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A19476 The interpreter: or Booke containing the signification of vvords wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all, or the most part of such words and termes, as are mentioned in the lawe vvriters, or statutes of this victorious and renowned kingdome, requiring any exposition or interpretation. ... Collected by Iohn Cowell ... Cowell, John, 1554-1611. 1607 (1607) STC 5900; ESTC S108959 487,900 584

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Kings house anno 25. Ed. 3. statute 5. ca. 21. Stillyard Guilda Theutonicorum anno 22. H. 8. ca. 8. anno 32. eiusdem ca. 14. is a place in London where the fraternity of the Easterling Merchants otherwise the Merchants of Hawnse and Almaine anno pri Ed. 6. cap. 13. Are wont to haue their aboade see Geld. It is so called of a broad place or courte wherein steele was much sould vpon the which that house is now founded Nathan Chitraens See Hawnse Stone of woll Petra lanae see weights See Sarpler It ought to weigh fourteene pounds yet in some places by custome it is more See Cromptons Iustice of peace fol. 83. b. Straife alias Stray See Estrae Straites anno 18. H. 6. ca. 16. Streme workes is a kinde of worke in the Stannaries for saith M. Camden titulo Cornwall pag. 119. Horum Stannariorum siue metallicorum operum duo sunt genera Alterum Lode-works alterum streme-works vocant Hoc in locis inferioribus est cùm Fossis agendis stanni venas sectantur fluuiorum alueos subinde deflectunt illud in locis aeditioribus cùm in montibus puteos quos Shafts vocant in magnam altitudinem defodiunt cuniculos agunt These you may read mentioned anno 27. H. 8. ca. 23. Stirks Strip See Estreapement Stuard alias steward senescallus seemeth to be compounded of Steede and ward and is a word of many applications yet alway signifieth an officer of cheife accoumpte within the place of his sway The greatest of these is the Lord high Steward of England whose power if those antiquities be true which I haue read is next to the kings and of that heighth that it might in some sort match the Ephori amongst the Lacedemonians The custome of our commonwealth hath vppon great consideration and policie brought it to passe that this high Officer is not appointed for any long time but onely for the dispatch of some especiall businesse at the arraignment of some Noble man in the case of treason or such like which once ended his commission expireth Of the high Steward of Englands Court you may reade Cromptons Iurisdiction fol. 82. I haue reade in an auncient manuscript of what credit I know not that this officer was of so great power in auncient times that if any one had sought iustice in the Kings court and not found it he might vpon complaint thereof made vnto him take those petitions and reseruing them to the next Parlament cause them there to bee propounded and not onely so but also in the presence of the King openly to rebuke the Chaunceler or any other Iudge or officer whom he found defectiue in yeelding iustice And if in case the Iudge or officer so reprehended did alledge that his defect grew from the difficultie of the case insomuch as he durst not aduenture vpon it then the case being shewed and so found the Lord steward together with the Constable of England there in the presence of the King and Parlament might elect 25. persons or more or fewer according to their discretion and the case or cases in question some Earles some Barons some Knights some Citizens and Burgesses which vpon deliberation should set downe what they thought iust and equal and their decree being read and allowed by Parlament did stand as a law for euer fardermore if the Chaunceler or other Iudge or officer could not well approue that the delay of iustice complained of grew from iust difficultie by reason that the case in question was formerly determined by lawe or statute then might the steward on the Kings behalfe admonish him of his negligence and will him to be more carefull and studious Or if there appeared malice or corruption then the King and Parlament was wont to remoue him and assigne another of better hope to the place Lastly if the king had about him any such euill Counceller as aduised him to things vniust or vnanswerable to his Maiestie as tending either to the disherifon of the Crowne publike hurt or destruction of the subiect The office of the Steward was taking to him the Constable and other great men with some of the Commons and giuing notice to the King of their intention to send to that Counseler and will him