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A86457 An exposition, or, A short, but full, plaine, and perfect epitome of the most choice commentaries upon the Revelation of Saint John. Especially of the most learned and judicious authors, as Bullinger of Helvetia, Francis Iunius, Thomas Brightman, Aug. Marlorate, Aug. de Civitate dei, but especially (among many) the excellent and learned David Pareus. With severall remarkable notes, observations, and doctrines very profitable. / As it was for the most part delivered by way of commentary in the parish-church of Sutton-Valence, Kanc [sic]. By Hezekiah Holland Anglo-hibernus, Minister of the Gospell at Sutton-Valence. Holland, Hezekiah, fl. 1638-1661. 1650 (1650) Wing H2426; Thomason E606_1; ESTC R5543 143,079 206

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Law where the Sun of light is prophecyed never to set fully till the second comming of Christ ch 60.20 but not onely of this spiritual Kingdom nay vers 19. speaks as the place now in hand as if there should be no use of Sun nor Moon hereafter Vers 24. And the nations that were saved shall walk in the light of it Thus much for the building and glory now of the Citizens somewhat They shall enjoy the glorious presence of God who is the light of the city Iohn having spoken of the city could not conveniently but mention citizens who are indeed the very city or part of it the Patriarchs Prophets and Jewish nation or the elect of them are the rest But this must be taken according to the order of the vision and city first and then inhabitants And Kings of the earth do bring their glory thither Not the Kings of the earth who stand for the Beast of which often But Kings converted in the time of the Gospel of which see Esay 60. at large To which passage here is an allusion though it were in the time of the spiritual Kingdome of Christ partly fulfilled now these Kings brought their power and honour to Christs spiritual Kingdome when they were converted and upheld the same and they bring their honour to the city above when their abode is forever above being consummated in glory praising honouring lauding God and Christ for their salvation for ever and ever So these Kings are not such as bring now again their earthly honour to the Church militant for they are saved as well as the nations not to be saved implying their being in joy and safety Kings of the earth Some of the ten converted ones who when in heaven are not Kings but fellow-citizens Ver. 26. is much the same Vers 25. And the gates of it shall not be shut by day c Noting the security and peace and freedome from all dangers for we shut gates day and night in time of Warre or Siege but there shall be no danger now if in the day time the gates shall not be shut then never for there is no night being the glory of God shall expel darknesse by everlasting light This is an allusion to Esay 60. thy gates shall be open continually speaking of the Church militant under the Gospel to admit members to wit into the Church Gentiles and Kings and never shut as excluding none and here t is applyed to signifie the security and happinesse of the Church triumphant Vers 27. There shall in no wise enter in any thing that is defiled See vers 8. Expos on it Paul long since 1 Cor. 6.9 foretold as much Now Christ will judge according to the Gospel These places prove nothing against the Saints who have been overtaken in some sin and have washed themselves by faith in the blood of the Lamb but t is understood of them who make a trade of sinne CHAP. XXII The same Vision partly continued Vers 1. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life clear as Chrystall c. THese two last chapters concerning the Saints felicity answer to chap. 7 15. where the redeemed clothed in white robes praise God before the throne day and night that is for ever The pure river alludes to Ezek 47. or rather to Paradise watered by the river that came out of Eden Gen. 2.10 but that river drew corruption this is pure and water of life having no mixture of filth that came out of Eden this out of the Throne What more pleasant then a water behold not a fountain but a great river not rounding the wals of the city but running through the streets Let us entertain no earthly thought for God by this shews us glorious things in Ezek. 47. waters issuing out of the house of God or Temple is the doctrine of the Gospel flowing from Christ But in this place as also chap. 7. last the living fountains of water are to note the fulnesse of knowledge of God which the faithful shall have by the immediate Vision of God and the Lamb as also unspeakable purity and joy Now the comforts of the Gospel in this life and its doctrine is compared to water Iohn 7.37 Others say the river is the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Throne or God constantly refreshing the city of God Vers 2. And in the midst of the street of it and of either side Here follow the abundance of all things necessary for the Citizens Was there a tree of life Conferring and preserving life alluding to the tree in Paradise but that was not to be touched and this is common for all the Citizens There was but one the which that in Paradise typed See Rev. 2.7 where I expounded it to be Christ who is the bread of life Now the tree though but one with its boughs and roots reached both sides the river though the river was very broad noting how sufficient Christ is for all the Citizens Ezek. 47.7 to which here as an allusion speaks of many trees yet 't was but the same Christ conveyed many ways to the Saints therefore called many trees as the foundations were said to be twelve but here is but one Christ whom all enjoy alike Of the river c. The tree is in the midst of the street because barred from none by the River because always fruitful never decaying Bearing twelve manner of fruits I dare not say here is meant the Apostles doctrine who though they preached one Christ yet drew comforts from him several ways Nor will I mention the twelve articles of the faith all comforting But the tree notes Christ who monthly that is continually is bringing forth the fruits of joy and comfort to refresh the city of God the earnest whereof the Saints have in this world several ways So Christ in heaven alluding to the twelve moneths of an year brings forth twelve nay thousands of fruits of joy and comfort The leaves were for the healing the Nations Alluding to Ezek. 47. So that nothing of Christ but is most sweet and good not as if there were need of any Physick in heaven but to keep the Allegory of the tree ordinary trees loose their leaves Nothing of CHRIST but is profitable The Nations Chap. 21.26 who brought their glory to Christ as the Kings did by being converted and upholding his Kingdom and by being at last glorified by Christ and perfectly cured Vers 3. And there shall be no more curse c. What ever might hinder happinesse shall be removed as chap. 7.15 all tears shall be wiped away By curse we may understand not only that of the law which is nulled but the Anathema's of Antichrist also sin sorrow torment death which are destroyed Here may be intimated the curse of delivering over to Satan in this life because of sin in the Church but there above is purity and therefore no curse as Beza has it There shall be no curse because the throne of God shall
Pilate in part and deferres the rest untill the day of judgment Vers 16. And the number of the armie of horse men were two hundred thousand thousand Noeting the Turkish forces to consist of horsemen especially of which one Emperour of the Turks can bring forth more to a battle then all Christian Princes joyning together 400000. is common And I heard the number of them John having named the number of the Turkish horse noteing what an innumerable armie the Turks sometimes draw into the field least it might seem incredible affirmes he heard the number of them to put all men out of doubt I well remember that living in the University of Ireland a gentleman that newly came from Scandrown or Alexandreta told me he saw the Turkish army march by to recover Badget or Babylon and that the army was above a week marching by consisting of fifteen hundred thousand men with which he recovered Bagdet from the Persian By which however I may guesse thus much that the Turkish forces are incredible many Vers 17. And thus I saw the horses To wit in the Vision otherwise neither are horses in heaven nor such a number in one army in earth Xerxes came nearest They that sate on them had breast-plates c. This Nation of Turks carries not so much harnasses of steel for they come light into the field the readyer to assault fight or flye if occasion be as strength of nature for the breast-plates here mentioned note the inward courage of the Barbarians for their breast-plates were of fire jacinth and brimstone noteing their fiery cruell natures jacinth is in colour like fire and brimstone is easily kindled so are those Barbarians quickly incensed and provoked to warre where by fire they make great desolation And the heads of the horses were as the heads of lyons The Lyon