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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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held in admiration of the ignorant Sarazens and distracted Arabians And albeit he was of small reading by reason of his education otherwise yet he hearkened vnto such as were learned especially if they were any way malcontented either with any established religion state or gouernment Amongst which number hee inclined earnestly vnto the censured Hereticke Sergius a Monke of Constantinople which should haue béene punished for maintaining the Nestorian heresie hée attributed great Diuinitie to himselfe And hauing the falling sicknesse he denied it saying hée was onely in a trance being rauished with the vision of the Angell Gabriel who deliuered him secret instructions and new commaundements from God hee taught a Doue to pecke foode out of his eares which hee made the people beléeue was the holy ghost that came to inspire him by means whereof and other his illusions which his confederates vsed in his behalfe strongly possest the multitude with a most holy and reuerent opinion of him as also that hee was the great Prophet of the Ismaelites or as they call themselues the Sarazens and then by the helpe of Sergius and the rest in contempt of the old and new Testament hée made his Antichristian Alcaron wherein hée forbade the vse of holy Scriptures commanding them to continue circumcision and vtterly to abolish baptisme for to them belonged the diuide promise in contempt of Iewe and Christian hée commanded euery Friday for euer to bée held his holy Sabbaoth hée commanded them not to eate swines flesh nor drinke wine by day hée allowed euery man to haue many wiues and constituted a voluptuous Paradise like to the Manichées hée absolutely denied the Trinitie and the doctrine of our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles except onely such places of text as hée wrested to serue his sathanicall purpose saying Christ was a holy Prophet and his fore-runner and had foretold much of him and of his comming hée said the holy Ghost was a Creature like to the Nicholaytans with many other abhominations and blasphemies not fit to be spoken by a Christian all which hee began publickely to preach in the yeare of Christ 620. in the twelfth yeare of the raigne of Hyraclius the Emperour and by degrées it was so followed and beléeued that hée grew mighty in fauour with all sorts of people chiefely the Sarazens then he entred into armes and with a great hoast wasted Asyria tooke Damasco ouerthrew the Persians hée inueigled the warlike Scenits who reuolted from Hyraclius for want of pay hauing subdued many Nations caused himselfe to be crowned King of Persia then hée proclaimed himselfe a great Prophet and by force established his blasphemous Alcaron consisting of the dregges of all Religions then in vse which diuellish and Antichristian Doctrine through the remisnesse and negligence of the Emperours and ciuill dissention of the rest of the Christian Princes hath ouer spread all Asia Affrica and the best part of Europe and is in many places of India He dyed in the yeare 632. being poysoned by his alyes vpon hope to succéede him in his gouernment some write hee dyed at thirty yeares of age and others write at forty yeares and they put him in an Iron chest and placed it vpon loftie Tressels in the Citty of Mecha in Persia whereunto the Turkes goe in pilgrimage from all places Reade Egnatius 2. Booke Blondas 9. Booke Charles Fountagne 2. Booke of Medals and Polydor Virgil 7. Booke This yeare 606. Clocks and Dials were commaunded to be set vp in Churches CAdmine Duke of North Wales was made Soueraigne of the Britaines who gaue strong battell to Ethelfride King of Northumberland and forced him to intreate for peace hée raigned 42. yeares The Kingdome of Mercia beganne vnder the Saxon Penda which Lordship contained Huntingtonshire Herefordshire and Glocestershire At that time raigned in diuers parts of the land 7. Kings Paulinus builded the great Church at Lincolne He beganne the Cathedrall Church at Yorke named S. Peters CAdwallaine the sonne of Cadwane began his raigne ouer the Briaines He warred strongly vpon the Saxons made Penda King of Mercia tributary to him he raigned 48. yeares and was buried at London Sigibert King of the East Angles sent for Felix out of Burgondy to preach the faith he made this Felix Bishop of Dunwich and by his counsell he erected diuers schooles Honorius Arch-bishop of Canterbury diuided his prouince into Parishes Atheldrith the Quéene began the Monastery at Ely Medulfe builded the Abbey of Malmesbury Penda King of Mercia warred vpon Oswald King of Northumberland and slue him in battell Kenewalcus King of the west Saxons builded the Bishops sea of Winchester Benet the Monke and maister of the reuerend Beda brought first the craft of Painting Glasing and Masons worke into this land Cissa began to build the Abbey of Abingdon Erkenwald Bishop of London builded the Abbeyes of Chertsey and of Barking Ostrike Duke of Glocester founded the Monastery of Glocester Peda The sonne of Penda and Selruphus of Mereia were the first founders of Peterborow CAdwalladar was ordained King of Britaine saith Ieffery and ruled onely three yeares He was the last King of Britaine And this land after his time called Anglia and the inhabitants there of Angles or Anglish Saxons who vsed to call all men Welshmen that bee strangers vnto them This happened after the entring of the Saxons vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the time of Vortiger 236. yeares IVstinian the second which some said was Iustinian the fourth sonne to Constantine the fourth was the last of the race of Hyraclius and began his raigne in the yeare 686. hée cut the noses of his yonger brothers to the end they should not aspire to the Empire This wicked Emperor caused a headstrong Councell to bee made against the sixt generall Councell held by his father he made warres vpon the Arabians and Bulgarians contrary to the appointment of his father and prospered accordingly for he was put to the worst Amurath King of Sarazens made peace with him and restored backe Affrica This Iustinian for his crueltie and wilfull behauiour was generally hated of all his subiects and in the tenth yeare of his raigne was chased out of his gouernment by Leonicus who possest the Emperiall Crowne thrée yeares with the speciall helpe of Callymycus and then the men of warre chose Hysmarus Alias Tyberius the third who cut his nose likewise and repressed the Arabians he banished the most noble Phillippicus because an Eagle was séene to light vpon him as bée slept then hée sailed from Affrica to Constantinople and tooke Leonicus and cut his nose as he had done to Iustinian and séered it in the seuenth yeare of his raigne Iustinian by helpe of the Bulgarians recoured his Empire and presently practised all maner of reuenge vpon those hée hated he banished Tiberius pulled out the eyes of Callymycus and in his daily exercise of crueltie as oft as he blew his
God shewed him a speciall grace that hee liued not to see the desolation of that Citty whereof he was then Bishop viz. Hyppo The end of the Romanes gouernment in Britaine which had continued 483. yeares AFter this the Britaines continuing a while in doubtfull war with the Picts and Scots elected Vortiger VOrtiger being king such a plenty of corne and fruit happened as the like had not ben séene in many yeares which plentie caused idlenesse gluttony and letchery There followed such a great pestilence that the liuing scantly sufficed to bury the dead Also the Scots and Picts in most cruell wise spoiled the land where through Vortiger was forced to send for aide of forraine lands And in thrée large shippes there came out of Germany thrée sorts of people Englishmen Saxons and Getes Hengist and Horsus two brethren being their Captaines vnto whom was giuen the Isle of Thanet to inhabite By their manhood in many battailes Vortiger vanquished and droue backe the Pictes and other enemies whereby Hengist came in such fauour that Vortig● married his daughter Rowan a maide of wonderfull beauty for whose sake the King was diuorced from his lawfull wife after which time the Saxons daily increased and the Christian faith decaied The Britaines considering the daily repaire of the Saxons shewed to their King the ie●pardy that might thereof insue but all was in vaine wherfore they depriued him when he had raigned 7. yeares and ordained to their King his eldest sonne Vortimer VOrtimer pursued the Saxons and vanquished them Vntill at length hée was poysoned by his Step mother after hée had raigned sixe yeares VOrtiger obtained againe the Kingdome and shortly after Hengistus entred the land with a number of Saxons but when hée heard of the great assembly that the Britaine 's made against him he treated for peace shortly after the Saxons traiterously slew on the plaine of Sarisbury CCCClx Barons and Earles and tooke the King prisoner constrained him to grant vnto them Kent Sussex Suffolke and Norfolke Then Hengist began his dominion ouer Kent and sending fore moe Saxons made warre vpon the Britaines Aurelius Ambrose and Viher made warre vpon Vortiger and burned him in his Castle when he had secondly raigned 6. yeares AVrolius Ambrose second sonne to Constantine hasted him with an army towards Yorke against Occa sonne of Hengist where hee discomfited and tooke prisoner the saide Occa. He caused the great stones to be set vpon the plaine of Sarisbury in remembrance of the Britaines that were slaine there A Saxon subdued the countries of Southery Somerset Deuonshire and Cornwall which after was called the Kingdome of South Saxons The kingdome of the east Saxons began vnder Duke Vffa which contained Norfolke and S●ffolke Aurelius died of poyson when he had raigned 32. yeares VTher Pendragon was crowned King He was enamored vpon Igreene the Dukes wife of Cornwall and on her hée begate Arthur Hee raigned eightéene yeares and was buried at Stonehing ARthur the sonne of Vther Pendragon was crowned King of Britaine He fought twelue battailes against the Saxons he constituted the order of the round Table to which order he onely receiued such of the nobilitie as were most renowned for vertue and chiualry While Arthur was ocupied in his warres beyond the seas Mordred to whom he had committed the gouernment of Britaine confederating himselfe with Cerdicus King of the West Saxons traiterously vsurped the Kingdome of which treason when relation came to Arthur he spéedily returned pursuing him into Cornewall gaue him battaile where Mordred was slaine and Arthur being deadly wounded was conueied to Glassenbury where he died and is buried after he had raigned 16. yeares COnstantine kinsman to Arthur was ordained King AVrelius a Britaine raising mortall warre against Constantine slue him when he had raigned 3. yeares He was buried at Stonehing This yeare 544. there was an vniuersall earthquake AVrelius Gonaxus King of Britaine imprisoned his vncle which was right heire to the crown He raigned 33. yeares The kingdome of Northumberland began vnder a Saxon named Ida. This prouince was first diuided into two kingdomes the one was called Deyra the which contained the land from Humber to Tine the other Brenicia which included the countrey from Tine to the Scottish sea VOrtiporus the sonne of Conanus was ordained King of Britaine a victorious King and cruell tyrant who put from him his wife and kept her daughter for his concubine in diuers battailes he discomfited the Saxons He raigned 4. yeares MAlgo Conanus gouerned the Britaines slue his first wife and tooke his brothers daughter EThelbert King of the Saxons in Kent gaue battell to Ceanlinus King of the west Saxons in which fight were slaine two Dukes of Ethelberts and himselfe with his people chased CAreticus ruled the Britaines his subiects moued the Saxons with Gurmundus King of Ireland to make warre vpon Careticus in such wise that he was faine to take the towne of Cicester where they assaulted him so sore that he with his men fled from thence into Wales When he had raigned 3. yeares Gurmund builded Gurmondchester EThelridus gouerned Northumberland who made such continual war vpon the Britaines that it is thought he slue more of them then all the other Saxons By this cruelty the faith of Christ was almost vtterly extinguished in Britaine many were chased out of the Iland the rest remained in Wales and the Saxons obtained the whole dominion of the Island sauing a part of Scotland and was subiect to the Picts and Scots This yeare 616. being the fourth yeare of Hyraclius the Emperour of the Romanes in the moneth of August in France and other places there happened a great earthquake and presently followed a great pestilence with such hideous scabs and botches as they could not discerne nor know one man from another This pestlience was very fierce and infectious 596. S. Gregory sent Augustine Melitus Iustus and Iohn to preach the Christian faith to the Angles which were first receiued of Ethelbert King of England whom they conuerted to the faith with diuers of his people This Ethelbert began to build Saint Augustines in Canterbury Pauls Church in London and S. Adrewes in Rochester Sibertus King of the east Saxons builded Westminster MAhomet of the stocke of Ismael an Orphan of poore parentage of an excellent wit and great strength borne in Arabia in his youth taken and sold to a rich Marchant who imployed him in his affaires his maister died then he married Cadiga his Mistresse of 50. yeares of age by whom hee had much wealth which hee in few yeares increased mightily as well in Treasure Camels Munition as other commodities hee gaue great entertainment in his house and was liberall vnto the poore hée was very skilfull in Magicke and learned many deceits of the Egyptians for the which hee was
