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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07124 The historie, and liues, of the kings of England from VVilliam the Conqueror, vnto the end of the raigne of King Henrie the Eight. By William Martyn Esquire, recorder of the honorable citie of Exeter.; Historie, and lives, of twentie kings of England Martyn, William, 1562-1617. 1615 (1615) STC 17527; ESTC S114259 437,595 520

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French king vntill at length taking a priuate view of the besieged Castle of Chalons neere to Lymoys The King warreth in France he was descried by a common souldior who so grieuously wounded him with an arrow that within three dayes after he died when he had raigned almost nine yeares and was buried at Founteuerard in France at his fathers feet He is slaine After hee was wounded as is before mentioned hee wonne the Castle by terrible assaults and caused all such as he found therein to be slaine except the malefactor who being demanded by him how he dared to shoot vnto the person of a king made answere That in those Warres he had lost his father and his brother Vltio Diuina and that he was exceeding glad that fortune had so assisted him in his reuenge Then when he expected nothing but a present terrible death The King pardoneth him who slew him the king gaue him his pardon and caused him to be safely conducted out of his Armie In the beginning of this Kings Raigne certaine Out-lawes to the number of one hundred and more being resolued and desperat men whose chiefest leaders were named Robin Hood and Little Iohn robbed and spoyled in diuers places of this Land Robin Hood and Little Iohn They neither hurted nor much wronged anie except they would runne themselues into danger by resistance They attempted against none Honest Theeues but against such as being rich gayned by vsurie or gaue no entertainement by good Hospitalitie to their Neighbours and to the poore They spared all women and were bountifull benefactors to such as stood in need Thus they continued diuers moneths vntill their chiefest Leader Robin Hood by meanes of a sharpe sicknesse being let bloud and being betrayed bled himselfe to death And then the whole Rout of this theeuish Companie was dispersed and the Malefactors secretly repaired home to their owne houses THE HISTORIE OF KING IOHN IOHN PLANTAGENET Earle of Lancaster in his owne Right and Earle of Glocester in the right of his wife and being the yongest sonne of King Henrie the second succeeded and was crowned king albeit that Arthur Plantagenet his nephew Arthur Plantagenet was lawfull heire and sonne to Geoffrey his elder brother was then liuing The whole course of this Kings Gouernment was accompanied with continuall troubles and his two Persecutors were Pope Innocent the third The Kings two persecutors and Philip the second then King of France The French King feared the greatnesse of Englands strength and the prosperitie of this Kingdome was hurtfull vnto his eyes The French king taketh part with Arthur against King Iohn and glad he was if at anie time the least occasion would offer him some seruice to further his designes against King Iohn For proofe hereof he protested a world of loue to the said Arthur informed him of his Title to the Crowne of England and of his vndoubted right to the Duchies of Normandie and of Britaine animated him to rayse his spirits and to aduance his courage to winne them all If he were destitute of Friends which might aduise and counsell him he and his Nobles would supplie that want if he stood in need of Siluer and of Gold to feede and to nourish the great bodie of that Warre he should be supplyed with sufficient store And if he would haue valiant men to fight for him and for those his Rights hee would supplie him with manie thousands who should aduenture to spend their best bloud in his Quarrels These large and friendly proffers which indeede proceeded rather from a jealousie which the French King had of himselfe by reason of King Iohns Greatnesse than from anie inward affection or heartie loue which hee bare vnto Arthur the lawfull and the rightfull Heire of this Crowne and the longing desire which made this young Gallant hopefull of those great atchieuements persuaded him verie easily not onely to accept of the French Kings friendship but also to vse his aide So that partly by the helpe of the Normans and partly by the French Kings meanes Arthur Plantagenet leuieth an armie hee leuied a puissant Armie and wonne diuers places both of Worth and of Strength in Normandie But the Kings Lieutenant and his other Agents in that Duchie defended themselues valiantly persisted in their Duties and fought it out diuers times King Iohn goeth into Normandie with an Armie vntill King Iohn himselfe came into that Countrey with a strong Armie and fought manie cruell Battailes with his Nephew But oftentimes it falleth out that by Warre which is the enemie of Peace Peace it selfe is procured For when those two Princes had exchanged store of blowes and when their Armies had made hauocke each of other and death had drenched her selfe in their bloud they entred into certaine Capitulations for Peace A peace is concluded which for a short time gaue them some respit of breathing But the same was againe interrupted by Philip the French King The peace is broken by the French kings meanes who promised Arthur a doubling of his strength and fed him with much assurance of prosperous successe and made him confident to renew those Warres And hereupon the French King carried a faire Armie into Normandie with which hee spoyled ransacked and depopulated manie places in that Duchie But King Iohn who wanted nothing but money to encounter with so peruerse an enemie was warned by his Lords Gentlemen and the inferiour sort of his common people That shame would wait vpon him for his neglect in suffering his Honour to be trampled on and his Territories in such sort without blowes to be taken from him And to whet the dull edge of his courage The Englishmens forwardnesse to buckle with the French deiected by reason of his wants they voluntarily and freely granted him a large Taxe to support his necessitie and euerie lustie Ladde boldly proffered his seruice to buckle strongly with the French By these meanes King Iohn was quickly furnished and strengthened both with Money and with Men King Iohn passeth into N●rmandie the second time with an Armie and with a strong Armie he landed in the Duchie of Normandie where his numbers were euerie day augmented by the repaire of manie thousands who were well appointed and did resolue with him to expect the same lot and the same fortune And not long after the two Armies met and fought together with such desperate boldnesse The two Armies fight that each of them tooke pleasure to giue blowes wounds death Each of them rejoyced in the ruine of the other and those solemne spectacles of sorrow which would haue made others sad gaue them occasion of much mirth But things which are violent cannot long endure This fearefull storme must bee changed into a pleasant calme The Frenchmen flye And so it was For the Frenchmen were discouraged and fled and Arthur the Kings Nephew and the rightfull Heire vnto his Crowne Arthur is sent
could inherit the Crowne but King Edward in regard that he was a Male though the descent of the Males was interrupted by a Female viz. by Queene Isabel his mother pretended that in right the Crowne of France was his and could not be depriued thereof by humane lawes The state of this question standing thus Sir Robert de Arthois Earle of Richmond daily whispered it into the Kings eare and with such forcible reson and perswasions so vrged the same that now the King beganne to thinke on nothing more then how to attaine to the Crowne of France Secrecie is the best fartherer of great negotiations The Counsell of the Earle of Henalt is craued A●de promised to the King The King is made Vicar generall of the Empire This busines as it was of extraordinarie waight and importance so it required the best secrecie vntill it were plotted wel For which purpose K. Edward by priuate messengers letters craued the aduice counsel of the Earle of Henalt his wifes father and brother-in-law to the French King and of Sir Iohn of Henalt Lord Beaumont his brother and of sundrie other great States and Princes of the Empire who not only counselled him by his sword to prosecute his right but made him offers of their assistāce by their best means They also procured King Edward by a solemne instrument in writing to bee created the Vicar Generall of the Empire by reason whereof he had the power to command the Nobles and the common people of those Countries to further his purpose and his doings ANNO 11. Whilest these things were thus contriuing in England and whilst king Philip de Valoys little thought that his kingdome and Crowne were aimed at The French King maketh incredible prouision to Warre in the Holy-land or that his strength should bee tr●ed with English warres he by the importunitie of Pope Benedict the eleuenth prepared such an Armie to haue made warres in the Holy-land as neuer before was conducted by anie Christian Prince He also committed the gouernment of his kingdome vnto his eldest sonne Iohn Duke of Normandie To whom by reason of his youth hee added for assistance a discreet wise and a graue Councell And when he had thus prouided and setled all thinges needfull for his huge armie The French King altereth his purpose and for the maintenance therof for three yeares space the reports of king Edwards claime and purpose began as a sodaine storme to breake forth and to be knowne Wherupon king Philip assuring himselfe that in his absence the English Armie would very litle regard such forces as should be left behinde and that his departure would encourage manie who hunted after nouelties and change rather to make offers of their seruice to his enemies He prepareth against England then to performe that dutie which by subiects was due vnto their king And knowing That it would be a ridiculous thing by dangerous attempts to winne honour abroad and to neglect the safetie of his owne kingdome and estate at home he desisted on the sodaine from prosecuting his journie into the Holy land and prepared strongly to defend himselfe against king Edward King Edward fils his Coffers and his claime And on the other side king Edward to the ende that nothing might be wanting when time should serue By manie politike deuices leuied such inestimable summes of monie Want of Money in England That for want of coyne among the common people a fat Oxe was sold for a noble a fat sheep for six pence sixe Pigeons for a pennie and a quarter of wheat for two shillings When he had thus done hee with Queene Philip his wife sailed into Flanders The King and Queene doe saile into Flanders where they remained all that winter and at Antwerp The king oftentimes conferred at length concluded with the Princes and States of Germanie and of those Prouinces He enleageth himselfe with the Germans and Belgicks vpon all things touching his said intended warre So that after his returne hee leuied a strong Armie King Edwards Armie which with his assisting friends consisted of seuen and twentie thousand chosen fighting men with which strength he landed in France King Edward landeth in France when the Sommer was almost spent The French King taketh the field The French king hauing an Armie which consisted of threescore thousand souldiors and being accompanied with the three kings of Behayne Nauarre and of Scotland with fiue Dukes Six and twentie Earles and more then foure thousand Lords and knights brauely entred into the field where hee found king Edward sufficiently prouided to shew himselfe a valiant man But whilest each Armie gazed on the other A woman parteth a great affray and expected manie houres which part should giue the first stroke of the battaile Behold and wonder and a strange wonder For betwixt both those Kings vpon the motion and through the mediation of the Ladie Iane Countesse of Henalt sister to King Philip and mother to King Edwards wife not a blow was giuen but on a sodaine Both the Armies were dissolued and King Edward with his friends and Nobles returned into England In the fourteenth yeare of King Edwards Raigne ANNO. 14 1339. The Germans incorporate themselues with King Edward in his Warres Vpon what conditions the Flemings ioyned with King Edward Hee quarters the Armes of France The French doe burne in England hee sayled into Flanders where at Brusels he met with the greater number of the Princes of Germanie who of their owne accords with heartie loue and forwardnesse incorporated themselues with king Edward in those his warres against France And at the instance of the king the said Princes entreated the Flemmings to joyne with them in that Enterprize and seruice whereunto they seemed willing to condiscend if king Edward would entitle himselfe king of France and would quarter the Armes of France with the Armes of England and would as king of France release vnto them a bond of two millions of Floreynes wherein they stood obliged not to wage anie warre against the king of France Whereunto the king yeelded and did performe all thinges according to their desires And thus hee consorted to his part the Germans and Flemmings in those affaires by promises oathes and by a solemne instrument in writing vnder their hands and seales Whilest king Edward was thus busied abroad the French kings Nauie landed many thousand men at Southhampton who ransacked the Towne and consumed it with fire and the like outrage and crueltie they exercised in the Countries thereunto adioyning The king immediately vpon his returne out of Flanders Summoned his high Court of Parliament in which A Parliament that nothing needfull might be wanting to furnish and to maintaine his warres with France a Subsidie of the fifth part of all his Subiects moueable goods was granted to him and the ninth part of their Corne A great Taxe Together with a large custome
small a number forth with retired and with continuall assault so sharply oppressed the besieged for many dayes that hee scarcely gaue them leasure to take breath By meanes whereof they were almost tired and so worne out that small hope of long resistance was left vnto them except they were in due time rescued and relieued by the King To giue his Highnesse intelligence whereof it was resolued That one of them in the depth of the night must giue a desperate aduenture through the Scottish Campe. This proiect seemed so full of imminent perill and danger A braue attempt with fortunate successe that euery one of the inferiors refused the attempt So that the braue Knight himselfe considering aduisedly in what case the Castle stood and pitying the distressed estate of the comfortlesse Countesse his sister who expected nothing but villainous abuse if it were yeelded with a setled resolution vndertooke the iourney And being gallantly mounted vpon a swift courser he speedily posted through all the thousands of his enemies And in the morning hee informed Dauid by such passingers as hee did meete that very quickely hee should heare newes of him againe The Castle is brauely assaulted and defended The siege is raised The Scots knowing that it was no time to linger and yet being desirous to reuenge the great disgrace which their Armie had receiued againe and againe furiously assaulted the Castle and in them they performed many braue feates of Armes which witnessed their eager longing to haue wonne it but they were still repulsed and beaten backe with many incredible slaughters of their Souldiers The King comes to late for the Scots are gone and were compelled to raise the siege and with great speede to hasten into their owne Countrie King Edward the very day of their departure had trauelled a long and wearie iourney thinking to haue met them there But he failed of his purpose for which hee was much grieued Yet by the mediation of diuers Honourable personages A Truce a Truce was concluded on for a few Moneths But to be enlarged for two yeares if the French King without whose leaue the Scots could make no Peace would consent thereto The French King liked the motion well and gaue freedome to the Earle of Salisburie For whom the Earle of Morret was by ki●● Edward set at libertie And though king Edward tooke but little pleasure in this Truce The causes why the King consented to this Truce yet he was the more easily drawne to consent thereto because at the same time he had Warres in France Gascoyne Poyters Paynton Britaine and else where All which daily consumed as much Treasure as he could get The king when hee perceiued that the Scots were gone from the Castle disarmed himselfe and with ten The King makes loue to the Countesse of Salisburie or twelue Lords and Knights entred into the Castle where the excellent beautie and modest behauiour of the sweete Countesse of Salisburie so inflamed his heart that by secret and amorous wooings he endeauoured to perswade her to ease his passions with her loue But the vertuous Lady first with milde and kind intreaties Shee cares not for it and afterwards with quicke and nipping reprehensions striued to make the king to see his owne errour But such was his desire and her denials were so peremptorie and resolute That discontentedly the King left her cashired his Armie and returned backe againe And hauing for many yeares together beene vexed The King keepes a solemne Feast and toyled in sundrie Warres hee intended to recreate himselfe his Lords his knights and chiefest Martialists with such pastimes and sportings as men of Warre tooke greatest pleasure in Wherefore hee proclaimed a solemne Feast to continue many dayes and generally inuited therunto the valiant men of his owne and of forraine Nations and Kingdomes proposing the exercise of feates of Armes Strangers repaire into England at the appointed time By meanes whereof many Noblemen and such as were of best renowme for Chiualrie repaired into England from many Countries excepting France and were with all magnificence courtesie and loue receiued and entertained by the King Martiall sportings and by all his Court But in those heroicall sportings by an euill and an vnfortunate accident Sir Iohn Lord Beamount The Lord Beamount slaine a valiant Knight of this Realme who formerly had taken the last King and Sir Hugh Spencer the yonger in a fisher before the Castle of Bristoll was slaine This Royall feast and these warlike pastimes ANNO. 18. A Parliamēt The Prince of Wales is Created being thus finished a Parliament was assembled at Westminster wherein the king Created his eldest Sonne Edward Prince of Wales and vnto him was giuen by a free and generall consent Commissioners for the imployment of the Subsidie money foure fifteenes by the Laitie and three by the Clergie but with this condition that no part thereof should be conuerted vnto any other vse then only to the furtherance of the warres of France And certaine Lords and some others of principall note were then selected to whom the only care and charge of that imployment should belong ANNO. 19 The next yeare following king Edward to increase vertue and valour in his Nobles to enlarge his Amitie and Friendshippe with the States and Princes of forraine Countries deuised and established a new order of knight-hood confining the number of them to twentie and six of which himselfe and his Successors were to be Presidents and called them knights of the honourable Order of the Garter The order of the Garter deuised and established The Rites and Ceremonies of which order are euery yere solemnized with Princely magnificence in the kings Castle at Windsor to Gods glorie and the honour of all such as are dignified with that degree And thus king Edward hauing a while recreated himselfe with such Princely delights as exercised his Martialists in feates of Armes to the pleasure and good contentment of his people He now beganne againe to thinke vpon his affaires with France and to make his Forces better knowne to the Frenchmen then formerly they had beene An Armie sent into Gascoyne For which purpose he leuied a faire Armie which by his Cousin the Earle of Darby was landed and directed in Gascoine with such discretion and with such valour that hee not only acquited himselfe right nobly by way of defence against Philip the French king but daily wonne from him his Cities Townes Castles and his Forts and filled his hands so full that whilest the said Earle remained there hee laboured in vaine to catch at anie thing which belonged to king Edward Iaques Dartuell At the same time Iaques Dartuel whom fortune from a low beginning had raised to the greatest command that euer any man before him had in Flanders notwithstanding that Loys their Earle then personally did liue among them secretly purposed to disherite the said Earle and to make
Seigniories of Callice Marguise Sandgate and Coloigne 4. And lastly That in regard thereof King EDWARD The Title to the Crowne of France is relinquished As well in the behalfe of himselfe as of his Successours Kings of England should vtterly renounce and leaue both the name and title to the Kingdome of France And for the performance of these Articles ANNO. 34 How the obseruation of this Peace was ratified The King and Prince returne into England Charles the Regent of France and the Prince of Wales in the presence of six Knights of either Nation receiued the holy Sacrament at the high Altar and then King Edward and his sonne returned into England and were with all complements of loue and kindnesse entertained and feasted at the Tower of London by the French King who was conueyed from thence to Callis The French King feasteth them The two princes sweare Hostages where according to agreement he remained foure moneths and then King Edward repaired to him and both of them at a high Masse solemnly swore to obserue performe and keepe the said Articles and the peace And King Iohn for the hostages of his Ransome deliuered to King Edward foure Dukes seauen Earles ten Barons many Knights and two of the worthiest Burgesses of euery great Citie in France and tooke a most friendly leaue of the King and of the Prince of Wales and departed towards Boleine King Iohn was a prisoner foure yeares he hauing remained a prisoner more then foure yeares And King Edward with his sonne returned into England bringing with them their honorable Hostages who were with all humanitie and kindnesse feasted and entertained by the King and by his Nobilitie and were permitted freely to vse all sports pastimes and exercises for pleasure and contentation as they pleased ANNO. 37 Three Kings doe visite King Edward King Iohn dieth in England The Blacke Prince liueth in Burdeaux ANNO. 40 The causes of King Edwards future losses in those Countries Peter King of Castile is deposed by Henry the Bastard King Charles the fifth taketh part with Henrie the Bastard The Blacke Prince being victorious resetleth Peter in his Kingdome About two yeares after king Edward was at one time visited for loue and kindnesse onely and for no businesse at all by three Kings that is to say by king Iohn of France Dauid the king of Scots and by the king of Cyprus and were with all munificent bountie and liberalitie feasted and honored by the King but king Iohn fell sick and dyed in the Sauoy and his body was conuayd vnto S. Dennis in France where with great pomp and princely ceremonies it was buried The next yeare following the noble Prince of ●ales and his wife being very gallantly attended and prouided went vnto Burdeaux where he liued and gouerned the kings Prouinces thereabout and elsewhere in France to the great contentment and good liking of the Nobles and commons of those Countries In the fortith yeare of king Edwards raigne an vnfortunate businesse was taken in hand by the valiant Prince of Wales which albeit it were performed with great resolution and was rewarded with deserued honor yet within few yeares by reason of a future accident it was the occasion that king Edward lost a great part of his territories in France and it was thus Peter the true and lawfull king of Castile was in the field ouerthrowne put to flight and dispossessed of his Crowne by Henry his Bastard Brother who was assisted by Charles the fifth the sonne of Iohn the deceased king of France This poore distressed king in his wants and miserie repaired to the Prince of Wales for ayd who for his restoring and vpon large and faithfull promises of liberall pay and great rewards conducted an armie into Castile And albeit that the Spanish and the French forces were in number four times more then the Princes were yet in a bloudie battaile the most of them were slaine and the rest were put to flight And king Peter was againe restored to his Crowne and setled in his kingdome by the Prince who returned againe to Burdeaux with great honor But not long after Henry the Bastard Henrie the Bastard taketh and slaieth Peter Peters two heires married to Iohn of Gant and Thomas of Woodstocke The want of pay was the Prince his ouerthrow This Taxe mard all being newly supplied with fresh forces warred with such great furie and violence vpon king Peter that he subdued him and to preuent all future claymes and troubles which he might make he caused him to be put to death But his two daughters and heires were after marryed vnto Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and to Thomas of Woodstock two of king Edwards sonnes By reason of king Peters death the Prince his souldiours being hopelesse to receiue their promised pay and large rewards and being oppressed with many wants daily petitioned the Prince to supply their need But he finding none other meanes to support their necessities nor being stored with money to relieue their pouertie imposed contrary to the customes of those Countries diuers Taxes vpon the inhabitants of Aquitaine which so highly did displease them that the Lords thereof complained of this sharp noueltie to the French king who flatly contrary to the Articles not long before concluded on for peace betwixt England and France arrogated to himselfe the Soueraignty ouer the Prince The French King breakes the League and his Dominions in France and sommoned him to appeare before him at Paris So that the peace and those agreed Articles were broken by the French king The Prince sommoned to appeare at Paris Warres proclaimed Almost all do reuolt from the Prince The mutabilitie of fortun An vnfortunate yeare and warres were againe proclaymed betweene England and France But before the Prince of Wales could enable his forces for a strong defence the inhabitants of those Countries for the most part reuolted from him and dayly yeelded their Townes Cities Forts and Castles into the hands of the French king So that king Edward who for the space of forty yeares together was most honorable and more fortunate then any other Christian Prince by gayning of incredible victories vpon the Scots and French Nation within the compasse of one yeare without blowes lost almost all his Commaund in those Prouinces which by the said agreement and articles of peace were allotted and by solemne oath assured vnto him King Charles of France forgetting what he had sworne ANNO. 43 The French Name and pleasing himselfe thus quietlie to be made the Lord of all those Countries which were assigned to king Edward conceiued strong hope not only to defeat him vtterly of all these Countries but also to vex him at home in his owne kingdome And for that purpose he furnished a strong Nauie with which he kept the Narrow Seas But king Edward to driue those forces back againe sent his sonne Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Iohn of Gant with an
father Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Vncle to the king died the descent of which Dutchie would haue made the said Duke a potent Prince But the king refreshing his humours with new practises of secret reuenge and that hee might keepe him lowe vniustly seized vpon all the Lordships The King wrongeth Henrie the new Duke of Lancaster and Possessions belonging to that Dutchie and vpon all the moueables of his said deceased Vncle and shared and distributed them among his Sycophants and wicked Counsellours Which tyrannous and wrongful dealing so much displeased his vncle the Duke of Yorke and his cousin the Duke of Aumarle Edmund of Langley and Edward his sonne More wicked Counsellors to the King Scrope Bushe Bag●t Gree●e The King farmeth his King●●me and sayleth into Ireland The Iourney c●st h m ●●s Crowne and his life ANNO 23 The Duke of Lancas●●r landeth in England His companies encrease to a strong Armie He is r●ceiued i●to Lo●●●● He 〈◊〉 into the W●●● King Ri●●●● retur●●●● He 〈…〉 Three of the w ●ked Counsellors w●re b●●eaded The Kings 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 to the Duk● that presently they left the Kings Court and retyred themselues to their owne houses At this time King Richard was wholly mis-led and lewdly directed in all his doings and negotiations by his principall fauourites Sir William Scrope Earle of Wilshire Sir Iohn Bushe Sir Iames Bagot and Sir Henrie Greene by whose aduice without the consent of his priuie Counsellors of Estate he leuied a strong Armie farmed to them for certaine yeares his whole Kingdome and all his Reuenues belonging thereunto and sayled into Ireland where hee behaued himselfe so valiantly that hee subdued that rebelling Nation and by his seueritie he compelled them to be willing to obey But in his absence his banished cousin Henrie of Bullingbroke Duke of Hartford and of Lancaster together with his old friend and exiled companion Thomas Archbishop of Canterburie returned into England to make clayme to his Duchie of Lanca●ter His first landing was in the North where such was the singular loue and the great affection of the Noblemen and of the common sort of people towards him partly in regard of his noblenesse and vertues and partly in regard of the Kings disordered courses in his gouernment that they all with extraordinarie chearefulnesse and alacritie flocked vnto him well armed and in great troupes So that within few dayes his companies were encreased to a strong Armie with which hee marched peaceably and in good order vnto London and was receiued entertained and feasted there with much honour and great joy And from thence he went into the Westerne parts of this Kingdome the people in all places where hee came being heartily gladded with much contentment with his doings But in the meane time King Richard who was returned and had quickly leuied great forces which hee conducted against the Duke perceiuing that euerie day his subjects fled from him and voluntarily offered their seruice to the Duke and being certainely informed that Sir William Scrope Earle of Wilshire Sir Iohn Bushe and Sir Henrie Greene three of his wicked Counsellors and vpon whome he most of all relyed were taken and had lost their heads despairing of anie safetie to be gained by force and violence of his owne accord hee came vnto his cousin the Duke of Lancaster confessed publikely his owne insufficiencie and weakenesse to rule and to gouerne well praysed the Dukes rare and singular vertues and his absolute worthinesse to be a King and proffered to make him an absolute Surrender of his whole Kingdome if hee would accept thereof A faint refusall But the Duke though hee much affected the wearing of a Crowne yet because hee hoped that the fauour of the Nobilitie Gentrie and of the common People would freely cast that burthen and Dignitie vpon him with greater safetie and assurance of continuance refused to accept thereof and protesting with manie pleasing speeches That he onely desired to enioy his owne Patrimonie and to reforme such things as were amisse hee caused the King with verie honourable and respectiue attendance to be guarded to the Tower of London The King is sent to the Tower and then hee assembled a Parliament in which among sundrie other things were publikely proposed these ensuing Articles concerning the euill Gouernment of the King The Duke summoneth a Parliament Articles proposed in Parliament against the King 1. INprimis That hee would not permit the said Duke of Hartford who was so much wronged for his good aduice and counsell touching the Kings Gouernment to fight the Combate against the falsely accusing Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke and yet banished him vniustly for six yeares 2. Item That albeit vnder the Great Seale of his Kingdome he had licenced the said Duke of Hartford at his departure out of England to make his Atturney to proceed for him in his causes of Law yet hee being gone the King would not permit anie man to deale for him in his absence 3. Item That verie vncharitably he prohibited all his Nobilitie and all others to be sutors vnto him for the said Duke of Hartfords returne from his vniust banishment vpon the forfeiture of their liues and goods 4. Item That after the death of Iohn of Gaunt the Kings vncle father to the said Duke and Duke of Lancaster hee had wrongfully seized into his hands all his moueables whatsoeuer and had diuided and shared them among his gracelesse and wicked Counsellors and had also by like iniustice seized all the possessions of the said Duchie of Lancaster which rightfully did belong to the said Duke of Hartford into his owne hands and kept the profits thereof to his owne vse 5. Item that colourably as a good friend to Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterburie who was falsly accused of high treason to the King as he sat next to him in the higher house of Parliament hee persuaded the said Archbishop to make no answer at all in defence of the said accusation nor repaire anie more to the same house protesting that neither the said accusation nor his silence nor his absence should be hurtfull or preiudiciall vnto him and yet banished him out of the Realme not hauing examined the said surmised treason 6. Item that whereas his Chancellour had refused in an vniust matter to grant a prohibition vnder the great Seale of England the King himselfe to peruert the due course of Iustice and of right granted the said prohibition vnder his priuie seale and straitly required that it should be executed and obeyed 7. Item that most vnnaturally and cruelly hee had procured Thomas Mowbray to smother to death betwixt two fetherbeds the Kings most noble and most renowned vncle Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Glocester when wrongfully and without anie good cause hee was a prisoner at Callice and afterwards dignified the said murderer first with the Earldome of Nottingham then with the Office of the Marshall generall of England and last of all
sonne and heire vnto Iohn of Gaunt the yonger brother of the said Lionel was elected and crowned king And forthwith hee created his eldest sonne Henrie Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and summoned his High Court of Parliament in which an order was prescribed and set downe for the safe keeping and for the honourable attendance and maintaining of Richard the late king But his deposing imprisonment and all the former proceedings which were had against him Iohn Bishop of Carleyl condemneth the former proceedings against King Richard were in the same Assembly publikely condemned and reprooued by Iohn Bishop of Carlile as hatefull vnto God trayterous towardes the wronged king and infamous among good men For he auerred boldly That if he were not a good king yet more iniurie was done vnto him then ordinarily is done to Murderers and to Theeues because they are not as he was condemned before they had made their answere to the obiected crime before Iudges which were indifferent The Bishop of Carleyl is attached and pronounced their iudgement vpon good proofe But assoone as hee had ended his speech he was attached by the Earle Marshal and committed to strait Prison in the Abbey of Saint Albons And then among manie other things in the same Parlament done the Crowne of England was entailed to King Henrie The Crowne is Entayled and to his heires for euer Treason plotted to be acted at Oxford Assoone as this Parliament was ended such of the greatest Lords as made the fairest shew of publike applause and ioy for the High dignitie which King Henrie did possesse conspired by Treason to take away his life at a solemne Iusts to be holden in the Citie of Oxford whereunto the King was inuited and promised to bee present because hee conceiued that the same Triumph was so appointed for his honour and for his delight This Treacherie was cunningly plotted and contriued by the Conspirators who by Indentures vnder their handes and seales had bound themselues each vnto other both for secrecie and also for the resolute effecting and performing thereof all which they solemnly confirmed by their Oathes The confederates The Confederates in this Treason were the Kings Cousin German Edward Plantagenet Duke of Aumarle sonne and heire apparant to Edmund of Langley Duke of Yorke Thomas Holland Duke of Surrie and Iohn Holland his brother Duke of Exeter both which were halfe brothers to King Richard Iohn Montague Earle of Salisburie Hugh Spencer Earle of Glocester Sir Thomas Blunt and one Magdalen who was sometimes a Chamber-wayter to the deposed King and both in stature and in countenance and in his behauiour was not much vnlike him All these Conspirators the Duke of Aumarle onely excepted met at Oxford at the appointed time being strongly guarded and honourably attended The Treason was strangely discouered by lustie Archers and other valiant men But the absence of the said Duke was by his Associates wondred at for which their was good cause For as hee sate at Table with the Duke his Father one Labell of a part of the said Indentures appeared at his bosome by which the olde Duke drew forth the whole writing And hauing read the same hee caused his Horse to bee made readie because hee intended with all poasting speed to make this newes knowne vnto the King But his guiltie The Duke of Aumarle confesseth all to the King and perplexed Sonne perceiuing that his Father would reueale this secret and knowing that now the least delay might extraordinarily hasten his danger being brauely mounted with all celeritie he out-rode his Father and came to Windsor Castle to the King who was preparing for his said iournie and without anie tedious discourse or lingring ceremonies He is pardoned hee reuealed to his Maiestie the whole conspired Treason and freely obtained his owne pardon It now behoued the King to change his course and so hee did For presently he rode to the Tower of London The King raiseth an armie where he tooke a present and a perfit view of all such thinges as were behoofefull and necessarie to an Armie And then he leuied a strong power purposing to defend himselfe and to surprise those grand Traytours if he might But when the Conspirators were informed that all their Plot and Treason was reuealed Magdalen was King Richards counterfeit They caused the said Magdalen to bee attired in Royall Robes and to faine and affirme himselfe to bee King Richard And with him and all their Troupes which were verie warlike and strong they marched towardes London resoluing to oppose themselues in the field against the king But king Henrie knowing that those Lords both in bloud and for their power The King marcheth towards the Traytors were more then ordinarily great was not ignorant that his best meanes to represse and vanquish them consisted in the quickest expedition and dispatch which hee could make Wherefore with a bold and with a kingly courage hee marched speedily towardes them with twentie thousand wel-armed men The newes of the kings approach being voiced among the companies which were conducted by the conspiratours so perplexed The Traiterous Lords are left by their companions and so amazed them that verie cowardly they ranne away and left those Lords comfortlesse and destitute of all aide So that the most of them were apprehended and not long after were put to death in sundrie places of this kingdome The Lords fl●e and are taken and executed and the rest being surcharged and ouer-burdned with feare and sorrow not long after dyed Thus was king Henrie happily deliuered from this danger And lest the like Treason for king Richards sake might at an other time bee attempted against his person he caused him to bee murdered in the Castle of Pomfret Charles the sixt resolueth to releue his Sonne in-law King Richard as in the end of the discourse describing his Raigne and Historie more particularly it doth appeare When the French King Charles the sixt Father-in-law to king Richard was truely informed what had beene done in England hee was much grieued at the vnsufferable wrongs which were done vnto him and did intend as a faithful friend in his extremities to relieue his lamentable Estate and to be pittied miseries And for that purpose hee sent his letters of defiance to king Henrie and brought an Armie Royal into Piccardie with which he resolued to make sharp Warre within this Realme He desisteth when he heareth of King Richards death A French Armie An English Armie But when hee certainly knew that the poore distressed and afflicted King was dead and that it was too late to doe him anie good hee dissolued his Armie and proceeded no further in that businesse Yet to reuenge those wrongs hee was verie hopefull to surprise manie Townes Cities and Castles in Aquitaine and in Guyan And to effect the same not long after hee leuied other Forces encreasing them to a great
hundred valiant men at armes who had kept together and had not fought one stroke that day But as a small and a weake vessell is quickly swallowed vp into a wrathfull Sea so this poore handful was by and by crushed and almost euerie one of them was slaine Afterwardes when King Henrie by his Scoutes receiued certaine intelligence that euerie Coast about him was cleare and that such of his Enemies as were couragious and would fight lay dead vpon the ground The King his Armie giue thankes to God for their great victorie and none were so hardie as to shew their faces the king about foure of the clocke in the afternoone of the same day caused his whole armie vpon their knees to ioyne with him in heartie prayer and in thankfulnesse vnto Almightie God who only and alone by his powerfull aid and assistance had giuen to him and them a most incredible and a glorious Victorie This dutie being thus deuoutly accomplished The spoiles the common souldiours had franke leaue and licence granted them to rifle those whome they had slaine By meanes whereof they not only waxed rich but also stored themselus with al such necessaries and prouisions as before they wanted and then the King marched forward and with much ioy and great honour was receiued into his strong towne of Callice In this battaile The French Noble● were slaine were slaine Charles Lord Delabreth high Constable of France Iaques of Chastilion Lord of Dampier High Admirall of France Iohn Duke of Alenson Anthonie Duke of Brabant Edward Duke of Barre the Earles of Marle Vawdemont Blawmount Grand-preé Russey Fawlconbridge Foys and Lastrake twentie and fiue Lords eight thousand Knights and Esquires and Gentlemen of armes and name and about sixteene hundred of the common sort besides those who were taken Prisoners taken and remained prisoners among whom these were the chief Charles Duke of Orleance Iohn Duke of Burbon the lords of Donuart Fosseux Humiers Roy Cawny Hamcourt Noell Bonciqualt and some others And on the other part were slaine Edward Duke of Yorke and the Earle of Suffolke The slaine Englishmen and of all others not aboue six hundred persons When King Henrie and his souldiours had a while refreshed themselues in Callice The King with his armie arriue in England they tooke shipping and being enriched with Siluer Gold and braue and costly Armours they all arriued safely in England and the King was receiued into London triumphantly and with much joy When the French king and the Dolphin were informed of the said great and insupportable ouerthrow it is not to be wondered at if melancholie passions and much griefe surcharged them to the verie heart and made them doubtfull of the euent of this businesse But the slaughter of the French prisoners foolishly occasioned by the base attempt of Robynet of Bonuyle Robynet of Bonuyle and his complices imprisoned and of his companions who cowardly ransacked the English Campe and the kings Tents in the heat and furie of the aforesaid Battaile perplexed them more than all the rest but especially the Dolphin who imprisoned the Ringleaders of that follie and would haue sentenced them to death if suddainely himselfe had not after died The Dolphin dieth whose death much amazed the weake and much diseased French King But making a vertue of necessitie and intending by some prouident course to preuent such mischiefes which future attempts did threaten The Earle of Arminake is made High Constable of France he made the Earle of Arminack who was a stout and a warlike Captaine High Constable of France and placed in his other great martiall Offices none but such as by their valour and good tryall had made best proofe of their sufficiencie to performe them New French Officers These newly established Officers leuied manie companies of the most able and stoutest men in sundrie places of that kingdome And at the same time the Kings vncle Thomas Duke of Exeter Thomas duke of Exeter has gallant seruice and Captaine of Hareflew intending to exercise his souldiors in feates of Warre and by some suddaine seruice both to enrich them to winne honour to himselfe and to endamage his enemies issued out of that Towne with three thousand men well armed to the proofe and marched through those Countries burning rifling and spoyling vntill hee came almost to the Citie of Roan where hee was encountred by the new Constable of France who with fiue thousand horsemen hauing a resolution in this exploit to winne his Spurres so sharpely charged the Duke and his followers that hee compelled him though in good order The new Constable is ouerthrowne and with little losse to retyre But the Frenchmen determining their vtter ouerthrow pursued them still with eager spirits vntill they came almost to the Barriers of Harflew which when the rest of the Englishmen who were within the Towne perceiued they issued forth in good order joyned with the Dukes companies and then they all with their entire strength so furiously opposed themselues against the Constable and his Associates that with the slaughter of manie of their horses and souldiors they were enforced to flie away and were chased by the English Victors more than two myles and diuers of them who were taken prisoners could not obtaine their libertie vntill they had procured it with large Ransomes Sigismond the Emperor in vaine mediateth a peace About this time Sigismond the Emperour of Germanie came into England endeuouring to conclude a friendly peace betwixt England and France His heartie welcome and his great entertainment liberally sorted with the high calling of so great a Prince But his motion was barren and fruitlesse of good speeding In his departure the King accompanied him to Callice from whence hee returned home And thither vpon honourable hostages repaired to King Henrie the Duke of Burgoine and betwixt them a friendly peace The Duke of Burgoine is suspected by the French King concerning onely the Counties of Flanders and of Arthois was concluded For which matter the Duke was had in great jealousie and suspected to be a secret enemie to the Crowne of France Not long after the new Constable of France with a strong armie vpon the Land 4. 1415. Harflew besieged by the French and Iohn Vicount Narbon Vice-admirall of France with fiue hundred ships at the mouth of the Riuer of Seyne besieged Harflew on euerie side and made little doubt to winne it in few weekes But when King Henrie was aduertized in what sort the Towne and his Subiects were distressed with extraordinarie care and expedition hee leuied a powerfull armie The English Nauie doe ouerthrow the French Fleet consisting of 500. shippes and transported it thither in two hundred warlike and strong shippes of these hee made Generall his brother Iohn Duke of Bedford and associated to him in that expedition the Earles of March Oxford Huntingdon Arondel Salisburie and Deuonshire and manie Barons Knights and