is a generous strong cruell beast It notes the swiftnesse and valor of the Turkish horse in which they most confide and hope for victory The Locusts teeth were Lyons but these horses heads are such because the Locusts deal more secret the teeth being covered with the lips but these Barbarians are more open breathing nothing but war and destruction professedly And out of their mouthes proceeded fire and smoake and brimstone Out of the mouthes both of horse and rider noteing the feircenesse of their war-horses but chiefly this is to be applyed to the rider Brightman applyes this to the Turks guns out of which come fire smoake yet perchance the savage hydeous cryes of these Barbarians which they eye before they begin battle to terrify the adversary may bee understood by fire So their blasphemies against Christ may be meant by smoake which proceeded out of their mouthes as by brimstone may be meant the stinking sulphureous doctrine of that wretch Mahomet wherewith millions of souls are and have been destroyed Vers 18. By these were the third part of men killed Great has been the Turks successe many Kingdomes and Nations have they devoured and though the Christians have given them many defeats witnesse brave Scanderbeg Hunniades King of Hungaria and the Venetian 1571 yet finally by multitude they prevailed They have conquered the third part of our cities Provinces Kingdomes Churches and Armies The holy war of which see the sweet tongued Mr. Fuller destroyed many hundred thousands of the Turkish men yet they through sundry accidents slew many more hundred thousands of Christians and at last went away victorious Vers 19. For their power is in their mouth and in their tailes How they kill with their mouth is said vers 17. now they kill with their tailes the tailes are behind by which the retreats of the Turkes are noted either wounding and killing by deceit and fraud by lying in wait for poor Christians or by perfideousnesse though they oft keep their promises or by wounding with their arrowes upon a retreat fighting backward as the Parthians of old who were most feared when they turned their backs Either then by serpents tailes we may understand their deceit and fraud or their shooting headed arrowes and perchance poysoned upon their retreat The retreats of the Turks are cunning and dangerous compared to heads therefore and to serpents tailes Vers 20. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues The sins of the Eastern Churches as Idolatry that mother of mischeif caused this loosing of the four Angels bound formerly by Euphrates Now if God so punished these shall he spare Romes Idolatry but shee 'l say she worships not the Image but the party expressed by it Answ And truly when Israel worshipped the calfe Exod. 32. and said this is thy God O Israel which brought thee out of the land of Egypt vers 4. can I think they were such calves as to think this Idol-calf brought them out of that land doubtlesse they were not such sots they saw the powerfull hand of that God on Egypt on the Sea and they see this is the work of their own hands but they thought to expresse that God by this calf or oxe yet how displeased is God with them nay the learned Jews have a saying that no punishment ever happened to them in which there was not an ounce of the golden Calfe grounding on Exod 32. ver 34. Neverthelesse I will remember to visit this sin upon them Yet repented not of the works of their hands The end of Gods judgments is not for destruction but instruction and amendment of life Vers 21. Neither repented they of their murther c. Here I observe that the Eastern Churches were addicted to strange sins as sorceries impurity of life living many unmarried I mean of the Clergy Sacriledge for the Clergy under specious pretences did devoure widowes houses yet repented not O Rome look to thy own self for thy neighbours house is fired and thou lyest impenitent though guilty of the same sins truly you may expect the foure Angels to kill the third part of you since you thus provoke God to withdraw CHAP. X. Act. 2. Vision 3. Vers 1. And I saw another mighty Angel come down from heaven HEre in this Act are comforts for the godly under so long continued afflictions as the fifth Seal contained the comforts of the Martyrs under the Altar in respect of the evils of the foregoing seales so this chapter belonging to the sixth Trumpet doth containe consolations against the evils of the foregoing Trumpets which I have already mentioned in the preceding chapters This mighty Angel is Christ whom John saw in a Vision descending from heaven not by a local motion but by the presence of his Spirit and special help to relieve the afflicted condition of his Church Thus Christ has promised to be with his Church to the end Clothed with a cloud This notes the majesty of Christ for God in old time oft appeared to the people in a cloud So then Christ clothed with the cloud of our flesh is not here meant because his birth is not here treated
ago said the preaching of the Gospel should cause to take away earthly dominion and temporal possessions from the Clergy to wit of Rome God be thanked no Kingdome in Christendome except Spaine and Italy but have more or lesse diverted the Euphrates of Rome and made way for the Kings of the East Ministers and good Christians to take her Vers 13. I saw come out of the mouth of the Dragon Since the riches and Euphrates of Rome is drying up she sends Ambassadours to the Kings of the earth to help her These come out of the mouth of the Dragon Beast and false-Prophet In the Vision which is but one as is noted chap. 13. the Dragon furnisheth them with lies the monster or sea-beast representing Antichrist as a secular Monarch with tyranny the false Prophet or land-beast who was like a Lambe in part with all deceit of unrighteousnesse Three impure spirits Meaning the spiritual fathers of Rome's Church Three denotes Perfection or a sufficient company as two witnesses do chap 11. Impure spirits So are these locusts in their original and life Like Frogs came out of the mouth of that Dragon c. In impudent loquacity and filthinesse what more irksom then croaking of Frogs So the clamours of these messengers to the Kings of the earth prating any thing to gain their aid for Antichrist what more impure then frogs both in their original and living the same is true of the Romish Parats and Fryars who may well be said to come out of Antichrists mouth being orders of his confirming having no ground in the Word Now these are Antichrists usual Legates or Emissaries Vers 14. For they are the spirits of divels From the Dragon who gave Antichrists place chap. 13. Their craft and subtilty is from hell though then they make a faire show of religion yet they are of the disposition of the devil their father Working miracles No Church so brags of miracles as that of Rome but t is known Antichrists coming is with signes and wonders and with all deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse Who go forth as Ambassadours To the Kings of the earth To wit heathen and idolatrous It seems towards the end Antichrist to keep up his false tottering power will make league with Indians or any infidels Thus the prating frogs Jesuites lie most uncleanly in ditches and mire of riches vanity and temporal honour and are sent as the Popes Nuncio's or Emissaries to gaine the helpe of the Kings of the earth against the day of the Lord. Vers 15. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments c. To wit in this dangerous deceitful time and keeps his garments See chap. 3. ver 18. that they be not defiled with the world and flesh for Christ comes unawares as a thief in the night This then is a cautionary parenthesis because the day of the Lord is at hand against which we should watch and be prepared Ver. 16. And gathered them together To wit the unclean spirits shall gather them that is the Kings of the earth by their false miracles lies and prating To battel to fight against Antichrists opposers truly a great miracle that men should fight for the beast of Rome when his other vassals shall hate him as chap. 17. ver 16.17 no wonder if they come to Armageddon or a place of destruction and ruine Since they fight against Jehovah for the beast Called in the Hebrew tongue Harmageddon This Word and such like prove this book was delivered to John in Syriack or Hebrew Megiddo was the place where that most hopeful Prince Iosiah was slain 2 Chron. 