daughter married Lewis the fourth of that name King of France And about the yeare 962. the people of Denmarke were conuerted to the Christian faith by Popynus the Popes Chaplaine and shortly after that the said Otto made fierce wars vpon Denmarke and tooke their King Aleadus prisoner and caused him and all his children to bee baptized EDward surnamed Senior the sonne of Alfreed was annointed King hee builded Hertford another towne at Wittham in Essex hee builded a new Towne against the old Towne of Nottingham on the south side of the Riuer of Trent and made a bridge ouer the said Riuer betweene two townes Hee subdued the King of Scotland and Wales he also builded Thilwall and repaired Manchester hee was buried at Winchester when hee had raigned foure twenty yeares ADelstane after Edward his father was crowned at Kingstone hee brought this land into one Monarchy for hee expelled the Danes and quieted the Welshmen Hee caused them to pay to him yearly for a tribute twenty pound of gold 300. pound of siluer 2500. head of neate with hounds and hawkes to a certaine number Hee conquered Scotland Hee raigned 15. yeares and lyeth at Malmesbury Guy Earle of Warwicke side the Danish Giant in Hide meade nigh vnto Winchester EDmund brother to Adelstane tooke on him the gouernance of this realme who was slaine when he had raigned 5 yeares and was buried at Glastenbury About this time the Empire of Gréece was translated from Constantinople into Germany in the time of Otto the Emperour And at this time began the Princes Electors And the Citty Magdeburge in Germany was also founded read my larger booke ELdred succéeded Edmund his brother he tooke on him but a protectour but afterward hée was crowned at Kingstone he quieted and kept in due obeisance the Northumbers and Scots and exiled the Danes He raigned 9. yeares and was buried at Winchester EDwine succéeded his vncle Eldred he was crowned at Kingstone In the selfe same day of his coronation he rauished his owne kinswoman the wife of a noble man and afterward slew her husband Which act and for banishing Dunstan who rebuked him he became odible to his subiects and was depriued when hee had raigned 4. yeares EDgar brother to Edwine was crowned at Bathe Hée was excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices that neuer before his dayes was vsed lesse Fellonie by Robbers or Extortion by false Officers Hee chastised the great negligence and vicious liuing of the Cleargy he prepared a great Nauy of ships which he disposed in thrée parts of this Realme and had Souldiers alwaies ready prest and ready against the incursions of forraine enemies King Edgar hauing restored and new founded eight and fourtie Monasteries which before had béene destroyed and confirmed the Monasterie of Worcester which Osnalde then Bishoppe of Worcester by the Kings consent had inlarged and made the Cathedrall Church of that shire Alwinus Alderman Earle of Eastangle founded the Abbey of Ramsey King Edgar raigned 16. yeares and was buried at Glastenbury EDward the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone by the counsell of his Stepmother Elfreed hee was traiterously murdered when he had raigned 3. yeares Buried at Shaftsbury At this time died S. Dunstan Etheldred the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone but because he came to the kingdome by killing his brother he could neuer get the good will of his people A great part of the city of London was burnt At this time saith Sigibert the Historian flourished Guydo Aretine he was the first that taught the Gamuth for prick-song King Etheldred erected the Bishopricke of Exeter he caused all the Danes in England to bee slaine In reuenge whereof Swaxe King of Denmarke inuaded England with fire sword Etheldred died when hee had raigned eight and thirty yeares and was buried in Paules Church in London EDmund the sonne of Etheldred succéeded in the kingdome who was surnamed Ieronside and whiles betwéene him and Canutus striuing for the Empire many bloody battailes were fought the Kings themselues attempted to fight hand to hand for the title of the kingdome in which combate after long and doubtfull fight they both being weari●d fell to a couenant to diuide the same Edmund not long after was slaine by the treason of one Ederick of Staton Edrick making vaunt thereof to Canutus Canutus answered saying and thou shall die as well thou art worthy straight wayes the traitor was tormented to death and cast into a ditch About this time ended the race of Charlemaigne and then began the line of Hugh Caper in France Canutus the Dane challenging all England to himselfe slew his brother Edmond he procured to haue giuen him in mariage Emma the Widdow of King Etheldred who at that time was with Edward and allured her sons to exile with Duke Richard in Normandie She did beare Canutus a sonne of his owne name by his affinitie and alliance the Danes became of the more strength and power His subdued the Scots whereby he was King of England Scotland Denmarke Norway Hee founded the Monastery of Saint Edmondes-Burie when hee had raigned twenty yeares hée deceased and was buried at Winchester HArold Harefoot vsing the force of the Danes that dwelt in England inuaded the Realme while his brother Hardicanutus gouerned in Denmarke And not being vnmindfull by whose aide hee came to the kingdome rewarded the Danes with great dignitie in this Realme he constrained his mother in law Emma to flye and prouide for her selfe hee tormented to death Alured the sonne of Emma which she had by King Etheldred who then was come out of Normandy to visit his mother He raigned 3. yeares died at Oxford and was buried at Westminster HArdicanutus sonne of Canutus and Emma as soone as hee had gotten his fathers kingdome fetched his mother out of exile And in reuenge of displeasure that was done to her and of the murder of his brother Alured hée commanded the carkas of Harold to bee digged out of the earth and to be thrown into the riuer of Thames where by a fisher it was taken vp brought to the Danes who buried it in a Churchyard which they had at London In the midst of his cups he departed this life the 3. yeare of his riagne and was buried at Winchester EDward the sonne of Etheldred was crowned at Westchester hee released the tribute of 4000. pounds called Dane-gelt which the English people from the beginning of the raigne of the Danes was compelled to pay their King euery yeare he tooke to wife Edgitha the daughter of Earle Goodwine hee sent for home into England his Nephew Edward the sonne of King Edmond his brother who brought with him Agatha his wife Edgar Margaret and Christian his children borne in Pannonia where hee liued but a while Thus Edward being disappointed both of his Nephew and his heire pronounced
and our heires you now please to lend me your strong hand I héere promise and assure you that we will haue the supremacy and gouerntment This speach preuailed so farre that instantly the women tooke oath and ioyned their hearts and hands to effect their willes against men and in that fury flew all the men they met then they entred into Armes and for seauen yeares space maintained warres very stoutly and like valiant Amazones all which notwithstanding in the end they were suppressed by Prym●slaus partly by force partly by policy gifts and faire wordes Reade Naucler King Henry married Adelisia the Duke of Louans daughter The Citty of Glocester was burnt Henry Earle of Warwicke and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in the towne of warwicke Waleran Earle of Mellent was taken in Normandy by King Henry and hee with many others were imprisoned at Roan The King caused all the Coiners of England to haue their priuy members cut off and also their right hand because they had corrupted the Coine Henry the Emperour being dead Maude the Empresse returned into England Richard Bishop of London founded the Monastery of S. Oseth in Essex At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they contended with women in length of haire King Henry held a Councell at London wherein it was granted him correction of the Cleargie so the King tooke infinite sums of money of Priests and suffered them to doe what they would King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresit vnto Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou The Citty of Rochester was sore defaced with fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carlile Maude the Empresse did beare vnto Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry A great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in west Cheape consumed a great part of London from thence to Algate Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall of S. Crosse neare vnto Winchester Worcester was sore defaced with fire Maude the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Ieffery Robert Cortoise or Short-thigh King Henries brother died in the Castle of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henry remaining in Normandy deceased the first day of December Anno 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeares 4. moneths his bowels braines and dies were buried at Roan the rest of his body being powdred with salt and wrapped in Buls hides was buried at Reading an Abbey of his owne foundation Hee founded a Priory at Dunstable and builded the Castle of Windsort with a Colledge there KING STEPHEN STephen Earle of Beloine sonne of the Earle of Blois and Adala William Conquerours daughter Nephew to King Henry the first claimed the kingdome the second day of December Anno 1135. and was consecrated at Westminster on the 26. of December This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely of fauour personage he excelled in martiall policy gentlenes liberality towards all men although he had continuall warre yet he did neuer burden his commons with exactions Fire which began at London Stone consumed eastward to Algate and westward to S. Paules Church King Stephen besieged the castle of Exceter a long time which Balwine de Riuers held against him but at length when they within the Castle wanted necessary things to liue by they compounded King Stephen passed the sea to subdue Normandy where hee tooke many citties and strong Castles Rochester was burnt with all the citty The Archbishops sea in Yorke S. Martins without the walles the Hospitall with 39. Churches were burnt Saint Peters Church at Bath and all the citty was burnt The Nobles sent for Maude the Empresse promising her the possession of the Realme according to their oath made to her Dauid King of Scots purposing to recouer the Crowne of England for the Empresse inuaded Northumberland when by Thurstane Archbishop of Yorke the Scots had an ouerthrowe and were slaine aboue ten tho●●sand Robert Earle of Glocester returned into England with his sister the Empresse and a great A●my which arriued at Portsmouth Robert Earle of Glocester with a great power inuaded the towne of Nottingham and spoiled it the Townsmen were taken slaine or burnt in th● Churches whereunto they fled This yeare 1140. died Iohannes de temporibus he was Page to Charlemaigne King Stephen besieged Lincolne against Rainulph Earle of Chester but Rainulph Eare of G●●●cester came with a great power and rescued the same chased the Kings Army and tooke him prisoner hée was had to Glocester and after to Bristow The Empresse reioycing at this he● good hap departed from Glocester and came to Cicester from thence to Winchester where the Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into her hands Earle Robert being pursued was taken a Sobbrige with Earle Warren and many other at length through meditation peace was concluded that the King should be deliuered to his kingdome and the Earle to his liberty Gaufride de Mandeuil Earle of Essex founded the Abbey of Walden and Sir William de Mountfitchet founded the Abbey of Stratford Langthorne King Stephen hearing the Empresse to lye at Oxford with a great power came and besieged her a two moneths space Earle Robert with Henry Sonne to the Empresse landed at Warham where hee besieged the Castle which was defended by Hubert de Lucie who at length yeelded the same In the meane time the Empresse séeing that shee was voyde of helpe cloathing her selfe and her companie all in white vpon a night went ouer the Thames a foote which was then hard frozen she went to Wallingford and the Castle of Oxford was yéelded to the King William of Ypre founded Boxley Abbey in Kent King Stephen tooke Ieffery Maundeuile Earle of Essex at Saint Albones which Ieffery could not be at libertie till he had deliuered the Tower of London with the Earles of Waldon and Plecy When the Earle was thus spoiled of his holds hee tooke the Church of Ramsey and fortified it King Stephen besieged Wallingford but could not preuaile The Earle of Chester was reconciled to the King and was at the siege with him but shortly after when he came to the Court the King being at Northampton hee was taken and kept prisoner till he had rendred the Castle of Lincolne and other fortresses Earle Robert deceased and was buried at Bristow The Empresse being wearied with the discord of the English nation went ouer into Normandy Quéene Matild builded the hospitall of S. Katherine by the Tower of London for poore brethre● and sisters Henry the Empresse sonne went to Dauid King of Scots of whom he was ioyfully receiued and made Knight England was full of trouble and warre set foorth to fire and rapine through the discord betwixt Stephen and certaine Earles that tooke part with Henry Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of
arraigned and condemned of high treason The fift of Iuly arriued at London Prince George Lodwicke Langraue of Lutenburgh c. being sent Ambassador from Rodolphus the second of that name Emperour of the Romans vnto the Kings Maiestie to congratulate his peacefull enioying this Kingdome and the rest of his lawfull inheritance and for continuance of ancient amity with the King of Great Brittaine and the Emperours emperiall dignity this Ambassador was accompanied with thrée Earles and 24 Knights and Gentlemen he had a guard of muskets and an hundred other common persons and returned the 22 of Iuly The 8 of Iuly proclamation was made against Pirats and other English Mariners and Souldiers who vnder pretence of seruing the States robbed diuers Englishmen and other Nations who made complaint thereof vnto his Maiesty This is the third Proclamation against Pirats The 24 of Iuly died shireiffe Iones and two daies after Oliuer Stile Grocer was chosen shiriffe for the remainder of that yeare but the said Oliuer Stile was not chosen Alderman but remained as a Commoner because he had paid a fine before to acquite himselfe thereof and as he supposed of all other publicke offices wherein he deceiued himselfe The first of August died Sir Edmond Anderson Lord Chiefe Iustice of the 〈◊〉 Pleas a man very famous for Law Equity and Conscience he sate Iudge of that High Court thrée and twenty yeares he abhorred briberie he was vtterly against all Monopolies and Polipragmaes in concealements after him succéeded Sir Francis Gawdie a most iust Iudge and a great Lawier he died the 15 of December next following The 11 of August the King made Proclamation to redresse the misimployment of lands and goods and other things giuen to charitable vses William Caluerley of Caluerley in Yorkeshire Esquier murdered two of his owne children in his owne house then stabd his wife into the body with full entent to haue killed her and then instantly with like fury went from his house to haue slaine his youngest Child at nurse but was preuented he was prest to death in Yorke the 5 of August The 27 of August the King Quéene Prince with many of the Nobility being accompanied with the Ambassadors of Spaine and the Archduke were very royally receiued into Oxford where the King heard sundry disputations and himselfe made an Oration in Latine in presence of the whole assembly and for thrée daies space they were most sumptuously feasted by the Earle of Dorset Lord Treasurer of England and Chancellour of that Vniuersity who also gaue frée entertainement vnto all commers from morning vntill night during the Kings abode in Oxford The 29 of August 1605. the King by his Letters Pattents did incorporate the Woodmongers and Carmen of London and the Suburbes to be a Body Corporate and Politicke for euer by the name of Master Wardens and Fellowship of Woodmongers Thomas Hunt and Marke Snelling and Cuthbert Coleman were the first Master and Wardens thereof The last of August arriued at London Henricus Remelyus Principall Secretary of Estrate vnto Christianus the 4 King of Denmarke to be enstalled Knight of the Garter in his Kings right to whom the order of the Garter was sent two yeares before he returned the 28 of September The 29 of September the L. Archbishop of Canterbury was sworne a Priuy Counsellor of Estate at Hampton Court About the 20 of September sir Thomas Smith returned out of Russia being sent thither Ambassador the last yeare vnto the Emperour Boris Pheodorowich Godonoua at whose arriuall there he found the country in vprore and the Emperour in open warres against Demetrius who claimed the crowne then entered his territories with an armie of Polonians and seconded by certaine discontented Russians all which notwithstanding the Emperour vsed and entreated him very respectiuely and became so gratious with him as the Emperour graunted all that he desired and being returned from Mosco to Vollogda to embarke for England he vnderstood that the said Boris Pheodor had poisoned himselfe and that his sonne Pheodor Borossowich succéeded him who vpon knowledge that the English Ambassador was not yet departed dealt as kindly with him as his father had done as well in accepting his letters as promising to confirme whatsoeuer his father graunted but this yong Emperour died within eight wéekes after his coronation and the forenamed Demetrius the supposed sonne to the ancient Euan Vaselowich obtained the crowne which said Demetrius after his counsell had duely informed him of the serious purposed and discreet carriage of the English Ambassador from the King of England and that he remayned yet in Russia with all spéed sent Gauarillo Salmanoue a great Courtier vnto his Lordship with commission to giue him a honourable dispatch and to signifie his Maiesties most earnest desire to be in loue and amity with King Iames of England aboue all the Kings in the world Thomas Pearcy Robert Catesby Thomas Winter and others in the last yeare of the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth by the instigation of certaine Iesuits practised with the king of Spain to send a well furnished Army vpon England promising him great aide to entertaine them at their arriuall at Milford Hauen to that purpose the King promised to send them fifty thousand pound for leuying of horse and ●oot and preparation of Munition in England to second them but whilst this was in a manner concluded Quéene Elizabeth died and the King of Spaine vpon certaine knowledge that King Iames was established dispatched his Ambassadors and Commissioners for England for confirmation of a lasting Peace betweene them yet neuerthelesse the said Robert Catesbie sent Thomas Winter againe to the King of Spaine to resolicite their former proiect but the King answered him your old Queene is dead with whom I had warres and you haue a new King with whom I haue euer beene in good peace and amity and for continuance thereof I haue sent my speciall Commissioners and vntill I sée what will become thereof I will not hearken vnto any other course whatsoeuer When Winter returned and made this knowne vnto Catesby Pearcy and the rest then they beganne to cast about what they might doe of themselues to aduance the Roman Catholicke Religion but first they would see the euent of the first Parliament if that would mitigate any former Lawes and trie what good the Conclusion of Peace with Spaine would doe vnto them before they attempted any further but when they perceiued that neither Parliament nor publicke Peace sorted in any part to their desire and that the Peace concluded was rather a more ready meanes for the Law to proceede against them then otherwise because the Peace concerned onely the Amitie of Christian Princes for the generall good of Christendome without any particular or priuate respect then Catesby told the rest hee had a deuice in his head that should free them and the rest of the English Catholiques from their oppressions
