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A29746 An apologeticall relation of the particular sufferings of the faithfull ministers & professours of the Church of Scotland, since August, 1660 wherein severall questions, usefull for the time, are discussed : the King's preroragative over parliaments & people soberly enquired into, the lawfulness of defensive war cleared, the by a well wisher to the good old cause. Brown, John, 1610?-1679. 1665 (1665) Wing B5026; ESTC R13523 346,035 466

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was petended the true cause was that which made him so famous even his zeal activity for the work of God in his generation for what ever else they had to lay to his charge if he had either opposed the work of God or done as litle for it as many other of the Nobles his life would not have been taken now more then the life of others it is true other things were sought to colour this bussinesse and failing one another failing that a third but in end ther is a comprehensive generall set downe as the ground of the sentence to this purpose That he had been an enemy to the king his interest these 23 yeers or more by past which in effect is as much as to say he had been an active friend for the interest of Christ. But because generalls cannot well be proved they condescended on severall particular actings of his in carrying on in his place station the work of reformation when all these failed they fix upon his complyance with the Englishes after they had subdued the land in battell and forced the king out of his dominions had garrisoned the whole land used it almost as a conquest by sitting in their parliament when chosen by some shire and when the rest of the shires of the land had sent their commissioners thither This his complyance with them at that time by sitting in their judicatories and there concurring with his advice counsel for the good of the land that was now under their feet is the only particular ground upon which his sentence is founded and the particular speciall cause pretended for which he was condemned to lose his head as a traitour to have his head put up on t●…e top of the tolbooth as an eminent traitour A sentence which question lesse at first veiu may make all men of understanding astonished to wonder how ever it could have entered into the minde of the parliament of Scotland to sentence unto death such a peer of the land such an usefull member of the Kingdome an ornament upon such a ground and for such a cause But if these foure particulars be considered the matter will yet appear more wonderfull 1. The matter of complyance with the Englishes at that time was so farr from being accounted treasonable that severall of the lawyers among whom was one Sr Iohn Fletcher who was now advanced to be his Maj. advocat did accuse this worthy Nobleman of treason did swear subscribe an oath to be faithfull unto the governement as it was then established without King house of Lords Now if there had been treason really in this deed either by the civill law or by the municipall lawes of the land would not the lawyers have perceived it whose dayly work study the lawes are 2. If this had been the deed of this nobleman alone the mater had been lesse to have been wondered at but it being such a deed whereof few of the nobles of Scotland were altogether free yea whereof many of the members of Parliament his judges were guilty the matter is beyond a parallel It is hard to make secios criminis sit as judges condemne the accused reason would require that the table should be purged Is it not strange for a Parliament to condemne one for such a fault for which many of their own members might with as much justice equity be condemned and is it not strange how they being by their own confession traitours in the heighest degree could fitt judge others It is true it will be replyed That his Maj. might pardon whom he pleased But then it will aboundantly appear that not this But something else was the cause of this worthy nobleman's death Whatever may be said in poynt of law yet it will be a disput in poynt of conscience If kings may pardon such crimes as do deserve death by the law of God or if such crimes which kings may pardon of their own accord according to their own good pleasure do before the Lord deserve death 3. If the Parliament had thought this particular worthy to bear so much stresse why would they have spent so much of their time in searching for other grounds to goe upon 〈◊〉 why did they not make use of this at the first but it is like this had never once been mentioned if they had been able to fasten treason upon any other of his actions this makes it so much the more to be wondered at that they would condemne such a noble man for such a particular which they would never once hav●… named if they could have done their intended work otherwayes 4. Is it not strange that of all the complyers of Scotland there was not one except this nobleman impannelled upon this account let be put to death yea is it not strange that those noble Men were never once questioned who being desired by Generall Monck when he was entering England with his army to rancounter Lambert did abjure king Charles his interest this Nobleman must die Yea is it not yet more strange that one William Purves who by complying had occasioned almost ruine to many noblemen brughs and gentlem●…n should have been absolved by act of Parliament as might be cleared if there were a table of the unprinted acts set down after their acts as is done alwayes in other Parliaments and yet this nobleman must be sentenced to death for complying for the good of the countrey But to speak unto the bussinesse in poynr of law let these foure or five Particular quaere's be considered and then any shall be able to perceive the iniquity of this sentence 1. By what act of Parliament is such a deed as this condemned as treasonable By what municipall law can any member of the Kingdome be challenged upon the account of treason for treating with a conquerour for life liberty for sitting in his councells for the good of the countrey after that he with the rest of the body of the land had foughten in the defence of King countrey till no more could be done after the whole land had been overcome at severall battels and wholly overrun had acted nothing for the advantage of the enemy disadvantage of the king countrey before the victory obtained but in all poynts had carryed as became a loyall subject contributing all the help by armes counsell which was required what act of parliament declareth such a deed as this treasonable such a subject to deserve death as a traitour 2. Was there ever such a Practique in Scotland since ever there was a king in it Severall times was the kingdome of Scotland overrun by the kingdome of England particularly in the dayes of Baliol at that time King Edward caused the Nobles of Scotland swear all aidgeance unto him But when Bruce came to be King was there any of the Nobles questioned for treason upon that account
displeasure of many at court when Ministers were freely rebuking sin in about the court they were accounted railers traitours And being accused of treason before the King his Councill They declined them as incompetent Judges Upon this account in this houre of darknesse by the meanes of the Earle of Arran This Parliament is suddenly called wherby there were two Parliaments in one year 1584. the one meeting May 22. the other which is called the ninth Parliament as the former was called the eight Agust 22. which granteth this supremacy to the King over persones ecclesiastick for formalities sake civil therefore in the end of that act it is declared to be treason to decline his Maj. or his Council in any case So then the question was not betwixt the King the Parliament But betwixt the King or his Councel the Church in spirituall matters It is true also that in the 1. Act of Parliament 18. Anno 1606. His Maj. soveraigne authority Princely power Royall prerogative and privilege of his Crowne over all Estates persones and causes whatsoever is acknowledged But this act is of the same nature with the former no prerogative over above the Estates of Parliament is acknowledged here to belong properly to the Crown And moreover these words are but faire flourishes parliamentary complements Finally the prerogative here spoken of is founded upon personal qualifications where with they say he was endued far beyond his predecessours such as extraordinary graces most rare and excellent vertues singular judgment for sight Princely wisdome the like these may be wanting in one possessing the crowne therefore it could not be the minde of the Parliament to give a supremacy founded upon such qualifications to these who had not those qualifications so they could not annex it unto the Crowne 9. Together with these particulars let this be considered That in 3 Article of the league Covenant they did all swear Sincerly really and constantly in their severall vocations to endeavour the preservation of the rights and privileges of the Parliaments And then it shall appear that there was good ground of scrupleing at that oath which as explained by their acts tendeth to the overturning of those rights privileges For none who desired to make conscience of the oath of the Covenant might swear an oath so apparently opposite thereunto It is true those questions concerning the power of Princes Parliaments are dark ticklish Ministers not being lawyers by profession can not be supposed to be well acquanted with the lawes constitutions of the realme or with the nature extent of the same in all points Yet it concerneth them to see to this that they run not themselves upon the rocks of contradictory oaths And having sworne to endeavour in their places callings the preservation of the rights privileges of Parl. it concerneth them all not alitle to search so far into the rights privileges of Parl. as that they may know when an oath is tendered unto them which crosseth the same being once engadged in an oath in a matter not sinfull not to change or to swear that which destroyeth contradicteth the former oath But leaving those things not laying more weight on them then they will bear other particulars more weighty pressing must be spoken to therefore let it be considered 10. What dreadfull consequences will follow upon the taking of this oath thus explained as to its civil part by the forementioned act concerning the prerogative other acts now to be mentioned as 1. A condemning of the convention of Estates Anno 1643. conform to the Act 6. of this Parliament 2. A condemning of the Parliaments Anno 1640 1641 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648. conforme to their Act 15. as also the committees Parliaments thereafter Anno 1649 1650 1651. conforme to their Act 9. 3. A condemning of all the Acts made by these Parliaments conforme to their Act 3. 4. A condemning of all the meetings Councells Conventions of the subjects at the beginning of the late work of Reformation conforme to their 4 Act. 5. A condemning of the League Covenant conforme to their Act 7. 6. A condemning of Scotlands joyning with helping of England in the day of their straite conforme to their Act 7. 7. A condemning of the renueing of the Nationall Covenant Anno 1638 1639. conforme to the last words of the 11 Act. 8. A condemning of the Generall Assembly 1638 severall others thereafter conforme to their 4 Act. 9. A condemning of Scotlands riseing in armes in their own defence against the Popish Prelaticall malignant Party conforme to their 5 Act. 10. A condemning of their seizing upon forts castles in their own defence conforme to the said 5 Act. Was there not then cause to scruple at the taking of this oath which would have imported a condemning of all those things sure there was as shall be showne in speaking to each of the particulars mentioned Now it is clear that the taking of this oath would have imported a condemning of all these particulars from this That the Parliament doth condemne all these mentioned particulars as the acts specified do clear because done without his Maj consent which ought say they to have been had by vertue of his prerogative royall and supremacy the perogative doth explaine his supremacy in things civill as shall be showne more fully hereafter But to come to the particulars first There was no ground for condemning that convention of Estates 1643. notwithstanding that the Kings consent was not had therto 1. Because in poynt of conscience the Estates of the land being essentially judges are bound when the publict affaires of the Kingdom do require to conveen consult thereanent when Religion lawes liberties are in hazard when the necessitie is such as will admit of no delay pure legall formalities of state must be dispensed with when they cannot be gotten followed as in this case it was clear The true protestant religion his Maj. honour the peace of the Kingdomes were in hazard by papists their adherents in armes in England Irland The King refuised to call a Parliament at that time though he was oftin requeested there unto In this case what could the states of the Land do who were bound by the lawes of God of nature of nations to see to the preservation of the Kingdom to their own interests to religion that should be dear●… to them then any thing●… else were bound by the law of God to judge governe the land but obey God dis●…ense with state formalities according to the many examples of the Estates of Scotland before who did conveen in Parliament whether the King would or not as that Parliament which did imprison donald the 70. King the Parliament at Scone which summoned King Culenus before them that Parliament which