35.22 by Necho King of Egypt whereupon for t was an infinite losse the sad Prophet Ieremy composed the book of Lamentations ver 25. Harmageddon in Hebrew signifies a mountain So Har-megiddo is but the hill of Megiddo True Megiddo was the city but the hill field where the battel was fought was after cal'd by that name So the kings of the earth shall be brought to another place of confusion or another Megiddon The alteration of letters are nothing if the tongues be considered in which they are writ Two things are here to be noted 1. The opportunity or fitnesse of the place Such was the field of Megiddo 2. The great lamentation which here the adversaries shal make because of the slaughter therefore one day when Antichrist is almost ruined by the Word and several Kings revolting from him and opposing him he shall be in league with Turk and nations whom he shall entice to help him and to prop up his ruined state but these shall be opposed by other Kings of the East or Christians to their great ruine for the great day shall there overtake the wicked Vers 17. And the seventh Vial was poured out into the aire The six Trumpets signified Preachers I mean the six Angels of the Trumpets as the temporal events proved but the seventh could not be chap. 10. ver 7. then the mystery of God was to be finished So now the six Angels of the Vials may but the seventh proclaims the day of the Lord the end of all things And there came a great voice out of the Temple saying it is done Upon the sounding of the Trumpet the aire is corrupted infected with Pestilence and smitten with Gods wrath so that needs the destruction of all creatures and the end of all things must follow To which purpose a voice from heaven and the throne confirms the truth of it saying It is done This is the great voice of the Trumpet 1 Thes 4.16 the Lord shall descend with a shout Thus the world 's ended and the grapes of the earth to be pressed in the lake of hell and the kings of the earth destroyed at Megiddo Vers 18. And there were voyces lightnings thunders and there was a great earthquake c. These things shew the horrible effects of the last Vial when Christ shall come to take vengeance at the last day then may be voyces of the damned lightnings burning the earth to peeces and the works thereof thunders from heaven for all elements shall conspire against the wicked and such an earthquake as never was for the earth shall be rent to peeces and dissolved Vers 19. And the great City was divided into three parts To wit the Church of Rome wherein or in whose streets the witnesses lay chap. 11. ver 8. In three parts Three notes perfection so it was quite demolished and rent by the earthquake yet I beleeve the literal City shall be destroyed before this day chap. 17.16 But her Dominions and jurisdiction may in some measure last to this earthquake or the end And the Cities and Nations fell To wit of Turk Saracen American and all earthly Kingdoms now at the great Day Yet perchance these may come helping the Whore by the mediation of the three unclean spirits to some nay many private overthrows or Armegeddons before the last day for many Kings shall hate her and burn her before as
Meaning seven Churches vers 20. called Candlesticks because as they hold light in them to wit Candles so the Churches had or ought to have the light of the Gospel in them golden notes the choycenesse of the light of the Gospel in respect of any other light Vers 13. In the midst c. Christ is in his Church among his Ordinances among his members even where two or three are met together in his name Like the Son of Man 'T was Christ as appears by vers 8. who is like us in the truth of our nature Clothed with a garment down to his foot 'T was the custome of the Easterne countryes to go so it notes Christs righteousnesse which was enough for himself and all his members Men are one the other part corrupt from the head to the sole of the feet Esay 1. vers 6. A golden girdle Alluding to the custome of the Easterne countryes who because they wore long garments used to girt them up that they might not hinder them it notes Christs care and diligence A golden girdle Notes Christs Majesty and divine nature it alludes to Esay 11. vers 5. and righteousnesse shall be his girdle About the paps not the ordinary way shewes Christs love to the Church because the heart which is the seat of love is between the breasts Vers 14. His head and his haire white as wool and as snow It notes five things 1. White haire notes wisedom it usually doth accompany them 2. It shews Christ is the ancient of dayes in Dan. 7. nay from eternity as the Father 3. It shewes Christ ought to be reverenced gray haries are venerable 4. As wool notes Christs innocency such is the creature from whence wool 5. As snow notes Christs pure nature See Isa 1.18 His eyes a flame of fire Because in his wrath he will consume the wicked as the fire doth the chaffe it notes likewise the searching peircing knowledge of Christ Vers 15. His feet like unto fine brasse It notes the divine power of Christ his strength constancy or his humanity tryed as in the furnace of sufferings His voyce as of many waters It notes the efficacy and terrour of his voyce For waters run violently none can hinder their course Also they make a terrible noyse the wicked tremble at the voyce Vers 16. He had in his right hand seven starres Being the Angels or Ministers of the seven Churches vers 20. This commends the dignity of Teachers who ought to shine in life and doctrine they are in Christs hand 1. Because he giveth them to his Church 2. Because he preserveth them ruleth them with his Word and Spirit 3. Because as he worketh by starres on this lower world he worketh salvation for his Church through them Out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword It shewes either the power of his Word which is of a peircing nature Heb. 4.12 or as in chap. 19. vers 15. it notes his readinesse and power to take vengeance His countenance was as the Sunne it notes either Christs divine nature or his humane nature glorified Vers 17. And when I saw him I fell down as dead It notes the weaknesse of man before the Majesty of God how then shall the wicked stand before him He laid his right hand upon me See Christs readinesse to help also learne by whom all the faithfull are upheld Feare not For fear might unfit John to understand the Vision what need the Saints fear since Christ who is with them bids not fear I am the first and the last This teacheth John that he saw no fancy but 't was Christ who spake Vers 18. I am be that liveth and was dead The Jewes and Hereticks scoffe at us for trusting in a crucified God in the mean time wo to them that CHRIST dyed not for I have the keyes of hell and the grave by keyes power is understood so that CHRIST is Lord of hell and grave I am alive for evermore It notes Christs eternity and God-head Let the Jewes scoffe we are herein comforted Vers 19. Write the things which That is all the Revelation T is requisite for us to read what Christ so carefully commands to be written Vers 20. The mystery of the seven starres The seven starres signifie the seven Angels of the seven Churches but they were not properly seven Angels so the Rock is said to be Christ That is signified Christ so the seven lean kine Gen. 41. v. 27. are said to be seven years that is signifie seven years So Christ sayes the bread is his body that is signifies his body Now the Ministers are called Angels because they act by commission because they are imployed about the Kingdom of Heaven because they should be somewhat unspotted as they are because they aime at mans good Concerning the candlesticks See vers 12. CHAP. II. Vers 1. Vnto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write JOHN writ to this Church first either because it lay next to Patmos or because of its eminency and greatnesse To the Angel That is the Pastor it notes both the dignity and authority of the calling for Angels are in commission extraordinary Some would perswade that Timothy was this Angel if so it shewes that in many things we all erre Write No doubt Christ told John word for word what he should write and it shewes the authority of the book These things saith he This answereth the title of the Prophets who to stirre up attention in the people use the expression of thus saith the Lord. Who holds c. None can destroy the Ministry or 7. Starres unlesse their sins cause God to destroy them Who walketh in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks John saw our Saviour in another posture before This notes Christs activenesse that he is present by his providence in his Church Vers 2. I know thy Works Christ knowes our good works and acknowledges them and rewards them he knowes our bad actions to punish them without repentance it shewes Christs deity being omniscient Thy labour and patience That is thy unwearyed paines in Preaching the Word t is an office of much paines patience in induring all affliction hee was exercised in by Jewes or Heathens for the Word of the Crosse as our Apostle therefore calls it herein may a Minister be comforted because Christ takes notice of his works And canst not bear them that be evill It shews the Pastors zeal in observing Church discipline 1 Cor. 1.18 and executing censures against scandalous persons And hast tryed them which say they are Apostles c. Meaning Ebion and Cerinthus with others who boasted themselves to be Apostles but were indeed enemies oppugning the deity of Christ Now t is the Pastours duty as to defend the purity of doctrine so to oppose such devouring wolves Vers 3. And hast borne c. Christ points at some particular kind of affliction as stripes or imprisonment which he had sustained And for my names sake hast laboured c.