but not being able to resist the force of the Romanes London submitted it selfe to Caesar deliuering vnto him hostages which example also the other citties followed whereby Cassibelanus was constrained to agrée that Britaine should become tributary to the Romanes Then Caesar like a conqueror with a great number of prisoners sailed into France and so to Rome Theomantius raigned quietly 23. yeares CVnobilinus the sonne of Theomantius raigned 35. yeares In the 14. yeare of his raigne Christ our Sauiour was horne From this place following the yeares from Christ his birth are placed in the Margent IESVS Christ very God and man was borne in the 42. yeare of the raigne of Augustus hee beganne to preach the 15. yeare of Tiberius and suffered his passion in the 18. yeare of the same Tiberius GViderius for that hee thought the Romanes had their tribute wrongfully he denied to pay the same he raigned 23. yeares Aruiragus rained 28. yeares Claudius the Emperour sailed into Britaine he subdued vnto the Empire the Isles of Orcades and those that lye in the Ocean Sea beyond Britaine The yeare after Christs birth 63. came into Britaine Ioseph of Arimathie 11. other Christians who builded them a Chappell in the Isle of Anaion and after he was there buried which place being since increased and newly builded was named Glassenbury MArius was ordained King the Picts accompanied with the Scots inuaded Britaine vnto whom Marius gaue inhabitance in the further part of Scotland He raigned 53. yeares COilus brought vp among the Romanes paied the tribute truly he builded the towne of Colchester and raigned 55. yeares At this time 133. the famous Physitian Galen flourished in Rome vnder Helius Adrianus the Emperour LVcius sent his Embassadors to Eleutherius Bishop of Rome desiring him to send some deuout and learned men by whose instruction both he and his people might be taught the Faith and Religion of Christ whereof Eleutherius being very glad sent with them Faganus and Deruuianus by whose diligence Lucius and his people were baptized and instructed in the faith of Christ Lucius raigned 12. yeares SEuerus Emperour in Britaine caused a trench to be cast from sea to sea the length of 22. miles He deceased at Yorke ANtonius Bassianus died in the vi yeare of his raigne CArausius tooke vpon him in Britaine and 7. yeares after Carausius was slaine by Alectus Saint Alban suffered martyrdom vnder Dioclesian and Maximilian in the yeare of our Lord 23. ALectus then kept Britaine by the space of thrée yeares and was subdued by Asclopiodatus At this time the Emperour of Rome ordained for himselfe his successors and imperiall Crowne or diadem of gold adorned with precious stones Reade my larger booke ASelepiodatus slew Gallus the Romane Captaine in the citty of London Coil tooke on him the Kingdome of Britaine Constantius began to raigne possessed Africa Italy France Britaine COnstantine the great sonne of Codstantius and Helen was created Emperour in Britaine he established the Gospell in his Empire and after him all Emperours were Christians He left behind him thrée sonnes to wit Constantinus Constans and Constantius COnstantinus attempted warre against his brother and was slaine COnstans then ruled Britaine which he had administred with great iustice but was slaine COnstantius then had the regiment of Britaine himselfe alone enioyed the Roman● Empire About this time liued the famous Preacher S. George in Antioch IVlianus called the Apostata beganne his raigne ouer the Empire an earnest aduersary to Christian Religion After him succéeded in the Empire Iouinion VAlentinian was Emperour he by his Deputy here in Britaine made sharpe warre vpon the Picts and Scots This yeare 369. dyed S. Hillary Bishope Poytiers of whom Hillary Tearme taketh the name or as some thinke of Pope Hillary who was Pope in the yeare 464. GRatian was then created Emperour Maximus heere in Brittaine vsurped the title of the Empire whereupon assembling all the men of warre and youth of the Realme he passed into France expelled the Frenchmen out of Armorica and placed therein Britaines vnder Conon of whom euer since it hath béene called Britaine the lesse VRsula with the eleuen thousand Virgins sent into little Britaine to be maried were slaine At this time 386. in a generall Councell at Constantinople among other things it was ordained that the Bishops of Constantinople should for euer be called Patriarches Reade my larger booke HOnorius the sonne of Theodosius sucéeded after his father in the Empire but Gratian a Britaine taking vpon him to gouerne Britaine was immediately slaine and Constantine was elected Gouernour THe last of September 425. died the most reuerend Father S. Hierosme in his hermitage in Bethelem at 91. yeares of age THeodosius succéeded in the Empire and made Valentinian his cousin fellow therein At this time Britaine with the foresaid warres was so impouerished of able men that it could not withstand the inuasions of the Pictes and Scots whereupon they required aide of Aetius the Captaine of the Romaine Army hée sent them certaine men of warre out of Fraunce who manfully chased away the Picts and Scots and raising a wall betwéene the Prouince and the enemy returned After their departure the Picts and Scots inuaded the Britaines againe forraged their countrey and destroied the inhabitants wherupon there was sent new aid out of France and a wall was made of stones But shortly after the Scots and Picts made greater Roades into Britaine then euer heretofore For the Romans being troubled with wars in France and Italy neglected the defence of Britaine This happened about the 16. yeare of Theodosius the yonger the yeare of Christ 443. About this time being the 14. yeare of Honorius the Emperour there was a generall Councell held at Ephesus by Celestinus the first who by consent of the Emperour sent S. Patrique the sonne of Gothes sister to S. Martin of Towers to conuert the Irish Nation And in the yeare 413. which was the 2. yeare of this Honorius the Gothes destroyed Rome but Alarcus their King being a Christian shewed mercy to such as fled into the Churches of St. Peter and St. Paul Ricus Geyse alias Genseric King of Alaynes and Vandals after hée had subdued Carthage came from Spaine into Libia at the request of Boniface gouernor of Affrica to aide him against Sygisuldus King of Barbary who not onely made hauocke of the Countrey of Affrica with fire and sword in all extremitie with his diuellish people but also greatly infected the world with the Arrian heresie And in the yeare 431. hee with like malice to disturbe the Christian Church besieged the Citty wherein was the most holy and reuerend Father Saint Augustine who died within thrée moneths after the siege at 76. yeares of age hauing béene 40. yeares Bishop of whom it is written that
nose hée caused some of the fauourers of Leonicus to bée put to death sixe yeares after his reestablishment he sought to ruinate Chersena he was banquished in warre by Phyllippicus whom hee banished with his sonne Tiberius and lost his life and Empire after him succéeded Phyllippicus surnamed Bardanes Read Egnatius 2. Booke I will not speake chiefely of the West-Saxons because in the processe of time they subdued other Kings and brought this land againe to one Monarchy KEnwalcus surnamed Iew raigning among the west Saxons maintained such warre against the Kentish Saxons that he constrained them to séeke meanes of peace This man builded the Colledge of Wels and the Abbey of Glassenbury hee also paide the Peter pence first to Rome When hee had gouerned the west Saxons by the space of 7. yeares he gaue vp his royall power and went to Rome Anno 101. Ethelredus King of Mercia obtained a Bishops sea to bée in the Citty of Worcester Anno 711. Edilwach King of the south Saxons gaue to the Bishop Wilfride the Isle of Selsee wherein the saide Wilfride builded a Monastery and became the first Bishop of the Prouince And in the yeare 715. the Germanes were generally conuerted to the Christian faith EThelard was King of the West Saxons in whose time the reuerend Beda was famous Beda for his learning and good life was renowned in all the world he compiled 78. bookes Ethelrald raigned 14. yeares He died at 70. yeares of age Beda died the last of May 732. of age 72. CVthred was King of the west Saxons he raigned 16. yeares Slgibert being cruell towards his subiects was depriued of his kingly authoritie and wandring in a wood was slaine of a swineheard he raigned not one yeare About this time the Sarazens ouer-ran and spoiled all France KEnulphus appeased certaine murmurs that were among the people for the deposing of his predecessor Sigibert Hee founded the Cathedrall Church of Wels in Anno 766. As he haunted a woman which he kept at Merton he was slaine by a kinsman of Sigibert When he had raigned 29. yeares he was buried at Winchester About this time Charlemaine had forced the Saxons to become Christians BRithricus of the blood of Cerdicus was made King of the west Saxons and ruled 17. yeares In his time it rained blood which falling on mens cloathes appeared like crosses This yeare 793. the west country of Flanders began to bee an Earledome And 16. yeares before that Charlemaine of France sent choise schollers to Rome to learne to sing according to skill and Art The first Church that receiued and preferred skilfull melody was Mets in Lorrayne Till this time the Frenchmen had but small skill in Musicke but there were no Organs knowne in France vntill the yeare 826. Offa King of Mercia builded the Abbey of S. Albones hée chased the Britaine 's into Wales and the vtter bounds of Mercia which is now called Offa-dike The Danes ariued in the Isle called Portland but by the puissance of Bithricus and other Kings of the Saxons they were compelled to auoide the land Bithricus was poysoned by his wife Ethelbura for which deede the Nobles ordained that from thenceforth the Kings wiues should not bée called Quéenes nor suffered to sit with them in places of estate Kenulph King of Mercia builded the Abbey of Winchcombe EGbricus the Saxon obtained the gouernment of the west Saxons he tamed the Welshmen and vanquished Bertulphus King of middle England hée raigned 37. yeares and was buried at Winchester This yeare 812. being the 11. yeare of the Emperiall raigne of Charlemaigne hée founded an Arch-bishopricke in Hambro and ordained that the Arch-bishop and his successor should bée Metropolitan of Sclauonia Denmarke and other great Prouinces of the North Vpon enuy thereat the Danes and others being mighty in armes after the death of Charlemaigne assaulted Hambro and destroyed it cruelly Then within a while after was y e Bishopricke of Breme founded The Archbishop of Hābro sought to cōuert the Danes A Delnulphus the sonne of Egbricus began his raigne ouer the most part of England there came a great Army of the Pagan Danes with 550. shippes into the mouth of the Thames and so to London and spoled it Adelnulphus came against the foresaide Danes and had of them an honourable victory Adelnulphus sent his sonne Alfreed to Rome at which time Leo the fourth consecrated him King Adelnulphus did make the tenth part of his kingdome frée from all tribute and seruice to the King he raigned 18. yeares and was buried at Stonehing ADhelbalde raigned two yeares and a halfe he presumed to his fathers mariage bed and was buried at Shireburne AThelbrict brother to Adhelbald tooke vnder his dominian Kent Southery and Southsex In his time the Pagans spoiled the Citty of Winchester hee raigned 5. yeares and lyeth at Shireburne ETheldred brother to Atheldrict was slaine by the Danes when hee had raigned 5. yeares and was buried at Winborne About this time a furious heathen people came from Sweathland Denmarke and Norway and most despitefully possest that part of France which euer since hath béene called Normandy of whom it tooke the name William the Conqueror is descended of them Hinguar and Hubba ouercame the Prouince of the Northumbers Hinguar sailed into the east part of England tooke Edmond the King of that Prouince being constant in the faith of Christ who first beaten with bats then scourged with whips yet still called on the name of Iesus Christ his aduersaries shot his body full of shafts and stroke off his head Ebbe Abbesse of Coldingham cut off her nose and vpper lip and perswaded all her sisters to doe the like that they being odible to the Danes might the better kéepe their virgnitie in despite whereof the Danes burned the Abbey and Nunnes ALfreede the fourth sonne of Aethelwolph receiued the gouernment of the whole Realme and fought many sharpe battailes against the Pagans Hee restored and honourably repaired the Citty of London after it had béene amongst other Citties destroyed with fire and the people killed vp he made it habitable againe The twenty ninth yeare and fifth month of his raigne departed this life and is buried at Winchester in the Monastery of his foundation Hee founded a Monastery of Monkes at Ethelingsey and another for Nunnes at Shaftsbury hee ordained the hundreds and tenths hee ordained common Schooles of diuers Sciences in Oxford and turned the Saxons lawes into English with diuers other bookes Hee diuided the twenty foure houres of the day and night into thrée parts he spent eight houres in writing reading and praying eight in prouision for his body and eight in hearing and dispatching the matters of his subiects This yeare 930. the King of Norway was baptized and became a deuout Christian and his sonne Otto was Emperour his eldest
