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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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held in admiration of the ignorant Sarazens and distracted Arabians And albeit he was of small reading by reason of his education otherwise yet he hearkened vnto such as were learned especially if they were any way malcontented either with any established religion state or gouernment Amongst which number hee inclined earnestly vnto the censured Hereticke Sergius a Monke of Constantinople which should haue béene punished for maintaining the Nestorian heresie hée attributed great Diuinitie to himselfe And hauing the falling sicknesse he denied it saying hée was onely in a trance being rauished with the vision of the Angell Gabriel who deliuered him secret instructions and new commaundements from God hee taught a Doue to pecke foode out of his eares which hee made the people beléeue was the holy ghost that came to inspire him by means whereof and other his illusions which his confederates vsed in his behalfe strongly possest the multitude with a most holy and reuerent opinion of him as also that hee was the great Prophet of the Ismaelites or as they call themselues the Sarazens and then by the helpe of Sergius and the rest in contempt of the old and new Testament hée made his Antichristian Alcaron wherein hée forbade the vse of holy Scriptures commanding them to continue circumcision and vtterly to abolish baptisme for to them belonged the diuide promise in contempt of Iewe and Christian hée commanded euery Friday for euer to bée held his holy Sabbaoth hée commanded them not to eate swines flesh nor drinke wine by day hée allowed euery man to haue many wiues and constituted a voluptuous Paradise like to the Manichées hée absolutely denied the Trinitie and the doctrine of our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles except onely such places of text as hée wrested to serue his sathanicall purpose saying Christ was a holy Prophet and his fore-runner and had foretold much of him and of his comming hée said the holy Ghost was a Creature like to the Nicholaytans with many other abhominations and blasphemies not fit to be spoken by a Christian all which hee began publickely to preach in the yeare of Christ 620. in the twelfth yeare of the raigne of Hyraclius the Emperour and by degrées it was so followed and beléeued that hée grew mighty in fauour with all sorts of people chiefely the Sarazens then he entred into armes and with a great hoast wasted Asyria tooke Damasco ouerthrew the Persians hée inueigled the warlike Scenits who reuolted from Hyraclius for want of pay hauing subdued many Nations caused himselfe to be crowned King of Persia then hée proclaimed himselfe a great Prophet and by force established his blasphemous Alcaron consisting of the dregges of all Religions then in vse which diuellish and Antichristian Doctrine through the remisnesse and negligence of the Emperours and ciuill dissention of the rest of the Christian Princes hath ouer spread all Asia Affrica and the best part of Europe and is in many places of India He dyed in the yeare 632. being poysoned by his alyes vpon hope to succéede him in his gouernment some write hee dyed at thirty yeares of age and others write at forty yeares and they put him in an Iron chest and placed it vpon loftie Tressels in the Citty of Mecha in Persia whereunto the Turkes goe in pilgrimage from all places Reade Egnatius 2. Booke Blondas 9. Booke Charles Fountagne 2. Booke of Medals and Polydor Virgil 7. Booke This yeare 606. Clocks and Dials were commaunded to be set vp in Churches CAdmine Duke of North Wales was made Soueraigne of the Britaines who gaue strong battell to Ethelfride King of Northumberland and forced him to intreate for peace hée raigned 42. yeares The Kingdome of Mercia beganne vnder the Saxon Penda which Lordship contained Huntingtonshire Herefordshire and Glocestershire At that time raigned in diuers parts of the land 7. Kings Paulinus builded the great Church at Lincolne He beganne the Cathedrall Church at Yorke named S. Peters CAdwallaine the sonne of Cadwane began his raigne ouer the Briaines He warred strongly vpon the Saxons made Penda King of Mercia tributary to him he raigned 48. yeares and was buried at London Sigibert King of the East Angles sent for Felix out of Burgondy to preach the faith he made this Felix Bishop of Dunwich and by his counsell he erected diuers schooles Honorius Arch-bishop of Canterbury diuided his prouince into Parishes Atheldrith the Quéene began the Monastery at Ely Medulfe builded the Abbey of Malmesbury Penda King of Mercia warred vpon Oswald King of Northumberland and slue him in battell Kenewalcus King of the west Saxons builded the Bishops sea of Winchester Benet the Monke and maister of the reuerend Beda brought first the craft of Painting Glasing and Masons worke into this land Cissa began to build the Abbey of Abingdon Erkenwald Bishop of London builded the Abbeyes of Chertsey and of Barking Ostrike Duke of Glocester founded the Monastery of Glocester Peda The sonne of Penda and Selruphus of Mereia were the first founders of Peterborow CAdwalladar was ordained King of Britaine saith Ieffery and ruled onely three yeares He was the last King of Britaine And this land after his time called Anglia and the inhabitants there of Angles or Anglish Saxons who vsed to call all men Welshmen that bee strangers vnto them This happened after the entring of the Saxons vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the time of Vortiger 236. yeares IVstinian the second which some said was Iustinian the fourth sonne to Constantine the fourth was the last of the race of Hyraclius and began his raigne in the yeare 686. hée cut the noses of his yonger brothers to the end they should not aspire to the Empire This wicked Emperor caused a headstrong Councell to bee made against the sixt generall Councell held by his father he made warres vpon the Arabians and Bulgarians contrary to the appointment of his father and prospered accordingly for he was put to the worst Amurath King of Sarazens made peace with him and restored backe Affrica This Iustinian for his crueltie and wilfull behauiour was generally hated of all his subiects and in the tenth yeare of his raigne was chased out of his gouernment by Leonicus who possest the Emperiall Crowne thrée yeares with the speciall helpe of Callymycus and then the men of warre chose Hysmarus Alias Tyberius the third who cut his nose likewise and repressed the Arabians he banished the most noble Phillippicus because an Eagle was séene to light vpon him as bée slept then hée sailed from Affrica to Constantinople and tooke Leonicus and cut his nose as he had done to Iustinian and séered it in the seuenth yeare of his raigne Iustinian by helpe of the Bulgarians recoured his Empire and presently practised all maner of reuenge vpon those hée hated he banished Tiberius pulled out the eyes of Callymycus and in his daily exercise of crueltie as oft as he blew his
God shewed him a speciall grace that hee liued not to see the desolation of that Citty whereof he was then Bishop viz. Hyppo The end of the Romanes gouernment in Britaine which had continued 483. yeares AFter this the Britaines continuing a while in doubtfull war with the Picts and Scots elected Vortiger VOrtiger being king such a plenty of corne and fruit happened as the like had not ben séene in many yeares which plentie caused idlenesse gluttony and letchery There followed such a great pestilence that the liuing scantly sufficed to bury the dead Also the Scots and Picts in most cruell wise spoiled the land where through Vortiger was forced to send for aide of forraine lands And in thrée large shippes there came out of Germany thrée sorts of people Englishmen Saxons and Getes Hengist and Horsus two brethren being their Captaines vnto whom was giuen the Isle of Thanet to inhabite By their manhood in many battailes Vortiger vanquished and droue backe the Pictes and other enemies whereby Hengist came in such fauour that Vortig● married his daughter Rowan a maide of wonderfull beauty for whose sake the King was diuorced from his lawfull wife after which time the Saxons daily increased and the Christian faith decaied The Britaines considering the daily repaire of the Saxons shewed to their King the ie●pardy that might thereof insue but all was in vaine wherfore they depriued him when he had raigned 7. yeares and ordained to their King his eldest sonne