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A00746 The calling of the Ievves A present to Iudah and the children of Israel that ioyned with him, and to Ioseph (the valiant tribe of Ephraim) and all the house of Israel that ioyned with him. The Lord giue them grace, that they may returne and seeke Iehovah their God, and Dauid their King, in these latter dayes. There is prefixed an epistle vnto them, written for their sake in the Hebrue tongue, and translated into English. Published by William Gouge, B. of D. and preacher of Gods word in Blackefryers. London. Finch, Henry, Sir, d. 1625.; Gouge, William, 1578-1653. 1621 (1621) STC 10874; ESTC S102095 158,276 326

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collected by Tremellius in the Argument of the first and second Booke of Kings The 390. yeares that Ezechiel bare the iniquitie of the house of Israel Ezech. 4. whereof 40. part of those 390. vers 9. were for the house of Iudah doth no way crosse this account of the Kings that succeeded Salomon for neither doe those 390. yeares begin when Ieroboam drew Israel away but from about the 28. yeare of Salomons raigne at what time waxing old hee was led to the worship of false Gods 1. King 11. and all Israel ranne headlong into Idolatrie neither doe they end with the destruction of the Temple and the Citie but in the last and finall carrying away of the poore remain by Nebuzaradan as appeareth Ezech. 5. 4. which was some fiue yeare after And the 40. yeare of Iudah are from the eighteenth yeare of Iosia when the couenant was renewed 2. King 23. 23. from which the people immediately fell away Sixtly from the burning of the Temple to the Edict of Cyrus to build it anew And so adding the first 18. yeares of Nebuchadnetzar you haue the 70. yeares Captiuity Seauenthly from that Edict to the destruction of the Temple by the Romanes 490. Which are Daniels seauens Dan. 9. whereof the first 49. yeares are for the full finishing of the temple and all the furniture thereof Eighthly from a second and the finall desolation thereof being endeuoured to be re edifyed by Iulian the Apostata in despight of the Christian name about Anno. 360. after Christ till such time as the Iewes acknowledging Christ the Lord shall set vp a glorious Church at Ierusalem againe not of wood or stone nor for any Legall worship but for the spirituall seruice of God in Christ are yeares 1233. Dan. 12. 11. 12. Ninthly from thence to the full comming in of the Gentiles the certaine time is not foretold vnles which I dare not say any thing may be gathered from Reuel 20. 4. But the tenth and last period is that after the fulnesse of the Gentiles once come in the generation then liuing shall not passe away till all things haue an end Math. 24. 34. The Prophecie of Hoshea Chapters 1. 2. CHAP. 1. 1. The Word of Iehouah that came vnto Hoshea the sonne of Beery in the dayes of Vzziah Iotham Achaz Hezechiah Kings of Iuda and in the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash King of Israel 1. THe Title or Inscription setteth forth the Author of the Prophecie God the Preacher or publisher thereof Hoshea the time that he executed his Propheticall function 43. yeares at the least for so many there are from the very last yeare of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash to the first yeare of Hezechias to bee reckoned in this sort The last yeare of Ieroboam was the 39. of Uzzia or Azaria Uzzia or Azaria raigned 13. yeares more 52. in all Iotham after him 25. Achaz Hezechiahs father 14. The knowledge of the time helpeth much and bringeth a great light to the vnderstanding of the Prophecie because of the many accidents that fell within that compasse in the Kingdome of Israel to the Kings thereof of whom he maketh often mention and liued himselfe to see most of the things that heere he prophecieth and so was able the better to make vse of it vnto the people vnder that one of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash when our Prophet first began all the Kings of Israel are comprehended in this place as many as raigned from him to Hezechiah The authority of this Prophet cannot be called in question He is cited by our Sauiour Christ Math. 9 13. 12. 7. by the Euangelist writing by Gods Spirit Math. 2. 15. and lastly by the Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 15. 55. Rom. 25. 26. where he voucheth him by name 2. The beginning of that which Iehouah spake by Hoshea And Iehouah said vnto Hoshea Goe take vnto thee a Wife an Harlot and children begot in fornication for the Land hath greatly gone a whoring departing from Iehouah 3. So he went and tooke Gomer a woman of Diblaim who conceiued and bare him a sonne 4. Then said Iehouah vnto him call his name Izreel for yet a little while and I will visite the slaughters of Izreel vpon the house of Iehu and will make the Kingdome to cease in the house of Israel 5. And it shall be in that day that I will breake the bow of Israel because of the valley of Izreel 2. The summe of the Prophecie is a fearefull denouncing of Gods iudgements against the people for their sinnes a sweet publishing of mercies to a small remnant the little handfull of Gods Elect it is all typicall or declaratiue of the Type The typicall part which hath also an application going with it in the three first Chapters vnder two types whereof the first in the first and second Chapter is of a Wife an Harlot and Children begot in fornication whom the Prophet is willed to take not as though hee should take the mother and them together which could not bee they being borne after but because from a wicked and vncleane mother hee was to haue base and misbegotten Issue Whether the Prophet in truth tooke such a wife which God commanding cannot be dishonest or as rather must be thought by way of similitude only and comparing himselfe with a man marrying in that sort to taxe the peoples infidelity and falling away from God by spirituall adultery with their false Gods and Idols This Wife an Harlot figureth the Kingdome of the Israelites that went a whoring from God their lawfull Husband to whom they were espoused 3. Shee is called Gomer that is to say entierty or perfection for that the whole body of Israel was vouchsafed the honour of this spirituall marriage Shee is said to be a woman of Diblaim or out of Diblah that wast and huge wildernesse which you reade of Ezech. 6. 24. to shew that not their merit but Gods free and gracious goodnesse aduanced them to that estate and dignitie The three Children begot in fornication figure the iudgements which by so many degrees were to light vpon this people euery one heauier than the other 4. The first Child is a son whose name was Izreel by the name of the ten Tribes Mother-Citie figuring the ruine of Iehues house and of the Kings of Israel in his line which is set forth First by the circumstance of time that it should come quickly to passe for Zachariah Ieroboams sonne raigned but 6. moneths then Shallum the sonne of Iabesh conspired against him slue him and raigned in his stead Secondly by the effects that from that time forward God will weaken the force of the whole State and Kingdome by home dissentions and forraigne warres Thirdly by the cause of this iudgement because saith he of the valley of Izreel that is the slaughters and massacres which Iehu made there which albeit God had commanded and was well pleased with yet for that hee did