untimely figs fall to the earth or earthly and worldly affaires by Antichrist or the Popes mighty wind or threatnings as excommunication or the like Vers 14. The heaven departed as a scrowle when it is rolled together The light to wit departed alluding to the old custome of rolling up their books not binding as now so being shut they could not be read but enough to be expound this place either the true Church of Christ shall be hid in the time of Antichrist or the light of the Scripture shall be darkned and it forbidden to be read or in summe shall be shut up And every Mountain and Island were moved out of their places That is Kings for as mountains are higher then the rest of the earth so Kings are above other People Kings are interpreted mountains Rev. 17.9 10. The Empire of Rome is the mountain chap 8. ver 8 the Persian Kingdome is a mountain before Zerubbabel Zach. 4.7 the mountains or Empires were moved by Antichrist Ecclesiastically when Kings and Emperours were made to kisse his feet Civilly when deposed by him and some trampled under foot witnesse Alexander the third trampling on Frederick the first many of the like nature I omit and of his boasting himselfe above Councels Islands were moved As waters note People chap. 17 15. so Islands are nations and subjects of Princes now necessitated upon pain of salvation to be subject to the Romish Bishop Act. 4. Vision second Vers 15. And the Kings of the earth and the great men and the rirh men and the mighty men c. This Act consists of joy here being treated of the final punishment of the wicked in the general at the last day here the servants of Antichrist of all sorts who have been instruments of his advancement and tyranny over the Saints or who have drawn their swords for him against them by reason of Antichrist are brought to miserable destruction and desire to hide at the last day from the sight of the Lamb who formerly made the poore servants of God thus hide in dens and caves Now what shall become of the series of Antichrists if their instruments be thus punished if the serpent be cursed woe to the divel himself The wrath of the Lambe Christ is never said to have wrath until now Here is the judgement of the last day treated of when Christ the Lamb shall poure forth his wrath upon the wicked Go yee cursed Now this proves Christs divine nature for Antichrist sure and his adherents shall be afraid of none else but God Vers 17. For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand To wit the day of judgement here is the reason of the wickeds horrour because of the day of judgement because of their evil conscience against God Christ and the spouse of the Lamb to wit the Church Thus the wicked shall not stand in judgement CHAP. VII Act. 4. Vision second Vers 1. I saw foure Angels standing on the foure corners of the earth holding c. THese Angels were the wicked instruments of Satan and Antichrist who by fire and sword did endeavour to hinder the preaching of the Gospel whether Kings Emperours Cardinals Bishops Jesuites Fryars or the like Now as good teachers are the Angels as ch 1.20 so bad instruments as those Ministers of Antichrist are understood by those Angels here Foure Alluding to the foure corners of the earth Now by foure corners of the earth all the earth is understood so by foure Angels many instruments of Antichrist are to be understood in many parts of the earth by wind the Gospel is understood by which the spirit is conveyed to the hearts of men the wind bloweth whether it listeth to blow the wind is to sound forth the Gospel to hinder the blowing of the wind is to hinder the preaching of the Gospel the wind cherishes keeps the aire from corrupting by its means the trees bud together with the Sunne t is piercing and vehement the Gospel comforts sanctifies by conveying the spirit is the incorruptible seed by which we are regenerated Now certainly those Angels were wicked ones for Christ in the following words says to them Hurt not those that blowed were such teachers as preached Christ sincerely even for many hundred years ago as John Scotus my * In my native Countrey Ireland there is a noted place called Down where Scotus taught School called from thence Scotus dunensis or Duns by Contraction yet other places challeng right to Scotus his birth Country-man as is beleeved Bereagarius Bernard Hierome of Prague who strongly have blown by their Sermons and Writings against the idol of the Masse and transubstantiation and here I might bring in Luther and Melancthon with others who began to blow the Gospel of Christ By Earth Sea Trees I understand particular Churches either in midland wooddy hilly countreys or near sea-coasts as Islands not the faithful particularly because Christ forbids these Churches to be hurt till the faithful in them were sealed Now the Bishops Cardinals and the like who have their Colledges and Fraternities fixed or standings upon the earth forbid these teachers by their edicts excommunications persecutions forbidding the reading of Scripture here note two things 1. Christ hath Preachers of truth in the midst of Antichrists Kingdome 2. The way Antichrist had to set up his kingdome was by hindring the preaching of the Gospel Vers 2. And I saw another Angel ascending from the East This is Christ who came from the East from an high from heaven though born at Hierusalem He hath the broad seale of heaven with him by seale I understand that of Election as 2 Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God stands sure having this Seale he knows who are his Now in Christ we are all sealed or chosen before the foundation of the world allusion is had to Ezech. 9. Christ sealing here is justifying regenerating giving his the Seale that is the assurance of Election Now though all the members of these Churches were not Elected yet were they seperated from the hurt of Antichrist Aloud voice This notes the power of Christ above Anti-christ Till This notes Christs care of his people forbidding the hurting of the Churches till his Saints were called home lest they might be promiscuously wrapt in the danger of seducement but afterwards they might hurt them Vers 3. Till we have sealed the servants of God c. Meaning his Ministers with him not the Angels before mentioned which hinder the blowing of the wind In their foreheads alluding unto Ezech. 9.4 but the Seale here is internal imprinted in the elect by Gods eternal purpose together by sealing them in vocation justification sanctification invocation on the name of God hating Antichrist and Idolatry so that one may run and read whose servants they are as plaine as if it were written in their foreheads hence observe twelve things flowing from these three verses 1. Antichrist hates the truth of the Gospel for
witnesse the inquisition of Spaine which though made and pretended for the Moores yet destroyes Christs servants Also by their lyons teeth is understood their snatching all things devouring widows houses laying waste Orphans fields By their lyons teeth the Romish Clergy in their writings and disputations tear the Truth Vers 9. And they had breast-plates c. Iron breast-plates keep off blowes so these spirituall Locusts are not easily hurt For first their Priestly priviledges exempt them from any civill power so that the Magistrate dare not touch without endangering the Popes curse Secondly they have Kings Princes and great men to patronize and protect them Thirdly they are by severall orders societies fraternities vowes so linked together that as they may hurt any so none may hurt them The sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots As Locusts with beating their little wings together can make a great noise So the Romish Clergy by their many priviledges by which as by wings they are lifted up above the condition of all other men make a dreadfull sound The Chariot notes majesty and terrour if in a battle whether they oft carry Princes and Generals so these by their priviledges are terrible their sermons spare none of what rank or quality soever keep all under with fear of excommunication Vers 10. And they had tailes like unto Scorpions Of the Scorpions striking see vers 5. Note the Locusts had faces like men seem as friends and promise salvation but in fine wound as Scorpions through false doctrines purgatory and the like thus they have a taile or sting causing sorrow at last Vers 11. They had a King over them which is the Angel of the bottomlesse pit The literal locusts have no King Prov. 30. But these are more wise and politick having a King to protect them His name from the effect may be well called Abaddon or Apollyon that is a destroyer in Hebr. and Greek for he destroyes the Church Or the Angel of the bottomlesse pit to wit the Pope for he opened and preached the doctrine of hell of which see vers 1. Now as we have noted on chap. 1. v. 20. Angels are Ministers so the Pope here is an Angel and so is the devil but a bad one Vers 12. One Woe is past To wit to John in the Vision otherwise this woe of the Locusts torturing in many places is not yet past Note how the Locusts kingdom is a kingdom of woe and misery to men And behold two more come hereafter One upon the easterne Churches by Mahomet the other upon Antichrist and the wicked at the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet Hereafter to be set down by John for he had seen them though not