to desist from misleading the king yea if need so required to charge him to stay no longer about him but to depart from the Court which if he neglected to performe then they might send to the King and will him to remoue him and if the king refused then they might take him as a publike enemie to the King and Realme seise on his goods and possessions and commit his body to safe custody vntill the next Parlament there to be Iudged by the whole kingdome examples are brought of Godwin Earle of Kent in the time of King Edward next before the Conquerour of Hubert Burgh Earle of the same County in the reigne of Henry the third and of Peter Gaueston in Edward the seconds daies But experience as I said hath found this officer more daungerous then profitable and therefore hath time taught though not wholly to suppresse him yet to limite him to particular occasion and to restraine his power Then is there the Steward of the Kings most honourable houshould anno 24. H. 8. cap. 13. whose name is changed to the name of great Master anno 32. eiusdem cap. 39 But this statute was repealed by anno prim Mar. 2. Parlam cap. 4 and the office of the Lord Steward of the Kings houshold reuiued where you may at large reade diuers things touching his office As also in Fitzh nat br fol. 241. B. Of this Officers auncient power reade Fleta lib. 2. cap. 3. There is also a Steward of the Marshalsea pl. cor fol. 52. anno 33. H. 8. cap. 12. To be short this word is of so great diuersitie that there is not a corporation of any accompt or house of any honour almost through the realme but it hath an officer toward it of this name A steward of a maner or of a houshold what he is or ought to be Fleta fully describeth lib. 2. cap. 71. 72. Straunger commeth of the French estranger i. alienare It signifieth in our Language generally a man borne out of the land or vnknowne but in the lawe it hath an especiall signification for him that is not priuie or a party to an act as a Straunger to a iudgement oldna br fol. 128. is he to whome a iudgement doth not belong And in this signification it is directly contrarie to partie or priuie See Priuie Submarshall submarescallus is an officer in the Marshal sea that is deputie to the chiefe Marshall of the Kings house commonly called the Knight Marshall and hath the custody of the prisoners there Cromptons Iurisdict fol. 104. He is otherwise called Vnder-marshall Subpoena is a writ that lyeth to call a man into the Chauncerie vpon such case onely as the common lawe faileth in and hath not prouided
to appeare there except their apparence be especially required vpon some extraordinary cause anno 25. H. 3. cap. 10. and Britton cap. 29. It seemeth to be called the Shyreeues Turn of the French word Tour. i. ambitus circuitus vicissitudo and is of Britton called Tour cap. 61. sub fine capitis as if we would say The Shyreeue his course for as Britton noteth in the said 29. chapter that which before the Shyreeue is called the Shyreeues Turne is called in the court of Fraunchises and Hundreds the view of Frank-pledge wherein inquirie is especially made of such as be not in any dozin with whome Fleta agreeth And by Fleta it appeareth that this Turn was the Shyreeues course to keepe his courtin euery Hundred lib. 2. cap. 52. in princip So that as the inferiour courts had their times to take knowledge of those and other causes belonging to their cognisance So the Shyreeue had his course or turne to doe the like at these two seuerall seasons That if there were any defects in them it might be redressed in these and Gods peace and the Kings so much the more carefully obserued This as Lamberd saith was of old called also the Shyreeues moote lib. 4. cap. 4. In this court as Britton saith vbisupra the Shyreeue causeth tobe found out 12. of the most sage loyall and sufficient men of all the Hundred for he kept his turne twice every yeare in each Hundred Magna charta cap. 35. Britton vbi supra whome he charged vpon their oathes to present the truth touching the articles ministred vnto them and set downe by Britton in the same chapter This done he put all other to their oathes according to their dozins and villages truly to present vnto the former twelue all things concerning such articles as by them they should be asked of But fithence the Hundred courts are all called to the county by the statute anno 14. Ed. 3. cap. 3. Statut. pri these Turnes be likewise kept in one cheife place of euery shire and not seuerally in euery Hundred as before they were Of this you may reade more in Britton or in Cromptons