deprived the Queen mother of her regency But to avoid tediousnesse let Buchanans Chronicle be perused many such like Parliaments shall be seen 2. Who was it who summoned all those Parliaments which conveened for the election of new Kings of viceroyes as that which did choose Notatus the brother not Ruther the son of Dornadilla the 4. King that which did choise Even brother to Durstus not Durstus his sonne that which made Dardan King not Corbred's son being under age that which make Te●…rasell brother to Conarus King and not E●…hodius son to Canorus and many moe●… Yea Buchanan no stanger to the constitution of the scottish Kingdome sheweth in his book de jure regni apud Scotos that the Parliaments of Scotland were summoned not only without the consent of their Kings but against the same What ground was there then for condemning of this convention at this nick of time when matters were in such hazard Especially 4. Seing the very next Parliament which conveened Anno 1644. by vertue of the last act of the Parliament Anno 1641. at which the King himself was present did ratisie approve that convention upon these grounds as their 5. act beareth Considering that the Lords of his Maj. privy councell and Commissioners for conserving the articles of the treaty having according to their interests and trusts committed to them by his Maj. and Estates of Parliament used all meanes by supplications remonstrances and sending of commissioners for secureing the peace of this Kingdome and removing the unhappy diseractions betwixt his Maj. and his subjects in England in such away as might serve most for his Maj. honour and good of both kingdomes and their humble and dutifull endeavours for so good ends having proven so ineffectuall their offer of mediation and intercession being refuised by his Maj. And thereby finding the weight and difficulty of affaires and the charge lying on them to be greater then they could bear did therefore in the Moneth of May 1643. meet to gether with the commissioners for common burdens that by ioynt advice Some resolution might be taken there in and in respec●… of the danger imminent to the true protestant religion his Maj honour and peace of these kingdomes by the multitude of Papists and their adherents in armes in England and Irland and of many other important and publike affaires which could not admit delay and did require the advice of the representative body of the kingdome appoynted and indicted a meeting his Maj. having formerly refuised their humble desires for a Parliament Secondly there was no ground for an●…ulling those Parliaments mentioned in the act rescissory and act 9. 1. Because in both those acts there is no mention made of any informality which might justly either in law or conscience render these Parliaments null Only there is mention made of their acts deeds but these cannot in any manner of way annull their constitution for a Parliament may be a Parliament legally conveened though it should astablish iniquitie by a law if the ground which they have laid down in these two acts 15 9. forannulling of these Parliaments hold good indifferent men will soon see that they have anulled their own constitution declared themselves no Parliament for if their acts were compared with the acts of these Parliaments which they have annulled examined either by the rule of God's word which all Christian commonwealths Parliaments should stir their course by or by the fundamental lawes of the land they would be found more worthy to be condemned Sure succeeding ages need take no more but the ground which themselves have laid downe here whereupon to declare this Parliament null But 2. These Parliaments were all legally conveened called for the King called the Parliament 1639 sent the Earle of Traquare as his commissioner thither which was adjourned to Anno 1640. then after some time it was adjourned to Anno 1641. at this Session of Parliament the King himself was present so owned them as a lawfull Parliament being called by his command continued hither till ratifyed all their Acts among which this was one viz Act. 17. Anno 1640. That every third year once at least there should be a full free Parliament that the time place should be appoynted by his Maj. or his commissioner for the time the Estates of Parliament before the end and el●…sing of every Parliament According to which Act King Parliament did appoint the next Parliament to meet Iun 1644. this Parliament is continued till Ian. 1645. thence till March thence till Iuly 1645. from thence it is adjourned to November 1646. then till March 1647. at the close of this last Session of Parliament conforme to the forsaid Act 1640. They appoynted the next meeting of Parliament to be Anno 1648. This Parliament adjourned to March 1650. but with all they give power to their committy or the quorum thereof to call the Parl. sooner if they saw necessity accordingly it is convocated An. 1649. at the time appointed it meeteth An 1650. so adjourned to times convenient So that there is no informality here at all discernable If it be said that neither the King nor his commissioner was present at those Parl. so this informality annulled all Ans. 1. The want of this formality cannot be the cause of annulling these Parl. or Sessions of Parl. because they annull the very Session of Parliament 164●… at which King Charles himself was present 2. There is no law making the presence of the King or his Commissioner essential to every Parliament far lesse to every Session of a Parliament 3. There have been many Parliaments holden in Scotland without either king or Commissioner as in the dayes of King Iames 2. Anno 1437 1438 1440. where there is no mention made of the King in the Acts as there is at the next Parliament 1443. but only of the three Estates of Parliament concluding and ordaining So Anno 1560. there is a Parliament holden at Edenburgh by the three Estates without either King or Queen an Act thereof ratified first Parliament King Iames 6. Act 2. So Anno 1567. the Parliament is keeped by the Regent the three Estates without the Queen who then did Reigne as the Acts of Parliament 1581. King Iames 6. shew for there these words are to be found in the first Act thereof And especially the Act made in the Reigne of the Queen his dearest mother in the Parliament holden at Edinburgh the 19 of April Anno 1567. 〈◊〉 Wherby it is aboundantly clear that she was then governing when this Parl. did sit yet the Parliament was keeped without her as the Acts shew So in the dayes of Queen Mary the Acts of Parl. run in the name of the Lord Governour three Estates of Parl. this Governour was not representing the Queen as her Commissioner
obtained a great victory that same year they renewed their Covenant at Brunna in which Covenant the other Ten Cantons at severall times thereafter being oppressed by their Nobles did joyne at length by warre brought themselves into that state of liberty in which they are at this day See for all this Simlerus de Repub. Helvet 12. And lastly they have the practice of the Bohemians who in the Dayes of Wenceslaus Sigismond waged great warres under the conduct of valiant Zizca See Fox's acts monuments Vol. 1. And thereafter in the dayes of Ferdinand they resolved to fight couragiously against all their enemies how great so ever they were But in case some should be so bold as to condemne all those Acts as treacherous rebellious let it be considered 6. That some of those same practices are allowed and approved even by the Kings of Britaine for King Iames in his answer to cardinall perron justifyeth the protestants of France their taking up armes in their own defence Memorable is that speach which King Iames had in the Parliament house Anno 1609. a King sayeth he governing in a setled Kingdome ●…easeth to be a King degenerateth into a tyrant so soon as he leaveth to rule by his lawes much more when he begineth to invade his subjects persones rights liberties to set up an arbitrary power impose unlawfull taxes raise forces make warre upon his subjects whom he should protect rule in peace to pillage plunder waste spoile his Kingdom Imprison murder destroy his people in a hostile manner to cap●…vat them to h●…e pleasure This is a sentence well worthy to come out of a Kings mouth to be●…ingraven upon the thrones of Kings princes and doth more then abundantly justify Scotland in their late defensive warre Moreover Queen Elizabeth King Iames both by the publick advice consent of their realmes did give publick aid assistance unto the protestants of France against their King to the Netherlands against the king of Spaine and to the protestants in Germany Bohemia against the Emperour entered into solemne leagues covenants with them if they had been traitours rebells that action of defence utterly unlawfull would those princes have joyned with them in this manner who can think this So did King Charles the first openly avow to aide the protestants in France at Ree Rotchell against their King who was come in armes against them the Germane Princes against the Emperour the Netherlands against the King of Spaine And entered into a solemne league with them for that end All which do aboundantly justify the Scottish defensive warres free Scotland from the aspersion of disloyalty rebellion But moreover 7. It is to be considered That King Charles I. himself hath fully freed them of all these aspersions in his publick Acts in his Parliaments declareing The Scots late taking up armes against him his Consellours in defence of their religion lawes privileges to be no treason nor rebellion them to be his true loyall subjects notwithstanding of all aspersions cast upon them by the Prelaticall Popish party because they had no evill nor disloyall intentions at all against his Maj. person crown dignity but only a care of their own preservation the redresse of these eno●…mities pressures grievances in Church state which threatened desolation to both See the acts of oblivion pacification Here is enough to stope the mouthes of all Calumniators to vindicate them to cleare the innocency of their cause before all the Wo●…d And furder King Charles who now is did approve of the same in his declaration at Dumferml●… which is cited Sect 2. 8. Some of their chief antagonists are forced through the clearnesse of truth to assert such things grant such particulars as will by clear undenyable consequence justify their taking up of armes resisting the armies of their King when they came against then to destroy Religion Lives Lawes Liberties Beside that all of them are forced to speak most in consequently unto their own principles by their concessions do overthrow their own grounds arguments as might easily be made to appear if to discourse at length of this subject were designed now As 1. Iohn Barclay Lib. 4. Cap. 16. he sayeth expresly That if a King will alionate and subjecte his Kingdom to another without his subjects their consent or be carryed with a hostile minde to the destruction of all his people his Kingdom is actually lost and the people may not only lawfully resist and disobey but also depose him This is more then the Scots could desire for they plead not for deposeing or dethroning of kings but only for resisting withstanding them when they carry a hostile minde against them whereof a strong army of strangers marching with armes to their borders after they were contrary to all law declared rebels is as evident a demonstration as can be are seeking the ruine destruction of their own subjects They plead only That in that case the people may are bound before God to defend themselves when their religion which ought to be dearer to them then any thing else is sought to be taken away or altered service books or masse books the like tyrannically obtruded upon them So Contra Monarch lib. 3. c. 8. He granteth that the people have right to defend themselves against great cruelty what greater cruelty could be expected by a nation from their King then to be blocked up by sea land threatened with utter ruine exti●…pation unlesse they would sell soull conscience all doth not this speak abundantly for the justifying of them 2. D. Fern. Part. 3. s. 5. acknowledgeth that personall defence is lawfull against the suddaine illegall assaules of the Kings messingers or of himself in so far as to ward off his blowes to held his hands and when the assault is inovitable Now if resistence be lawfull against suddaine assaults much more against premediated deliberated advised assaults If resistence of illegall assaults be lawfull then they cannot be condemned because the assaults of the King's forces were against all law reason for there is no law warranding the King or any other having a commission from him to force popery upon them by armes If resistence be lawfull against inevitable assaults then they are justified for how could they resist the assault of so many thousand armed men but with armed men Yea when he alloweth in such a case that hands may be laid upon the prince he more then justifieth them who never did intend harme to his Maj. person honour but wished sought the saifty preservation thereof by all meanes And againe when he would answere the argument taken from Elisha's resisting of the King he granteth that itis lawfull to resist the Kings cutthroats and what did Scotland more then resist his
of Babilon is aggraiged upon this score Ezek. 17 19. so●… judgments are threatened therefore Therefore thus sayeth the Lord God as I live surely mine oath that he hath despised and my Covenant that he hath broken even it will I recompense upon his owne head The oath is called God's oath the Covenant God's Covenant which v. 16. is called the King of Babilon his oath his Covenant And upon this account the sin is aggraiged he is the more assured of judgments because of his breach of this Covenant So likewise that Covenant mentioned Ier. 34 8 9 10. wherein th●… princes the people did sweare to let their Hebrew servants goe free is called God's Covenant v. 18. upon this account sorer judgments are threatened v. 19 20. And I will give the men that have transgressed my Covenant which have not performed the words of the Covenant which they had made before me into the hand of their enemies So then the breach of this Covenant which was sworn with hands lifted up to the most high God in an eminent way before the Lord must be the breach of a Covenant which God will owne as his Covenant as his oath therefore the greater sin 6. It will be the breach of Covenants made with God for they containea vow a promise confirmed with an oath made for doing of such things as God commandeth in his word therefora greater sin for Covenants made with God should be more bindeing inviolable then Covenants betwixt man man For in Covenants betwixt man man there may be dispensations in remissions of the obligation moreover the ground of those Covenants may faile Now none can either dispense with or grant remissions in the matters of God Moreover Covenants made with God are more absolute lesse clogged with conditions so more obligeing And therefore the sin of breaking such covenants must be the greater all may be sure that God shall avenge the quarrell of these Covenants which are his owne he being in them not only judge witnesse but also altera pars contra●…ens the party with whom the Covenant is made Lev. 26 15 16 17 25. 7. It will be the breach of Covenants made with God about morall duties It is a morall duty to abjure all the poynts of popery which was done in the nationall Covenant it is a morall duty to endeavour our own reformation the reformation of the Church which was sworne to in both Covenants It is a morall duty to endeavour the reformation of England Irland in doctrine worshipe discipline and Government which was sworne to in the league Covenant It is a morall duty to purge out all unlawfull officers out of God's house to endeavour the extirpation of heresy schisme whatsoever is contrary to sound doctrine which was sworne to there also It is a morall duty to do what God had commanded towards superiours inferiours equalls which by the league Covenant all were bound unto And therefore the Covevenants are strongly obligeing being more absolute then other cov because they binde vi materiae vi sanctionis both by reason of the matter by reason of the oath so are perpetuall Ier. 50 5. And therefore a breach of these must be a greater fault then the breach of such Covenants as are about things not morally evil which only binde vi sanctionis so it is beyond all doubt that the breach of these Covenants is a most hainous crying sin 8. It will be a breach of such Covenants as are so framed as that they cannot be made void though they should be broken buried forgotten Because they are Covenants about morall indispensable duries such duties upon which dependeth the glory of God the advancement of the Kingdome of our Lord saviour Jesus Christ The honour happinesse of the King's Majesty his posterity the true publick liberty saifty peace of the Kingdomes the good of posterity in all time coming the Lord's being one his name one in all the three Kingdomes And so the transgessing of such Covenants must be a greater fault then the b●…each of such which are of that nature as to be made void after some period of time or after a failzy by the one party Therefore seing those Covenants must binde though all had broken them brunt them also so long as ●…fe lasteth It must be a hainous crime to break them 9. It will be a breach of Covenants reall hereditary such as reach not only the persons themselves entering into Covenant but likewise their posterity like that betwixt David Ionathan 2. Sam. 9 7. 21 7. that betwixt Iosua the Gibeonits that mentioned Deut. 29 14 15. For this Covenant is of that nature as shall appear if that which Grotius de jur ●…el pac lib. 2. c. 16. § 16. Sayeth concerning these Covenants be considered where he giveth this as one evidence of such Covenants viz. When the subject is of a permanent nature addeth albeit the state of a commonwealth be changed into a Kingdome the Covenant must binde quia manet idem corpus etsi mutato capite though the head be changed the body of the commonw●…alth is the same And againe he sayeth as grving another evidence of such Covenants When there is such a clause in the Covenant as that it should be perpetuall or when it is such as is made for the good of the Kingdome addeth When neither ma●…er nor expressions can certanely determine then favorabiliora creduntur esse realia the most favourable advantagious are reall Covenants So that by these marks evidences it is clear that these Covenants are reall Covenants obligeing not only them but also their posterity for 1. The subject or the person who did first enter into this Covenant was the body or universality of the people themselves then their Parliaments in their Parliamentary capacity like the oath of Iosua the princes which did binde the people in all time coming notwithstanding of what they might have said for themselves as not owneing the same but murmureing against it Yea the King in his princely capacity sitting on his throne with the crowne on his head in the day of his solemne inauguration this though there were no more will make it a reall Covenant binding the people according to that imperator foedus percussit videtur populus percussisse Romanus As King Zedekiah's oath to the King of Babilon did oblige the people Now then seing where either the body of a land their Parliaments or their prince in their severall capacities do Covenante the Covenant becometh reall perpetually obligeing much more must it be so where all these three are so theseoaths being Regall oaths Parliamentary oaths nationall oaths covenants they must be covenants perpetually obligeing so that as long as Scotland