then writ them indeed they came together I mean the eastern and western Antichrist as I may say by Mahomet and the locusts with their King though John saw one after another in the Vision implyed in the word hereafter Vers 13. And the sixth Angel sounded and I heard a voice from the foure hornes of the golden Altar This golden Altar is Christ the author of the Revelation there is no other Altar in heaven who is both the high Priest of and sacrifice for his Church See chap. 8. This voyce is from Christ commanding the four Angels to be loosed as actors of the future tragedy In the sounding by the Angel I know no mystery John by this means is stirred up and we are to take notice of the future events Which is before God As the Altar in the Vision seemed to be before God So Christ is in the presence of God to appear for us as our intercessour Concerning the four hornes see Exod. 30.10 they were Types of Christs expiation of our sinnes Vers 14. Saying to the sixth Angel which had the trumpet John perchance heard Christs voice as from the Altar commanding the Angel after he had sounded to loose the four Babylonian Angels By which Christs divine authority commanding the Angels of heaven appears Loose the foure Angels which are bound c. It seemes by divine providence hitherto they were bound but now at Christs command let loose to punish the Christian world for idolatry and wickednesse Now who more punished the Christian world then those four Nations Armenians Arabians Saracens Tartarians from which last came the Turk though now all four are comprehended under the name of Turkie Euphrates formerly did bound the Roman Empire separating the Christian world from the barbarous people who inhabited beyond it where they were bound but now loosed So these Angels are four Nations who at an appointed time brake forth with their hostile armyes upon the Christian world in the raigne of Heraclius the Emperour the occasion this the said Emperour having ended his warres with the Persians dismissed without pay his Saracene souldiers which he had then in the army which they not well liking by the counsell of the false Prophet Mahomet after they had drawen the rest of the Arabians into a society and war with them they with their captain Homar in short time brought under the neighbouring Provinces of the Romane Empire establishing the blasphemies of Mahomet and rooting out Christian Religion which was much corrupted to these Arabians the Turks a people of Sythia now Tartaria joyned professing Mahomatilme over whom to be brief Ottoman a Turk became Emperour who and his successors since the yeere 1300. have subjugated great part of the world so that Keckerman thinks Mahometisme is more and larger professed then Christianity But enough he that desires more satisfaction in the Turkish original and conquests may read Knowles his Turkish history Foure Angels They are called Angels in respect of their ministry God stirring them up as his instruments Officers and Angels as it were to punish the idolatrous world So then these Babylonish Angels for Euphrates which was the bounds to these Nations run through Babylon came not but by permission and divine Providence Vers 5. The foure Angels were loosed God spake and it is done They were prepared for an houre and a day and a month and a year God has set a time to the tyranny of the four Angels 't is his mercy to mitigate his judgments Here is a short time set them but to say how short or how long I beleeve none knows though Brightman has taken pains herein But we hope their strength decayes dayly of which see Dr. Heylins microcosmus in Armenia For to slay the third part of men Here their cruelty is noted they are of a murdering disposition True they obey God in the executing his judgments and are his servants as Nebuchadnezzar was though they intend not to nor know they do serve him They aime at nothing but rapine murders and the advancement of Mahometisme so though they came by commission from God and act as Pilate by Gods leave and counsell yet hee l pay neither no other wages for their service then hell and destruction wherewith he has long since rewarded
will be bitter in the working it brings sorrow not to be repented of to the Saints though it torment the consciences of wicked men accidentally the Physick works most upon the fowlest stomach where the fault is not in the Physick but in the body so the word will have its proper effect The locusts are the wicked tormentors ch 9. ver 5. Vers 1. But after three days and an half c. That is after a litlle while the spirit entred into them to wit in the Vision to Iohn The truth is the same spirit being immortal shall enter one day into the bodies again when to be glorified but here 't is meant that God would raise up such men with the like spirit as the spirit of Elias is said to be in the Baptist to witnesse his truth against Antichrist Thus God raised up Luther and Melancthon to succeed the former witnesses in whom they are said to live c. But litterally Antichrist never got the bodies to burn yet the locusts have exposed them to what shame they can in writing this may comfort the godly and encourage them not to fear them that can kill the body hence 't is plain God is not left without a witnesse so that the terme of the witnesses prophecying is not come to an end Lastly you see the Locusts and Abaddon their King can kill the witnesses yet not hurt them nor their testimony God will raise them up in their successors here and glorifie them hereafter Vers 12. And they heard a great voice from heaven c. The witnesses did not the enemies Great Because of the power thereof for it shall bring the witnesses to glory Saying unto them come up hither To wit to Christ who is not bodily everywhere but in glory Now Iohn saw the witnesses ascend perchance bodily in the Vision teaching how after the death of the Saints their souls immediatly are in glory This confirms the doctrine of the witnesses though by the enemy condemned as heresie And their enemies beheld them So in the Vision Truly thus have the enemies beheld the witnesses whom they slew raised up to life in Luther Calvin and standing upon their feet as it were and consequently beleeve they ascended into glory after death though they rage against their successours Thus at this restauration of the witnesses to life in their successours the Antichristian adversaries are amazed seeing their doctrine so glorious And fear fell upon the beholders They beheld them dead with delight but at their ascending to honour they are amazed and afraid These as the enemies in the Gospel raged at Christ to wit and the disciples yet feared them against whom they raged they fear because they feel though perhaps too late that they warred against Christ and Truth Therefore also they shall fear their kingdom riches and they shall dread the judgment of GOD but not escape it Vers 13. And there was a great earthquake the same houre Antichrist raised an earthquake against Christ Chap. 6. Now Christ against Antichrist By this earthquake I understand not only the great stir among themselves about Religion which much shakes great Britaine at this houre but Luthers preaching and before that the Bohemians war but to say no more experience shews how both multitudes of witnesses the revolt by the witnesses means of many Kingdomes from papacy the many wars made aganst Spaine Romes most beloved son have made a most terrible earthquake in that great city I mean the Church of Rome The same houre That is presently after the killing of the witnesses I know not one whole Kingdom God be praised for it except Spaine and Italy and herein the Venetian begins to hare the Locusts that totally adheres to his unholinesse the Pope Thus the tenth part of the city fell In the Vision Nay by Luthers Ministery great part of the Romish Religion and tyranny or jurisdiction fell in Germany which was a great part of the Romish city and in England and other places upon it Seven thousand names were slaine c. By the fall of the city names are put for men Now as Brightman has it the revenues and profits of many parish Churches as I may adde Monasteries and Colledges being lost by the rising of the Gospel impoverished and as it were shew many Priests also by the preaching of the Gospel many Papists being more hardened perished And the remnant were affrighted c. The falling of the great city builds Christs little one this proved a good fear many seeing the works of God turned to the Gospel of which experience and histories speak Vers 14. The second Woe is past and behold c. To Iohn in the Vision The first woe t was under Antichrist from his rising to the councell of Constance when the city began to fall The second is yet under both Antichrist Pope and Turke The third lasts to the seveth trumpet to the end for the wicked Vers 15. And the seventh Angel sounded This is the Archangell mentioned 1 Thes 4.16 so the seventh trumpet is that which shall sound when the dead shall rise And their were voyces in heaven saying To wit of the 24. elders or heavenly inhabitants rejoycing for the just judgment to come so the Woe threatned belongs to Antichrist and the damned which Woe Christ uttered in those words Go you cursed and is now to be fulfilled The former woes did belong to the godly and wicked alike under both Antichrists Turk and Pope this only to the wicked Now the cause of the heavenly rejoycing was in part because the kingdomes of the world which the adversaries had violently taken into their possession and as much as in them lay thrust out Christ now returne to Christ who having destroyed his enemies shall raigne alone after which time Christ shall deliver up his Kingdom for now he rules by his word Spirit Sacraments Ministery as Mediatour but then as God and one with the Father for ever of which see 1 Cor. 15. hereafter Antichrist and the wicked shall not rivall with him but our Lord and Christ that is our Lord Christ Jesus alone with the Father and Spirit Vers 16. Then those foure and twenty Elders which sate before God c. Of which before largly chap. 4.4 Here all the heavenly host shut up the third Vision with a song of triumph humbly falling down on their faces in the Vision otherwise they are not bodily in heaven giving thanks to him that is and was and is to come the Almighty of which before chap. 1.8 the cause is Vers 17. Because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast raigned Taken that is doest exercise thy great power destroying all thine enemies and delivering thy afflicted Spouse blessing her with thy selfe eternally in heaven Vers 18. And the nations were angry c. The heavenly host give this a reason why they rejoyce in the great judgment because the Nations have sufficiently been angry and raged against thy Church and to