Vortimer VOrtimer pursued the Saxons and vanquished them Vntill at length hée was poysoned by his Step mother after hée had raigned sixe yeares VOrtiger obtained againe the Kingdome and shortly after Hengistus entred the land with a number of Saxons but when hée heard of the great assembly that the Britaine 's made against him he treated for peace shortly after the Saxons traiterously slew on the plaine of Sarisbury CCCClx Barons and Earles and tooke the King prisoner constrained him to grant vnto them Kent Sussex Suffolke and Norfolke Then Hengist began his dominion ouer Kent and sending fore moe Saxons made warre vpon the Britaines Aurelius Ambrose and Viher made warre vpon Vortiger and burned him in his Castle when he had secondly raigned 6. yeares AVrolius Ambrose second sonne to Constantine hasted him with an army towards Yorke against Occa sonne of Hengist where hee discomfited and tooke prisoner the saide Occa. He caused the great stones to be set vpon the plaine of Sarisbury in remembrance of the Britaines that were slaine there A Saxon subdued the countries of Southery Somerset Deuonshire and Cornwall which after was called the Kingdome of South Saxons The kingdome of the east Saxons began vnder Duke Vffa which contained Norfolke and S●ffolke Aurelius died of poyson when he had raigned 32. yeares VTher Pendragon was crowned King He was enamored vpon Igreene the Dukes wife of Cornwall and on her hée begate Arthur Hee raigned eightéene yeares and was buried at Stonehing ARthur the sonne of Vther Pendragon was crowned King of Britaine He fought twelue battailes against the Saxons he constituted the order of the round Table to which order he onely receiued such of the nobilitie as were most renowned for vertue and chiualry While Arthur was ocupied in his warres beyond the seas Mordred to whom he had committed the gouernment of Britaine confederating himselfe with Cerdicus King of the West Saxons traiterously vsurped the Kingdome of which treason when relation came to Arthur he spéedily returned pursuing him into Cornewall gaue him battaile where Mordred was slaine and Arthur being deadly wounded was conueied to Glassenbury where he died and is buried after he had raigned 16. yeares COnstantine kinsman to Arthur was ordained King AVrelius a Britaine raising mortall warre against Constantine slue him when he had raigned 3. yeares He was buried at Stonehing This yeare 544. there was an vniuersall earthquake AVrelius Gonaxus King of Britaine imprisoned his vncle which was right heire to the crown He raigned 33. yeares The kingdome of Northumberland began vnder a Saxon named Ida. This prouince was first diuided into two kingdomes the one was called Deyra the which contained the land from Humber to Tine the other Brenicia which included the countrey from Tine to the Scottish sea VOrtiporus the sonne of Conanus was ordained King of Britaine a victorious King and cruell tyrant who put from him his wife and kept her daughter for his concubine in diuers battailes he discomfited the Saxons He raigned 4. yeares MAlgo Conanus gouerned the Britaines slue his first wife and tooke his brothers daughter EThelbert King of the Saxons in Kent gaue battell to Ceanlinus King of the west Saxons in which fight were slaine two Dukes of Ethelberts and himselfe with his people chased CAreticus ruled the Britaines his subiects moued the Saxons with Gurmundus King of Ireland to make warre vpon Careticus in such wise that he was faine to take the towne of Cicester where they assaulted him so sore that he with his men fled from thence into Wales When he had raigned 3. yeares Gurmund builded Gurmondchester EThelridus gouerned Northumberland who made such continual war vpon the Britaines that it is thought he slue more of them then all the other Saxons By this cruelty the faith of Christ was almost vtterly extinguished in Britaine many were chased out of the Iland the rest remained in Wales and the Saxons obtained the whole dominion of the Island sauing a part of Scotland and was subiect to the Picts and Scots This yeare 616. being the fourth yeare of Hyraclius the Emperour of the Romanes in the moneth of August in France and other places there happened a great earthquake and presently followed a great pestilence with such hideous scabs and botches as they could not discerne nor know one man from another This pestlience was very fierce and infectious 596. S. Gregory sent Augustine Melitus Iustus and Iohn to preach the Christian faith to the Angles which were first receiued of Ethelbert King of England whom they conuerted to the faith with diuers of his people This Ethelbert began to build Saint Augustines in Canterbury Pauls Church in London and S. Adrewes in Rochester Sibertus King of the east Saxons builded Westminster MAhomet of the stocke of Ismael an Orphan of poore parentage of an excellent wit and great strength borne in Arabia in his youth taken and sold to a rich Marchant who imployed him in his affaires his maister died then he married Cadiga his Mistresse of 50. yeares of age by whom hee had much wealth which hee in few yeares increased mightily as well in Treasure Camels Munition as other commodities hee gaue great entertainment in his house and was liberall vnto the poore hée was very skilfull in Magicke and learned many deceits of the Egyptians for the which hee was
daughter married Lewis the fourth of that name King of France And about the yeare 962. the people of Denmarke were conuerted to the Christian faith by Popynus the Popes Chaplaine and shortly after that the said Otto made fierce wars vpon Denmarke and tooke their King Aleadus prisoner and caused him and all his children to bee baptized EDward surnamed Senior the sonne of Alfreed was annointed King hee builded Hertford another towne at Wittham in Essex hee builded a new Towne against the old Towne of Nottingham on the south side of the Riuer of Trent and made a bridge ouer the said Riuer betweene two townes Hee subdued the King of Scotland and Wales he also builded Thilwall and repaired Manchester hee was buried at Winchester when hee had raigned foure twenty yeares ADelstane after Edward his father was crowned at Kingstone hee brought this land into one Monarchy for hee expelled the Danes and quieted the Welshmen Hee caused them to pay to him yearly for a tribute twenty pound of gold 300. pound of siluer 2500. head of neate with hounds and hawkes to a certaine number Hee conquered Scotland Hee raigned 15. yeares and lyeth at Malmesbury Guy Earle of Warwicke side the Danish Giant in Hide meade nigh vnto Winchester EDmund brother to Adelstane tooke on him the gouernance of this realme who was slaine when he had raigned 5 yeares and was buried at Glastenbury About this time the Empire of Gréece was translated from Constantinople into Germany in the time of Otto the Emperour And at this time began the Princes Electors And the Citty Magdeburge in Germany was also founded read my larger booke ELdred succéeded Edmund his brother he tooke on him but a protectour but afterward hée was crowned at Kingstone he quieted and kept in due obeisance the Northumbers and Scots and exiled the Danes He raigned 9. yeares and was buried at Winchester EDwine succéeded his vncle Eldred he was crowned at Kingstone In the selfe same day of his coronation he rauished his owne kinswoman the wife of a noble man and afterward slew her husband Which act and for banishing Dunstan who rebuked him he became odible to his subiects and was depriued when hee had raigned 4. yeares EDgar brother to Edwine was crowned at Bathe Hée was excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices that neuer before his dayes was vsed lesse Fellonie by Robbers or Extortion by false Officers Hee chastised the great negligence and vicious liuing of the Cleargy he prepared a great Nauy of ships which he disposed in thrée parts of this Realme and had Souldiers alwaies ready prest and ready against the incursions of forraine enemies King Edgar hauing restored and new founded eight and fourtie Monasteries which before had béene destroyed and confirmed the Monasterie of Worcester which Osnalde then Bishoppe of Worcester by the Kings consent had inlarged and made the Cathedrall Church of that shire Alwinus Alderman Earle of Eastangle founded the Abbey of Ramsey King Edgar raigned 16. yeares and was buried at Glastenbury EDward the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone by the counsell of his Stepmother Elfreed hee was traiterously murdered when he had raigned 3. yeares Buried