one of that captiuitie The third in the eleuenth of Zedechia and ninteenth of Nabuchadnetsar when the City temple were destroyed from which of these the 70. yeares captiuity should begin is a great question I referre it to the first for 1. Ieremy giueth but 70. yeares to Babel which are first spoken of when great Nebuchadnetzar began his raigne Ierem. 25. And by those 70. yeares of Babel hee boundeth the captiuity Ier. 29. 10. When 70. yeares be accomplished to Babel so I read not at Babel I will visit you c. 2. Those words being written to the Iewes of the second captiuity are an apparant proofe that part of the 70. yeares captiuity was then expired And thus it may well stand that Haggai saith in the sixt yeare of Darius that many there present had seene the former house Hag. 2. 3. for it was destroyed not past 67. yeares before Also Daniel was not to old to wield the Babilonian Empire in the time of Darius Medus it being but the 70. seauenth yeare of his captiuity And Ezrah whose father Seraiah was slaine when the Temple was burnt 2. Kings 25. 21. might be actiue in the seauenth of Artaxerxes Ezra 7. 8. which was 21. yeares after that sixt yeare of Darius and so 88. yeares from the death of his father All which things but by this reckoning could hardly be admitted He that pulled downe the Babylonian pride was Darius the Mede Cyrus as Zenophon also writeth was but the Lieutenant of his Armie and acknowledged him his Soueraigne For First this Conquest is euery where attributed to the Medes Esay 13. 17. Behold I will raise vp against him the Mede Ier. 51. 11. The Lord raiseth vp against Babylon the Spirit of the Kings of Media and vers 28. Prepare against her the Nations the Kings of Media her Princes and all her Nobles and all the Land of his Dominion Secondly Darius tooke of his owne authority not by any mans guift the Kingdome as soone as Belshazzer was slaine Dan. 5. 31. And hee it was whom the Angell did encourage and strengthen Dan. 1. 11. That he might ouercome the Chaldeans hee disposed of the Empire and set vp 120. Gouernours Dan. 6. 1. And in all his time no mention is made of Cyrus Thirdly Daniel reciteth his visions in order thus In the first yeare of Belshazzer Dan. 7. 1. In the third yeare of Belshazzer Dan. 8. 1. In the first yeare of Darius Dan. 9. 1. In the third yeare of Cyrus Dan. 10. 1. Fourthly Darius raigne is reckoned as distinct from Cyrus and before Cyrus Dan. 6. 29. He raigned not a yeare being 62. yeares old when Belshazzar was slaine Dan. 5. 31. and let Cyrus his Successor for Daniel in the first of his raigne vnderstood the 70. yeares to be that yeare accomplished Dan. 92. So the Prophesie of Ieremie was fulfilled that the 70. yeares Captiuity and the Babylonian Monarchie should end together ler. 25. 12. 29. 10. But it will be obiected that 2 Chron. 36 20. the captiuity lastest till the Kingdome of Persia came in Therefore that Cyrus raigned together with Darius else the Babylonian Monarchie should not end with the captiuity for the raigne of Darius Medus came betweene I answer Darius raigne was a part of the Persian Monarchy for he wrote himselfe King of the Medes and Persians and seeing the Persian name preuailed aboue the Medes and that instantly Darius dying the same yeare Ezra calleth the whole succession from the time of the taking of Babilon the Kingdome of Persia This Darius was the sonne of Assuerus of the seede of the Medes Dan. 9. 1. whom leauing to euery man his iudgement free I take to bee that Assuerus which was Queene Esters husband and that shee was not wife neither to Darius Hystaspis or any other succeeding King for First there bee but two Assuerusses mentioned in the Scripture this and another Ezra 4 6. Succestor vnto Cyrus But he raigned nothing neere 13. yeares as our Assuerus did Ester 3. 7. compared with Ester 9. 1. nor was a friend but a perpetuall enemie to the Iewes And seeing the holy Ghost doth so precisely distinguish the Persian Kings by their seuerall and proper names which bring great light vnto a Story I would not confound these things to giue two names to one and the same person that in one place he should be called Darius in another Assuerus without apparant euidence and warrant out of the Scripture Secondly the whole course of Esters Story sheweth that it was acted during the captiuity for it is not credible that after the returne of 49000. vnder Cyrus Ezra 2. there should bee left such a multitude of Iewes and of that strength as at Susis were able to kill 800. of their enemies and in the rest of Assuerus Dominions 75000. Ester 9. 12. 15. 16. nor would Mordecai and Queene Hester after the Temple built againe haue instituted the Purim Ester 9. 31. without sending to the house of God to enquire of the Lord by the mouth of his Priests and Prophets what were to be done as the people did Zach. 7. 2. 3. And in the Letters that Mordecai wrote to all the Iewes which were in the Prouinces of King Assuerus farre and neere appointing them to celebrate that day Ester 9. 20. 21. they in Iudaea would by name haue beene spoken of if at that time the people had beene come back Thirdly Assuerus Hesters husband was King of Media and Persia for hee made that great feast to the Princes of his Armies of Persia and Media Ester 1. 3. and the acts of Mordecaies greatnesse are said to be registred in the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia Ester 10. 2. But I finde not after Cyrus once came to the helme that they are at any time in holy Scripture called Kings of Media and Persia but of Persia only for being at the first a beast of two hornes the Kingdome of Media and Persia Dan. 8. 20. this latter that rose vp after grew higher than the other and tooke the honour from it Dan. 8. 3. Fourthly Why doth the holy Ghost Dan. 9. 1 speake of Assuerus father to Darius the Mede more than of the father of Cyrus or any other but for some speciall purpose And that must be in regard of the Story of Ester Fiftly Mordecaies age doth proue it his opposing against Haman and the other things he did in the twelfth of Assuerus cannot be thought to come from so old a man as he must bee if you make Assuerus to be Darius Hystaspis for from the captiuity of Ieconias when Mordecai was led away Ester 2. 6. to the twelfth of Assuerus are 83. yeares and if hee were then but 7. yeares of age which is not likely he must now be 90. neither is to be thought that hee would at those yeares begin to enter into the affaires of the State especially of such a great turbulēt State as he did Ester 10. Barzillai long before
