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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65173 A needful corrective or ballance in popular government expressed in a letter to James Harrington, Esquire, upon occasion of a late treatise of his, and published as seasonable in the present juncture of affaires Vane, Henry, Sir, 1612?-1662.; Harrington, James, 1611-1677. 1660 (1660) Wing V72; ESTC R22032 8,679 12

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chosen Deputies and Representative Body for that purpose constituted by them from time to time as need shall require to joyn with the Senate be not that righteous and faithful City spoken of Isai. 1. 26. to whom her Judges are restored as at the first and her Counsellors as at the beginning by whose Decrees that Law goes forth wherein Christ himself shall appear judging amongst the Nations and rebuking many People until he settle Peace and Righteousness in the Earth Quer. 3. Whether such a Ruling Senate consisting of a competent number of fit and meet persons to be made Heads of the People and by their free suffrage elected and designed to the office of executing the supreme Power as the work singly appertaining to this chief Council of Elders and also to the exercise of the Legislative Power in association with the Representative Body of the People to be by them from time to time summoned and called together for that purpose in which general and great Assembly to propose all such matters whatsoever as are to passe into Laws and to receive the distinct and publick vote of the peoples consent to them before they be of the force of Laws or binding be not the most exact platforme of the purest kind of popular Government and that which hath its foundation and first pattern in the Word of God in the practise of Israels Common-wealth and so plainly of Divine Creation and Institution Quer. 4. Lastly Whether the beginnings of such a Government as this as small as they may be at first and accompanied with the mixture of humane frailties and infirmities may not however through the mighty and universal pouring out of the Spirit upon all flesh so grow and increase as at last to come up unto a perfect day in such sort as the publick sentence and judgement of such a restored People and holy Nation in their Assemblies of Judicature may not so much be the judgement of Man as of the Lord himself their King and Law-giver and be owned by him to be the same here on Earth with his which is in Heaven and therefore to be ratified and made stable by the Word of his Heavenly Power executed by his mighty Angels as well as by their earthly forces and strength of mens bodies against all opposers and rebellious gain-sayers to the setting up of Christ as King throughout the whole Earth and causing the Nations and Kingdomes of this World to become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ in a visible manner here below for the space of a thousand yeares in which time the Moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of Hoasts shall raign in Mount Sion and in Jerusalem before his Ancients gloriously shewing himself King in Jeshurum when the Heads of the People and Tribes of Israel are gathered together before the Lord in the day of their Assembly By this time I suppose I have well nigh tyred out your patience having drawn out my Letter to a greater length then becomes this way of address But since my aim in setting these things before your consideration is as I said at first not to put lead on your Chariot wheels to cause them to drive heavily but rather to be an occasion to carry on the Work in a straight line unto its perfection you will I hope the more willingly bear with me and not be offended at this small glimpse which duly improved may at length lead unto a fuller and clearer prospect into the new Heavens and new Earth wherein dwels Righteousness and may in some sort provide us against the time when the fashion of the old ones shall wear off and passe away with great noise and fervent heat which is the faith and assured expectation of him who is Your true Honourer and reall Servant FINIS
A NEEDFUL CORRECTIVE OR BALLANCE IN Popular Government Expressed in a Letter to IAMES HARRINGTON Esquire Upon occasion of a late Treatise of his And published as seasonable in the present Juncture of Affaires SIR THE high esteem and reverence you bear and that deservedly unto humane Prudence which the more ancient the date is that you set to it is doubtless the better as most partaking of its primitive purity does nevertheless I fear out-weigh with you beyond what it ought to the derogation and prejudice of that pattern for Magistracy it self which was shewn unto Moses in the Mount during the forty dayes in which the body of that godly Man was nourished without the help of secondary meanes and yet lived not upon the air but upon every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God In the wisdom of which Word he was then taught to see the most excellent platforme of Civil Government as having its root and inward principles as well as its outward administration flowing from Divine Institution revelation of which we may well suppose that the abilities in Jethro a Heathen that appeared in the advice he gave touching the outward order to be observed for the administration of Justice in the Common-wealth of Israel did fall very short