at Shaftsbury At this time died S. Dunstan Etheldred the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone but because he came to the kingdome by killing his brother he could neuer get the good will of his people A great part of the city of London was burnt At this time saith Sigibert the Historian flourished Guydo Aretine he was the first that taught the Gamuth for prick-song King Etheldred erected the Bishopricke of Exeter he caused all the Danes in England to bee slaine In reuenge whereof Swaxe King of Denmarke inuaded England with fire sword Etheldred died when hee had raigned eight and thirty yeares and was buried in Paules Church in London EDmund the sonne of Etheldred succéeded in the kingdome who was surnamed Ieronside and whiles betwéene him and Canutus striuing for the Empire many bloody battailes were fought the Kings themselues attempted to fight hand to hand for the title of the kingdome in which combate after long and doubtfull fight they both being weari●d fell to a couenant to diuide the same Edmund not long after was slaine by the treason of one Ederick of Staton Edrick making vaunt thereof to Canutus Canutus answered saying and thou shall die as well thou art worthy straight wayes the traitor was tormented to death and cast into a ditch About this time ended the race of Charlemaigne and then began the line of Hugh Caper in France Canutus the Dane challenging all England to himselfe slew his brother Edmond he procured to haue giuen him in mariage Emma the Widdow of King Etheldred who at that time was with Edward and allured her sons to exile with Duke Richard in Normandie She did beare Canutus a sonne of his owne name by his affinitie and alliance the Danes became of the more strength and power His subdued the Scots whereby he was King of England Scotland Denmarke Norway Hee founded the Monastery of Saint Edmondes-Burie when hee had raigned twenty yeares hée deceased and was buried at Winchester HArold Harefoot vsing the force of the Danes that dwelt in England inuaded the Realme while his brother Hardicanutus gouerned in Denmarke And not being vnmindfull by whose aide hee came to the kingdome rewarded the Danes with great dignitie in this Realme he constrained his mother in law Emma to flye and prouide for her selfe hee tormented to death Alured the sonne of Emma which she had by King Etheldred who then was come out of Normandy to visit his mother He raigned 3. yeares died at Oxford and was buried at Westminster HArdicanutus sonne of Canutus and Emma as soone as hee had gotten his fathers kingdome fetched his mother out of exile And in reuenge of displeasure that was done to her and of the murder of his brother Alured hée commanded the carkas of Harold to bee digged out of the earth and to be thrown into the riuer of Thames where by a fisher it was taken vp brought to the Danes who buried it in a Churchyard which they had at London In the midst of his cups he departed this life the 3. yeare of his riagne and was buried at Winchester EDward the sonne of Etheldred was crowned at Westchester hee released the tribute of 4000. pounds called Dane-gelt which the English people from the beginning of the raigne of the Danes was compelled to pay their King euery yeare he tooke to wife Edgitha the daughter of Earle Goodwine hee sent for home into England his Nephew Edward the sonne of King Edmond his brother who brought with him Agatha his wife Edgar Margaret and Christian his children borne in Pannonia where hee liued but a while Thus Edward being disappointed both of his Nephew and his heire pronounced
natiuitie 1108. wherein he first beganne to raigne and named it after his owne name Britan he builded the Citty of new Troy now called London he diuided the whole Island among his thrée sonnes Vnto Locrine his eldest sonne hée gaue the middle part called Loegria to Camber Cambria to Albanact Albania he deceased when he had raigned 24. yeares LOcrine raigned 20. yeares he chased the Hunnes which inuad●● this realme pursued them so sharpely that many of them with their King were drowned in a riuer named Humber Locrine had to wife Guendoline daughter to Corineus Duke of Cornwall by whom hee had a sonne named Madan hée also kept Estrild by whom hee had a daughter named Sabrine but Guendoline gathering a great power fought with King Locrine and stewe him Shée drowned Estrild with her daughter Sabrine in a Riuer called Seuerne GVendoline discréetly ruled 15. yeares and left the same to her sonne Madan MAdan was deuoured by wild woules when he had raigned 11. yeares MEmpricius slewe his brother Manlius taking the wiues daughters of his subiects but was destroyed of wolues when he had raigned 20. yeares EBranke founded Alclud in Scotland he made the Castle of Edenbrough and Bambrought hee builded Rayrbranke now called Yorke hée raigned 40. yeares Brutus surnamed Greeneshield raigned twelue yeares LEil builded Carlill now called Cestria hée raigned 25. yeares RVdhudribras builded Canterbury Winchester and Shaftsbury He raigned twentynine yeares BLadud who had long studied at Athens broght Philosophers to kéepe schooles in Britaine hée builded Bath and presumed to flie but brake his necke when he had raigned 20. yeares LEile builded Caer Lair now called Leicester Hée had thrée daughters Gonorell Ragan and Cordelle which Cordelle succéeded him in the Kingdome when he had raigned fourtie yeares COrdelle was sore vexed by her two Nephews Morgan of Albanie and Conedagus of Camber who cast her into prison where shée flew her selfe when she had raigned 5. yeares MOrgan warred on his Nephewe Conedagus but Conedagus slue Morgan and then was King of all Britaine He raigned thrée and thirty yeares RIuallo in whose time it rained bloud three dayes And then a great mortalitie caused almost desolation He raigned 46. yeares GVrgustus a common drunkard whereof followed other vices raigned 37. yeares SIcilius the brother of Gurgustus raigned fortie nine yeares IAgo Cousin to Gurgustus raigned fiue and twenty yeares Kimmacus raigned 53. yeares Gorbodug raigned 43. yeares FErrex with his brother Porrex ruled Britain● fiue yeares they fell at ciuill discord for the soueraigne dominion in which Ferrex was slaine and Porrex afterward was killed MVlmutius Dunwallo constituted good lawes which long after were called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuiledges vnto Temples and ploughes and began to make the foure notable wayes in Britaine he raigned 40. yeares BElinus Brennus diuided this Isle of Britaine Vnto Belme was appointed England Wales and Cornwall Vnto the other the part beyond Humber This Brennus raised warre against B●line but in conclusion Brennus went amongst the Gaules where for his excellent qualities hée was their soueraigne Captaine with whom he passed into Italy sacked Rome Belinus raigned xxvi yeares Gurgustus subdued Denmarke and in his returne met with a fléete comming from the parts of Spaine which were séeking for habitations to whom he granted the Isle of Ireland to inhabite He raigned xix yeares GVinthelinus had to wife a notable womā named Mercia Shee diuised certaine lawes named Mercians lawes He raigned xxvi yeares CEcilius raigned seuen yeares a people called Picts arriued here in Britaine and possessed those parts which now be the Marches of both Realmes England and Scotland KImarus raigned 3. yeares and was slaine as he was hunting Elanius was King of Britaine 9. yeares MOrindus in whose time out of the Irish seas came a wonderfull monster which destroyed much people whereof the King hearing would needes fight with it by which hee was deuoured when he had raigned 8. yeares GOrbomannus raigned 11. yeares He builded Grantham ARchigallo extorted from men their goods to enrich his treasure for which cause he was depriued when he had raigned 5. yeares Elidurus raigned 5. yeares ARchigallo restored ruled the people quietly ten yeares ELidurus after the death of his brother raigned not passing two yeares but that his younger brother Vigenius tooke and cast him into prison VIgenius raigned seuen yeares and Pereduries raigned after 2. yeares He builded the town of Pickering Elidurus the third time raigned foure yeares Gorbonian raigned ten yeares Morgan guided the Realme 14. yeares EMerianus when he had tyrannously raigned 7. yeares was deposed Iuall gouerned peaceably 20. yeares Rimo gouerned this Realme 16. yeares Gernuntius raigned 20. yeares CAtillus raigned ten yeares he hung vp all oppressors of the poore Coilus quietly raigned 20. yeares Porrex a vertuous Prince