vers 19. Which is not meant so much of a temporall subduing as of a spirituall ioyning with them in seeking of the Lord yet so as the chiefe soueraigntie and stroke of keeping men within the lists of their subiection and obedience vnto Christ shall remaine among the Iewes And so Iames teacheth vs to expound those phrases Act. 15. 17. Where that which Amos saith that they the Israelites may possesse the remnant of Edom Iames rendreth that the residue of men may seeke after the Lord. The enemy whom indeed they shall conquer roote out and destroy after they haue groaned long vnder his hard yoke and bondage is not alwaies represented by one and the same name But sometimes more obscurely by one or other of the capitall enemies of Gods people Moab Edom Rabba that is to say the Ammonites Asshur Iauan whether because the holy Ghost would thereby note the cancred malice of that tyrant to the Church or that those which inhabit the seat of these people shall ioyn hands and fall in the same destruction Sometimes his qualities and conditions paint him out Leuiathan a Serpent a Dragon Esay 27. 1. Somtimes you haue him more plainely decyphered either by the countrey from whence he deriueth his pedegree Gog of the land of Magog Ezech. 38. 2. or else by his territorie and dominion the King of the North. Dan. 11. 40. the Dragon which is in the sea Esa 27. 1. But by all these names one and the same enemy is vnderstood which marueylously cleereth the place in Ezechiel chap. 38. 17. where the Lord by his Prophet speaketh to Gog in this wise Art thou hee of whom I haue spoken in ancient time by my seruants the Prophets of Israel which prophecied in those dayes and yeares Hee can not moane himselfe nor Daniel which was but one of his age much lesse Zacharie that came after but hee meaneth the ancient Prophets long before who spake of the same person though not by the same name These things premised we come now to the particulars wherein my meaning is not to open euery hard word or darke and obscure phrase much lesse to endeauour in euery place a full exposition of the text That must bee had from other the godly and learned interpreters But only to point at the heads of those Scriptures and that but so farre as they concerne the thing wee deale with to lead vs by the hand in the discouery of this heigh and heauenly secret for that name the Apostle giueth it Rom. 11. 25. The reader that would profit thereby I desire to haue the text before him as hee goeth The comparing whereof will bring great light to things that otherwise may seeme obscure and that he be not deceiued in the chapters and verses I follow not where any difference is the Hebrew but number them as they are in the English translation Balaams Prophesie Numb 24. 14. to the last verse of the Chapter THE Spirit of God that sate in the mouth of this wicked man mastring and ouer-ruling his tongue to speake things tending heighly to Gods praise and the comfort of his people doth heere vtter a Prophecie of the kingdome of Christ to be set vp among the Iewes in the latter end of the world It is for the maine matter one entire prophecie but broken off by seuerall proems The summe of all is that the Iewes shall destroy their enemies But themselues must before that endure a long and tedious thraldome Notwithstanding which God in the end will set them free giue them a great and glorious victory that the tyrant who keepeth them in subiection shall vtterly be destroyed 1. Wherein obserue the time vers 17. I see it that which I am to say but not now I behold it but not neere How is that He spake it plainer vers 14. I will tell thee what this people shall doe to thy people in the last dayes By which notation of time these things that were to come so long after are wont ordinarily to be expressed Ezech. 38. 16. 8. Esay 24. 22. This being the last and vttermost period of whatsoeuer the Scriptures doe foretell for hitherto and no further reach the holy Oracles of the Prophets Reu. 10. 7. and 16. 17. So this Prophecie can not bee drawen to Dauids temporall kingdome 2 Vnder the conquest of Moab and Edom he pointeth at that conuersion which shall bee of the Gentiles when the Iewes returning to seeke Christ shall subdue and bring vnder his yoke all nations that doe oppose as Esay 11. 14. Ioel 3. 19. Obadia vers 18. Zack 10. 11. To wit Moab Edom Amalek Midian noted by the Kenites and by Kaine the first father of that kindred 3. Those that shall thus preuaile and deale valiantly are Israel and of Iacob or the people of the Iewes that very people out of whom the starre Christ should spring according to the flesh This Prophecie then being of the Iewes of the destruction of their foes and that in the last dayes note in the fourth place he speaketh of bearing rule of a Scepter or a kingdome before which the enemies shall all fall as it is said Dan. 2. 44. It shall destroy and consume all other kingdomes but it selfe shall stand for euer And againe Dan. 7. 9. I saw till the thrones were taken away Which euidently pointeth at the glory and greatnes of the Church that shall be among them 5. Is enterlaced their owne sore bondage which shall be in the meane time for the second part of the 22. verse I read interrogatiuely by an admiration and apostrophe or turning of his speach vnto the Israelites How long shall Ashur hold thee ô Eber of whom he speaketh immediatly in the verses following and whose troupes and squadrons were then before his eyes captiue Notwithstanding all the glory and happines that I now foretell vnder the name of Ashur then in Balaams time the soueraigne Monarch and the first who in truth deuoured Israel comprehending the whole succession of Tyrants euen to this day who consume his very bones as Ieremie speaketh Ier. 50. 17. Wherupon sixtly hee breaketh forth into a lamentation and yet triumphing in the end Alas who shall liue when the mighty God shall order this that shippes from the coast of Cittim shall euen afflict Ashur who afflicted Eber and also he shall for euer perish Hee that shall thus perish is not Eber or the Iew as some Interpreters of great note would haue it for that crosseth the whole scope of Balaams Prophecie but it is the people that afflicted Eber and consequently this is a prohecie of the kingdome of the Iewes who shall maister and ouercome that people which is enough for our purpose But yet in so difficult a piece of Scripture wherein euery man is to haue his iudgement free giue me leaue to doe my best to bring some further light vnto it first I hold it for