to any Councell But what followed upon this perfidious dealing When the report of the execution of Iohn Husse Ierome of prague spreadeth thorow Bohemia there ariseth great tumults which draw to a war under the valient renouned Iohannes Zischa which was so bloody cruell that Sigismund was forced to implore help of the Empire Memorable is that passage in the Turk's historie concerning the Covenant betwixt Vladislaus King of Hungary Amurath for Ten yeers peace the consequences of the breach thereof This Vladislaus was moved by great Kings princes as well Mahumetans as Christians also by Iohn Palaeologus of Constantinople by Francis the Cardinall of florence generall of the Christian fleet who shewed him how low Amurath was brought what faire advantages the Christians had Especially by Iulian the Cardinall who had a long speach to this end pressing him to break that Covenant having ended his discourse in name of the Pope he disannulled the league absolved Vladislus all whom it might concerne Whereupon the war was renewed against the Turks when battell was joyned near to Varna the victory began to incline to the Christians so that Amurath was thinking to flee but was stayed by a privat souldier when he saw the great slaughter of his men beholding the picture of a crucifix in the displayed banner of the Christians he plucked the paper out of his bosome which did containe the late league holding it up in his hand with his eyes cast up to heaven said Behold thou crucified Christ this is the league which thy Christians in thy name made with me Which they have without cause violated Now if thou be a God as they say thou art and as we dreame revenge the wrong now done unto thy name and me and shew thy power upon thy perjurious people who in deeds deny thee their God A little thereafter Vladislaus is killed his head is stuck up upon the poynt of a speare his army is broken Iulian the Cardinall is found mortally wounded by the way side in a desert Scarce the third part of the Christian army escapeth And long after this the warre with the Turks had very ill successe It is reported of Rodolphus duke of Suevia that being instigated by the Pope he waged ware against Henry the 4th Emperour of Germany contrary to his oath having a crown sen●… to him with this Motto Petradedit Petro Petrus diadema Rodolpho The rock gave 't Peter Peter so On Rodolph doth this crowne bestow But in fight Rodolphus lost his right hand falling sick he called for it said ●…ehold this my right ha●…d which hath suffered a just judgment which through your Importunity contrary to all equity broke that oath which was given to Henry my Lord and master Fuller in his history of the holy war speaking of the causes of the many losses which the Christians had in that undertaking sayeth How could saiftie it self save this people 〈◊〉 blesse this project so blackly blasted with perjurie a sin so repugnant to morall honesty so injurious to the peace quiet of the world so odious in it self so scandalous to all men to break a league when confirmed by oath the strongest bond of conscience the end of particular strife the souldier of publick peace the assurance of amity betwixt diverse nations is a sin so hainous that God cannot but most severely punish it no wonder then that the Christians had no longer abideing in the holy hill of Palestine driveing that trade wherewith none ever yet thrived the breaking of promises wherewith one may for a while fairely spread his traine but will melt his feathers soon after The fabrick must needs come tumbling down whose foundation is laid in perjury In the history of Scotland there are severall memorable passages to this purpose When Durstus the eleventh King was pursued by the Nobles for his wickednesse had promised to amend his manners He did solemnely swear to passe in oblivion all by-gones but thereafter he treacherously killed the nobles at a feast unto which he had invited them But what followed upon this The body of the Land rose up in armes against him he was killed in battell Thus did God pursue him for his perfidy It is recorded by Buchan on the life of Gregorius that the Britans after they had made a peace with the Scots did break their Covenant invaded the Scots But divine vengeance pursued them for this for they were broken defate by Gregory at L●…maban their King Constantin was killed Memorable is that story of Balliol who to get the Kingdom promised swore subjection unto the King of England thereafter having received some ●…ussle at the court of England for being accused by one McDuff he was constrained to stand at the barr there to defend himself he reneweth the old league with France casteth off England contrare to his oath alledging that he was forced to give that oath that albeit he had done it willingly it could not stand because he had not the consent of Parliament without whose consent the King might do nothing in matters belonging to the whole Kingdom But these shifts could not clear him from perjury nor free the land from wrath because of that sin for war was raised at Berwick above 7000 of the Scots were killed even the floure of the nobility of Lothian ●…ife The castles of Dumbar Sterline Edinbrugh were taken Balliol himself was at length apprehended sent prisoner to London all the nobles were called by King Edward to Ber●…ick there were forced to swear subjection to him And thus was the Kingdom keeped at under a long time by the Englishes save what liberty was obtained by renowned Sr William Wallace but this did not last long for Scotland was againe subdued King Edward called a Parliament at St Andrews where againe all the nobles except Sr William Wallace did swear alleagiance unto him this was the sad fruite of perjury which made the land mourn many a day When Cumin Bruce made a compact together at London for to endeavour the liberating delivering of the Kingdom out of the hands of the Englishes had given an oath of secrecy faithfulnesse to other Cumin perfidiously did reveal the matter unto King Edward but for his treacherie God pursueth him for ere long he is killed by Bruce in the Church of Drumfries About the year 1447. England breaketh their promise of truce unto Scotland useth some incursions to spoile Scotland But being payed home by the Scots it draweth to a warre on the south borders there England is foiled looseth 3000 beside many prisoners the Scots obtaine a great booty for the English did certanely expect the victory therefore came forth more for pompe glory then for fighting About the year 1535 the King of England sent to Scotland to commune with the King about some
what he many other brethren had to object against their office Mr Iames La●…son did seconde this moved the debate touching the lawfulness of the office it self Mr Andro Melvin affirmed that none ought to be officebearers in the Church whose titles were not found in the Book of God and for the title of Bishop albeit the same was found in scripture yet was it not to be taken in the sense that the common sort did conceive there being no superiority allowed by Christ amongst Ministers he being the onely Lord of his Church and all the same servants in the same degree having the like power These beginnings the Lord was pleased so to seconde with his blessing that when it was moved by the Regent whether they would Stand unto the Policie aggreed upon at Leith or setle some other forme of governement It was resolved that a constant forme of Church policy should be sett down for this ●…ffect they nominate twenty of their number to meet at severall times places for the drawing the Modell thereof And accordingly after some pains the second Book of Discipline is finished Anno 1577. at the Generall Assembly Sess. 13. approven in all points except that touching Deacons which was referred to farther debate but Anno 1578. that head with the rest was approven by the unanimous consent of all though Spotiswood will not let the world know so much When this Second Book of discipline is thus appoven by the Nationall Assembly after prayer fasting they appoint some of their number to exhibite it to his Maj. to the end he might add his approbation thereunto Unto whom the King being then about 13. years of age did promise that he would be a proctor unto the Church caused some of his Counsellours conferr with those Ministers upon that business the heads of which conference were once insert in the Registers of the Assembly but Anno 1584. when the Court had power of the Registers those leaves were taken a way seen no more as shall be cleared hereafter and again Anno 1579. the King wrote unto the Nationall Assembly desiring a farther consultation upon the heads on which his Commissioners and their delegats did not accord the last year to the end that when all the particulars are fully aggreed upon they might be approven in the ensueing Parliament in the mean time the Assemblies are going on prohibiting any moe bishops to be chosen ordaining such as were chosen to submit themselves to the determination of the Generall Assembly under the paine of Excommunication accordingly some then all of them afterward did submit So Anno 1580. they ordained that all who were called bishops should dimit simpliciter because that office had no warrand in the word they ordained Provinciall Synods to call before them such bishops as lived in their bounds ordaine them to give obedience to this act His Majesties Commissioners who were present at this Assembly of Dundy did concurr with this Assembly in appointing some of their number to consult about the Modell of the Presbiteries In this same yeer in the moneth of March for as yet the new year did not begin untill the 25. of march is the Nationall Covenant solemnely taken by the King his Councill Court afterwards by the inhabitants of the Kingdome in which covenant prelacy under the name of Romish Hierarchy was abjured as shall be cleared in due time the Doctrine Discipline of the Church was sworne to be defended Anno 1581. in Aprile at Glasgow the Generall Assembly did insert the book of Discipline in their Registers did show how the act touching Bishops made at Dundee Anno 1580. did condemne the estate of Bishops as they were then in Scotland Unto this Assembly his Maj Commissioner William 〈◊〉 of Caprintoun presented the Confession of faith subscribed by the King his houshold as also a plot of the presbiteries to be erected mentioning their meeting places appoynting the severall parishes which should belong to such such presbiteries with a letter to the Noblemen Gentlemen of the countrey for their concurrence for the erection of presbiteries dissolution of Prelacies in his Maj name he promised that his Maj would set forward the policy until it were established by Parliament thus presbyteries began to be erected throughout the Kingdom This was a sweet sun-shine but it was followed with a very sad showre for when Amate Stuart of Aubignee afterward Duke of Lennox obtaineth by the death of the Earle of Mortoun who was executed the banishment of the Earle of Angus the superiority of Glasgow other things to secure the same to him his posterity he aggreeth with Mr. Robert Montgomery Minister at Sterlin to accept of the bishoprick to dispone to him all which belonged to that bishoprick for the yearly payment of one thousand pound Scots some horse-corne poultry which when the Church heareth he is summoned before the Assembly at St. Andrews commanded to leave the bishoprick under the paine of Excommunication the Presbitery of Sterlin is appointed to take notice of his cariage in doctrine discipline for they had found him guilty in 14 or 15 points but he went on notwithstanding the presbitery had suspended him from the exercise of the Ministry he procured an order unto the presbytery of Glasgow to receive him as their Bishop under the paine of banishment with a company of armed souldiers entred the Church pulled Mr. David Weems out of the pulpit being summoned to compear befor the Synod of Lothian the King causeth summond all the Synod to compear before him at Sterlin the 12 of Aprile Mr. Pont some others compeared in name of the rest protested that albeit they had compeared to testify their obedience to his Mat. yet they did not acknowledge him or his council judges in that mater which was an Ecclesiastick cause that nothing done at that time should prejudge the liberties of the Church But the Council rejected the protestation discharged them to proceed any further And shortely thereafter when the Generall Assembly is examining his processe the King sendeth a letter to them discharging them to proceed any further when they went on notwithstanding they are charged by a Messenger of armes to desist under the paine of Rebellion but they thinking it better to obey God then man ordained Mr. Montgomerie to compeer befor them the next day who compeered not onely a Proctor in his name appealed unto the King The Assembly did reject the appellation proceed to examine the libell given in against him finding him guilty of many hainous crimes they ordaine him to be deposed excommunicated but ere the sentence be pronounced they appoint some of their number to aquaint his Maj. with their whole procedure And ere long Mr. Montgomery submitteth passeth from his appellation acknowledgeth his faults