raigned 5. yeares CHierennus through his darkenesse raigned but one yeare Fulgen his sonne raigned but two yeares Eldred raigned but one yeare Androgius likewise raigned one yeare Varianus raigned thrée yeares Eliud a great Astronomer raigned 5. yeares Dedantius raigned fiue yeares Detonus raigned in the land two yeares Gurginus raigned thrée yeares Merianus was King two yeares Blandumus gouerned two yeares Capenus raigned thrée yeares Quinus ruled this land two yeares Silius raigned two yeares Bledgabredus raigned ten yeares Archemalus was King two yeares Eldelus raigned foure yeares Rodianus was King two yeares Redargius raigned thrée yeares Samulius raigned two yeares Penisellus was King thrée yeares Pyrhus ruled this land two yeares Caporus was King two yeares Diuellus gouerned foure yeares Helius raigned not full one yeare LVd repaired the city of new Troy builded on the west part thereof Ludgate leauing after him two sons Androgius and Theomancius who being not of age to gouerne their Vncle Cassibelan obtained the crown London tooke the name of Lud and was called Ludstowne Thus farre Ieffery Munmouth CAssibelanus ruled 19. yeares In the 8. yeare of his raigne Iulius Caesar sailed into Britain whereat the first being wearied with an hard sharpe battaile after with sudden tempest and his nauy almost destroied he returned againe into France the next spring which was the yeare before Christ 51. hée passed the seas againe with a great army But whiles he went towards his armies ●nland his shippes lying at anker with force of tempest were destroyed so that 40. were lost Vpon land also his horsemen at the first encounter were vanquished At the second conflict hee put the Britaine 's to flight From thence hée went vnto the riuer of thames on the further side whereof Cassibelanus with a great multitude of people was kéeping the bankes
other things by ingines or stéele Loomes by William Lee somtime Master of Arts of Saint Iohns colledge of Cambridge and sixtéen yéeres after this he went into France and taught it to the French because he was not regarded in England The 5 of March a Wench was burned in Saint Georges field without Southwarke for poysoning her Mistris and other This yeare 1589 Henry Duke of Guise and his brother the Cardinall Guise were both slaine by commaundement of the French King Henry the third This Duke was wonderously beloued of the Clergy and of the Peeres and commons of France he was also very highly estéemed of the Conclaue and of many other forraine Princes The manner of his death was taken very grieuously especially by such as had combinde themselues in league to suppresse the Protestants and preferre the Romane Catholike Religion Within a while after the said King Henry the third was also slaine by a Frier in reuenge of the death of the two brethren before named and the Frier himselfe was instantly slaine by such as were about the King who slew him with the said enuenomed knife wherewith hee stabd the King This Henry the third was the last of the house of Valois And presently vpon his death Henry of Burbon King of Nauarre laid iust claime to the crowne who with great difficultie and almost eight yeares sharpe warres with the Leagers he got peaceable possession of the whole Kingdome But at the first the Leagers droue him into diuers extremities and forced him to flie into Déepe where he was ready to haue embarked for England if the Quéene had not spéedily sent a resolute Armie vnto him vnder command of the Lord Willowby And from that time the Quéene ayded him with diuers Armies vnder the commaund of the Earle of Essex Generall Norris sir Roger Williams and many others besides incessant supplies vpon sudden occasions from London Kent Essex Suffolke Surrey Sussex and Hamhshire both of horse men and munition The next yeare following the great and ancient Citie of Paris was besieged by their new King Henry the fourth which City vntill their day of visitation was a glorious and a flourishing City and the most populous of all the cities in Europe vntill for their better defence they were constrained to pull downe all their suburbes and albeit the siege held not full fiue moneths yet such was the extremitie of famine vnto all the inhabitants as it may well be said to be greater and more miserable then either the siege of Samaria or Ierusalem for after they had eaten vp all manner of herbage and carrian and all manner of moist leather with whatsoeuer else they could get to eate they did eate many children concerning which and many other memorable and capitall Accidents you may reade more at large in my larger Chronicle Yet sith I haue speken thus much of France I will also for thy further delight giue thee a touch of some of the chiefe ancient Kings thereof Faramond was the first King of France in the yeere 431 and raigned 11 yéeres Clodouius alias Clouis was the fift King of France in the yeare 485 he was the first King of France that was christened he was baptized by S. Remy Arch-bishop of Reynes after diuers victories vpon his enemies and had enlarged his territories Pope Anastasius sent him the name and title of Patrician and Consull with a crowne of gold richly adorned with precious stones At this time the Arrian heresie much troubled Christendome Clotarius alias Cotane the first seuēth King of France his son Cranus w t a strong faction rebelled against him whō he ouerthrew in battaile tooke him prisoner burned him his wife and children and the chiefe of his seruants Pepinus alias Pepin the Briefe began in the yeere 750. He instituted the Parliament at Paris Carolus Magnus alias Charles le Maine so called for his many noble Acts which he did for the generall good of Christendome beganne his raigne in the yéere 800 hee was King of France forty six yeares and Emperor thirtéene yeares and died at 71 yeares of age On Wednesday in Easter wéeke by shooting of a Gunne in the Towne of Vlfringhampton in Staffordshire about the number of 80 houses were burned In the moneth of April 3000 footmen were sent from hence into Britaine in France vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Norris Knight to ioyne with the Prince sonne of the Duke Mountpoinsier and Generall of the French Kings forces in the Prouince which company were often since supplied About this time as I am informed Robert Iohnson a zealous Minister Preacher and Parson of Northlumffingham in the County of Rutland finding the poore of those quarters to be vnprouided for and no Grammer Schoole erected in that country for edification of youth at his owne proper costs and charges caused two faire free Gramer Schools to be builded in Okam and Vppingham the two market townes of that shire and in each of them prouided a Schoolemaster and an Vsher more he caused Hospitals to be builded in the said Towns both called Christs Hospitall in euery of which may be placed twenty foure poore people and for their maintenance héere he bought and procured lands of the Quéen with a corporation mortmaine for the same This man hath left a good example to the other Ministers and Preachers to the glory of God for hee preached both by word and life not to inrich himselfe but was bountifull to the poore both in his own Parish where he was maried and kéepeth a good house and also in the Towne of Stamford where hee was borne in which Towne for many yeares together hee caused forty poore mens children to be taught at his charges The 21 of September being the Feast of Saint Mathew in the afternoone was a great stir at Lincolnes Inne by Prentisrs and others against young Gentlemen students at Law there for some rude demeanore late before by them done against the inhabitants of Chancerie Lane which had like to haue growne to great mischiefe had not the same béene by wise Magistrats soone appeased for the vprore grew great and violent suddenly Nicholas Mosley Robert Brooke Sir Iohn Allot Fishmonger the 28 of Oct Hee deceased in the moneth of September next following and sir Rowland Heyward clothworker serued out the rest of that yéere In the moneth of Ianuarie one Nichols a Purueyer for conuerting to his owne vse certaine prouision taken for her Maiesty was hanged for example to other the like purueyers The 16 of Iuly Edmond Copinger and Henry Artington Gentlemen came into Cheap and there in a carre proclaimed newes from heauen as they said to wit that one William Hacket Yeoman represented Christ by partaking his glorified body by his principall spirit and that they were two Prophets the one of mercie the other of Iudgment called and sent of God to assist him in his great work