Gentlemen of great valour and much worth Iohn Duke of Bedford rayseth the siege The Duke shortly after his departure being happily conducted by a pleasing wind fell vpon the French fleet who in the view of the Towne of Harflew fought couragiously as men resolued to winne honour But being vnable to make good what they intended they were at length vtterly vanquished and ouerthrowne with an incredible slaughter of their men and great numbers of them being taken were sent Prisoners into England And thus was the Towne of Harflew happily rescued and deliuered from the Frenchmen For when the Constable perceiued that all their Sea-forces were defeated and in a manner consumed hee raysed his Siege and with a heauie heart marched dishonorably vnto Paris and the Duke of Bedford hauing new victualled manned and fortified the Towne returned with great applause and much honor into England These disasterous misfortunes rushing euerie day vpon the French Nation Secret quarrellings among the French Nobilitie rather animated the Nobilitie of France to seeke meanes to reuenge their priuate quarrels and grudges one against the other then as prouident and worthie Peeres to vnite their forces for the defence and protection of their Countrey by means whereof King Henrie fares the better a wide Gappe was opened to King Henrie with lesser danger to attempt great matters against the Peace and Estate of that Kingdome And to further his designes in those Negotiations hee assembled his High Court of Parliament at Westminster A Parliamēt In which he himselfe pithily and effectually discouered his Right and Title to the Crowne of France The Kings Speech the often Injuries which the Frenchmen had done from time to time to the English Nation his blessed and fortunate Successes in those Warres the new Dissentions and secret reuengefull Grudges which diuided the hearts and the strength of the Frenchmen and his vndoubted hopes of winning both honour and profit if by the sufficient disbursement of Money and of Treasure his preparations might be furthered and supported with all speed This Speech being graciously and artificially contriued was so plausible and pleasing Great sums of monie quickly an●●arefully raised and the Kings heroicall intendements were so well receiued and digested by all sorts of people who were then present that not onely a great summe of money with franke and free consent was granted to him but the same was quickly leuied with great loue and much ease The King being much encouraged in his French businesse by the forward bountie of his louing subjects prepared a strong Fleet furnished it with men and all things needfull and embarked therein a strong Armie of lustie experienced souldiors but sent before him to skowre the Seas Iohn Earle of Huntingdon sonne to that Duke of Exeter Another victorie at sea by Iohn Holland Earle of Huntingdon who was beheaded in the daies of King Henrie the fourth This lustie Gallant being at all points readily prouided met luckily with nine Carricks of Genoa which for money were waged to serue the French King with those he encountred and fought stoutly yet for a while with variable hopes of the successe but in the end hee sunke into the Sea six of them and tooke the other three being stored with great store of Money and much Treasure and brought them with his prisoners to the King The King with his Armie landed in Normandy This argument of good speeding much encouraged King Henrie who with his copious Armie of gallant and lustie Lads departed out of England and landed safely in Normandie before the strong Castle of Tonque which by him was besieged and wonne by strong assaults Tonque is taken by assault and yet hee receiued the besiedged to his mercie When the Normans knew that King Henrie was arriued in their Countrie The Normans flye into the walled Townes and of his taking of that Castle they fled as men amazed with bagge and baggage into their walled Townes and so did all the souldiors which were placed euerie where for the defence and protection of those Countries so that without resistance King Henrie marched forth and pitched before the Citie of Cane The Citie of Cane is besieged which was exceedingly well manned and throughly prouided of Victuals Armour and Munition of all sorts for manie moneths Diuers assaults were fiercely made and the walls were oftentimes skaled with desperate resolution by the English and the Normans with no lesse valour and stout courage defended the Towne to the great damage of their enemies vntill at length King Henrie to saue the liues of manie valiant men who otherwise must needes haue died in that Seruice proclaimed Mercie to the besieged if they would yeeld The Citie refuseth all compositions But their hopes to bee relieued and the trust which they reposed in their owne valour persuaded them to refuse all compositions whatsoeuer Whereupon many terrible assaults were fiercely made and repulsed The walls of the Citie were in many places vndermyned the Englishmen with vndaunted courage rushed into the Towne partly through the walls and partly ouer them Cane taken by assaults so that in the end although the Normans to their continuall praise and commendation performed the parts of worthie and faithfull souldiors yet their Towne was wonne and all of them forsaking their armour and their weapons fell vpon their knees and humbly craued mercie of the King Which was not by and by granted to them because they had obstinately refused it before yet some refreshing words of comfort gladded their heauie hearts so that they hoped the worst was past Then the King caused all the Townesmens Armour to be heaped together in the Market place and to be defended by a strong Guard Thanks giuen vnto God which being done with all the residue of his Armie hee entred with great solemnitie and reuerence into the chiefest Church and on their knees with true humilitie and deuotion they yeelded their heartie thanks vnto Almightie GOD for that Victorie This dutie being thus performed Townesmen executed and strong Watches being placed in euerie quarter of the Citie the King vpon the next morning assembled all the inhabitants at their Senate or Councell-house where he censured the principals of such as obstinately refused his fauour when it was offered to sundrie deaths fined and ransomed others and diuided the riches and the best things which were found there among his souldiors The souldiors are enriched who in those assaults had made sufficient triall of their vndaunted courage and bold valour At this time the Earle of Arminack High Constable of France The Dolphin wanting money taketh it from the Queene his mother together with Charles the Dolphin who was much grieued for his troubled Countrey proposed to themselues sundrie projects for the defeating of King Henrie and finding the want of money to be their chiefest impediment the Dolphin by the Constables aduise tooke from the Queene his mother a
of that Towne in the siege whereof hee spent three moneths Pont-Melance regained but at length it was yeelded into his hands and the Lord Grandeuyle by a solemne Oath promised his faithfull and perpetuall seruice to King Henrie but reuolted as soone as he was set at large Sens is taken From thence the said Earle marched into Champaigne besieged and tooke the Towne of Sens and deuoured the surprized souldiors with the Sword The Parisians craue protection The vnconstant Parisians more coueting to make an outward shew of their fidelitie to the English than to be true indeede sent diuers of their greatest and grauest Citizens into England to craue protection and defence against King Charles Who were receiued not onely with a chearefull welcome heartie thankes and bountifull entertainement but also were promised the fruition of much happinesse if they persisted loyall vnto King Henrie About that time the Regent meeting at Amiens with the Dukes of Burgoine and of Britaine 1423. 2 A League renewed The Regent marrieth renewed the League formerly concluded betweene them And to make it the more firme and sure hee married the Ladie Anne of Burgoine sister vnto the Duke The triumphant Shewes and Pastimes which were prepared to augment the honour of this Match The Parisians are vnfaithfull and conspire with the French king persuaded the Parisians in his absence that the Regent attended nothing but Iolitie and Mirth Which conceit of theirs made them trecherously to inuite their longed for King Charles to come vnto them and to receiue that Citie into his hands This newes brought comfort to his soule The trecherie discouered So that hee appointed the day when his desire should bee effected in that businesse But as it euer falleth out where many are of counsell nothing can be secret so some of those Conspirators acquainted the Regent with euerie particular of this Plot Who with his Armie posted vnto Paris with greater expedition than may well be credited and entred into the Citie gates before anie notice was giuen of his repaire thither For this Conspiracie manie of the chiefest confederates were executed publikely with sundrie kinds of death And from thenceforth he mastred the Parisians with English Garrisons The Regent curbeth the Parisians and replenished their Castle Towers Fortresses and Places of Defence and Strength with such English Souldiors as solaced themselues in being froward Commanders and imperious Rulers of the inhabitants of that Citie And likewise by strong Assaults and enforced Compositions hee wonne the two Castles of Pacy and Coursay Pacy and Coursay wonne by the English which were not farre from it both which hee strengthened in like manner Whilest these things were thus acted the Lord William Steward Constable of Scotland the Earle of Ventadore The siege of Crauant is raysed and manie others with a strong Armie besieged the strong Towne of Crauant within the Territories of Burgoigne But the Earle of Salisburie with an Armie of fifteene thousand men rushed fiercely vpon the besiegers and with the losse of one and twentie hundred of his companies and with the slaughter of eight thousand of his enemies hee raysed the Siege and gayned libertie to the Towne The Earle vpon his returne to Paris was substituted vice-Regent of the Countries of France Bry Champaigne and Sir Iohn Fastolfe an approued Knight in Arms was appointed to be Deputie in the Duchie of Normandie Which worthie Captaines performed such noble deedes of Chiualrie and obtayned such vnexpected victories as made them famous their Followers rich and their Countrey renowned in all Kingdomes In the meane time whilest the Protector prouidently endeuoring to preuent the encreasing strength of the Kings enemies in France and to secure the tranquilitie and peace of this Common-weale at home The King of Scots ransomed for a small ransome hee enlarged Iames the young and martiall King of Scots who for manie yeares had beene a prisoner And receiuing of him in the Kings behalfe his homage and his fealtie for Scotland He doth homage for Scotland hee gaue to him in marriage by the consent of all the English Nobilitie the Ladie Iane daughter to the deceased Earle of Somerset and cousin german to the King He is an excellent Prince but vnfaithfull and vnthankefull This gallant Prince by meanes of his excellent Learning and Education in feats of Armes vnder the last King Henrie was better enabled to rule a Kingdome than any of his progenitors did before him In so much that making the best vse of those heroicall vertues with which he was adorned he reduced that Realme into extraordinarie Ciuilitie made his souldiors expert in warlike discipline and his Nation more learned than euer they had been before his dayes Yet was he altogether vnfaithfull and vnthankfull to England his nearest and his dearest friend Prouision an Armie sent into France The Protector who was wise and industrious neuer suffered the Regent in France to complaine of any want For as in former times so now he sent vnto him an Armie of tenne thousand men with much Treasure The Regent and his assistants daily wonne Townes Cities Castles and Forts with prouident policie and true valour But the French King by grosse Flatterie cunning Deuises secret Treacherie Valour was encountred by trecherie and couert Dealings among others possessed himselfe of the strong Townes of Crotoy and some others which were suddainely regayned for true Manhood was encountred with Subtletie and approued Valour with Treacherie and Craft The Duke of Britaine and his brother doe reuolt The Duke of Britaine fearing least the Regent growing strong would at length be Lord of his Countrey basely and perfidiously reuolted to the French King And so did his brother Arthur Earle of Richmond who by King Henrie the fifth was created Earle of Yurye in Normandie Yury in Normandie besieged and made Gouernor of that Towne Whereupon the Regent besieged it and with many secret Mynes violent Batteries and fierce Assaults made it so subject to apparant dangers that the besieged concluded to yeeld it vp if at an appointed day they were not relieued by the French King The Regents resolution For the Regent being throughly resolued to purchase his peace with a short and with a sharpe warre determined to abide battel what force soeuer should be sent to relieue the miseries of that distressed Towne And to further his purpose in that behalfe hee freely permitted messengers to be sent vnto his enemies to informe them of the conclusion which he had made Within few dayes after the Duke of Alanson with sixteene thousand Frenchmen approched neare to the English Campe A cowardly French Armie who did put themselues into a readinesse to receiue him But according to the French fashion he made manie bragging shewes to performe much but on a suddain he cowardly quited the place Vernoyle besieged and wonne by a false report not giuing any one blow and pitched
dismounted himselfe quickly from his horse and making an incredible slaughter of his enemies he pressed so farre into their battaile to be reuenged on his chiefest aduersaries that hauing no power nor meanes to returne againe he was slaine and the Marquesse Montacute who euer honoured King Edward and was his secret friend rushing into King Edwards Armie not to doe it any harme but to rescue and to releeue his brother met with the like fortune Thus both of them being dead their whole Armie ran away and King Edward was master of the Field And in the afternoone of the same day carrying with him King Henry as his prisoner hee returned triumphantly like a Conquerour into the Citie of London and in Pauls Church hee offred vp his Standard A thankesgiuing to God 10000. men slaine Sir Humfrey Bourchier and rendred thankes to Almightie God for his victorie thus happily obtained In this battaile there were slaine at the least ten thousand men but none other of any noted name sauing only on the Kings part Sir Humfrey Bourchier sonne to the Lord Barnes who was a right valiant and an approued man in Armes The King sorrowed much and was greeued exceedingly at the death of the Marquesse Montacute because hee had lost a faithfull and a deare friend Yet to assure the people that those two brothers were dead indeed The dead bodies of the two brethren laid open in Pauls Church Queene Margaret landeth too late Noble men doe repaire to her he caused them to be brought into London in one coffin and for the space of three daies to lie open faced in Pauls Church and then among their honourable Ancestors in the Priorie of Bissam they were both buried in one graue Queene Margaret not hearing of this newes but intending to bring some succours to the Earle landed at Waymouth where these tidings appalled her sences and depriued her of all future good hope or good hap Wherefore in the Abbey of Beawly in Hampshire shee with the Prince her sonne tooke Sanctuarie and thither repaired to her the Duke of Somerset Iaspar Earle of Pembroke Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonshire Iohn Lord Wenloke and diuers others And when the Queene and they had thorowly debated what course was fittest to be taken They raise a new Armie they resolued once more to aduenture their fortunes in the Field for which purpose euery one of those Noblemen resorted into their own Countries where they prepared such men and furnitures for the war as they could get The Queene and the Duke of Somerset leuied an Armie about Bristow and Glocester and from thence they endeuoured to goe into Wales to ioine their forces with such companies as the Earle of Pembroke had raised there The King preuenteth them The King who was more strong then they purposed to preuent their meeting if he might and so closely followed them that though the Queene and most of her associates supposed it to bee best to flie disordered into Wales yet the Duke of Somerset would not consent thereunto The Duke of Somersets resolution to fight Tewkesburie field by reason whereof both those Armies met neere vnto Tewkesburie in Glocestershire and after a long fight which with a small companie the Duke of Somerset had maintained against the Duke of Glocesters battaile he not being seconded by the Lord Wenloke by whom their middle Ward was commanded retired towards the said Lord and with cursed words hee bitterly reuiled him for his base cowardlinesse and with his Pole-axe he suddenly strake out his braines But within one houre after King Edward ouerthrew them all The King getteth the victorie hauing slaine aboue three thousand of them among whom were the Earle of Deuonshire the Lord Iohn brother to the Duke of Somerset Sir Iohn Lewknor Sir Iohn Delues and many others Great Prisoners There were also taken prisoners the Queene the Duke the Prior of S. Iohns of Ierusalem Sir Geruase C●ifton Sir Thomas Tresham and twelue others of eminencie and of note all which Queene Margaret only excepted were beheaded the next day Execution Prince Edward cruelly murdered And the young Prince Edward who was taken prisoner by Sir Richard Crofts was presented to the King and because he answered him stoutly to some questions which he demanded of him hee was slightly stricken by the King and suddenly murdered by the Dukes of Clarence and of Glocester Queene Margaret is a prisoner and by Thomas Marquesse Dorset and the Lord Hastings And this was the last Ciuill Battaile which was fought in England in King Edwards daies When the King had thus obtained this victorie hee returned to London carrying with him Queene Margaret as his prisoner and was with triumphant ioy receiued into the Citie from whence he sent one Roger Vaughan a powerfull Gentleman into his Countrey of Wales requiring him by some secret traine or other to entrap the Earle of Pembroke and to behead him if he could R●g● Vaug●an is 〈◊〉 and b●●●aded But the Earle being informed of his comming and of his errand caused him suddenly to bee apprehended and put to death And then the said Earle with his nephew Henry the young Earle of Richmond who was but ten yeares old sailed into Britaine and were courteously receiued and louingly entertained by Francis the Duke of that Prouince Not long after Reyner the Titularie King of Naples Sicilie Queene Margaret is ransomed and of Ierusalem with the sale of the Kingdomes of Naples and of Sicilie for money ransomed Queene Margaret his daughter and vpon that Title and none other Charles the Eighth King of France conquered Naples as in the Historie of those warres it appeareth King Henry is found dead in the Tower The Duke of Glocester murdered him King Henry brought open faced into Pauls Church Now when no man by reason of King Edwards peace and prosperitie thought of any euill tidings suddenly it was noised thorowout the Citie of London that King Henry was found dead in his chamber within the Tower and so he was indeed being cruelly and wickedly murdered and stabbed with a dagger by Richard Duke of Glocester brother to King Edward as the report commonly went And his bodie was brought into Pauls Church where his face lay vncouered one whole day that thereby the people might bee assured that he was dead And thus was King Edward freed from his great enemies But his two brothers of Clarence and of Glocester being for their periuries murders and euill courses punished by Almightie God embrewed their hands in their owne bloud not long after When King Edward for two or three yeares had enioied an happie peace his brother in law Charles Duke of Burgoine heartily detesting the French King The Duke of Burgoine animateth K. Edward to worre for his title to France Reasons mouing the King so to doe and secretly intending to worke him some despight perswaded King Edward to renew his French warres for the recouering of his
right and title to that Crowne and Kingdome The King and his Counsell thereupon quickly resolued to vndertake that businesse principally for these reasons 1. First because the Crowne of France was not ambitiously but iustly desired by the King who thought hee had good right and title thereunto 2. Secondly because French warres enriched English souldiers 3. Thirdly because those warres kept them at home and gaue them not any libertie to inuade this Realme 4. Fourthly because the French King had assisted Queene Margaret the Earle of Warwicke and their Complices against King Edward in the late Ciuill Warres 5. And fifthly because the said French King made warres vpon the Duke of Burgoine who had formerly aided King Edward for the regaining of his Crowne and Kingdome A beneuolence craued by King Edward But because money wanted for the defraying of so great a charge King Edward without a Parliament craued a beneuolence to be freely enlarged to him by his Subiects who gaue him some money but with an euill will Yet among others a rich yet a sparing and a nigardly widow did cheerefully giue vnto him twentie pounds A mery iest The King himselfe who was present but to her vnknowen perceiuing that vnexpectedly shee had bestowed vpon him so good a summe did not only giue her thankes but merily came and kissed her telling her that for her money shee should kisse a King The old woman was so much gladded with that courtesie that shee told the King his kisse was worth more money and therefore she added twentie pounds more to the former summe The King hauing in a readinesse before Douer a Fleet of fiue hundred ships and boats and hauing a puissant and a compleat Armie of fifteene hundred men at Armes on horsebacke The King transporteth an Armie for France and fifteene thousand tall Archers besides all such as attended for other needfull seruices departed from England and landed safely at Calice where hee was receiued with great honour and state But he was much greeued because the Duke of Burgoine vpon whose motion and at whose entreatie and promise to be met by him at Calice with two thousand men at Armes The Duke of Burgoine breaketh promise and aids him not hee came thither trifled with his whole Armie in the siege of Nuyce which he was not likely to winne and at length after much time spent in vaine had sent all his forces to Berroys in Lorrayne to be reuenged vpon Reyner Queene Margarets father Duke of that Prouince for that hee had vsed foule and vnseemely words towards him when he lay at the siege of Nuyce whereas if the said Duke of Burgoine had ioined with King Edward against the French King and with the Duke of Britaine who sided with King Edward they would haue put into hazard of winning the whole kingdome of France Yet King Edward with his owne Companies marched by Bollen to Perone into the Duke of Burgoines Countrey He breakes his promise againe where the said Duke had not made any manner of prouision for the refreshing of the English Armie according to his promise but suffred them to lie without his Townes in the cold and in the open fields whereat they were all displeased From thence king Edward with the said Duke marched towards S. Quintens which was secretly promised to be deliuered to him by Lewys of Luxenburgh Hee was Earle of S. Paul and Constable of France The King is kept out of S. Quintens great Vncle to king Edwards wife But when they came before it their entrie was not only denied but sallies were made vpon them and the great Ordinance plaied from the Towne vpon the kings Armie so that plainly he perceiued that nothing was to be obtained there without blowes To these breaches of promise was added one vnkindnesse more by the Duke of Burgoine who to visit his Armie A peace is concluded for nine yeares which then lay in Berroys in Lorrayne vnexpectedly left king Edward and rode thither leauing word behinde that hee would come vnto him with his whole Armie as soone as he should be able The French king being politicke and wise and knowing that if all those his enemies should ioine their strengths against him they would put him in hazard of his estate and being informed that king Edward was highly discontented by reason of the Duke of Burgoines vnfaithfull vsage and knowing that he beganne to feele the extremities of a winter warre mediated a friendly conference and a firme peace which by their Commissioners was effected for nine yeares in this sort The Articles of peace FIrst it was agreed that the French King should forthwith pay to King Edward towards his forepassed charges threescore and fifteene thousand Crownes and also the summe of fiftie thousand more for an yearly pension so long as King Edward liued 2. Secondly that the French King within one yeare should send for the King of Englands daughter the Ladie Elizabeth into France and marie her to the Dolphin for whose maintenance the French King should for nine years space pay yearly to them fiftie thousand Crownes and at the end of those yeares should deliuer to them the quiet and peaceable possession of the whole Duchie of Guyen 3. And thirdly that the Lord Haward and Sir Iohn Cheney master of the Horses should staie as hostages with the French King vntill the whole Armie had quited France and were landed in the Kingdome of England Reasons mouing King Edward to conclude this peace To these propositions King Edward and his Counsell consented for these reasons 1. First as the Duke of Burgoines promises were seldome or neuer honestly performed so with the King whom hee had drawen into those Countries and into those warres hee did but gloze and faine 2. Secondly because the Earle of S. Paul Constable of France did but dissemble when hee protested to deliuer to King Edward the Towne of S. Quintens which he did not but offered violence to his Armie in stead thereof 3. Thirdly because the winter which approched sharply would haue enforced him for that time to haue returned dishonourably into England 4. And last of all because the late Ciuill Warres had consumed most of his best souldiers and chiefest Leaders and the greatest part of his treasure so that King Edward was hardly able to maintaine a great Armie any long time But the Duke of Glocester and his friends who mortally hated the French King striued much to disswade King Edward from these conclusions but all in vaine for those Articles were scaled and published the money was paid both the Kings in a familiar and kinde enteruiew by their solemne oathes had sworne to obserue and keepe them and hostage were deliuered accordingly It is to be noted The Duke of Burgoine stormeth at this peace that within this peace the Dukes of Burgoine and of Britaine were included if they would consent thereunto But when this newes was told to the Duke of