then in the general shall be ever safe Mat. 16. the gates of hell shall not prevail against her yet particular Churches as Corinth Rome may erre and fall away as experience shews Having the Moon under her feet By it is shewed the variable condition of the Church here below sometimes shining in full light sometimes scarcely to be seene but rather here is noted the Churches despising and trampling underfoot all sublunary vaine and perishing things possessing Christ by faith And a crowne of twelve starres on her head She professeth the faith of the twelve Apostles who are compared to bright starres which is a crowne as it were to her head thus the Church is a crowned Queen and the faith an adorning Vers 2. And she being with child cryed c. Alluding to women who beare not without paine nor bring forth without sorrow the Virgin Mary not excepted See my Glimps of Christs love page 16. The Papists cannot tell how to beleeve that this place any way concerns the Virgin Wel the Church cannot bring forth her fruit of Christ without crying labour sorrow the propagation of the Church ever was with great troubles cares cryes thus Saint Paul travelled in birth with the Galatians chap. 4.19 tyrants make the Churches paine the greater Vers 3. And there appeared another signe a great Dragon having seven heads c. Because he is an old Serpent who has devoured other Serpents and so becomes a Dragon Red Notes his cruel bloodthirsty nature persecuting the Church This Dragon is the Devil ver 9. the crowned heads of the Dragon are Kings Emperours Tyrants as Herod Nero Domitian for seven is taken for many By hornes strength is meant by them Governours Captaines are meant as Pilate Festus Now ten notes a great many the Dragon differs from the Beast chap. 13. the description of each makes it appeare yet this Dragon begot that Beast and are somewhat alike Vers 4. And his taile drew the third part of the starres c. Now followes the action of the Dragon he by his taile that is by cunning flattery and insinuation for Dogs fawne with their tailes drew or enticed many teachers of the Church compared to starres to leave their heavenly function and to fall to humane traditions and earthly cares yet I rather by the Dragons tail understand under several tyrants many long persecutions for the Dragons taile is his strength wherby many at least seeming starres fell to the worship of Satan Nay some faithful teachers too for a little season here are things noted first yet not many yeers after performed Esay says the Prophet that tels lyes is the tayle chap. 9.15 Now perchance by Dragons taile false-teachers and hereticks as Arrius may be noted who drew many from the faith Now by this Dragons meanes that starre chap. 8.10 chap. 9.1 fell to the earth I mean the Romane starre and Arrius And the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered c. Like a hungry Wolfe before the fold to devoure the Sheep Peter cals him a roaring Lyon intimating his hungring after a prey 1 Pet. 5.8 First when Christ was literally born he fought to devoure him by Herod when the children suffered for him before he for the children and ever since he strives to devour Christ the manchild in his members by Tyrants Hereticks Antichrist This Act answers to the first foure Seals concerning horses chap. 6. and to the Trumpet concerning the fire mingled with blood the burning mountain the starre falling containing the time from the birth of Christ to the rising of Antichrist Now follows comfort in act the second being answerable to the fifth Seal of the soules being under the Altar chap. 6 9. and to the Angel standing on sea and land chap. 10.2 Vers 5. And she brought forth a manchilde who was to rule all nations c. The Sexe notes strength thus Christ is the mighty God Who doth feed that is rule all nations with an iron rod. as Psal 2. that is with a powerful Scepter the nations with an iron rod but his People with his word or as Psal 53. in green pasture as a shepheard not a tyrant Is the devil a dragon So then remember Christ is that strong manchild who by his power and iron rod defends himself in his members whiles here below Note by the womans bearing a son many sonnes nay multitudes of sons are signified who first beleeved And he was caught up unto God c. Christ litterally and the Saints spiritually are caught up into heaven that is defended and protected and after death as the witnesses are caught up or ascend to heaven out of the danger of the Dragon his heads or horns Vers 6. And the woman fled into the wildernesse c. Here that is said to be done first which was not done till afterward to wit when the Dragon was cast to the earth and the woman had wings ver 13. To which place I referre the Reader for the interpretation of this verse Vers 7. And there was warre in heaven c. After the manchilde was caught up to heaven and before the scattering of the Church John in the vision saw the warre in heaven and it signifies how Christ ascending overcame Satan destroying his Kingdome bringing to the Saints eternal safety Brightman applies this to Constantines suppressing the enemies of Christianity which in part may hold But doubtlesse this war began before Christ is Michael in this place for the Angels can't be said to be any other Michaels though perchance Iohn saw one Angel as Commander of the rest in the Vision Christ and Satan fought in the temptation bloody sweat passion when our Michael overcame as Sampson by his death but especialy by his resurrection and ascension though the whole mystery of our salvation is here shadowed out he destroyed the Dragon and to this houre in some sense the battel from heaven lasts with the Dragon This Vision was to comfort the Church in her miserable persecutions seeing at last her Michael prevailed and she in him now though in the Vision more Angels fought noting perchance how all his members must fight against Satan yet Christ doubtlesse trod the Winepresse alone Isa 63.3 Vers 8. And prevailed not c. Christ sits triumphing in heaven and in his Church in great measure at this day therefore there is no room for Satan there I beheld him as lightning fall from heaven says Christ the preaching of the Gospel and Christs death cast him out and destroyed his Kingdome Thus Christ entred the strong mans house or kingdome and spoiled it Matth. 12.29 perchance here is some allusion to Satans first casting out of heaven Vers 9. That old Serpent called the devil and Satan c. he is called old because of a long standing even before the fall A serpent because of his craftinesse and poyson of sin wherewith he infects the nature of man A divel because an accuser and slanderer of the