came to the farther side of the Towne and as it went left some stréets and houses safe and vntouched the flame flew cleane ouer many houses néere vnto it and did great spoile to many faire buildings farthest off and ceased not vntill it had consumed 160 dwelling houses besides other and in dammage of wares and houshold stuffe to the full value of thréescore thousand pound The King shewed great kindnesse to the distressed inhabitants as well in giuing them fiue hundred load of timber to repaire their buildings as in preferring their best meanes to raise their generall and particular estates and in giuing them a new Charter The Knights and chiefe Gentlemen of that County performed likewise great kindnesse vnto the Townsmen the Citie of London gaue kindly towards their reliefe The 17 of Aprill Doctor Montague Deane of the Kings Chappell was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wels by the Lord Archbishop of Canturbury At this consecration were present Prince Henry the Duke of Yorke and most of the great Lords of the Priuie Counsell and diuers Bishops The 19 of Aprill at Whitehall died Thomas Earle of Dorset Lord high Treasurer of England He died suddenly at the Counsell Table The 29 of Aprill proclamation was made commanding the oth of allegiance to be ministred vnto all persons that should come from beyond the seas onely to distinguish honest subiects from traiterous practisers and not for any point or matter in religion all knowne Merchants and others of honest state and quallitie were exempt from taking this oth This proclamation was made by reason that many suspitious persons of base sort came daily from beyond seas and refused to take the oth At this time Henry Earle of Northampton was made Lord Priuie Seale Friday the 6 of May Robert Earle of Salisbury was sworne Lord high Treasurer of England at Westminster being accompanied with the most part of all the Earles and Barons and with an extraordinary company of Knights and others of honorable ranke and qualitie that day he feasted the King Quéene and Prince the Lady Elizabeth the Duke of Yorke and all the Counsell The 20 of May at Windsor were made knights of the Garter George Earle of Dunbar Baron Hume of Berwick Lord of Norham Lord high Treasurer of Scotland one of the two Lords Lieutenants in equall authority ouer the middle shires of Great Britaine sometime the borders of both the kingdomes Lord Gouernour and Captaine for his Maiestie of the said towne of Berwick and the Garrison thereof and one of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Counsell and Philip Earle of Montgomery Baron of Shurland In the moneth of Iune the King knighted Sir Alexander Hay Secretary for the Scottish affaires The 23 of Iune Thomas Garnet a Iesuite was executed at Tyburne hauing fauour offered him if he would haue taken the oth of allegiance aforesaid which he refused to doe This Summer at Astley in Warwickshire by reason of the fall of the Church there was taken vp the corps of Thomas Gray Marquesse Dorset he was buried the tenth of October 1530 in the twenty two yeare of Henry the eight and albeit he had laine 78 yeares in the earth yet his eyes haire and flesh remained in a manner as if it had béene newly buried Concerning which you may read the new Epitaph set ouer his sepulchre The ninth of October Doctor Neyle Deane of Westminster was consecrated Bishop of Rochester at Lambeth George Bolles Richard Farrington Shrieues Sir Humphrey Weld Grocer Maior The first of December William Viscount Cramburne sonne and heire to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord Treasurer of England married Catheren Howard the third Daughter of Thomas Earle of Suffolke For these fiue yeares last past great and manifold roberies spoyles pyracies murthers and depredations within the streights elsewhere haue béene committed by seuerall companies of English pirates as well vpon our owne nation as others but especially vpon the Florentines and Venetians wherewith his highnesse being much grieued published from time to time sundry proclamations denouncing the said offenders to be rebels and therewithall gaue order for their suppression and apprehension as traitors and peace-breakers But all this preuailed not for they still increased and persisted in their former villanies with which offenders there were some English Merchants who very cunningly vnderhand vsed cōmerce trucke and traffique for stolen goods to the great cherishing and abetting of those malefactors and dishonor to this nation for redresse whereof the King by proclamation the eighth of Ianuary prohibited all English Merchants from any manner of medling or dealing with them vpon great penaltie commanding the Iudge of the Admiraltie to proceed seuerely in Iustice against all such offenders and that from him there should be no appeale granted to any person touching the premises all which notwithstanding the number of Pirats still increased and did great damage vnto the English Merchants and to all other nations There were Hollanders and Esterlings that at this time and before became fierce Pirats and held consort with the English robbers viz. Ward Bishop Sir Francis Verney and others Whereupon the King of Spaine sent certaine ships of warre vnder command of Don Lewis Faxardo who very politikely about the middle of Iuly came vpon them at Tunis and suddenly burned about 20 of their ships lying in harbor at which time though captaine Ward escaped in person by being then a shoare yet his great strength riches perished in the fire with other his confederates And the 22 of December there were executed at Waping 19 Pirats some whereof had béene in consort with the forenamed English pirats Sunday the ninetéenth of February it should haue béene dead low water at London bridge but quite contrary to course it was then hie water and presently it ebbed almost halfe an houre the quantitie of a foote and then suddenly it flowed againe almost two foote higher then it did before and then ebbed againe vntill it came néere the right course so as the next floud began in a manner as it should and kept his due course in all respects as if there had béene no shifting nor alteration of tides All this happened before twelue of the clocke that forenoone the weather being indifferent calme The 25 of February Richard Lord Buckhurst maried the Lady Anne Clyfford the onely child of George Earle of Cumberland And the last of February died Robert Earle of Dorset father to the forenamed Richard L. Buckhurst And the first of Iune next following Edward Seymour the sonne and heire of the Lord Beauchampe maried the Lady Anne Sackuyle second daughter to the said Robert Earle of Dorset In this month of March 1609. vpon full 3 yeares deliberate aduice was concluded and proclaimed a generall and particular truce ceassation from all maner of hostilitie by sea and land for twelue yeares betwéene Philip the third of
ordained fit places for Storehouses of Allome for the ready vse therof to such as would buy the same the King also gaue very gratious respect princely remuneration vnto all those who of late had taken paines béene at expences in the practising and atchieuing to bring this royall commodity vnto due perfection and then tooke the traffique thereof vnto himselfe This yeare the King had ayde of his Subiects throughout the Kingdome of England for knighting his sonne Prince Henry according to the Law of this land in the leuying whereof the Subiects were very fauourably dealt withall for whereas by the ancient law of this land the subiects ought to haue paid twelue pence in the pound of the yearely value of their lands his Maiesty very gratiously ordained seuerall Commissioners in the seuerall shires who according to the purpose of their commissions did so moderately demeane themselues as no man was compelled to pay any more then he would willingly giue being a very auncient duty due vnto the King and was now in a manner quite forgotten Robert Allyley being arraigned at Newgate for fellony stood mute and refused the ordinary tryall whereupon as the manner is the hangman came vnto him to binde his hands but Allyley resisted and with his Fist smote him on the face in the presence of the Iudges who presently remembred that this prisoner but the last Sessions before was there conuicted of fellony and for the same had obtained the Kings speciall pardon which pardons in generall are vnto all persons but onely vpon their good behauiour vnto the King and his subiects and thereupon the Court instantly