Burgoine he with all celeritie and speed possible hasted to King Edward and in his melancholie mood he told him His obiections that it was in a high measure dishonourable for him to returne into England not hauing burnt in France one poore cottage nor hauing slaine as much as a flie with his whole Armie He told him also that his Ancestors King Edward the Third and King Henry the fifth neuer passed into France to demand their right but that they obtained and won it victoriously with their swords and swore that King Edward had lost more glorie and honour by his infamous peace made with France then he had won by all his victories in nine battailes which he had fought and that he himselfe so scorned the French Kings malice and his power that he would and did absolutely refuse to be included in the said dishonourable league vntill six moneths were fully ended after King Edwards Armie was landed againe in England The King seeing the vnfaithfull Duke so angrie The Kings answere made him this replie That King Edward the Third and King Henry the Fifth entred into France with their Armies of their owne accord to gaine their inheritance and not otherwise nor for any other purpose which they performed with true valour and wisdome And that hee himselfe would neuer haue departed out of that Kingdome vntill he had done the like if hee had come thither in that manner of his owne accord But quoth hee I vndertooke this iourney vpon your request for your aide and to assist you and your Territories by plucking downe the pride of France and the claime which I made to that kingdome was at this time only published to giue mee some colour to helpe you And albeit you vaunt much of your owne strength and doe seeme little to regard the French King and his anger yet me thinkes you cannot well forget how by his strength and power he hath wonne from you the faire Citie of Amyens and the strong pile of S. Quintens and other Castles and Townes within your dominions which notwithstanding all your crakes and brags you neither dare to attempt nor can againe winne You know likewise that your selfe and mine Vncle of Luxenburgh to traine mee into France promised to mee mountaines of gold but they quickly changed into snow and are now dissolued into water If your faith your offers and your promises had beene honestly performed I would sooner haue lost my life and haue aduentured for you my Crowne and Kingdome rather then I would haue beene found vnfaithfull or vnthankfull to you But if any thing be amisse you your selues haue beene the occasioners thereof and therefore you may thanke none others And so farewell Hereupon the angrie Duke in a pelting chafe tooke his horse and rode away And from that time forward they neither loued nor saw one another The French Kings bountie to the English Armie After the aforesaid Articles were concluded and sealed and a little before the enteruiew betweene the two Kings the French King of his owne bountie sent into the English Armie one hundred Wagons loaden with the best wines which he could procure and licenced the souldiers for the space of three or foure daies to disport and recreate themselues within the Citie of Amyens and at their comming thither they found many Tables thorowout both sides of the streets richly and plentifully furnished with great store of costly dishes both of flesh and fish and many Gallants and Bon-companions of purpose were chosen to make them mirth and to attend them so that nine thousand English armed men were within the same Citie at one time But when the French King was informed how great a number of them were within the walles of so strong a Towne hee reproued and condemned his owne kindnesse and feared lest hee might loose it by reason of his great loue and by that meanes might occasion more iarres betwixt England and his Kingdome of France But the Englishmen disdaining to be found false or vnthankfull merily passed away the time with the Frenchmen and hauing sufficiently solaced and refreshed themselues they departed out of the Citie and quietly returned to their owne Campe. And the French King being well pleased with this their honest and plaine dealing The French Kings bountie to the English Captaines The King arriueth in England sent vnto the English Captaines rich presents in plate and in coined siluer and gold And then King Edward with his whole Armie returned to Calice and from thence into England where hee was cheerefully receiued with much ioy And thereupon the aforesaid Hostages receiuing great gifts and honourable vsage were set at libertie and returned home The French King if hee might would faine haue excluded the Duke of Britaine out of the former league But in regard that the young Earle of Richmond was in his possession and whose returne into England to make challenge to the Crowne King Edward euer feared he would not in any sort agree thereunto And not long after Henry Earle of Richmond deliuered by the Duke of Britaine to K. Edwards Ambassadors King Edward by his Ambassadours with much entreatie rich gifts and vpon solemne protestation that he only intended to marie one of his owne daughters to the said Earle obtained his deliuerie to those messengers who being glad at the heart that they had obtained what King Edward so instantly desired tooke their leaue of the Duke of Britaine and brought the young Earle of Richmond to S. Malloes where they were enforced to stay expecting a faire and a good winde But in the meane time Good counsell the Duke being informed by Iohn Cheuelet his true and faithfull seruant that the said mariage was but colourably pretended to get the young Earle into King Edwards hands and that his death was certainly pretended if hee could bee brought home and being also told that his honour would perpetually be obscured by so foule a deede the said Duke could neuer be at rest vntill Peter Landoys his chiefest Treasurer attempted the repossessing of him with the said young Earle Whereupon the said Peter repaired to S. Malloes Peter Landoys recouereth the Earle of Richmond into the Duke of Britaines possession and pretended much loue and familiaritie with the English Ambassadours with whom hee pleasantly conuersed and spent his time But in the meane season the seruants of the said Peter being thorowly instructed for that purpose conueied the said Earle into a Sanctuarie whose priuiledges might not by any meanes be infringed The Englishmen vnderstanding what had hapned were much displeased and condemned the said Treasurer for this vnfriendly practise and too much skill But hee on the other side assigned the whole fault to their owne negligence and follie And by this meane the harmelesse and sillie Sheepe was deliuered from the Woolfe And thus was King Edward defrauded and beguiled of his money and of his hopes But vpon the Dukes faithfull promise that the
inheritable to the Crowne This lesson with the daily repetitions of his heroicall Pedegree hee so inculcated into his young Scholar that hee was as able and as ready to discourse thereof as if by inspiration that knowledge had beene infused to him from aboue The Irish were too credulous Thus when this subtill Priest had prepared his Pupill for his purpose he transported him into Ireland where hee first vented and spred abroad this false and vntrue noueltie among the wilder and more barbarous sort of that fickle and busie Nation who being too too credulous and flexible to any change gaue to the youth all honour and reuerence as vnto their soueraigne and liege Lord. And within few daies after diuers of the Nobilitie of that Countrey were taken in the same net of follie and beleeued as the Commons did among whom the Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas Gerandine was the chiefe who hauing had much familiar conference with the young counterfet and finding his amiable aspect the trimme composure of his bodie his princely presence his pregnancie of wit his sufficient learning his ingenious capacitie his quicke spirit his discreet speech and seemely complements to be answerable and fitting to a Prince not onely censured him to bee the true and the vndoubted sonne and heire of the Duke of Clarence and pitied his estate but endeuouring to doe him good disbursed vnto him for the enlargement of his expenses traine and honour diuers and sundrie great summes of money and perswaded many other great Lords of Ireland to doe the like He also with great speed and secrecie informed the Ladie Margaret The malice of Margaret Duchesse D●wager of Burgoine to K. Henry sister to King Edward the Fourth and Duchesse Dowager vnto Charles the deceased Duke of Burgoine and the supposed Aunt of this counterfet of his being there And albeit that shee was well assured that this newes was false yet because being of the house of Yorke shee mortally hated and enuied King Henry who was the head and the chiefe of the Familie of Lancaster she not only gladded her heart to heare thereof but also pleased her conceits with infinite delectation that now an opportunitie was presented to her to execute her furie vpon King Henry and that shee might by this plot if it succeeded well enlarge her true Nephew the young Earle of Warwicke and make him King First of all therefore shee caused the false report of this young counterfet to bee noised thorowout England that thereby shee might vnsettle the mindes of such as were credulous and might be inclined to take his part She also published that the Irish Nobilitie and Nation had not onely receiued him for their Lord and Soueraigne and would take his part but also that shee her selfe would strengthen his attempts with money men and armes to the vttermost of her power These vaine and fabulous reports carried vnto her into Flanders Francis Lord Louel and her nephew the Earle of Lincolne sonne and heire to Iohn de la Pole Duke of Suffolke and of Elizabeth one other of the sisters of King Edward the Fourth The Traitors land in England Sir Thomas Broughton and some others and after many speeches and much conference touching those affaires and businesses the Duchesse caused to be leuied in her Country about two thousand men which were conducted by Martin Sward an approued Captaine of great resolution and much skill All these with quicke expedition sailed into Ireland and ioined with Sir Thomas Gerardine the Chancellor who was in a readinesse with more then two thousand men of his owne Nation and they all determined to transport themselues into England with all speed Wee may not imagine that King Henry who was valiant prouident and wise was secure carelesse or negligent in these affaires and weightie businesses A politicke act For to the end that certainly it might bee knowen that Lambert was but a counterfet hee caused Edward the young Earle of Warwicke to be publikely brought thorow the streets of London from the Tower vnto Pauls Church where infinite numbers of the Nobilitie Gentrie and Commons of this Kingdome had the sight and view of him and many of them spent some time in conferring with him The King prepareth against Lambert Lambert landeth in England He also made great preparations to repell and to subdue all such as in Lamberts aide should either attempt any ciuill warre or inuade his land And thus when he had ordered all things well these forraine powers arriued neere vnto Lincolne where they expected more succour then they found or were in any possibilitie to haue But when the King was informed that they were come he marched towards them with a constant resolution to trie the vtmost of his fortune in the field insomuch that it was now too late for those Inuaders to step backe for vrgent necessitie did require The battaile of Stoke that either they must flie fight or yeeld But the truth is though they were not strong yet they were no cowards The Irish people were strangely actiue and passing valiant but they wanted Armes and their braue resolution so animated their courage that with haughtie stomackes and Lions hearts they ioined in battaile with the King But within lesse space then one houre Lambert is ouerthrowen the vnprouided and vnfurnished Irish with their Captaines the Earle of Lincolne Francis Lord Louel Sir Thomas Gerardine Martin Sward Lambert is made a Skullian and then the Kings Faulcone● and Sir Thomas Broughton were all slaine and the rest submitted themselues to the King who pardoned their offence and committed the Priest Sir Richard Symond vnto perpetuall imprisonment and his counterfeited Pupill being first abased in the Skullerie was within few yeares after chiefe Faulconer to the King Then was the Kings wife with all honour and princely solemnities crowned Queene The Queene is crowned D. Morton made Archbishop of Canterburie and Lord Chancellor and a Cardinall and Thomas Bourchier Archbishop of Canterburie died and was succeeded by Iohn Morton Bishop of Elie who was also made Lord Chancellor of this Kingdome and not long after hee was dignified with the Hat and habit of a Cardinall by Pope Alexander the Sixth Now though King Henry through the benefit of a generall peace at home was made fortunate and happie yet forraine iarres among his neighbours prouoked him to new imploiments vpon this occasion The French King quarrelleth with the Duke of Britaine Charles the French King hauing warred successefully against Maximilian King of the Romans complained that he was much wronged by Lewys Duke of Orleance who had married the Ladie Iane his sister and was his next heire apparant to the French Crowne for that hee with some others tooke part against him with his enemie But in the end when King Charles had affied himselfe to the Ladie Margaret daughter to Maximilian and had concluded a peace betweene themselues the said Duke of Orleance and his complices
fled into Britaine to Duke Francis who gaue them courteous entertainment and kindly supplied all their wants The French King apprehending this as a fit occasion offred to him to quarrell with the Duke of Britaine because hee longed to possesse his Countrey without any parley or conference touching that matter proclaimed warres against him And before it was notified that he had raised an Armie he entred into Britaine and planted a strong siege before the strong and faire Citie of Nantz And by his Ambassadors hee importuned King Henry either to take his part or as a Neuter to giue aime vnto them both But King Henry being at the first doubtfull what course to take King Henry mediateth a peace because hee had receiued much comfort and many courtesies from them both resolued at the last to requite some part of both their loues by mediating of a friendly peace which with his vtmost endeuours he laboured to effect The French King who was both wittie and craftie made an outward shew as if he seemed heartily to desire it and was thankfull for it although in truth and in deede hee intended nothing lesse But the Duke of Britaine following the directions of his French guests refused plainly to consent vnto that motion And within few daies after Some English doe aide the Duke Edward Lord Wooduile Captaine of the I le of Wight and vncle to the Queene without the Kings knowledge or licence being accompanied with foure hundred of his most expert and skilfull souldiers sailed into Britaine for the Dukes aide And soone after his arriuall and neere vnto Fongiers a battaile was appointed to bee fought betweene King Charles and the Britons And the more to haue terrified the French seuenteene hundred Britons being clad in coats with red crosses as if they had beene Englishmen were ioined to the Lord Wooduiles companies and were subiected to his command But the contrarie was to the Frenchmen too well knowen Then at the appointed time and place the two Armies met together The Britons are ouerthrowen The Lord Wooduile is slaine and fought fiercely for a season But in the end the poore Britons being found counterfets as they were and their whole Armie being vnable to resist so great a puissance as encountred them were slaine together with the Lord Wooduile and the greater number of his associates and the victorie fell to the French part Within few daies after K. Henry aideth the Britons against the French King in England it was concluded by Parliament that albeit King Henry had louingly beene aided by the French King for the recouerie of his Crowne yet in regard that the Duke of Britaine for many yeares together had in all friendly gentle and liberall sort entertained protected and maintained him when he was vnable to releeue himselfe and likewise because it was considered that if King Charles should winne and annex that Duchie to the Crowne of France himselfe and his posteritie might and were likely to proue bad neighbours to this Kingdome King Henry should take part with the Dude of Britaine This businesse being so determined An armie is sent into Britaine the King sent into that Prouince an Armie which consisted of eight thousand men vnder the conduct of the Lord Brooke And for the maintenance of those warres A Taxe which occasioneth a Rebellion a taxe by the same Parliament of the tenth pennie of the value of all the moueable goods and chattels of the Subiects was granted to the King No sooner was the English Armie arriued in Britaine but the Duke who had beene long sickly died A sudden peace is concluded and therefore vpon a composition made betwixt his Nobles and King Charles hee was affied to the Ladie Anne the sole daughter and heire to the deceased Duke who was formerly betrothed to Maximilian King of the Romans and so was the said French King likewise assured to the Ladie Margaret daughter to Maximilian And thus the British warres were at an end and the Englishmen hauing only seene thar Countrey and done nothing returned safely into England Now must we vnderstand that the Rustickes and rurall Swads of the Countie of Yorke and of the Bishopricke of Durham A Rebellion not onely refused peremptorily to pay any part of the Taxe which was granted to King Henry for the maintenance of the British wars but also that in a most rebellious fashion they boldly rushed vpon and cruelly murdered Henry the fourth Earle of Northumberland The Earle of Northumberland is murdered who by the King was appointed to cause the extracts of that Subsidie to be leuied by distresse vpon the goods of all such as he found slacke or obstinate in those paiments which when they had done trusting to their owne strength and numbers they beganne a ciuill warre so that as they passed thorow those Countries they forcibly compelled Gentlemen and others to take their parts The King to represse and punish the Ring-leaders of this tumultuous insurrection sent against them a strong and a well prouided Armie vnder the especiall command of Thomas Earle of Surrey who hauing beene taken prisoner as hee fought for King Richard at Bosworth field was now enlarged and deliuered out of prison and receiued into the Kings fauour and the King himselfe in his owne person followed after him But the foolish Rebels as men amazed The Rebels flie witlesse and wanting counsell to direct their actions and cowardly distrusting their owne power and abilitie to resist threw off their armour shifted hardly to saue themselues and fled euery man to his owne home But the King who resolued by seuere executions to terrifie such others as otherwise were likely to contemne him They are punished and to despise his gouernment by exquisite and sharpe enquiries found out and apprehended the chiefest authors of this mischiefe who in sundrie places of this Realme were punished by death But the multitude and the baser sort obtained the Kings gratious fauour 1490. The British Nobles calling to minde that their young Duchesse was espoused first vnto Maximilian King of the Romans and secondly to Charles the French King and perceiuing vpon more sound consideration that the French King would alwaies beare a heauie hand ouer them if indeed he were once maried to her began to reuolt from their promise and to resist his intention and desire by strength of armes But the Frenchmen according to their custome being more victorious by their prodigall gifts then by their true valour corrupted the British Nobilitie and such Matrons as daily attended vpon their young Duchesse in such sort that King Charles got her into his possession And then he published that his owne former contract with the Ladie Margaret daughter to Maximilian King of the Romans and also that the other contract made by the said Maximilian with the said Duchesse of Britaine were nullities void and frustrate in the Law for that the said two Ladies at the times of those
good respects hee cheerefully consented to his request First because by all likelihood and probable coniecture this mariage would establish a perpetuall peace betwixt those two Kingdomes And secondly because if issues males and females failed of the bodies of his two sonnes then the Kingdome and the Crowne of this Realme descending to the said Ladie Margaret and to her issue would draw the Scottish King into England as vnto an estate of greater power magnificence honour and riches whereas if she were ioined to a Prince equall or exceeding her father in those respects this Kingdome would then wait vpon the greater and more worthie and so might be guided gouerned directed and commanded by a Deputie or a Substitute which would bee derogatorie from the maiestie of such a Monarchie and Common-weale These Halcyon daies Prince Arthur dieth which made King Henry fortunate and happie were suddenly exchanged into daies of heauinesse and of sorrow for Prince Arthur within fiue moneths after he was maried departed out of this troublesome and transitorie vale of miserie and was buried with great pompe and incredible lamentation both of the Nobles Gentlemen and common people in the Cathedrall Church within the Citie of Winchester by whose decease without issue his brother Henry Duke of Yorke without Creation was Prince of Wales 1502. as vnto him of right that dignitie did belong and appertaine and the next yeare after he was created Earle of Chester by his Father The King not long after by an honorable attendance of Lords Knights Ladies and men and women of especiall note and qualitie sent his eldest daughter the Ladie Margaret into Scotland to her espoused husband Iames the Fourth who receiued her vpon the limits of his owne Kingdome from the Earles of Surrey and Northumberland and was the next day maried to her in his Citie of Edenburgh 1503. to the great reioicing of the people of both those Nations Now when King Henry had thus ouercome his enemies and the Rebels and had settled himselfe in peace 1504. hee determined to plucke downe the high stomackes and stout courage of his people The King taketh aduantage of forfeitures vpon Penall Lawes supposing that their wealth and riches occasioned their rebellions and was the cause that many enormous insolencies were done and committed in the Common-weale And by that meane hee also intended to enrich himselfe And the plot whereby he intended to effect it was by taking of the aduantage of the breach of Penall Lawes Empson and Dudley And the principall charge of that polling businesse hee committed to Sir Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley men learned in the Law but ready enough to execute the Kings commands in a worser matter if occasion did so require These two being attended by troupes of base Informers Promoters Catch-poles Cheaters Knaues and cousening Rascals Many are vndone prosecuted and persecuted many of the Kings good Subiects to their vtter ruine and ouerthrow insomuch that many people in euery Shire of this Kingdome by their oppressions waxed poore and were vtterly decaied in their estates But the Kings Coffers were filled his Bagges were stuffed and those two gracelesse and cruell Cormorants got to themselues the Deuill and all But no remedie there was to cure this maladie for the King authorized them and they so rigorously and so vnconscionably executed their tyrannie that no man could assure himselfe that hee was free and without the danger of their lash 1605. In the 21. yeare of K. Henries raigne Elizabeth Q. of Castile wife to Ferdinando K. of Aragon and Spain died without issue male of her bodie so that her Kingdom not being deuidable among sisters according to the custome of that Countrie discended to her eldest daughter the Ladie Iane The King and Queene of Castile doe come into England by a storme wife to Philip Arch-Duke of Austria and Duke of Burgoine so that hee being King of Castile in her right prepared a Nauie of strong and well appointed ships and entred into the Sea purposing to take the possession of his new Kingdome But by the violence of an outragious storme himselfe with his Queene was driuen into Waymouth in Dorset shire where at his landing hee was receiued by Sir Thomas Trenchard a worthie Sir Thomas Trenchard entertaineth them at his house and a compleate Knight who instantly importuned the King to accept of the entertainment of his house vntill King Henrie were certified of his being there which courteously he did Whereof when he had louingly accepted hee was conducted thither and feasted like as hee was a King The Knight forthwith sent diuers Posters to King Henrie who being much gladded by this newes because the said King and he were vnfained and faithfull friends They are entertained by the King forthwith sent for his better direction and attendance the Earle of Arundell and some others who inuited him and his Queene and their Companie to the Kings Court which was then at his Castle of Windsor of which great courtesie he accepted with a kind hart and as he came within fiue miles of the Castle he was met by the Noble Henrie Prince of Wales who was accompanied by diuers Earles Lords Knights and Gentlemen of choice reckoning aad account and within halfe a mile of his iournies end the King himselfe with the greatest part of his Nobilitie Ladies and Personages of great worth and honour being richly apparrelled and brauely mounted met him likewise where kind salutations and friendly greetings proceeded from the heart and were performed with most exquisite complements of loue that by any could be imagined From the Kings Castle of Windsor the King conducted him and his Queene to the Citie of London where nothing was omitted that anie deuise or cost could make sumptuous thereby to expresse the heartie welcome of such beloued guests And thus when with great contentment mirth and pastime the King and he had spent some dayes they renewed the League which was betwixt them and taking kind farewels each of other the said King and Queene imbarked themselues againe lanched into the Sea and safety arriued according to their owne wils But not long after King Philip and his wife died and that Kingdome discended to Charles his eldest sonne From this time forwards King Henrie waxed sickly weake 1506. and infirme and by meanes thereof the two scourgers of the Common-weale Empson and Dudley tooke larger libertie to extend their villanies then was giuen to them and did oppresse torment and vex the People of this land But when the King perceiued that his time was short 1507. hee depriued them of their authoritie remitted and pardoned all offences committed against his penall Lawes and enlarged all prisoners The King waxeth sickly His deeds of charitie which were in durance for any offence treason and murder excepted only he also paid the debts of all such as for trifling and smal summes were prisoners in any Ward and gaue certaine