Iurisdiction fol. 230. and in the Mirrour of Iustices lib. pri cap. de Turnes Turney Torneamentum commeth of the French Tournoy i. Decursorium It signifieth a martiall exercise of Knights or Souldiers fighting one with another in disport and is thus defined ca● felicit Extra de Torneamentis Torneamenta dicuntur Nundinae vel feriae in quibus milites ex condicto convenire ad oftentationem virium suarum audaciae temerè congredi solent This word is vsed in the statute anno 24. Henric. octau capit 13. and as I haue heard it signifieth with vs in England those combats that are made with arming swords on horsebacke And I thinke the reason of the name to proceede from the French Tourner i. vertere because it consisteth much in agilitie both of horse and man Turno vececomitum is a writ that lyeth for those that are called to the Shyreeues turne out of their owne Hundred Register orig fol. 174. Tuain nithes gest hospes duarum noctium Roger Houeden parte poster suorum annalium fol. 345. b. who if he did harme to any his hoste was not aunswerable for it but himselfe See Thrid nithes hawan man Twelue men Duodecim homines legales is a number of twelue persons or vp wards to the number of 24. by whose discretion all tryals passe both in ciuill and criminall causes through all courts of the common law in this Realme First for ciuile causes when proofe is made of the mater in question as the parties and their councell thinke good on both sides the point of the fact that they are to giue their verdict of is deliuered likewise vnto them which we call the issue and then are they put in minde of their oath formerly taken to doe right betweene party and party and so sent out of the court seuerally by themselues to consider vpon the evidence of both sides vntill they be agreed which done they returne to the court againe and deliuer their verdict by the mouth of the foreman And according to this verdict Iudgement afterward passeth either condemnatorie for the plantife or absolutory for the Defendant These 12. be called 12. milites Glanuilo lib. 2. cap. 14. 15. and so be they in Bracton diuers times but that word is altered In causes criminall there be two sorts of Enquests one called the graund Enquest and the other the Enquest of life and death The graund Enquest is so called either because it consisteth commonly of a greater number then 12. as of 24. 18. or 16. at the least or els because all causes criminall or penall first passe through them whereas the other Enquest is especially appointed for one or few maters touching life and death committed to their considerations Those of the grand Enquest are also called by Bracton 12. milites lib. 3. tracta 2. cap. pri nu 2. because they were wont to be Knights as it see meth and not inferiours except so many knights could not be found Idem eodem num 1. in fine And their function is to receiue all presentments made vnto them of any offence and accordingly to giue their generall opinion of the presentment by writing either these words Balla vera vpon the bille of presentment which is an Inditement of the party presented or els this word Ignoramus which is an absoluing of him Now as criminall causes be of two sortes either capitall touching life and member or finable so is there a double course of these Inditements For in causes onely finable the party indited must either trauers the Inditement by denying it and so it is referred to a petit Iury whereby he is either conuicted or discharged of the crime or els he confessing it the court setteth his fine vpon his head wirhout more worke But in maters of life and death the party indited is commaunded to hold vp his hād āswer guilty or not guilty if guilty he standeth conuicted by his owne confession if not guilty he is farder referred to the Enquest of life and death which consider vpon the proofe brought against the prisoner and accordingly bring in their verdict Guilty or not Guilty So is he iudged to dye or deliuered by the court Of this read more in Iuditement Assise Iury See the statute anno 35. H. 8. cap. 6. 37. ciusdem cap 22. anno 2. Ed. 6 cap. 32. an 5. El. ca. 25. V VAcation vacatio hath an especiall signification in this kingdome being vsed for all that time respectiuely which passeth betweene terme and terme at London And when such times begunne and ended in our anncesters daies see Roger Hovedens annals parte posteriori fo 343. a. where you shall find that this intermission was called pax Dei ecclesiae Vaccarie aliâs vacharie vaccaria aliâs vacheria semeth to be a house to keepe kine in Fleta