Thirdly the glorious things verse 11. 12. c. are neuer spoken but of their Church renued But how then doth the Apostle Gal. 4. 26. 27. Make vs Gentiles children of this Church and calleth the same Ierusalem aboue Rightly is shee called Ierusalem aboue the spirituall and heauenly Ierusalem cast into a new mould and framed and fashioned from aboue to embrace Christ and to seeke righteousnesse peace and reconciliation through him alone whose children are free by opposition to thee then Ierusalem that sought righteousnesse and life by the Law and therfore engendred children vnto bondage And this new Ierusalem is indeed the mother of vs all Why for it is the same very Church and no other polished fined and wonderfully adorned which was in the time of the Apostles when the Law that is the doctrine of Iesus Christ which is the Gospell came out of Sion and the Word of the Lord out of Ierusalem That whosoeuer will be saued must acknowledge himselfe a childe of this Mother Reuelat 22. 22. This doubt cleered the rest of the chapter hath no difficultie there be in it promises of three kindes 1. Fruitfulnesse of the Church vers 1. 2. 3. 2. Gods Couenant with them of remission of sinnes vers 4. reconciliation vers 5. 6. and life euerlasting vers 7. 8. 9. 10. 3. The surpassing glory of their Church for exceeding beauty vers 11. 12. Excellency of knowledge 1. part of 13. verse Aboundance of peace 2. part of verse 13. Securitie vers 14. Safety vers 15. 16. 17. Esay Chapter 59 verse 16. to the end of the 60. chapter AFfter declaration of the peoples hypocrisie and other sinnes which brought vpon them so many calamities hee commeth now to cheere vp their heart with the promises of the Gospell setting forth 1. The power of Christs kingdome for the saluation of his children vers 16. and to reuenge all disobedience vers 17. and 1. part of 18. 2. The calling of the Gentiles 2. part of vers 18. and 19. 3. The conuersion of the Iewes that they together with the belieuing Gentiles embracing the Gospell all Israell may be saued for so Paul Rom. 11. 26. expoundeth this place vers 20. All which things are shut vp with a most sure ground-worke the faithfull Couenant of God which hee hath made with his Church to dwell among them for euer by his Word and the power of his Spirit vers 21. 4. The glorious Church that shall bee among them chap. 60. vers 1. 2. 5. The Gospell flowing thence to all other places vers 3. 6. The nations honouring of them with their wealth and substance vers 7. to the 18. 7. Their safety and protection from danger vers 18. 8. Their happinesse vers 19. 20. 9. They shall inherit the land for euer vers 21. 10. Their increase both for multitude and strength verse 22. Chapter 61. and 62. and 63. and 64. and 65. THe Sermon of these fiue chapters after the foundation layd in the calling and annointment of Christ vnto his office of teaching and comforting Gods people chap. 61. verse 1. 2. first part of vers 3. is wholly spent in the fruit and benefit that thence shall redound to the Iewes It standeth of two parts First is a particular enumeration of the fauours that God will bestow vpon them all which may be reduced to two heads Blessings vpon themselues and the destruction of their capitall enemy The blessings vpon themselues are these that follow 1. The renuing of them in holinesse and righteousnes that is to say their conuersion 2. part of vers 3. 2. The restoring of the fruitfulnesse of their Country that so long lay waste and desolate vers 4. 3. There shall be in them a soueraignty ouer other Nations whom their arme and power shall master and bring to yeeld obedience to Christ and his Gospell vers 5. As Esay 14. 2. 4. The wealth of other Churches shall be to doe them seruice vers 6. 5. Their former double that is to say exceeding great reproach shall be turned into double ioy gladnes v. 7 Read Verse 7. thus Instead of your double shame and the confusion which they the enemies of the Church with shouting proclaimed to be their portion therefore in their own land they shall inherit double c. 6. An euerlasting couenant with this people to direct them in all integritie vers 8. 7. The liuely marks and prints of Gods blessing vpon them which shall make them famous among all nations vers 9. 8. The glory of their Church vers 10 11. chap. 62. vers 1 2 3 4 5. for which the Lords remembrancers are willed continually to make suite vnto him vers 6 7. 9. Their securitie from foreine enemies vers 8 9. 10. The returne vnto their countrey all lets remoued that may hinder it vers 10. 11. Gods redeeming and setting of them free vers 11 12. The destruction of their capitall enemie vndoubtedly he meaneth the Turke signified by Edom and attributed to Christ Iesus for it is the worke of God himselfe chap. 63. vers 1. is amplified two wayes 1. That there was not any enemie so strong that could or durst withstand him vers 2 3. 2. That he did it alone without any helpe vers 4 5 6 7. The second part of the Sermon is the Churches praising of God for this his constant kindnes notwithstanding their most extreme ingratitude vers 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. and a suite and request which thereupon they make to Christ with his answer to it The suite that in regard of his couenant and former kindnesses both promised performed vers 15 16 17. and the insufferable insolencie of Gods enemies theirs vers 18 19. he would from heauen powerfully shew forth his wrath to the dismaying of his foes vers 1 2 3. Chapt. 64. and good of the Church in the glorious promulgation of the Gospell through Christ vers 4. for so doth Paul 1 Cor. 2. 9. expound this place of the wisedome of God reuealed in the Gospel not of the heauenly glory This suite they confirme and giue assurance to their soules of the obtayning of it by considering the mercy of God towards repentant sinners desirous to walke in a new course of righteousnesse 1. part of vers 5. and the profession of their owne true repentance 2 part of vers 5. vers 6 7. whereupon they resort againe to the summe of their former petition vers 8 9 10 11 12. Christs answer Chapt. 65. setteth forth 1. The calling of the Gentiles vers 1. 2. The obduration of the Iewes vers 2 3 4 5. Both these points we learne from Pauls opposition of this text Rom. 10. 21. 3. Gods iust punishment vpon them for it meaning the casting of them off and their long desolation vers 6 7. 4. Promise of a remnant a holy seede in the
