And the same Authority was exercised by the following Kings who besides this first Title of usage had Secondly another founded upon Law and Common Right as being Patrons and Founders of all English Bishopricks which they had endowed with Lands and large Possessions And the Civil Law ordains That if a Man build a Church and provide for the Clergy that are to officiate there he and his Heirs shall name a fit Person to be ordained to it (c) Justin Authent collat 9. Tit. 6. Novel 123. cap. 18. p. 172. So that the Kings of England have as just a right to the Patronage of Bishopricks as private Patrons Founders and Endowers of lesser Benefices have to present to them And this Title is urged in that excellent Letter to Pope Clement the sixth writ by King Edward the third together with the former claim of immemorial usage where he thus speaks From the very beginning of the Church in this our Kingdom of England the Memorable Piety of our Progenitors Nobles and faithful Subjects have built Churches endowed them with large Possessions and given great immunities to them For which Reason they placed fit Ministers in them As to Cathedrals our Progenitors aforesaid have for a long time upon any vacancy by their Royal Prerogative freely bestowed them on fit Persons c. The whole Letter is extant in Tho. of Walsingham (d) Tho. Walsing Hist in Edward 3. An. 1343. p. 150. and deserves to be Read because it shews the ill consequences of the Pope's interposing in these Elections From medling wherein he was soon after excluded by the Statutes of this Realm An. 25. Ed. 3. and An. 13. Rich. 2. The former of which Statutes mentions a Grant from former Kings to Deans and Chapter that they might freely elect their Bishop Provided and upon these Conditions First That they desired the Kings leave to elect And Secondly That after they had chosen they did obtain the Royal Assent Which method is still observed among us only the King recommends a Person to the Clergy when he grants them license to elect yet so as there have been instances where just ground of objection appeared against the Person so nominated by the King where the Clergy have humbly remonstrated to the Kings Majesty in order to obtain a second Nomination There is one Reason more why our Kings should nominate their own Bishops and that is because they are Peers of their Realm and divers of them are or may be employed in Offices of the highest trust under the King and therefore it is fit he should chose the Person who is to make so considerable a Figure in the Government and may have so great a share in the Administration thereof Yet still not only the Chapter of the vacant Church but the Bishops who consecrate him have sufficient Security as to his ability for so sacred an Office and his care to perform all the Duties of it by the very Form of Consecration which now we shall go on to explain The end of the Preface A DISCOURSE UPON THE OFFICE For Consecrating a BISHOP Where it differs from the former CHAP. I. Of this Office in general §. 1. ST Cyprian to shew the great use and necessity of a Bishop compares him to the Shepherd of a Flock the Pilot of a Ship and the Ruler among the People (e) Ut pascendo gregi pastor ut gubernando navi gubernator ut plebi regendo rector redderetur Cypr. Ep. 58. and implies that as a Flock cannot be fed without a Shepherd a Ship steered without a Pilot nor a Multitude kept in order without a Governor so neither can a Church be managed or preserved without a Bishop which being the highest Order in the Church and those who are advanced to it being constituted Supream Ecclesiastical Rulers not only over the People but also over the inferior Orders of the Clergy therefore the Holy Scripture gives very strict Rules for the choice of Bishops and their Admission to this Dignity hath been very solemn in all Ages At first by Fasting Prayer and Imposition of Hands and afterwards with more ceremony The first General Council requires three Bishops at least shall perform the Consecration (f) Concil Nicaen I. Can. 4. Bev. T. 1. p. 63. which was grounded on those Apostolical Canons made in the Ages of Persecution (g) Can. Apostol I. ibid. p. 1. not Bevereg T. 2. p. 10. and that shews this practice which we still retain is very Primitive And so is their declaring of their Faith and the strict scrutiny into their Manners with the laying the Holy Bible on their Head though no express Constitution do appear to enjoyn these things till the 4th Council of Carthage (i) Acts xiii 3. (h) Concil Carthag 4. Can. 1 2. ap Bin. Tom. 1. p. 588. There is no doubt but there were Forms of Prayer and particular Supplications for the Holy Spirit used even from the Apostles Times and by their Examples (i) Acts xiii 3. and therefore Mystical Prayers are the very definition of this Ordination (k) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Balsam in 1. Can. Apostol But those now extant though some of them be very ancient yet are of later date However there have been such Forms in all Churches in the Eastern or Greek Church as also among the Syrian and Ethiopick Christians and in all Eminent Churches of the West The oldest of which are elaborately collected by Morinus in his Learned Commentary of Ecclesiastical Ordinations which I shall have often occasion to cite in the following Pages by comparing those Offices with our modern English Form to which also I shall sometimes compare not only the present Roman Ordinal but also those Ancient Formularies of the Gallican Church and of this Nation (l) Extant ap Baluz append ad Capitul Tom. 3. p. 1372. ap Mabillon Liturg. Gallican l. 3. p. 307. in Theodor. Poenitent p. 283. while they were in Communion with Rome From all which it is easie to observe that the Roman Church hath exceedingly varied from it self the oldest Offices whereof were very short containing few Ceremonies