admonition and none should be vively described except by publick vices alwayes damnable 3. That there should be no summary Excommunication untill the next Generall assembly 4. That there should be no meetings among ministers except in Church judicatories and afterward they appoint fourteen of their number to reason upon the rest of the questions The next year Anno 1597. there is another Assembly at Dundee which being corrupted doth grant 1. That Ministers in their exercises at Presbyteries should make no application of doctrine 2. That Presbyteries should meddle with nothing but what without all question is Ecclesiasticall 3. That summare Excommunication be suspended 4. That Presbyteries should desist upon his Majesties desire Also at the kings desire they choose fourteen of their number giving power to them or any seven of them to advise with his Maj. about a way of setling stipends unto ministers to provide ministers to eminent places of the Countrey to present petitions grievances of the Church to his Maj. to give his Maj. advice in maters serving for the good of the Church These pretexts seemed plausible to many but the event will shew what was really intended For ere long these Commissioners as they were called incroach upon the power of Presbyteries Synods whether the Presbytery of Saint Andrews would or not did put both Mr Wallace Mr Black from the Church of Saint Andrews put in one Mr George Gladstons then at their own hand they did supplicat the Parliament which conveened in December That ministers as representing the Church the third Estate of the Kingdome might have liberty to vote in Parliament an evill under which the Church had been groaning before of a long time The parllament thinking but without ground that the ministers would never take upon them the titles of the former Prelats passed this Act. That such ministers as his Maj should be pleased to provide to the place title and dignity of a Bishop Abbot or other prelate should have that liberty and as concerning their office in the spirituall policy of the Church it was remitted to be advised by his Maj aggreed upon with the Generall Assembly that without prejudice of the spirituall Jurisdiction Discipline of the Church permitted to Generall Assemblies Synods Presbiteries Sessions established by Law Then they move the King to call an Assembly at Dundee before the time appoynted to the end they might get their own deed approven where after much worke after many threatenings to some promises to others made by the King himself who was there present had commanded Mr Melvin Mr Iohnston Professours of Theology in St. Andrewes forth of the town under the paine of banishment their deed is approven But zealous faithfull Mr Davidson arose protested in his own name in name of all the ministers of Scotland who would adhere to his protestation against that Assembly the two last preceeding Assemblies as null not lawfull when he removed severall of the ministers followed him subscribed the same The meeting went on renewed the former Commission unto twenty Commissioners whereof nine should be a quorum among whom was Mrs Iames Nicolson George Gladstones David Lindsay Alexander Lindsay Andro Knox Gavin Hamilton Alexander Douglas whom the king by any means would have named who were all bishops afterward Thereafter there were severall meetings as one at Falkland Iuly 29. 1598. where were some debates about this mater some cautions condiscended on limiting these Parliamentary Ministers To propone nothing without expresse warrant from the Church To be accomptable to the Generall Assembly subject to their Presbitery Synod To usurp no power of Jurisdiction or Ordination but every way else to cary themselves as other ministers the like to all these other points necessary they were bound to swear subscribe But how litle regard was had to these Cautions sworne subscribed may be seen by what Spotiswood sayeth in his History pag. 453. viz That it was neither the Kings intention nor the mindes of the wiser sort to have these Cautions stand in force but to have matters peaceably ended the Reformation of the policy made without any noise they gave way to these conceits So was there another Meeting at Halyrood house in November 1599. but in all these meetings the honest party could prevail nothing the king did so violently cary on his purpose Anno 1600. There is a Generall Assembly at Montrose where the matter is againe debated but no answer made to the arguments of the honest party onely the Kings authority is made use of as an answer to all And so at length what by menaces what by flatterings made by the king himself who was there present the former resolutions are concluded onely they allow of the Cautions condiscended on at Falckland will have these Parliamentary Ministers to give an accompt yearly unto the Generall Assembly lay down their Commission But these Commissioners or Parliamentary ministers being mounted up so high thought it below them to stand to any promise or condition having never resolved so to do as we have heard out of Spotiswood who in his latine pamphlet called Refutatio libelli c. sayeth also the same Conditiones quod attinet quas foede violatas clamitat in nonnullas utpote aequas jujlas facile assensum aliae pro tempore magis quo contentiosis omnis rixands ansa praeriperetur quam animo in perpetuum observandi acceptae that there were some of these Cautions which they never intended to keep onely they did accept of them that more peaceably they might be put in poss●…ssion of that which they were gapeing for Thus it is undenyable that these men arose to Prelacy by open and avowed perjury as their successours of late have done Anno 1601 1602. The Assemblies follow forth his Maj. designe for there was a complaint given in by the Synod of ●…ife against these Parliamentary ministers as breaking all bounds cautions but they are not heard That assembly 1602. do indict their next meeting at Aberdeen in July 1604. but the Parliamentary ministers fearing that they should be called to an account move the king to prorogue the same unto July 2 An. 1605. yet the Commissioners from St Andrews presbitery viz Mrs Iames Melvin William Erskin William Murray went to Aberdeen the day appoynted presented their Commissions taking Instruments in the hands of two publick Notars before some ministers of the towne others When the next dyet Anno 1605. was approaching they move the King to prorogue againe the Assembly unto an indefinit time therefore from London he sendeth to the Commissioners to stay the meeting of the Assembly untill he gave advertisement wherupon they write to severall Presbiteries in the South pairts adviseing them not to choose Commissioners to meet at Aberdeen the fifth day of July of purpose to deceive
flee About this time in other pairts of the Kingdome the ministers honest people who were urged could not give obedience resolved to follow a more regular way and to supplicat the Councell to give in a note of the errours contained in these books which accordingly they did so from severall pairts of the Kingdome there came Ministers professours with supplications sheweing how erro●…ons both the liturgy the other books were how dangerous a thing it was to bring in Innovations in a Church how the Reformed Churches of Austria were undone by the violent obtiusion of a liturgy how in the time of Charles the Great the Church was miserably rent some adhering to the Ambrosian Li●…gy others choosing the Romane of Oregorian Liturgy how dangerous it was to change the Worship bring in a worse how the King foure years before at his Coronation did solemly swear that he would alter nothing in the Kingdome of Scotland without the free consent advice of those having Interest Unto these Supplications the Councill at first gave a favourable answere told that it was not their minde to presse the publick use of these books that they had forbidden the Bishops to presse the use of these books any more that they had signified their minde to his Maj were expecting a returne The petitioners likewise sent their supplications to his Maj. with the Duke of Lennox who was then returning to London withall did wreastle with God by prayer fa●…ing that he would incline the Kings heart to hearken unto their just desires would frustrate the endeavours of their adversaries But when the expresse cometh from his Maj. all the answere they get is an Edict published Octobr 18. commanding them to go out of the towne of Edenburgh within few hours under the paine of Rebellion When the Petitioners see this the next day they resolve to act all together joyntly that his Maj. might know it was not a few Puritanes as the impure Prelats were pleased to nickname them but a great mulitude of his Maj. most loyall subjects of all ranks who were dissatisfied And they draw up a complaint against the prelats desire liberty of the Councell to pursue them legally as being the onely authors of the Book of Canons liturgy which containe the seeds of Superstition Idolatry as being guilty of many other crimes that under the highest perrill And withall they shew the Councell that they could not leave the towne untill they saw some course taken for delivering the land from the present imminent dangers When the Councell saw that the number of the Petitioners was great dayly increasing fearing the worst they desired the petitoners would choose some of their number as their Commissioners to prosecute their business that the multitude might depairt this was yeelded unto But ere long the Councell is discharged by an Expresse from his Maj. to meddle any more in that matter Whereupon the Supplicants are necessitated to draw up a Protestation declaring that if any tumult arose through their prosecution of the Cause the Councell onely might be blamed as refusing justice When the Counsell heareth of this they resolve to hear the desire of the Commissioners advise the Bishops to withdraw themselves When the Commissioners compeer they show their Intention was to prosecute their business against the Prelats whom they would prove guilty of grievous crimes under the highest perrill therefore desired the prelats might be excluded it not being fit that parties should be judges The Councell because of the forementioned Expresse might do nothing Onely they write to his Maj. who thereafter sendeth for the Earle of Traquair but he for fear of the Prelats did misrepresent the Cause of the Supplicants returned with a Proclamation from his Maj. which he caused publish at Sterlin where the Councell was sitting in Febr. 1638 In which Proclamation the King owned the books which the petitioners did supplicat against and condemned the meetings of the Supplicants as conspiracies contrary to the lawes of the Land Against this the petitioners prepared a Protestation a copy wherof was affixed at the Crosse of Sterlin herein protested against these Books as full of errours as Innovations against their refusing to receive libells against the Prelats against the High Commission Court obtruded on Scotland contrary to the fundamentall lawes of the land without any Municipall law That prelate should not be judges in their own cause And that all their own meetings were lawfull And that they could not forbear with a good conscience unlesse they should wrong the Glory of God the honour of his Maj. the liberties of kirk Kingdome And because they were commanded to depart forth of the town of Sterlin they go together towards Edenburg there after serious thoughts they finde the maine procureing cause of all these calamities to be the violation of the Nationall Covenant therefore unanimously they resolve to renew that Covenant accordingly they draw it up with some explicatory additions confirmations out of the acts of Parliament binde themselves to adhere unto defend the true Religion forbear●…g the practise of all novations already introduced in the matters of the worship of God or approbation of the corruptions of the publick government of the Kirke or civill places power of Kirkmen till they be tried allowed in free Assemblies in Parliaments to labour by all meanes lawfull to to recover the purity liberty of the Gospell as it was established professed before the foresaid Innovations promise swear to contino●… in the profession and obedience of the foresaid Religon ●…resist all contrarie errours and corruptions ând that they had no intention to attempt any thing that might turne to the dishonour of God or to the diminution of the Kings greatness and authority and to defend themselves mutually in the same cause c. When the Covenant is thus drawn up it was subscribed by all present copies thereof were sent to such as were absent being read in the Churches was heartily embraced sworne subscribed with tears great joy Great was this day of the Lords power for much willingness chearfulness was among the people so as in a short time few in all the land did refuse except some Papists some aspiring Courteours who had no will to displease the King some who were addicted unto the English rites Ceremonies some few Ministers who had sworne the oath at their entry which was mentioned Anno 1612. Yea such willingness was among the nobles others that they had their own copies of the Covenant subscribed by others of the Nobles Barons ministry laid up in their Charter chists where possibly many of them are at this day When matters are at this passe the Prelats do animate his Maj. to a war and the Covenanters desireing his Maj. might be rightly
informed wrote unto the Duke of Lennox marquis of Hamilton the Earle of Morton to know if his Maj. would accept of a supplication sent one unto them to be presented by them but the king would not look upon it at length he is moved to send the marquis of Hamilton down toward Scotland to labour by all means to setle peace But in the mean time there is a ship sent from London with Amunition unto the Castle of Edenburgh which because not usuall was taken notic of the Covenanters fearing the worst resolved to watch the Castle that none of it should be taken in When Hamilton cometh down the Covenanters petition for a free Generall Assembly a lawfull Parliament He replyeth that he was not able to grant either unlesse they would render back their subscribed Covenant but this they could not do without open perjury So that he resolveth to returne but first July 4 he published a Declaration against which contrary to their resolution for they were made to beleeve it was some other thing then indeed it was they drew up a Protestation hearing that the Councell had approved of the said proclamation they prepare a supplication but the Councell did not suffer the Act to be recorded but did tear it in Pieces thereafter Hamilton the most part of the Councell declared solemnely that the act of the Councell was no approbation of the same but a warrant to the Clerk to cause publish it When the Marquis of Hamilton was going back to London againe he promiseth to procure a warrant from his Maj. for a Generall assembly before the 22 of Septr otherways they should have free liberty to appoint one themselves And when according to his promise he returneth againe he bringeth a proclamation with him tacitely condemning all the proceedings of the Covenanters marring the freedome of an Assembly and therefore the Covenanters were constrained to make use of a Protestation against it Sept 22. On the same day also did the Councell publish his Maj. Indictment of an Assembly to be holden at Glasgow Nov. 21. of a Parliament to be holden at Edenburgh the 15 of May thereafter Anno 1639. As also a new engine is used for disappointing the Covenanters in their explicatory addition viz. The Councell at the Kings command subscribe the Nationall Covenant the bond for his Maj. preservation appoint Commissioners to see it done through the Kingdome but withall there is a clause added viz. We subscribe the Confession of faith of according to the date tenour Anno 1580. 