Edgar the Outlawes sonne to be heire to the Kingdome but because this Edgar was within age by his testament hee made Herold the sonne of Goodwine Regent vntill the young Edgar should be of age to receiue the kingdome notwithstanding he immediatly after the death of Edward pronounced himselfe King which thing shortly after brought destruction both to himselfe and all England This Edward raigned 23. yeares 6. moneths and odde dayes he was buried at Westminster which hée had newly builded This yeare 1055. Henry the 4. Emperor of that name and 90. in number began his raigne and in the 43. yeare of his raigne the city of Lubeck was founded by a Pagan Read my larger booke HErold gaue to young Edgar the Earledome of Oxford but Harold the King of Norway assaulted England both by sea and land Whose attempt whiles Herold of England prepared to withstand William Duke of Normandy came into England with a well appointed Army alleaging that by right it was due to him by the gift of King Edward his kinsman and also by oath established betwixt Harald and him He landed at Pemsey the 28. of September Harald notwithstanding he was bare of men by reason of the battaile that hée had fought against the men of Norway yet hearing of Williams comming went straight wayes against him Both armies being brought into array the battel was fought wherein great slaughter of Englishmen was made And the Normanes got the victory on the 14. of October King Harold was shot through the braines with an arrow when he had raigned 9. Moneths and was buried at Waltham in Essex where hee had founded a faire Colledge THus endeth the raigne of the Saxons who had now continued sometimes in warres with the Britaines then with the Danes and now with the Normanes the space of sixe hundred yeares VERSES A thousand sixe and sixty yeare it was as we doe read When that a Comet did appeare and Englishmen lay dead Of Normandy Duke William then to England-ward did saile Who conquered Harald with his men and brought this land to bale WILLIAM CONQVEROVR WIlliam Duke of Normandy surnamed Conquerour bastard sonn● of Robert the 6. Duke of the Du●chy and cousin germaine to King Edward after the battell at H●stings came to London when with great ioy he was receiued both of the Cleargy and people and crowned on Christmas day which day by the Historiographers of that time was accounted the first of the yeare following and so named 1067. But after the account of England now obserued the yeare beginneth not vntil the 25. of March This yeare through the great suite and labour of William the Bishop of London King VVlliam granted the Charter and liberties to the same VVilliam Bishop and Godfry of Portgrine and all the Burges of the same Citty of London 〈◊〉 as large forme as they enioyed the same in the time of Saint Edward before the Conquest 〈◊〉 reward whereof the Citizens haue fixed 〈◊〉 his graue being in the midst of the great Isle of Saint Paules Church in London this Epitaph following TO William a man famous in wisdome and holines of life who first with Saint Edward the King and Confessour being familiar of late preferred to be Bishop of London and not long after for his prudency and sincere fidelitie admitted to be of Councell with the most victorious Prince VVilliam King of England of that name the first who obtained of the same great and large priuiledges to this famous Citty the Senate and Citizens of London to him hauing wel deserued haue made this KIng William besieged Exeter which the Citizens and other English men held against him King William gaue to Robert Cummin the Earledome of Northumberland against whom the men of the country did arise slew him with nine hundred of his men and King William came afterward vpon them and slew them euery one AG●lricus Bishop of Durham being accused of treason was imprisoned at Westminster The Englishmen that were fled out of England hauing Edgar to be their captaine returned out of Scotland and suddenly set vpon the Garrisons that King William had set at Yorke put them to ●●ight slewe them possessed the Citty and pronounced Edgar to bee King but not long after King William came with a great army and recouered the Cittie constraining Edgar to returne againe into Scotland Such a dearth was in England that men did eate horses cats dogs and mans flesh King William bereued all the Monasteries and Abbeyes of England of their gold and siluer sp●ring neither Chalice nor Shrine The castle of Ledes in Kent was builded by Creueceur and the Castle of Oxford by Robert O●●ley two noble men that came into England with William the Conquerour In a Counsell holden at Windsore 〈◊〉 Prouince of the Church of Canterbury 〈◊〉 the Church of Yorke was examined and approued King William with a great power inuad● Scotland and forced Malcolme to do him homa● and fealty Gregory the seaueth Pope excommunicated all committers of Simony and remoued married Priestes from executing of diui● Seruice whereof arose great troubles in E●●●land King William caused a Castle to be builded a Durham and Earle Waltheothus of Northu●●berland to be beheaded at Winchester hée saith into Britaine and besieged the Castle of Dole● but preuailed not Walter Bishop of Durham bought of King VVilliam the Earledome of Northumberland wherein he vsed such cruelty that the inhabitants slew him The earth was hard frozen from the kalende● of Nouember to the middest of Aprill Vpon Palme Sunday about noone appeare● a blashīg Starre neare vnto the Sunne Malcolme King of Scots waffed Northumberland flew many and tooke a great prey This yeare King William builded the Tower of London Thurstone Abbot of Glassenbury in his Church caused thrée Monks to be slaine eightéene men to be wounded that their blood ran from the Altar ●awne the steps This yeare was a great winde on Chrstmas day a great earthquake and roaring out of the earth the 6. of Aprill Henry Earle Ferrers founded a Church within his Castle of Tutsbury Alwine Childe a Citizen of London founded the Monastery of Saint Sauiours at Bermondsey in Surrey King William caused enquiry to bee made how many Acres of land were sufficient for one plough by the yeare how many beastes to tilling of one hide how many Citties Castles Farmes Granges Townes Riuers Marshes and Woods what rent they were by yeare and how many Knights or Souldiers were in euery shire all which was put in writing and remained at Westminster King William tooke homage and oath of allegeance of all England tooke of euery hide of land sixe shillings and sailed into Normandy When the Normanes had accomplished their pleasure vpon the Englishmen so that there was no Noble man of that Nation left to beare any rule ouer them it was brought to passe
time lay as rudely as London stréetes which were not all paued in foure hundred yeares after and the north Church-yard of Paules otherwise called the Close and diuers other stréetes in London were not paued vntill the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth In the yeare 1246. the Citty of Luberke was quite consumed with fire whose misfortune made Paris London and other Citties to couer their houses with tile or slate especially if they stood close together and not to vse any thatch which vntill then was vsuall Maude the Empresse mother to King Henry the second deceased shee founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffery Earle of Britaine the Kings son died and was buried at Paris he left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter of Conan Earle of Britaine who also at this time of his death was great with child and after brought a sonne named Arthur A great earthquake threwe downe many buildings among the which the Cathedrall Church at Lincolne was rent in pieces Chichester Cittie was burnt Neare vnto Orford in Suffolke certaine Fishers tooke in their nets a fish hauing the shape of a man which fish was kept by Barthelmew de Glanuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe moneths and more for a wonder he spake not a word all maner of meats he gladly did eate but most greedily raw fish At length he stole away to the sea The towne of Beuerly with the Church of St. Iohn there was burnt Phillip the French King required that his sister which had ben kept in England 22. yeares might be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denied this request and so they got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéeld all the requests as well of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Zafe where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when hee had raigned 24. yeares 7. moneths lacking 11. dayes and was buried at Fonteuerald in the Monastery of Nunnes by him founded Richard Coeurdelyon RIchard the first for his valiantnesse surnamed Coeurdelion second sonne to Henry the second began his raigne and was crowned the third of September 1186. He was bigge of stature with a merry countenance he commanded that no Iewes nor women should be at his Coronation for feare of inchantments For breaking of which commandement many were slaine Elianor the old who at the commandement of her husband had béene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie King Richard gaue ouer the castles of Berwick and Rokesburgh to the Scottish King for the sum of ten thousand pound he also sold to the Bishop of Durham his owne Prouince for a great péece of money and created him Earle of the same He also faigned to haue lost his signet then caused to be proclaimed that whosoeuer would safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled should come to the new seale He gaue his brother Iohn the Prouinces of Nottingham Deuonshire and Cornewall In this time were many Robbers and Outlawes among whom Robert Hood and little Iohn remained in the woods despoiling and robbing the goods of the rich The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoiles as he got vpon whō foure hundred men were they neuer so strong durst not giue the onset Poore mens goods hée spared aboundantly relieuing them with that which hee got from Abbies and houses of rich Earles This yeare the Cittizens of London obtained to be gouerned by two Bayliffes or Shriues and a Maior Henry Cornhill Shriue Richard Reynery Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard betooke the guiding of this land to William Longshanke Bishop of Ely Chancellour of England and transported ouer into Normandy The two Kings of England and of France met at Towers and from thence set forward on their iourney towards Ierusalem The Iewes of Norwich Saint Edmonsbury Lincolne Stamford and Linne were robbed And at Yorke to the number of fiue hundred beside women and children entred a tower of the castle which the people assailing the Iewes cut the throats of their wiues and children and cast them ouer the walles on the Christians heads the residue they locked vp and burnt both the house and themselues William Bishop of Ely builded the outer wall about the Tower of London and caused a déepe ditch to be made Iohn Herlion Shriue Roger Duke Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard subdued the Isle of Cipres and then ioyned his power with Phillip y e French king in Asia conquered Acon where there grewe betwéene the two Kings a grieuous displeasure for which cause Phillip shortly departed thence and comming into France inuaded Normandy Iohn brother to king Richard tooke on him the kingdome of England King Richard restored to the Christians the citty of Ioppa The bones of king Arthur were found at Glastenbury William Hauerall Shirues Iohn Bucknot Shirues Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior William Bishop of Ely withstood the kings brother who said he wist not if his brother were aliue or not To whom the Bishop answered If King Richard be yet liuing it were vniust to take from him the crowne If he be dead Arthur the elder brothers sonne must enioy the same Nicholas Duke Shriue Peter Newlay Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior King Richard hauing knowledge that Phillip of France inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe King ouer England made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares with a small company returning homeward he was taken by Leopold Duke of Austria who kept him in straight prison a yeare and fiue moneths Roger Duke Shriue Richard Fitz Alwine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior The Kings friends intreating for his deliuerance his ransome was set at 100000. l. wherevpon cōmandement was directed from the Kings Iustices that all Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the 4. part of their reuenewes towards the Kings ransome and besides this the Cleargy brought in their golden and siluer Chalices and fléeced their Shriues all which was coined in mony Iohn the kings brother when he heard of the imprisonment of his brother made great war within the realme and tooke by strength the castles of Windsor Nottingham and others The king was deliuered landed at Sandwich on the 12. of March he was againe solemnly crowned After this hee called into his hands all such things as he had either giuen or sold by patents or otherwise by which meanes he got a great sum of mony and sailed into Normandy where shortly after peace was taken betwéene the two kings Also by
the Abby of our Lady of Grace by the Tower of London Hee newly builded Saint Stephens Chappel at Westminster the Castle of Windsor and the Nunnery of Detford King Richard of Burdeaux RIchard the second the son of Prince Edward being but 11. yeares old began his raigne the 21. of Iune in the yeare of our Lord 1377. In bounty and liberalitie he farre passed all his progenitors but for that he was young was most ruled by young counsell and regarded nothing the counsels of the sage and wise men of the Realme which thing turned this land to great trouble and himselfe to extreame misery The Frenchmen arriued at Rye spoiled the towne and burnt it Not long after they assailed Winchelsea were expulsed but they burnt the towne of Hastings Andrew Pickman Shriue Nicholas Twyford Shriue Sir Nicholas Brember Grocer Maior The Frenchmen arriued at Southsex neare the towne of Rothington where the Prior of Lewes with a small company met them who with two knights and an Esquire were taken prisoners by them Iohn Bosehame Shriue Thomas Cornwalis Shriue Iir Iohn Philpot Grocer Maior This Iohn Philpot gaue to the same Citty certaine tenements for the which the Chamberlaine paieth yearely to xiii poore people euery one of them xii d the wéeke for euer and as any of those xiii persons dieth the Maior appointeth one and the Recorder another Iohn Halysdon Shriues William Barret Shriue Iohn Hodsey Grocer Maior The French Kings Gallies tooke the towne of Winchelsea put the Abbot of Battaile to flight and tooke one of his Monkes Walter Ducket Shriue William Knighthood Shriue William Walworth Fishmonger Maior This William Walworth increased the Parrish Church of S. Michael in Crooked lane Eastward with a new Quire and side Chappels c. About this time the making of guns was found by a certain Almaine An excéeding great tax was demanded euery person 4. d. by meanes whereof the Commons in Kent Essex rebelled drue together went to Maidston from thence to blacke Heath so to London and entred the citty where they destroied many goodly places as the Sauoy S. Iohns by Smithfield the mannor of Highbury They set out of the Tower of London Simon Sudbury Robert Halles Prior of S. Iohns William Appleton a friar Minor and beheaded them on Towerhill They beheaded all men of Law and Flemings they spoiled all bookes of Law records monuments they could méet with and set all prisoners at libertie The king offered them peace on condition they would cease from burning of houses slaughter of men which y e Essex men tooke returned home but the Kentish men remained burning as afore Whereupon the K. sent Sir Iohn Newton Knight to Wat Tiler their Captaine to intreate him to come and talke with him The Knight doing his message Wat Tiler answered that he would come at his owne pleasure neuerthelesse hee followed softly and when he came neare Smithfield where the K. abode his comming the K. commanded W. Walworth Maior of London to arrest the rebell which Maior being a man of great boldnesse straight way arrested him on the head in such sort that he astonished him forthwith they which attended on the King thrust him in diuers places of his body which when the commons perceiued they cried out that their captaine was traiterously slaine but the King rode vnto them and saide What meane