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A07208 Hearing and doing the ready way to blessednesse with an appendix containing rules of right hearing Gods word. By Henry Mason, parson of S. Andrews Vnder-shaft London. Mason, Henry, 1573?-1647. 1635 (1635) STC 17609; ESTC S102307 184,084 830

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will come short of the publik because in the Church men may joyne both reading and hearing together When they heare the Ministers voice they may look upon the Text in their booke and so at once they shall have the use both of eare and of eye the one of which will stirre up the affection and the other will confirme the memorie and at every pause may reflect back upon that sentence that importeth them most And consequently at one time and in the same exercise they shall in good part reape the benefits both of reading and of hearing 4. Lastly suppose a man reapeth as much good by his privat reading as in reason such an exercice well ordered can produce Yet he cannot promise to his privat devotions the like blessing that God hath promised to the publik servi●es of his Church For of the Tabernacle hee hath said There will I meete with thee and I will commune with thee from above the mercie seate Exod. 25.22 And of the Temple he hath said I have chosen this place to my selfe for an house of sacrifice 2 Chro. 7.12 and vers 15 16. Mine eyes shall bee open and mine eares attent to the prayer that is made in this place For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever and mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually And so of the Assemblies of Christian people CHRIT hath promised Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them Matt. 18.20 By all which we may learne that when we pray heare in publik God hath promised a blessing not onely to the exercises themselves but to the place also where they are performed even because it is Gods house But if wee performe the same duties at home though he hath promised a blessing to the services if they be performed in due sort yet hee hath promised no blessing to the place because it is any mans dwelling or his privat closet And now according to this rule and observation a man may expect a further blessing upon his reading and hearing in the Church then he can expect upon the like performances in his owne house All these things concerning the two questions layed together the summe is this Reading of Gods word and hearing of it read are both of them good exercises which God hath coupled together and man must not put them a sunder Againe the performance of these duties at home and in privat is good in its season and may be a help that the word of Christ may dwell richly in us but it must not in any case justle out the publike service of the Temple where God more especially doth dwell And therefore as our Lord said of the duties of mercie and justice compared with the duties of tithing anise and mint and cumine these things ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone Matt. 23.23 so may I say of publik and privat both reading and hearing These wee should do and not leave the other undone My conclusion shall bee an Exhortation consisting of two parts 1. That as occasion and opportunitie will serve wee be carefull to read the Scriptures in our privat houses When I say as occasion and opportunitie will serve I meane that I do not desire much lesse require that servants should steale from their masters the houres that be due to their service or that masters themselves should neglect the businesses of their calling in which God hath set them but I meane that both master and servant and all other Christians should redeeme the time as the Apostle speaketh that is should take the occasion and make their best advantage of it while the time serveth And he or she who besides the time allotted for such exercises on Sundayes and holy dayes shall take those shreds of time on the other dayes which each mans businesse will permit him without either wronging of others or neglecting of his own estate I doubt not but within a few yeares he may be well read in the booke of God It is reported of Alphonsus King of Arragon Serar in Josh l. 2. pag. 289. c. that notwithstanding his great affaires of government and the daily businesses of a Kingdome yet he gained so much time for this use as that he read over the Bible fourteen times with Glosses Commentaries upon the Text. And by this wee may gather that no mans place who is his owne master is so full of businesse but if he will husband his time well not drown himselfe in worldly cares or lavish away his time in eating and drinking and sporting he may gaine sufficient time for reading without neglecting of the works of his place and calling Yea and servants and labouring men who have the fewest houres to spare yet if they be provident for their soules may now and then finde some leisurable times for this exercise without either wronging of others whose work they do or defrauding of themselves of needfull times of refreshing 2. My exhortation also is that wee do not suffer our selves to bee kept at home without urgent cause when God by the ordinance of his Church doth call us into his house There are not a few in the world who partly through idlenesse and partly through fansifulnesse and contempt of government despise the good orders of our Church and neglect the publik service to the offence of God and wronging of their owne soules But they who are sober minded though they live in the midst of such a froward generation yet will consider and I beseech them so to do with heedfulnes care that God hath promised to meete with his people in the Tabernacle and that his eyes will be open his eares attent to the prayer that is made in the Temple and that where two or three are gathered together in his name he will bee in the midst of them And they may further be remembred that David when he heard that his child was dead went into the house of the Lord and worshipped 2 Sam. 12.20 And not onely the Pharisee who delighted to shew his devotions in publik places but the humble-minded Publican too went up into the Temple to pray Luk. 18.10 And Peter Iohn the blessed Apostles of our Saviour after they had beene filled with the holy Ghost went up together into the Temple at the houre of prayer being the ninth houre Act. 3.1 Now there were none of these men but might have found an house or a closet or a chamber to performe their devotions in but they knew nor did any man in those dayes make question of it but that the house of God was the fittest place to serve God in and that the houre appointed for publik prayer was the best season for them to present their prayers to God They had not learned that subtill distinction which some phantastiks use now a dayes that a privat prayer must not bee