1590. as it was then professed within this Kingdome supposing but by a grosse mistake that at that time Prelacy Ceremonies were then professed But the Prelats fearing this would not abide the triall desired the Councell to signe a writing obligeing themselves to defend Episcopacy S●…o shew that Episcopacy is not abjured by the Covenant b●… 〈◊〉 de●…e was not granted At the day appointed the Assembly at Glasgow is opened up notwithstanding of some indirect meanes used by the Prelats to hinder it The Prelats being summoned compeer not but decline the Judicatory Within some dayes the Marquis of Hamilton being the Kings Commissioner offers to dissolve the Assembly chargeth them to depart so removeth himself but though this was very astonishing yet they did resolve to hold the Court of Christ in so doing 〈◊〉 obey God ●…ather then man then did take into consideration the grounds of the Declinature which may be seen atlength in printed papers in Mr Spangs Historia Motu●… c. Upon the 29 of Nov. his Maj. Commissioner published a Proclamation commanding their dissolution against which there is a Protestation drawn up answering what was allaidged in the Proclamation The assembly do proceed after some search finde that all these Meetings of ministers which had brought in these Innovations that had troubled the Church so much were no lawfull Generall Assemblies by sundry reasons confirmed by the Registers of the Assembly by the books of presbiteries by the Kings Maj. own letters by the testimony of diverse old Reverend ministers verifying the same i●… the face of the Assembly and so declared that these meetings at Lithgow 1606 1608 at Glasgow 1610 at Aberdeen 1616 at St Andrews 1617 at Perth 1608. were from the beginning unfree unlawfull null Assemblies The reasons are more fully to be seen in the printed Records of the Assembly Likewise they condemne the book of Comm●…n prayer because de●…ysed brought in by the pretended P●…ts without direction from the Church and press●…d on Ministers without warrant from the Church because 〈◊〉 contained a Popish frame forme of divine service many Popish errours ceremonies the seeds of manifold grosse Superstition Idolatry so repugnant to the Doctrine Discipline order of the Church to the Confession of faith constitutions of Generall Assemblies acts of Parliament establishing the true Religion So do they condemne the book of Canons as devised by prelats without warrant direction from the Generall Assembly to establish●…●…nicall power in their own persons over the worshipe of God mens consciences liberties goods to overthrow the whole Discipline governement of the Church by Gene●…ll provinciall Assemblies by pre●…biteries Sessions 〈◊〉 contrary to the Confess●… of faith the established go●…nement the Book of Discipline the acts Constitu●…ons of the Church So they condemne the Book of Consc ●…tion Ordination as being in●…ced without wa●… civill or Ecclesiastick establi●…hing off●…es in God●… house without warrant of hi●… word as 〈◊〉 to the Discipline Constitutions of the Church as impeding the entry of fit ●…orthy men to the ministry the discharge of their duety ●…er their entry They condemne the High Comm●… as ●…cted without the conseur of Church or State as subverting the ordinary Church Iudicatories as arbitra●…y not regulated ●…y lawes civil or Ecclesiastick as giving to Church men the power of both swords to persons meerly civill the power of the Keyes so as unlawfull in it self prejudiciall to the ●…ties of Christs Church Kingdome the Kings honour in ●…taining the established lawes Iudicato●…ies of the Church ●…o do they shew declare that the five Articles or ceremonies●…cluded ●…cluded at Perth of which mention was made before were ●…jured by the Nat. Covenant as may be seen at length in their 17. Act. As also they declare act 16. That Episcopacy ●…s abjured by the Confession of faith or Nationall Covenant Anno 1580. which shall be more fully cleared afterward So ●…ving examined discussed the severall processes given in a●…inst the pretended prelats They depose Excommunica●… Mrs Spot●…swood of St Andrews Lindsay of Glasgow ●…dsay o●… ●…enburgh Sidserfe of Galloway Maxwell of Rosse 〈◊〉 of Brichen for breach of the Cautions aggreed on in the Assembly 1600. for receiving Consecration to
approved there the same may be with publick humiliation all Religious answerable solemnity sworne subscribed by all true professors of the Reformed Religion all his Maj. good subjects in both Kingdoms Thereafter on the same day it was approvedby the Convention of estates then sent unto the kingdome of England where after mature deliberation it was approved by the learned assembly of Divines by Both Howses of Parliament by them in their solemne assemblies after sermon solemnely sworne subscribed by Ordinance of Parliament sworne suhscribed in all the parishes of the Kingdome a copy thereof appointed to be affixed in every parish Church also a faire Copy thereof with all the names of the members of Parliament who subscribed the same is ordained to be affixed at the end of the great Hall of Westminster When thus it was sworne subscribed in England The Commissioners of the Gen. Assembly Octob. 11. 1643. ordained the same to be with publick Humiliation all Religious solemnities received sworne subscribed by all ministers professours within the Kirk for this effect it is ordained That the League Covenant be forthwith printed that the printed copies bound with some clean sheets of paper be sent unto the ministry that every minister upon the first Lords day after the same shall come to his hands read explaine it by Exhortation prepare the people to the swearing subscribing thereof solemnely the Lords day next immediately following ordaine that presbiteries proceed with the censures of the church against all such as shall refuse or shift to swear subscribe the same And the Commissioners thinke it very convenient for good example the better encouragement of others that it be solemnely sworne subscribed by themselves now present before the Congregation in the East kirk upon friday next the 13 of this instant after sermon exhortation to be made by Mr Robert Douglas Moderator that the Commissioners of the Convention of estates now in towne the Commissioners from the Parliament of England Divines of that kingdome here present be earnestly desired to joyne with them in this solemne Religion action Upon the 12 of Octob. the Commissioners of the convention of Estates did also ordaine the same to be sworne subscribed under the paine of being punished as enemies to Religion his Maj. honour peace of the kingdoms to have their goods ●…ents confiscate c. also ordaine all Sheriffs Stuarts others his Maj. magistrates in Brugh land Committies in the severall shires to be assisting to ministers and presbiteries in procuriing reall obedience hereunto Which deed of the Commission of the Church was ratified approved by the Gen. assembly Jun. 28. 1645. So is the deed of the convention of estates their commissioners approved ratified by act of Parl. July 15. 1644. where the League Covenant is insert in the Registers Thus the kingdoms of Scotland England after other meanes of Supplication remonstrance Protestation and sufferings to the end they might preserve themselves and their Religion from utter ruine and destruction according to the commendable practises of these Kingdomes in former times and the example of Gods people in other Nations after mature deliberation resolved and determined to enter into a mutuall and solemne League and Covenant wherein all did subscribe and with hands lifted up to the most High God did swear as they should answer at that great day to God the searcher of all hearts That sincerly really and constantly they should endevour in their severall places and callings 1. To preserve the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland in Doctrine worship Discipline and Governement and to Reforme England and Ireland according to the word of God and the example of the best Reformed Churches and to bring the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in Religion Confession of Faith forme of Church governement Directory for worship and Catechising 2. To endevour the extirpation of popery Prelacy Superstition Heresy Schisme Prophaness and whatsoever shall be found contrary to sound doctrine and the power of godliness 3. To preserve the Rights and privileges of the Parliaments liberties of the Kingdomes and the Kings Maj. person and authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and liberties of the Kingdomes 4. To discover all such as have been or shall be incendiaries Malignants or evill Instruments hindering the Resermation of Religion dividing the king from his people and the kingdomes one from another or making any f●…on or parties among the people contrary to this League and Covenant that they may be brought to triall and condigne punishment 5. To endevour that these kingdomes may remaine conjoyned in a firme place union to all posterity 6. To assist such as enter into this Covenant and not to suffer themselves any maner of way to be divided or to make defection or to give themselves to a detestable indifferency and neutrality in this cause but shall continue ●…in against all opposition and promote the same according to their power against all sets and impedimentes whatsoever When these hands did thus enter in Covenant with the great God of heaven earth many of soul was converted which was as the finite of this noble Marriage when they saw the wonderfull works of the Lords right hand whereby he openly ●…nyably owned that Covenant such as entred into 〈◊〉 Then did these Churches flourish begin to have a beautifull countenance to be admired abroad by strangers who stood astonished at the report of what they did hear dayly of the Lords owneing fighting for that Covenant seconding the Covenanters in carrying on the Ends of the same But at length after the Lord had by many signes wonders testified his displeasure against broken the whole strength force of the Popish Prelaticall Malignant faction wrought deliverances in all the three kingdoms for the people that engadged in Covenant with him It seemed good in his eyes who doth all things according to the counsell of his own will to suffer another enemy to arise to trouble his Church to try his people viz. the Sectarian party who grew to such an hieght in the English Army that they over-ruled the Parliament of England putting away the House of Peers they modelled the House of Commons as they thought good erected a New Court which they called an High Court of Iustice before which they did Impannel the King at length did violently take away his life Januar. 30. 1649. against which deed the Commissioners both from the Church State of Scotland did protest were therefore hardly used at London When the report of this cometh to the eares of the Parliament of Scotland which was then sitting They upon the 5. of Febr. 1649. considering that for as much as the kings Maj. who lately reigned
to make way for repaireing of the ruines building up the breaches thereof for establishing the same on right sure foundations in your Maj. person family and to do those things when they were so litle expected in so quyet peaceable a way and without the effusion of Christian blood imbroyling the Kingdomes in the misery calamities of a new war And as we adore the wonderfull wise hand of God blesse his name who hath done these things so it is not only our practice for the present but our sincere resolution for the time to come to pou●… forth the fervent desires supplicatio●… of our soull unto the most high by whom kings reigne for the preservation saiftie of your Maj. person for the multiplication of his spirit increase of it upon you that you may imploy your power to his praise the comfort of his people for the Establishing of your just power greatnesse in subordination to him to be faithfull loyall rendering all the dutyes of honour subjection obedience to your Maj. that are due from humble loving subjects unto their native lawfull prince soveraigne And we desire to be perswaded with confidence to promise to ourselves that your Maj. will accept of those our professions as proceeding from loyall honest hearts allow us the protection countenance incouragement in our station callings that may be expected from a gracious king And considering the great happinesse that ariseth both to kirk and state all the members thereof by the mutuall good understanding betuixt the supreme Magistrat the faithfull of the land when it pleaseth divine providence so to dispose the many calamities miseries that in the holy justice just indignation of God do attend the separating or violating of these only sure foundations of states and 〈◊〉 kingdomes We are bold in the integrity of our hearts in the zeal of the glory of the Lord of the good of his church of your Maj. honour happinesse from the sense of manifold great obligations that be upon us before the Lord so to do particularly that of the Covenant That what lets we are not able of our selves to suppresse and overcome we shall reveal and make known that they may be prevented remedied Humbly to presente unto your Maj. and make known the great danger that threateneth religion and the work of reformation in the churches of God in these kingdomes from the desires and endeavour of the remanent of the popish prelaticall and malignant party therein which is begining to lift up the head not only to render hatefull but to bear downe many of your Maj. good subjects who have been imployed as instruments in the work have keeped within the bounds of their duty in promoveing preserving the same so far as humane frailty would permit but also to overthrow that blessed work it self and to reintroduce prelacy the ceremonies the service book and all these corruptions which were formerly cast out as inconsistent with that pure and spotelesse rule of church governement discipline and divine worshipe delivered to us in the word of God as a yoke of bondage that neither we nor our fathers were able to bear and though we know that that Spirit will not want its specious pretences plausible insinuations for compassing these ends yet as there cannot readily be greater disservice to the church of God to these Kingdoms to your Maj. honour happinesse then actings of that nature so we cannot without horrour of Spirit astonishment of heart think upon what dreadfull guiltinesse King Princes Ministers People shall be involved into what fearfull wrath shall attend them from the face of an angry jealous God if after all the light that he hath made to shine in these kingdomes from his blessed word for discovery of the error Impiety of these things after his hand hath been lifted up so high for casting out of the same after solemne vowes engadgments taken upon themselves before God angels men against them if they should againe lick up the vomit thereof God forbid that we should either hear or see such heart astonishing bitter things which would turne the mirth of the Lords people into mourning their songs into most sad lamentations Neither are we lesse apprehensive of the endeavours of the spirit of errour that possesseth Sectaries in these Nations which as it did at first promove a vast tolleration in things religious and afterwards did proceed to the frameing of mischief into a law so we doubt not but it will still be active unto the promoving procuring of the same under the specious pretext of liberty to tender consciences the effects whereof have in a few years past been so dreadfull that we cannot think of the continuing thereof but with much trembling fear Therefore knowing that to Kings Princes Rulers Magistrats appertaineth the purgation preservation of religion that nothing can contribute more unto the preserving and promoveing of religion the work of reformation then that all places of power trust be filled with men of a blamelesse christian conversation approven integrity known affection to the cause of God We your Maj. most humble supplicants subjects with bowed knees bended affections humbly supplicat your Maj. that you would imploy your royall power unto the preservation of the reformed religion in the church of Scotland in doctrine worship discipline governement for the reformation of Religion in the Kingdome of England Irland in doctrine worshipe discipline goverment and to the carrying on of the work of uniformity of religion in the church of God in the three Kingdomes in one confession of faith forme of church goverment directory of worshipe catechis●…ing and to the extirpation of popery prelacy superstition heresy schisme prophanesse whatsoever is contrary to sound doctrine the power of Godlinesse And that all places of trust under your Majest may be filled with such as have taken the Covenant are of approven integrity known affection to the cause of God If in a matter that so much concerneth the honour of God the good of his Church your Maj. honour happinesse we be jealous with a godly jealousy we know your Maj. wisdom lenity to be such as will easily pardon And the sense of our duty to God to your Maj. the fear of those kingdoms transgressions by building up againe the things that were destroyed constraineth us to be petitioners against the same earnestly to intreat that any beginnings of stumbling which already have been given in those things especially in the matter of Prelacy ceremonies the Servicebook in your Majesty chappell and family and other places of your Dominions may be removed and taken away And that there may be no