you I will be your Captaine follow me to haue what you wil require In y e meane time the Maior rode into the city raised the Citizens and shortly returned with a thousand well armed men sir Robert Knoles a Citizen of London being their leader The king reioicing for this vnlooked for aide suddenly compassed the commons with fighting men which commons foorthwith throwing downe their weapons humbly craued pardon which was granted charters to be deliuered to the captaines of euery shire who then departed home The rude multitude being thus dispersed the king made the Maior and fiue Aldermen of London Knights for their good seruice Iack Straw being taken confessed all the conspiracy and lost his head at London Iohn Moore Shriue Iohn Hinde Shriue Iohn Northampton Draper Maior King Richard married Anne daughter of Veselaus King of Bohem. In her daies began the vse of piked shooes tied in their knées with chaines of siluer and gilt Also noble women vsed hi●h attires on their heads piked like bornes with long trained gownes and side saddles after the example of the saide Quéene who first brought that fashion into this land for before women rode astride like men The Marchants of England granted to the King a custome of wools for foure yeares A generall earthquake the 21. of May a water shaking that made the ships in the hauē to totter Iohn Bal was brought to S. Albones and there drawne and quartered Iohn Wraw Captaine of the rebels in Suffolke he was taken drawne and hanged Adam Bawne Shriue Iohn Selyt Shriue Iohn Northampton Draper Maior A crafty deceiuer that tooke vpon him to be skilfull in Physicke Astronomy when his presumptuous lyings could no longer bee faced out was taken set on horseback with his face towards the horse taile and so led about the citty with a coller of iordans and a whetstone about his necke and rung out with basons The Fishmongers in London through the councell of Iohn Northampton then Maior William Essex Iohn Moore and Richard Northbury were greatly troubled hindered of their liberties and almost destroyed Simon Winchcome Shriue Iohn Moore Shriue Sir Nicholas Brember Grocer Maior Iohn Northampton late Maior of London with Iohn Moore Richard Norbury and other were conuict at Reading condemned to perpetuall prison and their goods confiscate for certaine congregations by them made among the Fishmongers Nicholas Exton Shriue Iohn French Shriue Sir Nicholas Brember Grocer Maior King Richard with an army entred Scotland burnt the country and returned The 18. of Iuly was an Earthquake Iohn Organ shriue Iohn Churchman shriue Sir Nicholas Brember Grocer Maior This Nicholas Brember caused a paire of stocks to be placed in euery ward of London and a common Are to bee made therewith to behead such as offended The Duke of Lancaster went with a great army into Spaine to claime the Kingdome of Castile which was due to him in the right of his wife Constance daughter to Peter King of Castile William Stondon Shriue William Moore Shriue Nicholas Exton Fishmonger Maior Richard Earle of Arundell and Thomas Earle of Nottingham encountred with a mightie fléete of Flemings laden with Rochell wine tooke 100. ships more the which contained 19000. tuns of wine which they brought to diuers parts of England whereby wine was then sold for 13. s. foure pence the tun William Venour shriue Hugh Forstalfe shriue Nicholas Exton Fishmonger Maior Thomas Duke of Glocester the Earles of Arundel Warwick Darby
Dunstons in the East of London a great fray happened wherethrough many people were sore wounded Thomas Petwarden Fishmonger slaine out of hand The beginners of the fray which was the Lord Strange sir Iohn Russel knight through the quarrell of their two wiues were brought to the counter in the Poultry excōmunicated at P. Crosse King Henry sailed into Normandy and tooke the Castle of Tonke and shortly after get Caen Beyonx and many other Townes and Castles Henry Read shriue Iohn Gedney shriue Richard Marlow Ironmonger Maior Sir Iohn Oldcastle was sent vnto London by the Lord Powes out of Wales which sir Iohn was conuict by Parliament drawne to S. Giles field hanged and consumed with fire The Parson of Wrotham in Norfolke which had haunted New-Market-heath and there robbed and spoiled many was with his concubine brought to Newgate of London where he died Iohn Brian Ralph Barton Brian deceased Shriue Iohn Pernesse succeeded Shriue William Seuenoke Grocer Maior This William Seuenoke founded in the towne of Seuenocke in Kent where hee had béene nourished a frée schoole and xii almes houses King Henry besieged the Citty of Roan halfe a yeare and more which was yéelded to him Richard Whitingham shriue Iohn Butler shriue Richard Whittington Mercer Maior This Richard Whittington builded the library in the Gray Friars Church in London his Excecutors of his goods builded Whittington Colledge they repaired S. Bartholomews Hospitall in Smithfield they bare some charges to the pauing and glazing of the Guildhall and also of the library there they new builded the West gate of London of old time called Newgate K. Henry was made Regent of France wedded Lady Katherine the Kings daughter of France at Troys in Champaine the feast being finished the King besieged and won many townes in France Iohn Burler Shriue Iohn Welles Shriue William Cambrige Grocer Maior The King suppressed the French houses of religious Monks Friars and such like in England A Subsidie was demaunded but the Bishop of Winchester lent the King 20000. pound to ●●ay the matter The King sailed into France Richard Goslin Shriue William Weston Shriue Robert Chichely Grocer Maior This Robert Chichely w●lled in his testament that vpon his mind day a competent dinner shuld be ordained for 2420. poore men housholders of the Citty and 20. pound in money to distribute amongst them which was to euery man two pence At this time such was the generall capital command sway of the King of England in France as her own Chronicles testifie that in the Court of Chancery in Paris all things were sealed with the seale of King Henry of England and the great seale of England was there new made and vsed wherein was the Armes of France England and as the King sate in his chaire of state he held two Scepters in his hands that is to say in his right hand was a scepter smooth plaine only the proportion of the French coine commonly called a French crowne in his left hand he held a scepter full of curious arts carued and wrought with the armes of England as is vsed in the English mony and on the top thereof a Crosse Presently vpon this the french were so vexed with the english gouernmēt that they practised al meanes to extirp the English as well by praiers as otherwise and neuer ceased vntill they had obtained their desire Calice onely excepted which was English many yeares after Henry the Kings sonne was borne at Windsor on the 6. day of December K. Henry being at Boys S. Vincent waxed sicke died the last of August in the yeare 1422. when he had raigned 9. yeares 5. moneths odde daies hee founded two Monasteries vpon the Thames the one of the Religion of the Carthusians which he named Bethlem the other of religious men women of S. Briget which he named Sion Hee founded Garter principall King of Armes He lieth buried at Westminster Henry of Windsor HEnry the 6. being an infant of 8. moneths olde began his raigne the last of August in the yeare 1422. the gouernance of the Realme was committed to the Duke of Glocester and the guard of his person to the Duke of Exceter to the Duke of Bedford was giuen the the regiment of France William Eastfield Shriue Robert Tatarsall Shriue William Walderne Mercer Maior The xxi of October died Charles King of France by reason whereof the kingdome of France should come to King Henry and the Nobles of France except a few that held with the Dolphine deliuered the possession thereof to the Duke of Bedford to the vse of King Henry A subsidy was granted for thrée yeares fiue nobles for euery sacke of woolle that should passe out of the land This yeare the West gate of London called Newgate was new builded by the Excecutors of Richard Whittington Nicholas Iames Shriue Thomas VVadford Shriue VVilliam Cromer Draper Maior Iames the yong King of Scots who was taken by the Englishmen in the 8. yeare of Henry the 4. and had remained in England prisoner till this time was now deliuered and maried in S. Mary Oueries in Southwarke to the Lady Iane daughter the Earle of Somerset The battell at Vernoill in Perch betwéene the Duke of Bedford Regent of France and the Arminakes but the English party preuailed Simon Seman shriue Iohn Bywater shriue Iohn Michael Stockefishmonger Maior By a Parliament was granted to the King for 3. yeares to helpe him in his warres a subsidie of 12. d. the pound of all Marchandise brought in or carried out of the Realme and 3. s. of euery tun of wine which was called tonage or poundage but since it hath béene renewed at sundry Parliaments and now called custome It was enacted that all the Marchant strangers should be lodged with English hosts and within 40. dayes to make sale of all they brought or else what remained to be forfeit to the King William M●ldred shriue Iohn Brok●●ll shriue Iohn Couentry Mercer Maior The morrow after Simon Iudes day the Maior caused a great watch to be kept with most part of the citizens in armor to stand by the duke of Glocester against the Bishop of Winchester who lay in Southwark with a great power of Lancashire and Cheshire men but the matter was appeased by the Archbishop of Canterbury The 28. of September was an earthquake which continued the space of two houres Iohn Arnold Shriue Iohn Higham Shriue Iohn Rainwell Fishmonger Maior This Iohn Rainwell gaue certaine tenements to the citie of London for the which the same citie is bound to pay foreuer such Fifteenes as well bee granted to the K. for Downgate Bill●ngsgate and Algate ward c. This yeare the tower of the drawbridge of London was begun by the same Maior Henry Frowicke shriue Robert Otley shriue Iohn Godney Draper Maior From the beginning of Aprill vnto Hallontide
Haddon Mercer was also M●● by the Kings commandement Sir Richard Haddon Mercer Maior About Christmas was a Bakers house in w●●wicke lane burnt with the mistresse of the ho●● and two women seruants In Lent the King deliuered all prisoners London which lay for xl s. or vnder William Butler Shriue Iohn Kerkeby Shriue William Browne Mercer Maior Who deceased the 22. of March and forthwith Laurence Ailmer Draper was elected and ●orne he tooke his oath at the Tower and kept 〈◊〉 feast This yeare Sir William Caple was commaun●●d to ward by Empson and Dudley and put in ●it by the King for things by him done in his ma●altie for that he was charged that false mo●y had come to his sight and had not done due ●unishment vpon the party that to him was ac●used to be the coyner of it but were this true or not for that he would fall to no agréement he was by Darby and Sympson and other of their compa●● whereof there was a Iury bound to the ●●dles of Dudley and Empson indited and af●●r by Dudley put in prison some while in the ●●unter some time in the Shriues house while William Butler was Shriue and then deliuered vnto Thomas Exmew and forasmuch as he would not agrée to pay the King 2000. li. was commanded to the Tower where he lay till at length hee was let goe free Also Thomas Knesworth that had béene Maior and his Shriues Robert Shore and Roger Groue were sent to the Kings Bench vnder the custodie 〈◊〉 Sir Thomas Brandon where they were put to their fine of 2000. pound The Citty of Norwich was sore perished and neare consumed with fire for as some haue wri●●ten there was more then 160. houses consumed with most part of their goods Stephen Genings Maior Marchant tailour by the Kings letters for his election Thomas Exmew Shriue Richard Smith Shriue This Stephen Genings founded a free Gra●●mer Schoole at Woluerhampton in Sta●●shire c. This yeare was finished the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy néere vnto Charing Crosse whi●● was a notable foundation for the poore done by King Henry the seuenth vnto the which bee pur●chased lands for the relieuing of 100. poore people More by Indenture septipartite dated the 19. yeare of his raigne he established thrée Monkes Doctors or Batchelors of Diuinitie to sing and to preach in Westminster Church diuers fea●● and euery Sonday for euer An anniuersary yearly of 20. li. to be distributed to the poore by 2. 〈◊〉 péece to 13. poore men and 3. poore women founded by him in an almes house for the same poore men women prouided in the saide Monastery 12. d. a yeare Also a wéekely obit and each of th●● to giue to 140. poore people each one a peny Eig●● brethren conuerses to bee found meate drink● cloathing lodging for euer Thrée schollers 〈◊〉 kept at the Vniuersitie 10. li. the yeare to each 〈◊〉 euer The 13. poore men one to bee a Priest ag●● 45. yeares a good Gramarian the other 12. to 〈◊〉 aged 50. yeares euery Saturday the Priest 〈◊〉 receiue of the Abbot or Prior foure pence the day and each other two pence halfe peny the day for euer for their sustenance and euery yeare to each ●●e a gowne and a hood ready made and to 3. women to dresse their meate and kéepe them in their 〈◊〉 each to haue euery Saturday 16. d. and ●uery yeare a gowne ready made more to the 13 ●●re men yearely 80. quarters of coales 1000. 〈◊〉 good fagots to the vse of their hall and kitchin 〈◊〉 their mansion A discréete Monke to be ouerséer to them to haue 40. s. the yeare c. And to this 〈◊〉 Abbot and Prior to be sworne King Henry died at Richmond the 22. of Aprill ●hen he had raigned 23. yeares and 8. moneths ●nd was buried at Westminster in the new chappell which he caused to be builded Hee left issue Henry Prince of Wales which succéeded in the kingdome Lady Margaret Quéene of Scots and lady Mary promised to Charles King of Castile Henry the eight HEnry the eight at the age of eightéene yeares began his raigne the two and twentieth of Aprill Anno 1509. Of personage hee was tall and mighty in wit memory excellent The 3. of Iune he married la●y Katherine his first wife who had béene late wife 〈◊〉 Prince Arthur deceased On midsomer day the ●ing Quéene were crowned at Westminster George Monex shriue Iohn Dogget shriue Thomas Bradbury Mercer the 18. of October Sir William Capell Draper the 12. of Ianuarie Maiors Sir Richard Emson Knight and Edmond Dudley Esquire who had bene great Counsellors to Henry the seuenth were beheaded on Tower hill th● 18. of August This Edmond Dudley in time of his imprisonment compiled a Booke intituled the 〈◊〉 of Common wealth Iohn Milborne shriue Iohn Rest shriue Henry Kebel Grocer Maior This Henry Kebel builded Aldermary Church in London and did many other workes of chariti● in his life Henry the Kings first sonne was borne on Ne● yeares day but died on S. Matthewes day n● following Nicholas Shelton shriue Thomas Mirfyn shriue Roger Acheley Draper Maior The Nauies of England and France mée● at Britaine Bay fought a cruell battell in wh●●● the Regent of England and a Caricke of Fra●● being grappeled together were burned and the Captaines with their men all drowned the Eng●lish Captaine was Sir Thomas Kneuet who● with him 700. men In the French Carike 〈◊〉 Sir Piers Morgan with xi hundred men Iohn Collet Deane of Paules erected one 〈◊〉 Schoole in Pauls Churchyard in the year● 1512 for poore mens children to be taught frée c. Robert Holdernes shriue Robert Fenrother shriue William Copinger Fishmonger Maior Sir Richard Haddon Mercer Maior The stéeple and the lanterne on Bow Church in Cheape was this yeare finished In Iune the King with a great army in person went into France and there conquered Turwin the 22. of August and tooke the Citie of Turney by appointment the 29. of of September In this time Iames king of Scots inuaded this land with a mighty army but by the diligence of the Quéene with the policy and manhood of the Earle of Surrey the Kings Lieuetenant he was himselfe slaine at Bramstone with 3. Bishops 3. Abbots 12. Earles 18. Lords besides Knights Gentlemen eightéene thousand Scots and all the ordinance stuffe taken the 9. of September Iohn Dawes Iohn Bridges Shriue Roger Basford Shriue William Browne Mercer Maior Sohn Tate Mercer Maior The seuenth of August peace was proclaimed betwéene the King of England France during their liues All the hedges within one mile of London euery way were pulled downe and the ditches filled vp in a morning by a number of yong men Citizens of London because those inclosers had béene hinderance to their shooting In October a marriage was made betwéene Lewis the 12. King of France and Lady