Buls Excommunications and hissing Sermons against the Saints condemning them as Schismaticks and Hereticks Now as here the Beasts rage lasted 42. months so the little horne warred with the Saints till the Ancient of daies came and judgement was given the Saints Dan. 7. Now this is the last judgement Note the Catholick state of the Beasts power it was over all kindreds tongues these are the wonderers already spoken of vers 3. remember Christs flock is a little flock Vers 8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him c. Here is a most comfortable restriction the worshippers of the beast are not all Christ hath his people but Inhabitants of the earth contradistinct to Saints whose conversation is in heaven whose names are there written being elected Now if none of the Beasts worshippers have their names written in heaven there is no salvation for them in the state they are in God be thanked we follow not the Beast this is one signe we are written in the Book of life of the Lamb because we were elected to life through him Slaine from the foundation of the world To wit in the eternal purpose of God and by promise that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpents head Thus the efficacy of Christs death was to the Fathers by faith before his actuall slaying typified out by the sacrifices Verse 9. hath been oft spoken of Vers 10. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity this may comfort the Godly for Antichrist though he lead his own worshippers to destruction and domineer over the bodies of the Saints yet he shall be led into captivity by being cast into the lake of fire chap. 19. in the mean time they need patience to conquer withall Vers 11. And I beheld another beast coming c. Doubtlesse it was the same Beast as is said but called another because of another forme See vers 1. Out of the earth Here the original of the Beast is treated of who came out of the bottomlesse pit before now by his coming out of the earth is meant First That this Beast is not so terrible as the sea monster before spoken of land beasts are more familiar to us Secondly This notes the ignoble and earthly rise of the Beast the Pope was but a poore Frier first the Cardinals once but Deacons imployed about the burial of the dead of the City of Rome though now fellows for Princes but here perchance is noted how that muckle trash money is that about which the Beast and his worshippers are most imployed and which is the usuall cause of their arising and preferment Having two hornes like a Lamb You see the Beast seemes no way terrible looks like a Lamb like Christ as if he were his Vicar and servant of servants yet in speech he is like the Dragon Remember the Lamb had seven hornes chap 5.6 this Beast but two because he hath not the true Lambs strength nor his meeknesse and truth for he speaks as the Dragon by which we are to understand the Beasts false Doctrines as Justification by works Satisfactions also his blasphemies against God the Temple and Saints nay and Scripture saying it is so far true as it is confirmed by him and his Church therefore this Beast is truly called a false Prophet chap. 16.13 teaching doctrines of devils Vers 12. And he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast before him c Doubtlesse here Antichrist as a deceiver is described Now the whole series of Popes is here meant who have usurpedly exercised the power of the Beast already mentioned perchance the Cardinals arising may be here noted who as a second Beast exercise the same mentioned power of the former Beast and that before him and by his authority but these are better comprehended under the notion of Locusts otherwise this Beast might have been called another yet the like for that begot this and yet arose after the other for these Cardinals were once scarce Parish Priests and in time are after the Pope however the series of the Popes have made and so have these Cardinals the earth or the Inhabitants thereof in the forequoted sense to worship the former wounded but healed Beast that is the Pope as a deceiver here causeth himself to be worshipped as a secular Prince Or these Cardinals as a second Beast yet in some sense the same with the former cause the former Beast or Pope to be worshipped of all the admirers and wonderers of which already Vers 13. And doth great things so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth Antichrist shall deceive if it were possible the very Elect. Wonders and miracles have ceased the Church being built and now they belong to Antichrist not to the Church of Christ Now one of his great signs is He maketh fire to come down from heaven Whether alluding to Elias or Satan in Job 1. it matters not 2 King 1. for certainly he would be accounted a man of God though his working be after Satan Now the Pope does not literally do this no more then the Disciples removed mountaines yet they did very great things and were the true Disciples as the Pope is the Beast although he literally bring not fire from heaven since he does other great signs belonging to Antichrist yet the Spirit is likened to fire and so descended and lighted upon the Apostle now the Pope takes upon him to give the Spirit in consecration and forgivenesse of sins and as Satan destroyed Jobs sheep by fire chap. 1. so this Beast destroyes Princes by thundering Excommunications In the sight of men That is openly Vers 14. And deceiveth them that dwell upon the earth by those miracles which he had power to do c Thus Antichrist is a seducer but not of Saints but of the Inhabitants of the earth Thus God punishes them that desire not nor receive the truth to salvation the Saints rely on Scripture and with the Bereans examine all things and so are not deceived miracles must not prove the faith nor truth then in this Age. Now follows the grand Idolatry of Rome his worshippers are commanded to make an Image or Images for that is the meaning of it to the Beast not of the beast but of the Father Son Holy Spirit Mary so that the Beasts kingdom you see is a kingdom of Images or Idols thus the Pope commanded his Worshippers to do Vers 15. And he had power to give life to the Image of the Beast Satan gives the Pope this power thus though the first Bishop of Rome had his power from Christ as also Aaron had from God yet the Pope now a beast hath his usurped power as also Caiphas from Satan by which the one condemned or helped to forward it Christ the other Christians But how can the Images speak Why remember the worshippers pray to them sacrifice to them confide in them beleeve they help them thus the Beast and his Locusts
polluted to them and become by a just judgement but as muddy and puddle to them being hid to them that be lost Hence the Angel of the waters ver 5. who to wit poured out his Vial in the Vision on the waters praises God for the equity of his judgement giving them blood to drink spiritually for that Scripture was puddle to them which is pure water in it self for that the Doctors were besotted given to delusions and traditions So that their People compared to the creatures in the sea do spiritually die wanting the true waters of comfort who shed the blood of the Saints really Perchance suddainly the sea of Rome may litterally become blood by Protestants opposing her and when the Kings shall hate the whore chap. 17 17 18. and burn her Ver. 6. For they are worthy Evil works are perfectly evil and deserve punishment but good works are always imperfect nay if never so good debts to the Creator therefore deserving no reward but have it out of free mercy and promise But enough to ver 7. which is easie The Angel from out of the Altar was mentioned chap. 14 18. who said thrust in thy sickle and here praises God to which place I referre the Reader and for brevity sake have done with these seven verses Vers 8. And the fourth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sunne In the Vision this may be as well called the Angel of the Sun as well as the others of fire and water they are called so because of their pouring out their Vials on the Sun Water Earth and because God perchance by these gathers the Saints at the last day to himself and casteth the wicked into hell fire The Sunne notes the holy Scripture by which our dark minds are enlightned as the world is by the Sun God by way of a judgement is said to give the Sun to the bright Scripture making it in the latter days much more clear piercing scorching the consciences or because the Antichristian notwithstanding shall by a just judgement have strong delusions beleeve a lie and not receive the knowledge of the truth or repent unto salvation but continue in unbelief malice envy noted by their being scorched Thus the Vial is poured out upon the Sunne giving more light to the envy of the marked ones who for madnesse gnawed and bit themselves having yet no mind nor grace ro recant Now had the Vial been litterally poured out on the waters formerly or now on the Sun the punishment had been common to all not proper to Antichristians noted by the men as the text intends Vers 9. And men were scorched c. to wit the marked ones Thus the word as a fire burns though chiefly 't was intended for salvation no wonder then there appeared before-hand smoak in the Temple or heaven noting the blindnesse of Antichristians obstinacy and Gods wrath upon it hindring their coming into heaven Observe men yet repented not though God send his Word and Judgements to call to repentance nay though they knew God had power over the plagues yet they returned not to him but hardened their hearts The Popelings though they be scorched by this light as by a fire yet will not for their Riches Honour and Ambition-sake take notice of it to amendment of life to give God the glory to wit of the justnesse of the punishment inflicted 2. Of the truth of the Gospel discovered 3. Or their recovery desired Vers 10. And the fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the seat of the Beast and his Kingdome waxed dark Upon the preaching of the Word to Antichrists Seat and Kingdome for the noise of the truth by books and preaching hath reached thither his Courtiers subjects and self-continuing obstinate God by a further judgement darkens them more and more punishing one sinne by another as Rom. 1.26 which darknes begins every day to be more manifest Here is an allusion to the litteral Egyptian darknesse but this is to be spiritually taken for the darknesse of the mind the profoundest Doctors of Rome are fools in the saving matters of faith by a just judgement of God So that Gospel which naturally brings light to them that sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death by accident brings more