furder proceeding in these things which grieve the Spirit of God and give offence to your Maj. good subjects who are engadged with you in the same Covenant and work of reformation And that your Maj. for establishing the hearts and strengthening the hands of these who are faithfull in the work of the Lord for quashing the hopes endeavours of adversaries would be pleased to give publick signification of your approbation of the Covenant And of your purpose to adhere unto the same to carry on the work of God in these Kingdoms according thereunto that your Maj. eyes may be upon the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with you We hope your Maj. will not take offence 〈◊〉 we be the Lord's remembrancers to you That you were pleased a little before your coming to this kingdom afterwards at the time of your coronation to assure declare by your solemne Oath under your hand seal in the presence o●… Almighty God The searcher of hearts your allowance approbation of the Nationall Covenant the Solemne League Covenant faithfully obligeing your self to prosecute the ends thereof in your station calling that your Maj. for your self Successours should consent agree to all acts of Parl. enjoyning the nationall Cov Solemne League Cov. fully establishing Presbyteriall Gov directory for Worship confession of faith Cathecismes in the Kingdom of Scotland as they are approven by the Gen. Assemblies of this kirk And Parliaments of this Kingdom And that your Maj. should give your Royall assent to acts ordinances of Parl. past or to be past enjoyning the same in your Maj. Dominions that yow should observe these in your practice family should never make opposition to any of those Nor endeavour any change thereof And we desire to be persuaded that no length of time hath made your Maj. forget Or weakened in your Maj. heart the sense of the obligation of the great solemne Oath of God in the Covenants Yea that the afflictions where with God hath exercised your Maj. these years past the great wonderfull deliverance that of late he hath granted unto you hath fixed deeper Impressions upon your heart spirit that among all the kings of the earth Reformation of Religion shall have no greater friend then your Maj Yea that as yee are more excellent then the kings of the Earth in regaird of the purity of profession solemne engadgments unto God And long exercisednesse with manifold afflictions in the Lord 's setting you over these Kingdomes which are not only thorow grace the first fruites of the gentiles But also are among all we know in the World the most eminent for the power purity of the Gospel So shall your Maj. in your Princely Station dignity excell them in the zeal of God for the Kingdom of Iesus Christ And that by how much more your Maj. by the constitution good hand of the Almighty is lifted up above the sphere of your subjects by so much more shall your motion be more vigorous active unto the carrying about by the influence of your royall Head by your example all the Orbs of inferiour powers persones in these kingdomes in subordination to God your Maj. in the practice of godlinesse vertue It is the desire of our soul that your Maj. may be like unto David a man according to Gods own heart Like unto Solomon of an understanding heart to judge the Lord's people to discerne betwixt good bad Like unto Iehosaphat whose heart was lifted up in the wayes of the Lord Like unto Hezekiah eminent for godlinesse and integrity Like unto Iosiah who was of a tender heart did humble himself before God when he heard his word against Ierusalem the inhabitants of Iudah and not only made a Covenant before the Lord to walk after the Lord and keep his commandements with all his heart and with all his soul to performe the Covenant but also caused all that were in Ierusalem Benjamin to stand to it took away the abomination out of all the countreyes that pertained to all the children of Israël and made all that were present in Israël to serve even to serve the Lord their God So shall your Maj. inherite the honour blessing of these kings upon the earth and their happinesse in heaven So shall your Maj. person be preserved your government established over these kingdomes Which is the unfeigned desire and fervent supplication of your Maj. most humble loyall subjects Now the Reader having considered this humble addresse and supplication may judge if there was any thing therin either treasonable or seditious reflecting on his Maj. on the government of the kingdom of England or the constitution of the present Committy of Estates or any thing tending to the raiseing of new tumults and re-kindleing a civill warre among his Maj. good subjects as their enemies were pleased to give it out o●… which did deserve imprisonement yea whether it was not their duty the duty of all the Ministers of Scotland to be thus faithfull in giving timeous warning and faithfull exhortation unto their Prince that they might have prevented as much as lay in them the sad defection which was then feared indeed followed thereafter Nether let any say that such things might well be gathered from their other letters for they had nothing beside that letter save some scrols of a letter and some instructions to one of their number for no other purpose then for the communicating of the supplication unto the Ministers of their judgment in severall Presbyteries within the Synod of Glasgow for desiring their approbation thereof concurrence therein This is one sad dispensation But it is only the beginning of sorrow of much woe following SECTION IIII. The suffering of the Noble Marquise of Argile who was executed the 27 Day of May 1661. examined by law WHile the Parliament is in hand with reverend Mr Guthri●… who had been a prisoner since the 23 day of August 1660 of whom mention shall be made in the next section They have also the worthy renowned Marguese of Argile among their hands who though he had a maine hand in bringing home the king closeing the second treaty at Breda yet while he is going up to London after the kings late returne from exile to congratulat his Maj. returne is made prisoner in the Tour of London thereafter is sent down to Scotland indited of heigh treason before the Parl. at length is beheaded his head is stuck up upon the tolbooth of Edenburgh Questionlesse strangers will think it behoved to be some great matter for which the life of such an eminent famous nobleman who had been so renowned at home abroad for his faithfulnesse and constancy in carrying on the work cause of God was taken But the very truth is what ever
this Kingdome to have the sole choice appoyntment of the officers of state privy councellours the Lords of the Session That the power of calling holding and dissolving of Parliaments all conventions meetings of the estates doth solely reside in the Kings Maj. his haires successours that as no Parliament can be lawfully keeped without speciall warrand presence of the Kings Maj. or his commissioner so no Acts nor statutes to be past in any Parliament can be binding on the people or have the authority force of lawes without the speciall approbation of his Maj or his commissioner interponed thereto at the making thereof that the power of armes making of peace warre making of treatjes leagues with forraigne princes or states or at home by the subjects among themselves doth propperly reside in the Kings Maj. his heirs successours is their undowbted right theirs alone that it is hig●… treason in the subjects of this Kingdome or any number of them upon what soever ground to rise or continue in armes to maintaine any forts garisons or strengths to make peace or warre or to make any treaties or leagues with forraigners or among themselves without his Maj. authority first interponed thereto That it is unlawfull to the subjects of whatsoever quality or function to convocat convcen or assemble themselves for holding of Councells conventions assemblies to treat consult determine in any matters of state civill or ecclesiasticke except in the ordinary judgments or to make leagues or bonds upon whatsoever colour or pretence without his Maj. speciall consent approbation had thereunto That the league covenant and all treaties following there upon Acts or deeds that do or may relate thereunto are not obligatory that none of his Maj. subjects should presume upon any pretext of any authority whatsoever to require the renewing or swearing of the said league Covenant or of any other Covenants or publick oaths concerning the government of the Church Kingdome and that none offer to renew or swear the same without his Maj. speciall warrand and approbation This acknowledgment doth sufficiently clear what that supremacy in civil matters is which they grant unto the King as his due which by this oath they would have all to acknowledge also So that there is no great difficulty to clear the grounds ofscrupleing at this oath even upon this account to shew that such as have refuised the same cannot be accounted disloyall for all indifferent persones will see that there both was and is good ground to scruple at this oath thu●… sensed by this act if they shall consider these ten Particulars following 1. The Parliaments of Scotland from the beginning have been partakers fellowshareis of supremacy with the King the Kings of Scotland never were the sole subjects thereof as appeareth by their appending of their own seal with distinct from the King 's great seal in treaties with forraigne princes in some important acts sentences at home of which there is one instance yet on reco●…d in the acts of Parliament viz act 112. Parl. 14. King ●…am 3. 2. The Parliaments of Scotland have had the power of setling the governement for they did willingly swea●… to Fergus and his posterity and when he died left two young sones ●…erlegus Mainus both unfit for governement they resolved upon a new course That neither a childe should governe nor yet their oath which they made to Fergus be brocken which was this That when the Kings children were young at their fathers decease some other of the posterity of ●…ergus fit for governing should be chosen who should rule the Kingdom all his dayes which law continued 1025. years untill the reigne of Kenneth the 3. and accordingly when Fergusius died they choosed Fer●…haris when ●…erlegus came to age he desired to be put in possession of the Kingdome but it was refu●…sed so long as Feritharis lived And when Cotb●…edus died they passed by his sone C●…tbred made choice of Darda●…us the grand childe of Metellan thus did they alwayes unto the dayes of Kenneth the 3. Epropinquis sayeth Buchanan in vita 〈◊〉 Regum defunctorum non proximos sed maxime idoneos modo a Fergusio primo Scotorumrege essent oriundi eligere consueverant And who but they did condescend to that law at length that the Kings eldest son should be called prince should succeed if the son died before the father then the grand childe should succeed unto the grand father that if the King died leaving a young childe to be heire of the crowne a regent should be chose to mannage the affairs of the Kingdome dureing his minority till he were 14. years of age at which time he might choise his curatours was there ever any such thing concluded without the Parliaments consent 3. The Parliaments of Scotland have had a great share of the legislative power Therefore the lawes are stiled the acts of Parliament not the acts of the King they are said to be enacted by the Estates of Parliament So do the many explicatory acts witnesse that they share in the supreme power of interpreting the lawes of the land which demonstrateth their legislative power and both these are no small part of supremacy 4. In the time of Finnanus the 10 King there was a law made Ne quidreges quod majoris esset momenti nisi de publici coucilij authoritate juberent that Kings should command nothing in matters of any moment but according to the authority and command of Parliament And so when Milcolumbus the 92. King was giving away for peace with England Northum Berland the Estates were against it denying jus esse regi quicquam de sinibus regni detrahere nisi omnibus ordinibus consentientibus That the King had any power to give away any part of his dominions without the consent of all the Estates of Parliament 5. The Parliaments of Scotland have regulated the actions of princes have censured punished them for enormities let the lives of Thereus Durstus Ethus Luctatus Mogaldus Conarus Constantin Ferchardus 1. Ferchardus 2. Eugenius Donaldus 8. Culenus others recorded by Buchanan in his chronicles be seen considered the power of the Parliaments of Scotland over their princes will casily appear So at that Parliament in which King Iames the 6. was created King the Earle of Murray setled in the regency it was debated what course should be taken with the Queen concerning whose accesse unto her husbands death there were such shreud toakens And some voted that justice should be executed upon her and others that she should only be keeped in prisone see Buchan lib. 19. 6. The Parliaments of Scotland have had expresse power in some cases to withstand resist even by armes the King if he should break treaties of peace made concluded by him them with forraigne princes
