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kingdom_n bring_v great_a king_n 7,720 5 3.5751 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36532 A Dreame, or, Nevves from Hell with a relation of the great god Pluto suddenly falling sicke by reason of this present parliament. 1641 (1641) Wing D2156; ESTC R29803 6,475 16

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A DREAME Or NEVVES FROM HELL With a Relation of the great God PLUTO suddenly falling sicke by reason of this present Parliament Printed in S●c●●● on the back-side of the Cyclopean Mountaines 1641. A DREAME OR NEVVES FROM HELL NOT long since an honest Yeoman comming up to London to petition to the most honourable High Court of Parliament in his own behalfe for an especiall wrong he had recei●ed from certaine Projectors who had encroached upon a parcell of his Free-hold neere to the Common where he dwelt by direction of some well-minded people came into Westminster Hall where having walked a long time up and down not knowing unto whom to deliver his petition among so many hundreds that he met withall at last being desirous to take some repast wherewith he might revive comfort himselfe he came to a place neere adjoyning which was tearmed by the name of Hell and having well satisfied himselfe with such a portion of meat drinke as be thought might content his appetite he demanded what might be to pay and finding the reckoning to be beyond his expectation he grew very much discontented at the payment thereof and repairing presently to his Lodging being not farre off and being very much perplexed at his former Reckoning he resolved at the last to betake himselfe to his Bed and not long after falling into a slumbring sleepe divers Whimzies and diversities of Motions swimming in his braine of the supposed Hell where he had formerly beene he dream'd he was in the true and locall Hell indeed Where being affrighted with the apparitions of divers hideous and ugly deformed diabolicall Fiends who were by his cogitation numberlesse he was transported by his fancie to the great Court of Grand Pluto who being attended with a multitude of his blacke Guard and other his stigmaticall Officers there was an instant hurly-burly and combustion in the Court about the suddennesse of Grand-Pluto falling into a greevous sicknesse wherefore all the Court Doctors of Hell being summoned to appeare with an infinit company of Witches Conjurers Sorcerers fetcht from all other places to give their best advice therein were admitted into his princely Chamber and having cast his water and debated the matter a long time about the difficulty of his Disease at length they all agreed that he fell sick of a Parliament Whereupon Proclamation being made in Pluto's name throughout all his Hellish Dominions to any whatsoever to repaire unto his Court with promises of great reward and favour from him that could by any wayes comfort him in this behalfe Upon a sudden there appeared a multitude in long button'd cassacks high collars and square C-ps with small falling bands about their Necks who seemed to strive agoinst all others to be the first that might be admitted into his presence and these were reported to be a comp-ny of Iesuites who were the deere children of Pluto who hearing that their Father was sicke came in all submissive manner to visit him and to offer their service unto him and withall informed him that if there were any Designe Practice Plot Device Study or other stratagem whatsoever that could administer him any comfort or wherein they might any wayes expresse their duty unto him or further enlarge his Kingdome they would ride runne goe trot or what not to performe his pleasure therein and withall desired him to be of good cheere and to be comforted in his Children who were ready at all times to waite his will and pleasure and to execute whatsoever he should command Hereupon they desired their Father Pluto to take notice of the former care they had to enlarge his Kingdome by animating the great Metropolitan to be a meanes to bring in Popery and to doe the best service he could therein And withall shewing how they had sowed sedition and discord amongst the English Hereticks and provoked the Scottish Hereticks to rebell against their lawfull King and to intrude into the Territories of this Land and also had animated their beloved Brother Cardinall de Richlieu to raise a puissant Army for the invasion of this Land in two severall places viz. at Dover and Portsmouth at such times as the King was supposed to be most deeply employed in his Warre against the Scots and likewise have wee not procured your great Secretary of State Don Antonio Demonibus to make an especiall inrolement of all their names in your Kalendar amongst those your deare Servants the Plotters of the Gun-powder Treason and those renowned Complotters of the former invasion into this Land in 88. and have not onely animated many noble personages and others to assist vs in our great Designe of bringing in of Popery into this Land but have also procured divers Popish Books to be printed openly thereby the better to encourage your Highnesse deere Father and the more to enlarge your Kingdome And for Courts of Justice have we not also by our power and authority joyned with our dreadfull and High Commission brought to passe that if any Heretike under the degree of a Lord should but put on his Hat in the time of Divine Service we kept him in our Ecclesiasticall clutches fiue or sixe yeares together And have we not likewise in the Courts of Chancery Kings-Beach or common Pleas procured diuers wayes and meanes wherby many men though their cause were never so just have beene either by continuall delayes wearied in their Suites or by extorted Fees Bri●ery or other Devices driven to sell and morgage their lands goods and whatsoever they have bin possessed off that a man might have worne out Buff-jerkins in that sp●ce yet they seldom or never had an end of their suites but have bin fleeced and jeered out of their demeanes so long as they could procure either mony or friends and yet it hath bin carryed so reatly and cunningly as if the course of Iustice had bin exactly performed And for the Court of Exchequer we are ablefurther to testise unto you deare Father out of our owne knowledge that it is one of the best Courts belonging to your infernall Kingdome for if a suite be once commenced there they have so many delayes by putting in of Pleas making of Mtions putting off a suite from Terme to Terme after a verdict given or framing some excuses to arise from the Bench when a Cause appointed for the day should be heard or to cause Motion vpon Motion to be made whereby so many Orders of the Court must be drawne vp or pretending the Court not to be full with other sinister devices and sleights there vsed that wee have knowne some men to have served an Apprenticeship and bin made Free-men and also to have married Wives and had children and yet the suit formerly commenced not ended Therefore deare Father Pluto be of good comfort and take it not so much to heart so long as you have such durifull children and loving subjects assuring your selfe that we will doe our best endeavours to recover you of