as if the kings Maiestie had beene his inferior and at his command 3 Item That to induce the Pope to giue vnto him a power legantine he in his letters for that purpose had this phrase ecclesia Anglicana facta est in reprobum sensum The Church of England is become reprobate whereby hee vnchristianly disgraced and abominably slandred the Church of England as being faithlesse And that therefore necessity did instantly vrge and require that by a power Legantine to be granted vnto him it might be reduced to a right beliefe 4 Item That when hee was sent an Ambassador to Calice there to conferre with the Ambassadors of the Emperor and of the French king Hee carried with him without the kings leaue the great Seale of this kingdome and from thence he also caried it into Flanders to the Emperors court for his owne honor and vaine glorie 5 Item That without the kings knowledge or consent he had sent a commission sealed with the great Seale of England to Sir Gregorie de Cassado authorizing him thereby in the kings name to conclude a peace betwixt the Duke of Ferrara and the kings Maiestie 6 Item that he being filthily powdred with the french pocks by reason of his excessiue lecherie and dishonest life did oftentimes presume to talke with and to cast his vnholsome breath into the kings face 7 Item That to magnifie his owne power both at home and with forren Nations he caused a Cardinals hat to be stamped on some of the the Kings coine without his Maiesties appointment or consent 8. Item that hee would not suffer the Kings Clerke of the market to execute his office in S. Albons because the same Towne was parcell of his Abbey 9. Jtem that to obtaine his dignities and to continue the loue and fauour of the Pope and of his Cardinals towards him hee had in sixteene barrels conueied to Pope Clement the seuenth and to his Cardinals toward their redemption out of prison wherein after the sacking of Rome they were kept by the Emperour Charles the fifth and to the French king in the Popes behalfe to make warres vpon the Emperour so much gold as did amount to the summe of two hundred and fortie thousand pounds at one time and incredible summes of other money at other times to the great impouerishing of this kingdome and Common-weale and to enrich the king againe had of his owne accord sent out such Commissions into all Shires within this kingdome for the exacting of infinite summes of money as quenched the peoples loue towards the king and made them rebelliously to disturbe the peace of this kingdome in Norfolke and elsewhere These Articles and many more being comprised in the said booke Wolsey confesseth the Articles the Cardinall by a subscription written with his owne hand frankly and freely confessed and submitted himselfe to the Kings mercie About the same time the King for honourable and good seruice created Sir Thomas Bulleine who was Viscount Rochford Earle of Wilshire Noblemen created and Viscount Fitz-water was made Earle of Sussex and the Lord Hastings was created Earle of Huntingdon The King because he was informed that the Emperour and the Pope were together in Bononie sent thither as Ambassadors the said Earle of Wilshire and some others An ambassage protesting that the question touching his mariage was not begotten nor motioned by him nor by his consent but first by the President of Paris who receiued it as he affirmed from the Counsell of Spaine and since by the grauest and the best learned Diuines within his Kingdome and not vpon any dislike which he conceiued against his Queene nor for any desire to change and therefore hee earnestly intreated them The King craueth a sentence that for the clearing of his troubled conscience the same matter might one way or other receiue a speedie and a finall end by a sentence or iudgement declaratorie in the Consistorie of Rome The Emperour said little but onely answered that the iudgement of the Law should content and satisfie him in that point And the Pope said that when he came to Rome the matter should receiue an end but yet hee meant nothing lesse for hee knew right well that if he pronounced sentence against the dispensation granted by Pope Iulie his predecessor although hee knew well that it was flatly against the Law of God then the Popes future dispensations would be little or nothing at all respected or regarded And hee likewise knew that by giuing of sentence against the Queene he should againe make the Emperour his enemie who was now newly become his friend Thus this vnthankfull Pope flattered and dallied with the Kings Ambassadors making them hopefull but in vaine yet with this answer they returned to the King who fearing lest the Pope and his Cardinals would indeede by long delaies abuse and dallie with him imploied diuers Lords and the greatest Diuines within his Kingdome at his exceeding great costs and charges to trauell into all the Vniuersities in the Christian world and there to be resolued of their opinions touching the validitie or nullitie of his said mariage And when they all returned they brought with them twelue Instruments sealed with the publike Seales of so many Vniuersities and also the opinions of sundrie great and famous learned men The opinion of Vniuersities by all which it appeared that they agreed and consented in one that the Kings mariage with his brothers wife was vtterly void and contrary to the Lawes of God and man notwithstanding the dispensation of the Pope Wolsey is licensed to goe to Yorke The King at this time by the aduice of his Counsell licensed Wolsey to liue within his Diocesse of Yorke for which cause he went thither But diuers of his seruants by their friends meanes got into the Kings seruice among whom Thomas Cromwell being a wise and a discreet man was one whom the King entertained with publike demonstration of his good affections towards him and of his fauour The Cardinals Colleges Now though such of the Cardinals lands as he intended to haue bestowed vpon his two Colledges were clearely forfetted vnto the King yet his Maiestie in regard of his great loue which he bare to learning and vnto learned men bestowed the same wholly vpon his Colledge founded in Oxford called the Cardinals Colledge but then newly named the Kings Colledge but now it is called Christs Church And the other of his Colledges founded at Ipswich the King destroied as being vnprofitable and seruing to no purpose The King being secretly informed that the Cardinall had gotten a Bull from Rome to curse him 1530. except hee would restore him to all his goods lands and dignities A Bull from the Pope A proclamation and that none but hee no not the King himselfe should for any offence whatsoeuer correct or punish any Clergie man proclaimed that all prouisions appeales and instruments within the space of one yeare next before
with fire razed it to the ground This seruice was by diuers Gentlemen so gallantly performed that in honour thereof the Admirall dignified with the honour of Knighthood these worthy Gentlemen Francis Brian Iohn Russel Anthonie Browne Iohn Rainsford George Cobham Giles Hussey Richard Cornwal Iohn Cornwallis Thomas Moore and some others And daily other braue and warlike exploits were still made and performed in Brittaine neare vnto the Sea coasts Of which it will be too tedious to make particular relation neither will wee much busie our selues with the discourse of such things as hapned betwixt the Emperour and the French king in their warres because they doe not properly belong to the Historie of this kingdome The King who was informed that the Duke of Albanie intended to invade the Northren marches of his Realme commanded the Lord Roos The Scots are troublesome and the Lord Dacres of the South by an anticipating warre to enter into the Borders of Scotland with a slight Armie which they did and burnt fourescore Hamblets Villages and Townes razed and destroyed diuers Castles Bulwarkes and Towers forraged their fields and without any encounter returned into England The King likewise made the Earle of Shrewsbury Lieftenant generall of the North whose charge was to make strong prouision to withstand all sodaine invasions which the Scots should attempt to make And likewise hee leuied an Armie of twelue thousand men Another Armie sent into France which hee commended to the Gouernement of the Admirall for the supply and maintenance of his warres in France Thus the King being daily imployed and wanting money to defray his charge by way of loan vpon priuie Seales Priuie seales hee borrowed of the Citie of London twentie thousand pounds And of many others great summes of money In all Shires and Prouinces within his kingdome whereat his Subiects much grieued But afterwards they were much more displeased thereat because the said loanes by an Act of Parliament They are released were clearely released to the King And yet for all this Wolsey by strange commissions and by other vnlawfull meanes without the Kings consent or notice endeuoured to raise and to leauie more money as formerly wee haue heard The Admirall who maugre his Enemies Braue seruice in France hauing landed his Armie at Callice Marched from thence and passed in good order of Battaile ouer Newnam Bridge wasting spoiling burning and ransacking sundrie Townes Villages Castles and Forts as namely Selloys Brunbridge Senkerke Frynge Blanioy Dorlans and other places as they passed by so terrified the people that they would not abide his sight And in those seruices these Gentlemen as chiefe Captaines Chiefe Gentlemen of seruice and worthie of the best praise are principally to be noted Sir William Sands Sir William Fitz-William Sir Maurice Barkley Sir Iohn Wallop Sir Richard Ierningham Captaine Coo and Captaine Thwayts The three former of them among other imploiments were by the Admirall sent with three thousand men to the strong Towne of Marquison which was newly builded fortified and well defended for a while But at length they tooke it ransacked it and vtterly consumed it with fire The like they did at the Townes of S. Iohns Rhode and Temple A great bootie and with great spoiles returned to their Generall Then all the Armie being collected the Admirall marched vnto Calice and brought thither with him 14000. Sheepe 1400. Oxen and Kine 1300. Hogges and 700. Horses Geldings and Mares And then hee commended and rewarded his souldiers dissolued his Armie and with great honour and in the especiall fauour of his Soueraigne he returned into England The Scots inuade Whilest these things were thus ordered in France the Kings professed enemie Iohn Duke of Albanie Protector to the young King and of his Realme by the procurement of the French King leuied a great Armie purposing with fire and sword to haue entred into the West Marches of England But the Lord Dacres and the Lord Roos and many other Knights and Gentlemen hauing carefully prouided and wel furnished an Armie of eight and twentie thousand men They will not fight to make head against him and likewise the Earle of Shrewesburie hauing leuied another Armie of great strength and appearing boldly into the Scots sight the Scots began wisely to doubt of their successe and the rather because the most of them knew not the cause or ground of that quarrell and therefore would not fight but leauing to assist their Captaine they returned home and were not pursued by the English who by their Commission were not authorized to inuade but to defend themselues The Duke of Suffolke warreth in France Bell Castle The next yeare Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke was sent to Calice with an Armie of thirteene thousand men with which he marched forth burning spoiling foraging without compassion vntill he came to the strong Castle of Bell which after many gallant and braue assaults was yeelded and razed to the ground Thither repaired to the Dukes Armie Aide from the Emperor as seruants to the Emperour three thousand footmen and fiue hundred horsemen being Burgundians Flemings and of their neighbouring Nations all which besieged the strong Towne of Bray Bray which was well fortified and furnished with goodly Ordinance and with two thousand men This Towne they tooke not by composition but by assault But because the Frenchmen themselues had first fired it and were runne away the Englishmen and their friends besides the winning of it receiued small commoditie thereby Then with vndaunted courage they passed ouer the Riuer of Some into France Roy. and to them vpon seuerall summons were yeelded vp the Townes of Roy and Lyhome Lyhome Mount dedyer But they were compelled to besiege the warlike Towne of Mount dedyer in which were two thousand men and fiue hundred horse This Towne they daily battered with the continuall shot of their great Ordinance so that it was made assaultable and then the Frenchmen vpon composition to depart with bagge baggage and with their Armes yeelded the Towne to the Dukes forces in which there was exceeding plentie of costly linnen arras tapestrie bedding and of choice houshold stuffe Afterwards they tooke the Castle of Boghan Boghan which had not the Marishes beene excessiuely hardned by a continuall frost was not accessable nor pregnable by any strength This Castle they razed to the ground because it was not commodious to their seruice These atchieuements being thus manfully and honourably performed the English souldiers by reason of the extremitie of the weather and the sharpnesse of the Winter English souldiers returne without leaue of the Generall long nights and short daies were altogether vnwilling to proceed any further at that time and the rather for these two other causes First for that the Duke of Burbon who was reuolted from the French King to the Emperour came not according to his promise to the Dukes Armie with ten thousand men
of Richmond And at the same time the Lord Henrie Courtney Cosen german to the King was made Marques of Exeter the Lord Henrie Brandon the eldest sonne of the Duke of Suffolke and of the French Queene Marie his wife being but two yeares old was created Earle of Lincolne Sir Thomas Manners Lord Roos was made Earle of Rutland and Sir Henrie Clifford was created Earle of Cumberland and Sir Robert Ratclife Lord Fitz Water was made Earle of Sussex and Sir Thomas Bullein the Treasurer of the Kings houshold was made Lord Rochford And thus in regard of great seruices honorably performed the king requited them with such honours as were answerable to their deserts and callings The French were humble to serue their owne turnes The Queene Regent of France foreseeing what present misery was likely to ruinate that Estate and Kingdome if in time by carefull prouidence it were not preuented sent Monsieur de Bryond chiefe President of Paris and some other Lords Ambassadors into England who not only according to their commission in a most submissiue and an humble sort confessed the iniuries and the wrongs done by the French Nation to King Henry and to his subiects both by sea and land in the absence of King Francis but for a requitall and satisfaction thereof and for the arrerage of his tribute they made offer to pay vnto the King the summe of twenty hundred thousand crownes whereof fiftie thousand pounds sterling should be paid in hand and fitting securitie should bee giuen for the rest they also promised the continuance of the said tribute and assumed to pay Queene Marie her dowrie and all the arrerages thereof if the King would grant them peace and receiue them into his loue and fauour The King and his Counsel hauing seriously considered of these motions and large offers for many important causes assented to their requests Peace concluded and caused those his conclusions and agreements to be proclaimed solemnely both in England and in France and receiued both money and good securitie accordingly But betwixt King Henrie and his nephew the Emperour by the subtill practises and craftie jugglings of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke warres were denounced with euill termes Warres betweene the Emperor and King Henry but little or nothing was done thereon sauing that in England Spaine and in the Low-Countries the Merchants of either Nation and their goods and substance were attached to the infinite losse and damage of them all but vpon seuerall truces oftentimes concluded and againe broken they were released and againe arrested Merchants vexed wherby the ancient saying of the Poet was truly verified Quicquid Delirant Reges Plectuntur Achiui When Princes iarre and for reuenge doe seeke The meaner sort must pay for their dislike But in this place we must now obserue That in regard of those often concluded truces and in regard of the peace which vnited the kingdomes of England France and Scotland in one minde little or nothing worthie of our discourse more then hath formerly beene written hapned in sixe of the next ensuing yeares for the greater part of that time was spent and consumed in debatings enquirings ordering handling and disposing of the businesse of the Kings marriage with the Ladie Katherine of Spaine sometime his brothers wife And now the King who in a manner was wholly guided and directed by the priuate aduice and counsell of his chiefe fauorite Thomas Cromwel somtimes seruant to Cardinall Wolsey whom he had made a Baron and a Counseller of State The Popes authoritie curbed proceeded daily more and more to diminish nay by succeeding degrees clearely and absolutely to abrogate and to make voide the claimed power and authoritie of the Pope within this Realme In so much that in his Parliament he procured it to be enacted for a law That the penaltie of the Premunire should bee inflicted vpon the bodies lands and goods of euery such person as for any matter thing or cause whatsoeuer appealed to the See of Rome or did procure from thence any Processe Citation Inhibition Suspension Sentence or Iudgement whatsoeuer And in the next Session of the same Parliament to please and to content him the whole Clergie of this kingdom freely submitted themselues to the King touching their Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall affaires and busines and the Pope was vtterly depriued of all Annates and first fruits which formerly for Bishoprickes and other spirituall promotions and dignities had vsually been payed vnto him and likewise to establish and to confirme the lawfulnes of his marriage with Queene Anne and to settle the inheritance of his Crowne vpon her issue he procured it by Parliament to bee enacted That his former mariage with his brothers wife was absolutely void The Kings marriage made voide The Crowne entailed and of none effect in Law because it was contrarie to the Law of God and that the Popes dispensation had none effect or power to make it good and by the same Act the Crowne of this kingdome was entailed to the King and to his heires of his bodie out of which the Ladie Marie was inclusiuely excluded and to this Act all the Lords Burgesses there present were particularly sworne B. Fisher sauing Doctor Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Sir Thomas Moore Knight sometimes Chancellor of England who some few yeares before disliking the Kings proceeding against Queene Katherine Sir Thomas Moore and against the authoritie and iurisdiction of the Pope had deliuered vp the great Seale of England into the kings hands These two not only refused to sweare as the rest did but publikely contested and protested against the said Act of Parliament which nullified the kings said first mariage by reason of the Popes dispensation giuen to inable the same and to make it lawfull For which causes the said Bishop and Knight were sent vnto the Tower where they remayned vntill as Traitors they lost their heads They are beheaded for denying of the kings Supremacie in Ecclesiasticall things and causes and attributing it to the Pope of Rome of which the kings supremacie a Statute was made in Parliament the next yeare after About this time diuers treasonable practizes by malicious and lewd Conspirators were surmised and intimated to haue beene intended and contriued against the kings person by the Lord Dacres of the North. The Lord Dacres And thereupon he was Indicted and arraigned but the guiltlesse and well affected Lord with such a temperate boldnesse and with such a modest courage so discreetly and so wisely defended his innocencie against those false suggesters that he was freely acquited and discharged from all suspition and from all blame But by the whole Parliament Elizabeth Burton nick-named the holy maid of Kent and her Companions in mischiefe who vnder an hipocriticall shew and shadow of Religious deuotion The holy maid of Kent and of holinesse had conspired the Kings death being attainted and condemned were executed as Traitors according to