although there be nothing contained in the one which may not have witness and justification given unto it by the other as was the case between Jethro and Moses yet Moses was he that by conversing face to face with God and receiving the lively Oracles was much better qualified to lay down the rules of a perfect Common-wealth Government then Jethro was that by the help only of tradition acquired gifts and experience might arive to that skill in the rules of ancient Prudence as to make him a very knowing and able Politician and yet not to stand in competition with Moses And since you have thought fit in your Treatise shewing the Prerogative of popular Government and very worthily asserting that cause with great advantage on your part against all adversaries that are entred into the list with you to annex to it certain Queries with this inscription To the godly man Be pleased to take in good part this general return that is made thereunto not with any intent to oppose but rather conntenance the essentials of that Government you plead for and perfect the principles of true freedom which are taught by ancient Prudence to the rendring us a holy as well as a free people In which Spirit of holiness you may become invinsible against the very Clergy themselves that have begun to undertake you as you also in requital have not a little unmasked them in their pretended ordination which they as the Presbytery would fain ingross and usurp to themselves without the free consent of the Congregation Nor will it be much material in this to know from whom this comes to you under any other notion then the Advocate for the godly Man to whom your Queries are directed it being indeed from one that cannot be wrought off from a sincere and hearty friendship and value of true godliness how shameful soever the miscarriage hath been in these our dayes of those that having had only the form of it have served themselves thereof to advance their worldly interests to the making that very name to stink amongst the Heathens and great Leviathans of the world and therefore is desirous to receive a clear information and resolution from your self unto some Queries that you will find in the close of this paper directed to you on the behalf of the godly Man after some little discanting upon the nature of Government in the general and joyning in witness with you unto those principles of common right and freedome that must be provided for in whatsoever frame of Government it be which does pretend to a perfection in its kind By Government or Rule in general is to be understood that power which de facto comes to be set up as supreme and is exercised over Nations or People by way of oversight and command for the good of the whole Body in either of the three conditions of men you mention whether of Servants Subjects or Citizens The rise and being which is given to ruling Power amongst Nations and Kingdomes is not by chance nor meerly through the will of Man but hath its place found in Gods Ordinance and Institution for there is no Power but is of God and the Powers that are sprung either from his Authority and Commission or from his Tolleration and Permission So as upon one account or the other we may truly say they are so limited and ordered by him whether it respect the form of their constitution the force of their operation or the time of their continuance as well as the use and end which they serve unto that when all is done Power only belongs to God who kils and makes alive and puls down one and sets up another that it may be kuown that the pillars of the Earth are his and he hath set the World upon them upholding all things by the Word of his Power so as neither promotion nor abasement does come from the East or from the West but from him alone in order to bring to passe the work which he hath to do in the World for the good of his Church and People However Government considered as well in reference to the right as to the actual exercise of it is seated also in the will of man where it hath next under God its rise and being And the access unto it is usually had upon pretence of one of these three rights First the right of consent and free gift by the common vote of the whole Body which is the right door to enter into the exercise of supreme Power and is genuine natural righteous consonant to those pure Principles of mans nature wherein he was at first created and does declare the governed to be in the state of free Citizens who as Brethren partaking of the Spirit of right reason common to them as men made in the Image of God are equally intituled to their own oversight and Government and do therefore see cause voluntarily to associate themselves together and on the grounds of common right and freedome to agree to be subject and yeild obedience to the Laws that are from time to time made amongst them by their own free and common consent So as this sort of Empire or Government is that of Laws and not of Men and is of a nature better agreeing with the many then the few and least of all with the single person The second is the right of conquest which is also through the will of man usurping and imposing upon his Brethren by force of armes that which could not be obtained as it ought by free consent and is therefore held upon the same terms of force and violence to the proclaiming the governed to be fallen into a state of servants if