in England named Knights of the Rhodes was dissolued whose reuenewes were wondrous great In May was sent to the Tower Doctor Wilson and Doctor Sampson Bishop of Chicester for relieuing certaine prisoners which d●nied the kings supremacy For the same offence Richard Farmer Grocer of London a wealthy man was committed to the Marshalsey attainted in the premunire and lost all his goods The 9. of Iuly Thomas Lord Cromwell Earle of Essex committed to the Tower of London the 28. of Iuly hee was beheaded on the Tower hillwith the Lord Walter Hungerford King Henry was diuorced from Lady Anne of Cleue The 30. of Iuly Robert Barnes Thomas Gerard William Ierome Priestes were burned in Smithfield The same day Thomas Abell Edward Powell and Richard Fetherstone were hanged and quartered for denying the Kings supremacy The fourth of August were drawne to Tiburne sixe persons one led Laurence Cooke Prior of Doncaster William Horne a lay brother of the Charterhouse Giles Horne Gentleman Clement Philpot Edmond Bromham Darby Kenham Robert Birde Geruace Carrow all put to death for denying the supremacie The eight of August Lady Katherine Howard was shewed openly as Queene at Hampton Court Great drought and a great death of hote burning agues and flixes The salt water flowed aboue London bridge William Laxton Martin Bowes Sir William Roch Draper Ralph Egerton and Thomas Harman put to death for counterfaiting the Kings great scale In Aprill certaine persons began a new rebellion in Yorkeshire which were shortly taken and put to execution in diuers places of which Leigh Tatersall and Thronton were put to death at London Sir Iohn Neuell Knight and ten persons more were put to death at Yorke Barbarossa the King of Argier his mother was a Christian and in his youth through extreame pouertie was constrained to wander like a pedler carrying chéeses and other like meane commodities into Spaine to get a poore liuing and after that he gaue himselfe to Piracy vpon the sea by which theft he enriched himselfe and then consorted with other strong théeues and robbers by meanes whereof hee grew very strong and well furnished with many exiles and wicked persons and then hee assailed and surprised Argier which is in Mauritania otherwise called Barbaria then he ioyned with the great Turke and made fierce warres by sea wherein hee was wondrous fortunate he did very great damage vnto Spaine and chased Foratine Muleasem the king of Tunis out of his kingdome but not being able to Maintaine his fortunes against the Emperour Carolus quintus the King of Tunis and others by reason hée wanted money and skilfull warriours the forenamed Muleasem in the yeare 1535. was by Carolus quintus reestablished in his Kingdome of Tunis for which kindnesse Muleasem permitted the preaching of the Christian faith and in the yeare 1541. Carolus and Muleasem made a strong attempt either to take or to extirpe the forenamed Barbarosso out of his Kingdome of Argier but it tooke no effect yet neuerthelesse forasmuch as they had crost the sea to that intent they meant to continue the siege which they had already planted before his chiefe city bordering vpon the Sea but vpon the sudden there arose a most great and terrible tempest with fierce showers of haile and raine which did the assailants extreame annoyance which the Argierians well perceiuing issued forth with great courage made as great slaughter of their enemies who were in a manner bea●● and almost ouercome with the fury of the tempest this was done about the beginning of October the yeare last mentioned the Emperour hereupon was constrained instantly to retire with mighty losse of men ships and gallies Read Gua●● and Paulus Iouius The Countesse of Sarisbury was beheaded in the tower of London Damport and Chapman two of the Kings guard were hanged at Greenewich in robbery The 28. of Iune Lord Leonard Gray Deputie 〈◊〉 Ireland was beheaded on the Tower hill The ●●me day were hanged at Saint Thomas Wa●●ings Mantile Royden and Frowds Gentlemen for spoile and murther they had done in Nicholas Pelhams Parke the Lord of Dacres of the South being in company and on St. Peters day the Lord Dacres led led from the Tower to Tiburne and there hanged In August the King tooke his Progresse towards Yorke Rowland Hill Henry Sucley Sir M●chaell Dormer Mercer On Christmas euen at night began a great fire in the house called Elsing spittle nigh Cripplegate in London which at that time was the house of Sir Iohn Williams Master of the Kings Iewels where many of those Iewels were burnt more imbezeled The Lady Katherine Howard whom the King had married for her vnchast liuing committed with Thomas Culpeper and Francis De●●ham was by Parliament attainted C●lpeper and Derham were put to death at Tiburne The 2● of Ianuary the King was proclaimed king of Ireland The 13. of February were beheaded with●● the Tower the Lady Howard otherwise called Queene Katherine and the Lady Rochford The 17. of March Margaret Dauie was boil●● in Smithfield for poysoning thrée housholds th● she had dwelled in In the moneth of August Iames Earle of Des●mond in Ireland submitted himselfe to the King The first of October the great Onele of Ireland was created Earle of Tiron and his base 〈◊〉 Mathewe Onele Barron of Dongaman 〈◊〉 Duke of Northfolke entred Scotland the 21. 〈◊〉 October burning wasting all the Marches and there tarried till the midst of Nouember Sir Henry Hublethorne Henry Amcots Iohn Coates Salter The King of Scots made a Roade into England and did much harme but at the last Sir Thomas Wharton sir William Musgraue with a few of the borderers met the Scots where they being in number 15000. were ouerthrowne in which con●●ict was taken the Lord Maxwell the Earles of ●lencarne and Sassilles with all the Captaines of the Army on St. Thomas euen were brought into the Tower of London At new-yeares-tide they were sent home againe The third of Iune the Obrine a Lord in Ireland and diuers of the wild Irish submitted them to King Henry the said Obrine was created Earle of Clawdicard The 12. of Iuly King Henry married Lady Katherine Parre late wife to the Lord Latimer King Henry sent ouer 6000. men to Landersey ●hither also came the Emperour with a great army and shortly after came downe the French K. with a great Army and offered to giue battaile to the Emperour by reason whereof the siege was raised Anthony Person Robert Testwood and Henry Fil●er were burnt at Windsor A great pestilence was at London and there●●re Michaelmas terme was adiourned to Saint Albons Iohn Towles Richard Dobs Shriues Sir William Bowyer Draper Sir Ra. Warren At Hallontide a roade was made into Scotland by the Garrison there who burned 60. villages and tooke great preyes This yeare chanced foure Eclipses one of the Sunne the 24.
a Councell to him and taking order for setting all things in his realme of Scotland began his voyage towards England King IAMES PResently vpon the death of Queene Elizabeth of famous memory the Nobilitie of this Land and Priuy Counsellors of Estate vnto the said Queene acknowledged the immediate right of Iames the sixt then King of Scots and within sixe houres after her death the said Lords and Counsellors gaue full satisfaction vnto the people by three Proclamations the first at the Court gate the second at the high Crosse in Cheape and the third at the Tower by the name of Iames the 1. King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the Faith c. The King being then full 36 yeares of age and crowned King of Scots in his infancy began his raigne ouer the great Isle of Britaine the 24 of March 1602. The Nobility and State aforesaid with all speed sent Sir Charles Pearcy and Master Thomas Sommerset with letters vnto the King signifying the death of the Queene and tender of all their duties loue and allegiance but Sir Robert Cary rid poste and brought the first newes to the King and as he rode gaue knowledge vnto his brother Sir Iohn Cary then Gouernor of Barwicke This calme and discréet course of the English Lords in proclaiming the King and quiet setling the whole Estate without faction or interruption was as plausible vnto all his Highnesse Subiects as admited of all forraine nations The 5. of Aprill the King came from Edenborough to Dunglasse and the next day to Barwicke and vpon the morrow after came newes of many disordered persons that were in Armes in the borders whereat the King was somewhat troubled and forthwith there was power sent to suppresse them and after that when the King came to London he with the aduice of the Lords of his Counsell set all the parts of the northborders in as good condition as any other part of his dominions The 8. of Aprill the King went from Barwicke to Wytherington and then to Newcastle and from thence to Durham to Yorke to Grimstone to Dancester to Newarke vpon Trent to Beuercastle to Burleigh to Hinchingbrooke to Godmanchester to Royston to Standon to Theobalos where the Lords and ether of the Priuie Councell and many other of the Nobility attended his comming and did their homage vnto his Maiesty And here the King made of his Priuie Councell the Lord Henry Howard the L. Tho. Howard who was also made L. Chamberlaine and the L. Mountioy there the King made 28 knights The 10 of Aprill diuers prisoners were discharged out of the Tower among whom the Earle of Southamton was the chiefest The 27 of Aprill there were thirtéene persons slaine and blowne in peeces by misfortune at the Gunpowder mill at Redriffe The 7 of May his Maiesty came from Theobalds to London against which time Master Iames Pemberton and Master Iohn Swinnarton shrieues of London and Middlesexe had furnished themselues with 80 men on horse backe in faire Liueries but Master Pemberton being sicke M. Swinnarton with the whole traine attended at Waltham to receiue his Maiesty as the shrieues of other Coūties had formerly done in all the Kings progresse from Scotland And at Stanford hill three miles from London the L. Maior Aldermen in scarlet robes accompanied with the chiefe officers councellors of the City 500. graue Citizens in veluet coats and chains of gold wel moūted attēded his Maiesty there met him also diuers his Highnes officers as Sergeants at armes Heralds Trūpeters euery one in due place y e Duke of Lenox bare the sword the L. Tho. Howard receiued his Maiesty into the Charterhouse where he staied 4 daies made 80 knights you shall vnderstand y e whilst the King was in his iourney many prisoners were released out of diuers prisons the Maūdy very solemnly performed And the 28 of Aprill at Westminster a very Royall obsequy for the late Quéene Elizabeth according to the Kings appointment by his letters to the Lords of the Priuy Councell all auncient English rites and customes were fully obserued except only the feast of Saint George which his Maiesty deferred vntill his personall comming vnto some of his owne palaces The 7 of May proclamation was made for suppression of all manner of former Monopolies that hindered commerce and protections that impeached mens suits in Law and against the annoyance and oppressions done by y e Salt-peter men Purueyors and Cardmakers The 11 of May the King rode priuately from the Charterhouse to White-hall and went from thence by water to the Tower of London and there the 13 of the same he made Barons viz. Robert Lord Cecill Baren of Essenden Robert Lord Sydney Baron of Penshurst William Lord Knowles Baron of Graies Edward Lord Wotton Baron of Marley he also made xi knights The 16 of May Proclamation was made to prohibite all manner of persons from killing of Déere and all wilde foule according to the Tenour of diuers statutes for preseruation of the Kings game of hunting and hawking The 19 of May proclamation was made for the suppression of disordered persons in the North-borders and for the mutuall peace and amity of both Kingdomes The 20 of May the King made Knights sir Iulius Caesar sir Roger Wilbram masters of the requests sir William Waad sir Thomas Smith sir Thomas Edmonds clerks of the priuy Councell and sir Thomas Lake Clerke of the Signet The twenty two of May the King knighte● sir Robert Lee Maior of London sir Iohn Crooke Recorder and sir Edward Cooke his Highnes Atturney generall And that day the King made a great feast and was serued with great state and at night sundry fire-workes vpon the Thames the Court being at Gréenewich In the last yéere and last terme of Quéene Elizabeth there was a call of Sergeants at Law viz. Thomas Couentrie Robert Houghton Laurence Tanfield I. Crooke Thomas Foster Edward Philips Thomas Harris Iames Altham Henry Hubert Augustine Nichols and Robert Barker these receiued writs from the Quéene de statu gradu seruientum ad legem suscipiendi returnable tres Pascae next following being the second returne in Easter terme but the Quéene dying in the meane time their Writtes abated which notwithstanding the King being aduertised thereof in Scotland from the Councell of England of their late election gaue order for the rest of their procéedings according to their ancient laudable customes so far forth as that they procéed by new Writs in his name returnable the day aforesaid and added vnto their number thrée others viz. Iohn Sherly George Snig and Richard Hutton these fouretéene vpon Tuesday the seuenth of May being the next day after the returne of their writs made their appearance before sir Thomas Egerton Lord Kéeper of the great Seale in the high Court of Chancerie and were then sworne Sergeants at Law and vpon Tuesday