then before Compare Numb 24. vers 13 to the end of the Chapter 8. The diuiding of the land and what seats shall be assigned to euery Tribe chap. 48. 1. to vers 30. 9. The elegancie of the Holy Citie newly to be re-edefied vers 30 31 32 33 34. 10. The perpetuitie of it God will abide therein for euer From that day forward the name of the Citie shall be Iehovah Shammah or Iehovah there vers 35. The truth of that which the Temple whilest it stood as a type or figure did represent This is my rest for euer Here will I dwell Psal 132. 14. Dan. chap. 2. vers 40 41 42 43 44 45. THe fourth kingdome is the Romane Empire whose leggs are of iron vers 40. The feete and toes part of iron and part of clay vers 41 42 43. are the Roman Empire yet continuing but weaker then it was before whilest it consisted of leggs of iron being now but of feet and toes And this Empire is diuided as the feet and toes are One part is the kingdom of the Pope in the West for he is the 7th head of the beast Rev. 17. 10 11. He whom we call the Emperor hath nothing to do with the Empire which was of Rome The other part is the Turke in the East before whom 3 of the hornes of the Empire are rooted out See Dan. 7. 8. It is euident that these feete and toes are part of the Romane Empire for the Image describeth onely 4. Kingdomes But if the feete and toes were a distinct kingdome from the leggs there should be fiue The kingdome raised vp in those dayes which shall not be destroyed for euer but shall destroy all other kingdomes is the kingdome of the Iewes vers 44 45. Whose Church is the stone hewen out of the mountaine without hands Till which time the Romane Empire shall endure and then wholly be destroyed Chap. 7. THE 4 beasts vers 3. are 4 kingdomes as it is expounded vers 17. whereof The first beast a Lion is the kingdome of the Assyrians extinct and gone before Daniel saw the Vision vers 4 The second a Beare is the Persian Monarchie v. 5. The third a Leopard the Greeke Monarchie or the Kingdome of the Macedonians vers 6. The fourth is the Romane Empire whose X. hornes vers 7. are 10 kingdomes not diuers from that of the beast For then there should be 5. Kingdomes contrary to that is said here vers 17. And these 10 Kingdomes are the 10 hornes of the Dragon Rev. 12. 3. The litle horne that grew out among them 1 part of vers 8. is the Turke the Dragon of the sixt Viale Revel 16. 13. Of whom onely and of the rest of the enemies that should oppresse the Iewes Daniel speaketh without any respect to the west Antichrist By this litle horne three of those hornes were rooted out 2 part of vers 8. That is a third part of the Romane Empire subdued which yet retaineth 7 hornes whereof the Turke shall neuer be Lord and Maister further then as he may by some sodaine storme for a while oppresse them This third part of the Romane Empire so to be destroyed is intended from East to West not from South to North. For therein the Turke possesseth more then euer the Romanes had This litle horne must raigne till the thrones be taken away and the auncient of dayes sit vers 9. That is till after all the kingdomes of the world destroyed the whole principalitie remaine with Christ as presently it shall after this blasphemous horne the Turke cut of And till that time the fourth beast is not to haue an end The continuance of the Turkish tyrannie shal be a time times and a diuision of times vers 25. that is a set time set times and a halfe as it is explaned Dan. 12. 7. Of what length that is may be vnderstood by Rev. 9. 13. that giueth him an houre a day a moneth and a yeare which in all accounting a day for a yeare commeth to 395 dayes A time then is 100 yeares times 200 yeares halfe a time 50 yeares So the whole space if you account from the beginning of the Turkish power which all histories place Anno 1300 will end at they yeare 1650. But that you will say commeth short of that which is in the Reuelation by 45 yeares The reason is because the Reuelation setteth downe the vttermost period of the Turkish name but the Angell here and Dan. 12. 7. noteth his first declining which shall be 45 yeares before as is apparant Dan. 12. 11 12. So Dan. 11. 44. tidings shall first trouble him and then a few yeares after followeth his vtter destruction in the land of comelinesse The distribution therefore of time both here and Dan. 12. 7. reacheth no further then to those tidings And then shall the people of the Iewes destroy him vers 26. After which shall be set vp a glorious both kingdome and Church among them vers 27. Dan. 9. 24. c. to the end of the Chapter DANIELS weekes as they are commonly termed belong in part to this Argument for in them is foretold the destruction of the Citie and Temple at Ierusalem for the Iewes contempt in reiecting the Messiah But this requireth some larger Tractate And therefore I refer it to the end of the Booke Dan. chapters 11. 12. THese two Chapters are a prophecie of the manifold oppression of Gods people the Iewes and of the happy issue which God shall send Oppressors there are fiue First the Persian Monarchie ve 1 2. Secondly the Graecians to wit Alexander the Great his foure successors the Ptolomees and Antiochus vers 3. to the 36 verse Thirdly the Romane Empire vnder the name of that King vers 36 to vers 40. Fourthly the Saracens pointed at vnder the name of the King of the South Who in the time of the end meaning towards the end of the glory of the Roman Empire hauing Mahomet for their Captaine assaulted the Roman territories out of Arabia and other meere Southerly countries 1 part of vers 40. Lastly the King of the North. That is the Turke whom the furthest northerne parts sent into the world thorough the Caspian gates 2 part of vers 40. Him you haue described First by his prospering against the Saracens Romans 3 part of vers 40. against Iudaea the land of comelinesse and other adioyning countries vers 41. Aegypt Lybia and Aethiopia vers 42 43. Secondly by his ruine and downefall Whereof two steps are noted One his first declining vpon the Iewes of the East and North countries conuerted to the Christian faith Which must needs terribly affright him being then beset before with vs Christians of the West and behinde by the new Christian Iewes vers 44. The other his vtter ouerthrow by warre in the land of Iudaea which is here described by two notes one in saying betweene the Seas meaning Euphrates which the Scripture is
