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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16280 An epitome of the title that the Kynges Maiestie of Englande, hath to the souereigntie of Scotlande continued vpon the auncient writers of both nacions, from the beginnyng. Bodrugan, Nicholas. 1548 (1548) STC 3196; ESTC S102853 27,844 124

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of Scottes Alexander his soonne beyng of .ix. yeres of age was by the lawes of Edgar in ward to this king Henry by the nobles of Scotland brought to Yorke and there deliuered to this kyng Henry duryng whose minoritie this kyng Henrye gouerned Scotland and to subdue a cōmocion in this realme vsed the aide of .v. M. Scottishmen but kyng Henry dyed duryng y e nonage of this Alexander wherby he receiued not his homage whiche by reason and lawe was respited vntyl his ful age of .xxi. yeres this Henry reigned in this state .lvii. yeres Edwarde the first synce the supposed conquest sonne of this Hēry was next kyng of Englād immediatly after whose coronacion this Alexander kyng of Scottes beyng then of full age did homage to him for Scotlād at Westminster This Alexāder kyng of Scoties died leuing one only doughter called Margarete his heire who before had maried Hanygo soonne to Magnus kyng of Norway whiche doughter also shortly after dyed leauyng one onely doughter her heire of thage of .ii yeres whose custodie mariage by the lawes of king Edgar and Edward the cōfessour belonged to this kyng Edwarde whervpō the nobles of Scotland wer cōmaunded by this king Edward to sende to Normandy to conuey this yong quene into Englande to him whom he entēded to haue maried to his soonne Edwarde as our kyng in his owne person entēdeth with their Quene now Their nobles at that tyme consideryng thesame tranquilitie y ● many of them now refuse stoode not vpon shiftes and delayes of minoritie nor cōtempt but most gladly consented and thervpon sent twoo noble menne of Scotlande into Norway for her to be brought to this kyng Edward but she died before their cōming thether they required nothyng but to enioy the lawfull liberties that they had in the last kyng Alexander his tyme I beleue that the deade bodyes of these noble men of all the kynges of Scotland would rise from their sepultures against the enemies of this godly vnion ▪ if they knewe with what wilfull contempte they deface their doynges with what wicked obstinacy thei deteigne y e people of Britaigne in perpetual warre enmitie and discorde After the death of this Margaret the Scottes wer destitute of any heire to y e croune frō this Alexāder there last kyng at whiche tyme this Edwarde discēded frō the body of Mawde doughter of Malcolme sometyme kyng of Scottes beyng then in the greatest broil of his warres with Fraunce mynded not to take the possession of that kyngdome in his awne right but was contented to establish Balioll to be king thereof the weake title betwene him Bruse Hastynges beeyng by the humble peticion of all the realme of Scotland cōmitted to the determinacion of this kyng Edwarde as by autentique writyng therof cōfessyng within the superioritie of Scotlande to remaine in this kyng Edwarde sealed with the seales of .iiii. bishoppes .vii. Earles and .xi. Barons of Scotlande and whiche shortely after was by the whole assent of the thre estates of Scotland in their solemne Parliamēt cōfessed enacted accordīgly as most euidently doeth appeare This Baliol in this wise made kyng of Scotlād did immediatly make his homage and fealtie to this kyng Edwarde for the kyngdome of Scotlande but shortly after defraudyng the benigne goodnes of this king Edward he rebelled whervpon this king Edward inuaded Scotlād seazed into his hādes the greater part of the countrey and toke al the strengthes therof wherupon this Baliol king of Scottes came vnto this kyng Edwarde at M●untrosse in Scotland with a white wande in his hand there resigned the croune of Scotland with all his right title entrest to the same into the hādes of this kyng Edwarde therfore made his Charter in writyng dated sealed y e fourth yere of his reign whervpon all the nobles gētlemen of Scotlande repaired to Berwicke and there did homage and fealtie to this king Edward becōmyng his subiectes For the better assuraunce of whose othes this Edwarde kept all the strēgthes and holdes of Scotland in his owne handes and herevpon all their lawes proces al iudgement all giftes of offices and others passed vnder the name of authoritie of this king Edward he reigned in this state ouer thē xxx yeres Edward borne at Carnaruan sonne of this Edward was nexte kyng of England who from the beginnyng of his reigne enioyed Scotland peaceably dooyng in all thynges as is aboue sayd of kyng Edward his father vntyll towarde the latter ende of his reigne about whiche Bruse conspired agaīst this kyng Edward and with the helpe of a fewe forsworne Scottes forswore him selfe kyng of Scottes whervpō this Edward made warre vpon him but beyng infortunate in his first warres against him he suffered Edwarde the soonne of Baliol to proclaime himself kyng of Scottes neuerthelesse held foorth his warres against Bruse before the endyng of whiche he dyed Edwarde borne at Wyndsore