gaue Iudgement that for the blow he gaue his hand should first be cut off And then his body to be hanged for that fact for the which he had his pardon according to which sentence he was presently executed vpon a Gybbet at the Sessions gate In December in the 34 yeare of Quéene Elibeth there were letters pattents graunted for fiftéene yeares to the East India Merchants trading to the East Indies and in May last 1609. The Kings Maiestie vpon mature deliberation in fauour of the said Company finding the same to be very commodious traffique and Nauigation and as propitious and honourable for this Kingdome renued and enlarged the foresaid letters pattents and Charter to continue for euer enabling them thereby to be a body corporate and politique The first gouernour of this Company named and ordained both in the first and last pattent was Sir Thomas Smith Knight who is also Gouernour of the Muscouy Company and president and treasurer of the Company and counsell for Virginea This yeare the said East-India Company builded a most stately ship at Detford of the burthen of twelue hundreth tunne being the greatest and goodliest ship that euer was builded in this kingdome by any Merchants At this time they also builded a Pinace of two hundreth and fifty tunne to attend her And vpon Saturday the 30 of December his Maiestie and Prince Henry with the Lord Admirall the Lord Chamberlaine the Earle of Worcester and many other Lords went to sée these ships launched and were all entertained with a banquet in the chiefe Cabin of the great ship and the rest were banquetted at a long Table in the halfe decke these rich and plentifull banquets were all serued in fine Chyna Dishes which were fréely permitted to be taken and carried away by al persons The King gaue the Gouernor a very faire chaine of gold with a Iewell wherein was the Kings picture highly commending his endeauour care and industry for the good of the common wealth maintenance of traffique and Nauigation for the which also his Maiest● with very gratious respect commended and thanked the assistants of that companie wh● likewise kissed his Highnesse hand the King called the great ship the Trade● Encrease and the other the Pepper Corne. Sebastian Haruie William Cokayne sheriffes Sir Thomas Cambell Iremonger Maior The sixt of Nouember the famous Doctor Lancelot Androwes Lord Almner Bishop of Chichester was transferred vnto the Bishopricke of Ely And the 3 of December George Abbot Doctor of diuinity Deane of Winchester was consecrated Lord Bishop of Couentry and Lychfield And Samuel Harsenet Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Lord Bishop of Chichester And 12 of February the forenamed Doctor Abbot was transferred to the Bishopricke of London and was enstalled in Paules by his deputy Doctor Pasfielde The sixe of Ianuary at the Court of Whitehall in the presence of the King and Quéene and the Ambassadors of Spaine and Venice and of al the Péeres and great Ladies of the land and of many thousand of others there the Prince performed his first feats of armes viz. at Bar●yers against all commers being assisted onely with sixe other viz. the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Arundel the Earle of Southampton the Lord Hay sir Thomas Somerset and sir Richard Preston who shortly after was created Lord Dingwell against these challengers came 56 braue defendants consisting of Earles Ba●ons Knights and Esquiers euery challenger fought with eight seuerall defendants two seuerall combats at two seuerall weapons viz. at push of pyke and with single sword the Prince performed this challenge with wondrous skill and courage to the great ioy and admiration of all the beholders the Prince not being full sixtéene yeares of age vntill the 19 of February these feates of Armes with sundry statelie showes and ingenious deuises began before tenne a clocke at night and continued vntill thrée a clocke next morning being Sonday and that day the Prince feasted all the Combatants at Saint Iames house and then gaue thrée rich prises vnto thrée of the best deseruers defendants viz. vnto the Earle of Mountgomery M. Thomas Darcy sonne and heire to the Lord Darcy of Chich and vnto six Robert Gourdon In the yeare 1584. was discouered y e Country which is now called Virginea and was so called by Quéene Elizabeth and she assigned the same vnto sir Walter Rawleigh as being the chiefe discouerer thereof And in the yeare 1587. there were sent thither aboue 100 soules viz. men women and children since which time vntill the third yeare of his Maiesties raigne the yearely sending thither for plantation ceased and then vpon more exact discoueries there were sundrie yearely supplies sent thither of men women and children with all things necessary vnder conduct of captaine Newport and also in the Month of may there were sent thither nine ships with fiue hundred men women and children with all necessary prouision vnder commaund of Sir Thomas Gates Lieutenant generall Sir George Somers Admirall of Virginea and captaine Newport Vice Admirall with other expert captaines and resolute gentlemen And likewise at the end of this present yeare 1609. there was sent an other supply of thrée shippes with an hundred and fifty men being for the most part Artificers vnder commaund of the right Honourable Thomas Lord La Ware who
the goodly vniforme order rich habit of the citizens and said that there was no State nor citie in the world that did elect their Magistrates with such magnificence except the citie of Venice vnto which the city of London commeth very neere c. The 7 of December Iohn Roberts a Benedict Monke somtime prouinciall of the Benedictans in England and Thomas Somers a Seminary were condemned at Newgate executed at Tiburn they hauing bin before sundry times takē and banished yet presumed to returne againe and here to practise against the King and State George Palyn Citizen and Girdler of London at this time gaue ad pios vsus 3600. pound that is to say twelue hundreth pound vnto the two Vniuersities and nine hundreth pound for an Almes-house and the rest he bequeathed vnto other godly and charitable purposes in which legacies he bestowed the better part of all his wealth This month of December 1610. Henry Prince of Wales kept his Court at Saint Iames néere Charing Crosse setled his house and ordained his Officers as well the Officers of his Highnesse Reuenewes as those of his houshold the names of the chiefe whereof follow Of his Highnesse Reuenewes Sir Edward Philips Chancellor Master Adam Newton Secretary Sir George Moore Receiuer Generall Sir Willi. Fleetwood Suruaier generall Sir Augustine Nichols Sergeant M. Thomas Stephens Atturney M. Richard Cunnock Auditor Of his Highnesse Houshold Sir Thomas Challoner Chamberlaine Sir Charles Cornewalleys Treasurer Sir Iohn Hollis Comptroller Sir Dauid Fowllis Cofferer Sir Dauid Murrey Gentleman of the Bed-chamber Whereas the Kings most Excellent Maiestie hath continued this Parliament together longer then hath beene vsuall or might well haue stood either with his important affaires of State or with the publike businesse of three whole Termes spent in the two last Sessions or with the occasions of the Countrey where the seruice and Hospitality of many Persons of quality hath beene missing and diuers Shires Cities and Burrough Townes haue beene burdened with allowances made to the Knights and Burgesses whom they imployed besides the particular expence of the nobility and others attending that seruice And all this in expectation of a good conclusion of some of those weightie causes which haue béene therein deliberated not onely for the supply of the necessities of his Maiesties estate but for the ease and fréedome of his subiects in many things proposed by his Maiestie in Parliament farre differing surpassing the fauors and graces of former times both in nature and value His Maiestie hath now resolued for preuenting of further trouble of all those that would prepare themselues to be here against the time limited by the last prorogation to declare by these presents that they shall not néed to giue their attendance at the day appointed for any seruice to be done as members of this Parliament because his Maiestie for many good considerations knowne to himselfe hath now determined to dissolue this Parliament by his Commission vnder the great Seale of England Vpon New yéeres night the Prince of Wales being accompanied with twelue others viz. two Earles thrée Barons fiue Knights two Esquires they performed a very stately maske in which