before Secondly the Author and efficient is God Thirdly you haue a distribution The land saith he meaning the land of Israel and Iuda shall bee emptied both of inhabitants and of all other things Euery thing shall be turned vp-side downe the inhabitants scattered and dispersed Heere are both the parts comprehended verse 1. which are afterwards distinguished in the rest that followeth to 14. verse Touching the persons or inhabitants 1. There shall be a generall destruction of all states and degrees no difference high and low rich and poore shall be dealt with all alike 2. They shall be all spoyled of their choyce precious treasures which is verified from the mouth of him that cannot lye and is able to performe his threatnings 3. They shall mourne they shall pine away and be enfeebled perish through their owne weakenesse euen the high and loftie ones shall pine away Obseruations This noble prophecie affordeth many sweet heauenly lessons 1. Iehovah First God is the Author of all iudgements Is there any euill in the Citie which Iehovah doth not Amos 3. 6. I create the destroyer to destroy Esay 54. 16. This which seemeth a lesson so easie and familiar it is most necessarie to take out that we may learne to humble our selues vnder his hand for all his workes are holy and iust and who can resist his counsels Emptieth the land 2. Flourishing States and Common-wealths how much more particular persons he is able to throw downe and lay all their honour and glory in the dust As what state or kingdome was at this time greater then the Iewes Amos 6. 2. Passe vnto Calne a famous Citie in the land of Shinear Gen. 10. 10. and see and from thence goe to great Hammath and get you downe to Gath of the Philistims Are they better then these kingdoms of Israel and Iudah or is their border larger then your borders The land 3. He spareth not his owne people when they transgresse against him yea the neerer he commeth to them in his fauours and blessings the higher he lifteth his hand to beate and to correct them when they doe amisse For great offenses God cannot in iustice but requite with great punishments Emptieth c. turneth c. 4. His threatnings are most certaine and as good as now done though they be denounced thousands of yeares before 2. And it shall be as with c. 5. Dignitie wealth cannot hinder him Doth he esteeme nobilitie or riches or any thing that fortifieth strength Ioh. 36. 19. Pouertie nor base estate findeth any fauour with him 3. The land shall be spoyled 6. Riches is a vaine thing to helpe in the time of neede which are subiect to be spoiled and taken from vs why then should we spend our time and bestow our strength vpon things that are vnprofitable Let vs rather labour for the things that cannot perish That treasure which none can robbe vs of For Iehovah hath spoken 7 How deeply soeuer we be planted though it be as Tyrus which had her biding in the Seas and if with the Babylonian we haue heaped togither riches like thicke clay Abacuc 2. 6. let vs yet feare when the mouth of God doth speake For his words are not in vaine Doth he say and shall be not do it Numb 23. 23. 4. The haughtie c. 8 The highest must learne to stoope when he threatneth For he bringeth leannesse vpon the fat ones maketh the plump to pine away and sendeth heauinesse into their soules 5. For the land is defiled vnder the inhabitants thereof because they haue transgressed the lawes changed the ordinance disanulled the euerlasting couenant 6. Therefore shall the curse devoure the land and they that dwell therein shall be desolate Therefore the inhabitants of the land are burned vp and few men are left EXPOSITION COme we now to the causes the second and vnder-causes of so heauy iudgements which the Prophet here avoucheth to be the sinnes of the people But what sinnes First in generall such and so great that the land is defiled vnder these wicked persons Secondly these sinnes are set forth in three particulars The first they haue transgressed the lawes naturall and morall of duties to God and to their brethren The second is they haue changed the rites and ceremonies instituted of God from the right vse for the which they were ordained whilest they see not Christ in them the substance of those shadowes Heb. 9. 11. Coloss 2. 17. For they all do looke to him as the Cherubins did looke with their faces to the mercy-seat Exod. 25. 20. The third is the disanulling of the Couenant founded in Messia Christ when comming vnto his owne his owne receiued him not This third is amplified by the effects the curse that it bringeth with it But aboue all marke the curse here spoken of that which the Iewes so called and cryed for His blood be vpon vs and vpon our children Math. 27. 25. And therefore saith the Prophet it shall most iustly come vpon them and as a fire shall deuoure and consume them Obseruations 5. For the land 9 Sinne is the proper and immediate cause of all affliction For affliction as Eliphaz telleth Iob. Iob 5. 6 7. commeth not out of the dust neither doth vexation spring out of the ground But man is borne to trouble as the sparkes of burning coales flie vpwards That is to say we are not to ascribe trouble and calamitie to chance or other blinde causes but to the sinne that sticketh in vs. Why then are we so cruell and vnmercifull to our selues to pull by such meanes wrath and iudgement vpon our owne heads Defiled 10 Marueilous is the pollution of sinne that not onely staineth and infecteth the whole man soule and bodie but defileth the ground we tread vpon and maketh the land to groane vnder the burthen of vs. They haue transgressed 11 The law of God is the rule and square of all our actions His commandements are as bounds and banks which we may not transgresse or goe beyond though it be with neuer so good intention The lawes 12 There is a double and threefold cord to tie vs to the obedience thereof One because they were not onely written in our hearts by nature but renewed by the voice of God from heauen when mans corruption had obscured the brightnes of the same Another for that they conteine a perfect comprehension of all duties whatsoeuer which we owe to God or one vnto another Aptly therefore and properly doth the Prophet call them lawes in the plurall Changed the ordinances When we apply the holy things especially the rites and ceremonies that he hath instituted to an other end then for the which they were ordained we change the nature of them and of Gods ordinances do make them ours Strange things which God esteemeth not Hosh 8. 12. The excellent things of my law which I praescribe vnto them are reckoned as a strange thing Couenant 13 Wonderfull is the