Kingdomes in Scotland that Christ was a King the Church his Kingdome that he himself was a subject unto Christ a member of his Church neither head nor King thereof that the spirituall office bearers to whom he had committed the government of his Church had power warrant to conveen But the King went on told the Ministers thereafter That there should be no agreement betwixt him them untill the marches of their jurisdiction were rid that they might not speak in pulpit of the affaires of the Estate or Councell that no Generall Assembly should meet without his special command that Church judicatures should meddle with fornication luch like scandalls but not with causes whereupon his lawes do strick shortly thereafter Mr Blake was summoned did decline his declinature was owned by severall hundereds of Ministers when King Iames saw this he laboured to ensnare the Ministery therefore invented the bond which was mentioned Sect. 1. Pag. 27. whereby any may see what was intended designed But when he is in possession of the crown of England then the poor Church findeth his hand heavier then formerly for Anno 1606. Six Ministers were convicted of treason condemned for declineing the councell as an incompetent judge in matters ecclesiastick all by vertue of the Act of Parl. 1584. And the Parliament which did meet that yeer 1606. to make all sure did acknowledge his Maj. soveraigne authority princely power royall perogative privilege of his crown over all Estates persons and causes whatsoever and ratifieth approveth and perpetually confirmeth the same at absolutely amply and freely in all respects and considerations as ever his 〈◊〉 or any of his royall progenitoure Kings of Scotland in any time by gone possessed used and exercised Thus was the copestone of this supremacy put on againe And at that pretended assembly at Glasgow A●…no 1610. it was acknowledged that The indiction of the Generall Assembly did appertaine unto his Maj. by the prerogative of his royall crown And it was ordained that the oath which is set down before pag. 37. be sworne by all ministers at their ordination the Parliament which conveened Anno 1612. ratified all this And finally Anno 1633. in the 1 Parl. of King Charles Act 3. that Act which was made Anno 1606. was againe ratified this conclusion was drawne from it that he hath power to prescribe what apparell he thinketh fit for Kirk men which was done of purpose for this end that his Maj. might with greater facility get the use of the surplice by Ministers established by law and practised And now by all this any may see what is the nature of that supremacy which the higher powers have been all alongs grasping after which the faithfull servants of Christ have been withstanding according to their power But in the last place the sense meaning of this late Parliament which did tender the oath must be sought out of their acts actings out of some commissions granted by his Maj. thereby it shall be seen what ground there was of scrupling at the oath how the feares of such as did then scruple at the oath were not groundlesse seing the after actings of king Parlia●… have abundantly confirmed the apprehentions which such had of their giving to the King of his taking more power in Church matters then themselves would then acknowledge or confesse did belong to him Now for clearing what power was then is now assumed by given to the King in Church matters these particulars may be noticed 1. When these Six or Seven Ministers who were cited before the Parliament had offored a sense in which they would willingly have taken the oath they could not be heard though they granted unto him in their s●…nse offered as much power in Church matters as the word of God the confessions of faith both of the Church of Scotland of other reformed Churches did allow for they did grant that his soveraignity did retch ecclesiastik causes objectively though in its own nature it was alwayes civill extrinsick But this did not satisfie therefore it was evident enough that they did intend some other thing by that oath then every one could well see 2. In the 4. Act of their first session it is made a part of the Kings prerogative That none of his heighnesse subjects of whatsoever quality state or function presume to convocat conveen or assemble themselves for holding of councells to treat consult determine in any matter of state civil or ecclesiastick except in ordinary judgments without his Maj. speciall command of expresse license had obtained thereto under the paines c. By which it is apparent that they will have no Church judicatories without his command or license otherwise his prerogative is violated so it is a piece of his perogative supremacy to have all these assemblies depending ●…o upon him as civill meetings do that is that they shall be null without his expresse consent and command for this part of the act is in every word conforme relative to that black act Anno 1584. viz act 3. parl 8. King Iam. 6 by which all Church judicatories which had been set up conforme to the second book of discipline viz sessions presbyteries synods were discharged 3. In the 16 Act of the first session concerning religion and Church government they say That as to the government of the Church his Maj. will make it his care to setle secure the same in such a frame as shall be most agreeable to the word of God most suiteable to monarchicall governement most complying with the publicke peace quyet of the Kingdome in the meane time his Maj. with advice consent foresaid doth allow the present administration by sessions presbyteries Synods So that by this act it is clear that they think that there is no particular forme of Church government s●…t down in the word 2. That every nation is left at liberty in this to choose what forme they will as most suit●…ing to civil government complying with the people temper 3. That he is judge of what forme of government is most agreeable to the word of God 4. That this governement must be some other government then that which is by Sessions Presbyteries and Synods which is but allowed in the interim 4. There is a commission or act from his Maj. for a Nationall Synod ratified by Parliament in their second Session which is worth the noticeing the Act is thus worded For as much as the ordering disposall of the externall government of the Churh the nomination of the persones by whose advice matters relating to the famine are to be setled doth belong to his Maj. as an inherent right of the Crown by vertue of his prerogative Royall supreme authority in causes Ecclesiastick And in prosecution of this trust his Maj. considering how
appeal unto Caesar was from a civill court from Festus was in a matter of life death from no Church judicatorie See Voetius ubs supra Pag. 197. Quaest. 24. SECTIO XIII The former purpose further prosecuted fleet 's notion examined THere is one reason more pleading against the taking of the oath as it is now glossed it is this 20. By taking of this oath they should assent unto that power which is given unto the King in the 16 Act of Parliament viz. a power to settle secure Church governement in such a frame as shall be most agreable suiteable unto Monarchicall Governement most complying with the publick peace quyet of the Kingdome And so grant 1. That there is not one forme or modell of Church governement set down in the word obliging Churches in all ages to follow the same 2. That the supreme Magistrat alone may appoynt what forme he thinketh good To speak to this head at length would take a long time in regard that one Mr Stilling fleet hath been at the paines to give the World a proof of his learning reading by engaging in this quarrell in pleading against the privilege prerogative of the Crown of Christ whom God hath made King in Zion who will reigne untill all his enemies be made his footstool He would without all doubt have had more peace when stepping into eternity if he had imployed his partes abilities for Christ his interests as King sole King in his Church Kingdom But yet though the nature of this discourse will not admit so long full an examination of the grounds whereupon this learned man walketh Some thing must be said in short so much the rather because through the injury of the times the labours of such as have fully solidly answered him cannot be gotten printed And therefore till providence so order matters as that both those severall other things against prelats may receive a free Imprimatur Take these few observations upon his whole book which he is pleased to call a weapon salve c. so far as concerneth the bussinesse in hand Obs. 1. He granteth pag. 154. That it is necessary there should be a forme of government in the Church by vertue not only of that law of nature which provideth for the preservation of societies but likewise by vertue of that divine law which takes care for the Churches preservation in peace and unity So then if there be such a divine law for a forme of Church Government i●… in the primitive times there was a forme of Church Government followed the poynt is gained by Mr Stillingfleet's own concessions for part 1. c. 1 § 3. He sayeth that there is not the same necessitie for a particular clear revelation in the alteration of a law unrepealed in some circumstances of it as there is for the establishing of a new law as to the former a different practice by persons guided by an infallible Spirit is sufficient which is the case as to the observation of the Lord's day under the Gospell for the fourth command standing in force as to the morality of it a different practice by the Apostles may be sufficient for the particular determination of the more rituall occasionall part of it Now there being a standing morall law for a forme of Church governement the practice of the Apostles who were guided by an infallible Spirit is sufficient for an alteration And so as their practice obligeth now to the observation of the first day Sabbath because of the standing force of the morall law for one day of Seven So their practice obligeth now unto that forme of Governement which they used because of the standing force of the law of God for a forme of Church Governement So that we need not enquire after a particular clear revelation in this case where there is but the alteration of a law unrepealed as to some particular circumstances And thus if the morality of the first day Sabbath stand the morality of the governement of the Church which the Apostles did set up will stand also Their practice altering the last day of Seven into the first will no more oblige then their altering of the ancient governement into a new one which was distinct from the former Obs. 2. Part. 2. c. 1. § 4 5 6. When he is about the stateing of the question he will have a nationall Church to be understood as a Church in which a forme of Government should be setled It is true a nationall society incorporated is a Church It is also true that the notion of a Church agreeth to other societies then nationall as himself sayes wherever the notion of a Church particular is to be found there must be a Governement in that Church so every society which may be called a Church should have a Governement in it But now the question is whether every such society as may be called a Church should have its own liberty to set up what forme of Government it thinketh best or only a nationall Church If only a nationall Church have that liberty then that liberty agreeth not to a nationall Church as it is a Church but under some other notion what is this other notion Is it because they are under one civil Governement But many nations may in some respect be under one civil Government in some respect there is hardly any one nation which in all its parts incorporations cities is governed after one the same manner But further what hath the Church to do with the civill lawes or civill way of Governement especially seing himself granteth that the Church is a quite distinct society from the civil state But next if every Church hath this liberty then in one the same nationall Church there may be many severall sorts of Governements this would occasion the greatest confusion in the world looketh no way like the ordinance of God which neither tendeth to union nor edification but to confusion distraction will make every parochial Church he cannot deny a parochiall Church to be a Church to have its own distinct forme of Government thus porachiall Churches should be like the Cant●…ns of Helvetia or distinct Kingdomes ruled by their own lawes after their owne manner If it be said that the unity peace of the nationall Church ought much more to be looked after then the peace unity of any one particular congregation Ans. will it thence follow that every particular congregation in a nationall Church should be Governed after one manner then it will follow also that all nationall Churches being members of the Church universall must be Governed after one the same manner for the peace unity of the Church universall is preferable unto the peace unity of a Nat. Church as the peace unity of a Nat. Church is preferable unto the peace unity of Particular
own phancies as to be in paine untill he were delivered of this birth not considering the unseasonablenesse thereof at such a time There is a season a time for every purpose under heaven sayeth the wise preacher Eccles. 3 1. a wise mans heart discerneth both time judgment Ecc. 8 5. But it seemeth he hath been so desirous that the world should see this monstruous birth that 〈◊〉 he wanted a time he would take the most unfit season imaginable for it For it is hardly imaginable that he could have chosen a more unfit time for publishing this his notion Because though his notion in th●…si were unquestionably true as it is not yet in hypothesi it could not now be yeelded the Kingdomes being tyed to one of these formes by the oath of God the solemne League Covenant so not at liberty to choose what forme they please His principles will not suffer him to say that Presbyterian governement is utterly unlawfull that Episcopall governement is necessary his learning will soon discover a validity in a Covenant about things not sinfull though not absolutely necessary his piety will grant that conscience should be made of such oathes And now when the Kingdomes were under the oath of God to set up a government most agreable to the Word of God And to endeavour the extirpation of Prelacy could there be a more unseasonable time for venting this his notion touching the indifferencie lawfulnesse of either Presbyterian or Prelaticall For suppone his notion were a truth of what use could it be now when the Churches hands were bound up by a solemne vow Covenant from following their liberty Sure his disputing so much for the liberty of the Church in such a case at this time sayeth that in his judgment the oath of God is of no value otherwise at least he would have casten in this clause of exception some where so have stated the question as a case in Utopia if so be it was as a fire within him that could not be keeped in And now indifferent readers may judge whether intentio operit I shall not say operantis was union peace edification To teach people to break Covenant with God to null their oaths vowes is no way to the good edification of the Church Such an union by perjury will be nothing else but a sinfull conspiracy Peace in such away will be but dreadfull security when the judgments of God are at hand And such edification is nothing but destruction But it seemeth his silence in the matter of the Covenant all alongs sayeth that in his judgment the obligation of the Covenant is null so this weapon-salve of his must be strong that will eat thorow the bones of a Covenant but because it is so dangerous destructive unto the substantials vitals of Religion it is the lesse to be valued whatever vertue he allaigeth it hath for cureing wounds in the flesh Did he think that tender Christians would get the Gordian knot of a Covenant oath vow so easily cut as to think themselves at liberty to choose what forme of governement they pleased Or if he did not presuppose this of what use did he think his book would be Though it were to be wished that this learned man had imployed his talent more for him who gave it Yet seing he would not forbear the publishing of his notions conceptions he might have spoken his minde concerning the obligation of the solemne League Covenant For so long as that Covenant standeth in force his notion will evanish as a cloud without raine But we must end this digression in which we have insisted the longer because it is one of the maine grounds upon which the complyers of this age do walke goe on that we may hasten to some other particular SECTION XIIII Such reasons or objections as are allaidged for taking against refuseing of the oath of alleagiance as it is called Answered BEfore any other particular be entered upon or this concerning the oath which is called though falsly the oath of alleagiance passed from there are some few objections which would seem to militate against the refuseing to swear subscribe the oath as it was tendered which must be rolled out of the way And these are either such