which by Almightie God himselfe was immediately extended towards his people for the preseruation of their liues so effectually wrought in the hearts and mindes of the two Armies that vpon the faithfull promise of the two Dukes The Rebels quietly doe depart home that the Kings free and ample pardon should remit and acquite them all the Rebels left the Field and quietly departed to their owne houses And thus was this Kingdome and Common-weale deliuered the second time without blowes from as great danger and perill as at any time before had threatned the ruine and destruction of the people of this Land By meanes whereof the King waxed more absolute and more strong in his gouernment then he was in former times especially concerning his Clergie and the ordering of the Church wherein hee disposed of all things vncontrolled according to his owne will A third rebellion Yet as a lightning so on a sudden in Westmerland Thomas Tilbie and Nicholas Musgraue with some others for the onely causes aboue mentioned and for none other brake forth into an open Rebellion with eight thousand men against the King But by the Duke of Norfolke many of them were slaine The Rebels ouerthrowen the rest were ouerthrowen and threescore and fourteene of their Commanders and chiefest Actors in that Rebellion were as Traitors by Martiall Law and Iudgement executed in sundrie places in the North. Execution At this time before Henry Courtney Earle of Deuonshire Marquesse of Exeter cosen german to the King and Lord High Steward for that day were brought The Lord Darcy The Lord Hussey Execution touching the Supremacie arraigned found guiltie and condemned the Lord Darcy and the Lord Hussey and both of them were executed accordingly the former for a Murder and the latter for High Treason Likewise Sir Robert Constable Sir Thomas Percie Sir Francis Bigot Sir Steuen Hambleton and Sir Iohn Bulmer Knights William Lomley Nicholas Tempest Robert Aske two Abbots and some others being condemned as Traitors for denying of the Kings Supremacie were executed in diuers places of this Realme Frier Forest and Frier Forest for the same matter and also for maintaining certaine Heresies with an obstinate and vnrepentant resolution receiued the iudgement of a Traitor and of an Hereticke and being hanged in irons vpon a Gibbet he was burnt Noblemen created The King being gratious to some whom he much fauoured and who had deserued well bestowed Titles of Honour on them For the Viscount Beauchampe was created Earle of Hartford Sir William Fitz-William high Admirall of England was made Earle of South-hampton Sir William Paulet Treasurer of the Kings houshold was made Lord S. Iohn The Lord Cromwell is made Vicegerent in Ecclesiasticall matters and things Sir Iohn Russel Knight was made Lord Russel and Sir Thomas Cromwel a Counsellor of Estate Knight of the Garter Lord Priuie Scale Lord Cromwel was made the Kings Vice-gerent in all cases and matters Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall by vertue whereof both in Parliament and elsewhere he had the precedence of the Arch-bishop of Canterburie and almost in all things did all in all so that by reason of that authoritie hee vtterly defaced burnt and destroied all senselesse and dumme Images and Shrines to whom any thing was superstitiously offred or vnto whom Praiers Images and Shrines are suppressed Inuocations or Pilgrimages were fantastically and foolishly made Hee also suppressed the Orders of Begging and Craftie Friers and Puling Nunnes whose houses and possessions came vnto the King And about the same time the Marquesse of Exeter Attainders Henry Poole Lord Montagne and Sir Nicholas Carew of Beddington in the Countie of Surrey Knight of the Garter and master of the Kings horses were attainted and executed for high Treasons especially because that with Cardinall Foole brother to the Lord Montagne they endeuoured to procure forraine Princes in the Popes aide to inuade this Land and to reforme the businesses of the Church by the Apostolicall authoritie of the See of Rome For this offence the said Cardinall being beyond the Seas was by Parliament attainted and within a few moneths after his mother the Ladie Margaret Countesse of Salisburie who was the last of the princely line of the Plantagenets the said Cardinall only excepted for shee was the daughter of George the last Duke of Clarence together with Gerthrude the widow of the late Marquesse of Exeter Sir Adrian Foskew and diuers others were also attainted of high Treason for the same Conspiracie and so were the Abbots of Reading Colchester and Glastenburie with many Monkes Friers and religious men because they obstinately denied the Kings Supremacie and confidently attributed it vnto the Pope And all these except the Cardinall who came not home whilest the King liued were afterwards executed in sundrie places of this Realme Many others also for the same offence suffered the like deaths whose names by reason of their meane estate and vndignified qualities may not in this our Historie challenge a place of particular remembrance Whilest the King was thus busily imploied in cutting off his Subiects heads the great Oneyle and Odoneyle with a rude rabble of sauage Out-lawes wilde Kernes and desperate Irishmen A rebellion in Ireland entred more then twentie miles within the English Pale and did much mischiefe But by the Lord Deputie being the Lord Leonard Gray brother to the Marquesse Dorset they were so well fought with in the open field that he obtained the victorie But such was the nimblenesse of those Rebels that when by blowes they failed to maintaine their match then according to their common vse and custome they swiftly ran ouer the bogges and marshes into the woods and rockes vnto which the more sober and well ordered Englishmen could not approch without apparant hazard and danger to their liues The King who in a manner was wholly directed and gouerned by the Lord Cromwel now Earle of Essex Religious houses suppressed and made high Chamberlaine of England pretended many quarrels against the fat Abbots Priors Monkes Friers Nunnes and Cloisterers of this Kingdome for many exorbitant misdemeanours daily by them committed and done especially because they were abominably lecherous and vnmeasurably idle and slow-bellies fruges consumere nati vnprofitable yea a burden to the Church and Common-weale Those faults the King endeuoured not like a good Magistrate by correction to amend but he resolued with the deluge of his displeasure to wash them cleane away And so he did indeed For his high Court of Parliament which was then holden at Westminster vtterly dissolued and cleerely suppressed all Abbies Monasteries Priories and other religious houses some few being only excepted and gaue their houses scites Lordships and possessions which in yearely reuenue amounted to more then two hundred thousand pounds vnto the King who with his worldly policie to the intent that future posteritie should not bee enabled to restore them backe againe to their former vses exchanged them liberally
all submissiue and humble contrition they confessed their late rebellion Earle of Tyron and treasons and so gratious was the King vnto them both that hee not only gaue them his free pardon but in hope of future seruice according to their promise he created him Earle of Tyron and made his sonne Lord of Duncan The Scots who for a long time had beene quiet did now beginne to swagger and by sodaine invasions to hurt Contention with the Scotish King and damnifie the Subiects of this Land which occasioned the King 1 To require of their king Iames the Fifth and Nephew to the king these things First That the said king Iames should doe his homage and his fealtie to king Henrie for his kingdom of Scotland as his Auncestors in former times had often done But the Scottish king with great obstinacie and with froward messages refused to yeeld thereunto 2 King Henrie likewise required the deliuerie of some small and triffling Territories bordering close vpon the inheritance of the said Scottish king And for the proofe of his rightfull Title therevnto Hee caused certaine auncient and old euidences to bee shewed forth But the Scottish Commissioners with taunts and skornes reiected them Saying that they were written and sealed by Englishmen who for their owne profit and gaine might write and seale what they listed 3 Vpon these and some other grieuances king Henrie who rather desired a friendly reconciliation betwixt himselfe and his Nephew then by the dint of sword to shed Christian bloud concluded to meet and to conferre with king Iames in kinde manner vpon the borders of either kingdome For which purpose king Henrie made his Progresse vnto Yorke and was there certified that the Scottish king intended not according to his promise to meet with him But would by Commission authorize some of his Counsellors of estate to conferre and to conclude with his Maiesties Commissioners of England touching the matters then in difference betwixt them two 4 The king though he were thus deluded yet did he not expresse any touch of impacience for that wrong but authorizing certaine Commissioners in that behalfe hee ended his Progresse and returned home All these Commissioners met but whilest they were in Parlee two notorious and great despights were offered to king Henrie 5 For though the Commissioners daily communed of vnitie and of peace yet at the same time the Scots invaded the Westerne marches of this Realme burnt slue spoiled and riffled beyond charitie and reason and yet no warre was then denounced betwixt the said two kings For this iniurie and for this wrong sufficient and liberall amends and recompence was promised by the said Commissioners but no manner of restitution or satisfaction was made in that behalfe 6 And lastly although the King of Scots commission was very large and ample and authorized those his Agents to doe almost whatsoeuer they themselues pleased yet did the said Commissioners so strictly stand vpon sundrie points which were too too much vnreasonable and dishonorable for king Henrie to yeeld vnto that by the English Commissioners who had throughly viewed and pervsed their authoritie and power they were condemned as enemies to the peace and to their owne Countrie For that by the meanes of their frowardnesse there would be warres Whereupon the Scottish Commissioners to cleare themselues of this blame imputed to their obstinacie and follie shewed forth their priuate instructions from their King which for feare of death they dared not to exceede By which instructions it appeared plainly that their authority expressed in their said Commission was in all things curbed and made of little or of no force except the said English Commissioners would yeeld to such demands as were vnprofitable and dishonourable to their king Warres in Scotland These notorious iniuries and wrongs and this daliance and craftie dissimulation enforced King Henrie to send an Armie of twentie thousand men into Scotland vnder the command of the Duke of Northfolk who was accompanied by the Earles of Shrewsburie Darby Cumberland Surrey Hertford Angus and Rutland and with the greatest part of the Lords Knights and Gentlemen of the North All these marched on their iourney and for eight daies space being vnresisted and vnfought with they killed riffled burned forraged and spoiled the Scottish Townes Castles Fortresses Houses and Fields with as much crueltie violence and furie The English Armie returneth as the extremitie of warres could execute in so short a time Which when they had done the Armie retyred was dissolued and euery man repaired loaden with spoiles to his owne home The Scots inuade England With this deserued and seuere reuenge the King of Scots was infinitely grieued and perplexed at the heart In so much that he caused with all expedition to be raised an Armie of fifteene thousand men which was sent into the West marches of this kingdome where they began to spoile and did much mischiefe But Thomas the Bastard Dacres William Musgraue and the Lord Thomas Wharton hauing at a short warning collected a small number of approued A notable ouerthrow and valiant men at armes taking with them some part thereof and leauing the rest for a secret stale or ambush to annoy their enemies when time should serue encountred vnexpectedly with the Scots vpon whom in the Rereward the said ambush valiantly issued which did so terrifie and affright them that they supposed verily the Duke of Norfolke with a great Armie did fall on them wherefore to saue themselues they fled and in the pursuite there were taken prisoners the Earles of Cassels Prisoners and Glancarne the Lords Maxwel Fleming Sommerwel Oliphant Gray and Oragy and the Lord Carre of Gredon two hundred Gentlemen and about eight hundred common Souldiers so that euery English man had two or three prisoners to recompence their adventerous paines and trauaile The Englishmen also tooke brought away foure and twentie peeces of Ordinance and foure Carts loaden with Speares this ouerthrow many men then imputed and peraduenture truly to the Scottish Kings vnaduised and indiscreet direction Disdaine who made so meane a Springall the Generall in that armie in which so many Lords Earles and worthy Captaines were who scorned to be commanded by such an Vnderling and therefore hazarded their owne liues by a willing flight rather then by obtayning the Victorie to lay on him such honour as they knew he was not able to deserue Of these prisoners foure and twentie of the chiefest were sent to the Tower of London from whence after two dayes they were remoued and committed to the care and custodie of diuers Noblemen Knights and Gentlemen of worth at whose hands they receiued such kinde welcome and bountifull entertainment that with multiplyed wordes of extraordinary praise and commendation they ceased not to extoll their friendly and good vsage to the skies This vnexpected strange The King of Scots dieth and vnfortunate ouerthrow of so faire an Armie with so small a
THE HISTORIE AND LIVES OF THE KINGS of England From WILLIAM the CONQVEROR vnto the end of the Raigne of King HENRIE the EIGHT By WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire Recorder of the Honorable Citie of EXETER Frustra fit per plura quod fieri potest per pauciora LONDON Printed for IOHN BILL William Barret and Henrie Fetherstone 1615. TO THE GENTRIE OF ENGLAND WOrthie Gentlemen omitting all elaborated Eloquence which oftentimes is vsed as a varnish to couer vnprofitable labours As cunning Goldsmithes doe enrich their basest Siluer when they Gilt it with their purest Gold J purpose to render to you an accompt of two reasons which induced me to take this paine and to publish this worke 1. Jt is common among Phisitions That though profound Learning and frequent Experience haue furnished them with abundant skill in their Honourable profession yet they doe still striue to make their knowledge more perfect in the discouerie of the imperfections of other mens bodies then of their owne Jn like sort it is the common custome of our times that many hopefull Gentlemen whom Nature and Arts haue beautified with the rich treasures of their bountie do endeauour to be more exact and refined in knowing the Religion Lawes Gouernment Maners Strength and Sites of forraine Countries then of that Kingdome wherein themselues were borne But as that man is wise in vaine who is not wise vnto himselfe So it is a simple grace nay to speake plainly it is a foule disgrace to a Gentleman especially to such a one as hath or doth intend to spend much time abroad to know the fashions of forraine Nations to be ignorant in the State of his owne Countrie at home The Historie of which affordeth as much varietie and profitable instruction to captiuate the Readers delight in the perusall as the fairest Pictures doe contentment when with their artificiall beauties they doe allure mens eyes to looke and to gaze vpon them To this end therefore that hencefoorth such worthy Gentlemen as are purposed in long traueling to enlarge their experience by the view of foraine Countries may first be furnished with a conuenient knowledge of their owne J vndertooke this labour and doe present it vnto you with this my first reason which induced me thereunto 2. The second reason of my so doing springeth out of mine owne conceit which as J coniecture deceiues me not For in regard that the Histories of this Kingdome are frequently interrupted yea blemished by too too many interuening Occurrences and by a multitude of extrauagant Obseruations which doe much differ from the true Method and Nature of a well digested and composed Chronicle and thereby doe extend it into a needlesse and an vnprofitable length J am resolued that the Readers capacitie to obserue and to remember is much weakned thereby And that many yong Gentlemen who doe egerly striue to attaine to much knowledge in a short time doe rather bend their Studies and their courses to reade ouer the more narrowly contracted Histories of other Countries then the voluminous Discourses of their owne Wherefore to inlighten their knowledge much by reading this little J haue thrust forth into the World this short Historie of the Raignes Deeds and Actions of twentie of our English Kings which J will neither praise least J wrong it by mine owne commendation nor dispraise least you beleeuing mee on my word should thinke your time ill spent to read what I haue written J know that such as are worthily descended or who by learning are made worthy will not only winke at some imperfections because some knowledge is to be gained by the rest but will also take in good part the presentment of a small gift if it be deliuered with a friendly hand To such only and to none other which are you doe J dedicate these my labors Being confidently assured that they cannot want their expected reward which is nothing but your kinde acceptance and gracefull loue Fare you well from my house in Exeter the twentieth of Ianuarie 1615. Your louing Friend WILLIAM MARTYN TO MY MOST DEARE Father WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire THough my vnpractis'd Muse might well conceale Her selfe from th'eye-reach of a publique view Yet my devoted heart stir'd on with zeale And dutie which are owing both to you Feares not the spleene of Criticks but shall beare Their heauiest censures True loue orecomes feare I will not speake of your vnwearied paine In gathring and disposing 't is a treasure Well worth the Readers paines when he may gaine With little reading profit mixt with pleasure These ruder lines your labors little neede To winne the Readers liking Let him reade NICHOLAS MARTYN To my most loued and dearest Father WILLIAM MARTYN ESQVIRE I Could deere Sir haue spoke with farre more ease In copious Prose than in strict Verse your praise But that I knew your fame would farre out-goe All foote-lesse Prose my Verse not full so slow Hauing the helpe of feete serues thus farre forth Though not to Vsher yet t' attend your worth You neede not either to inlarge your fame The Booke it selfe doth Chronicle the same WILLIAM MARTYN To my most dearly loued Father WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire WHil'st others send you Lines trickt out with Art My Infant yeares shall onely send mine heart Looke for no greater gift from so small store He that giues all he has can giue no more EDWARD MARTYN TO MY DEARLY HONORD FATHER-IN-Law WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire A Publique good must quell your priuate feare The profit of a Writers industrie Should be imparted to a generall Eare For good is better'd by communitie Nor may detraction or the injurie Of some mens censures dash what he doth write If but what only pleaseth all mens sight No worke should come to light no worke should come to light What though you gather'd haue the seuerall flowr's Of other Bookes into this Historie Distill'd to Spirit by you they 're wholly yours So honie suckt from the varietie Of flowr's is yet the honie of the Bee And though in these dayes Miracles are fled Yet this shall of your Chronicle be read It brings back Time that 's past and giues life to the Dead Peter Beuys THE SVMMARIES OR ABBREVIATES OF THE RAIGNES OF THE twentie Kings mentioned more largely in this Discourse King WILLIAM the Conqueror AFTER the death of King Edward Harold contrarie to his promise oath refuseth to giue the possession of the Crowne and kingdome of England to William the seuenth Duke of the Normans Wherefore to preuent the effusion of much bloud the Duke challenged him to a single combate which hee refused whereupon the Duke landeth and being assisted by the Natiues of this Countrie he obtayneth the victorie * 1066. and claymed this Crowne by conquest Pag. 2. He is in danger as he trauelleth towards Douer and makes his peace 3. His policies to suppresse the English Nation and his cruelties towards them 3 4 5 6. He taxeth them beyond measure they rebell twice and are twice
337 338 339 The King wisely discouers their intentions 339 340 The Mart is remoued to Calice 340 Sir William Stanley is beheaded and Warbeck is discomforted in Kent 342 The Scots vnder pretence to aid him vexe England 343 The Cornish Rebells are ouerthrowne 343 344 And many of them are executed 345 The Scots invade and are wasted 346 The Mart is restored to the Flemings 346 Exeter is besieged and defended valiantly 342 King Henrie commeth to that Citie and giues vnto it his sword 348 The Rebells flie 349 Perkin Warbeck and the yong Earle of Warwick son to George Duke of Clarence the brother of King Edward the Fourth seeking to escape are preuented and beheaded 350 Two mariages with France and Scotland 350 Empson and Dudley doe execute penall lawes 351 The King in his death bed doth repent it and lends mony freely to his Marchants and dieth 359 King HENRY the Eighth HE executeth Empson and Dudley 355 And marieth his brothers wife 355 He sideth with the Pope against France 356 His Father-in-law Ferdinando vseth him ill 357 And trecherously surpriseth the kingdome of Nauarre 357 Edward Howard Lord Admirall is drowned 359 King Henrie hath three armies in France 360 Maximilian the Emperour serueth him in those warres 361 Tyrwin and Tourney are wonne 361 Iames the Fourth King of Scots is slaine in Flodden field 361 362 Peace is concluded with France 364 Cardinall Wolseys deedes and actions from pag. 364. vnto pag. 388. The Clergie feare the Premunire and therefore are liberall 388 The king is acknowledged supreme head of the Church 388 403 He marieth Anne of Bullein 389 And beheadeth her 403 Euill May-day 390 Tournay is deliuered vpon condicions 390 Which by the French were broken 393 The Duke of Buckingham is attainted and executed 392 The King writes a booke against Martin Luther 393 He maketh warres in France 394 395 396 397 Priuie seales being granted are released by Parliament 395 English souldiers doe returne vnlicenced out of France 397 The Emperor the Scots and the French doe craue peace 398 399 The King is in danger to bee drowned 400 He hath warres with the Emperour 401 He curbeth the Popes authority 401 Fisher and Moore doe loose their heads 402 Petit Religious houses are suppressed 403 All the rest are likewise suppressed 407 The holy maid of Kent 402 The Lancashire-men doe rebell 404 The King is passing stout 404 Rebellion by the holy Pilgrimes miraculously appeased 405 An other Rebellion is suppressed 406 Cromwell is aduanced highly 406 But is ouerthrowne by concluding a mariage for the King with Anne of Cleue which the King disliked 408 409 That mariage is pronounced to be void 409 The King marrieth the Lady Katherine Howard 409 And beheaded her 410 He is made King of Ireland 410 The Scots invade and are miserably ouerthrowne 413 A mariage being motioned by the Scots 413 Is concluded but they breake their oathes the match too 415 Scotland is wasted 415 The King sendeth two Armies into France 415 Bullein is wonne 417 The King hath a Beneuolence 417 The Frenchmen are ouerthrown 418 The Scots invade and are vanquished 419 The famous and renowned Earle of Surry is beheaded And the King dyeth THE HISTORIE OF KING WILLIAM THE CONQVEROR AFTER the death of King Edward who was the sonne of Egeldredus and of Goditha his wife Harold her brother and second sonne to the Earle Godwin vsurped this kingdom and caused himselfe to be crowned King the Crowne being formerly giuen by King Edward vnto William the seuenth Duke of the Normans and base sonne to Robert their sixt Duke To whose vse and behoofe Harold had formerly sworne to keepe the same Whereof when Duke William was certainely enformed Hee charged him by his Letters and by Messengers with his promise confirmed by his Oath and required him in friendly sort and without blowes to possesse him of his Crowne But proud Ambition arming him with a Resolution to remaine a King in despight of threats or Fortune made him rather to quoine dishonorable excuses then to giue satisfaction as hee had sworne And for answere to returne That promises and vowes rashly made and by compulsion as his was especially for a Kingdome wherevnto the State had giuen no free consent were not at all to bee regarded And therefore seeing the Dukes Rule and Dominions were as ample and as large elsewhere as Nature and Art had enabled him to manage and to command he wished him to bee contented with his owne and not aduenture to claspe more within his hand then he was well able to hold fast Nor to couet that which hee should not enioy As this answere bred Discontent So rage began to resolue on Armes For the Duke assisted by his Martiall friends leuied a strong Armie and furnished it with all abiliments and necessaries for the Warre with which through the assistance of some natiue Nobles who adhered to his part hee safely landed in Sussex where hauing prouidently sheltred himselfe against all suddaine stormes hee challenged Harold to a single Combat thereby to decide the strife without much bloud But Harold entertained not the Challenge but sent him word That to gaine or keepe a Kingdome it required more blowes then two could giue 14. October 1066. So that within fewe dayes after a fierce and cruell Battaile of the continuance of one whole day without intermission or breathing was fought betwixt them But in the Euening HAROLD being deadly wounded with an Arrow left both his Kingdome and his life And Duke William almost with equall losse of his men became Victor in the field The Saxons Raigne ended And thus ended the Saxons Raigne which from the first yeare of Hengistus in the yeare of our Lord God foure hundred seuentie and fiue vntill the time of this Conquest in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixtie and sixe had continued Sauing that now and then it was interrupted by the Danes the space of fiue hundred fourescore and eleuen yeares The Duke hauing thus slaine Harold and gained his Kingdome began to raigne as King And on Christmas day then next following hee was crowned by Aldredus Archbishop of Yorke by the enforced consents of the English Nobles Who with an outward applause but with an inward griefe and sorrow submitted themselues to be his subiects the Kentish men excepted By whom is hee trauailed to possesse himselfe of the strong Castle of Douer he was preuented in his iourney and compassed round about by valiant men of War who carying greene boughs in their hands and resembling a moouing Wood enuironed the King and all his followers ere they were aware therof And protested manfully to die rather then they would by seruile basenesse be depriued of those ancient Lawes and Customes whereby their Countrie was then ruled The King perceiuing his owne danger and their resolution hearkned to their demaunds and not onely granted their requests but for their bold and valorous attempt hee honoured them with