in place of it is come mourning and complaint pining away for the calamitie and hard estate which their grieuous transgression hath brought vpon them But as the punishment is most heauy so the sinne here pointed at is a sinne of all sinnes the most superlatiue degree of sinne Such a transgression as exceedeth without comparison all other transgressions that euer were Detestable aboue and beyond all the sinnes whatsoeuer of all ages in the world What is that The crucifying of Christ the Lord of Glory vpon a desperate and deepe malice adding to the same so many circumstances of most notorious contumacie and ingratitude Obseruations 14. These shall lift vp their voyce and sing For the excellencie c. 21 The children of God haue their eyes open to see an excellencie of wisedome iustice goodnesse where the world is blind and can discerne nothing but deformitie and confusion Wherefore though their mouthes be stopped vp and mousled that not a word can come from them to the honour and praise of God yet the godly finde matter not onely to speake but to lift their voyce aloud yea to sing and shout There is a difference betweene Gods children and the wicked in obseruing the workes of God For the wicked themselues are forced to acknowledge Gods iustice As I haue done so hath God rendred vnto me Iudg. 1. 7. But Gods children behold an excellencie in Gods workes which maketh them with cheerefull and ioyfull hearts to magnifie his name The deformities that are in the world which seeme to minister nothing but iust complaint and discontent fill their mouthes with songs and hymnes For they with spirituall eyes discerne that excellencie of Gods worke such an aboundance of wisedome power goodnes holinesse truth iustice that maketh them perforce to breake forth into his praises And this is a holy vse of singing and vsing mirth when it tendeth as Dauids Psalmes to the glorifying of the high and mighty workes of God which he would haue to be had in euerlasting remembrance In the Iles of the Sea 25 No place should discourage vs from seruing God the solitarie wildernesse the Iles that are most comfortles What and how noble visions did God reueale to his seruant Iohn in the I le of Patmos when vpon the Lords day he gaue himselfe in that barbarous place to heauenly meditations Glorifie yee Iehovah 26 It is an excellent and a holy dutie to quicken others in pietie and godlinesse as God by his Spirit hath quickned vs. Psal 122. 1. I was glad of them that said vnto me Let vs goe to the house of Iehovah Zach. 8. 21. The inhabitants of one Citie shall say vnto another Let vs go diligently to be sutors to Iehovah and to seeke Iehovah of Hoastes I also will goe And where the zeale of God warmeth at the heart it will breake forth as fire to the kindling and inflaming of others The God of Israel 27 The true God as he reuealeth himselfe in the Church is he that we must honour and serue The memoriall of whose name is alwaies one and the same Heretofore knowne to his people by the name of the God of Israel but now manifested vnto vs more clearely in his Sonne Christ Iesus who with the brightnes and excellencie of the New Testament obscureth and drowneth the former couenant And here haue you the very marke of the true Church which is to celebrate and professe the great and glorious name of the true God the God of Israel the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ 15. Sea valleys 30 In what place of the world soeuer any such may be found though lurking and lying hid in the middest of most barbarous and sauage Nations they are to be acknowledged the liuely members of the Church invisible From the skirt of the land we haue heard Psalmes 31 It is a holy and sweet musicke in Gods eares when as his benefits are generall so generall thanks is giuen of many 2 Cor. 1. 11. 16. Comelines to the iust 32 A land flourisheth and it is well with them when they feare God and walke in his commandements Contrariwise the rejecting and setting light by Gods mercies offred vnto a people is the cause of ruine and destruction of flourishing States and Kingdomes Neuer did any people flourish more then the Israelites when they kept close to Gods ordinances Neuer was there example seene of such a fearefull desolation as befell them when they fell from God which Moses had before threatned Deut. 32. and all the world hath seene to come to passe That in them as in a picture you may behold the truth of that which Solomon saith in his Prouerbes Prov. 14. 34. Righteousnes exalteth a Nation But sinne is the reproch of people To the iust one 34 The cause of the blisse of a whole State is for the iust that are among them Contrary to that the world esteemeth which ascribeth the growth of Kingdomes to the wisedome policie and power of the State yea thinke the seruants of God many times the cause of the calamities that light vpon them as appeareth in many of the Edicts of the first Heathen Emperors Who notwithstanding haue beene oft driuen to acknowledge that God blessed them for the Churches sake that harboured in their kingdomes Most treacherous treacherie 35 What a fearefull sinne it is to lend a deafe eare to Christ For if it shall be easier for Sodome and Gomorrha in the day of Iudgement then for those that despise his Ministers what shall be thought of those that do despise himselfe This is to be noted because of the steps whereby men climbe vp to the height of sinning For those that make no conscience of Christs Ordinances nor to entertaine the Prophets whom he sendeth will at the last make no conscience of killing Christ himselfe if they might come by him All sinnes therefore are not equall neither is there an equalitie of punishments Mans nature is so dull and heauy so vncapable of holy admonitions that they had neede to be beaten vpon againe and againe with varietie and heape of words and particularizing of Gods iudgements so to fasten them into their hearts as with goades and nayles Eccles 12. 13. 17. Feare and the pit and the snare shall come vpon thee O inhabitant of the Land 18. For it shrll be that he that fleeth because of the noise of the feare shall fall into the pit and he that getteth vp out of the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windowes from on high shall be opened and the foundations of the earth shall shake 19. The land shall be vtterly broken downe the land shall be cleane dissolued the land shall be moued exceedingly 20. The land shall reele to and fro like a drunken man and shall flit like a lodge and the transgression thereof shall be heauie vpon it so that it shall fall and rise no more EXPOSITION FIftly and lastly the threatned iudgement is