as concerne the civill part so seem to weaken the grounds of scrupling at the oath upon that account which were laid downe Sect. 10 11 or such as concerne the Ecclesiastick part so seem to weaken the grounds of scrupleing at the taking of the oath upon that account which were mentioned prosecuted Sect. 12 13. First then as to the civill part it will be objected 1. That there was no ground of scrupleing at taking of the oath upon that account Because it was but the acknowledging of that very power which did properly belong to him before which former Parliaments had recognosced as his due viz. the 18. Parliament of King Iames the V I. which did acknowledge his Soveraigne Autherity Princely Power Royall Prerogative Privilege of his Crown over all Estates persons causes whatsomever Ans. This Objection was sufficiently obviated above Pag. 126. where it was showne that these were but Parliamentary flourishes complements grounded upon personall qualifications And indeed the act seemeth to raise this structure upon his Maj. being put in possession as the righteous inheritour of the famous renowned Kingdomes of England France Irland which far surpasse the wealth power force of the dominons of his progenitours Kings of Scotland thereby having a greater increase of care burden with all upon his extraordinary graces most rare excellent vertues where with he was endued for the discharge of that trust Now any man of understanding may see that the increase of his extensive power authority or of personall qualifications is no sufficient ground for the increase of his intensive power or for the enlargeing of the privileges of the crowne Moreover it is said expresly in the act that they ratifie approve perpetually confirme the same as absolutely amply freely in all respects considerations as ever his Maj. or any of his royall progenitours Kings of Scotland in any time by gone possessed used exercised the same Whence it appeareth that they gave no new power only they did recognosce what he his progenitours had before Now as was showne above neither he nor any of his progenitours had such a supremacy over parliaments as is now allaidged to belong unto the crown For as to that first act parl 8. Anno 1584. it was showne above Pag. 125. how notwithstanding of the supremacy there granted unto the King the privileges of Parliament remaine intire as they had been continued past all memory of man without any alteration or diminution whatsomever And after this Anno 1587. in the 11. Parl. act 33. the ancient order dignity
trust or commit their soulls unto a perjured man How can such an one who hath once so palpably perjured himself presume ever to set his feet within a pulpit againe And thus it is clear that this case maketh nothing against the Covenanters so the first assault which he hath made upon the Covenant is repulsed very easily The next ground which he layeth down is this That if the Covenant be not rigidly interpreted strained it will not hinder a complying with the present prelacy that upon these two grounds 1. At the time of the taking of the Covenant there was no such Church officers in Scotland as are mentioned in the 2. Article therefore Scotland did not need to swear to endeavour their extirpation And 2. The Parliament of England the giver of this oath intended nothing lesse then the extirpation of all kindes of prelacy Bishops in the Church for this he bringeth in the authors of the Covenanters plea Mr Baxter Mr Gataker Mr Vines as confirming this notion of his Unto all which a short answere may suffice for though it might be easily demonstrated that those men mentioned by him do not approve of that species of Episcopacy which is no●… set up in Scotland that they have said nothing wh●…ch will speak out their judgment of the complyance of the. 2. Article of the league Covenant with the Scottish Episcopacy yet it doth not much concerne these in Scotland to search to try narrowly what is the judgment of any particular divine how eminent soever in England concerning prelacy Nor what sense or glosse they put upon the Covenant or upon any particular article thereof Though it is very probable that they will not put such a favourable interpretation upon that article as shall make it an interpretation not aequitate temperatam but Gratia corruptam Yea nor is it of much concernment to these of Scotland to search after the sense or glosse which the Parliament of England did put upon it though no difference can be apprehended betwixt their sense the sense of the Kingdom of Scotland seing they did not tender that oath unto Scotl. but they are to look rather unto the sense glosse which the Church state of Scotland in their publick meetings did put upon it it is clear that they intended no complyance betwixt the Covenant this prelacy Though it is true at the taking of the Covenant there was no such officers as are there named in Scotland Which is all the weak ground he goeth upon as to this particular yet albeit Scotland had gotten those unhallowed plants plucked up cas●…en out they were not out of all fear of them The dangerous Estate of the Church Kingdom of Scotland at that time said they were not without feares that these plants might againe take rooting if the popish prelaticall malignant faction had prevailed in the Kingdomes And therefore they were called to fortifie themselves against those plagues evills by a solemne league Covenant But moreover doth not the very words of the second article expresly exclude the prelacy which is now in Scotland Is not the Church of Scotland at present governed by two Archbishops and by tuelue other bishops Have not those bishops their deanes their arch deacons c. And is not the 2d article expresly against such a government by such officers Who that hath eyes in their heads can doubt of these things Moreover will he suppose that the Church and state of the Kingdom of Scotland were such ignoramuses as to set down contradictories in the Covenant that when they had sworne to maintaine the discipline government of the Church of Scotland which himself will confesse was presbyterian in the first article in the second article had abjured a government in the Church inconsistent with presbyterian government should be thought with all to consent yeeld unto such an episcopacy as should be inconsistent with presbyterian government Which were in effect to say They swore to maintaine presbyterian government yet might receive another government distinct from inconsistent with presbyterian government And though they abjured prelacy yet not every prelacy for they might for all that accept of one sort of prelacy which yet should be inconsistent with presbyterian government But possibly this advocat saw he would be ashamed of such things therefore went to England to seek such help as he could finde but all the help he hath gotten there hath made little to his purpose Finally this author would do well to follow D. Sand. his advice ubi sup prael 2 § 9. where he discourseth thus when I say an oath is stricti juris that is to b●… understood thus that the meaning of the oath is to be keeped when the same is clear from the words And is not the sense of the 2d article of the Covenant as clear as can be But put the case it be dubious heare what he sayeth furder But when the meaning is doubtfull every one is carefully to take heed that they indulge not their own affections inclinations or give way unto toolax large a license of glosseing to the end they may with more ease loose themselves from the obligation of the oaths with which they are bound or give such a sense unto the oath or to any part thereof for their own profite advantage as no wise prudent man who is not concerned in the matter and so having no interest is at greater freedom to determine can be able to gather from the words themselves the reason is twofold one in respect of others and for fear of scandall lest any other who is weak b●… moved to think he may lawfully do what he seeth us do being ignorant of those subtil●…es with which alone we think to defend ourselvs from perjury The other in respect of our selves for fear of perjury which is a most grievous crime and which undoubtedly we bring upon ourselves if that more favourable interpretation deceive us This reason dependeth upon that generall most profitable rule in matters doubtfull follow that which is saifest thus he solidely judicously What he addeth here against the nationall Covenant shall be considered fully in the next Section When thus he hath spent his master pieces against this Covenant he cometh in end to try what his third last device will do that is to muster up some stragling faults which he espieth either as to matter or manner which though granted to him would not much advantage his cause or say much for looseing the obligation of the oath now after it is taken Yet because he vapoureth much in his expressions here would gladly deceive the simple who are not well acquanted with the nature of oaths but are ready to think that the least escape in the manner of entering into an oath is enough to dissolve its obligation after it is taken not knowing that
jurisdiction being exercised by Bishops or superintendenss or commissioners And these Though the assembly quarrelled them were reall Bishops And would the King by his oath abjure that Church Government which was not rejected by the Church till Iuly 12. 1580. And in the yeer 1581. Though the King Councell had presented the confession to the Assembly to be subscribed by them by the people in their paris●…es yet that very same yeer within six moneths thereafter there is an act of councell confirming expressly the agreement at Leth 1571. And this act of Councell the King did openly avow in the businesse of Montgomery Now it is not probable that the King Councell if they intended to abjure episcopacy by the confession would within six moneshs confirme that agreement at Leth. Ans. 1. It hath been shown but just now that severall yeers before the yeer 1580 The Generall assemblies of that Church were declareing themselves against prelats their power were acting so far as lay in their power and that was much considering what opposition they did meet with for presbyterian government 2. It is certaine that Church Government by prelats was never approved by any of the generall assemblies in those dayes 3. Though before the yeer 1580. The Assembly did not formally passe an act against Episcopacy Yet was it not equivalent when Anno 1577. 1578. The second book of discipline which overturneth the Government of the Church by Bishops was approved 4. This same act of the Generall Assembly at Dundee was before the subscribeing of the Covenant For it was in Iuly the Command for subscribeing of the Covenant came not forth till the 2 March thereafter that 2d of march was said to be Anno 1580. as well as Iuly before because at that time the denomination of the new yeer did not begin in Scotland untill the 25 of March so it is his mistake to think that the Covenant was enjoyned to be subscribed six moneths before the Act at Dundee 5. Whereas he sayes that An. 1580. there was no such thing in Scotland as government by presbyteries if he meane that that government was not setled thorow the whole Kingdom he speaks truth but nothing to the purpose but if he meane that in no part of the countrey there was any such government he is mistaken for at the assembly Anno 1578. there was mention made of presbyteries for amongst the articles which this assembly drew up to be subscribed by those prelats whom they had caused cite before them this was one viz the 6. that they should not Empire over elderships but be subject to them the 7. was that they should not usurpe the power of presbyteries So that there were presbyteries in the land at that time Yea the narrative of the 131. Act parl 8. King Jam. 6. Anno 1584. maketh mention of sindry formes of judgments jurisdictions as well in spirituall a●… temporall causes entered in practice and custome and that dureing 24. yeers by past those formes of judgments jurisdictions in spirituall causes were assemblies Synodall presbyteriall parochiall all which were discharged by that Act And hence it is clear that there were such judicatories in the land before the yeer 1580. Moreover at the Assembly 1579. there was a motion made about a generall order to be taken for erecting of presbyteries in places where publick exercise was used untill the policy of the Church were established by law it was answered that the exercise may be judged to be a presbytery So that the Kingdom at that time was not without presbyteries Yea their frequent nationall assemblies shew that the Church was governed presbyterially 6. This is certane That there was some government of the Church sworne to in that Covenant for there are these word in it That we joyne ourselves to this reformed kirk in doctrine faith religion and discipline promiseing and swearing by the great name of God that we shall continue in the doctrine and discipline of thi●… Kirk and defend the same according to our vocation and power all the dayes of ourlife Now all the difficulty is to know what this government was And it is certane That either it was the government by presbyteries or the government by prelats It could not be the government by prelats 1. because that was not the government discipline of the Kirk but the government discipline against which the Church had been striveing with all he●… might 2. It is not imaginable that the Ministery of the land would swear to defend the government of the Church by prelats all the dayes of their lives when they were us●…ing all meanes to have the Church free of that yoke 3. When the confession of faith was presented unto the gen assembly to be subscribed by them An. 1581. would they have ass●…nted unto the same if thereby they had been bound to maintaine prelacy seing at their very last meeting they had made such an expresse Act against prelats 4. When the Laird of Caprinton his Maj. commissioner did presente unto the generall Assembly the confession of faith or nationall Covenant he presented withall from his Maj. a plot of the severall presbyteries to be erected in the Kingdome mentioning the presbyteriall meeting places designeing the severall parishes which should belong to such such presbyteries As also a letter from his Maj. to the noblemen gentlemen of the countrey for the erection of presbyteries consisting of Ministers elders for dissolution of prelacies may not any hence argue after the author's manner say is it any way probable that the King Councell if they intended to establish prelacy by the confession of faith would in that self same day which is a shorter tim●… then halfe a yeer wherein ●…he conf●…ssion was presented as subscribed by the King his houshold to be subscribed by the assemby presente such a plot for presbyteries thorow the whole Kingdom c Let this advocat answere this if he can It must then be an undoubted truth That the government sworne to in that nationall Cov●…nant was presbyterian government 7. And whereas he sayeth the King within Six moneths thereafter did stand to the agreement at Leth avowed it in the businesse concerning Montgomery it will not say much if it be considered how at that time Aubignee grew great at cou●…t as was shown above Sect 1. Obtained the superiority of Glasgow made a paction with Montgomery And when the Church judicatures were examineing the carriage of this Montgomery first last he stirred up the King against them what will all this say But that Kings had need of faithfull constant counsellours about them lest they be made to undoe their owne works in a short time There was many a change at court as contrary parties gote up so was the King sweyed He addeth That neither did t●…e assembly or any Minister speak of that deed of the