soonne of this Edward was next king of Scotlande at the age of xv yeres in whose minoritie the Scottes practised with Isabell mother to this Edwarde with Roger Mortymer Earle of the Marche to haue their homages released whose good wyll therin thei obteined so y ● for the same release they shuld pay to this king Edward .xxx. thousand poundes sterlyng in thre yeres nexte folowing that is to say .x. thousande pounde sterlyng yerely but because the nobilitie and cōmons of this realme would not by parliament cōsent vnto it their king beyng within age y e same release proceded not albeit the Scottes ceased not their practises with this Quene and Erle but before those thre yeres in whiche their money if that money had taken place shuld haue been paied wer exspired this kyng Edward inuaded Scotland and ceased not warre vntill Dauid the sonne of Robert le Bruse then by their eleccion kyng of Scotlād absolutely submitted himselfe vnto this kyng Edwarde but for that this Dauid Bruse had before by practise of the Quene and the Erle of Marche maried Jane the sister of this kyng Edward he moued by natural zeale to his sister was contented to geue the realme of Scotlande to this Dauid Bruse to theires that he should begette of the body of the sayd Jane sauyng the reuersion and meane homages to this kyng Edward and to his owne children wherewith thesame Dauid Bruse was right well cōtented thervpon immediatly made his homage for Scotlande vnto this kyng Edward but shortly after causelesse cōceiuyng cause of displeasure this Dauid procured to disolue this same estate taily and therevpon not onely rebelled in Scotland but also inuaded Englād this kyng Edward beyng then in his warres in Fraunce But this Dauid was not onely expulsed Englād but also suspecting no place sufficient defēce to his vntruth fled out of Scotlād the coūtreys of Annādale Gallovvay Mars Teuydale Twedale and Ethrike wer seased into the king of England his handes new Marches set betwene England Scotlād
issue of his body to punishe whiche traitery Locrine and his brother Camber assembled their power and entered Albania and there slewe this Humber whose body thei threwe into a great riuer Some write that this Humber beyng desperate threw hymself into this Riuer but all confesse that in this riuer his bodie was drouned and that hereof toke the name of Humber which it kepeth to this daie This Locrine herupon seazed Albania into his awne hādes as excheated wholy to hymself not yeldyng any part therof vnto Camber his brother whereby also euidently appereth the entier seigniory ouer it to consist in hymself accordyng to whiche exāple like lawe emong brethren euer since hath continued preferryng the eldest brother to the onely benefite of the collateral assencion from the youngest aswell in Scotlande as in Englande vnto this daie Locryne reigned in this state ouer them .xvii. yeres Ebrāke the lineall heire frō the bodie of this Locryne that is to saie the sonne of Mempris soonne of Madan sonne of the same Locryne buylded in Albania the castle of Maidens nowe called Edenbrough and the Castle of Alcluth or Alclude now called Dunbriton as the Scottishe Hector Boecius confesseth wherby moste euidētly appered that this Ebranke was then therof seazed This Ebranke reigned in this state ouer them .lx. yeres after whose death this Albania as annexed to the Empire of Briteigne discended to the onely kyng of Britōs vntil the discent to the twoo sisters sonnes Morgan and Conedage lineall heires from thesaied Ebranke who brotherly vpon the first example deuided the realme Morgan had Logres and Conedage had Albania but shortly after Morgan thelder brother ponderyng in his hed the loue to his brother with the loue to a kyngdome excluded nature and gaue place to ambicion and therupon denounced warr to his brother in whiche warre as the rereward of his vntruthe death miserably ended his life wherby Condage obteined the whole Empire of al Briteigne in whiche state he remained .xxxiii. yeres APTER whose time thesame lineally descēded to thonly kyng of Britōs vntill after the reigne of Gorbodian who had issue two sonnes Ferres and Porres whiche Porres requiryng like particion of the land affirmyng the former particions to bee rather of lawe then fauour was by the handes of his elder brother both of his life and hoped kyngdome bereued at once but their vnnaturall mother vsyng her natural malice that for the deathe of her one sonne would bee reuenged by the losyng of bothe miserably slewe the other Cloten by all writers aswell Scottishe as other was the next inheritor to the whole Empire but lackyng power the meane in those daies to obteyne right he was contēted to deuide the same emong .iii. of his kinsmen so that Scater had Albania But after the death of this Clotē his sonne Dunuallo Moluncius made warr vpon these three Kynges and at last ouercame them and so recouered the whole dominion in token of whiche victorie he caused hymself to be crouned with a croune of gold the first that was worne emong kinges of this nacion This Dunuallo erected temples wherein the people should assemble for Praier to which tēples he gaue benefit of Sanctuarie he made the lawe for wager of battaill in cases of murder and