was an excellent Sceane ingenious spéeches and rare songs and with great variety of most delicate musique The French King sent Monsieur de la Verdyne one of the Marshals of France Gouernor of Maine accompanied and attended with sixescore persons all in mourning habit He and his whole traine came to Lambeth the 16 of Ianuary and were lodged in the Archbishops palace which the King caused to be very roially furnished and during their abode they were also entertained at the Kings charge The Ambassador had audience vpon Sunday the 20 of Ianuary and the next Sunday the King tooke his oath for performance of a league lately made betwéene the two Kingdomes Thomas Teasdale of Glymton in Oxfordshire-Gentleman at this time gaue fiue thousand pound to purchase land for perpetual maintenance of seuen Fellowes and six Schollers to bee placed in Bailyoll Colledge in Oxford and to be chosen thither from time to time out of the Free-schoole of Abingdon in Backshire He also gaue lands for perpetuall maintenance for an Vsher in that Schoole besides many other charitable legacies He deceased the 13 of Iune 1610. The 30 of Ianuary 1610. died the Earle of Dunbar and the 18 of Aprill next following viz. 1611 his funerall was very honorably performed at Westminster The 31 of Ianuary 1610 the Lord Viscont Fenton captaine of the Guard was sworne a Priuy Counsellor About this time sir Marmaduke Dorell knight then Master of the Kings houshold but was afterward cofferer of the kings houshold builde● a very faire new Parish Church in the Town of Fulmer in Buckingham-shire neere Vxbridge this church was consecrated by Doctor Barlow Lord Bishop of Lincolne and within fiue yeres after this time most of the Churches within and about London with their steeples were either newly enlarged or repaired or beautified as also about 3 yeares after there were diuers Chappels new builded and consecrat as a Chappell builded by Baron Altham at Oxhey a Chappell builded in the Strand by sir Iulius Caesar Knight Master of the Roles as also diuers Church-yards ordained and consecrated y e last whereof was that at White-chappel néere Mile-end-gréene and at this time Bow-stéeple in Cheap-side was well repaired and the faire Dial set vp The 11 of February 1610. sir Henry Montegue Knight recorder of London was made Sergeant at Law and presently after he was made the Kings Sergeant so remained Recorder of London vntill the 18 of Nouember 1610. and then was made L. Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench the next day road to Westminster-hall with great state being very honorably accōpained attended Vpon our Lady-day being thē Easter-day the King created Sir Robert Car Knight L. Viscont of Rochester at White-hall The 9 of Aprill 1611. the most reuerend Father in God George Abbot Doctor of Deuinity Lord Bishop of London was transferred vnto the Archbishoprick of Canterbury and vpon Sonday the 23 of Iune he was sworne a Priuy Counseller at Gréenewich About the middle of March last Sir Thomas Dale Knight Marshall of Virginia was sent thither with thrée ships and three hundreth men and all things necessary for the Colony and also twelue Kine twenty Goates besides Coneies Pigeons and Pullen and toward the end of May following Sir Thomas Gates Knight Lieutenant Generall of Virginia was sent with thrée ships and thrée Caruells and two hundreth and fourescore men and twenty women and two hundreth kine and as many swine with other necessaries And the next spring were sent thither more supplies besides a particular supply for the English in the Bermodes The 20 of Aprill 1611 Sir Thomas Ouerbury was committed to the Tower and died there the 15 of September next following Thursday
in God D. Whitgift Archbishop of Canterbury he was a holy mercifull man The 5 of March was Proclamation made for the authorizing the Booke of Common prayer The thirtéenth of March the Lord Henry Howard was created Baron of Marnehill and Earle of North-hampton and Thomas Lord Buckhurst was created Earle of Dorset This yeare sir William Rumney sir Thomas Middleton shriues of Londō through their great paine and diligence cleansed the City of Rogues and lewd people which at that time swarmed excéedingly The 15 of March the King Quéene and Prince with the Lords spirituall and temporall the Gentry and all Officers aswell of honor and armes as otherwise passed most triumphantly from the Tower through the high stréetes of his Highnesse Royall Chamber of London to Westminster and all the way hee went euen from his first entrance into the City vntill he came to Temple barre his Maiesty was receiued and attended by the Lord Maior in a Robe of crimson Veluet bearing a golden Scepter in his hand and the graue Citizens of euery Company in their Liueries standing in their stalles with great state hauing their banners and bannerets displayed on the one side of the streetes and the other side very strongly rayled to giue frée passage and kéepe backe the violent pressing of the multitudes of people which at that time excéeded as well in houses as otherwise and at this time the former gates of Pageants being seuen in number were all most sumptuously beautified and adorned with solemne orations melodious harmony and diuers ingenious deuices the first Pageant stood in Fan-church street the second in Gracious street the third in Corn-hill the fourth at the East end of Cheape side and at the East side of the high Crosse in Cheape was erected a low Gallery wherein stood the Aldermen the Chamberlaine the Towne Clerke with the Counsell of the City where Sir Henry Mountegue Recorder of London after his Oration in the behalfe of the Lord Maior and the whole body of the City presented thrée Cups of gold one for the King the second for the Quéene and the third for the Prince The fift Pageant stood at the West end of Cheape the sixt in Fléet-stréete and the seuenth at Temple Barre at this time all the chiefe Conduites ran Claret wine there was an other Pageant erected in the Strand at the charges of the inhabitants there-abouts The 19 of March beganne the Parliament at Westminster and continued vntill the 7 of Iuly and was there proroged vntill the 7 of February next after Sir Edward Denny was made Baron of Waltham by writ and sate in his Robes in the Parliament house the day wherein the Parliament was adiourned Sir Thomas Smith late Alderman of London is sent Ambassador vnto Borris Pheodorwich Emperor of Russia This yéere his Maiesty by his Letters Pattents incorporated the Felt-makers of London by the name of Master Wardens and Communalty of the Art or Mysterie of Felt-makers of London graunting vnto them thereby diuers priuiledges and liberties for the good gouernment of the same corporation this was the first Company that the King incorporated and was obtained by the humble and earnest suite of Richard Banister Iohn Sands Hugh Philips Robert Browne others Felt-makers of London The 5 of August arriued Don Iohn de Velasco Constable of Castile being sent from Philip the third King of Spaine to take the oath of the King of England for ratification of the Articles of Peace then agreed vpon by certaine English Lords authorized by the King and by former Commissioners sent the last yeere from Spaine and the Arch-duke which said Don Iohn with all the Commissioners vpon Sunday the 19 of August were most royally entertained and feasted at Whitehall and the same forenoone the King in his owne Chappell was sworne vnto the foresaid Articles and in the afternoon the Peace was proclaimed with Spain and the Arch-duke at the Court and in London And this moneth the Arch-duke wonne the strong Town of Ostend in Flanders after it had béene besieged with all extremity 3 yéeres and 3 moneths The 20 of August the Lord Robert Cecill Baron of Essenden was created Viscount Cranborne In October the Customes of Merchandise were raised both inward and outward and were then let to farme The 24 of October with great state by a King at Armes and Heralds and two Sergeants at Armes assisted by the L. Maior and Aldermen K. Iames was proclaimed in London King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defendor of the faith c. Sir Thomas Hayes Knight Sir Roger Iones Knight Sir Thomas Low Knight Haberdasher The 10 of December the most reuerend Father in GOD Richard Bancroft Doctor of Diuinity late Lord Bishop of London was translated to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury The 24 of December Richard Vaughan Doctor of Diuinity late L. Bishop of Westchester was by his Deputy installed Bishop of London