darknesse upon these And they gnawed their tongues Noting the extream rage of Antichristians against God and truth For paine Or grief because Rome is declining and grown to be a kingdome of darknesse Blasphemed the God of heaven In that they condemn the Gospel of Christ for heresie and the true Preachers for hereticks Repented not But taught their marked ones they were in the right and light though ver 8. and 9. they rage and are mad at the Sunne of light which they cannot darken nor will acknowledge to be true but who is more blind then those that will not see Object How can Ministers inflict plagues or poure out Vials Answ They communicate in the work of God as Co-workers they preach the Gospel upon contempt of which the Lord for them punisheth the obstinate and contemners as is noted chap. 11. about the witnesses smiting the earth largely ver 5 6. Vers 12. And the sixth Angel poured out his Vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up c This Vial and the former have been pouring out a great while Babylon had two strong fences the wals which were one of the wonders of the world very thick and high Then secondly the great river run thorough it as I noted out of Solinus in my quoted book pag. 109. which was greater strength to the city then the wals being very deep Cyrus and the besiegers despairing of the wals make many deep ditches and whiles the Babylonians riot and feast within securely scorning and contemning the besiegers they brought the river Euphrates into those ditches or channels and so enter into Babylon as it were on dry ground and took it The mystical Babylon hath in stead of wals Emperours Kings Princes to defend her inwardly Rome the mystical Babylon hath tythes first-fruits Peter-pence indulgences and the like in stead of Euphrates which the Kings of the East alluding to Cyrus and Darius Kings of the Medes and Persians who are East of Babylon and caused the literal Euphrates to be diverted that is Christian Kings Princes Ministers People for they are from Christ who is the Angel of the East chap. 7.2 and the day-spring from on high Luke 1.78 who visited us who shall divert Euphrates of Rome throw down her riches and bestow them towards the maintenance of Schools Gospel-teachers these the Ministers first preached against as against Peter-pence Absolution-money and the like and other revenues Emperours and Kings have better imployed diverting them and their course from Rome witnesse King Henry the eighth in England so in time Rome will be more feaseable when her Riches and Honour cease more and more This the sixth Vial means And Anonymus two hundred and seventy years
were as is most remarkable to wit by Kings Consuls Dictators Decemvirs which lasted but two years Tribunes Emperors Popes Now no Kingdome can shew such seven mountains and seven Kings but this Rome the now seat of Antichrist Five are fallen To wit the former five now reckoned One is To wit Emperours Domitian then raigned who banished Iohn One is not yet come To wit the Pope for though there was a Bishop of Rome then yet he did not Lord it or use any Papal jurisdiction thus Brightman but according to him the seventh must be Antichrist being however but part of the eighth as will appear the seventh is the Government by Constantine and Christian Emperours for now the face of the Empire began to be new and another in some sense for he left the mountains of Rome and went to the East to wit Byzantium calling it after his own name Constantinople or the City of Constantine Thus he remained a short time to wit at Rome the ninteenth yeer of his reign departing thence to Byzantium neither in some sense did the seventh Government continue long being swallowed up by Popes in the West and Turks in the East Vers 11. The Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth The seventh was but part of him Constantine and his successors removing from Rome the Popes seeing the Emperours even weary by reason of warres and incursion of Barbarians began to begge and after to usurpe Kingly authority at Rome which was the old seat of the Empire Thus the Beast that was In Johns time in Monarchical power of five Kings And is not Neither an Ecclesiastical nor secular Monarch in Johns time to wit in the Pope Even he is the eighth To wit regiment consisting of an Ecclesiastical and Civil Monarchy as Priest and Caesar And is of the seven Heads to wit or Kings borrowing power of them he is not one of the seven heads but of them as exercising himself all the power that had been in the seven Kings or Governments whether Priestly as the Romane Emperours had done for they were called after Augustus the greatest Priests or Kingly Thus the seventh King was not Antichrist but the Christian Emperours who made way many wayes for him And goeth into perdition He hath been going apace a good while ever since the Witnesses began chap. 11. to prophecy and will suddenly arrive at his Armegeddon Verse 12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings Horns are not the heads but something of the heads Now as these horns grew out of the heads in the text so those Kings whether more or lesse it matters not for by ten many are understood who receive power with the beast in one houre and afterwards hate the Whore are those who sprang out of the seventh Beast or Christian Caesars and Emperours in place of whom succeeded the Emperour and several kings of the West as Spaine and her King The beast then though he devoured the seventh head yet he exercises all his authority under the name of Christs Vicar and general Bishop suffering the Emperour to keep the name Who have received no kingdome yet To wit when John writ the Revelation but since But receive power That is shall receive power One houre with the Beast Though God be the doner of Kingdomes yet these ten Kings through the wicked means of the Beast obtained their Kingdomes for his rashnesse translated the Greek Empire unto the French but God by his secret just working ordered it as in the translation of the ten tribes 1 Kings 12.24 With the Beast or from the Beast For here the spirit seems to point at the Popes creating Kings Emperours as Leo did These Kings then raigned by the Popes favour As Kings Noting their dependency on the Pope whose vassals they are holding their kingdomes as farmes from him having the name of Kings though it may be well said in all the Popish dominious Antichrist only reigns whom these Kings obey rather then reign One houre That is as they received the faith by degrees for they were Barbarians who received these Kingdomes which belonged once to the Christian Emperours so they raigned accordingly with the Beast or the successours of the Beast by one houre a strict time is not noted England France Spaine Germany by degrees raigned with the Pope and by his leave being once all Papistical one houre Vers 13. These have one mind All had their kingdomes in some sense from the Beast offering up their kingdomes to be ruled spiritually by him acknowledging his supremacy for the defence of which our witty otherwise Sir Thomas Moor lost his head in England had one mind all Popelings to be of one mind is not commendable but only in thee truth Thus even at onetime all the Kingdoms of the West compared to horns because springing out of the seventh head of Christian Emperours either received their power from the Beast as tributaries really or acknowledged his superiority Having all one mind Nay and prayed all in one tongue viz. the Latine Though these Kings might have private differences among themselves yet when the Popes matters were a foot they wonderfully agreed in the prosecution of them Giving him their power Help and Aid to advance Idolatry and Superstition Here observe how these inhabiters of the earth wondred after the Beast as chapt 13. Admiring and Reverencing the Popes and Idolatry of Rome Vers 14. These shall make warre with the Lamb They by consequence make warre with Christ who defend the false Vicar of Christ and his Idol-worship This warre the Kings began with the Lamb as soon as they received their kingdomes above eight hundred years and shall be most cruelly prosecuted by the Kings of the earth gathered to Armageddon by the enticement of the three impure spirits after the spiritual Euphrates of Rome is diverted by Christian Kings and States observe then many of these ten Kings shall give out Being overcome by the Lamb Convinced by the truth and hate the whore the rest shall with the kings of the earth continue the warre against the Lamb till the last day Yet he shall oveecome them Not only finally then but before even before the ten Kings gave out partly by the word gaining and winning ground Partly by the couragious sufferings of the Martyrs For the Leader is Lord of Lords they that are Partners in the fight are 1. Elect. 2. Called 3. Faithful therefore through Christ Conquerours Christ being God and King of Kings is sure enough to conquer Kings and Kingdomes the house of Saul decreases and the Kingdome of our David increaseth daily Vers 15. And he said to me the Waters which thou sawest where the woman sitteth are People Nations Multitudes That is they represent People Nations thus the Chaldaean army Jerem. 47.2 is called the Waters of the North. Waters are raging and unconstant so are People and multitudes Rome in Johns time had many nations under her so hath the whore now and