Not for their hurt but that he may doe good vnto them in the end Mica 4. 12. Zach. 1. 15. Esay 47. 7. Which breedeth a great content in the middest of most heauy crosses maketh them warme at the heart euen then when they lye in their cold irons to sing and make a noyse to the honour and praise of God as if they were hot with wine as Paul and Sylas did Acts 16. Also all our affaires He doth not onely ordain things for good but taking the matter all and euery whit into his owne hands frameth and disposeth of euery thing as best may fit their purpose Our workes Yea as well things done against his Church as things by them and for them hee by his maruellous wisedome that bringeth light out of darknesse maketh to fall out for their singular good and comfort Our way therefore is to let him alone and to rest in that which he shall doe Not that wee are to sit still and neglect the meanes hee appointeth for our good that were not to depend vpon him but to tempt him But that when wee haue done all wee can wee roll our way vpon the Lord to trust in him and he will doe it Psal 37. 5. 6. 13. Other Lords besides thee No affliction so much humbleth Gods people as when such tyrannize ouer them that would iustle Christ out of his throne Haue maistred vs. And such mens tyrannie is for the most part of all other most heauy and intollerable and maketh the Church most to groane and sigh vnder the burden of it Onely through thee There be two reasons why God doth so great and marueylous things for his Church One that by helping them when all helpe of man doth faile all meanes taken away which flesh and bloud doth looke vnto he onely may haue the praise to do wonderfull things alone Psal 72. 18. Thus he telleth Gedeon comming with a great Armie against the Midianites These people are to many for me to deliuer Midian into their hands lest Israel take the glory to himselfe Saying my right hand hath done it Iudg. 7. 2. So prone we are to sacrifice to our owne nets and to arrogate the praise due to God Doe we mention thy name The other is to the end he may euer haue in the world a Church to celebrate and magnifie his name And here is the dutie we owe to God for all his benefits to be trumpets to sound forth his praises Dauid in the Psalmes often presseth this argument the dead do not praise Iah nor any that goe downe into silence But we will blesse Iah from henceforth and for euer Ps 115. 17 18. 16. In trouble See the corruption of mans nature that hath not the heart to speake to God vnlesse he be pressed to it by hard and heauy corrections How necessarie is affliction that maketh vs visit God to delight in his acquaintance Whereas otherwise we are ready with those wicked ones Iob 22. 17. Depart away from vs. Prayer is indeed the daughter of affliction but it is the mother of comfort As it was to the Church here and will be to all that tread in her steps Who euer humbled his soule in seeking God and went away without finding that he sought either in the same or in a far more excellent kinde Manasses was brought extremely low but when he cryed to the God of his Fathers how did he bring him backe vnto his kingdome Submisse Onely let vs looke our prayers be submisse humble and from the soule For proud Iustitiaries go away as empty as they came 29. Dead The assurance of Gods power which I shall shew it selfe in the rising of all flesh is the most exceltent argument to confirme vs in the promises of God hose that are most incredible to flesh and bloud He that can say to the Dead awake and come to iudgement is not he able to put life into this dead people of the Iewes Ezech. 37. Rev. 20. or can the condition of any be so desperate that he is not able to helpe them out Thy c. my c. The promises of God we must so know to be true and certaine to all Gods people that we exclude not our owne speciall and particular comfort Iob 19. 25. In the dust Of our selues we be most miserable in lamentable and wofull case as mourners were wont to sit in the dust The worke of Regeneration which is knit and ioyned with the calling of the lewes is as the rising of our dead bodies out of the dust As litle meanes there is in vs spiritually to quicken our soules as in our carcases to raise themselues vnto life Awake It is onely the power of God that is able for to do it He that said the word and all things were made that commanded light to shine out of darknes he onely is the author of our new life Thy dew The meanes is the word the word of the Gospell preached and sounding in the Church 1 Pet. 1. 25. Sing This filleth our mouthes with cheerefulnesse and with gladnes What matter ministreth such songs and cause of rejoycing as the quickning of our soules dead in sinnes and trespasses 20. Goe to my people enter into thy chambers and shut thy doores vpon thee hide for a very litle while till the indignation passe ouer 21. For behold Iehovah commeth out of his place to visit the iniquitie of the inhabitant of the earth vpon him and the earth shall disclose her slaughters and shall no more hide her slaine CHAP. 27. 1. In that same day will Iehovah visit with that his sore and great and mightie sword Leviathan the Serpent barr Leviathan I say the winding Serpent and will slay the Dragon that is in the Sea EXPOSITION THE Prophet now returneth to prosecute his purpose broken off by the two former Chapters most sweetly enterlaced Wherefore these two verses and the 27th Chapter following which should in truth be but one entire Chapter but that I would not confound the receiued distinction haue an explication of both parts of the prophecie that went before to wit first The finall deliuerie of the Nation of the Iewes in the vtter ouerthrow of the Turkish tyrant which you had Chap. 24 21. 22. and then the flourishing felicite of the Iewish Christian Church which was touched Chap. 24. 23. In the former part there is first a Preparation and then the Iudgement it selfe The preparation first by a kinde and louing Apostrophe to his people willeth them to rest with patience vnder the hope of Gods gratious protection betaking themselues to him with a sure faith in his promises whereby they may be safe and free in the middest of all dangers and perils as the Israelites were Exod. 12. 22. keeping within their doores when the destroyer went forth to slay the first borne in Aegypt And though it be a time of indignation the sorest and greatest time of affliction that euer was in any nation Dan. 12. 1.