and aged eleuen yeares and somewhat more was crowned king of England in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand three hundred and seuentie seuen In the whole course of his euill Gouernment King Richards euill manners and bad Gouernment he neglected his Nobilitie and taxed his Subjects to enable himselfe to giue prodigally vnto his ill deseruing Fauorites Hee was too too resolute in his follies and refused to bee reproued or reformed He also despised the sage aduice and good directions of his wisest and best Counsellors and wholly plotted all his courses by the wicked and gracelesse projects of his base companions whom hee raised to more honourable Estates then befitted the meanes of their condition So that they fell by their own weight and he himselfe in the end was enforced to endure the extremitie of his hard fortune For being first disgraced by his Cousin Henrie of Bullingbrooke Duke of Lancaster and sonne and heire to his Vncle Iohn of Gaunt hee was at length by him with the general consent of a whole Parliament deposed from his Crowne commited to Prison and afterwardes wickedly murdered as in this discourse of his disordered Gouernment more amply it shall appeare The Frenchmen burne diuers townes in England In the first yeare of king Richards Raigne Charles the French king presuming much on his Minoritie and being aided by the Spaniards landed in the Southwest and in the South-east parts of this kingdome and ransacked and burnt the Townes of Plymouth Dartmouth Portsmouth Rye and some other Townes and Villages coasting vpon the Sea and would haue done more mischiefe if by the kings Vncle Edmund of Langly Earle of Cambridge and by the Earles of Buckingham and of Salisburie they had not beene fought with and beaten to their ships Alexander Ramseyes desperate attempt and successe At the same time also by the instigation of the French king one Alexander Ramsey an approued Scottishman at armes with fortie of his Company in the depth of the night suddenly and desperately scalled the wals of the Castle of Barwicke and finding the Captaine and all his souldiers securely sleeping he tooke it without blowes and intended also to haue surprised the Towne But the inhabitants hearing an extraordinarie noyse and tumult in the Castle and indeuouring to preuent a feared mischiefe hewed away the stayes of the Draw-bridge on the Townes side so that when the Scots did let fall the Draw-bridge the chaines brake and the Bridge fell into the Castle Ditch By meanes whereof the Scots could not issue out but were imprisoned by their owne Victorie This necessitie enforced them as well as they were able to fortifie the Castle which on the kings behalfe was soone besieged and assaulted by tenne thousand men who after many feates of Armes performed brauely by the assailants and after much valor with high courage shewed by that small number of valiant Scots wonne the Castle and receiued not one of them to mercie but onely their Captaine Alexander Ramsey The Frenchmen land in England And not long after the Frenchmen landed againe in England and did much harme at Douer Wynchelsay Hastings and at Grauesend and returned with their booties into France But to preuent like future mischiefes and to reuenge those injuries done to the King and his Realme by the French King ANNO. 3. A Parliamēt This Taxe caused much trouble An Armie sent into France A Parliament was assembled at Westminster In which a Subsidie of foure pence for euery man and for euery woman within this Kingdome being aboue foureteene yeares of age was granted to the King The leuying whereof procured much heart-burning which not long after brake forth and endangered the whole State of the Common-weale Yet with that monie great prouision was made and an armie of eight thousand men was sent into France vnder the command of Thomas of Woodstock the Kings Vncle who passing ouer the faire and great Riuers of Soame Oyse and Marne spoiled and burnt all the Countries and ransomed the inhabitants vntill he came into Brittaine where he was receiued by the Duke Iohn Mountford with all friendly entertainment and much joy And now began a Rebellion in England which was exceeding hazardous to the whole kingdome For Iohn Wall a factious Priest ANNO. 4. perceiuing that the inferior sort of the people much murmured and grudged at the payment of the aforesaid Subsidie A great Rebellion in England Iohn Wal was the beginner of this Rebellion His wicked course in perswading by secret conferences in all places where he came informed the Bondmen Villaines Slaues and such others as were pinched with penury and with want that by descent and parentage from Adam all men were of one condition and of equall worth and that the Lawes of this kingdome were iniurious and vniust which did set so great a difference betwixt men as to make some of them great Peeres Potentates and Lords and in geuing to some others large authority and commaund and in enlarging of great possessions and store of riches vnto some and in commanding others to be base seruile beggars and to enioy litle or nothing at all And therefore with traytrous reasons he perswaded them either by faire meanes or by open insurrection and ciuill warre to prouide for their owne liberties and to releeue their owne wants This lewd and damnable doctrine so infatuated and infected the Rusticks from Shire to Shire that at length it was spread in the Citie of London where the meanest and the basest sort being a multitude who egerly enuyed the prosperitie of the more worthie inhabitants and greedily coueted to be enriched with their substance were in great hope by Rebellious mutening to make vtter hauoke and spoyle of all things at their pleasure And to effect that which they intended such as were most desperatlie inclined among them informed the headlesse multitude in th● Countries round about them that if they would come thither and ioyne with them the whole Citie of London should be at their command So that incredible numbers of brainsick turbulent and traytrous people prepared to flock thither from Kent Essex Sussex Bedfordshire and from many other places Of this rude and raskall rout Watt Tyler Iohn Wall Iack Straw and Iack Shepheard Captaines in this Rebellion Wat Tylar who by his profession was a Taylor was made Captaine to command the rest and the said Iohn Wall Iack Straw Iack Shepard and some others were made chiefe directors and their leaders And Stiling themselues The Kings men and the seruants of the Common-weale of England they marched towards London beating downe the houses and rifling all the moueables of all such as were professors of the Law How they passed towards London and compelling all Knights and Gentlemen either to flye before their comming or to be partakers in this vprore They also sent vnto the King who then lay in the Tower requiring him to come and to speake with them The King went
tyre out his Armie to pursue him Wherefore hee returned ouer the Riuer of Loyre and tooke eyther by force or by voluntarie yeelding manie Townes and Castles vnto his owne vse P● Henry is borne About the same time Queene Katherine was deliuered of a Sonne at Windsour who was named Henrie Of whose birth as soone as the King had notice he said vnto the Lord Fitz-Hugh his Chamberlaine The Kings words I HENRIE borne at Monmouth shall remaine but a short time and gaine much but HENRIE borne at Windsour shall raigne long and lose all The King who for manie weekes together had besieged the well-defended Towne of Meux in Bry enforced it to bee yeelded into his hands and thereupon all the Townes and Fortresses in the Isle of France in Lanuoys in Bry and in Champaigne did the like The Dolphin entreth into the Duke of Burgoines countrey When the Dolphin vnderstood that the King with his Armie was departed farre away from him hee raysed another Armie and entred into the Duke of Burgoines Countries wasting and consuming it with Sword and with Fire and straitly besieged the Citie of Cosney Cosney is besieged which by composition was to be yeelded to him if it were not rescued within tenne daies Of this Agreement notice was sent by the Duke of Burgoine to the King with a request That he would send a power conuenient for the remoue of the said Siege The King goeth to relieue Cosney Whereupon the King in his owne person being accompanied with a gallant companie marched towards that Citie to set it free But as he trauelled on the way he fell so sicke that he was vnable to trauaile anie further The King falleth sick So the charge of that expedition was committed to his brother Iohn Duke of Bedford whose passage forth was noysed to the Dolphin to be with such an high courage and souldior-like resolution that the Dolphin fearing to grapple with him raysed his siege The Dolphin sayeth and most dishonourably retyred himselfe and his Armie into Berry And thus was that Citie rescued and deliuered by the English The King by reason of his encreasing sicknesse waxing more weake and feeble was carried vnto Boys in Vyncennes where within few dayes he was summoned by Death to depart into another world But before he died The Kings Speech before he died he called vnto him his two brothers Iohn Duke of Bedford and Humfrey Duke of Glocester the former hee made Lieutenant Generall of Normandie and Regent of the kingdome of France and the other he made Protector of England and of his sonnes owne person Hee embraced his approaching end comfortably in regard that though his time had been but short yet it was beautified with matchlesse fame and honour which longer continuance being the professed enemie of stabilitie might haue changed He exhorted them and his Nobles who then were present to maintaine true and heartie loue and friendship with his noble and faithfull friend Philip Duke of Burgoine and neuer to be at variance with him Hee persuaded them to nourish and to cherish an vnseparable vnitie and faithfull friendship among themselues to be faithfull and louing to his young infant sonne and their succeeding king Henrie and by all meanes to bee helpefull ayding and assisting to his most sad dolorous and mournefull Queene to preserue and to maintaine by Wisdome Policie and Armes those things which he by valour and GODS furtherance had honourably wonne and gotten Neuer to conclude any peace or amitie with the late Dolphin and Duke of Alanson vntill they were enforced to submit themselues to his sonnes grace and mercie Finally he thanked Almightie GOD who had made him Religious Vertuous Honest and Victorious The King died and died the last day of August in the yeare of our LORD GOD 1422. in the eight and thirtieth yeare of his Age when hee had raigned but nine yeares fiue moneths and foure and twentie dayes And his bodie being conueyed into England was buried among his noble Progenitors at Westminster with extraordinarie solemnitie and great pompe THE HISTORIE OF KING HENRIE THE SIXT KIng Henrie the fifth died when his sonne Henrie was but nine months old 1422. 1 A yong king but well gouerned Yet was hee so fortunate in his beginning that his Youth and Gouernment were worthily supported by his three vncles Humfrey Duke of Glocester who when the King was crowned was made Protector both of his Person and also of his Realme Iohn Duke of Bedford who was established Regent of France and Thomas Duke of Exeter who graced all his actions with much wisdome and great valour Needfull it was that the new Protector and the Regent should make the vtmost tryall of their sufficiencies to the World For whereas in the end of the Kings fathers dayes France is vnwilling to remain English the Nobilitie of France incorporated themselues to the English Nation and heartily enuied the Dolphin King Charles about this time died and the vnconstant Frenchmen began to play an Irish game For on a suddaine manie of those dissembling and fained friends renounced their duties and obedience to King Henrie and vtterly neglecting the performance of Oathes of Allegeance made vnto him they reuolted and not onely adhered to Charles their new King but by all sinister practises and meanes they endeuoured to extirpe the English Nation among them if they might The Regents Policies The Protector at home by the aduise and counsell of the Statists plotted manie Proiects for the retayning of the Kings inheritance in Normandie and in France and for that purpose he furnished the Regent with store of Souldiours Siluer and of Gold The Regent also leuied a strong Armie in Normandie among his choysest and chiefest friends whome by substantiall arguments and sound reasons hee persuaded to perseuere and to continue loyall to his Master and not to be wearied with anie labour or daunted with anie danger because a peacefull and a blessed conclusion should make them rich and fortunate and winne to them the loue and fauour of their young King as hee encreased in wisedome and in yeares And on the other side Charles the new King spared not anie paines but did the like insomuch that nothing but tyrannizing Warre and the vnchristian effusion of much bloud was thought vpon And to begin those Troubles the French King sent the Lord Grandeuyle Pont-Melance taken with a selected companie to Pont-Melance which standeth on the Riuer of Seyne which hee surprized and slew the most part of them whom he found there before anie notice of his approach gaue anie warning to the English garrison to defend it The Earle of Salisburie a famous man Thomas Montacute the Earle of Salisburie for his admired courage and expert managing of martiall actions was at that time more fitly to be compared to a choise Roman than to anie other who liued in his dayes To this Earle the Regent commended the regayning
politicke and cunning And of all those his qualities hee made such vse Doctor Morton that in the end he obtained his libertie occasioned the Duke of Buckinghams ouerthrow procured the destruction of King Richard conioined by mariage the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke aduanced the Earle of Richmond to the Crowne and also preferred himselfe to great honour as hereafter it shall appeare The Duke of Buckingham to whom he was a prisoner was not only great in regard of his high dignitie and large possessions He applieth himselfe to the Dukes humour but by his learning and much applauded courtesie hee also wonne the extraordinarie loue and fauour of all sorts and degrees of people in this Kingdome But his wittie prisoner perceiuing that hee was ambitious and greedie of his owne praise and commendation as commonly great men are insinuated himselfe into his especiall loue and fauour by applying his talke and conference to those humours They beginne to be inwardly familiar insomuch that within a short time the Dukes heart conceiued nothing which his tongue reuealed not to the Bishop yea they began to speake their mindes freely each to other touching the bloudie villanies and tyrannie of the King This craftie Bishop likewise to prouoke the Duke not onely to a further detestation of those cruelties Morton raileth on the Vsurper but also to a resolued purpose to depose him first of all recounted how slenderly the Vsurper had rewarded the Duke himselfe without whose aide and countenance he could neuer haue aduanced himselfe ar he did to the Crowne Then he minded him of the instabilitie of the Kings word who restored not to the Duke nor to his sonne the Earledome of Hartford according to his promise in that behalfe Now vnto that he remembred him of the iealousie which the King conceiued of the Dukes greatnesse so that he rather diminished then in any sort graced or augmented his authoritie power Fourthly the vilifying of the honour and reputation of his owne mother making her vnchafte and such a woman as prostituted her bodie vnto strangers in the conception of his two elder brothers King Edward and the Duke of Clarence to make himselfe more legitimate then they Fifthly his vnlawfull and bloudie executing of Anthonie Lord Ryuers Richard Lord Gray Sir Thomas Vaughan and of the Lord Hastings chiefe Chamberlaine to the two last Kings Sixthly his horrible murdering of Prince Edward the eldest sonne of King Henry the Sixth and of the same King and of the Duke of Clarence his owne brother And last of all and the worst of all the bastardizing deposing and murdering of his poore innocent and guiltlesse nephewes which gaue him by wicked vsurpation his passage to the Crowne and Scepter of this Kingdome Mortons motiues All these things when the Bishop had recounted then for a full conclusion to all that had beene spoken he aduised the Duke of Buckingham for the safetie of his owne life and for the preseruation of his Countrey either to make vse of his owne vertues and greatnesse and of the extraordinarie fauour and loue which all the people bare him and to make himselfe their King or otherwise to further the vniting of the two houses of Lancaster and of Yorke by marying of King Edwards eldest daughter the Ladie Elizabeth with the Earle of Richmond the sonne and heire apparant of Margaret Countesse of Richmond daughter and heire to the Duke of Buckinghams great Vncle Iohn Duke of Somerset sonne to Iohn of Gaunt the fourth sonne of King Edward the Third and so to make the said Earle a true and a lawfull King by means whereof the Crowne of this kingdome should not only be settled where iustly it ought to be but also all future occasions of Factions and of Ciuill warres would bee taken cleane away and the world should be quited of such a Monster who was loathed and hated by all good men Buckinghams resolution The Duke of Buckingham although he were ambitious beyond measure and liked well to be stiled by the great name of a King yet because vsurpation must needs haue beene his best title and Vsurpers neuer wanted enuie hee therefore imploied his wits to conclude that match and to make the Earle King When the Bishop by often disputes had thorowly confirmed the Duke in this his resolution Morton would faine be a libertie hee made him a solemne protestation that if he would permit him to goe into his Ile of Elie he then would quickly furnish the said Duke with store of money and of men But the Duke was most desirous of his companie for two reasons First because his escape would vndoubtedly be laid vnto his charge and reuenged if that proiect were not supported with sufficient strength And secondly because by his absence he should be depriued of such a friend as was right well able to aduise and counsell him at his neede The Bishop knowing that whilest he was a prisoner Morton escapeth his head was subiect to King Richards command and that his great familiaritie with the Duke cleared him of all suspition vnmannerly to depart watched his fittest time of opportunitie and being disguisefully apparrelled in base clothes he secretly stole away and came to Elie where hee furnished himselfe among his friends with store of money and other necessaries He flieth into Flanders and then without lingring hee sailed into Flanders where by his counsell and best meanes he animated the Earle of Richmond who was in Britaine His motion and encouragement to the Earle of Richmond and to others to returne into England to take to wife the Ladie Elizabeth King Edwards eldest daughter to depose the Tyrant and to make himselfe a true and a lawfull King He also sollicited by his letters and by secret messengers diuers Noblemen and Gentlemen of this Realme to bee aiding and assisting to the said Earle at his returne And the Earle himselfe so preuailed with Francis Duke of Britaine that albeit King Richard by his Ambassadors had striued by the disbursement and gift of much money rich iewels K. Richard practiseth to get the Earle of Richmond and by franke promises to make him a new Prisoner and consequently to depriue him of all good hope yet the Duke of Britaine as his faithfull and constant friend began to succour him with his best helpes And albeit that this plot deuised by Morton was exceeding secret as all the Conspirators did imagine yet was King Richard acquainted therewith as well as they And therefore K. Richard knoweth Mortons plot Buckingham refuseth to come to tha Court to cut off the Duke of Buckingham from that Faction by violence or else to win him by faire promises to take his part he courteously importuned his companie at the Court But he hauing a guiltie conscience and knowing that King Richard was not niggardly in shedding of bloud nor vsed to spare any man of whom hee doubted or feared submissiuely and with humble