felonie whereby a thefe that liued and made his arte of fightyng should for his purgacion fight with the true man whiche he had robbed but he beleued that the Goddes for then thei supposed many would by miracle assigne victorie to the innocent partie the priuilege of whiche first lawe and benefite of the latter aswel in Scotlande as in Englāde be enioyed to this daie fewe causes by late positiue lawes emong vs excepted wherein the benefite of wager o● battaill is expelled by whiche obedience to his lawes it dooth manifestly appere that this Dunuallo was then seazed of Albania now called Scotland this Dūuallo reigned in this state ouer them .xl. yeres Beline and Brenne the sonnes of this Dunuallo did after their fathers death fauourably deuide the lande betwene them so that Belyne had Logres and Brenne had Albania but for that this Brenne a subiect without the consent of his eldre brother and lorde auētured to mary with the daughter of the kyng of Denmarke Belyne seazed Albania into his awne handes and thereupon caused the notable wayes priuileged by Dunuallos Lawes to be newly wrought by mennes handes whiche for the lēgth was from the ●urder parte of Cornewall vnto the Sea by Northe Cathnes in Scotlande For Religion in those daies he constituted ministers called Archeflamines in their funccions moste like the aucthoritie of Bishoppes of all their awne writers is sixe hundred yeres lackyng .x. yeres After that Brutus had reigned ouer the whole Islande beeyng the same lande enioyed by hym and his posteritie before their commyng duryng discentes of kinges of this Briteigne and this intrusion into a land so many hundred yeres before inhabited and by so many discentes of Kynges quietly enioyed is the best tule that all their awne writers allege for theim This Fergus hereupon immediatly did deuide al Albania emong his capitaines and their people wherby also moste euidently appereth that there were no people of that nacion inhabityng there before in prosse whereof the same particion shall folowe THE landes of Cathnes liyng agaynste Orknay betwene Dummesbey and the Water of Thane was geuē vnto one Cornath a Capitaine his people The landes betwene the Water of Thane and Nes nowe called Rosse liyng in bredth from Cromart to the mouthe of the water of Lochte wer geuen to Lutorke another Capitain his people The landes betwene Spay and Nes from the Almayne seas to the Irelande Seas nowe called Murray land wet geuen to one Vvarroche and his people The lād of Thalia now called Boyn Aynze Bogewall Garyot Formartyne and Bowguhan were geuen to one Thalis and his people The landes of Matr ▪ Badezenoche and Lochquhaber were geuen to Martache and his people The landes of Lorne and Kyntier with the hilles mountaynes thereof liyng from Mar to the Irelande seas wer geuen to capitain Nonaunce his people The landes of Athole were geuen to Atholus another capitain his people The landes of Strabraun and Brawdawane liyng West from Dunkell were geuē to Creones and Epidithes ii Capitaines The landes of Argile were geuen to Argathelus a capitain The landes of Linnox and Clidisdale were allotted to Lolgona a capitain The landes of Siluria now called Kile Car rike and Cunyngham wer geuē to Silurche another Capitayne The landes of Brigance nowe called Gallowaie were geuen to the compaignie called Brigandes whiche as their best menne were appointed to dwell next the Britōs who afterward expulsed the Britons from Annandale in Albany wherby is confessed it to be before enhabited by Britōs The residue of the lande nowe called Scotland that is to saie Meirnis Angus Steremōde Gowry Strahern Pirth Fiffe Striuelyng Callender Calderwoode Lougthian Mers Teuedale with other the
at Cockeburnes pathe Sowtry hedge whiche when this Dauid went about to recouer againe his power was discōfited and himself by a fewe Englishemen taken brought into England where he remained prisoner .xi. yeres during whiche tyme this king Edward enioyed Scotland peaceably then at the cōtēplacion of y e wery suite of his sorowfull sister wife of this Dauid he was contented ones again to restore this Dauid to y e kyngdome of Scotland whervpō it was cōcluded that for this rebellion Dauid should pay to this king Edward the summe of one C. M. markes sterlyng and should also destroy all his holdes and fortresses stādyng against the Englishe borders and further should assure the crowne of Scotlande to the childer of this kyng Edward for lacke of heire of his owne bodye all whiche thynges he did accordyngly and for the better assuraunce of his obeisaunce afterward he deliuered into the hādes of this kyng Edward sondry noble men of Scotlād his pledges this Edwarde reigned in this state ouer theim .li. yeres Richard the sonne of Edward called the blacke prince soonne of this Edwarde kyng was nexte kyng of Englande who for that the sayd Jane y e wife of the sayd kyng Dauid of Scotlande was deceassed without issue beyng enformed howe the Scottes deuised to their vttermost power to breake the limitacion of this inheritaunce touchyng y e croune of Scotlande made foorthwith warre against theim he brent Edenbrough spoiled all their coūtrey toke al their holdes maintained cōtinually warre against them vnto his death