of right hearing Gods word HEARING AND DOING the ready way to blessednesse CAP. I. The scope of this discourse and the intention of the Author Cap. 1 BLessednesse is the end for which man was made and to which the frame of the world doth direct and whereunto himselfe in his daily thoughts doth aspire For though most men are much corrupted in their judgement concerning good and evill yet there was never any man but did desire his owne happinesse as the soveraign and most desirable good This being so he that could and would point out the ready way by which a man may become blessed I suppose might deserve great thankes at every mans hands And this our Lord hath done as elsewhere in sundry places of the Gospell so more especially in that Text of S. Luk But he said Luke 11.28 Yea rather blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it For herein he instructeth us in the way to blessednesse and that partly by his example and more fully by his doctrine And first by his example for when hee heard one of the company proclaiming with a loud voice the blessednesse of that woman who had bred and brought up such a sonne he taketh occasion hereby to discourse of the true blessednesse indeed which farre exceedeth all such blessings as the breeding and bearing of a good sonne is teaching us by this practice of his how to make that use of ordinary occurrences in the world which may stirre up our hearts to think on and to seeke after the things that are above which is a good step toward the blessednesse of heaven and eternall life And secondly our Lord teacheth us the way to happinesse more fully by his doctrine here delivered in which wee finde him telling us that the true blessednesse ariseth out of piety and Gods service that it is contained and set out in Gods word and may be communicated unto us by our hearing and keeping of that word All which points briefely and summarily set downe in our Saviours words I intend by Gods grace to enlarge and amplifie still laying the ground of my discourse in the sacred Text hoping by my poore labours in this argument I may somewhat further both my selfe and others to the obtaining of that blessednesse which wee all doe so much seeke after That God which hath put this thought into my heart put that vertue into my words that they may guide some soule or other to eternall life But before I enter upon the proposed points it will be necessary first to unfold the Text that so both our Lords doctrines my comment upon them may appeare the more plainely The occasion of this speech was this Our Lord had beene preaching the Kingdome of God to the people and a woman of the company ravished with the gratious words that proceeded from him brake out into his praises in these words Blessed is the wombe that bare thee and the paps that thou hast sucked but this commēdation given by the woman our Lord correcteth in this manner Yea rather blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it Which correction of our Saviour that it may the better be conceived wee must enquire what there was amisse in this womans speech that deserved a correction and how our Lord did amend it And my answere thereto I set downe in two propositions 1. Proposition There was not any thing so amisse in this womans speech as that she may be said either to have committed a sin or to have uttered an untruth For by this word blessed this woman meant not that perfect blessednesse which consisteth in the fruition of all good such as our Saviour meant when he said Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdome of heaven Mat. 5.3 but using the word in a vulgar sort shee meant by it a great blessing of God bestowed on Christs mother in the same sense that S. Paul said I think my selfe happy King Agrippa because I shall answer for my selfe this day before thee touching all these things whereof I am accused of the Iews Act. 26.2 For as Paul by these words meant that he thought it a great blessing to himselfe that he had such a Judge so this woman by her words meant that she thought it a great blessing to Christs mother that she had such a son And thus to call her a blessed woman was neither a sinne nor an untruth First it was not an untruth for Solomon saith The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoyce and he that begetteth a wise childe shall have joy of him Thy father and thy mother shall bee glad and she that bare thee shall rejoyce Prov. 23.24 25. Where by saying that they shall be glad and shall have joy of such a sonne hee implyeth that he thought this to be a great blessing But David speaketh more plainly and in the very dialect or phrase of this woman Children saith he are an heritage of the Lord the fruit of the womb is his reward He meaneth it of good children onely and of them hee addeth further Blessed is the man that hath his quiver full of them Psal 127.3 5. Secondly it was no sinne neither in this woman that shee did thus magnifie the happinesse of Christs mother in regard of such a son for Solomon and David in the places now cited did the like in the same case or in a case not so just as this was And upon these grounds I say in the first place that there was nothing so farre amisse in this speech of the woman as that we can say she either committed a sinne or spoke an untruth 2. Propos There was a defect in this speech which might bee bettered and amended for else our Lord would not have corrected it with a Yea rather And to speake particularly the defect herein was twofold 1. That shee did minde a lesser blessednesse and fixed her thoughts upon that when shee might but did not think on a farre greater blessednesse then that was and which concerned her in an higher degree For it is a kinde of blessednesse indeed to have a good and vertuous childe that may comfort us in the world but it is a farre greater blessednesse to enjoy a father in heaven in whose presence is fulnesse of joy for evermore And if this woman did not so esteeme of this blessednesse but with neglect of it did magnifie the other this was a fault that deserved reprehension Or if she did upon the present occasion as I suppose she did magnifie the happinesse of having a gratious sonne reserving notwithstanding her best affections for the happinesse of heaven then though shee could not bee blamed yet her speech might be amended He that calleth them blessed who have godly children saith well but hee that calleth them blessed who keepe Gods commandements saith better And therefore our Lord did amend the womans speech by turning it on that blessednesse which she had