store of money and of faults By the same authoritie Wolseys intollerable pride hee also sequestred vnto himselfe the probate of all Wils and Testaments and such was his intollerable pride by reason of his Legantine authoritie that when before and after meat he washed his greasie fists he was at his Lauatorie attended and serued by Dukes and Earles for that purpose This his example of hawtinesse made the Clergie of this Land so prowd and insolent that their industrious labours which formerly they applyed to the studies of morall Vertues and of Diuinitie were now imployed to deuise curious fashions in their behauiour in their apparell and in their dyet 1520. King Henrie and his Queene in the twelfth yeare of his Raigne resolued to trauaile into France for loue and friendships sake to glad themselues with the societie of the French King King Henrie and his queen goe into France Francis the first and of his Queene For which iourney it cannot well bee reported what cost in apparell what prouision for attendance what furniture for horses what charges for iewells and what preparations for rare banquetings and Princely gifts were made both in England and in France And when the appointed time drew neare the King and the Queene being accompanied with the Cardinall of Yorke and with many Dukes Earles Lords Knights Gentlemen and faire Ladies of principall reckoning and accompt sayled from Douer and safely came to Calice and the French King and his Queene with their Royall and goodly traine came to Arde. And because it was intended that the peace which was betwixt the two Kings should be inlarged and confirmed King Henrie appointed the Cardinall to goe before him to the French King and to conferre with him touching that matter For which purpose hee gaue vnto him by his Letters Patents Two large commissions vnder the great Seale of his Kingdome of England full power and absolute authoritie in all points to doe therein as he himselfe listed The Cardinal going to the French king The Cardinall being infinitely prided by reason of this vnreasonable and vnlimited authoritie and power which hee had gotten tooke his iourney towards Arde being attended on by some hundreds of Lords Knights Esquires and Gentlemen all which were clothed in crimson Veluet and ware chaines of gold and with as many Yeomen and Groomes whose apparell was made of rich Skarlet Now when he came vnto Arde hee was Royally entertayned by the French King and also by all the Nobilitie of his Court who gaue their attendance on the King But when the French Counsell had viewed his Commission and the vnlimited extent thereof The French King by their aduise and counsell graunted to him the like authoritie and commission A Princely meeting in all respects vnder the great Scale of France which hee dissemblingly refused vntill hee was licenced by King Henry to accept thereof After this great honour vnto him done both the said Kings and their Queenes met together diuers daies in the Valley of Andren where they feasted banqueted cheered and gladded each other and with great bountie communicating their rich gifts each one to the other and to the great men and Ladies of each others Nation they tooke an vnwilling and a friendly leaue and King Henry with his Queene and honorable traine returned to Calice and from thence into England where they were receiued with much ioy But in the meane time the Cardinall so earnestly gaped after honour and the reuerence of the people that hee did little or nothing touching the said peace Now must wee vnderstand that all places and all Countries were filled with the frequent reports of warre to be made betwixt the Emperour and the French King The Cardinals ●ar●e Commission with both which Princes King Henry was in league by meanes whereof King Henry sollicited amitie and peace Whereupon it was concluded that the Commissioners of those three great Princes should meet together at Calice where that matter should be debated and concluded if possibly it might be King Henry the more to honour and to exalt his Cardinall gaue vnto him and to the Earle of Worcester and to the Lords S. Iohn Ferrers and Harbert and to the Bishops of Durham and Elie and to Sir Thomas Bulleine Sir Iohn Peche Sir Iohn Hussey Sir Richard ●yngfield and Sir Henry Guilford Knights and vnto such others as hee made Commissioners for that purpose as large and as ample power and authoritie touching that businesse as by any meanes could be deuised or by any words be vttered and then being fully furnished and prouided this proud Cardinall with his Colleagues whom hee respected as his vnderlings passed to the Tower Wharfe thorow the Citie of London The Car●●na●● is ●●●ored and in his passage was met by the Lord Maior Aldermen and by the Companies in their seuerall Liueries who did vnto him all honour and reuerence and then proceeding forwards he with the rest of the Commissioners and their Attendants tooke their Barges landed at Grauesend and comming to the Citie of Canterburie the Arch-bishop The Cardinal is recei●ed with Pr●●●ssi●n The King 〈◊〉 he should bee honoured and the prime ones of the Clergie of England met the proud Cardinall without the Cities Gates with a solemne Procession and magnified him as a King Then being shipped at Dou●r he with his companie safely arriued at Calice where hee was too much elated and made too arrogantly proud by receiuing of too much reuerence and honour yet all was done by the Kings command Thither also resorted the other Ambassadors and betwixt them often conferences were had But the Commissioners of the Emperour were stiffe and the French were stout The Cardinall goeth to the Emperors Court The proud Cardinall not contenting himselfe with such honors as formerly had beene giuen to him would needs proclaime and publish his greatnesse in the Emperour Maximilians Court at Brudges where hee hoped to receiue the greater esteeme because hee had with him the Great Seale of the Kingdome of England He had the great Seale of England with him which neuer before that time any Chancellor dared to transport beyond the Seas out of this Realme For this purpose hee entreated some few daies absence of the Commissioners of the two other Princes that in the meane time he might visit the Emperour for hee pretended that their personall presence and conference might greatly further and expedite that businesse Wherefore being accompanied with foure hundred and threescore horse hee passed by Graueling His great state The Emperor meeteth him Dunkerke Newport and by Odenburgh and was euery where met and saluted by the Noblemen and Gentrie of those Countries And comming towards Brudges hee was met one mile out of the Towne by the Emperour himselfe and by the Prime and Flower of all his Court where the Emperour did him the more reuerence principally for two causes First because hee was informed of the large extent of his
commission granted by King Henry And secondly because the great seale of the Kingdome of England was in those Countries borne with great state before him which seemed to be the chiefest marke and badge by which King Henry would expresse the extraordinarie trust confidence which he reposed in him when as in truth and indeed hee foolishly and vnaduisedly caried the said Seale with him for his owne glorie without the Kings leaue so that in his absence no Sherifs could be made nor any Writs Commissions or Patents could bee sealed which wronged many particular men and was very preiudiciall to the present estate of the whole Kingdome His Oration Within a day or two after the Cardinals comming to Brudges the Emperour with his Counsell and Wolsey with his Associates seriously disputed and debated of the causes of the iarres and wars intended betwixt his Maiestie and the French King But when the Cardinall perceiued that the Emperour without restitution vnto him made of such of his Castles Forts Townes Cities and Territories as by the French King were detained from him would not incline to any peace hee then like a learned and like a wittie Oratour discoursed largely of the happinesse of peace and of the vnspeakable and insupportable miseries of bloudy war and forgat not to shew vnto the Emperour the kingly strength and puissance of his Soueraigne both in men and also in horses ships armour ordinance and all other materials for the warre And further adding that in regard of the league which was betwixt those two Kings his Lord and master should be vrged to take part with the French King if any violence by any other Prince should be offered to him The Emperour The Emperors answer acknowledging all to bee true whatsoeuer the Cardinall had spoken touching the benefits of peace the incommodities of warre answered that God who had giuen honors and possessions vnto Emperors Kings had includedly in the same gifts appropriated such an inheritable right in them vnto those to whom they were so giuen that he doubted not but with the pleasure of Almightie God they might not onely defend and keepe them with the sword from all Vsurpers and Intruders but might also by force and violence regaine them if iniuriously and besides right they were kept and detained And seeing that all Kings and Princes were bounden to support right and to suppresse al iniuries wrongs he said he doubted little of his vncle King Henries helpe and comfort if betwixt himselfe the French King there were no peace to be made without blowes The Emperors greeuances He also informed the English Commissioners that when his forces hee being at that time but Arch-duke of Austria had ouerthrowen the Armie of K. Charles the eighth at Gingate then the said King to procure his peace desired and espoused the Lady Margaret his daughter now wife to the Duke of Sauoy and vpon the same conclusion of the said mariage hee gaue with her to the said French King a good portion in money with diuers Townes and Castles in Piccardie which were still detained and kept from him notwithstanding that the said King Charles perfidiously refused afterwards to marie her and sent her home He told them likewise that he himselfe being lawfully betrothed vnto the Lady Iane the yong Duches of Britaigne hee trecherously gate her from him and tooke her to his owne wife He shewed them also that whereas the Duke of Gue●ders was his Subiect and ought to liue vnder his homage and obedience he by the procurement of the now French King stood out as a Rebell Refusing to be reformed without blowes Hee complained also that the French King trecherously surprized from the house of Castile the Realme of Naples but should restore it againe by friendship or by warre Thus when the Emperour had discoursed and had made an end of speaking the Cardinall replyed little leauing him to his owne will and taking a friendly and a kinde farewell hee returned to Calice where hee againe but more coldly then before debated with those Embassadours vpon the conclusions of a peace But when he perceaued that no such matter could be effected hee tooke his leaue and returned into England and was gratiously welcommed as a friend and liberally feasted as a stranger by the King In the fifteenth sixteenth and seuenteenth yeares of King Henries Raigne this prowd Cardinall vnder the colour of the Kings partaking with the Emperor in his warres against the French king of his owne authoritie and without the Kings commandement granted forth Commissions vnder the great Scale of England into euery Shire and Prouince of the Kingdome and directed them to the principall and chiefest men He granteth strange commissions for taxes and gaue vnto them priuate instructions how and in what sort they should proceed and demeane themselues in the execution of that businesse And by the same Commissions euery man was required to depose the certaine and true value of his Estate And then Of euery fiftie pounds and vpward there was demanded foure shillings the pound And for euery pound aboue twentie and vnder fiftie two shillings And for euery pound aboue twentie shillings vnder twentie pounds twelue pence The payment thereof to bee in money or in plate And in London hee made himselfe the chiefe Commissioner In which he behaued himselfe insolently as a Tyrant not so much to enrich the King as to stuffe vp his owne purse The like Commissions he granted forth against all the Clergie of this Land of whom he demanded foure shillings the pound of all their liuings The commons will not obey These vniust proceedings grieued the Clergie and common People at the heart and generally they refused to submit themselues in that busines Their reasons 1. First because those Commissions were not established nor were grounded vpon the Lawes of this Kingdome and common-weale 2. Secondly because the execution of them would be a dangerous president against the libertie and freedome of this kingdome in time to come 3. Thirdly because many mens credits exceeded their estates and to discouer their inabilities either vpon their oathes or otherwise it might and would tend to the subuersion and vtter ouerthrow both of them and of their Families 4. And lastly because the thing demanded and required to be paid was so much That not one man among ten generally had that value in money or in plate though hee were worth much more And therefore if the King by force of these Commissions should get into his hands all his Subiects plate and money they then should for necessities sake be constrayned to barter and to exchange and chop Lead for Clothes Tinne for Bread and Cloth for Cheese But these reasons preuailed not with the Cardinall but contrariwise he being by a generall Petition entreated to perswade the King to de●ist from that course and by the Lawes to deuise some other made this froward and sullen answer That he would
handfull so much disturbed the patient disposition of the Scottish King that with melancholy and inward griefe he dyed within few weekes after Marie queen of Scots Leauing behinde him as to succeed his only daughter and heire Queene Marie a child who was then but newly borne When the newes of this Kings death was voiced to the Scottish Prisoners it is not to be maruailed at if pensiue sorrow and anguish much appaled them for a while But at length making a vertue of necessitie and recomforting themselues with some hope which they conceaued of future happinesse they counsailed king Henrie to procure their said yong Queene to be by the State of Scotland A motion for mariage giuen in mariage vnto Prince Edward his son For the furtherance whereof they all protested swore and promised to imploy their best trauailes and their chiefest friends Scottish prisoners released The King so thankfully entertayned this their motion and profered seruice for the furtherance thereof that he not only enlarged them all without ransoms but also gaue vnto them rich and great gifts for which they were exceeding thankfull and departed ioyfully into their owne Countrie The French men breake the peace Now must we know that as the Scots without cause had made breach of the former peace so did the French King who suffered his subiects vpon the Seas to robbe and spoile the Marchants of this kingdome And thereupon King Henrie permitted his subiects to doe the like Diuers complaints for these iniuries and wrongs The Marchants are vexed were first made vnto the French King because his subiects had first transgressed but he neither afforded answere redresse or recompence therein And by reason of this debate and variance betwixt the two Kings the Marchants of either Nation were arrested and imprisoned and their goods and marchandizes were attached and seised on in each Kingdome Likewise the French and English Embassadors were for a time restrayned of their liberties but were quickly set at large againe yet still the poore Marchants on either part were compelled to pay the reckoning although they fared ill and were enforced to sustaine punishment for the faults of other men Such was the iniquitie of those times wherein Warre and Rapine did beare the chiefest sway Vnthankefull Frenchmen and such were the miseries which harmelesse men sustayned because Peace and Iustice were not suffered to moderate betwixt Right and Wrong For the French King did vtterly forget in what a desperate case his kingdome stood when King Henrie vpon the humble supplication of the Queene Regent and of his Nobles when he and his children were prisoners in Italie gaue vnto him peace Wherefore to correct his monsterous ingratitude and to be reuenged of daily wrongs The King to defie him sent his Heralds towards France But the French King would not in any sort permit them An Armie sent into France to come into his kingdome Whereupon King Henrie vnder the principall command of Sir Iohn Wallop Sir Thomas Seymour and Sir Richard Cromwel transported a strong Armie who presently vpon their landing besieged the Towne of Landersey Landersey besieged and by continuall battries and fierce assaults brought it into some necessities and danger but the French king knowing well the distressed estate in which the Towne then stood in his owne person with a huge Armie came to releeue it by meanes whereof the English Generals raised the siege The siege abandoned and made themselues strong and ready to encounter the French King in battaile of which hee made great brags This expectation of a bloudy skirmish caused the English Armie who would not then disorder nor incumber themselues with other imploiments to suffer the said Towne to be newly victualled and releeued But in the middest of the night before it was intended by the English Armie that this battaile should haue beene fought the French King being shrowded in the darke ran away and all his companies returned with speede vnto their owne Countries insomuch that for that time no more was done but by command the English Armie returned into England In this meane while A mariage concluded with Scotland the aforesaid motion concerning the mariage of the young Prince with the Infant Queene of Scotland was so well applauded and entertained by the Scots that in their Parliament it was first concluded and then confirmed by an Instrument in writing vnder the hands and seales of their Nobilitie and ratified by their oathes that the said intended match should bee effected and that their young Queene for that purpose should bee conueied into England But within few moneths after by the secret and cunning plots and practises of the French King the Nobilitie of Scotland neglected their Law their promise and their oath which occasioned King Henry with all speed to make new and vnwonted preparations and prouisions The Scots doe breake their oath not onely to inuade that Countrey but also to make warre vpon his enemie the King of France And to effect his purpose in that behalfe first he sent a puissant Armie which was transported in two hundred warlike ships into Scotland An Armie spoileth Scotland vnder the generall command by Sea of his high Admirall the Viscount Lisle and vnder the generall command by land of the noble and right valiant Earle of Hartford All these ships safely entred into the Fryth where they tooke many good Vessels which were exceeding seruiceable to their proceedings And then was the whole Armie set on land and being well ordered into three battailes and marching towards Leyth they first tooke view of six thousand Scottish horsemen with whom they encountred for a while But when the Scots perceiued that the Englishmen tooke more delight to fight with courage then to dallie as being fearefull of their liues they made a quicke retrait and suddenly fled away leauing their Artillerie and that Towne to their enemies who appropriated to themselues euery good thing which they found there and then consumed the towne with fire From thence they marched towards Edenborough the principall Citie of that Kingdome But on the way the Prouost and some of the chiefest Burgesses of that Towne made offer to the Earle of Hartford Generall of the Field to deliuer to him the keies conditionally that he would preserue it from fire and suffer the souldiers and the Inhabitants thereof with bagge and baggage to depart But the Generall made answere thus That hee was sent into that Countrey to take reuenge vpon that Nation because their Nobilitie with one consent by the peruerse and vnfriendly instigation of the French King had violated their owne Law their promise and their oath touching the mariage agreed on to be solemnized betweene Prince Edward and their young Queene And therefore if all the Souldiers and all the Inhabitants of that Citie would come disarmed into the open Field and yeeld their substance and their liues to bee ordered according to his pleasure and will he
by meanes whereof when the ship turned the Ordinance ran backe to the one side and bare the port holes vnder water so that the sea violently and abundantly flowed in and in a moment swallowed vp both ship Captaine Men Ordinance and all other things there to the great griefe and sorrow of the King himselfe and of all such as were present and beheld it The Lord Dambalt high Admirall of France being by certaine poore Fishermen whom he had taken informed that the King in his owne person being accompanied with an infinite number of valiant men of warre expected and longed to be made victorious and rich by their landing feared to hazard all his fortunes in so desperate and hot a seruice Wherefore be hoised Ancors and without Fame or Honor returned basely into France Now must wee know The Scots invade England that no sooner was King Henrie departed out of England to the siege of Bullein as wee haue heard but the Scottish Nation obseruing their old custome entred riffled spoiled and burnt many Houses Villages and small Townes in the marches of England without pitty Wherefore King Henrie after his returne resolued to correct their madnesse and their folly and to take reuenge for those iniuries and wrongs And for that purpose he sent the Noble Earle of Hartford into that Kingdome An Armie sent into Scotland with an Armie of twelue thousand men where hee hauoked Men Townes Castles and the Countrie in such a furious and fierce manner that the Scots were extremely damnified thereby and thousands of them were vtterly vndone About the same time the valiant Lord Lisle Lord high Admirall of England Treport entred into and landed within the Hauen of Treport and burnt the suburbs of that towne and many other houses Villages and Townes which bordered vpon the Sea coasts And at his returne from thence as a rich prey he caried with him many Ships Barges Boats and Vessels which he found there Now like as after many ruffe and boisterous stormes a sweet and a delectable calme doth follow so after these busie conflicts and martiall contentions The Duke of Northfolke and the Earle of Surrey committed whereof wee haue already taken a perfect view A peace was louingly concluded and ioyfully proclaymed betweene the two kingdomes of England and of France But this joy as in humane affaires it often hapneth was quickly checked with an other sorrow for the most victorious faithfull and euer to be honored Captaine the Duke of Northfolke and his sonne the most illustrious Earle of Surrey both which in this Kings raigne performed many memorable and braue seruices in Scotland England and in France were sodainely apprehended and sent vnto the Tower For none other thing but because they quartered and bare in their Escoucheon certaine Armes which were pretended properly and only to belong vnto the King and Prince which Armes notwithstanding they and their Auncesters timeout of minde had so borne without controlment reproofe or check For this offence the said Earle was indicted of high Treason arraigned thereon and tryed by a Iurie of Knights and Gentlemen The Earle of Surrey beheaded and not by his peeres because he was no Lord of the Parliament by whom he was found guiltie and then receiued his iudgement and lost his head to the great griefe and sorrow of many thousands who lamented the causelesse death of such a worthy man as had so well deserued of the King and of the common weale The King dieth But the Duke his father by reason of the Kings sicknesse and death which followed shortly after was preserued by God from that danger for better fortunes He is described The Presence of this King was amiable and Princely for hee was somewhat more then ordinarie tall strongly limmed proportionably composed faire in his complexion nimble and full of agilitie in his yonger yeares and alwaies as resolutely valiant as a man might bee Hee had a pregnant and a sharpe wit and was generally held to bee well learned because hee could and vsed to speake well He was exceeding humble and passing stout applying the former to gentle spirits and opposing the latter against prowd insolent and rough Mates He was bountifull and magnificently liberall if occasion so required Yet in regard that hee was a man He was not free from all faults For he was too too much familiar and conversant with wanton and light women And delighted too much in varietie and in change as most men did coniecture because he had sixe wiues From two of them he was seuered because his mariages were held to be void frustrate and of no force other two of them for the obiected crime of incontinencie lost their heads A fifth died in her child-bed and the sixt escaped fairely by his death Finally hee oftentimes much pleased himselfe to be ouer-familiar in the swaggering companie of loose Fellowes yet in most respects he was a famous a worthie and a most noble King Thus ended he his life and thus doe I conclude this Historie of these twentie Kings hoping that some other who shall be better able will with more sufficiencie write the rest FINIS THE SVCCESSIONS OF THE DVKES AND EARLES OF THIS KINGDOME OF ENGLAND FROM THE CONQVEST vntill the twelfth yeare of the famous Raigne of the mightie Monarch King IAMES THE FIRST THOV SHALT LABOR FOR PEACE PLENTIE LONDON Printed by W. Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone 1615. Princes of VVales since the Conquest Iohn Speede 97 1 EDward Caer-Nervon sonne to King Edward the First afterwards king Edward the Second 2 Edward of Windsour sonne to king Edward the Second afterwards king Edward the Third 3 Edward the Black Prince sonne to king Edward the Third 4 Richard of Bordeaux sonne to the Black Prince afterwards king Richard the Second 5 Henrie of Monmoth sonne to king Henrie the Fourth afterwards king Henrie the Fifth 6 Henrie of Windsour sonne to king Henrie the Fifth afterwards king Henrie the Sixth 7 Edward of Westminster sonne to king Henrie the Sixth 8 Edward of Westminster sonne to king Edward the Fourth afterwards king Edward the Fifth 9 Edward Plantagenet sonne to king Richard the Third 10 Arthur Tuther sonne to king Henrie the Seuenth 11 Henrie Tuther sonne to king Henrie the Seuenth afterwards king Henrie the Eighth 12 Edward the sonne of king Henrie the Eighth afterwards king Edward the Sixth 13 Henrie the sonne of king Iames. 14 Charles the sonne of king Iames. THE SVCCESSIONS OF THE DVKES AND EARLES OF THIS KINGDOME OF ENGLAND From the Conquest vntill the twelfth yeare of the famous Raigne of the mightie Monarch King IAMES the First Albemarle and Holdernes EVDO Sonne to the Earle of Champagne married one of the Conquerours sisters Conq. and was by him created Earle of Albemarle and of Holdernes Stephen their sonne succeeded and was Earle of Albemarle and of Holdernes William surnamed Le Grose being his sonne succeeded K. Steph. and was Earle of Albemarle