whiche was Anno domini M. CCC xcix Henry the fourth of that name was next kyngof Englād he cōtinued these warresbegon agaīst them by kyng Richard ceassed not vntil Robert kyng of Scottes the third of that name resigned his croune by appointment of this king Henrye and deliuered his sonne James beyng then of thage of .ix. yeres into the hādes of this king Hēry to remaine to his custodie wardship and disposicion as of his superior lord accordyng to the olde lawes of kyng Edwarde the confessor all this was done Anno domini M. CCCC iiii which was within v. yeres after the death of king Richard This Henry the fourth reigned in this state ouer theim xiiii yeres Henrye the fift of that name soonne of this kyng Henrye the forth was next king of England he had warres against the Frēch kyng in all whiche this James then kyng of Scottes attended vpon him as vpon his superior lorde with a conuenient nomber of Scottes notwithstandyng their league with Fraunce but this Henry reigned but .ix. yeres whereby the homage of this James their king hauyng not fully accomplished y e age of .xxi. yeres was by reason lawe respited Henry the sixt the sonne of this Henrye the .v. was nexte kyng of England in whō the seignorie of Scotlande and custodie of this James beyng by law and reason discēded he maried the same James kyng of Scottes to the doughter of Hēry Beauford then Earle of Somerset and toke for the value of this mariage the summe of one hundreth thousād markes sterlyng This James kyng of Scottes at his ful age did homage to thesame kyng Henry the sixt for the kyngdome of Scotlande at Wyndsore This Henry the sixt reigned in this state quietly seazed of this seignorie ouer the Scottes without any chalenge or interrupcion by them .xlix. yeres and so thereof quietly dyed seazed Synce whiche tyme vnto the daies of Kyng Henrye the .vii. graundfather to our soueraigne lorde that nowe is albeit this realme hath been molested with diuersitie of titles in whiche vnmete time neither law nor reason admit prescripcion to the preiudice of any right yet did kyng Edwarde the forth next kyng of England by preparacion of war against the Scottes in the latter ende of his reigne sufficiently by al lawes induce the cōtinuaunce of his claime to thesame superioritie ouer theim After whose death vnto the beginnyng of the reigne of our late soueraigne lord kyng Henry the viii exceded not the nomber of xxvii yeres aboute whiche tyme the impediment of our clayme chaunced of the Scottes part by the nonage of James their last kyng whiche so continued the space of .xxi. yeres lyke as whose minoritie was by all lawe reason impediment to him selfe to make homage so was thesame by like reason impediment to the kyng of this realme to demaund any so that the whole time of intermissiō of our claime in y e tyme of the sayd kyng Henry the viii is deduced vnto the nomber of xiii yeres But what nede I to examyne the intermission of our claime by any length of tyme since this superioritte passed the consentes of all Scotlande by their solempne acte of Parliament against whiche neither lawe nor reason can enhable theim to prescribe This haue I declared proued vnto you how Brute our first progenitr ohis people and their posteritie enioyed the whole Isle of great Britaigne in .xlii. discentes of kynges almost .vi. c. yeres before any Scottisheman came within it I haue also proued vn to you how after their commyng into it immediat war was made vpō theim by the kynges of this Briteigne whiche ceased not vntill they wer expulsed all the bondes of it and albeit at diuers tymes they entred it again yet did these warres neuer ceasse agaīst them vntil they became subiectes in whiche state they haue remained about xvi C. yeres I haue also proued vnto you how from tyme to tyme synce y e beginnyng the Scottes receiued and obeyed the olde lawes and customes of this realme mooste of whiche remaine among theim to this day I haue further proued how their kynges haue been contributorye to the redempcion of kynges of this realme whiche is the duetie of onely subiectes I haue also proued vnto you howe the generall iurisdiccion ecclesiastical of Scotland many hundreth yeres after y e beginnyng was subiected to y e dioses and rule of tharchebishoppe of Yorke in Englande whereby also appeareth the same to be then vnder this dominion I haue likwise proued vnto you that Willyā called the Conqueror of whom our king is linially discended was heire testamētary of the whole dominion by the testament of kyng Edward the cōfessor though whiche were not true yet was y e obediēce of Scotlād from the beginnyng inseperably appendaunt to the croune of this realme and folowed the possession of y e seignorie as thynges annexed lyke as the dignities of the Roman Empier folow the state of Rome according to whiche their homages and oure claymes haue been continued to this day I haue proued vnto you also howe thearldome of Huntyngdon was only atteined but by one of their kynges and that at the latter ende of his tyme long after y e kyng his brothers homage done for y e croune of Scotland and fortified surrendred by the next synce whiche time it neuer was restored again into any of their kynges hādes and yet to satisfie theim