in Pauls Church The 4 of Ianuary at Whitehall sir Philip Harbert brother to the Earle of Pembrooke maried the Lady Susan Vere yongest daughter to the Earle of Oxford the King himselfe gaue her in mariage The 6 of Ianuary in the afternoone Charles D. of Albany second son to K. Iames Robert L. Willoughby the L. Chandois William L. Compton the Lord Norris William Cecill son and heire to the L. Viscount Cranborne Allaine Percy brother to the Earle of Northumberland Thomas Somerset second sonne to the Earle of Worcester Francis Manners brother to Roger Earle of Rutland Ftancis Clifford brother to the Earle of Cumberland Thomas Howard second sonne to the Earle of Suffolke and Iohn Harington Sonne and Heyre to the Lord Harington All these were made Knights of the Bath and two dayes after that they performed all appropriate Rites and Ceremonies And the same time the fore-named Duke Charles was also created Duke of Yorke being not full foure yéeres of age the Earles of Oxford and Essex were his esquires The twenty sixt of February was a Lyon whelped in the Tower which whelpe was taken from the Damme and brought vp by hand as the King had commaunded by reason that the same Lyonesse in August last had whelped a Lyon and spoyled it by carrying it in her mouth vp and downe the denne to hide it this yong Lyon liued but sixtéene dayes after this the King caused a conuenient place to bee made néere to the Lyons Denne for the Lyonesse to bréede in and the same Lyonesse afterward brought foorth two Lyons at one litter and they liued and became as lusty as any other in the Tower these foure were the first that ouer were whelped in the Tower The 22 of February 1604 Proclamation was made against all Iesuites and Seminaries and that they should forthwith depart out of the kingdome The 5 of March Proclamation was made for confirmation of the Ecclesiasticall gouernment
of the Church of England and the Booke of Common prayer as it hath béene vsed in the time of Queene Elizabeth c. The 28 of March 1605 the Earle of Nottingham Lord high Admirall of England imbarked for Spaine to take the Kings oath for confirmation of the Articles of Peace lately agréed vpon returned the ninetéenth of Iune he left sir Charles Cornwallis Ambassador Lieger in Spaine The 19 of Aprill Edward Earle of Hertford was likewise sent Commissioner into Flanders to the Archduke and Dutchesse to take their oathes for confirmation of the said Peace and returned the 20 of May. At this time Ro. Doue of London Marchant-taylor gaue competent maintenance for euer for the tolling of a Bell in Saints Sepulchres Church to cause good people to pray for such prisoners as are to be executed out of Newgate and to cease when they are executed this Bell doth begin to toll at sixe of the clocke in the morning the same is made knowne vnto the prisoners that the said Bell is to put them in mind to prepare themselues for death c. The 29 of March was borne Philip Prince of Spaine son to Philip the 3 of that name At Gréenwich the 8 of Aprill was borne the Lady Mary Daughter to our Soueraigne Lord the King betwéene 11 and 12 a clocke at night The twenty one of February last died Clement the eight Pope of Rome after hee had raigned full thirtéene yéeres after him succéeded Leo the eleuenth who dyed within fourtéene dayes after his instalment and after him came Paul the fift The Feast of Saint George was kept at Gréenewich where the King elected the Duke Vlricke brother to our most gracious Quéene Anne and Henry Earle of North-hampton knights of the Garter At Gréenewich the fourth of May the King made Earles and Barons viz. Sir Robert Cecill Viscount Cranborne Baron of Essenden-was created Earle of Salisburie Thomas Cecil Lord Burghley elder brother to sir Robert Cecil was created Earle of Excester Sir Philip Harbert younger brother to the Earle of Pembrooke was created Baron of Shurland and Earle of Montgomery Rober Sidney Baron of Penhurst was created Viscount Lisie Sir Iohn Stanhope was created L. Stanhope of Harington Sir George Carew was created Lord Ca●ew of Clopton M. Thomas Arondell was created Lord Arondell of Wardour and M. William Cauendish was created Lord Cauendish of Hardywicke The next day after being Sonday the Lady Mary was christned Vpon May day last Richard Haydocke a Physition asked forgiuenesse of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for deluding the King and many others vnder pretence of being inspired and to preach in his sléepe by night with which deceite he had so strongly possest the vulgar as it was hard to remoue them although he confessed the abuse The 19 of May the Quéene was churched and two dayes after● the King made twelue Knights In this moneth Iohn Lepton of Kepwicke in the County of Yorke Esquire a Gentleman of an ancient Family there and of good reputation his Maiesties seruant and one of the Groomes of his most honourable Priuy Chamber performed so memorable a iourney as I may not omit to record the same to future ages the rather for that I did heare sundry Gentlemen who were good horsemen and likewise many good Physicions affirme it was impossible to bee done without daunger of his life Hee vndertooke to ride fiue seuerall times betwixt London and Yorke in sixe dayes to be taken in one wéeke betwixt Monday morning and Saturday following he began his iourney vpon Monday being the 20 day of May betwixt two and thrée of the clocke in the morning forth of S. Martins néere Aldersgate within the City of London and came into Yorke the same day betwixt the houres of 5 and 6 in the afternoone where he rested that night the next morning being Tuesday about 3 of the clock he tooke his iourny forth of York and came to his lodging in S. Martins aforesaid betwixt the houres of 6 7 in the afternoon where he rested that night the next morning being wednesday betwixt 2 and 3 of the clocke he tooke his iourney forth of London and came into Yorke about seuen of the clocke the same day where he rested that night the next morning being Thursday betwixt two and thrée of the clocke he took his iourney foorth of York and came to London the same day betwixt 7 and 8 of the clocke where he rested that night the next morning being Friday betwixt two and thrée of the clocke he took his iourney towards Yorke and came thither the same day betwixt the houres of 7 and 8 in the afternoone so as he finished his appointed iourney to the admiration of all men in fiue dayes according to his promise and vpon Monday the 27 of this moneth he went from Yorke and came to the Court at Gréenwich vpon Tuesday the 28 to his Maiesty in as fresh and chearefull maner as when he first began The first of Iune Prince Vlricke Duke of Holstaine c. embarked for Denmarke About this time the King caused a conuenient place to be made on the backe part of the Lyons Denne for the Lyons to bréed in which tooke good effect reade my large Booke concerning the Tryall and Conclusions with the Lyons touching their Instinct of Nature in not fearing the Cocke nor greedy deuouring the Lambe as also the vndaunted Courage of the English Masties against the fiercest Lyon in the Tower The 15 of Iune Thomas Dowglasse was committed to the Tower who arriued in England but thrée daies before being then sent prisoner by the County Palatine of the Rheine the 26 of Iune the said Thomas Dowglasse was brought to the Sessions house at Newgate and there condemned of high treason viz. for counterfeiting the Kings Priuie signet and for counterfeiting the Kings hand vnto Letters of his owne deuising vnto diuers Princes of Germany c. and the next day after his triall he was drawne hanged and quartered in Smithfield The second of Iuly 1605 seauentéene Scottish Ministers contrary to the Kings former expresse commandement held a solemne assembly at Aberdine in Scotland who being conuented for the same before the Councell of Scotland vtterly denied not onely their Lordships authority in that behalfe but the kings also saying that in matters Ecclesiasticall they neither owe nor ought to knowledge themselues in any subiection either to the King or to any temporall Counsell and that all spirituall differences should be tried and determined by the Church as competent Iudges c. Iustifying their voluntary méeting to be good and warrantable by the word of God alleadging the seuerall assemblies of the Apostles without knowledge or consent of any temporall estate c. for which riot and for denying the Kings supremacy in causes Ecclesiasticall sixe of the chiefe of them the tenth of Ianuary following at Blackenéese were