came to the farther side of the Towne and as it went left some stréets and houses safe and vntouched the flame flew cleane ouer many houses néere vnto it and did great spoile to many faire buildings farthest off and ceased not vntill it had consumed 160 dwelling houses besides other and in dammage of wares and houshold stuffe to the full value of thréescore thousand pound The King shewed great kindnesse to the distressed inhabitants as well in giuing them fiue hundred load of timber to repaire their buildings as in preferring their best meanes to raise their generall and particular estates and in giuing them a new Charter The Knights and chiefe Gentlemen of that County performed likewise great kindnesse vnto the Townsmen the Citie of London gaue kindly towards their reliefe The 17 of Aprill Doctor Montague Deane of the Kings Chappell was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wels by the Lord Archbishop of Canturbury At this consecration were present Prince Henry the Duke of Yorke and most of the great Lords of the Priuie Counsell and diuers Bishops The 19 of Aprill at Whitehall died Thomas Earle of Dorset Lord high Treasurer of England He died suddenly at the Counsell Table The 29 of Aprill proclamation was made commanding the oth of allegiance to be ministred vnto all persons that should come from beyond the seas onely to distinguish honest subiects from traiterous practisers and not for any point or matter in religion all knowne Merchants and others of honest state and quallitie were exempt from taking this oth This proclamation was made by reason that many suspitious persons of base sort came daily from beyond seas and refused to take the oth At this time Henry Earle of Northampton was made Lord Priuie Seale Friday the 6 of May Robert Earle of Salisbury was sworne Lord high Treasurer of England at Westminster being accompanied with the most part of all the Earles and Barons and with an extraordinary company of Knights and others of honorable ranke and qualitie that day he feasted the King Quéene and Prince the Lady Elizabeth the Duke of Yorke and all the Counsell The 20 of May at Windsor were made knights of the Garter George Earle of Dunbar Baron Hume of Berwick Lord of Norham Lord high Treasurer of Scotland one of the two Lords Lieutenants in equall authority ouer the middle shires of Great Britaine sometime the borders of both the kingdomes Lord Gouernour and Captaine for his Maiestie of the said towne of Berwick and the Garrison thereof and one of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Counsell and Philip Earle of Montgomery Baron of Shurland In the moneth of Iune the King knighted Sir Alexander Hay Secretary for the Scottish affaires The 23 of Iune Thomas Garnet a Iesuite was executed at Tyburne hauing fauour offered him if he would haue taken the oth of allegiance aforesaid which he refused to doe This Summer at Astley in Warwickshire by reason of the fall of the Church there was taken vp the corps of Thomas Gray Marquesse Dorset he was buried the tenth of October 1530 in the twenty two yeare of Henry the eight and albeit he had laine 78 yeares in the earth yet his eyes haire and flesh remained in a manner as if it had béene newly buried Concerning which you may read the new Epitaph set ouer his sepulchre The ninth of October Doctor Neyle Deane of Westminster was consecrated Bishop of Rochester at Lambeth George Bolles Richard Farrington Shrieues Sir Humphrey Weld Grocer Maior The first of December William Viscount Cramburne sonne and heire to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord Treasurer of England married Catheren Howard the third Daughter of Thomas Earle of Suffolke For these fiue yeares last past great and manifold roberies spoyles pyracies murthers and depredations within the streights elsewhere haue béene committed by seuerall companies of English pirates as well vpon our owne nation as others but especially vpon the Florentines and Venetians wherewith his highnesse being much grieued published from time to time sundry proclamations denouncing the said offenders to be rebels and therewithall gaue order for their suppression and apprehension as traitors and peace-breakers But all this preuailed not for they still increased and persisted in their former villanies with which offenders there were some English Merchants who very cunningly vnderhand vsed cōmerce trucke and traffique for stolen goods to the great cherishing and abetting of those malefactors and dishonor to this nation for redresse whereof the King by proclamation the eighth of Ianuary prohibited all English Merchants from any manner of medling or dealing with them vpon great penaltie commanding the Iudge of the Admiraltie to proceed seuerely in Iustice against all such offenders and that from him there should be no appeale granted to any person touching the premises all which notwithstanding the number of Pirats still increased and did great damage vnto the English Merchants and to all other nations There were Hollanders and Esterlings that at this time and before became fierce Pirats and held consort with the English robbers viz. Ward Bishop Sir Francis Verney and others Whereupon the King of Spaine sent certaine ships of warre vnder command of Don Lewis Faxardo who very politikely about the middle of Iuly came vpon them at Tunis and suddenly burned about 20 of their ships lying in harbor at which time though captaine Ward escaped in person by being then a shoare yet his great strength riches perished in the fire with other his confederates And the 22 of December there were executed at Waping 19 Pirats some whereof had béene in consort with the forenamed English pirats Sunday the ninetéenth of February it should haue béene dead low water at London bridge but quite contrary to course it was then hie water and presently it ebbed almost halfe an houre the quantitie of a foote and then suddenly it flowed againe almost two foote higher then it did before and then ebbed againe vntill it came néere the right course so as the next floud began in a manner as it should and kept his due course in all respects as if there had béene no shifting nor alteration of tides All this happened before twelue of the clocke that forenoone the weather being indifferent calme The 25 of February Richard Lord Buckhurst maried the Lady Anne Clyfford the onely child of George Earle of Cumberland And the last of February died Robert Earle of Dorset father to the forenamed Richard L. Buckhurst And the first of Iune next following Edward Seymour the sonne and heire of the Lord Beauchampe maried the Lady Anne Sackuyle second daughter to the said Robert Earle of Dorset In this month of March 1609. vpon full 3 yeares deliberate aduice was concluded and proclaimed a generall and particular truce ceassation from all maner of hostilitie by sea and land for twelue yeares betwéene Philip the third of
Lady Elizabeth daughter to our Soueraign the Lady Arabella the Countesse of Arondel the Countes of Darby the Countes of Essex the Countes of Dorset the Countes of Mountgomery the Viscounts of Haddington the Lady Elizabeth Gray the Lady Elizabeth Guilford the Lady Katherine Peter the Lady Winter and the Lady Winsor and vpon Wednesday in the afternoon in the Tilt-yard there were diuers Earles Barons and others being in rich and glorious armour and hauing most costly caparisons wondrous curiously imbrodered with pearle gold and siluer the like rich abiliments for horses were neuer séene before presented their seuerall ingenious Trophies before the King Quéene and Prince and then ran at Tilt where there was a world of people assembled to behold their trophies and that night there were other triumphes vpon the water with ships of warre and Gallies fighting one against an other and against a great Castle builded vpon the water and after these battailes then for an houres space there were many strange and variable fire workes in the castle and in all the ships and gallies The Knights of the Bath The Earle of Oxford The Lord Gourdon The Lord Clifford The Lord Fitzwalter The Lord Fitzwarren The Lord Hay The Lord Erskine The Lord Winsor The Lord Wentworth Sir Charles Somerset Sir Edward Somerset Sir Francis Stewart Sir Ferdinando Dudley Sir Henry Cary. Sir Oliuer Saint Iohn Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Charles Stanhope Sir Edward Bruce Sir William Stewart Sir Robert Sydney Sir Ferdinando Tuchet Sir Peregrine Bartye Sir Henry Rich. Sir Edward Sheffield Sir William Cauendish The 4 of Iune Proclamation was made commanding all Roman Priests Iesuits and Seminaries to depart this Kingdome by the 4 day of Iuly next and not to returne vpon paine of the seuerity of the law also by this proclamation the King straightly commaunds all Recusants to returne home to their dwellings and not to remaine in London nor to come within ten miles of the Court without especiall licence but to depart from London and the Court by the last day of this moneth and to remaine confined according to the tenor of the statute in that behalfe prouided Presently after that the oth of allegiance was ministred vnto all officers atturneyes Clerks belonging to any of the Courts of Westminster hall and the Exchequer and vnto all Aduocats and Proctors of the spirituall Courts This oth was also ministred vnto all Lawyers and Students in the Innes of Court and Chancerie and vnto all Studients and Schollers in both the Vniuersities The 25 of Iuly 1610. the Lord Henry Clifford sonne to Frances Earle of Cumberland maried the Lady Francis Cecill daughter to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord high Treasurer of England This yeare the King builded a most stately ship for war the Kéele whereof was an hundred and 14 foot long and the crosse beame was forty and foure foot long she will beare 64 péeces of great Ordnance and is of the burthen of 1400 tunne This royall ship is double built and is most sumptuously adorned both within and without with all manner of curious caruing painting and rich gilding being in all respects the greatest and goodliest shippe that euer was builded in England and this glorious ship the King gaue vnto his sonne Henry Prince of Wales and the 24 of September the King the Quéene the Prince of Wales the Duke of Yorke and the Lady Elizabeth with many great Lords went to Wollwich to sée it lanched but because of the narrownesse of the Docke it could not then be launched whereupon the Prince came the next morning by thrée a clocke and then at the launching thereof the Prince named it after his owne dignity and called it the Prince Master Phynyes Pet. was Warden and chiefe worke master in building this ship The King sent the Lord Wotton Ambassador into France to take the oath of the young King and of the Quéene Regent his mother for performance of a league newly made betwéene the two Kingdomes he arriued at Callis the 28 of August and came to Paris the 7 of September and the King was sworne the 12 of the same moneth And the Ambassador returned into England the 7 of October And the French King viz. Lewis the 13. was crowned the sixth of October at Reynes in Champaigne Sunday the 21 of October by Commission from the King to the Lord Bishop of London the Lord Bishop of Elye the Lord Bishop of Worcester and to the Lord Bishop of Rochester they did consecrate in the Chappell of the Lord Bishop of London Master Iohn Spottyswod Archbishop of Glasco Master Gawen Hamelton Bishop of Galloway and M. Andrew Lambe Bishop of Breachyn which consecration was performed mutatis mutandis according to the forme of the Church of England Richard Pyot Francis Ihones Shreeues Sir William Crauen Merchantaylor Maior The Triumphes Trophies and pleasant deuices at this time in honour of the Lord Maior and Citie of London were extraordinarie great being in a manner twice so much as hath béene vsuall within the Citie and so likewise were the stately shewes and ingenious deuices vpon the water at the charges of the Company of Marchantaylors Notwithstanding the Citie of Londons former plentifull prouision of sundry Granaries and other Storehouses for the generall seruice thereof and for preuention of sudden famine yet such is the late vnspeakeable increase of people within and about the City as well of strangers as Natiues so as the Magistrates in their prouidence for preuention of famine and for prouision for the poore very carefully about two yeares past beganne to build a Bridewell twelue new faire Granaries being sufficient to kéepe sixe thousand quarters of Corne and two store houses for sea-coale for the poore which will keepe foure thousand loade of coales These necessary houses were not finished vntill this time Master Alderman Leman vsed great paines and diligence in the contriuing and accomplishing of this memorable worke This last Summer there were warres in Cleueland and the vnited protestant Princes with their seuerall forces aided the Marquesse of Brandenberg in his claime to that Dukedome and the Dukedome of Gulich in which wars and at the taking the Citie of Gulich Christianus Prince of Anhalt was chiefe Generall of all the vnited forces and sir Edward Cecyll otherwise called Colonell Cecyll was then Lord Generall of the English and Scottish Army This Prince Christanus arriued of late at Douer and came to sée the King who entertained and feasted him and all his traine very roially He tooke great pleasure to view the Citie of London he beheld the pleasant triumphs vpon the water and within the City which were then extraordinary in honor of the Lord Maior and Citizens and that day this Prince with all his German traine were feasted in the Guild hall where he manifested his princely former admiration touching the greatnesse scituation state and wealth of the City and then he also admired
they had wel considered what name that house should beare then with one consent they all agreed it should be called Hicks-hall after the name of the Founder and then the Founder gaue it freely to them and their Successors for euer Vntill this time the Iustices of Middlesex held their County Court or méetings in a rude common Inne called the Castle néere Smithfield-bars anoyde with Carriers and many other sorts of people The said Sir Baptist Hicks hath also builded a very faire Hospitall of frée stone at Camden in Gloucester-shire for sixe poore men and six women allowing them competent mainetenance for euer he also repaired the Parrish Church and gaue them a Bell. This yeare vpon sondry apparant reasons of present ensuing famine the Fast of Lent was straightly commanded to bée strickly kept and that all persons should vtterly abstaine from killing and eating of all manner of Butchers flesh which course tooke good effect as you read at large Edw. Rotherham Allexander Prescot Shrieues Sir Ioh. Swynarton knight Merchātaillor Maior Friday the 16 of October 1612. at 11 a clock at night arriued at Graues-end the most illustrious young Prince Frederick the fifth of that name Count Palatine of the Reyne c. being very Princely accompanied and attended he was receiued by Sir Lewis Lewkenor Knight Master of the Ceremonies whom the King had sent thither before to attend the comming of the Prince vpon knowledge of his ariuall the King sent spéedily the Duke of Lenox with other Earles and Barons to signifie his hearty welcome and the next Sonday they accompanied the Palsgraue by Barge from Graues-end to White-hall where Prince Charles Duke of Yorke receiued and entertained him at his first landing and brought him vp into the great Banqueting-house where he was likewise entertained by the King Queene Henry Prince of Wales and the Lady Elizabeth The 29 of October the Palsgraue dined at the Guild-hall and was accompanied with the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the Duke of Lenox being the great Feast day of the Lord Maior after dinner the Lord Maior in the behalfe of the City and himselfe in signe of loue and hearty welcome presented the Palsgraue with a Bason and Eure and two faire Liuerie pots curiously wrought and richly gilded and in euery of them was engrauen Ciuitas London Friday the sixt of October died the most Noble and hopefull Prince Henry Prince of Wal●s hée was Royally buried in the Chappell Royall at Westminster the seuenth of December Spon Saint Thomas day the Palsgraue and Graue Mawrice were elected Knights of the Garter and vpon Sonday the 7 of February the Palsgraue in person was enstalled at Windsor and Graue Mawrice was enstalled by his Deputy and kinsman Count Lodowicke of Nassaw The 14 of February being Shroue Sunday the Lady Elizabeth was married vnto the Palsgraue In honour whereof there were sundry warlike Tryumphs and Trophies vpon the Thames thrée daies before the daie of marriage and vpon the wedding day there was Tilting and other Royall entertainements of Time and that night there was a Maske of Lords and Ladies and two nights after that there were two seuerall Maskes performed by the Gentlemen of the foure Innes of Court all which were set out and adorned with more sundry propperties speeches and ingenious deuices then euer was any before in this Kingdome and the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London in the behalfe of the citie and themselues presented the Bride with a very faire chaine of Orientall pearle Vpon Easter day the King the Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth receiued the Sacrament in the Chappell of White-hall and the next day Prince Charles was confirmed or Bishopped in the same Chappell by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in the presence of the King and Quéene the Prince hauing beene formerly conferred withall by the Lord Archbishoppe and the Lord Bishop of Bathe and Wells touching the principles of Religion vnto whom hee manifested such princely vnderstanding and forwardnesse and there withall vpon the sodaine gaue such ready answeres and reasons of his Faith as draue them and all the rest that heard him into great admiration the Prince being then but twelue yeares of age the 19 of February last Satterday the tenth of Aprill 1613. the Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth set forward on their iourney for Heydelberge being accompanied with the King and Quéene and Prince Charles and went by barge from White-hall to Gréenewich and vpon Twesday they all in like manner went by Coach to Rochester where the next morning the Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth tooke their leaue of the King Quéene and Prince and then rode to Canterbury and from thence to Margate where the Lord Admirall of England with nine ships and pinaces attended their comming and receiued them and their traine and with them there went to conduct them the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Arundell the Viscont Lisle and the Lord Harrington all these were imbarked the 23 of Aprill but through contrary windes it was the 25 of Aprill before they arriued at Flushing and from thence passed through the vnited Prouinces and through the Dukedome of Cleaueland Gulych and through the Bishopricks of Collen and Tayer and through part of Hessia in all which places they were most kindly entertained and presented with many princely presents and being arriued at Heydelberge they were likewise as ioyfully receiued and welcomed by the Princes Electors and others with great Tryumphs and royall entertainements The Palsgraue during his abode in England demeand himselfe so Nobly that he won the hearts of the whole Nation and at his departure hee exprest his Princely bounty in guifts and rewards The 17 of Aprill 1613. at Alington in Lancashi●e was borne a maiden child hauing foure Legges foure Armes two Bellies ioynde to one backe one head with two faces the one before and the other behinde and this yeare likewise was great Ship-wracke by violent tempests there happened also sundrie Inundations and strange accidents and much dammage done by fire in diuers places and vpon Saint Peters day the Globe on the banckside was burned The practise of Armes and Millitary discipline in the Artillery Garden by the Citizens of London formerly mentioned in the yeare 1586. being for the space of almost foure and twentie yeares quite neglected and in a manner forgotten beganne this yeare 1613. to be practised in farre more excellent manner then formerlie and shortly after vpon the example of this warlike exercise of the Citizens of London then the young Gentlemen of the Innes of Court and Middlesex and others beganne the like practise of Armes in a place called the Couent Garden and after that they made themselues a more conuenient place in a field betwéene Saint Iames and Saint Gyles The 24 of October sir Pecksall Brocas knight did penance at Paules Crosse for standing conuicted before the high Commissioners for secret and notorious
by woules 1009 A traitor to his brother deuoured of wild beasts 919 929 917 Chester 892 863 Bath The King attempted to flye 844 Cordila Queene 800 766 Bloud rained 721 664 636 612 ●59 396 The brother slue the brother 441 Mulmutius lawes 375 Ireland inhabited 356 Merciā law the third 33● The Picts inhabited the marches 323 321 311 The King deuoured 393 Grantham builded 192 The King depriued 296 272 370 The towne of Pickering built 261 258 248 234 227 207 191 171 A good example 161 141 116 135 133 132 131 136 124 120 118 115 111 180 106 104 94 91 88 86 83 81 78 76 74 70 66 Lud repaired London 51 Caesar his first voiage into England The second voyage of Caesar England tributary to the Romanes 37 14 An Christ 1 21 44 First Christians in England 73 124 Colchester built Galen England receiued the Faith 194 212 290 Carausius vsurpeth in Britaine 292 The first imperiall Crowne of gold 299 305 306 337 340 353 S. George 372 Iulian the Apostata Iouinian 365 Hillary Tearme 375 Maximus Lītle Britan in France The originall of the Patriarchy of Constantinople 395 408 The death of S. Hierosme S. Patrique sent to conuert Ireland The Gothes spole Rome The death of S. Augustine 447 Pestilence Saxons sent for Saxons entered this land Vortiger diuorced Vortiger depriued 454 The King poysoned 460 Barone slaine at Aubresbury First kingdome of the Saxons Vortiger burned 466 Stonehing The second kingdom of the Saxons The third kingdom of the Saxons 498 516 Round Table Mordred slaine 542 545 The 5. 6. kingdomes of the Saxons 578 The first warre betweene the Saxons in this realme 58● Gurmundchester builded 588 The Saxons had the whole possession of this realme A strange and terrible pestilence Austē came into England S. Austens at Canterbury S. Pauls Church in London S. Andrews in Rochester S. Peters at Westminster builded The life death of the false Prophet Mahomet As descended of Sara wife to Abraham The Scenits did Mahomet great seruice 606 613 The 7 kingdoms of the Saxons Lincolne Minister S. Peters at Yorke 635 Dunwich The prouince of Canterbury diuided into parishes Ely O●waldfire The bishops sea of Winchester Glazing brought first into England The Abbeyes of Abingdon Chertsey Barking builded 685 This Iland called vniuersally England Iustinian the Emperour 687 Wels and Glassenbury Kingdome forsaken Selsee Germany conuerted 726 Beda 740 757 Cruelty 757 The King slaine Wels. Kenulphus slaine Saxons become Christians It rained blood The original of Flanders soleme musicke in Churches in France S. Albones Offa-dike The Danes first entred this land The King poysoned Winchcombe 802 The Bishopricke of Hambro Breame founded 839 London spoiled 857 860 Winchester spoiled 866 The original of Normandy Edmond martyred Chastity before beauty preferred 872 Vniuersitie in Oxford 900 The Danes and Norweies conuerted Thilwall built Manchester repaired Guy of Warweike 940 The Translation of the Empire of Greece The King of Denmarke conuerted 946 959 The King depriued King crowned at Bath Worcester Ramsey founded 975 The King murdred 1016 Edmond Ironside England diuided Edricus a traitour Treason rewarded 1018 The Danes possessed all England Marriage made vpon condition Canutus King of 4. Kingdomes S Edmonde bury builded 1038 Harald a tyrant Emma her childrē banished 1041 S. Clements Church without Temple-barre Dane-gele Edgitha was barren Lubecke founded 1066 This yeare of our Lord beginneth here at Christmas William Conqueror cousin to K. Edward by the mothers side Harald slaine Anno reg 1 1067 Wherefore the Mayor Citizens of London repaire to Paules Exeter besieged An reg 2. 1068 Earle of Northumberland slaine An reg 3. 1069 Ann reg 4. 1070 Monasteries rifled Ann reg 5. 1071 Ann. reg 6. Castle of Ledes and of Oxford 1072 Yorke subiect to Canterbury Ann. reg 7. 1073 Ann. reg 8. 1074 Married Priest remoued 1075 Bishop murdered An. reg 10 1076 An. reg 11 1077 An reg 12. 1068 An reg 13 1079 Murther An reg 15 1081 An reg 16 Tutsbury 1082 Bermondsey An reg 17 1083 Acres of land numbred An reg 18 1084 A greatter An reg 19 1085 New forest Bishop at Lincolne An reg 10. 1086 water flood Battail Abbey Selby Abbey S. Martine be grand An reg 21. 1086 bo●●s foūd King William died King Will●●am had 4 sonnes and 5. daughters An reg 1. The nobles rebell An reg 2. 1089 Hospitall of S. Iohn Harbaldowne An reg 3. 1090 K. William made war against his brother Scots did homage 606. houses ouerturned An reg 4. 1091 Newcastle Sarisbury An reg 5. 1092 great frost King of Scots slaine Bishoprike at Bath An reg 6. 1093 Carlile repaired and the castle builded Famine Welshmen won Anglesey Ann reg 7 1094 Bishoprick● at Norwich K. Willam inuaded Wales An reg 8.1095 Going to Ierusalem 1096 An reg 9. Normandy pawned An reg 10. 1097 Goodwin sands An reg 11. 1099 Ierusalem wonne The Conquest of Ierusalem by Godfrey of Bollen Words of William Rufus An reg 1● 1100 K. William slaine An reg 1. Measures reformed Vlna now called a yard S. Iohns by Smithfield Clarkenwell 1101. An reg 2. Winchester and Glocester burnt 1102 Norwich An reg 3. Hospitall of S. Bartholomew 1103 An reg 4. Younger brother beguileth the elder 1104 An reg 5. 1105 An reg 6. S. Iohns in Colchester 1106 Elder brother seeketh fauor of the younger Saint Mary Oueries 1107 Ann. reg 8. The Priory of the Trinitie in London builded 1108 Flemings sent into Wales Ann. reg 9. 1109 An reg 10 Taxe Ely a Bishoprike 1110 An. reg 11 Castles as Bristow Cardife S. Iames at Bristow 1111 An. reg 12. 1112 An reg 13 1113 An reg 14. 1114 An reg 15 Medway Thames dried vp 1115 Chichester burnt A blazing starre 1116 1117 An reg 18 1118 Matildes hospitall An reg 19 Knights of the temple 1119 An reg 20. 1112 An reg 21 The Kings children drowned An reg 22. 1121 1122 Lybussa Queene of Bohemia Valasque with her army of Ladies An. reg 23. Glocester burnt An reg 24 Warwicke with the Colledge 1124 An reg 25 Coiners punished 1126 An reg 26 The Empres returned into England 1127 An reg 28. S. Oseth An. reg 29. 1128 Men ware haire like women 1129 An reg 30. 1130 An reg 31. 1131 An reg 32 Rochester burnt 1132 An reg 33 Carlile a Bishoprike London burnt 1133 An reg 34. Worcester burnt 1134 An reg 35. Short thigh died 1135 An reg 36. Death of K Henry An reg 1. Fire at London 1136 Exceter besieged An reg 2. 1137 Rochester S. Peters in Yorke The city of Bath burnt An reg 3. 1138 An reg 4. Battel of the stādard 1139 The Empresse returned into England An reg 5. 1140 Nottingham spoiled An reg 6. 1141 Lincolne be sieged K. Stephen taken An reg 7. The Empres obtained the Crowne Earle of Glocester taken K. Stephen
then were not known by any name Sir Edw. Cooke Lord chief Iustice of the common pleas A Tombe for Queen Elizabeth A monstrous mother The King of Denmarke arriueth in Englād Sir William Wade The King of Denmarke returneth Prince Dolphin of France christned Churches repaired Morefield otherwise called the new walks A truce betweene the Emperour of Germany and the great Turke Shrieues Maior The Lord Hay maried Great flouds A Seminary executed Reconciliation between the Graue of Emden his Subiects An. reg 5. 1607 The King manifesteth his minde to both houses Great flouds in diuers houses Prince Ienuile came into England Vnlawfull assemblies to lay opē inclosures Doctor Rauis lord Bishop of London The King dineth with the Lord Maior and made free of the Cloath-workers His Maiestie paieth 600000. l. which was lent vnto Elizabeth Ambassadors from the States Sir Thomas Kneuit made Baron A Parliament Sir Iulius Caesar made a Priuie Coūsellor The King Prince feasted at Merchantailors hall Prince Henry made free of the Merchantailors Strangers Noblemē Knights The new Master Wardens of the Merchantailers The Earle of Arundels eldest sonne The Earle of Tyrone and other Irish lords fled out of Ireland The King of Spaines second son borne The death of the Ladie Mary Sir Iaruais Clyfton made barō The Lord Awbignye maried Inmates increase of building forbidden by proclamation Also the preseruation of timber vniformity of building throughout London commanded by proclamation Contemners censured in the Star-chamber The old rottē Banquetting house of timber taken down and a new builded of bricke and stone Prouision for such Preachers as shall preach at Pauls Crosse Shrieues Maior The discouerie of the Earle of Tyrons treason The Lord Maxwell brake out of prison Sir Thomas Parry sworne a Priuie Counsellor of Estate A great frost All the Hartichokes in gardens about London were kild with this frost Viscount Hadingtō maried Allgate new builded An. reg 6. 1608 A Seminarie executed S. Edmōds Bury spoiled by a sudden fire The King was very forward to do them any fauor Doctor Mountague Lord Bishop of Bath and Wels. The Earle of Dorset dieth The oth of allegiance ministred vnto suspitious persons The Earle of Northampton made L. Priuie Seale The Earle of Salisbury made Lord high Treasurer of England The Earls of Dunbar Montgomery made Knights of the Garter Francis Earle of Comberland is the other lord Lieutenant Sir Alexander Hay knighted A Iesuite executed The corps of the lord Marquesse Dorset taken vp whole hauing been 78 yeares enterred Doctor Neyle Lord Bishop of Rochester Shrieues Maior The Viscount of Cramburne maried Consorts of pirats within the Streights and in the maine sea This Sir Francis Verney did turne vpon hope of aduācement but hee became extreame poore and miserable Pirats executed Strange shifting of the tides The yong Earle of Dorset maried and the Earle of Hertfords grandchild maried An. reg 7. 1609 A general truce in the Netherlands for twelue yeares The first generall planting of Mulbery trees in England In Dawpheny other parts of France there was silke made a good while before but not thorowout the whole kingdome vntill of late yeres M. Nicholas Ieffe many others had put it in practise long before Britaine Burse builded They were there entertained with pleasant ingenious speeches gifts and deuises Al forrain nations forbidden to fish vpon the coasts of England Scotland Ireland without speciall licence The King heareth the Bishops and secular Iudges The King heareth the complaints touching his nauie A triall of fight between a Lyon a Horse and a Bare The parents of the childe had as much as ●aw and reason could afford Kingly paiments beyond president There was neuer the like royall payment made by any King to the cōmon subiects The first making of Allome in England An ancient duty Let al that are pardoned note this for example His hand was nailed at the Gybet end before his face The originall and foundation of the East India Company Shrieues Maior Translation and consecration of Bishops Prince Henry his first feats of Armes The first discouery and plantation of Virginea The Lord La Warre goeth to Virginea The Parliament adiorned The plantation of the North of Ireland by the Citizens of London An. reg 3. 1610 The king of France murdered Prince Henry created Prince of Wales Knights of the Bath A proclamation touching Iesuits and Recusants The oath of allegiance ministred The Lord Clifford maried The King buildeth the greatest and goodliest ship of war that euer was built in Englād The Lord Wotton sent to take the oth of the French King Three Bishops consecrated Shrieues Maior The Citie of Londō buildeth new granaries and store houses The prince of Anhalt commeth to see the King Sir Edward Cecill Lord Generall of all the English and Sots forces in Cleuelād and Gulich A Monke and a Seminary executed M. Palyns bounty The Prince of Wales setleth his houshold The Parliament dissolued by Proclamation dated the 31 of December The Prince of Wales his maske at Whitehall A speciall Ambassador frō the Frēch King M. Teasdale his bounty Dunbar deceased Viscont Fenton a Priuie Counsellor Sir Marmaduke Dorrell buildeth a Parrish Church Sir Henry Montegue made Sergeant An. reg 9. 1611 Viscon● Rochester created Doctor Abbot L. Archbishop of Canterbury Sir Thomas Dale and sir Thomas Gates sent with supplies to Virginia Sir Thomas Ouerbury The King in person commeth into the Star-chāber to see the triall of his Pixe Proclamation against the transportation of gold siluer and the quoin aduanced The Duke of Yorke the Earle of Arundell and the Viscont Rochester made knights of the Garter Doctor Buckeridge B. of Rochester The yong Landgraue of Hesson arriueth in England The oath of Alleageance ministred Proclamatiō against al encrease of buildings with in Londō and the Suburbs and 20 miles therof Doctor King Lord Bishop of London France Spaine match togither The Earle of Pembrooke a Priuie Counseller Shrieues Maior Two Heretiques burned An. reg 10 1612 Viscont Rochester a Priuie Counsellor Two Seminaries executed The Lord Sanquire executed Lotteries in Londō Roger Earle of Rutland deceast The King buildeth a royall Toombe for his mother translateth her corps from Peterborow to Westminster Great windes shipwrack An Ambassador from the King of Persia to the King of Great Brittaine Hicks-hall builded Sir Baptist Hicks his farther boūtie Lent strictly kept Shrieues Maior The Palsgraue a●●ueth in England Henry Prince of Wales deceased The Palsgraue and Graue Maw●ice made Knights of the Garter The Lady Elizabeth married vnto the Palsgraue A present from London Prince Charles bishopped An. reg 11 1613 The Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth set forward for Heydelberg A Ianus borne shipwrack great flames fiers The Globe burnt The Millita●y exercis● of Armes in the Artill●●y Garden again p●t in practise Sir Peeksall Brocas doth penance at Paules Crosse Sir Iohn Merick sent Lord Ambassador